Experimental Determination Simonnet
Experimental Determination Simonnet
Experimental Determination Simonnet
Abstract Sim%ltaneo%s meas%rements o" li2%i! velocit/ $/ laser 3o ler velocimetr/ an! $%$$le velocit/' !iameter' an! voi! "raction $/ a !o%$le o tical ro$e are er"orme! in a $%$$le col%mn to st%!/ the in4%ence o" the voi! "raction on the relative velocit/ o" a swarm o" gas $%$$les. 5%$$le !iameters db var/ "rom 2 to 00 mm an! local voi! "ractions loc can reach 657. 8t is "o%n! that' "or loc < 057' the relative $%$$le velocit/ is !etermine! $/ the hin!rance e""ect an! conse2%entl/ !ecreases with the voi! "raction. 5e/on! this critical val%e' the as iration o" $%$$les in the wa9e o" the lea!ing ones !ominates the hin!rance e""ect an! the relative velocit/ th%s increases s%!!enl/. :he contri$%tion o" the $%$$le !iameters to this evol%tion is also !etermine!. ;inall/' a !rag correlation' vali! "or the whole range o" voi! "raction an! "or %re waterair s/stems' is ro ose!. 2006 Elsevier <t!. 1ll rights reserve!.
+e(,ords- 5%$$le. &%lti hase 4ow. 5%$$le col%mns. =/!ro!/namics. 3rag "orm%lation. <ocal voi! "raction
1. Introduction &%lti hase reactors are enco%ntere! in several in!%strial rocesses' "or instance' in the chemical' $iochemical' envi> ronmental' harmace%tical' or etrochemical in!%stries an! are there"ore o" ractical im ortance. 1mong m%lti hase re> actors' $%$$le col%mns are wi!el/ %se! "or several reasons? sim le constr%ction (no mechanicall/ moving art)' low main> tenance cost' goo! mass an! heat trans"er (3ec9wer' 0@@2). :he com lexit/ o" their h/!ro!/namics ex lains wh/ so man/ ex erimental an! n%merical st%!ies have $een con!%cte! over the last !eca!es. Com %tational 4%i! !/namics (C;3) theo> reticall/ o""ers the ca a$ilit/ o" sim%lating the $ehavior o" this t/ e o" reactor' to investigate the in4%ence o" !esign or o erat> ing arameters' witho%t the constr%ction o" ex erimental set% . =owever' it re2%ires the 9nowle!ge o" the clos%re terms in the *avierSto9es e2%ations s%ch as the t%r$%lence +e/nol!s stresses or the interaction "orces $etween the $%$$les an! the li2%i! hase? !rag' li"t' a!!e! mass' or 5asset "orces. :o close these last terms' em irical correlations giving !rag or li"t
coe"#cients "or an isolate! $%$$le rising in a 2%iescent li2> %i! (Cli"t et al.' 0@78) are generall/ %se!. 5%t man/ a%thors (-a9o$sen' 2000. (rien$erger an! =o"mann' 0@@2. 5ehEa!i et al.' 200,) em hasiEe the "act that those coe"#cients are no more a ro riate as soon as the $%$$le is s%rro%n!e! $/ other $%$$les. 8n this st%!/' the ex erimental variation o" the !rag coe"#cient with the local voi! "raction is investigate!. Several a ers in the literat%re alrea!/ !eal with this to ic. exam les o" !e en!ence laws o" the relative velocit/ (!irectl/ lin9e! to the !rag coe"#cient) with the glo$al voi! "raction ( glo$ ) in the homogeneo%s regime are given $elow? Vrel = V /(0 glo$ ) $/ 3avi!son an! =arrison (0@66). Vrel = V (0 glo$ ) $/ (ri"#th an! Fallis (0@60). Vrel = V (0 glo$ )0.6@ $/ 5ri!ge et al. (0@6,). 5/6 Vrel = V (0 glo$ )/(0 ) $/ &arr%cci (0@65).
Corres on!ing a%thor. :el.? A66 6 86 07 56 68. "ax? A66 6 86 62 2@ 75. E-mai" address- caroline.gentricBensic.in l>nanc/."r (C. (entric). 2006 Elsevier <t!. 1ll rights reserve!.
1ll these correlations have $een ins ire! $/ the ioneering wor9 o" +ichar!son an! Ga9i (0@5,) who esta$lishe! the !e en!ence o" the relative velocit/ o" soli! articles in $atch 4%i!iEation an! se!imentation ex eriments' in the "orm? Vrel = V (0
glo$ ) n
where n is o"ten re"erre! to as Hthe +ichar!son an! Ga9i ex onentI an! is a "%nction o" the article +e/nol!s n%m$er. V is the velocit/ o" an isolate! $%$$le in a 2%iescent li2%i! an! can $e calc%late! %sing' "or instance' the correlation o" -amialahma!i et al. (0@@,)? V = V b0 V b2 ' (2)
:he resent ex erimental st%!/ aims at testing the a lica> $ilit/ o" the a$ove>mentione! correlations to $%$$le col%mns o erate! over a wi!e range o" voi! "raction an! to ro ose a relia$le an! contin%o%s !rag correlation. 2. Experiments $/1/ E)6erimenta" setu6 :he ex erimental set% (;ig. 0) consists o" a s2%are $%$$le col%mn with a 0.0 0.0 m2 cross>sectional area an! a total height h o" 0 m. 1 %m is %se! to circ%late the li2%i! hase (!emineraliEe! water)' at a s% er#cial velocit/ Jl % to 00 cm/s. 5e"ore reaching the test section' water asses thro%gh a con> vergent an! across two gri!s which ens%re %ni"orm ro#les o" water velocities. :he gas hase (air) is inDecte! thro%gh 066 ca illaries (08 cm long an! 0.,, mm internal !iameter). 5e"ore entering these ca illaries' air asses thro%gh a calming cham> $er containing a oro%s late' allowing all the nee!les to $e s% lie! %ni"orml/ with the gas. Fith this artic%lar inDection s/stem' a %ni"orm an! mono!is erse o %lation o" $%$$les can $e "orme! ((arnier et al.' 2002). 8t can moreover $e mo!i#e!' "or exam le' to c%t o"" the s% l/ o" air in a ca illar/' in!e en> !ent o" the others. :he s% er#cial gas velocit/ Jg can $e varie! "rom 0 to 8 cm/s' corres on!ing to a glo$al voi! "raction $e> tween 07 an! 657 a roximatel/. <i2%i! an! gas vol%metric 4owrates are #xe! $/ means o" rotameters. :he origin o" the coor!inates s/stem is at the center o" the cross>section an! at the to o" the ca illaries. the meas%rements' %nless s eci#e! otherwise' are er"orme! at the oint o" coor!inates x/L = 0' y/L = 0' an! z/ h = 0.62.
2 V02 +V b b2
with V b0 = 0 08 an!
gd 2
6 6
+6 +2
V b2 =
2 db ( .l +
gdb 2
Correlation (2) will therea"ter $e %se! to calc%late the sli ve> locit/ o" an isolate! $%$$le. <oc9ett an! Jir9 atric9 (0@75) s%ggeste! a mo!i#cation to the +ichar!son an! Ga9i correlation (E2. (0)) to ta9e the $%$$le !e"ormation into consi!eration. ;or a swarm o" $%$$les with db = 5 mm' an! glo$ < 667' the/ o$taine!?
glo$ ).
(6)Vrel = V (0
0.6@ glo$ )
(0 + 2.55
8shii an! G%$er (0@7@) ro ose! correlations' still $ase! on the glo$al voi! "raction' $%t !e en!ing on the article regimes' namel/ the Sto9es' visco%s' !istorte! article' an! ch%rn t%r> $%lent 4ow regimes. :he !rag "orm%lation o$taine! has $een teste! $/ (rien$erger an! =o"mann (0@@2) in an E%lerian C;3 co!e $%t no im rovement in the mo!el re!ictions' com are! to those achieve! with a !rag coe"#cient $ase! on the ra!ial osition in the col%mn' was "o%n!. :he ro$lem o" all the rece!ing correlations is that the rel> ative velocit/ sho%l! $e $ase! on the local voi! "raction' rather than on the glo$al one since the $%$$le $ehavior is governe! $/ local henomena. :he/ can' however' $e %se! to sim%late the 4ow h/!ro!/namics in the homogeneo%s regime o" the $%$$le col%mn' when local an! glo$al gas hol!>% s are e2%al' since $%$$les are %ni"orml/ !istri$%te! over the col%mn vol%me. &ore recentl/' (arnier et al. (2002) meas%re! the relative velocit/ in a highl/ controlle! s/stem' namel/ a c/lin!rical $%$$le col%mn where the $%$$le siEe is %ni"orm an! witho%t transverse gra!ients o" li2%i! velocit/ an! o" local voi! "rac> tion. ;or $%$$le !iameters smaller than 5.5 mm' the/ "o%n! the
"ollowing relationshi ?
Ca illaries
x K%m
3emineral iEe!
Vrel = V (0
(,) loc ) "or loc < 657. :his correlation has $een chec9e! "or another ex erimental s/stem $/ (%et et al. (200,) "or loc < 207' an! onl/ "or db < 6 mm.
./ Simonnet et a"/ 0 Chemica" En1ineerin1 Science 6$ 2$%%34 8'8 5 866 0.4 0.35
$/$/1/ Liquid !e"ocit( <aser 3o ler velocimetr/ (<3M) is %se! to meas%re the lo> cal mean an! 4%ct%ating velocit/ o" the li2%i! hase. 8t is a non>intr%sive techni2%e originall/ %se! in single> hase 4ows $%t exten!e! to m%lti hase 4ows as the $%$$le assage in the meas%ring vol%me !oes not mo!i"/ <3M signals (&%!!e et al.' 0@@8). :he meas%rements er"orme! with <3M have $een val> i!ate! $/ chec9ing the li2%i! hase conservation' the mean !i"> "erence $etween the metho!s is "o%n! to $e aro%n! 057. :he <3M e2%i ment %se! in this st%!/ is a , F S ectra>Kh/sics 1r+ laser "%nctioning in the $ac9 scatter mo!e. :wo velocit/ com onents are o$taine! %sing a air o" laser $eams (green light with a wavelength o" 50,.5 nm "or the vertical com onent Vl an! $l%e light with ,88 nm "or the horiEontal com onent) re>shi"te! $/ means o" a 5ragg cell to o$tain the velocit/ sign. 8rio!in articles (!iameter 5 m' !ensit/ aro%n! 6000 9g/m6 ) are %se! as li2%i! hase tracer $eca%se their settling velocit/ is negligi$le com are! to the meas%re! velocities. :he !ata rate mainl/ !e en!s on the voi! "raction consi!ere! an! can var/ "rom 00 to 500 =E. :he com arison o" the !ata rates o$taine! with an! witho%t see!ing articles has shown the small in4%> ence o" the $%$$les on the signal. :he ac2%isition time o" all the meas%rements er"orme! with <3M is 600 s. $/$/$/ Gas 6hase characteristics 1 !o%$le o tical ro$e (+58) allows meas%rements o" the local voi! "raction' the vertical velocit/ as well as the chor! length o" the $%$$les. :he ro$e ti !iameters are 00 m an! the vertical ga is 0 mm. :his t/ e o" ro$es has alrea!/ $een s%ccess"%ll/ %se! in $%$$le col%mn 4ows (&aga%! et al.' 2000. Jiam$i et al.' 2006. (%et et al.' 200,). :he characteristics mea> s%re! with the o tical ro$e are local mean val%es on a n%m> $er o" $%$$les corres on!ing a roximatel/ to the ac2%isition time o" 600 s ta9en with <3M. ;or Jg = 0.5 cm/s' nearl/ 0000 $%$$les were anal/Ee! whereas aro%n! 00 000 $%$$les were treate! "or Jg = 5 cm/s.
loc Optic l probe Jl = 0 cm/s glob Pressure probes Jl = 10 cm/s loc Optic l probe Jl = 10 cm/s
2 Jg !cm/s"
;ig. 2. Moi! "raction vs. Jg Ncom arison $etween the glo$al voi! "raction ( ress%re ro$es) an! the local voi! "raction (o tical ro$e).
where P is the ress%re !i""erence $etween the ress%re sen> sors. ;ig. 2 shows a satis"/ing agreement $etween the two tech> ni2%es in the homogeneo%s regime (Jg < 5 cm/s)' which vali> !ates the local voi! "raction meas%re! $/ the o tical ro$e. $/$/$/$/ #ubb"e !e"ocit(/ :he $%$$le velocit/ is calc%late! $/ inter>correlating the signal o$taine! "rom the #rst ro$e to that emitte! $/ the secon! ro$e. :he maxim%m o" the inter> correlation "%nction corres on!s to the most li9el/ resi!ence time o" $%$$le $etween the two ro$es. 3ivi!ing the vertical !istance se arating the ro$e ti s $/ this time gives the mean vertical $%$$le velocit/. Vg has $een chec9e! $/ com arison with the more recise res%lts o$taine! with a high>s ee! cam> era. %ncertaint/ "o%n! was a$o%t 057. $/$/$/8/ #ubb"e equi!a"ent diameter/ :he average c%t chor! length o" a $%$$le crossing the !%al o tical ro$e can $e cal> c%late! "rom dchor! = 6 Vg 2
loc bf
$/$/$/1/ Gas ho"d-u6/ 3ivi!ing the resi!ence time o" $%$$les on the o tical ro$e $/ the total ac2%isition time gives the local voi! "raction. 1t low s% er#cial gas velocities' the regime is homogeneo%s in the col%mn' an! the s atial $%$$le !istri$%tion is %ni"orm (Gahra!ni9 et al.' 0@@7. 5hole an! -oshi' 2005. :horat an! -oshi' 200,). 8n this case' the time average voi! "raction loc ' o$taine! "rom local meas%rements er"orme! with the o tical ro$e' sho%l! $e nearl/ e2%al to the glo$al voi! "raction. Com> arisons can there"ore $e ma!e $etween this local voi! "raction an! the glo$al voi! "raction calc%late! "rom ress%re meas%re> ments' to test the acc%rac/ o" the !o%$le o tical ro$e res%lts.
:he glo$al voi! "raction is o$taine! "rom two ress%re ro$es se arate! $/ a 9nown !istance (h res = 60 cm) as "ollows? P
where fb is the $%$$le "re2%enc/ (&%rE/n et al.' 2005. :ang et al.' 2005). :his average ierce! length can $e relate! to the mean vertical $%$$le !iameter dvert $/ 2 dchor! = dvert . 6 (7)
cal chor! o" an elli soi!al o$Dect. ;rom the anal/sis o" ict%res o$taine! with the high>s ee! camera' in the range o" $%$$le !iameters st%!ie!' the ratio E $etween the vertical an! horiEon> tal $%$$le !iameter is "o%n! to $e constant an! a roximatel/ e2%al to 0.6. :his as ect ratio is com rise! $etween the val> %es o$taine! in %re water an! the ones meas%re! in contami> nate! me!ia (Cli"t et al.' 0@78). :he 9nowle!ge o" E an! o" the
E2. (7) is $ase! on a statistical calc%lation o" the mean verti> ' (5) glo$ = 0 l gh res
vertical !iameter #nall/ lea!s to the mean vol%me e2%ivalent !iameter o" the $%$$le? db = dvert E2/6 . (8)
Jl = 2 cm /s # /$ = 0.02 Jl = 10 cm /s # /$ = 0.02 Jl = 2 cm /s # /$ = 0.32 Jl = 10 cm /s # /$ = 0.32 Jl = 10 cm /s # /$ = 0.%2 Ogu# & Prosperetti !1''3"
$/$/8/ 9etermination o7 the mean re"ati!e !e"ocit( and the dra1 coe7:cient :he 9nowle!ge o" the $%$$le velocit/' meas%re! $/ the o > tical ro$e' an! the li2%i! velocit/' meas%re! $/ <3M' allows the calc%lation o" a mean $%$$le relative velocit/ $/ Vrel = Vg Vl . (@) :he relative velocit/ is there$/ a local val%e with res ect to s ace an! a mean val%e with res ect to time. 8n commercial C;3 co!es' the $%o/anc/ ex ression is $ase! on the ress%re gra!ient' an! incl%!es conse2%entl/ the mo!i#cation o" the contin%o%s hase a arent !ensit/ !%e to the $%$$le resence. E2%ili$ri%m $etween the $%o/anc/ an! !rag "orces in the axial e2%ation o" moment%m conservation lea!s to the !rag coe"#> cient? , CD =
l l6
0 gd b
2 Vrel
0.2 0.1 0
Ex ression (00) shows that to ta9e the in4%ence o" s%rro%n!ing $%$$les into acco%nt' the corrective term (0 loc ) is nee!e! in the !rag "orm%lation com are! to the isolate! $%$$le case. :his !rag coe"#cient' $ase! on local timeaverage! val%es o" the voi! "raction' o" the !is erse! hase !iameter an! o" the gas an! li2%i! velocities' sho%l! im rove C;3 re!iction o" $%$$le col%mn h/!ro!/namics. in artic%lar' "or the sim%lation o" the heterogeneo%s regime' where local inhomogeneities govern the 4ow. 3. Results 8/1/ #ubb"e diameter 8t is "re2%entl/ a!mitte! that' in a given gas inDection con> #g%ration' $%$$le !iameter is an increasing "%nction o" the s%> er#cial gas velocit/' an! conse2%entl/ o" the voi! "raction. :he reasons "or this increase can $e lin9e! to the coalescence henomena or to the !istri$%tor con#g%ration itsel" ()Og%E an! Kros eretti' 0@@6). :his henomenon has $een o$serve! in the resent st%!/ with the H066 ca illariesI con#g%ration "or vario%s li2%i! 4owrates an! axial ositions in the col%mn (;ig. 6). 1s it can $e seen' the $%$$le !iameters in the mi!!le height o" the col%mn (z/ h = 0.62) !o not !e en! on Jl . =owever' the/ !e en! on the voi! "raction an! on the meas%rement location. 3iameters meas%re! in the vicinit/ o" the gas s arger (z/ h = 0.02) are mar9e!l/ smaller than those meas%re! in the mi!!le height o" the col> %mn. :his is !%e to the coalescence an! $rea9% henomena occ%rring in the col%mn. 1n e2%ili$ri%m $etween coalescence an! $rea9>% is' however' o$taine! since the mean $%$$le !i> ameter remains constant a$ove the mi!!le height o" the col%mn. :his !iameter in!e en!ence to the height has $een o$taine! ex> erimentall/ (3hotre et al.' 200,) an! n%mericall/ $/ solving
;ig. ,. <ocal voi! "raction (to ) an! li2%i! axial velocit/ ($ottom) ro#les.
o %lation $alance e2%ations ()lmos et al.' 2000). :he com> arison o" the ex erimental meas%rements with the theoretical mo!el o" )Og%E an! Kros eretti (0@@6)' giving the mean siEe o" a $%$$le "orme! at an ori#ce' shows a goo! agreement (mean !i""erence in"erior to 0.5 mm) in the region o" the gas s arger. 8/$/ Radia" 6ro:"es 8n or!er to ens%re that onl/ the in4%ence o" the voi! "rac> tion on the $%$$le relative velocit/ was meas%re!' reliminar/ meas%rements o" li2%i! velocit/ an! voi! "raction ro#les have $een er"orme!. 1s can $e seen in ;ig. ,' where ra!ial ro#les are re resente! "or Jg = 5 cm/s an! "or y/L = 0' z/ h = 0.62' setting an % war! li2%i! velocit/ in the col%mn lea!s to more %ni"orm axial li2%i! velocit/ an! voi! "raction
ro#les. :his "act allows %s to ass%me that the variation o" the $%$$le relative
862 0.5
Jl = ' cm/s + , r-ier et l. !2002" *oc.ett & /ir.p tric. !1'05"
#tte! $/ correlation (6) o$taine! ex erimentall/ $/ <oc9ett an! Jir9 atric9 (0@75) in a swarm o" 5 mm !iameter $%$$les. Secon!l/' "or loc > crit ' the variation o" relative velocit/ resents a s%!!en change? it increases ra i!l/ with the local voi! "raction an! $ecomes m%ch greater than V . :his increase is mainl/ !%e to three main e""ects? coalescence o" $%$$les. as iration o" $%$$les in wa9es o" the rece!ing ones lea!ing to a ra i! acceleration. an! the t%r$%lence in!%ce! $/ $%$$les. :he coalescence o" $%$$les lea!s to an increase in the mean $%$$les !iameters. 8n the concerne! !iameter range' an in> crease in the $%$$le !iameter in!%ces an increase in its sli velocit/. 5%t com are! to the isolate! $%$$le velocit/ (;ig. 5)' the meas%re! increase in the relative velocit/ o" $%$$les is m%ch more rono%nce!. :he coalescence alone can conse2%entl/ not ex lain the tren! we o$serve!. :he entrance o" $%$$les in the wa9e o" other $%$$les can lea! to a ra i! acceleration $eca%se the/ s%!!enl/ %n!ergo a !e> crease in their !rag an! are as irate! (8shii an! G%$er' 0@7@. 5ertola et al.' 200,) $/ the rece!ing $%$$les. Jrishna et al. hin!rance e""ect. 5%t this !ecreasing variation can $e er"ectl/
velocit/' resente! in Section 6.6' will $e the conse2%ence o" changes in the local voi! "raction an! not !%e to local recirc%la> tion atterns occ%rring in $%$$le col%mns witho%t "orce! li2%i! 4ow. 1ll the meas%rements resente! were there"ore er"orme! at x/L = 0 an! y/L = 0' z/ h = 0.62' where the !istri$%tor e""ects are no more re!ominant' an! where the 4at ra!ial ro> #les o" li2%i! velocit/ an! voi! "raction ens%re the existence o" an homogeneo%s regime in the col%mn %ntil Jg = 5 cm/s (i.e.' the largest gas s% er#cial velocit/ st%!ie! "or Jl = 0 cm/s) an! whatever the val%e o" Jg "or Jl = 00 cm/s. 8/8/ Re"ati!e !e"ocit( o7 bubb"es- in;uence o7 the !oid 7raction 8n ;ig. 5' the in4%ence o" the local voi! "raction on the relative velocit/ o" $%$$les is shown (066 ca illaries "e! an! Jl = @ cm/s). :his variation exhi$its two !istinct $ehaviors. ;irst' "or a local voi! "raction less than a critical val%e' crit aro%n! 057' the relative velocit/ !ecreases slowl/ when the voi! "raction increases. ;or s%ch con!itions' the relative veloc> it/ is $elow the velocit/ o" an isolate! $%$$le with the same !iameter (calc%late! "rom correlation (2) with the $%$$le !i> ameter "rom ;ig. 6). :his means that "or loc < crit ' meas%re> ments integrate the well>9nown hin!rance e""ect ca%se! $/ the resence o" other $%$$les in the s%rro%n!ing (8shii an! G%$er' 0@7@. Jashins9/ an! :im9in' 0@@@. Genit et al.' 2000. (arnier et al.' 2002. (%et et al.' 200,). :his !ecrease can also $e relate! to the t%r$%lent intensit/ o" the li2%i! hase (Koorte an! 5ieshe%vel' 2002. S elt an! 5iehe%svel' 0@@7) which can re!%ce the $%$$le velocit/ % to 507 in com arison to that in 2%iescent li2%i! (this henomenon has $een o$serve! when $%$$les are locate! $ehin! a gri! generating homogeneo%s an! isotro ic t%r$%lence). :he !ecrease meas%re! here is' however' m%ch less rono%nce! than the one o$taine! $/ (arnier et al. (2002). :his can $e lin9e! to the "act that these a%thors re ort smaller $%$$le siEes "or high voi! "ractions' than the siEes o$> taine! with o%r inDection con#g%ration' lea!ing to an enhance!
(0@@@) have meas%re! an! sim%late!' %sing the vol%me o" 4%i! metho!' the rise velocit/ o" a swarm o" large gas $%$> $les. :he/ "o%n! that the acceleration "actor $etween $%$$les in a swarm an! isolate! $%$$les co%l! lie in the range o" 66 "or $%$$le>ca s. :his tren! was also o$serve! $/ Massalo an! J%mar (0@@@)' who meas%re! a relative velocit/ !e en!ing on $oth !iameters an! voi! "raction (0 < loc < 657)? "or small $%$$les' the relative velocit/ !ecreases with the voi! "raction whereas it increases "or large ones. :he t%r$%lence can also $e a reason "or the increase in the relative velocit/ o" $%$$les. S elt an! 5iehe%svel (0@@7) have in!ee! shown this tren! "or a t%r$%lent intensit/ greater than a critical val%e' which can $e o$taine! in o%r ex er> iments than9s to the $%$$le>in!%ce! t%r$%lence. )nce this critical val%e is reache!' the $%$$les ex erience an acceler> ation when the/ ass on the t%r$%lent e!!ies si!es' instea! o" $eing entra e! $/ e!!ies when the t%r$%lence is not s%"#cient. :he $ehavior we evi!ence is conse2%entl/ in accor!ance with the %$lishe! literat%re' $%t since the mean !iameter increases with the voi! "raction' the contri$%tion o" each arameter can> not $e estimate!. ;or this reason' as ex laine! in Section 6.5' meas%rements were carrie! o%t with constant $%$$le !iameters while increasing the local voi! "raction' to !etermine the onl/ e""ect o" the local voi! "raction on the relative velocit/.
8/&/ Re"ati!e !e"ocit( o7 bubb"es- "iquid !e"ocit( in;uence :o st%!/ the in4%ence o" the li2%i! velocit/ on the variation o" the relative velocit/' ex eriments have $een carrie! o%t with vario%s s% er#cial li2%i! velocities in the range 000 cm/s. ;ig. 6 shows that the relative velocit/ o" $%$$les is totall/ in!e> en!ent o" the li2%i! velocit/ in the col%mn. :his henomenon is con#rme! $/ (arnier et al. (2002). Even when the li2%i! swee ing velocit/ is set to Eero' the relative velocit/ !oes not
./ Simonnet et a"/ 0 Chemica" En1ineerin1 Science 6$ 2$%%34 8'8 5 866 0.' 0.( 0.0 0.% 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 loc 0.3 0.4 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 loc 0.2 0.25 0.5
Jl = 0 cm/s J l = 2 cm/s Jl = 0 cm/s Jl = ' cm/s
1b % mm % 2 1b 0 mm 0 2 1b ( mm ( 2 1b ' mm ' 2 1b 10 mm 3ull er tio-
;ig. 6. 5%$$le relative velocit/ vs. local voi! "ractionNli2%i! velocit/ in4%> ence.
;ig. 7. *ormaliEe! $%$$le relative velocit/ vs. local voi! "raction "or Jl = @ cm/sNin4%ence o" the $%$$le !iameter.
exhi$it signi#cant change in com arison with ex eriments where a li2%i! 4ow is im ose!. ;or o%r col%mn con#g%ration' we can there"ore concl%!e that the local li2%i! recirc%lations have a negligi$le e""ect on the relative $%$$le velocit/ com> are! to the in4%ence o" the local voi! "raction. 8/'/ 9istributor in;uence- e)6eriments ,ith constant bubb"e diameter
)ne wa/ o" 9ee ing the $%$$le !iameter constant with var> io%s voi! "ractions is to mo!i"/ the n%m$er o" ca illaries "e! with air' "rom the H066 ca illariesI con#g%ration initiall/ %se!. Conse2%entl/' $/ changing $oth the s% er#cial gas velocit/ an! the n%m$er o" ca illaries s% lie! with air' it has $een ossi$le to "orm $%$$les with constant mean !iameter (50.5 mm) over a large range o" voi! "ractions. this co%l! $e !one "or !iame> ters var/ing "rom 6 to 00 mm. :o show the onl/ in4%ence o" the voi! "raction on the relative velocit/' we investigate! the ratio $etween the relative velocit/ meas%re! in the swarm o" $%$$les an! the %ni2%e $%$$le velocit/ "rom E2. (2). ;ig. 7 shows the a$ove normaliEe! relative velocit/ as a "%nction o" the local voi! "raction "or the !i""erent $%$$le !iameter val%es an! "or the H066 ca illariesI con#g%ration (H"%ll aerationI in the legen!' o$taine! "rom ol/nomial #tting o" the rece!ing res%lts). ;rom ;ig. 7' we can #rst o$serve' consi!ering the $ehavior o" the swarm o" 67 mm $%$$les' that the voi! "raction onl/ in> !%ces the !ecreasing velocit/. ;or this !iameter range an! voi! "raction greater than 057' meas%rements cannot $e er"orme! with o%r ca illar/ aerator. :he transition towar!s the increasing velocit/ has conse2%entl/ not $een o$serve!' with this $%$$le siEe. 5%t re"erring to other wor9s (e.g. the ex erimental contri> $%tion $/ (arnier et al.' 2002' an! the n%merical a roach o" 5ertola et al.' 200,' rel/ing on the vol%me o" 4%i! metho!)' we can s% ose that the $%$$le relative velocit/ wo%l! contin%e to !ecrease i" the local voi! "raction was "%rther increase!' %sing
1b 0 mm 1b 4 0 mm
;ig. 8. *ormaliEe! $%$$le relative velocit/ vs. local voi! "raction "or Jl = 0 cm/sNin4%ence o" the $%$$le !iameter.
another gas "ee!ing !evice "or instance. (arnier et al. (2002) have o$serve! the hin!rance e""ect %ntil local voi! "ractions % to 657 with $%$$le !iameters $elow 5.5 mm. ;or a swarm o" $%$$les o" db > 7 mm' the relative velocit/ has the same variation as the one o$serve! "or the H066 ca illar> ies con#g%rationI? it !ecreases %ntil crit = 057 an! increases $e/on!' showing that the wa9e e""ects $ecome re!ominant in com arison to the $%o/anc/ re!%ction when the voi! "raction increases. &oreover' we can o$serve that the hin!rance e""ect on one han!' an! the acceleration e""ect on the other han!' are in!e en!ent o" the $%$$le !iameter (as "ar as it is greater than 7 mm "or the acceleration e""ect). :he rece!ing o$servations have $een ma!e "or Jl = @ cm/s' an! the/ are similar to the ones o$taine! witho%t "orce! 4ow o" li2%i! re resente! in ;ig. 8. :he slight scatter o$serve! in these #g%res (es eciall/ in ;ig. 7) is lin9e! to the ex erimental
86, 10
./ Simonnet et a"/ 0 Chemica" En1ineerin1 Science 6$ 2$%%34 8'8 5 866 0.4 0.35 ( 0.3 0.25 0.2 4
6 ter 6 ter + 7ut -ol 0.04 8ol. 9
0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.1 0.2 loc 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 loc 0.3 0.4
;ig. @. 5%$$le !iameter vs. local voi! "raction "or Jl = 0 cm/sNe""ect o" $%tanol a!!ition.
;ig. 00. 5%$$le relative velocit/ vs. local voi! "raction "or Jl = 0 cm/sNe""ect o" $%tanol a!!ition.
8/6/ n;uence o7 the sur7ace tension :he resence o" alcohol in the li2%i! hase is 9nown to ma9e $%$$les more s herical as it !ecreases their siEe' than9s to a !ecrease o" the s%r"ace tension o" the !emineraliEe! water (-amialahma!i an! &P ller>Steinhagen' 0@@2). :his he> nomenon has $een chec9e! here $/ vis%aliEations o" the $%$> $les $/ %sing a high>s ee! camera. :he vertical !iameter o" the $%$$le is there"ore ass%me! to $e e2%al to the e2%ivalent !iameter o" a s herical $%$$le. &oreover' the lower s%r"ace tension with a!!ition o" alcohol re!%ces the signi#cance o" the coalescence henomena' an! $%$$le !iameters will $e smaller than in %re water. 8n the resent case' a!!ition o" $%tanol at 0.0, vol7 to !emineraliEe! water (giving a s%r"ace tension : ,5 006 */m0 ) ma!e it ossi$le to 9ee $%$$le !iame> ters $elow 5 mm "or local voi! "ractions % to 657 in the H066 ca illariesI con#g%ration (;ig. @). :he meas%rement o" the relative velocit/ o" $%$$les' in the resence o" $%tanol' reveals that the hin!rance e""ect can $e o$serve! $e/on! the critical voi! "raction "o%n! a$ove (;ig. 00). 8/3/ <utcome :o s%mmariEe the evol%tion o" the relative velocit/ o" a swarm o" air $%$$les (5 db 00 mm) in %re water with local voi! "raction' we can #nall/ assert that? ;or db 7 mm? Vrel !ecreases with ;or db > 7 mm? Vrel !ecreases while $e/on!.
:he $ehavior o" a swarm o" $%$$les with !iameter less than 7 mm an! loc > 057 co%l! not $e st%!ie! "or a %re waterair s/stem an! o%r ex erimental con#g%ration. :he ex eriments er"orme! with $%tanol have' however' %t into evi!ence that small $%$$les have a relative velocit/ which !ecreases with the local voi! "raction %ntil at least 607' which is con#rme! $/ revio%s literat%re res%lts. Fe can there"ore concl%!e that there are two $ehaviors "or the variation o" the $%$$le relative velocit/ with the local voi! "raction? ;or small $%$$les' Vrel !ecreases % to high voi! "ractions. ;or large $%$$les' Vrel !ecreases % to crit an! increases $e/on!. :he critical !iameter $etween these two Eones is com rise! $etween 5 an! 7 mm. 8/8/ 9ra1 corre"ation :he revio%s meas%rements allow to ro ose a new correla> tion !escri$ing the $%$$le relative movement over a wi!e range o" voi! "ractions. ;rom the val%es o" loc ' Vrel an! db o$taine! revio%sl/' the !rag coe"#cient can $e calc%late! (see E2. (00)). 8ts variation with the local voi! "raction is shown in ;ig. 00 "or the H066 ca illariesI con#g%ration an! all the val%es o" Jl im ose!. :he !rag coe"#cient o$vio%sl/ resents an o osite tren! with the local voi! "raction' com are! to the one o" the relative velocit/ (E2. (00))? it increases %ntil crit an! !ecreases $e/on!. :he #tting o" this ex erimental c%rve let %s o$tain a new !rag correlation' "%nction o" the local voi! "raction an! o" the mean $%$$le !iameter (:a$le 0). ;inall/' to !rive the sim%lation o" a $%$$le col%mn %n> !er in!%strial con!itions' where gas !istri$%tion s/stems are o"ten s%ch that $%$$le !iameters are greater than 7 mm "or
loc <
&oreover' it was "o%n! that "or loc < 057' the variation o" Vrel /V with the local voi! "raction is totall/ in!e en!ent o" the $%$$le !iameter. :his in!e en!ence has also $een chec9e! "or db > 7 mm an! "or loc > 057.
./ Simonnet et a"/ 0 Chemica" En1ineerin1 Science 6$ 2$%%34 8'8 5 866 1.% 1.4 1.2 1 0.( 0.% 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 loc 0.2 0.25 0.3
;)perime-t l results <orrel tio-
!ecreasing relative velocit/ when the voi! "raction increases' whatever its val%e' rovi!e! that the $%$$le !iameter was smaller than 7 mm. :his henomenon has $een chec9e! here $/ ex eriments er"orme! in resence o" $%tanol' $%t wo%l! nee! to $e investigate! "or a %re waterair s/stem. 8t was moreover "o%n! that the li2%i! velocit/ im ose! in the col%mn has no im act on the relative velocit/ variation' showing the im ortance o" the local voi! "raction com are! to the local recirc%lations. ;inall/' consi!ering that in!%strial !istri$%tors generall/ "orm $%$$les larger than 7 mm "or a gas hol!% greater than 057' a generaliEe! !rag law is ro ose! "or air %re water s/stems (E2. (00)). :he next ste o" this wor9 will $e to show the im act o" this correlation when im lemente! in a C;3 co!e. 8t sho%l! allow' "or exam le' a $etter re!iction o" the transition $etween homogeneo%s an! heterogeneo%s regimes.
;ig. 00. 5%$$le !rag coe"#cient vs. local voi! "raction. :a$le 0 3rag coe"#cient in a swarm o" air $%$$les in %re water db (mm) 7 700 700
Notation CD db dvert dchor! E E =o fb g h h res J !rag coe"#cient' !imensionless e2%ivalent $%$$le !iameter' m vertical chor! length o" a $%$$le' m ierce! chor! length o" a $%$$le' m $%$$le sha e "actor' !imensionless EQ tvQ s n%m$er =gd 2 / ' !imensionless b $%$$le "re2%enc/' s0 acceleration !%e to gravit/' m/s2 height o" the col%mn' m !istance $etween the ress%re sensors' m s% er#cial velocit/' m/s
0 (0
loc )
6 loc ) loc
loc > 057' the "ollowing !rag correlation can $e %se! "or the air %re water s/stem?
CD = ( 0 CD
loc )
m loc )
m 2/m loc
. (00)
8t is vali! "or $%$$le !iameters ranging "rom 5 to 00 mm (on con!ition that db > 7 mm "or loc > 057) an! local voi! "rac> tion less than 607. :he ex onent m is chosen in s%ch a wa/ that the transition $etween the increasing an! !ecreasing !rag coe"#cient occ%rs "or a given crit . ;or instance' ;ig. 00 shows !ata with m = 25' which lea! to crit = 057. 4. Conclusion 8n this a er' the ex erimental st%!/ o" the relative velocit/ in a swarm o" $%$$les has $een carrie! o%t. 8t has le! to the !etermination o" the in4%ence o" the local voi! "raction on the $%$$le relative velocit/. ;or $%$$le !iameters larger than 7 mm' it is "o%n! that' "or a gas hol!% lower than a critical val%e near 057' the relative velocit/ is s%$Decte! to the hin!rance e""ect an! !ecreases when the voi! "raction increases. 5e/on! this critical val%e' the as iration in the $%$$les wa9es res%lts in an increasing relative velocit/ with the local voi! "raction. :he role la/e! $/ the $%$$le !iameter in these variations is !etermine! $/ 9ee ing it constant (mo!i#cation o" the n%m$er o" ca illaries aerate!) an!
L length o" the s2%are section' m m ex onent in E2. (00)' !imensionless n +ichar!son an! Ga9i (0@5,) ex onent (E2. (0))' var/ing the voi! "raction. &ost o" the a ers !ealing with this s%$Dect have meas%re! a
!imensionless ress%re !i""erence' Ka vertical com onent o" the velocit/' m/s arameters in the -amialahma!i et al. (0@@,) cor> relation (E2. (2))' m/s relative velocit/ o" a $%$$le' m/s !irections voi! "raction' !imensionless !ensit/ !i""erence' = l !/namic viscosit/' Ka s !ensit/' 9g/m6 s%r"ace tension o" li2%i!' */m
Subscri6ts g l loc glo$ crit gas hase li2%i! hase local glo$al critical re"ers to an isolate! $%$$le in an in#nite me!i%m
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