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BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 1.0 INTRODUCTION Turbo-generators and Motors are tested in fully assembled condition at Test-bed, Block-1 as per IEC and IS Standards T!e e"isting #il $ %ater &ump-!ouse is capable of meeting t!e re'uirement of cooling (ater to test Turbo-generator upto )** M% only Ma"imum capacity of e"isting (ater ser+ices 1,** cu m-!r Stand-by &ump capacity is .** cu m-!r Cooling to(er is rated for uninterrupted cooling of (arm (ater by /0C at consumption of 1,** cu m-!r Inlet temperature of cold (ater is maintained belo( 120C in t!e summer &ump section consists of 2 3os &umps, eac! rated for .** cu m-!r, 4ead 15 M%C Speed 16)* 7&M T!ree pumps 8t(o acti+e 9 one standby: are used for cold (ater pumping 1.1 PURPOSE ; ne( Cooling %ater Ser+ice System !as been en+isaged to test Turbogenerator up to ,** M% - 1*** M% It is proposed to pro+ide <ertical Turbine &umps for pumping cold (ater from cold (ater sump up to t!e +arious cooler inlets and return (ater from t!e coolers to t!e cooling to(er along (it! necessary control $ Instrumentation, Measurement $ protection and Mimic panels to test ,**-1*** M% Turbo-generator

BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### $.0 51 SCOPE OF WORK =eneral T!e scope of (ork under t!is Bid En'uiry (ould include setting up of ne( cooling (ater ser+ice system on T%&'()* +,-.- as per battery limits s!o(n in t!e >ra(ings-and detailed in t!e Specifications !ere(it! 55 Engineering Ser+ices T!e scope of engineering ser+ices s!all include, but not limited to t!e follo(ing? a: >etailed engineering for all Ci+il, Structural, 4ydro-Mec! and Electrical (orks for cooling (ater ser+ice system (it! pumps, piping, +al+es, controls $ accessories b: Calculations for Total 4ead re'uirement c: Calculations for Cold %ater sump capacity-si@ing d: Calculation of cooling to(er si@ing e: ;rc!itectural $ Structural designs and layout for construction of &ump !ouse, Cold %ater Sump, Electrical Sub Station Building and associated Structures-Anits f: >etailed Engineering for Electrical (orks Single Bine diagrams and Bayout arrangement for all Electrical e'uipments, lig!ting etc g: Erection $ Commissioning of t!e &lant and pro+ing of t!e system by Trial 7uns !: Training of &urc!asersC 8B4EB, 4EE&: personnel at site during commissioning of t!e &lant
#$ A%& '()*+ #(*, -. /*+ +*01#+*,*%( '% ()* 2-.#. '3 T,rn-e. /r$0ect

BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 51 &lant $ E'uipment T!e e'uipment to be pro+ided is detailed in t!e Clause 1 in t!e follo(ing s!eets ;long (it! abo+e, all t!e 4ydro-Mec!-Elect e'uipments re'uired for t!e Dob s!all be pro+ided ;ny item not specifically (ritten in t!e specifications but re'uired for completing t!e (orks s!all be deemed to be included in t!e scope of supply by t!e Contractor 56 Ci+il $ Structural %orks a: Complete ci+il (ork including design and construction re'uired for completion of t!e proEect suc! as Construction of Cold %ater Sump, &ump !ouse, Electrical Sub Station building, Cooling To(ers, Trenc!es, Supports and ot!er associated structures as re'uired for t!e Cooling %ater Ser+ice System b: ;ll ci+il (ork s!all be carried out as per latest tec!nical specifications
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


246 A%& '()*+ #(*, -. /*+ +*01#+*,*%( '% ()* 2-.#. '3 T,rn-e. /r$0ect

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rn-e. /r$0ect


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rn-e. /r$0ect

24! S5'/* '3 E+*5(#'%: C',,#..#'%#%9 & P+'6#%9 -$ 2$ 5$ <$ *$ 3$ C',/*(*%( .(-33 (' 2* <*/1(*< 3177 (#,* <1+#%9 *=*51(#'% '3 ()* P+'A*5( .(-+#%9 3+', 2*9#%%#%9 '3 ()* /+'A*5( (#77 #(. /+'6#%94 A;-+<#%9 & *=*51(#'% '3 ()* ;'+8. 5'%(+-5( >T)#. .)-77 #%571<* /+'51+*,*%( '3 ,#.54 #(*,. +*01#+*< 3'+ *+*5(#'% & 5',,#..#'%#%9$4 S1/*+6#.#'% '3 E+*5(#'% & 5',,#..#'%#%9 '3 -77 *01#/,*%(. .1//7#*< 2& .1//7#*+4 T' (+-#% ()* /1+5)-.*+B. >CHEL: HEEP$ /*+.'%%*7 -( .#(* <1+#%9 5',,#..#'%#%9 '3 ()* *01#/,*%(4 F#+.( (+#-7 (*.(#%9 .)-77 2* /*+3'+,*< <1+#%9 (*.(#%9 '3 !00/1000 MW TG4 A%& '()*+ #(*, -. /*+ +*01#+*,*%( '% ()* 2-.#. '3 T,rn-e. /r$0ect


R*3*+*%5* D+-;#%9.

>#$ ACW S&.(*, 1@13"@01012 >O%7& P-+(@I 5'6*+#%9 5''7#%9 (';*+ & /1,/ H'1.*$ >##$ P+'/'.*< 7'5-(#'% '3 N*; P1,/ H'1.* -%< /#/#%9 +'1(#%9 1/(' 2-.*,*%( 3'+ A1=#7#-+#*. TGE@2466 >###$ MCC S#%97* L#%* D#-9+-, 3'+ P1,/.& E7*5(+#5. 3'+ !00 MW T*.( C*< #% C7'58@1 TGE@2467

BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### /.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY 0 SERVICES EFAI&ME3T <ertical Turbine &umps (it! ;ccessories Capacity 1*** m1 -!r at )* M%C 8 7efer clause 5 5 b:as per Tec!nical Specifications <ertical Solid S!aft S'uirrel Cage Induction Motors 5** H% 1)** rpm 8Syn : for abo+e &umps as per Tec!nical Specifications 6)* mm dia Cast Iron >ouble Ilanged Butterfly <al+es &3 1 * for &ump deli+ery line (it! Electrical ;ctuator as per Tec!nical Specifications FA;3TITG 6 Sets 6 3os 6 3os

SB 3# 1 5 1 1a 6 ) 2 / , . .1 .5 .1

6)* mm dia Cast Iron >ouble Ilanged Butterfly <al+es &3 1 3o 1 * for &ump deli+ery line Manually operated as per Tec!nical Specifications

6)* mm dia Cast Iron >ouble Ilanged 3on 7eturn <al+es &3 1 * for &ump deli+ery line as per Tec!nical Specifications 2** mm dia Cast Iron >ouble Ilanged Butterfly <al+es &3 1 * (it! Electrical ;ctuator for &ipeline System as per Tec!nical Specifications 5** mm dia Cast Iron Sluice <al+es &3 1 * for Cooling To(ers (it! 4and-(!eel 85 <al+es per CT cell: as per Tec!nical Specifications Self Cleaning Strainers capacity 5*** cu m-!r I7& Induced >raft Cooling To(er (it! 2 Cells as per Tec!nical Specifications Instrumentation? Ilo( meter Electromagnetic #n-line type suitable for flo( rate of 5*** m1-!r as per Tec!nical Specifications

6 3os / 3os 15 3os 5 3os 1 Set 1 3o

Capacitance-Altrasonic type Be+el Measurement System 1 Set for Cold %ater Sump (it! 4ig!-Bo( alarms &ressure gauges-&ressure Transmitters 8&ressure gauges 1 Set at eac! &ump deli+ery and &=$&T at Common outlet: #ne &ressure gauge $ &T on t!e Common 7eturn Bine

.6 .) 1* 11 15 11 16 1) 12

Electronic Tempt measurement system for Cold %ater 1 Set Sump (it! 4ig!-Bo( ;larms Signal $ Control Cables (it! accessories from field instruments to control panel including Cable Trays and conduits as re'uired Control &anel for 7emote Control-#peration (it! Indications including for Be+el, Ilo(, Tempt, &ressure complete (it! accessories E#T Crane ) * T capacity (it! gantry rails and accessories-controls as per Tec!nical Specifications 1 )T ;ir Conditioner in Control 7oom (it! %iringControls 6)* mm dia E"!aust Ians (it! ;ccessories .** 7&M &ortable >e(atering &ump set Submersible type capacity 1* m1-!r eac! Total 4ead 1) mts (it! fle"ible pipe and submersible cable 11 H<-61)< 1*** H<; #3;3 >yn 11 Indoor >ry type Transformers as per Tec!nical Specifications &o(er cum Motor Control Centre 8Main B< S(itc!board: comprising of Incomer feeders Bus coupler $ #utgoing feeders (it! protections relays, metering $ indications as per Tec!nical Specifications and Single Bine >iagram Sub >istribution Board comprising of Incomer $ #utgoing Ieeders (it! metering $ indications for Big!ting $ Small po(er re'uirements as per Tec!nical Specifications and Single Bine >iagram Capacitor Bank (it! ;&IC &anel for impro+ement of System &o(er factor to * ., (it! protections, metering $ indications 11 H< grade 1C " /* s' mm ;luminium Conductor JB&E insulated ;rmoured Cables 1 1 H< grade 2 81KC " 1** s' mm: ;luminium Conductor &<C insulated ;rmoured Cables Bus duct (it! Copper Bus bars for Inter-connections bet(een B< of 1*** H<; Transformer $ Incomer from BT &o(er >istribution 1 1 H< =rade &<C insulated armoured Cables for? 1 Bot 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 2 3os 6 Sets 1 3o 1 Set


1 Set

1, 1. 5* 51 55 55 1

1 Set 15** mts 1)** m 1 Bot

Inter-connection bet(een Main &ump Motors $ &MCC 1 Bot si@e 1C " 1)* S' mm 8Copper Conductor:

55 5 55 1 55 6 51 51 1 51 5 51 1 51 6 51 ) 56 5) 52 5/

Inter-connection bet(een &MCC $ Cooling To(er 1 Bot Motors Si@e 1C " 1* S' mm 8Copper Conductor: Inter-connection bet(een &MCC $ ;&IC &anel 1 Bot Si@e 1C " 1** S' mm 8 5 runs: 8;luminium Conductor: Inter-connections bet(een &MCC $ Sub >istribution 1 Bot Board 8S>B: 1C " 56* S' mm 8;luminium Conductor: 1 1 H< =rade Copper Conductor &<C Insulated Cables for? Inter-Connections Bet(een S>B $ <al+e ;ctuator 1 Bot Motors Si@e 1 C " 6 S' Mm Inter-Connections Bet(een S>B $ E"!aust Ians Si@e 1 Bot 1C " 6 S' Mm Inter-Connections Bet(een S>B $ E#T Si@e 6C " 2 S' mm 1 Bot

Inter-Connections Bet(een S>B $ Battery C!arger Si@e 1 Bot 6C " 2 S' mm Inter-connections bet(een S>B $ Big!ting >B Si@e 6C " 2 S' mm 1 1 H< =rade Copper Conductor &<C Insulated armoured Control Cables 1** ;4 56< >C Bead ;cid Batteries including Battery Stand, Couplers-Connectors and accessories as per Tec!nical Specifications Battery C!arger for 1** ;4 56< >C Batteries including metering $ indication as per Tec!nical Specifications Industrial Buminaries in C7C; S!eet Steel 4ousing (it! 7eflector for 5 " 12% and 1 " 12 % IB for t!e entire Building complete (it! accessories Control-gear, Conduits, %iring and S(itc!es (it! Spare plugs =I Eart! Strips $ eart! pits 8 *5 for Transformer neutral and *5 for E'uipment body: for eart!ing of all Electricals as per IE 7ules Safety e'uipment comprising Iirst ;id Bo", S!ock Treatment C!art, 7ubber Mats etc .** cu meter-!our, 15 M%C Motor-&ump set for e"isting system to be 'uoted as an optional 1 Bot 1 Bot 1 Set 1 Set 1 Bot

5, 5. 1*

1 Bot 1 Bot 5 3os


Spare-parts for 5 years normal maintenance 8Bist to be 1 Bot furnis!ed:

T!e Scope of Supply-%orks for Cabling (ould include necessary Termination Hits for 11 H< CablesL Bugs, =lands $ ot!er accessories for B< Cables Ior underground-buried cablesL sand $ bricks s!all be pro+ided for protection Ior Cables to be carried in t!e Trenc!es ladder type Cable Trays and supports s!all be pro+ided T!e trenc!es s!all be pro+ided (it! c!e'uered plate co+ers



6 1 1 En+ironmental Conditions Ma"imum ;mbient temperature? 6)-)* deg C 7eference temperature for ? )* deg C Electricals design ;ltitude ? M 1** mts abo+e Mean Sea Be+el Ma" Temperature of outlet (ater from test bed ?65-62* C 8assumed: Temperature of inlet (ater to t!e test bed? less t!an 1* *C from t!e test bed outlet temperature Cooling To(er to be designed (it! dry bulb and (et bulb temperature of 4arid(ar in consideration Contactor s!all take care of en+ironmental regulation as per guidelines by State &ollution Control Board and Central &ollution Control Board Contractor s!all take care of safety re'uirements also 6 1 5 %ater 'uality at inlet to t!e system? B#>s at 5/0C C#> at 5/0C Total suspended solids 6 1 1 &o(er Supply Supply System <oltage <ariation Ire'uency <ariation Combined <oltage $ Ire'uency <ariation ? ? ? ? 11*** <olts 1 &!ase )* C-s ;C 8N: 1*O 8N: )O 8N: 1*O ? ? ? 1 mg-B 6 mg-B 1/ mg-B

6 1 6 Site location $ space re'uirement for ne( cooling (ater ser+ice plant


Contactor s!all e"amine $ decide in consultation (it! B4EB t!e e"act location of site for its optimum use in testing of ,**-1*** M% T= as per BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01#####

space re'uirements for ne( cooling (ater ser+ice plant keeping in +ie( of t!e follo(ing? T!e (ater !ead $ flo( re'uirements are met for testing of 1*** M% T= at ne( location situated appro"imately at 1)* meters a(ay from 3e( &ump 4ouse 6 1 6 Conformance (it! 3ational ;nd International Standards Supplier s!all take care of loading re'uirements of ci+il structures e'uipments etc and submit t!e layout dra(ing



6 5 1 &AM&S Make Fuantity Type Total Bo(l ;ssembly 4ead 7ated #utput Bi'uid !andled Bo(l Efficiency &o(er absorbed 7ecommended dri+e Column lengt! Bubrication Speed 83om : Mat!er $ &latt-e'ui+alent 6 3os 85% 9 5 SB: <ertical Turbine )* M%C 8 refer clause 5 5 b: 1*** cu m - 4r 8eac! pump: Cold clear %ater ,,O 1)6 /1 H% plus transmission losses 5** H% To suit Cold %ater Sump dept! Self %ater 16,* 7&M C I I= 52* SS CI , M SS CI , M SS ;ISI 61* T4#7>#3 CI I= 52* MS fabricated MS fabricated =rap!ite ;sbestos =land packing

Material Construction
Bo(l Impeller &ump Slee+e &ump-4ead-line s!aft Bine S!aft bearing >isc!arge 4ead Column pipes Motor Stool &acking S!aft Sealing 6 5 5 M#T#7S Make Type Type of Mounting Motor #utput Fuantity Supply <oltage Supply Ire'uency Crompton-;BB-Hirloskar-;lstom S'uirrel Cage Induction Solid S!aft <ertical Ilange mounted 5** H% 6 3os 61)< 8N: 1*O )* 4@ 8N: )O

Combined <oltage $ Ire'uency <ariation >uty Type of Enclosure >egree of &rotection Syn Speed Iull load Current 83om : Insulation Class-Temp rise allo(ed 6 5 1 <;B<ES Cold (ell &ump

8N: 1*O Continuous S1 TEIC I&-)) 1)** 7&M 15) ; Class I-Class B (it! reference Tempt as )*0C

>eli+ery line Butterfly <al+e 3on return +al+e single door s(ing c!eck type on pump deli+ery line Butterfly +al+es

Cold (ell &ump

<al+e C!ambers

Cooling to(er inlet to cells

=ate +al+e-Sluice +al+e

6)* mm, &3-1 * rated, C I Body $ disc (it! SS trims, Motor operated as per BS?)1))-IS?11*.) 6)* mm, &3-1 * rated, C I Body $ disc (it! SS trims, Motor operated as per IS?)115 &art-1 2** mm &3-1 * rated, C I Body $ disc (it! SS trims, Motor operated as per BS?)1))-IS?11*.) 5** mm &3-1 * rated, C I Body $ disc (it! SS trims, Manually operated as per IS?16,62

6 5 6 C##BI3= T#%E7S Type of Cooling To(er #+erall >imensions 8BP%P%: mm 4eig!t of ;ir Inlet mm Material of Bou+ers Material of To(er Structure Type Colour Cooling To(er 3o of Cells ;u"iliary E'uipments 1. Ian type 3o of Ian Induced >raft 6***P15***P6))* ,** I7& 7I=I> &<C 4oney Comb Transparent Blue-Black 2 ;"ial Ilo( 2 5 3os



/. 1. 9. :.


>ia of Ian Ian 7&M 3o of Blades-Ian Material of Blades Material of 4ud Ian S!aft Type of Balancing M232& 3o of Motor Motor 4& Seed 83om : >ri+e Make 8Motor: Make 8=ear Bo": D.-3&.+%3.2' P.4.'5 Type Material D)-.5' P)&62&7,'8) Spray Boss Ma" O E+aporation Boss Ma" O Inlet &ipe #utlet &ipe H,&;<,&) Material of Bolt, 3ut and %as!er %eig!t of To(er (it!out %ater-H= %eig!t of To(er (it! %ater-H= Contact Surface ;rea

566* 6/* 2 I7& Cast ;luminium SS 1*6 >ynamic 2 1) 166* 7&M 7eduction =ear Bo" 4industan or ot!er reputed MM =ears->eekay or ot!er reputed Ii"ed 3o@@le &<C, 3on-clog *1 * ). Q1*R 3B Q1*R 3B SS 5***-To(er: 12**-To(er: ;pp 7eference <alues 1****-To(er:

6 5 ) T7;3SI#7ME7 #ne 3o 1*** H<; 11 H<-61)< 1 &!ase )* 4@ >ry type &o(er Transformer s!all be pro+ided Indoor installation for Connections (it! 11 H< JB&E Cables on 4< and Bus ducting for B< Impedance )O #3;3 Cooling <ector =roup >yn 11


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### B< 3eutral solidly eart!ed >esign ;mbient Temp )*0C >ouble %ound (it! Copper (indings %indings Temp 7ise measured by resistance met!od 6)0C Iull capacity #ff-load type Tap C!anger on 4< Side for >ry type Tr (it! &ad locking facility for 89: )O to 8-: 1*O rangeL Tap Set 5KO 7ated <oltage 4< 15 H< 84< Side: and 11**< 8B< Side: 3ominal system +oltage 11 H< 84<: $ 61)< 8B<: #ne Minute &o(er Ire'uency (it!stand +oltage 8day $ (et: 5, H< 84<: $ 1 H< 8B<: rms +alues 1 5-)* micro second full (a+e impulse (it!stand +oltage /) H< 8&eak: Minimum creepage distance 1/5 mm 84<: and 16 mm 8B<: =o+erning Standards IS?5*52, IEC 2**/2, 2*516 and 2*5.2 ;ccessories S all standard accessories like %TI and Tripping Ior door opening %!eels S Bidirectional, plain

6 5 2 61)< &#%E7 CAM M#T#7 C#3T7#B CE3T7E 61)< &MCC &anels s!all be of single front, non-dra( out, freestanding, floor mounting type T!is s!all be compartmentali@ed design and made of C7CS s!eets


Totally enclosed, dust $ +ermin proof enclosure (it! I&-)5 degree of protection BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01#####

It s!all !a+e copper bus bars T!e S!eet Steel t!ickness s!all be min 5 * mm for front-base-side and 1 12 mm for load bearing pads T!is &anel s!all !a+e t(o 61)<, 12**;, )* H; 81 sec: T&3 bus sections coupled by a 61)<, 12**;, )* H; 81 sec: bus coupler, (it! Manual transfer interlock T!e Incomer s!all !a+e 12** ;mp ;CB 8motori@ed and fully (it!dra( able: and !a+e <oltmeter, ;mmeter (it! CTs, Selector S(itc!es and Indicating lamps etc T!e #utgoing &ump Motor Ieeders s!all be pro+ided (it! 61)<, 21*; MCCB Star->elta Motor Starter modules (it! necessary protection and indications T!e #utgoing Cooling To(er Motor Ieeders s!all be pro+ided (it! 61)<, 21; SIACs $ Star->elta Starter s!all !a+e necessary protection and Indication Suitable terminals for terminating 12** ;mp, 1 &!ase, 6 % supply s!all be pro+ided in t!e MCC 6 5 / B;TTE7IES $ B;TTE7G C4;7=E7 56<-1** ;4 Battery Bead ;cid type, lo( maintenance type &ositi+e plates eit!er of &lant or Tubular type 3egati+e plates bo" type


Containers transparent made of toug!ened glass or plastic pro+ided (it! ;cid Be+el Indicator BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01#####

7ated on 5 4our basisL ma"imum rec!arge time of , !ours S!all conform to IEC Standards Electrolyte Sulp!uric ;cid Battery 7acks s!all be pro+ided &orcelain insulators, 7ubber pads $ Set of inter-cell, inter tier and interbank connectors pro+ided as re'uired for complete installation ;ccessories for testing $ maintenance? >C <oltmeter 4ydrometer Iiller !ole t!ermometer (it! &lug $ Cap &ocket T!ermometers ;cid 7esisting Iunnels ;cid 7esisting Dugs of ade'uate capacity 7ubber ;prons 7ubber =lo+es Cell Bifting Straps ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8#ne: 8#ne: 8#ne: 8T!ree: 8T!ree: 8T(o: 8T(o: 8Iour:


Iloat cum Boost type Battery C!arger s!all be pro+ided comprising of Silicon controlled 7ectifiers connected in a full (a+e bridge circuit (it! ripple control de+ices and transient suppression net(ork T!e 7ectifier s!all consist of t(o branc!es, one for Supplying t!e battery and ot!er for Ieeding e"ternal loads BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01#####

T!e 61)< ;C Input to Battery C!arger s!all be t!roug! suitably rated MCCB #n output side, a 5 pole MCCB of suitable rating s!all be pro+ided Battery C!arger s!all be suitable for float c!arging T!e battery under normal conditions and boost c!arging t!e battery (!en it !as disc!arged during ser+ice conditions T!e c!angeo+er from float to boost mode and +ice-+ersa s!all be automatic Battery c!arger s!all be designed for <oltage regulation of 1O and ripple content in t!e rectified >C supply of less t!an 5O Boost c!arging time not to e"ceed , 4ours >C #utput +oltage during float c!arging stabili@ed (it!in N 1O <oltage regulation by constant +oltage regulator !a+ing fast response SC7 Control 7ipple Content (it!in 1O of >C #utput nominal +oltage (it! battery disconnected Battery C!arger e'uipment complete (it! all accessories !oused in a free standing S!eet Steel cubicle


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 6 5 . I3ST7AME3T;TI#3? 8a: Be+el Measurement? Consisting of le+el transducer, le+el transmitter digital le+el indicator to indicate t!e (ater le+el in t!e Cold %ater Sump - #+erall ;ccuracy of System N * )O of full scale - Type Altrasonic-Capacitance - Be+el Transmitter Microprocessor based (it! backlet-BC> display (it! 6-5* m; output - 4ig!-Bo( Be+el ;larms Contacts s!all be pro+ided 8b: &ressure Measurement? Besides &ressure gauges on t!e indi+idual pump deli+ery branc!esL electronic type pressure measurement system s!all be pro+ided on t!e common manifold-!eader of &umps T!e &ressure transmitter s!all !a+e accuracy of N * 5)O and of capaciti+e type T!e range s!all be *-2* m(c and output signal 6-5* m; for indication in BC> type #n eac! of t!e &ump deli+ery-line common manifold $ return line, a pressure gauge of 1)* mm dial s!all be pro+ided ;ccuracy N 1O of full scaleL 7ange *-2* m(c &ressure gauge s!all be e'uipped (it! s!atter proof glass T!e Body s!all be in >ie cast ;luminiumL Sensor $ ot!er (etted parts in SSL >ial of ;luminium (it! (!ite background $ black (riting 8c: Ilo( Measurement? T!e Ilo( meter s!all be pro+ided in t!e Common manifold T!e Ilo( meter s!all be In-line full bore electromagnetic type

T!e #+erall accuracy s!all be N 1O 7ange *-5*** m1-!r T!e materials for Electrode? SS 112, Coil 4ousing SS 112L Biner 4ard 7ubber Ilo( Transmitter, microprocessor based (it! 6-5* m; output, type of display 6 digit of segment backlit BC>-BC> (it! flo( rate in cu m-!our Totaliser s!all be pro+ided (it! , digit of segment backlit BE>-BC> BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 6 5 1* C#3T7#B &;3EB? T!e Instrument Control &anel s!all be pro+ided separately in t!e Control 7oom Control &anel s!all be free standing floor mounting patternL made out of Cold 7olled Steel S!eets in minimum 5 mm t!icknessL incorporating? - Ilo( indicator-Integrator - Be+el Indicator - &ressure Indicator - Tempt Indicator - Start-Stop Control $ Indication of Main Cold %ater &umps - Start-Stop Control $ Indication of Cooling To(er Motors - Start-Stop Control $ Indication of &ump deli+ery B I <al+es Start-Stop Control $ Indication of CT fan motors ;nnunciation ;larm for abnormal conditions for %ater Be+el, %ater &ressure $ %ater Tempt

6 5 11 C;&;CIT#7S? Capacitors s!all be pro+ided for impro+ement of &o(er factor at all (orking loads to min * ., lagging B< Capacitors (it! ;&IC 7elay and a &anel s!all be pro+ided for connection to &MCC bus as s!o(n in SB> Capacitors s!all comply (it! IEC 2*,/1, IS 11),), IS 11.5) T!e rating of t!e Capacitors s!all be suitable to ac!ie+e t!e abo+e referred impro+ement Estimated 7ating 1** H<;r 4o(e+er t!e rating as per actual re'uirement depending upon uncorrected &I of Motors to be pro+ided Type of Insulation ? ;&&-M> 7ated <oltage ? 61)< Supply System ? )* 4@ 1 &! ;C Capacitor Bank Connection ? >elta


Mounting $ Bocation >esign-7eference Tempt ;rrangement

? ? ?

Iloor mounted Indoor )*0C ;utomatic po(er factor connection

;utomatic I&-)5 Microprocessor based automatic &o(er factor corrections relay 8ma" setting * ..: BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### ;&IC 7elay s!all automatically S(itc! #3-#II t!e Capacitor banks to attain +alue of &I close to t!e set +alue ; minimum po(er factor of * ., at any and all time s!all be maintained S(itc!ing s!all follo( first in first out met!od to ensure uniform use of all Capacitor Banks T!e cubicle s!all be fabricated out of 5 mm t!ick cold rolled s!eets T!e &anel s!all consist of t!e follo(ing? Isolating MCCB Contactors (it! o+erload element 7elays responsi+e to current-+oltage-H<;7-&I for automatic S(itc!ing Se'uencing de+ices, timers $ au"iliary relays for automatic Se'uential S(itc!ing of Capacitor units-banks ;uto-Manual Selector S(itc! ;&IC 7elay Indicating lamps

Type of S(itc!ing ? >egree of &rotection of Enclosure? Type of ;&IC 7elay ?

6 5 15 E#T C7;3E? Capacity Class Bift ? ? ? ) MT 8S%B: II-IS?11// 2 mts


Span Bay Bengt!

? ?

) ) mts 1) mts

Electrically operated bridge type (it! do(n s!op conductor, rails and ot!er accessories &endant type pus! button station s!eet steel enclosed consisting of &us! Buttons $ Indicating Bamps for Start-Stop, Bong Tra+el 87ig!t-Beft:, Cross Tra+el 8To-Iro: 4ook 84oist-Bo(er: and Supply T#3C indication BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### &endant controls s!all be supported independently of electrical cable and s!all be eart!ed separately ;utomatic reset type Bimit S(itc!es s!all be pro+ided to pre+ent #+er tra+el for S - A&->#%3 motions of 4ook - Bong Tra+el motion - Cross Tra+el motion


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 6 5 11 .** cu meter-!our Motor S&ump Set Split casing, single stage, !ori@ontal s!aft, centrifugal pump suitable for Circulation of clear (ater in Electrical mac!ines for cooling purpose

&AM& 1 >isc!arge rate - .** m1-!r 5 Total !ead - 15 mts 1 Suction " >eli+ery-1**"5)* mm 6 Efficiency- ,/O ) Temp S /) * C 2 7&M - 16)* / BH% S .* 1) H% , Motor S 1)*!p-11*H( . >#7 S C% from >E, suction on rig!t and deli+ery on left sideP 1* Compliance (it! standard safety norms P >irection of rotation of &ump and Suction->eli+ery as +ie(ed from >E Material of Construction 1 Casing-CI IS 51* =7 I= 5** 5 Impeller - Bron@e IS 11, 1 S!aft- C-6* IS 1)/ 6 S!aft Slee+e- CI IS 51* =7 I= 5** ) Casing %ear ring- Bron@e IS 11, 2 Stuffing Bo" Bus!- CI IS 51* =7 5**

M#T#7 1 Make- ;lstom- Crompton 5 Specification S 11* H% TEIC, S'uirrel Cage Induction Motor 1 Supply1 p!ase, 61) +olts, )* 4@ 6 Insulation- Class I ) Enclosure- Conforming to protection I&-)) 2 #perating altitude- upto 1***mts


Cooling To(er for uninterrupted cooling of (arm (ater by 1*0C at consumption rate of 5*** m1-!r maintaining cold (ater temperature belo( 120C (!en ambient is in t!e range of 6)-)*0C Ma" &ressure drop in T= Coolers (ill be appro" , M%C 8Meter %ater Column: Bocation of inlet to t!e 4ydrogen cooler top is 2 meter from ground le+el 1.1 PIPE WORK &iping upto $ including 1)* 3B s!all be carbon steel 8E7% IS?151.: &iping 5** 3B and abo+e s!all be carbon steel 8IS?5*25: rolled and (elded conforming to IS?1),. ;ll pressure tappings and root +al+es s!all be 3B 1) ;ll &ipelines to be supplied s!all be of minimum (orking pressure 1* kg-cm5, test pressure 1) kg-cm5 Test certificate for pressure test to be furnis!ed T!ickness of t!e &ipelines s!all be as per table belo(? 3B #> T!ickness 3B #> T!ickness


1) 5) 6* )* 2) ,* 1** 15)

51 , 16 5 6, , 2* , /2 2 ,. ) 11) * 16* ,

15 6* 6* 6) 6) 6, )6 )6

1)* 5** 5)* 1** 1)* 6** 6)*

122 ) 51. 1 5/1 * 151 . 1)) 2 6*2 6 6)/ *

)6 2* 2* 2* 2* 2* 2*


Buried piping s!all be protected as per IS?1*551 Surface cleaning by (ire brus! ;pply one coat of Coal tar-&rimer-Enamel confirming to ;%%; C5*1- IS 1*551 ;pply one layer of Tape comprising Coal tar ;pplication of Tape s!all conform to ;%%; C-5*1-IS 1*551 8;ppendi" S B: (it! minimum t!ickness of tape as 6 mm N 1*O

E"ternal surface of t!e o+er ground piping s!all be protected by Surface cleaning by (ire brus! ;pplication of one coat of 7ed lead primer follo(ed by ade'uate no of finis! coats of synt!etic enamel to ac!ie+e total dry film t!ickness of 15) microns


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 9.0 DRAWINGS/DATA SHEETS/DOCUMENTS Iollo(ing Engineering data and documents s!all be prepared by Contractor for t!e Cooling %ater System of Test-bed, Block-I to complete t!e entire proEect, (!ic! includes Engineering, Ci+il (ork, Supply, Erection, Installation $ Commissioning and pro+iding on full load condition of Cooling %ater System on Turnkey basis )1 >etailed Ci+il Structure dra(ing-layout dra(ing and certified dimensioned dra(ing (it! ci+il assignment for )5 Cooling To(er Cold %ell Sump &ump 4ouse Electrical Building for 11 H<-611 <olts Transformer, MCC &anel etc

>etailed Bayout dra(ing and certified dimensioned dra(ing (it! ci+il assignment for %ater &ump sets <al+es &iping Sc!eme etc

)1 )6

>etailed Single-line diagram of Cooling %ater System (it! Specification of maEor components Bayout-Sc!ematic-Control dra(ing of Electricals as per follo(ing? Single-line diagram of Mains Supply 11 H< Transformer Single line diagram of MCC &anel 8&o(er Sc!eme: ;nnunciation$ &rotection &anel Control Sc!emes of Motor &ump set, Ian Motor and <al+es Motor etc Cable Sc!edule for all abo+e Bayout dra(ing of all Electrical of MCC &anel including Incomer transformer 11 H<-61) <olts Bayout diagram for control $ instrumentation panel

BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### )) )2 )/ ), ). Bist of +endors (it! details addresses 8postal addresses, e-mail, fa" number $ telep!one number etc: for appro+al for all boug!t out items $ spares #peration $ Maintenance manual (it! catalog and test certificates of e'uipments ;ppro+ed Sc!eme of cooling (ater system for ,**-1*** M% T= for our appro+al ) Sets of eac! of abo+e documents s!all be furnis!ed by t!e Contractor ;ll catalogues $ tec!nical details gi+en by <endor s!all be furnis!ed


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### :.0 GUARANTEE a: =uarantee for !ealt!y functioning of t!e Cooling %ater System for ,**-1*** M% T= &roEect s!all be pro+ided for a period of 56 mont!s after commissioning $ pro+iding of complete system In t!is period, Supplier to pro+ide all t!e necessary ser+ices 8including deputation of Supplier e"pert: $ spares free of cost for any kind of trouble-s!ooting during operation of t!e offered system Supplier s!all furnis! test and guarantee certificates of all boug!t out items to 4EE&, B4EB >uring guarantee period, as and (!en t!ere is re'uirement of ContractorsC e"perts against any irregularities reported in t!e system, persons s!all reac! 4EE& %ork place (it!in 1 days Contractor s!all organi@e for t!e <endorCs +isit, if needed, during t!eir stay at 4EE& Contractor s!all pay at least , +isits for a minimum 1 (eek period free of cost for t!eir ser+ices 8including deputation of e"perts: as and (!en re'uired during guarantee period

b: c:



PROJECT SCHEDULE &roEect completion sc!edule to be furnis!ed by Contractor along (it! t!e offer and s!all be got appro+ed by 4EE& T!e &roEect is to be completed by >ecember, 5**/


BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED HARIDWAR TURNKEY PROJECT ON AUXILIARY COOLING WATER SYSTEM FOR 800 / 1000 MW TG ________SPECIFICATION NO. HEEP/TEST!BED/800/CWS"REV.01##### 8.0 ,1 GENERAL TERMS 0 CONDITIONS Before 'uote, Supplier along (it! ot!er Tenderer is re'uested to +isit t!e site, understand t!e tec!nical re'uirements in detail, site conditions, space a+ailability and ot!er re'uirements Contractor is re'uired to ensure complete understanding of tec!nical re'uirements and site conditions Contractor s!all complete t!e entire Eob for t!e cooling (ater system of Test-bed, Block-I, as per t!is specification 2' 3%&'()* +,-.-. Contractor s!all obtain appro+al for sc!eme for complete cooling (ater system to test ,**-1*** M% T= Supplier s!all obtain final appro+al for eac! item before issue of &urc!ase order-a(arding of (orks contract by t!em ;ny material-or component not foreseen till t!e stage 8completion $ appro+al of Tec!nical Specifications by B4EB for Cooling %ater System ,**-1*** M% T=:, but (!ic! are necessary for t!e implementation, satisfactory $ trouble free operation of t!e system and its accessories s!all be responsibility of t!e Contractor to fulfill t!em as per &roEect sc!edule (it!out any e"tra cost Contractor s!all train Testing staff at site during commissioning of t!e &roEect Contractor s!all arrange training of testing staff at Contractor (orks for operation $ maintenance aspects of (ater pump, cooling to(er and accessories Contractor s!all carry out inspection of all boug!t out items at manufacturersC (orks as (ell as on receipt at 4EE&, 4;7I>%;7 Contractor s!all 'uote for compre!ensi+e ;nnual Maintenance Contract 8;MC: for complete ;u"iliary Cooling %ater System for t!ree years

,5 ,1 ,6 ,)


,/ ,,



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