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Syllabus Advanced French 2 AU

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American University Spring 2014 Advanced French 2 / FREN-323-004

2:35-3:50 pm/ Room: AND-LL2


Professor: Dr Christine van Berten Office: Jack Child Hall 200 Office Hours: Mon/Th 5:15 pm-7:15 pm Tel : 202 885 2157 / Email: cvberten @american.edu

Course Material
1. Stacey Katz Bourne. Contextualized French Grammar : A Handbook. Heinle, Cengage Learning, Boston, 2013. 2. Edmiston, La France Contemporaine, 4me Edition, Heinle, Cengage Learning, Boston, ISBN: 9781428231238 3. Akyz A., Exercices de grammaire en contexte, niveau avanc, Hachette Edition, Paris.

Recommended: - A French-English dictionary such as the "Larousse" Advanced French-English/English-French

Dictionary or Le dictionnaire Larousse en ligne" - If you plan to major or minor in French: A French-French Dictionary such the "Larousse de poche" or " Le Robert micro". Or, free online "Le Trsor de la Langue Franaise Informatis" -Verb Conjugation: the "Bescherelle 1: La conjugaison pour tous, Hatier, ISBN 221892262

Films : Non-Print Media Center, Bender Library.

Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis Paris je t'aime and/or La vie en rose La rafle Entre les murs

Please note that the Professor does reserve the right to modify this course material if necessary.

Course description and objectives

The aim of this course is to enable students to build on the grammatical and cultural knowledge they acquired in Advanced French 1. Essential language structures which need review or refinement will be reinforced through illustrative examples and exercises in class and outside of class. Additionally, the class will assist students in broadening their general range of vocabulary through readings and discussions of current events. The grammar manual, Contextualized French Grammar, will help students consolidate their knowledge of the full range of essential grammatical structures and assigned grammar exercises will be completed independently outside of class and complemented with activities in class. In addition to the readings assignments of "La France contemporaine", a selection of texts, audio and video materials will serve as the basis for cross-cultural comparisons. A selection of films is intended to enhance cultural knowledge, foster discussion in class and enable students to hone their analytical skills through formal writing assignments.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, you will have the capacity to achieve most goals and express oneself on a range of topics and be able to: - understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. - express ideas spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. - use language flexibly and effectively for social and academic purposes. - produce clear, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices. You will find a detailed description of what you will be able to do in reading, listening, speaking and writing at the end of this syllabus.

Course requirements and grading

Registration: All students registered for this course must have completed College level Advanced French 1 or have placed into this level in the Universitys French Placement Test. Auditors are required to register for this class through the office of Alumni Affairs and will receive messages and assignments on Blackboard only if they are officially registered students. Assignments/general : Students should be fully prepared before coming to class. Assigned exercises will be completed independently outside of class and complemented with activities in class: readings, grammar activities and film viewing guides will be given. Make sure to prepare them for the date specified on the schedule. Classroom time will be primarily devoted to communicative activities: guided discussions, large and small group activities, short presentations, etc. All assignments should be handed to the Professor in class and may not be sent via email. No late assignments will be accepted. Assignments are listed on the syllabus or on a "plan de travail" and may also be announced in class and posted on Blackboard. Grammar study: complete all activities assigned on your own before class and write down any question you might have to ask to your professor in class. Be prepared to present the grammar rule of the week in front of the class. Films: may be viewed individually or in groups in the basement of the Bender Librarys Non-Print Media Center, prior to class (or with Netflix, Amazon, etc) . Questions on films will be based both on content and technique and will enable students to improve their analytical skills as well as their aural comprehension. You should not hesitate to watch the films more than once!

Breakdown of grades: Attendance/Class participat./ Homework: Oral presentation: 4 Compositions: 4 Tests: Final exam: 15% 15% 25% 25% 20%

Attendance/Participation/Homework: 15%. The components of participation are: attending classes, participating in discussions, answering and asking questions, making relevant comments and being prepared for each session. Note that you are not expected to speak perfect French! For many activities, your participation grade will be based on your willingness to ask questions and your effort to make yourself understood even if you make mistakes! If you are particularly timid, do not hesitate to contact your professor. He or she will be glad to give you suggestions on how to best take advantage of course materials and class time. Oral presentations: 15%. Each student will give a 10/15 minute oral presentation on a film, text read in class, a francophone author, francophone newspaper article, a cultural event, etc. A presentation should not exceed 15minutes and may not be read. Evaluation of presentations will depend on clarity, articulation, analysis, grammatical accuracy, research and an ability to engage the interest of the class through meaningful questions and activities.

Outlines of presentations must be handed out in class and include explanations of vocabulary and a detailed and rigorous analysis of the text or film, followed by a set of questions as a prelude to class discussion. More details will be given on Blackboard. Compositions: 25%. There will be 4 compositions based on films, book and articles. Must be typed with accents and punctuation correctly placed. May not be hand-written, edited or corrected by anyone other than the Professor. Use Times New Roman 12, double spaced. Length of each individual composition: 350-400 words. Students must pay close attention to grammatical accuracy, creativity, analysis and clarity of expression. Tests/Quizzes : 25%. 4 tests will cover the grammar and reading, include short writing questions and focus on vocabulary as well as content of texts. Repeated poor performance on tests will result in early warning notices, copied to the students advisor. No make-up quizzes are allowed. Your professor will count your 3 best test grades, dropping your worst one. If you miss a test, your 3 other tests will be counted.

Final exam: 20%, will take place on Saturday, December 15, 2013 from 9:30am until noon.
NO EXCEPTIONS CAN BE MADE TO THE DATE AND TIME OF THIS EXAM, AS PER UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS. Please do not make travel reservations which conflict with the date and time specified. The final exam is cumulative and will cover all vocabulary, grammar, readings and films studied in the course of the semester. Your success depends on your effort and commitment to improving your language skills and cultural competency! It is your responsibility to devote the necessary time to excel in the course. 5 to 6 hours per week, in addition to classroom time, is the average amount of time you will need to study for this course. It is also your responsibility to seek any help you might need to do well in the course. The professor is available to answer individual concerns and needs during scheduled office hours. Tutors assigned to this level of French can provide free group or individual assistance through on-line activities or specially targeted exercises, but may not edit a students work which is submitted for a grade. Readiness to ask and respond to questions and take an active part in discussions are fundamental aspects of class participation. All readings, grammar explanations and viewing of films must be completed prior to the classes in which these activities are relevant.

Grading scale :A=93-100; A- =90-92; B+=88-89; B=83-87; B- =80-82; C+=78-79; C=7377; C- =67-72; D=60-66; F=59 and below.
A = excellent travail, toujours bien prpar(e), -a fait les devoirs demands, peu dabsences, bonnes recherches, montre de la curiosit intellectuelle et de linitiative A- = excellent travail, toujours bien prpar(e), bonne participation en classe, peu dabsences B+ = trs bon travail, bonne prparation et participation, peu dabsences B = bon travail, bien prpar(e) B- = assez bon travail dans lensemble, aurait pu mieux faire C+ = travail moyen, rsultats moyens, a moyennement particip(e), pas asse z dassiduit C = travail mdiocre, na pas assez fait defforts C- = a tout juste assez travaill pour ne pas avoir lune ou lautre note ci-dessous D et F = pas de travail, pas prpar(e)

Class policy and general information

Save your absences for emergencies. You are responsible for all work missed and for any assignment announced on the day you were absent. Please get the name, e-mail or phone number of a classmate so that you can contact him/her if you are unsure of an assignment. No unexcused absences are permitted. Each absence will adversely affect your participation grade (1 absence 3 absences=85%; 4 absences=75%; 5 absences=65%; 6 or more absences=0). Students will not be penalized for absences due to participation in authorized university activities, provided that these are documented in writing on letterhead from a coach or faculty member in charge, in advance of the absences, for absences due to religious holidays recognized by the university, and for absences due to documented (with a letter from a doctor or a parent) illness and family emergencies. When possible, students must inform the Professor in advance that he/she is missing class. Though not penalized, repeated absences due to personal emergencies will impede fulfillment of the course requirements. In such cases, it is recommended that students withdraw from the course.

General information:
Civility: Students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times, treat faculty and peers with respect and not interrupt or distract the class. Cellular phones, laptops, CD/DVD players, I pods and other electronic devices must be turned off during class. If you need to use your laptop for taking notes, you must let me know in advance and sit in the front row. Violations of behavior policies will result in a students dismissal from that class period and an absence will be recorded. This will affect your participation grade. Disability Support Services (x3315, MCG 206) offers practical support for students with medical, physical or psychological disabilities. If you qualify for a disability, please notify me in writing so that I can make arrangements to address your needs. Academic Support Center (x3360, MCG 243) offers study skills workshops, tutor referrals, individual instruction and services for students with special needs/learning disabilities. Counseling Center (x3500, MCG 243) provides connections to off-campus mental health resources as well as consultations regarding personal concerns and self-help information. Please consult the Professor or your advisor immediately if you encounter any problems which prevent you from fulfilling your academic duties. Failure to inform me in a timely manner of the reason for a missed presentation, quiz or assignment, will result in an F for that assignment. Course continuity in case of inclement weather: In the event of inclement weather or an unforeseen emergency, please refer to the AU website site (www. prepared. american.edu) and the AU information line at (202) 885-1100 for general university-wide information ,and check communications sent by me on Blackboard and via email. Assignments posted if the university closes must be completed according to the Professors specifications. Academic integrity: Any violation of the Code of Ethics (cheating, copying, plagiarism, work done by/with others without The authorization of the Professor) will immediately be referred to the

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, whose policy is to fail students for the course. Please read the universitys Academic Integrity Code closely online. The code is available online at : http://www.american.edu/academics/integrity/index.htm. Agreement: Continued enrollment in this course means that you have read, understand and agree to adhere to the terms and conditions of the syllabus, course expectations and policies as well as the universitys Academic and Student Conduct Code.

Plan de travail gnral

Plan - titre indicatif- des activits de classe, (peut varier suivant les besoins): 1- Quoi de neuf/ 5 min.(changes oraux partir de: TV5 monde visionn avant la classe/ RFI/ Journaux francophones, Commentaires vnements personnels) 2. Expos/ 10 min. (s'il y a lieu) 3- La France Contemporaine /20 min. (lire/ discussion classe entire ou par groupes partir des exercices/activits prpars avant la classe) 4. Grammaire/ 20 mn. (leon, questions et correction de quelques exercices prpars avant la classe) 5. Article sur l'actualit/chanson/ informations sur aspects pratiques de la vie contemporaine francophone/ video clip / BD, etc./15 mn.(gnrateur d' activits orales et crites en classe)

Emploi du temps:
Lundi 13 janvier :

LFC=La France Contemporaine

- Distribution du syllabus - Prsentation du cours et des participants - Questionnaire/ mini rdaction 1re Partie: La France et l'Europe

Jeudi 16 janvier :

- LFC: Introduction, p. 1 4 - Grammaire: Verbes irrguliers au prsent de l'indicatif. Ch.4, p.49-58. Pas de classe - LFC: Paris et la vie urbaine, p.15-26 - Grammaire: Temps du pass (imparfait/pass compos/p-que-p, pass simple), Ch.5 - Expos - LFC: Paris et la vie urbaine, p.26-30 - Grammaire(bis): imparfait/pass compos/p-que-p, pass simple, Ch.5. - Expos - LFC: Les rgions et les provinces, p. 34-37/La Francophonie, p. 64-69. - Grammaire: les valeurs du conditionnel (prsent/pass), le futur/futur ant. Ch.6. - 1re composition crite rendre - Expos - LFC: L'Union Europenne, p.75-87. - Grammaire(bis): les valeurs du conditionnel, le futur/futur ant. Ch 6. - Test 1

Lundi 20 janvier : Jeudi 23 janvier :

Lundi 27 janvier :

Jeudi 30 janvier :

Lundi 3 fvrier:

Jeudi 6 fvrier :

2me Partie: La vie politique Lundi 10 fvrier - LFC: La rpublique franaise p. 92-105 - Grammaire: les valeurs du subjonctif (prsent et pass). Ch 7.

Jeudi 13 fvrier :

- LFC: Les partis politiques et les lections: p. 125-131 - Grammaire(bis): le subjonctif pass. Ch.7. - Expos - LFC: Les partis politiques et les lections: p. 132-136 - Grammaire: les verbes pronominaux. Ch.10, p. 193-197. - Expos - LFC: L'Etat, p.108-120 - Grammaire: la forme passive (fiche sur Blackboard) - Test 2

Lundi 17 fvrier:

Jeudi 20 fvrier :

Lundi 24 fvrier :

3me Partie: La vie sociale Jeudi 27 fvrier : - LFC: La famille et la sexualit, p. 144-153 - Grammaire: Les pronoms, la place des pronoms. Ch.10. - LFC: Le travail et le temps libre, p. 164-172 - Grammaire: les pronoms relatifs composs. Ch.9. p. 159-166. - Expos - LFC: Le travail et le temps libre, p. 172-184 - Grammaire: la ngation multiple. Ch.11, p.221-223. - 2me composition crite rendre

Lundi 3 mars :

Jeudi 6 mars :

Lundi 10-jeudi 13 mars : Spring break, pas de cours. Bonnes vacances de printemps!

Lundi 17 mars :

- LFC: La protection sociale, p.189-195 - Grammaire: les prpositions. Ch. 11, p. 223-227. - Expos - LFC: La protection sociale, p 195-201 - Grammaire (bis): les prpositions. - Test 3

Jeudi 20 mars :

Lundi 24 mars :

4me Partie: La vie culturelle Jeudi 27 mars : - LFC: Les religions, p.206-218 - Grammaire: la mise en reliefs/les prsentatifs (il est/c'est). Ch.11, p. 211-216. - LFC: Les religions, p. 219-223 - Grammaire: Les conjonctions (coordination et subordination). Ch.1, p. 8-9. - Expos - LFC : L'ducation, p. 242-254 - Grammaire: le discours indirect (fiche sur Blackboard) - 3me composition crite rendre - Expos - LFC: L'ducation, p. 255-259 - Grammaire: L'expression du temps: les prpositions de temps: depuis, pendant, pour. Ch. 11. -Expos - LFC: L'immigration, p. 226-239 - Grammaire: L'expression du temps: les conjonctions de temps. (fiche sur Blackboard) - Test 4

Lundi 31 mars :

Jeudi 3 avril :

Lundi 7 avril :

Jeudi 10 avril :

Lundi 14 avril:

5me Partie: L'information et la technologie Jeudi 17 avril : - Expos : - LFC: La tlvision, p. 273-278 - Grammaire: L'expression de la cause et de la consquence/ prpositions, conjonctions. (fiche sur Blackboard). - Expos : - LFC: La technologie et le commerce, p. 282-299. -Grammaire: L'expression du but, de l'opposition (fiche). - 4me composition crite rendre - LFC: Rvisions - Grammaire: Rvisions de tous les temps.

Lundi 21 avril :

Jeudi 24 avril:

Lundi 28 avril:

- Rvisions pour lexamen final. Dernier jour de classe.

Please note that the Professor does reserve the right to modify this course schedule if necessary.

Final exam: Saturday, May 3 2014, from 9:30 am until noon.

Description du niveaux B2 par comptence selon le CECRL B2 Ecouter

Je peux comprendre des confrences et des discours assez longs et mme suivre une argumentation complexe si le sujet m'en est relativement familier. Je peux comprendre la plupart des missions de tlvision sur l'actualit et les informations. Je peux comprendre la plupart des films en langue standard. Je peux lire des articles et des rapports sur des questions Lire contemporaines dans lesquels les auteurs adoptent une attitude particulire ou un certain point de vue. Je peux comprendre un texte littraire contemporain en prose Prendre part Je peux lire des articles et des rapports sur des questions contemporaines dans lesquels les auteurs adoptent une attitude particulire ou un certain point de vue. une conversation Je peux comprendre un texte littraire contemporain en prose Je peux m'exprimer de faon claire et dtaille sur une grande gamme de sujets relatifs S'exprimer mes centres d'intrt. oralement Je peux dvelopper un point de vue sur un sujet dactualit et expliquer les avantages et en continu les inconvnients de diffrentes possibilits. Je peux crire des textes clairs et dtaills sur une grande gamme de sujets relatifs Ecrire mes intrts. Je peux crire un essai ou un rapport en transmettant une information ou en exposant des raisons pour ou contre une opinion donne. Je peux crire des lettres qui mettent en valeur le sens que jattribue personnellement aux vnements et aux expriences.

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