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Easy Linux Presentation

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Easy Linux

An Introduction to Easiest Linux Ever

By Kanhiya Deswal

What is Linux?

Linux is an Operating System. An operating system is a system software which acts as a mediator between application and hardware. Android is a popular operating system based on Linux. Windows is also an another operating system. ut pirated versions are widely used by peoples.

Idea behind Easy Linux

!o Save time and money. !o Improve performance. "ust have portability. !o ma#e Linux Easy for normal user. Stop $iracy

Why Easy Linux

Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ultimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features

Easy to Use

'reedom to choose from various des#top Environmnets

()E *nity %nome L+)E ,Light Weight )es#top Environment-

One clic# software installations .omplete hassle free and automated Installation. .hoose whatever you li#e.


Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ultimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features


Linux at it/s best. Easy Linux boot faster than Windows or any other operating system. It has faster program execution than Windows. 0o waiting. It has better memory management. It means1 you don/t need to worry about resources. etter hardware support. 'orgot about installing drivers for LA01 Audio1 %raphics1 $rinter1 $. suite etc.


Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ultimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features

ffice !""lications

Libre Office

0ice alternative to "icrosoft Office and it is comletely free1 with extension li#e export to pdf with 2ust one clic#. 0ice alternative if you want to get "icrosoft office li#e loo# and feel.

W$S Office,(ingsoft

$)' &iewer and Editors1 along with Adobe 3eader but our $)' reader is much faster than Adobe. !o #now more1 use our bundelled softwares.

Printers and #canners

Almost all ma2or brand printers are supported. Almost all models of 4$ will wor# out of box. If there comes any problem1 we will be glad to assist you. 0ow scan documents in various 5uality and export them in a $)' file. Scanning and $rinting made Easy and hassle free.


Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ultimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features

$ultimedia !""lications

Easy Linux has rich multimedia support. 0ow play any video without downloading any extra software from internet.

Edit and .onvert your videos. "usic "ania6

!ry our "usic players with features li#e Artist iography and automatic fetching of playlists etc from Internet.

urn .)7)&) in variety of choices in EAS8 WA8.

$ultimedia !""lications

"edia $layers

&L.1 + ". "edia .enter S"$layer with resume option. 3hythmbox1 .lementine Audacity1 Openshot (9

Audio $layer

Audio and &ideo Editors

.)7)&) urning


Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ultimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features

Internet !""lications

rowse the internet without annoying advertisments.

etter Internet speed1

less data usage. Less cost1 less time. "ore productivity

Auto updates have been disabled.

ecause internet plans are getting costly day by day : it will save your monthly cost.

0o need to worry of viruses and purchasing antiviruses.

"ore savings

Internet !""lications


.hrome1"o<illa 'irefox :Opera

.hoose of your choice and all browsers are advertisment free.

'lash $layer1 =A&A all are preinstalled. "o<illa !hunerbird> A nice alternative to outloo# )ownload "anager ? .lic# 8ou !ube )ownloader : in various formats. it !orrent .lient,'astest-

Internet !""lications
Social 0etwor#ing

All in one "essenger> $idgin

8ahoo %mail 'aceboo# 1 I3. and other

%oogle 4angout, &ia rowser&iber S#ype Again no need of webcam drivers1 everything will wor# flawless.


Easy to use etter performance and faster program execution. Office Applications and printer driver support. "ulitimedia Applications Internet Applications %raphics Applications &irtualisation Other features

%ra"hics !""lication

&iew Images with our Simple to advanced Image viewer. Supports !agging1 'lags1 3ating and create events and albums Edit Images with %imp Image Editor 0ice alternative to .ostly $hoto shop. 0o need to use crac#ed softwares.

.reate 9) %raphics with lender and &ector graphics with In#scape. 0ice alternative to .oral )raw.


With Oracle &irtualbox and added extensions. 3un Windows +$7@A inside Easy Linux. 0o need to reboot to run a program that is specially made for Windows. 'or any issue7support regarding &irtualbox feel free to contact us.
A 3e5uires more 3A" and some features may not be available because of old hardware.

ther Utilities

!yping !est software. .ontacts1 .alender and Organiser. !hesaurus. !ext editor with syntax highlighting. Special version for developers. I)E for .1 .BB : =ava Other softwares can be added with 2ust one clic#.


Largest Support for 9% "odems. 'astest 37W speed to 0!'S partitionsA as compared with other Linux OS. )ashboard for 4uawei )ata .ards .omplete Installation of all previously mentioned softwares within @>CD minutes1 depending upon speed of your computer.


8ou will

Save your cost on Antivirus and it/s updates. %et rid of annoying advertisments. %et better internet speed with less data cost. %et %enuine softwares. Save lot of time on drivers and software installations. %et support for windows programs also. 8ou will get roc# solid support from us.


Instant support 0o need to visit service center and to bring your computer7Laptop. 8ou 2ust need an Internet connection and rest of wor# will be done by us. If Internet connection is not availableE support over phone will be provided. 'or some rare problems1 you may have to visit .

#u""ort ( Feedbac)

'aceboo#; http;77faceboo#.com7easylinux.india

"ail; supportFeasylinux.in easylinuxFoutloo#.com

$hone; BG? HGID9>@JKG9


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