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Craton Amazonico

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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208 www.elsevier.


Geochemistry and isotopic constraints on the origin of the mesoproterozoic Rio Branco anorogenic plutonic suite, SW of Amazonian craton, Brazil: high heat ow and crustal extension behind the Santa Helena arc?
o B. Matosc Mauro C. Geraldesa,*, Jorge S. Bettencourtb, Wilson Teixeirab, Joa

o Francisco Xavier 524, Rio de Janeiro, CEP 20550-013, Brazil TEKTOSFaculdade de Geologia, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua Sa b ncias, Universidade de Sa o Paulo, Rua do Lago 562, Sa o Paulo-SP, CEP 05508-900, Brazil Instituto de Geocie c -MT, Brazil Departamento de Geologia, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso. Av. Fernando Correia da Costa s/n, Cuiaba Received 1 November 2002; accepted 1 May 2004

Abstract The Rio Branco plutonic suite (RBS) occurs in the southwestern Amazonian craton, crops out in an area of 1500 km2, and is emplaced into the ca. 1.79 Ga Alto Jauru terrane (Rio Negro/Juruena geochronological province). The RBS comprises basic (gabbro, diabase, and basalt) and felsic (porphyritic and rapakivi granite) rocks. Hybrid rocks (monzosyenite) with rapakivi-like textures indicate commingling and mixing among the basic and felsic magmas. Silica contents range 4547% in the basic rocks (metaluminous) and 6971% in the felsic rocks (slightly peraluminousmetaluminous). Lithogeochemical investigation also indicates higher contents of K2O, Rb, Zr, and Ba in felsic rocks, comparable with results reported elsewhere for rapakivi granites. Trace element discrimination diagrams indicate that the RBS felsic and basic rocks have within-plate signatures. In addition, the felsic rocks have strongly fractionated REE patterns that show marked negative Eu anomalies, probably due to plagioclase fractionation. The basic rocks are similarly LREE enriched but display atter patterns, characteristic of weakly fractionated gabbros. Single-grain IDTIMS UPb analyses yield an upper intercept age of 1427G10 (MSWDZ1.7) for magmatic zircon from a granophyre of the RBS. This age contrasts signicantly with an upper intercept age of 1471G8 Ma (with a concordant 207Pb/206Pb age of 1471G18 Ma) obtained for zircon from a sample of the basic group. The latter rocks show positive 3Nd(1420) ranging from C1.2 to C1.9 (TDMZ1.86K1.82 Ga), which indicates mantle-derivation, whereas the felsic ones yield 3Nd(1420) values from C0.2 to K1.0 (TDMZ1.80K1.73 Ga), indicating some older crust in their source. The RBS is interpreted to have formed at 1.471.42 Ga from a mixture of mantle source and crustal-derived magma. We propose high heat ow and an extensional environment for the origin of the RBS as a response to the inboard Santa Helena arc (ca. 1.451.42 Ga) that developed at the southwestern margin of the Amazonian craton at approximately the same time. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Amazonian craton; Mesoproterozoic plutonism; Rapakivi granite; Synorogenic magmatism

Resumo localizada no SW do craton Amazo nico (Prov ncia Rio Negro/Juruena), aorando em a rea de A Suite Intrusiva Rio Branco (SIRB) esta te e composta por um grupo de rochas ba sicas 1500 kM2 e encaixada por rochas do terreno Alto Jauru de idade ca. 1.79 Ga. A su sios e basaltos) e fe lsicas (grano ros e granitos rapakivi). Rochas h bridas monzosien ticas com textura rapakivi indicam (gabros, diaba sicos e fe lsicos. processos de mistura entre magmas ba

* Corresponding author. Tel.: C55-21-2587-7704; fax: C55-21-2254-6675. E-mail address: geraldes@uerj.br (M.C. Geraldes). 0895-9811/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2004.05.010


M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208

sicas (de cara ter metaluminoso) e de 69 a 71% nas rochas fe lsicas (de A porcentagem em peso de silica varia de 45 a 47% nas rochas ba ter peraluminoso a metaluminoso). Ana lises qu micas tambe m indicaram altos valores de K2O, Rb, Zr, Ba, nas rochas fe lsicas e os cara nico intracrato nico para estas rochas. Em adic lsicas apresentam padro o, as rochas fe es valores de elementos trac os indicam ambiente tecto a sicas apresentam menor enriquecimento de ETRL e padro es mais enriquecidos de ETRL e anomalias negativas de Eu. As rochas ba horizontalizados. lises UPb em monocristal de zirca lsicas e 1471G8 Ma para as o fornecem idade (intercepto superior) de 1427G10 para as rochas fe Ana sicas. Estas mostram valores positivos de 3Nd(1420) (C1.2 aC1.9) e TDMZ1.86K1.82 Ga, indicando derivac lica, enquanto o mante rochas ba a lsicas apresentam valores de 3Nd(1420) entre C0.2 eK1.0 (TDMZ1.801.73 Ga), indicando importante contribuic o crustal para as rochas fe a sua fonte. ca. 1.471.42 Ga como resultado da mistura de fontes mante licas e crustais em ambiente extensional, A SIRB provavelmente se formou ha rio para gerar tal magmatismo provavelmente se originou a partir do ambiente de subducc o existente na borda onde o uxo de calor necessa a do craton onde estava se desenvolvendo o arco continental Santa Helena de idade entre 1.451.42 Ga. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Ever since A-type granitoids were rst recognized, the class has been a focus of debate. The term A-type granites, as dened by Loiselle and Wones (1979), does not t the S, I, and M classication scheme (Chapel and White, 1974; White, 1979; Pitcher, 1982; Whalen et al., 1987), and a chemically diverse group of granitoid rocks can be contained within this designation. These granitoid rocks may form in a variety of settings, not all of which are conned to an anorogenic environment. Regardless, they represent a group of mineralogically distinct and economically important granitoids distinguishable from those normally included in the I, S, and M types. According to Collins et al. (1982), all granitic plutons with A-type afnities are intruded late in a magmatic cycle or are generated by partial melting of the lower crust. They commonly are associated with extensional regimes in continental blocks but may occur in areas devoid of orogenic tectonic activity. Collins et al. (1982) argue against the hypothesis that envisages the production of A-type melts by fractional crystallization of I-type melts for two reasons. First, A-type melts are almost anhydrous, as evidenced by the precipitation of only interstitial biotite and amphibole crystals. Any fractionation from a felsic I-type melt would lead to an anhydrous melt. Second, the low Rb content and fairly high Sr content are not consistent with production by extensive fractionation involving feldspar. According to Eby (1990), if the A-type granitoids were highly fractionated I-types, then the observed enrichment in trace elements would be a function of the degree of fractional crystallization, which is not observed. For example, A-type granites exhibit chemical analyses characterized by high SiO2, Na2OCK2O, Fe/Mg, F, Zr, Nb, Ga, Sn, Y, and REE (except Eu) contents and low Ca, Ba, and Sr. The current denition of rapakivi granite simply considers the rock type as an A-type granite characterized mo , by the presence of rapakivi texture (Haapala and Ra mo and Haapala, 1995). The magmatic 1990, 1999; Ra association of rapakivi granites is clearly bimodal (basic felsic), and hybrid intermediate members are interpreted to

result from the interaction of co-existing basic and felsic magmas. Basic plutonic rocks seem abundant in the lower parts of the rapakivi complexes, though some rapakivi plutons do not appear to be associated with basic rocks, which may be due to a relatively high erosion level or a lack of associated basic rocks exposure. The rimming of K-feldspar by Na-rich feldspar is perhaps the most distinctive feature of rapakivi granites; however, this texture also may be developed sporadically in other granites (Dempster et al., 1991). The origin of Proterozoic rapakivi granites is controversial and unresolved. Hoffman (1989) postulates that these mid-Proterozoic granites were generated by a mantle superwell beneath a stationary supercontinent. In contrast, Windley (1991, 1993) suggests that the early Proterozoic Ketilidian rapakivi granites are postorogenic rocks generated by crustal melting deep within a thrust-thickened orogen that had begun to undergo extensional collapse. These rapakivi granites south of Greenland were formed during the late stages of the Ketilidian orogeny, synchronous with a period of extensional tectonics and low-pressure granulite facies metamorphism (Dempster et al., 1991). Anderson and Bender (1989) review anorogenic complexes (1.41.5 Ga) extending across North America and northeast into Labrador. These complexes comprise potassic rapakivi granite, basic dyke swarms, charnockite, and anorthosite formed during a long era dominated by local extension. According to these authors, the rapakivi generation model ties magmatism to heating in a largely undepleted subcontinental mantle, the crustal rise of mantle plumes, and the transfer of heat into Proterozoic crust. In Australia, major granitic intrusions (covering 5000 km2) in the Mounte Isa inlier have uniform geochemical patterns (A-type), dated 18701840 Ma. The TDM model source ages for these magmas are at least 200 Ma older than their time of emplacement (Wyborn et al., 1988). This model has important implications for petrogenesis, because signicant heating of the lower crust is required to generate such large batholiths. Wyborn et al. (1988) suggest that the generation of these granites is related to extensional events accompanied by high heat ow.

M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208


We address the age, source, and origin of the intracratonic Rio Branco suite (RBS), intrusive into the Paleoprotezoic crust of the SW Amazonian craton. Our tools for this study include whole-rock geochemistry, SmNd isotopic analysis, and UPb zircon dating based on eldwork. In addition, we discuss the origin of this type of anorogenic granite using new insights reported in recent studies.

2. The Rio Branco suite The SW Amazonian craton consists of several NWSEtrending belts that become younger to the southwest, away from an Archean core (Teixeira et al., 1989; Tassinari et al., 2000; Geraldes et al., 2001) (Fig. 1). Nd isotopic data (Tassinari et al., 1996; Sato and Tassinari, 1997) indicate a major accretionary belt, the 2.01.8 Ga s trending NWSE, adjacent to the Archean Ventuari-Tapajo core. The next youngest is the Rio Negro-Juruena province (RNJP), dominated by calc-alkaline granitic, granodioritic, and tonalitic gneisses and migmatites. Limited RbSr, UPb, and Pb/Pb dating of these rocks yields primary crystallization ages between 1.80 and 1.63 Ga, and isotopic

data suggest that RNJP rocks were formed during a juvenile accretionary event. The RNJP basement is locally overlain by undeformed, 1.71.6 Ga, felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks (Teles Pires Group), which in turn are overlain by 1.61.4 Ga sedimentary rocks (Beneciente Formation). The RBS is located in the RNJP, which locally comprises volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Alto Jauru terrane (1.791.74 Ga) and younger (ca. 1.55 Ga) calc-alkaline plutons of the Cachoeirinha suite (Fig. 2). West of the Alto Jauru terrane area is the Santa Helena arc (200 km west from the western limit in Fig. 2), dated 1.451.42 Ga (Geraldes et al., 1997, 2001; Van Schmus et al., 1998, 1999) and characterized by calc-alkaline plutonism interpreted to reect subduction of the ocean crust from W to E. The youngest tectonic event in the SW Amazonian craton includes the deformation that resulted in the 1.00.92 Ga thrust. Aguape The RBS outcrops occur in a 1500 km2 area, bordered to the E by rocks of the Neoproterozoic Brasiliano orogenic cycle and covered to the N by Cretaceous Parecis Group

Fig. 1. Geologic sketch map, of Amazon craton showing the (1) Archean s province; core; (2) Maroni-Itacaiunas province; (3) Ventuari-Tapajo nia-San Ignacio province; (4) Rio Negro-Juruena province; (5) Rondo s, Aguape , and Nova Brasila ndia belts; (7) Brasiliano-Pan African (6) Sunsa belt (620580 Ma); (8) Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks; (9) province limits; and (10) national borders. Modied after Teixeira et al. (1989).

Fig. 2. Geologic map of the Rio Branco and Araputanga region showing the most important stratigraphic units. Modied after Leite et al. (1985); Monteiro et al. (1986), and Carneiro et al. (1992). The set of 12 samples of the RBS was taken along the prole in the NE sector of the map. The rst and last sample locations are as follows: Rb-01 (S15808.225 0 , W58807.055 0 ) and Rb-12 (S15808.560 0 , W58806.016 0 ).


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sedimentary rocks and to the S by Mesoproterozoic Aguape Group sedimentary rocks (Fig. 2). Studies of RBS rocks were carried out by Figueiredo et al. (1974); Oliva (1979); Barros et al. (1982); Leite et al. (1985), and Geraldes (2000). Barros et al. (1982) dene the RBS as composed of diabase, gabbro (at the base), and subvolcanic rocks such as rhyolites and granophyric granites (at the top). Barros et al. (1982) also report a RbSr isochron age of 1130G120 Ma and K/Ar ages of 8181450 Ma. Leite et al. (1985) identify two units in the RBS: basic rocks (quartz-diorites and gabbros) and felsic rocks (monzonite, quartzsyenite, and syenite), which they interpret as related to magmatic differentiation. The best exposures of the RBS are observed around Salto u (Fig. 2) in a 15-km continuous transect on a gravel do Ce road. Along the transect, basic (samples Rb-01Rb-05), intermediate (Rb-06 and Rb-07), and felsic (Rb-08Rb-12) rocks were collected for chemical and isotopic studies. The RBS basic rocks comprise gabbro, diabase, basalt, and porphyritic basalt. Gabbros are isotropic, green, and medium to coarse grained. Lath-shaped plagioclase, commonly fractured and saussuritized, is the dominant mineral. Pyroxene is the second most abundant phase and exhibits a needle-like euhedral to subhedral form. The RBS felsic rocks comprise equigranular coarsegrained to porphyritic granophyric granites composed of microcrystals of alkali-feldspar, plagioclase, and quartz in the groundmass. Phenocrysts consist of alkali-feldspar (orthoclase) and subhedral perthite, sporadically altered to sericite (mainly in the rims). Several alkali-feldspar phenocrystals show plagioclase rims commonly altered to sericite. Rare porphyritic quartz is observed with corrosion borders. Interstitial amphibole (mostly altered to chlorite), biotite, and Fe-oxides are the accessory minerals. Apatite, zircon, and epidote are associated with hornblende and biotite. The porphyritic granite shows a coarse-grained matrix consisting of plagioclase, microcline, quartz, and biotite. Microcline megacrysts are typically altered in the borders and contain abundant quartz, biotite, and plagioclase inclusions. Samples Rb-06 and Rb-07 exhibit centimeter-sized alkali-feldspar crystals bordered by plagioclase. This texture is commonly found at outcrop scale, where a magmatic mingling texture occurs. Basic magmatic enclaves are characterized by fusiform to rounded decimetric bodies of gabbro and basalt hosted by porphyritic granite. Petrographic studies of the rocks from Rio Branco (Geraldes, 2000) indicate strong hydrothermal alteration characterized by feldspar sericitization and pyroxene uralitization. Amphibole cloritization is also observed in felsic rocks. K-feldspar sericitization is indicated by the presence of ne-grained sericite. Moreover, plagioclase in basic rocks shows sericitization in its borders, as well as along fractures and cleavage surfaces. In rocks with mixing texture (Rb-06 and Rb-07), seritization occurs mostly in

the border of the plagioclase rather than in the K-feldspar core. Felsic rocks exhibit indistinct sericitization in plagioclase and K-feldspar, but in the K-feldspar phenocrystals, the alteration is mostly at the borders. In basic rocks, round pyroxene is completely alterated to sericite, chlorite, and probably calcite, and opaque minerals have alteration only at the borders and/or fractures. Basic minerals in felsic rocks similarly suffered hydrothermal alteration, predominant in accessory minerals such as amphibole and opaque phases, both of which were altered to chlorite. Geraldes (2000) reports O, H, and S stable isotope analyses for RBS rocks and minerals. d 18O values range fromC5.4 to C5.6 (basic rocks) andC7.3 to C9.0 (felsic rocks). The basic rocks have d18O values closer to the mantle-derived rocks than do the felsic rocks, which have d18O values characteristic of intermediate crustal rocks. The d18O values for hybrid rocks (C8.3) are consistent with a mixing process. In addition, in the basic rocks, the dD values vary fromK83 to K92, and the d34O S from C0.5 to C3.8; in the felsic rocks, these values are, respectively, K83 to K88 and C1.1 to C5.2. The O, S, and H stable isotope signatures of RBS rocks are coherent with a magmatic source, which indicates that the hydrothermal solutions that alterated these rocks probably represent late-stage magmatic activity. In addition, the O isotopes signature of the RBS indicates no evidence of metamorphic hydrothermal activity.

3. Field relationships of basic and felsic rocks The hybrid rocks of the RBS suggest interaction between felsic and basic magma where decimetric basic bodies are included in felsic rocks. The basic xenoliths display macroscopic porphyritic texture and chilled margins, with phenocrysts of calcic plagioclase in a ne-grained matrix of plagioclase, pyroxene, and magnetite. Microscopically, magma interaction is suggested in felsic rocks by the zoned plagioclase that shows a border reaction and by K-feldspar enveloped by plagioclase. In basic rocks, zoned plagioclase might be a consequence of magma commingling (Vernon, 1983). In this context, felsic rocks exhibiting rapakivi texture might indicate partially digested xenoliths from basic magma. In this account, we use Sparks and Marshalls (1986) terminology, in which magma mixing leads to homogeneous hybrid rocks, and magma mingling produces inhomogeneous hybrid rocks. The textures probably originated during rapid cooling (quenching) of a basic magma with a high crystallization temperature in contact with a cooler felsic magma (e.g. Hibbard, 1981), as indicated by the granophyric texture in the most differentiated parts of the felsic unit. The hybrid features may be the result of brittle conditions reached by the magma during solidication. Salonsaaris

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(1995) leading-edge erosion due to enclave movement through the host melt could explain chilled margins in some enclave faces (Rb-06 and Rb-07), which vary from sharp/ crenulated to diffuse/veined. Salonsaari (1995) attributes these features to the rupturing of brittle, chilled rims of partially molten enclaves and the mingling of the two melts. The presence of a rapakivi texture within the mixing zone between basic and felsic rocks of the RBS may indicate that the hybrid textures are related to the incomplete mixture of both magma sources. Rapakivi texture also can be formed during the subisothermal ascent of crystal-saturated magma from mid- to high-crustal levels (Eklund, 1993; Eklund and Shebanov, 1999). In such conditions, partial dissolution of quartz and K-feldspar megacrysts occurs, whereas plagioclase precipitates. According to Dempster et al. (1991); Eklund and Shebanov (1999), the exsolution of plagioclase from K-feldspar ovoids appears to control the development of rapakivi-like textures. In this hypothesis, plagioclase is the source for the Na-feldspar mantles, exsolution may take place continuously over a range of temperatures, and the growth of plagioclase and mantles reects periods of increased mobility of the exsolved material. Dempster et al. (1991) show, for rapakivi granite from south Greenland, that though oxygen isotopes display a marked low-temperature signature in the thinner plagioclase mantles, a lowtemperature Sr component dominates in both thick and thin mantles. This nding may indicate that thicker mantles include both high- and low-temperature components, whereas thinner mantles may have formed only at low temperatures. However, eld relationship and chemical and isotopic data indicate magma mixing for the origin of the mantled K-feldspars in the case studied herein.

using a VG Sector multicollector mass spectrometer in single collector mode with a Daly detector. Pb isotope compositions were analyzed on single Re laments using silica gel and phosphoric acid. Uranium was loaded with Pb in the same lament and analyzed as UOC 2 . Radiogenic 208Pb, 207Pb, and 206Pb were calculated by correcting for laboratory Pb blanks (717 pg total Pb during the analyses) and nonradiogenic common Pb, after Stacey and Kramers (1975) model for the approximate age of the sample. The decay constants were 0.155125!10K9 yearK1 for 238U and 0.98485!10K9 yearK1 for 235U (Steiger and ger, 1977). Zircon data were regressed using Ludwigs Ja (1998) ISOPLOT program. Uncertainties in concordia intercept ages are given at the 2 sigma (s) level. For the SmNd analyses, rock powders were dissolved in bombs at approximately 180 8C and spiked with 145Nd and 144 Sm. The REE were extracted using Patchett and Ruizs (1987) method. Isotopic compositions were measured by a VG Sector 5-collectors mass spectrometer at IGL. Sm was loaded with H 3PO 4 on a single Ta lament and typically analyzed as SmC in a static multicollector mode. Nd was loaded with phosphoric acid on a single Re lament with a thin layer of AGW-50 resin beads and analyzed as NdC using the dynamic mode. Analyses of BCR-1 during the period when our samples were analyzed yielded NdZ29.44 G0,70 ppm, SmZ6.77 G 0.21 ppm, 147 Sm/ 144NdZ 0.13931 G 0.00071, and 143Nd/ 144Nd Z 0.512641 G0.000007, which yields 3NdZ0.07 G0. 12 (all at 1s). During the course of these analyses, Nd blanks ranged 500150 pg, with corresponding Sm blanks of 10050 pg. Correction for blanks was insignicant for Nd isotopic composition and generally insignicant for SmNd concentrations and ratios. SmNd ratios are corrected to within G0.5%, based on analytical uncertainties.

4. Analytical procedures 5. Geochemistry Major element analyses were carried out at the Geochemistry Laboratory, Department of Mineralogy and o Paulo, using an ICO-ES Geotectonics, University of Sa according to procedures described in Janasi et al. (1996). Trace elements, including REE, were analyzed at the ACTLAB (Toronto, Canada) using a neutron activation routine. For the UPb analyses, 2030 kg of sample were crushed and milled, and heavy minerals were concentrated in a o Paulo (Brazil). wifey table at the University of Sa Heavy liquids were used to separate zircon. UPb zircon analyses were carried out in the Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory (IGL), Department of Geology, University of Kansas (USA). The less-magnetic fraction was abraded, and handpicked single grains were spiked with 205Pb235U mixed tracer. Zircon grains were dissolved, and Pb and U were separated using procedures modied after Krogh (1973, 1982) and Parrish (1987). Zircon weight varied from 0.001 to 0.005 mg. Isotopic ratios were measured Twelve whole-rock chemical results of the RBS felsic and basic rocks are shown in Table 1. Silica contents range 4547% in the basic group (Rb-01Rb-05) and 6971% in the felsic group (Rb-08Rb-12). The clear compositional gaps between basic and felsic rocks are indicated in a Harker diagrams (Fig. 3), where two distinct groups are linked by hybrid rocks (Rb-06 and Rb-07) whose silica contents are 6061%. The diagrams indicate higher contents of K2O, Rb, Zr, and Ba in felsic than in basic rocks (elements with the same behavior are Nb, Sr, Hf, Ta, TI, and Th). These chemical features are in agreement with the results reported for granites in rapakivi granite complexes. The rocks show higher Si, K, F, Rb, Ga, Zr, Hf, Th, U, Zn, and REE (except Eu) and lower Ca, Mg, Al, P, and Sr mo , abundance than other granite types (Haapala and Ra 1990, 1999). The alumina index for RBS samples is shown in Fig. 4. Felsic samples vary from slightly peraluminous to


Table 1 Geochemistry results of Rio Branco unit Sample SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 MnO TiO2 PF Total V Cr Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo In Sn Sb Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu RB-01 45.52 16.2 13.73 6.95 8.76 2.75 1.02 0.31 0.19 2.04 2.71 100.18 225 116 58 133 67 103 20 1.4 K5 24.7 566.26 25.8 138.7 12.8 1.3 K0.1 2.6 2.63 1.7 382.5 16.79 38.71 4.69 24.17 5.66 1.938 4.74 0.86 4.81 0.94 2.63 0.345 2.36 0.337 RB-02 45.15 15.71 13.9 6.1 8.74 3.11 0.81 0.49 0.2 2.3 1.63 98.14 235 154 52 107 94 105 20 1.4 70 19.7 560.99 32.7 139 10.6 9.6 0.1 4 1.33 2.2 575.3 18.32 41.52 5.12 26.45 6.47 2.15 5.22 0.98 5.54 1.1 3.18 0.423 2.84 0.414 RB-03 44.97 15.85 13.86 7.06 8.77 2.75 0.97 0.31 0.19 2.1 2.6 99.43 256 135 57 146 62 121 21 1.8 K5 28 572 26 132 11 2.6 K0.1 1.7 0.29 1.8 354 18.6 35 4.704 22.6 5.4 1.8 4.94 0.87 4.7 0.89 2.53 0.35 2.19 0.341 RB-04 47.54 13.32 16.43 4.36 5.56 4.56 0.82 0.62 0.23 3.72 2.41 99.57 290 87 55.1 54 50 194 23 1.5 16 13.1 191.81 103.8 281 22.3 2.1 0.1 9.7 6.73 0.1 273.9 38.6 80.17 10.555 55.8 15.47 4.352 14.66 3.08 17.75 3.55 9.38 1.209 7.62 1.14 RB-05 45.02 16.26 13.43 7.12 8.74 2.71 1.03 0.33 0.19 2.09 2.69 99.61 249 123 56 150 60 117 20 1.5 K5 28 546 26 136 11 2.2 K0.1 7.8 0.73 1.4 371 19.9 36.4 4.915 23.4 5.54 1.753 5 0.83 4.76 0.95 2.55 0.367 2.31 0.355 RB-06 61.68 13.75 9.64 2.04 3.85 3.8 3.62 0.32 0.14 1.49 1.18 101.51 106 24 37.9 23 29 119 23 1.6 5 111.2 204.12 71.4 431.6 28 2.4 0.2 19.7 0.73 1.3 1143.3 62.64 132.71 14.21 64.24 13.81 2.963 11.9 2.15 12.19 2.51 7.38 1.051 7.24 1.057 RB-07 60.63 13.46 9.66 2.05 3.86 3.56 3.56 0.33 0.15 1.61 1.49 100.36 RB-08 71.32 12.9 3.95 0.56 0.88 3.34 5.1 0.05 0.09 0.45 1.11 99.75 12 19 29.3 14 11 96 22 1.6 6 171.6 98.04 119.1 554.1 38 1.8 0.2 16.9 1.35 1.7 1488.2 87.18 180.71 18.745 82.77 17.34 2.698 15.51 2.94 18.07 3.86 11.62 1.721 11.25 1.674 RB-09 71.43 12.95 3.71 0.43 0.92 3.49 5.2 0.04 0.07 1.42 1.1 100.76 RB-10 71.46 13.03 3.86 0.46 0.91 3.35 5.7 0.04 0.08 0.43 0.92 100.24 11 23 22.1 18 14 82 22 1.6 K5 172.2 86.15 85.9 554.1 36 2.1 0.2 15 11.74 1.4 1677.2 83.05 174.62 18.18 77.61 16.22 2.747 14.33 2.5 14.32 2.97 9.03 1.323 9.04 1.323 RB-11 69.44 12.95 4.25 0.36 1.18 3.38 5.23 0.05 0.09 0.5 1 98.43 13 21 62.7 14 12 94 22 1.4 K5 162.9 104.55 83.7 585.5 38.4 2.4 0.1 14.2 0.53 1.4 1555.9 62.8 133.47 14.465 64.14 14.18 2.672 12.37 2.33 13.67 2.83 8.65 1.307 8.99 1.293 RB-12 70.08 13.04 3.64 0.31 1.12 3.51 5.13 0.04 0.07 0.43 0.81 98.18 12 50 34.3 65 13 106 22 1.7 K5 157.6 108.6 123.5 519.6 38.1 1.9 0.3 97.9 8.93 1.1 1551.9 106.09 203.98 21.963 95.95 20.04 3.139 18.44 3.4 19.95 4.14 12.32 1.793 11.73 1.745

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metaluminous, and basic unit samples are metaluminous. These results align with the chemical characteristics for mo and rapakivi granites of Finland. According to Ra Haapala (1995), rapakivi granites characteristically straddle the metaluminousperaluminous boundary. One method of granite classication can be constructed by statistical analyses of many trace element analyses of granites from well-dened tectonic settings (Pearce et al., 1984). This approach leads to discrimination diagrams that can identify tectonic settings. Pearce et al. (1984) propose that syncollisional, volcanic arc, ocean ridge, and within-plate granites may be discriminated according to Nb, Y, Ta, Yb, and Rb data. Chemical analyses of the RBS felsic rocks plotted in a Rb versus YCNb tectonic setting discrimination diagram (Fig. 5) and basic rocks (Fig. 6) in a Zr/Y versus Zr diagram (Pearce and Norry, 1979) indicate a within-plate setting for the origin of both rock types. The felsic unit samples show REE-fractionated patterns characterized by LREE enrichment, a strong negative Eu anomaly (probably due to plagioclase removal in earlier stages of magma ascent), and at HREE. As shown in Fig. 7, enrichment of REE contents is present in samples Rb-08Rb-12, which suggests that these rocks represent various stages of magma fractionation, with Rb-08 as the least evolved and Rb-12 the most. The REE patterns for basic rocks are atter than those for the felsic rocks. The patterns of the basic samples are less fractionated between BREE and LREE, and there are no Eu anomalies. The progressive increase of the REE-contents in basic rocks (with the exception of sample Rb-04, which presents anomalous high REE values) without Eu anomalies suggests the predominance of weak fractional crystallization of a restricted magmatic series. Fractional crystallization simultaneously involving plagioclase, pyroxene, and magnetite increases the total amount of REE in basaltic melts but does not cause any signicant LREEHREE fractionation (Fig. 8). Nevertheless, the absence of Eu-positive anomalies in the basic rocks may be interpreted as a lack of consanguinity between the magmas that formed the RBS basic and felsic rocks.

RB-12 RB-11 RB-10 RB-08 RB-06 RB-05 RB-04 RB-03 RB-07 RB-09

3.5 0.76 22 0.1 16 1.37 0.37

7.1 1.68 23.7 0.07 6 4.09 1.23

3.4 0.89 13 0.08 8 1.36 0.39

11.5 3.21 84.8 0.42 18 12.2 3.37

14.4 6.2 154 0.56 17 18.15 5.57

14.7 4.99 100.2 0.6 19 17.65 6.2

15.3 6.6 315.5 0.58 19 14.62 4.89

13.6 7.32 197.5 0.59 22 18.67 4.88

6. Isotope data UPb (single-grain) zircon geochronology was undertaken on the felsic sample Rb-10 (20 kg) and the basic sample Rb-04 (30 kg). Sample Rb-10 was processed to concentrate heavy minerals, and a homogenous collection of zircon grains was obtained. This collection consists of clear, slightly caramel-colored grains, 50% of which have biphasic (one gas and one liquid at room temperature) uid inclusions. Four single-zircon, uid inclusion-free grains were abraded and analyzed. The results yield an upper intercept of 1423G10 Ma (Fig. 9), which we interpret as the crystallization age of the felsic magma.
RB-02 RB-01 Sample 3.5 0.92 105.3 0.14 5 1.07 0.33 Hf Ta W Tl Pb Th U 3.6 1.04 18.4 0.12 K5 1.67 0.66


M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208

Fig. 3. Harker variation diagrams for oxides (K2O, Ca, MgO, and Fe2O3) and minor elements (Rb, Zr, Ba, and Cr) of the RBS mac, hybrid, and felsic rocks.

Fig. 4. Alumina index of the RBS. The felsic rocks vary from slightly peraluminous to metaluminous, and the basic rocks are metaluminous.

Fig. 5. Tectonic setting discrimination diagram (Pearce et al., 1984) for RBS felsic rocks.

M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208


Fig. 6. Tectonic setting discrimination, diagram (Pearce and Norry, 1979) for RBS basic rocks.

Fig. 8. REE patterns for RBS basic rocks.

Five zircon grains obtained from sample Rb-04 were analyzed, and the plotted results in the concordia diagram (four fractions) yield an upper intercept age of 1471G18 Ma (Fig. 10). The grains are milky, and neither the 001 faces nor the pyramidal ends are well dened. The high MSDW (84) gives little condence for this age, but a concordant analysis (M(5) E in Table 2) indicates a 207 Pb/206 Pb age of 1471G18 Ma, which may be interpreted as the crystallization age of the basic magma. Consequently, zircon crystallization of basic magma took place 3050 million years before felsic magma crystallization. The UPb zircon ages are w300 Ma older than the RbSr whole-rock reference mixed line reported by Barros et al. (1982) of 1130G72 Ma (87Sr/86SrinitialZ0.708) for the RBS rocks. The RbSr study is unreliable because the basic and felsic rocks may have different sources. Recalculations using only the felsic samples give an age of 1221G32, 200 Ma younger than the UPb ages, which indicates partial resetting of the RbSr ages. This resetting may be due to younger events observed in the region, such as deformation thrust (ca. 1000 Ma, Geraldes that produced the Aguape et al., 1997). Aliquots from the same powders used for whole-rock major and trace element geochemistry were used for SmNd isotopic analyses (Table 3). The fractionation factor (f) between Sm and Nd in the basic rocks varies

Fig. 9. Plot of zircon data for sample Rb-10. The upper intercept yields a crystallization age of 1423G02 Ma. Uncertainty at 2-s.

Fig. 7. REE patterns for RBS felsic rocks.

Fig. 10. Plot of zircon data for sample Rb-04. The upper intercept yields a crystallization age of 1471G31 Ma. Uncertainty at 2-s.


M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208 NMZnonmagnetic; MZmagnetic; number in parentheses indicate side tilt on Franz seperator at 1.5 A power; [1]Znumber of grains; * denotes radiogenic Pb; Pb corrected for blank and non-radiogenic Pb; ger (1977); incertains in ages are 2s. Ages given in Ma using decay constants recommended by Steiger and Ja

1.17G0.0899476 0.77G0.0985452 0.68G0.0897924 0.80G0.0899009

1.14G0.0919431 0.62G0.088371 0.73G0.0823696 0.52G0.0853766 1.28G0.0921608


from K0.31 to K0.32 (with the exception of Rb-04, with fZK0.61); in the felsic rocks, f varies from K0.37 to K0.41. The anomalous f value for sample Rb-04 probably results from its high concentration of accessory minerals with high concentrations of REE. In addition, the concentration values of Nd and Sm for sample Rb-07, obtained from neutron activation (15.5 and 55.8 ppm, respectively; Table 1) and isotope dilution (11.2 and 89.82 ppm, respectively; Table 2), are anomalously high (37.88% for Nd and 37.29% for Sm). Due to its anomalously f value, chemical and Nd isotope data for Rb-04 are not considered further. 3Nd(1420) values for basic rocks range from C1.2 toC1.9, suggesting mantle source crustal rock contributions. 3Nd(1420) values for felsic rocks range from C0.2 to K1.0, which suggest that they contain an important older crust component. TDM ages of the basic rocks vary from 1.731.80 Ga, and TDM ages of felsic rocks are slightly older, 1.811.89 Ga. 3Nd(0) values of the basic rocks range from K8.3 to K10.4; of the felsic rocks, from K13.1 to K15.2, thus indicating that basic and felsic rocks have different Nd isotopic evolutions compared with the depleted mantle over time (Fig. 11).


1424G4.5 1597G3.3 1421G3.3 1423G3.4 1405G16 1516G12 1375G09 1384G119 1413G17 1550G12 1393G10 1400G11 0.24G0.980 0.18G0.974 0.17G0.969 0.18G0.976


Calculated agesG2SE (Ma)




0.40G0.943 0.15G0.970 0.18G0.969 0.11G0.980 0.97G0.805


1285G16 1269G08 1030G07 1183G06 1468G23


1179G13 1198G07 927G06 1107G06 1467G18


1466G7.6 1391G03 1254G3.6 1324G2.1 1471G18

7. Discussion Isotopic ages usually conrm a close temporal association of basic rocks with rapakivi granites (Haapala and Ramo, 1999). Even gabbroic and anorthosite rocks intruded by granitic rocks (AMCG suites) yield isotopic ages usually undistinguishable within experimental error. For example, Haapala and Ramo (1999) report an UPb age gap of 5 Ma between gabbroic and quartzfeldspar porphyry dykes in the Ahvenisto complex. Similarly, there is a difference of approximately 20 Ma (UPb ages) in the gabbroic rocks and granites from the Salmi batholith in Russian Karelia (Neymark et al., 1994). The reported UPb geochronological data obtained in single-zircon grains yields an age of 1471G18 Ma for the basic rocks and 1427G10 Ma for the felsic rocks, both of which may be interpreted as crystallization ages. There are two suggestions to explain the UPb age gap of 5030 Ma. First, the zircon grains analyzed from the basic sample may be xenocrysts. This hypothesis is not consistent with the zircon shape, because the studied grains are characteristic of basic rocks. Second, basic and felsic magmas may have crystallized at different temperatures. In this case, the basic magma solidied 5030 Ma before the felsic magma, which corroborates the commingling textures that correlate with the incomplete mixing of the basic and felsic magmas due to brittle conditions. The TDM ages of the basic (1.861.82 Ga; 3Nd(1420)C1.2 to C1.9) and felsic (1.801.73 Ga; 3Nd(1420)C0.2 to K1.0) rocks are similar to SmNd data from the Alto Jauru terrane and Cachoeirinha suite rocks (3NdC0.5 to K0.8, TDM ages


520G3.02076 1004G3.60336 1525G2.94396 686G2.96879 133 293 299 280 38 90 78 77


Pb (ppm)


Table 2 U/Pb results for samples Rb-04 and Rb-10

U (ppm)

Rb-10 Granophyre Rio Branco NM(0)[1] 0.002 M(0)[1] 0.002 M(1) [1] 0.003 M(2) [1] 0.002 Rb-04 Gabbro Rio Branco M(5) [2] 0.005 M(5) [1] 0.003 M(5) [1] 0.002 M(5) 0.004 M(5) 0.002


Weight (mg) 207*/206*

440 497 517 788 193

92 137 108 207 59

886G2.54360 616G2.48892 569G1.75669 998G2.20494 494G3.24695


1.21G0.200645 0.64G0.204268 0.75G0.154678 0.53G0.187308 1.64G0.255522

1.20G0.24357 0.79G0.26520 0.70G0.23779 0.82G0.23951



M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208 Table 3 Sm/Nd isotopic properties of rocks from RBS Sample Rb-01 Rb-02 Rb-03 Rb-04 Rb-05 Rb-06 Rb-07 Rb-08 Rb-09 Rb-10 Rb-11 Rb-12 Rock Gabbro Gabbro Gabbro Porphyre gabbro Basalt Monzonite Monzonite Granite Porphyre granite Porphyre granite Porphyre granite Porphyre granite Nd (ppm) 25.02 25.17 21.35 89.82 20.62 64.33 58.69 81.12 74.28 69.55 58.09 92.76 Sm (ppm) 5.59 5.62 4.72 11.29 4.73 12.69 12.04 16.08 14.49 13.40 11.91 18.17





E(Nd) tZ0 K0.78 K10.41 K9.96 K25.10 K9.37 K14.12 K13.08 K14.34 K14.85 K14.83 K13.40 K15.21

E(Nd) t(U/Pb) 1.85 1.24 1.91 K2.33 1.59 0.00 0.16 K0.33 K0.49 K0.20 K0.13 K0.96

T(DM) Ma 1.75 1.8 1.73 1.86 1.79 1.81 1.89 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.84 1.89

f K0.31 K0.31 K0.32 K0.61 K0.30 K0.39 K0.37 K0.39 K0.40 K0.41 K0.37 K0.40

0.13511 0.13497 0.13380 0.07606 0.13867 0.11930 0.12410 0.11987 0.11793 0.11650 0.12392 0.11853

0.511595 0.512029 0.511740 0.511632 0.511711 0.511913 0.511758 0.511501 0.511602 0.511605 0.511869 0.511639

2.051.75 Ga), as reported by Geraldes (2000). This Nd isotope evidence indicates that the RBS country rocks, represented by tonalite, granodiorite, and granite, probably contributed to the source of the RBS rocks (Fig. 11). Creaser et al. (1991) propose that at least some A-type magmas are generated by melting of crustal igneous rocks of tonalitic to granodioritic composition, as indicated by the pattern of trace element ratios. Creaser et al. (1991) also suggest that the partially melted lithosphere was originally produced by continental margin or island-arc magmatism, similar to the situation presented here. If this hypothesis has merit, the felsic rocks of the RBS may have three mixed sources. The oldest component is represented by the 1.791.74 Ga Alto Jauru terrane rocks (TDM 1.931.77 Ga), and the second component is the 1.571.52 Ga Cachoeirinha calc-alkaline rocks (TDM 1.791.75 Ga). We suggest that an obvious third source for the RBS felsic rock protoliths is the mantle, as indicated by the few positive 3Nd(1420) Values (C0.2 to K1.0). In addition, the basic rocks may have resulted from underplating magma, as indicated by the TDM values (1.801.73 Ga), which indicate that the magma of these rocks was generated from the mantle at that time and intruded into the lower crust during crystallization (1.471.42 Ga). The generation of the basic rocks from underplating magma also may be explained by the low 3Nd(1420) values (C1.2 to C1.9); therefore, some crustal rock participation is possible. The SmNd data of the RBS felsic rocks are similar to those reported by Sato and Tassinari (1997), who interpret a crustal accretion to the Amazonian craton at ca. 1.8 Ga, the time of generation of the RNJP. Sato and Tassinaris (1997) report corroborates the hypothesis that the protolith of the RBS basic rocks originated by underplating of the mantlederived basic magma formed at the mantle/crust boundary. This magma probably was reactivated by heat ow due to

the ocean crust subduction of the Santa Helena magmatic arc (1450 Ma), as speculated in Fig. 12. The thermal effect on the basic magmas may have caused partial melting of the lower crust (parent of the granites), which melted the base of this crust and generated felsic magma and crystallization of both basic and felsic rocks at the hypabyssal level. Mingling of the basic and felsic magmas may have led to local hybridization in intracrustal magma chambers (Salonsaari, 1995) and the origin of rapakivi granites of the Finnish Jaalalitti complex. An extensional geotectonic setting has been documented for the rapakivi complexes of Finland (Haapala and Ramo, 1990) through the recognition of graben structures, crustal

Fig. 11. 3Nd versus age plot of the RBS mac and felsic rocks. Alto Jauru greenstone belt and Cacheirinha Sm/Nd isotopic data are also plotted for comparison (Geraldes et al., 2001). Felsic rocks are dark gray, basic rocks are black, and host rocks are gray.


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Fig. 12. Summary of the tectonic setting for SW Mato Grosso at 1420 Ma. The formation of the Santa Helena magmatic arc occurred in the newly accreted 1.791.74 Ga Alto Jauru greenstone belt and 1.581.52 Ga Cachoeirinha rocks. The RBS intruded the last two units and is coeval to the Santa Helena magmatic arc.

thinning in rapakivi areas, and listric faulting. Previously, no extensional features had been identied that might be linked tectonically to the Rio Branco emplacement. The RBS can be correlated with the Santo Antonio intrusive suite observed in the Rondonian province. As described by Bettencourt et al. (1999), seven distinct episodes of rapakivi magmatism occurred in the Rondonia ncia intrusive suite Tin Province: (1) Serra da Provide (1606G24 to 1532G4.5 Ma); (2) Santo Antonio intrusive nio intrusive suite suite (1406 G 32 Ma); (3) Teoto (1387 G 16 Ma); (4) Alto Candeias intrusive suite o Lourenc (1347G4.7 Ma); (5) Sa o-Caripunas intrusive suite (1314G13 to 1309G24 Ma); (6) Santa Clara intrusive suite (1082G4.9 Ma); and (7) younger granites (998G5 to 991G14 Ma). Thus, felsic magmatism of the RBS is coeval to an intrusive suite reported in the Rondonia Tin Province, which may have important consequences for metal exploratory models in the region.

the result of the ocean crust subduction that was synchronous with the development of the Santa Helena arc. According to this hypothesis, the data reported here indicate that there was thinning of the lithosphere, related to the convecting asthenosphere and remobilization of the underplating magma, which in turn led to crustal melting. It follows that during an extensional event, there would be widespread heating, metamorphism, and melting of the crust, provided there was suitable source material available to form felsic melts. Emplacement in the upper crust requires a signicant tectonothermal event; without it, the heat needed to cause a melt of such a large scale could not exist, not only for the generation of the melts, but also for the prior formation of major A-type sources in the lower crust.

9. Concluding remarks The RBS can be considered an intraplate suite intrusive into the Alto Jauru terrane. The results presented here, when integrated with regional data, enable us to propose better constraints on the sources and processes involved in the genesis of this rapakivi complex. Mantle extraction of the basic and felsic rock protoliths took place, respectively, at 1.701.78 Ga and 1.841.89 Ga (TDM ages), which matches the time span of the country rocks (2.051.75 Ga). 3Nd(1420) values for the basic (C1.2 to C1.9) and felsic (C0.2 to K1.0) rocks suggest that protoliths of RBS rocks originated by magma underplating, melting of the lower crust, and crystallization at the upper crust, involving both mixing and commingling processes. Felsic rocks of the RBS may have been derived from a heterogeneous source comprised of the 1.791.74 Ga Alto Jauru terrane rocks and the 1.571.52 Ga Cachoeirinha calcalkaline rocks. The RBS basic magma had a mantle source with moderate contamination by the older crust. UPb crystallization of basic and felsic magmas occurred between 1.47 Ga and 1.42 Ga. The 5030 million year difference may be due to the presence of zircon xenocrysts in sample Rb-10 or to the basic magma that solidied

8. The heating process and tectonic setting (lithospheric versus astenospheric) ha ll et al. (2000) explain Baltic shield growth during A the Middle Proterozoic, where juvenile crustal domains were progressively built on or amalgamated to the evolving continental margin. The stepwise growth was approximately synchronous with inboard, episodic rapakivi magmatism between 1.65 and 1.50 Ga. The data lead ha ll et al. (2000) to propose a hybrid model to explain A the timing and spatial relationship of orogenesis and episodic rapakivi magmatism in Baltica. According to them, the 1.651.50 Ga rapakivi suites, generated in the lower crust, may be due to decompressional melting and coeval processes operating at the paleocontinental evolving margin. ha ll et als. (2000) hybrid synorogenic response model A may explain the origin of the RBS, which is very similar to the rapakivi suites of Baltica. The heat convection in the asthenosphere (source of the basic magma) may be

M.C. Geraldes et al. / Journal of South American Earth Sciences 17 (2004) 195208


before the felsic magma. This hypothesis is corroborated by the commingling textures, which are correlated with the incomplete mixing of basic and felsic magmas in brittle conditions. UPb, SmNd, and geochemical data of RBS rocks provide a temporal correlation between the crustal growth of the western margin (Santa Helena arc) and coeval distal rapakivi anorogenic magmatism in the foreland. The RBS rapakivi complex may represent a synorogenic response, linked to the high heat ow in the asthenosphere, that resulted from the subduction the ocean crust simultaneous with the development of the Santa Helena arc.

Acknowledgements This article was improved by suggestions from Profs. Randy Van Schmus, Marcio Pimentel, and Roberto DallAgnol. The manuscript was also improved by the es and Charles Gower). This work reviewers (Ignes Guimara was sponsored by FAPESP Grant 1996-04819-7 to MCG and FAPESP Grant 1996-12627-0 to WT. This article is a contribution to IGCP-426: Granite Systems and Proterozoic Lithospheric Processes.

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