freshener or with a medium strength skin tonic. Toning removes greasiness remaining from cleansing preparations, closes pores, refines the skin and if you intend to make-up, it leaves a smooth clean texture which will hold the foundation and powder for long. Basically skin tonics freshen the skin. The cheapest toner is simply to splash your face with cold water. Skin tonics are generally composed of infusions of herbs, flowers, vinegar, rosewater and witch-ha el. Stronger skin tonics or astringents dry the skin removing all traces of oil on the skin. They are suitable for greasy skins. A void using very strong astringents for any type of skin, as the harsh action of the alcohol toughens and coarsens the skin and prevents it from functioning normally. !ormally you should use your tonic or astringent with a piece of cotton wool, but if your skin is looking sluggish, pat it on with a brisk slapping movement. Toning stimulates the blood supply to the skin. "oisten folded cotton wool with your skin tonic and pat on the cheeks, the neck and chin. A void any areas with broken veins. Homemade Herbal Skin Tonics Recipes for Toning #ere are a few Skin tonics recipes which are easy and $uick to make. Try them and give your comments. Rose Water Skin Tonic %t is one of the oldest skin-fresheners discovered by an Arabian dermatologist in the tenth century. &ose water is available at a chemist, but it is very easy to make on your own too. "ix rose essence in water and shake thoroughly. Two tablespoons essence of roses is sufficient for ' ( liters purified water. Gypsy Rose Water Skin Tonic Take ) handfuls of dark, scented rose petals and put them into a *ar or a wide topped bottle. !ow put + liter of water and ),, gms. of sugar into the bottle or *ar. -eep this mixture for ) hours, shake again, then strain and store it in a cool place. Rose Water and Witch-Hazel Tonic This is the most famous home-made skin tonic of all. To make this lotion simply mix ./' cup rosewater and cup witch-ha el. %f you have a very greasy skin you can use e$ual proportions of rose water and witch-ha e+.
Basil is known for its 0soothing and toning0 properties. ) to . teaspoons dried basil leaves + 1. boiling water Steep basil leaves in water for +, to ), minutes. 1ool, then apply to face with a white cotton ball. -eep tonic refrigerated. &ecommended shelf life2 3, days. Flower and Herb Tonic
"ix ) tablespoons of dried herbs or flowers or . handfuls of fresh ones to a pint of water. 4our the boiling water over the herbs and cover the pan to prevent steam from being lost. 5et the herbs steep for a couple of hours. Strain and bottle. Marigold Skin Tonic "arigolds are known for their healing properties. 6se either fresh or dried flowers to make this skin tonic. "ix ) tablespoons of dried flower or . handfuls of fresh ones to a pint of water. !ow add ) tablespoons of witch-ha el. %t is good especially for a greasy and spotty skin. Hollyhock Skin Tonic 4ut . tablespoons of hollyhock leaves into half a pint of boiling water. 1over and simmer gently for five minutes. 5eave to stand for half an hour, then strain and it is ready for use. "any other flowers and leaves such as lilac, geranium, honey suckle, lime flowers, lavender anti dandelions can also be used in the same way to freshen and cure sallowness of the skin. l!eberry Tonic recipe . tablespoons steamed, crushed blueberries +/) cup sour cream or plain yogurt 4ur7e ingredients in a blender at low speed until well mixed and fluffy. Apply to face and neck. &inse off with tepid water after +8 to ), minutes. %f mask is too runny after blending, refrigerate for one hour. Soothes and nourishes skin. "ake this mask the day you plan to use it. "lder Flower Water 9ash about a handful of elder flowers and mix : tablespoons of boiling water into a large *ar. 5et them steep overnight, and strain it the next day. %n case you have dried flowers, use only ) tablespoons.
************************************************************ Simple Guide to Homemade Astringents Astringent lotion is used to tone the skin and is necessary to remove the last traces of grease and closed pores. Never choose a harsh astringent lotion. Astringent is applied to the oiliest places such as the sides of the nose, chin and forehead. When blemishes occur, it is good for yourself to cover them. This helps to close the pores and discourage the greasy excretions from building up too rapidly underneath your make up. Strong astringent lotions contain alcohol. Surgical spirit, too, is a good astringent but it smells too much. do not recommend the use of strong astringents as they over! dry the skin, leaving it tight and dehydrated. Al"ays use a milder tonic or astringent. #ere are a fe" home!made astringent preparations for you. Honey Water Astringent: $ix the follo"ing ingredients together in a glass %ar "ith an air!tight lid for a "eek, shaking it t"ice daily. & tablespoons honey & tablespoons coriander seed
& tablespoons nutmeg ' tablespoon cloves ( tablespoons grated lemon peel ) tablespoons alcohol ( tablespoons rose "ater ( tablespoons orange flo"er "ater ''& teaspoon ben*oin, and '+& teaspoon storax. Chamomile Astringent ngredients, '+& cup chopped fresh mint -or & tbsp dried. & tbsp dried chamomile flo"ers, crushed ( cups "ater nstructions, /ombine ingredients in a small saucepan. 0oil for '1 minutes, then remove from heat and allo" to steep for 2 minutes. Strain li3uid into a %ar, cover and refrigerate. Will keep & "eeks refrigerated. Apply "ith+ cotton balls to skin. 4specially good for very oily skin Oily s in !a"ial toner apple cider vinegar as a great ingredient for preparation of skin care recipes. t is ideal for oily skin as it removes the excess oil but doesn5t irritate the skin. t also cleanses the skin and increases the circulation. ' tsp /ider 6inegar 7 Tablespoos of "ater Stir "ell and apply all over face or in t!*one area "ith a cotton pad. have oily+combination skin and it does "ork. Tomato Toni" re"ipe Astringent for oily skin. ' ripe, red tomato '+( cup cornmeal 8eel and seed the tomato. $ash the pulp "ith the cornmeal. $assage skin thoroughly "ith the mixture. 9eave on for a fe" minutes. :inse "ith cool "ater. Egg#hite Toner /lean face thoroughly using any natural cleanser. Apply ra" egg"hites to the skin and leave on for at least '2 minutes. Wash off "ith tepid "ater. Tomato$Honey S in Toner ;or a clearer and more vibrant "ell!toned skin %ou #ill need: Tomato %uice #oney
&ro"edure: $ix the tomato %uice "ith honey until it appears sticky. Apply the mixture of tomato %uice and honey on the face and neck. Wash it after '2 minutes. Apple s in toner This toner is an excellent choice for oily skin, and is a great substitute for rubbing alcohol. Ingredients &+7 cup "itch ha*el '+7 cup apple vinegar severeal drops of lavender essential oil -or oil of your choice.
&reparation $ix, and add to clean bottle. Shake bottle "ell before using, and then dampen a cotton ball or pad saturated "ith your toner, and s"ab over face. Witch ha*el is a gentle astringent, apple cider vinegar "ill help restore your skin5s natural ph balance, and lavender soothes sensitive skin.
Apple &ore Toner ngredients, '+& cup of natural apple %uice & small cucumbers. nstructions, Apply to face and leave on for &1 minutes. :inse off Cu"um'er toner Ingredients '+& cucumber cut into chunks '+& tomato cut into chunks '+( of 6odka
&reparation <se blender or foot processor to combine all of the ingredients until the mass is smooths and consistent =ab it on the face and neck using fingertips 9eave on for 2 minutes and rinse off "ith "arm "ater
8at dry
The ingredients in this toner act as astringers that tone your skin and remove the dirt and impurities. >ou could store it in a refrigerator in a plastic container "ith a lid, and use it the next day. Simple green tea !a"ial toner Ingredients & teaspoons of po"dered green tea '+& of boiling "ater
&reparation Steep green tea in boiling "ater for '1 minutes 9et it cool and apply it on the face "ith cotton balls -gau*e.
=aily use of this facial toner is recommended. Lemony mint toner Ingredients ' peppermint tea bag '+( cup "itch ha*el ' tablespoon of fresh lemon %uice ' cup of boiling "ater
&reparation Steep tea in "ater for '1 minutes =iscard the bag and allo" the li3uid to cool do"n Add lemon %uice and "itch ha*el and store in a glass %ar in the refrigerator
t is recommended you use it daily. Watermelon toner Ingredients & tablespoons of fresh "atermelon %uice ' tablespoon of 6odka
&reparation Strain the mashed "atermelon pieces through a gau*e or paper to"el. Add other ingredients to this %uice, and mix <se a cotton ball to dip it into the mix and apply on the face. :inse off "ith "arm "ater
This toner could be saved for later use. ?eep it in a glass %ar and close tightly, and keep refrigerated. t can be used up to '1 days after it "as made. ;acial toners are to be used 'e!ore hydrating facial masks. ******************************************************************* &rotein Toner 0eat together ' tblspn milk, ' tsp honey and ' egg. Apply to face and neck. 9eave on as long as desired. :inse off "ith "arm "ater follo"ed by a splash of cold. Wit"h Ha(el <se an extract of "itch ha*el as an astringent, a skin freshener and to soothe skin irritations. 4lderflo"ers, lavender, orange flo"er "ater and rose"ater all classic toners for all skin types. $ake a strong infusion of any of the above, refrigerate and use "ithin 7 days. Lemon a strong astringent, dilute "ith "ater before using, being careful to keep a"ay from eyes. Lemon Toner '+& cup lemon %uice ' cup distilled "ater &+7 cup "itch ha*el
/ombine all ingredients. 8our into a clean bottle or decorative cosmetics container. Shake "ell before using. Apply "ith a clean cotton ball. 9ecithin Toner =issolve lecithing granules in %o%oba or almond oil. Apply to face and throat as a day or night cream. &ine Toner & cups fresh pine needles
8lace pine needles in small saucepan "ith distilled "ater. 0ring "ater to boil. Allo" "ater to cool completely then strain and discard pine needles. Add "itch ha*el and stir "ell. 8our into a clean bottle or decorative capped container. Apply to skin "ith a cotton ball. Store in a cool dark place. )ueen o! Hungary Water This "ater can be used as an astringent, aftershave, deodorant, hair and skin tonic and even inhaled as a headache remedy, ' part roses ' part lavender ' part rosemary ' part sage ' part orange peel ' part lemon peel & parts mint
Add & ounces of the above herbal formula to & ounces of apple cider vinegar. 8ut in an airtight glass %ar, let steep for about & "eeks. Strain and add ' '+& cups pure distilled rose"ater. 8our into a decorative, airtight decanter and use daily. *ose Water + Gly"erine Astringent '+& pint olive oil ' ounce rose "ater a fe" drops of glycerin ' ounce vodka
Sage Astringent ( Tbsp dried sage ( Tbsp vodka '+( tsp borax 7 Tbsp "itch ha*el
Steep the sage in vodka for & "eeks then strain. =issolve borax in "itch ha*el, stir in the saged vodka and glycerin. 8our into bottle "ith a tight cap. Shake before each use. Stra#'erry $ash stra"berries, use as an astringent and cleansing facemask. ,iolet Simmer violet flo"ers in a little milk to make a softening and mildly astringent face lotion. Lemony La-ender Toner 7 drops lemon oil 7 drops lavender oil 7 teaspons of distilled "ater
<se a soft cotton ball to massage mixture into the skin after cleansing. ;ollo" "ith a moisturi*er if desired Stra#'erry Toner re"ipe @ily skin astringent. '+& cup mashed stra"berries '+& cup sour cream or plain yogurt 8urAe ingredients in a blender at lo" speed until sell mixed and fluffy. Apply to face and neckB rinse "ith tepid "ater after 71 minutes. f mask is too runny after blending, refrigerate for one hour. $ake mask the day you plan to use it.
Get Rid of lackheads# $ a Great Toner% To get rid of black heads - ;ust fill up your sink with #<T water and put your face over it and let it steam for about 8 minutes. % usually dip my face in it =my nose, cheeks, forehead, chin> after steaming it. ?ou can put chamomile tea in it and steam it too@ t
really gets rid of blackheadsC
great toner2+ glass of water =any degree.. hot.. warm.. cold>A+/) lemonA. slices cucumber ;ust fill the glass up of water, take a forth of the lemon and s$uee e it into the glass.. then slice the other forth of the lemon into )-' slices and place them in the glass. the put the . slices of cucumber in it and let it sit for .,-:, minutes.. 6se cottonballs and soak them in the li$uid and dab it all over your face@
put mine in the fridge for about a half an hour so its chilly and it feels sooo good.. and makes your skin look greatC Toner .rom a Bottle
This isn5t really homemade but found that "hen "hisked a cottonball "ith some Witch #a*el on it over my pimples it helped clear them up visibly in about three-7.days. This definitely "orks.
&pple Facial Toner recipe + tablespoon honey + peeled, cored apple 4uree honey with apple in a blender. Smooth over face. 5eave on for +8 minutes, then rinse off with cool water.
Stra#'erries and Cream Astringent re"ipe ;or oily or blemished skin. ' handful stra"berries ' heaping tablespoon heavy cream $ash stra"berries by hand or in a blender. Add heavy cream and mix "ell. Spread thickly on face and neck -a shaving brush is handy for this. and let your skin benefit for '1 minutes. Tissue off, then splash face and neck "ith cool "ater. Orange$,inegar Splash re"ipe Astringent ! restores acidity to face. ' orange peel '+& cup orange flo"er "ater & cups "hite vinegar $ix orange peel and vinegar and let it steep for ' "eek. :emove orange peel and add '+& cup orange flo"er "ater. Splash on face after "ashing "ith soap and "ater. Cu"um'er$Lemon Toni" re"ipe Soothing astringent for oily skin. This tightens pores, soothes sunburn, and can be used as a natural deodorant, also. ' cup "itch ha*el Duice of ' lemon 7 tablespoons coarsely chopped cucumber $ix in a clean glass bottle, then let set for & days. :emove cucumber. ?eep lotion in a cool place or the refrigerator to use as a splash. Lemon Astringent re"ipe ;or oily skin.
'+& cup "itch ha*el '+( cup lemon %uice $ix. Apply to face and neck "ith a clean cotton ball. *osemary Water Astringent: ngredients, & tablespoons rosemary peel and pith of a '+( orange peel and pith of a '+& lemon ( sprigs of mint '+( cup alcohol or "itch!ha*el -for mild astringent. '+& cup rose "ater $ix all the ingredients together in a large air!tight bottle and let it stand for () to E& hours, shaking fre3uently. Lemon Astringent: $ix the follo"ing ingredients together in a large bottle for &( hours, then strain and use for greasy skin. ( tablespoons lemon %uice or %uice of & large lemons '+& teaspoon peppermint extract ) tablespoons "itch!ha*el & tablespoons alcohol Camphor Astringent: $ix together in a large bottle '+& cup rose "ater, '+& cup "itch!ha*el, '-& cup distilled "ater, ' tablespoon camphor spirit and & drops blue coloring. To make the astringent stronger, add a pinch of alum. Strain and use to tighten and tone the skin. This recipe is especially good if you suffer from large pores and spots. t can also be used as an after!shave lotion by men.
Watermelon Toner ) Tablespoons fresh watermelon *uice + Tablespoon vodka ) Tablespoons witch ha el ) Tablespoons distilled water Strain the watermelon *uice to get rid of seeds and fruit pieces. 1ombine all ingredients in small bowl and stir well. 4our into clean containers with tight-fitting lids. To use2 pour a small amount on a clean cotton pad and apply to face. Store in fridge between uses to retain freshness. 9ill keep approximately one week. Toner for 'ormal Skin This is a refreshing toner for normal skin. 1hop up a small si ed fresh cucumber and li$uidi e it with half a cup of yogurt. Apply the mixture for 8-+, minutes, and wash it off. The remainder can be stored in the fridge for future use. Green Tea Skin Toner + teabag of green tea +/) cup boiling water
5et the tea bag steep for ) to . minutes in the hot water. &emove the tea bag and let the water cool. 4our into an empty toner bottle or something similar with a small opening. 6se with cotton pads like you would regular toner. %f you wish to, you could also add a . or ' drops of tea tree essential oil. Tea tree oil is a great antiseptic for pimples, while the oil helps to moisturi e the skin.
Green Tea S in Toner re"ipe '+& cup pure spring "ater or distilled "ater & teaspoons green tea leaves -or ' green tea bag. Freen tea tightens and calms skin. t also contains a strong antioxidant that fights signs of aging. This toner should be applied before a moisturi*er.0ring "ater to a boil. 8lace the tea leaves or tea bag in a glass or bo"l. 8our the boiling "ater over the leaves or bag and steep for & to 7 minutes.Strain the green tea into a bottle, and let it cool.Apply to skin "ith cotton balls. =o not rinse. Toner $ix turmeric %uice "ith milk and lemon %uice to use as a toner. =elicately massage over the face and neck for half an hour and "ash "ith luke"arm "ater every night before going to bed. Watermelon Toner re"ipe ' cup "atermelon chunks & tablespoons "itch ha*el & tablespoons distilled "ater 8urAe "atermelon chunks in a food processor or blender. Strain the li3uid using a sieve, and discard the solids. /ombine the reserved %uice "ith remaining ingredients, stir and pour into a glass bottle. =ab on face using a cotton ball. This is rich in sugar and vitamins A, 0 and cup Watermelon has astringent properties, and the super high "ater content makes it an excellent skin refresher. Wit"h Ha(el and *ose#ater Toni" re"ipe & parts rose"ater ' part "itch ha*el $ix ingredients together. 0ecause "itch ha*el is a drying agent, ad%ust these proportions to make a mixture best suited to your o"n skin.
Wrin le *emo-er / S in Toner & tablespoons vodka ' tablespoon fennel seeds ' '+& teaspoons honey /ombine all ingredientsB stir "ell. Allo" to sit for 7 days. Strain mixture. <se a cotton ball to apply to face and neck as a toner.
Tone (p Tea + cup distilled water + heaping tablespoon dried green tea leaves + heaping tablespoon dried chamomile flowers + tablespoon rose hydrosol + tablespoon aloe vera gel . teaspoon apple cider vinegar . teaspoon lemon *uice =optional addition for oily skin> #eat distilled water until boiling. &emove from heat and add green tea and chamomile. Steep for +8 minutes and strain out plant material. Add rose hydrosol, aloe vera and vinegar =and lemon *uice, if using> and stir well. 4our into a clean bottle and label. Shake well to ensure the mix. Store in refrigerator for best results and use within . weeks.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sugar S"ru' About once a "eek make a facial scrub from sugar and a fe" other simple items. #onestly, this "ill leave your skin very soft and silky. The scrub is good to use on arms+legs etc. as "ell. Take e3ual parts of "hite cane sugar -do not use organic sucanat, it doesn5t "ork too "ell in this recipe. and either vegetable glycerine or avocado oil and combine them together in a bo"l. f you "ant to, add a little something extra like aloe vera, orange oil or lavender. $ix up the ingredients and scoop some of the scrub into your hand. $assage it onto your face+legs+etc. for a minute or t"o. 9eave the mixture on for about four or five minutes before rinsing. -=on5t scrub for too intensely, and don5t use it every day or your skin "ill get blotchy and red. Summer Salt Scrub :ecipe Summary: A refreshing salt scrub for summerC Ingredients:
-* All ingredients are approximate, use more or less to suit. & cups Sea Salt '+& cup /orn $eal '+& cup light oil ' TS8 Soapnut or li3uid soap -opt. 4@ or ;@ -for summer use citrus scents like lemon, orange, grapefruit. 8o"dered colorant -opt. Instru"tions: -*note, mix thoroughly each time an ingredient is added. 8our G mix salt and corn meal in a large bo"l. $ix in colorant G soapnut if using. ;or summer use yello", coral, or other HsunshineyH colors. also add in a teeny bit of cosmetic grade glitter. Add 4@ or ;@5s and let sit overnight "ith a paper to"el covering it to HfixH the scent. Next, pour and mix the oil and li3uid soap. prefer light oils like grapeseed or almond, especially for the summer mix. ;or drier skin in the "inter use a heavier oil. The consistancy should be like damp sand. Scoop into a plastic container -glass is too risky as this should be in the sho"er.. To use, scoop out a couple of fingerfulls and rub along the body 04;@:4 "ashing. Actually, "ith the soap already in it -you can omit if you like. additional "ashing may not be necessary, but "ould avoid the face and other sensitive areas. =4; N T49> avoid any cuts or abrasions as the salt "ould stingC ******************************************************************* Summer Salt S"ru' *e"ipe Summary: A refreshing salt scrub for summerC Ingredients: -* All ingredients are approximate, use more or less to suit. & cups Sea Salt '+& cup /orn $eal '+& cup light oil ' TS8 Soapnut or li3uid soap -opt. 4@ or ;@ -for summer use citrus scents like lemon, orange, grapefruit. 8o"dered colorant -opt. Instru"tions:
=Bnote2 mix thoroughly each time an ingredient is added> 4our C mix salt and corn meal in a large bowl. "ix in colorant C soapnut if using. Dor summer % use yellow, coral, or other 0sunshiney0 colors. % also add in a teeny bit of cosmetic grade glitter. Add E< or D<Fs and let sit overnight with a paper towel covering it to 0fix0 the scent. !ext, pour and mix the oil and li$uid soap. % prefer light oils like grapeseed or almond, especially for the summer mix. Dor drier skin
in the winter % use a heavier oil. The consistancy should be like damp sand. Scoop into a plastic container =glass is too risky as this should be in the shower>. To use, scoop out a couple of fingerfulls and rub along the body BED<&E washing. Actually, with the soap already in it =you can omit if you like> additional washing may not be necessary, but % would avoid the face and other sensitive areas. GED%!%TE5? avoid any cuts or abrasions as the salt would sting@
***************************************************************** Honey$Bee Body S"ru' 2 tablespoons ra" sugar & tablespoons honey ' teaspoon cream milk - optional . $ix all the ingredients and en%oyC A perfect body scrub for all skin types. ****************************************************************** Almond$Oatmeal Body S"ru' *e"ipe Su'mitted By: 4lise of 9ake 4lsinore, /A Ingredients: & to 7 aloe vera leaves & Tbs. honey & drops geranium essential oil & drops palmarosa essential oil ' cup ground almonds ' cup colloidal oatmeal Instru"tions: >ou "ill need & ceramic or glass bo"ls, a stainless steel spoon, and a sterili*ed )!o*. %ar. '. /ut the aloe leaves in half length"ise and scoop out the clear gel into a bo"l. $ix in the honey and essential oils. &. 8lace the almonds and oatmeal into the second bo"l. Stir in the li3uid, adding a little distilled "ater as needed to make a thick paste. 7. $akes enough for t"o applications. Store in the refigerator.
)atmeal# *ogh!rt $ Milk ody Scr!b - * &(+R"* This is the easiest body scrub to make for everyone and for all skin types@ %t gently exfoliates your skin and the milk and yoghurt is perfect to moisturise and soften the skin. ?ou can use this once or twice a week. % love this@ Dor the whole body2 ' tbsp of $uick oats = semi-grounded> ) tbsp of plain/ natural yoghurt ' tbsp of full cream milk + tsp of honey = optional > Simply mix all of the above ingredients together in a bowl and bingo @ 4S2 ?ou can use this as a face scrub as well@ Good ody Scr!b , +. A cup of olive oil
). A cup of regular white sugar .. A tablespoon of cinnamon "ix all ingredients well. Apply after your shower, then rinse. % think the cinnamon keeps the sugar from becoming hard. anana $ Strawberry Scr!b Turn ashy, flakey skin into s!per smooth and silky soft skin using this scrub@ +/) Banana . tbs. Sugar 'o Strawberry yogurt, <& . strawberries and 'o plain yogurt. "ash the banana. Add the yogurt. =if necessary, mash to strawberries and add them.> ?ou may also combine all of the ingredients =except sugar> in a blender. Add the sugar and mix well. S!gar Scr!b + cup water ) +/) to . cups sugar + teaspoon coconut butter : drops of orange essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil, and ;asmine perfume oil =4erfume oil isnFt as expensive as essential oil. ?ou can find these products at a health food store> Dind an air tight container. Add the water and + cup of sugar, letting sugar dissolve. 6sing your *udgement, slowly add the rest of the sugar until the mixture looks pasty, but feels soupy. "elt the coconut butter in a microwave and add it to the mixture. Stir well, and add oils. Dor best results after washing with the sugar scrub, use lotion on you skin. *ogh!rt# )atmeal $ Milk Face $ ody Scr!b . tablespoon plain yoghurt ) tablespoon oatmeal ) tablespoon full cream milk "ix all ingredients together and ready for use. %t will gently exfoliate your skin and leave it soft and smooth. anana ody !ffer This recipe is good for all skin types and especially good for dry skin. %t can be use as a body buffer as well as a face scrub. %t helps to moisturi e the skin, leaving it soft. + or ) ripe bananas, mashed up + tablespoon plain natural yoghurt + teaspoon honey ) tablespoon oatmeal "ix all the ingredients above and en*oy@
Sugar Body E0!oliant "as reading your recipe for the sugar baby hands. love to use baby oil G table sugar as a body exfoliant. cleanse "ith baby bath and pat dry. Then apply baby oil gel,. $akes for sil y so!t s in...lasts over &( hours. E0!oliant
Dor a smooth no blackhead or whitehead face, % use brown sugar, the not so fine one, % mix it with any kind of cooking oil, because cooking oil is a natural oil from like vegetable, etc. Then % scrub it in my face, % do it once a week, it really works and it is cheap, % use it all over my body too. ?ou can use salt but % never tried it because itFs too sharp for the face. "-foliator Hround up chick peas make a great exfoliator. ;ust drain them from the can, mash them up, rub on your face and rinse off. rown S!gar &lmond Scr!b +/) c. brown sugar +/) c. ground almonds +/) c. ground oatmeal +/' c. almond oil . drop vitamin e oil 1ombine and store in airtight container, excellent shower scrub for feet and legs.
Homemade .a"ial S"ru' *e"ipes Basi" .a"ial S"ru' 1i0 I cup finely ground oatmeal J cup rice flour ' tablespoon of po"dered cinnamon /ombine the ingredients in an airtight %ar. When you "ant to make a facial scrub, %ust add & teaspoons of the mix to a bo"l and add enough of a "et ingredient to make a paste. Food examples of "et ingredients areB egg yolk, fruit, honey, yoghurt or milk. >ou could use one "et ingredient or a combination such as banana and yoghurt. Apply the scrub to a damp face and gently massage into the skin in up"ard circular motions. Thoroughly rinse off "ith "arm "ater and a cloth. &a# &a# 1agi" & teaspoons of mashed pa" pa" ' teaspoon of semolina /ombine into a paste. $assage into a damp face "ith up"ard circular movements and rinse thoroughly "ith "arm "ater. *i"e &udding ' teaspoon of rice flour & teaspoons of cream /ombine into a paste. $assage into a damp face "ith up"ard circular movements and rinse thoroughly "ith "arm "ater.
S#eet A-o"ado & teaspoons of finely ground oatmeal ' teaspoon of avocado ' teaspoon of honey /ombine into a paste. $assage into a damp face "ith up"ard circular movements and rinse thoroughly "ith "arm "ater. .a"ial S"ru' 2Good !or 'la" heads3 ' part baking soda ' part "ater $ix together into a paste. Fently scrub blackheads for & to 7 minutes. :inse off. <se once or t"ice a "eek. Natural S"ru' .or Oily S in ' part sea salt ' part lemon %uice $ix into a paste and gently scrub face for ' to & minutes. :inse off. nterestingly, you "ould think this "ould be very drying to your skin, but 5ve found it actually leaves your skin feeling clean, refreshed, and soft. <se once a "eek to remove dead skin cells. Apri"ot 'ody s"ru' ngredients Apricot oil, '+& tsp /astor oil, ' tsp 0ees"ax, '+& tsp Sea salt, ' Tb sp Almond po"der, ' tsp 0aby Shampoo base, & tsp $elt the bees"ax, castor oil, and apricot oil together and mix "ell. :emove from heat. Add sea salt and almond po"der. Stir in the shampoo. Honey Almond S"ru' & Tbsp almonds & tsp milk '+& tsp flour '+& tsp honey Frind almonds in a blender. Add milk, flour and honey, mixing until a thick paste is formed. :ub onto skin, rinse "ith "arm "ater follo"ed by the p# balancer. Honey 4n Oats S"ru' '+& cup uncooked oatmeal ' Tbsp honey ' Tbsp cider vinegar ' tsp ground almonds $oisten face "ith a "arm "ashcloth then apply mixture to face avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes. 9et mixture dry, then remove "ith a "arm, damp "ashcloth. &eppermint &atty S"ru': 2.or Oily S in3 & cup rolled oats ' cup almonds
& tsp dried lavender & tsp dried peppermint & cup "hite cosmetic clay Frind oats, almonds and herbs to a very fine po"der in blender or "ith a mortar and pestle. $ix ground herbs "ith clay, store in covered container. To use, mix ' heaped tsp of mixture "ith "ater to make a paste. $assage onto skin then rinse "ell "ith "arm "ater. *ose 'ody s"ru' ngredients Sea salt, ' Tb sp :olled oat, '+( cup $ilk -buttermilk or goats mil. 8o"der, '+( cup /ornmeal, ' Tb sp :ose petal po"der, ' Tb sp 8ut all ingredients in food processor and process until fine. Add fragrance+essential oils drop by drop "hile processing. Orange + Oats S"ru''ing Grains ' cup dried orange peel ' cup cooked oatmeal ' cup almonds 8lace peels, oats, and almonds in food processor, blend until mixture is a fine po"der. 8lace some in the palm of your hand and moisten "ith a fe" drops of "arm "ater. :ub paste onto face in a gentle circular motion. :inse "ith "arm "ater.
1ethod =o a dry brush first "ith small circular motions from the feet up"ards "ith a loofah, small to"el or soft brush. #ave a "arm sho"er to open your pores and soften your skin. $ake a paste in a small container from one of the body scrub recipes belo". Apply it "ith your hands "orking in a small circular motion from your feet up"ards. :inse off. :est for &1 minutes after your body scrub and drink lots of "ater. Tips !or an en5oya'le 'ody s"ru' e0perien"e #old a small to"el as if drying off to rub the mixture into hard to reach areas like your back. f you are using body scrubs "ith oil in them, they can be a bit messy so do them in the sho"er. Take care to avoid slipping. f you are not using a scrub "ith oil in it you can apply it "hile standing in the bath. sometimes take a long bath to soften my skin and then stand up and apply the scrub. :inse off in the bath and then have a sho"er to get rid of any residue. Never rub too hard as you may damage your skin. Dust a firm even pressure is enough. Body S"ru' *e"ipes Basi" S"ru' 1i0 '+& cup "heatgerm '+( cup fine oatmeal
' tablespoon rice flour /ombine ingredients and store in an airtight %ar. When you "ant to use homemade body scrubs %ust put & tablespoons in a bo"l and mix it "ith a "et ingredient to make a gritty paste. <se one or more of any of the follo"ing "et ingredientsB natural yoghurt, milk, cream, honey, egg yolk, fruit This scrub is gentle enough to use on your face as "ell as your body, %ust ensure the grains are very fine. 1editerranean 6elight ngredientsB & tablespoons sea salt & tablespoons olive oil 7 drops lemon essential oil -optional. Cho"oholi" Hea-en ngredientsB & teaspoons drinking chocolate & tablespoons bro"n sugar '+& cup "armed runny honey &oppy Seed Body Glo# ' cup honey I cup poppy seeds sprinkling of dry herbs -"hatever you have mint, parsley, thyme, rosemary. Coo ies and Cream Body &olish ' cup oatmeal ' cup cream & drops vanilla Orange and &oppyseed ' cup poppy seeds ' cup s"eet almond oil 7 drops of orange essential oil Warm Asian S"ru' ( tablespoons of ginger po"der ( tablespoons of rice Small amount of "arm "ater to mix Natural Lemon S in E0!oliant re"ipe '+& to &+7 cup granulated sugar Duice of ' lemon $ix sugar and lemon %uice to form a paste. While sho"ering invigorate your skin "ith the paste. <se the inside of the lemon rind to rub heels and elbo"s. >ogurt /leanserB bleachB for normal and oily skin
E0!oliator !or mature s in Almonds ground -not too fine. ' tsp & tsp of papaya paste -ripe. & tsp of papaya -ra". 0lend them together and massage them t"ice a "eek
Walnut S"ru' & tsp of "alnut po"der a little coarsely ground & tsp of coconut milk ' tsp of %o%oba oil This scrub is good for those "ith ageing skin and those "ith mature skin. Ba ing Soda As A .a"ial S"ru' mix a combination of ' teaspoon baking soda to my daily cleanser as a facial exfoliator. The baking soda smooths rough patches an scrubs a"ay dead skin. have extremely sensitive skin and have al"ays had a hard time finding facial scrubs that aren5t so harsh. This one "orks greatC
& body scr!b I cup red masoor dal I cup walnut powder I cup almond powder I cup of honey "ix all with re$uired $uantity of milk and scrub back well. 6se vegetable loofah dipped in almond milk after the above pack is scrubbed for an extra shine. "-foliate $ Skin .leanser Dirst as % normally would % pump some of my oil-free cleanser into my hand, after that % add about a teaspoon of sugar to it. % massage it into my skin, all over my face, and rinse with cool water to close my pores. This makes your skin really smooth, and clean feeling@ ea!ty Tip + tablespoon of gram flour + tablespoon of corn flour "ix the both, and take to your bath, use to wash face C body. This is an e-cellent scr!b and will remove your dead skin cells, leaves you feeling clean and glowing. "akes your skin so smooth/ Skin Softner "ix half a cup salt and half a cup vegetable oil. Stir and rub into skin. The salt e-foliates the dead skin cells and the oil makes it soft. Make!p Remo0er $ "-foliant 6sing a mixture of e$ual parts of vegetable shortening =1risco> and cornmeal as a makeup remover/exfoilant, makes your skin look as smooth as peaches and cream@@ 2> "-foliate yo!r skin once or twice a week and your face as needed to remove dead, flakey skin. #ands and feet re$uire more fre$uent exfoliation in the winter. ?ouFll find that your heels flake and crack more in the winter. Dollow exfoliation with a rich moisturi er. ?ou donFt need to spend a kingFs ransom on special hand and feet exfoliants. ?ou can create your own concoction with salt or sugar and a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil. This blend exfoliates and moisturi es at the same time. Add a little essential oil, and you have your own high-priced product for pennies on the dollar. &ub into your
hands and feet in a gentle circular motion, and rinse well. Dor extra-deep conditioning, exfoliate right before bedtime, moisturi e, and don gloves and socks while you sleep. Make-(p Remo0er Jery easy moisturi er K make up remover@ ;ust get a cotton wool pad and a blob of olive oil. 9ipe around your face and it will easily remove any make up. %t will also make your skin feel silky soft. 9ash off with a splash of cold water and remove all of the olive oil.
% swear this is the best and cheapest make up remover@ ;ust try it@
Lus"ious Body &olisher re"ipe & ' ' ' cups plain yogurt tablespoon "heat germ tablespoon honey tablespoon almond oil*
* @mit almond oil if skin is acne!prone. $ix all ingredients. =ampen skin in sho"er and massage mixture all over. :inse "ith "arm "ater. :inse immediately "ith cold "ater to boost circulation.
6inegar has a tonic action that promotes blood circulation in the small capillaries that irrigate the skin. t is also antiseptic, preventing the proliferation of bacteria, viruses, or yeast that trigger infection. t can dissolve excessive fatty deposits at the surface of the skin and reduce scaly or peeling conditions. 9astly, vinegar regulates the p# of the skin. 6inegar is most effective "hen used "ith lavender, rosemary, rose, or elder flo"er. t is essential to use top!3uality "hite "ine or cider vinegar. =ry any fresh plant material for t"o days before using. $easure and mix only dried plant material and then add the vinegar. Apple ciders composed entirely of li3uids can be used at once. Those containing plant material must be left to macerate. 8repare the latter in a scre" top %ar and leave on a "indo" sill as instructed, strain, and then bottle. To use, add ' teaspoon of apple cider to a cup of bottled or spring "ater to "ash your face or pour 7!( tablespoons into a bath. Aside from natural herbal applications, try a dry skin face exfoliation. All you need is a small, dry, natural bristle brush. Avoiding areas of broken skin or irritated areas simply brush lightly in circular motions all over your face. This is perfect to do in the morning if you experience any puffiness, it "ill reduce it and your face "ill feel smooth and re%uvenated. ! @nce a "eek, rub your skin "ith baking soda "hile in the sho"er, for a smooth, silky feeling. >ou can also do this on your face to remove black heads. ! 6inegar can "ork "onders for smelly feet and armpits. $ix "ater and vinegar 21+21, and use in place of deodorant, it "ill keep the unpleasant s"eat smell a"ay, "ithout any irritation. As for your feet, if you suffer "ith athlete5s foot, a "eek of vinegar foot bath "ill help a lot, sometimes completely getting rid of your condition. ! A great treatment for dry skin is avocados, mash it, smooth it onto your face, and rinse off after &1 minutes. CO..EE BO6% SC*7B & cups of coarsely ground coffee '+& cup ra" sugar or sea salt &!7 T massage oil $ix all ingredients together. Take a hot sho"er to moisten your skin and open your pores. <sing "ide, circular motions, rub the coffee exfoliant onto your skin "ith strong, even pressure. Sho"er off, pat skin dry, and apply a thin layer of your favorite body lotion.
The Instru"tions
$ix all ingredients in a clean bo"l until you have a smooth paste. Fently massage onto damp skin, and rinse off "ith "arm "ater. >ou can triple the recipe for a fantastic smoothing body treatment. Fround @ats, use rolled oats and a clean coffee grinder or blender to grind the flakes to a fine po"der @atmeal is highly absorptive, hypoallergenic, and helps to soften skin. @ats have the best amino acid balance of all the cereal grains -amino acids "ork as "ater!binding agents in skin care products.. @ats have also been clinically sho"n to help heal dry, itchy skin. @at grains and stra" appear in shampoos, dusting po"ders, moisturi*ers, and cleansing bars and more.Aloe 6era ! The %uice of this plant helps reduce pain, gel from plant helps prevent infection and speeds healing of burns, drink helps reduce si*e of kidney stones. Bro#n sugar 'ody s"ru' & tablespoons bro"n sugar & tablespoons ground oats & tablespoons aloe vera gel ' tablespoon honey ' teaspoon freshly s3uee*ed lemon %uice ' teaspoon almond oil -in case you don5t have almond oil, use olive oil, it is a great substitute.. 0efore you start preparing this scrub, grind the oatmeal using a coffee grinder or food processor. t has to be of sandy consistency, flaky and light other"ise it "ill scratch the skin. $ix all the ingredients in a large bo"l. $ix until it resembles a paste t should be applied on moist skin, the best time is after you took a sho"er. t "ill help the skin cells slough off faster. <se circular motion and massage gently using your fingertips. :inse off "ith "arm "ater. What do these ingredients doK @atmeal is hypoallergenic. n case you have sensitive skin, using the oatmeal is highly recommended because it is soothing and there is no risk that it "ill irritate the skin. @atmeal is benefitial to oily skin as it is extremely absorptive and picks up on excess oil. t helps dry and itchy skin and is "idely used in cosmetics. Aloe vera gel is gentle on skin, it speeds its healing and reduces the possible irritation and pain. The next bro"n sugar scrub contains lemon "hich is a great natural disinfectant. t opens up the clogged pores and cleanses them thoroughly so your skin can HbreatheH better. Bro#n sugar lemony 'ody s"ru' re"ipe '+ cup bro"n sugar '+& cup sea salt ' tablespoon of coconut oil -as "ith the previous scrub, you could use olive oil. ' tablespoon of freshly s3uee*ed lemon %uice
' tablepoon of honey. $ix all the ingredients in a large bo"l. $ix until it resembles a paste t should be applied on moist skin, the best time is after you took a sho"er. t "ill help the skin cells slough off faster. <se circular motion and massage gently using your fingertips. :inse off "ith "arm "ater. Almond oil sugary s"ru' &+7 cup 0ro"n Sugar '+& /up S"eet Almond @il '1 =rops 6itamin 4 '1 =rops 4ssential oil+;ragrance @il 8reparation $ix oil, vitamin 4 and essential oil or fragrance oil in a bo"l. Add sugar and mix "ell. =ivide into containers. Honey 'ody s"ru' 7+( cup of honey ' cup of sugar -you could use bro"n sugar, even better than regular sugar. ' cup of sea salt or ?osher salt ' tablespoon of %o%oba oil ' tablespoon of oil of your choice, vanilla, orange... $ix the dry ingredients first. Add oil and mix until you get a paste!like mixture t should be applied on moist skin, the best time is after you took a sho"er. t "ill help the skin cells slough off faster. <se circular motion and massage gently using your fingertips. :inse off "ith "arm "ater. #oney is excellent as it is a strong antibacterial agent. 6ariations, Stra#'erries in 'ody s"ru' re"ipes >ou could al"ays mash a handfull of stra"berries, add an essential oil of your choice, a bit of oatmeal, a bit of honey and use it as a scrub. There are no specific amounts, add oil until you get the pasty consistency. Stra"berries act similar to honey, they dissinfect the skin, smooth it out, and decrease the appearance of dilated pores.
%f your hands, feet and elbows are dry, this homemade body scrub will get them back in shape and give soothing relief2 "ix a half cup of Epsom salts, one tablespoon olive or canola oil and a few drops of lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange *uice. Apply to the dry areas of your skin, rub gently in a circular motion, then rinse off. Spa 1nde- Glycerin and H)'"* S!gar Scr!b + cup fine loose salt or loose sugar
. teaspoons li$uid glycerin + teaspoon pure honey .-8 drops of your favorite essential oil <ptional2 4inch of lavender blossoms =available in the bulk department of good health food stores>, or chamomile, or dried herbs of your choice, chopped exceedingly fine. "ix ingredients well and store in an airtight container. Add more li$uid ingredients if you prefer a thinner end-product. Stir thoroughly before use. This keeps very well, and in fact, the honey acts as preservative. 6se small amounts when scrubbing the nose, being careful not to irritate or get it in the eyes. Scrub elbows, hands, knees, and feet. &inse in warm water, pat dry, and apply your favorite lotion afterward. "'+ )F S(MM"R &2M)'+ )+* S.R( )/. cup ground almonds +/. cup oatmeal +/) teaspoon of herbs =lavender, chamomile, etc> =optional> 4lain yogurt, milk, or buttermilk, sufficient to make a paste Essential <ils for scent =optional> 1ombine the dry ingredients in a blender or food processor until they are reduced to a coarse meal. -eep this 0scrub base0 in a glass *ar with a screw top in your refrigerator until ready to use. 9hen you want to use the scrub base, scoop out +/' cup into a small bowl, and stir in enough of the li$uid ingredients =vary it by what you have on hand -yogurt and milk are best, but water works> to make a paste. ?ogurt and milk are natural exfoliates known as alpha hydroxy acids, and they will slough off dead skin cells even without the scrub. Scoop up the paste with your hands or a washcloth, and rub over your body to exfoliate peeling skin. &inse thoroughly. .)FF"" )+* S.R( ) cups of coarsely ground coffee +/) cup raw sugar or sea salt )-. T massage oil "ix all ingredients together. Take a hot shower to moisten your skin and open your pores. 6sing wide, circular motions, rub the coffee exfoliant onto your skin with strong, even pressure. Shower off, pat skin dry, and apply a thin layer of your favorite body lotion.
A-o"ado 'ody s"ru' Ingredients ' ripe, mashed avocado -peeled and pitted. '+& cup of almonds ' cup of dry oatmeal &reparation /oarsely grind the almonds 8ut on a muslin mitten and place it in the mix of almonds and oatmeal Scoop up some avocado :ub the body "ith this mixture :inse off "ith "arm "ater and pat dry
The next scrub is based on sea salt and apricot oil. Salt exfoliates the skin and removes the dead skin cells, "hile apricot oil goes behind it and heals and moisturi*es the skin. Apri"ot salt 'ody s"ru' Ingredients '+( cup of apricot kernel oil & cups of sea salt &reparation and use Take a sho"er before you start "ith this /ombine the salt and the oil into a paste like mass Scoop up the paste and apply it on your body, using circular motion the "hole time When done, rinse off "ith "arm "ater and pat dry
&lmond-Honey Scr!b recipe ) tablespoons crushed almonds + tablespoon honey "ix. 5eave on face for 8 minutes. &ub in well, then rinse. &lmond-Mayonnaise Scr!b recipe Dor very dry skin. +/' cup almonds +/L teaspoon mayonnaise Hrind almonds in blender until they form a meal. 9hirl in mayonnaise. Jinegar-&inse your skin. &ub in Scrub gently and thoroughly. 5eave on skin for about +, minutes. &inse off and follow with Jinegar &inse.
Stra#'erry .oot E0!oliant re"ipe ) ripe stra"berries 7 tablespoons kosher salt or coarse sea salt & tablespoons olive oil 9ightly mash stra"berries. Add olive and salt. =on5t overblend or mixture "ill be too runny. :ub over feet to smooth rough calluses. :inse. Sugaring *e"ipe re"ipe This is similar to $oom Sugar sold in health food stores. #o"ever, $oom Sugar does contain chamomile. & cups granulated sugar '+( cup lemon %uice '+( cup "ater $ix ingredients together. 0oil for about '1 to '2 minutes until mixture reaches &21 degrees ; -softball stage. on a candy thermometer. 8our into %ars.
1ngredients, ) cups honey +/) cup grapeseed oil : tablespoons unsweetened chocolate, grated ) cups kosher salt +irections, %n rubber mixing bowl, combine honey and grapeseed oil. Stir in chocolate and salt mixing completely. 1onsistency should be grainy and thick. Apply scrub to skin and gently massage all over the body. &emove with warm damp towels or rinse in shower. Beauty Benefits2 %ncreases circulation and helps rid body of toxins. #oney provides a moisturi ing effect as well as fights damaging free radicals. ody and facial scr!b Add turmeric and a little milk to besan or chokar =wheat bran>. 6se the paste to rub arms and legs gently before bathing to soften the skin.
Bro#n Sugar Callus E0!oliator re"ipe ' cup bro"n sugar, moistened "ith rose "ater '+& cup petroleum %elly :ub onto calluses on hands, knees and feet. Wash off. Turmeri" e0!oliator $ix half freshly grated young coconut "ith one!fourth teaspoon of turmeric po"der or grated turmeric root and gently rub the mixture all over your body. 9eave it on for five minutes before "iping it off "ith a "et, "arm cloth. Bro#n Sugar .a"ial S"ru' re"ipe '+& cup granulated sugar '+& cup firmly packed dark bro"n sugar '+& cup s"eet almond oil* & teaspoons pure vanilla extract ' tablespoon ground oatmeal ' teaspoon nutmeg 9arge pinch calendula petals* $ix all together and put in %ar "ith tight lid.* ;ound in health food stores. Bro#n Sugar Body &olish re"ipe $akes ' -'& ounce. %ar. ' -7!inch. vanilla bean ' '+7 cups lightly packed light bro"n sugar '+& cup oil* ' tablespoon vitamin 4 oil
'+& teaspoon pumpkin pie spice mix Seashell scooper -optional. 8lace vanilla bean in decorative '& ounce - ' '+&!cup. container "ith lid. Set aside. Stir sugar, oils and spice mix together in mixing bo"l. 8ack mixture into decorative container, adding a seashell scooper to the top, if using. *@ils include canola, light olive oil, s"eet almond, avocado, apricot, %o%oba, macadamia, rose hip, grapeseed, suflo"er or safflo"er oil or a blend of the above. Attach a gift card "ith the follo"ing instructions, Bro#n Sugar Body &olish: ;or smooth skin that glo"s, apply "ell!stirred scrub to moixtened skin and gently exfoliate "iths circular motions. :inse "ith "arm "ater and pat dry. This product is N@T for facial use. /aution, The scrub can make the sho"er or tub slippery. E0!oliating Sugar S"ru' 1as ' teaspoon granulated sugar ' tablespoon plain yogurt '+( teaspoon honey /ombine ingredients and apply to face for '1 minutes. :inse "ell "ith "ater and pat dry. $ask should be applied up to 7 times a "eek. The yogurt in this recipe is an exfoliating agent, and the honey helps moisturi*e any skin type. Honey and Almond S"ru' re"ipe ;or all skin types. '+& %ar cold cream 7 tablespoons slivered almonds ' teaspoon honey Add honey to cold cream. Whirl slivered almonds in a blender until they are as fine as freshly!ground pepper. $ix "ith cold cream. $assage into skin "ith fingertips. ;or deeper cleansing, massage scrub into skin "ith a complexion brush for 2 minutes. :inse "ith cool "ater. Honey$Wheat Germ S"ru' 1as8ue re"ipe To rid oily skin of blackheads. re"ipe
& tablespoons honey & tablespoons "heat germ -N@T toasted. #eat honey slightlyB add "heat germ. $ix thoroughly. Apply to face and rub gently over affected areas for 7 to ( minutes. After rubbing, leave mixture on face for '2 to &1 minutes. :inse "ith 71 to (1 splashes of very hot "ater. <se for a "eek or '1 days ! less if skin improves rapidly. Oatmeal$Citrus S"ru''ing Grains re"ipe ' cup dried orange and lemon peel ' cup cooked oatmeal ' cup blanched almonds 8lace peels, oats, and almonds in a blender and "hirl until the mixture is a fine po"der. Store po"der in an attractive container in the bathroom. To use, place a bit of the grains in the palm of your hand and moisten "ith a fe" drops of "arm tap "ater. :ub the paste onto your face "ith a gentle circular and up"ard motion. :inse off "ith tepid "ater and pat dry. >ou can finish your cleansing by rinsing your face "ith one of the facial rinsing lotions or smoothing on a facial cream.
)ats $ &loe "-foliant + tablespoon finely ground oats + tablespoon finely ground almonds + tablespoon aloe vera gel 1ombine ingredients in a bowl and stir until well mixed. Apply to face and neck skin after cleansing and before toner is applied, using gentle circular motions. &inse well with warm water and gently pat excess moisture from face. Dollow with facial mask.
Oatmeal$Honey S"ru''ing Cream re"ipe '+& cup uncooked oatmeal ' tablespoon honey ' tablespoon cider vinegar ' teaspoon ground almonds /ombine all ingredients in a glass or enamel bo"l. To use, "et a clean "ashcloth "ith very "arm "ater and lay it on your face for a minute @: first steam your face "ith an herbal vinegar. Apply the oatmeal mixture to your face, being careful to avoid the sensitive area around your eyes. 9et mixture dry on your skin completely. f your skin is young and firm, you can gently rub the dried mixture off "ith a clean terry "ashcloth or to"el. 9ean over the sink and rub your face in brisk, but gentle, circles "ith the cloth. :inse "ith "arm "ater, pat dry, and apply a fresh facial cream.
S"ru' and Glo# .a"ial Cleanser re"ipe ' cup oatmeal, uncooked ' tablespoon salt '+( cup farina Frind oatmeal in a blender until soft but still flaky. =@ N@T po"der it. /ombine oatmeal "ith farina and salt. Splash face "ith hot "ater to "et it thoroughly. 8ick up mixture "ith moist fingers. :ub face "ith the po"der. 0e gentle, but rub all of your facial skin. :inse "ith hot "ater -'2 splashes "ill suffice.. Apply 6inegar :inse. <se for 2 to ) days, then return to a milder cleanser. Her'al S"ru' .a"ial Cleanser re"ipe ' cup rolled oats '+( cup dried herbs /ombine in a blender. 0lend until coarsely ground. ?eep in a %ar by the sink. <se a handful of the scrub "ith "ater to gently clean your face. <se mint to refresh delicate skinB hollyhock petals or okra leaves provide emollient action for dry complexions.
Rose .ream .leanser + tablespoon sour cream + teaspoon rose hydrosol ) teaspoon extra virgin olive oil 1ombine all ingredients in the order shown, stirring well after each one. Apply cleanser to face and neck skin, using gentle, upward sweeping motions. &inse well. This recipe should be used within ) days and makes enough for two cleanings.
"asy .leansing Tonics Witch-hazel &stringent 9itch-ha el bark and leaves are naturally astringent, and are a popular addition to face cleansers and after shave lotions. "ake your own old-fashioned witch-ha el astringent by combining + cup of witch-ha el with ) tablespoon of alcohol. Apply with a cotton ball, and moisturi e. Substitute a I cup of white vinegar for the alcohol if your skin is sensitive to it. ?ou can also use plain witch-ha el on a black eye to help heal the bruising. !ttermilk Freckle Wash %f you want a tonic that might lighten the appearance of your freckles, combine I cup of buttermilk with I teaspoon of pomegranate *uice. The buttermilk and the pomegranate together make a mild skin bleach, so apply some moisturi ing oil on your skin if it is dry before use. Apply the treatment with a cotton ball and leave it on for ), minutes before rinsing and applying a moisturi er. Try using + teaspoon of grated horseradish instead of pomegranate *uice for a variation.
4inegar Skin &wakener Jinegar is helpful for removing soap and hard water residue from the skin, and it restores the skinMs natural p# balance. To make a simple vinegar face refresher, combine + tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with + tablespoon of boiled water and apply with a cotton ball. Go not rinse. The vinegar smell will be gone from your face in +, to +8 minutes. Honey and '!tmeg Scar Remo0er Wash This treatment is meant to help fill in and heal the scar caused by skin eruptions, skin accidents and acne. Twice a week combine + teaspoon of nutmeg with + teaspoon of honey and apply to your face. 5eave it on for ), minutes, and rinse with cool water. 4egetable )il Make-(p Remo0er <rdinary kitchen shortening can be used as make-up remover in a pinch, and may be soothing to dry skin. 6se a cotton ball or cotton cloth and cover your face with shortening. 5et it sit on your skin for about ., seconds to loosen the make-up, and wipe off. 9ash and moisturi e as usual. 2emon lackhead Remo0al Tonic 1itrus is naturally exfoliating, which makes lemon useful when it comes to fighting blackheads in your cleansing routine. Dor an overnight treatment, rub a half lemon directly on your face before bed. Dor a more fragrant tonic, add rosewater to the lemon *uice and apply with a cotton ball. 9ash off the tonic in the morning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Almond Oil Night Cream !or 6ry S in
7 tbsp. almond oil & tbsp. hydrous lanolin & tbsp. cocoa butter & tsp. rose "ater '+& tsp. honey
<sing a double boiler, melt almond oil, lanolin and cocoa butter until it forms a smooth texture. :emove the mixture from heat and add the rose "ater and honey, and blend. Allo" to cool before apply the homemade mixture to your face. Store any unused mixture in the refrigerator.
$elt the "hite "ax and olive oil in a double boiler until smooth. Add the vinegar and "ater to the homemade mixture and let cool before applying to your face. :efrigerate any unused mixture.
8lace the apples in a blender and blend until smooth. Next, add the apples to the olive oil and heat in a double boiler over a lo" flame. :emove the mixture from the heat and add the rose "ater. 9et cool before applying. :efrigerate any unused mixture. Some 7se!ul Tips: To apply the above homemade night creams, use only a dab and apply using an up"ard, circular motion until the cream has absorbed into skin. Never apply the creams to your upper eyelids since it can cause puffiness. f you "ould like your homemade night cream to have a "onderful scent, you can add a drop of your favorite essential oil to the mixture. t is best to thro" a"ay any unused night cream after (!L days.
1ayonnaise .a"e Cream re"ipe & ' ' ' & fresh egg yolks cup vegetable oil -sesame, safflo"er or sunflo"er. tablespoon "heat germ oil tablespoon herb vinegar drops perfume or rose geranium oil
0eat egg yolks in cold bo"l. Add oil very slo"ly at first. 0eat "ith rotary beater, mixer or blender. Fradually add more oil. As mixture thickens, add vinegar and fragrance. 0eat until thick. Apply to face "ith up"ard and out"ard strokes all over face and throat. 9eave on for &1 minutes. :emove "ith damp cloth. ;ollo" "ith skin freshener. Co"oa Butter Hand Cream re"ipe & cups "arm "ater ' '+& cup glycerin '+& ounce spirits of ammonia '+& ounce cocoa butter '+& teaspoon boric acid ' cup stearic acid /ombine in a glass or enamel pan the cocoa butter, glycerin and stearic acid. $elt over lo" heat. :emove to mixing bo"l and add ammonia. Stir until milky. Add boric
acid to "arm "ater. Add to first mixture. $ix "ith beater for '1 minutes at high speed. 8erfume and color as desired. Age for & "eeks before using. $akes ' '+& 3uarts.
G1'G"R S51' .R"M" Hinger invigorates, and oil soothes. Try this double dose for dry skin. )-inch piece of fresh ginger ) teaspoons light sesame oil ) teaspoons apricot kernel oil ) teaspoons vitamin E oil ( cup cocoa butter 4reheat oven on lowest setting. Dinely grate the ginger *ust enough so that you have about an +/L teaspoon of ginger 0*uice.0 To obtain the *uice, s$uee e the freshly grated ginger over a small bowl. 4lace the ingredients =including the ginger> in a glass container and heat *ust until the cocoa butter is melted and the oils are blended. 4our into a clean, dry container and store in a cool dry place. ?ou can add a few drops of orange or other essential oil for a nice twist. &nti-&ging .ream recipe + ounce glycerin + ounce witch ha el +/) ounce rose water . tablespoons honey . tablespoons wheat germ oil 1ombine ingredients in a glass or ceramic bowl and gently whisk until they are thoroughly combined. Store the emulsion in a tightly sealed container at room temperature. %t should last for at least + month. "assage the solution into the skin around your eyes and mouth, using a circular and upward motion. This motion will counteract the natural droop of gravity. %f you have the time, itFs a good idea to hang your head over the edge of the bed and massage the cream in while youFre partially upside down.
Oli-e Oil Cream re"ipe '+& teaspoon borax & teaspoons boiling "ater ( tablespoons petroleum %elly ( tablespoons olive oil =issolve borax in boiling "ater. $elt petroleum %elly and olive oil over lo" heat until li3uid. Add borax mixture. Stir to mix thoroughly. :emove from heat. 0eat as the mixture cools to emulsify. Store in the refrigerator. Apple$&ear Anti$Wrin le Cream
Ingredients: ' tsp apple %uice ' tsp lemon %uice ' tsp lime %uice & T buttermilk ' T rosemary leaves 7 seedless grapes '+( pear & egg "hites &reparation 0lend all ingredients in a blender on medium speed for 71 seconds. <sing a cotton ball, dab mixture on areas around the eyes and "herever "rinkles have developed. 9et dry, then rinse "ith "arm "ater. <se no more than 7 times a "eek. ;ollo" "ith a moisturi*er. /over and refrigerate immediately. Shelf life, ( days. Anti aging gly"erin "ream
+ o of glycerin . tablespoons of honey . tablespoons of wheat germ oil + o witch ha el +/) o of rose water 1ombine all ingredients and whisk slowly until they are all combined. 6se a container with a lid to store this product, keep it at room temperature. %t can be used for a month and is applied around lips and eyes. 41T&M1' " .R"&M ) tsp. plain yogurt +/) tsp. honey +/) tsp. lemon *uice . capsules vitamin E =e$uivalent of .,, units> 1ombine yogurt, honey and lemon *uice. <pen the vitamin E capsules and fold contents into the mix. Hently massage into skinA 5eave on skin for +8 minutes. Shelf life2 .-' days. Homemade 'o!rishing .reams .ocoa !tter .ream, #eat the following ingredients together over a water bath, stirring them thoroughly2 ) tablespoons cocoa butter ) tablespoons emulsifying wax + tablespoon beeswax ' tablespoons sesame oil
+ tablespoon almond oil 9hen the ingredients are completely melted, remove from the heat and stir until the cream is cool. Add a few drops of perfume while stirring. This cream leaves the skin smooth without being greasy. %n case waxes are not easily available mix ) tablespoons lanolin and L tablespoons almond oil =or sesame or safflower oil> and melt these together over a water bath. %t is really good for dry skin and neglected areas such as elbows, knees, feet and neck. %f the cream has to be applied on oily skin, add ) tablespoons rosewater =or ordinary soft water>. "lder Flower .ream, "ix together . tablespoons almond oil, ' tablespoons elder flower blossoms and % tablespoon lanolin in a bowl over a water bath. 5et it simmer together for an hour, strain, and then add warm water slowly. Honey .ream, #oney is very useful for a dry, coarse and sensitive skin. To make a nourishing honey cream for sallow skin, mix . tablespoons lanolin, + tablespoon honey and + teaspoon lecithin in a bowl and melt over a water bath. Slowly add ' tablespoons warm water to it, beating continuously until it cools. Homemade Rich Herbal .reams &lmond )il Moist!rizing .ream, 4ut ) teaspoons beeswax and % teaspoon emulsifying wax into a bowl and melt over the water bath. 9hen melted, add in 8 teaspoons almond oil. %n a separate bowl, heat the water over the same water bath so that the two bowls are at the same temperature. Slowly add water to the melted waxes and oils, stirring all the time. &emove from the heat and continue stirring. 9hen cool add a few drops of lavender oil. &0ocado and &lmond .ream2 %ngredients2 . teaspoons beeswax . teaspoons emulsifying wax ( cup almond oil ( cup avocado oil, and . tablespoons rose water "elt that waxes in an enamel pan over a water bath, then add the avocado and almond oils. !ow add the heated rosewater drop by drop, stirring constantly. &emove from the heat and continue stirring till it is cool. 9hile it cools, you may add a few drops of perfume. Both almond and avocado oils are fine and rich for the skin. .omfrey .ream,
%ngredients2 + tablespoon lanolin ) tablespoons white emulsifying wax : tablespoons beeswax : tablespoons almond oil, herb lotion, or infusion "elt the oils and waxes together over a water bath, cool and store in a refrigerator. Take a couple of teaspoons of this cream, melt it and add a teaspoon of any herb lotion or infusion of your choice.
Gly"erin Hand Cream re"ipe ' -' pound. %ar <nibase 7 ounces glycerin ' '+( cups "ater /ologne ;ood coloring 0eat <nibase, glycerin and "ater "ith an electric mixer. 0lend in cologne and food coloring. Store in a clean tightly!capped %ar. Hand Cream re"ipe ' -'L ounce. %ar /lear 0asics vitamin 4 skin cream ' -'7 ounce. %ar petroleum %elly ' -'2 ounce. bottle baby lotion $ix by hand or "ith electric beater on medium speed until creamy. Store in airtight containers. Her'ed Honey S in Cream re"ipe & teaspoons dried mint & teaspoons dried sage & teaspoons dried rosemary '+& cup boiling "ater '+& ounce bees"ax & ounces lanolin '+& cup "heat germ oil ' teaspoon honey /ombine herbs in a clean bo"l. 8our boiling "ater over herbs. Steep for '1 minutes.Strain through a fine sieve, collecting li3uid in a clean bo"l. Allo" to coolB discard herbs.$elt bees"ax and lanolin in a heatproof glass set in simmering "ater. Stir in "heat germ oil.Add herbal infusion by teaspoonful and stir until "ell blended. :emove glass from "ater.Add honey to tepid cream and carefully stir it in until blended. 9et cream cool completely.Stir cream thoroughly and transfer it to clean containers "ith tight!fitting lids. Store up to 7 months.
?ields +, ounces.
&eppermint$Wheat Germ Stimulating Cream re"ipe ' 7 ' ' ounce bees"ax or lanolin ounces "heat germ oil ounce peppermint tea, bre"ed strong drop peppermint oil
8lace over lo" heat until the bees"ax is melted. :emove from heat, then "hip "ith a "hisk until cool. *ose Cream re"ipe & ounces almond oil ( to ) drops rose oil '+& ounce bees"ax Slo"ly heat the almond oil, bees"ax and rose oil. 0ees"ax is the thickener, so the more you add, the thicker the cream. t is best to start "ith %ust a little. f, after the mixture has cooled, you decide you "ould like it to be thicker, simply reheat it and add more bees"ax. f you find that the cream is too thick, reheat and add more almond oil. f you "ould like to add vitamin 4 to the cream, cut open a vitamin 4 capsule and add gel inside to the cream. Lemon Balm S in Cream re"ipe This "ill tighten and smooth normal and combination skin. 7 tablespoons dried lemon balm leaves '+& cup boiling "ater '+& ounce bees"ax & ounces lanolin '+& cup "heat germ oil ' teaspoon propolis po"der -bee glue. 8our boiling "ater over lemon balm leaves in a clean bo"l. Steep for '1 minutes. Strain through a fine sieve, collecting li3uid in a clean bo"l. Allo" to coolB discard lemon balm leaves. $elt bees"ax and lanolin in a heatproof glass set in simmering "ater. Stir in "heat germ oil. Add herbal infusion by teaspoonful and stir until "ell blended. :emove glass from "ater. Add propolis po"der to tepid cream and carefully stir it in until blended. 9et cream cool completely.
Stir cream thoroughly and transfer it to clean containers "ith tight!fitting lids. Store up to 7 months.
?ields +, ounces. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Homemade .leansing .reams for yo! 1leansing creams are used not only to lift the dust, but also to remove stale make-up. "ake-up has a waxy base which cannot be properly penetrated and cleansed simply by using soap and water. A cleansing cream or lotion is essential for this. 1leanser should be applied with an upward movement and kept on the skin for about half a minute, so that it could dissolve the make-up. Then remove with a tissue or damp cotton wool. &emember, stale make-up and the dayFs dirt and grime not only clog the pores of the skin causing blackheads, but also eventually coarsen the skin. #ere are a few cleansing creams which are very easy and $uick to make. &n "asy to Make .leansing .ream %ngredients2 +/) tablespoon beeswax + tablespoon emulsifying wax ' tablespoons baby oil ) tablespoons coconut oil ) tablespoons water + teaspoon borax + tablespoon witch-ha el, and a few drops of perfume "ix the waxes and oils into an enamel bowl and melt slowly ill a pan of boiling water. %n a separate bowl heat the water and borax until the borax is completely dissolved. Then add witch-ha el, but do not leave it on the heat too long otherwise it will evaporate. 9hen the waxes have melted, remove both bowls from the heat and mix in water, stirring continuously. 9hen the cream begins to cool, add the perfume. Beat until the mixture thickens and cools. 6se of baby oil =which is a mineral oil> does not penetrate the skin and spreads easily and li$uifies readily. Rose Water .leansing .ream Halen, a Hreek physician of the )nd century, made this cleansing cream with the following ingredients2 + ( tablespoon beeswax or white paraffin wax + tablespoon emulsifying wax ' tablespoons mineral oil : tablespoons rose water ( teaspoon borax and a few drops of rose oil =perfume> "elt the waxes and oil together, and at the same time heat the water and borax and make sure that the borax is completely dissolved. &emove both bowls from the heat and pour
water into the oil 1ontinue stirring until a white cream starts to form. Add a few drops of rose oil when the mixture begins to cool. 1arryon beating until the mixture thickens. Homemade ath Recipes Soothing Milk Mint ath +/) cup baking soda + cup milk +/) cup epsom salt 4eppermint oil/extract to a nice lukewarm bath@ %t feels great, and leaves you feeling s$ueaky clean, and very relaxed and soothed &R)M&T1. M125 &TH (se this mi-ed concoction immediately after making it# for soft and silky skin/ + egg +/) cup light olive oil + tablespoon glycerin +/) cup dried milk powder + drop *asmine essential oil + drop rose essential oil : drops lavender essential oil ) cups distilled water Beat together egg, olive oil, glycerin and milk powder with a whisk or hand held beater. 9hile beating add essential oils. 1ontinue beating until a smooth paste forms. Add the water a little at a time, continuing to beat. %mmediately add to your warm drawn bath =be careful...if the water is too hot youFll make scrambled eggs>. .hamomile Milk ath
A s in$so!tening treat !or dry9 #inter s in ( cups po"dered milk ' cup boiling "ater '+& cup dried chamomile or 2 chamomile tea bags Steep chamomile in "ater for &1 minutes Strain li3uid. $ix li3uid "ith po"dered milk and add to running bath "ater.
Refreshing $ Re0italizing ath To #ave a &efreshing and &evitali ing Bath2 Before bathing put ) tea bags of 4eppermint/mint Tea in a pitcher, then add + cup of milk and + s$uirt of lemon *uice. Stir. Add to bath before shampooing. 4S. %s great if you are tired and rundown@ Milk ath, 1leopatra bathed in assesF milk and So also did 4oppaca, the wife of !ero. !ow-a-days it is unlikely that anyone could or would use milk for bathing, but you can emulate it by simply adding a handful of powdered milk to the bath water.
Soft-Water ath, 6se of rain-water is very beneficial. %f you cannot get rain-water, soften the bath water by simply adding a little sodium ses$ui carbonate. 4inegar ath, %f you have an itchy, dry skin, add a cup of vinegar to the bath water. This is very effective. ran or )atmeal ath, <atmeal and bran contain oils and vegetable hormones which soothe and soften the skin. 6se one tablespoon of oatmeal in the bath. Honey ath, Add a spoonful of honey to your bath, it will not only relieve tiredness and sleeplessness, but will also leave the skin feeling smooth and satiny. "psom Salt ath, Two handfuls of Epsom salt added to a bucket of the bath water relieves tiredness. Starchy ath, A few tablespoons of laundry starch and a teaspoon of glycerine added to bath water leave your skin feeling beautifully smooth, tight and soft. Herb ath, 5avender, hyssop, mint, pennyroyal, borage, yarrow, rosemary, balm or camomile are useful herbs, which can be used in bath water either separately or in a mixture. ath Salts, These are very easy to prepare. "ix two cups of ordinary washing soda with two tablespoons of potassium carbonate and a few drops of an aromatic essential oil =lavender and pine>. -eep this mixture in a large *ar and use about a tablespoon in each bath.
1oisturi(ing &ara!!in Bath re"ipe ;or hands. ( ounces paraffin '+( cup baby oil n a small saucepan, heat the ingredients together until li3uid. /ool to comfortably "arm and HpaintH each hand or dip both hands at once into the mixture. Wrap in plastic "rap. 9eave on '1 minutesB then peel off.
&ging Skin Fighter recipe ) teaspoons plain yogurt +/) teaspoon honey +/) teaspoon lemon *uice . capsules vitamin E =e$uivalent of .,, units> 1ombine yogurt, honey and lemon *uice. 4rick open the vitamin E capsules and fold contents into the mix. 5eave on skin for +8 minutes.
.a"ial .i0$7p re"ipe '+& cup oatmeal po"der '+& cup bran '+( cup cornmeal ' teaspoon *inc oxide $ix all together into a paste "ith "ater. $assage on faceB rinse off.
&lmond ody )il recipe ) cups yellow flowers from the herb mullein ) cups almond oil "ix in a clean glass *ar. 5et sit for two weeks. Strain and apply the resulting oil to the skin. This makes skin smooth and supple. %t is also good for dry, flaky skin.
Co"oa Butter Suntan Oil re"ipe '+& cup light sesame oil & tablespoons coconut oil & tablespoons cocoa butter $ix together all ingredients in a clean micro"ave!safe container. #eat the mix gently, stirring together all the ingredients. 8lace the container in the micro"ave for ' minute on # F#, or heat it gently in a double boiler or "ater bath on the stove top. 9et the mixture cool completely. 8lace the suntan oil in clean %ar or container "ith tight!fitting lid. 1assage Oil re"ipe ' 3uart oil -from list. ( to ) drops essential oil -optional. ' ounce herbs -from list. /ombine ingredients and bring to a boil in a glass or enamel pan. Simmer &1 minutes, then cool. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth. Add essential oil for scent, if desired. Store in a labeled, light!proof bottle. @ils, /orn, safflo"er, soy, olive, peanut, apricot kernel, almond, avocado or "alnut, or any combination
#erbs, for dry skin, Alfalfa, rose, chamomile for oily skin, 9emongrass, "itch ha*el, marigold for stimulation, 8eppermint, rosemary, thyme for relaxation, Sage, catnip, chamomile
&lmond- !tter Hand Softener recipe + tablespoon almond oil + cup butter "ix well. Before bed, massage mixture into hands, then cover with white cotton gloves. 9ear all night while sleeping.
A-o"ado$%ogurt Hand Treatment re"ipe ' mashed avocado Duice from '+& lemon '+& cup plain yogurt 8etroleum %elly $ix together the avocado, lemon %uice and yogurt. Slather over handsB leave on for '1 to '2 minutes, then rinse off. This "ill gently slough off dull skin and "ill gradually fade age spots, also. After rinsing, lavish on petroleum %elly or super!rich hand cream and then "ear "hite cotton gloves for one hour or overnight for maximum hydrating. N@T4, do not use this slougher more than t"ice a "eek as it can be irritating. Also, do not apply it to cuts or sores as it may sting. Bay *um Hand Lotion re"ipe 7 '+& cup distilled "ater* 7 ounces glycerin 7 ounces bay rum '+( ounce gum of tragacanth * or "ater boiled for '1 minutes. Soak the gum of tragacanth overnight in distilled "ater.Strain and beat "ith an egg beater. Add glycerin and bay rum and mix "ell "ith egg beater. 8our into sterili*ed bottles, then cork or cover "ith tight!fitting lid. O-ernight So!tening .ormula re"ipe ;or hands and feet. ' ounce ground almonds ' egg, beaten '+( ounce ground comfrey root ' tablespoon honey
$ix all ingredients together "ith your hands. At night, before bedtime, coat hands. 8ut on a pair of "hite cotton gloves. n the morning, remove gloves and rinse gloves and hands. Apply hand lotion or cream. :epeat the process every night for one "eek, then once a "eek for a month, then once a month. ;or feet, sock moccasins "ork "ell to contain the solution. Co"oa Butter Body Lotion re"ipe '+( cup grated cocoa butter ' tablespoon coconut oil 7 tablespoons sunflo"er oil '' tablespoons grated bees"ax /ombine all ingredients, then melt in a glass container in the micro"ave. Stir "ell, and continue stirring until the mixture cools. Allo" to cool completely, then stir a little more. Spoon into small %ars "ith lids. Lemon$Gly"erin Hand Lotion re"ipe ( tablespoons flaxseed ' 3uart "ater 7 ounces glycerin Duice of 7 lemons ' teaspoon carbolic acid Simmer flaxseed and "ater for 71 minutes. Strain. Add glycerin, lemon %uice, and carbolic acid. When the lotion is cool, store in clean attractive bottles. 1il and Honey Lotion re"ipe
nstant conditioner and refresher. '+( cup milk or cream '+( cup honey $ix milk -or cream. and honey in a small glass or enamel pan. Warm until the honey melts, then remove from heat. When it is cool enough to tolerate, apply to face and neck -or your entire body if you have time.. 9et it stand for '2 minutes, then rinse or sho"er off "ith "arm "ater. The mix can be made in larger 3uantities, and it "ill keep for a "eek if refrigerated. La-ender Lotion re"ipe ' ounce glycerin & teaspoons oil of lavender 8ut ingredients in a clean glass bottle and shake "ell. :efrigerate.
Lemon Hand Lotion re"ipe ' teaspoon lemon %uice & teaspoons glycerin <se ' teaspoon of lemon %uice for every & teaspoons of glycerin. Orange Hand Lotion re"ipe ' ounce "armed olive oil ' ounce orange %uice '+& ounce melted cocoa butter & drops orange flo"er oil 8ut all ingredients into a blender and combine until light and fluffy. When all ingredients are thoroughly blended together, put the mixture intp an airtight container or %ar until ready for use. *ose Body Lotion re"ipe 7+( cup unscented body lotion '1 drops rose essential oil =ecorative scre"!top bottle $ix the body lotion and rose oil together thoroughly and pour into a decorative bottle. Feranium 0ody 9otion, 7+( cup unscented body lotion '2 drops geranium essential oil =ecorative scre"!top bottle $ix the body lotion and geranium oil together thoroughly and pour into a decorative bottle. Orange Lotion re"ipe & ( ( & tablespoons cocoa butter, melted tablespoons olive oil, "armed tablespoons orange %uice drops essential oil*
* orange flo"er, if possible. Whirl all ingredients in blender until light and fluffy. Store in a tightly!capped bottle or %ar. This does not need to be refrigerated, but if the mixture separates, beat again. *ose$*osemary Lotion re"ipe
' ounce rose petal tea or rose "ater ' ounce rosemary tea ' tablespoon egg "hite Whirl in the blender. Store in a clean, tightly!capped, %ar in the refrigerator. A-o"ado Eye Cream re"ipe 2 drops almond oil 7 ripe avocado slices 0lend almond oil into avocado. =ab around eyes and leave on for 2 minutes. :inse.Whirl both ingredients in a blender. Gentle Eye 1a eup *emo-er re"ipe ' tablespoon canola oil ' tablespoon castor oil ' tablespoon light olive oil $ix the ingredients together and pour into a clean container To use pour a small amount of oil onto a clean "hite cotton ball and gently "ipe over your upper and lo"er eyelashes and eyelids. This removes all traces of mascara. >ields ' '+& ounces. 1a e$7p *emo-er <sing baby oil to remove make!up is great but "ash your face "ell "ith soap and "ater after"ard or also your pores "ill get clogged. Eye &u!!iness Easer re"ipe & teaspoons grated ra" potato -no skin. ' teaspoon moisturi*er -"ithout urea. $ix "ell, then apply around the eyes. /over "ith cool, damp cotton or gau*e for '1 to '2 minutes. Body Glitter re"ipe 7 tablespoons unmedicated aloe vera gel '+& teaspoon very fine glitter, color desired ' drop essential oil, fragrance desired -optional. Add glitter to aloe vera gel. Add essential oil, if desired. Stir to blend, then store at room temperature in a small, airtight %ar or container.
N@T4, Some are sensitive to essential oils. Test body glitter on inside of arm before applying to face. =@ N@T <S4 N4A: T#4 4>4S Bu''le Gum Hand Cleaner re"ipe The children "ill 9@64 to clean their hands "ith thisC '+& cup aloe vera gel '+( cup MMN rubbing alcohol '+& to 7+( teaspoon bubble gum fragrance oil $ix ingredients together. 8our into a pump!style bottle or a s3uee*e bottle. Co"onut Cleansing Cream re"ipe 7 ' ' & tablespoons coconut oil tablespoon olive oil tablespoon glycerin teaspoons "ater
$elt ingredients together over very lo" heat until li3uid. :emove from heat. 0eat as the mixture cools to emulsify. Store in an airtight %ar and keep in the refrigerator since coconut oil has a very lo" melting point. After use, follo" "ith an astringent Cu"um'er Wrin le Cream re"ipe '+& cucumber ' egg "hite & tablespoons mayonnaise '+& cup oil* * <se "heat germ, olive or avocado oil. Wash the cucumber, but do not peel. /ube and blend "ith remaining ingredients. Apply morning and evening, and gently "ipe off "ith tissues. Cu"um'er$*ose *e!resher re"ipe 7 ounces cucumber %uice 7 ounces distilled "itch ha*el ' '+& ounces rose "ater $ix together and place in a clean %ar. :efrigerate. After cleansing face, soak a clean cotton ball "ith the lotion and gently pat over skin. Egg Shampoo re"ipe ' egg ' teaspoon olive oil ' teaspoon lemon %uice
' tablespoon castile soap or mild unscented shampoo '+& cup "ater /ombine all ingredients in a blender and "hip until smooth. <se shampoo immediately, and follo" up "ith a hair rinse. Save any remaining shampoo in the refrigerator and use the next day. E0!oliating .oot 1as re"ipe
'+& cup oatmeal '+& cup cornmeal '+& cup coarse salt '+& cup unscented body lotion ( tablespoons aloe vera gel n a large bo"l, combine all ingredients. Slide feet into mixture and rub, beginning at toes, "orking up to heel and ankle. =o one foot at a time, rinsing in a separate bo"l of "arm "ater. .ull Body 1as8ue re"ipe ' handful finely crushed almonds 2 tablespoons uncooked oatmeal & teaspoons bro"n sugar & tablespoons honey '+( cup hot "ater $ix all ingredients to form a paste. Slather on -especially on back and chest areas. and leave for '1 minutes. $assage inB rinse off. Large &ores *emedy re"ipe $ix table salt and buttermilk into a paste. Work "ell into the area "here pores tend to be enlarged. :emove "ith "arm "ater and repeat several times a "eek until the condition clears up. Lemon *inse re"ipe This is the strongest acid rinse. $ix a fresh batch every five days. t becomes stale after the fifth day and should be discarded. '+( cup lemon %uice, freshly!s3uee*ed ' '+& cups "ater /ombine lemon %uice and "ater. After cleansing, smooth mixture over your face and allo" to air dry. Lemon Soa re"ipe
' bo"l "arm "ater Duice of ' lemon Add lemon %uice to "arm "ater in bo"l. Soak feet for '2 to &1 minutes. *ose Geranium S in .reshener re"ipe This restores the acid layer that helps protect against bacteria. '+( cup "hite vinegar or apple cider vinegar '+( cup "ater ' teaspoon rose geranium oil $ix all ingredients. ?eep in a clean glass bottle "ith a tight!fitting lid. Apply over face and throat "ith a clean cotton pad. *osemary$Chamomile S in .reshener re"ipe ' tablespoon dried rosemary 7 cups distilled "ater 7 tablespoons chamomile flo"ers 0oil for '2 minutes. Strain, then cool before using. Wipe the li3uid over face "ith a fresh cotton s3uare or sprit* it on your face "ith a pump!type plastic or glass container. 9et it remain for 71 minutes, then rinse "ith cool "ater and then pat dry. This is very refreshing if kept in the refrigerator bet"een uses. *ose &etal Steam .a"ial re"ipe ' pot fresh "ater ' handful rose petals 0oil the "ater, then remove from heat and toss in the rose petals. Steep 2 minutes, so rose oils diffuse into "ater. 9ean over pot at least '1 inches from surface and drape to"el over head. /lose eyesB steam 2 minutes "ith breaks as needed. :inse "ith cool "ater, then pat dry. *ose Water re"ipe ' cup rose petals '+& cup rubbing alcohol ' '+& cups "ater Simmer rose petals in "ater for '1 minutes. Strain. 8reserve "ith alcohol or %ust refrigerate "ithout preserving. Store up to ' "eek in the refrigerator. %ogurt .a"ial Cleanser ngredients,
& o*. natural plain yogurt & tsp. li3uid honey 7+( tsp. "heat!germ oil ' o*. finely peeled and sliced apple ' tsp. lemon %uice '!'+& Tbs. instant mashed potatoes -or potato flour. 2 drops lavender essential oil 8reparation, /ombine all ingredients in a large mixing bo"l and stir. 8our into an airtight container and refrigerate. This product "ill keep from & to 7 days. Notes: 9avender has healing properties as "ell as a "onderful aroma. Never put any fruit on your face that you "ouldn5t put in your stomach. $ake sure the apple is fresh. =on5t handle the ingredients "ith your hands, "hich have oils that carry bacteria. This is a cleanser, "hich means you should use it at the start of your regular skin!care regimen.
.a"ial Cleanser .or Normal to Oily S in & tbsp cornstarch & tbsp glycerin '+& cup distilled "ater $ix the ingredients together until smooth. 8our into a %ar and place the %ar inside a double!boiler pot -do not use direct heat on the %ar.. 0ring the "ater in the outer pot to a boil and heat the mixture until it is clear and has thickened. - f it thickens too much, add a bit more "ater.. :emove from heat and let cool. This is a good all!over facial cleanser and should keep for E to '1 days. Sea#eed Lotion re"ipe ' tablespoon po"dered rish moss -sea"eed. ' cup distilled "ater '+( cup aloe vera gel & tablespoons almond oil $ix "ellB store in tightly covered %ar in refrigerator. This is especially soothing during the hot summer months.
Sil y Hands re"ipe '+& cup coconut oil '+& cup granulated sugar Duice of ' lemon /otton gloves $ix all ingredients in a bo"l. :ub mixture over hands for at least one minute, scrubbing as you "ould "hile "ashing up. <se a paper to"el to brush any excess sugar from your skin. Slide your hands into the gloves, and leave them on overnight. 0y morning the oil should be absorbed, and your hands ready to make their debutC S in Blea"hing Toni" re"ipe ' lemon, sliced ' cup "hite "ine ' tablespoon sugar 8lace lemon slices and "ine in a glass or enamel pot and bring to a boil over medium heat. 0oil for one minute. :emove from heat, stir in the sugar, and let cool. Strain the mixture and store in a tightly capped bottle. <se as a skin refresher and after using a skin lightening mask. $akes ) ounces. S in Booster re"ipe ( ( 2 ' tablespoons dried dandelions tablespoons chamomile tablespoons rosemary -'&!inch. s3uare muslin or cotton
8lace herbs in center of fabric. 0unch edges of fabric together. Secure "ith rubber band or string to form a scrubber. 8lace in a pot of boiling "ater. :emove from stove. Steep '1 minutes. :emove scrubber and save the "ater as it contains herbal %uices. 8lace scrubber in a glass dish until it cools to room temperature. S"eep over entire body, one area at a time, "ith long strokes, continually moistening scrubber in the herbal "ater. ;irst stroke in an up!and!do"n direction, then in a circular motion. 9eave herbal residue on for &1 minutesB rinse "ith tepid "ater. S in Conditioner re"ipe ;or oily or scaly skin.
0lend lemongrass, cornmeal, "itch ha*el and rose petals, then mix ' ounce of this mixture "ith ' 3uart boiling "ater. 9et steep &1 minutes. Strain into bath "ater. Soak at least '1 minutes. <se t"o times a "eek or more. S in$Steaming .ormula re"ipe ' ' ' ' ' tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon licorice fennel seeds mint leaves comfrey leaves parsley
$ix and store in a clean, tightly!capped %ar. To use, bring ' 3uart "ater and '+& ounce herbs to boil. 8ut steaming pot on the table, and put your face over the pot, at least '1 inches from the "ater. /over head and pot "ith a to"el. :elax for at least 2 minutes. >ou can also use this mixture in a vapori*er "hile you sleep. So!t Soap re"ipe Several bits, pieces, and slivers of used soap O enough to make ' cup dried out or ' cup soap flakes ' cup boiling "ater 8our boiling "ater over the soap and stir until soap is completely dissolved. /ool. Store in a pump!type dispenser or a s3uee*e!top plastic container Soothing Cu"um'er Cream re"ipe ' "hole cucumber, unpeeled '+& ounce "hite paraffin & ounces s"eet almond oil /ut the cucumber into chunks and purAe it in the food processor or blender. Strain the pulp through a strainer lined "ith cheesecloth. $elt the "ax in a small bo"l in the top of a glass or enamel double boiler over medium heat. As soon as the "ax is melted, slo"ly add the oil, stirring gently. Add strained cucumber and blend thoroughly. :emove the pot from the heat and cover "ith a clean to"el. 9et the mixture cool very slo"ly to prevent crystals from forming in the "ax. Stir mixture once or t"ice until cool.
When the mixture is completely cool and smooth, store it in a tightly capped glass container in the refrigerator. t "ill keep for t"o months. To use, smooth a bit of cream every night around the tender skin of your face and neck. Stra#'erry 6ra#ing 1as re"ipe
'+& cup very ripe stra"berries '+( cup cornstarch $ix stra"berries and cornstarch together to make a paste and apply it to your face, avoiding the delicate area around your eyes. 9eave on for 71 minutes, then rinse off "ith cool "ater. Suntan Lotion re"ipe & ounces salt!free mayonnaise & ounces black tea -bre"ed very dark. Duice of ' lemon 2 -(11 < each. vitamin 4 capsules $ix mayonnaise, tea and lemon %uice in a blender. 8our into a storage container and s3uee*e contents of vitamin 4 capsules into it. ?eep refrigerated no longer than ' "eek. S#eet Cleansing Grains re"ipe ' teaspoon granulated sugar A little soap lather $ix "ell, and use the same as you "ould any cleansing grains. Tomato$Oatmeal Conditioner re"ipe ;or oily skin. ' ripe tomato 7 or ( tablespoons oatmeal 8o"der oatmeal in blender, then remove. 8urAe tomato in blender. :emove. /ombine po"dered oatmeal and tomato, then apply to face. The mixture "ill be sloppy, so "ear a plastic sho"er cap to protect hair. 4ven better, use right before shampooing your hair. 9ie do"n, and after &1 minutes or so, rinse off the conditioner "ith very hot "ater ! as hot as you can stand it ! to help dissolve excess oil. ;ollo" "ith your favorite acid mantle. ,inegar .a"ial Conditioner re"ipe ;or moderately oily skin.
' cup "ater ' tablespoon vinegar -any type. $ix "ater and vinegar in a bottle. Apply up to '+( teaspoon of mixture to face after each cleansing. 9et dry naturally, "ithout patting. ,inegar *inse re"ipe '+( cup apple cider vinegar ' basin "arm "ater This restores the natural p# balance or acid mantle to your skin. 8our vinegar into "arm "ater. Splash your face thoroughly. 9et dry "ithout using a to"el. Acne sufferers should try this also, but be sure to start "ith a perfectly clean face. Wit"h Ha(el S in Clari!ier re"ipe 7+( cup "itch ha*el '+( cup rubbing alcohol $ix the ingredients and store in a tightly capped, sterili*ed glass bottle. To use, moisten a clean cotton ball and clean your face "ith this solution after "ashing and before applying moisturi*er. >our skin should feel tingly "hile using this clarifier. Carolina Cleansing Cream re"ipe 7 tablespoons olive oil '+& cup lard Several drops peppermint extract '+& teaspoon tincture of ben*oin $ix "ell in a clean glass bottle. Apply to face "ith fingers. :emove "ith tissues. ?eep in a cool place Chamomile Steaming .a"e Cleanser re"ipe ' teaspoon chamomile leaves ( cups boiling "ater $ix in a heatproof bo"l. #old face '1 inches from "ater for ) minutesB follo" "ith a tightening mask. Cider Sta'ili(ing *inse re"ipe '+( cup cider vinegar '+( cup "ater
/ombine vinegar and "ater and gently "ipe your face "ith the mixture. 9et this rinse dry on your skin. Citrus Cooler Lotion re"ipe ( tablespoons glycerin (1 drops oil of orange ( tablespoons lemon %uice /ombine ingredients in a clean glass bottle. Shake "ell and refrigerate. Citrus S in .reshener re"ipe This is marvelous for those hot summer daysC refrigerator. t5s an instant cool!do"n. ' cup citrus peel -grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange ! "hatever. ' vitamin / tablet ' cup boiling "ater /ut citrus peel into thin strips and set aside. Add vitamin / tablet to the boiling "ater, then pour over citrus peels. 9et the mixture cool, then strain and pour into a clean container. Store in the refrigerator. Apple 1as re"ipe like to use it ice cold from the
;or normal skin. ' apple, cored and 3uartered & tablespoons honey '+& teaspoon sage =rop the apple into a blender and chop. Add honey and sage and refrigerate for '1 minutes. 8at the mixture onto the face "ith a light tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. 9eave mask on for 71 minutes, then rinse. Apri"ot 1as ;or dry skin. & apricots & tablespoons plain yogurt 8urAe in a blender. Apply to face, avoiding eye area, and leave on for '1 to &1 minutes. re"ipe
Apri"ot 1as8ue re"ipe ;or dry skin. ' apricot, dried or fresh & tablespoons honey f apricot is dried, soak it in "ater for 7 hours. $ash fruit and honey together, then apply to skin. 9eave on for &1 to 71 minutes. :inse off "ith hot "ater. A-o"ado Honey 1as ' large, ripe avocado ' tablespoon honey 8eel and slice avocado and purAe it in a blender "ith the honey. Apply the mask to your face by patting it gently and then continuing to pat until the mask feels extremely tacky to the touch. :elax and leave the mask on for &1 to 71 minutes and then rinse off "ith "arm "ater. A-o"ado 1as re"ipe re"ipe
/onditions and prevents dryness. '+& ripe avocado ' egg "hite $ash avocado into a thick paste. Add egg "hite. Apply to faceB leave on '2 to &1 minutes. :inse "ith luke"arm "ater. A-o"ado 1as8ue re"ipe ;or dry skin. '+& ripe avocado ' teaspoon vegetable oil $ash avocado into a paste and add vegetable oil. Apply to clean skin. 9eave on for '1 to &1 minutes. :inse "ith "arm "ater. A-o"ado 1oisture 1as ;or dry skin. ' ripe avocado ( tablespoons plain yogurt 8urAe avocado and blend "ith yogurt. Apply mixture to face. 9eave on for 71 minutes. :inse "ith luke"arm "ater. re"ipe
A-o"ado 1oisturi(er re"ipe ;or dry skin. ' tablespoon "heat germ oil '+& mashed ripe avocado $ix and apply to skin. After &1 minutes, remove "ith "arm "ater. A-o"ado$Banana 1as8ue re"ipe ;or dry or sensitive skin. '+( mashed ripe avocado '+& mashed ripe banana & tablespoons plain yogurt -not lo"!fat. ' teaspoon "heat germ oil $ix all ingredients. Apply mixture to face and leave on '1 to '2 minutes. :inse "ith tepid "ater. Banana Cream 1as ;or normal to dry skin. '+& ripe banana ' tablespoon honey & tablespoons sour cream $ash the banana in a bo"l and add honey and sour cream. 0lend "ell Apply to skin and leave on for '1 minutes. :inse "ith "arm "ater. Beet 1oisturi(ing 1as ' ra" beet, grated ' cup sour cream Cali!ornia A-o"ado Cleanser and 1as '+( ripe avocado '+& cup buttermilk ' beaten egg yolk 0lend avocado "ith egg yolk and buttermilk. Apply to face and throat and leave on for 2 minutes. Spread on a little more. 9eave on for another 2 minutes. :inse "ith tepid "ater. re"ipe re"ipe re"ipe
Clo-e$Honey S in Lightening 1as & ' ' ' tablespoons fuller5s earth tablespoon "itch ha*el teaspoon honey teaspoon ground cloves
$ix all the ingredients into a paste and apply to the skin in light, up"ard strokes. 9eave on for &1 minutes. :inse "ith Skin 0leaching Tonic. Cornmeal S in .a"ial re"ipe ;or oily or combination skin. ' tablespoon dry cornmeal & eggs /leanse face, steam, splash "ith cool "ater and pat dry. $assage "ith the dry cornmeal. :inse off. Then apply a mask made by "hipping the eggs and brushing on face. 9eave on for &1 minutesB rinse off. Cu"um'er 1as ;or oily skin. '+& cucumber ' egg "hite ' tablespoon lemon %uice ' teaspoon mint 8urAe ingredients in a blender and refrigerate for '1 minutes. Apply the mixture to your face and leave on for '2 minutes. :inse "ith hot, then cool "ater. Cu"um'er 1as8ue re"ipe ' cucumber, cubed 7 ounces milk 0lend together. Apply to face, and leave on for 2 minutes. 6ry S in .a"e &a" re"ipe re"ipe
( teaspoons mayonnaise '+& teaspoon kelp po"der ' teaspoon fuller5s earth $ake into a paste. Apply. 9eave on for '1 minutes.
6ry S in .a"ial re"ipe ' tablespoon dry oatmeal '+& mashed ripe banana & ounces plain yogurt /leanse face, steam, splash "ith cool "ater and pat dry. $assage "ith the dry oatmeal. :inse off. Then apply a mask made by mixing yogurt and bananaB spread evenly on face. 9eave on for &1 minutesB rinse off. Egg$Honey 1oisturi(er re"ipe ' egg yolk & tablespoons honey $ix ingredients together until a light paste is formedB apply to face and neck, avoiding eye area and mouth. 9eave on for '1 to '2 minutesB rinse off thoroughly "ith tepid "ater. En"hanted Garden 1as re"ipe
The en*ymes in the papaya help soften skin by removing dead surface cells. '+& papaya '+& teaspoon lemon or lime %uice ' teaspoon honey $ash the ingredients together. Apply to clean face, leave on for '1 minutes, then rinse "ell. .a"ial Glo# 1as8ue re"ipe ' egg yolk ' teaspoon "arm milk ' teaspoon honey $ix together. Apply to face and throat. 9ie do"n and leave on for &1 minutes. :inse off "ith "arm "ater. .ruit &un"h *e!resher re"ipe '+& cup lemon yogurt ' teaspoon lemon %uice ' teaspoon lime %uice ' teaspoon grapefruit %uice $ixB leave on face for '1 minutes. :inse "ith cold club soda.
$ash peach to a pulp or puree in blender. 0eat the egg "hite %ust until stiff, then fold the peach purAe into the egg "hite. Apply thickly to face and neck "ith fingertips. 9et dry for '2 to &1 minutes, then rinse off "ith luke"arm "ater. Grape .a"ial re"ipe ;or over!sunned faces. ' cup green grapes ' teaspoon honey or ' egg yolk /rush green grapes to a pulp. Add honey or egg yolk. 9eave on damp skin for '2 minutesB rinse. Hea-enly 1as re"ipe
' tablespoon yogurt ' egg yolk ' tablespoon honey $ix gently and let stand until paste reaches room temperature. Smooth mask onto clean face, and lie do"n for &1 minutes. :inse off "ith tepid "ater. Apply astringent and moisturi*er. Her' Garden Splash re"ipe & cups "hite vinegar '+( cup honey ' teaspoon sage ' teaspoon thyme ' teaspoon savory ' teaspoon ground cloves ' teaspoon crushed bay leaves /ombine all ingredients and store in a sterili*ed glass %ar for ' "eek. Shake occasionally to mix contents. Strain and pour into a tightly capped bottle. Her'al .a"e Steam re"ipe =eep pore cleanser. ' 3uart "ater ' handful any herbs* Duice and peel of '+& lemon
0ring "ater to a boil. Add %uice and peel of lemon and herbs. Turn off the heat and take the pot to a table. /over your hair "ith a sho"er cap or to"el and drape another to"el over your head and the pot, holding your face about '1 inches above the "ater. ?eep your eyes closed and let the steam do its magic cleansing for about '2 minutes. After"ard, rinse "ith /@9= "ater to close the pores. * <se any herbs you have available, rosemary, thyme, mint, mar%oram, basil, parsley, cloves, cara"ay, anise or fennel seeds, chamomile, lavender or elder flo"ers. Honey and Egg 1as ;or dry skin. ' ' ' ' tablespoon po"dered milk stiffly!beaten egg "hite egg yolk teaspoon honey re"ipe
/ombine milk and egg "hite. Slo"ly mix in egg yolk and honey. Apply to face. 9eave on for 2 minutesB rinse. Honey o! a &ea"h 1as re"ipe
There is nothing more revitali*ing than a peach and honey mask, "hich "ill leave your skin feeling soft and silky. ' large peach or nectarine, skinned 7 teaspoons honey 9ecithin po"der or & tablespoons yogurt $ash the peach -or nectarine. and honey together. Add a little lecithin po"der or yogurt until you have a "orkable paste. 8at evenly over your face and neck and around the eyes. 9ie back and relax for about '1 minutes. :inse off "ith "arm "ater, pat dry, tone and moisturi*e. This delicious mask leaves the complexion feeling soft and supple. Honey 1as re"ipe
This is mildly antiseptic. ' egg yolk & tablespoons honey '1 drops almond oil Whip until creamy. Store any extra in a "ide!mouth %ar for future use.
tablespoon honey tablespoons finely crushed almonds teaspoon po"dered clay tablespoons uncooked oatmeal or cornstarch
$ix together, adding little "ater if mixture is too thick to spread. Apply to face. Fently massage face, using an up"ard, circular motion as you rinse. Lemon .a"ial 1as ;or dry skin. & egg yolks ' teaspoon olive oil ' teaspoon lemon %uice $ix ingredients together. Wash your face, spread on the mixture, leave it on for ten minutes, then "ash it off. Lemon 1as ;or oily skin. ' tablespoon potter5s clay ' tablespoon lemon %uice $ix in the palm of your hand. Apply to clean skin. Lemon S in Lightening &a" & tablespoons fuller5s earth ' teaspoon lemon %uice ' teaspoon buttermilk $ix all ingredients into a paste and apply to the skin in light, up"ard strokes. 9eave on for &1 minutes. :inse "ith Skin 0leaching Tonic. 1int Sou!!le 1as ;or tired skin. ' tablespoon ground or po"dered spearmint ' tablespoon oil ' tablespoon honey Whirl in the blender until fluffy. Apply to clean skin. re"ipe re"ipe re"ipe re"ipe
' ripe tomato, chopped ' teaspoon lemon %uice ' tablespoon instant oatmeal or old!fashioned rolled oats 0lend ingredients in a blender until %ust combined. Apply to skin, making sure the mixture is thick enough to stay on blemished areas. Add a bit more oatmeal to thicken the mask, if necessary. 9eave the mask on for '1 minutes, then scrub off "ith a clean "ashcloth dipped in "arm "ater. Oily S in Treatment 1as re"ipe
Source, The /ommercial Appeal ! August &2, &11& & fresh tomatoes ' tablespoon peppermint leaves '+& tablespoon dried fresh yeast ' teaspoon lemon %uice 0oil the tomatoes in hot "ater, let cool and then peel the skin. /rush the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Add the remaining ingredients. Apply to face for '1 minutes three times a "eek. The pulp of a tomato aids the complexion, "hile lemon %uice, "hich is used in cosmetic products, contains vitamin / and can act as a bleaching agent. Orange :ui"e$Tapio"a 1as re"ipe
Soothes skin and retards "rinkles. ' tablespoon tapioca & tablespoons honey '+& cup fresh orange %uice n a small saucepan over lo" heat, mix tapioca and orange %uice. Stir in honey and let the HpuddingH simmer until thickened, stirring occasionally. :emove from heat and cool. Spread the mixture over your face and neck and let dry for &1 minutes. :inse. &apaya Anti$Wrin le .a"ial re"ipe & tablespoons mashed ripe papaya ' teaspoon aloe vera gel $ix together the papaya and aloe vera gel to make a smooth paste. Apply to your clean face and neck and let sit for 2 minutes. :inse "ith cool "ater.
This formula an be drying if it is left on for longer then 2 minutes. The natural fruit acid and en*ymes remove dead skin cells and skin "ill look and feel younger and smoother. &apaya .a"ial re"ipe '+( ripe papaya ( teaspoons green cosmetic clay ' '+& teaspoons aloe vera gel 8uree all ingredients. Smooth it over the face and neckB leave on for &1 minutes. :inse "ith cool "ater. &ea"h 1oisturi(er re"ipe This is a great moisturi*er for skin, hands and nails. ' tablespoon almond oil ' drop honey ' teaspoon peach %uice $ix all ingredients "ell. &ea"h Tightening 1as re"ipe
' ripe peach, peeled and pitted ' egg "hite Whip peach and egg "hite together in a blender until smooth. Fently pat the mixture all over the face. :elax for 71 minutes, then rinse off "ith cool "ater. &ea"hes and Cream 1as re"ipe
;or that famous Hpeaches and creamH complexion, try this mask. ' large ripe peach & to 7 tablespoons cream 8eel and pit the peach. $ash peach. Add cream until smooth. This mixture is a bit runny, so you may "ant to lie back in your bath for '1 minutes or so. :inse "ith "arm "ater. &eel$O!! 1as re"ipe
' packet unflavored gelatine '+& cup fruit %uice or herb nfusion #eat together gently to dissolve the gelatine. 9et cool until almost set Apply to face, let dry completely, then peel off.
& tablespoons rubbing alcohol ' teaspoon peppermint extract & teaspoons fuller5s earth /ombine all ingredients. Apply to face, avoiding eye area. 9eave on for '1 minutes. &ina Colada 1as re"ipe
'+( cup chopped fresh pineapple ' tablespoon coconut milk 8lace ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend until smooth. Spread in a thin layer over skin. 9eave on for 2 to '1 minutes and then rinse "ith "arm "ater. 8at skin dry. This tropical mask gives complexions a healthy glo". 0romelian, an en*yme found in fresh pineapple, removes dead skin cells. &lum 1as re"ipe
;or blemished, oily skin. L plums ' teaspoon almond oil 0oil the plumsB cool. $ash plums "ith almond oil. So!tening 1as8ue 2emollient3 re"ipe ' egg yolk '+7 cup avocado, peeled and mashed '+7 cup milk 0eat the egg yolk until fluffy. Add milk and avocado, mixing thoroughly "ith the yolk. Apply to face and leave on for '2 to &1 minutes. :inse "ith hot "ater. Super 6ry S in .ormula re"ipe ' pint pure aloe gel ' ounce -tube. *inc oxide paste & tablespoons sunflo"er oil ;e" drops vitamin 4 oil Whip ingredients together. Store in a container. Smooth over damp skin after a sho"er or bath.
7 tablespoons fuller5s earth 7 tablespoons plain yogurt $ix to make a paste and pat onto the face "ith gentle, up"ard strokes. 9et dry on the skin for '2 to &1 minutes, then rinse off "ith "arm "ater. %ogurt$Almond Slougher re"ipe ;or blemished skin. 7 tablespoons pulveri*ed almonds -or almond meal. '+& cup yogurt $ix together and massage into face. :inse "ith cool "ater. 6ry S in Conditioner re"ipe ' ounce oatmeal ' ounce comfrey leaves, ground ' ounce almond meal 0lend oatmeal, almond meal and comfrey leaves and mix ' tablespoon of this to ' 3uart "arm "ater. Strain into bath "ater. Soak at least '1 minutes.
*OSE WATE* ' /. rose petals '+& /. rubbing alcohol ' '+& /. "ater Simmer rose petals in "ater for '1 minutes. Strain. Add alcohol -optional, but acts as a preservative. See Note... ?eeps in fridge for up to & "eeks "ith alcohol, or, ' "eek "ithout. Note, :ose"ater "ithout a bit of alcohol "ill 3uickly develop a residue on its surface. f you don5t "ish to use rubbing alcohol, you may substitute 6odka. *ose Water re"ipe & cups distilled "ater '+( cup vodka '1 drops rose oil '+& cup fresh, deep!red rose petals $easure the distilled "ater into a thoroughly!cleaned mixing bottle. Add the vodka. $ix in the flo"ers so that they are completely "et. Add the oil.
9et the mixture stand in a covered bottle in a cool, dark place for one "eek to allo" the scent to age. f you like, you can leave the petals in the mixture for a pretty visual effect.
Spe"ial 1assage !or a Bride #ere is a special recipe for brides to be used daily at the time of bath for ten days before marriage. The follo"ing ingredients are mixed to a paste and rubbed thoroughly. They cleanse and stimulate the skin leaving it soft and shiny. ' tablespoon dried, ground and sieved orange peel ' tablespoon dried, ground and sieved lemon peel & tablespoons ground almond a pinch of salt ( tablespoons "heat germ flour ' tablespoon ground thyme a pinch of ground allspice almond oil sufficient to make a paste a fe" drops of %asmine oil -to perfume. &etroleum :elly re"ipe ' ounce bees"ax '+& cup baby or mineral oil $elt the bees"ax in a micro"ave or a double boiler. Stir in the mineral oil. :emove the mixture from the heat and stir until cool. Amish Sore Throat *emedy 9ight corn syrup Small amount "arm "ater $ix the corn syrup and "arm "ater, using %ust enough "arm "ater to thin the corn syrup. #ave child or adult gargle "ith the mixture. t is very safe if a child s"allo"s it. Anti$6andru!! Lotion L ounces "itch ha*el Duice of one lemon ) ounces distilled "ater $ix all ingredients together. 8art hair do"n the middle, front to back, "hile it is still damp after shampooing. Wet a cotton ball "ith the lotion and dab it on your scalp along the part. 8art hair an inch to one side of the other and repeat application. :epeat again until entire scalp is treated.
Aromatherapy #oliday $ood, & drops frankincense & drops myrrh & drops cinnamon & drops pine, cedar or %uniper oil 8lace into an aromatherapy lamp or light bulb ring. >ou can also blend "ith ) ounces of "ater in a spray bottle, then mist in the air. $enstrual Syndrome and Tension, ( drops orange oil ( drops cinnamon oil 8lace into an aromatherapy lamp or light bulb ring. >ou can also blend "ith ) ounces of "ater in a spray bottle, then mist in the air. /alming, 7 drops lavender 7 drops $andarin 8lace into an aromatherapy lamp or light bulb ring. >ou can also blend "ith ) ounces of "ater in a spray bottle, then mist in the air. Air ;reshener and <plifter, 7 drops s"eet eucalyptus oil & drops orange oil & drops lemon oil 8lace into an aromatherapy lamp or light bulb ring. >ou can also blend "ith ) ounces of "ater in a spray bottle, then mist in the air. Basil A"ne *emedy & to 7 teaspoons dried basil leaves ' cup boiling "ater Steep basil leaves in "ater for '1 to &1 minutes. /ool, then apply to face "ith a "hite cotton ball. Bla" head Wash 'L ounces po"dered oatmeal ) ounces po"dered almond meal ( ounces po"dered orrisroot ' ounce po"dered castile soap <se ' tablespoon of this mixture "ith a little hot "ater to make a paste. :ub gently into the affected area. :inse "ith cold "ater.
Blemish *emedy ' part rose "ater ' part "itch ha*el $ix and chill mixture in the refrigerator. Apply to blemishes "ith a clean cotton ball. The "itch ha*el soaks up oil to speed healing. The rose "ater softens the skin. *OSE C*EA1 :ose 8etals 9ime "ater Fram 8o"der #erbal Turmeric 8o"der !2 ! 2 drops ! &spoons ! &pinch
$ake a fine paste of the above ingredients "ith some "ater. /lean the face and apply the paste. After &1 minutes "ash it off "ith milk and again clean the face "ith pure "ater. When the process is repeated for '2 days, the face "ill become soft and smooth. :ose cream is also used for the clearing of black spots left after the pimples. Chapped .a"e Lotion ( ' ' & ' ounces rose"ater '+& teaspoons glycerin '+& teaspoons sodium borate ounces geranium "ater ounce camphor "ater
/ombine all ingredients. Store in a tightly covered, "ide!mouth, opa3ue %ar. Chapped Lip Balm '+( pound bees"ax Small 3uantity s"eet oil #eat these ingredients carefully and slo"ly until bees"ax has melted. Store in a tightly!closed tin. Apply balm t"o or three times a day. Avoid "etting lips as much as possible. Healing Hand Lotion ' part bay rum ' part li3uid camphor ' part glycerin $ix "ell and apply to hands.
Hydrating Body *e"ipes ;or skin that is dehydrated and taut or the most severe rough, dry skin conditions, here is one of nature5s remedies. Body S"ru': '+& cup fine sea salt '+7 cup body lotion @atmeal 0ath -found in most health food stores. $ix body lotion and sea salt. While in your sho"er, massage the mixture all over your body. >ou can concentrate on the problems areas, back of arms, elbo"s, knees, and feet. Then sho"er as usual "ith a cleansing type of body oil or cleansing gel. f you like to take baths, try an oatmeal bath. mportant note, f your skin becomes extremely irritated, skip this step. $oisturi*er, '+7 cup aloe vera gel While skin is still moist, apply aloe vera gel all over your body. 8rotective 0arrier, @il!based body lotion, cocoa butter, pure lanolin or shea butter Apply one of the above. Take your time "ith this application and "ork it into your skin. /oncentrate a little more on the problem areas. Hydrating .a"ial *e"ipe :everse and control symptoms of old age before it5s too late. ;ollo" the four simple steps belo". Steaming, 7 chamomile tea bags ' tablespoon fennel seeds ' -'!3uart. pot n pot, bre" tea bags and fennel seeds. 0ring to boil and let steep for 2 minutes. :emove tea bags and bring to boil again. :emove from stove. 8lace your face -skin should be free of all makeup and cream. over the steam, keeping your eyes closed. <se a large to"el to cover your head and the pot. Save the tea solution. /hilled, it makes a great skin tonic. Scrub, & tablespoons almond meal ' tablespoon oatmeal & tablespoons cleanser ' mixing cup
$ix almond meal, oatmeal and cleanser. @n moistened skin, gently massage mixture in small circular motions. 0egin at the base of the neck, "ork up the throat area and then the face. Avoid the under eye area. :inse "ith luke"arm "ater. $oisturi*er, ' tablespoon aloe vera gel Apply aloe vera gel on base of the neck, throat and face area. $as3ue, '+7 cup dark clover honey '+7 cup po"dered sea"eed ' ripe avocado, purAed ' ounce macadamia nut oil ' mixing bo"l $ix clover honey, po"dered sea"eed, avocado and $acadamia nut oil in a bo"l. Apply mixture to base of the neck, throat and face and leave on for &1 to 71 minutes. :inse "ith luke"arm "ater. Apply a fe" drops of $acadamia nut oil as a finishing step. Stret"h 1ar Cream
'+( cup cocoa butter ' tablespoon "heat germ oil ' teaspoon light sesame seed oil ' teaspoon apricot kernel oil ' teaspoon vitamin 4 oil & teaspoons grated bees"ax ' teaspoon clear vanilla extract -optional. $ix together all ingredients except the vanilla extract. #eat the mixture gently until the cocoa butter and bees"ax have meltedB stir "ell. :emove from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract, if desired. /ool completely, then store in a clean %ar "ith a tight!fitting lid. Stret"h 1ar 1assage Oil
' ounce cocoa butter, melted '+& ounce flaxseed oil '+( ounce rose hip seed oil '+( ounce "heat germ oil '1 drops lavender oil ) drops neroli oil ( drops vetiver oil 0lend the melted cocoa butter, flaxseed oil rose hip seed oil and "heat germ oil. Transfer the mixture to a clean %ar. As it begins to cool ad solidify, add the essential oils. Allo" the mixture to cool to a comfortable temperature before using it. $assage the oil into your skin once or t"ice daily.
Essential Oil *e"ipes 8eace of $ind 2!'1 drops of @range 7 drops of Feranium & drops of 8eppermint 0e Well 7!2 drops of 8eppermint & drops of Tangerine Sleepy Time 2!'1 drops of 9avender 7 drops of @range Stress 9ess 2!'1 drops of 9avender 7 drops of /edar"ood 4nergi*e & drops of Feranium & drops of :ose"ood & drops of 0ergamot All of these blends can beB =iffused or put into your oil burner -"ith "ater of course. $ixed "ith almond oil -'1 ml. or a fragrance free cream and used for massage =abbed onto a tissue and inhaled Added to your bath >ou "ill come up "ith your o"n favorites through experimentation. @ften the best "ay to select oils is to choose "hat you feel like ! let your intuition be your guide. Bath *e"ipes Cleopatra 1il Bath & 9itres of milk -non!fat for oily skin. 7 teaspoons of honey '1 drops of essential oils added to ' tablespoon of a carrier oil such as s"eet almond. $ix all together and run it under the tap to disperse. Add rose petals for the most beautiful looking bathC #op in and en%oyC Tropi"al Oasis & cups of coconut milk 7 drops each of tangerine and ylang ylang ;reshly picked flo"ers of your choice /ombine oils "ith milk and add to bath "ater. Add flo"ers, hop in and indulge your senses. Sea Salt 0ath P >ou should have a section that gives information about sea salt and using it in a bath. hope you don5t already, - didn5t get to search your "hole site.. Any"ay, t is "onderful pouring a cup or so of sea salt into a hot bath. t5s 3uite soothing and it Hsucks outH skin impurities. t is in most cases very inexpensive. Her'al Hea-en Bath Tea Bag n a small muslin bag add a handful of your preferred blend of dried herbsB N0, f you donQt have any muslin %ust add your herbs to a bo"l, add 7 cups of boiling "ater, cover and let it steep for 2 minutes then add it to your bath. Some suggestionsB 8eppermint, echinacea and lavender @ats, chamomile and calendula 9emon grass and green tea 8eppermint, green tea and rosemary
8lace it in your bath, hop in and relax. ,anilla *ose ( vanilla pod seeds & handfuls of rose petals 8lace vanilla into the bath and scatter petals across the surface. ndulgeC Sleepy Time ' tablespoon of s"eet almond oil or any carrier oil 2 drops of lavender essential oil /ombine oils and add to bath "ater. The Little 1ermaid Sea#eed Bath ' cup of sea"eed -kelp, dulse or nori. To buy sea"eed try you can get enough sea"eed for about ( or 2 baths for around R').11. ' tablespoon carrier oil
7 drops of 9emon essential oil $ake the bath very hot. As the "ater is running add your sea"eed. 9et it steep.
"ix your carrier oil and essential oils together. 9hen your bath is cool enough to enter add your oils. Soak for at least ), minutes. 9hile you are soaking massage you body with the seaweed. Afterwards drink lots of water and relax. Go this slimming and detoxifying bath once a week for + month for best results. %f you have never had a milk bath you need to experience this heavenly treat. "ilk soothes and softens while honey contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids that nourish the skin
Spa Li-ing !or Health;s Body Bliss The Steps Step ' P =ry Skin 0rush Step & P Sho"er and 4xfoliate "ith a S0anana Smoothie 0ody ScrubT Step 7 P Thai style milk bath Step ( P $oisturi*e G $assage Step < =ry brush your skin "ith a soft bristle brush, dry face "asher or loofah. Fently "ork from your feet up"ards over your entire body. <se circular motions. >ou "ill need to do this for 2 minutes to get your circulation going and loosen dead skin cells. Step = Sho"er and exfoliate "ith a banana smoothie body scrub. ngredients ' banana, mashed ' tablespoon of po"dered milk ' tablespoon of oatmeal & teaspoons of homey $ethod /ombine all ingredients to make a smooth paste. Sho"er first to dampen skin. Apply body scrub to your entire body "ith small circular motions. :inse off thoroughly. Step > :elax in a Thai style milk bath. ngredients
& cups of coconut milk Duice of ' lime #andful of rose petals or flo"ers of your choice -optional. $ethod =isperse milk through bath "ater. =isperse lime %uice through bath "ater. Add flo"ers and hop in. 0reathe deeply and soak for '2 minutes or until bath "ater cools. Step ? 4nd your spa body treatment "ith an Ayurveda inspired "arm oil massage. What you "ill need J cup of a cold pressed vegetable oil Food choices areB s"eet almond -medium., sesame -heavy., olive oil -heavy.. 8lastic or glass bottle or %ar to hold oil to be "armed 8ot of very "arm "ater @ld to"el to stand on 8aper to"el little ray o! sunshine summer home spa summer home spa menu 4nergi*e, detoxify and smooth "ith an all over Hdry skin brushingH. Fet your body *inging "ith a *esty Hlemon and sugar body scrubH. Smooth and cool your face "ith a Hbanana and stra"berry smoothie maskH. Soak tired feet in a Hcitrus foot bathH and follo" "ith a Hsalty scrubH. #hat you #ill need long handled soft bristle body brush or a dry face "asher or to"el small tub for feet meditation or soothing music /= and player reclining chair and cushions for comfort & to"els 7 lemons ' orange ' tablespoon of olive oil & tablespoons of "hite sugar L stra"berries ' banana ' tablespoon of sea salt in a small bo"l or container favorite moisturi*er and body cream go spa@ '. 0egin by taking a moment to signal the beginning of this time for yourself. 9ight a candle or turn on some relaxation music and say to yourself H am no" on a summer home spa retreatH. '. Set up your spa and start to gather the ob%ects you "ill need. &. $ake your summer home spa treatmentsB banana and stra"berry smoothie mask $ash banana and L "ashed stra"berries together to form a paste, add a s3uee*e of lemon and mix "ell. 8ut mask into the fridge to cool until needed. cucumber eye compress /ut a couple of slices of cucumber for your eyes and put into fridge to cool. citrus foot soak Slice ' lemon and ' orange and set aside for foot soak. salty scrub 8lace ' tablespoon of sea salt into a small bo"l and set aside for foot scrub. lemon and sugar body scrub
S3uee*e & lemons and add & tablespoons of sugar and ' tablespoon of olive oil to form a paste. 7. $ove to the bathroom "ith body brush and body scrub in hand. (. 0rush your body in small, slo" circles beginning at your feet and making your "ay up. <se a firm but not hard pressure. 0rush for 2 minutes your skin should be slightly pink from the increased blood circulation. 2. #op into the sho"er and "ork the body scrub in small circles all over your body. L. :inse off and to"el dry, smother yourself in your favorite body lotion. E. Set up your foot soakB fill your small tub "ith tepid "ater and add the lemon and orange slices, take the tub, sea salt and a to"el over to your recliner chair. ). Fet ready for your maskB retrieve your mask and cucumber slices from the fridge. Take them and a to"el over to your recliner chair. Set them do"n in a place "here you can easily use them "hile sitting. M. $ake yourself an iced "ater "ith a stra" and place it "ithin easy reach. '1. Slide into your recliner and place your feet into the foot soak. ''. 8lace a to"el over your chest and apply your mask to your face and throat. 8lace the cucumber slices over your eyes and relax. '&. 0reathe in to the count of ) and breathe out to the count of (. As you breathe out imagine a blanket of "hite light "ash over you from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. :epeat 7 times. '7. After '2 minutes "ith your mask still on, remove the cucumber slices and sit for"ard slo"ly. Take the citrus slices and rub them all over your feet and lo"er legs. 9ift your feet, one at a time, slightly above the "ater and rub "ith sea salt. :inse off in the "ater. =ry your feet. '(. Stand slo"ly and make your "ay to the bathroom to rinse off your mask. 0efore rinsing, slo"ly massage the mask into your skin and then rinse thoroughly. 8at dry and slather on your favorite moisturi*er. '2. $ake yourself a herbal tea and return to your day by saying softly to yourself Hmy summer home spa retreat is over and feel refreshed and aliveH. deto0i!ying #inter home spa #inter home spa menu /leanse your mind "ith a guided meditation. Fet your circulation pumping and smooth your body "ith an all over Hdry skin brushingH. Take a relaxing Hdetox bathH. #ydrate your face "ith an Havocado moisturi*ing maskH and Hchamomile eye compressH. Tame dried out hair "ith an Havocado hair treatmentH. /hill out after"ards, curled up in a robe "ith a hot cup of chai. #hat you #ill need long handled soft bristle body brush or a dry face "asher or to"el meditation or soothing music /= and player -if you do not have a suitable /= try the free online meditations at 9earning $editation and listen through your computer. to"els 4psom salts ' avocado I cup of coconut milk & chamomile tea bags favorite moisturi*er and body cream ingredients for chaiB "ater, milk, honey, black tea leaves, green cardomon pods and ginger root go spa@
'. 0egin by taking a moment to signal the beginning of this time for yourself. 9ight a candle or turn on some relaxation music and say to yourself H am no" on a spa retreatH. &. Set up your spa and start to gather the ob%ects you "ill need. 7. $ake your "inter home spa treatmentsB avocado moisturi*ing mask $ash I an avocado and add ' tablespoon of coconut milk, mix to form a paste. 8ut mask into the fridge until needed. avocado hair treatment $ash I an avocado and add remaining coconut milk until mixture is the consistency of conditioner. chamomile eye compress Steep & tea bags in a small amount of hot "ater. 9eave to cool slightly. detox bath & cups of epsom salts. chai $akes enough for & cups. ' cup of "ater ' cup of milk & teaspoons of honey & teaspoons of black tea leaves ' green cardomon pod, crushed J inch of ginger root, peeled 0oil "ater "ith milk. As it starts to bubble add sugar, tea, cardomon and ginger. :educe the heat and turn it up again. 0ring to the boil 7 or ( times. Strain and drink. (. Wear loose, comfortable clothing and sit or lie in a comfortable position for your meditation. 8lay your guided meditation or relaxation music. 2. $ove to the bathroom "ith body brush, face mask, eye compress and hair treatment in hand. L. 0rush your body in small, slo" circles beginning at your feet and making your "ay up. <se a firm but not hard pressure. 0rush for 2 minutes your skin should be slightly pink from the increased blood circulation. E. :un your bath and add the 4psom salts. ). #op into your bath and apply your face mask, hair treatment and eye compress. M. 0athe for '2 P &1 minutes. '1. #op into the sho"er and thoroughly rinse off the mask and shampoo your hair. ''. To"el dry, smother yourself in your favorite moisturi*er. '&. Slip into a comfy robe and make yourself a cup of chai, curl up and read a book. '7. :eturn to your day by saying softly to yourself Hmy "inter home spa retreat is over and feel refreshed and aliveH. Homemade Spa Gi!t *e"ipes Bath /hoose one recipe and make one gift or use all three recipes to make up a homemade spa gift basket. >ou could even add some extra spa accessories such as a bath pillo", candle, to"el or anything else bath related. have used a rose theme but you could easily substitute the rose "ith dried lavender and lavender essential oil. @h #oneyC 0ath @il -$akes about '&1 ml P %ust under I cup.. E2 ml almond oil 2 ml honey &1 ml vodka L1 drops of essential oils -your choice.
$ix ingredients together and put into small glass %ars or vials. nstructions, <se ' tablespoon in your bath "ater. /leopatra $ilk 0ath -$akes about L cups P '& baths. ' cup cornstarch ' cup baking soda ( cups dried milk '1 drops :ose essential oil ( tablespoons dried rose petals $ix ingredients in a large bo"l and divide into glass %ars or little calico bags. nstructions, <se &!7 tablespoons in your bath 8retty in 8ink 0ath Salts -$akes %ust under ( cups P ) baths. )11g 4psom salts ( tablespoons dried rose petals & teaspoons pink clay &1 drops :ose essential oil $ix dry ingredients together in a large bo"l. Add essential oils and put into an airtight container. 9eave for a "eek so that the bath salts absorb the oils. nstructions, Add &!7 tablespoons to your bath I! you do not ha-e pin "lay you "an "olor the salt #ith !ood "oloringA :ust add B to <C drops into the salt9 put into a "ontainer #ith a lid and sha e it until the "olor is mi0ed throughA .ollo# re"ipe as usual omitting the "layA .a"e /hoose one recipe and make one gift or use all three recipes to make up a homemade spa gift basket or gift box. >ou could even add some extra spa accessories such as candles, essential oils or anything else spa related. <ltimate Scrub $ix -$akes about ' cup. Suitable for all skin types I cup fine oatmeal J cup rice flour -for sensitive skin omit rice flour and double oatmeal. ' tablespoon pink clay -suitable for all skin types. /ombine ingredients thoroughly and place into airtight container. nstructions, 8ut & teaspoons of mixture into bo"l and add enough "et ingredient -yoghurt, milk, egg yolk or fruit. to form a paste. Smooth onto face and gently massage in small circles. :emove completely "ith "arm "ater. Store scrub in a cool, dark cupboard. Note, /ombine this scrub "ith a hand"ritten note of ingredients to add so that the person receiving the gift can "hip up their o"n fresh scrub. <ltimate $ask $ix -$akes about ' cup. Suitable for all skin types I cup fine oatmeal I cup pink clay & tablespoons almond meal /ombine ingredients thoroughly and place into an airtight container. nstructions, 8ut ' tablespoon of mixture into bo"l and add enough "et ingredient -yoghurt, milk, egg yolk or fruit. to form a smooth paste. Smooth onto face and spray regularly "ith "ater to keep it moist. :emove thoroughly "ith "arm "ater after '2 minutes. Store scrub in a cool, dark cupboard. Note, /ombine this mask "ith a hand"ritten note of ingredients to add so that the person receiving the gift can "hip up their o"n fresh mask.
;acial @il -$akes about & tablespoons P ' small vial. & tablespoons s"eet almond oil -organic, cold pressed. & drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil /ombine oils in a small vial and shake until "ell blended. nstructions, Apply a fe" drops to face and massage into skin. /an also be used for nails and hair. Taking the time out to make a homemade spa gift adds a special dimension to gift giving. hope you en%oy. And don5t forget to add a little loveC *ECI&ES: Aloha Honey Ha#aiian 6elight9 "ourtesy o! Christopher Watt $akes & treatments Ingredients: & tablespoons green tea '+& ripe papaya '+& cup fresh pineapple, diced & tablespoons honey 6ire"tions: Steep green tea in boiling "ater. Set aside to cool. 8eel papaya "edge and remove seeds. n blender or food processor, blend papaya and pineapple until pureed. 8our into glass bo"l and combine honey and green tea. $ix "ell. Apply to face "ith fan brush or finger tips. :ecline and rest for '1 P '2 minutes. :emove completely "ith tepid "ater and soft facial cloth. Store in covered container in refrigerator for up to one "eek. 0eauty 0enefits, 4xfoliates, hydrates and re%uvenates. Honey$Dissed Lip Balm9 "ourtesy o! the National Honey Board $akes '!'+& cups Ingredients: ' cup s"eet almond oil -;ound at natural food stores. '+& cup bees"ax -/an be purchased at craft and beekeeping stores. & Tablespoons honey 6ire"tions: 8lace almond oil and bees"ax in a micro"ave!safe bo"l. $icro"ave on high for ' minute or until mixture melts. Whisk honey into bees"ax mixtureB stir "ell. Set aside to cool completely. When cool, pour into small containers "ith lids. Apply to lips as a moisturi*er or on top of lipstick for extra shine. $akes about '!'+& cups.
;ace $asks have an deep cleansing action on the skin, removing impurities, "astes and dead skin cells. <se the homemade facial mask to suit your skin identify your skin type before you apply the homemade face mask. =o this by placing your face about '1 inches above a pot of very hot or recently boiled "ater -remove from stove before steaming.. Apply a facial mask after you get out of the sho"er to save time. >our face and neck are already clean, plus the steam from the hot "ater softens the skin making it easier for the facial mask to do its %ob. Al"ays apply moisturi*er after using a facial mask. Whether you have dry, oily, or normal skin, a facial mask is a fun, easy, and inexpensive "ay to pamper yourself "ithout leaving home. 0elo" are five recipes for facial masks that you can easily make at home. All of the ingredients used in these recipes are sold in supermarkets or in health food stores . <se a stainless steel or glass bo"l for mixing ingredients, because aluminum may react chemically "ith some ingredients. #omemade beauty care recipes like face!packs, facial masks and scrubs based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve the skin disorders and detoxify. t is best to try out a fe" of the homemade facial masks suited to your skin type and discover far yourself, "hich of them is the most beneficial to you. Whereas ndian "omen are attracted to"ards makeup, the 4uropean "omen are getting more and more inclined to"ards using the herbal and natural therapy. These beautifying things do not affect the skin adversely. #omemade facial masks helps in providing natural oil and moisture to the skin. f you %ust look carefully you "ill find many of the ingredients of facial pack in your kitchen.
Hair care is much similar to the skin care, scalp being the part of a specialised skin. 4# balance matters while utilising products for hair care. Aromatheraphy oils are capable of being effective to the hair follicles and overall health of hair. %n case of hair loss, aromatheraphy oils of birch, brahmi, chamomile, coriander, peppermint, rose and rosewood are effective. %n case of dandruff, lavender, yarrow, sandalwood, lemon balm, bay, lemon, neem, and cypress are the effective oils for cure and prevention. %n case of oily hair it is recommended to use cedar, lavender, lemon, sage, lemon balm and cypress are the recommended essential oils. To increase hair growth, rosemary, coriander, cedar and birch are the recommended oils. Dor split ends, rosewood, sandalwood and Jetiver will do the trick. Dor graying hair, coriander, sage and lemon can halt the progress. ?ou can select a good 4# balanced shampoo and conditioner and add essential oils to it. But the best treatment is to apply medicated hair oil to the scalp. &ecommended recipes are2 &E1%4ES #air loss To ' o . coconut oil, add2 +, drops chamomile. +, drops coriander +, drops rosewood +, drops birch Gandruff2 To ' o . sesame oil, add2 +, drops lavender. +, drops yarrow.
+, drops cypress. +, drops sandalwood. T#E 9ATE& 15EA!SE& ;ust add two drops of aroma oil to a container of lukewarm water. Gisperse the oil in water using your finger. After thoroughly washing the face with soap and water, *ust splash the aromatic water on your face. 5eave it there to dry it for itself. And en*oy the fragrant and clean feeling that follows. 15EA!S%!H 5<T%<! &eplace the oil-based cleanser with three drops of essential oil added to .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> of sweet almond oil. Store the mix in a dark glass bottle and shake well before pouring some into the palm of your hand and using your fingertips to massage it into skin. Hently wipe it off with a damp cotton-wool pad and if any stubborn patches of make-up remain, remove them by dipping a cotton-wool ball directly into the oil mix and gently wiping across skin. T#E 15EA!S%!H 1&EA" Buy the simplest, fragrance-free cleansing-cream you can find and add four drops of essential oil for every 8,ml =+.Nfl o /+, tsps> of product in the *ar. "ix the essential oil into the cleanser using a sterile spatula or teaspoon handle, replace the lid and leave it for three days. Stir the mixture once a day before you begin to use it. Apply it and remove as you normally would for an aromatic treat to an otherwise plain cleansing process. 9arning2 if you notice that the formulation changes in texture during this three-day period, becoming thicker, thinner or lumpy, throw it away. <ccasionally the emulsion of a particular brand of cream becomes unstable if you add extra ingredients and it may eventually lead to bacterial contamination. T#E EOD<5%AT<&S "ix three drops of essential oil with .,ml =+fl o /: tsps> sweet almond oil and slowly add e$ual amounts of finely ground oatmeal and coarse desiccated coconut until you have a thick paste. "assage with the paste in small circular movements all over damp skin, particularly around the forehead, nose, chin and neck, then leave for a few minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. 4at skin dry and moisturi e immediately. 6se this gentle essential-oil
exfoliation twice a week for truly polished skin, free of dull, dead, flaky surface.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! R1.H F&.1&2 M)1ST(R1S"RS
For mat!re skin P . drops !eroli and ) drops galbanum in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> wheat germ oil. P ) drops each rose and frankincense in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> evening primrose oil plus + vitamin E capsule. For dry skin P ) drops violet and . drops rose in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> apricot kernel oil plus + vitamin E capsule. P ) drops each !eroli, mimosa and rose in .,ml =lfl ,)/: tsps> wheat germ oil. For thread 0eins P . drops rose and ) drops chamomile in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> peach oil plus % tsp wheat germ oil. P . drops orange and % drop each lemon and lime in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> peach oil plus % tsp wheatgerm oil. To treat rashes# itchiness P ) drops chamomile and . drops lavender in .,ml =+ fl o / : tsps> peach oil plus + vitamin E capsule. P + drop each marigold and yarrow and . drops of sandalwood in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> *o*oba oil plus + tsp wheatgerm oil. To firm skin 6 . drops frankincense and ) drops mandarin in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> wheatgerm oil. P ) drops each rose and lavender and % drop !eroli in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> wheatgerm oil. To impro0e te-t!re P . drops violet and ) drops lemongrass in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> evening primrose oil plus + vitamin E capsule. P ) drops each sandalwood and geranium and + drop of rose in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> wheatgerm oil. For night time
P ) drops each frankincense and myrrh in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> wheatgerm oil. 21GHT M)1ST(R1S"RS For oily skin P ) drops each *uniper and 1edarwood in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> sunflower oil plus % vitamin E capsule P ) drops each geranium and lavender and % drop cypress in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> of sunflower oil plus +vitamin E capsule. For combination skin/ P ) drops each lemongrass and rosemary in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sweet almond oil plus + vitamin E capsule. P + drop petitgrain and ) drops each rose and lavender in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sweet almond oil plus % vitamin E capsule. For sensiti0e skin P ) drops marigold and . drops rosemary in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> peach oil plus % tsp wheatgerm oil. P ) drops each chamomile and *asmine and % drop sandalwood in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> *o*oba oil plus + vitamin E capsule. To treat sallowness P . drops orange and ) drops rosemary in .,ml =) fl o /: tsps> *o*oba oil plus % tsp wheatgerm oil. P ) drops each lavender and ylang-ylang and + drop geranium in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sunflower oil plus + vitamin E capsule. To Treat &cne P . drops bergamot and ) drops chamomile in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sunflower oil plus + vitamin E capsule. P ) drops each lavender and mint and % drop lemon in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> sunflower oil plus + vitamin E capsule. To clear blackheads P ) drops each tea-tree and eucalyptus in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> avocado oil plus % vitamin E capsule. P ) drops each lavender and geranium and + drop lemon in .,ml =+ fl
o /: tsps> sunflower oil plus + vitamin E capsule. For day time P ) drops violet and . drops rose in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sweet almond oil plus + vitamin E capsule. "SS"'T1&2 F&." M&S5S "ixing your own essential-oil face pack has a lot of benefits. They are easy to make, and more effective as essential oils are more in touch with the skin. A small preparation with the combinations to use our specific re$uirements is the added advantages. !ot to mention the glow the skin gets after this beautifying aromatic experience. The best oils to fix to the skin surface for a deep facial treatment are2 P Drankincense Qfor mature/dry skin> P ;asmine =for normal/combination skin> P Heranium =for oily/blemished skin> (sing face masks, Dacemasks should be used as occasional cleansing or nourishing treatments to improve your complexion. %f you overuse them, they make skin drier or oilier by overstimulating it. P A deep-cleansing facemask should be used no more than once a week and a moisturi ing pack at most twice a week. P %t is best to use them at night and, since you have to lay back and rest while the mask does its work, include relaxing or energi ing aromatic oil in the recipe to work on your mind at the same time. P As soon as you have mixed up an essential-oil facemask, apply it to well-cleansed skin by smoothing it evenly on in upward strokes. P Avoid the eye area, nostrils and lips, as skin here is very sensitive, but apply it to the neck right down to the collarbone. Then relax for +,-+8 minutes until the mask has dried. P Dor a deep-cleansing facial, use your fingertips to rub the dried mask off your skin so you exfoliate it at the same time, and then wash any residue off. P Dor a moisturi ing facial, rinse the mask off with warm water until skin is clean. How to lend Them <nly mix enough masks for one application2 it wonMt keep for more than an hour or two. Any leftovers can be spread on elbows, knees or upper back. To mix an Essential oil mask, place all ingredients in a
small bowl and stir well with a teaspoon. ?ou will need a powdery ingredient to give the right paste-like consistency. For a Moist!rizing Mask P <atmeal. P Hround almonds. P &ice flour. =An addition of warm honey will add to the effect> For a .leansing Mask P DullerMs earth P -aolin P Bran ="ore finely grained the ingredients are, better the effect. A bit warmed up mask can also do wonders> Aromatheraphy oil ingredient2 Moist!rizing : drops essential oil in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> carrier oil mixed with enough powdery ingredients to make a sticky, thick paste. .leansing : drops essential oil in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> hot water mixed with enough powdery ingredients to make a smooth, thick paste. M&S5S F)R TR)( 2" S7)TS ?ou can also easily make masks using a facial moisturi er mixing with that of powdery ingredient. &emember also that you can apply several different masks in patches2 a moisturi ing one over dry cheeks, an oil-control mix for nose and chin and a firming mix for the *aw and neck, for instance. After removing the mask, you may like to apply a little massage oil to the skin, or a blend of +8 drops rose oil in ., ml =lfl o /: tsps> *o*oba. #ere are some recipes for the most common types of mask so you can perfect mixing them before you go on to experiment alone. &S1. F&." M&S5S Moist!rizing mask
P ) drops each frankincense, rose, !eroli in .,ml =+ fl o /: tsps> apricot oil with + tsps warmed, melted #oney, mixed with enough finely ground almond to "ake a soft paste. Apply on face till it dries up. +eep cleansing mask P ) drops geranium, . drops lavender and % drop lemon in .,ml =+ fl ,)/: tsps> hot water, mixed with enough kaolin to make a smooth paste. Rela-ing mask P ) drops each violet, lavender and !eroli in ., ml =+ fl o /: tsps> sweet almond oil, with enough oatmeal to make a smooth paste. "nergizing mask ) drops each ylang-ylang, petitgrain and lemon in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> iced water, with enough ground almond to make a smooth paste. &nti-aging mask ) drops each !eroli, mandarin and orange in .,ml =lfl o /: tsps> evening primrose oil with % tsps of warmed, melted clear honey, mixed with enough ground almond to make a smooth paste. "SS"'T1&2 ST"&M F&.1&2S The one remarkably effective way to use essential oils in your beauty routine is to simply add them to a steam facial. The steam opens pores and warms skin, so essential oils are absorbed more rapidly. %t also makes the oils themselves more volatile, so they evaporate faster and are even more aromatic than usual. The steam facial is also deeply relaxing, $uick and non-messy. #owever, since it is so effective, some essential oils are too potent to be directly inhaled in such a small space and absorbed with steam in this way, especially as they enter the nasal passages and can irritate eyes. Steam facials are not recommended for anyone with a history of asthma or respiratory complaints. Go not use the oils listed on the following page, as they have an irritating effect when inhaled. When to (se a Steam Facial%
Steam facials should be used to deep-cleanse or deep-moisturise skin once a week at most, in place of a face mask. They are particularly effective when skin is dull, dehydrated, spotty or greasy, as they act as an instant Beautifier. #owever, donMt use them *ust before you plan to go out as the heat and steam can leave a high colour on the cheeks and make skin look shiny for a couple of hours afterwards. Since they are so relaxing it is best to use them before going to bed. Also, any moisturi er you apply afterwards will get to work on warmed, softened skin and immediately become an extra beneficial night cream. <ils !ot &ecommended for Steam Dacials2 P Basil. P 5aurel. P Bay P 4ine. P Birch. P 1lary sage. P 1amphor. P Tarragon. P 1itronella. P Tea-tree. P Dennel. P Thyme. P Hinger. P Jalerian. P ;uniper. How to (se Them 9earing an off-the-shoulder top, cleanse the skin thoroughly. Then boil some water. 4our the re$uired amount into a large, heat-retaining bowl and place it on a table. "ake sure it is the right height so you can sit comfortably and bend forwards over the bowl. #ave a large towel ready to drape over your head and trap the steam. Then add your chosen essential oils drop by drop onto the surface of the water. Stay under the towel with your eyes closed until the steam cools then add more boiling water to the bowl to evaporate off any remaining essential oils. Afterwards, gently pat your face dry and immediately apply a moisturi er to trap the extra steamy water in your skin. For steam facials
Add 8 drops essential oil to + litre =) pints> boiling 9ater. Steam Facial Tro!ble Spots %t is best to use a maximum of two different essential oils in a steam facial because they become so aromatic with the heat that any more are invariably overpowering. #owever, the right combination will treat almost any problem of both the skin and psyche. #ere is a selection of recipes for you to try before you start creating your own concoctions2 +""7 .2"&'S1'G F&.1&2 For dry skin ) drops lavender and . drops of violet. For normal8combination skin ) drops mimosa and . drops geranium. For oily blemished skin . drops *uniper and ) drops bergamot. For mat!re skin . drops frankincense and ) drops galbanum. +""7 M)1ST(R1S1'G F&.1&2 For dry skin ) drops chamomile and . drops of *asmine. For normal8combination skin/ ) drops rose and . drops sandalwood. For oily or blemished skin/ ) drops 1hamomile and . drops Heranium. For mat!re skin/ ) drops of !eroli and . drops rose. R"2&91'G F&.1&2 ) drops of ylang-ylang and . drops *asmine. 1'41G)R&T1'G F&.1&2 ) drops of peppermint and . drops lavender.
Handling Tro!ble Spots 9ith the basic guidelines provided you can change, mix n match to treat your trouble spots. Dor example, for an oily skin throughout, the essential oil for oily skin can be mixed in moisturi ers, exfoliators, cleanser etc. Dor a particular dry patch of skin, you can create the heavy moisturi er with essential oils for dry skin. Each trouble patch of the skin can be treated accordingly. Thus you can customi e your own product. <therwise there are no such thin as cleanser for dry skin, cleanser for oily skinRetc in the market. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S!nblock <ur esthetician experts say 0%f you can see your shadow, you need sunblock.0 #owever, did you know the active ingredients in sunblock often dissipate after the seasonS So, always use a sunblock, but, donFt purchase in bulk or save that last little bit in the bottle for next season. Buy as you go, in order to always have a fresh batch, or, make your own. !ote2 This recipe will leave a white nose 0lifeguard style.0 + Tbs inc oxide + +/) tsp light sesame oil + Tbs rosewater "ix together the inc oxide and sesame oil. #eat the mixture gently, using a double boiler, and stir well to mix. &emove from heat and slowly add the rosewater, as you continue stirring. Allow to cool completely, and store in a clean container with a tight lid, in the fridge. ?ield2 ) o . -eeps2 6p to +, days in the fridge.
***************************************************************** Southern buttermilk facial :ecipe Su'mitted By: Tracy of /olumbus, FA Summary: This mask al"ays leaves my face feeling soft and rehydrated. 4specially in the "inter. Ingredients: 7 Tablespoons fresh buttermilk & '+& teaspoons oatflour ;or an extra hydrating and skin loving boost to this formula, add flaxseed oil or carrotseed oil Instru"tions: $ix buttermilk and oatflour together. Apply to your face and let dry. :inse "ith luke"arm "ater and pat dry. **************************************************************** .OOT SOAD *ECI&ES Honey Cleanser
This mild organic cleanser is terrific for feet because of its natural moisturi*ing and antibacterial 3ualities. Wet your foot and apply ' tablespoon organic clover honey to a "arm, "et "ashcloth rub entire foot thoroughly, being sure to get bet"een all toes and around toenails. :inse thoroughly "ith "arm "ater. .oot Soa s ;oot soaks are an excellent "ay to care for the skin as "ell as add to your total sense of "ell being. They soften dry skin and energi*e tired feet. After soaking, moisturi*e "ith a good organic moisturi*er -see our article on organic moisturi*er recipes if you "ould like to make your o"n.. Energi(ing .oot Soa E< Add ( cups "armed organic "hole milk, & tablespoons 4psom Salt, & tablespoons organic almond oil and 7 drops organic peppermint essential oil to a "arm "ater foot bath. Soak feet for '2 minutes. Energi(ing .oot Soa E= Add & drops of organic lemon essential oil, & drops or organic rosemary essential oil, and ( tablespoons organic oat flour to a "arm "ater foot bath. Soak for '2 to &1 minutes. *ela0ing .oot Soa E< Add ( cups "armed organic "hole milk, & tablespoons 4psom Salt, and L drops organic lavender essential oil to a "arm "ater foot bath. Soak for '2 minutes. *ela0ing .oot Soa E= Add J 4psom Salt, ' teaspoon baking soda, & drops each of these organic essential oils, lemon, sandal"ood, coriander to "arm "ater foot bath. Soak for '2 to &1 minutes. 6ry .oot Soa E< <se "armed "hole organic milk and 7 drops organic lavender essential oil. Soak your feet for '2 to &1 minutes and follo" "ith exfoliating treatment. :inse "ell. $assage "ith a liberally applied heavy organic cream moisturi*er and cover "ith cotton socks for the night. 6ry .oot Soa E= Add 7 cups organic pineapple %uice and I cup organic coconut milk to a "arm "ater foot bath. Soak for '1 to '2 minutes and follo" "ith an exfoliating treatment. :inse "ell. $assage "ith liberally applied heavy organic cream moisturi*er and cover "ith cotton socks for the night. &erspiration/Odor *esistan"e Soa Add L drops of organic common tea tree essential oil to a "arm "ater foot bath and soak for '2 to &1 minutes. =ry thoroughly to discourage fungal gro"th. Tea Tree essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and astringent properties "hich eliminate the various causes of foot odor. E0!oliation 4xfoliating your feet is a necessity because of all the friction your feet encounter on a daily basis. The skin responds to this friction by creating more skin cells in areas that are being rubbed -think of calluses that form on your hands from raking leaves.. To soften and re%uvenate your feet, this rough, dry build up should be removed. =o not expect the area to be finished after one treatment. t took a "hile to get to this pointB it "ill take a bit of T9/ to fix the problem. Al"ays finish "ith a good
moisturi*er and use moisturi*er at least t"ice dailyB this helps keep the skin soft bet"een exfoliation treatments "hich helps make you exfoliation more productive. All of the follo"ing exfoliation mixtures "ill "ork much better if used immediately after one of the above foot soaks. Citrus S"ru' $ix ' cup 4psom Salt, 7 teaspoons organic olive oil and the %uice of one small lemon. mmediately massage soles of feet -donQt give the 4psom Salt time to dissolve., giving extra attention to any areas of thick skin. :inse "ith "arm "ater. Sour Cream S"ru' :ub %ust soaked feet "ith ' cup organic cornmeal then apply a mixture of J cup organic sour cream and & tablespoons organic olive oil. $assage "ell, giving extra attention to thick skin. :inse "ith "arm "ater. Odor &rote"tion .oot &o#der $ix J cup organic ginger and J organic cornstarch. Store this mixture in an airtight container. To use, light brush on feet using a large brush designed for cosmetic po"der application. 0et"een gingers antibacterial properties and cornstarchQs absorbency, you "ill combat foot odor. by 9ouise ;orrest O-ernight .oot 1as8ue '+( cup Almonds '+( cup =ry @atmeal 7 tablespoons food grade /ocoa 0utter & tablespoons #oney 8rocess almonds in a blender or coffee grinder until finely ground. Set aside. n the same blender, pulse your oatmeal until of the same consistency. n a bo"l, combine ground oatmeal, cocoa butter, honey and ground almonds. :ub into your clean feet, step into cotton socks, and leave on overnight. The next morning, remove the socks and rinse feet in cool "ater. 8at dry. We recommend you not remove the socks until you5re standing in the tubC ****************************************************************** 0eauty Water :ecipe Su'mitted By: Simohn of Santa ;e, N$ Summary: Water applied "ith cotton or hands Ingredients: ' egg "hite ' T glycerin or honey ' '+& tsp vodka or "itch ha*el & drops lemon essential oil & drops lavender essential oil & drops thyme essential oil Instru"tions: $ix together all ingredients. 8lace in a clean container and keep in the refrigerator. At night before retiring, pour a tsp. in the palm of your hand or on cotton ball and rub over face and neck, letting it dry. f desired, in the morning, an hour before bathing, repeat the operation, also letting the li3uid dry.
:egular use of this preperation for four "eeks "ill give the skin an extraordinary beauty and freshness. *********************************************************** Co"onut Sugar Body &olish *e"ipe Su'mitted By: Angelica of ngle"ood, /A Summary: 0ody 8olish Ingredients: 7+( of cup of sugar '+( cup of grated coconut '+( cup of coconut milk po"der '+( to '+7 cup of S"eet Almond @il /oconut fragrance oil Instru"tions: /ombine all dry ingredients and blend evenly. Add S"eet Almond oil a little at a time until sugar mixture is moist. Add a fe" drop of fragrance until you are satisfied "ith the fragrance strength. >ou can also add pineapple and+or stra"berry fragrance oil for a nice tropical blend. $akes about )o*. *************************************************************** Homemade Cleansing Creams9 1il s and S"ru's '. Apri"ot Butter Cold Cream 2.or 6ry S in3 '1 o* apricot kernel oil & o* cocoa butter & o* bees"ax #eat all in top of double boiler until "ax and butter are melted. 0eat "ith a "ooden spoon until smooth and cooled. Transfer to %ars, cap and refrigerate. &. Buttermil and .ennel Cleansing 1il 2.or Oily S in3 '+& cup buttermilk & Tbsp crushed fennel seeds #eat the milk and fennel seeds in top of double boiler for 71 minutes. Turn off heat, let steep for & hours. Strain, cool, pour into bottle and refrigerate. ?eeps for & "eeks. 7. Chamomile Cleansing 1il 2.or 6ry and Sensiti-e S in3 '+( cup cream '+( cup milk & Tbsp chamomile flo"ers, fresh or dried Simmer ingredients in top of a double boiler for about 71 minutes, do not allo" milk to boil. Turn off heat and let sit for about & hours, strain. ?eep refrigerated. Apply "ith cotton balls to the face. 6ariations, <se elderflo"ers, s"eet violets or lime blossoms in place of chamomile (. Cornmeal Cleanser 2!or Oily S in3 /astile soap ' Tsp /ornmeal Wet face. 8our a little castile soap into the palm of your hand, add cornmeal. $ix meal and soap into a lather, "ash face, being careful to avoid the delicate skin around the eyes. 2. Honey Cleanser 2.or 6ry S in3 /astile soap ' Tsp #oney Wet face. 8our a little castile soap into the palm of your hand, add honey. $ix honey and soap into a lather, "ash face.
L. Honey Almond S"ru' & Tbsp almonds & tsp milk '+& tsp flour '+& tsp honey Frind almonds in a blender. Add milk, flour and honey, mixing until a thick paste is formed. :ub into skin, rinse "ith "arm "ater follo"ed by the p# balancer. E. Honey 4n Oats S"ru' '+& cup uncooked oatmeal ' Tbsp honey ' Tbsp cider vinegar ' tsp ground almonds $oisten face "ith a "arm "ashcloth then apply mixture to face avoiding the sensitive area around the eyes. 9et mixture dry, then remove "ith a "arm, damp "ashcloth. ). Lemon Cleansing Cream 2.or Oily S in3 ' Tbsp bees"ax ' '+& Tbsp <npetroleum Delly -available in natural foods stores. 7 Tbsp %o%oba oil ' Tbsp "itch ha*el ' Tbsp strained lemon %uice '+) tsp borax L drops essential oil of lemon $elt bees"ax and unpetroleum %elly over lo" heat. Add "armed %o%oba oil to "ax and %elly mixture, blending for 7!2 minutes. $ix "itch ha*el and lemon %uice, "arm gently, mix in borax until dissolved. Slo"ly add this to the "ax mixture, beating until cool and creamy. After completely cooled, add lemon oil, spoon into clean %ar. M. 1il and Honey Cleanser: $ix ' tsp "arm honey "ith ' tablespoon milk or cream. This recipe should be prepared fresh each time. '1. &eppermint &atty S"ru': 2.or Oily S in3 & cup rolled oats ' cup almonds & tsp dried lavender & tsp dried peppermint & cup "hite cosmetic clay Frind oats, almonds and herbs to a very fine po"der in blender or "ith a mortar and pestle. $ix ground herbs "ith clay, store in covered container. To use, mix ' heaping tsp of mixture "ith "ater to make a paste. $assage into skin then rinse "ell "ith "arm "ater. ''. Sesame Oil Cleanser: 2.or 6ry S in3 Apply sesame oil to face and neck. :emove oil and makeup "ith a "ashcloth that has been soaked in hot "ater and "rung out. ;inish "ith a rinse of the p# 0alancer. '&. S#eet Butter Cleansing Cream: 2.or 6ry S in3 Whip s"eet, unsalted butter, transfer to container "ith a tid lid. $ay be stored at room temperature a"ay from heat sources or refrigerate. Cleansing Grains '. Almond Cleanser Frind almonds to a fine po"der in a blender. Wet face then rub on almond po"der. :inse. Store po"der in a tighly sealed container. &. Orange + Oats S"ru''ing Grains ' cup dried orange peel ' cup cooked oatmeal ' cup almonds
8lace peels, oats, and almonds in food processor, blend until mixture is a fine po"der. 8lace some in the palm of your hand and moisten "ith a fe" drops of "arm "ater. :ub paste onto face "ith a gentle circular motion. :inse "ith "arm "ater. *************************************************************** Home spa re"ipes Oli-e oil hand soa All you need is I cup of "armed olive oil -not hot, be carefulC. and a dish "here you can place both your hands. =ip them in "arm olive oil and let them soak in all the "onderful fats olive oil has to give. This "ill help moisturi*e and revive your hands, and help the nails, too. Or9 try &otato hand mas8ue 8eel and cook & larger potatoes. $ash them and add a bit of butter -or olive oil. and a capsule of 6itamin 4. Apply on the hands and let it dry. :inse off "ith luke "arm "ater. The honey 'ased !a"ial s"ru' is a perfect "ay to cleanse your face. Not only does it open clogged pores, honey has a high antibacterial po"er that "ill leave your face smooth and bacteria free. ngredients, ' teaspoon of honey & teaspoons of finely ground almonds -not salted ones, %ust regular. '+& teaspoon of lemon %uice Fently rub the face, don5t press too hard, you5ll scratch yourself ,. ******************************************************************