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Leon MISHNAEVSKY Jr., Dr. habil.

, Senior Scientist Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark, Ris Campus, Bldg. 228, DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark Email: lemi@dtu.dk. Nationality: German Links: Web; Scopus ID 7004128548; RschID H-5156-2012
DEGREES : 2005 - Habilitation (Doktor habil. in Mechanics), Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany; 1991 - Dr.-Eng., USSR Academy of Sciences (Russia)/Confirmed by German Ministry of Education (1995); 1987 Engineer, Kiev University of Civil Engn (Ukraine) EMPLOYMENT: Since 2005 - DTU, Ris National Laboratory/Ris Campus, Senior Scientist; 2003-2005 - Darmstadt University of Technology, Heisenberg Fellow (portable associate professorship of German Scientific Council, DFG); 1996-2005- University of Stuttgart (Germany), Materials Testing Institute (MPA) (03-05Heisenberg Fellow, 98-02 - Rsch Associate, 96-98 Humboldt Rsch Fellow); 1996 - 99 - Max-Planck Institute for Metal Research (Germany), Research Scientist; 1994 95- Vienna University of Technology (Austria), Institute of Mechanics, Postdoc; 1981 94- Inst. Superhard Materials (Ukrainian Acad. Sci, Kiev). Rsch Scientist, Engineer, Technician VISITING APPOINTMENTS: 2004- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. Materials Science & Engnrng, Visiting Scholar; 2003Ecole Nationale Superieure dArts et Metiers (ENSAM, Paris, France), Invited Professor ; 2002 -Rutgers University, Dept. Mechan & Aerospace Engnrng (USA). Visiting Research Professor; 2001 - Science University of Tokyo, Computational Mechanics Lab, Visiting Scholar; 2000 - University of Tokyo, Dept. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Visiting Scientist; 2000 - Synergy Ceramics Lab, Natl Industrial Research Inst. Nagoya (Japan). Visiting Scientist AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS: Heisenberg Fellowship, 2003-2005, Japan Soc. Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitation Fellowship, Uni Tokyo, 2000; Invited Professorship, China Univ. of Mining and Technology, China, 2008, 2002; Japan Science and Technology Agency (STA) Fellowship, NIRIN, Nagoya, 2000; Marquis Whos Who in Science and Engineering, 2000-2001, 2006-2007, 2008-2009; A.v. Humboldt Research Fellowship, 19951997; Engineering Foundation Conf. Fellowship, 1996 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCE: Project Leader: EU FP7 Project Coordinator Virtual Nanotitanium (Theoretical analysis, design and virtual testing of biocompatibility and mechanical properties of titanium-based nanomaterials) Collaborative Project in Nanosciences NMP, 6 EU partners (2011-2014, total budget 1.5 Mio EUR), Project Coordinator (of both full project and its Danish part) High reliability of large wind turbines via computational micromechanics based enhancement of materials performances" (2011-2014, Danish Council for Strategic Research, in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology of China; Budget 5.5 Mio Kroner, about 730 K ); Project Coordinator Development of wind energy technologies in Nepal on the basis of natural materials, Danida, 2007-2011 (5.2 Mio Kroner, about 700 K); Project Leader, Sino-Danish Cooperation Project 3D virtual testing of composites for wind energy applications: Computational mesomechanics approach, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2009-2011 (with Tianjin Univ of Commerce, 112 K kroner); Project Leader, Optimization of materials at the mesolevel on the basis of numerical experiments (German Research Council, DFG, 2003-2005); Project co-leader, Modelling failure behaviour of thin heterogeneous films on and between ceramic substrates (DFG, 2003-2008, together with Professor D. Gross)

Work Package Leader: WP Leader Micromechanics in "Danish Centre for Composite Structures and Materials for Wind Turbines (DCCSM)" (2010-2017), Activity Leader Denmark in Nepali-Danish project Development of commercially viable wind power system in Nepal, RenewableNepal Programme, Kathmandu University, Nepal, 2011-2013 (50 KKroner), Framework Program Interface design of composite materials (FTP, 2004-2007), etc. Organizer, Chairman or Co-Chairman of Conferences: International Conference on Computational modelling of nanostructured materials, September 4-6, 2013, Frankfurt am Main, Germany International Workshops on Modeling and development of nanostructured materials for biomedical applications, February 5-7, 2014, Madrid, Spain, and on Nanostructured titanium based alloys for medical applications, January 21-23, 2013, Ein Gedi, Israel, Indo-Danish International Conference on Wind Energy: Materials, Engineering and Policies (WEMEP2012), November 22-23, 2012, Hyderabad, International Symposium on Materials for Wind Energy Applications, September 17-19, 2012, Beijing, China, International Workshops on Small Wind Energy, November 15-17, 2010, Pokhara, Nepal, on Small Wind Energy for Developing Countries, September 14-16, 2009, Nairobi, Kenya, and on Natural and LowCost Materials in Wind Energy, 10-12 November 2008, Dhulikhel, Nepal.

PUBLICATIONS: totally more than 100 publications, including 3 books and about 70 scientific papers in refereed journals.
SOME PUBLICATIONS: Books: S. Schmauder, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Micromechanics and Nanosimulation of Metals and Composites, Springer, 2008, 420 pp. L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Computational Mesomechanics of Composites, John Wiley, 2007, 280 pp. L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Damage and Fracture of Heterogeneous Materials, Balkema, Rotterdam, 1998, 230 pp

Edited Journals: L. Mishnaevsky Jr, E. Levashov, (Guest-Editors) Computational Materials Science, Special Issue VirtualNanotitanium ,Vol. 76, August 2013 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, D. Wood (Guest-Editors) Journal of Wind Engineering, Special Issues, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2009, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2010 Selected Publications in Refereed Journals for the last years: 2013/2014: G.M. Dai, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Fatigue of multiscale composites with secondary nanoplatelet reinforcement: 3D computational analysis, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 91, 2014, pp. 71-81 H.S. Liu, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Gradient ultrafine-grained titanium: computational study of mechanical and damage behavior, Acta materialia (accepted), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2014.03.017 L. Mishnaevsky Jr., G.M. Dai, Hybrid carbon/glass fiber composites: Micromechanical analysis of structuredamage resistance relationship, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 81, 2014, pp. 630-640 G.M. Dai, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Fatigue of hybrid carbon/glass composites: 3D Computational modelling Composites Science & Technology, Vol. 94, 2014, pp. 7179

G.M. Dai, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Damage evolution in nanoclay-reinforced polymers: a three-dimensional computational study, Composites Science & Technology, 74 (2013) 6777 H.S Liu, W. Pantleon, L.Mishnaevsky Jr, Non-equilibrium grain boundaries in UFG titanium: Computational study of sources of the material strengthening, Computational Materials Science, , 83 (2014) 318330 L. Mishnaevsky Jr. H.W. Zhou, H. Y. Yi, L. L. Gui, R. D. Peng, H.W. Wang, Microscale damage mechanisms and degradation of fiber reinforced composites for wind energy applications: Results of DanishChinese collaborative investigations, J. Composite Materials, September 26, 2013, doi: 10.1177/0021998313503876 H.S Liu, L.Mishnaevsky Jr, Martensitic transformations in nanostructured nitinol: FE modelling of grain size and distribution effects, Computational Materials Science, Special Issue: Virtual Nanotitanium, 2013, Vol. 76,2013, pp.27-36 H.W. Zhou, H. Y. Yi, L. L. Gui, G. M. Dai, R. D. Peng, H.W. Wang and Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. Compressive damage mechanism of GFPR composites under off-axis loading: Experimental and numerical investigations, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 55, 2013, pp 119-127 L.Mishnaevsky Jr, Micromechanical modelling of wind blade materials, Chapter 15, In: Wind turbine blade design and materials, Edited by: P. Brndsted, and R. Nijssen, Woodhead, 2013, DOI : 10.1533/9780857098900.2.298 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, E. Levashov, Editorial, Special Issue of Journal devoted to the ViNaT Project, Computational Materials Science, 2013, Volume 76,2013, pp.1-2 H.W. Zhou, H.Y Yi., D.J Xue,. Z.Q.Duan, C.H. Zhang, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Influence of fibers orientation angle on failure mechanism of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites, Scientia Sinica Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica, 2013, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 167176, doi: 10.1360/132011-1237 L. Mishnaevsky Jr..; H.W. Zhou, R. Peng, G. Dai, H.W. Wang, Polymer nanocomposites for wind energy applications: Perspectives and computational modeling. Proc. Int. Conf. Nanomaterials: Application & Properties, Vol. 2, No 4, 04NEA07 (4 pp)(2013) H. W. Zhou, C. P. Wang, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Z. Q. Duan, J. Y. Ding, A fractional derivative approach to full creep regions in salt rock, Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 2013, 17, No. 3, 413-435 L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Nanostructured interfaces for enhancing mechanical properties of materials: Micromechanical simulations (submitted) G.M. Dai, L. Mishnaevsky Jr.,Graphene monolayer nanocomposites: 3d simulation of damage initiation and evolution (in work) L. Mishnaevsky Jr., E. Levashov, R. Valiev, E.Rabkin, E. Gutmanas et al. Nanostructured Ti-based materials for medical implants: Modeling and development (in work) 2012. Nanomaterials and hierarchical materials L.Mishnaevsky Jr, Micromechanical analysis of nanocomposites using 3D voxel based material model, Composites Science & Technology, 72 (2012) 11671177 L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Micromechanics of hierarchical materials: a brief overview, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 30 (2012) 60-72 R.D. Peng, H.W. Zhou, H.W. Wang, L. Mishnaevsky Jr. Modeling of nano-reinforced polymer composites: Microstructure effect on the Youngs modulus, Computational Materials Science, 60 (2012) 1931 2012. Wind blade materials and composites L. Mishnaevsky Jr., P. Brndsted , R. Nijssen, D. J. Lekou and T. P. Philippidis, Materials of large wind turbine blades: Recent results in testing and modelling, Wind Energy, Vol. 15, No.1, pp, 8397, 2012 H.S. Toft, K. Branner, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., J.D. Srensen, Uncertainty modeling and code calibration for composite materials, J Composite Materials, Vol.: 47 no. 14 pp. 1729-1747 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Composite materials for wind energy applications: Micromechanical modelling and future directions, Computational Mechanics Vol.50, No. 2, 2012, pp. 195-207 2011:

L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Hierarchical composites: Analysis of damage evolution based on fiber bundle model, Composites Sci & Technol, 71 (2011) 450460 H. Qing, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Fatigue modelling of materials with complex microstructures, Computational Materials Science, Vol.50, N.5, 2011, pp. 1644-1650 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, 2011, Composite materials in wind energy technology, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford H. Qing, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, A 3D multilevel model of damage and strength of wood: Analysis of microstuctural effects, Mechanics of Materials, 43 (2011) 487495 H.W. Wang, H.W. Zhou, R.D. Peng, L.Mishnaevsky Jr., Nanoreinforced polymer composites: 3D FEM modeling with effective interface concept, Composites Scie & Technol, Vol. 71, No. 7, 2011, pp- 980-988 L. Mishnaevsky Jr., et al, Small wind turbines with timber blades for developing countries: Materials choice, development, installation and experiences, Renewable Energy, Vol.36, No. 8, 2011, pp. 2128-2138 V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera P. Brndsted, L. Mishnaevsky Jr Numerical simulation of progressive debonding in fiber reinforced composite under transverse loading, Int. J. Eng. Sci., Vol. 49, No.1, 2011, pp. 17-29 A.S. Abhilash, S.P. Joshi, A.Mukherjee, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Micromechanics of diffusion induced damage evolution in reinforced polymers, Composites Sci & Technol, Vol. 71, No. 3, 2011, pp. 333-342 V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera and L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Explicit modelling the progressive interface damage in fibrious composite: analytical vs. Numerical approach, Composites Science and Technology, Vol.71, No.7, 2011, pp. 989-997 V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera and L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Elastic interaction of partially debonded circular inclusions. II. Application to fibrous composite, Int J Solids and Structures, Vol. 48, No. s 16-17, 2011, pp. 2413-2421 2010: H. Qing, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., 3D constitutive model of anisotropic damage for unidirectional ply based on physical failure mechanisms, Computational Materials Science, 50 (2010) 479486 R. Sinha, P. Acharya, P. Freere, R. Sharma, P. Ghimire and Leon Mishnaevsky, Jr. Selection of Nepalese timber for small wind turbine blade construction, J Wind Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2010, pp. 263-276 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, D. Wood, Editorial, J Wind Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 3, 2010, pp. i-iv V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera, L. Mishnaevsky Jr. Elastic interaction of partially debonded circular inclusions. I. Theoretical solution, Int J Solids and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 14-15, 2010, pp. 1961-1971 H. Qing, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., 3D multiscale micromechanical model of wood: From annual rings to microfibrils, Int J Solids and Structures, Vol. 47, No. 9, 1 2010, pp. 1253-1267 H.W. Zhou, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, P. Brndsted, J. Tan, L. Gui, SEM in situ laboratory investigations on damage growth in GFRP composite under three-point bending tests, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010 Vol.55 No.12: 11991208 (Cover Story) 2009: L. Mishnaevsky Jr and P. Brndsted, Statistical modelling of compression and fatigue damage of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites, Composites Sci & Technol, Vol. 69, 3-4, 2009, pp. 477-484 H. Qing, and L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Unidirectional high fiber content composites: Automatic 3D FE model generation and damage simulation, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 47, 2, 2009, pp. 548-555 H. Qing, and L. Mishnaevsky Jr, 3D hierarchical computational model of wood as a cellular material with fibril reinforced, heterogeneous multiple layers, Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 41, 9, 2009, pp. 1034-1049 L. Mishnaevsky Jr and P. Brndsted, Micromechanisms of damage in unidirectional fiber reinforced composites: 3D computational analysis, Composites Sci & Technol, Vol. 69, No.7-8, 2009, pp. 1036-1044 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, P.Freere, R. Sharma, P.Brndsted, H. Qing, J. I. Bech, R. Sinha, P. Acharya, R. Evans, Strength and reliability of wood for the components of low-cost wind turbines: Computational and experimental analysis and applications, J Wind Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2009 PP 183196 H. W. Wang, H.W. Zhou, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., P. Brndsted, L.N. Wang, Single fibre and multifibre unit cell analysis of strength and cracking of unidirectional composites, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2009, Pages 810-820

V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera and L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Statistics of microstructure, peak stress and interface damage in fiber reinforced composites. J Mechanics of Materials and Structures Vol. 4 (2009), No. 6, 10891107 H. Qing, and L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Moisture-related mechanical properties of softwood: 3D micromechanical modeling, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 46, No. 2, 2009, pp.310-320 L. Mishnaevsky Jr and P. Brndsted, Micromechanical modeling of damage and fracture of unidirectional fiber reinforced composites: A review, Comput Materials Science, Vol. 44, No. 4, 2009, pp. 1351-1359 V.I. Kushch, I. Sevostianov, L. Mishnaevsky Jr. Effect of crack orientation statistics on effective stiffness of mircocracked solid, Int J Solids and Structures, Vol. 46, No. 6, 2009, pp. 1574-1588 2008: L. Mishnaevsky Jr and P. Brndsted, Three-dimensional numerical modelling of damage initiation in UD fiber-reinforced composites with ductile matrix, Materials Science &Engineering: A, Vol.498, No. 1-2, 2008, pp. 81-86 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, H. Qing, Micromechanical modelling of mechanical behaviour and strength of wood: State-of-the-art review, Computational Materials Science, Vol. 44, No. 2, 2008, pp. 363-370 V.I. Kushch, S.V. Shmegera and L. Mishnaevsky Jr., Meso cell model of fiber reinforced composite: Interface stress statistics and debonding paths, Int J Solids and Structures, 45: 9, 2008, pp. 2758-2784 V.I. Kushch, I. Sevostianov, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Stress concentration and effective stiffness of aligned fiber reinforced composite with anisotropic constituents, Int J Solids Structures, 45: 18-19, 2008, 5103-5117 2005-2007: L. Mishnaevsky Jr, A Simple method and program for the analysis of the microstructure-stiffness interrelations of composite materials, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 41, No. 1, 73-87 (2007) L. Mishnaevsky Jr, P. Brndsted, Modeling of fatigue damage evolution on the basis of the kinetic concept of strength, Int. J. Fracture, (2007) 144 , 149-158 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Functionally gradient metal matrix composites: numerical analysis of the microstructurestrength relationships, Composites Sci. & Technology, 2006, 66/11-12, pp 1873-1887 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Computational analysis of the effects of microstructures on damage and fracture in heterogeneous materials, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 306-308, pp. 489-49, 2006 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Microstructural effects on damage in composites: Computational Analysis, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, No. 3, Vol 44, 2006, pp. 533-552 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Automatic voxel based generation of 3D microstructural FE models and its application to the damage analysis of composites, Matls Science & Engineering A, Vol. 407, No. 1-2, 2005, pp.11-23 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Three-dimensional numerical testing of microstructures of particle reinforced composites, Acta Materialia, 2004, Vol. 52/14, pp.4177-4188 A. Trondl, D. Gross, L. Mishnaevsky Jr., N. Huber, 3D FEA of Size Effects in Deformation of Thin Metallic Films, PAMM (Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics), 6, pp. 517518 (2006) L. Mishnaevsky Jr and D. Gross, Deformation and failure in thin films/substrate systems: Methods of theoretical analysis, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 2005 , Vol. 58, No. 5, pp. pp. 338-353 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, K. Derrien and D. Baptiste, Effect of microstructures of particle reinforced composites on the damage evolution: probabilistic and numerical analysis, Composites Sci. & Technology, Vol. 64, No 12 , 2004, pp. 1805-1818 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, U. Weber and S. Schmauder, Numerical analysis of the effect of microstructures of particle-reinforced metallic materials on the crack growth and fracture resistance, Int. J. Fracture, 125: 3350, 2004 M. Levesque, K. Derrien, L. Mishnaevsky Jr, M. Gilchrist and D. Baptiste, A Micromechanical Model for Non-Linear Viscoelastic Particle Reinforced Polymeric Composite Materials Undamaged State, Composites Part A, 35 (2004) 905-913 Some older publications:

L. Mishnaevsky Jr., S. Schmauder, 2001, Continuum mesomechanical finite element modeling in materials development: a state-of-the-art review, Applied Mechanics Reviews, 54, 1, 49-69 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann, S. Schmauder and P. Gumbsch, In-situ observations of damage evolution and fracture in AlSi cast alloys, Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol. 63, Nr. 4, 1999, pp. 395-411 L. Mishnaevsky Jr and T. Shioya, Optimization of materials microstructures: information theory approach, Journal of the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Vol. 48, 2001, pp. 1-13 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Determination for the time to fracture of solids, Int. J. Fracture, Vol.79, No.4, 1996, pp.341-350 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Methods of the theory of complex systems in modelling of fracture: a Brief review, Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol.56, No.1, pp.47-56, 1997 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Lippmann N; Schmauder S, Computational modeling of crack propagation in real microstructures of steels and virtual testing of artificially designed materials Int J Fracture, Vol. 120 No. 4 pp. 581-600, 2003 L. Mishnaevsky Jr and S. Schmauder, Damage evolution and heterogeneity of materials: model based on fuzzy set theory, Eng. Fract. Mech., Vol.57, No.6, pp.625-636, 1997 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, N. Lippmann and S. Schmauder, Micromechanisms and modelling of crack initiation and growth in tool steels: Role of Primary Carbides, Zeitschrift f. Metallkunde, 94, 2003, 6, pp. 676-681 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, A New approach to design of drilling tools, Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci., Vol.33, No.1, pp.97-102 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Mathematical Modelling of Wear of Cemented Carbide Tools in Cutting Brittle Materials. Int.J. Machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol.35, No.5,1995, pp.717-724 L. Mishnaevsky Jr, Investigation of cutting of brittle materials, Int. J. Machine & Manufacture, Vol.34, No.4, pp.499-505, 1994

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Expert Board Member Skolkovo Foundation (2012-2014), Reviewer for Czech Science Foundation, Belgian Federal Science Policy Office, etc. Member: Editorial Board, International Journal of Composite Materials, International Scientific/Organizational Committees of Conferences: Indo-Danish bilateral workshop on Future Composite Technologies for Wind Turbine Blades (New Delhi, 2012), 32nd and 30th Ris Symposia (Roskilde, 2009, 2011), 11th International Symposium Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (Paris, France, 2007), International Conference on Micro/Nano Fabrication Technologies (ICM/NFT'06, Bangkok, Thailand, 2006), NATO Advanced Rsch Workshop Probabilities & Materials (Russia, 1997), 2nd Intern. Conf Mesofracture-96 (Russia, 1996). NEWS AND MEDIA REPORTS: Webpage MISIS (in Russian), Webpage DTU (in Danish), on Nanotechnology Now, on Rossotrudnichestvo, on DTU Newspaper, on Renewable Energy Focus.

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