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Detect Soft Foot With Vibration Analysis

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Soft foot is caused by machine frame distortion due to uneven footing which stresses machinery and causes high vibration levels. It increases bearing loads and power consumption and can cause premature wear.

Soft foot is caused by issues like missing shims, bent feet, or deterioration that make the footing uneven. This misaligns bearings and causes shaft deflection with each revolution, increasing vibration and wear. It overloads bearings and wastes power.

Vibration analysis can detect signs of soft foot like elevated 1x RPM values or a 2x line frequency peak. Loosening feet individually can identify which causes the greatest vibration reduction, pointing to soft foot.

Detect soft foot with vibration analysis

Irene Hamernick Tags: vibration analysis, condition monitoring, predictive maintenance

Soft foot poses a challenge for plant operations and maintenance personnel. The common term for machine frame distortion, soft foot is caused when one or more feet of a machine are shorter, longer or angled some way different than the rest of the feet. This non-uniformity causes stress on the machinery when the foot is forced into place by tightening the hold-down bolt. Missing shims under a foot, a bent foot, or a deteriorating base plate or foundation can cause this condition. In addition, pipe stress can cause machine frame distortion and, therefore, also is considered a soft foot condition. hen soft foot is present, the intended machine design and clearances are compromised. It can cause high vibration levels because the machinery is unduly e!posed to e!cessive wear with each shaft revolution. "eflection and "amage #ften, soft foot is not seen as a critical problem, but let$s investigate the damage it can cause. hen machine frame distortion e!ists, the bearing housings are misaligned with respect to one another. This offset, as well as angular misalignment, creates a load on the rotating shaft that results in shaft deflection. hen the shaft turns, this results in vibration since the shaft must deflect by double the amount of the deflection at rest, at twice the speed of rotation. %or e!ample, at &,'(( revolutions per minute )*+M, running speed, a soft foot distortion provokes -.&'. million deflection cycles every /. hours )%igure &,.

Figure 1. An example of preload on the bearings. At 1,800 RPM, which e uals !0 stress"re#ersal c$cles e#er$ second %re#erses twice in each full rotation&, this is nearl$ '.( million bac)"and"forth deflection c$cles e#er$ (* hours.

It is, of course, the bearings that directly transmit the forces re0uired to do this to the shafts. Therefore, soft foot greatly increases the load on the bearings, results in increased power consumption and provokes metal fatigue of the shaft over time. 1earings and seals suffer premature wear and are prone to premature failure. 2ibration data can reveal signs of many machinery health problems, among them soft foot. How do you determine if soft foot is the culprit3 4 machine is determined to have a soft foot if the calculated value of movement of a machine foot when tightened or loosened is at least (.((/ to (.((5 inches while the remaining feet are bolted tight. This condition often )but not always, causes an increase in overall machine vibration.

If the overall vibration level is too high, the ne!t step is to determine why. 4 common practice is to take a spectrum on the bearing housing of the e0uipment. If safety is not compromised, take measurements while the machinery is operating. Take a spectrum in live mode. This is a feature of some data collectors that allows the user to continuously view the spectrum while the machinery is running. This is handy if you are trying to view a transient event. To help determine a soft foot issue, loosen each foot one at a time, always keeping the others tight, and then retighten while the spectrum is still measuring. 4ny notable reduction in the one-times )&!, energy during the loosening process can be a strong indication of the relief of machine frame distortion. The graphs in %igure 5 display typical before and after conditions.

Figure +a. ,efore the loosening se uenceAll four feet are tightened. the 1/ amplitude is 0.1(0 inches1second. Radial measurements were ta)en in the #ertical direction.

Figure +b. After the loosening se uence2ne of the four feet was loose. the 1/ amplitude is now 0.0*8 inches1second. This is a great indication of which foot has the greatest impact on relief of soft foot distortion, but you will need to further investigate with a good laser alignment tool, dial indicator or feeler gauges to properly measure and correct the problem. #ften, the soft foot signature or pattern is hard to detect. 6ommonly, soft foot appears at &! the running speed of the e0uipment, both a!ially and radially, but is occasionally present at two and three times *+M. Since soft foot can also affect alignment, misalignment characteristics may appear. The best indication of soft foot is an elevated &! *+M vibration value. This is typically in the neighborhood of (.5 inches7second or higher. 2ery often, there is a significant /! alternate current line fre0uency peak. The presence of this peak helps differentiate soft foot from imbalance and misalignment. 8sing +hase 4nalysis The signature of soft foot sometimes appears similar to looseness because the foot may, in fact, be loose. %oot looseness may emerge due to weakness in the base plate or foundation, deterioration of the grouting, loose hold-down bolts, or a cracked or broken foot. 4ll of these situations are part of machine frame distortion. +hase analysis will help reveal this. +hase analysis documents the relative motion between two different points. 9ou can use it to determine continuity between two ad:acent pieces of machinery )i.e., machine frame and supporting foundation,. +hase analysis may show a ;(to &'(-degree phase difference between vertical measurements on the bolt, machine foot, base plate or base )%igure /,.

Figure (. Phase relationship can show differences

between #ertical measurements on the bolt, machine foot, base plate or base. 4 0uick way to ac0uire this data is with a data collector that offers cross-channel phase measurements. This allows the user to take vibration readings with an accelerometer and ascertain the phase information without the use of a tachometer. This saves a considerable amount of time due to the skipped setup time that is necessary when a tachometer is used to collect phase data.

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