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Problem Trees

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Problem Tree: Hypertension n= 264

High Prevalence and High Risk of Hypertension among adults aged 18 years old and above Status: 20.83 are hypertensive

Predisposing !actor" %ver&eight and %besity

Predisposing !actor" #nhealthy $ating Habits Ratio of meals sold at carinderia (meat to vegetables) is 3:2 55.14% of the o ulation eat oil! food often. 41."2% eat instant noodles often. 4#.54% eat rocessed food often. 15."$% eat at fast food chains often. 23.24% eat salt! food often.

Predisposing !actor" #nhealthy Health Habits 'tatus" 32.(3 of the population have no regular e)ercise* 10 out of 13 hypertensives have no regular e)ercise (8.+, drink alcoholic beverages 32.-. smoke cigarettes Predisposing !actor" :isconception about e)ercise of people &ith morbidity" $nabling !actor" 9o e)ercise program $nabling !actor" ;ack of recreational facilities $nabling !actor" 6ccessibilit y" 'tores sell cigarettes and beer

Predisposing !actor" Poor #tili/ation of Health 'ervices 'tatus"

$nabling !actor" 4issatisfaction $nabling !actor" 9o smoking and drinking cessation program implemented by the health $nabling !actor" 054 consultation is only open on <hursday afternoons

Predisposing !actor" 0ooking preference is frying1 10 out of 13 said their meals usually consist of fried food

Predisposing !actor" Preference for artificial flavorings to fresh ingredients - out of - mothers reported to use food seasoning as substitute for meat.

$nabling !actor" 6ffordability and ease of use of flavorings* enhancers and seasonings 6ccessibility in sari7 sari stores

Predisposing !actor" ;o& salience of the severity and magnitude of the problem" 5erbali/ed that they are too busy to allot time for e)ercise1 not their priority

$nabling !actor" ;o& budget on Health

2nability to perceive the importance of balanced diet to health and its significance in prevention and management of hypertension !34" 5erbali/ed that they consider the availability and affordability of food more than its nutritional value.

$nabling !actor" 'ocial 2mpact %bservation"

Predisposing !actor" 2nade8uate kno&ledge on the predisposition to develop hypertension in the presence of familial incidence and co7moribidities %nly + out of 13 believe that familial history of HP9 puts one at risk for developing HP9

Predisposing !actor" 2nade8uate kno&ledge on healthy lifestyle" %bservation"

2nade8uate kno&ledge on the proper nutritional intake of persons &ith or are at high risk for having hypertension %nly + out of 13 believe that being obese and eating a high fat diet increases the risk for developing HP9

;o& educational attainment

;o& economic status=income

Predisposing !actor" Presence of !amilial Risk !actors" ,1 have a family history of HP9* 3,.,1 have a family history of 4:* 2+.(- have a family history of cardiovascular disease

Predisposing !actor" Presence of 0omorbidity" Hyperthyroidism" 'troke" 4:> high blood glucose level ?0@3 resultA" :ortality" :orbidity"


Problem Tree: Malnutrition n= 171

Status" 21 High incidence of malnutrition among children ages ?071.A of toddlers are under&eight* 23 of older children are under&eight

Poor 4ietary Habit #nmanaged Parasitism $nabling Risk !actor" $asy &ay of cooking is through frying $nabling Risk !actor" 6ccessibility of seasoning" all sari7sari stores are selling seasonings etc. High Prevalence Rate of Parasitism among children Status" (0 of children aged 071. tested positive for parasitic infections $nabling Risk !actor" 2mproper Hand &ashing" %nly 1-.3 &ash their hands after playing outside the house Pre7disposing Risk !actor" Dalking &ithout !oot&ear" ., do not &ear slippers inside the house* 8 of 20 &alk or play barefoot outside the house

#nmanaged #pper Respiratory <ract 2nfection High Prevalence Rate of #pper Respiratory <ract 2nfection among 0hildren Status:

2nade8uate 9utritional 2ntake ?Poor Buality and BuantityA Pre7disposing !actor" 2mproper !ood 'election and Preparation Results sho&ed that families prefer preparing fried foods 'easonings* Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nappropriate !ood preference of children is tolerated"

$nabling Risk !actor" Housing 0ongestion

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nability to provide nutritious foods for the family because of inade8uate budget allocation for food. Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nade8uate kno&ledge on the right kind and amount of food re8uired for gro&ing children

$nabling Risk !actor" 6ccessibility of stores that sell Cunk foods* processed and instant foods. 6ll stores sell Cunk $nabling Risk !actor" foods. 6ffordability " %ils* processed and instant foods are cheaper and re8uire less ingredients than foods &ith complete meal formula" !ish=:eat and fruits and vegetables

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" #nsanitary !ood Preparation %ome: &ood Stalls: $nabling Risk !actor" Presence of !avorable $nvironment for 'oil7@orne Parasites" %pen ;oam 6rea ?!ormer Riverbed 6reaA Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2neffective #tili/ation of 0ommunity Resources for Health 0are

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nability to perceive importance of al&ays &earing of foot&ear and its significance in parasite transmission and infection Pre7disposing Risk factor" ;ack of kno&ledge on the correct standards of food handling

$nabling Risk !actor" High House 0ro&ding 2nde)

$nabling Risk !actor" Presence of 5ectors"

$nabling Risk !actor" 2mproper garbage management %bservation" Practice of 4umping outside the house before garbage collection

$nabling Risk !actor" Poor &ater &aste management" 0logged canals &hich is not cleared from dumping of trash

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" Poor personal hygiene" 'bservation %and(ashing )athing ;o& educational )ehavior: use of dirt! 6ttainment hands

$nabling Risk !actor" Ratio of vegetable to fried=meat dish in carenderias" 2" , Ratio of meat and vegetable dish to fried=processed=instant meal consumption in a &eek" 8"13

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nade8uate kno&ledge on prevention* management and control of parasitism Pre7disposing Risk !actor"

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" Pre7disposing Risk 4issatisfaction &ith the health center !actor" 2nade8uate kno&ledge on the 5erbali/ed lack of confidence &ith $nabling Risk !actor" $nabling Risk !actor" ;o& economic 'tatus of prevention* control and the health care provided by the 6ffordability " management of #R<2" health center 2mproper Hand the community %ils* processed and instant )ehavior 5erbali/ed preference for private foods are cheaper and &ashing consultation needed not much ingredient

;o& $ducational 6ttainment

Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nability to provide nutritious 2nade8uate kno&ledge on the foods for the family because of right kind and amount of food inade8uate budget allocation for re8uired for gro&ing children food.

;o& $conomic 'tatus of the 0ommunity


High Prevalence Rate of #pper Respiratory than in cooking foods &ith Pre7disposing Risk !actor" 2nability $nabling Risk !actor" Presence of complete meal formula" $nabling Risk !actor" <ract 2nfection among to perceive importance al&ays $nabling !avorable Risk soilof !actor" !ish=:eat and fruits and High House 0ro&ding &earing of foot&ear and its 8uality for 'oil7@orne Parasites" vegetables 2mproper Hand 2nde) 0hildren $nabling Risk significance in parasite transmission %pen ;oam 6rea&ashing ?!ormer Riverbed and infection

Poverty !actor" Presence of

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