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Chilled Water Piping System: SECTION 15/1/6

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SECTION 15/1/6


00000000PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: A. 1.2 The work under this Section consists of furnishing and installation of chilled water piping system as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein.

REFERENCES: A. ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers: ASME B3 .! B. Building Ser"ices #iping.

ASTM - American Society of Testing and Materials: ASTM A $3 ASTM A /30 #ipe% Steel% Black and &ot-'ipped% *+al"ani,ed-% .elded and Seamless. (inc )oated

#iping 1ittings of .rought )ar2on Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and Ele"ated Temperatures.


A3S4 - American 3ational Standard 4nstitute A3S4 B ./5. A3S4 B 6. A3S4 B 6.3 A3S4 B 6.$ A3S4 B 6.// A3S4 B 6.3! #ipe Threads. )ast 4ron 1langes and 1langed 1ittings% )lasses /$% /$5 and 755. Mallea2le-4ron Threaded 1ittings% )lasses $5 and 355. #ipe 1langes and 1langed 1ittings% Steel 3ickel Alloy and 8ther Special Alloys. .rought )opper and )opper Alloy Solder-9oint #ressure 1ittings. Threaded #ipe :nions% Mallea2le-4ron% )lasses $5% /$5 and 355. /$%


BS4 - British Standards 4nstitute BS / BS 03 BS $65 BS 0$50 #ipe Threads for Tu2es and 1ittings. Mallea2le )ast 4ron and )ast )opper Alloy threaded #ipe 1ittings. Steel #ipe 1langes. 1langes and Bolting for #ipes% ;al"es and 1ittings.

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)hilled .ater #iping System

BS $ $0 E.

)opper alloy +lo2e% +lo2e Stop% and )heck% )heck and +ate "al"es

4S8 < 4nternational Standards 5rgani,ation: 4S8 73 #olyethylene < Measurement of 'ensity


&4 - &ydraulic 4nstitute: &4 E.3$.5 )entrifugal #umps.


SUBMITTALS: A. B. #roduct 'ata: Su2mit manufacturer=s technical product data and installation instructions for chilled water piping materials and products. Shop 'rawings: Su2mit scaled layout drawings of chilled water piping and fittings including% 2ut not necessarily limited to% pipe si,es% location% ele"ations and slopes of hori,ontal runs% wall and floor penetrations% and connections. Show interface and spatial relationship 2etween piping and pro>imate e?uipment. @ecord 'rawings: At proAect closeout% su2mit record drawings of installed chilled water piping and piping products. Maintenance 'ata: Su2mit maintenance data and parts lists for chilled water piping materials and products. 4nclude this data% product data% shop drawings% and record drawings in maintenance manual. Test @esults: Su2mit test results as re?uired.

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WARRANTY: A. Su2mit written guarantee signed 2y the contractor and manufacturer for the period of year from the date of su2stantial completion. The guarantee shall co"er the repair and replacement of defecti"e materials and workmanship as directed 2y the Engineer. 4f manufacturer warranties any e?uipment for more than one year as a standard practice such warranties shall also 2e su2mitted.


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#ipes . /. #ipes for a2o"e ground installation shall 2e seamless Black steel% Schedule 05% conforming to ASTM A $3% with 2e"eled ends. #ipes for underground chilled water installation shall 2e pre-insulated pipes suita2le for direct 2urial and shall consist of carrier pipe% insulation and outer casing conforming to the following: a. 2. c. )arrier #ipe: 1i2erglass pre-insulated pipes% 6 2ar in key-lock *direct 2urial.-B si,es as shown on drawings and appro"ed 2y the Engineer. 4nsulation: )1)-free rigid polyurethane foam insulation% 07 kgCm3 density *minimum.- to ASTM ' 6//% not less than $5 mm thickness. 8uter )asing: E>truded high-density polyethylene *&'#E- pipe conforming to 4S8 or SAS8 Standards with !$5 kgCm3 density *minimum.- to 4S8 73% elongation at 2reak 655D *min- and yield stress /5 M#a *min- to 4S8 $/E-/.


1ittings: . 4nstall a2o"e ground 2lack steel pipes with threaded Aoints and fittings for $5 mm and smaller% and with ;4)TA:F4) or appro"ed e?ual fittings for 6$ mm or larger pipes. 1ittings for all preinsulated piping shall 2e 2y ;ictaulic. Type of ;ictaulic fittings shall 2e as recommended 2y ;ictaulic manufacturer and appro"ed 2y the Engineer. a. /. Mallea2le-4ron Threaded 1ittings: A3S4 B 6.3% )lass $5% standard pattern% for threaded Aoints. Treads shall confirm to A3S4 B ./5. .

'ielectric :nion: Threaded or soldered end connections for the pipe material in which installedB constructed to isolate dissimilar materials% pre"ent gal"anic action% and pre"ent corrosion. 1le>i2le )onnectors: Stainless steel 2ellows with wo"en fle>i2le 2ron,e wire reinforcing protecti"e AacketB minimum 53$ k#a working pressure% ma>imum /5o) operating temperature. )onnectors shall ha"e flanged or threaded end connections to match e?uipment connectedB and shall 2e capa2le of ! mm misalignment. +asket Material: Thickness% material% and type suita2le for fluid to 2e handled% and design temperatures and pressures. .elding Materials *.here re?uired-: )omply with Section 44% #art ) ASME Boiler and #ressure ;essel )ode for welding materials appropriate for wall thickness and chemical analysis of pipe material 2eing used.


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+eneral 'uty ;al"es: . As specified in Section ;AF;ES.


Special 'uty ;al"es:

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)hilled .ater #iping System

)ali2rated #lug ;al"es: /55 k#a water working pressure% 05 o) ma>imum operating temperature% 2ron,e 2ody% plug "al"e with cali2rated orifice. #ro"ide with connections for porta2le differential pressure meter with integral check "al"es and seals. ;al"e shall ha"e integral pointer and cali2rated scale to register degree of "al"e opening. ;al"es $5 mm and smaller shall ha"e threaded connections and the 6$ mm "al"es shall ha"e flanged connections. )ircuit Setters: A cali2rated 2alance "al"e e?uipped with readout "al"es and pro"ided with differential pressure meter. Self )ontained 1low )ontrol ;al"es: )lass $5% cast iron housing% stainless steel operating partsB threaded connections for $5 mm and smaller% flanged connection for 6$ mm and larger. 1actory set to automatically control flow rates within plus or minus $ percent design% while compensating for system operating pressure differential. #ro"ide ?uick disconnect "al"es for flow measuring e?uipment. #ro"ide a metal identification tag with chain for each "al"e% factory marked with the ,one identification% "al"e model num2er% and rate flow in m3Cmin.

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#iping Specialties: . Manual Air ;ent: Bron,e 2ody and non-ferrous internal partsB 53$ k#a working pressure% 5 o) operating temperatureB manually operated with screw-dri"er or thum2-screwsB and ha"ing 3 mm discharge connection and 3 mm inlet connection. Automatic Air ;ent: 'esigned to "ent automatically with float principlesB 2ron,e 2ody and non-ferrous internal partsB 53$ k#a working pressure% /5o)operating temperatureB and ha"ing 6 mm discharge connection and 3 mm inlet connection. #ressure and Temperature Taps: 4nstall pressure and temperature taps at all coil connections across two port "al"es% pumps% chiller e"aporator% or otherwise as indicated: a. Taps shall 2e 3 mm solid 2rass fittings which shall recei"e either pressure or temperature pro2e with "al"e core or 3ordel fitted color coded and marked cap and gaskets% and rated at 3$ o) and E555 k#a. 1urnish 3o. $55 pressure gauge adapters with 3-7 mm pro2e and 3o. E5 % /$ mm stem pocket thermometers with - $ o to $5o range for chilled water.





)hemical 1eeder: Bypass type chemical feeders of ! liter capacity% welded steel constructionB 7$5 k#a working pressureB complete with fill funnel and inlet% outlet% and drain "al"es. G-#attern Strainers: )ast iron 2ody% ASTM A /6% )lass B% flanged ends for 6$ mm and larger% threaded connections for $5 mm and smaller% 2olted co"er% perforated Type 350 stainless steel 2asket% 2ottom drain connection% 7$5 k#a working pressure.




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Si,e and num2er as indicatedB construct of welded car2on steel for 7$5 k#a working pressure% !5 5) ma>imum operating temperature. Separate air charge from system water to maintain design e>pansion capacity% 2y means of a fle>i2le diaphragm securely sealed into tank. #ro"ide taps for pressure gauge and air charging fitting% and drain fitting. Support "ertical tanks with legs or 2aseB support hori,ontal tanks with steel saddles. Tank% with taps and supports% shall 2e constructed% tested% and la2eled in accordance with ASME #ressure ;essel )ode% Section ;444% 'i"ision .


MA!E-UP WATER CONNECTION: A. #ro"ide pressure relief "al"e and automatic cold sweet water fill assem2ly complete with pressure reducing "al"e% after meter arrester% sight glass% 2ackflow pre"enter with test cocks% water filter% "acuum 2reaker and "al"ed 2y-pass.


AIR SEPARATOR: A. Type: The air release tank shall 2e of the in-the-pipe-line type with tangential openings for water in and out. The inside shall 2e specifically designed to create a low "elocity "orte> for the separation of free air from the water stream. Si,e: The si,e of the air release tank shall 2e 2ased on the line si,e of the pipe shown on the drawings. Shell: The shell shall 2e constructed of welded car2on steelB ASME constructed and la2eled for 7.E7 kgCcm/ *7$5 k#a- water working pressure and !5 5) operating temperature. Strainer: The tank shall 2e e?uipped with an internal steel strainer with perforations si,ed for water flow. The strainer shall 2e installed in a location of assist in the separation of air. The strainer shall 2e remo"a2le from the 2ottom 2y un2olting the steel 2olt heads. 'rain: The tank shall 2e e?uipped with a 2ottom drain and this drain shall 2e piped to the nearest open site drain. The drain line shall 2e e?uipped with a gate "al"e and a union to facilitate the remo"al of the strainer.

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CHILLED WATER PUMPS: A. +eneral: . /. )entrifugal pump fa2rication% installation and conformance with &ydraulic 4nstitute Standards. testing shall 2e in

The selection of pump type and pump dri"e shall 2e 2ased on each specific application re?uirements. #ump dri"ers shall 2e selected to 2e nono"erloading o"er the whole range of the H-T'& cur"es% consideration temperature "ariations of the fluid 2eing pumped. #ump H-T'& cur"e shall 2e such that it pro"ides sta2le operation for the pump when operating at any point on the cur"e. Shut-off head shall 2e appro>imately /$ to 3$ percent a2o"e the rated head. #umps shall 2e of "aria2le or constant speed dri"e as re?uired and capa2le of parallel operation.



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)hilled .ater #iping System


1or pumps with "aria2le speed dri"e% the control system shall include as a minimum% the programma2le logic pump controller% adAusta2le fre?uency dri"e*s- and remote sensorCtransmitter as re?uired. All additional items re?uired to properly e>ecute the se?uence of operation shall 2e pro"ided.

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#umps shall 2e of the capacities and types as shown on the drawings. )hilled water pump 2eing the integrated component of pipe work shall 2e split couple "ertical inline or hori,ontal split-case type as shown on drawings and e?uipped with mechanical seals. Specific pump ratings and types shall 2e as indicated on plans. #ump shall 2e split coupled type with rigid spacer type coupling. #ump and motor shall 2e mounted on a high grade% heat-treated cast-iron common 2aseplate and shall 2e installed with suction guides. #ump motor shall 2e TE1) )lass I1J. )asing: )ast iron% split "olume% dou2le suction% rated for greater than 5.$0 kgCcm o * $5 psi- actual working discharge pressure% with renewa2le 2ron,e wearing rings% flanged suction and discharge connections and shall 2e drilled and tapped for seal flange and gauge connections.. 4mpeller: Bron,e enclosed dou2le suction type% keyed to shaft with a slightly press and suita2le lock-nut arrangement. Shaft: Stainless steel shaft with stainless steel slee"es. 'ri"e: Split coupling with space 2etween the shafts sufficient to replace mechanical seal without distur2ing pump or motor coupling guard. )ommercial pre-lu2ricated grease% or oil-lu2ricated 2earings shall 2e used. Mechanical seal shall 2e stainless steel multi-spring 2alance type with secondary seal suita2le for specific application and shall 2e accessi2le and easily replacea2le type. #ump performance tests shall 2e conducted in accordance with the &ydraulic 4nstitute test codes as descri2ed in &4 E.3$.5 % E.3E.5 and E.3!.5 . 4n addition% each pump shall 2e tested at fi"e points of operation from shut-off head to runout condition% including the guaranteed pump=s performance point. The manufacturer shall su2mit certificate% including test data to show that pump meets performance specifications.



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CHEMICAL TREATMENT FOR CHILLED WATER SYSTEM: A. B. The analysis and treatment recommendation shall 2e made 2y a specialist with a minimum of $ years e>perience in this field. The )ontractor shall supply andCor install the water treatment facilities and chemicals as listed 2elow. )hemicals shall 2e specially formulated to pre"ent accumulation of scale and corrosion in piping system and connected e?uipment% de"eloped 2ased on a water analysis of make-up water. . )hemical pot feeder complete with sampling point and "al"ing as indicated.

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)orrosion scale and electrolytic action inhi2iter dosing in the chilled water system. Test Kit. )arry out tests on local water necessary to finali,e details of the water treatment.

Treatment: . Thoroughly clean and system of oil grease and swarf deposits using an appro"ed solu2le sol"ent in accordance with the manufacturer=s instructions. )irculate the solution for at least one hour% drain and then flush system thorough with fresh water. 'oes system with corrosion and electrolytic action and scale inhi2itor.

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&ando"er: . /. 3. 0. The )ontractor shall supply a test kit and instruct the user in its use. 1ull instructions shall 2e gi"en to the user on the dosing methodology. #rior to hando"er% the )ontractor shall carry out his own tests and ensure the system is correctly dosed. #ro"ide the user with 6 months supply of chemicals.


INSULATION: A. @efer to Section ME)&A34)AF 43S:FAT483.

00PART 3 - E"ECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: A. @efer to Section BAS4) #4#43+ MATE@4AFS A3' MET&8'S for 2asic piping installation instructions. @efer to the drawings for further details. The entire chilled water system installation shall conform to the re?uirements of ASME B 3 .! Building Ser"ices #iping% 4A#M8 :niform Mechanical )ode% A@4 Standard /65% and A3S4 B !. % or e?ui"alent. 4nstall a2o"e ground 2lack steel pipes with threaded Aoints and fittings for $5 mm and smaller% and with ;ictaulic fittings for 6$ mm or larger.


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1or underground pre-insulated pipe use ;ictaulic fittings. #ro"ide concrete support at the inter"al of ma>imum 0555 mm% at 2oth sides of coupling and at change of direction. #ro"ide concrete thrust 2locks at each change of direction. 'etails of concrete support and thrust 2lock shall 2e as appro"ed 2y the Engineer. #roper foundations for mounting of piping system shall 2e pro"ided% including supports% "i2ration isolators% guides% anchors% clamps and 2rackets. #umps shall 2e installed in strict conformance with manufacturer=s written instructions. 4f oil grease lu2ricated 2earings are supplied with the pumps% the oiler shall 2e filled with the specified lu2ricating oil% or 2earings shall 2e pre-lu2ricated with specified grease prior to start-up. 1ield testing of the pumps shall 2e performed at the time of o"erall system start-up and testing. 4nstalled pumps shall meet the performance specifications. #ipe .orkmanship: 4nstall completed system% si,e as shown on the drawings. 4nstall piping parallel or perpendicular to the 2uilding construction. Allow for e>pansion. Air ;ents: #ro"ide at all changes in ele"ation downward in direction of flow. E>cept where shown% pro"ide automatic air "ents. Also pro"ide air "ents at system high points. The air separator shall 2e installed dead le"el in 2oth directions and shall 2e supported from the structure so that all pipes can 2e remo"ed without mo"ing the air separator. The separator shall 2e installed so that the strainer can 2e remo"ed without mo"ing the tank. The chilled water piping% "al"es% fittings% separator and e>pansion tank shall 2e insulated as per Section ME)&A34)AF 43S:FAT483. )hilled .ater Treatment: . .ater for the chiller system shall 2e chemically analy,ed and shall 2e treated to insure its suita2ility as the permanent system charge. Additional water treatment shall 2e pro"ided whene"er re?uired after final analysis at no additional cost to 8wner. @esults of the chemical analysis and the proposed treatment method are to 2e su2mitted to the Engineer for re"iew and appro"al prior to the )ontractor=s filling the system.

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FIELD #UALITY CONTROL A. #reparation for testing: #repare chilled water piping in accordance with ASME B 3 .! and as follows: . /. 3. Fea"e Aoints uninsulated and e>posed for e>amination during the test. #ro"ide temporary restraints for e>pansion Aoints which cannot sustain the reactions due to test pressure. 1lush system with clean water. )lean strainers.

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4solate e?uipment that is not to 2e su2Aected to the test pressure from the piping. 4nstall relief "al"e set at a pressure no more than C3 higher than the test pressure% to protect against damage 2y e>pansion of li?uid or other source of o"er pressure during the test.


Testing: Test chilled water piping as follows: . /. :se am2ient temperature water as the testing medium. :se "ents installed at high points in the system to release trapped air while filling the system. :se drains installed at low points for complete remo"al of the that li?uid. Su2Aect piping system to a hydrostatic test pressure which at e"ery point in the system in not less than .$ times the design working pressure. The test pressure shall not e>ceed the ma>imum pressure for any "essel% pump% "al"e% or other component in the system under test. Make a check to "erify that the stress due to pressure at the 2ottom of "ertical runs does not e>ceed either !5 percent of specified minimum yield strength% or .E times the LSEL "alue in Appendi> A of ASME B 3 .!% )ode for pressure piping% 2uilding ser"ices piping. After the hydrostatic test pressure has 2een applied for at least 5 minutes% e>amine piping% Aoints% and connections for leakage. Eliminate leaks 2y tightening% repairing% or replacing components as appropriate% and repeat hydrostatic test until there are no leaks. 1or further re?uirements refer to Section TEST43+% A'9:ST43+ A3' BAFA3)43+.



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AD$USTING AND CLEANING A. )lean and flush chilled water piping system. @emo"e% clean% and replace strainer screens. After cleaning and flushing chilled water piping system% 2ut 2efore 2alancing% remo"e disposa2le fine mesh strainers in pump suction diffusers. Mark cali2rated name plates of pump discharge "al"e after chilled water system 2alancing has 2een completed% to permanently indicate final 2alanced position. )hemical treatment: #ro"ide a water analysis prepared 2y the chemical treatment supplier to determine the type and le"el of chemicals re?uired for pre"ention of scale and corrosion. #erform initial treatment after completion of system testing. )heck e>pansion tanks to determine that they are not air 2ound and that the system is completely full of water.

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