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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Technical Guidelines

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European Society of

MusculoSkeletal Radiology
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Technical Guidelines
I. Shoulder
Ian Beggs, UK
Stefano Bianchi, Switzerland
Angel Bueno, Spain
Michel Cohen, France
Michel Court-Payen, Denmark
Andrew Grainger, UK
Franz Kainberger, Austria
Andrea Klauser, Austria
Carlo Martinoli, Italy
Eugene McNally, UK
Philip J. OConnor, UK
Philippe Peetrons, Belgium
Monique Reijnierse, The Netherlands
Philipp Remplik, Germany
Enzo Silvestri, Italy
Although patients positioning for shoulder US varies widely across different Countries and
Institutions reflecting multifaceted opinions and experiences of different examiners, we
strongly recommend to examine the patient while seated on a revolving stool. This position
allows the examiner to reach the anterior, lateral and posterior aspects of the shoulder
with the probe by simply asking the patient to rotate on the chair.
Place the arm in slight internal rotation (directed towards the contralateral knee) with the
elbow flexed 90, palm up. Start by finding the long biceps tendon in between the greater
and lesser tuberosities Use short and long (more limited utility) axis planes to examine
the biceps.
Shift the probe up to examine the biceps in its intraarticular course and down to reach the
myotendinous junction (level of the pectoralis major tendon).
Legend: SubS, subscapularis tendon; SupraS, supraspinatus tendon; Arrow, long head of the biceps tendon;
LT, lesser tuberosity; GT, greater tuberosity; SH, short head of the biceps; LH, long head of the biceps; H,
humeral shaft; Arrowheads, pectoralis major tendon
long head of the biceps tendon
Rotate the arm externally fixing the elbow on the iliac crest to show the subscapularis ten-
don and its insertion on the lesser tuberosity (slight supination of the hand may be helpful
to neutralize the tendency to lift and abduct the elbow from the lateral chest wall).
Legend: Arrow, long head of the biceps tendon; dashed line, insertion of the subscapularis tendon; Co, cora-
coid; Del, deltoid muscle; LT, lesser tuberosity; SubS, subscapularis tendon; void arrowheads, tendon fascicles
of the subscapularis; white arrowheads, muscle tissue interposed between tendon fascicles
This tendon should be evaluated along its long- (transverse planes) and short- (sagittal
planes) axis during passive external and internal rotation with hanging arm. Sweep the
transducer up and down over the subscapularis until its full width is demonstrated.
subscapularis tendon
Moving the probe toward medial on transverse planes, look at the coracoid process, the
coracoacromial ligament (the medial margin of the transducer is on the coracoid process
and the lateral edge is shifted upward and laterally towards the acromion), the conjoined
tendon and the anterior aspect of the subacromial subdeltoid bursa. Then, check the sub-
scapularis recess and the subcoracoid bursa for effusion. External and internal rotation
may also used to demonstrate anteromedial impingement (distance between coracoid pro-
cess and lesser tuberosity measured in internal rotation).
Legend: Acr, acromion; Arrows, short head of the biceps; Arrowheads, coracoacromial ligament; Co, coracoid;
CoBr, coraco-brachialis; HH, humeral head; SubS, subscapularis tendon; SupraS, supraspinatus
Place the patients arm posterior-
ly, placing the palmar side of the
hand on the superior aspect of
the iliac wing with the elbow flex-
ed and directed posteriorly. The
supraspinatus tendon should be
evaluated along its long- and
anteromedial structures and coracoacromial ligament
supraspinatus tendon: positioning (1)
Refer to the intraarticular portion of
the biceps as a landmark to obtain
proper transducer orientation for
imaging the supraspinatus. In fact,
these tendons run parallel one to
the other and the intraarticular por-
tion of the biceps is easy to be re-
cognized due to a more clearly de-
fined fibrillar pattern. One should ro-
tate the transducer until the biceps
is depicted as more elongated as
possible in the US image. Then, the
probe is shifted upward and poste-
riorly over the supraspinatus without
changing its orientation. The result-
ing image is in axis with the supra-
spinatus. Between the supraspinat-
us and the deltoid, the normal sub-
acromial-subdeltoid bursa appears
as a thin hypoechoic band.
Legend: Acr, acromion; asterisk, myotendinous junction; Del, deltoid muscle; GT, greater tuberosity; void
arrow-head, articular cartilage; curved arrow, hypoechoic artifact related to anisotropy; straight arrow, long
head of the biceps tendon; SupraS, supraspinatus tendon; white arrowhead, subacromial subdeltoid bursa
Tilt the transducer gently in the area overlying the tendon insertion to avoid anisotropy.
Remember to scan the lateral pouch of the subacromial subdeltoid bursa along the lateral
edge of the greater tuberosity. When looking for the supraspinatus on short-axis, the nor-
mal cuff must have almost the same thickness from the biceps tendon landmark until 2cm
backwards: from this point backwards the tendon seen is the infraspinatus.
supraspinatus tendon
Place the dorsum of the hand over the opposite back pocket (forced internal rotation,
stress manoeuvre). There should not be any space gap between the elbow and the late-
ral chest wall. Using this position, the supraspinatus becomes a more anterior structure
and the transducer should be oriented almost vertically to be in axis with it. Consider that
the tendon fibers are more stretched than in the position described at point -5. This may
be possible cause of overestimation of tear size. Due to an excessive internal rotation,
the long head of the biceps tendon may be difficult to be visualized in this position.
Neutral Internal Rotation
Dynamic assessment of subacromial (antero-superior) impingement can be attempted by
placing the probe in the coronal plane with its medial margin at the lateral margin of the
acromion. The patient abducts his arm while in internal rotation. With this manoeuvre, the
supraspinatus and the bursa can be seen passing deep to the coracoacromial arch.
Legend: Acr, acromion; GT, greater tu-
berosity; arrows, supraspinatus tendon
supraspinatus tendon: positioning (2)
subacromial impingement test
Place the transducer over the posterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint with the arm in
the same position described at point-2 (or with the hand on the opposite shoulder) and
increase the depth to include the structures of the posterior fossa within the field-of-view
of the US image. Use the spine of the scapula as the landmark to distinguish the
supraspinous fossa (transducer shifted-up) from the infraspinous fossa (transducer
shifted-down) on sagittal planes.
Look at the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles as individual structures filling the in-
fraspinous fossa deep to the deltoid. After scanning these muscles, sweep the transduc-
er toward the greater tuberosity on sagittal planes. The two tendons can be appreciated
as individual structures arising from the respective muscles.
Legend: a, supraspinatus; arrow, spine of the scapula; b, infraspinatus; c, teres
minor; dashed line, spine of the scapula; 1, supraspinous fossa; 2, infraspinous
fossa; void arrowheads, deltoid; white arrowheads, trapezius
Legend: asterisk, spine of the scapula; dashed line, spine of the scapula; Del, deltoid muscle; GT, greater tu-
berosity; InfraS, infraspinatus muscle; Tm, teres minor muscle; void arrow, teres minor tendon; white arrows,
infraspinatus tendon
infraspinatus and teres minor tendons

Examine these tendons separately on their long-axis (transverse planes) during external
and internal rotation of the arm (same position as in point-2) by placing the probe over
the posterior aspect of the glenohumeral joint.
Look at the posterior labrum-capsular com-
plex and check the posterior recess of the
joint for effusion during scanning. In thin
subjects the posterior labrum can be clear-
ly seen. Move the transducer medial to the
labrum on transverse plane to visualize the
spinoglenoid notch. It is often necessary to
increase the depth of the field-of-view not
to miss this area. A paralabral cyst originat-
ing in this area should be sought.
Legend: asterisk, spinoglenoid notch; curved arrow, bony glenoid; HH, humeral head; InfraS, infraspinatus; void
arrows, teres minor tendon; white arrows, infraspinatus tendon; white arrowheads, posterior labrum
Place the transducer in the coronal plane
over the shoulder to examine the
acromioclavicular joint. Sweep the trans-
ducer anteriorly and posteriorly over this
joint to assess the presence of an os
acromiale. Shifting the probe posterior to
the acromioclavicular joint, it is possible
to assess the status of the supraspinatus
Cl *
Legend: Acr, acromion; arrowheads, superior
acromioclavicular ligament; asterisk, acromio-
clavicular joint space; Cl, clavicle
posterior structures and posterior glenohumeral joint recess
acromioclavicular joint

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