7what Is Licensing
7what Is Licensing
7what Is Licensing
Learning Objective
To understand the concept of Licensing in International Context To analyze what are the prerequisites of Licensing To understand the merits of Licensing To understand the demerits of Licensing in International Context To find out the difficulties firms have faced in going for Licensing To look at Licensing from practical point of view To search for various business opportunities in Licensing To understand how to evaluate a Licensing rrangement To learn from the past mistakes of corporate world
from making ma,or changes without the agreement of the landlord! The licensor is responsible during the term of the license for maintaining and defending the value of the intellectual property so that the licensee can profit by producing goods or services using the licensed property!
This Lesson is about the promise that intellectual property holds for generating wealth from international trade! The "!#! government and "!#! corporations have employed various means to secure the benefits of selling intellectual property abroad! The most flexible and useful method of transferring this form of property is the licensing agreement! $owever% for a licensing agreement to work% the intellectual property must first be recognized as &property' to be protected by law by the countries of both the licensor and the licensee! (ot all countries recognize and protect intellectual property! This paper discusses the perils associated with licensing intellectual property abroad and the methods for securing the wealth generated by this important form of property
This paper is about the promise that intellectual property holds for generating wealth from international trade! The "!#! government and "!#! corporations have employed various means to secure the benefits of selling intellectual property abroad! The most flexible and useful method of transferring this form of property is the licensing agreement! $owever% for a licensing agreement to work% the intellectual property must first be recognized as &property' to be protected by law by the countries of both the licensor and the licensee! (ot all countries recognize and protect intellectual property! This paper discusses the perils associated with licensing intellectual property abroad and the methods for securing the wealth generated by this important form of property! ii. International Licensing and U.s. Exports {In ./01% intellectual property comprised ,ust under ten percent of all "!#! exports! In ./23% the last time the government compiled the statistic% the figure had grown to more than 41 percent today% the best estimate is that intellectual property accounts for well over 56 percent of "!#! exports! In general% wealth from trade in intellectual property is generated in two ways! The first way is for the owner of the intellectual property to incorporate the intangible intellectual
C0nceptua !i"cu""ion on
The Basics of Licensing
What is Licensing?
Licensing is a legal agreement between the owner of intellectual property such as a copyright% patent or trademark and someone who wants to use that I)! The licensee pays &rent' to the licensor for the use of an idea*product*process that is other+ wise protected by I) law! Like a lease on a building% the license is for a specific period of time% though it may provide forwals! The licensee uses that idea*product*process to sell products or services and earn money!
Rights and Responsibilities
The licensee is &renting' the I) rights and does not own them! The licensing agreement may restrict the licensee to a specific geographical area or put other restrictions on their ability to use the licensed property! This is similar to the difference between owning and renting a home! homeowner
make and sell a tangible product% in consideration for some+ thing in return% usually a royalty! iii. The Business Reasons for Licensing Agreements license grants rights in property without transferring owner+ ship of the property! 7or a license of intellectual property to be effective% the following must be satisfied8 first% one must have ownership of relevant intellectual property or authority from the owner to grant a license9 second% the intellectual property must be protected by law or at least eligible for protection9 and third% the license must specify what rights with respect to intellectual property it purports to grant to the licensee and reserve to the licensor! There are three broad categories of licenses for intellectual property8 technology licenses% publishing and entertainment licenses% and trademark and merchandising licenses! Technology licenses cover patents% paten table inventions% trade secrets% &know+how%' confidential information% copyrights in technical material :software% databases% instruction manuals;% and semiconductors mask works! )ublishing and entertainment licenses cover copyrights in creative properties such as books% plays% movies% videotapes% television productions% music% and multimedia! Trademark and merchandising licenses cover trademarks% trade names% trade dress :the way products or services are packaged or presented;% and rights of publicity! There are at least nine business reasons why a firm may choose to license its intellectual property! First, licensing adds the resources of the licensee to those of the licensor! <y granting the licensee the right to market and distribute the licensor=s product% the licensor can penetrate markets it could not hope to serve! 7or example% in licensing -icrosoft=s disk operating system software :&-#+>?#'; to I<-% -icrosoft obtained the benefit of I<-=s global sales% marketing% and distribution systems! Second% licensing broadens geographic markets! -ost products going into foreign countries require some form of adaptation8 labels and instructions must be translated9 goods may require modification to conform with local laws and regulations9 and marketing may have to be ad,usted! Third% licensing broadens product markets! firm may have the resources to exploit its intellectual property through only one product% but the intellectual property may be applicable to other products or services! 7or example% producers of movies and television shows do not usually have the resources to mass produce and distribute video tapes! The producers will license their intellectual property% the copyright% to firms that can make master videotapes% manufacture the copies*% and distribute the cassettes! Fourth% if a firm has insufficient capital or personnel to enter a market quickly% delegating through licensing speeds up the process! 7or example% small biotechnology companies license their intellectual property to large drug companies not only to distribute their product to more people but to beat their
Fifth, some products sell best when they are incorporated or sold for use with another product! 7or example% software is best supplied with the hardware rather than as an optional package! -icrosoft=s -#+>?# became the industry standard operating system as the I<-+)C became the industry standard microcomputer! Third party software companies had to write for an -#+>?# environment to gather the greatest market share for their product% which further increased the market penetration of -#+>?#! Sixth, a company may license at the request of a firm in a noncompeting field! Licensing for this purpose works best when the licensor has no interest in exploiting the intellectual property in the no competing field! 7or example% a developer of mainframe computer software with expertise only in main+ frames might grant a license to a developer of software for personal computers! If the licensee=s market is too close to the licensor=s market% undesired competition may be created! Seventh, licensing is one way for a firm to barter for technology it would otherwise have to pay for! licensor may barter for the licensee=s improvements to the intellectual property! Improve+ ments to the intellectual property are granted back to the licensor! nother technology barter scheme is cross licensing! Cross licensing occurs when two competing firms with different research and development strengths can take advantage of the other=s progress! Cross licensing creates the same sort of synergy as a ,oint venture without the inconvenience and delay of setting up ,oint operations! Eighth, when the licensor=s trademark is licensed for use in the market along with the intellectual property% then the licensee=s marketing efforts benefit the licensor=s reputation and goodwill :as long as the licensee maintains quality in product% service% and sales;! 7or example% T@T% new to the mass computer market% gained positive publicity Finally% licensing may allow a firm to achieve some degree of control over its own innovations and also over the direction of the industry! 7or example% if -icrosoft did not allow -#+>?# to be licensed% I<- would probably have developed an operating system on its own which might have been very different from -#+>?# and taken away -#+>?#=s place in the operating systems market! i . !lobal "hanges that ha e #acilitated International Licensing s previously* discussed% the last decade has seen a sharp rise in the export of intellectual property from the "!#! There are many reasons for this phenomenon% but undoubtedly a radical% pro+ Aestern shift in the zeitgeist of Bastern Burope and sia is the engine behind this rise in exports! This new zeitgeist has fostered economic and political change! 7irst% the #oviet "nion has collapsed and with it the reason for restricting trade to members of the former A C# A pact! #econd% Bastern Burope has embraced capitalism! Third% countries in sia and in the developing+world have created a low+wage% technically skilled industrial base to compete in the global economy or to serve as
modern infrastructure for future development! 7inally% distrust of the Dapanese by other sians and the preference for an economic and military counter+weight to Dapanese power has further increased exports from the "!# to the region! The desire of the "!#! to export high technology was not always so strong! cold war with communist countries lasting almost half a century shaped an economic policy averse to exports of technology! $. Limits on International Licensing% The "old War and Restrictions on the Congress obtains its power to regulate exports from the Commerce Clause The first ma,or attempt at controlling international trade for security reasons was the Bxport Control ct of ./0/ which resulted in a near total embargo of trade with the communist countries of Bastern Burope! #oon after% the informal Coordinating Committee on Bxport Control :CoComm; was created comprising representatives from ( T? and Dapan to protect the mutual security of member states! The Bxport dministration ct of ./1/ :B ; gives the >epartment of Commerce the authority to administer a system of export controls in order to protect our national security% advance "!#! foreign policy goals% and restrict the export of resources in short supply domestically! CoComm and the various federal agencies :especially >?>; create lists of tech+ nologies that are candidates for export restrictions! These lists serve as a source for the list of items controlled by the Com+ merce >epartment! This* list of goods that may be exported upon approval by the Commerce >epartment is called the Commerce Control List :CCL;! lmost every good or technol+ ogy is controlled in the sense that it is illegal to export without a license! ll "!#! exporters must first get a license from the >epartment of Commerce in order to sell a product outside of the "!#! There are two types of licenses8 general and validated! Items or technologies that are controlled :listed in the CCL; require a validated license! 7or an item not on the CCL% a general license is required% but permission for each shipment is not necessary! 7or a good on the CCL% the validated license must describe all the details of the transaction and is reviewed carefully by the ?ffice of Bxport dministration on a case+by+case basis! The licensing process can be time+consuming and expensive% especially if a validated license is needed! ?ne example where CoComm has failed in its mission to control the export of critical technology came to light in the mass media in ./21! It was discovered that certain corporations were selling computer controlled milling equipment to the #oviet "nion for the grinding of high tolerance parts! Toshiba Corporation of Dapan and Eongsberg Faapenfabrikk of (orway sold computer controlled% multi+axis milling machines to the #oviet "nion since the mid+./16=s! These machines were used to grind high tolerance propellers that could help make a submarine very quiet underwater! lmost overnight the #oviet nuclear submarine fleet went from being noisy and easily traceable by "!#! hunter+killer submarines to quiet and nearly undetectable!
The end of the cold war has had a substantial impact on freeing the hand of business in the area of exporting technology! 7or example% the rules and regulations issued by the Commerce >epartment relating to the )eople=s Cepublic of China show that many high technology items are available for export% including lasers% computers% high speed digital telecommunica+ tions equipment% computer controlled milling equipment% modems% microwave technology% thermal imaging equipment% and* global positioning satellite receivers! ?bviously% most of these technologies have direct military application! This may be why Commerce >epartment regulations sometime specify that the end+user must have a peaceful application before the product can be exported! CoComm has been disbanded but will probably be replaced by an organization more focused on rogue nations* like Iran% Iraq% Libya% and (orth Eorea! The Clinton dministration has removed many of the restrictions on computers and telecom+ munications technology so that a validated license is unnecessary! #ale of computers executing up to G36 -T?)# :millions of theoretical operations per second; have been decontrolled to almost all destinations! Computers used to be controlled at .G!5 -T?)#% roughly the speed of an early ./26=s pple -acintosh! The B has been criticized for setting up a license approval process that is complicated and redundant and hurts "!#! exports! #ince ./1/% however% Congress has amended the B to streamline the licensing process The administration of the lists can be a highly political issue between agencies and the B exempts nearly all actions and regulations from ,udicial review under the dministrative )rocedure ct! (otwithstand+ ing bureaucratic inefficiency and infighting% as commercial interests take precedence over military concerns% the trend in removing export restrictions will probably continue in order to help "!#! business compete in the global economy!
Licenses :contracts; for information should not exclude or negatively impact for users of the information any statutory rights that may be granted by applicable copyright law! The choice of applicable law should be acceptable for both parties! )referably it should be the national or state law of the licensee!
The license agreement should be clear and comprehensive% recognizing the needs of the concerned parties! In particular% important terms should be defined so as to be clearly understood! The license should balance the rights and responsibilities of both parties!
"sers= privacy should be protected and respected in the license and in any intervention made by information providers or intermediaries! :as opposed to user; data so that the library licensee may assess the effectiveness of the use of the resource!
The license should provide for remedy periods and other modes of resolution before either cancellation or litigation is contemplated! The contracting parties should have the right to back out of the arrangement under appropriate and defined circumstances!
license should include provision for affordable% perpetual access to the licensed information by some appropriate and workable means! license should address provisions for long+term access and archiving of the electronic information resource:s; under consideration and should identify responsibilities for these! )rices should be established so as to encourage use rather than discourage it! 7or example8 -any suppliers price electronic information at lower than the print equivalent :if there is one; -any suppliers now offer incentives% such as consortial pricing% a choice of pricing models% and the like! )rices should be fully disclosed with no hidden charges! n unbundled :from print; price should be offered for electronic versions9 a bundled price may be offered as well where this offers advantages for the licensee! There should be no penalty for canceling print in order to take up the electronic version of a resource! Cequirements for non+disclosure of license terms are generally inappropriate! )rovisions for interlibrary loan or equivalent services should be included! In general% libraries should be able to deliver reasonable length extracts from licensed information to libraries that have not signed a contract for that information for use by a specific patron! Licenses should support local teaching and learning efforts% from elementary through university level% by permitting links to% or copies of% specific course+related information to appear in online course+support activities such as electronic reserve! >istance Independent Learning poses a challenge to providers and libraries! Licensors should recognize the affiliation of users with a given library or institution% regardless of users= physical location and should permit them routine access to licensed electronic information resources
The license should provide access for all of the users affiliated with a licensee% whether institution or consortium% regardless of whether they are on the licensee=s premises or away from them! The license should provide access to individual% unaffiliated users when on the licensee=s premises! The license should provide access for geographically remote sites if they are part of the licensee=s organization! Cemote access should be provided by way of a web+ based% user friendly interface! >ata that is downloaded locally should be available in multiple standard formats :e!g! )>7% $T-L% and #H-L;% portable to all ma,or computing platforms and networked environments! t a minimum the license should permit users to read% download% and print materials for their own personal purposes% without restrictions! Cesources provided via remote access to providers= sites should be available on a G0+hour basis% with appropriate &help' or service support% except for short scheduled downtimes announced with adequate notice to the customer library :ies;! )enalties may accrue if service commitments are not met!
high degree of content stability% both in single and in aggregated resources% should be guaranteed and the institutional customer should be notified of changes! )enalties may accrue if content commitments are not met!
I0; Ahat are the reasons for which the firms go for licensing arrangements I5; Comment on the Laws of Licensing J &otes%