The Last Hope of Mankind
The Last Hope of Mankind
The Last Hope of Mankind
This booklet is reprinted as I consider that the opinion of,
“The Last Hope of Mankind” of the World Peace Envoy,
Dr.Suchart Kosolkitiwong written about 20 years ago,
printed in Thai and in English distributed worldwide at the
moment, is an appropriate opinion to use to solve the
present world situation.
Now the World Peace Envoy is ordained as a Buddhist
monk named Ariyawanso Bhikkhu.
I, in the position of the Secretary General of the Office of
the World Peace Envoy, reprinted it, to propagate the
opinion to world leaders, leaders of religions and all
religionists on how to reach the principles of their religions
and practice according to their religious principles . Every
religion has teaching about their principles. If religionists
live according to them, they will live together peacefully ,
helping one another. If everyone acts according to the real
principles of religions, the world will not be in a disastrous
state. Humanity will certainly live in happiness and peace.
With best wishes to humankind,
Office of the World Peace Envoy
To world leaders, religious leaders and all humans:
Every religionist should attain religious principles: no
religion teaches people to make war , no religion teaches
them to slaughter one another, every religion teaches
people to act according to the five precepts, to have loving
kindness towards one another. Those who study the
scriptures should know that the Koran, the Old and New
Testament, Buddhist Scriptures, all forecast that there will
be a doomsday by the great floods and this kind of
situation might cause the third world war.
Now, God is punishing the world, May all of you be of one
mind, joining to pray. Buddhists gathering together to pray,
Christians, Muslims, Sikhs and also other religions of the
world to do the same, join in prayer about the event of
floods or the third world war that might happen, pray for
the floods not to inundate or world war III not to break out.
Nevertheless, floods are better than war or fire. “ If the
third world war breaks out, no human will be left. For with
floods there are some left. Pray for the least situation to
This announcement announces to leaders and all humans
that all humans must be born, become old, sick and die. Do
you want to die hot or cold ? You may send your wish to
the Office of the World Peace Envoy, for me will gather the
wishes to send to God.
You all who are world creatures, you needn’t dare to
organize a human social system. God is coming to do it.
With best wishes to humanity,
The Office of the World Peace Envoy
19th September 2001
In the present world full of conflicts and without peace, all
countries, big and small have tried their best to build their
massive military power, partly for the protection of their
sovereignty, and partly for the condition of their economic
advantage by which they use to search for the foreign
markets for their products to increase their national
income and wealth. In the meantime, they steadily
enlarge their military influence to gain recognition from the
world public for other benefits to satisfy their self-
interested nature.
In their search for world recognition, most countries
nowadays have sought to one similar policy by building up
their fighting forces through the stockpile of armaments
and the development of military power with huge
monetary budget.
The weapons which they produce or posses by any
possible means are most destructive that mankind could
ever conceive in the history of self-annihilation of human
beings by the easiest method of button pressing. Their
enormous power of destruction will cause unforeseen
adverse ecological damages: demineralization of soils,
cataclysmic climatic changes and massive deforestation.
It is believe that the catastrophe of nuclear war will cause
a big change in the world. Some countries will submerge
into the ocean. Almost all human beings will be wiped out.
Those still alive will be fighting with incurable disease until
their death. There will be a nuclear winter, cataclysmic
climate changes, decrease of agricultural productivity, and
loss of life of all living creatures. The atmospheric pollution
will be so thick, through which the sunlight cannot
penetrate. The importance of all is that human beings will
lose their morale and mind together with the
disappearance of their civilization.
Now, we have to choose whether we want war or peace. If
peace is our choice. How can peace be created? And how
can peace be preserved eternally?
I have found the answer to the question. It is encouraging
that more and more people are now interested in and give
support to the project for world peace which I am working
I am proud to present my proposal for world eternal peace
as found in this booklet for the survival of mankind.
I will be delighted to receive full cooperation from peace
promoters including you so that we can realize the world
eternal peace in our age and can preserve this beautiful
planet of earth eternally for the whole of mankind.
For World Eternal Peace,
Suchart Kosolkitiwong
World Constitution and Parliament Association,
President, International Federation of Religions
associated with United Nations
Bangkok June 1987
First of all, we have to find out what is the most important
resource of the world. Human beings are the citizens of
the world. And so they are the most precious resource of
the world. In each country, if there are no citizens, there
will be no government. The government can exist because
there are people for it to govern.
So, the people of the world should be united to press their
resolution to those few world leaders. Most of the people of
the world do not want any war. The persons who detonate
the wars are those few leaders of powerful countries and a
hundred more of leaders of other nations.
In the past, both World War I and World War II were
exploded by a few world leaders whose minds were defiled
with wrath and delusion. When we allowed the politicians
to solve the world problems, there occurred Communism
and Democracy. When we let the economists do the work,
they created the Haves and the Have-nots.
The most effective way to make those few leaders get rid
of their defilements of anger and delusion is to clean their
minds Dharma: the tranquil power of religions, so that they
will not be under the influence of anger and delusion
defilements. This is the prevention of way by religious
The situation of the world today is so critical that it needs
the presence of religious leaders to assist. All religions
never teach their followers to make war and fight each
other. But wars occurs because men fail to have true
religious belief and do not realize the fact of nature and the
truth of human life.
If the leaders of all religions can really perceive the truth of
their scriptures, get closer to God of their faith, bring virtue
of God and goodness of the scriptures to spread out and
try to change the ideas of men who are blinded by greedy
and illusive defilements to become less in their mind, then
true peace can be achieved.
It is, therefore, the duty of religious leaders to really work
together by which peace can be won and the world leaders
can change their attitude to store up Dharma instead of
Real peace of the world, if there ever be, must be by the
power of religions. Religious power is a tranquil power. It is
a peaceful power. If the power of all religions can be
united to work in unison for the solutions of the world, their
power will be more powerful than any other in the world.
So, it is the last way to prevent the world war effectively.
Therefore, it is the right time for the religionists to step out
and help solve the world problems. They must be the real
religionists, not the fraudulent ones. The real religionists
are not attached to anything. Neither do they work for
fame, nor for offerings. They work only for happiness of
All human beings, they wish for peace, but act on the
opposite. This is because they are under the influence of
wrong concept and so, they work their way to the ultimate
goal with fear by inventing destructive weapons to destroy
each other. It is, therefore, the duty of religious and peace
leaders of the world to work in cooperation to eradicate all
these problems.
The world today is unrest because each side does not trust
each other. They all want peace. One side calls for peace
at Washington, another one at Moscow, while the other at
Peking. Their efforts will never achieve peace. They have to
be invited to discuss on peace in the religious atmosphere.
Peace is of many levels, by nature, all human beings, after
their physical satisfaction of foods consumption, they will
have a defilement by sensual craving. They can get rid of
this defilement by means of praying to their God. This is
the right way to peace.
The ability we need to make peace for the world must
come from what we used to make peace for ourselves. We
have to possess peace in our mind as a foundation.
From peace within oneself, there will be peace in a family,
then peace in a village, peace in a district, peace in a
country and peace in the world. Peace is, therefore,
connected like a chain. It prevails everywhere with no
There are two ways to achieve peace:-
1.Encourage all men to be religious and get closer to their
2.Find the way to invite world leaders to a discussion with
open heart.
<Suchart Kosolkitiwong>
World Peace Envoy
The Valley of Ariya
The Tenasserim Mountains in the midst of forests
and mountains.
Ven. Ariyawanso
8th February 1992
The Valley of Ariya,
The Tenasserim Mountains
In the midst of forests and mountains,
Being quite and unknown to the external world,
No worry, no anxiety, no suffering, extremely happy,
Calm clear concentrated mind pure and extremely
The forest cocks crew with clear voice.
The birds sing as rhythm.
Monkeys, langurs, flying squirrels, gibbons call
and answer like the sound of music .
Barking deer, stags cry noisily like the sound
of a flute and drum.
The tiger crys, groans, and growls with sounding voice.
It is like music of the nature in the midst of forests,
To make mind and heart quite, listen continuously,
To dedicate and expand loving-compassion,
For sentient-beings to be friends to each.
Ariyawanso Bhikkhu
15th January 1992
15.00 hrs.
I, Ariyawanso Bhikkhu
Know having enough, have stopped, am happy, have no
Because I have enough, one shaved head, one bowl, can’t
eat well.
At 3:30
Part 3
Day of Love
14th February valentine’s day
Day of love
Love more, attach more, suffer more.
Love less, attach less, suffer less.
No love, No suffering.
No love, No suffering, Don’t take attach.
No attachment, No love, No suffering,
No happiness, well at ease.
Then you will see immortal dharma.
The eyesight sees dharma, meets nirvana.
The best desire of human beings.
5:00 hrs.
With best wishes from
Phra Ariyawanso
8th February 1992
Ways to Peace
Today is a Buddhist Sabbath day.
with the full moon of the fifth month.
I can remember that it is Somdech Toh’s birthday.
Then I walked in meditation praying “ Buddho.”
To make merit for him.
Delighted amidst the forests,
Mountains and bush lines.
At very peaceful Ariya valley.
Cut out suffering, leave happiness, meet comfort.
The body walks in meditation, the mind in oneness.
Reach ecstasy occurring for long permanency.
Difficult to describe.
17th April
At 23:35
August 1992
S. Ariyawanso Bhikkhu