The document provides instructions for making an afghan using different colors of yarn. It includes details on materials, gauge, and step-by-step instructions for making the afghan body and border. It also includes instructions for an optional star decoration that can be added.
The document provides instructions for making an afghan using different colors of yarn. It includes details on materials, gauge, and step-by-step instructions for making the afghan body and border. It also includes instructions for an optional star decoration that can be added.
The document provides instructions for making an afghan using different colors of yarn. It includes details on materials, gauge, and step-by-step instructions for making the afghan body and border. It also includes instructions for an optional star decoration that can be added.
The document provides instructions for making an afghan using different colors of yarn. It includes details on materials, gauge, and step-by-step instructions for making the afghan body and border. It also includes instructions for an optional star decoration that can be added.
ozs. red, 20 ozs. navy, 11 ozs. gold; hot glue (optional); tapestry needle; G hook or hook needed to obtain gauge. FINISHED SIZE: 38 1/4" x 67". GAUGE: 7 sc = 2"; 8 sc rows = 2". NOTE: When changing colors, drop first color to wrong side of work, pick up when needed. AFGHAN Row 1: Starting at top, with red, ch 124, drop red, with navy, yo, pull through lp (see ill.), ch 100, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 98 ch changing to red in last st made, sc in each ch across, turn (125 red and 99 navy sc). Front of row 1 is right side of work. Row 2: Ch 1, sc in first 125 sts chang- ing to navy in last st made, sc in each st across, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sc in first 99 sts changing to red in last st made, sc in each st across,turn. Rows 4-11: Repeat rows 2 and 3 alter- nately. At end of last row, fasten off red. Row 12: Join white with sc in first st, sc in next 124 sts changing to navy in last made, sc in each st across, turn. Row 13: Ch 1, sc in first 99 sts chang- ing to white in last st made, sc in each st across, turn. Row 14: Ch 1, sc in first 125 sts changing to navy in last st made, sc in each st across, turn. Rows 15-22: Repeat rows 13 and 14 alternately. At end of last row, fasten off white. Row 23: Ch 1, sc in first 99 sts chang- ing to red in last st made, sc in each st across, turn. Rows 24-33: Repeat rows 2 and 3 al- ternately. At end of last row, fasten off red. Row 34: Repeat row 12. Rows 35-44: Repeat rows 13 and 14 alternately. At end of last row, fasten off white. Row 45: Repeat row 23. Rows 46-55: Repeat rows 2 and 3 al- ternately. At end of last row, fasten off red. Row 56: Repeat row 12. Rows 57-66: Repeat rows 13 and 14 alternately. At end of last row, fasten off white. Row 67: Repeat row 23. Rows 68-77: Repeat rows 2 and 3 al- ternately. At end of last row, fasten off red and navy. Row 78: Join white with sc in first st, sc in each st across, turn. Rows 79-88: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. At end of last row, fasten off. Row 89: Join red with sc in first st, sc in each st across, turn. Rows 90-99: Ch 1, sc in each st across, turn. At end of last row, fas- ten off red. Rows 100-143: Repeat rows 78-99 consecutively. At end of last row, do not turn. Fasten off. BORDER Rnd 1: Working around outer edge in sts and in ends of rows, with right side facing you, join gold with hdc in first st, 2 hdc in same st as first hdc, (hdc in next 222 sts, 3 hdc in next st, skip next row, hdc in next 141 rows, skip next row), 3 hdc in next st; repeat between ( ), join with sl st in top of first st (738 hdc). Rnd 2: (Sl st, ch 4, dc) in next st, (ch 1, skip next st, dc in next st) 111 times, ch 1, skip next st, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next st, (ch 1, skip next st, dc in next st) 71 times, ch 1*, skip next st, (dc, ch 2, dc) in next st, (ch 1, skip next st, dc in next st) 112 times; repeat between first *, join with sl st in 3rd ch of ch 4. Rnd 3: (Sl st, ch 3, 3 dc) around post of first st on rnd 2, *(sl st, ch 3, 3 dc) around post of next st; repeat from * around, join with sl st in joining sl st on rnd 2. Rnd 4: Working in sts and in ch sps of rod 2, ch 1, sc in each st and in each ch-1 sp around with 3 sc in each ch-2 sp, join with sl st in first sc. Fasten off. STAR (make 50) Rnd 1: With white, ch 2, 10 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join with sl st in first sc (10 sc). Rnd 2: For points, (*ch 5, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, skip next st on rnd 1*, sl st in next st) 4 times; repeat between first *, join with sl st in first ch of first ch 5. Fasten off. Sew or glue Stars on navy, alternating rows of 6 Stars and 5 Stars begin- ning and ending with a row of 6. Stars and Stripes Designed by Faye Kumara Copyright 1991 Annie's Attic