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The Second Welfare Theorem: KC Border

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Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences

The Second Welfare Theorem

KC Border
January 2001 v. 2013.11.01::15.42

Consider an ArrowDebreu model economy

n E = (Xi , i )m i=1 , (Yj )j =1 , .

Second Welfare Theorem Assume the economy E satises the following conditions. 1. For each consumer i = 1, . . . , m (a) Xi is nonempty and convex. (b) i is continuous, locally nonsatiated, and convex. 2. For each producer j = 1, . . . , n, (a) Yj is nonempty and convex. Let ( x1 , . . . , x m , y 1 , . . . , y n ) be an ecient allocation. Then there is a nonzero price vector p satisfying 1. For each consumer i = 1, . . . , m, x i minimizes p x over the upper i contour set {x Xi : x x }. Thus if there is a cheaper point x Xi satisfying p x <p x i , then x i i actually maximizes i over the budget set {x Xi : p x p x }. 2. For each producer j = 1, . . . , n, y j maximizes prot over Yj at prices p . That is, p y j p y for all y Yj . That is, ( x1 , . . . , x m , y 1 , . . . , y n , p ) is a valuation quasiequilibrium. If the cheaper point condition holds for each i, then it is a valuation equilibrium.

KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

Proof : Since ( x1 , . . . , x m , y 1 , . . . , y n ) is ecient, it is impossible to make everyone better o. So dene the set Scitovsky set S by S=
m i=1

Pi ( xi )

(see Figure 1), and dene the aggregate consumption possibility set A by A=+
n j =1

Yj .

By eciency A S = . (For suppose, x A S . Since x S , we can write x = m xi , where each xi P ( xi ), or x x i . Since x A, we can i=1 n write x = + j =1 y j . But then (x1 , . . . , xm , y 1 , . . . , y n ) is an allocation, and xi x i for each i, contradicting the eciency of ( x1 , . . . , x m , y 1 , . . . , y n ).) It follows from Lemmas 5 and 4 below that S is open and convex since each summand is, and is nonempty by local nonsatiation. Similarly A is convex. Thus by the Separating Hyperplane Theorem, there is a nonzero price vector p satisfying p x p y for each x S, y A.

i From Lemma 2 below, each x i belongs to the closure of Pi ( xi ), so m i=1 x m j so it also belongs to i = + n belongs to the closure of S . Now i=1 x j =1 y A. It follows that p x p
m i=1

x i = p +

n j =1

y j p y

for each x S, y A.

From the Summation Principle, we then have p x i p x for all x P ( xi ) and p y j p y for all y Yj .

Since U ( xi ) is the closure of P ( xi ) we also have p x i p x for all x U ( xi ). This proves that we have a valuation quasiequilibrium. The role of the cheaper point condition is well known.

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KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

x 1 + x 2

x 1

S = P1 ( x1 ) + P2 ( x2 )

P2 ( x2 ) x 2 P1 ( x1 )

u2 = u2 ( x2 )

u1 = u1 ( x1 )

Figure 1. Construction of the Scitovsky set for 2 consumers.

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KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

Preliminary results on preferences

We start with some preliminary lemmas on preference relations. For our purposes, a preference relation is quasiorder, or preorder, on a set X . That is, is a total, transitive, reexive binary relation on X . The binary relations and are the asymmetric and symmetric parts of , dened by x y if x y and not y x and xy xy if x y and y x u(x) u(y ). Recall that a function u : X R is a utility for if

A preference relation on a set X has a satiation point x if x is a greatest element, that is, if x y for all y X . A preference relation is nonsatiated if it has no satiation point. That is for every x there is some y X with y x. If (X, d) is a metric space, the preference relation is locally nonsatiated if for every x X and every > 0, there exists a point y X with d(y, x) < and y x. Note that this is a joint condition on X and . In particular, if X is nonempty, it must be that for each point x X and every > 0 there is a point y = x belonging to X with d(y, x) < . That is, X may have no isolated points.

Given a preference relation on a set X , dene the strict and weak upper contour sets P (x) = {y X : y x} P 1 (x) = {y X : x y } and U (x) = {y X : y x}. U 1 (x) = {y X : x y }.

We also dene the strict and weak lower contour sets and

When (X, d) is a metric space, we say that is continuous if its graph is closed. There are other equivalent characterizations.
v. 2013.11.01::15.42

KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

Lemma 1 For a total, transitive, reexive preference relation on a metric space X , the following are equivalent. 1. The graph of is closed. That is, if yn y , xn x, and yn xn for each n, then y x. 2. The graph of is open. That is, if y x, there is an > 0 such that if d(y , y ) < and d(x , x) < , then y x . 3. For each x, the weak contour sets U (x) = {y X : y x} and U 1 (x) = {y X : x y } are closed. 4. For each x, the strict contour sets P (x) = {y X : y x} and P 1 (x) = {y X : x y } are open. Proof : Since is total, it is clear that (1) (2) and (3) (4). Moreover it is also immediate that (1) = (3) and (2) = (4). So it suces to prove that (4) implies (1). So assume by way of contradiction that yn y , xn x, and yn xn for each n, but x y . Since P (y ) is open by condition (4) and x P (y ) by hypothesis, there is some > 0 such that d(z, x) < implies z P (y ), or z y . Similarly, since P 1 (x) is open and y P 1 (x) there is some > 0 such that d(w, y ) < implies x w. Since xn x and yn y , for large enough n, we have d(xn , x) < and d(yn , y ) < , so x yn xn y for these large n. Pick one such n, call it n0 , and observe that x xn0 y. Now condition (4) implies P (xn0 ) is open and since x P (xn0 ), there is some > 0 such that d(z, x) < implies z xn0 . Similarly, since P 1 (xn0 ) and y P 1 (xn0 ), there is > 0 such that d(w, y ) < implies xn0 w. Now for large enough n we have d(xn , x) < and d(yn , y ) < , so xn xn0 yn , which contradicts yn xn for all n.

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KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

We also say that is upper semicontinuous if for each x, the set U (x) = {y X : y x} is closed, or equivalently, P 1 (x) = {y X : x y } is open in X . Similarly, is lower semicontinuous if for each x, the set U 1 (x) = {y X : x y } is closed, or equivalently, P (x) = {y X : y x} is open in X . Observe that a preference relation is continuous if and only if it is both upper and lower semicontinuous. Lemma 2 If is continuous and locally nonsatiated, then U (x) is the closure of P (x). Proof : P (x) U (x): Let y belong to P (x). That is, there is a sequences yn in P (x) with yn y . Then for each n, we have yn x, so a fortiori yn x. Since yn y , we have (yn , x) (y, x), so by continuity, y x, that is, y U (x). U (x) P (x): Let y belong to U (x). By local nonsatiation, for each n 1 there is a yn satisfying d(yn , y ) < n and yn y . Since yn y and y x, we have yn y , so yn P (x). But yn y , so y P (x).

When X is a subset of a linear space, we say that is weakly convex if yx convex if yx = y + (1 )x x for all 0 < < 1. = y + (1 )x x for all 0 < < 1.

strictly convex if yx = y + (1 )x x for all 0 < < 1.

To simplify the discussion of these properties let say that z is between x and y if (i) x = y , and (ii) z = x + (1 )y for some 0 < < 1. The property of weak convexity is not actually weaker than convexity.

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KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

Example 3 Let X = [1, 1] and dene by means of the utility function


u(x) =

x = 0 x = 0.

Then is convex, but not weakly convex. Why?

The preference relation in the example above is not continuous, which brings up the next lemma. Lemma 4 If is convex and upper semicontinuous, then it is weakly convex. Proof : Assume that y x. In case y x, then by convexity y +(1)x x for 0 < < 1, so a fortiori y + (1 )x x. So now consider the case < 1 we have y x and assume by way of contradiction that for some 0 < + (1 )x = z . By upper semicontinuity, we may choose close to , x y > so that x y + (1 )x = w. See Figure 2. But this means but with that z is between w and x, and since x w, convexity implies z w. On the other hand, w is between y and z , and y x z , so convexity implies w z , a contradiction. y 3 + (1 )x 3 z = y + (1 )x = w 3 y

x 3

Figure 2. y z = w z and x w = z w, oops.

Lemma 5 If X is convex and is weakly convex, then for each x, both U (x) and P (x) are convex sets. If X is convex and is convex and continuous, then for each x, both U (x) and P (x) are convex sets. Proof : The rst statement is easy to prove. The second statement follows from the rst and Lemma 4. The next result gives conditions that rules out thick indierence classes.
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KC Border

The Second Welfare Theorem

Lemma 6 If X is convex, and is convex, continuous, and nonsatiated, then P (x) is the interior of U (x). Proof : Since P (x) U (x) and P (x) is open by lower semicontinuity, we have P (x) int U (x). For the reverse inclusion, let y belong to the interior of U (x), so there is some > 0 such that the -ball centered at y lies wholly in U (x). Assume by way of contradiction that y / P (x). Then since y U (x), it must be that y x. Since is nonsatiated, there is a point z X with z y . Choose < 0 but close enough to zero, so that the point w = (1 )y + z is within of y and also so that z w, which can be done by upper semicontinuity of . See Figure 3. Then z w x y . But since y lies between z and w, by convexity we must have y w, a contradiction. z 3 3 w 3 = (1 )y + z y

Figure 3. w x y and z y w, oops.

Example 7 Lemma 6 may fail without convexity. Let X = R and let be dened by the utility u(x) = x2 . Then is locally nonsatiated and continuous, but P (0) = R \ {0} = R = int U (0).

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