Conf at Glance
Conf at Glance
Conf at Glance
Bridgeport, WV
Tuesday, August 12
6:00-8:00pm Committee Meetings
Program Services- Conf. 1
Bylaws Conf. 2
Policy Ballroom A
Resolutions Ballroom B
Credentials Ballroom C
Nominating Ballroom D
8:00pm Hospitality Suite-Conf. 3 & 4
Wednesday, August 13
8:00am-5:00pm Registration Open-Conference Center Lobby
7:30am Golf Registration-Bridgeport Country Club
8:00am Shotgun Start of WVML -Memorial Golf Tournament
Bridgeport Country Club
Time TBD Clay Shooting-A Mountain Clays
8:00am Tour of Bridgeport-Meet at Registration Table
9:00-10:00am WV Municipal Clerks/Recorders Annual Meeting-Conf. 1 & 2
10:00am-Noon Election Training-Conf. 1 & 2
10:00-11:00am Best Practices-Ballroom BD
11:00am-Noon 10 Building Blocks to Financial Independence-Conf. 3 & 4
1:00-2:00pm Comprehensive Plans/Strategic Planning-Ballroom AC
1:00-5:00pm WV Municipal Attorney Association Meeting-Conf. 4
2:00-3:00pm Principles of Straightforward Leadership-Ballroom AC
3:00-4:00pm Marketing & Branding-Ballroom BD
4:00-6:00pm WV City Management Association Meeting-Conf. 1 & 2
5:30pm WVML Board of Directors Photo-at Thrasher Engineering
5:30-8:00pm Welcome Reception with Exhibitors-Tent
8:00pm Hospitality Suite-Conf. 3 & 4
Thursday, August 14
8:00am-5:00pm Registration Open-Conference Center Lobby
7:30-8:45am Breakfast with Exhibitors-Tent
7:30am-Noon Exhibitors Open-Tent
8:45-10:00am Opening Session
Senator Joe Manchin Welcome Video-Keynote-Glenn Morshower-Ballroom
10:00am-Noon Metro News Talk Line with Hoppy Kercheval-Conference Center Lobby
Concurrent Seminars:
10:30-11:30am 1. The Coming Crisis: Volunteer Fire Departments-Ballroom AC
2. Who Does the City/Town Attorney Represent?-Ballroom BD
11:30am-12:30pm 1. Bridging the Digital Disconnect with Municipalities-Ballroom AC
2. Economic Outlook / Development Trends-Ballroom BD
12:30-1:30pm Lunch-Guest Speaker, Hoppy Kercheval-Tent
1:30-2:30pm 1. Huntingtons Land Bank: Putting dilapidated properties back into productive use
Ballroom AC
2. Heads Up Huntington: Informing the community about emergencies using smart
phone technoligy-Ballroom BD
2:30-3:30pm 1. Ethics & Open Government-Ballroom AC
2. Creative Financing for Municipalities-Ballroom BC
3:30-4:30pm 1. Home Rule Issues-Ballroom AC
2. Community Transportation Challenges-Ballroom BD
5:30pm Depart to Splash Zone
6:00-10:00pm Luau/Dinner at Splash Zone
Entertainment-No Bad JuJu-Clarksburg Amphitheater
8:00 pm Hospitality Suite-Conf. 3 & 4
Friday, August 15
6:45am WV Municipal Clerks/Recorders Walk-Meet at Registration Table
8:00-10:00am Breakfast Buffet & Awards-Ballroom
10:00-11:30am Annual Business Meeting & Closing Event-Ballroom
Noon Adjourn Conference
9:00am-2:00pm Newly Appointed Municipal Judge Mandatory Training-Conf. 3 & 4
11:30am-12:30pm Newly Elected Board of Directors Meeting-Wingate Meeting Room
12:30pm Lunch-Conf. 3 & 4