Hhigh Speed Aeroydnamics
Hhigh Speed Aeroydnamics
Hhigh Speed Aeroydnamics
To understand the inherent difference between the flow around a 2D wedge and a 3D conical object To acquire a understanding of the nature of a detached shock wave in front of a blunt object To acquire a understanding of what happens when an oblique shock wave impinges on a solid wall or intersects with another wave
MACE 31321
1. Find wave angle from --M chart at intersection of M1 and interpolate if necessary 2. Find Mn,1 using M n,1 = M 1 sin 3. Find flow property ratios across shock from Normal Shock Property Table M 2 4. Find M2 using M 2 = sin (n, ) 5. Find flow properties downstream of the shock from the property ratios and the given upstream flow conditions, bearing in mind that
T0, 2 = T0,1 and
When a supersonic flow is turning into itself, an oblique shock wave forms. Across the wave, M decreases DISCONTINOUSLY, whereas p, and T increases DISCONTINOUSLY. Non-isentropic process: s>0.
p0, 2 p0,1
3D body shape: 3D relieving effect, weaker shock with a lower wave angle
Note: The shock property table provides the information for 2D flows ONLY. The detachment distance depends on M1 and the size and shape of the body.
A reflected shock is formed so as to turn the flow into the direction of the surface B The strength of the reflected shock is weaker than the incident shock since M2 < M1. The properties of the reflected shock are uniquely defined by M1 and .
The wave angle is the angle between the shock wave and the incoming flow direction.
Normal shock
p 4 = p 4
The direction of velocity is parallel to the slip line.
If M2 is smaller than the minimum Mach number for the required deflection angle, a straight reflected shock can not be formed. A normal shock is formed and a Mach reflection wave are produced.
9 10
Consider an oblique shock wave generated by a compression corner with a 10o deflection angle. The oblique shock wave subsequently impinges on a straight wall opposite the compression corner. Calculate the angle of the reflected shock wave, , related to the straight wall and the Mach number, pressure, temperature behind the reflected shock wave.
Answer: 17.3o, 2.55, 4.62atm, 458.01K)
A weak reflected wave is formed to ensure the flow is region 4 and 5 will be in the same direction.
From the --M chart, for M1=3.6 and =10o, 1=24o. Hence M n,1 = M1 sin 1 = 3.6 sin 24o = 1.464 From the normal shock table
M n, 2 = 0.7157, p2 T2 = 2.32, = 1.294 p1 T1
Also M n, 2 = M 2 sin 2 = 2.96 sin 27.3o = 1.358 From the Normal Shock Table,
M n, 3 = 0.7572,
M3 =
p3 T3 = 1.991, = 1.229 p2 T2
From the --M chart, for M2=2.96 and =10o, 2=27.3o. Hence = 2 = 27.310=17.3
p3 = T3 =
In Fundamentals of Aerodynamics by Andersons, 2nd edition.
9.3 9.4 9.5