Larry Sinclair Signatures
Larry Sinclair Signatures
Larry Sinclair Signatures
at the pass, before you start posting that they both are not mine, I strongly advise you to compare a multitude of signature styles that I have used over the years on all sorts of public documents as well as personal ones. Larry Sinclair, April 10, 2008
Larye Vizcarra Avila-adams (illegal alias)
Order Granting Probation and Fixing Terms Thereof Florida Case# 86-17266 Sinclair signed August 13, 1986
Returned Check Issued by Sinclair
Vivian Janet Bowman v. Sinclair et al. Case# 5:07-mc-00003, Docket# 1 Southern District of Texas Court (Laredo)
US Secret Service Consent to Search
Dated and signed January 27, 2010 Sinclair declined to provide a handwriting sample so this signature may be suspect
US Secret Service Release and Authorization To Obtain Financial and Credit Information Sinclair Publishing, LLC Dissolution (Page 2)
Georgia Certificate of Voluntary Termination Control# 08014531 manually dated Oct 14, 2009 Effective Aug 20, 2009, received Oct 21, 2009 Dated and signed January 27, 2010 Sinclair declined to provide a handwriting sample so this signature may be suspect