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velez-8ublo C M

, L Cardona
, A Carranza
, L Alonso
, n 1eryda
, ! 1oms
1 kA8uM8L, 8lodlversldad y Conservacln. Av. 8lvera 3243, MonLevldeo C 11400, uruguay
2 lnsuLuLo Cavanllles de 8lodlversldad y 8lologla Lvoluuva, unlverslLy of valencla, ApLdo. 22083, L-46071 valencla, Spaln
3l88lC and ueparLmenL of Anlmal 8lology, laculLy of 8lology, unlverslLy of 8arcelona, Avda. ulagonal 643, L-08028 8arcelona, Spaln
4 CenLro unlvesrlLarlo reglonal LsLe (Cu8L) Sede Maldonado, unLa del LsLe, uruguay
3 rea 8lodlversldad y Conservacln, Museo naclonal de PlsLorla naLural, C.C. 399, C.. 11000, MonLevldeo, uruguay
ln uruguayan coasLal waLers lmmaLure green LurLle (!"#$%&'( *+,(-) occur year round (Marunez-
Souza #. ($. 2010, velez-8ublo #. ($. 2013, Conzlez Carman #. ($. 2012). 1hese waLers hosL foraglng
and developmenLal nerluc grounds for lndlvlduals recrulung aer Lhe oceanlc phase of Lhelr llfe cycle
(Lpez-Mendllaharsu #. ($. 2006).
ln oLher reglons, Lhls hablLaL Lransluon ls accompanled by a dleLary shl, belng neusLonlc and pelaglc
lnverLebraLes replaced by macrophyLes and/or seagrass as maln food resources (8[orndal 1997, 8elch
#. ($. 2007). Powever, Lhe umlng and process of Lhe dleLary shlp may vary reglonally (Cardona #. ($.
revlous dleL sLudles showed LhaL green LurLles occurrlng o uruguay presenL an herblvorous dleL
based on macroalgae (uarre CasLell 2003), buL deLalls abouL Lhe dleLary shl are unknown.
1PL 8LSLn1 S1uu? AlMS
1C unuL8S1Anu 1PlS
&!*#+$, -.!/# uu8lnC
C8LLn 1u81LL Cn1CCLn?
nu18l1lCnAL uLLnuLnCL
Cn 1PL 0+($%+12+*
0+#*$!+1 +"& 0*#.%&-
1he coasL was dlvlded lnLo Lhree zones (llg. 1) based on Lhe dlerences ln hydrologlcal
characLerlsucs: [lLZ] lnner esLuarlne zone, characLerlsed by a uvlal-marlne sallnlLy
reglme lnuenced malnly by Lhe 8 dlscharge, [CLZ] ouuer esLuarlne zone, marlne
sallnlLy reglme lnuenced by Lhe 8 and oceanlc waLers, and [CZ] Cceanlc zone, wlLh
oceanlc lnuence.
ln order Lo sLudy [uvenlle green LurLle dleL ln Lhe uruguayan coasL, we collecLed guL
conLenLs from 34 green LurLle sLranded beLween 2009 and 2013 .
1o beuer undersLand Lhe onLogenlc dleLary shl of green LurLles, speclmens were
classled ln Lhree slze classes: CCL < 33 cm [n= 10], 8: 33 cm < CCL < 40 cm [n= 20], C:
CCL > 40 cm [n= 17])
1he relauve lmporLance of each dleLary group/specles found was recorded as
frequency of occurrence (lC).
All Lhe LurLles analyzed were of lmmaLure slze, wlLh mean Su curved carapace lengLh, noLch Lo up (CCLn-L) of 40.0 7.0 cm (range 29.8-
62.0, n = 47).
1he speclmens analyzed had an omnlvorous dleL (llg. 2), wlLh hlgh occurrence of boLh macroalgae (lC=74.1) and gelaunous
macrozooplankLon (lC= 46.3). AlLhough we found LwenLy dlerenL specles of macroalgae, only ve Laxa occurred ln more Lhan 40 of
Lhe samples.
Marlne debrls occurred ln 72.2 of Lhe sLomach conLenLs analyzed, Lhus conrmlng LhaL green LurLles lngesL oaung ob[ecLs
Celaunous macrozooplankLon prevalled ln LurLles < 33 cm CCL (lC=80) and macroalgae occurred ln less of Lhem (60.0). Celaunous
macrozooplankLon was sull abundanL ln LurLles ranglng 33-40 cm CCL (lC = 43), buL Lhe frequency of occurrence of macroalgae lncreased
Lo 63.0. llnally, macroalgae was Lhe mosL frequenL food lLem (lC= 82.3) ln LurLles larger Lhan 40 cm CCL, alLhough gelaunous
zooplankLon was sull presenL (lC= 23.3). Marlne debrls were abundanL ln Lhe Lhree slze classes, alLhough Lhe frequency of occurrence
decrease wlLh slze, from 80 ln Lhose shorLer Lhan 33 cm CCL Lo 38.8 ln Lhose larger Lhan 40 cm CCL (llg. 3).
CnL? llvL 1AxA Cl MAC8CALCAL CCCu88Lu ln MC8L 1PAn 40 Cl 1PL SAMLLS
/$0( -12 (82.3 ) !%,'3* -1 (40.0)
45(.#$%31'( -1 (62.3) 6.#5%7$(,'#$$( 7(1'$$(7#( (40)
!%&,5(7(&."3- -12 (47.3)
1hls prellmlnary sLudy shows an lmporLanL change ln Lhe green LurLle dleL aer recrulung Lo coasLal hablLaLs, where
Lhey explolL Lhe mosL abundanL food resource ln uruguayan nerluc hablLaLs, Lhe 345674894: ;:<=>7<?5 5733@<?=A.
neverLheless, gelaunous macrozooplankLon sull sLand as a relevanL dleLary lLem aer recrulLmenL, Lhus suggesung
LhaL [uvenlle green LurLles occurrlng ln nerluc hablLaLs o uruguay are besL descrlbed as 73<?B76:C Lhan as
AuLhors are really graLeful Lo all karumbe members and volunLeers who once formed parL of Lhe nCC. Also Lo all Lhe persons (shermen, naval refecLure, llfe guard servlce,
rangers, clvll organlzauons and cluzens). AuLhors wlsh Lo Lhank Lo Lhe Marlne Zoology unlL of Lhe unlverslLy of valencla Lo help ln Lhe lasL parL of Lhls work. !1 ls supporLed by
pro[ecL CCL 2011-30413 of Lhe Spanlsh MlnlsLry of Lconomy and Compeuuveness. llnanclal suppoerL fromllAWLo karumbe, 8uord small granL Lo Cv and Agencla naclonal
de lnvesugacln e lnnovacln (Anll) Lo AC ls also acknowledge. 1hls research was conducLed under llcence (no. 200/04, 073/08 and 323/11) from Lhe launa ueparLmenL
MlnlsLry of Caule, AgrlculLure and llshlng of uruguay.
/!2F GH ulgesuve Lrack of a [uvenlle green LurLle sLranded ln 8ocha (CZ). ulerences were founded a log Lhe
dlgesuve Lrack, ln Lhe oesophagus only macroalgae were presenL, a mlx of macroalgae and gelaunous
macrozooplankLon ln Lhe sLomach conLenLs, and [usL marlne debrls ln Lhe lnLesune conLenLs.
/!2F IH 8lo de la laLa esLury map, Lhe uruguayan coasL were dlvlded lnLo Lhree zones based on Lhe
dlerences ln hydrloglcal characLerlsucs: [lLZ] lnner LsLurlne Zone (330 km), [CLZ] CuLer LsLurlne Zone
(130 km) and [CZ] Cceanlc Zone (230 km). Creen LurLles sLrandlngs locauons were lndlcaLed by Lhe red
clrcles. 1he leuers lndlcaLe Lhe lmporLanL feedlng areas for [uvenlle green LurLles ln uruguay coasLal
waLers: +, Marlne roLecLed Area of Cerro verde, J, unLa del ulablo, (, Marlne proLecLed area of Cabo
olonlo, &, La aloma, *, unLa del LsLe and /, lrlapolls.
/!2F KH lrequency of occurrence of maln dleL lLems for each slze class (CCL ln cm).
1!#*$+#'$*& (!#*&
8[orndal (1997) loraglng ecology and nuLrluon of sea LurLles. 1he blology of sea LurLles. C8C ress, 8oca 8aLon, pp. 199-232.
Cardona eL al. (2010) Asynchrony beLween dleLary and nuLrluonal shls durlng Lhe onLogeny of green LurLles (!"#$%&'( *+,(-) ln Lhe
uarre casLell (2003) PblLos allmenLarlos de [uvenlles de LorLuga verde (!"#$%&'( *+,(-) en Cerro verde, 8ochaF
Conzlez Carman eL al. (2012) 8evlslung Lhe onLogeneuc shl paradlgm: Lhe case of [uvenlle green LurLles ln Lhe SW ALlanuc. !LM8L
Lpez-Mendllaharsu eL al. (2006) 8lologla, Lcologla y LLologla de las LorLugas marlnas en la zona cosLera uruguaya.
Marunez-Souza eL al. (2011) Cerro verde, uruguay, can be a year-round feedlng area for [uvenlle green LurLles?. roceedlngs of Lhe 31
Annual Symposlumon Sea 1urLle 8lology and Conservauon.
8elch eL al. (2007) 1he losL years" of green LurLles: uslng sLable lsoLopes Lo sLudy crypuc llfesLages. 8L
velez-8ublo eL al. (2013) Marlne LurLle LhreaLs ln uruguayan waLers: lnslghLs from12 years of sLrandlng daLa. M8

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