Ee QF 2010 Multiculturalism o
Ee QF 2010 Multiculturalism o
Ee QF 2010 Multiculturalism o
May 10,
The world's melting pot: London has always been a multicultural metropolis
When I was a kid just afte the Wa !, the e "i#ed a"$n% the st eet a "ady &a""ed M s '$nd$n( We )ade a s&h$$"*$y j$ke $ut $f it + M s '$nd$n "i#in% in '$nd$n, she,d ne#e %et "$st( -he was y$u ty.i&a" w$ kin%+&"ass s$uth '$nd$ne / &hatty, h$)e"y, a *it 0$&kney! *ut es.e&ta*"e, utte "y En%"ish, and White( E#e y$ne d$wn the st eet was "ike that( 5 What a &han%e t$day, what a )$sai& $f .e$."es, a&es, &$"$u s, "an%ua%es, faiths, &u"tu es the &a.ita" has *e&$)e( Of its inha*itants at the 1121 &ensus, )$ e than $ne in si3 we e *$ n $utside the 45 + the * eakd$wn! was $#e a thi d $f a )i""i$n *$ n in Eu $.e, a*$ut 300,000 in 6sia, a $und 170,000 in 6f i&a and the 0a i**ean es.e&ti#e"y, and "esse nu)*e s f $) the $the &$ ne s $f the %"$*e( This inte nati$na"isati$n . $#$kes diffe ent es.$nses( The B itish 8ati$na" Pa ty! f$)ents a&e hat ed and its thu%s *eat u. Ben%a"is!( -tates)en . ea&h t$"e an&e( Othe s a e .$siti#e"y enthusiasti& + )assi#e i))i% ati$n has %i#en the )et $.$"is just the #ita" s.a k it needed, * in%in% new "ife sty"es, f$$ds, )usi&( 9$we#e a "$t $f En%"ish+*$ n whites, es.e&ia""y $"de .e$."e, find the &heek+*y+j$w"! )i3in% $f ethni& % $u.s ja in%! and ha d t$ a&&e.t( It wasn,t "ike that when they we e y$un%: isn,t su&h a new de#e"$.)ent a e&i.e f$ disaste ; The t uth is it isn,t new at a""( '$nd$n a"ways was a &ity $f f$ ei%ne s( <$ )u&h $f its hist$ y the .e &enta%e $f '$nd$ne s *$ n $utside the &a.ita" was a&tua""y fa hi%he than t$day( The &ity a"ways had .$&kets $f )$ e e3$ti& s$ ts( By 1200 the e we e se#e a" th$usand B"a&k 6f i&ans, )$st"y se #ants and sai"$ s *ut a"s$ a few )usi&ians, . i=e+fi%hte s, %i%$"$s and w ite s( 'as&a sai"$ s! sett"ed f $) -$uth East 6sia, and f $) 1200 'i)eh$use! was a&>ui in% its 0hinese &$))unity( With$ut )i% ants '$nd$n w$u"d ne#e ha#e *een fa)$us f$ si"ks and wat&hes ?)ade *y < en&h & afts)en@: it w$u"d ha#e "a&ked i&e+& ea) ?)ade *y Ita"ians "i#in% in <ins*u y!@ t$ say n$thin% $f the )usi& $f 9ande"!( 2 5 O#e the &entu ies '$nd$n has *een . etty su&&essfu" at a#$idin% se i$us a&ia" tensi$n and #i$"en&e( The e ne#e was a f$ )a" Aewish %hett$( The hu)i"iati$n $f the B8P in e&ent "$&a" %$#e n)ent e"e&ti$ns sh$ws that $"d 0$&kney t aditi$ns $f "i#e+and+"et+"i#e e)ain st $n%( But t$"e an&e wi"" *e st et&hed *y &$ntinuin% .$#e ty and h$.e"essness( Mu"ti&u"tu a"is) e>ui es a )et $.$"is whe e . $s.e ity is a . $s.e&t f$ a""( 6nd that e>ui es u %ent a&ti$n( 3 0
1 0
1 5
2 0
*GLOSSARY: the War The Second World War. Cockney someone who comes from the East End of London, especially someone who is working class and who has an accent which is typical of this area. reak!o"n detailed information that you get by studying a set of figures. The #r$t$%h Nat$ona& 'arty (BNP) a far-right political party. #en(a&$ someone who comes from Bengal an area of southern !sia that in"ol"es Bangladesh and the #ndian state of West Bengal$. cheek) y)*o"& "ery close together *arr$n( unpleasant. La%car %a$&or a sailor from the #ndian subcontinent or other countries east of the %ape of &ood 'ope, employed on European ships from the () th century until the beginning of the *+th century. L$+eho,%e an area in London. F$n% ,ry a district of central London. Han!e& (1685-1759) a British composer, born in &ermany .
/.OTE FRO- THE TEXT TO S.''ORT YO.R ANSWER. 0. Mrs. London had all the usual features of the wor !n"-#lass south Londoner. 1. $##ord!n" to the 1981 #ensus% &eo&le of 'uro&ean des#ent (ade u& (ost of the #!t)*s &o&ulat!on who was +orn outs!de the ,.-.. 2. .he Br!t!sh Nat!onal Part)*s !((!"rat!on &ol!#) !s to wel#o(e !((!"rants and !nte"rate the( !nto the Br!t!sh so#!et). 3. $ lot of 'n"l!sh-+orn wh!tes% es&e#!all) the older "enerat!on a##e&t and e(+ra#e #ultural d!/ers!t).
B. SCAN THE TEXT AND FIND E4IDENCE OF THE FOLLOWING. 0. London*s de+t to (!"rants !s an !rrefuta+le fa#t. 1. .he #a&!tal #!t) of the ,.-. has alwa)s (ana"ed to #o&e w!th ra#!al tens!on and
2. .he BNP was hu(!l!ated !n re#ent lo#al "o/ern(ent ele#t!ons% wh!#h (eans that th!s &ol!t!#al &art) 00..
0. .he lad) was #alled Mrs. London and she l!/e !n London. .hat*s wh) the) (ade a s#hool+o) 4o e out of !t. 9 7f the lad) hadn*t +een #alled Mrs. London and hadn*t l!/ed !n London 000.. 1. :he was )our t)&!#al wor !n"-#lass south Londoner; #hatt)% ho(el)% a +!t 6o# ne) +ut res&e#ta+le% utterl) 'n"l!sh% and wh!te. 9 :he was )our t)&!#al wor !n"-#lass south Londoner s!n#e 000..0 2. .h!s !nternat!onal!<at!on &ro/o es d!fferent res&onses. .he BNP fo(ents ra#e hatred. :tates(en &rea#h toleran#e. =thers are &os!t!/el) enthus!ast!#. 9 .he BNP fo(ents ra#e hatred. :tates(en &rea#h toleran#e. =thers are &os!t!/el) enthus!ast!#. .herefore 0.00... 3. Peo&le sa) that the BNP fo(ents ra#e hatred. 9 .he BNP 000... 8. 7n s&!te of +e!n" &rett) su##essful at a/o!d!n" ser!ous ra#!al tens!on% London so(et!(es feels &owerless to #ur+ /!olen#e !n so(e areas. 9 $lthou"h 0.00... 9. .oleran#e w!ll +e stret#hed +) #ont!nu!n" &o/ert) and ho&elessness. 9 6ont!nu!n" &o/ert) and ho&elessness 000... :. >1!d the 7nde&endent &u+l!sh th!s art!#le two )ears a"o2?
9 .he) wanted to now 0.00... ;. Lots of !((!"rants #a(e to the ,.-. to f!nd 4o+s and es#a&e &o/ert) !n the!r own #ountr!es. 9 Lots of !((!"rants #a(e to the ,.-. so that 000...
2. 3.
A. 7(a"!ne )ou are an !((!"rant to Br!ta!n and )ou ha/e +een ee&!n" a &ersonal
d!ar) of )our f!rst da)s !n the ,.-.. 3r!te down a &a"e of )our d!ar).
B. @ow do )ou feel a+out the use of an!(als (do"s% #ats% ra++!ts% (on e)s% 0) !n
&a!nful and often deadl) e5&er!(ents2