This document provides Photoshop keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows. It lists shortcuts for creating and opening files, saving files, showing and hiding palettes, selecting tools, making selections, transforming objects, and more. Common shortcuts include Cmd/Ctrl+N for new, Cmd/Ctrl+S for save, and Cmd/Ctrl+Z for undo. The shortcuts allow efficient navigation and editing in Photoshop.
This document provides Photoshop keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows. It lists shortcuts for creating and opening files, saving files, showing and hiding palettes, selecting tools, making selections, transforming objects, and more. Common shortcuts include Cmd/Ctrl+N for new, Cmd/Ctrl+S for save, and Cmd/Ctrl+Z for undo. The shortcuts allow efficient navigation and editing in Photoshop.
This document provides Photoshop keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows. It lists shortcuts for creating and opening files, saving files, showing and hiding palettes, selecting tools, making selections, transforming objects, and more. Common shortcuts include Cmd/Ctrl+N for new, Cmd/Ctrl+S for save, and Cmd/Ctrl+Z for undo. The shortcuts allow efficient navigation and editing in Photoshop.
This document provides Photoshop keyboard shortcuts for Mac and Windows. It lists shortcuts for creating and opening files, saving files, showing and hiding palettes, selecting tools, making selections, transforming objects, and more. Common shortcuts include Cmd/Ctrl+N for new, Cmd/Ctrl+S for save, and Cmd/Ctrl+Z for undo. The shortcuts allow efficient navigation and editing in Photoshop.
Creating and opening les New Cmd+N Open Cmd+O Browse/Open Bridge Cmd+Option+O File Info Cmd+Option+Shift+I Saving les Save Cmd+S Save As Cmd+Shift+S Save a Copy Cmd+Option+S Revert F12 Palettes Show/hide palettes Shift+Tab Show/hide brushes F5 Show/hide Color palette F6 Show/hide Layers palette F7 Choosing tools Marquee tool M Move V Lasso L Magic Wand W Crop C Slice K Healing brush J Brush B Clone Stamp S History Brush Y Eraser E Gradient/Paint Bucket G Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R Dodge/Burn/Sponge O Path Selection/Direct Selection A Type T Pen P Shape tools U Notes/Audio Annotation N Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I Hand H Zoom Z Selections All Cmd+A Deselect Cmd+D Reselect Cmd+Shift+D Inverse Cmd+Shift+I Feather Shift+F6 Nudge selection 1 pixel Arrow keys Nudge selection 10 pixels Shift+arrow keys Duplicate a layer Drag onto New Layer button Group with the layer below Cmd+G Merge visible layers Cmd+Shift+E Transform Transform again Cmd+Shift+T Transform again with duplication Cmd+Option+Shift+T Free transform Cmd+T Free transform with duplication Cmd+Option+T Transform and constrain proportions Shift+drag handle Transform from centre Option+drag handle Transform from centre and constrain proportions Option+Shift+drag handle Constrain rotation of a selection to 15 degree increments Shift+drag Distort Cmd+drag handle Skew Cmd+Shift+drag handle Healing brush J Brush B Clone Stamp S History Brush Y Eraser E Gradient/Paint Bucket G Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R Dodge/Burn/Sponge O Path Selection/Direct Selection A Type T Pen P Shape tools U Keyboard shortcuts Notes/Audio Annotation N Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I Hand H Zoom Z Marquee tool M Move V Lasso L Magic Wand W Crop C Slice K Set Foreground/Background Colour Edit in Standard Mode Q Edit in Quick Mask Mode Q Edit in ImageReady Shift+Cmd+M Standard Screen Mode/Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar/Full Screen Mode F Default Foreground/ Background Colours D Photoshop Creative: Shortcuts Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows Creating and opening les New Ctrl+N Open Ctrl+O Browse/Open Bridge Ctrl+Shift+O File Info Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I Saving les Save Ctrl+S Save As Ctrl+Shift+S Save a Copy Ctrl+Alt+S Revert F12 Palettes Show/hide palettes Shift+Tab Show/hide brushes F5 Show/hide Color palette F6 Show/hide Layers palette F7 Choosing tools Marquee tool M Move V Lasso L Magic Wand W Crop C Slice K Healing brush J Brush B Clone Stamp S History Brush Y Eraser E Gradient/Paint Bucket G Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R Dodge/Burn/Sponge O Path Selection/Direct Selection A Type T Pen P Shape tools U Notes/Audio Annotation N Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I Hand H Zoom Z Selections All Ctrl+A Deselect Ctrl+D Reselect Ctrl+Shift+D Inverse Ctrl+Shift+I Feather Ctrl+Alt+D Nudge selection 1 pixel Arrow keys Nudge selection 10 pixels Shift+arrow keys Duplicate a layer Drag onto New Layer button Group with the layer below Ctrl+G Merge visible layers Ctrl+Shift+E Transform Transform again Ctrl+Shift+T Transform again with duplication Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T Free transform Ctrl+T Free transform with duplication Ctrl+Alt+T Transform and constrain proportions Shift+drag handle Transform from centre Alt+drag handle Transform from centre and constrain proportions Alt+Shift+drag handle Constrain rotation of a selection to 15 degree increments Shift+drag Distort Cmd+drag handle Skew Ctrl+Shift+drag slide handle Notes/Audio Annotation N Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I Hand H Zoom Z Default Foreground/ Background Colours D Set Foreground/Background Colour Edit in Standard Mode Q Edit in Quick Mask Mode Q Standard Screen Mode/Full Screen Mode with Menu Bar/Full Screen Mode F Edit in ImageReady Shift+Ctrl+M Path Selection/Direct Selection A Type T Pen P Shape tools U Healing brush J Brush B Clone Stamp S History Brush Y Eraser E Gradient/Paint Bucket G Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R Dodge/Burn/Sponge O Marquee tool M Move V Lasso L Magic Wand W Crop C Slice K Keyboard shortcuts