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Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts: Mac

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Photoshop Creative: Shortcuts

Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts: Mac

Creating and opening les
New Cmd+N
Open Cmd+O
Browse/Open Bridge Cmd+Option+O
File Info Cmd+Option+Shift+I
Saving les
Save Cmd+S
Save As Cmd+Shift+S
Save a Copy Cmd+Option+S
Revert F12
Show/hide palettes Shift+Tab
Show/hide brushes F5
Show/hide Color palette F6
Show/hide Layers palette F7
Choosing tools
Marquee tool M
Move V
Lasso L
Magic Wand W
Crop C
Slice K
Healing brush J
Brush B
Clone Stamp S
History Brush Y
Eraser E
Gradient/Paint Bucket G
Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R
Dodge/Burn/Sponge O
Path Selection/Direct Selection A
Type T
Pen P
Shape tools U
Notes/Audio Annotation N
Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I
Hand H
Zoom Z
All Cmd+A
Deselect Cmd+D
Reselect Cmd+Shift+D
Inverse Cmd+Shift+I
Feather Shift+F6
Nudge selection 1 pixel Arrow keys
Nudge selection 10 pixels Shift+arrow keys
Duplicate a layer Drag onto New Layer button
Group with the layer below Cmd+G
Merge visible layers Cmd+Shift+E
Transform again Cmd+Shift+T
Transform again with duplication Cmd+Option+Shift+T
Free transform Cmd+T
Free transform with duplication Cmd+Option+T
Transform and constrain proportions Shift+drag handle
Transform from centre Option+drag handle
Transform from centre
and constrain proportions Option+Shift+drag handle
Constrain rotation of a
selection to 15 degree increments Shift+drag
Distort Cmd+drag handle
Skew Cmd+Shift+drag handle
Healing brush J
Brush B
Clone Stamp S
History Brush Y
Eraser E
Gradient/Paint Bucket G
Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R
Dodge/Burn/Sponge O
Path Selection/Direct Selection A
Type T
Pen P
Shape tools U
Keyboard shortcuts
Notes/Audio Annotation N
Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I
Hand H
Zoom Z
Marquee tool M
Move V
Lasso L
Magic Wand W
Crop C
Slice K
Set Foreground/Background Colour
Edit in Standard Mode Q
Edit in Quick Mask Mode Q
Edit in ImageReady Shift+Cmd+M
Standard Screen Mode/Full Screen Mode
with Menu Bar/Full Screen Mode F
Default Foreground/
Background Colours D
Photoshop Creative: Shortcuts
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts: Windows
Creating and opening les
New Ctrl+N
Open Ctrl+O
Browse/Open Bridge Ctrl+Shift+O
File Info Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I
Saving les
Save Ctrl+S
Save As Ctrl+Shift+S
Save a Copy Ctrl+Alt+S
Revert F12
Show/hide palettes Shift+Tab
Show/hide brushes F5
Show/hide Color palette F6
Show/hide Layers palette F7
Choosing tools
Marquee tool M
Move V
Lasso L
Magic Wand W
Crop C
Slice K
Healing brush J
Brush B
Clone Stamp S
History Brush Y
Eraser E
Gradient/Paint Bucket G
Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R
Dodge/Burn/Sponge O
Path Selection/Direct Selection A
Type T
Pen P
Shape tools U
Notes/Audio Annotation N
Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I
Hand H
Zoom Z
All Ctrl+A
Deselect Ctrl+D
Reselect Ctrl+Shift+D
Inverse Ctrl+Shift+I
Feather Ctrl+Alt+D
Nudge selection 1 pixel Arrow keys
Nudge selection 10 pixels Shift+arrow keys
Duplicate a layer Drag onto New Layer button
Group with the layer below Ctrl+G
Merge visible layers Ctrl+Shift+E
Transform again Ctrl+Shift+T
Transform again with duplication Ctrl+Alt+Shift+T
Free transform Ctrl+T
Free transform with duplication Ctrl+Alt+T
Transform and constrain proportions Shift+drag handle
Transform from centre Alt+drag handle
Transform from centre
and constrain proportions Alt+Shift+drag handle
Constrain rotation of a selection
to 15 degree increments Shift+drag
Distort Cmd+drag handle
Skew Ctrl+Shift+drag slide handle
Notes/Audio Annotation N
Eyedropper/Colour Sampler/Measure I
Hand H
Zoom Z
Default Foreground/
Background Colours D
Set Foreground/Background Colour
Edit in Standard Mode Q
Edit in Quick Mask Mode Q
Standard Screen Mode/Full Screen Mode
with Menu Bar/Full Screen Mode F
Edit in ImageReady Shift+Ctrl+M
Path Selection/Direct Selection A
Type T
Pen P
Shape tools U
Healing brush J
Brush B
Clone Stamp S
History Brush Y
Eraser E
Gradient/Paint Bucket G
Blur/Sharpen/Smudge R
Dodge/Burn/Sponge O
Marquee tool M
Move V
Lasso L
Magic Wand W
Crop C
Slice K
Keyboard shortcuts

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