How To Make Chapati
How To Make Chapati
How To Make Chapati
Learn how to make them with this step-bystep photo tutorial on making Chapatis. Don't be fooled by the number of steps there are in this tutorial because making a single Chapati from start to finish takes ! !"# to # minutes at the most$ Chapatis are not difficult to make but the old saying %&ractice makes perfect% was probably written for them. All you need is:
% %
% %
# cups wholewheat flour 'ater ((sing yoghurt or milk will gi)e you super soft Chapatis$ *ee tip below) *alt to taste # tbsps )egetable" canola" sunflower cooking oil +his recipe makes roughly !# Chapatis. *tep !,-rganise all your ingredients - wholewheat flour water" yoghurt" milk salt and )egetable" canola" sunflower cooking oil - in one place so that you're not running about later with flour-co)ered hands$ *tep #,.o slow with the
water - add it as you go along and only as needed. Instead of water you can also use yoghurt or milk. +he result is really soft Chapatis. *tep /,+he secret to really soft Chapatis lies in the kneading. +he dough must be smooth and 0ust the right softeness - medium. 1dd water" yoghurt" milk as re2uired and continue to knead till you get the right consistency. *tep 3,1dding oil at this stage is optional but I ha)e found it results in a )ery smooth dough and soft Chapatis.
*tep 4,+he finished dough must be smooth. 1fter it is done co)er and set it aside for !5-!4 minutes to rest. *tep 6,Di)ide the dough into e2ual portions roughly the si7e of a golf ball. 8oll between your palms applying a gentle pressure till the balls are smooth and without cracks. 9ake as many as you need and keep ready to roll out. *tep :, Doing this will pre)ent the ball from sticking to the rolling surface. *tep ;,.to get it ready to roll$ *tep <,..till you ha)e a 3% circle.
*tep !5,Lightly coat on both sides to pre)ent the dough from sticking as you roll the Chapati. *tep !!,+he si7e of the fully rolled Chapati should be roughly 6-:%. +his is not a fi=ed si7e. +he rolled out Chapati must not be too thin or it will not puff when roasted so stop rolling when the Chapati has reached !"6% thick no matter what the si7e. *tep !#,>eat a pan on a medium flame and put the rolled out Chapati on it to cook. *tep !/,+he Chapati is ready
for its first flip when you begin to see raised bumps on its surface. (se a spatula to turn it on to its other side. *tep !3,+his is what the first side (the one that was facing the pan when you started cooking the Chapati) should look like after you do the first flip. ?eep checking the other side and do the second flip when it looks similiar to the first side. *tep !4,'ait !5 seconds (appro=imately) after the second flip and then use a folded kitchen towel to gently press the Chapati around its edges. +his will encourage it
to puff out$ *tep !6,-nce it looks like this the Chapati is done$ @ou can now remo)e it from the pan and ser)e immediately or store in a container. +he steam that caused the Chapati to balloon will release soon after it is remo)ed from the fire so line the container with kitchen towel to keep the Chapati warm soft and free from moisture.
Many Indian meals come with chapatis, designed to pick up or push food.