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NCF 2005: Science

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One important human response to the new fields of work. People today are faced
wonder and awe of nature from the earliest with an increasingly fast-changing world
times has been to observe the physical and where the most important skills are flexibility,
biological environment carefully, look for any innovation and creativity. These different
meaningful patterns and relations, make and imperatives have to be kept in mind in
use new tools to interact with nature, and shaping science education.
build conceptual models to understand the Good science education is true to the
world. This human endeavour has led to child, true to life and true to science. This
modern science. Broadly speaking, the simple observation leads to the following
scientific method involves several basic criteria of validity of a science
interconnected steps: observation, looking curriculum:
for regularities and patterns, making 1. Cognitive validity requires that the
hypotheses, devising qualitative or content, process, language and
mathematical models, deducing their pedagogical practices of the curriculum
consequences, verification or falsification of are age appropriate, and within the
theories through observations and controlled cognitive reach of the child.
experiments, and thus arriving at the 2. Content validity requires that the
principles, theories and laws governing the curriculum must convey significant and
natural world. The laws of science are never correct scientific information.
viewed as fixed eternal truths. Even the most Simplification of content, which is
established and universal laws of science necessary for adapting the curriculum to
are always regarded as provisional, subject the cognitive level of the learner, must
to modification in the light of new not be so trivialised as to convey
observations, experiments and analyses. something basically flawed and/or
Science is a dynamic, expanding body meaningless.
of knowledge, covering ever-new domains 3. Process validity requires that the
of experience. In a progressive forward- curriculum should engage the learner in
looking society, science can play a truly acquiring the methods and processes
liberating role, helping people escape from that lead to the generation and validation
the vicious cycle of poverty, ignorance and of scientific knowledge and nurture the
superstition. The advances in science and natural curiosity and creativity of the child
technology have transformed traditional in science. Process validity is an
fields of work such as agriculture and important criterion since it helps the
industry, and led to the emergence of wholly student in ‘learning to learn’ science.
*[Source: www.ncert.nic.in] 1
Asking questions What biology do students know?

“Air is everywhere” is a statement that every “These students don’t understand science. They
schoolchild learns. Students may know that the come from a deprived background!” We
earth’s atmosphere consists of several gases,
frequently hear such opinions expressed about
or that there is no air on the moon. We might
children from rural or tribal backgrounds. Yet
be happy that they know some science. But
consider what these children know from
consider this exchange in a Class IV classroom.
everyday experience.
Teacher: Is there air in this glass?
Janabai lives in a small hamlet in the Sahyadri
Students (in chorus): Yes! hills. She helps her parents in their seasonal
work of rice and tuar farming. She sometimes
The teacher was not satisfied with the usual
accompanies her brother in taking the goats to
general statement, “Air is everywhere.” She
asked the students to apply the idea in a simple graze in the bush. She has helped in bringing
situation, and found, unexpectedly, that they had up her younger sister. Nowadays she walks 8
formed some “alternative conceptions”. km. every day to attend the nearest secondary
Teacher: Now I turn the glass upside
down. Is there still air in it? Janabai maintains intimate links with her natural
environment. She has used different plants as
Some students said “yes”, others said “no”, still
sources of food, medicine, fuelwood, dyes and
others were undecided.
building materials; she has observed parts of
Student 1: The air came out of the glass! different plants used for household purposes,
in religious rituals and in celebrating festivals.
Student 2: There was no air in the glass.
She recognises minute differences between
In Class II, the teacher put an empty glass over trees, and notices seasonal changes based on
a burning candle and the candle went out! shape, size, distribution of leaves and flowers,
smells and textures. She can identify about a
The students had performed an activity whose
hundred different types of plants around her —
memory had remained vivid even two years
many times more than her Biology teacher can
later, but some of them at least had taken away
an incorrect conclusion from it. — the same teacher who believes Janabai is a
poor student.
After some explanation, the teacher questioned
the students further. Is there air in this closed Can we help Janabai translate her rich
cupboard? Is there air in the soil? In water? understanding into formal concepts of Biology?
Inside our body? Inside our bones? Each of Can we convince her that school Biology is not
these questions brought up new ideas and about some abstract world coded in long texts
presented an opportunity to clear some
and difficult language. Rather it is about the
misunderstandings. This lesson was also a
farm she works on, the animals she knows and
message to the class: do not accept statements
takes care of, the woods that she walks through
uncritically. Ask questions. You may not find all
every day. Only then will she truly learn science.
the answers but you will learn more.

4. Historical validity requires that the develop basic language skills: speaking,
science curriculum be informed by a reading and writing not only for science but
historical perspective, enabling the also through science. Science and social
learner to appreciate how the concepts science should be integrated as
of science evolve over time. It also helps ‘environmental studies’ as at present, with
the learner to view science as a social health as an important component.
enterprise and to understand how social Throughout the primary stage, there should
factors influence the development of be no formal periodic tests, no awarding of
science. grades or marks, and no detention.
5. Environmental validity requires that At the upper primary stage, the child
science beplaced in the wider context of should be engaged in learning the principles
the learner’s environment, local and of science through familiar experiences,
global, enabling him/her to appreciate the working with hands to design simple
issues at the interface of science, technological units and modules (e.g.
technology and society, and equipping designing and making a working model of a
him/her with the requisite knowledge and windmill to lift weights) and continuing to
skills to enter the world of work. learn more about the environment and
6. Ethical validity requires that the health, including reproductive and sexual
curriculum promote the values of health, through activities and surveys.
honesty, objectivity, cooperation, and Scientific concepts are to be arrived at
freedom from fear and prejudice, and mainly from activities and experiments.
inculcate in the learner a concern for life Science content at this stage is not to be
and preservation of the environment. regarded as a diluted version of secondary
school science. Group activities, discussions
3.3.1 The Curriculum at different Stages with peers and teachers, surveys,
Consistent with the criteria given above, the organisation of data and their display
objectives, content, pedagogy and through exhibitions, etc. in schools and the
assessment for different stages of the neighbourhood should be important
curriculum are summarised below: components of pedagogy. There should be
At the primary stage, the child should continuous as well as periodic assessment
be engaged in joyfully exploring the world (unit tests, term-end tests). The system of
around and harmonising with it. The ‘direct’ grades should be adopted. There
objectives at this stage are to nurture the should be no detention. Every child who
curiosity of the child about the world (natural attends eight years of school should be
environment, artifacts and people), to have eligible to enter Class IX.
the child engage in exploratory and hands- At the secondary stage, students should
on activities for acquiring the basic cognitive be engaged in learning science as a
and psychomotor skills through observation, composite discipline, in working with hands
classification, inference, etc.; to emphasise and tools to design more advanced
design and fabrication, estimation and technological modules than at the upper
measurement as a prelude to the primary stage, and in activities and analyses
development of technological and on issues concerning the environment and
quantitative skills at later stages; and to health, including reproductive and sexual
health. Systematic experimentation as a tool economic class, gender, caste, religion and
to discover/verify theoretical principles, and region. We must use textbooks as one of
working on locally significant projects the primary instruments for equity, since for
involving science and technology, are to be a great majority of school-going children,
important parts of the curriculum at this as also for their teachers, it is the only
stage. accessible and affordable resource for
At the higher secondary stage, science education. We must encourage alternative
should be introduced as separate textbook writing in the country within the
disciplines, with emphasis on experiments/ broad guidelines laid down by the National
technology and problem solving. The current Curriculum Framework. These textbooks
two streams, academic and vocational, should incorporate activities, observation
being pursued as per NPE-1986, may and experimentation, and encourage an
require a fresh look in the present scenario. active approach to science, connecting it
Students may be given the option of with the world around the child, rather than
choosing the subjects of their interest freely, information-based learning. Additionally,
though it may not be feasible to offer all the materials such as workbooks, cocurricular
different subjects in every school. The and popular science books, and children’s
curriculum load should be rationalised to encyclopaedia would enhance children’s
avoid the steep gradient between secondary access to information and ideas that need
and higher secondary syllabi. At this stage, not go into the textbook, loading it further,
the core topics of a discipline, taking but would enrich learning that takes place
into account recent advances in the field, through project work. There is a dearth of
should be identified carefully and treated such materials with rich visuals in regional
with appropriate rigour and depth. The languages.
tendency to cover a large number of topics The development of science corners,
of the discipline superficially should be and providing access to science
avoided. experimentation kits and laboratories, in rural
areas are also important ways of equitably
3.3.2 Outlook provisioning for science learning. Information
Looking at the complex scenario of science and Communication Technology (ICT) is an
education in India, three issues stand out important tool for bridging social divides. ICT
clearly. First, science education is still far should be used in such a way that it
from achieving the goal of equity enshrined becomes an opportunity equaliser by
in our Constitution. Second, science providing information, communication and
education in India, even at its best, develops computing resources in remote areas. ICT
competence but does not encourage if used for connecting children and teachers
inventiveness and creativity. Third, the with scientists working in universities and
overpowering examination system is basic research institutions would also help in
to most, if not all, the fundamental problems demystifying scientists and their work.
of science education in India. For any qualitative change from the
The science curriculum must be used present situation, science education in India
as an instrument for achieving social change must undergo a paradigm shift. Rote
in order to reduce the divide based on learning should be discouraged. Inquiry skills
should be supported and strengthened by Examination reform should be initiated
language, design and quantitative skills. as a national mission, supported by
Schools should place much greater adequate funding and high-quality human
emphasis on co-curricular and extra- resources. The mission should bring
curricular activities aimed at stimulating teachers, educationists and scientists on a
investigative ability, inventiveness and common platform; launch new ways of
creativity, even if these are not part of the testing students that would reduce the high
external examination system. There should level of examination-related stress; curb the
be a massive expansion of such activities maddening multiplicity of entrance
along the lines of the Children’s Science examinations; and undertake research on
Congress, being held successfully at ways of testing multiple abilities other than
present. A large-scale science and formal scholastic competence.
technology fair at the national level (with These reforms, however, fundamentally
feeder fairs at cluster/district/state levels) need the overarching reform of teacher
may be organised to encourage schools and empowerment. No reform, however well
teachers to participate in this movement. motivated and well planned, can succeed
Such a movement should gradually spread unless a majority of teachers feel
to every corner of India and even across empowered to put it in practice. With active
South Asia, unleashing a wave of creativity teacher participation, the reforms suggested
and scientific temper among young students above could have a cascading effect on all
and their teachers. stages of science teaching in our schools.

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