Soul Attachment and Release
Soul Attachment and Release
Soul Attachment and Release
d release is a topic that is not discussed much. Yet it is re al. It is included on this website because it definitely affects some people s he alth and well-being. Soul attachment occurs when the soul of one person who has usually passed on or died, finds its way inside the body of another living pers on. I realize that this phenomenon scares many people. However, it can be helpful t o learn about things that seem frightening or strange. This is the purpose of t his short article. Many books and articles have been written about this subject. A Google search o f entity attachment or, as it is sometimes falsely called soul possession, yield ed over 2 million results. Scientific as well as popular books have been writte n about this phenomenon. One that I highly recommend is called The Unquiet Dead by Dr. Edith Fiore. It may be out of print, but may be available at used book stores. Other books on the subject include Spirit Releasement Therapy and Heali ng Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits From Your Energy Body by William J. Ba ldwin, Ph.D., Remarkable Healings by Shakuntala Modi, M.D., and Remote Depossess ion by Irene Hickman, D.O. Here is a brief understanding of this unusual phenomenon as I understand it. HOW SOUL ATTACHMENT MAY OCCUR OR TYPES OF ENTITIES Discarnate souls can attach to a person for the following reasons: 1. Confused entities after death due to a quick accident or fast-moving illness. In these cases, the discarnate soul attaches because it does not realize fully that the body it inhabited has died, because it happened suddenly, and the soul is basically confused. 2. Nasty entities. These are discarnate souls that cause problems for people, f or various reasons. Often the discarnate soul was abused while its body lived, and it is angry, upset, resentful and wants to cause damage to others. Such ent ites are common, in fact, and can cause one to have an accident, be promiscuous, perhaps, steal, lie, cheat and even commit murder. They can also cause your de ath by distracting you while you are driving, or in some other way, but usually by causing you to be careless. This is why always being very careful when drivi ng or doing anything dangerous is imperative. You never know when forces are pres ent that want to hurt you for some reason. 3. Females. These are very special nasty entities that are here to defend child ren, interestingly, and they influence women to have children. Unfortunately, t hey do it by making women more sensual, more sexy, and more provocative and dirty , one might say. These are called female entities because they cause women to be come females , or very attractive to men to have children with, have sex with, rape , and even murder, on occasion. This is why they are dangerous. 4. Supportive or crutch entities. These are discarnate souls that move in when a person s body or mind are weak. A crutch entity fills a hole , so to speak, and in s ome way supports the body. It may act like the Amigos Manganese, Iron and Alumi num and other minerals to support adrenal glandular activity. It often acts the same way causing some oxidant damage but supporting adrenal activity by irritat ing the body. During a nutritional balancing program, the program improves adrenal activity dr astically in many cases. As a result, a crutch entity will be no longer needed and will leave of its own accord. When such a one leaves the body suddenly, the person may experience what is called a crash landing in nutritional balancing s cience. This is a quick decline in the oxidation rate, causing extreme fatigue and perhaps feelings of depression. This passes, but is often uncomfortable for a few days or longer. It is like forcefully having a crutch removed, and the b
ody feels weak and shaky until it gets used to working under its own power. A second way crutch entities support the body is to prevent the entrance or atta chment of nasty entities. A third way is to move a soul in the right direction toward health and happiness when a person s main soul, also called its entity soul , is confused, ill, ignorant, arrogant or just not acting rationally for some ot her reason. 5. Mischievous entities. These are generally what may be called immature discarn ate souls that float around and may attach themselves to attractive young men an d women, for example, so they can experience sex vicariously, or just take a sho wer with a pretty lady, for example. They are also common, and usually do not c ause much harm. Some are aware of them, as they may laugh or do other things th at attract attention to themselves. Children sometimes sense their presence and are afraid. Some perform useful functions, but most of the time they are just lost souls who need to move on after death, but are having a good time as voyeurs, spies, stal kers, spectators and more. They can usually be easily coaxed to move on. 6. Sickness entities that may attach after a rape or other trauma, or possibly d uring an illness. When a body weakens for any reason, some entities can attach to the body more easily. They are generally the mischievous type, but maybe the nasty type. Rarely, they are crutch entities, there to save the person, but th is is less common today. When a woman is raped, for example, she usually picks up a slew of harmful, nast y or just mischievous entities from the rapist. Some entities enjoy hanging aro und rapists for the fun of it, or to burrow into the woman raped for some sort o f odd sexual experience. It is just one of the poisons a woman picks up during a rape. Other traumas and illnesses can also result in entity attachment for va rious reasons. 7. Drug and alcohol-related entites. Anyone who uses drugs or alcohol will pic k up entities when in a high, inebriated, drunken, stoned state of mind. It eve n happens with the use of some medical sedatives such as Oxycontin and others, o r even too many sedative herbs, possibly. This is a serious problem for those w ho need drugs for pain, for example. It also makes places like bars and cocktai l lounges quite dangerous for anyone to be in, as some entities hang around them , hoping to find someone to attach to. 8. Entities can enter easily if your thinking is deranged. Some will not like m e to say this, but thoughts of weakness, fear, depression, frustration, hostilit y, resentment, victimhood, rage, anger and other negative emotional states often opens a person up to entity attachment. The reason is probably that the person is off balance, and these emotions severely weaken the body and mind. Entity a ttachment is far greater among secular-minded people for this reason, and among those of liberal and left-wing persuasion than they are among more religious peo ple of any religion. In fact, preventing entity attachment is one of the goals of all religions, alon g with helping people remove harmful entities. This is discussed in the bible a nd in many holy books of other religions, as well. Even if the religious teachi ngs are flawed or false, having a religious attitude seems to help prevent entit y attachment in some way. Perhaps it relieves anxiety and helps control negativ e emotions in many people. 9. Entities that come in when a baby is born. Although it is not mentioned much, whenever a baby is born, entities gather around. Unortunately, newborns are vu lnerable to entity attachment. It could even happen before birth, but it defini tely happens at and right after birth. Most of these entities are placeholder, crutch or another type of beneficial ent ity today, but not always. Having your baby at home, if possible, prevents some of this, but not all. Loving parents, by the way, serve as a protective shield to keep some entities away from babies and children. This is one reason many b abies like to sleep in the same room, or even the same bed as a parent. It is a lso a reason to always watch your children carefully, and never let them out of your sight. Also be very careful with whom you leave your children such as baby sitters, day care centers, schools, etc.
10. Sexually related entities. Some entities love being inside a woman s vagina, or perhaps inside a man. When people have sex, particularly casual sex with peo ple not their spouse, entity attachment is extremely common. It almost goes wit h the territory. This is a powerful reason to not engage in casual sex, even if you are single and unattached. It is very easy for entities to attach during a nd after sexual intercourse. For one thing, the person is vulnerable. For anot her, sex always depletes the body to a degree, and this greatly favors entity at tachment. 11. Stress entities that come in when one is ill, malnourished or hungry, dehydr ated, angry, resentful or depressed. This is unfortunate, but whenever the body is out of balance, it is far easier for certain entities to attach themselves t o that body. This is an important reason to always keep yourself well hydrated, well-fed, well-rested and relaxed as much as possible. Many people, for example, go on a vacation to relax. However, the trip is stres sful, the food is not as good as home-cooked, one drinks some alcohol, perhaps, and stays up late because one does not have to go to work the next day, and perh aps has more sex than usual. The result is entity attachment, that can remain f or years. 12. Meatless-related entities. This will sound odd, but eating meat blocks the entrance or attachment of some types of entities. One may call these vegetarian entities. In other words, if one does not eat red meat, in particular, certain entities find it easy to enter the head area, in particular. This occurs with many vegetarians, who find themselves less able to think clearly, for example. This is an important reason to eat red meat at least twice or three times weekly , and it is another danger of vegetarian diets. It is particularly important in blood type O people, who need more red meat, in general, than others. Eating e ggs, cheese, milk, or yogurt will not help. One must eat meat, particularly red meats such as lamb. It is part of the special reasons why lamb is used in Jewis h and some Christian and other religious feasts and ceremonies. It is a method of exorcism or entity release. FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HOW ENTITY ATTACHMENT AFFECTS A PERSON The temperament of the host soul. Some people handle entity possession far better than others. This has to do with one s state of health, one s maturity level, the balance of the personality and other subtle factors. In one case, it might not cause much of an effect, while in someone else it can cause frank sch izophrenic tendencies, intense confusion or anger, or other symptoms. The temperament and personality of the invading soul. Attachment of a fairly benign and advanced soul may cause few problems, and as explained in the section above, the experience can be positive one. However, if the invading sou l is infantile, very angry or very mischievous, then the problems it can cause a re far more severe. The age of a person at the time of attachment. If it occurs at a very young age, it usually causes more havoc than when it occurs in an adult, for ins tance, although this is not necessary the case. The age of death of the invading soul s body, or state of maturity of th e invading soul. The invading soul may have died as a child, and this will cause often infantile effects in the host soul. If, however, the invading soul was o ld at the time it entered the host soul, the host may develop symptoms of aging at a very young age such as blurred vision, aches and pains, etc. In other word s, the ailments and thinking of the invading soul matter a lot. Degree of possession. Attachment by an entity can be very mild or peri pheral, or it can be very intense. This has to do with various factors such as where the invading soul is, the time of attachment, the strength or power of the invading soul, and the strength and health of the host soul, among other factor s. For example, if the host is weak, yin or ill, it is far easier for a n invading soul to take a firm hold and be difficult to remove. If a host uses drugs, even marijuana, it is far easier for an invading soul to take hold and th
e hold is deeper and harder to eliminate. Sex of the invading entity. This can cause odd effects of all kinds. The invading entity may be interested in those of the same or the opposite sex, and may exert a strong influence on the person. The only way to find the truth is to have an entity clearing so that the living host can end any confusion due to invading entities. This is often difficult because the host may be weak and there can be a slew of entities to re move. Nutritional balancing is most helpful here, to strengthen the host. Inde ed, occasionally a person changes their sexual preference on a nutritional balan cing program, and this is one reason for it. THE EFFECTS OF SOUL ATTACHMENT These are many. I will just outline a few of the major types of effects: Addictions. This is a very important effect of soul possession or entity attachm ent, (a better word for it). The invading soul usually wants more power over th e host soul. If the invading soul can convince the host soul to drink alcohol o r use psychoactive drugs, including marijuana, the invading soul will have an ea sier time controlling the host s body and mind. Anyone who thinks that marijuana is benign please re-read the sentence above. The invading soul usually does not care if the host s body or mind are destroyed b y the drugs, alcohol, cannabis or perhaps other items that alter the mind, inclu ding even eating too much sugar, junk food or using a lot of caffeine. The inva ding entity only cares that these things weaken the host so the invading entity has more power over you. Confusion. This is another primary effect of soul attachment of any kind. For e xample, after such an entity attaches to oneself, one may start having thoughts that seem very foreign. One may even believe one is hearing unusual voices, fee ling unusual feelings, or struggling in some way that is very odd. A man may st art feeling like he is female, an adult may start feeling like a child, and so o n. All types of confusion can arise, as explained in the next few paragraphs. Physical symptoms. An invading soul carries memories of illnesses and is often damaged itself. Therefore, one may suddenly develop aches and pains that are un usual and cannot be traced to any kind of simple cause. Obesity, for example, i s one type of problem that is often, though certainly not always associated with soul attachment. If this is the cause, the symptoms usually vanish rapidly wit h depossession, also called exorcism or entity removal. Mental and emotional symptoms and psychosis. Entity attachment can result in an y mental ailment or psychosis. One may wonder why someone would murder innocent children at a school, for example. The answer is often toxic metals in the bra in, and in most cases the use of anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac and the ot hers. However, the mechanism may be that toxic metals, a junk food diet, and especiall y medical drug use by teens and young adults can open a person to entity attachm ent by weakening the body and mind. Indeed, this is one of the worst features of so-called modern or conventional al lopathic medicare. Nutrition and healthy living habits are hardly mentioned, an d meanwhile poisonous drugs are doled out with impunity to babies, children and adults that weaken the body and mind. This is a sure prescription for entity at tachment. Other common symptoms include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, schizophren ia and other ailments. Rarely, one may have violent or even suicidal thoughts i f the entity or soul who enters the body harbors these thoughts or perhaps wants to harm you. It is possible, though not likely, that an invading soul will attempt to kill it s host. Usually, the invading soul enjoys being inside another person, so it do
es not wish harm to the person, but anything is possible. One way that nutritio nal balancing amazingly can heal severe mental illness such as suicidal thoughts , violence and more may be by improving the vitality of the body and mind of a p erson so that an invading entity is forced to leave. When this happens, one s phy sical or mental illness can vanish literally overnight. The lack of attention a nd interest in the concept and operational methods of enhancing a person s vitalit y or adaptive energy level in the conventional and even holistic medical communi ties is another of their weaknesses and a cause for exploding health care costs. More on this subject is found in the article entitled Vitality And How To Incr ease It on this website. Sexual problems. These are common with entity attachment. It may be due to imma ture entities that attach to people and cause the problems. Common effects may include low libido or lack of sexual interest, excessively high sex drive, impot ence, frigidity, cross-dressing, promiscuity, voyeurism, exhibitionism, preoccup ation with the body, pedophilia (a desire for sex with children), and other sexu al aberrations. In fact, this is a common way in which children are traumatized sexually. For e xample, children often hate their parents when they are just touched inappropria tely. This simple misstep on the part of a parent or sibling can cause entity a ttachment. Just seeing Mom or Dad naked in bed, for example, or having sex with each other can cause entity attachment. A formerly sexually innocent child all of a sudden is much more interested in se x, becoming promiscuous or wanting to masturbate a lot, for example. All the ch ild can do is trace it back to the incident , which now feels like a rape because i t changed one s life. In fact, it was just an incident that caused a mischievous entity to attach to the child, and the entity is causing the sexual problem. Other identity and relationship problems. Another type of confusion that arises involves one s identity and relationships with others. One may find oneself stra ngely attracted to people one was formerly not interested in. Also, one may fin d oneself avoiding some people whom one was formerly quite interested in, for ex ample. Identity confusion can extend to one s interests and hobbies, interest in work or family, or other aspects of a person s identity. The reason is that one s i dentity becomes confused with the identity of the invading entity. For example, a person who experiences entity attachment may find himself or hers elf with new interests and hobbies, while established hobbies, activities and ro utines may now seem unusual and less comfortable. This is extremely odd to the person, and often even more so to one s family and friends. A person who hated ci garette smoke or marijuana may suddenly start smoking, for example, or a person who avoided bars and the social scene now wants to spend time in bars and lounge s. It can damage relationships terribly, and often counselors and psychologists are at a complete loss to explain it. Cult behavior. Entity attachment can also explain why someone goes to a cult me eting, for example, or is raped, and suddenly wants to join the cult and no one can talk the person out of it, even though the person was formerly very rational . Perhaps an entity attached that likes the cult with its sex, drugs or hatred of foreigners, or whatever. Or perhaps going to a meeting is enough, in some cases , for a person to be attacked and invaded by entities that the cult members shar e in some way. This is an important reason to avoid suspicious people, harmful events like loud rock concerts, drug-laden parties, and even many spiritual groups that engage i n events and behaviors that wear you down in some way, or preach vegetarian or oth er deficient diets, or have people perform sex together, or in any way weaken pe ople even in the name of God or country or anything else. No problems. Lest this section seem overly negative, I remind the reader that,
at times, attaching entities are benign, and perhaps even beneficial. They can even improve a person s personality in some cases, and help to keep other harmful entities out. Symptoms of illness or addiction may go away when a benign entity comes in and begins to influence the soul of the person. For example, a person may pray sincerely, day after day, for release from a bad habit such as promiscuity, alcohol or drugs. One day, the person wakes up and h abit is mysteriously gone. What may happen is that one entity leaves and anothe r enters who is benign and more advanced. This can also happen at a prayer circ le or some kind of meeting, as explained below. ENTITY REMOVAL AND HOW IT IS ACCOMPLISHED Entity removal, or sometimes it is called de-possession or exorcism is the remov al of the attached soul. It is not always an easy process. Many methods can be used, as follows: Christian or biblical methods. The Hebrew and Christian bibles contain several p assages describing entity attachment. One of the main types of miracles that we re performed by Jesus, and later by his disciples, was the removal of demons and devils from people. Christians are among the most successful with de-possession. Often one can watc h this phenomenon on Christian television. A person walks up onto the stage wit h a stiff neck or a limp. The priest or preacher says certain prayers and perha ps others hold the person. All of a sudden, the person collapses in the pastor s arms and when he awakens in a few seconds or more, the symptom is better or even all gone. Jesus of Nazareth spoke often about possession by devils and demons. He appears t o have understood this phenomenon better than almost anyone else among mankind s t eachers. He recommended private prayer, prayer groups or prayer circles, fastin g, cleansing the body with healthful diets, and even the use of enemas and other simple means to cause entity release. Other sections of this article may help to explain why these methods work. Incidentally, do not do fasting, in my opini on, for more than a day or two at the most. Today, fasts make people s already nu trient-deficient bodies much more deficient and the results are not good! Psychotherapy. Some talented psychologists can help remove extra souls and hidd en souls by talking to them directly. This may sound unusual, and it is. Howev er, it is an ability that some people seem to have. Hypnosis. Once in a while, a talented hypnotist can gain access to the hidden i nvading soul through a hypnotic trance. Then the hypnotist talks with the invad ing soul and convinces it to leave. Often the invading soul is not given much o f a choice because the hypnotist promises to tell the host soul what to do if th e invading soul refuses to leave. Many are happy to leave and were just waiting for someone to help them. Some, however, are reluctant because they are enjoyi ng the ride too much, or may even have a protective role and are needed, even if the hypnotist does not understand this. The use of pendulums, muscle testing or kinesiology, or electronic machines. Th ese are sometimes highly successful, but often not so. They work by a variety o f methods. For example, one can send frequencies into a person s body that an inv ading soul finds distasteful and the invader will then leave. Love. Interestingly, loving a person enough can cause an invading entity to lea ve. This is a secret of some doctors and counselors bedside manner , perhaps. The entity finds that things are getting too hot or uncomfortable, and just leaves. S ometimes the doctor or counselor or nurse apparently takes on the entity and sav es the life of a weaker person who could not shake off the harmful entity in thi s way. This is why one must never mock or underestimate the effect of human lov e, parents love for a child, for example, brotherly love or love between spouses
or even among strangers. It is a most powerful force when harnessed and unders tood well. Other articles on this website such as Love, And How To Discern It, discuss this all-important subject. Shamanism. This is an older science of soul recovery and soul retrieval used by the native Americans and most other indigenous tribes around the world. Most o f them were and are aware of soul possession and have evolved techniques to remo ve entities. It can be a specialty area of some shamans and medicine men. They may use herbs, rituals, talking therapy, sounds, chants and other methods t o extract invading souls. This is not a Western method and should be avoided, u sually, as it can be dangerous if not done well. For example, an invading soul could be made very angry and take action to harm the host soul. Please be very careful with shamans, many of whom are not well trained enough and some of whom are charlatans who easily take advantage financially and otherwise of gullible W esterners. Electrical or other types of machines and devices. This is another dangerous ar ea. While electrical gadgets and machines can, in fact, cause de-possession, th ey are usually unreliable. Please be careful with anyone who claims to use elec trical devices for de-possession. Spiritual development. This is discussed in the section below. It is notable be cause it is the only permanent method of de-possession. Other. I once went to a well-respected acupuncturist in Phoenix and when I left, I noticed I did not feel right. I happened to go for a swim in a pool later th at day, and when I got in the water, I distinctly felt something leave my body. When I left the pool I noticed I was feeling better. Most likely I had an acci dental de-possession. I ignored the episode and about two weeks later returned to the acupuncturist. This doctor worked on several people at a time and did not wash his hands betwee n patients. When I came home, again I did not feel good. I recalled the earlie r incident, and decided to take a swim again. Once again, when I entered the po ol, I distinctly felt something leave the body and when I emerged from the pool felt much better. This may have been a de-possession. Water has traditionally been used for this purpose. The entity is attracted to the water for some reason. I wonder if bap tism may have once involved de-possession or clearing of entities. THE PROBLEM OF REATTACHMENT Although one may clear a discarnate with any of the methods above, the invading soul returns or another one invades. As a result, the host person reverts to th eir previous health condition or habit such as drug use or something else. This is a terrible problem on earth. The only method that is foolproof is to develo p oneself mentally and spiritually in a particular way. This topic is discussed in great detail in other articles on this website under the heading of Spiritua l Development. It is also discussed in less detail below. Factors that seem to contribute to reattachment. These include poor health, fat igue, illnesses, depression or a yin condition of the body in Chinese medical te rminology. Another unusual factor is a lack of grounding and centering. It is as though some people invite discarnates into their lives, while others do not do this as much. This could be a karmic or past life situation, or it may occur fo r some other reason. Even the particular brain structure or way of life of a pe rson may contribute. Another factor is what some call holes in the aura field . T hese are really just areas of less density and often less vital minerals. For s ome reason, entities can enter in these places more easily. Other risk factors for repossession include the same ones as those listed above, such as spending time in hospitals, bars, brothels, or cemeteries, and using al
cohol or drugs of all kinds. NUTRITIONAL BALANCING AND DE-POSSESSION Nutritional practitioners occasionally observe radical changes in a client in a short time that cannot be explained as nutritional effects alone. For example, a long-standing problem may suddenly disappear overnight, and remai n gone forever after. This might be due to clearing out a nutritional deficienc y or a toxic metal. However, it is also possible that somehow the diet and nutr ients caused the release of an entity. Nutritional balancing is not designed as a method of de-possession. However, it may encourage it by several means: 1. Strengthening the host body. The invading soul usually has a much harder time remaining in the healthier host body. Often the invading soul, at some point, decides it is not worth staying, or not fun any more, and just leaves. 2. Balancing the oxidation rate. This definitely empowers the host, which dimini shes the power and control of the invading soul. This occurs most likely becaus e balancing the oxidation rate and the major mineral ratios at a cellular level clear many toxic metals, infections, and other things that weaken the host. Als o, it enhances adaptive energy or vitality of the host person. 3. Balancing yin and yang. Yin and yang are Chinese words meaning cold and hot, expanded and contracted. They are physics qualities of bodies and of other thi ngs. Most people s bodies are very yin today for many reasons including their diets, li festyles, radiation toxicity, and the presence of toxic metals and chemicals in the environment. Poor health is also associated more with a yin condition. Thi s extensive topic is discussed in an article entitled Yin and Yang Healing. Nutritional balancing is excellent to help restore this balance, whi ch may also make it harder for invading entities to gain access and remain in on e s body. Eventually, as the body becomes even more yang, invading souls may be f orced to leave, as they are not compatible with a yang host in almost all cases. 4. Enhancing mental functioning. This can allow the host soul to figure out tha t something is wrong and this, alone, often derails the invading soul enough tha t it leaves. In other words, it cannot thrive when it has been discovered, so t o speak. The host soul often also gains much more insight about what it wants from life. This strengthens the identity of the host soul greatly, which makes it more difficult for entities to remain with it. 5. Coffee enemas. This detoxification procedure that we often recommend, in par ticular, seem to honor the host soul and detract from the power and influence of an invading soul. I do not know how this effect occurs, but am told it is so. 6. Other procedures such as the near infrared sauna, and perhaps all sauna thera py, seems to favor the host and detract or hinder invading souls. 7. Mental or spiritual development. As the host soul develops mentally, which oc curs often if a person stays with a nutritional balancing program for a few year s, in most cases, invading souls simply cannot hold on, and are forced to leave. This is a slower way to remove discarnates. However, I believe it i s far more permanent, and this is a great benefit. It appears to happen automat ically with a properly designed nutritional balancing program. All other methods of de-possession suffer from the problem that one can become i nvaded again, and it happens often. However, once the host soul has advanced to a certain degree, which is not hard to do with nutritional balancing science, i nvading souls appear to no longer be able to enter, or if they do enter, they ca
nnot stay in the host s body for long. This can be a key to health and well-being . It is an important reason why I prefer nutritional balancing science to many other methods of healing such as drugs, homeopathy, herbs, vitamins and others. OTHER NATURAL HEALING METHODS Some natural healing methods, to some degree, help protect a person from entity possession. Invading entities generally find it much easier to ente r a weak, dying, yin, malnourished, toxic body than a healthy one. Please recal l this principle as it is another key to avoiding entity possession and reposses sion if one expels an entity. However, beware and avoid yoga, tai chi and other oriental arts. These do not seem helpful at this time. HAIR MINERAL PATTERNS ASSOCIATED WITH SOUL ATTACHMENT AND REMOVAL This is a newer research area. However, There appear to be mineral patterns on a hair analysis that are more associated with entity possession. Th ey include: Phosphorus less than 13. Sodium/potassium ratio less than about 1. Zinc less than about 13 Manganese less than about 0.006 Copper above about 20, in many cases Nickel above about 0.06 Cadmium above about 0.006 Lead above about 0.015 Four highs in some cases, and it is usually a male entity when it is an entity. Entity removal. Also, there appear to be hair mineral patterns that occur when entities leave the body due to a nutritional balancing program, or e ven due to other circumstances. So far, they may include: 1. A shift from three highs, four highs or some wrong two highs patterns into sl ow oxidation on a retest. When this occurs vigorously, it may be called a crash landing pattern. One may feel exhausted for a few days, at least. 2. A dramatic rise in zinc and phosphorus on a retest. 3. Other healing reactions of all types. Many, but not all reactions involve en tity removal. This complicates the picture and, at times, can produce almost an y symptom imaginable. Often the symptoms include irritability or nervousness. In general, when these occur, remaining on the nutritional balancing program is the best course. One can slow down the program for a day or two, but this will also slow entity removal. Speeding up the reaction with extra sauna sessions an d extra coffee enemas is more effective for entity removal. Also, be sure to dr ink enough water at least three quarts daily of spring water only, or perhaps di stilled water. Extra Paramin, GB-3, kelp, garlic and ginger used on food may al so be particularly helpful if an entity removal process is underway. References 1. Fiore, Edith, PhD, The Unquiet Dead. 2. Baldwin, William J.,PhD, Spirit Releasement Therapy 3. Baldwin, William J., PhD, Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits From Your Energy Body. 4. Modi, S., M.D., Remarkable Healings. 5. Hickman, Irene, D.O., Remote Depossession.