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Second Timothy: Gene Taylor

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Investigating the Word of God

Second Timothy
Gene Taylor
Gene Taylor, 2006. All Rights Reserved.
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -1-
An Introduction to Second Timothy
Timothy, the Man
The name Timothy is the English form of the Greek Timotheus. The name originally meant
honoring God.
Timothy was born in the city of Lystra of a Greek father and a Jewish mother. He was reared in
the Jewish faith and was taught the Scriptures by his mother and grandmother from early
childhood. (2 Tim. 3:15; 1:5)
The apostle Paul discovered him at Lystra (Acts 16:1-3). He joined Paul in his labors and shared
in them throughout the rest of his life. He was with Paul in prison in Rome during the first
imprisonment for his name appears in the heading of Colossians (1:1) and Philemon (v. 1). After
Pauls release, he evidently traveled with him as far as Ephesus and was left there to minister to
the needs of the church. At the end of Pauls life, he joined him again in Rome. (2 Tim. 4:11-21)
He was evidently a trustworthy, if not forceful character. He gave the impression of immaturity,
although he must have been about 30 years of age when Paul left him at Ephesus. The indication
is that he was timid (2 Tim. 1:6-7), and that he had some difficulty with his health (1 Tim.
5:23). (Roy Cogdill, The New Testament Book-by-Book, p. 102)
The Author of the Book
From the most ancient times the two epistles to Timothy have been accepted by the church as
written by Paul. (William S. Deal, Bakers Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, pp. 375-376)
All three books (The epistles to Timothy and Titus - GT) begin with the claim that the writer
was Paul the apostle (I Tim. 1:1; cf. 2:7; II Tim. 1:1; Titus 1:1). The authors analysis of his
spiritual past agrees with the Book of Acts (I Tim. 1:11-15). His identification of Timothy and
Titus as his sons in the faith is definitely a Pauline designation (I Tim. 1:2, 18; II Tim. 1:2; 2:1;
Titus 1:4). (Robert G. Gromacki, New Testament Survey, p. 291)
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -2-
The Date of the Book
The Letter is usually dated shortly before Pauls execution by Nero in Rome, perhaps between
66 and 68 A.D. (Cogdill, 107)
Within three years after his release from his Roman imprisonment, Paul was arrested and taken
back to Rome. The cause of his arrest is unknown. Some have suggested that Nero blamed the
burning of Rome upon the Christians since they believed and taught a destruction of the world by
fire (cf. II Peter 3:10-14). Since Paul was known to Nero as one of the leaders of this new
religion, he was naturally apprehended...Out of a concern for Timothy and a desire to see him
before his death, Paul wrote to his young associate who was probably still at Ephesus to rejoin
him at Rome. Thus, this book was Pauls last, written from a Roman prison shortly before his
martyrdom (A.D. 64-67). (Gromacki, 302-303)
Why This Book Was Written
Paul found himself under very severe circumstances. His first imprisonment had been entirely
restrictive and yet, he had been able to look forward to his release. The second imprisonment,
however, had been in the dungeon of the Mamertime prison, where it seems that only Luke, his
faithful physician, was allowed to minister unto him (4:11); and he felt sure that this
imprisonment would end his earthly ministry (4:6). Paul longed for a last visit with his son in
the gospel, Timothy, and writes him requesting him to come and bring Mark with him, as well
as the cloak that he had left in Troas, and his books, especially the parchments (4:11-13). The
Letter, therefore, is to a great extent a personal letter of the great Apostles farewell. At the same
time, he wished to encourage Timothy because of the heavy burden that he bore in the work at
Ephesus. He also wished to exhort and encourage him that he might endure faithfully in bearing
that burden in fulfilling his obligations. (Cogdill, p. 107)
In 2 Timothy, Paul writes as one who knows his days on earth are quickly drawing to a close.
About to relinquish his heavy burdens, the godly apostle seeks to challenge and strengthen his
faithful but somewhat timid associate, Timothy, in his difficult ministry at Ephesus. Despite his
bleak circumstances, this is a letter of encouragement that urges Timothy on to steadfastness in
the fulfillment of his divinely appointed task. (Nelsons Complete Book of Bible Maps and
Charts, p. 432)
The Theme of the Book
There are three main lines of thought that repeatedly occur. They are: 1. The increasing tendency
toward heresy and the danger of apostasy that must be guarded against...2. In view of the need of
averting apostasy, Paul repeatedly emphasizes the necessity of strict adherence to the faith and
encourages Timothy not only to do so, but to provoke such upon the part of the brethren as well.
Such exhortations abound in many passages...3. The circumstances and conditions give great
emphasis to the necessity both upon the part of Timothy and the church, for spiritual vitality and
great evangelistic zeal. Perhaps nowhere in the letter is this more wonderfully and powerfully
emphasized than in the final charge which Paul delivered in chapter 4:1-8. This passage of Scripture
is the sad farewell and the glorious climax of a wonderful service and of a very deep and abiding
relationship that had endured between the great Apostle to the Gentiles and his beloved son in the
Gospel, Timothy. It is an expression of complete and final assurance upon the part of Paul of his own
salvation by the Lord in His Heavenly Kingdom, and it voices the prayerful and loving desire that
such assurance might also ever abide in the heart of Timothy. (Cogdill, 109-110)
Central to everything in 2 Timothy is the sure foundation of the Word of God. Paul focuses on
the need to persevere in present testings (chs. 1 and 2) and to endure in future testings (chs. 3 and
4). (Nelsons, p. 432)
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -3-
Second Timothy Chapter One
Keys to This Chapter
Key Passage: Verse 13
Hold fast the pattern of sound
words which you have heard from
me, in faith and love which are in
Christ Jesus.
Key People
Key Places
Key Words
Key Lesson
Questions on the Text
1. Who wrote this book?
2. To whom was this book addressed?
3. According to verse three, with what did Paul serve God?
4. What, according to verse five, dwelt in Timothy?
5. What did Paul remind Timothy to stir up?
6. What kind of spirit has God not given to the Christian? What kind of
spirit has he given to him?
7. What has Jesus Christ abolished?
8. Of what did Paul believe and of what was he persuaded?
9. What did Paul want Timothy to hold fast?
10. Why did Paul want the Lord to grant mercy to the household of
____ 1. Lois A. Sought Paul zealously in Rome.
____ 2. Eunice B. Turned away from Paul.
____ 3. Timothy C. A beloved son.
____ 4. Onesiphorus D. Mother of Timothy.
____ 5. Phygellus E. Grandmother of Timothy.
True - False
T F 1. Genuine faith first dwelt in Timothys mother Lois and his
grandmother Eunice.
T F 2. Timothy received the gift of God through the laying on of
Johns hands.
T F 3. God has saved the Christian and called him with a holy calling.
T F 4. Paul was appointed a preacher, an apostle and a teacher of the
T F 5. Timothy had heard sound words from Peter.
Discussion Question
How did Jesus Christ abolish death?
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -4-
Second Timothy Chapter Two
Keys to This Chapter
Key Passage: Verse 2
And the things that you have heard
from me among many witnesses,
commit these to faithful men who
will be able to teach others also.
Key People
Key Words
Key Lesson
Questions on the Text
1. In what did Paul want Timothy to be strong?
2. What was Timothy to commit to faithful men? Why?
3. What was Timothy to endure?
4. Though Paul was in chains, what was not chained?
5. What did Paul endure? Why?
6. What are two results of enduring with Christ?
7. What was Timothy to be diligent to do?
8. What was Timothy to shun?
9. What did Hymenaeus and Philetus teach which caused them to stray
from the faith?
10. According to verse 19, who does the Lord know?
11. From what are those who name the name of Christ to depart?
12. What was Timothy to flee?
13. What was Timothy to pursue?
14. What was Timothy to avoid? Why?
15. According to verse 25, what is the servant of the Lord not to do? What
should he do?
True - False
T F 1. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself in the affairs of
this life.
T F 2. If any one competes in athletics he is crowned even though he
is not in accordance with the rules when he competes.
T F 3. The hardworking farmer is the last to partake of his crops.
T F 4. The solid foundation of God stands.
T F 5. In a great house there are only vessels of gold and silver.
Discussion Question
What do you think were some of the youthful lusts Timothy was to flee?
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -5-
Second Timothy Chapter Three
Keys to This Chapter
Key Passage: Verses 16-17
All Scripture is given by inspiration
of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
for instruction in righteousness, that
the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good
Key People
Key Places
Key Words
Key Lesson
Questions on the Text
1. What will come in the last days?
2. From what kind of people was Timothy to turn away?
3. Even though some people may always be learning, to what do they
never come?
4. What had Timothy carefully followed?
5. What will happen to all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus?
6. What will evil men and impostors do?
7. In what was Timothy to continue?
8. What had the Holy Scriptures done for Timothy?
9. How is all Scripture given?
10. For what is Scripture profitable?
____ 1. Gullible women A. Suffer persecution.
____ 2. Jannes and Jambres B. Grow worse and worse.
____ 3. Those who live godly C. Resisted Moses.
____ 4. Evil men and impostors D. Thoroughly equipped by Scripture.
____ 5. Men of God E. Loaded down with sins.
True - False
T F 1. In the last day some will have a form of godliness but will
deny its power.
T F 2. Men of corrupt minds resist the truth.
T F 3. Paul had endured persecutions at Antioch, Iconium and Miletus.
T F 4. Timothy had learned the Holy Scriptures as an adult.
T F 5. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
Discussion Question
How are the Scriptures able to make one wise for salvation?
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -6-
Second Timothy Chapter Four
Keys to This Chapter
Key Passage: Verse 2
Preach the word! Be ready in
season and out of season. Convince,
rebuke, exhort, will all long-
suffering and teaching.
Key People
Demas Aquila
Crescens Onesiphorus
Titus Erastus
Luke Trophimus
Mark Eusebius
Tychicus Pudens
Carpus Linus
Alexander Linus
Prisca Claudia
Key Places
Key Words
Drink offering
Key Lesson
Questions on the Text
1. What did Paul charge Timothy to do?
2. What did Paul warn would happen when people will not endure sound
3. In what was Timothy to be watchful?
4. According to verse seven, what had Paul done?
5. What was laid up for Paul? Who else would receive it?
6. What had happened to Demas? Why?
7. Who was present with Paul when he wrote this book?
8. What did Paul want Timothy to bring to him?
9. Who stood with Paul at his first defense?
10. According to verse 18, what was Paul confident the Lord would do for
____ 1. Demas A. Did Paul much harm.
____ 2. Luke B. Had forsaken Paul.
____ 3. Mark C. Paul left him sick at Miletus.
____ 4. Alexander D. Was with Paul.
____ 5. Trophimus E. Useful to Paul.
True - False
T F 1. The Lord Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead at His
appearing and His kingdom.
T F 2. Timothy was to do the work of a pastor.
T F 3. Paul had fought the good fight and finished the race but had not
kept the faith.
T F 4. Paul was delivered out of the mouth of the tiger.
T F 5. Paul wanted Timothy to come to him before winter came.
Discussion Question
Why is it so important to preach the word of God and nothing else?
Investigating the Word of God: Second Timothy Gene Taylor -7-
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