34-3 NUMBERS CH 25-36
34-3 NUMBERS CH 25-36
34-3 NUMBERS CH 25-36
BOO! 3"-3#
WHO IS JESUS CHRIST. Professor Simon Greenleaf was one of the most eminent lawyers of all time. His Laws of Evidence for many years were accepted by all States in the United States as the standard methodology for eval ating cases. He was teaching Law at a niversity in the United States when one of his st dents as!ed Professor Greenleaf if he wo ld apply his Laws of Evidence to eval ate an historical fig re. "hen Greenleaf agreed to the pro#ect he as!ed the st dent who was to be the s b#ect of the review. $he st dent replied that the person to be e%amined wo ld be &es s 'hrist. Professor Greenleaf agreed to nderta!e the e%amination of &es s 'hrist and as a res lt( when he had finished the review( Simon Greenleaf personally accepted the Lord &es s 'hrist as his Savio r. Professor Greenleaf then sent an open letter to all # rists in the United States saying in part ) personally have investigated one called &es s 'hrist. ) have fo nd the evidence concerning him to be historically acc rate. ) have also discovered that &es s 'hrist is more than a h man being( he is either God or nothing and having e%amined the evidence it is impossible to concl de other than he is God. Having concl ded that he is God ) have accepted him as my personal Savio r. ) rge all members of the legal profession to se the Laws of Evidence to investigate the person of the Lord &es s 'hrist and if yo find that he is wrong e%pose him as a fa!er b t if not consider him as yo r Savio r and Lord. HOW CAN I BE SAVED. S/*%/0&12 &' /%/&*/3*$ 415 /** 6$63$5' 14 07$ 7)6/2 5/c$8 Salvation is the most important nderta!ing in all of God*s niverse. $he salvation of sinners is never on the basis of God*s merely passing over or closing His eyes to sin. God saves sinners on a completely righteo s basis consistent with the divine holiness of His character. $his is called grace. )t relies on God so man cannot wor! for salvation neither can he deserve it. "e need to realise that the creation of this vast nmeas red niverse was far less an nderta!ing than the wor!ing o t of God*s plan to save sinners. However the acceptance of God*s salvation by the sinner is the most simple thing in all of life. +ne need not be rich( nor wise( nor ed cated. ,ge is no barrier nor the colo r of one*s s!in. $he reception of the enormo s benefits of God*s redemption is based pon the simplest of terms so that there is no one in all this wide niverse who need be t rned away. H19 (1 I 3$c16$ / C75&'0&/2. $here is b t one simple step divided into three parts. -irst of all ) have to recognise that ) am a sinner ./omans 01203 41203 E5e!iel 67183 &ohn 9128:. Secondly( realising that if ) want a relationship with ,lmighty God who is perfect( and recognising that ) am not perfect( ) need to loo! to the Lord &es s 'hrist as the only Savio r .6 'orinthians 69103 6 Peter 21283 lsaiah 90143 &ohn 0164:. $hirdly( by the e%ercise of my free will ) personally receive the Lord &es s 'hrist as my Savio r( believing that He died personally for me and that He is what He claims to be in an individ al( personal and living way .&ohn 61623 01043 ,cts 641063 8162:. T7$ 5$')*0' 14 S/*%/0&12 $he res lts of this are nbelievably wonderf l1 ;y sins are ta!en away .&ohn 612<:( ) possess eternal life now .6 &ohn 9166(62:( ) become a new creat re in 'hrist .2 'orinthians 916=:( $he Holy Spirit ta!es p His residence in my life .6 'orinthians 416<:( ,nd ) will never perish .&ohn 6>127?0>:. $his tr thf lly is life*s greatest transaction. $his is the goal of all people3 this is the ltimate of o r e%istence. "e invite and e%hort any reader who has not become a 'hristian by tr sting in the Lord &es s 'hrist to follow these simple instr ctions and be born again eternally into God*s family .;atthew 661273 &ohn 61623 ,cts 81623 64106:. : E%/2;$*&c/* B&3*$ C1**$;$ 14 W$'0$52 A)'05/*&/ 2,," ? P+ @o% 640 ,rmadale "estern , stralia 4<<2 ;any other 'hristian reso rces are available freely from o r internet web site1 www.ebcwa.org.a www.newstartbibleministries.org.a for wee!ly messages. and
-or f rther information contact Ar Peter ;oses at P+ @o% 640 ,rmadale ", 4<<2 or email @rian H ggett brianh ggettBbigpond.com.a
)E$/+AU'$)+E 'H,P$E/ 29 'H,P$E/ 24 'H,P$E/ 2= 'H,P$E/ 27 'H,P$E/ 2< 'H,P$E/ 0> 'H,P$E/ 06 'H,P$E/ 02 'H,P$E/ 00 'H,P$E/ 08 'H,P$E/ 09 'H,P$E/ 04
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)t is always important to tie together the Eew and the +ld $estaments and that is what we will do before we enter a st dy of this chapter( as it forms a bridge between the prophecies of @alaam and the res lt of his advice to @ala!. @alaam and @ala! remain the central fig res thro gh the action of the ne%t chapters. "e wonder by the end of chapter 28 why @alaam is condemned by the script res( beca se he appears to be blessing the children of )srael all the way. )t is only by seeing the res lts of his advice and tying in the chapter before s with the other script res abo t him that we get the f ll story on this man and why he is so severely # dged by God. 2 Peter 2169?64 records that @ala! paid him money( which he wo ld not have done for blessing )srael( and the events that followed his depart re tell s what his advice to Ging @ala! was. ,ll Peter does is record for s what the traditions of the &ewish people had recorded thro gh the cent ries abo t this man. ;oses will e%plain this later in E mbers 0616? 64. )n /evelation 2168?64( even more is recorded( and his sin is spelt o t f lly. @alaam was ta!en by @ala! to fo r different hills and he !ept on blessing the children of )srael. $his prophet however left Ging @ala! and headed home as a millionaire. He did so beca se of the advice that he gave @ala!( and this is recorded in the /evelation passage. He told @ala! that nothing was going to change the blessing en#oyed by the children of )srael( nless they co ld be got into sin that wo ld ta!e them o t of fellowship. @alaam nderstood the way a believer receives the blessing of God( and how they come nder discipline from God. He !new that the blessing of the Lord wo ld be removed if the )sraelites got involved in pagan religion and se% al immorality( and so this is the advice he gave the !ing. Eow read both these Eew $estament passages and then see the evil geni s at wor! here. @alaam gives tr ly satanic advice that is still at the heart of SatanHs strategy to destroy believers and their ministries today. $he people who were critici5ed in this passage of /evelation( were the heretical gro p called the Eicolaitans( who were into compromise religion that ta ght that morality didnHt matter. $his was one of the first of the satanic co nterfeit gospels preached in the first cent ry by Eicholas of ,ntioch( who was an early deacon of the ch rch( b t went after Satanic fa!e religion rather than holding to the tr th of the ,postolic -aith. He said that it did not matter if yo were a playboy( as long as yo staggered into ch rch on a S nday( did the right things there( said the right things there( and p t money in the plate. God ma!es it clear in /evelation that he hates sin( and hypocrisy s ch as this( and that yo will be # dged by God for persistent carnality. ,s a believer( if yo compromise with sin and evil yo will be disciplined as per Hebrews 62. $he standard of God for )srael( and for all who wo ld please the Lord( is given in Ae teronomy =16 ff. ,ll thro gh h man history the Lord says( I@e holy as ) am HolyI. God dealing with )srael and the ch rch centre in this concept3 both )srael and the 'h rch get the benefit of divine blessing only nder this concept. $he Lord says to s all( Live according to the high position that ) have given yo . "e have received GodHs mercy and grace( and we are to live H+LC lives .separated from sin and evil so that we might serve Him:( in response to the mercy and grace received. /efer to the @$@ st dies( G/,'E( ;E/'C( G/,'E J -,LL)EG -/+; G/,'E.
$HE EKEE$S +- EU;@E/S 29
Here we will see the terrible res lts of @alaam*s advice. Here it says the men #oined themselves with the ;oabites. $his means that they had se% with them. Co cannot compromise with evil especially in areas where evangelism is called for. $he men of )srael were enticed in the camp by these bea tif l girls( and then they went p to the ;oabite temples( and so they had se% with the ;oabite girls in their own tents( in the pagan temples( and in the ;oabite homes. $his still happens with many believers today( for Satan has not changed his strategy in sing se% al temptation( beca se it is so effective. Unli!e many modern sports coaches Satan doesnHt change a winning combinationD He is foc sed on sing the most powerf l rges of man!ind and se% remains the most powerf l( and immorality the greatest and faster destroyer of the so l and body of the nwary. God*s hand is against those who fornicate and nless it is dealt with M ic!ly it will be destr ctive to the believer who is so enticed by evil. ;ost of these bea tif l girls were infected with inc rable se% al diseases from their own se% al practices earlier and the )sraelites did not even thin! abo t this. $hey followed their l st for se%( # st as @alaam had followed his l st for money. L st is always destr ctive( and nless it is dealt with M ic!ly by confession and life change it will always destroy the person and their witness. /efer to the @$@ st dies on S)E J ,AUL$E/C( +LA S)E E,$U/E J $HE -/U)$ +- $HE +LA S)E E,$U/E. God*s # dgment is pon those who get involved in immorality. "hen God says no( it is for a reason. @y having se% with the ;oabite women the )sraeli men were p tting in #eopardy the f t re of )srael. $hey were going to destroy their own fertility or bring into the world children infected with venereal diseases. $his is why in verse fo r ;oses is told to c t off the head of every man who has been committing ad ltery with a ;oabitess. ,d ltery is having se% with any other person than the one which God has for yo . $he order was clear and shoc!ing. Co are to find them( behead them and p t there heads on poles so that their relatives can nderstand how terrible a thing li!e this is. ,d ltery is evil. "e need to be protected from se% al sin by wal!ing in the Spirit. )t is easy to sin when yo are o t of fellowship with the Lord and this is why we are rged to !eep short acco nts with God and wal! close to the Lord. /efer to the @$@ st dy of '+E-ESS)+E ,EA -+/G)KEEESS. $he # dges of )srael will be told to !ill only their own family members who have fallen into this great evil3 ta!ing personal responsibility for their own relatives only. ;oses made the sit ation absol tely clear to them all3 )f yo are a father and yo see yo r son coming bac! from the temple of ;oab( then get yo r sword and !ill yo r own son. $his is horrific to s( b t no one is an island( and the impact of that sonHs sin will destroy their entire family over time. $he evil that this boy has become involved in is fatal. )t is not # st a small thing( b t a series of evil decisions that prove the individ als degeneracy.
NUMBERS 25=--->
25=- A2( I'5/$* /31($ &2 S7&00&6? /2( 07$ @$1@*$ 3$;/2 01 c166&0 9715$(16 9&07 07$ (/);70$5' 14 M1/38 2 A2( 07$+ c/**$( 07$ @$1@*$ )201 07$ '/c5&4&c$' 14 07$&5 ;1('= /2( 07$ @$1@*$ (&( $/0? /2( 319$( (192 01 07$&5 ;1('8 3 A2( I'5/$* A1&2$( 7&6'$*4 )201 B//*@$15= /2( 07$ /2;$5 14 07$ LORD 9/' B&2(*$( /;/&2'0 I'5/$*8 " A2( 07$ LORD '/&( )201 M1'$'? T/B$ /** 07$ 7$/(' 14 07$ @$1@*$? /2( 7/2; 07$6 )@ 3$415$ 07$ LORD /;/&2'0 07$ ')2? 07/0 07$ 4&$5c$ /2;$5 14 07$ LORD 6/+ 3$ 0)52$( /9/+ 4516 I'5/$*8 5 A2( M1'$' '/&( )201 07$ A)(;$' 14
V$5'$' - -38 $he seM ence of events was swift and serio s. $he )sraelites were camped for a considerable time at the place called Shittim3 a campsite on the plains of ;oab opposite &ericho. ;oses does not tell s how long they were there( b t it was eno gh time for the wor! of @alaam to be done and for him to ret rn to his co ntry in the north. ,s we will find in E mbers 06( the ;idianite !ings were active in s pporting the advice given also( and they will later pay the price for it. $he satanic plan was simple b t effective. $he most attractive women from ;idian and ;oab are gathered and sent into the )sraelite camp to sed ce and have se% with the )sraelite men they can find who are willing. $he willingness of the women to do this is indicative of their morality. $hey head into the camp and find many yo ng )sraelite men who are ready to be sed ced by easy se% al pleas re. Having sed ced them they then lead them p to their homes in the hills and invite them to worship at the shrines of their gods. $hese men compromise their faith and do so( worshipping at the shrine of @aal?Peor( their god of se% ality. V$5'$' " < 58 ;oses responds M ic!ly when he hears abo t this. $he description of the sed ction process indicates that it ta!es several days for all this to occ r( so how is it that ;oses does not notice this is happening ntil many men are involvedL )t may be that there was active trade between the two peoples for all the time that )srael was encamped and so the presence of ;oabitesN;idianites in the camp did not raise s spicion. )t may be that the )sraelites were trying to be friendly to the ;oabites as their distant relatives( and the ;idianites as their neighbo rs for forty years( so that this evil occ rred secretly at first. "hatever the reason( ;oses acts once he reali5es that men are act ally heading into the hills to worship at ;oabite or ;idianite temples and are having se% al relationships with these women in the camp( witho t any tho ght of the holiness of the Lord( or their responsibilities to marry within their nation. $he Lord spea!s directly to ;oses abo t this( and he calls the elders and # dges of the tribes together. $his indicates that the evil is happening covertly and there is little open sign of the sed ctions ta!ing place. $he order the Lord gives is severe3 all the men are to be beheaded and their heads placed on sta!es in the s n before the tabernacle for all to see and be shoc!ed at what evil has been done amongst them. V$5'$' 6 < F8 $he mood of the people is sombre and there are many tears as they see the heads of those slain and reali5e the terrible evil that has been set loose amongst them thro gh the women of ;oab and ;idian. ,t this very point a man brings in a ;idianite woman into the camp. He approaches his tent in sight of ;oses and the others( and goes into the tent with this yo ng woman. $his is another reminder that the area involved is small( with tens of tho sands of people( b t not h ndreds of tho sands. $his man is seen by ;oses and the & dges as he heads into his tent to have se% with this woman. He is obvio sly l st filled for he is having se% within seconds of getting her inside the tent. "e !now this beca se of PhinehasH action. He sees what has happened and does not wait for orders from ;oses or his father the high priest. He grabs a #avelin and r ns to the tent( b rsts in( and s!ewers the two fornicators to the floor !illing them both instantly. $he evil is over with these two deaths. $he total death toll may be anywhere from 28 to 28>( b t it certainly isnHt 28(>>>. /emember from o r earlier st dies that the n mbers in o r English @ibles are later estimates by the writers of the Sept agint .LFF: in the 0 rd cent ry @' and are g esses on the very high side. $he words indicate that a small( b t significant n mber of deaths occ r. /eally large n mbers wo ld have indicated that ;oses didnHt move fast eno gh( and as the Lord ordered ;oses to act( we can be s re it was M ic!ly( so as to avoid a large catastrophe. Eno gh died however( to ma!e a real impression pon all present. )n pastoral sit ations where the danger of immorality is present the wise pastor moves very M ic!ly.
6. Grace is all that God is free to do for man on the basis of the cross. $herefore Grace is nmerited favo r from God.
6. $he Hebrew and Gree! words for mercy carry the meanings of( gentleness( tenderness( and compassion towards others. 2. )t is not a passive concern b t an active one that wor!s o t to help the one in need of love and concern. 0. God is mercif l towards &eremiah 0160( 82162 s all. E%od s 0016<( /omans <169( )saiah 60167( &eremiah 4120( 261=( cf 6 Gings 719>(
8. God is rich in mercy towards s. Ephesians 218( &ames 9166( 6 $imothy 612( 2 $imothy 612( $it s 019( 6 Peter 610. 9. People appealed to the Lord on the basis of his mercy towards the wea! and needy. ;atthew <12=( 69122( 6=169( 2>10>( ;ar! 6>18=( 87( L !e 6=160( 67107( 0<. 4. $he good Samaritan*s acts were praised by the Lord as acts of mercy. L !e 6>10=
6. Salvation is the gift of God by grace thro gh faith. 2. "e cannot wor! for salvation ? we m st receive it as a gift. .Ephesians 217( <( /omans 818?9: 0. $he only means of salvation is by tr sting that &es s 'hrist died for yo r sins( was b ried and raised from the dead. He therefore paid the penalty for sin( and conM ered death. .,cts 6410>?06( &ohn 0164( 6814( 6 'orinthians 6910?8: 8. "e are saved so that we can serve God. .Ephesians 217?6>: + r good wor!s show that we have been saved. 9. Salvation incl des many other doctrines s ch as )mp tation( & stification( /edemption( Propitiation( /econciliation and Sanctification.
6. Sanctification means to be made holy ? to be set apart nto God. +ne who is sanctified is called a saint. 2. "e are sanctified .made holy: in 'hrist &es s .6'orinthians 612:. 0. Sanctification is in three stages1 a: Stage 61 ,t salvation ? nion with 'hrist ? positional sanctification .6'orinthians 62160( /omans 616?=:. b: Stage 21 'hristian way of life ? filling of the Holy Spirit ? spirit ality ./omans 64123 6'orinthians 6?2:. c: Stage 01 /es rrection body ? )n heaven ? Ultimate sanctification .6&ohn 012:. 8. + r position in 'hrist entitles s to share 'hrist*s righteo sness. )t therefore1 a: protects s from divine # dgment ./omans 716: b: M alifies s to live with God forever c: ma!es s a new creat re in 'hrist .2'orinthians 916=: d: g arantees eternal sec rity for every believer ./omans 7107( 0<:. 9. However( beca se we still have the old sin nat re( we will still sin d ring this life ./omans =126:. "hen controlled by his carnal nat re however( the believer is positionally sanctified b t e%perientially carnal. 4. "hen we receive the res rrection body( we no longer sin ? o r sanctification will be complete .6'orinthians 69194( Philippians 0126( 6$hessalonians 9120:.
"ith regards to the "ord we have the teaching of false doctrine s ch as saying that 'hrist did not act ally die on the 'ross( that He was not tr ly h man nor divine. )n relation to the gospel we have the pict re in the parable of the Sower and the Seed of the bird coming down and ta!ing away the seed that is sown. )n regard to worship he will moc! God thro gh senseless words. ;atthew 64 tells of 'hrist commanding Peter to get behind him as Peter is enth siastic b t has wrong concepts which &es s saw as Satanic in origin as they did not conform to the "ord of God. )n ,cts 9 Satan filled the heart of ,nanias and Sapphira. He wor!s in the children of disobedience. Later on we will loo! at the strategies and tactics of the ch rch. Spiritism and +cc ltism is something that the 'hristian sho ld not dabble in. )n Ae teronomy 671< the &ews were told not to see! g idance from spiritism or occ ltism. $he main attac!s on the ch rch nowadays is not thro gh c lts b t thro gh spiritism and eastern religions and dr gs. $his is an attempt to brea! down the mentality of the so l. @y these means yo are opening the person p to demonic forces.
=. ,d ltery is a bona fide basis for divorce .;atthew 91023 6<1<3 L !e 64167:. ,d ltery has a h ge impact between h sband and wife in both mental .tr st: and physical .Ione fleshI: areas. However( forgiveness and the grace of God can overcome the effects of all sins. 7. ,d ltery or fornication is often sed in the @ible to describe apostasy and nfaithf lness to God .&eremiah 017?6>( E5e!iel 64120?80( 20128?273 /evelation 6=16?9:.
$he second cens s brings in fig res that are similar overall to the first one forty years before. $he nation has not m ltiplied in the wilderness years. $hey have not( as a total nation( been blessed( b t # dged thro gh this time. $he many times they tempted the Lord and received divine # dgment have seen a significant n mber of people die immediately nder the LordHs hand( and then the others have not had the children that co ld have been e%pected in their wandering years. Some wo ld arg e for nat ral reasons for this. $here are real factors here that may be important3 their migratory life style( hard conditions( previo s starvation in slavery( and simple diet of ;anna( may all have affected the fertility and birth rate of this first generation. $his does not add p however( as the conditions in ,rabia were not desert in this time( and many migratory people gro ps have e%perienced pop lation e%plosions( and later wo ld invade and destroy Empires as a res lt. +nce in the land they will prosper and grow in n mbers to aro nd the two million mar! by the days of Aavid and Solomon and be significantly larger by the days of the Lord( with over a million in ,le%andria alone then( let alone the pop lations in all the other cities of the /oman and Parthian Empires. ,s we will see( there are some tribes that have been blessed and e%panded( and others # dged. Something is going on here( and it is not a niform thing. "hy the similarity between the pop lation of this first and second generationL )t is clearly the LordHs doing( and whatever the mechanics for it( the p rpose for it is clear. $his second generation m st face a similar faith test than their parents regarding entering the land. $heir n mbers are ro ghly the same for their armed forces( and they face the need of GodHs help to sei5e any ob#ective( for they cannot do it in their own strength. Even if the army had do bled or M adr pled in si5e thro gh these years they wo ld have faced far better odds in every battle. $heir initial 4>>> man army if grown to 62(>>>( or 28(>>> thro gh these years wo ld have wal!ed over any opposition. -aith wo ld not have been the test then. ,le%ander the Great in the 0>>s @' will defeat the entire Persian Empire with an ,rmy of only aro nd 09(>>>( and will only se half that n mber to besiege and ta!e ma#or cities that are far bigger than anything in 'anaan at this time of ;oses. $he cens s is a message of their need for faith. $he cens s message to s is that one also. "e will always appear to be o tn mbered( and often feel o t manoe vred by the enemy in o r march thro gh this life. + r challenge( li!e theirs( is to have faith in the Lord( so that we can wal! o r way thro gh the entrapment we may feel at times. Psalms 2=168( Haba!! ! 216?8( /omans 8164?2>( 6 'orinthians 6>166?60. ,t times it feels li!e we are trapped in prison( and the challenge of faith is to praise God( as if we are living in a palace( for that is o r heavenly destiny. -aith ta!es s from the Prison to the PalaceD &ohn 6816ff( Hebrews 6616ff.
NUMBERS 26=--65
26=- A2( &0 c/6$ 01 @/'' /40$5 07$ @*/;)$? 07/0 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$' /2( )201 E*$/D/5 07$ '12 14 A/512 07$ @5&$'0? '/+&2;? 2 T/B$ 07$ ')6 14 /** 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 4516 09$20+ +$/5' 1*( /2( )@9/5(? 0751);71)0 07$&5 4/07$5'I 71)'$? /** 07/0 /5$ /3*$ 01 ;1 01 9/5 &2 I'5/$*8 3 A2( M1'$' /2( E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0 '@/B$ 9&07 07$6 &2 07$ @*/&2' 14 M1/3 3+ J15(/2 2$/5 J$5&c71? '/+&2;? " T/B$ 07$ ')6 14 07$ @$1@*$? 4516 09$20+ +$/5' 1*( /2( )@9/5(E /' 07$ LORD c166/2($( M1'$' /2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 97&c7 9$20 41507 1)0 14 07$ */2( 14 E;+@08 5 R$)3$2? 07$ $*($'0 '12 14 I'5/$*= 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 R$)3$2E H/21c7? 14 9716 c16$07 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ H/21c7&0$'= 14 P/**)? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ P/**)&0$'= 6 O4 H$D512? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ H$D512&0$'= 14 C/56&? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ C/56&0$'8 C T7$'$ /5$ 07$ 4/6&*&$' 14 07$ R$)3$2&0$'= /2( 07$+ 07/0 9$5$ 2)63$5$( 14 07$6 9$5$ 4150+ /2( 075$$ 071)'/2( /2( '$%$2 7)2(5$( /2( 07&50+8 > A2( 07$ '12' 14 P/**)E E*&/38 F A2( 07$ '12' 14 E*&/3E N$6)$*? /2( D/07/2? /2( A3&5/68 T7&' &' 07/0 D/07/2 /2( A3&5/6? 97&c7 9$5$ 4/61)' &2 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? 971 '051%$ /;/&2'0 M1'$' /2( /;/&2'0 A/512 &2 07$ c16@/2+ 14 !15/7? 97$2 07$+ '051%$ /;/&2'0 07$ LORD= -, A2( 07$ $/507 1@$2$( 7$5 61)07? /2( '9/**19$( 07$6 )@ 01;$07$5 9&07 !15/7? 97$2 07/0 c16@/2+ (&$(? 97/0 0&6$ 07$ 4&5$ ($%1)5$( 091 7)2(5$( /2( 4&40+ 6$2= /2( 07$+ 3$c/6$ / '&;28 -N109&07'0/2(&2; 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 !15/7 (&$( 2108 -2 T7$ '12' 14 S&6$12 /40$5 07$&5 4/6&*&$'= 14 N$6)$*? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ N$6)$*&0$'= 14 J/6&2? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ J/6&2&0$'= 14 J/c7&2? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ J/c7&2&0$'= -3 O4 G$5/7? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ G/57&0$'= 14 S7/)*? 07$ 4/6&*+ 14 07$ S7/)*&0$'8 -" T7$'$ /5$ 07$ 4/6&*&$' 14 07$
V$5'$' - < 28 $he cens s is for military p rposes and incl des only those who are fit to go to war for their nation( from twenty years old and pwards. +lder men( nable to fight and march on a campaign( are not co nted in the cens s. $here is no age limit set for the )sraelite ,rmy( fitness to fight is the only factor. &osh a will lead the army and he is eighty( and their to ghest warrior is 'aleb( and he also is eighty. ,ge is no barrier to anything as long as we are fit. "e are to !eep o rselves fit and healthy thro gho t o r life as believers. "e need to see o r body as the temple of the
DAN $HEE chapter 6107 +f the children of Aan( by their generations( after their families( by the ho se of their fathers( according to the n mber of the names( from twenty years old and pward( all that were able to go forth to war3 0< $hose that were n mbered of them( even of the tribe of Aan( were threescore and two tho sand and seven h ndred. .Possibly T 42= -amily gro ps( each headed by a warrior over twenty:. E+" chapter 24182?80. $he tribe of Aan has also been fairly stable at aro nd 488 warriors.
ASHER $HEE chapter 618> +f the children of ,sher( by their generations( after their families( by the ho se of their fathers( according to the n mber of the names( from twenty years old and pward( all that were able to go forth to war3 86 $hose that were n mbered of them( even of the tribe of ,sher( were forty and one tho sand and five h ndred. .Possibly T 869 -amily gro ps( each headed by a warrior over twenty:. E+" chapter 24188?8=. $he n mber of warriors is significantly p at aro nd 908.
NAPHTALI $HEE chapter 6182 +f the children of Eaphtali( thro gho t their generations( after their families( by the ho se of their fathers( according to the n mber of the names( from twenty years old and pward( all that were able to go forth to war3 80 $hose that were n mbered of them( even of the tribe of Eaphtali( were fifty and three tho sand and fo r h ndred. .Possibly T 908 -amily gro ps( each headed by a warrior over twenty:. E+" chapter 24187?9>. $heir n mber is now aro nd 899( down significantly from the first cens s.
$here have clearly been winners and losers on the wilderness #o rney. Eow remember the word translated wilderness in o r @ibles is the word midbar( which means cattle driving range?pastoral lands. )t refers to the fact that there are no cities there( not to the desert nat re of the co ntry. $he climate of ,rabia was M ite fertile and the land green with past re at this time( and the animals of the )sraelites wo ld have done well there. $he tribes that fell in n mbers .Simeon and Eaphtali: are clearly # dged( and others have been blessed( b t over all the ,rmy n mbers remain the same( and the people reM ire faith to win. $hey do not have the n mbers to roll over the 'anaanites as the ,ssyrians later will do. V$5'$' 5- < 568 $he final n mbers are transparently wrong in the LFF. $o have 4>>(>>> and then 6=0> is the cl e that the h ndreds of tho sands is wrong( and is li!ely si% tho sand. $he army is aro nd the 4>>>?=>>> mar!( and they will need to be empowered by God to s rvive and win the battles ahead. $he n mbers of fighting men at the end of the wilderness #o rney is to determine the si5e of the land that each tribe will receive. $hose that are small will receive
$he conseM ences of their actions in the wilderness will carry over into the land itself. $his it a !ey doctrinal principle of life3 o r actions may be forgiven( b t their conseM ences may flow onwards in time. ,t times a sin will set in motion a chain of events that cannot be stopped. $he c rsing of these things can be t rned to blessing in the LordHs path for o r life now( b t some conseM ences will be felt thro gh life. Even tho gh the si5e of the allotted areas for each tribe will differ the Lord directs ;oses to se lots as a means of assigning areas so that none can feel ;oses or &osh a are getting at them. Lots will be cast for the areas and then those areas will be made smaller or larger depending on the n mber of fighting men. )t is not total pop lations that will determine things( b t only the fighting men. $he land m st be held against attac! and the tribe that is nable to defend its portion will lose it anyway( so they are rged to accept the process and devote themselves to obedience now( so that they can sei5e and hold the land. V$5'$' 5C < 638 $he tribe of Levi are now n mbered. +nce again the n mbers are not clear at all at this distance. $here wo ld appear to be twenty three e%tended family gro ps. )f we compare their n mbers with those of the other tribes Levi is aro nd the same si5e as Simeon( probably with aro nd 29> men of military age in total. Levi and Simeon were the leaders in the revolt of Gorah and so are the two tribes most decimated by the Lord thro gh the wilderness march. $here are eno gh men to do all the wor! assigned to them b t they have not prospered in the previo s forty years. V$5'$' 6" < 658 $he Levites are not to receive any portion of the land( for their portion is their service of the tabernacle. $hey will be allotted cities within the tribal areas and they will serve the tabernacle by co rses thro gh the year and wor! the land given them by the tribes amongst whom they dwell. $hey will be at the mercy and nder the grace of the other tribes. $he rebellion of Gorah has conseM ences for them. ;oses is of this tribe and notes clearly that the # dgment has fallen pon his people as it has fallen pon the others( and not one man is alive who rebelled against the Lord at Gadesh @arnea.
$his is an important chapter for womanHs rights in the @iblical record. )n this day a da ghter had few if any rights in the familyHs of the pagan nations( and land ownership for women was rare nless they were the da ghters of royalty. $his incident before s emerges # st after the anno ncement of the division of the land and ;oses e%planation as to how it will occ r. $he warriors of )srael have all # st reali5ed that their families have gained or lost their inheritances thro gh their involvement in the rebellions at Gadesh and ;eribah( with Gorah. $he people are told abo t the way the land will be divided while they are encamped opposite &ericho and one family within ;anasseh has a special problem. $here are five da ghters in this family( with no sons born before the father dies on the wilderness march. $hey are not of one of the tribes that led in the rebellions and so fell in n mbers dramatically thro gh the forty years and they see! a place for their fatherHs name in the land of promise. $he girls have no problem with their fatherHs death( for they !now that he was one of the generation that sinned at Gadesh @arnea( and so he dies in the wilderness( b t what of them( and their fatherHs name amongst the sons of &osephL $he sons of &oseph had received a special blessing from &acob. Genesis 87169?64( 6<?22( 8<122?24. $he girls .their ages are not given( b t they cannot be too old( as any marriages they had made wo ld already have lost them their fatherHs name:( approach ;oses and as! to have their fatherHs sit ation clarified. )s he to lose his place in the family of &osephL )t is fitting that this is the last recorded action of ;oses( for straight after this r ling is made( he is as!ed by the Lord to go p his last mo ntain and there he will die. $his chapter begins with the res lts that flow from the death of Oelophehad and ends with the leadership transfer that will precede the death of ;oses.
2C=- T7$2 c/6$ 07$ (/);70$5' 14 G$*1@7$7/(? 07$ '12 14 H$@7$5? 07$ '12 14 G&*$/(? 07$ '12 14 M/c7&5? 07$ '12 14 M/2/''$7? 14 07$ 4/6&*&$' 14 M/2/''$7 07$ '12 14 J1'$@7= /2( 07$'$ /5$ 07$ 2/6$' 14 7&' (/);70$5'E M/7*/7? N1/7? /2( H1;*/7? /2( M&*c/7? /2( T&5D/78 2 A2( 07$+ '011( 3$415$ M1'$'? /2( 3$415$ E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? /2( 3$415$ 07$ @5&2c$' /2( /** 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? 3+ 07$ (115 14 07$ 0/3$52/c*$ 14 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? '/+&2;? 3 O)5 4/07$5 (&$( &2 07$ 9&*($52$''? /2( 7$ 9/' 210 &2 07$ c16@/2+ 14 07$6 07/0 ;/07$5$( 07$6'$*%$' 01;$07$5 /;/&2'0 07$ LORD &2 07$ c16@/2+ 14 !15/7E 3)0 (&$( &2 7&' 192 '&2? /2( 7/( 21 '12'8 " W7+ '71)*( 07$ 2/6$ 14 1)5 4/07$5 3$ (12$ /9/+ 4516 /612; 7&' 4/6&*+? 3$c/)'$ 7$ 7/07 21 '12. G&%$ )201 )' 07$5$415$ / @1''$''&12 /612; 07$ 35$075$2 14 1)5 4/07$58 5 A2( M1'$' 351);70 07$&5 c/)'$ 3$415$ 07$ LORD8 6 A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? '/+&2;? C T7$ (/);70$5' 14 G$*1@7$7/( '@$/B 5&;70= 071) '7/*0 ')5$*+ ;&%$ 07$6 / @1''$''&12 14 /2 &27$5&0/2c$ /612; 07$&5 4/07$5I' 35$075$2E /2( 071) '7/*0 c/)'$ 07$ &27$5&0/2c$ 14 07$&5 4/07$5 01 @/'' )201 07$68 > A2( 071) '7/*0 '@$/B )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? '/+&2;? I4 / 6/2 (&$? /2( 7/%$ 21 '12? 07$2 +$ '7/** c/)'$ 7&' &27$5&0/2c$ 01 @/'' )201 7&' (/);70$58 F A2( &4 7$ 7/%$ 21 (/);70$5? 07$2 +$ '7/** ;&%$ 7&' &27$5&0/2c$ )201 7&' 35$075$28 -, A2( &4 7$ 7/%$ 21 35$075$2? 07$2 +$ '7/** ;&%$ 7&' &27$5&0/2c$ )201 7&' 4/07$5I' 35$075$28 -- A2( &4 7&' 4/07$5 7/%$ 21 35$075$2? 07$2 +$ '7/** ;&%$ 7&' &27$5&0/2c$ )201 7&' B&2'6/2 07/0 &' 2$H0 01 7&6 14 7&' 4/6&*+? /2( 7$ '7/** @1''$'' &0= /2( &0 '7/** 3$ )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* / '0/0)0$ 14 A)(;6$20? /' 07$ LORD c166/2($( M1'$'8 -2 A2( 07$ LORD '/&( )201 M1'$'? G$0 07$$ )@ &201 07&' 61)20 A3/5&6? /2( '$$ 07$ */2( 97&c7 I 7/%$ ;&%$2 )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*8 -3 A2( 97$2 071) 7/'0 '$$2 &0? 071) /*'1 '7/*0 3$ ;/07$5$( )201 07+ @$1@*$? /' A/512 07+ 35107$5 9/' ;/07$5$(8 -" F15 +$ 5$3$**$( /;/&2'0 6+ c166/2(6$20 &2 07$ ($'$50 14 G&2? &2 07$ '05&4$ 14 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? 01 '/2c0&4+ 6$ /0 07$ 9/0$5 3$415$ 07$&5 $+$'= 07/0 &' 07$ 9/0$5 14 M$5&3/7 &2 !/($'7 &2 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 G&28 -5 A2( M1'$' '@/B$ )201 07$ LORD? '/+&2;? -6 L$0 07$ LORD? 07$ G1( 14 07$ '@&5&0' 14 /** 4*$'7? '$0 / 6/2 1%$5 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? -C W7&c7 6/+ ;1 1)0 3$415$ 07$6? /2( 97&c7 6/+ ;1 &2 3$415$ 07$6? /2( 97&c7 6/+ *$/( 07$6 1)0? /2( 97&c7 6/+ 35&2; 07$6 &2E 07/0 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 14 07$ LORD 3$ 210 /' '7$$@ 97&c7 7/%$ 21 '7$@7$5(8 -> A2( 07$ LORD '/&( )201 M1'$'? T/B$ 07$$ J1'7)/ 07$ '12 14 N)2? / 6/2 &2 9716 &' 07$ '@&5&0? /2( */+ 07&2$ 7/2( )@12 7&6E -F A2( '$0 7&6 3$415$ E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? /2( 3$415$ /**
V$5'$' - < "8 $hese five girls have tho ght a great deal abo t their fatherHs life and death and what it means for them in the Promised Land. $heir sons will inherit their h sbandHs lands( b t the share that wo ld have been &osephHs will be lost to their fatherHs name forever. $hese girls believe in the inheritance of the Promised Land and they want their fatherHs name to be preserved and for him to receive his share thro gh them and their sons. $hey ma!e it very clear that he was not amongst those who rebelled at the time of GorahHs rebellion( b t that li!e the others of his generation he failed at Gadesh @arnea. He may have been a yo nger man at that time( for the girls have only good memories of him in his dealings with them( and see! this hono r to their fatherHs name. $his man had failed( li!e all others of his generation( b t he has done his #ob well with these girls( and he has ta ght them the promises of GodHs "ord thro gh ;oses. He has failed b t he wants them to be s ccesses in the spirit al area( and their actions prove they are. $hey bring their case before ;oses at the door of the tabernacle so that the Lord may ma!e a r ling thro gh him. +nce again( note the womanHs right to stand before the # dges of her people and as! for her rights. $hey didnHt need an ncle or male relative to stand with them( they co ld stand boldly before their leader and as! for a r ling on their rights. Psalms 4719( Proverbs 016?7( &eremiah 8<166( Galatians 0124?2<( Hebrews 8164( 6014. V$5'$' 5 < C8 ;oses reali5es that this is an important case with precedent at sta!e( so that a definitive r ling needs to be made that will be binding for f t re generations. He ta!es the matter before the Lord in prayer. $he LordHs answer to these girls is that they are absol tely right in their reM est. $heir father has ta ght his girls the tr th( and they are standing in the tr th( and will receive inheritance in their fatherHs name in the land. His portion will be theirs divided into five parcels of land. $he first son that each of these girls have will be named for their father( and will be co nted as of the tribe of ;anasseh( and will receive his land( even if the girlHs h sband is of another tribe. ,ny second son will receive the h sbandHs portion of the land of whatever tribal area that he has a right to. +fficially the girls first sons will be !nown as the sons of their grandfather and have his rights in the land. $he girls h sbands will need to accept this principle at the time of their marriage( for their first son will not be co nted as theirs in land ownership( b t as a son of Oelophehad. V$5'$' > < --8 $he principle is now settled and made law of the &ewish people from this point onwards. )f a man has no son then his da ghters can inherit his land and call their sons for their father and the land can pass to them and they can stand in their grandfatherHs place amongst the people. )f he has no children then the inheritance passes to his brothers or sisters. )f he has no brothers or sisters then the land passes to his ncles( the brothers of his father. )f they are dead( then their descendents are to inherit( the closest relative to him being the one to ta!e over the land on his behalf. $he land was not to be lost to the people receiving it. Sadly they will lose the land( b t we m st wait ntil we get to Ae teronomy 0>ff( or head bac! to Levitic s 24 to see the reasons for this. $his principle of redemption of land by a relative will be important in the case of / th and @oa5( and will be central to that story( which will bind together this r le .received on the plains of ;oab: and the ;oabitess / th. / th 816?6=( &eremiah 0217. V$5'$' -2 < -"8 $he whereabo ts of ;o ntains of ,barim is !nown( b t the act al identity of ;o nt Eebo amongst them is not. )t is described( b t was to be a secret place( and not become a place of pilgrimage( for it was the place of death and b rial( and the dead were not to be venerated( nor their graves worshipped at. $hese are pagan habits and are not to be followed by believers. $he dead are to be laid( o t of o r sight( to await the res rrection at the ret rn of the Lord( b t their bodyHs resting place is not to be anything other than that( a grave. "e are to foc s pon o r wor! in the Lord( not the places of the b rial of the dead. "hen we die( we are to be b ried with those who we wish to stand with in the res rrection( for that is o r testimony( b t ;oses was to die and be b ried by the Lord Himself( so that there was no possibility of any worship at the site. Let s learn from this( and while we hono r the dead who stood for the Lord( and give the Lord praise for their lives( let s not get into worship at their shrines. "e serve a living Savio r( and we need to apply the doctrine of res rrection and that means po r o r lives o t in service. /efer to the @$@ st dy of AE,$H( and( /ESU//E'$)+E. V$5'$' -5 < -C8 ;oses will spea! many things to the people as a farewell addressNsermon( and this is the s b#ect of Ae teronomy( which records the content of his teaching thro gh the wilderness years( and the s mmary of his teaching before his depart re to head p ;o nt Eebo and die. $he parallel passage to this one before s is Ae teronomy 02189?92. He will( after his teaching( bless each of the tribes with a prophetic word( adding to &acobHs blessings that he had recorded in Genesis 8<. Ae teronomy 0014?29. He will then pray for them and prono nce the LordHs blessing pon them( Ae teronomy 00124?2<( and head p the mo ntain to spend his last moments with the Lord. Ae teronomy 0816ff.
0. ;oses gives s a lesson in h mility and obedience in the face of past fail re. He fell into terrible sin before the Lord and failed in his responsibility in stri!ing the roc!( E mbers 2>( b t he repented of his sin and got bac! to the place of obedience. He also accepted his p nishment and contin ed to serve with dignity and total obedience from that day onwards. He goes to his death with M ietness and dies in the arms of the Lord. $his is an e%ample of the Sin Unto Aeath( b t it is a wonderf l one.
6. )n essence( death means IseparationI. 2. $ypes of death1 a: Physical death ? is the separation of the so l from the body .Genesis 09167:. b: Spirit al death ? is separation from God( having no relationship with God .Ephesians 216(62( Genesis 216=(017:
6. $he res rrection of 'hrist is central to the gospel. .6 'orinthians 6910?8: a: Had there been no res rrection then we wo ld all still be in o r sins. .6 'orinthians 6916=:. b: /es rrection indicates completion of # stification. ./omans 8129( 2 'orinthians 912 6: c: /es rrection is a g arantee of ltimate sanctification. .6 'orinthians 6912>?20: d: $he res rrection is the -ather*s seal on 'hrist*s completed wor!( and the p blic declaration of its acceptance. e: "itho t the res rrection it is impossible for 'hrist to be glorified. $he h manity of 'hrist is glorified higher than the angels. .&ohn =10<( &ohn 64168: 2. Historical proof of the res rrection1 a: $he empty tomb. .;atthew 27: b: ;any of witnesses died rather than change their testimony. c: S bseM ent changes and confidence of the disciples after the res rrection. d: $he day of Pentecost. $he reality of the res rrection was so well !nown that when Peter preached the first two sermons in &er salem over 7>>> people were saved. .,cts 2186( ,cts 810?8: e: $he observance of the first day of the wee! as the worship day. .,cts 2>1=( 6 'orinthians 6412( /evelation 616>: f: $he historic e%istence of the ch rch. $he ch rch worships a literal risen Savio r( and not merely the memory of a dead martyr . ./omans 9162(68(6=( 410?<( 712( 6 'orinthians 69124(98?99( Hebrews 2168: 0. @aptism is a sign of the new res rrection life. ./omans 410?66( 'olossians 2162:. 8. $he Lord*s S pper is a reminder of the e%pected ret rn of the risen Lord. .6 'orinthians 66120?24: 9. +rder of the res rrections1? a: $he first for believers only incl ding &es s 'hrist which is divided into fo r parts. i: $he res rrection of 'hrist. .6 'orinthians 69120( /omans 618( 6 $hessalonians 616>( 6 Peter 610: ii: $he /apt re of the ch rch .6 'orinthians 69196?9=( 6 $hessalonians 8164?67: iii: $he +ld $estament saints and trib lation martyrs at the end of the $rib lation. .Aaniel 62160( )saiah 24?6<? 2>( /evelation 2>18: iv: $he ;illennial saints and those who s rvive the $rib lation to enter the ;illenni m in their physical bodies. b: $he second res rrection occ rs at the end of the ;illenni m and is for nbelievers only. $hey are # dged and cast into the la!e of fire forever. .6 &ohn 9127( 2<( /evelation 2>162?69( 2 Peter 01=( ;atthew 29186: c: &es s( who m st be the first eternally res rrected h man.( was not raised ntil three days after the cr cifi%ion. d: People in the +ld $estament who were Iraised from the deadI were merely res scitated( and later died. e: ;atthew 2=192?90 is a transfer scene not a res rrection scene. $he transfer is one of saints from paradise to the third heaven .Ephesians 817:. Some were given res scitated bodies to witness to the &ews. 4. $he seM ence of events at the Lord*s res rrection is as follows1? a: ;ary ;agdalene( Salome and ;ary the mother of &ames and &oses head towards the tomb followed by other women carrying embalming spices. b: $he three find the stone rolled away. ;ary ;agdalene goes bac! to tell the disciples. .L !e 20199?281<( &ohn 2>16?2: c: ;ary the mother of &ames and &oses draws near to the tomb and sees the angel. .;atthew 2712: d: She goes bac! to the women carrying the spices. e: Peter and &ohn who have been advised by ;ary ;agdalene arrive( loo! inside the empty tomb and go away..&ohn 2>10?6>: f: ;ary ;agdalene ret rns weeping( sees two angels and then &es s..&ohn 2>166?67: g: ,s instr cted by the Lord she goes to tell the disciples.
$he instr ctions here form a s mmary of the instr ctions that ;oses has seen and heard from the Lord thro gho t the entire forty years since leaving Egypt. $hey s mmari5e the instr ctions in E%od s 20( 2<( 06( Levitic s 6?4 and following( and E mbers 29. ,ll these things have been ta ght and some have been done thro gho t the wilderness march( with the daily sacrifices a part of life thro gh this period( and the teaching associated with them done well by ;oses( b t the f ll celebration of all the feasts will only occ r when they enter into the land itself. @efore ;oses dies he will re?teach the entire Law and that is what is recorded in o r boo! called Ae teronomy .meaning literally the second reading of the Law:. "hy does the Lord reM ire ;oses to repeat these specific principles hereL /epetition is the LordHs way of teaching tr th( and we are to be always ready to repeat teaching to consolidate peopleHs hold pon the tr th and their application of it. )saiah 271<?68. "hen something is repeated it is the LordHs way of saying( Hear this caref lly( and do it faithf llyD $he instr ctions for the feasts are also e%panded pon here. )n Levitic s 20 the basics only are given( b t here the act al n mber and type of sacrifices to be offered are listed. Let s hear the words of the Lord( for these are His last instr ctions to ;oses before his depart re from the people( and these will s mmari5e the message of his entire life of service. ,s we will see( that message is not # st content and specifics of sacrifices( b t it centres ro nd the person and plan of the +ne all the sacrifices spo!e of J the Lord &es s 'hrist.
NUMBERS 2>=--32>=- A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? '/+&2;? 2 C166/2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? /2( '/+ )201 07$6? M+ 144$5&2;? /2( 6+ 35$/( 415 6+ '/c5&4&c$' 6/($ 3+ 4&5$? 415 / '9$$0 '/%1)5 )201 6$? '7/** +$ 13'$5%$ 01 144$5 )201 6$ &2 07$&5 ()$ '$/'128 3 A2( 071) '7/*0 '/+ )201 07$6? T7&' &' 07$ 144$5&2; 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ 97&c7 +$ '7/** 144$5 )201 07$ LORDE 091 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5 9&071)0 '@10 (/+ 3+ (/+? 415 / c120&2)/* 3)520 144$5&2;8 " T7$ 12$ */63 '7/*0 071) 144$5 &2 07$ 6152&2;? /2( 07$ 107$5 */63 '7/*0 071) 144$5 /0 $%$2E 5 A2( / 0$207 @/50 14 /2 $@7/7 14 4*1)5 415 / 6$/0 144$5&2;? 6&2;*$( 9&07 07$ 41)507 @/50 14 /2 7&2 14 3$/0$2 1&*8 6 I0 &' / c120&2)/* 3)520 144$5&2;? 97&c7 9/' 15(/&2$( &2 61)20 S&2/& 415 / '9$$0 '/%1)5? / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ )201 07$ LORD8 C A2( 07$ (5&2B 144$5&2; 07$5$14 '7/** 3$ 07$ 41)507 @/50 14 /2 7&2 415 07$ 12$ */63= &2 07$ 71*+ @*/c$ '7/*0 071) c/)'$ 07$ '0512; 9&2$ 01 3$ @1)5$( )201 07$ LORD 415 / (5&2B 144$5&2;8 > A2( 07$ 107$5 */63 '7/*0 071) 144$5 /0 $%$2= /' 07$ 6$/0 144$5&2; 14 07$ 6152&2;? /2( /' 07$ (5&2B 144$5&2; 07$5$14? 071) '7/*0 144$5 &0? / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$? 14 / '9$$0 '/%1)5 )201 07$ LORD8 F A2( 12 07$ S/33/07 (/+ 091 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5 9&071)0 '@10? /2( 091 0$207 ($/*' 14 4*1)5 415 / 6$/0 144$5&2;? 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*? /2( 07$ (5&2B 144$5&2; 07$5$14= -, T7&' &' 07$ 3)520 144$5&2; 14 $%$5+ S/33/07? 3$'&($ 07$ c120&2)/* 3)520 144$5&2;? /2( 7&' (5&2B 144$5&2;8 -- A2( &2 07$ 3$;&22&2;' 14 +1)5 61207' +$ '7/** 144$5 / 3)520 144$5&2; )201 07$ LORDE 091 +1)2; 3)**1cB'? /2( 12$ 5/6? '$%$2 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5 9&071)0 '@10E -2 A2( 075$$ 0$207 ($/*' 14 4*1)5 415 / 6$/0 144$5&2;? 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*? 415 12$ 3)**1cBE /2( 091 0$207 ($/*' 14 4*1)5 415 / 6$/0 144$5&2;? 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*? 415 12$ 5/6E -3 A2( / '$%$5/* 0$207 ($/* 14 4*1)5 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&* 415 / 6$/0 144$5&2; )201 12$ */63E 415 / 3)520 144$5&2; 14 / '9$$0 '/%1)5? / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ )201 07$ LORD8 -" A2( 07$&5 (5&2B 144$5&2;' '7/** 3$ 7/*4 /2 7&2 14 9&2$ )201 / 3)**1cB? /2( 07$ 07&5( @/50 14 /2 7&2 )201 / 5/6? /2( / 41)507 @/50 14 /2 7&2 )201 / */63= 07&' &' 07$ 3)520 144$5&2; 14 $%$5+ 61207 0751);71)0 07$ 61207' 14 07$ +$/58 -5 A2( 12$ B&( 14 07$ ;1/0' 415 / '&2 144$5&2; )201 07$ LORD '7/** 3$ 144$5$(? 3$'&($ 07$ c120&2)/* 3)520 144$5&2;? /2( 7&' (5&2B 144$5&2;8 -6 A2( &2 07$ 41)50$$207 (/+ 14 07$ 4&5'0 61207 &' 07$ @/''1%$5 14 07$ LORD8 -C A2( &2 07$ 4&40$$207 (/+ 14 07&' 61207 &' 07$ 4$/'0= '$%$2 (/+' '7/** )2*$/%$2$( 35$/( 3$ $/0$28 -> I2 07$ 4&5'0 (/+ '7/** 3$ /2 71*+ c12%1c/0&12E +$ '7/** (1 21 6/22$5 14 '$5%&*$ 915B 07$5$&2= -F B)0 +$ '7/** 144$5 / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ 415 / 3)520 144$5&2; )201 07$ LORDE 091 +1)2; 3)**1cB'? /2( 12$ 5/6? /2( '$%$2 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5= 07$+ '7/** 3$ )201 +1) 9&071)0 3*$6&'7= 2, A2( 07$&5 6$/0 144$5&2; '7/** 3$ 14 4*1)5 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*= 075$$ 0$207 ($/*' '7/** +$ 144$5 415 / 3)**1cB? /2( 091 0$207 ($/*' 415 / 5/6E 2- A '$%$5/* 0$207 ($/* '7/*0 071) 144$5 415 $%$5+ */63? 0751);71)0 07$ '$%$2 */63'= 22 A2( 12$ ;1/0 415 / '&2 144$5&2;? 01 6/B$ /2 /012$6$20 415 +1)8 23 Y$ '7/** 144$5 07$'$ 3$'&($ 07$ 3)520 144$5&2; &2 07$ 6152&2;? 97&c7 &' 415 / c120&2)/*
V$5'$' - < 38 )f we are going to receive last words to pass on from the Lord( then they are important words( and will be at the heart of o r life mission. ,s we read the instr ctions of the Lord here( it will M ic!ly become apparent that this is the case with the words ;oses is given. /efer to the @$@ st dy LEK)$)',L +--E/)EGS( -E,S$S +- )S/,EL. $he festivalNfeasts part of the Law had not been f lly applied in the wilderness #o rney( for they were to be applied in the Promised Land. $he daily or special p rpose sacrifices .most of which had been sed in the wilderness: all pointed to the person and wor! of the coming ;essiah( the Lord &es s 'hrist( b t the -easts of )srael all pointed to a f t re aspect of the plan of God. $he sacrifices prophetically spo!e of the person at the centre of GodHs plan( and the feasts spo!e of the seM ence and content of the Plan. /efer to the @$@ st dy PL,E +- G+A( 'H/)S$ $CPES J ;+SES ,S , $CPE( '+E$/,S$S @E$"EEE ;+SES ,EA 'H/)S$( P,SS+KE/ ,S , $CPE( P/+PHE'C J SEUUEE'E +- EEA $);E EKEE$S. $he first thing that ;oses is rged to remind the )sraelites that they m st do faithf lly( is offer p the daily offerings witho t fail for all of their national life in the land. $hese are the sweet savo r offerings that spea! of the person .;eal +ffering: and the wor! of 'hrist .$he @ rnt +ffering:. $hey are sweet savo r beca se they spea! of the perfection of the provision of the Lord for the sinf l condition of man. + tside the land they are e%c sed for not offering these things daily( for then they are in # dgment and await the LordHs deliverance and restoration( b t in the land( the daily sacrifices are their than!sgiving offering( their recognition of GodHs grace towards them. E5e!iel 84160?69( &ohn 612<?04( 6 Peter 6167? 26. V$5'$' " < 68 $he morning .<am: and the evening .between 0pm: sacrifices were cr cial pointers to the LordHs later wor! pon the 'ross for the nation. $hese sacrifices will form the time frame when the Lord is pon the 'ross. $he wor! of the 'ross is the sweet savo r offering that solves the sin problem of man!ind. $he fine flo r of the ;eal +fferings( mi%ed with beaten oil spea!s of the p rity of the LordHs h manity .fine flo r:( the tested nat re of His life .beaten oil:( and the Holy Spirit empowered nat re of His ministry .the +live +il:. /efer to the @$@ st dies( S,LK,$)+E J S)E( ;,EHS EEEA -+/ S,LK,$)+E( @,//)E/ @E$"EEE ;,E ,EA G+A( ,$+EE;EE$. V$5'$' C < >8 )n addition to the b rnt offering at the morning and evening times( a drin! offering was to be po red o t pon the earth floor of the tabernacle Holy Place. $he M antity is to be a M arter of a hin. , hin is twelve pints( so a M arter is three pints. , pint is >.94= litres( so the amo nt to be po red o t in litres is 6.= litres. $he wine was to be old wine( or the best vintage. )t was to be the best people had that they had given to the priesthood for this se. Gifts were to be given as free will offerings and they were always to be the best the giver had. "hen we give to the LordHs wor! let s ma!e s re that what is given is the best we have. )t was to be an ab ndant drin! offering( with #oy po red o t to the Lord. Ao we praise and give in this mannerL V$5'$' F < -,8 Every Sabbath day the offerings were to be do bled p as a praise offering to the Lord. $he meal offering and the drin! offering were to be the same as for the daily sacrifices( b t two lambs instead of one were to be offered. E%od s 2>17?66( Levitic s 2010. $he Sabbath was not to be a gloomy day( b t a day of re#oicing. Legalism is always life !illing( whereas GodHs p rpose for the Law was to give life to the people thro gh their !eeping of it( and for them to have #oy as they reflected pon the grace it spo!e of. "e see over time that the Law only brings death( beca se man cannot !eep it( b t its standards are still the correct ones( and its teaching is still vital to nderstand( for it all points to 'hrist. Psalms <216?8( )saiah 97160?68( E5e!iel 2>162( /omans 716?8( 6>16?8( 2 'orinthians 016?66( Hebrews =167?29( <12=?6>168. V$5'$' -- < -58 ,t the new moons of each l nar month there were to be additional sacrifices offered. $hey were two yo ng b lls( a ram( seven yearling lambs( and a large meal offering to accompany them. -or the b lloc!s the amo nt of flo r was to be 0N6> of a deal( and for a ram( 2N6> of a deal. $hese were significant offerings( that only a portion of was b rnt( and the rest eaten in #oy by the priesthood. Each Sabbath( and each new moon( was to be a time of feasting and #oy. $he only fire that b rnt food was the altar on the Sabbath( and its smell was a sweet one to the Lord( and for all the people( as they were to remember that the Lord was the God of grace who gave them a wee!ly rest to reflect pon His provisions for them. Every morning they were to reflect pon the LordHs grace( Eew every morning. Psalms 4914( Lamentations 0120.
6. )n the &ewish calendar seven feasts were ordained by God for the &ews to follow and to be a sign to all believers. 2. )n order the feasts were1? a: Passover b: Unleavened @read c: -irst -r its d: Pentecost e: $r mpets f: ,tonement g: $abernacles 0. $HE P,SS+KE/ .Ae teronomy 6416?7( Levitic s 2019: Historically a: $his feast originated on the night when the angel of the Lord passed over the land of Egypt immediately prior to the children of )srael leaving their bondage nder ;oses. b: , male lamb witho t blemish was !illed on the 68th Eisan having been bro ght into the ho se 8 days before( great care being ta!en that not a bone in its body was bro!en. .E%od s 6216?4: c: $he lamb was roasted( eaten with bitter herbs and any portion left was b rnt. .E%od s 621=?6>: d: )n the original Passover the blood of the Lamb was da bed on the doorposts and lintels( any s ch ho se being spared from the last plag e against Egypt. .E%od s 62126?27: ,ll plag es were against the gods of Egypt. e: $he Passover was on the anniversary of the promise to ,braham. .E%od s 62186: - lfilment a: $he sacrificial lamb represents the Lord &es s 'hrist. .6 'orinthians 91=: b: 'hrist died on the 68th Eisan on the cross having entered &er salem( the Holy city 8 days before on the 6>th Eisan. c: "hen the /oman soldiers bro!e the legs of the thieves they fo nd &es s dead so no bone in His body was bro!en. .&ohn 6<102( 00: d: $he roasting of the lamb represents # dgment( the bitter herbs representing sins or fail res. e: $he eating of the lamb represents faith in the wor! of 'hrist i.e. eating and drin!ing at the comm nion table.: f: @y faith in 'hrist we are protected from the final # dgment of God. ./omans 716: ' rrently a: Each time we celebrate the Lord*s s pper we are loo!ing bac! to the cross and the wor! of the Lord &es s 'hrist. .6 'orinthians 66120?24: b: $his co ld also represent salvation to the believer. 8. UELE,KEEEA @/E,A .Levitic s 2014?7: a: $his feast lasted for seven days starting on the 69th Eisan and portrays the provision and fellowship with God. b: $he bread was nleavened d e to the need to leave Egypt with tmost haste. )n addition the wine was witho t leaven or alcohol ? the wine being boiled d ring this feast. $his has been fo nd in 'haldean army instr ctions when it was feared that the &ews co ld revolt d ring the time of nleavened bread if they were served with alcoholic 'haldean beer. c: ,s God can have nothing to do with sin God*s provision is witho t leaven as leaven represents evil in the script res. d: $here are vario s forms of leaven in the @ible1? i: Leaven of the Sadd cees ? h man viewpoint. .;atthew 6414: ii: Leaven of the Pharisees ? rit alism .;ar! 7169: iii: Leaven of Herod ? worldliness .;ar! 7169: iv: Leaven of the 'orinthians ?wantonness.l 'orinthians 914( =: v: Leaven of the Galatians ? legalism .Galatians 91<: e: @read made witho t leaven shows the perfection of 'hrist. .Levitic s 2166: f: $his co ld represent the 'hristian wal! for the believer. g: $he nleavened bread was coo!ed on a griddle which ca sed the bread to have stripes. )t also had holes. @y his stripes we are healed .)saiah 9019: $hey will loo! pon him whom they have pierced..Oechariah 6216>: 9. -)/S$ -/U)$S .Levitic s 201<?68: a: $his feast always occ rred on a S nday and was celebrated on the 6=th Eisan. b: $his feast portrayed the res rrection of 'hrist and occ rred half?way thro gh the feast of Unleavened @read. c: 'hrist is said to be the first fr its of them that sleep. .6 'orinthians 6912>: d: 'hrist rose 0 days after his death on the Passover.
$he &ewish feasts fall into two gro ps3 the first being those associated with Passover in ;arch?,pril( .Passover( -irstfr its( Unleavened @read and Pentecost:( and the second beginning with $r mpets in September .$r mpets( ,tonement( $abernacles:. $hese feast( as we have seen proclaim the prophetic program of God for )srael and the worldHs history. $he first gro p have been prophetically f lfilled with the -irst ,dvent of the Lord &es s 'hrist( and the second gro p will be f lfilled with the Second ,dvent of the Lord. )n the feasts we have the history of redemption portrayed( with )srael and the ch rch both here3 )sraelHs history being related to the two advents of 'hrist( and the 'h rch being inserted by God between the two gro ps of feasts. /efer to the @$@ st dies -E,S$S +- )S/,EL( A)SPEES,$)+E J 'HU/'H ,GE J )E$E/',L,$)+E +/ )ESE/$)+E( P/+PHE'C J A,E)ELHS SEKEE$C "EEGS( SEUUEE'E +- EEA $);ES EKEE$S( 'H/)S$ J -)/S$ ,EA SE'+EA ,AKEE$S. /ead the parallel passage in Levitic s 20120?88. )t may be that we are seeing the start of the -east of $r mpets in o r own day( for the nation )srael is bac! in the land( b t they are still in nbelief in their ;essiah. However( the prophecies of script re and the pict re of this feast day tell s that the A,C will come when the Lord will blow His tr mpet and all His people will rise p and fight as a mighty army( and the remnant of His people will ret rn to the land in spirit al power and living energy. $hat day we await still( for the people are
2F=- A2( &2 07$ '$%$207 61207? 12 07$ 4&5'0 (/+ 14 07$ 61207? +$ '7/** 7/%$ /2 71*+ c12%1c/0&12E +$ '7/** (1 21 '$5%&*$ 915B= &0 &' / (/+ 14 3*19&2; 07$ 05)6@$0' )201 +1)8 2 A2( +$ '7/** 144$5 / 3)520 144$5&2; 415 / '9$$0 '/%1)5 )201 07$ LORDE 12$ +1)2; 3)**1cB? 12$ 5/6? /2( '$%$2 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5 9&071)0 3*$6&'7= 3 A2( 07$&5 6$/0 144$5&2; '7/** 3$ 14 4*1)5 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*? 075$$ 0$207 ($/*' 415 / 3)**1cB? /2( 091 0$207 ($/*' 415 / 5/6? " A2( 12$ 0$207 ($/* 415 12$ */63? 0751);71)0 07$ '$%$2 */63'= 5 A2( 12$ B&( 14 07$ ;1/0' 415 / '&2 144$5&2;? 01 6/B$ /2 /012$6$20 415 +1)= 6 B$'&($ 07$ 3)520 144$5&2; 14 07$ 61207? /2( 7&' 6$/0 144$5&2;? /2( 07$ (/&*+ 3)520 144$5&2;? /2( 7&' 6$/0 144$5&2;? /2( 07$&5 (5&2B 144$5&2;'? /cc15(&2; )201 07$&5 6/22$5? 415 / '9$$0 '/%1)5? / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ )201 07$ LORD8 C A2( +$ '7/** 7/%$ 12 07$ 0$207 (/+ 14 07&' '$%$207 61207 /2 71*+ c12%1c/0&12E /2( +$ '7/** /44*&c0 +1)5 '1)*'= +$ '7/** 210 (1 /2+ 915B 07$5$&2= > B)0 +$ '7/** 144$5 / 3)520 144$5&2; )201 07$ LORD 415 / '9$$0 '/%1)5E 12$ +1)2; 3)**1cB? 12$ 5/6? /2( '$%$2 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5E 07$+ '7/** 3$ )201 +1) 9&071)0 3*$6&'7= F A2( 07$&5 6$/0 144$5&2; '7/** 3$ 14 4*1)5 6&2;*$( 9&07 1&*? 075$$ 0$207 ($/*' 01 / 3)**1cB? /2( 091 0$207 ($/*' 01 12$ 5/6? -, A '$%$5/* 0$207 ($/* 415 12$ */63? 0751);71)0 07$ '$%$2 */63'= -- O2$ B&( 14 07$ ;1/0' 415 / '&2 144$5&2;E 3$'&($ 07$ '&2 144$5&2; 14 /012$6$20? /2( 07$ c120&2)/* 3)520 144$5&2;? /2( 07$ 6$/0 144$5&2; 14 &0? /2( 07$&5 (5&2B 144$5&2;'8 -2 A2( 12 07$ 4&40$$207 (/+ 14 07$ '$%$207 61207 +$ '7/** 7/%$ /2 71*+ c12%1c/0&12E +$ '7/** (1 21 '$5%&*$ 915B? /2( +$ '7/** B$$@ / 4$/'0 )201 07$ LORD '$%$2 (/+'= -3 A2( +$ '7/** 144$5 / 3)520 144$5&2;? / '/c5&4&c$ 6/($ 3+ 4&5$? 14 / '9$$0 '/%1)5 )201 07$ LORDE 07&50$$2 +1)2; 3)**1cB'? 091 5/6'? /2( 41)50$$2 */63' 14 07$ 4&5'0 +$/5E 07$+ '7/** 3$ 9&071)0 3*$6&'7= -" A2( 07$&5 6$/0
V$5'$' - < 68 $he -east of $r mpets comes at the end of the S mmer season aro nd the times of the first harvests. "hen the LordHs $r mpet so nds( the &ewish people awa!e and ret rn to their land( for # dgment( and finally( for blessing. $here is rebirth of the land and the nation and its ret rn to f ll power( b t then after a short time( .ten days:( there is a day of great sorrow and personal reflection for all the &ewish people. $his is the Aay of ,tonement. Kerses =? 66( and Levitic s 20124?02. ,fter another five days( the feast of @oothsN$abernacles occ rs. Kerses 62 J 07( and Levitic s 20100?80. Li!e the -east of Unleavened @read( it also is an eight day feast( with prescribed offerings to be offered p each day. $he -east of $r mpets had only been introd ced in Levitic s( and it is here( at the end of ;oses life that the Lord gives him the final details for itHs act al celebration. )n Levitic s all we have is as follows1 L$%&0&c)' 23=2" S@$/B )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? '/+&2;? I2 07$ '$%$207 61207? &2 07$ 4&5'0 (/+ 14 07$ 61207? '7/** +$ 7/%$ / '/33/07? / 6$615&/* 14 3*19&2; 14 05)6@$0'? /2 71*+ c12%1c/0&128 25 Y$ '7/** (1 21 '$5%&*$ 915B 07$5$&2= 3)0 +$ '7/** 144$5 /2 144$5&2; 6/($ 3+ 4&5$ )201 07$ LORD8 $he -east of $r mpets is introd ced with few words here in Levitic s. )t was to be anno nced by the blowing of a tr mpet .shofar J ramHs horn: as if calling the people to battle. )t was to gather all the people for a holy meeting( and all were e%pected to come. E%od s 2016=( E mbers 2<12?4. ,ll wor! was halted for a great part of this seventh month( in which wo ld also occ r the Aay of ,tonement( and the -east of $abernacles. )t was a month which celebrated the c lmination of the plan of God for )srael. E5e!iel 0=. )t was a month which portrayed the final redemption of the people and their entry into millennial blessings. )n this E mbers passage before s now the Lord has revealed to ;oses the n mber of sacrifices to be offered when they enter the land and celebrate this feast for the first time. Eote the M antities of animals( drin! and meal offerings. , b lloc!( a ram( and seven lambs were to be sacrificed. ,ssociated with these blood sacrifices there were to be offered p also ;eal +fferings( and drin! offerings. $hese were in addition to the normal daily and monthly sacrifices. So the day started with the standard ;orning Sacrifice of a yearly lamb with itHs associated meal and drin! offerings( then the new month sacrifices were offered( 2 b lloc!s( one ram and = yearling sheep( and then the special feast day offerings( were offered of the b lloc!( the ram and the = sheep( with their meal and drin! offerings. $he day ended with the standard evening sacrifice. $hese b rnt offerings spo!e of the perfection of the person and wor! of 'hrist pon the 'ross. )t was a spectacle of blood and fire and nderlined the serio sness of the provision of the Lord for the sins of His people. $he people will be re?gathered to reflect pon this and the Aay of ,tonement spea!s of their brea! thro gh to nderstanding it all.
6. $he 'HU/'H ,GE is not mentioned in the +ld $estament. )t has been inserted later by God. 2. Since the 'h rch is a mystery it was not revealed to +ld $estament writers. .'olossians 6129(24: $he +ld $estament Script res incl de everything s ch as the )ncarnation( the 'ross( the /es rrection( ,scension and Session of &es s 'hrist. $he +ld $estament Script res then s!ip over the 'h rch ,ge to the $rib lation( Second ,dvent and ;illenni m. 0. $herefore all doctrine pertinent to the 'h rch ,ge is intercalated or inserted. 8. Script res in the +ld $estament where the Great Parenthesis occ rs are1 Aaniel 218> and 86 Aaniel =120 and 28 Aaniel <124a and 24b( Aaniel 66109 and 04 )saiah 4612a and 2b $he period of the great parenthesis is a period of the intensified state of the angelic conflict. )t was not incl ded in the +ld $estament Script res beca se it wo ld have conf sed believers of that age. $hey wo ld have been M ite probably envio s of ch rch age benefits s ch as the niversal indwelling of the Holy Spirit( niversal priesthood( indwelling of 'hrist( etc. 9. ,ll believers in the period of intercalation are called into f ll time 'hristian service.
6. +ld $estament saints had diffic lty in disting ishing between the two advents of 'hrist. .6 Peter 616>(66: 2. +ld $estament prophecy has 'hrist coming as a gentle lamb led to the sla ghter. .)saiah 901=: 0. +ld $estament prophecy has 'hrist coming as the conM ering Ging and Lion of the tribe of & dah. .)saiah 6616?62: 8. &es s commenced his ministry anno ncing the Gingdom of Heaven is at hand. .;atthew 816=: $his connects the first and second advents. 9. +ld $estament Prophecy showed that the ;essiah wo ld1? a: be born of a virgin. .)saiah =168: b: be of the tribe of & dah. .Genesis 8<16>: c: be of the ho se of Aavid. .)saiah 6616( &eremiah 00126: d: die as a sacrifice. .)saiah 9016?62: e: be cr cified. .Psalm 2216?26: f: be res rrected from the dead. .Psalm 6417?66: g: ret rn to earth at his second advent. .Oechariah 710: h: be seated at the right hand of God. .Psalm 66>16: 4. )t sho ld be noted that the ret rn of 'hrist for the 'h rch .the /apt re: as given in .6 $hessalonians 8168?67: was not revealed in the +ld $estament ? it is a mystery doctrine of the 'h rch .'olossians 018?4: =. $he day of the Second ,dvent is characterised by s pernat ral dar!ness a: "hen 'hrist ret rns every eye shall see him .;atthew 2812<?0>: 'hrist is the light of the world and he will ret rn to a world covered in dar!ness .symbolic of sin:.
$he Lord also reM ests for ;oses to clarify again the position regarding vows being ta!en. ,s they near the Land of Promise many will feel spirit ally awa!ened and may ta!e a hasty vow to e%press their emotional overflow as they see the c lmination of their parents and their own dreams coming to fr ition. )t is important for all the people to be caref l of vows( and ta!e them only when the Holy Spirit moves pon them( they !now it is the Lords will for them( and they are able to f lfil the vow. "omen are to be protected from the conseM ences of not following thro gh on a vow( and also spirit ally g arded from the conseM ences of a father or h sband over r ling them and not enabling them to !eep the vow. $he Lord wants the leadership of the people to be clear abo t these things and they are spelt o t again by ;oses( to the tribal leaders( before he climbs ;o nt Eebo and dies there. $here are no M iet moments for ;oses before he climbs the mo ntain3 no personal time for him and his wife( if she is still alive. He is nder orders and is to wor! ntil the moment he heads p the hill. $he time for M iet moments is to be in heavenly blessing. $his is o r challenge also. "e are here to wor! for the Lord ntil the end of o r days( and so let s dedicate o rselves to the tas!s He has placed before s( and p t aside o r fears( worries( grief*s and stresses( and press onwards to the pri5eD Philippians 0162?6=( 818?60( 2 $imothy 816?7( 2 Peter 016?67. Let s press on to the final tape in the race of lifeD
NUMBERS 3,=---6
3,=- A2( M1'$' '@/B$ )201 07$ 7$/(' 14 07$ 05&3$' c12c$52&2; 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? '/+&2;? T7&' &' 07$ 07&2; 97&c7 07$ LORD 7/07 c166/2($(8 2 I4 / 6/2 %19 / %19 )201 07$ LORD? 15 '9$/5 /2 1/07 01 3&2( 7&' '1)* 9&07 / 312(E 7$ '7/** 210 35$/B 7&' 915(? 7$ '7/** (1 /cc15(&2; 01 /** 07/0 @51c$$($07 1)0 14 7&' 61)078 3 I4 / 916/2 /*'1 %19 / %19 )201 07$ LORD? /2( 3&2( 7$5'$*4 3+ / 312(? 3$&2; &2 7$5 4/07$5I' 71)'$ &2 7$5 +1)07E " A2( 7$5 4/07$5 7$/5 7$5 %19? /2( 7$5 312( 97$5$9&07 '7$ 7/07 31)2( 7$5 '1)*? /2( 7$5 4/07$5 '7/** 71*( 7&' @$/c$ /0 7$5E 07$2 /** 7$5 %19' '7/** '0/2(? /2( $%$5+ 312( 97$5$9&07 '7$ 7/07 31)2( 7$5 '1)* '7/** '0/2(8 5 B)0 &4 7$5 4/07$5 (&'/**19 7$5 &2 07$ (/+ 07/0 7$ 7$/5$07E 210 /2+ 14 7$5 %19'? 15 14 7$5 312(' 97$5$9&07 '7$ 7/07 31)2( 7$5 '1)*? '7/** '0/2(= /2( 07$ LORD '7/** 415;&%$ 7$5? 3$c/)'$ 7$5 4/07$5 (&'/**19$( 7$58 6 A2( &4 '7$ 7/( /0 /** /2 7)'3/2(? 97$2 '7$ %19$(? 15 )00$5$( 1);70 1)0 14 7$5 *&@'? 97$5$9&07 '7$ 31)2( 7$5 '1)*E C A2( 7$5 7)'3/2( 7$/5( &0? /2( 7$*( 7&' @$/c$ /0 7$5 &2 07$ (/+ 07/0 7$ 7$/5( &0= 07$2 7$5 %19' '7/** '0/2(? /2( 7$5 312(' 97$5$9&07 '7$ 31)2( 7$5 '1)* '7/** '0/2(8 > B)0 &4 7$5 7)'3/2( (&'/**19$( 7$5 12 07$ (/+ 07/0 7$ 7$/5( &0E 07$2 7$ '7/** 6/B$ 7$5 %19 97&c7 '7$ %19$(? /2( 07/0 97&c7 '7$ )00$5$( 9&07 7$5 *&@'? 97$5$9&07 '7$ 31)2( 7$5 '1)*? 14 212$ $44$c0= /2( 07$ LORD '7/** 415;&%$ 7$58 F B)0 $%$5+ %19 14 / 9&(19? /2( 14 7$5 07/0 &' (&%15c$(? 97$5$9&07 07$+ 7/%$ 31)2( 07$&5 '1)*'? '7/** '0/2( /;/&2'0 7$58 -, A2( &4 '7$ %19$( &2 7$5 7)'3/2(I' 71)'$? 15 31)2( 7$5 '1)* 3+ / 312( 9&07 /2 1/07E -- A2( 7$5 7)'3/2( 7$/5( &0? /2( 7$*( 7&' @$/c$ /0 7$5? /2( (&'/**19$( 7$5 210= 07$2 /** 7$5 %19' '7/** '0/2(? /2( $%$5+ 312( 97$5$9&07 '7$ 31)2( 7$5 '1)* '7/** '0/2(8 -2 B)0 &4 7$5 7)'3/2( 7/07 )00$5*+ 6/($ 07$6 %1&( 12 07$ (/+ 7$ 7$/5( 07$6E 07$2 97/0'1$%$5 @51c$$($( 1)0 14 7$5 *&@' c12c$52&2; 7$5 %19'? 15 c12c$52&2; 07$ 312( 14 7$5 '1)*? '7/** 210 '0/2(= 7$5 7)'3/2( 7/07 6/($ 07$6 %1&(E /2( 07$ LORD '7/** 415;&%$ 7$58 -3 E%$5+ %19? /2( $%$5+ 3&2(&2; 1/07 01 /44*&c0 07$ '1)*? 7$5 7)'3/2( 6/+ $'0/3*&'7 &0? 15 7$5 7)'3/2( 6/+ 6/B$ &0 %1&(8 -" B)0 &4 7$5 7)'3/2( /*01;$07$5 71*( 7&' @$/c$ /0 7$5 4516 (/+ 01 (/+E 07$2 7$ $'0/3*&'7$07 /** 7$5 %19'? 15 /** 7$5 312('? 97&c7 /5$ )@12 7$5= 7$ c124&56$07 07$6? 3$c/)'$ 7$ 7$*( 7&' @$/c$ /0 7$5 &2 07$ (/+ 07/0 7$ 7$/5( 07$68 -5 B)0 &4 7$ '7/** /2+ 9/+' 6/B$ 07$6 %1&( /40$5 07/0 7$ 7/07 7$/5( 07$6E 07$2 7$ '7/** 3$/5 7$5 &2&L)&0+8 -6 T7$'$ /5$ 07$ '0/0)0$'? 97&c7 07$ LORD c166/2($( M1'$'? 3$09$$2 / 6/2 /2( 7&' 9&4$? 3$09$$2 07$ 4/07$5 /2( 7&' (/);70$5? 3$&2; +$0 &2 7$5 +1)07 &2 7$5 4/07$5I' 71)'$8
;oses !nows he is to die soon( b t as we have seen( the Lord has given him a lot of ho se !eeping d ties to complete before he goes p ;o nt Eebo to die( and this chapter records the last ma#or one of them. $he ;idianites were the main instigators of the plot to destroy )srael by sing se% al and religio s promisc ity nder the leadership of their prophet @alaam. $he ;oabites were the people with the money who paid for @alaamHs services and cons ltancy( b t it was ;idian who apparently provided most of the women for the planHs e%ec tion. $he tribes of the ;idianites who are involved in this are now close by to where )srael is encamped on the plain of ;oab. $hey do not appear to be closely related to the family of ;oses father in law( and may have been active enemies of )srael for some time. E%od s 2169?22. $he land of ;idian covers all of what is now &ordan and Sa di ,rabia and so there are large n mbers of tribes here and it is the local ones that are targeted for # dgment here. )t wo ld appear that these hostile ;idianites have moved closer to )srael in the last months hoping for the collapse of )sraelHs morale and the opport nity for pl nder. $hey are now camped in the hill co ntry above )sraelHs camp on the plains. $hese tribes are tr ly bandits of the desert and will !ill and steal from )srael( and may have attac!ed them on their march before. E mbers 2>?22. $he orders ;oses will give are severe towards these people( even to the !illing of all the males and all girls who have entered into se% al relationships. Please reserve # dgment pon ;oses actions ntil we get to st dy these verses. ;oses had lived amongst these people for forty years and he nderstood their c lt re and their m lti?generational blood fe ds and vendettas. His orders are the only ones that can be given regarding these people to save the ne%t generation of )sraelites from attac! or m rder in their homes.
NUMBERS 3-=--5"
3-=- A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? '/+&2;?2 A%$2;$ 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* 14 07$ M&(&/2&0$'= /40$59/5( '7/*0 071) 3$ ;/07$5$( )201 07+ @$1@*$8 3 A2( M1'$' '@/B$ )201 07$ @$1@*$? '/+&2;? A56 '16$ 14 +1)5'$*%$' )201 07$ 9/5? /2( *$0 07$6 ;1 /;/&2'0 07$ M&(&/2&0$'? /2( /%$2;$ 07$ LORD 14 M&(&/28 " O4 $%$5+ 05&3$ / 071)'/2(? 0751);71)0 /** 07$ 05&3$' 14 I'5/$*? '7/** +$ '$2( 01 07$ 9/58 5 S1 07$5$ 9$5$ ($*&%$5$( 1)0 14 07$ 071)'/2(' 14 I'5/$*? / 071)'/2( 14 $%$5+ 05&3$? 09$*%$ 071)'/2( /56$( 415 9/58 6 A2( M1'$' '$20 07$6 01 07$ 9/5? / 071)'/2( 14 $%$5+ 05&3$? 07$6 /2( P7&2$7/' 07$ '12 14 E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? 01 07$ 9/5? 9&07 07$ 71*+ &2'05)6$20'? /2( 07$ 05)6@$0' 01 3*19 &2 7&' 7/2(8 C A2( 07$+ 9/55$( /;/&2'0 07$ M&(&/2&0$'? /' 07$ LORD c166/2($( M1'$'E /2( 07$+ '*$9 /** 07$ 6/*$'8 > A2( 07$+ '*$9 07$ B&2;' 14 M&(&/2? 3$'&($ 07$ 5$'0 14 07$6 07/0 9$5$ '*/&2E 2/6$*+? E%&? /2( R$B$6? /2( G)5? /2( H)5? /2( R$3/? 4&%$ B&2;' 14 M&(&/2= B/*//6 /*'1 07$ '12 14 B$15 07$+ '*$9 9&07 07$ '915(8 F A2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* 011B /** 07$ 916$2 14 M&(&/2 c/@0&%$'? /2( 07$&5 *&00*$ 12$'? /2( 011B 07$ '@1&* 14 /** 07$&5 c/00*$? /2( /** 07$&5 4*1cB'? /2( /** 07$&5 ;11('8 -, A2( 07$+ 3)520 /** 07$&5 c&0&$' 97$5$&2 07$+ (9$*0? /2( /** 07$&5 ;11(*+ c/'0*$'? 9&07 4&5$8 -- A2( 07$+ 011B /** 07$ '@1&*? /2( /** 07$ @5$+? 3107 14 6$2 /2( 14 3$/'0'8 -2 A2( 07$+ 351);70 07$ c/@0&%$'? /2( 07$ @5$+? /2( 07$ '@1&*? )201 M1'$'? /2( E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? /2( )201 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? )201 07$ c/6@ /0 07$ @*/&2' 14 M1/3? 97&c7 /5$ 3+ J15(/2 2$/5 J$5&c718 -3 A2( M1'$'? /2( E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? /2( /** 07$ @5&2c$' 14 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? 9$20 41507 01 6$$0 07$6 9&071)0 07$ c/6@8 -" A2( M1'$' 9/' 95107 9&07 07$ 144&c$5' 14 07$ 71'0? 9&07 07$ c/@0/&2' 1%$5 071)'/2('? /2( c/@0/&2' 1%$5 7)2(5$('? 97&c7 c/6$ 4516 07$ 3/00*$8 -5 A2( M1'$' '/&( )201 07$6? H/%$ +$ '/%$( /** 07$ 916$2 /*&%$. -6 B$71*(? 07$'$ c/)'$( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 0751);7 07$ c1)2'$* 14 B/*//6? 01 c166&0 05$'@/'' /;/&2'0 07$ LORD &2 07$ 6/00$5 14 P$15? /2( 07$5$ 9/' / @*/;)$ /612; 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 14 07$ LORD8 -C N19 07$5$415$ B&** $%$5+ 6/*$ /612; 07$ *&00*$ 12$'? /2( B&** $%$5+ 916/2 07/0 7/07 B2192 6/2 3+ *+&2; 9&07
V$5'$' - < 68 ;oses responds to the LordHs command immediately and spea!s to all the people rging them to arm( and calls to the leaders of the tribes to separate o t a small army for a p nitive e%pedition. Eow remember the n mbers here are scrambled by the LFF g esses at the fig res that have fo nd their way into o r English @ibles. $his stri!e army may be twelve h ndred men rather than twelve tho sand men. )t is going to be a small detachment( drawn from all the )sraelite tribes( b t small eno gh to infiltrate enemy lines witho t the alarm being given. $he b l! of the )sraelite ,rmy is to be left behind and all the men left behind are to be armed at all times in the camp once the e%pedition leaves camp. $his small p nitive army will head o t M ietly( and secretly and systematically attac! the ;idianite camps and destroy them( sei5ing their animals. $he rest of the people will remain in their camp( b t m st be ready to defend the camp from raiders. )t is clear to ;oses that nless they obey the Lord and stri!e at the ;idianites M ic!ly( secretly( and r thlessly( that they will be attac!ed by a combined ;idianite?;oabites army that will o tn mber their total army. $his is the reason for a small( fast moving stri!e force to hit the enemy camps singly( before they can #oin together in an over whelming army. $his is why the attac! is to annihilate the ad lts in every camp so that none can warn the ne%t. $he force is large eno gh to overwhelm each individ al camp by M ic!ly s rro nding them so that none can escape. $he attac! is la nched that day and so they do not give the enemy time to prepare and plan. Aelay is often fatal in military matters. )t will go with spirit al a thority( in the presence of the ne%t High Priest Phinehas( who will have the Levites to carry the ,r! into the battle area each time( and will personally so nd the shofar for the attac! in each place and will stand by the ,r! in each battle. $here will be many small battles for this stri!e force( and they will lie low between them so as to have s rprise in each place.
6. "ealth may be in the form of money( gold or silver( goods or land. "ealth is always relative to the val es within a society. "hat is wealthy within a poor c lt re is poor within a more wealthy c lt re. "hat individ als feel is wealthy will differ from person to person3 some will never feel they are wealthy eno gh. $he believer is rged to be content with what he has received( in his position( from the Lord. 6 $imothy 414?6>( Philippians 8166?60( Hebrews 6019?4. 2. ;oney has a legitimate f nction( and wealth generally is( li!e money( a ne tral thing3 something to be sed to facilitate daily life. ;oney and goods are sed to pay ta%es( b y goods needed for the family( and give towards the Lord*s wor! in the ch rch. ;oney is not evil. Genesis 2<10( &eremiah 02188( . ;oney and goods are sed for ta%ation( ;atthew 2216=?22( L !e 2>12>?24.
$he leaders of two of the tribes have been thin!ing for some time abo t the fertility of the land stretching from the Carm ! /iver thro gh to the &abbo! and down to the ,rnon. )t is great cattle co ntry and they desire it for themselves straight away. $hey see it and identify that there cannot be any better land than this for their settlement. Eow pa se and thin! here( for they have been told to enter the land of promise and this is apparently not in the land of promise as far as ;oses thin!s at this point( yet it is covered by the promise to ,braham. Genesis 60168?69. $his land will be part of )srael for many years( b t these tribes will lose their ten re here over time. @y &es s day the area is still !nown generally as the Kale of Gilead( b t in the north it has become by that day the Gentile controlled Aecapolis( and in the so th( the !ingdom of Peraea. +f all the tribes( only & dah will hold all itHs land intact thro gh the years to the LordHs day. ,ll the tribes have lost their ten re since =>,A and the &ewish people live now where?ever they can. )n the ;illennial Gingdom the bo ndaries that we will see drawn by the Lord for &osh a and Elea5ar to divide( E mbers 08( will be f rther e%panded and redrawn( E5e!iel 87( and each tribe will have itHs allotted space for the tho sand years of plenty at that last glorio s age of man pon the earth. )t is of note that in that time the land of promises stretches from north of Aamasc s to the Sinai( and the LordHs portion .the portion for the Prince: will be the Kale of Gilead that is being as!ed for here. "e will note in E mbers 08 that the bo ndaries that the Lord sets o t for the land are more e%tensive than )srael ever held( e%cept for the days of Aavid and Solomon. /efer to the E@'", boo! st dy on EOEG)EL 87.
NUMBERS 32=--"2
32=- N19 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 R$)3$2 /2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 G/( 7/( / %$5+ ;5$/0 6)*0&0)($ 14 c/00*$= /2( 97$2 07$+ '/9 07$ */2( 14 J/D$5? /2( 07$ */2( 14 G&*$/(? 07/0? 3$71*(? 07$ @*/c$ 9/' / @*/c$ 415 c/00*$E 2 T7$ c7&*(5$2 14 G/( /2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 R$)3$2 c/6$ /2( '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? /2( 01 E*$/D/5 07$ @5&$'0? /2( )201 07$ @5&2c$' 14 07$ c12;5$;/0&12? '/+&2;? 3 A0/5107? /2( D&312? /2( J/D$5? /2( N&65/7? /2( H$'7312? /2( E*$/*$7? /2( S7$3/6? /2( N$31? /2( B$12? " E%$2 07$ c1)205+ 97&c7 07$ LORD '610$ 3$415$ 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 14 I'5/$*? &' / */2( 415 c/00*$? /2( 07+ '$5%/20' 7/%$ c/00*$= 5 W7$5$415$? '/&( 07$+? &4 9$ 7/%$ 41)2( ;5/c$ &2 07+ '&;70? *$0 07&' */2( 3$ ;&%$2 )201 07+ '$5%/20' 415 / @1''$''&12? /2( 35&2; )' 210 1%$5 J15(/28 6 A2( M1'$' '/&( )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 G/( /2( 01 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 R$)3$2? S7/** +1)5 35$075$2 ;1 01 9/5? /2( '7/** +$ '&0 7$5$. C A2( 97$5$415$ (&'c1)5/;$ +$ 07$ 7$/50 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* 4516 ;1&2; 1%$5 &201 07$ */2( 97&c7 07$ LORD 7/07 ;&%$2 07$6. > T7)' (&( +1)5 4/07$5'? 97$2 I '$20 07$6 4516 !/($'7 B/52$/ 01 '$$ 07$ */2(8 F F15 97$2 07$+ 9$20 )@ )201 07$ %/**$+ 14 E'7c1*? /2( '/9 07$ */2(? 07$+ (&'c1)5/;$( 07$ 7$/50 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 07/0 07$+ '71)*( 210 ;1 &201 07$ */2( 97&c7 07$ LORD 7/( ;&%$2 07$68 -, A2( 07$ LORDI' /2;$5 9/' B&2(*$( 07$ '/6$ 0&6$? /2( 7$ '9/5$? '/+&2;? -- S)5$*+ 212$ 14 07$ 6$2 07/0 c/6$ )@ 1)0 14 E;+@0? 4516 09$20+ +$/5' 1*( /2( )@9/5(? '7/** '$$ 07$ */2( 97&c7 I '9/5$ )201 A35/7/6? )201 I'//c? /2( )201 J/c13E 3$c/)'$ 07$+ 7/%$ 210 971**+ 41**19$( 6$= -2 S/%$ C/*$3 07$ '12 14 J$@7)22$7 07$ !$2$D&0$? /2( J1'7)/ 07$ '12 14 N)2= 415 07$+ 7/%$ 971**+ 41**19$( 07$ LORD8 -3 A2( 07$ LORDI' /2;$5 9/' B&2(*$( /;/&2'0 I'5/$*? /2( 7$ 6/($ 07$6 9/2($5 &2 07$ 9&*($52$'' 4150+ +$/5'? )20&* /** 07$ ;$2$5/0&12? 07/0 7/( (12$ $%&* &2 07$ '&;70 14 07$ LORD? 9/' c12')6$(8 -" A2(? 3$71*(? +$ /5$ 5&'$2 )@ &2 +1)5 4/07$5'I '0$/(? /2 &2c5$/'$ 14 '&24)* 6$2? 01 /);6$20 +$0 07$ 4&$5c$ /2;$5 14
V$5'$' - < 58 $hese tribes had been cattle breeders from before their days in Egypt( and their ancestors had been wor!ing in this area of e%pertise in Egypt( and thro gh the wilderness years. $hey have amassed a significant herd of cattle in these years. $his is f rther evidence of the fertility of the ,rabian Penins la thro gh this time. )t was not desert then( b t pastoral land that has enabled these two tribes to b ild ma#or herds of cattle. Genesis 84106?08( 8=16?8( 2=( E%od s 62106?04. $hey clearly felt well able to deal with the ;idianites as well as the ;oabites on this side of the &ordan( for they as! for towns that are in the area from the Carm ! to ,rnon /ivers. $hey m st be ready to hold this land and its fortified towns and villages by force of arms( and they clearly feel they are able to. V$5'$' 6 < -28 ;oses is immediately s spicio s of these men and their motivation and fears the worst with their s ggestion. He is concerned that they will desert their fellow tribes in the invasion and stay comfortably on this side of &ordan and leave the fighting to the others. ;oses sees in this a sinf l and evil la5iness. ;any( if not most commentators agree with ;oses assessment( and ) also did ntil ) st died E5e!iel 87. $his area is clearly incl ded in the land promised to ,braham( is settled by them thro gho t the days of Aavid and Solomon( and becomes their own again in the ;illenni m. $hey cannot be wrong in as!ing for this therefore( b t the Lord needs to be cons lted and so far ;oses has not stopped and prayed abo t this iss e. ;oses is being g ided by his emotion and that is always an inadeM ate g ide. ;oses wants all the tribes to cross the &ordan /iver together and all fight for each otherHs land( so that all feel the !inship bond to s pport each other. ;oses wants to bind the nation together and so he sees this reM est by these two tribes as an attempt to divide them and ta!e away 6N4 th of the army. He immediately sees in their attempt to stay in the Kale of Gilead a repeat performance of their parentHs behavio rs at Gadesh @arnea. He fears they have lost co rage for the attac! pon the land itself. $he tribal spies of these two tribes led the rebellion that led to the 8> years wanderingD ;oses fears that these two tribes not going with them will lead to others losing co rage and staying on this side of &ordan. Eow his fears are real b t gro ndless( and li!e too many of s he is # mping to a concl sion witho t as!ing the Lord for g idance. God was angry then with their fathers( b t the M estion remains open as to whether the Lord will be angry with their sons here. ;oses has not stopped to as! yetD V$5'$' -3 < -58 ;oses sees this reM est as the start of potentially the worst challenge to his leadership that he has ever faced( and as he is going to head p ;t Eebo and die within days of these events( he is over wro ght with worry abo t the iss es behind their reM est. He sees this as potentially opening the people of )srael to divine # dgment that will end their right to the land itself. Eow ;oses has really gone beyond the facts here( and there is a wonderf l lesson here for s to learn. "e often # mp to a concl sion and are already well down the road of catastrophe with o r
;oses was a caref l recorder of places and events. ,s we go thro gh this chapter we will see how few places they camped at thro gh the forty years in the ,rabian pastoral lands. $he b l! of the place names refer to camping areas( by the events that occ r there( or a prominent geographical feat re( and a few appear to be old names sed by the locals. )t appears they were able to stay for several years in most places( moving probably only after negotiation with ;idianite tribes( .be those negotiations with or witho t swords drawnD:. +nce again we are confronted by the fact of a very different climate to that of today( and one which enables them to feed over 6>>(>>> animals aro nd their camp site. ,s we have seen( the cattle ranching tribes of the previo s chapter have act ally b ilt p their herds thro gh this period( and they are large and well no rished( well ahead of any additions from the defeated ;idianites. ;ost of the places we will see here are nable to be identified( as these places are now in desert lands and their temporary settlements from this time are well and tr ly b ried by the sands of time. $heir place name meanings will be interesting however.
NUMBERS 33=--56
33=- T7$'$ /5$ 07$ A1)52$+' 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 97&c7 9$20 41507 1)0 14 07$ */2( 14 E;+@0 9&07 07$&5 /56&$' )2($5 07$ 7/2( 14 M1'$' /2( A/5128 2 A2( M1'$' 9510$ 07$&5 ;1&2;' 1)0 /cc15(&2; 01 07$&5 A1)52$+' 3+ 07$ c166/2(6$20 14 07$ LORD= /2( 07$'$ /5$ 07$&5 A1)52$+' /cc15(&2; 01 07$&5 ;1&2;' 1)08 3 A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 R/6$'$' &2 07$ 4&5'0 61207? 12 07$ 4&40$$207 (/+ 14 07$ 4&5'0 61207E 12 07$ 615519 /40$5 07$ @/''1%$5 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* 9$20 1)0 9&07 /2 7&;7 7/2( &2 07$ '&;70 14 /** 07$ E;+@0&/2'8 " F15 07$ E;+@0&/2' 3)5&$( /** 07$&5 4&5'03152? 97&c7 07$ LORD 7/( '6&00$2 /612; 07$6= )@12 07$&5 ;1(' /*'1 07$ LORD $H$c)0$( A)(;6$20'8 5 A2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$* 5$61%$( 4516 R/6$'$'? /2( @&0c7$( &2 S)cc1078 6 A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 S)cc107? /2( @&0c7$( &2 E07/6? 97&c7 &' &2 07$ $(;$ 14 07$ 9&*($52$''8 C A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 E07/6? /2( 0)52$( /;/&2 )201 P&7/7&5107? 97&c7 &' 3$415$ B//*D$@712= /2( 07$+ @&0c7$( 3$415$ M&;(1*8 > A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 3$415$ P&7/7&5107? /2( @/''$( 0751);7 07$ 6&('0 14 07$ '$/ &201 07$ 9&*($52$''? /2( 9$20 075$$ (/+'I A1)52$+ &2 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 E07/6? /2( @&0c7$( &2 M/5/78 F A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 M/5/7? /2( c/6$ )201 E*&6= /2( &2 E*&6 9$5$ 09$*%$ 41)20/&2' 14 9/0$5? /2( 075$$'c15$ /2( 0$2 @/*6 05$$'E /2( 07$+ @&0c7$( 07$5$8 -, A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 E*&6? /2( $2c/6@$( 3+ 07$ R$( '$/8 -- A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 07$ R$( '$/? /2( $2c/6@$( &2 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 S&28 -2 A2( 07$+ 011B 07$&5 A1)52$+ 1)0 14 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 S&2? /2( $2c/6@$( &2 D1@7B/78 -3 A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 D1@7B/7? /2( $2c/6@$( &2 A*)'78 -" A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 A*)'7? /2( $2c/6@$( /0 R$@7&(&6? 97$5$ 9/' 21 9/0$5 415 07$ @$1@*$ 01 (5&2B8 -5 A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 R$@7&(&6? /2( @&0c7$( &2 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 S&2/&8 -6 A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 07$ ($'$50 14 S&2/&? /2( @&0c7$( /0 !&351077/00//%/78 -C A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 !&351077/00//%/7? /2( $2c/6@$( /0 H/D$51078 -> A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 H/D$5107? /2( @&0c7$( &2 R&076/78 -F A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 R&076/7? /2( @&0c7$( /0 R&6612@/5$D8 2, A2( 07$+ ($@/50$( 4516 R&6612@/5$D? /2( @&0c7$( &2 L&32/78 2- A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 L&32/7? /2( @&0c7$( /0 R&''/78 22 A2( 07$+ A1)52$+$( 4516 R&''/7? /2( @&0c7$( &2 !$7$*/07/78 23 A2( 07$+ 9$20 4516 !$7$*/07/7? /2( @&0c7$( &2 61)20 S7/@7$58 2" A2( 07$+ 5$61%$( 4516 61)20 S7/@7$5? /2( $2c/6@$( &2 H/5/(/78 25 A2( 07$+ 5$61%$(
V$5'$' - < 28 $hese verses introd ce a record that reads as if it has come straight from a #o rnal !ept thro gh the wilderness years. )t reads in the third person .they #o rneyed: b t that does not mean it was written by someone other than ;oses or &osh a. /ead &osh aHs own ending of his acco nt of the conM est in &osh a 2812ff. $here are many similarities and ) s spect that this chapter may have been written by &osh a as a s mmary of the wilderness march from ;oses #o rnal( in which he recorded all these details. ,s we go thro gh this chapter ) will comment pon the meanings of the place names( b t we will be able to identify few of these places. Some however will be sef l and will shed some light on the disc ssion we had in E mbers 2>?28 abo t their ro te bac! into the land from the wilderness of Oin aro nd Gadesh bac! thro gh ;oab to the plains opposite &ericho. ) s spect it is &osh a editing ;oses acco nt( and he pays trib te to ;oses and ,aron as the leaders. @oth men are all too h man in their failings( b t they hono r the Lord in their wor!( and both die in the LordHs arms. @oth men remind s( we do not have to be perfect( b t we do have to be obedient( or repentant. V$5'$' 3 < 68 $he record here provides some time lines to assist s and the place names that at this point can assist s. $ rn bac! to E%od s and read the following passages and st dy the E@'", 'ommentary on them. E%od s 6210=( 6012>?22( 6816?<. Eotice the words of this acco nt( for they identify that it was the total chaos in the land of Egypt as the Egyptians were b rying their first born .E%od s 6212<?0>: that enabled the )sraelites to escape completely and get several days #o rney on their escape( and organi5e their campsite on the edge of the desert facing the Egyptian frontier fortresses. $he very recent e%cavation of one of these fortresses tells s that there was no way thro gh this fortress line nless they attac!ed them. $he Lord had not provided them with weapons and so there was no way thro gh the fortresses by military might( for the )sraelites had none. $hey were e%?slaves living nder canvas and barely organi5ed into their tribal gro ps( not yet f nctioning as a people( let alone an army. $hey were in a hopeless place with the desert in front of them( the grieving enemy behind them( and across the desert a line of fortresses between them and the Sinai Penins la. $he only gap in the fortress line was covered by the waters of the Cam S f .the /eedy Sea:. V$5'$' C --,8 /ead again my commentary on the drama covered by E%od s 6816?<. God leads them into a place that loo!s li!e a total trap. ;oses has been a great general for Egypt in his yo th and the Lord ta!es him into gro nd that he cannot win from witho t divine deliverance. $he place of their camp is only protected by the literal presence of the Lord in the form of the clo dy pillar of fire. $hey were pitched in their tents right in the midst of the great frontier forts( pac!ed with forces of the Egyptian ,rmy. PharaohHs ready reaction force of at least 4>>> cavalry and chariot forces were behind them( poised to destroy them. Every man of the Egyptian ,rmy had lost his oldest son and n rsed deep hatred towards the people that had ca sed the # dgments to come pon Egypt. $he Egyptians were filled with rage and the desire for vengeance( and the )sraelites were witho t any weapons to fight( and witho t the training that wo ld later ma!e them to gh warriors. )n a wonderf l
$he borders of the land are now spelt o t for ;oses and the people to nderstand the parameters of the tas!( and attempt to sei5e the areas referred to. $hey will fail to do so and most liberal commentators see this fail re as evidence that these borders are simply those of the Aavidic and Solomonic Empire from 6>>>?<29@' and are therefore simply an interpolation made by the redactor of that day. $he liberal arg es that there was no real e%od s at all and that ;oses is an invention of the days of the !ings to e%plain their conM ests of their neighbo rs and give divine sanction to them. $hey arg e that all the people and places here are fictional or part of a national mythic history. ,s we enter this chapter let s reali5e that the enemyHs attac!s on these details indicates some serio s significance for this chapter. Let s go slowly thro gh a chapter that others will M ic!ly s!ip thro gh. ) believe ;oses wrote this( and that the fail re of the )sraelites to sei5e all the land was a factor of their desire for an easy life in 'anaan( whereby they settled for what they felt they co ld hold by military force( rather than sei5ing it all by faith( and waiting for the Lord to prosper their ne%t generations to fill the land with armed believers. $his first generation is not n mero s eno gh to hold the land( b t if they have many children the ne%t one will be. $hey are called to act boldly and so sec re the destiny of the ne%t generation. Ao we sei5e the vision the Lord has given( and ta!e the ob#ectives( witho t worrying abo t how we will hold themL $he Lord as!s s to step o t and sei5e the vision He has given s( and leave the provision of the s pplies( and people to hold the land as a matter for prayer( once the ob#ective has been ta!en. $his is the opposite of normal military logic( and it is the faith?rest thin!ing the Lord calls s to. "e are to wal! by faith( not by sightD Let s see # st how large the Promised Land is( for it ta!es in m ch of what is now Syria and &ordan.
3"=- A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? '/+&2;? 2 C166/2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? /2( '/+ )201 07$6? W7$2 +$ c16$ &201 07$ */2( 14 C/2//2E (07&' &' 07$ */2( 07/0 '7/** 4/** )201 +1) 415 /2 &27$5&0/2c$? $%$2 07$ */2( 14 C/2//2 9&07 07$ c1/'0' 07$5$14=) 3 T7$2 +1)5 '1)07 L)/50$5 '7/** 3$ 4516 07$ 9&*($52$'' 14 G&2 /*12; 3+ 07$ c1/'0 14 E(16? /2( +1)5 '1)07 315($5 '7/** 3$ 07$ 1)061'0 c1/'0 14 07$ '/*0 '$/ $/'09/5(= " A2( +1)5 315($5 '7/** 0)52 4516 07$ '1)07 01 07$ /'c$20 14 AB5/33&6? /2( @/'' 12 01 G&2= /2( 07$ ;1&2; 41507 07$5$14 '7/** 3$ 4516 07$ '1)07 01 !/($'73/52$/? /2( '7/** ;1 12 01 H/D/5/((/5? /2( @/'' 12 01 AD612= 5 A2( 07$ 315($5 '7/** 4$0c7 / c16@/'' 4516 AD612 )201 07$ 5&%$5 14 E;+@0? /2( 07$ ;1&2;' 1)0 14 &0 '7/** 3$ /0 07$ '$/8 6 A2( /' 415 07$ 9$'0$52 315($5? +$ '7/** $%$2 7/%$ 07$ ;5$/0 '$/ 415 / 315($5= 07&' '7/** 3$ +1)5 9$'0 315($58 C A2( 07&' '7/** 3$ +1)5 21507 315($5= 4516 07$ ;5$/0 '$/ +$ '7/** @1&20 1)0 415 +1) 61)20 H15= > F516 61)20 H15 +$ '7/** @1&20 1)0 +1)5 315($5 )201 07$ $205/2c$ 14 H/6/07E /2( 07$ ;1&2;' 41507 14 07$ 315($5 '7/** 3$ 01 G$(/(= F A2( 07$ 315($5 '7/** ;1 12 01 G&@7512? /2( 07$ ;1&2;' 1)0 14 &0 '7/** 3$ /0 H/D/5$2/2= 07&' '7/** 3$ +1)5 21507 315($58 -, A2( +$ '7/** @1&20 1)0 +1)5 $/'0 315($5 4516 H/D/5$2/2 01 S7$@7/6= -- A2( 07$ c1/'0 '7/** ;1 (192 4516 S7$@7/6 01 R&3*/7? 12 07$ $/'0 '&($ 14 A&2E /2( 07$ 315($5 '7/** ($'c$2(? /2( '7/** 5$/c7 )201 07$ '&($ 14 07$ '$/ 14 C7&22$5$07 $/'09/5(= -2 A2( 07$ 315($5 '7/** ;1 (192 01 J15(/2? /2( 07$ ;1&2;' 1)0 14 &0 '7/** 3$ /0 07$ '/*0 '$/= 07&' '7/** 3$ +1)5 */2( 9&07 07$ c1/'0' 07$5$14 51)2( /31)08 -3 A2( M1'$' c166/2($( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14
V$5'$' - < 28 $he land of 'anaan is to be their inheritance from the Lord. $he Lord tells ;oses that the land is to be given to them by Himself. $he Lord holds ten re of all the lands and He has now given this land to them and He sets their bo ndaries( not any man. "hat we will see is that these bo ndaries are different than those of Aavid and SolomonHs day and will differ again from those in E5e!iel 87 which describe the ;illennial bo ndaries. $he differences here prove to me these are ;oses revelation and are not the wor! of any redactor of the days of the !ings. V$5'$' 3 < C8 $he so thern and western borders are reasonably easy to identify today( even tho gh a co ple of the geographical mar!ers are no longer !nown with precision. $he direction described is from the so th to the west( to the north and lastly the east. $his is opposite from the way we wo ld describe things( b t begins from the Egyptian frontier( as it was their depart re from that nation that defined them as a nation. $he western bo ndary is the ;editerranean Sea and so that is easily comprehended( and with these two clear bo ndaries in place the ne%t compass directions can be drawn in sing towns and mo ntains that were well !nown in that day. $he so thern bo ndary begins from the Eastern shore of the Aead Sea along to the so thern end of the Aead Sea( then along the ,scent of ,!rabbim ."adi -i!reh( or "adi ; rreh: towards Gadesh @arnea. -rom there it heads across the then open pastoral lands( .now desert:( to the /iver of Egypt that enters the ;editerranean 7> !ilometres so th of Ga5a. $he towns or places( Ha5araddar .is this He5ronL:( and ,5mon .is this ,darL: are on the path traced from Gadesh to the sea. $he act al identity of these places is in disp te b t they will be r ins on the line that is drawn here down the wadiHsNvalleys and rivers of the area. $he western bo ndary is the sea p as far as ;o nt Hor. Eow there m st be some te%t al corr ption that has crept in at this point( for the ;t Hor we have met already is on the border of Edom and is where ,aron died. )s this a reference to a mo ntain li!e Hor( possibly HermonL )s it Aor( close by what is now !nown as ;t 'armelL "e simply do not !now at this distance( b t the end of the western bo ndary apparently gets itHs bearing to c t inland from either 'armel or ;t Hermon( and then c ts p the line of the rivers valleys of the Leontes .Litani:( and +rontes( to end at the northerly point of Hamath. $he area of Phoenicia( now Lebanon is not incl ded in the bo ndary of the land given to ;oses by God( b t it will be part of the land when the ;illennial Gingdom dawns. V$5'$' > < F8 Having noted above the possible far north point( the northern bo ndary is far less certain and this ncertainty is( ) believe( evidence for an older date by at least five cent ries from Aavid and SolomonHs day. Had this passage been written or even corrected in SolomonHs day then the redactor wo ld have made s re it read as the then modern border( th s giving divine sanction to SolomonHs conM ests. Eo s ch thing has occ rred and we are left with great conf sion abo t the border here and to the east. Even the great commentators Geil and Aelit5sch( state( Eow it is impossible that ;oses sho ld have fi%ed s ch a bo ndary to the land of )srael on the north east( and eM ally impossible that a later Hebrew( acM ainted with the geography of his co ntry( sho ld have described it in this way. "hat are we left with here thenL ,ll the towns and mo ntains mentioned in these verses wo ld have been !nown to ;oses( and have been mentioned in the tablets ;oses received( and from which he wrote Genesis. $his is the co ntry that )saac and &acob moved thro gh on their #o rneys to and from Haran. ) do not see a problem in the names here( for the Lord can give ;oses these names( and that is what he says happened( and he !nows them anyway from the tablets and from his own time as a prince of Egypt. $his was frontier co ntry between the Egyptian and Hittite Empires and so each town was !nown well by the Egyptians( as it was a potential battle field. So ;oses !nows the names of places( and wo ld have sed the correct names for his day. $he problem is that sing the names( as we now nderstand them( to try to wor! o t the borders ;oses is given( we are left with a ridic lo s border that goes p and down rather than directly in conto r lines that geographically ma!es sense li!e the other ones do. "e wo ld e%pect borders to follow river valleys or mo ntain tops( and as we caref lly go thro gh these verses we will see that this is possible here( b t precision is impossible( possibly d e to place name changes thro gh the years.
Eotice that not one of the older princes has bro ght p his son to be a prince after him. ,ll failed and all were replaced by new men of the LordHs choosing. $here were no inherited princes at this point3 it was a total meritocracy. +nly those with Holy Spirit anointed ability are to lead in GodHs wor!. Eo birth stat s or ed cational achievements co nt for anything nless the person involved has the proven character and the fr it of the Holy Spirit in their life.
$he Levites were to have no inheritance in the land( b t they were to be provided for( and while ;oses lived he was to remind the people of their obligation towards those who stood before God on their behalf. E mbers 6712>?24. $he Levite were to receive towns for dwelling in amongst the people of all the tribes and they were to receive some land aro nd that town to grow their own prod ce to feed themselves when not on d ty in the tabernacle. ;oses is called by the Lord to lay down these r les also before he dies. ;oses a thority is s preme in the establishment of the system that now bears his name .$he ;osaic Law: and the Lord will se him ntil the last day of his life to lay down e%actly what he wants done.
NUMBERS 35=--3"
35=- A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$' &2 07$ @*/&2' 14 M1/3 3+ J15(/2 2$/5 J$5&c71? '/+&2;? 2 C166/2( 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? 07/0 07$+ ;&%$ )201 07$ L$%&0$' 14 07$ &27$5&0/2c$ 14 07$&5 @1''$''&12 c&0&$' 01 (9$** &2E /2( +$ '7/** ;&%$ /*'1 )201 07$ L$%&0$' ')3)53' 415 07$ c&0&$' 51)2( /31)0 07$68 3 A2( 07$ c&0&$' '7/** 07$+ 7/%$ 01 (9$** &2E /2( 07$ ')3)53' 14 07$6 '7/** 3$ 415 07$&5 c/00*$? /2( 415 07$&5 ;11('? /2( 415 /** 07$&5 3$/'0'8 " A2( 07$ ')3)53' 14 07$ c&0&$'? 97&c7 +$ '7/** ;&%$ )201 07$ L$%&0$'? '7/** 5$/c7 4516 07$ 9/** 14 07$ c&0+ /2( 1)09/5( / 071)'/2( c)3&0' 51)2( /31)08 5 A2( +$ '7/** 6$/')5$ 4516 9&071)0 07$ c&0+ 12 07$ $/'0 '&($ 091 071)'/2( c)3&0'? /2( 12 07$ '1)07 '&($ 091 071)'/2( c)3&0'? /2( 12 07$ 9$'0 '&($ 091 071)'/2( c)3&0'? /2( 12 07$ 21507 '&($ 091 071)'/2( c)3&0'E /2( 07$ c&0+ '7/** 3$ &2 07$ 6&('0= 07&' '7/** 3$ 01 07$6 07$ ')3)53' 14 07$ c&0&$'8 6 A2( /612; 07$ c&0&$' 97&c7 +$ '7/** ;&%$ )201 07$ L$%&0$' 07$5$ '7/** 3$ '&H c&0&$' 415 5$4);$? 97&c7 +$ '7/** /@@1&20 415 07$ 6/2'*/+$5? 07/0 7$ 6/+ 4*$$ 07&07$5= /2( 01 07$6 +$ '7/** /(( 4150+ /2( 091 c&0&$'8 C S1 /** 07$ c&0&$' 97&c7 +$ '7/** ;&%$ 01 07$ L$%&0$' '7/** 3$ 4150+ /2( $&;70 c&0&$'= 07$6 '7/** +$ ;&%$ 9&07 07$&5 ')3)53'8 > A2( 07$ c&0&$' 97&c7 +$ '7/** ;&%$ '7/** 3$ 14 07$ @1''$''&12 14 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*= 4516 07$6 07/0 7/%$ 6/2+ +$ '7/** ;&%$ 6/2+E 3)0 4516 07$6 07/0 7/%$ 4$9 +$ '7/** ;&%$ 4$9= $%$5+ 12$ '7/** ;&%$ 14 7&' c&0&$' )201 07$ L$%&0$' /cc15(&2; 01 7&' &27$5&0/2c$ 97&c7 7$ &27$5&0$078 F A2( 07$ LORD '@/B$ )201 M1'$'? '/+&2;? -, S@$/B )201 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? /2( '/+ )201 07$6? W7$2 +$ 3$ c16$ 1%$5 J15(/2 &201 07$ */2( 14 C/2//2E -- T7$2 +$ '7/** /@@1&20 +1) c&0&$' 01 3$ c&0&$' 14 5$4);$ 415 +1)E 07/0 07$ '*/+$5 6/+ 4*$$ 07&07$5? 97&c7 B&**$07 /2+ @$5'12 /0 )2/9/5$'8 -2 A2( 07$+ '7/** 3$ )201 +1) c&0&$' 415 5$4);$ 4516 07$ /%$2;$5E 07/0 07$ 6/2'*/+$5 (&$ 210? )20&* 7$ '0/2( 3$415$ 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 &2 A)(;6$208 -3 A2( 14 07$'$ c&0&$' 97&c7 +$ '7/** ;&%$ '&H c&0&$' '7/** +$ 7/%$ 415 5$4);$8 -" Y$ '7/** ;&%$ 075$$ c&0&$' 12 07&' '&($ J15(/2? /2( 075$$ c&0&$' '7/** +$ ;&%$ &2 07$ */2( 14 C/2//2? 97&c7 '7/** 3$ c&0&$' 14 5$4);$8 -5 T7$'$ '&H c&0&$' '7/** 3$ / 5$4);$? 3107 415 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*? /2( 415 07$ '05/2;$5? /2( 415 07$ '1A1)52$5 /612; 07$6= 07/0 $%$5+ 12$ 07/0 B&**$07 /2+ @$5'12 )2/9/5$' 6/+ 4*$$ 07&07$58 -6 A2( &4 7$ '6&0$ 7&6 9&07 /2 &2'05)6$20 14 &512? '1 07/0 7$ (&$? 7$ &' / 6)5($5$5= 07$ 6)5($5$5 '7/** ')5$*+ 3$ @)0 01 ($/078 -C A2( &4 7$ '6&0$ 7&6 9&07 07519&2; / '012$? 97$5$9&07 7$ 6/+ (&$? /2( 7$ (&$? 7$ &' / 6)5($5$5= 07$ 6)5($5$5 '7/** ')5$*+ 3$ @)0 01 ($/078 -> O5 &4 7$ '6&0$ 7&6 9&07 /2 7/2( 9$/@12 14 911(? 97$5$9&07 7$ 6/+ (&$? /2( 7$ (&$? 7$ &' / 6)5($5$5= 07$ 6)5($5$5 '7/** ')5$*+ 3$ @)0 01 ($/078 -F T7$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11( 7&6'$*4 '7/** '*/+ 07$ 6)5($5$5= 97$2 7$ 6$$0$07 7&6? 7$ '7/** '*/+ 7&68 2, B)0 &4 7$ 075)'0 7&6 14 7/05$(? 15 7)5* /0 7&6 3+ */+&2; 14 9/&0? 07/0 7$ (&$E 2- O5 &2 $26&0+ '6&0$ 7&6 9&07 7&' 7/2(? 07/0 7$ (&$= 7$ 07/0 '610$ 7&6 '7/** ')5$*+ 3$ @)0 01 ($/07E 415 7$ &' / 6)5($5$5= 07$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11( '7/** '*/+ 07$ 6)5($5$5? 97$2 7$ 6$$0$07 7&68 22 B)0 &4 7$ 075)'0 7&6 ')(($2*+ 9&071)0 $26&0+? 15 7/%$ c/'0 )@12 7&6 /2+ 07&2; 9&071)0 */+&2; 14 9/&0? 23 O5 9&07 /2+ '012$? 97$5$9&07 / 6/2 6/+ (&$? '$$&2; 7&6 210? /2( c/'0 &0 )@12 7&6? 07/0 7$ (&$? /2( 9/' 210 7&' $2$6+? 2$&07$5 '1);70 7&' 7/56= 2" T7$2 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 '7/** A)(;$ 3$09$$2 07$ '*/+$5 /2( 07$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11( /cc15(&2; 01 07$'$ A)(;6$20'= 25 A2( 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 '7/** ($*&%$5 07$ '*/+$5 1)0 14 07$ 7/2( 14 07$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11(? /2( 07$ c12;5$;/0&12 '7/** 5$'015$ 7&6 01 07$ c&0+ 14 7&' 5$4);$? 97&07$5 7$ 9/' 4*$(= /2( 7$ '7/** /3&($ &2 &0 )201 07$ ($/07 14 07$ 7&;7 @5&$'0? 97&c7 9/' /21&20$( 9&07 07$ 71*+ 1&*8 26 B)0 &4 07$ '*/+$5 '7/** /0 /2+ 0&6$ c16$ 9&071)0 07$ 315($5 14 07$ c&0+ 14 7&' 5$4);$? 97&07$5 7$ 9/' 4*$(E 2C A2( 07$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11( 4&2( 7&6 9&071)0 07$ 315($5' 14 07$ c&0+ 14 7&' 5$4);$? /2( 07$ 5$%$2;$5 14 3*11( B&** 07$ '*/+$5E 7$ '7/** 210 3$ ;)&*0+ 14 3*11(8 2> B$c/)'$ 7$ '71)*( 7/%$ 5$6/&2$( &2 07$ c&0+ 14 7&' 5$4);$ )20&* 07$ ($/07 14 07$ 7&;7 @5&$'0= 3)0 /40$5 07$ ($/07 14 07$ 7&;7 @5&$'0 07$ '*/+$5 '7/** 5$0)52 &201 07$ */2( 14 7&' @1''$''&128 2F S1 07$'$ 07&2;' '7/** 3$ 415 / '0/0)0$ 14 A)(;6$20 )201 +1) 0751);71)0 +1)5 ;$2$5/0&12' &2 /** +1)5 (9$**&2;'8 3, W71'1 B&**$07 /2+ @$5'12? 07$ 6)5($5$5 '7/** 3$ @)0 01 ($/07 3+ 07$ 61)07 14 9&02$''$'= 3)0 12$ 9&02$'' '7/** 210 0$'0&4+ /;/&2'0 /2+ @$5'12 01 c/)'$ 7&6 01 (&$8 3- M15$1%$5 +$ '7/** 0/B$ 21 '/0&'4/c0&12 415 07$ *&4$ 14 / 6)5($5$5? 97&c7 &' ;)&*0+ 14 ($/07= 3)0 7$ '7/** 3$ ')5$*+ @)0 01 ($/078 32 A2( +$ '7/** 0/B$ 21 '/0&'4/c0&12 415 7&6 07/0 &' 4*$( 01 07$ c&0+ 14 7&' 5$4);$? 07/0 7$ '71)*( c16$ /;/&2 01 (9$** &2 07$ */2(? )20&* 07$ ($/07 14 07$ @5&$'08 33 S1 +$ '7/** 210 @1**)0$ 07$ */2( 97$5$&2 +$ /5$= 415 3*11( &0 ($4&*$07 07$ */2(= /2( 07$ */2( c/2210 3$ c*$/2'$( 14 07$ 3*11( 07/0 &' '7$( 07$5$&2? 3)0 3+ 07$ 3*11( 14 7&6 07/0 '7$( &08 3" D$4&*$ 210 07$5$415$ 07$ */2( 97&c7 +$ '7/** &27/3&0? 97$5$&2 I (9$**= 415 I 07$ LORD (9$** /612; 07$ c7&*(5$2 14 I'5/$*8
V$5'$' - < 58 Every tribe is responsible to appoint cities .walled villages: for the Levites to dwell in amongst them. $hese walled villages are to be provided with an assigned area of land that is for the Levites se for their animals and for growing crops for their food. $he distance from the wall to the o ter limits of the land assigned is to be 6>>> c bits .abo t 67>> feet T abo t a mile: in all directions. Having sed the fig re 6>>> c bits for the land assigned( the instr ctions now appear to contradict by stating that it is to be 2>>> c bits that is to be meas red from each wall aro nd abo t. Eow the commentators have a field day here trying to reconcile the differences. $here are two ways to reconcile these fig res. $he first is to note that each of the fo r enclos res at each compass point is to meas re at least 6>>> % 2>>> c bits. $he area assigned is not to be a circle( b t a giant sM are. $he tribes aro nd them are not to short change the Levites by c tting off the corners of their assigned land. $he second way this co ld be nderstood is that they are assigned 6>>> c bits from their wall as c ltivated land( and the ne%t 6>>> c bits beyond that as past re land( b t the distances in this are too great and wo ld encroach pon their neighbo rs( so the first way of seeing this is probably correct.
6. Since the -all( man has had to wor! for a living by the sweat of his. Genesis 016=?6<. 2. + r attit de to wor! as believers sho ld( however( be an offering of praise to God. /omans 716<?02( 6 'orinthians 6>106 0. + r attit de to wor! is witness to all. "or!ers are told to follow some simple g idelines to open the door for witness in the wor! place ? $it s 21<(6>. a: I@e +bedientI ? $he Gree! verb h potasso is the same one sed for wives of their h sbands( and involves responsiveness to the will of the other. $he believer is to be the best wor!er in the sit ation and is to be !nown as the one who can be tr sted to perform what is reM ired. b: IEot answering againI ? $al!ing bac!( or Ibac! chatI has always been a problem where a thority is resented. S ch resentment is to have no place in the 'hristian*s life as they are to see every sit ation they find themselves in as one where they are called to show themselves servants of their master in heaven and live p to his standards and their high calling as ambassadors of 'hrist. c: IEot p rloiningI ? )t was always a temptation for slaves to steal( as they had been IstolenI and the only way to get freedom was to b y it with money they saved. Pa l*s point here and elsewhere( was that freedom was not to be the goal( rather service for the Lord. -reedom was not to come at any priceD $he believer was to pay ta%es and to recogni5e others wealth as the other person*s property and not steal it( even if that other person was not Ientitled to itI. Ephesians 8127.
)t is almost as if the coming death of ;oses has created a desire amongst the people to resolve all their o tstanding iss es of Law before he dies. )n this last chapter we have the r ling regarding heiresses of property and the importance of the land staying within the tribal areas( witho t one being dispossessed by the entreprene rial activities of the others. @y marrying an heiress it wo ld be possible for the land to be ta!en by the h sband as the possession of another tribe( by calling his sons as inheritors of the land for his tribe( not that of his wife. ;oses is to ma!e a r ling that will be binding for his time and the days of the ;illenni m itself. Since the split of the !ingdom and the loss of the land area of the northern and Gilead tribes( this r ling has become academic( b t it will be important again in the ;illenni m when the tribes regain their control over the new areas.
NUMBERS 36=---3
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6. $he so rce of confidence. .&eremiah 6=1=: 2. $he res lts of confidence1? a: Protection. .Proverbs 0129?24: b: Strength. .)saiah 0>169: c: @lessing. .&eremiah 6=1=: 0. E%amples of confidence1? a: in God*s provision. .Genesis 22167: b: in God*s sovereignty. .Genesis 9>12>: c: in God*s deliverance. .Aaniel 016=?67: d: in God*s power. .6 Gings 67104?0<: e: in God*s presence. .Psalm =619: f: in e%tremity. .&ob 60169:
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