Writers Workshop
Writers Workshop
Writers Workshop
o two?
Take a look at the two sentences on the board; do you see a difference between the
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Fact vs Opinion Can anyone tell me what a fact is? o Fact: a concept whose truth can be proved (information supporting). -Example: Ducks can fly.
How about an opinion? o Opinion: a personal belief of judgment that is not founded on proof. -Example: I think pink is the best color.
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* Guided Practice:
Arthur opinion fact game: http://pbskids.org/arthur/games/factsopinions/factsopinions.html Can you think of one opinion and one fact? -Share aloud
* Independent Practice:
Opinion Writing Worksheet -Choose one out of the three questions: 1. Should students get paid for their grades? Why or why not? 2. Should students be allowed to grade their teacher? Why or why not? 3. Should children be allowed to ground their parents? Why or why not?
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Students will complete the worksheet providing their opinion on one of the three topics. During this time I will be going around to check in with the students. After worksheet is complete students will separate into groups according to which topic they choose to write about. Students will share their opinion with peers. I will walk around to each group listening in on what the students are sharing to make sure they remain on task. Students will then put this worksheet into their writers workshop notebooks where they will eventually turn this layout into a paragraph piece.
Materials Computer, Whiteboard, Marker, Worksheet Assessments Students will turn in their writing workshop journals after each writing assignment. Students journals will be reviewed based upon understanding the task of the assignment. If the students are able to express their opinion throughout their writing they will receive credit. Differentiation Struggling Learners: struggling learners can have a differentiated worksheet that only requires them to give one or two reasons instead of the three. Advanced Learners: can be required to give more reasons for their question. These students can also complete another question if they finish before the rest of the group. Future Connections Students will use the skill of stating their opinion during persuasive writing.
Name: ______________________________
Organizing My Summary
My Event...
First I
Then I...
Next I
Finally I (Conclusion):