1. The main cement compounds hydrate through reactions with water to form hydration products including calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH).
2. Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) reacts rapidly at early ages to form ettringite, but ettringite may later transform to monosulphoaluminate if sulfate is consumed.
3. Hydration rates are highest for C3A, followed by C3S, C4AF, and C2S. Hydration generates heat over time and progresses through various stages before reaching a steady state.
1. The main cement compounds hydrate through reactions with water to form hydration products including calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH).
2. Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) reacts rapidly at early ages to form ettringite, but ettringite may later transform to monosulphoaluminate if sulfate is consumed.
3. Hydration rates are highest for C3A, followed by C3S, C4AF, and C2S. Hydration generates heat over time and progresses through various stages before reaching a steady state.
Original Description:
S. Mindess, J.F. Young, and D. Darwin, Concrete, Prentice Hall
1. The main cement compounds hydrate through reactions with water to form hydration products including calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH).
2. Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) reacts rapidly at early ages to form ettringite, but ettringite may later transform to monosulphoaluminate if sulfate is consumed.
3. Hydration rates are highest for C3A, followed by C3S, C4AF, and C2S. Hydration generates heat over time and progresses through various stages before reaching a steady state.
1. The main cement compounds hydrate through reactions with water to form hydration products including calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH).
2. Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) reacts rapidly at early ages to form ettringite, but ettringite may later transform to monosulphoaluminate if sulfate is consumed.
3. Hydration rates are highest for C3A, followed by C3S, C4AF, and C2S. Hydration generates heat over time and progresses through various stages before reaching a steady state.
The key takeaways are the hydration of cement compounds, hydration products formed, and the rate of heat evolution during cement hydration.
The main cement compounds discussed are tricalcium silicate (C3S), tricalcium aluminate (C3A), tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF), and dicalcium silicate (C2S).
The main hydration products formed from cement compounds are calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H gel), calcium hydroxide (CH), and ettringite.
Hydration of Pure Cement Compounds
Hydration - reaction with water
Reaction products formed hydration products Calcium silicates
100 + 21 99 22 Note: Difference in mass of water for hydration, products C-S-H and CH 100 + 24 75 49 Tricalcium Aluminate (C 3 A) Primary initial reaction
(AFt) Ettringite (Aft) is a stable hydration product only while there is an ample supply of sulfate (Intergrind gypsum with clinker to avoid flash set) (No measured expansion after 2 days max. SO 3 ) (Unstable at temperatures > 70 O C potential DEF) If the sulfate is consumed before C 3 A has completely hydrated
monosulphoaluminate (Afm)
H S C A C 32 3 3 H S C A C 12 3
Hydration of Pure Compounds Ferrite Phase C 4 AF Forms similar hydration products to C 3 A, but less reactive Reactions are slower and involves less heat Changes in the composition of ferrite phase affect the rate of hydration Fe |, hydration becomes slower Reactions Hydration Products Precipitation of CH and ettringite at early time after ~2 hrs, CSH formed 6 hrs 1 day, rapid increase of CH, CSH, and ettringite After ~2 days, ettringite monosulpho- aluminate
(Locher & Richartz 1976) Hydration Rate Example of relative rate of hydration of main potential compounds
C 3 A fast early hydration (within 1st minute) but small amount of hydrates High heat generation over next few days (< 100 h)
Hydration of C 3 S generates Ca(OH) 2
(potential for pozzolanic reaction with SCMs, e.g. fly ash, ggbs, silica fume) Hewlett , Ed., 1998 Notes Gypsum is important to avoid flash set; but if it is too much, affect setting and hardening, also affect long- term volume stability as ettringite has high volume that can cause expansion and cracking if formed at later age. The amount required increases with C 3 A content. Limit: specified in standards, e.g. SS EN 197-1, Table 3
C 3 A is undesirable as it contributes little to strength except at early stage; but it is useful to reduce production temperature of cement clinker.
(Mindess et al 2003) Hydration of Portland Cement Assumption: the cement compounds hydrate independently
Compound interactions C 3 A & C 4 AF both compete for sulfate ions It is suggested that gypsum accelerates C 3 S hydration Increasing SO 3 may reduce rate of heat evolution and total hear evolved at early age, but not after 28 days (Lawrence in Hewlett, 1998)
Kinetics The rate of hydration during the first few days C 3 A > C 3 S > C 4 AF > C 2 S
Rate of heat evolution
(Mindess et al. 2003) Stage 1 dissolution Stage 2 induction (dormant) Stage 3 Acceleration Stage 4 Deceleration Stage 5 - Steady Determine initial setting Determine final setting & initial hardening Hydration Heat Evolution Stage 6 onwards hydration rate depends diffusion rate of water and ions of hydration product (solid state diffusion)
Hewlett, Ed., 1998 Heat of Hydration Heat of hydration in J/g of a typical cement H 3 days = 240 C 3 S + 50 C 2 S + 880 C 3 A + 290 C 4 AF H 1 year = 490 C 3 S + 225 C 2 S + 1160 C 3 A + 375 C 4 AF Quantities of C 3 S, C 2 S, and so on are expressed as weight fraction of the cement (potential compounds) C 3 S (502 J/g), C 2 S (260 J/g), C 3 A (1160 J/g), C 4 AF (420 J/g) Temperature rise due to heat of hydration under adiabatic condition is ~12-14 o C per 100 kg of OPC AT = (M c . H) / (M c . S c + M a . S a + M w . S w ) Where H = heat of hydration (increases with degree of hydration -time) M = mass ( c-cement, a-aggregate, w-water) S = specific heat (c = 0.88 J/g o C, a = 0.75 J/g o C, w = 4.18 J/g o C) Concrete: c = 300-500, w = 140-180 , aggregate = 1600-1800 (kg/m 3 ) Heat of Hydration ASTM Type l = CEM l (strength class 42.5) ASTM Type III ~ CEM l (strength class 52.5) ASTM Type IV ~ CEM l (strength class 32.5)
Peak temperature in thick sections , e.g. Pile caps and raft foundations with least dimension 2 m occurs at around 3 days (one dimension heat lost) Neville, 1995, Ref. 1.30, Lerch & Ford, 1948) (Note: Temperature Effect) C-S-H Compositional variation C/S = 1.5 - 2.0, depends on age of the paste, curing temperature, w/c, impurities Varying water content, water in C-S-H exists in several different states
Physical behavior Amorphous, poor crystalline materials Extremely small irregular particles in the size range of colloidal matter (< 1m) High surface area ~400 m 2 /g
Develop at the surface of calcium silicate, forms a coating covering the grain, thickness of the hydrate layer increases and forms a barrier further hydration is controlled by diffusion of water in and ions out through the barrier
Model of C S - H structure Layered structure C-S-H bread calcium silicate sheets filling Ca ++ , H 2 O - Sheets are distorted and randomly arranged. - Space between the calcium silicate sheets is the intrinsic porosity: I interlayer pores M- micro pores P isolated capillary pores Clay C-S-H (Mindess 2003) Model of C S - H structure Source: Young et al, 1998 Estimated Properties & Influence of C-S-H Source: Young et al, 1998 C-S-H Model of CS-H structure and water held in C-S-H In capillary pores (P), menisci are created as the pores are filled or emptied (high mass loss, low shrinkage) In micropores (M), the adjoining surfaces are so close together that water cannot form menisci, and consequently has different behavior from bulk water. Water in M acts to keep the layers apart by exerting disjoining pressure. The disjoining pressure depends on RH and disappear below 50% RH (high shrinkage) In interlayer pores (I), water are structurally associated with solid Hydroxyl water in solid lattice No sharp distinction between different forms of water As water is removed from C-S-H, rearrangement of particles is possible. Calcium Hydroxide (CH) Well crystallized material with definite stoichiometry In voids or cracks: Hexagonal tabular morphology Strong alkaline, in solution gives a pH>12, responsible for the protection of steel from corrosion in reinforced concrete
Calcium Sulphoaluminates Ettringite Hexagonal crystals in the form of needles, typically 10x0.5 m Often found in voids or cracks in mature concrete Monosulphoaluminate Clusters or rosettes of irregular plates when first formed Grow into well-developed, but very thin, hexagonal plates Degree of crystallinity is decreased to some extent due to impurities monosulphoaluminate CH (striated) ettringite (Mindess 2003) Note: For Information ONLY Properties of the Hydration Products (Mindess 2003)
Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste (a) Water separates cement grains (b-d) solid hydration products form a continuous matrix and bind the residual cement grains together. This happens because the hydration products occupy a greater volume than the original cement compounds due to their lower specific gravity (~2.0 vs 3.2) CH (Mindess 2003) Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste C-S-H Occupy > 50% volume of hydrated paste Two forms of C-S-H Early product C-S-H (groundmass & undesignated product) Grows out from the particle surface into the surrounding water-filled space in the form of low density arrangement of thin sheets (outer product from surface of cement grain) Higher micro porosity Contains a high level of impurities (Al, SO 4 , K, Na) Later product C-S-H (inner product) Denser coating around the hydrating cement grains The coating forms diffusion barrier during later hydration, thicken with time, growing inwards & outwards The coating maintains the shape of original grains Less impurities, more resistant to physical change on drying The proportion | as hydration | or the w/c + Fractured surface < 3 days Polished surface 28-day old paste High degree of complexity Unhydrated cement particle Later CSH product Early CSH product (Darwin 1994) Ettringite needles Interface between early & later CSH indicate cement grain boundary Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste Calcium hydroxide Occupy ~20-25% of the pastes solid volume In Stage 3 of C 3 S hydration, many CH crystals nucleate and grow within the capillary pore space CH will only grow where free space is available Morphology vary, particularly affected by admixtures and by temperature of hydration
Calcium sulphoaluminates Occupy only ~10-15% by solid volume Play a minor role in the microstructure (although not necessarily in properties) Both ettringite and monosulphoaluminate are well dispersed throughout the paste
Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste Unhydrated residue of cement grains may persist even in well hydrated cements Porosity Classification (Mindess 2003)
Enormous range of pore sizes Water that occupies the pores plays many different roles Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste Mehta & Monteiro, 1997 Note: Fine aggregates (> 150 m and < 4 mm) Coarse aggregates (> 4 mm and < 150 mm) Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste Porosity - Classification Capillary pores remnants of water filled space that exists between the partially hydrated cement grains Gel pores regarded as an intrinsic part of the C-S-H (cannot be resolved by SEM), (include small capillary pores) Capillary pore system is the interconnected network of pores through which bulk water flow & ion diffusion occur easily Porosity - Measurements Mercury intrusion porosimetry Forcing mercury into pore system by applying external pressure, pressure required is inversely proportional to the pore radius Give better appreciation of capillary pore system Physical adsorption of gases Pores are filled by a condensed vapor (gas) through capillary condensation Give better measure of gel-pore system (Medium capillary pores) (small capillary pores)
{ { Capillary pores Gel pores Mindess ,2003 Note: Shrinkage and creep both lead to change in surface energy of CSH, fundamentally related to thermodynamics of gel water Microstructure of Hydrated Cement Paste (HCP) Pore solution Fluid contained in capillary pores is not pure water, but an ionic solution that is in equilibrium with hydrated paste
In low alkali cement, pH ~ 13 In high alkali cements, pH > 13.5 (S. Diamond, Figure 4.11, Mindess et al, 2003 ) Note: Role of alkalis in ASR & corrosion passivation in concrete Note: Time (> 3 days) for sufficient amount of CH to activate pozzolans Interfacial Transition Zone Microstructure of HCP is highly modified in the vicinity of embedded materials: aggregates, fibers, and reinforcing steel The modified volume is called interfacial transition zone (ITZ) Common features of ITZ Increased porosity Reduction of unhydrated cement Higher w/c due to the wall effect and localized bleeding Within the free space close to the surface, crystals of CH or ettringite can readily form, CH predominates and often highly oriented Thickness of ITZ: ~20-40 m vary depends on the size, shape, and volume of aggregate, w/c, mixing and placing procedures due to wall effect Interfacial transition zone ITZ plays an important role in mechanical properties and permeability
Recent views: Potential weakness for crack initiation in concrete May be modified by pozzolanic reaction products and/or nano particles Difficulties in determining ITZ properties due to its small thickness and changing with distance from particle surface
Mindess et al. 2003 Volume changes during hydration All cement hydration products have lower specific gravities than the cement compounds Hydration reaction is accompanied by an increase in solid volume and decrease in porosity. Expansive reactions CH grows around solid particles or stops growing when it meets obstacles. The same is true of C-S-H. Thus, the hydration of calcium silicates is not accompanied by increase in the total volume of paste. If original water occupied space is filled, hydration will cease. Bulk expansion occurs when ettringite is formed after cement paste is hardened. If space is limited, ettringite crystals may develop crystal growth pressures. Early age, plenty space for ettringite to grow, no problem Calculation of volume change Equations are empirical, derived from experimental data The hydrated cement includes all hydration products, CH, C-S-H, and sulphoaluminates Evaporable water lost under D-drying or oven drying condition (include water in capillary and gel pores, and water in sulphaluminates) Non-evaporable water - lost from D-drying to 1000 o C (measures water chemically combined in hydration products) Non-evaporable water , o = degree of hydration Evaporable water associated with hydration products w g : gel water (C-S-H) + water in in calcium sulphoaluminates
Total volume of hydration products
Gel porosity constant for all normally hydrated cements Calculation of volume change Capillary pore volume
Volume occupied by unhydrated cement
v c specific volume of cement, (1/specific gravity) = 0.32 Original volume of the paste
Capillary porosity
Gel/space ratio Volume relationships among constituents of hydrated cement pastes w/c = 0.5 o = 1.0 Mindess et al. 2003 Full Hydration POSSIBLE in practice? Calculation of Volume Change Minimum w/c ratio At low w/c ratios, there is insufficient space for the hydration products to form so that complete hydration is not possible. The minimum w/c that can be used and still ensure complete hydration can be determined from
Set V c = 0, and o=1, the minimum w/c = 0.36 However, the hydration products must be formed with the gel pores saturated. Thus, water required for complete hydration is
For complete hydration (o=1), the w/c should not be <0.42 0.24o 0.18o Volume Relationship For example 100 g of cement at o = 1 (fully hydrated) V hc = 100/3.15 = 32 cm 3 (density 1 g/cm 3 = 1000 kg/m 3 )
w n = 0.24 o g/g of cement, V wn = 24 cm 3 w g = 0.18o g/g of cement, V wg = 18 cm 3 V hp = 0.68o cm 3 /g of cement = 68 cm 3
V hc + V wn < V hp < V hc + V wn + V wg 32 + 24 68 32 + 24 + 18 (56) (74) [vol. of reactants]< [vol. of product] < [vol. of components]
Note: V hc , space for inner product. Outer product in space provided by water (w/c 0.42 for full hydration)
Volume Relationship For example 100 g of cement at o = 1 (fully hydrated) V hc = 100/3.15 = 32 cm 3 (density 1 g/cm 3 = 1000 kg/m 3 )
w n = 0.24 o g/g of cement, V wn = 24 cm 3 w g = 0.18o g/g of cement, V wg = 18 cm 3 V hp = 0.68o cm 3 /g of cement = 68 cm 3
V hc + V wn < V hp < V hc + V wn + V wg 32 + 24 68 32 + 24 + 18 (56) < (74) [vol. of reactants]< [vol. of product] < [vol. of components]
Note: V hp < volume of components , difference in volume to be filled from ingress of external water (curing) otherwise by some capillary water forms vapour (vapour pressure < 1, RH < 100%) e.g. sealed specimen or external RH < 100% Volume Relationship Non-evaporable water Evaporable water in hydrated products Volume of hydrated products Capillary porosity Gel/space ratio Except for X, all are linearly proportional to degree of hydration, o Consider the cases at o = 0.5 (50% hydration) for w/c of 0.36, 0.42 and 0.50 Factors Leading to Cessation of Hydration Environmental factors: Temperature lower than ( 10 O C) freezing of pore fluid Lack of water for hydration, e.g. w/c < 0.42, o < 1.0 Lowing vapour pressure in capillary pores, e.g. sealed specimen, no ingress of water (curing) Vapour pressure < 0.8: hydration rate is low Vapour pressure < 0.3: hydration rate is negligible [Powers, 1947 Ref. 7.36 in Neville, 1995, Fig. 7.1]
Physical factors: Lack of space for hydration products, e.g. w/c < 0.36 Large grain size cement particles (> 40 m in diameter)
In practice, common curing period is 7 days, o < 0.6 to 0.7 w/c 0.2 to 0.3 for high strength concrete [What value is o?]
Environmental Factor Hydration rate highest when capillary pores are saturated, i.e. vapour pressure of 1.0 (RH 100%)
Below vapour pressure of 0.8 (RH 80%) hydration is low
Below vapour pressure of 0.3 (RH 30%) hydration is negligible
Note: Tropical hot wet climate, range of ambient RH between 60% (afternoon) and over 80% (night)
Air-conditioning may bring RH to 30% Source: Properties of Concrete, A.M. Neville, 4 th Ed. 1995, Pitman Powers, T.C., A discussion of cement hydration in relation to curing of concrete, Proc. Highw. Res. Bd, 27, 1947 Fig. 7.1 Schematic Representation of Single Cement Grain Modified from Williamson, 1970 Comparison of ASTM and BS-EN Standards ASTM BS-EN Portland cement C 150 Spec for Portland cements 197-1: 2000 (SS EN 197-1: 2008) CEM I Portland cement [197-1: 2011] Blended cements C 595 Spec for blended hydraulic cements 197-1: 2000 (SS EN 197-1: 2008) CEM II Portland comp. cem CEM III blastfurnace cem CEM IV pozzolanic cem CEM V composite cem C 1157 Performance Spec for blended hydraulic cements Mineral admixtures C 618 Spec for coal fly ash and raw or calcined natural pozzolans for use in concrete 450-1: 2005 Fly ash for concrete Definition, spec, and conformity criteria C 989 Spec for GGBFS for use in concrete and mortars 15167-1: 2006 (SS EN 15167: 2008) Ground granulated blast furnace slag for use in concrete, mortars, and grouts C 1240 Spec for silica fume used in cementitious mixtures 13263-1: 2005 Silica fume for concrete Portland cement CEM I K = 95 to 100%, MAC = 0 to 5% Portland-fly ash cement (MAC = 0 to 5%) CEM II/A-V: K = 80 to 94%, V = 6 to 20% CEM II/B-V: K = 65 to 79%, V = 21 to 35% Portland-silica fume (MAC = 0 to 5%) CEM II/A-D: K = 90 to 94%, D = 6 to 10% Clinker: K, Blastfurnace slag: S Silica fume: D, Fly ash: V (siliceous) Blastfurnace cement (MAC = 0 to 5%) CEM III/A: K = 35 to 64%, S = 36 to 65% CEM III/B: K = 20 to 34%, S = 66 to 80% CEM III/C: K = 5 to 19%, S = 81 to 90% No change in Table 1 of BS EN 197-1: 2011 Specification for Constituent Materials Cement Revision of BS EN 197-1: 2011 Combining EN 197-1 and EN 197-4 and addition of sulfate resisting classes of cement (superseding EN 197-1 and EN 197-4) SS EN 197-1: 2008 to be revised as per BS EN 197-1: 2011
Sulfate resisting cements 3 main groups:
Sulfate resisting Portland cement CEM I-SR 0, sulfate resisting Portland cement (C 3 A content of clinker = 0%) CEM I-SR 3, sulfate resisting Portland cement (C 3 A content of clinker 3%) CEM I-SR 5, sulfate resisting Portland cement (C 3 A content of clinker 5%)
Sulfate resisting blast furnace cement (no requirement on C 3 A content of clinker) CEM III/B-SR, sulfate resisting blast furnace cement CEM III/C-SR, sulfate resisting blast furnace cement
Sulfate resisting pozzolanic cement (C 3 A content of clinker 9%) CEM IV/B-SR, sulfate resisting blast furnace cement CEM IV/C-SR, sulfate resisting blast furnace cement
Specification for Constituent Materials Cement Revision of BS EN 197-1: 2011 Table 2 Seven products in sulfate resisting common cements Main types Notation of the seven products (types of common sulfate resisting cements) Composition (percentage by mass) Main constituents Minor additional constituents Clinker K Blast furnace slag S Pozzolana natural P Siliceous fly ash V CEM I Sulfate resisting Portland cement CEM I-SR 0 CEM I-SR 3 CEM I-SR 5 95 - 100 - - - 0 - 5 CEM III Sulfate resisting blast furnace cement CEM III/B - SR 20 - 34 66 - 80 - - 0 - 5 CEM III/C - SR 5 -19 81 - 95 - - 0 - 5 CEM IV Sulfate resisting pozzolanic cement* CEM IV/A - SR 65 - 79 21 - 35 0 - 5 CEM IV/B - SR 45 -64 36 - 65 0 - 5 * Main constituents other than clinker shall be declared by designation of cement (P or V) Specification for Constituent Materials Cement Revision of BS EN 197-1: 2011 Table 3 Mechanical and physical properties as characteristic values
Strength class Compressive strength (MPa) Initial setting time Soundness (expansion Early strength Standard strength 2 days 7 days 28 days min mm 32,5 L a - 12 32,5 52,5 75 10 32,5 N - 16 32,5 R 10 - 42,5 L a - 16 42,5 62,5 60 42,5 N 10 42,5 R 20 52,5 L a 10 52,5 - 45 52,5 N 20 52,5 R 30 a Strength only defined for CEM III cements
NOTE: CEM III cements are distinct low early strength blastfurnace cements VICAT APPARATUS EN 196-3: 2005 Standard Consistence: Water content for 500 kg cement when distance between plunger (Figure 1 c) and base-plate is (6 2) mm (to the nearest 0,5%)
Initial Setting Time: The elapsed time, measured from zero to time at which distance between needle (Figure 1 d) and the base-plate is (6 3) mm (to the nearest 5 min.)
Final Setting Time: The elapsed time, measured from zero to that at which the needle (Figure 1 e) first penetrates only 0,5 mm into the specimen (to the nearest 15 min.) Note: No requirement in BS EN 197-1
Chemical Requirements (BS-EN 197-1: 2000) Note: SO 3 limit for different strength class Note: Higher limit for CEM II/B-T & CEM lll/C Identical with Table 4 of BS EN 197-1: 2010 Compressive Strength Determination