Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 1
Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 1
Bio Booster Armor Guyver D&D Version 1
n the Guyver form the character is easily several times stronger and faster than they once where, enhancing upon the hosts own physical abilities. )ot only are the hosts physical strength, speed and stamina increased but they gain a variety of incredible supernatural powers and abilities that very few if not no other creature alive has beyond that of another Guyver. The host in their *io"*oosted armor form gains several uni'ue special abilities plus several powerful natural weapons that are built into the
armor. These weapons range from extending and retracting sonic swords to the Guyvers main weapon, the +ega ,masher. Ability Score Alterations: n the Guyver form the character gets a -. to all of their /hysical stats0 ,trength, 1exterity, and 2onstitution. HP Bonus: n the Guyver form the character can take greater amounts of damage than any normal person can. 3or every level the character is they gain a -4 to their H/ while in their Guyver form. 3or 5xample if in their normal human form they have 24 Hit /oints, and are at level 2 as a fighter, in their bio"boosted form their H/ is -62 for a total of .7. Natural Armor: n the bio"boosted form the character is physically transformed, being covered in a tough organic armor similar to dragon scales. 8 nice thing about the armor is that it provides incredible protection while at the same time it does not hinder the wearer in anyway. nitially the character receives a -. to their 82, and they gain an additional -6 to the total every . levels of advancement. 8 better way to describe when they get this increase is when ever the character gets to select a new 3eat, as normal not bonus selections, they get an increase in their Guyver armors 82, $lvls0 ., 4, 9 62, 6:, and 67.% The character gets to add their full 1ex +odifier while in the bio"boosted form. Guyver Senses: The Guyver and its host have increased senses. The host, when in their normal human form or Guyver form has the ability to communicate telepathically with any other Guyver that is with in a ; mile area, but they must know that they are there. n their Guyver form the range is increased to 4 miles. 8lso only while in their Guyver form do they gain their clairvoyant like ability. The Guyver is able to any and all super natural forces with in an 7<ft area, as well as any normal beings and creatures. However their identity and exact race can not be detected, only their presence. 8lthough they can detect how many there are, they can not detect exact positions, and what they are until they are with in .<ft of the Guyver. 5ven the invisible are detected. This ability is via the 2 orbs on the Guyvers head, this ability increases the difficulty to sneak up on the Guyver by 6< points= 8lso the Guyver is never sub(ect to being caught flat footed, and can not be the sub(ect of a surprise attack. This is while only in the Guyver form though. Biological Changes: The characters physical make up is completely different when in the Guyver form. The character no longer breaths in the same way as other people. n the Guyver form the character can breathe in any environment short of a complete vacuum. This includes gases, magic or other wise, water, and smoke. The character also no longer has a mouth, yet they are still able to speak, and they no longer have ears either, but they can hear (ust fine. 8lso the host no longer ages the way they use to. The person can now live to be about 6d4x6<< years old. 8lso while in the Guyver form the character 3ort, and >eflex ,aves are at a -6. Regeneration The Guyver can regenerate their entire biological structure from the control metal. The Guyver regenerates itself at a rate of 2 hp per level per minute= The host is also healed of any damage that they may have sustained prier to them transforming into the Guyver. The rate of healing is the same but the amount healed is doubled. The control metal has the ability of completely regenerating the host body in Guyver form after about 6d4 hour from it being removed from the original body. ,ome how the hosts mind remains intact.
?imbs and chunks of the anatomy regenerate at a rate of an inch a minute. The only real way to kill a Guyver is to destroy the control metal which is almost impossible. 1isintegration spells, and powers, or other spells that destroy the atomic make up of things can harm or destroy the control metal. The control metal by itself is incredibly dense. t has a Hardness of 2<, is only about an inch thick, has over .<< Hit points $6d; x6<<%, and its 12 to break or smash is ;<. However the 82 to hit is the hosts 82 -; since its a very small target to hit and re'uires a called shot. 5ven those with the /recise ,hot feat will suffer only a "2 to hit since the target is very small. ,o if the hosts 82 total to hit the 2ontrol +etal is 2: including the -;, then an individual who has the /recise ,hot feat must get over a 2. in order to hit rather than a 26 since its a very small target.
5ach Guyver has their own uni'ue look. )o two Guyvers ever look exactly a like. 8ll Guyvers, even female ones look powerful and strong yet agile. Guyvers will vary not only in color, and height and mass, but in over all features.
8s you can tell each of the Guyvers in the pictures above bear a passing resemblance to each other, and yet each one is different. ts believed that the Guyver armors appearance generally resembles the hosts personality. f the host is more action prone and violent their armor would have a spiked appearance, and a rather mean or harsh look to it.
8ll Guyvers are e'uipped with a variety of natural weapons that are inside their bodies. These weapons tend to run off of the hosts own life energies, draining away their 2onstitution at varying amount depending on whats used. ,ome weapons don@t even impact the Guvyer like this but instead can only be
used a limited number of times a day. The character can discover 6 new power every other level the last one was ac'uired The character starts with the ,onic ,words, 1imensional *omb, and 6 more random power available. >ole a 6d70 6"20 +ega",masher, .";0 ,onic 5mitter, :"40 nfra"laser, A"70 Gravity Grobe. 8t every other level the character must make an )T check in order to discover the new power. f they fail they get to try again the next time they level up, and again after that if they fail again, until they get a power, then they can make the check again after they level up again. Sonic S!ords: These are small spikes on the forearms that extend out for combat and vibrate at such a speed that it allows them to cut through almost anything. The character can have up to 2 blades per arm, and as few as 6 blade per arm. >ole 2d4 to determine the number of blades per arm0 6"4B 6 blade, A"62B 2 blades. 6 *lade0 1amage"6d7C 2ritical"6A"2<x2C ,lashing. 2 *lades0 1amage"6d6<C 2ritical"6A"2<x2C ,lashing. This weapon can be used an unlimited number of times, at no cost. "ega-Smasher: The main weapon of the Guyver. This huge beam weapon disintegrates anything in its path. There are no saving throws for this weapon if your hit, however you may make a >eflex save (ust as the cannon is being fired in order to attempt to dodge the attack, however the 12 is 6: to do so. f they make it then they take no damage, if they fail then they are out of luck. This weapon ranks up there with a dragon@s breath weapon in power. The weapon is divided into 2 cannons, one on each side of the chest. Dou can fire both or one at a time. 1amage suffered from this attack, should one survive it, does not regenerate at a normal rate, instead it regenerates at a normal rate humans heal at, however other Guyvers, and beings immune to disintegration spellsEpowers heal at a normal rate. >ate Ff 3ire0 *oth can be fired at the same time, or one after the other, but if both are fired the user can not fire them again until they have rested for 6 hour after firing either 6 or both cannons. The attack is considered a full melee action, to fire one or both cannons. 1amage0 5ach cannon does :d6<x: damage= *oth cannons will do 6<d6<x: damage= >ange0 6< miles. The width of a single blast is A.:ft, both cannons have a width of 6:ft. 2F) 2ost0 3iring the both cannons temporarily drains away ; points of the characters 2F), or 2 points per cannon. The amount is regained at a rate of 6 point per hour of rest. The character can not fire the +ega",masher again should their 2F) fall to ;, and only after they have rested for an hour. Sonic #mitters: The 2 orbs at where the mouth should be emit a high pitched sonic signal that is devastating to those with in range for the attack. The attack has no noise, but attacks the person by their atoms at a high rate often causing the targets head to explode.
>ate of 3ire0 The attack can only be used once every 2 rounds due to its energy costs. The attack is considered a full action. 1amage0 The attack does 6d7 points of damage every 2 levels. 1oes a maximum amount of :d7 damage. 8 3ortitude save may be made to save for half damage, 12 6:. 8lternatively the user can use this to stun an opponent rather than do damage. The 12 is 6:, should the save be made the target is not effected, if they fail then reduce their speed, ,T>, 15G, by 6d;-6 points for 6d4 minutes. f used a second time to stun the same target $only if they were successful the first time% they target instead of making a 3ortitude save must make a Hill save. ,hould they fail the are unconscious for 2d4 minutes, if they make the save reduce their stats again by an additional 6d;-6 points, for an additional 6d4 minutes. 3 used a third time against the same target in this manner then there is no save and they fall unconscious for 6 hour. >ange0 The attack unfortunately has a very limited range effecting only a single target that is directly in front of the user, and is only 4"Aft away. 2F) 2ost0 n order to use this attack the user temporarily looses 6 point of 2F) per use. 2F) points lost with this ability are regained much faster than those spent on the +ega",masher. 8fter 6 minute of not using this weapon the user regains 6 point of 2F) that was spent in using this weapon. )ote though that other Guyvers and some other creatures are immune to this particular power, and thus are not effected at all by any aspect of this power. Gravity Grob: This is a small baseball si&ed orb located at the waist. This orb allows the host to control gravitational forces to some extent. This gives the person flight capabilities at a speed of about .:. t can also be used to create a !pressure cannon!, or more accurately a gravity bomb. Hhat happens is when it hits it creates a loud pop and damages what ever it hit by ways of a perfect circular shaped hole. The bomb is launched in anyway the user likes, but it is always done from the hands. #sually done in a IHadokenJ like fashion. >ate of 3ire0 The pressure cannon can only be fired up to 4 times a day, and only up to . shots may be fired in a row with in 6 round. #p to . shots can thusly be fired rapidly in a single melee, but no more may be fired untill the next round. This attack is considered a full action. 1amage0 6d6<x2 -6d6< every 2 levels. +ax damage is ;d6<x2. >ange0 Thrown. $8bout .<- feet.% 2F) 2ost0 To fly it costs nothing however in order to fire the pressure cannon it costs 6 point of 2on per shot. 2on points are regained at a rate of 6 point per hour. The last and final aspect of the gravity grobes is the ability to create a gravity well shield. This shield absorbs any damage directed at the user, but the user can not move or attack, they are fully defensive, and actively using this. The shield can take up to 4< points of damage, gains a : points every other level the power is gotten. The shield protects the user and up to ; other people who stand directly behind the user. The shield can take even more damage than what its capable of, but if it should then the user can not summon the shield again for 6 hour. t costs 6 2F) to create the shield, after it is created once another point does not have to be spent again until . rounds go by, during that time the shield can be summoned at any point but is still a full action. The shield offers a -4 to the characters 82. $n%ra-&aser: This weapon is something of a reaction weapon t fires a green beam out of a small green orb right above the control metal. The character can control the blasts, or the control metal can fire blasts
off to protect itself. Hhile the beam isn@t very powerful it is incredible accurate. Hhen attacked the character has a constant :<K chance that the weapon will fire on its own when ever the control metal is targeted for an attack $called shot%. The shot will automatically intercept any attacks directed at the control metal. $This is an automatic hit to anything that has targeted the control metal like an arrow or magic missile$s%, or some other weapon that is coming at it. The weapon or pro(ectile is either knocked away or destroyed. Hith magic missiles all missiles from a single target are intercepted for that one attack, even though magic missiles form mages can not be used to make called shots, this is for magic weapons that fire them.% this weapon can be fired an unlimited number of times at no 2F) cost do to its low energy cost. >ate of 3ire0 6 shot per action. 1amage0 6d;, 2ritical on 69"2<Ex2 >ange0 7<ft. *onus0 -; to hit. 'imensional Bomb: This isn@t so much a weapon as it is an after affect of transforming into the Guyver form. Hhen the character !calls! the armor a orb of energy surounds the character. This orb is instantly there and gone again leaving behind the character in the Guyver armor. This orb leaves a small crater in the ground, walls , and ceilings of where the character transformed. *ulky weapons, armor and e'uipment on the character are all but destroyed, magical armor, and weapons get their usual save, but are still forcefully ripped from the body. Fnly light armor like ?eather and /added armors can be worn safely. >ate of 3ire0 Fnly one time when first transforming into the Guyver. 1amage0 :d6< >ange0 Fnly a few feet from the characters body. The diameter of the sphere is the characters height -2 feet. 8nything caught with in this area is automatically hit when the character transforms. There is now save, the action is instantaneous. Fnly the character is unaffected.
3irst off the violent nature of the Guyver will turn anyone of ?awful good alignment into a 2haotic good character. ,econdly in the Guyver form the characters 2harisma is at a ";. The character can not use magic, they can use magic items, but they can not cast spells. Hhen the Guyver is severely damage, head trauma for instance, the Guyver will go into an auto defense mode to protect the host and give them time to regenerate. This defense mode is like the barbarians rage, they will not stop until the treat or threats against the character are not moving towards it. 8nything or one that moves with in 6<ft of the Guyver will be attacked, this includes party members. The only outward sign of this transition are that the eye@s of the Guyver turn from a yellow or a white to a glowing blood red. The Guyver remains in this state for about 6d4 minutes or until all of the
damage done to it is healed. 8lso in this mode the character is faster than normal and it fights very differently. The Guyver gains a -2 to hit on all attacks, its speed increases by 6<, and it will attack with everything it has, even if the host has yet to discover a particular power. Des the 1+ gains control of the character until it comes out of its defense mode. 8nother draw back is the fact that while in Guyver form they can not wear any armor. f the character was wearing light armor when they bio"boosted then they will still not be able to use armor. 5ven though the light armor was not destroyed when the character transformed it is as if the character is not wearing the armor. Fn the plus side if they had any penalties for wearing the light armor they no longer suffer them when bio"boosted.
The Guyver has a few ma(or weak points. The first is the control metal. f the control metal is hit, this usually re'uires a called shot of some sort. The character is racked with pain, they suffer a "; to hit, and all other actions for 6d; rounds. f it is removed the Guyver@s body destroys itself, but if the control metal is intact it will regenerate the entire body with in a few hours. Hhen it is done regenerating in this way the Guyver is automatically in its defense mode. The Guyver also has a natural weakness to acids and corrosives. 8cids and corrosives do double the damage, and they inhibit the regeneration process, so that the length of time it takes to heal is doubled. f the control metal was damaged while the unit was inactive, the Guyver in the active state after bonding to a host, regenerates at double the normal length of time and they are prone to random, painful, power feed backs from the control metal. This translates into a loss of all actions for that round and they are at a "; to hit for 6d; rounds after that while they recover. The penalties to hit are not accumulative. ?astly the character gains a level ad(ustment of -2 or -. which ever the 1+ prefers.