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01 Divine by Mistake

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www.LUNA-Books.com This book is dedicated to my father, Dick L. Cast The Old Coach. Eter ally my !i"hty !o#se.

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Abo#t the A#thor Comi " Ne2t !o th

& wa t to warmly tha k the 3ery 3ocal43ery e th#siastic fa s of the ori"i al 5oddess by !istake. 6o# made my career 'ossible. Tha k yo#, tha k yo#, tha k yo#. & wo#ld also like to ack owled"e the re3iew staff at %oma tic Times BOO7cl#b. 68all 9disco3ered: me with a + ; <tars To' $ick 5old re3iew whe this was =#st a obsc#re small 'ress book. >ow? &8ll e3er for"et the e2citeme t of that 3ery first re3iew. Tha k yo#. Tha k yo# to my frie d a d a"e t, !eredith Ber stei , who read this book o3er i"ht a d k ew we had somethi " s'ecial. A d it8s with "ratit#de that & ack owled"e the fab#lo#s <tacy Boyd, who really 9"ets: $artholo a d <ha o , which made the editorial 'rocess o this book totally # 'ai f#l.

@i ally, o my way. !y !#sta " felt sweet as it Ai''ed dow the early em'ty hi"hway. >hy is it that cars seem to dri3e best whe they8re freshly washedB Lea i " dow , & 'o''ed a CD i to the 'layer, ski''ed forward to track - a d be"a si "i " at the to' of my 3ery to e-deaf l# "s with E'o i e abo#t the f#tility of lo3e. As the e2t so " keyed #', & sw# " aro# d a slow-mo3i " Che3y a d yelled, 95od, & lo3e bei " a teacher?: &t was the first day of C# e, a d the s#mmer stretched before me, 'risti e a d 3ir"i al. All those days of slee'i " i to "o?: C#st sayi " it alo#d made me ha''y. & my te years of teachi " &83e oticed that teachers te d to ha3e a bad habit of talki " to themsel3es. & hy'othesiAe that this is beca#se we talk for a li3i ", a d we feel safe s'eaki " o#r feeli "s alo#d. Or it co#ld be that most of #s, es'ecially the hi"h school teacher 3ariety, are =#st weird as shit.

O ly the sli"htly i sa e wo#ld choose a career teachi " tee a"ers. & ca =#st see my best "irlfrie d <#Aa a8s face screw #' a d the i 3ol# tary sh#dder mo3e dow her s'i e as & relate the latest trials a d trib#latio s of the hi"h school E "lish classroom. 5od, <ha, they8re soDsoDhormo e filled. Eew?: <#Aa a is a ty'ical colle"e 'rofessor s ob, b#t & lo3e her a yway. <he =#st does 8t a''reciate the ma y a d 3aried o''ort# ities for h#moro#s i terl#des that tee a"ers 'ro3ide o a daily basis. Cea Eal=ea 8s dy amic te or i terr#'ted my m#si "s, bri "i " me back to Oklahoma &F++ East a d C# e (. 6e', this is it4the life of a hi"h school E "lish teacher with a se se of h#mor. Doomed to ha3i " o mo ey b#t 'le ty of comedic fodder. Oh, cra', there8s my e2it?: L#ckily my little !#sta " co#ld take the hard, fast ri"ht o to U<F+(). The si" said Loc#st 5ro3e )) miles. & dro3e half with my k ee a d half with my ha d while & f#mbled to # fold the a#ctio flyer that held my writte directio s. <omewhere abo#t midway betwee Loc#st 5ro3e Gwhat a awf#l ame for a tow H a d <iloam <'ri "s there sho#ld be a bi" si" that 'oi ted to a side road till a other si" , a other side road, a d so forth, # til & came to the U iI#e Estate A#ctio 4U #s#al &tems4All Offers Co sidered4All !#st 5o. >ell, & certai ly like weird old st#ff. A d & really like weird old chea' st#ff.: !y st#de ts say my classroom is like a biAarre time war'. !y walls a d cabi ets are filled with e3erythi " from 'ri ts by >aterho#se to 'osters of !i"hty !o#se a d ha "i " <tar Trek E ter'rise models, alo " with a almost scary #mber of wi d chimes Gthey8re "ood chiH. A d that8s =#st my classroom. They sho#ld see my co do. 5#ess they really wo#ld 8t be s#r'rised. E2ce't at home &8m a eat freak. !y classroom is always i a 'er'et#al state of disarray. & ca 8t seem to fi d a ythi " if e3erythi " is fo# d. >hate3er the hell that mea s. &83e "ot to sto' c#ssi "?: <ayi " it o#t lo#d wo#ld, ho'ef#lly, rei force the idea. 7i d of a twist o the $a3lo38s do" theory. & kee' sayi " itJ it will be"i to ha''e . & ca 8t take yo# today, Ca3ert.: @lick? Off we t Les !isKrables. O "oes the =aAA statio o#t of T#lsa. &t8s cool that & co#ld 'ick it #' way o#t i the boo ies. The si" read Loc#st 5ro3e City Limits. <o & slowed dow , bli ked, a d the tow was "o e. >ell, maybe it was omi ally bi""er tha a bli k. A d & stayed slowed dow . Time to sto' a d smell the "ree of 5ree Co# try. Oklahoma i early s#mmer is a amaAi " dis'lay of color a d te2t#re. & we t to colle"e at the U i3ersity of &lli ois, a d it always a oyed me that 'eo'le talked abo#t Oklahoma like it was a red d#st bowl. Or some black-a d-white sce e of misery from The 5ra'es of >rath. >he & tried to tell the colle"e "a " that Oklahoma was really k ow as 95ree Co# try: they wo#ld scoff a d look at me as if they tho#"ht &8d eate too ma y t#mbleweeds or '# ched too ma y cows. & 'assed thro#"h the ti y tow of Leach Ga other # fort# ate ameH a d to''ed a rise i the road. Oklahoma stretched before me, s#dde ly looki " # tamed i its bea#ty. & like to ima"i e a time whe these roads were =#st 'aths, a d ci3iliAatio had 8t bee so s#re of itself. &t m#st ha3e bee e2citi " to be ali3e the 4 ot e2citi " like faci " the 'ri ci'al after he has =#st heard from a 'are t who is #'set abo#t me calli " 5#i e3ere a sl#t4b#t e2citi " i a r#""ed, 'erha's-we-wo 8t-batheor-br#sh-o#r-teeth a d we-kill-o#r-ow -food-a d-tote-o#r-ow -water ki d of way. U"h. O seco d tho#"htD&t8s delicio#s to dream abo#t the days of cowboys or k i"hts or dra"o s, a d & will admit to a obsessio with 'oets of the %oma tic era a d literat#re set, well, way back whe Gtech ical E "lish teacher termH. B#t reality remi ds me that i act#ality they did witho#t 'e icilli

a d Crest. As my kids wo#ld say, 9>hat8s #' with thatB: There it is? T#r off #mber o e, as i a road si" , ot to be co f#sed with the bli d date who comes to yo#r door i a3y bl#e do#ble-k it tro#sers a d a recedi " hairli e.: UN&LUE E<TATE AUCT&ON AMEAD a d a arrow, which 'oi ted dow a side road to my left. This road was m#ch less tra3eled G'oetic '# i te dedH. 7i d of a sorry little two-la er with 'otholes a d dee' "ra3el sho#lders. B#t it twisted a d rolled i a 'retty way, a d 9To 5ra dmother8s ho#se we "o: h#mmed thro#"h my mi d. & tried i 3ai to remember the rest of the so " for the e2t se3eral miles. UN&LUE E<TATE AUCT&ON AMEAD a d a other arrow. A other side-side road. This o e more "ra3el, less two la e, tha the other. >ell, maybe the o#t-of-the-way ess of the estate wo#ld ser3e to diss#ade the a tiI#e dealers, whom & co sidered the ba e of e3ery broke a#ctio -"oer. The =aAA statio faded o#t, which was act#ally fi e beca#se the 5ra dmother8s Mo#se so " had also faded from my i ter al radio4a d bee re'laced with the theme to The Be3erly Millbillies Gthese words & did remember all of, which & fo# d 3a"#ely dist#rbi "H. <'eaki " of hillbillies, & had 8t see ma y ho#ses. MmmmDmaybe the 9estate: was really a old ra ch ho#se, smack i the middle of what #sed to be a real ra ch ow ed by some Bo a AaesI#e rich folks. Now they83e all died off a d the la d wo#ld be s#bdi3ided i to eat little ho#si " di3isio s so #''er-middle-class folks co#ld comm#te toDwell, where3er. & call that =ob sec#rity for me. U''er-middle-class folks always ha3e the 'rereI#isite )., kids, 'l#s a additio al (., kid Gfrom a 're3io#s marria"eH. A d those kids "otta 'ass E "lish to "rad#ate from hi"h school. 5od bless America. O3er a crook a d a rise i the 9road: loomed what & had bee ima"i i " as a old ra ch ho#se. 9Moly shit? &t8s the Mo#se of Usher?: G<#mmer was defi itely ot the time to work o the c#ssi " thi ".H & slowed. 6e'4there was a other si" N UN&LUE E<TATE AUCT&ON, 'la ted e2t to the "ra3el trail leadi " to the estate. A few cars, b#t mostly tr#cks Git is OklahomaH were 'arked o what at o e time was ob3io#sly a bea#tif#lly mai tai ed fro tD& do 8t k owDwhat the hell do yo# call somethi " like thatDit stretched o a d o Dyard seemed too sim'le a word. 5ro# ds. That so# ded better. Lots of "rass. The dri3e was li ed with bi" trees, as i 5o e with the >i d, mi #s the wee'i " moss. & realiAed & was "awki " beca#se a old "#y dressed i black slacks a d a hi"h- ecked white cotto shirt was wa3i " me i with o e of those ha dheld ora "e flashli"ht thi "s, a d his face had a irritated 9sto' "awki " a d dri3e, lady: look o it. As & '#lled #' e2t to him, he motio ed for me to roll my wi dow dow . After oo , miss.: Me be t sli"htly at the waist a d 'eered i to my wi dow. A fetid r#sh of air bro#"ht his words i to my air-co ditio ed i terior a d killed my i itial =oy at bei " called 9miss,: which is defi itely yo# "er so# di " tha 9ma8am.: Me was taller tha & first tho#"ht, a d his face was hea3ily li ed, as if he had worked o#tside i the eleme ts most of his life, b#t his com'le2io was a sickly, sallow color. 5ood 5od? &t was the daddy from Childre of the Cor . After oo . <#re is warm today.: & tried to be 'leasa t. 6es, miss.: U"h4that smell a"ai . 9$lease '#ll forward o to The 5ree . The a#ctio will be"i 'rom'tly at two.: Uh, tha ks.: & tried to smile as & rolled the wi dow #' a d mo3ed to follow his 'oi ted directio s. >hat was that smellB Like somethi " dead. >ell, he was awf#lly 'aleJ 'erha's he was 8t well. That

wo#ld acco# t for the smell a d the fact that he was weari " lo " slee3es i C# e, a d & was a serio#sly hatef#l bitch to call the 'oor old "#y Childre of the Cor 8s daddy. A d the fro t yard is called The 5ree . Lear somethi " ew e3ery day? & said to myself with a "rimace. ClichKs are the ba e of ed#cated ma ki d. Before & t#r ed off the car, & took my reI#ired se3eral mi #tes Ga ma o ce told me he co#ld always tell how attracti3e a woma was by how lo " it took her to "et o#t of a car4& try to take a lo """ timeH to rea''ly my li'stick. & also took a mi #te to sco'e o#t the ho#se. <cratch that4 ma sio . !y first im'ressio held. This 'lace serio#sly co =#red ima"es of $oe a d Mawthor e. &t was h#mo "o#s, i a s'rawli ", Eictoria -ty'e of way. &8m #s#ally draw to # #s#al old homes, b#t ot so with this o e. & ti''ed my s# "lasses dow my ose to "et a better 3iew. &t looked odd. &t took a mome t to fi"#re o#t why, the it hit me4it looked as if it had bee b#ilt i se3eral differe t 'arts. The basic b#ildi " was ro#"hly a h#"e sI#are, b#t added o to this sI#are were two differe t 'orches, o e recta "#lar with ste's leadi " #' to the e tra ce i a "ra diose, swee'i " ma er. Not twe ty feet dow from the first 'orch was a seco d, ro# ded "aAebo-like str#ct#re =#st, well, st#ck o to the fro t of the b#ildi ", com'lete with latticework a d " arly-looki " roses. A lar"e t#rret room was attached to o e side of the b#ildi ", like a ca cero#s "rowth, a d a slo'e-roofed wi " emer"ed from the o''osite e d of the str#ct#re. The whole thi " was 'ai ted a awf#l shade of "ray, a d it was cracked a d cri kled, like a old smoker8s ski . There sho#ld really be some # iI#e items to be had here.: !#tteri " to myself, & "ot ready to tear my eyes away from Usher8s abode whe a shi3er tickled dow my s'i e. A thick clo#d 'assed i fro t of the s# a d the 9walki " o my "ra3e: feeli " hit me like a bad dream. &s it lateB &t seems to me that the li"ht darke s. !y E "lish teacher mi d 'l#cked the I#ote from !edea. 5reek tra"edy, re'lete with re3e "e, betrayal a d death. <eemed, i a i o''ort# e way, a''ro'riate.

Ceesh, "et a "ri', $arker?: %idic#lo#s4& eeded to shake o#t of my "r#esome mode, a d "et i to my =# k-sho''i " mode. Oklahoma heat was waiti " to embrace me with its h#mid arms as & ste''ed o#t of the car a d clicked the lock o my key'ad. <et #' aro# d the side of the ho#se was a lar"e table with a li e of assorted a#ctio -"oers milli " abo#t it. & fi"#red that was the si" -i table a d headed that way, kee'i " 'art of my atte tio o the 3ario#s 'iles of 9st#ff: that be"a stretchi " from the side yard aro# d a d disa''eari " i to the rear of the "ro# ds. !y 'alms were already all ati "le at the tho#"ht of di""i " thro#"h those hea'ed bo2es. B#t first the si" -i . >hew? & sho#ld83e '#t this h# k of hair #' i a 'o ytail?: & was maki " ei"hborly small talk with the matro i fro t of me i li e. 6#'.: <he fa ed herself with o e of the UN&LUE AUCT&ON flyers, a d her eyes slid from my already friAAi " a d sweaty hair, dow 'ast my white silk ta k to', which slid =#st o3er the waist of my 3ery hi' Ga d shortH khaki 5a' skirt, to my lo " Ga d 3ery bareH le"s. 9U"f.: <he made a so# d like a he e2'elli " a e"", a d & "#essed that was the e d of my attem't at ei"hborly co 3ersatio . This 'lace s#re looks like it sho#ld ha3e some i teresti " st#ff for sale.: & 3alia tly tried a seco d attem't at co 3ersi ", this time with the recedi " hairli e behi d me. 6es, & co#ld 8t a"ree more.: The hairli e fid"eted, bli ki " sweat o#t of his eyes. 9& heard that they will be a#ctio i " se3eral 'ieces of De'ressio Era "lass, a d =#st k ew & had to make the trek.

& fi d America "lasswork fasci ati ", do 8t yo#B: By this time his sI#i ty little eyes had fo# d my clea3a"e, a d it was ob3io#s that "lass was 8t all he fo# d fasci ati ". !mm, hmm, "lass is cool.: & ste''ed forward. &t was the matro 8s t#r to "et her ticket, b#t she was so b#sy watchi " the hairli e watch me that she co#ld hardly "i3e the re"istrar her i fo. Act#ally,: he lea ed way i to my $erso al <'ace, 9&8m i the middle of editi " a wo derf#lly i formati3e coffee table book o the ori"i s of De'ressio Era art a d how to disti "#ish the differe ce betwee a#the tic 'ieces a d facsimiles.: Oh, that8s, #m, ice.: Me was still i my $erso al <'ace a d & tried i chi " forward, ob3io#sly crowdi " the matro , who was still sta di " i li e 'i i " her a#ctio #mber to her De'ressio Era bosom. & wo#ld be ha''y to offer yo# my e2'ertise if yo# fi d a y 'ieces yo# are i terested i biddi " o . & wo#ld hate to see s#ch a lo3ely yo# " lady take ad3a ta"e ofD.: Mis 3oice cracked a d he er3o#sly dabbed the sweat off his #''er li' with a folded ha dkerchief. & oticed the yellowed stai s shadowi " his 'its. 5#ess that b#tto -dow o2ford was =#st a little too warm for this trek. &8ll be s#re to let yo# k ow if & eed yo#.: !y t#r , tha k 5od. Name, 'lease.: & co#ld se se hairli e8s ears "rowi " to catch the a swer. <ha o $arker.: !s. $arker, yo#r #mber is 1.+. $lease fill o#t yo#r address e2t to the 1.+ slot. 7ee' the #mber with yo# at all times, the a#ctio eer will refer to yo#r #mber if yo# '#rchase a item. >he yo# ha3e made all yo#r '#rchases, sim'ly "i3e the cashier yo#r #mber a d she will 'rese t yo# with yo#r bill.: Ty'ical a#ctio directio s4& "rabbed my #mber a d fled before Mairli e t#r ed i to a sticky boo"er. & will e3er # dersta d why short me are attracted to me. &8m ot a AmaAo , b#t i flat feet & sta d fi3e foot se3e , a d & lo3e hi"h heels so &8m rarely i flat feet. !y hei"ht aside, & am defi itely ot a small woma . Do 8t "et me wro ", &8m ot bi". & work o#t like a fie d, b#t & always seem to carry aro# d abo#t fi3e to te 'o# ds more tha & wish & did. &8m ot the lea , la ky, a ore2ic ty'e that8s so 9i : today4&8m the 3ol#'t#o#s, chesty, hi''y, le""y ty'e. A d & feel ridic#lo#s aro# d small me J & always ima"i e that & co#ld 'robably beat them #', which makes me totally disi terested i a ythi " else comi " #'. 5i3e me a ma the siAe of Coh >ay e a d & melt like a $o'sicle i a warm mo#th. U fort# ately, my lo3e life is as dead as the D#ke. The b#lk of the a#ctio was behi d the ho#se i what o ce m#st ha3e bee "or"eo#sly la dsca'ed "arde s. <mack i the ce ter stood a cr#mbli " fo# tai com'lete with a aked ym'h. The a#ctio lots were i a ro#"h semicircle aro# d the fo# tai 4the o'e e d of the circle 'oi ted toward se3eral 'ieces of farm eI#i'me t. Billy Coe Bobs a d B#bba Bo Bobs were cl#stered i "ro#'s amidst the eI#i'me t, ob3io#sly i a feedi " fre Ay. Carried o the wi d, & co#ld o3erhear the Oklahoma melodies of 9y8all: a d 9y#'.: O e of them had a 'iece of straw st#ck i a "a' betwee his fro t teeth. %eally, &8m ot maki " it #'. The other items were "ro#'ed i lots, a d #'o closer i s'ectio it was ob3io#s that someo e had bee metic#lo#s i setti " them o#t. Neatly arra "ed to"ether were 'ieces of like f#r it#re Gbedroom sets, di ettes, or ate chairs, etc.H i o e area, a d tables filled with lam's, fi2t#res, sco ces a d crystal i a other. G& oticed !r. %ecedi " Mairli e maki " a beeli e for that 'artic#lar table.H 7 ickk acks i bo2es marked with lot #mbers were s'aced so that c#stomers co#ld 'aw thro#"h them witho#t maimi " each other, a d artwork was dis'layed tastef#lly o foldi " tables a d easels.

The art was where & "ra3itated. & co#ld 8t hel' se di " a co3eto#s "la ce i the directio of the f#r it#re, b#t a "la ce was all it took for me to be fairly certai that a schoolteacher8s salary wo#ld 8t allow for a y '#rchases i that area. The soo -to-be e2-ow er8s tastes were certai ly co siste t. All of the 'ai ti "s dis'layed o the easels had a like theme4mytholo"y. & wa dered from watercolor to acrylic to oil. E3erythi " from Ee #s8s birth to a "reat litho"ra'h of >ota 8s farewell to Br# hilde. Ohmy"od, that8s hilario#s?: & co#ld 8t hel' #d"i " the 5ara"e <ale L#ee sta di " e2t to me a d 'oi ti " to a wo derf#l f#ll-color 'ri t of a h#"e fiery dra"o roari " flame at a blo d female warrior o a 'l# "i " white horse. <he was deflecti " the fire with a shield a d bra dishi " a sword. & co#ld 8t make o#t the artist8s ame, b#t the title 'ai ted o the bottom of the 'ri t read, <tam' O#t @orest @ires. & ha3e to ha3e this o e.: & was still ch#ckli ". >ell, it8s ki da stra "e.: The 5ara"e <ale L#ee 8s asally twa " i terr#'ted my smile. 6e'. B#t & like to thi k of it as ot ormal, 3ers#s sim'ly stra "e.: <he "a3e me o e of those shee'y, d#h looks a d started o3er to the ho#sehold items sectio . & si"hed a d o'e ed my little otebook to write, 9Lot O()4dra"o 'ri t.: A closer look at the frame made me wo der if & had a cha ce of affordi " it, b#t maybe e3eryo e wo#ld thi k it was 9ki da stra "e: a d & wo#ld be the o ly bidder. !a y of the other 'ai ti "s were i teresti ", b#t & had already decided to foc#s my fi a cial e er"y o a si "le 'ri t, a d maybe a small 3ase or sc#l't#re or some s#ch 9stra "e: k ickk ack. Behi d the 'ai ti "s were the lots filled with artsy st#ff. Tables held i di3id#al 'ieces, alo " with bo2es of 3ario#sly "ro#'ed odds a d e ds. A"ai , there seemed to be a theme. <c#l't#res were mi iat#re re'rod#ctio s of st#ff that looked 3ery 5reek or %oma , a d, well, 3ery aked. This wo#ld be f# . Three male stat#ettes were 'laced o o e table. They each stood abo#t two feet hi"h. & 'a#sed a d "a3e each the res'ectf#l, 'ro'er atte tio they seemed to deser3e, while tryi " ot to o"le as & read the ide tificatio a d lot ta"sN Lot O(. <tat#ette of Pe#s, Th# derbolt at the %eady G3ery #de4act#ally aked, a d he looked 3ery, #m, readyH. <orry, sweetie. Ca 8t take yo# home4too ki ky.: & tweaked his th# derbolt. Lot O(/, <tat#ette of Melle istic %#ler, 'ossibly Demetrios & of <yria. Demetrios was a lar"e, m#sc#lar, aked ma . Eery lar"e. Oh, baby, wish yo# were 5alatea a d & was yo#r e amored sc#l'tor.: & 'atted his cheeks a d "i""led, while & looked aro# d to make s#re & was 8t ca#si " a stir. Lot O(0, <tat#ette of Etr#sca >arrior. Too ski y for my tastes4o ly two thi "s st#ck o#t abo#t the stat#etteN his wea'o , a d, #m, his wea'o . Bye-bye, boys. &t8s =#st soDwellDhard to lea3e yo#.: & chortled at my ow '# a d mo3ed to the e2t table, which was filled with abo#t half a doAe lar"e 3ases. !y "aAe drifted o3er the ele"a t #r sD A d the world sto''ed. <#dde ly, a d totally, the day stood still. The breeAe died. <o# ds ceased. & did 8t feel the heat. !y breath sto''ed. !y 3isio t# eled # til my aware ess was com'letely filled by the 3ase. Oo's, sorry. Did 8t mea to b#m' ya.: Breath r#shed i to my l# "s a d the world started a"ai as a ki d ma "rabbed my elbow to steady me.

That8s okay.: & s#cked air a d attem'ted a smile. 5#ess & was 8t looki " where & was "oi ". Almost ra ya o3er.: &8m fi e ow. No harm do e.: Me looked at me like he was 8t s#re, b#t odded a d we t o his way. & br#shed a trembli " ha d thro#"h my hair. >hat was "oi " o B >hat ha''e edB & was looki " at the 3ases a dD !y atte tio t#r ed back to the 'ottery table, a d my eyes were immediately draw to the last of the 3ases. !y feet were mo3i " toward it before & told them to "o. !y trembli " ha d reached o#t to to#ch the lot ide tificatio ta". &t readN Lot O),, %e'rod#ctio 4Celtic 3ase, ori"i al stood o3er "ra3es i <cottish cemetery4<ce e i color re'rese ts s#''licatio s bei " made to the Mi"h $riestess of E'o a, Celtic Morse 5oddess. !y 3isio was bl#rred a d my eyes felt stra "ely hot as & looked back at the 3ase. Bli ki " my 3isio clear, & st#died it, attem'ti " to i" ore how stra "e & was feeli ". The 3ase was a co#'le of feet tall a d sha'ed like the base of a lam'. A c#r3ed ha dle bala ced off o e side. The to' was o'e with a "racef#lly rid"ed circ#mfere ce. B#t it was 8t the sha'e or siAe that drew meJ it was the sce e 'ai ted i to the 'ottery, stretchi " from o e side all the way aro# d. The back"ro# d color was black, which made the sce e seem to =#m' o#t with the other colors all hi"hli"hted i "olds a d creams. A woma recli ed o some ty'e of c#shio ed lo# "e chair. Mer back was to the 3iewer, so all that co#ld be see of her was the c#r3e of her waist, o e o#tstretched arm with which she motio ed re"ally to the s#''lica ts o their k ees before her a d the cascade of her hair. &t8s like my hair.: & did 8t realiAe & had s'oke alo#d # til & heard the words. B#t her hair was like mi e, o ly lo "er. The same red-"old, the same wa3y semi-c#rls that e3er wa ted to stay '#t. !y fi "er cre't forward of its ow accord a d & fo# d myself to#chi " the 3ase, tra sfi2ed. Oh?: &t felt hot? & ya ked my fi "er back where it belo "ed. & did 8t k ow yo# were i terested i 'ottery.: !r. %ecedi " Mairli e sI#i ted #' at me. 9& am act#ally I#ite k owled"eable abo#t se3eral cate"ories of Early America 'ottery.: Me licked his li's. >ell, &8m ot really i terested i Early America 'ottery.: Mairli e8s rea''eara ce i to my $erso al <'ace had ser3ed to dash cold water o whate3er weird feeli "s & had bee e2'erie ci ". 9&t8s way too <o#thwest for me. &8m more of a 5reekQ%oma -esI#e ki d of "irl.: Oh, & see. >hat a fasci ati " little 'iece yo# were admiri ".: Me reached his sweaty ha ds o#t, a d i a =#m'y, cockroach-like mo3eme t he lifted the 3ase, t#r i " it #'side dow to 'eer at the bottom. & obser3ed him for a y si" s of weird ess, b#t he =#st ke't o bei " his ormal, erdy self. Um, yo# do 8t otice a ythi ", well, odd abo#t that 3ase, do yo#B: No. &t8s a rather well-made re'rod#ctio , b#t & do 8t detect a ythi " odd abo#t E'o a or the #r . >hat do yo# mea B: Me '#t the 3ase dow a d dabbed at his #''er li' with a dam' ha dkerchief. >ell, it seemed to feel a little, & do 8t k ow, hot, whe & to#ched it.: & stared i to his eyes, wo deri " if my e#rotic breakdow was ob3io#s. !i"ht & s#""est4: he lea ed e3e farther i to my $erso al <'ace, 'ractically resti " his 'oi ty ose o my clea3a"e 94that the warmth may ha3e bee "e erated by yo#r ow "e ero#s body heatB:

Me was almost sali3ati ". U"h. 6o# k ow, yo# mi"ht be ri"ht,: & '#rred. Me sto''ed breathi " a d licked his li's a"ai . & whis'ered, 9& thi k & ha3e bee r# i " a low-"rade fe3er. C#st ca 8t seem to "et rid of this asty yeast i fectio . A d it s#re is sticky i this heat.: & smiled a d sI#irmed a little. 5ood ess. >ell, my "ood ess.: Mairli e I#ickly receded from my $erso al <'ace. & smiled a d followed. Me co ti #ed backi " #'. 9& feel that & had better "o back to my De'ressio Era "lass lots, & certai ly wa t to be there to o'e the biddi ". 5ood l#ck to yo#.: Me t#r ed a d sc#ttled away. 5#ys are s#ch a 'ai i the ass. B#t really easy to "et rid of, =#st call i to 'lay the dreaded @emale $roblem card a d watch them freak o#t. & like to thi k it8s =#st o e small way 5od lets #s "et e3e . & mea , we do ha3e to "i3e birth. Now what8s #' with this dam 3aseB: &t was =#st too Dark <hadows for words. Bl#rred 3isio 4 loss of breath4hot 'ottery4same hair. Oh, 'lease, & was 'robably =#st ha3i " a 'remat#re hot flash Gtwe ty years early4okay, fiftee years early, at leastH. <o, & decided &8d sim'ly co fro t the so#rce. The Dreaded !ystery EaseQUr Q@ri""i $ot. &t sat i oce tly e o#"h =#st where %ecedi " had left it, 3a"#ely moist s'ots "liste i " where his sweaty little fi "ers had sm#d"ed the "lossy s#rface. & took a breath. A dee' breath. &t certai ly was a i tri"#i "-looki " 'ot. & sI#i ted a d be t to "et a closer look, caref#l ot to to#ch it. The $riestess did ha3e hair that looked like mi e, o ly lo "er. Mer ri"ht arm was dra'ed i a creamy, "a#Ay white cloth, a d there was a defi ite "race a d bea#ty abo#t the way it was stretched, 'alm held #' a d forward, sli"htly tilted. <he seemed "racio#s i her acce'ta ce of the offered "ifts from the k eeli " s#''lica ts. A rich-looki " "old armlet s aked aro# d her bice', a d "olde bracelets ador ed her wrist. <he wore o ri "s, b#t the back of her ha d seemed to be decorated with a desi" 4 Oh, 5od?: !y ow ha d flew to my mo#th to stifle my screech. & felt a si ki " i the 'it of my stomach, a d all of a s#dde it was a"ai diffic#lt to catch my breath. Beca#se it was 8t a tattoo or a =ewel that decorated the back side of her ha d. &t was a scar. A scar from a third-de"ree b#r . & k ew beca#se my ri"ht ha d was 9decorated: with the e2act mark.

Ladies a d "e tleme , the a#ctio will ow be"i . $lease make yo#r way to Lot O(, directly east of the fo# tai . >e will o'e this after oo with bedroom a d li3i "-room f#r ishi "sD: & co#ld hear the a#ctio eer dro i " i the back"ro# d as o'e i " bids were take for Lot O(4 Eictoria re'rod#ctio oak si2-'iece bedroom set, b#t the 'ot ca'ti3ated my atte tio . Alo " with other stra""lers, & remai ed by the item of my choice, waiti " for the a#ctio to come to me. >ith a shaki " ha d & d#" i to the black de'ths of my '#rse a d fished o#t a wadded-#', a"ed 7lee e2. <lowly, & reached toward the 'ot a d wi'ed off all the sm#d"es left by the %ecedi " Nerd. !aybe it was =#st a trick of sweat a d the li"ht. & bli ked hard a d looked back at the 'riestess8s ha d. The & looked at my ow . The familiar b#r scar was, i deed, there4a d had bee si ce & was a fo#r-year-old a d had 'recocio#sly tho#"ht & co#ld hel' 5ra dma boil water for macaro i faster by shaki " the ha dle of the 'ot. Of co#rse, boili " water had 'ai f#lly 'o#red o to my little ha d, lea3i " a f# y-looki " scar that resembled a star. Thirty-o e years later the raised tiss#e still e3oked comme ts from frie ds a d stra "ers. A d the lady o the 'ot had the same scar tiss#eB &m'ossible. Es'ecially i a re'rod#ctio of a a cie t Celtic #r .

6et there it was, i all of its hair-looks-like-mi e-ha d-has-my-scar-a d-makes-me-feel-like-&8mha3i "-a- er3o#s-breakdow "lory. & eed a dri k.: U derstateme t of the year. A "la ce toward the a#ctio eer told me they were o ly o Lot O. Gre'rod#ctio of Lo#is R&E armoire4biddi " was fast a d f#rio#sH. & had time to fi d the refreshme t sta d a d "et a "ri' o myself before they "ot ear the artsy st#ff. Needless to say, & wo#ld 8t be biddi " o Lot O),J the cool dra"o 'ri t wo#ld ha3e to "o home with someo e else. The 'ot was where my mo ey a d my e er"y had to be foc#sed. <tra "ely e o#"h, & oticed that as soo as & "ot away from the 'ottery table & be"a feeli " ormal a"ai . No hot flashes, o tro#ble breathi ", defi itely o 9time is s#dde ly freeAi ": mome ts. The makeshift refreshme t sta d was sit#ated ear the farm eI#i'me t. They had cold dri ks, coffee a d e3il-looki " hot do"s for sale. & ordered a 9diet a ythi ": a d took my time si''i ", wa deri " slowly back toward the 'ottery. & ha3e always had a "reat ima"i atio . & lo3e fa tasy a d make-belie3e. Mell, &8m a fri""i E "lish teacher4& act#ally read. @or 'leas#re, as shocki " as that seems to be to some 'eo'le. B#t & ha3e always k ow the differe ce betwee fa tasy a d reality4e3e relished the differe ce. <o, what i the hell was "oi " o with me todayB >hat was #' with the stra "e feeli "sB A d why did the woma o that 'ot look like meB? & 'i ched myself, a d it h#rt. <o & was 8t ha3i " o e of my #ltra-3i3id weird dreams that seem real. & mea dered back to the 'ottery area, a d i sta tly my stomach ti"hte ed. &t was #tterly biAarre. & sho#ld b#y the dam dra"o 'ri t, "et i my car, "o home a d dri k a medici al bottle of !erlot. All this ra thro#"h my mi d as my le"s carried me strai"ht back to the 'ot. @ri""i thi " still looks like me.: &t is rather odd, is it ot, missB: The skeletal "#y from the e tra ce stood behi d the 'ottery table. Me reached o#t a d let his ha d slide slowly o3er the 'ot, 'a#si " briefly o the 'riestess8s hair, the traci " the li e of her arm with his fi "er. <o yo# oticed it, too.: !y eyes arrowed a d he '#lled his bo y ha d away from my 'ot. 6es, miss. & oticed yo#r hair whe yo# dro3e i . L#ite a ice color to see today4too ma y yo# " wome seem to wa t to r#i their hair by dyi " it # at#ral colorsN b#r"# dy, yellow, black. A d c#tti " it short. <o, yo#rs sta ds o#t.: Mis to e was harmless e o#"h, b#t his eyes had a i te sity that s#dde ly made me feel # comfortable. A d e3e across the table & co#ld smell his asty breath. >ell, it8s bee a s#r'rise for me, act#ally, ki d of a shock.: & watched him. Mis atte tio ke't lea3i " me a d refoc#si " o the 'ot with a almost se2#al i te sity. A d he ke't to#chi " it. A lot. $robably @ate telli " yo# that yo# m#st b#y it.: Me t#r ed that # #r m#st ot "o home with a yo e else.: at#ral "aAe back to me. 9This

That made me la#"h. 9& ho'e @ate k ows to kee' the biddi " withi a teacher8s 'rice ra "e.: <he does.: >ith that cry'tic remark he caressed the 'ot o e last time a d "lided away. Dam , that "#y was stra "e. !ore like a talkati3e L#rch tha Childre of the Cor 8s daddy, tho#"h. The a#ctio was mo3i " I#ickly a d the biddi " was be"i i " for the stat#ettes. <eems se3eral 'eo'le were i terested i 9the boys.: Ca 8t say that & blamed them. & ste''ed i to the "ro#' aro# d the mobile a#ctio eer8s 'latform as it was bei " wheeled i to 'ositio behi d the table. Biddi " be"a at fifty dollars for Pe#s, b#t fi3e 'eo'le I#ickly raised that fifty to o e-fifty. @i ally it

sold to a solid-looki " woma for o e h# dred se3e ty-fi3e dollars. Not bad. The <yria "ot more i terest Gm#st ha3e bee the m#sclesH. Biddi " I#ickly we t from the o'e i " bid of fifty dollars to three-fifty. & was be"i i " to worry abo#t the 'rice ra "e. The <yria we t for fo#r h# dred fifty dollars. A bad si" . & had b#d"eted two h# dred dollars for my a#ctio o#ti " today. & co#ld scra'e to"ether a other fifty, b#t abo3e that was beyo d my limited mea s. The ski y warrior we t for fo#r h# dred dollars e3e . !y stomach cle ched a"ai as & drifted with the crowd o3er to the 'ottery table a d liste ed to the a#ctio eer talk abo#t what e2celle t m#se#m-I#ality re'rod#ctio s of 5reco-%oma a d Celtic 'ottery were e2em'lified i the e2t si2 lots. Co#ld 8t he 'lease =#st sh#t #'B & '#shed thro#"h the crowd, i" ori " the disco certi " feeli " that bei " so close to the 'ot "a3e me. The biddi " o Lot O)1 o'e ed at se3e ty-fi3e dollars. There were o ly three 'eo'le who were serio#sly biddi " o the 'ottery. & oticed that all three had the look of dealers. They had the little ha dheld otebooks, the "lasses 'erched o their oses a d the look of 'rofessio al i te sity cas#al a#ctio -"oers e3er wore. &t was a whole differe t look tha =#st falli " i lo3e with a estate 'iece a d wa ti " to take it home. The dealer has a cli ical attit#de abo#t his or her '#rchases, a 9Oh, boy, & ca 8t wait to "et this i to my store a d mark it #' (,1 'erce t: attit#de. & was doomed. Lot O)1 we t to the dealer with the friAAy blo d hair Groots des'erately eeded a to#ch-#'H for three h# dred dollars. Lot O)( we t to the dealer who looked E "lish. 6o# k owN 'ro'er, 'rim, smart, well-bred, b#t i eed of a bath a d some orthodo tic atte tio . Me 'aid fi3e h# dred dollars Ga d, s#re e o#"h, he had a acce tH for the bea#tif#l seco d- to fo#rth-Ce t#ry %oma 'ot which the a#ctio eer described as made i the !oselkeramik style, which mea t Ghe e2'lai ed to #s i" ora t lay-folksH that it was of the hi"hest I#ality a d e2I#isite. The E "lish "#y looked sm#" with his '#rchase. Lots O)), O)* a d O)+ we t to the third dealer. Belie3e it or ot, it was the De'ressio Era matro & had offe ded with my le"s earlier. 5reat. !s. !atro 'aid three h# dred, fo#r twe ty-fi3e a d two h# dred se3e ty-fi3e dollars, res'ecti3ely, for the 'ots. Now the last of o#r bea#tif#l 'ottery 'ieces is Lot O),4%e'rod#ctio 4Celtic 3ase, ori"i al stood o3er "ra3es i a a cie t <cottish cemetery4<ce e i color re'rese ts s#''licatio s bei " made to Mi"h $riestess of the Morse 5oddess E'o a. &t is i teresti " to ote that E'o a was the o ly Celtic deity ado'ted by the i 3adi " %oma s, a d she became their 'erso al 5oddess, 'rotectress of their le"e dary le"io s.: Mis 3oice so# ded st#ck-#' a d 'ro#d, like he had created the 'ot a d 'erha's was a 'erso al frie d of E'o a. & hated him. 9Notice the e2ce'tio al #se of color a d co trast o the #r . <hall we o'e the biddi " at se3e ty-fi3e dollarsB: <e3e ty-fi3e.: & raised my ha d a d ca#"ht his eye. &t8s im'orta t to tele"ra'h to the a#ctio eer G3ia eye co tactH serio#s b#yi " i te t4a d & was !orse-codi " him to death. & ha3e se3e ty-fi3e, do & hear o e h# dredB: O e h# dred.: The !atro raised her fat ha d. O e-te .: & tried ot to sho#t. O eDte .: There was o mistaki " the 'atro iAi " to e to Mis !a=esty8s 3oice. 9& ha3e a bid of o e h# dred a d te dollars. Do & hear o e twe ty-fi3eB: O e h# dred a d fifty dollars, 'lease.: &t was the Brit. @i"#res.

The "e tlema bids o e h# dred a d fifty dollars.: Now his 3oice was i "ratiati ". >hat a little weasel. 9O e h# dred a d fifty, do & hear two h# dredB: Two h# dred,: & said thro#"h cle ched teeth. Ah, the lady bids two h# dred dollars.: Back i his "ood "races. 9Do & hear two twe ty-fi3eB: <ile ce4& was holdi " my breath. The last bid is two h# dred dollars.: E2'ecta t 'a#se. & wa ted to throttle him. <ay 9o ce, twice, sold,: my mi d was screami ". 9Do & hear two h# dred a d twe ty-fi3e dollarsB: Two-fifty.: The !atro a"ai . Before & co#ld raise my ha d to s'e d more tha my b#d"et allowed, the Brit, i a fl#tter of lo " white fi "ers, softly raised the bid to two se3e ty-fi3e. Abo3e the 'o# di " i my ears & co#ld make o#t the biddi " war betwee the !atro a d the Brit. &t c#lmi ated at three h# dred a d fifty dollars. Beyo d my b#d"et4way beyo d my b#d"et. & backed away slowly as the crowd mo3ed o to the e2t set of lots, a d fo# d myself sitti " o the ed"e of the rotti " fo# tai . & watched as the a#ctio assista ts be"a bo2i " #' the 'ottery. The Brit a d the friAAy-haired blo de were ha "i " aro# d, ob3io#sly do e biddi "4they 'robably ow ed sho's that s'ecialiAed i works d8art. They were la#"hi " a d talki " with the "ood- at#red camaraderie of 'eers. The 'ot was 8t "oi " home with me. &t looked like me. &t made me feel e#rotic, b#t it was "oi " home with the Brit. !y si"h came strai"ht from my co f#sed heart. & did 8t k ow what the hell was wro " with me, b#t & felt, as &8m s#re the Brit wo#ld say, b#""ered a d bloody awf#l. & Oklahoma we8d =#st say & felt like shit. !aybe & sho#ld ask the Brit for his card, a d sa3e #' e o#"h mo ey toDwhatB $#t the dam thi " i layawayB !aybe & co#ld 'ick #' a s#mmer-school class a dD & oticed the Brit lifti " my4& mea , his 'ot. Me was e2ami i " it with a 'ro'rietor8s smile as he waited for the assista t to 'ack the waiti " bo2 with e o#"h tiss#e to kee' it from breaki ". <#dde ly, his smile cha "ed to a a "ry, distra#"ht e2'ressio . Mmm4& stood #' a d mo3ed closer. !y 5od? >hat the bloody hell is thisB: Me was holdi " the 'ot #' abo3e his head, looki " i te tly i to the i terior. <ir, is there a 'roblemB: The assista t was as co f#sed as &. & sho#ld say so? This 'ot is cracked? &t is totally #seless to me.: Me set it carelessly back o the table, a d it rolled aro# d o its bottom ed"e, comi " 'recario#sly close to ti''i " o3er. <ir, let me take a look.: The assista t "rabbed the 'ot a d held it #' to the li"ht, mimicki " the Brit8s actio s. Mis e2'ressio bla ched. <ir, yo# are correct. $lease acce't my a'olo"ies for this dama"ed mercha dise. 6o#r bill will be corrected immediately.: As he s'oke, a other mi io r#shed off to the acco# ts 'ayable te t. E2c#se meD: & tried to so# d o chala t. 9>hat will ha''e to the 'ot owB: All three t#r ed to stare at me. &t will be rea#ctio ed, as is, of co#rse.: A d he ha ded the 'ot to yet a other assista t, who haste ed toward the a#ctio eer area. & followed o r#bbery le"s, feeli " s#dde ly like the 'ro3erbial moth to a flame4or more a''ro'riately Okie-like, the mosI#ito to the hea3y-d#ty twoacre b#" Aa''er.

Oh, my. &t seems we ha3e a error i eed of correcti ".: The a#ctio eer8s 3oice was a oyed. 9Before we co ti #e to Lot O*(, we eed to rea#ctio Lot O),. The re'rod#ctio 'ottery e3ide tly has a hairli e crack r# i " the width of the base. L#ite # fort# ate.: & '#shed my way thro#"h the crowd as he held #' the 'ot, o'e e d to the a#die ce, so that we co#ld all 'eer i to its im'erfect de'ths. & sI#i ted a d lookedDa d the o'e i " of the 'ot seemed to ri''le, like the s#rface of a black lake. & felt diAAy a d bli ked hard se3eral times, tryi " to clear my 3isio . The a#ctio eer looked i to the o'e i " a d shook his head, co torti " his face i to a "rimace of disdai for s#ch abomi ably dama"ed mercha dise. The he shr#""ed his sho#lders a d said, 9Do & ha3e a o'e i " bid of twe ty-fi3e dollarsB: <ile ce. & co#ld 8t belie3e it4& wa ted to sho#t, b#t co tai ed my e2#bera ce as he s#r3eyed the m#m crowd a d I#ickly re3ised the bid dow ward. 9@iftee dollarsB Do & hear fiftee dollarsB: <ile ce. C#st te mi #tes before, the biddi " war had bee o , a d it had bro#"ht three h# dred a d fifty dollars. Now it was 8t 'erfect, a d the "#y co#ld 8t "et fiftee b#cks. @ate whis'ered i my ear. Three dollars a d fifty ce ts.: & co#ld 8t hel' myself. &t was some ki d of I#irky =#stice. <old? @or three dollars a d fifty ce ts. !adam, 'lease "i3e yo#r #mber to my assista t.: Me "rimaced. 96o# may collect yo#r 'ot immediately.:

!y #mber is 1.+. &8m here to settle my acco# t.: The acco# ts 'ayable 'erso a''eared to be a ho#rly em'loyeeDshe mo3ed 3ery slowly. & tried ot to fid"et. & wa t my 'ot & wa t my 'ot & wa t my 'ot. & was t#r i " i to a 'sycho. The total is S*../Dthat8s with ta2.: <he e3e bli ked slowly, remi di " me of a calf. Mere ya "o. 7ee' the cha "e.: & ha ded her a fi3e-dollar bill. <he "ri ed at me like & was <a ta. Tha k yo#, ma8am. &8ll ha3e yo#r mercha dise bro#"ht ri"ht o#t.: O3er her sho#lder, 9Pack, bri " o#t #mber .+8s st#ff.: Pack emer"ed from behi d the b#ildi " beari " a bo2 like those & had obser3ed the other 'ots bei " 'acked i to. The lid was o'e a d he held it so that & co#ld see that it was my 'ot. B#t & did 8t eed to act#ally see it, that ow-familiar y#cky feeli " was back i my stomach. Tha k yo#, &8ll take it from here.: Before & co#ld chicke o#t, & "rabbed the bo2, slammed the lid sh#t a d headed for my car. 9&8m "etti " the hell o#tta Dod"e.: Talki " to myself ke't my er3es at bay. >ell, almost. & do#ble clicked the 'asse "er8s door # locked, a d "e tly set the bo2 i the seat. O seco d tho#"ht, & decided & had better seat belt the thi " i J & did 8t wa t it flo''i " o3er, falli " o#t a d maki " me "rab at it while & was dri3i ". 5#l'. The air co ditio er be"a its ma"ic as soo as the e "i e r#mbled to life. Tryi " ot to 'eek sideways at my 'asse "er, & threw the !#sta " i to "ear a d retraced my 'ath o#t. >hat ow?: Childre of the Cor 8s daddy, aka L#rch, was back at his 'ost, a"ai wa3i " the ora "e wa d i my

directio . & rolled to a 'a#se a d ta''ed the wi dow o'e 4halfway. & see @ate was faithf#l.: Mis eyes skittered back a d forth from the closed lid of the bo2 to me. 5od, his breath was awf#l. 6eah, there was a crack i the bottom of it, so & "ot a "reat deal.: Letti " #' o the cl#tch & started to roll forward. Co#ld 8t he take a hi tB 6es, miss, yo# ha3e o idea what a e2traordi ary deal yo# ha3e '#rchased for so little.: Mis eyes 'ierced me, the he "la ced #' at the sky. 9The weather is cha "i ". 6o# be s#re to dri3e4: 'a#se 94caref#lly.: G>hat the hell was he im'lyi "BH 9&8d hate to thi k of yo# ha3i "4: 'a#se 94 a accide t.: Not a 'roblem. &8m a e2celle t dri3er.: & 'ressed the wi dow #' a d let loose the cl#tch. 5la ci " i the rear3iew mirror & saw Cor Daddy take a few ste's after me. 9@reak.: & shi3ered. T#r i " o to the "ra3el road felt "ood, a d & "# ed the e "i e, e =oyi " the =#3e ile r#sh of 'leas#re that s'ewi " "ra3el with my tires "a3e me. 5la ci " i the rear3iew mirror a"ai , & co#ld see that Cor Daddy was ow sta di " i the middle of the road stari " obsessi3ely i my directio . The @reak8s war i " abo#t the weather flashed thro#"h my mi d. & looked #' at the sky. 9Oh, "reat, this is all & eed.: $#ffy "ray clo#ds towered, "i3i " the bl#e horiAo a br#ised look. & was headi " so#thwest, the way back to T#lsa, a d a''are tly the way i to a lo3ely e2am'le of a Oklahoma s#mmer th# derstorm. >ell, frie ds a d s'orts fa s, let8s check what the local-yokel weather statio s are 'redicti ".: @li''i " thro#"h my radio all & co#ld t# e i clearly was a co# try-m#sic statio , a farm show disc#ssi " how bad the ticks are for C# e G&8m ot maki " that #'H a d a "os'el 'reacher who seemed to be screami " abo#t ad#ltery G& did 8t liste lo " e o#"h to fi"#re o#t for s#re if he was for or a"ai st itH. No weather4 ot e3e a y =aAA or the el#si3e 9soft rock.: >hat say we =#st 'rete d like we8re !eatloaf a d dri3e home like a bat o#tta hellB: & was talki " to the dam bo2. 5reat. & was st#ck i the middle of fri""i owhere, dri3i " smack i to Ga other look forward a d a little to the left told me the bad ewsH a wall clo#d, a d & was talki " to a bo2 filled with a 'ot that made me feel as if & had take se3eral diet 'ills a d ch#""ed a lar"e fra''aca''a-mocha-latte. 9That8s it4first tow & come to &8m sto''i " at the b#m'ki "as statio . &8m "oi " to "et somethi " chocolate to eat, a d fi d o#t what the hell is "oi " o with the weather.: <#s'icio#sly & "la ced sideways at the bo2. 9A d "et some fresh air.: @or a i sta t & almost re"retted my cell-'ho e 'hobia. & do 8t ow e3e o e cell 'ho e. All of my frie ds do4#s#ally m#lti'le 'ho es, like it8s some co test to see how ma y they ca ha3e a d how small they ca be, ki da the o''osite of the 'e is thi ". !y best "irlfrie d Gthe st#ck-#' colle"e 'rofessorH has a s'ecial o e i stalled i her car so she ca blab o the 'ho e witho#t taki " her ha ds off the wheel. <he also has a c#te little dece'ti3ely harmless-looki " model that ests i her '#rse. & tolerate the ridic#le of my 'eers beca#se &83e decided that whe they are all dyi " of brai ca cer & am "oi " to tell them 9& told yo# so.: & co ti #ally e2'lai to them that, o, & am ot a Nea derthal o#t of sy ch with the moder world. & sim'ly do ot eed a 'ho e i my car, my '#rse, my desk, my "ym ba", etc., etc. A d & will 3isit them as they are 'itif#lly wasti " away from basketball-siAe brai t#mors ca#sed by co sta t cell-'ho e radiatio wa3es bombardi " their sk#lls as they chatter abo#t where to meet for l# ch a d whose ste'kids are the most screwed #'. <o & wo 8t die from brai ca cer, b#t the th# derstorm-wall-clo#d-'ossible-tor ado was maki " me =#st a little er3o#s. <t#dyi " the sky as & dro3e I#ickly dow the road, & realiAed the i comi " storm was defi itely "etti " worse. Oklahoma storms ha3e 'erso alities, bi" mea 'erso alities. &t has always amaAed me how the s#mmer sky ca cha "e so I#ickly a d com'letely. & remember

o e time & was lyi " o#t i the s# at the c#rre t fla3or-of-the-mo th boyfrie d8s 'ool. As 'ro'er s# bathi " etiI#ette reI#ires, & was faci " the s# a d drifti " i that wo derf#lly rela2i " s# bathi " la-la la d Gob3io#sly the boyfrie d was 8t home, yo# ca 8t drift i la-la la d while a male is telli " yo# what "reat tits yo# ha3eH whe s#dde ly the wi d shifted a d cooled. & o'e ed my eyes a d "la ced behi d me to see '#ffy "ray clo#ds formi ". & "rabbed my st#ff, left a tha kyo# ote for the boyfrie d a d took off. & o ly li3ed fiftee mi #tes away, b#t & did 8t make it home before the skies o'e ed. The "ray '#ffy clo#ds had mor'hed i to blacks a d "ree s. The biAarrely cool wi d be t trees. <heets of rai made dri3i " im'ossible. & was l#cky that & made it to the little hos'ital i Broke Arrow. & =#st had time to r# thro#"h the E.%. e tra ce a d i to the baseme t before a tor ado blasted thro#"h the ce ter of tow . Okay, maybe & was more tha a little er3o#s. A d the dam 'ot was 8t hel'i " a y. The "ree -a d-white road si" said Leach (1 miles, which t#r ed o#t to be the last road si" & co#ld make o#t, beca#se at that mome t the sky '#ked ro'es of rai that be"a to beat #' my !#sta ". Now, & lo3e my car. %eally. B#t the little s#cker is tr#ly ot the car to dri3e i rai y weather. &t lo3es to slide a d hydro'la e all o3er the road. <o & dow shifted to slow, t#r ed my wi'ers o hi"h a d tried to kee' to my side of the ce terli e. The radio was static. The trees & co#ld 3a"#ely see o the side of the road were be t o3er at i sa e a "les. & fli''ed the headli"hts o , tryi " 3ai ly to hel' 3isibility. &t felt as if the wi d was sla''i " my car aro# dJ it was taki " both of my sweaty ha ds to hold the wheel still. <weatyB 9>hat the hellB: The car felt warm. >hyB There was cool air blowi " from the 3e t, b#t & was still # comfortably hot. A d the & oticed it. The heat was comi " from the dam bo2. !y eyes darted from the early i 3isible road to the bo2. & swear it was "lowi ", like it had a heat lam' i side it, a d someo e had =#st fli''ed o its switch. & tore my eyes from the bo2 a d back to the4 Oh, 5od?: <#dde ly there was o road? & co#ld feel the tires cr# ch i the sho#lder "ra3el a d, too I#ickly, & ya ked the wheel to the left. !y o3ercom'e satio be"a a s'i a d & tried des'erately to correct back to the ri"ht. No "ood. The wi d a d rai com'letely disorie ted me. & str#""led, =#st tryi " to kee' the wheel strai"htJ my heart fell i to my stomach as the s'i carried me across the road, tires screechi ". A d the the world t#r ed #'side dow . At the same time & felt a slice of 'ai shoot thro#"h the side of my head, & realiAed that & smelled smoke. !y eyes m#st ha3e bee closed, beca#se & wre ched them o'e a d it was like & was tra''ed i the middle of the s# . The 'ot had b#rst from its bo2. &t was a ball of heat a d li"ht h#rli ", slow motio , i my directio . Time stalled a d & seemed to be s#s'e ded o the o#tskirts of hell. <tari " at the l#mi o#s "lobe, & "ot a biAarre "lim'se of myself, like & was looki " i to a ri''led 'ool of water that had bee set afire, b#t was still able to show a reflectio . !y mirror ima"e was r#shi " forward, aked, with arms o#tstretched a d head fl# " back like a "lorio#s 'a"a da cer bei " s#bmer"ed i to the fiery ball. The fire a d smoke e 3elo'ed me, too, a d & k ew & was "oi " to die. !y last tho#"ht was 8t a flashback of my life, or re"ret abo#t lea3i " frie ds a d family. &t was sim'ly, 9Dam it, & sho#ld ha3e I#it c#ssi ". >hat if 5od really is a Ba'tistB:

Co scio#s ess did 8t ret#r easilyJ it was a el#si3e thi ". &t felt like a dream, like the ki d of dream & ha3e had d#ri " a es'ecially y#cky 'eriod, com'lete with awf#l cram's. & my dream & cha "e the cram's to weird, s#"ar-laced labor 'ai s a d the & "i3e birth to a Twi kie, which somehow makes me feel better. & k ow. &8m @re#d8s wet dream. !y head h#rt. A lot. >orse tha a si #s headache, e3e worse tha a &-ca 8t-belie3e-&-dra k-allthat-teI#ila ha "o3er. A d my body felt like4 o, & co#ld 8t feel my body at all. Co#ld 8t o'e my eyes. Oh, yeah, &8m dead. No wo der & feltD Black ess closed softly, like a frie d. The e2t time & woke, my head still h#rt4a lot. A d & was sorry to realiAe that & ow felt my body. E3ery =oi t ached, like the fl# from hell. Oh, 5od, maybe this was hell Gif someo e started yelli " math 'roblems at me, & was i hell for s#reH. B#t & co#ld 8t hear a ythi " e2ce't a stra "e ri "i " that seemed to be i side my ears. & tried to o'e my eyes, b#t they wo#ld 8t obey. That was 'robably beca#se cor'ses do 8t ha3e f# ctio i " eyelids. &f it was 8t for the fact that & was dead, & thi k my heart wo#ld ha3e 'o# ded o#t of my chest. Ca cor'ses 'a icB Ob3io#sly, yesDthis time black ess was 8t frie dly, it was sed#cti3e, a d & willi "ly s'iraled i to its waiti " arms. Be still, my Lady, all will be well.: The 3oice was sweet a d familiar, b#t it had a f# y lilt to it that & did 8t reco" iAe. !y head was hea3y, hot a d sore. !y body felt beat #'. <omethi " that lay o my head foc#sed my dis=oi ted atte tio to a s#dde wet cool ess. & to#ched a thick com'ress, b#t someo e "e tly br#shed my ha d away. All is well, my Lady. & am here.: A"ai , that el#si3e familiarity. >ha4: 5od, my throat was raw a d still o fire. @ire? !emory h#rled back, bri "i " fear a d 'a ic. This time whe & told my eyes to o'e they obeyed. 7i d of. & tried to co ce trate o seei ", b#t ima"es a d li"hts bl#rred to"ether i to co f#sio . The lar"e bl#r sitti " e2t to me mo3ed, a d my eyes be"a to foc#s o 4 Tha k 5od, it was <#Aa a. &f she was here the & co#ld 8t be dead, a d maybe e3erythi " wo#ld be all ri"ht. & tried to mai tai my foc#s o her as the room 'itched a d & str#""led to bli k my 3isio clear. <he was already holdi " o e of my ha ds, b#t, stra "ely, she tried to '#ll away as she saw my eyes o'e . & =#st "rabbed o all the harder. &t seemed she we t 'ale, b#t it also seemed like there were fo#r of her, the two of her, the fo#r a"ai as my 3isio wa3ered. !y Lady, yo# m#st lie still. 6o# ha3e bee thro#"h m#ch to i"ht, yo#r body a d so#l are i of rest. Do ot worry, yo# are safe a d all is well.: eed

& tried to say, what the hell is wro " with yo#, b#t the so# d my throat made was like a whis'eri " s ake4or o e of those horrible o'oss#ms ca#"ht i headli"hts. GNo, they do 8t =#st 'lay dead, they hiss a d scare the cra' o#t of # s#s'ecti " wome who ha3e sto''ed the car o a dark co# try road =#st beca#se they8re looki " for some 'ri3acy so they ca 'ee, =eesh.H A yway, & co#ld 8t # dersta d me, so & k ew <#Aa a co#ld 8t, either. <he '#lled her ha d loose from mi e a d someo e & co#ld 8t foc#s o ha ded her a "oblet. 5obletB A "olde "obletB & a hos'italB Dri k, my Lady. &t will soothe yo#r throat a d hel' yo# to rest.: Mer "e tle ha d lifted my head

a d she held the c#' to my li's as & tried to "a" dow the sweet, thick liI#id. Lifti " my head had set off wa3es of re ewed 'ai i my tem'les. Before the world we t black a"ai , & tried to stay foc#sed o my frie d. <he was taki " the cloth off my head a d e2cha "i " it for a ew, cool ba da"e ha ded to her by a i credibly yo# " #rse weari " a odd, flowi " # iform. The 9 #rse: looked like she was ready to frolic i the meadow, ot "o to work i the E.%., or &CU, orD Black ess was ti "ed with the sweet, co#"h-syr#'y taste of medici e. The e2t time the black ess lifted s#dde ly. &t was ot a "e tle awake i ". Oh, o, & was "oi " to4 Mere, my Lady. Let me aid yo#.: <#Aa a s#''orted my back a d held my hair o#t of the way as & '#ked my "#ts #' o3er the side of the bed Gshe really is a "ood best "irlfrie d4&8m sorry & called her st#ck-#' beforeH. >he & fi ished barfi " #' my i ards, she "#ided me back to my 'illow a d wi'ed my face clea . & serio#sly hate '#ki ". Always ha3e. &t makes me shake a d feel o#t of co trol. &8m "lad & do 8t do it 3ery ofte , b#t whe & do, & admit &8m a baby abo#t it. <o, tr#e to form, & co#ld 8t sto' shaki ". & was weak a d disorie ted, b#t & tho#"ht that mi"ht ha3e bee beca#se & was dead, ot =#st beca#se of the '#ki ". >aDwaDter.: & ma a"ed to "et a # dersta dable sI#eak o#t of my throat, a d <#Aa a immediately motio ed to a waiti " #rse, a d a other "oblet a''eared. <he held it for me a d hel'ed me to dri k. U##ckk?: & s'ewed most of it o#t4it was 8t water, it was weak wi e. Now, & adore wi e, b#t ot after '#ki ". <#A? >aDtDer.: & "a3e her the "irlfrie d, &8m "o a kill yo# look as & tried to "et my 'oi t across. 6es, my Lady?: <he 'aled a"ai a d t#r ed to the #rse, ha di " her the "oblet. G>hat ki d of hos'ital was this, a ywayBH 9Bri " Lady %hia o water immediately?: The ym'hlike #rse r#shed away. <#Aa a t#r ed back to me, b#t she wo#ld 8t meet my eyes. 9@or"i3e me, my Lady. & mis# derstood. Blame me, ot the maide .: <he folded her ha ds to"ether o3er her breast, like she was 'rayi " or somethi ", a d bowed her head, still ot meeti " my eyes. Okay, what the hell was "oi " o B & ca#"ht hold of o e of her ha ds a d t#""ed, tryi " to "et her to look at me. A d the & oticed her hair. &t was her ormal color4blo dish, with 'retty, at#ral hi"hli"hts4b#t it had become ta "led with my ha d. Beca#se it was waist le "th a d falli " o3er her sho#lders a d breasts a d was therefore e ta "led i o#r ha ds. No. MowD: & ma a"ed to s'#tter. <#Aa a has always had a short, se2y hairc#t. & lo3e to kid her abo#t it looki " m#ssed a d a#"hty. <he says, 9>hy, tha k yo#?: like a cat that =#st la''ed #' cream. Mow co#ld it 'ossibly ha3e "row dow to her waistB Oh, "reat. Mad & bee i some ki d of comaB $erha's &8d bee 9o#t: for a "aAillio years, a d o#t of "rief she8d desce ded i to some # fort# ate Lady 5odi3a 'hase while & was # co scio#s, a d witho#t my ast#te "irlfrie d-telli "her-what-looks-ri"ht fashio se se she had "row her hair dow to her b#tt. No'e, she did 8t look a y older. The bitch. <he still a3oided my eyes as & st#died her. &t was defi itely <#Aa a. <ame 'etite bo e str#ct#re. Bea#tif#l ro# d face that somehow radiated "ood ess. Mer lo " tresses were '#lled behi d her 'erfect little ears, =#st like whe her hair was short. The same freckles dotted her ose a d hi"h cheekbo es. &f she8d smile Gwhich did 8t a''ear too likelyH & bet &8d see familiar dim'les o either side of her "e tle li's.

<#AD: & t#""ed o her ha d, tryi " to "et her to look at me. As she "la ced #', my eyes met the same "olde -brow eyes that ha3e bee 'eeri " back at me for years. 9>haD: & tried to ras' o#t a I#estio while "i3i " her the what8s #', "irlfrie dB look. <he seemed to softe , b#t the #rse ra i Greally, the ym'het act#ally ra i to the roomH with a ew "oblet. Mere, my Lady.: Tha k 5od, real water. A d it was e3e cool. & tried to s#ck as m#ch dow as & co#ld, b#t my throat rebelled. ThDa ks,: & ma a"ed to ras'. <#Aa a had to lea forward to hear me, b#t & k ew she # derstood beca#se she s#dde ly bl#shed, hastily "rabbed a soft cloth a d be"a wi'i " my face dry. &t amaAed me to realiAe & was e2ha#sted. All &8d do e was '#ke my "#ts #', try to talk a d dri k a co#'le swallows of water. <#Aa a stroked the hair back from my forehead, h#mmi " a t# eless so ". %est, my Lady. All is well.: A d =#st what the hell was she weari "DB !y other frie d, black ess, stealthily took me away a"ai .

@or"i3e me, my Lady. 6o# m#st awake .: No, &83e called i a s#b, let me slee'. This m#st be a horrible dream. !aybe if & screwed my eyes ti"htly sh#t a d co ce trated o co =#ri " #' a dream ima"e of M#"h Cackma e sla3ed to me by lo3e, & wo#ld drift back i to my Dreamla d. The & made the mistake of swallowi ". Cra'4my throat was killi "Dcra'. OhDthat8s ri"ht. & mi"ht be dead. A d my eyes 'o''ed o'e . Two ym'hetQ #rses fla ked the lo "-haired <#Aa a. O e had a "a#Ay somethi "-or-other dra'ed o3er her sha'ely a d 3ery bare arms. The other was holdi " combs a d br#shes a d a lo3ely little crow -like "olde thi " G& thi k they8re called coro etsH. MmmDMell co#ld 8t be all bad if it had =ewelry. !y Lady, yo#r father8s messe "er has =#st arri3ed, a d he a o# ces that the ba s ha3e bee 'osted a d yo#r betrothed will be meeti " yo# here to fi aliAe the ha dfast ceremo y.: !y whatB Today. $lease, we m#st make yo# ready.: All & co#ld do was bli k #' at her. >hat was she talki " abo#tB !y betrothedB & was 8t e3e dati " a yo e? &8d fired the last "#y &8d "o e o#t with halfway thro#"h o#r bli d date GNote to selfN e3er, e3er "o o a other bli d dateH. <#Aa a seemed to hesitate. 9!istress, are yo# still # able to s'eakB: !isssss4#hh.: >hat was #' with this 9mistress: a d 9my Lady: cra'B Ob3io#sly, my ras'i " o'oss#m-like whis'er was a swer e o#"h. & oticed that the so# d of my 3ery messed-#' 3oice se t the ym'hets i to a attracti3e state of 'a ic. <#A acted 'issed offJ s#dde ly she was s atchi " the "a#Ay robe, combs a d =ewels from the ym'hs.

6o# are dismissed.: GBoy, she so# ded ster 4which i te sified the stra "e, almost m#sical lilt to her 3oice.H 9& will care for o#r mistress.: They scam'ered away, looki " relie3ed. 5#ess they do 8t make #rses like they #sed to. Mere, my Lady, lea o my arm a d & will take yo# to the baths.: 6o#8d thi k "etti " #' a d walki " to take a Gm#ch- eededH bath wo#ld 8t be a to#"h thi " to do, a d maybe it wo#ld 8t ha3e bee if the dam room wo#ld I#it mo3i ". U###hhh4: & felt like & was hobbli ", like o e of the old cro es from Act & of !acbeth45od k ows my hair felt scra""ly e o#"h that & m#st ha3e looked the 'art. 6o# are doi " well, my Lady. Come, it is o ly a few more ste's.: >e were walki " dow a dimly li"hted hall. 5la ci " #', & oticed the li"hti " was dim beca#se, well, beca#se Ga d this made me come to a total haltH there were li3e torches =#tti " o#t of wro#"ht-iro holders. & ha3e a colle"e de"reeJ yo# ca 8t fool me. Li3e torches are ot ormal for a hos'ital? A d, dam it? & most certai ly am ot e "a"ed? !y Lady, do yo# eed to restB: >hat had ha''e ed to <#Aa aB Did they sto' maki " $roAac while & was 9o#t,: a d had that se t her i to some ki d of tra"ic medie3al hysteriaB O e of my arms was already li ked with hers, so "rabbi " her other ha d was sim'le. & forced her to t#r toward me a d look directly at me. Taki " my time, swallowi " se3eral times i a attem't to clear the o'oss#m from my throat, & held her "aAe with mi e a d said slowly a d i te tly, 9>hat has ha''e edB: <till, she tried to look away, b#t & "a3e her ha ds a I#ick shake a d her eyes darted back to mi e. !y LadyD: <he 'a#sed a d "la ced aro# d her like she was afraid of bei " o3erheard, the she whis'ered i a serio#s-as-O'rah-i -a-shoe-store 3oice, 9>hat is yo#r ameB: Okay, &8d 'lay. B#t if <ea Co ery showed #' aro# d the e2t cor er, & wo#ld k ow for s#re that & was ha3i " the !other of All BiAarre Dreams. <ha o .: & ras'ed as clearly as & was able. <he did 8t e3e bli k. A d what is my ameB: Ceesh. !aybe she was dr# k4the woma e3er co#ld dri k. O e little s iff of teI#ila a d she was off i to some blo de la-la la d. Dee' breath4 o'e, & did 8t smell a y alcohol. 6o#r ame is <#Aa a.: <he lea ed e3e closer to me a d shook her head slowly from side to side. This time she seemed more able to force herself to meet my "aAe. & co#ld 8t hel' otici " that the fear that had bee flickeri " thro#"h her eyes was ow shadowed by 'ity. No, my Lady.: Mer "e tle-so# di ", stra "ely acce ted a swer rocked me. 9!y ame is ot <#Aa a, it is Ala a. A d yo# are ot <ha o , yo# are my mistress, %hia o , Mi"h $riestess of the 5oddess E'o a, da#"hter of The !acCalla , betrothed to a d soo to be ha dfasted with the Mi"h <hama Cla @i ta .: B#llshit.: & k ow this m#st be diffic#lt for yo#, my Lady, b#t come with me. & will hel' yo# ready yo#rself a d & will try a d e2'lai how this came abo#t.: <he did so# d co cer ed as she hel'ed my #mb body mo3e forward dow the hall a d thro#"h a door which stood a=ar to the ri"ht of #s. The room we e tered co =#red ima"es of those $B< s'ecials that first show c#rre t-day r#i s,

which look like a =#mbled, co f#sed mess of old sto e a d decayi " col#m s4the they mor'h a com'#ter ima"e o3er the r#i s so that the a#die ce ca see what the ori"i al s#''osedly looked like i all its "lory. This room defi itely looked like o e of the com'#ter-mor'hed ima"es. The floor a d ceili " were smooth marble. &t was hard to tell if the "old color came from the sto e or the ma y wall torches. The symmetry of the walls was i terr#'ted ofte by c#to#t iches, which looked to be car3ed i to the sto e at 3aryi " hei"hts. & the iches li"hted ca dles estled i oddlooki " "olde holders G"osh, & really a''reciated a room accessoriAed with "oldH, "i3i " the walls the a''eara ce of bei " set ablaAe by faceted =ewels. Alo " o e wall h# " a e ormo#s mirror i fro t of which sat a elaborate 3a ity. The mirror was softly fo""ed by steam wis'i " #' from a dee', clear 'ool of water that b#bbled #' from the ce ter of the floor, a d o3erflowed o#t i a fast-r# i " stream which em'tied itself i to a other 'ool i a ad=oi i " room. The air was so warm a d moist it felt caressi ". C#st breathi " it made me feel rela2ed, a d the smell remi ded me of somethi "D &t8s a mi eral s'ri "?: E3e my 3oice res'o ded to the room8s heali " aroma a d <#AQAla did 8t ha3e to strai to # dersta d me. a

6es, my Lady.: <he seemed 'leased that & had e o#"h se se to ide tify the metallic smell of the water a d s'eak semiclearly Ga little like walki " a d chewi " "#mH. 9Mere, let me hel' yo# o#t of yo#r robe.: >hich she did, I#ickly a d e2'ertly. The she motio ed for me to follow the rock ste's dow i to the steami " water. &t was dee', b#t there were se3eral comfortably smoothed led"es co 3e ie tly 'laced all alo " the ear side of the 'ool, a d & sa k "i "erly o to o e with the si"h of the tr#ly dirty. & watched thro#"h half-lidded eyes as <#Aa aQAla a "athered s'o "es a d small 'ots a d bottles from the 3a ity, 'o#red me a "lass of dark red somethi " from a waiti " 'itcher i to yet a other "olde "oblet, the k elt o the side of the 'ool ear my led"e. & "ratef#lly acce'ted the "oblet a d si"hed i 'leas#re at the taste of a wo derf#l caber et. The , as if she did it e3ery day, she lifted my arm that was ot holdi " the "oblet, a d be"a r# i " a soa'y s'o "e dow it. & yel'ed a d '#lled away. !y Lady, yo# eed be readied to meet yo#r betrothed.: & ca 4: Gswallow, take a breathH 94wash4: GswallowH 94my4: GbreatheH 94self?: & slammed the "oblet dow e2t to her a d whis'ered forcef#lly, 9A d do 8t thi k yo# ca l#ll me i to for"etti " the biAarre cra' yo# =#st laid o me i the hall. & wa t to k ow what8s #'4 ow, <#Aa a !ichelle.: 5irlfrie ds o ly #se each other8s middle ames whe a crisis e2ists or whe de3ia t se2 is bei " disc#ssed, so she had to k ow & was serio#s. @or"i3e me, my Lady. & did ot mea to offe d or 're3aricate.: <he bowed her head a d clas'ed her ha ds o3er her breast, like she was waiti " for disci'li e. & did 8t k ow what was "oi " o J somethi " was defi itely wro ". B#t whate3er it was, & was s#re the lo3ely caber et wo#ld hel'. A other si' felt soothi " to my throat, almost as soothi " as the warm water felt to my body. A other si'4dee' breath. <#Aa a had 8t mo3ed. Okay, if & o ly tried to whis'er, maybe & co#ld make my o'oss#m 3oice last lo " e o#"h to "et this mess cleared #'4 or "et s ockered e o#"h that & did 8t care. <#A.: Mer chi mo3ed #' slowly at the so# d of my whis'er. 9&8m ot mad, yo# k ow better tha that.: Before she "ot her e2'ressio # der co trol, & was s#re & saw shock reflected o her face. 9B#t & am co f#sed.: A other dee' breath. & cleared my throat a"ai . 9<tart o3er a d tell me where we are.: <eemed like a easy e o#"h I#estio . >e are i yo#r bathi " chamber i the Mi"h Tem'le of E'o a.: & me tally shook my head. Oh, s#re4a hos'ital amed after a 'a"a "oddess dee' i the Bible

BeltB !aybe & had 8t bee s'ecific e o#"h i my I#estio . & what stateB: A other "oblet or two of wi e a d my o'oss#m a d & wo#ld be ready to take o the world. 6o# a''ear to ha3e bee i =#red, my Lady, b#t yo# look to be reco3eri " remarkably well.: <he bli ked #' at me with what & liked to thi k of as her soft little rabbit look. No, <#A, ot my state of bei ", & mea what state am & i B: <he was still "i3i " me the rabbit look. <i"h. 9>hich of the fifty U ited <tatesB: !a , & wished & co#ld yell. 6o# mea o#r locatio i the worldB: The li"htb#lb clicked o . 6es, frie d of mi e.: & was "oi " to 'erso ally lace her fa3orite brow ies with her ew $roAac 'rescri'tio . E'o a8s Tem'le co trols all the la ds aro# d #s. As Mi"h $riestess to E'o a yo# are !istress of Mer la ds.: >ell, that was comforti ". & was ha3i " a 'sychotic e'isode, my best frie d was ha3i " a er3o#s breakdow , b#t, hey, at least & was !istress here? As the 7i " G& mea El3is, ot some medie3al dreamworld 'ho yH wo#ld say, 9Tha k yo#, tha k yo# 3ery m#ch.: <#Aa a, & do 8t wa t to shock or #'set yo#4a d 'lease do 8t cry Gshe always has bee a crierH, b#t & ha3e o fri""i cl#e what yo#8re talki " abo#t.: !y Lady,: she said te tati3ely, 9'erha's that is beca#se yo# are o lo "er i yo#r ow world.: Now, that "ot my atte tio . <#Aa a, yo# =#st said & am mistress here, a d my betrothed is o his way. Ca yo# e2'lai what the hell yo# are talki " abo#tB Oh, a d 'lease 'o#r me some more wi e, & ha3e a feeli " &8m "oi " to eed it.: & thi k she was relie3ed to t#r away from me4maybe she co#ld collect her e#rotic tho#"hts a d & co#ld "et to the bottom of this. Act#ally, this co#ld all be a elaborate 'lot to "et back at me for for"etti " her birthday last mo th. GDam it, & k ew she was still mad.H &t is com'licated, my Lady.: <#A, yo# so# d like Cea ie whe yo# say that my Lady st#ff.: <he i" ored my comme t4& hated it whe she did 8t "et my =okes. 9C#st make it short a d to the 'oi t, &8ll try to fi"#re it o#t from there.: A d we8ll "et yo# some 'rofessio al hel' 3ery soo . !y ori"i al mistress, the Lady %hia o , has e2cha "ed 'laces with yo#. <he said yo#r world made ma"ic with machi es, a d 'ower with mo ey made from those machi es, a d she lo "ed to li3e there. <o she se t her so#l there d#ri " o e of her !a"ic <lee's a d fo# d yo#. <he said yo# are her mirror, her shadow, a d that she co#ld trade herself for yo#, th#s e teri " yo#r world. <he belie3ed that she co#ld lea3e e o#"h of her co scio#s ess here, as she does whe she e ters the sacred "ro3e, to aid a d "#ide yo#.: & te tly st#dyi " my face, her lita y slowed, 9B#t & do ot thi k she is here with yo#. 6o# a''ear to be her, b#t yo# do ot ha3e herD: Mere she faltered, as if catchi " herself i the middle of a tho#"ht. The she co ti #ed, 9Dher ma er. Now she has become yo#, a d yo# m#st become her.: This ca 8t be. & do 8t belie3e it.: The Lady %hia belie3e.: o directed me to ask a I#estio of yo# if yo# did ot seem to # dersta d or

& raised my eyebrow like <'ock a d waited. & yo#r world do yo# k ow stories that tell tales of "ods a d "oddess, myths a d ma"ic, s'ells a d

sorceryB: <he 'a#sed, a d looked e2'ecta tly at me. Ob3io#sly, she wo#ld 8t take the eyebrow for a a swer. 6es, of co#rse, &8m a teacher, & teach those stories to kids.: !y Lady %hia o said to tell yo# that this world is where those stories came from. They leaked across The Di3ide like shadows a d smoke, seeki " their mirror ima"es i yo#r world. Th#s ha3e & lear ed of that world, i the form of smoke a d shadows, a d th#s & fo# d my mirror ima"e4yo#.: That8s fa tasy sci-fi cra', <#A. Mow ca yo# e2'ect me to belie3e itB: Lady %hia o told me that she wo#ld #se her ima"e that was already i yo#r world, a d a wall of fire to mo3e thro#"h The Di3ide.: That fri""i 'ot.: &t co#ld 8t be. $ardo me, my LadyB: The fire. Mow was she ot harmed if she 'assed thro#"h a wall of fireB A d why was 8t & b#r ed #', tooB: <#Aa a8s face drai ed of color. !ore wi e, my Lady.: 6e'. A d yo# ha3e 8t a swered my I#estio .: Two I#ick ta's o the door i terr#'ted her. <he had the "ood ma looki " a d looki " at me. >ha4B 6o# may e ter,: she fi ally called. A ew ym'h bowed her way i to the room. <#Aa a was still looki " a'olo"etically at me. Oo's, & ke't for"etti ", & was the mistress, which G& "#essH mea t & sho#ld be orderi " aro# d the ym'hs. Okay, &8d "i3e it a try. 9>hatB: E3e tho#"h & was still so# di " like a whis'eri " o'oss#m, & tried to 'ro=ect that 9do 8t i terr#'t my classroom: 3oice my st#de ts k ew a d lo3ed so well. The little ym'h t#r ed toward me a d s'oke i a charmi " lilt. 9!istress, yo#r betrothed has arri3ed.: & looked I#ickly at <#Aa a. <he was o dam hel'J her eyes were sI#eeAed sh#t a d her li's were mo3i " i what looked like some ki d of sile t 'rayer. Ceesh. @i e. Tell him Gstall, thi k, thi kH tell himD#m Gat the 9#m: the ym'h8s eyes wide ed i s#r'rise 4oo's4"#ess mistressesQmy Ladys do 8t #mH tell him & will "reet him whe & ha3e fi ished dressi ".: <o there. &8m female4 o matter where the hell & was, me m#st be acc#stomed to waiti " o wome to "et ready. 6es, my Lady.: <he bowed her way o#t. !y r#se seemed to ha3e worked. & almost felt like $e elo'e. Mow8d ya like that, "irlfrie dB Did & so# d like The !istress MereB: >e are 'layers i a da "ero#s "ame, my Lady.: Oh, come o , <#A. This is all a dream or somethi "?: $lease, my Lady4: she "rabbed my ha ds a d sI#eeAed 94if yo# bear a y lo3e for yo#r <#Aa 'lease liste a d heed my words. !ore tha =#st yo#r ow life rests #'o yo#r actio s today.: a, ers to look shee'ishDa d kee'

Okay, okay, <#A. &8ll liste .: @irst, yo# m#st ot call me by that ame. 6o# m#st o ly call me Ala a. 6o# m#st meet with Cla @i ta . 6o#r betrothal 'eriod is o3er, it is time to e ter i to the formal ha dfast.: <omethi " abo#t her eyes ca#sed me to bite back my ref#sal. <he really belie3ed this. <he was ot 'rete di " or kiddi ". <he looked terrified. 6o# k ow & will always hel' yo#, my "irl4: Ala a? &f yo# call me by ame yo# m#st #se that ame. Do yo# # dersta dB: 6es, Ala a.: >hate3er was wro " & co#ld 8t fi2 it witho#t more i formatio , a d <#A4oo's4 Ala a defi itely eeded fi2i ". 9Okay, is 8t a ha dfast a tem'orary marria"eB: 6es, my Lady. &t is a marria"e that is arra "ed for o ly o e year.: <he defi itely wo#ld 8t meet my eyes. >hy was %hia o o ly marryi " him for o e yearB: That was the a"reeme t.: <he was s#dde ly oh so b#sy reachi " for a d the 'o#ri " somethi " that smelled like ho eys#ckle i to the water from o e of the little bottles that sat o a marble led"e ear the side of the 'ool. 6e', she was hidi " somethi ". Lots of somethi ". <o, how do yo# e2'ect me to '#ll off a ha dfast with a ma & ha3e e3er metB: Lady %hia o has met him.: By the look o her face & was be"i i " to thi k that mi"ht ot be a "ood thi ". 9& will 'rese t yo# a d e2'lai that yo# had a accide t d#ri " the last !oo %it#al, a d yo#r 3oice has left yo#. & will s'eak for yo#.: Mel'i " me from the warm 'ool she was totally b#si esslike, a d & told myself that & wo#ld i" ore the fact that she was matter-of-factly toweli " me dry. Okay, b#t what abo#t theD#mDi timate details of this ha dfast thi "B & do 8t e3e k ow this "#y 4&8m certai ly ot "oi " to co s#mmate a ythi " with him?: A d if he t#r ed o#t to be the mirror ima"e of my e2-h#sba d, & was o#tta there. <im'ly remember yo# are Lady %hia o , Mi"h $riestess a d Belo3ed of E'o a. The Lady %hia o is o ly to#ched whe she allows it.: E3e by the ma she is ha dfasted toB: 6es, e3e him.: <he so# ded 'retty co fide t. & m#st be a real bitch. <mile. The "a#Ay bit of othi " that she had carried i to the room had somehow fo# d its way i to Ala a8s ha ds. !a , it really was 'retty. &t was my color, a shimmery "olde -red that seemed to mo3e by itself. $lease hold yo#r arms o#t from yo#r sides, my Lady.: Doi " as she asked, & was a ca'ti3e a#die ce, e tra ced as she wra''ed the dia'ha o#s material aro# d my body. %eachi " behi d her with o e ha d, she resc#ed two lo3ely wo3e circles of "old from the 3a ity, a d e2'ertly 'i ed o e at my waist a d o e at my sho#lder, m#ch like a Mi"hla d kilt wo#ld wra' a d ha " Ge2ce't that & did 8t thi k kilts were semitra s'are t a d silky, # less '#rchased from !ac@rederick8s of !acMollywoodH. <te''i " back, she s#r3eyed her work, maki " alteratio s a d t#cks here a d there. <he always had bee "ood at crafts. !y 5od, it8s see-thro#"h?: A d it was4 ot i a sl#tty, sta d o the cor er of Ele3e th a d $eoria <treets at mid i"ht ki d of way, b#t i a s#ltry EliAabeth Taylor as Cleo'atra ki d of way. Oh, for"i3e me for for"etti ".: <he lifted a small tria "le of the same "a#Ae from the 3a ity G&

tho#"ht it was a ha kieH a d held it for me to ste' i to. <erio#sly, it was a tee y tho ". 5osh, & felt so m#ch better, so m#ch more 9co3ered.: Ceesh. $lease be seated, my Lady, a d & will dress yo#r hair.: @i e. & mi"ht as well ha3e some 'art of me dressed. @row i " o3er my dam' locks, she be"a attem'ti " to work a wide-toothed comb thro#"h them. 6o#r hair is shorter tha hers. The same, b#t shorter. & will arra "e it #' # til it "rows lo "er.: <eemed like she was talki " to the hair, ot me. %ela2i " i to her mi istratio s, & tho#"ht &8d e =oy my coiff#re. & do 8t k ow abo#t yo#, b#t ha3i " my hair br#shed is a borderli e se2#al e2'erie ce, seco dary o ly to "etti " a really "reat foot r#b. 6#m. O ly Ala a reachi " for a 'iece of =ewelry co#ld s a' me o#t of my hairbr#sh tra ce G'ro3i " that =ewelry ca combat a'athy as well as accessoriAeH. <he settled a thi "old ba d aro# d my forehead, artistically arra "i " my swe't-#' hair to com'leme t it. & t#r ed my head from side to side to "et a better look. The ca dleli"ht reflected off the 'olished "old a d ca#"ht a diamo d-sha'ed sto e set i the ce ter of the circle, maki " its facets flash. & lea ed closer. 5ar etB: 6es, my Lady. 6o#r fa3orite sto e.: !y fa3orite sto eB: !y eyebrows cre't #' i s#''ressed am#seme t. <he act#ally smiled at me, almost like my <#Aa B#t, my Lady, yo# m#st remember yo# are %hia a. 9>ell, %hia o 8s fa3orite sto e.: a. !i e is a diamo d, b#t "ar ets are ice.: <mili " back at her felt "ood4almost ormal. o .: Back to serio#s Ala Okay, ot a 'roblem.: <he looked relie3ed a d co ti #ed to '#ll te drils of reddish c#rls o#t of the cool #'do to frame my face a d ha " dow my back. Now & will work o that face.: & "#ess a closer look at 9that face: was 'retty soberi ", beca#se she "a3e me the st#bbor <#Aa a look a d we t to work, stroki " o creams a d 'owders from bea#tif#l "lass =ars scattered i disarray o the 3a ity. Uh, & do 8t care what yo# do, b#t my o e reI#est is for lots of "olde -brow li' color.: E2actly as %hia o wo#ld ha3e chose .: That8s 'retty weird.: <he said yo# wo#ld be of o e so#l.: <he "la ced er3o#sly at me, o ly briefly meeti " my eyes. >e eeded to "et this cra' strai"ht ri"ht ow. @or "ood. <he lied.: $ardo , my LadyB: Ala a looked like she had =#st recei3ed a electrical shock. & said she lied, Ala a. & am ot her4& am <ha o $arker, a hi"h-school E "lish teacher from Broke Arrow, Oklahoma, who has bee ca#"ht #' i somethi " e3e more biAarre tha the >orld of the Tee a"e, which takes some dam doi ". &8ll hel' yo#. B#t & k ow who & am, a d & am ot her.: !y "aAe e3er left hers. 9U dersta dB: 6es, my Lady. B#t it is diffic#lt.: No shit.: <he smiled a"ai .

6o# ha3e a 3ery odd way of s'eaki ".: <o do yo#. &t8s somethi " like a cross betwee a <cottish b#rr a d Dea Now she looked really co f#sed. 9Ne3er mi d. &t8s ot im'orta t.: a Troi8s <tar Trek acce t.:

<he smiled a"ai a d ret#r ed to maki " me #'. !y eyes strayed aro# d the # #s#al room. & felt rela2ed a d warm b#t ot slee'y G"#ess a semi-deathQcoma e2'erie ce re'laces a "ood ei"ht ho#rs of slee'H. !y eyes ke't bei " draw back to the myriad ca dles set withi the smooth, creamy walls. &t was like my eyes wa ted to look at them4a weird b#t ot e2actly # 'leasa t feeli ". Those sco ces are really # #s#al. They remi d me of4ee#ew? Are they sk#llsB: 6es, of co#rse, my Lady.: <he so# ded s#r'rised at my screech. 9<k#lls form a i tricate 'art of yo#r de3otio to E'o a.: Now she "a3e me a schoolmarmish look. 9<#rely, e3e i yo#r world yo# # dersta d that all thi "s 'owerf#l a d mystical come from the @ire i the Mead, the <eat of Lear i " a d 7 owled"eB: & swear she made a 3ery <#Aa a-ish hmm'h oise whe & did 8t res'o d. 96o# ha3e always s#rro# ded yo#rself with the 'ower of the mi d. &t is o ly ri"ht.: B#t they8re sk#lls di''ed i "old?: Of co#rse, my Lady, the Mi"h $riestess a d Belo3ed of E'o a has o ly the best.: <he so# ded as if & had =#st tried to choose a Days & o3er the Myatt. >ell, looks like & had fi ally fo# d somethi " & did 8t like i "old. AmaAi ". <o, tell me somethi " abo#t my betrothed. >hat was his ameB: <he co ti #ed to work o my 3ery tired-looki " face, attem'ti " a tra sformatio from y#ck to o -y#ck. Mis ame is Cla @i ta . Me is a 'owerf#l a d well-res'ected Mi"h <hama .: That was it. MmmD "ood thi " &8m ot Mamlet, 8ca#se somethi " s#re sti ks here i De mark. <o, #h, &8m i lo3e with himB: No, my Lady.: <he was looki " er3o#s a"ai . 9&t was a marria"e arra "ed by yo#r father.: Mey, & tho#"ht & was mistress here?: 6o# are, my Lady, b#t sometimes the "reater "ood of the 'eo'le m#st o3ershadow the desires of the o e.: >ho was she, <'ockB Okay, admit it. & ca take it. Me8s hideo#s, is 8t heB: No, my Lady.: <he act#ally looked like she was telli " the tr#th. <he was a "ood little actress whe she wa ted to be. The what8s wro " with himB: Mer'esB Baldi "B Ti y 'e isB Or worse4was he a ti"htwadB Nothi " that & k ow of, my Lady.: Okay, she was 8t "oi " to tell. 5#ess &8d ha3e to fi d o#t for myself. 6o#r toilette is com'lete.: <he loo'ed thro#"h my 'ierced ears two waterfalls of "ar et beads a d slid a "olde "ar et-e cr#sted armba d #' to e circle my bice' as & stood. 9Bea#tif#l, as always.: Did she so# d sm#"B <he was ri"ht, tho#"h. @or a woma who tho#"ht she was i hell =#st ho#rs before, & was looki " dam "ood if & did say so myself4sca tly clad, b#t "ood. <howtime.:

>hat shall & show yo#, my LadyB: Ne3er mi d. Let8s =#st "et this o3er with4&8m starti " to remember & ha3e 8t eate i days, or whate3er.: @ollow me, my Lady.: & followed4she chattered i a low co s'irator8s 3oice. 9Normally, yo# wo#ld, of co#rse, lead the way. B#t today & will walk somewhat i fro t of yo#.: <he obser3ed my 'ro"ress as & followed her o#t of the room. 95ood, my Lady. 6o# are reco3eri ". %emember, the Lady %hia o e3er h#rries # less she desires to "et somewhere I#ickly. >alk slowly, la "#idly, as if yo# r#le all yo# see.: Do &B: & teased. Of co#rse.: M#h? & doB Not the res'o se & e2'ected. & r#le all & see. <o & "awkedQlooked aro# d as & la "#idly made my way to meet some "#y & did 8t k ow b#t to whom & was e "a"ed. >e were i a hall m#ch like the o e that led to the bath, o ly we were walki " i the o''osite directio from which we had come G& thi kH. >e ke't mo3i " forward. Ala a had strai"hte ed her s'i e. Act#ally, she was walki " like she had somethi " st#ck way #' her b#tt, so & did the same. >e ro# ded a cor er i the hall a d ra i to a h#"e set of do#ble doors. They were car3ed with i tricate loo'i " desi" s, i terwea3i " like Celtic circles. & bli ked a d co#ld ha3e swor some of the circles looked like sk#lls GyeeshH. B#t my atte tio did 8t stay with the car3i "s lo ", beca#se decorati " either side of the doors were two adorable me , sca tly clad. At my a''roach they s a''ed to 3ery attracti3e atte tio , ba "i " hatef#l-looki " swords a"ai st their firm, m#sc#lar chests G5od bless themH. O e =#m'ed forward to o'e the doors for me G ow, that8s what8s missi " i America today4"#ys do 8t thi k they ha3e to o'e doors a ymoreH. U fort# ately, & was 8t able to "i3e them the atte tio they so ob3io#sly deser3ed. Ala a was #d"i " me i to a h#"e room. Mi"h ceili "s, car3ed 'illars G& swear & saw more of those st#'id sk#lls e3erywhereH a d e2I#isite frescoes, com'lete with frolicki " ym'hs a dDoh, =eeshDme? also sca tily clad, astride a "or"eo#s white horse, 3ery ob3io#sly leadi " the frolicki ". GDoes the weather e3er t#r cold hereBH & the middle of the room, o a clichKd raised dais, was a lo3ely "ilded thro e. A co#'le of the 'rereI#isite ym'hets were lo# "i " o the dais ste's, b#t at my e tra ce they lea'ed to their bare little feet a d bowed their c#te little heads. & sho#ld ha3e bee omi ated for some ki d of 5reco-Celtic Academy Award for Best Eol#'t#o#s Asce t to a Thro e. 5od, it felt "ood to sit dow . Before the dead airtime "rew, Ala a, who had sit#ated herself directly to my ri"ht, =#m'ed i with, 9& form <hama Cla @i ta that Lady %hia o will see him ow.: O e of the ym'hets scam'ered o#t a other e ormo#s arched doorway, a d & wo dered briefly if the me "#ardi " it were 'ro'ortio al. !y eyes met Ala a8s briefly a d she "a3e me a ti"ht smile of e co#ra"eme t. & dro''ed o e eyelid i a I#ick wi k as the doors reo'e ed a d the ym'het ret#r ed i a clo#d of tra s'are t wis' masI#eradi " as clothi ". Me comes, my Lady.: <he seemed fl#shed a d e2cited Gmaybe he really was 8t hideo#sH as she melted her way back to the dais ste's. >ith all that ski showi " she 'robably co#ld 8t hel' bei " hi"h-str# ". E3eryo e was looki " e2'ecta tly at the arched doorway. & oticed a disti cti3e so# d be"i i " to

roll from the o'e doors, b#ildi " as it came closer. &t remi ded me ofDhmmDofD& k ow? Morses? !y betrothed was ridi " a horse i to my thro e-room-chamber-'laceB Okay, & realiAe E'o a was some ki d of horse "oddess, b#t he a d & were "oi " to ha3e a talk abo#t 'ro'er 'alace etiI#ette. <oo . & mea , as my "ra dma wo#ld ha3e said, that certai ly co#ld 8t be ma erly beha3ior. The hoof so# ds were ow I#ite lo#d. There m#st be se3eral of them. Oafs? That8s it. Me was 'robably the mirror ima"e of a Oklahoma b#bba. & co#ld see it ow, he wo#ld wa t to call me his sweet tha " a d sla' me o the b#tt. & co#ld see my door "#ards Gyes, they did a''ear 'ro'ortio alH s a' cris' sword sal#tes as the horses reached the doorway a d e tered the ro4 A d the breath ca#"ht i my throat. C#st like i the mo3ies. & felt like & co#ld 8t breathe a d & had to str#""le ot to make the U i3ersal Choki " <i" as & swallowed my heart. Two abreast they e tered the chamber. & I#ickly co# ted4amaAed & co#ld still thi k well e o#"h to co# t4te of them. Ce ta#rs.: !y 3oice, already strai ed from whis'eri " too m#ch, barely sI#eaked the word, b#t Ala a8s e2'ressio said she heard me. <o & closed my mo#th Gwhich was flo''i " o'e like a wi d sockH a d sh#t #'. No, Toto, we were dam s#re ot i 7a sas a ymore. The two lead ce ta#rs ke't comi " toward the dais, while the other ei"ht s'read o#t i a eat fla ki " motio . As the leaders "ot close to the ste's, o e of them stayed a little behi d, while the other a''roached the stairs a d made a "racef#l, swee'i " flo#rish with his arm. >ell met, Lady %hia o .: Mis 3oice was s#r'risi ", dee' a d smooth, like dark chocolate, with the same m#sical acce t as Ala a8s. At least it was dam ob3io#s that he was 8t my e2-h#sba d. Before & co#ld attem't a re'ly, Ala a e2ec#ted a eat little c#rtsy a d be"a to address him. Lord Cla @i ta , my Lady %hia o re"rets that she has tem'orarily lost the #se of her 3oice.: Mis eyes arrowed at her words, b#t he did 8t i terr#'t. 9Lady %hia o has directed me to "reet yo# a d to say she is ready to fi aliAe the ha dfast.: >hat a most4: 'a#se 94i o''ort# e time for yo# to lose yo#r 3oice, my Lady.: >as that sarcasmB <#re so# ded like it to me. 5#ess & was 8t the o ly o e disco certed by this arra "eme t. 6es, my Lord, Lady %hia o has bee most distressed by it.: Ala a did 8t lose a beat. Mow did it ha''e B: Me did 8t e3e "la ce at Ala a, b#t ke't looki " at me, like the words were really comi " o#t of my mo#th. & tho#"ht &8d better =#st kee' looki " i to his eyesJ if & allowed my "aAe to tra3el & was certai my mo#th wo#ld 'robably flo' o'e a"ai . D#ri " the !oo %it#al she became ill, b#t my Lady8s dedicatio to E'o a wo#ld ot allow her to withdraw. After the ceremo y was com'leted, she retired to her bed for se3eral days, a d has =#st today emer"ed. Mer health is ret#r i ", b#t, as yet, her 3oice has ot.: & co#ld hear the reass#ri " smile i her 3oice. 9Do ot worry, my Lord, it is o ly tem'orary a d will heal I#ickly as lo " as she rests a d "i3es herself time to rec#'erate.: & # dersta d yo#r sit#atio , Lady %hia o .: Me did 8t so# d # dersta di ", he so# ded 'issed. 9B#t & tr#st this4: a other 'a#se 94# fort# ate malady will ot delay o#r b#si ess today.: B#si ess? >hat a odd way of describi " a marria"e, albeit a tem'orary o e. A d & really did 8t like the to e of !r. Ed8s 3oice. & co#ld 8t say what %hia o wo#ld ha3e do e, b#t & s#re as hell

k ew what <ha o $arker was "oi " to do. As Ala a took a breath to a swer for me, & reached o#t a d '#t a restrai i " ha d o her arm. !y eyes locked with !r. 5r#m'y. <lowly a d disti ctly & raised my chi Gi a st#ck-#', bitchy wayH a d shook my head from o e side to the other. O ce. 5ood. & am 'leased. 6o#r father se ds his blessi ", a d his re"rets that he has bee detai ed a d ca ot =oi #s for the ceremo y.: Oh, "oodie. >ill yo# come to me, or shall & =oi yo# o yo#r4: a other r#de 'a#se 94'edestal, my LadyB: & co#ld feel my =aw setti ", b#t before & co#ld res'o d, Ala ha d a d hel'ed me to my feet. a ste''ed i . 5racef#lly, she took my

Lady %hia o will co ti #e, as is c#stomary.: Ala a a d & desce ded the dais ste's # til we were sta di " o the floor. Cla @i ta backed o e ste' to allow me a little room, b#t he really was 3ery close. A d 3ery tall. Me seemed to fill the s'ace abo3e me. Mis sce t came to me the , a little horsey, b#t ot # 'leasa t, like a mi2t#re of sweet "rass a d warm ma . %eachi " dow he "ras'ed my ri"ht ha d i his. & =#m'ed a d Ala sayi ", 9!y Lady is ready to 'roceed.: The hell she is. Mis ha d felt hard a d warm4almost hot. & looked dow at it a d saw that it e "#lfed mi e. &t was a b#r ished ta color, like the rest of the h#ma 'art of his body. At the so# d of his 3oice, my eyes shot back #' to meet his. &, The Cla @i ta , do take yo#, %hia o !acCalla , i ha dfast this day. & a"ree to 'rotect yo# from fire e3e if the s# sho#ld fall, from water e3e if the sea sho#ld ra"e a d from earth e3e if it sho#ld shake i t#m#lt. A d & will ho or yo#r ame as if it were my ow .: Mis 3oice was o lo "er borderi " o sarcasm. &t was dee' a d hy' otic, as if his words 'ai ted fa tastic ima"es of o#r co3e a t i the air betwee #s. The Ala a8s soft 3oice s'oke for me. 9&, %hia o !acCalla , Mi"h $riestess of $artholo a d Belo3ed of E'o a, do take yo#, The Cla @i ta , i ha dfast this day. & a"ree that o fire or flame shall 'art #s, o lake or seas shall drow #s a d o earthly mo# tai s shall se'arate #s. A d & will ho or yo#r ame as if it were my ow .: Do yo# a"ree to this, Lady %hia !y Lord, she ca o B: a so# ded worried. >ith the I#estio his ha d ti"hte ed # til his "ri' bordered o 'ai f#l. ot recite the oath.: Ala Not a oath the , b#t a si "le word either a"reei " or disa"reei " with it.: Me sI#eeAed my ha d e3e ti"hter. 9Do yo# a"ree to abide by this oath, Lady %hia o B: 6esssss.: $#r'osef#lly & let my ab#sed 3oice dra" the word o#t. Me did 8t bli k. & stead, he loose ed his 3ise "ri' o my ha d, a d t#r ed it i his so that it rested there, 'alm #'. The it is settled. @or the le "th of a si "le year we belo " to o e a other.: >itho#t mo3i " his "aAe from mi e, he lifted my 'alm to his mo#th. 5e tly, taki " the meaty, m#sc#lar area below my th#mb betwee his teeth he bit dow . The bite was I#ick, a d, I#ite fra kly, more s#r'risi " tha # 'leasa t. !y eyes m#st ha3e bee h#"e as & '#lled my ha d o#t of his i timate "ras'. a co3ered my sI#eaky yel' by

&83e married a fri""i horse. A d he bites. Okay, &8m from Oklahoma a d & like bi" horses, a d &8m a Coh >ay e fa , so & like bi" me , b#t this was more tha a little ridic#lo#s. A d, well, shit, he bites?

!y Lord, 'lease allow me to show yo# to the 5reat Mall so that yo# a d yo#r warriors ca 'artake of the feast we ha3e 'ro3ided to ho or yo#r ha dfast.: Ala a smiled a d "racef#lly led the way from the thro e room. Cla @i ta bowed his head sli"htly to me a d offered his arm. >ith my ha d 'laced li"htly ato' his, we followed. & co#ld hear his me GhorsesBH i t#r followi " #s. & k ow how distastef#l this is to yo#, b#t & am "lad to see that yo# ha3e fi ally ma a"ed to set aside yo#r ow desires a d do yo#r d#ty.: Me did 8t look at me a d s'oke low, for my ears alo e. 5la ci " #' at him, & saw his face was a # readable mask. >hat the hell had & st#mbled i toB Beca#se we ha3e swor to ho or each other for the e2t year, & will for"i3e the disho or yo# ha3e show me by ref#si " to meet with me d#ri " o#r betrothal, ret#r i " my "ifts a d forci " me to follow yo# here to fi aliAe o#r co tract.: Mis low 3oice so# ded strai ed. Morse or o horse, & was 8t "oi " to let him b#lly me. A d & will for"i3e the disres'ect yo#8re showi " me ow by criticiAi " me i the tem'le of my "oddess o the day of o#r ha dfast.: Ma? Me had to tilt his head dow to hear my whis'ery 3oice. Mis e2'ressio re"istered i sta t s#r'rise, a d he came to a abr#'t halt. 6o# are correct, Lady %hia o . & disho or o#r 3ows a d myself whe & disres'ect yo#. @or"i3e me for my r#de beha3ior.: Mis dark eyes held mi e. & had to clear my ab#sed throat before & co#ld sI#eak o#t a 9& for"i3e yo#.: Me still looked 'issed, b#t ow he seemed more 'issed at himself tha me. At least for the mome t he a''eared satisfied with my a swer, beca#se he be"a followi " Ala a a"ai , with me i tow. Ala a had =#st reached a other arched doorway Gyes, fla ked by two more bewitchi " "#ards4 %hia o certai ly had a eye for m#sclesH a d we e tered a lar"e ba I#et hall. !a , this was tr#ly weird. Okay. This has to be a dream, b#t e3e for me it was o e wicked weird dream. The room held at least two doAe lar"e, flat co#ches. Each had o e side that was raised with a ki d of recli i " armrest, a little like old-fashio ed chaise lo# "es. Ne2t to the raised e d of the lo# "es stood sI#atty marble 'illars with flatte ed to's. O each flatte ed 'illar sat a "olde "oblet. E dless s#''lies of bea#tif#l, ym'hlike yo# " wome were sc#rryi " from chaise to chaise, filli " the "oblets with y#mmy-looki " red wi e. & tried ot to drool. !ake that o e wicked cool dream.

Ala a motio ed #s toward two of the stra "e-looki " co#ches sit#ated head-to-head ear the ce ter of the room. They shared o e 'illar. The rest of the co#ches were 'laced i a oblo " circle s#rro# di " o#rs. <hall we to di er, my LadyB: 5#ess & had o choice. A d & was s#dde ly star3i " to death. <o & odded a d a''roached the dece'ti3ely comfortable-looki " di er tort#re de3ice. & mea , come o . &t reeked of A cie t %ome. $lease. All those %oma s a d their 9Me who co trols %ome co trols the world,: blah, blah, lie dow to eat, eat too m#ch, "o '#ke. They co#ld 8t e3e fi"#re o#t a di i " room table. 5et serio#s. >ell, at least recli i " wo#ld make me look thi D. The i sta t my b#tt to#ched the co#ch e3eryo e looked fl#stered, like &8d emer"ed from the 'otty with toilet 'a'er attached to the heel of my '#m'. $lease, 5od, let Ala a k ow what the hell was #'. & "racef#lly arose a d s atched a 'iece of her slee3e, '#lli " her toward me so that & co#ld whis'er. >hat am & ot doi "B: <he smiled a d c#rtsied to me like &8d said the ri"ht thi ", which & k ew & had 8t. Lady %hia o wishes yo# to for"i3e her lost 3oice. <he is dismayed that she ca ot bless the feast of her ow ha dfast, b#t she ca ot make her m#ch-ab#sed 3oice carry.: <mili ", she be"a to hel' me re-recli e Gwas that a wordBH. Ca she ot whis'er to yo# her blessi ", a d yo# co#ld s'eak her words, as yo# did earlierB: !y ew h#sba d8s 3oice held a 3ery a''are t challe "e. !r. Ed was t#r i " o#t to be a real 'ai i the ass. GA d he was a biter.H $erha's he tho#"ht he was deali " with some ki d of slow-witted, cobwebby 'riestess. !ay & =#st say, he was so wro ". & felt a smile be"i to s'read o3er my face. A"ai my ha d stayed Ala a8s i tercessio as & whis'ered close to her ear, 9%e'eat what & say.: !y Lady?: Mer res'o se was filled with co cer that ed"ed o 'a ic. <he ob3io#sly did 8t realiAe she was deali " with a hi"h school teacher4we make a li3i " ha dli " weird ess o a daily Gor ho#rly, de'e di " o who has or has 8t bee s#s'e ded rece tlyH basis, a d we ma a"e to stam' o#t i" ora ce a d to#ch the f#t#re i the midst of chaos. This was small 'otatoes. Thi ki " o my feet is the orm for me4it8s e3e what & co sider f# . Tr#st me.: & wi ked I#ickly at her a d she odded, albeit rel#cta tly. 6o# are correct to remi d me of my 'lace, Lord Cla @i ta . @or"i3e me, & will re'eat my Lady8s blessi " o this ha''y occasio .: <howtime4a"ai . & k ew all those semesters of E#ro'ea Lit wo#ld come i ha dy some day4& =#st tho#"ht it8d be o Ceo'ardy. Lea i " dramatically Ga d showi " a ice amo# t of clea3a"eH, & whis'ered to Ala a li es from a a cie t &rish blessi " & had memoriAed for some #seless colle"e class. This =#st had to be a''ro'riateN >ishi " yo# always4: >ishi " yo# always,: Ala a8s sweet 3oice echoed mi e as & s'oke the a cie t blessi ", smili " at my ra't a#die ce, lo3i " their res'ectf#l sile ce. >alls for the wi d4:

>alls for the wi d4: A d a roof for the rai 4: A d a roof for the rai 4: A d tea beside the fire4: G& felt a mome t of 'a ic as & ho'ed they dra k tea.H A d tea beside the fire4: Gsmiles all aro# d, & "#essed they did.H La#"hter to cheer yo#4: La#"hter to cheer yo#4: A d ow the co#' de "rTce. T#r i " to my ew a d tem'orary h#sba d, & looked directly at him as & whis'ered the fi al li e, a d the e =oyed seei " his eyes wide i s#r'rise as Ala a re'eated the closi " of the blessi ". A d those yo# lo3e ear yo#, as well as all that yo#r heart mi"ht desire?: Mer words echoed mi e, a d were met by the ce ta#rs8 sho#ts of 9<al#te?: & swear & saw Cla @i ta 8s cy ically twisted li's form the word checkmate. As my fa3orite colle"e 'rof o ce sa"ely said, 9Do 8t f#ck with a E "lish ma=or. They kee' lots of #seless cra' tra''ed i their heads. O ce i a while they let some of it o#t a d it bites yo# sI#are o the ass.: Ala a8s shi i " face was f#rther e3ide ce of my 3ictory, a d the smells ema ati " from trays bei " carried i by theDwellDthicker-looki " em'loyees G& "#ess ym'hs ca 8t be e2'ected to hold #' all that tra s'are t "a#Ae a d di er, tooH were "oi " to my head. & felt diAAy. >o der how lo " it had really bee si ce &8d last eate B !y Lady, 'lease be seated.: Ala a sa3ed me a"ai with her well-timed i ter3e tio . !y tem' h#sba d8s herd of frie ds followed s#it, a d the kitche hel' be"a setti " lo3ely 'lates before #s. B#t the s#''osed ob=ect of my affectio e2ec#ted a eat bow i my "e eral directio a d ste''ed aside to '#t his head to"ether with a "#y who m#st be his frie dQassista tQwhate3er. <i''i " my wi e, a other e2celle t red, this time more like a rich, smooth !erlot tha a Caber et, & #sed the fact that his atte tio was elsewhere as a o''ort# ity to s eak a 'eak at him. &f & had to 'lay the Describe Mim & O e >ord "ame, the word wo#ld be $ower. Me was h#"e a d m#sc#lar43ery m#sc#lar, which i o way co# ts a"ai st him. &8m a eI#al-o''ort# ity ki d of a "irl. & try ot to 'e aliAe ski y wim's a d try ot to obsess o3er m#sc#lar <warAe e""er ty'es. G$lease ote & said try.H Me seemed e "rossed i his co 3ersatio , so & took my time a d "ot a "ood lo " look. 6es, & ma a"ed to allow my mo#th to flo' o'e o ly wide e o#"h to catch the wi e & was 'o#ri " i to it. The hair o his head was thick a d black, with a erra t-looki " wa3e. &t was lo ", b#t he had it tied back i some ki d of a leather tho " Galmost bi""er tha the o e & had o H. Mis face was r#""edly masc#li e4hi"h cheekbo es, a strai"ht, well-formed ose a d a dee' cleft i his chi Ga little remi isce t of Cary 5ra t, 5od bless himH. Mis eck was thick witho#t bei " steroidesI#e a d it ta'ered icely to wide sho#lders a d4yes, &8ll =#st admit it4a absol#tely wo derf#l chest smattered with =#st the ri"ht amo# t of ti"htly c#rled dark hair. Mis ski was a dee' bro Ae, "ildi " him with a stat#e-like 'erfectio . Me was weari " a 3est made of dark leather, which was o'e , "i3i " me a lo3ely 3iew of sleek, well-defi ed 'ectorals G& did 3ery well i my colle"e a atomy a d 'hysiolo"y electi3eH ta'eri " dow to my 'erso al fa3orite of all clichKsN the si2-'ack abs. A d a smooth, y#mmy waist. & short, the h#ma 'art of him, which e ded low o his abs, abo#t where a ma 8s hi's wo#ld start, looked like a 'retty dam ha dsome "#y i the 'rime of his life4

ei"htee 4 o, =#st kiddi ", he was 'robably thirty-somethi ". >hate3er that was i horse years. The horse 'art of his body was a ma'le-bay color, like ri'e acor s or the leather bi di " of old books, shadi " dow to mirror the black of the hair o his head from k ees to hoo3es. Me shifted his sta ce, still dee' i co 3ersatio , a d his coat ri''led a d ca#"ht the li"ht from the sco ces. Me mi"ht be a "r#m', b#t he m#st "room himself re"#larly. Like & said before, he was lar"e, a d wo#ld 'robably meas#re fiftee or si2tee ha ds hi"h at the withers. Me was sha'ed more like a L#arter Morse tha a Thoro#"hbred, hea3ily m#scled a d b#ilt for b#rsts of s'eed. <t#dyi " him, & realiAed that & was ot re3olted or horrified by this mer"i " of horse a d ma . A d & did 8t ha3e to waste too ma y brai bytes 'o deri " my acce'ta ce. & "rew #' horse craAy, which defi itely was the orm for a Oklahoma "irl, a d had my ow horse # til & left home for colle"e. Act#ally, my dad liked to =oke that & co#ld ride before & co#ld walk. G>o der if bei " a e2'erie ced eI#estria was a 'rereI#isite for this ki d of marria"eB &t certai ly co#ld 8t h#rt.H A d, tr#thf#lly, if he was 8t !r. @row @ace & wo#ld say that he was act#ally attracti3e i a biAarre &83e-lost-all-to#chwith-reality ki d of way. Their disc#ssio a''eared to be o3er. Mis frie d sal#ted him a d headed toward the door, 'a#si " o ly lo " e o#"h to bow I#ickly to me. Cla @i ta settled himself i to the chaise e2t to mi e. Me really did mo3e "racef#lly for s#ch a bi" "#yQhorseQwhate3er. & a formal, stilted 3oice he said, 9$lease e2c#se the i terr#'tio , my Lie#te a t had matters of "reat im'ort to disc#ss with me.: Me tr#ly so# ded like he had a cob #' his bi" ol horsey b#tt. Not a 'roblem. Coi me i a "lass of this e2celle t wi e,: & whis'ered. &" ori " my ab#sed throat & beamed him a bi", "osh-&8m-s#ch-a- ice-"irl smile. Tha k yo#.: !aybe if he had a dri k he8d loose #' a d act h#ma Gor whate3erH. <er3a ts were s'illi " o#t of a dista t doorway with 'latters so lade with food that they remi ded me of sc#ttli " crabs. <mells e "#lfed me, a d my t#mmy s#dde ly r#mbled so lo#dly that & swear Cla @i ta had to fi"ht back a smile. & wo#ld ha3e whis'ered a e2'la atio abo#t bei " 9=#st a tad: h# "ry, b#t & did 8t thi k my 3oice wo#ld carry o3er the ladylike roar of my stomach. <e3eral wo derf#l ser3a ts Gsorry & tho#"ht of them as crabsH be"a offeri " first me, the Cla @i ta , choice 'ortio s from 'latters steami " with delicio#s-smelli " fish i creamy sa#ce, te der mo#thwateri " 'o#ltry Gwell, it tasted like chicke H s'ri kled liberally with what a''eared to be lemo 'e''er, "rai s that had a disti ctly "arlicky smell a d 3e""ies that looked like a ice mi2t#re of 'ea 'ods, whole m#shrooms a d baby o io s. Bei " a dai ty a d ladylike eater, & s a""ed hel'i "s of e3erythi " while motio i " for more wi e. 6es, & realiAed & was dri ki " 'erha's a ti y bit too m#ch wi e, b#t it was medici al. & had, after all, rece tly bee dead. The meal decided it. & co#ld 8t be i hellJ the food was too wo derf#l. Betwee bites & did ma a"e to "la ce at my di er com'a io , a d & was i terested to ote that he was also eati " with "#sto, a d ot =#st the "rai s a d 3e""ies. &t looked like ce ta#rs were om i3oro#s. GNote to selfN be caref#l, he likes meat a d he8s a biter.H & "#ess he oticed my li "eri " "la ces, beca#se his mo#th twisted i a sardo ic smile as he a o# ced, 9A "ood a''etite is a si" of ret#r i " health.: >ell, tha k yo#, Dr. Cla @i ta .: 6o#8d thi k & s'rayed milk o#t of my ose the way his eyes o'e ed at my whis'ered retort. Mis look

made me worry that & had a bi" 'iece of food st#ck i my tooth or a bi" boo"er st#ck i my ose. 6o# k ow that & am ot a 'hysical doctor. & am s'irit#al Mi"h <hama .: & had to swallow a 'iece of chicke before & co#ld whis'er a a swer. 9&8m =#st kiddi " yo#.: Oh. &. Oh.: Now his eyes arrowed at me, a d & swear he "a3e a 3ery horselike s ort before he ret#r ed to chowi " dow . & was starti " to belie3e %hia o did 8t ha3e a y se se of h#mor at all. !y Lady, my Lord a d ho ored "#ests. To demo strate the !#ses8 a''ro3al of yo#r ha dfast, Ter'sichore, i car ate !#se of the Da ce, will 'erform.: The ce ta#rs8 ears all 'ricked #' Gfi"#rati3ely s'eaki "H as Ala a cla''ed her ha ds twice a d m#sic be"a . & had 8t oticed the three wome sitti " i the far cor er of the room, b#t the silky so# ds of har' a d fl#te a d some ki d of heartbeat-like dr#m were e cha ti ". The , from the arched doorway earest the m#sicia s, i floated the da cer. <he mo3ed with a balleri a8s "race, head dow , arms bea#tif#lly ro# ded, to the ce ter of the room, which was, of co#rse, directly i fro t of my chaise. Bei " Mi"h $riestess ob3io#sly mea t ha3i " the best seat i the ho#se. There she seemed to melt i to a dee' c#rtsy, head still lowered, while the m#sic 'a#sed. As the m#sic be"a a"ai , a d she raised her head i time to the be"i i " tem'o, & was ca#"ht swallowi " a d & did GdelicatelyH s'ew wi e o#t my ostrils. Tha kf#lly, e3eryo e was watchi " her a d ot me, so & had time to wi'e my ose a d re"ai my com'os#re. Moly shit? The da cer was !ichelle, a "irlfrie d &8d bee teachi " with for te years? A d here she was, 5oddess & car ate !#se of the Da ce4that fri""i fi"#res. !ichelle a d & lo3e to la#"h abo#t the 'arado2 of two of the three 'assio s i her life. $assio #mber o e is da ce, 'assio #mber two is scie ce Ga d she really likes re'tiles, which has always worried me, es'ecially beca#se my classroom is e2t door to hers a d at least two or three times each school year some ki d of s ake esca'es from its ca"e a d "ets 9lost:H. <o she combi ed her first two 'assio s by atte di " Northeaster Oklahoma U i3ersity as a chemistry ma=or o a da ce scholarshi'. At o#r hi"h school she combi es them by teachi " ho ors chemistry a d choreo"ra'hi " the school m#sicals. <tra "e "irl. >atchi " her mo3e la "#idly i time with the se s#al beat, & took a other "#l' of wi e a d smiled "ratef#lly at the little ser3a t who darted obedie tly i to re'le ish it. There was o do#bt4it was certai ly !ichelle, or rather, as &8m s#re Ala a wo#ld ha3e clarified, !ichelle8s mirror ima"e. <ame thick, dark hair a d, as i Ala a8s case, her sho#lder-le "th chic moder c#t had bee re'laced by waist-le "th tresses that ri''led a d "liste ed with her e3ery mo3eme t. A d co3ered her 'etite da cer8s body more tha the totally tra s'are t shimmery 'ieces of "a#Ae she was dressed i . As she da ced, the sli's of fabric floated aro# d her, e2'osi " e tici " "lim'ses of her ti"ht little body with e3ery cha "e i mo3eme t. Mer body has always bee sleek a d "or"eo#s tho#"h she eats like a s'arrow4te times her body wei"ht 'er day. <he8s the o ly 'erso &83e e3er k ow who ca eat a f#ll school l# ch off the !ai Li e, com'lete with e3ery fat a d carbohydrate k ow to ma , e3ery day, a d ot "et 3iole tly ill or "ai wei"ht. The bitch. The m#sic was i creasi " i tem'o, a d !ichelleQTer'sichore i creased her sed#cti3e mo3eme ts as she wo3e betwee the chaises. The ce ta#rs s#re were ha3i " a "ood ol8 time4they8d sto''ed chewi " beca#se they were so b#sy "awki ". <he really was a "reat da cer. %i"ht ow she was 'erformi " a amaAi " da ce4se2 a d "race all rolled #' to"ether i to o e delectable ball. 7i d of like Bob @osse Does <wa Lake. Mer se2y little hi's were mo3i " rhythmically a d seemed to be calli " e3ery bit of erotic e er"y i the room to atte tio . <he was maki " eye co tact with each male a#die ce member, a d the asty "irl =#st to#ched herself?

>hich bri "s to mi d the third of her three life 'assio s4me . <he adores me . Tall me , short me , hairy me , slick me , m#sc#lar me , lea me Detc., etc. <he likes them all, as lo " as o e 'art of their a atomy is bi" G o, &8m ot talki " abo#t their walletsH. 6es, she tr#ly e =oys a bi", hard 'e is more tha a y woma & k ow. >ith her it8s a 3eritable art form. <he8s ot e2actly a sl#t 4let8s =#st say that me are her hobby a d, well, she stays i credibly b#sy. Mer da ce was clima2i ", a d she was worki " her way back toward ce ter sta"e. There was o do#bt abo#t it4she was a se2y woma . 5la ci " at !r. Ed & saw that he a"reed with meJ his ra't atte tio was ce tered o !ichelle. <he locked eyes with him as each '#lse of the m#sic drew her hi's Ga d her sca tily clad crotchH earer a d earer his chaise. Beca#se & was 8t roma tically attached to him, it was easy for me to watch the s'ell she wo3e aro# d his hormo es. >ith cli ical detachme t & realiAed this m#st be how <alome "ot Merod to cho' off the Ba'tist8s head. At the closi " chord she colla'sed i to a satiated hea' i fro t of #s as her a#die ce er#'ted i to th# dero#s cheers. <he raised herself liI#idly a d took her bows. & was smili ", waiti " to catch her eye. B#t the 9atta"irl: look & i te ded to tele"ra'h to her froAe o my face whe she fi ally looked at me. The hostility i her "aAe was o less ob3io#s beca#se it was I#ickly re'laced with cold 'ro'riety. Blessi "s to yo# at yo#r ha dfast, Belo3ed of E'o a.: Mer 3oice was a odd mirror of !ichelle8s. &t so# ded the same, b#t the words were hard a d flat, totally de3oid of the familiar warmth we share i a other world. 9& ho'e this mati " bri "s yo# all the =oy yo# so richly deser3e.: >ith a 3is#al caress to the mate she was wishi " me =oy with, she t#r ed a d floated back o#t of the room. >ell, s'a k me a d call me bad4& thi k & had =#st bee i s#lted. A d more a d more & was wo deri " what %hia o had bee #' to. A little bird was telli " me she mi"ht ot be a ice "irl. & "la ced o3er at Cla @i ta a d oted he was still "aAi ", or sho#ld & say leeri ", at !ichelle8s de'arti " form. <he da ces well, do 8t yo# thi kB: Noti " his "#ilty start, & smiled k owi "ly #' i to his eyes. 6es, my Lady, she e3okes Ter'sichore8s 'rese ce well.: Mis 3oice had take o a decidedly h#sky ti t. Me was almost '#rri ". As we wo#ld say i Oklahoma, <heeet boy, settle dow ? B#t i stead of looki " away from those eyes, which were still "laAed with 'assio , a d i stead of bei " a oyed by that '#rri ", h#sky 3oice, & fo# d myself becomi " i tri"#ed. U der the 'rete se of lea i " closer so that he co#ld hear my whis'er, & "ot all i to his $erso al <'ace. Mer da ce was a blessi " to o#r occasio .: !a , he was warm. & was 8t e3e to#chi " him a d & co#ld feel heat radiati " from his body. >hich, for some reaso , made me wa t to "i""le. %eci'rocati ", he lea ed toward me, which did make me "i""le. GL#ick ote to selfN yellow li"ht4 wi e alert?H Oh, well, a yellow li"ht was =#st a war i ". The ha dfast da ce is mea t as more tha a blessi ".: Me 'a#sed4my eyebrows raised, i 3iti " him to co ti #e. 9&t is ty'ically #sed as a i ce ti3e.: O the last word his 3el3ety 3oice dro''ed to match my whis'er. 9B#t as a & car ate 5oddess yo#rself, & am s#re yo# are 3ery aware of that.: 6i'es. !y eyes broke from his heated "aAe to trace the le "th of his body as his did the same to mi e. Mad & for"otte that he wasDwellDa horseB As if by a will of its ow , my body stiffe ed a d sat strai"ht #'4defi itely o#t of his $erso al <'ace. !y abr#'t mo3eme t bro#"ht o a wa3e of diAAi ess, a bl#r to my 3isio a d a throb to my

head. The 6ellow >i e Alert cha "ed to %ed. UhD: Tryi " to set my wi e dow , & totally missed the tableto'. >i e s'illed all o3er. The "oblet clattered a d cla "ed. All atte tio was s#dde ly ce tered o moi. !y Lady, are yo# wellB: 5od bless Ala a8s co cer ed sober little self. Too m#ch to dri kD: & wished she wo#ld I#it di3idi " i to se3eral Ala as. Bli ki " hard, & "ot her ima"e to settle back i to o e 'erso . As & r#bbed my forehead & risked a look at Cla @i ta . Me was watchi " me closely. 6o# ha3e o3ere2erted yo#rself, Lady %hia o .: Mis attem't at co cer felt more like a challe "e. 9@or o e so rece tly ill, today has bee o3erta2i ".: Now, that was the # derstateme t of the decade. $erha's it is time we retire.: Did he =#st smirkB Uhhh?: The oise & made was somewhere betwee a shriek a d a "as'. %etireB As i "o to bed with himB & the Biblical se seB >here i the hell had my head bee B <#dde ly & realiAed & had 8t really co sidered all of the ramificatio s of this ha dfast. 6es, & had disc#ssed the co s#mmatio thi " with Ala a4she had reass#red me4b#t & did 8t k ow the that my i te ded was a horse? & had bee worried abo#t se2 with a stra "er, ot bestiality? !y stomach cle ched. $lease do 8t let me barf #' this delicio#s meal all o3er my chaise. UhhhD: A d why the hell had 8t & bee thi ki " abo#t the se2 iss#eB O my last weddi " day whe & married my st#'id e2 Gwho & like to thi k of as my starter h#sba dH, "etti " i to bed with him was all & tho#"ht abo#t. &t was 8t like & was a i oce t 3ir"i a d ot aware of what ha''e ed o a weddi " i"ht? UhhhD: 5#ess almost dyi " a d cha "i " worlds co#ld tr#ly screw #' a ormal tho#"ht 'rocess. Not to me tio dri ki " too m#ch wi e. !edici al or ot. >ell, &8d better thi k abo#t it ow. Co s#mmatio . >ith a horse. >ho bites.

& thi k &8m "oi " to be sick.: !y Lady, shall & escort yo# to yo#r chamberB: At least Ala a8s co cer was real. Mer ha ds felt soft a d cool as they '#shed sticky te drils of hair off my 3isibly moist forehead. 6es, 'lease.: <ta di " was s#dde ly a a#tical e2'erie ce. $itchi "Drolli "Dohh, feeli " sickD eyes sh#tti " ti"htly. >hoa4: C#st as my b#tt was "etti " ready to sla' the lo3ely marble floor, & felt myself bei " lifted i to a firm b#rrow of heat. Allow me, Lady %hia o .: Moly shit the horse had =#st 'icked me #'? $eeki " o e eye o'e , & saw his face at close 3iew. Me was 8t 'ayi " a y atte tio to me, tho#"h, he =#st odded at Ala a, who beamed some ki d of tha kyo# smile at him a d led #s o#t the way she a d & had come i . Looki " at her retreati " form from abo3e remi ded me of =#st how bi" Cla @i ta really was4a d how far abo3e the

"ro# d & m#st ha3e bee a d4 U"h.: !aybe & sho#ld =#st kee' my eyes closed. 6o# will feel better after yo# slee'.: Mis wide chest 3ibrated with his words. >ith my eyes sh#t he ki da remi ded me of a lar"e, warm 3ibrator, a d & had to stifle a silly "i""le. & did 8t realiAe & dra k so m#ch wi e.: Me made a dee' hrmm'h oise i his throat, which o ly hei"hte ed the 3ibrator effect. 6o# did.: 6o# 3ibrate whe yo# talk.: >hatB: &t8s okay. & like 3ibrators.: & realiAed & was so# di " ti'sy, which was okay beca#se & was defi itely feeli " ti'sy. A d for some reaso my head was 3ery hea3y, like my hair wei"hed a lot. >ith a si"h & felt it 'lo' dow o Cla @i ta Q!r. Ed8s sho#lder. 6es, & was most certai ly dee'ly e tre ched i The La d of the L#sh. 6o# smell "ood.: 6es, & realiAed & was s'eaki " my tho#"hts o#t lo#d. A d, yes, & realiAed & was "oi " to ha3e a serio#s wi e headache i the mor i ". B#t, o, there was 8t a lot & co#ld do abo#t it =#st the . 5i""le. 6o# ha3e had too m#ch to dri k.: No way?: A other s ort from him, which r#mbled his chest a d made me "i""le a"ai . The & oticed that the s ort had sto''ed b#t the r#mble had 8t, a d my eyes 'o''ed o'e . Me was la#"hi ". At me, b#t he was la#"hi ". A d it was a ice la#"h, which s#dde ly t#r ed his face from a ha dsome cold face to a ha dsome ice face. Of co#rse, abo#t this time my "i""les "a3e me the hicc#'s, which really cracked him #'. Ala a sto''ed i fro t of the door & 3a"#ely remember as the o e to %hia o 8s room, a d she seemed to be ha3i " a hard time co tai i " her ow la#"hter as she watched #s. <he saw me watchi " her thro#"h my semi-hysterical wi e-hicc#' "i""les a d her face fl#shed a bri"ht 'i k ri"ht before she t#r ed hastily to o'e the door a d #sher #s thro#"h. 6e', %hia o ob3io#sly had o dam se se of h#mor. Da ",: hic? 9& ha3e a serio#sly,: hic? 9bi",: hic? 9bed?: <etti " me dow o the serio#sly bi" bed he st#died me thro#"h his li "eri " smile. Tha k yo#,: hic? 9for the,: hic? 9ride.: Co 3#lsi " i wi e-soaked "i""les a"ai st my smooth 'illows, & co#ld 8t hel' b#t crack myself #'. Tha ki " him for the 9ride:4 ow, that was f# y? 6o# are differe t from the last time we met.: Mis smile was still i 'lace, b#t his dee' 3oice had a co tem'lati3e I#ality to it that, e3e wi e-soaked, & reco" iAed. 5la ci " at Ala a, & saw the cheerf#l 'i k of her cheeks s#dde ly drai to white. & felt myself str#""li " to sober #'. !y hicc#'s e3a'orated. &8m, #h, me. As #s#al.: Nothi " is e3er #s#al with yo#, Lady %hia o .: Mis smile faded the , a d for a i sta t & was sorry to see it "o. The & remembered that he was a horse a d this was s#''osed to be o#r

weddi " i"ht4a d, accordi " to Ala here abo#t which & was cl#eless.

a8s fearf#l face, there was lots of st#ff "oi " o aro# d

& closed my eyes a d let myself sl#r a whis'ered re'ly, 9>hate3erD: a d took a dee' s orey breath. As if o c#e, Ala a 'i'ed i . !y Lord, 'erha's yo# wo#ld like me to show yo# to yo#r chamber.: The sile ce that a swered her made me wa t to o'e my eyes, b#t & co#ld feel his "aAe, so i stead & took a other dee' breath a d let it o#t i a decidedly # ladylike s ore. 6o#r chamber ad=oi s this o e, my Lord.: Ala a8s 3oice was i siste t. 6es, & am defi itely ready to retire.: Mis 3oice was back to cold formality. Mis retreat from the room was lo#d a d abr#'t. <o lo#d it almost drow ed o#t Ala a8s m#sical lilt. a8s !y Lord, she has bee thro#"h m#ch rece tly.: The soft ess i her 3oice mirrored <#Aa sweet ess so com'letely that & felt a # e2'ected r#sh of homesick ess. <o ha3e we all.: A d the door closed with a "rim fi ality. Me is "o e, my Lady.: As was my "i""ly, ti'sy feeli ". Nothi " like a little 'erso al i tri"#e i a alter ati3e mirror world to sober yo# #'. %et#r i ", she sto''ed at the basi of water o the i"htsta d at the foot of the bed. Mer ha ds shook as she made fl#ttery mo3eme ts wri "i " o#t a small cloth. Me k ows &8m ot %hia o .: Mer ha ds still shook as she wi'ed my clammy forehead with the cool cloth. No, my Lady, he =#st k ows yo# are differe t tha he e2'ected.: Tell me abo#t %hia o .: Mer ha ds stilled. <he is my mistress a d Mi"h $riestess, 5oddess & car ate of E'o a.: & k ow all of that. Tell me what ki d of 'erso she is.: <he is a 'owerf#l 'erso .: <i"h. Ala a, & do 8t mea that. & mea her 'erso ality. 6o# say she is 8t like me, so & wa t to k ow what she is like.: <ile ce. Do 8t yo# k ow e o#"h abo#t me already to k ow yo# do 8t eed to be afraid to tell me the tr#thB: &t is diffic#lt, my Lady.: Okay, &8ll hel'. Tell me why Cla @i ta does 8t like her.: <he did ot wa t to ha dfast with him, so she a3oided him whe she co#ld. >he she co#ld ot, she treated him coldly.: Ala a8s eyes shifted away from mi e. >hy did 8t she =#st break off the betrothalB: D#ty4the & car ate of E'o a has always mated with a Mi"h <hama of the ce ta#rs. &f she wa ted to remai Mi"h $riestess, she m#st ha dfast for at least the reI#ired year with Cla @i ta .

!ost mati "s betwee E'o a8s Belo3ed a d the ce ta#rs8 <hama last for life, tho#"h.: <he certai ly looked # comfortable talki " abo#t it. As she sho#ld? & k ow &8m ot from here4b#t & really ca 8t blame her for ot wa ti " to ha3e se2 with a horse?: Ala a bli ked i s#r'rise at me. 9& mea , 'lease? &t8s freaki " me o#t, too.: Ala a tried to i terr#'t b#t & '#t a ha d #' a d sh#shed her. & was soberi " #', a d & was o a roll. 9A d & do 8t a''reciate yo# ot war i " me. Me8s ice-looki ", a d seems okay whe he loose s #', b#t what the hell are yo# 'eo'le thi ki "B Mow am & s#''osed to, well, do itB The lo"istics alo e are mi d bo""li "?: !y Lady, it is ot what yo# thi k.: Mer cheeks certai ly were 'i k. 9Me is a Mi"h <hama .: <he said it like that sho#ld clear e3erythi " ri"ht #'. 6es, a d he8s a fri""i horse?: >hat is Ufri""i 8B: C#st a e2'ressio . &8m tryi " to I#it c#ssi ". Ne3er mi d.: <i"h. 9Are yo# sayi " that he a d & are ot e2'ected to co s#mmate the ha dfastB: No, of co#rse ot.: <he looked shocked. No, we8re ot to co s#mmate4or o, we are to co s#mmate.: !y headache was back. 6es, yo# are to co s#mmate the ha dfast.: $lease e2'lai how. &s he ot a horse from the waist dow B: 5od, my throat h#rt. >ell, yes, my Lady. & his 'rese t form.: Now she was dow ri"ht red aro# d the cheeks. Ala a, & do 8t k ow what the hell yo#8re talki " abo#t? >hat other form does he ha3eB: Me is a Mi"h <hama , which mea s he ca sha'e-shift i to ma y differe t forms. A h#ma is o ly o e of them.: That8s im'ossible.: >as 8t itB Not for Cla @i ta .: <he said it all matter-of-factly, like water r# "i""les a d hicc#'s. <o, & do 8t ha3e to ha3e se2 with a horseB: No, my Lady.: >ell, that8s a relief.: 6es, my Lady. Mere, let me hel' yo# "et more comfortable.: A d she 'rom'tly started '#tteri " aro# d, remo3i " my crow -thi ", =ewelry, make#'D 6o# still ha3e 8t told me abo#t %hia Now it was her t#r to si"h. Did she k ow Cla @i ta co#ld t#r i to a h#ma B: Of co#rse, my Lady.: <to' '#tteri "? &8m fi e. <it here a d talk to me.: <he rel#cta tly sat e2t to me, looki " 'rim a d # comfortable. &t was ot Cla @i ta she abhorred. &t was the idea of bei " mated to a y male.: o .: i " dow hill or wi e i d#ci "

>hyB: Oh, "reat. >as & a lesbia B Not that & was homo'hobic or a ythi " st#'id like that, b#t bei " "ay wo#ld serio#sly com'licate a already diffic#lt sit#atio . Lady %hia o has made it e2ceedi "ly clear to him that she wo#ld ot be ha''y limited to o e ma .: <he so# ded embarrassed a d sad. 9Not e3e for o e year.: No wo der he does 8t like me.: &t all made se se ow. 6es, my Lady.: 6o# did 8t a''ro3e of her beha3ior, did yo#B: &t is ot my 'lace to a''ro3e or disa''ro3e of Lady %hia im'erso al. >hy ot, are 8t yo# her assista t or somethi " like thatB: Assista tB: 6eah, like a e2ec#ti3e secretary or the 'erso i char"e of her sched#leB 6o# k ow, her em'loyee.: !y Lady, & am her ser3a t.: <o# ds like she did 8t a''reciate yo# or "i3e yo# a dece t =ob title. &8ll bet the 'ay is cra', too. Co#ld 8t yo# =#st I#itB: 6o# do ot # dersta d, my Lady. <he ow s me. & am her 'ro'erty.: Ohmy"od. 6o#8re her sla3eB: 6es. A d ow &8m yo#r sla3e, my Lady.: No? & ca 8t ha3e a sla3e? &8ll set yo# free. 5i3e me the 'a'ers, or whate3er. This is absol#tely ridic#lo#s.: 6o# m#st ot, my Lady.: Mer face had 'aled o ce a"ai a d her 3oice so# ded 'a icky. 9Bei " %hia o 8s sla3e is my life. The !acCalla '#rchased me for his da#"hter whe & was =#st a child. &t is the way of o#r world.: &t is 8t my world.: &t is ow, my Lady.: A wa3e of e2ha#stio o3erwhelmed me. >hat was & doi " hereB Mow co#ld this be realB <lee', my Lady. E3erythi " will be more clear i the mor i ".: E3erythi " will still be screwed #' a d biAarre.: B#t slee' t#""ed at me. >i e a d the stress of the day combi ed to make a e2celle t Tyle ol $!. !y closi " eyes were leade , my stre "th a d desire to o'e them "o e. Black ess was a welcome res'ite. Besides Dia a 5abaldo 8s <cotla d a d A e !cCaffrey8s $er , DreamLa d is my fa3orite la d to 3isit. !y dreams ha3e always bee i color Ga d *-D, of co#rseH a d wo derf#l. The La d of !y Dreams is 'o'#lated with flyi " heroes who fall i lo3e with the heroi e Gme, of co#rseH, sa3e the world Gwhich has a sky that is a lo3ely shade of lilac 3ioletH a d the "ri d faceted diamo ds o#t of raw coal with their stro " Gyet "e tleH ha ds. !y fa3orite s#itor always be"s the 'ri3ile"e of bei " allowed to 'ay off my e ormo#s A Taylor credit card debt to 'ro3e his worthi ess. & betwee sce es of bei " wooed by $ierce Bros a Gwho ca also flyH, & laAe abo#t the lilac sky o clo#ds of o 8s beha3ior.: Mer 3oice was flat a d

"olde cotto ca dy Gthe o sticky ki dH tickli " the t#mmies of fl#ffy fat black-a d-white cats, dri ki " fifty-year-old si "le-malt scotch a d blowi " the little white thi "s off of old da delio s, which t#r i to s owflakes. <o, yo# ca # dersta d how drifti " i to my La d of Dreams wo#ld be somethi " that & wo#ld look forward to after se3eral days of stress a d a cha "e of worlds. C#rled #' o my side, breathi " dee'ly, & fell willi "ly i to a dee' slee', ha''ily a tici'ati " the ewest dream i my fa tasy la d. >hich is also why yo# ca # dersta d & wo#ld 8t be alarmed at first whe & be"a to e2'erie ce a floati " se satio a d & o'e ed my eyes to see my so#l detachi " from my slee'i " body as & drifted #' a d thro#"h the roof of my room. A d, yes, & did ha3e a bi" bed4e3e from a o3erhead 3iew. @lyi " or floati " is a cool side effect of 3isiti " my DreamLa d. 5ra ted, i my dreams & #s#ally ha3e to take a r# i " start a d hold my arms i fro t of me before & ca lea' off the "ro# d a d become airbor e, b#t what the heck, it8s DreamLa d, a d ot e2actly stee'ed i reality4so =#st abo#t a ythi " "oesD Back to floati " thro#"h my ceili ". As & drifted #' a d o#t of the co fi es of E'o a8s tem'le & had a # #s#al mome t of 3erti"o. @lyi " is always a 'leasa t dream e2'erie ce, co seI#e tly the diAAy, "#t-cle chi " feeli " s#r'rised me, b#t the 3erti"o was fleeti " a d & soo for"ot the mome tary oddity. @loati " i the i"ht air & was rela2ed, breathi " dee'ly a d e =oyi " the bea#ty of the hi"h, '#ffy clo#ds 'assi " i fro t of a almost f#ll moo . & oticed that they were 8t the #s#al "olde cotto -ca dy clo#ds of my dreams, which also was a little odd. A d, yes, & realiAed that i to i"ht8s dream & did seem to be able to act#ally smell the i"ht air, b#t my dreams are ormally 3ery "ra'hic a d realistic, so & was c#rio#s, b#t ot o3erly co cer ed with the 3a"#e fl#ct#atio s from the orm. After all, & was i a other world. !aybe my DreamLa d had bee affected, too. Looki " below me, & was i terested to see that my dream had totally made #' a whole set of lo3ely b#ildi "s that 'i wheeled aro# d the stately tem'le. !o3eme t i a corral =#st o#tside of a richlooki " b#ildi " which m#st be a stable 'iI#ed my i terest. The stable was act#ally attached to the side of the tem'le, b#t that fi"#red beca#se it was the tem'le of a horse "oddess a d, of co#rse, my dream layo#t wo#ld "i3e horses e2tra 'ri3ile"es. Besides, & really do like horses4&83e dreamed abo#t ridi "Qflyi " $e"as#s se3eral times. The mo3eme t ca#"ht my eye a"ai , a d my dream body floated dow toward the corral # til & was ho3eri " =#st abo3e the sto e fe ce. A soft "#st of wi d '#shed the '#ffy clo#ds away from the moo , a d the s#dde bri"ht ess ill#mi ated the i terior of the corral. & smiled a d cooed i awe at the 'erfectio of a sil3er-white mare. At the so# d, the mare sto''ed "raAi " a d lifted her dai ty head i my directio , blowi " softly at the s#rro# di " air. Mi there, yo# "or"eo#s "irl.: The mare8s eck arched at the so# d of my 3oice. & was deli"hted that i stead of bei " afraid of my floati " body, she seemed to reco" iAe me Gwell, it was my dreamH a d 'ra ced toward me. & held o#t my ha ds to her a d she stretched her m#AAle i my directio . <he was a amaAi "-looki " a imal. <he remi ded me of o e of the %oyal Li'iAAa er stallio s & had see se3eral years a"o whe their to#r sto''ed i T#lsa. <he was a ice-siAe mare, 'robably almost fiftee ha ds hi"h. @rom a dista ce her coat a''eared to be all o e "liste i " sil3er color, b#t as she "ot closer to me & co#ld see that her m#AAle was dark, like black 3el3et, a d her sil3er coat faded to dark ess aro# d her e2'ressi3e eyes a d her well-sha'ed hocks. & had e3er see a horse like her before, a d & smiled at my dream ima"i atio . <he co ti #ed her co te ted "raAi " a d & "a3e her a last look as & floated back #' i to the i"ht. !aybe & wo#ld ret#r before my dream was

o3er a d we co#ld "o for a lo3ely ride i the sky. The '#ffy clo#ds seemed to ha3e cleared for "ood, a d from my aerial 3iew & co#ld t#r my floati " body slowly i a circle a d see for miles i all directio s. The elaborate tem'le b#ildi "s were s#rro# ded by a h#"e marble wall. The la d o#tside the tem'le 'ro'er was sweet a d rolli ", remi di " me of the Umbria re"io of &taly. G& took te hi"h-school kids o a 9ed#catio al: tri' to &taly a co#'le of years a"o. They did =#st fi e cha'ero i " me.H The "e tle hills looked to be co3ered with "ra'e3i es. >hich fi"#res beca#se, of co#rse, my dream wo#ld ha3e to to#ch o wi e somehow. Mo'ef#lly, a floati " waiter who looked like $ierce Bros a wo#ld soo a''ear to ser3e me my fa3orite !erlot. B#t & "#ess &8d had e o#"h wi e for o e i"ht, beca#se $ierce did 8t show. 6et. E2'lori " my ewest DreamLa d seemed like a f# idea, so & ke't floati " a d "awki ". & the dista ce, 'robably to the orth of the tem'le Gdo 8t I#ote me o that, tho#"hJ & am directio ally im'airedH & co#ld make o#t what a''eared to be a lar"e mo# tai ra "e. >hile & was be"i i " to float toward the mo# tai s, & oticed, a"ai , the breeAe which, a"ai , str#ck me as a odd additio to my DreamLa d beca#se it had a sce t. The breeAe was comi " from the west a d & t#r ed my head i to its soft ess. & took a dee' breath a d reco" iAed the smell ofDhmmD& thi k salt i the air. A ocea B !y shifti " of atte tio also cha "ed the directio of my airbor e body, a d & felt myself float i to the wi d. By sI#i ti " my eyes & co#ld barely make o#t some flickeri " li"hts a d, maybe, the reflectio of the moo o water. <mili " i a tici'atio of the dream 'ossibilities, & decided to head i that directio 4a d was shocked by how I#ickly my dream self res'o ded. The la d 'assi " I#ickly be eath me was 'o'#lated with slee'y little 3illa"es that were scattered betwee 3i eyard-co3ered rolli " hills. A shimmeri " ri3er co ected them a d & oticed se3eral small, flat boats moored at each 3illa"e site. The sce t of salt was stro "er, a d & co#ld make o#t a lar"e body of water i the I#ickly decreasi " dista ce directly i my fli"ht 'ath. &ts shoreli e looked im'osi "4r#""ed a d "ree , which s#dde ly remi ded me of &rela d8s Cliffs of !oher. G& took st#de ts to &rela d o e s#mmer. >e called it the Ed#catio al $#b To#r.H The shoreli e stretched o i the dista ce as far as & co#ld see i the moo lit i"ht, a d as the dark liI#id horiAo met the i"ht sky, & co#ld see silho#etted the wester ed"e of the mo# tai ra "e &8d oticed earlier. !y body was still raci " forward a d & co#ld see that & was headed toward some ty'e of lar"e str#ct#re sit#ated solidly ear the ed"e of o e of the most dramatic-looki " cliffs. G7i d of like Edi b#r"h Castle4yes, & took a "ro#' of hi"h-school st#de ts to <cotla d, too. & did 8t ca#se them too m#ch tro#bleD o matter what they say.H Drifti " closer, & felt myself slowi " dow a d & took a "ood look at what & co#ld ow see m#ch more clearly. &t was a wo derf#l, e ormo#s old castle, a d & was floati " directly abo3e the e tra ce that faced away from the sea. U like most of the castles &83e to#red i E#ro'e, this o e looked like it was i 'erfect co ditio , com'lete with fo#r massi3e towers o3er which flew fla"s decorated with a reari " sil3er mare. M#h. Looked =#st like the cool horse back at the tem'le. The rear side of the castle was sit#ated ear the ed"e of the asty-looki " cliffJ the i habita ts m#st lo3e the amaAi " 3iew. The fro t of the castle, abo3e which & was floati ", looked o#t o a tree-co3ered 'latea#, which "rad#ally di''ed dow to a 3alley where a eat-looki " 3illa"e estled. A well-wor road ra from the 3illa"e thro#"h the forested 'latea# #' to the castle, "i3i " e3ide ce of a co "e ial relatio shi' betwee castle a d tow . The ty'ical walled ram'arts s#rro# ded the castle itself a d were =oi ed at a e ormo#s "ated e tra ce, b#t rather tha looki " me aci " a d cold, the castle was well li"hted a d its e tra ce was o'e a d welcomi ". A castle #sed as a military fortress wo#ld be closed a d "#arded. The lo3ely forest of old trees

wo#ld be shor so that a ad3a ci " e emy co#ld 8t s eak #'. !y dream castle ob3io#sly was 8t war frie dly, a d it was 'robably 9"#arded: by Gwho elseBH $ierce Bros a ? &t was more tha likely that he was waiti " i side for me to I#it my floati " to#r so that he co#ld r#b edible 'i k coco #t oil all o3er my body. The lick it slowly off. 6#mmyD>hich is why it was odd that my body was still floati " o3er the castle. Okay, & was defi itely ready to sto' flyi " ow a d "et to the more 9'erso al: 'art of my dream. A tici'atory smile. Nothi ". <till floati ". Okay, & was ready to sto' flyi " ow? Nothi ". >hat i the hell was #' with thisB DreamLa d was my fabricatio . &t obeyed me. & remember whe & first realiAed ot e3eryo e had the ability to co trol their dreams. & was i third "rade a d a frie d of mi e was looki " 'ale a d #'set o e !o day mor i ". At recess & asked her what was wro " a d she said a amaAi " thi "4she said she8d had a horrible i"htmare the i"ht before. & told her she sho#ld ha3e =#st told the dream to cha "e, a d she looked at me as if & was craAy Gor scaryH, a d told me that that was im'ossible. Dreams did what they wa ted to do. U til the it had 8t occ#rred to me that e3eryo e co#ld 8t co trol his or her dreams. &f my dreams e3er be"a to "et # comfortable or fri"hte i ", & =#st told them to cha "e. A d they accommodated my reI#est. & thirty-fi3e years & ha3e e3er had a dream that wo#ld 8t obey me. !y "irlfrie ds thi k it8s way cool, my boyfrie ds thi k &8m maki " it #'. <o my dreams ha3e always bee mi e to co trol. U til to i"ht. Mo3eri " o3er the castle, my feeli " of co f#sio was com'o# ded by my risi " fr#stratio le3el. & wo#ld 8t really classify this as a 9bad: dreamJ it was more like a a oyi " dream. A d & really wa ted it to sto'4 The e3erythi " cha "ed. @ear e 3elo'ed me. &t was like othi " & had e3er k ow . !ore terrifyi " to me tha my car wreck. !ore horrible tha my s ake 'hobia. &t was the raw fear that comes with the certai ty of bei " i the 'rese ce of e3il. Li3i " e3il, like the ki d that i s'ires 'edo'hiles or ra'ists or terrorists. Tryi " ot to 'a ic, & took dee' breaths a d remi ded myself that this was o ly a dreamDo ly a dreamDo ly a dream. B#t the feeli " 'ersisted. 5aAi " be eath me, & st#died the castle for some hi t that co#ld e2'lai my terror. The castle looked slee'y a d i oce t. & a room b#ilt o the wall ear the o'e fro t "ates, & co#ld see two me dressed i # iforms who mi"ht be "#ards or i"ht watchme . They were sitti " at a woode table 'layi " what a''eared to be some ki d of dice "ame. No e3il thereJ slacki " em'loyees, 'erha's, b#t othi " o3ertly 3illai o#s. Eario#s other rooms i the castle were still li"hted, a d o ce i a while & co#ld "lim'se fi"#res mo3i " i fro t of wi dows. No o e seemed to be committi " a y m#rders, o ra'i " or 'illa"i " was "oi " o . At the side of the castle that o3erlooked the ocea & co#ld see a ma sta di " o a obser3atio led"e, b#t he was 8t c#tti " #' a y babies or ra'i " a y "ra dmasJ he was =#st looki ". No e3il there, either. B#t it was here. & co#ld feel it. & co#ld almost to#ch a d smell it. &t was like after yo# dri3e yo#r car o3er a a imal that has bee lyi " dead i the road for a 3ery lo " time. The ste ch seems to cli " to yo#r car8s wheels a d to yo#r throat e3e after yo#83e left it miles behi d. !y body t#r ed "e tly as & co ti #ed my search, a d & fo# d myself looki " o#t o3er the forest4

That was it. No I#estio abo#t it, the e3il was there, comi " from the forest. &t ema ated from the orther ed"e, the 'art that e3e t#ally met the dista t mo# tai s. &t was so stro " that & fo# d it diffic#lt to kee' my eyes foc#sed o that areaJ my 3isio ke't shifti ", like & was tryi " to co ce trate o o e of those *-D 'ict#res b#t co#ld 8t I#ite "et the hidde ima"e ri"ht. &t was as my "aAe slid o3er the trees, ot I#ite foc#sed, that & saw it. A ri''le i the dark ess of the i"ht-shadowed trees. Bli ki ", & foc#sed abo3e the tree li e a d, a"ai , the forest ri''led. &t was like i k see'i " dow a aked 'a"e4crawli " shadows, oily a d thick. A mass of somethi " was mo3i " thro#"h the trees, si "#lar i i te tio a d demea or. The forward li e of it was swift a d sile t. & "as'ed i realiAatio . &ts desti atio was ob3io#s4it was co 3er"i " o the slee'i " castle.

There was othi " & co#ld do to hel'. & tried to scream at the dice-'layi " "#ards, a d my "hostly 3oice was carried away by the wi d. !y body still wo#ld 8t desce d, a d, for a mome t, & felt shamef#lly tha kf#l as & realiAed that the tho#"ht of bei " i the castle as the dark ess drew closer a d closer terrified me. A d & co#ld 8t wake #'. 5la ci " back to the ed"e of the orther tree li e, & was horrified by how I#ickly the dark ess had ad3a ced. A d as they "ot closer, the e3il radiati " from them felt thicker. Mow co#ld a yo e i the castle slee' or 'lay cards or ha " o#tB Mow co#ld they ot feel it, tooB A d s#dde ly it was 8t a dream to me a ymore. Mere a d ow the # foldi " horror had become my reality. As if res'o di " to my tho#"hts, my floati " body mo3ed closer to the dark li e. & was afraid, b#t c#rio#s a d committed to # dersta di " what was ha''e i ". & watched the fro t of the li e break o#t of the trees. & drifted closer. At first & tho#"ht they were tall me weari " dark, fla''i " cloaks. They a''eared to be r# i " with amaAi "ly lo " strides, a d the lea'i ", like a lo " =#m'er at a track meet, o ly ot la di " o two feet a d falli ", b#t la di " o still-r# i " le"s. This odd ma er of mo3eme t ate #' the la d be eath them a d "a3e them the a''eara ce of "lidi " more tha of r# i ". Like i stead of bei " li3i " bei "s they were really s'ecters or shades of the dead. As they "ot closer, my atte tio was ri3eted o their lo ", loose cloaks. & watched them mo3e a"ai st the wi d c#rre ts ca#sed by the "lidi " r# , # til i horror & realiAed that the mo3eme t was 3ol# tary. !ore a d more of them 'o#red o#t of the forest, a d & # derstood what the cloaks really were4wi "s, e ormo#s dark wi "s that s'read a d tra''ed the wi d, aidi " the lea'i " r# a d e abli " the "lide. A shi3er of re3#lsio sh#ddered thro#"h my floati " body. There m#st ha3e bee h# dreds of them. They were like h#"e 'redatory h#ma oid bats, or "i"a tic h#ma oid roaches. & be"a to be able to make o#t i di3id#als a d their feat#res. &t was o ly their wi "s that were dark, a d beca#se they were so lar"e a d o#tstretched, they le t the li e the a''eara ce of bei " dark. & tr#th, # der the wi "s, their bodies were so white they almost seemed tra sl#ce t. They were aked e2ce't for loi cloths, a d their thi torsos looked skeletal. Their hair was li"ht colored, ra "i " from blo d to sil3er a d white. Their arms a d le"s were ab ormally lo ", like what wo#ld res#lt if a h#ma was mated with a s'ider. B#t they were most defi itely h#ma oid. They had the faces of me 4cr#el, determi ed me . A d a short Bobby B#r s 'oem flashed thro#"h my mi dN

!a y a d shar' the #mero#s ills & wo3e with o#r frameJ !ore 'oi ted still, we make o#rsel3es %e"ret, remorse a d shameJ A d ma , whose hea3e -erected face The smiles of lo3e ador , !a 8s i h#ma ity to ma , !akes co# tless tho#sa ds mo#r . & was # able to look away from them as they s'read to the # "#arded castle doors be eath me like a 3ir#le t strai of a terrorist8s 'la"#e, a d the they were there. They 'o#red i to the castle, sile t a d deadly. The dice 'layers did 8t otice. No ew doors closed or wi dows o'e ed. <ile ce. <ile ce. <ile ce. B#t & co#ld feel them. <omehow, & co#ld feel what they were bri "i ". & co#ld 8t see what was ha''e i " i side the ma y rooms below me, b#t & co#ld se se the terror a d 'ai r#stli " thro#"h the castle like a sile t ca cer s'readi " thro#"ho#t a diseased body. @ra tically, & searched for some way to war them. <ome way & co#ld hel' them. A d my erra t body be"a floati " i a differe t directio . This time it was taki " me toward the solitary ma still sta di " o the obser3atory led"e. 5etti " closer, his shadowed sha'e took o familiar li es. Oh, my 5od. !y breath r#shed o#t of me i o e word. Dad?: Me t#r ed at the so# d of my 3oice, a d as he "la ced aro# d, 'res#mably looki " for me, & saw him clearly i the moo li"ht. &t was my father. Dam the mirror-ima"e cra'J dam the alter ati3eworld "arba"e. This ma was my dad. & his mid-fifties his football 'layer8s body was still 'owerf#l. O e of my co#si s o ce told me that as a child he tho#"ht my father was the stro "est ma he had e3er k ow 4a d ow that he8s a ad#lt he8s s#re of it. A d he8s 'robably ri"ht. Not that Dad8s a h#"e "#y, he8s ot. $robably o ly fi3e foot te , "rad#ati " from a small co# try hi"h school he was told he was 8t bi" e o#"h to 'lay football at a ma=or # i3ersity like the U i3ersity of &lli ois. B#t they did 8t fi"#re o his te acity. Like a mea little b#lldo", he was =#st too dam to#"h to be be ched. After a s#ccessf#l colle"efootball career, he 'assed his stre "ths o to the 'layers he coached, was recr#ited by the bi""est hi"h school i Oklahoma a d become the coach who took his team to the state cham'io shi' se3e years i a row. A d wo all se3e times. & ha3e always bee a Daddy8s 5irl. & "rew #' tr#sti " i his stre "th. As a child & k ew that there was o dra"o he wo#ld 8t slay for me, o demo he co#ld 8t ba ish. & saw all of this reflected i the ma below me. Dad?: Mis head shot #' at the so# d of my disembodied 3oice, b#t his brow was wri kled with co f#sio . Mow well co#ld he really hear meB %hia o B Are yo# here, da#"hterB: $erha's he co#ld o ly hear the echo of my so#l. <#mmo i " all of my co ce tratio i to o e word like a 'rayer, & cried.

Da "er?: The word e ded o my sob. 6es, lass, & se sed da "er i the i"ht?: Mis brow s#dde ly cleared a d he be"a stridi " '#r'osef#lly off the led"e. Lea'i " to the woode catwalk that ra the le "th of the i side wall of the castle, he broke i to a r# . !y ho3eri " body was ri"ht behi d him as he r#shed toward the watchtower, boomi " i a 3oice 3ery like Dad8s e2ce't it was thick with a almost <cottish-so# di " bro"#e. 5et yersel3es armed a d awake the castle? E'o a has war ed me of da "er? M#rry, lads, & feel a crawli " i me ski that says we do a ha3e m#ch time.: Thro#"h the wi dow & obser3ed the shock o the faces of the "#ards as they followed the ma who looked so m#ch like my dad i to actio . Armi " themsel3es, they r#shed dow i to the bowels of the tower, a d & co#ld hear them waki " other me . The i"ht was ow filled with the so# ds of sho#ti " me a d cla "i " wea'o s. A d screams, which ori"i ated from the i terior rooms of the castle. Led by my dad, half dressed i hastily tied kilts, me scrambled to arm themsel3es as they r#shed o#t of the towered barracks toward the heart of the castle, o ly to fi d the e emy already there. Mel'lessly, & watched as the creat#res leaked o#t of the i er castle to meet the "#ards. The blood of their early 3ictims had dimmed the white of their ski . They were ot creat#res of i"htmare4 they were the i"htmare. & co#ld ot make o#t a y wea'o s i their ha ds, yet as the "#ards be"a battli " them, their swords a d shields did little "ood a"ai st the ma -creat#res8 bared teeth a d claws. The sheer #mber a d ferocity of them o3erwhelmed the castle "#ards. !a y of the ma -creat#res had time to sto' a d feed at the ecks a d warm e trails of still-li3i " me , as others ste''ed aro# d them to res#me the sla#"hter. The ri''i " a d teari " of flesh is a so# d like o other, a d as & watched & felt my so#l be"i to shake. & had lost si"ht of Dad, a d & tried to "et my body to float closer to the battle. &t wo#ld 8t obey me. A d the there was o eed4& saw him. !a -creat#res s#rro# ded him. Blood 'o#red from o'e wo# ds that had bee tor i his arms a d chest, b#t his h#"e sword was still swi "i " i a arch aro# d him. At his feet were two headless thi "s, 3ictims of his stre "th. The ma -creat#res circled him, bei " caref#l to stay o#t of the reach of his blade. Come to me, ye bloody cowards?: Mis 3oice reached me, a d & reco" iAed the challe "e it carried. & had o ly heard it o ce before. &t was at football 'ractice. Dad had be ched the star li ebacker beca#se he8d bee ca#"ht sho'lifti " at a local store. The smart-ass kid was telli " Dad his beha3ior off the field did 8t matter, that he sho#ld still 'lay beca#se he was the best they had. Dad took him Ga d his e"oH to the middle of the field, a d while the team looked o as wit ess he said to the kid, 96o# ca 'lay tomorrow i"ht if yo# ca k ock me off my feet.: The kid was almost si2 i ches taller tha Dad, more tha thirty years yo# "er, a d o#twei"hed him by at least forty 'o# ds, b#t he co#ld 8t k ock my father off his feet, a d he dam s#re did 8t 'lay i a other "ame that seaso . & heard the echo of that challe "e i the ma 8s 3oice below me. Mis sta ce was the same, a d his stre "th was the same. A"ai he was i the ri"ht, b#t this time & k ew that wo#ld 8t matter. Me had ca#"ht the atte tio of more of them. O e by o e the ri " "rew # til at least twe ty ma creat#res, their wi "s ta#t, s#rro# ded my father, their bloody mo#ths s arli " i e2'ectatio . &8ll e3er for"et how he stood there. Me did 8t 'a ic. Me was calm a d s#re. As o e bei ", they be"a to co 3er"e. & saw his sword flash a d heard it slice thro#"h the first a d seco d a d third, # til it co#ld o lo "er kee' #'. The their fa "s a d teeth reached him. Me fo#"ht with his fists, which were slick with his ow blood. E3e as he dro''ed to his k ees, he did 8t cry o#t.

A d he did 8t I#it. B#t & co#ld take o more. !y so#l felt like it was shatteri " with his body a d & shrieked my a"o y to the i"ht4 A d & was wre ched abr#'tly awake. No? Dad, o?: !y body was shaki " a d my cheeks were wet with tears. Ala a a d Cla @i ta b#rst thro#"h differe t doors i to my room at almost the same i sta t. a, & wra''ed my arms aro# d her !y Lady? Oh, my Lady, what has ha''e edB: Ala a r#shed to me. Not cari " that she was 8t really <#Aa a d we't i to her embrace.

&t was horrible.: Aro# d sobs my broke words came o#t. 9They killed my father. There was othi " & co#ld do b#t watch.: Ala a was maki " wordless, soothi " oises as she stroked my back. &s there da "erB <hall & s#mmo the "#ardsB: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was a warrior8s, a d & had a s#dde feeli " that he wo#ld be co#ra"eo#s i battle, a d like my dream 'remo itio of e3il, & k ew this, too, was tr#e. No.: !y sobs had be"# to I#iet to whim'ers, b#t the tears still flowed freely dow my face. 9&t ha''e ed i my dream, ot here.: Abr#'tly & felt Ala a still. <he "e tly mo3ed my body back from hers far e o#"h so that she co#ld look i to my eyes. 6o# m#st tell #s what yo# saw, my Lady.: Mer 3oice was calm, b#t & co#ld hear the fear i her words. &t was a dream.: O3er her sho#lder & saw Cla @i ta mo3e restlessly, his eyes dark with some emotio & co#ld ot ide tify. >hat did E'o a re3eal to yo#, %hia feeli " co f#sed. o B: Mis 3oice becko ed to me, a d & closed my eyes ti"htly,

&t was o dream.: Ala a8s whis'er was for my ears alo e, a d it se t more shi3ers of shock thro#"h my already ab#sed body. Oh, 5od, what had ha''e edB @orci " myself to sI#are my sho#lders a d still my body8s I#aki ", my eyes lifted to meet Cla @i ta 8s steady "aAe. & eed a mome t to "et myself to"ether, 'lease. The &8ll tell yo# e3erythi " & saw i my dream.: The com'assio that flashed thro#"h his eyes "a3e me a "lim'se of his ki d ess. Little wo der he was s'irit#al leader of his 'eo'le. Of co#rse, my Lady. Ma3e yo#r ser3a t se d for me whe yo# are ready.: Not cari " abo#t the co seI#e ces, & said, 9<he is ot my ser3a t. <he is my best frie d.: & co#ld feel Ala a8s shocked i take of breath. !y mistake, Lady %hia o . Ma3e yo#r frie d se d for me.: Mis smile looked si cere a d

# e2'ectedly it comforted me. As the door clicked softly sh#t my shaki " res#med. !y Lady, & am ot yo#r frie d. & ca ot be yo#r frie d.: Ala a8s 3oice so# ded fri"hte ed. No, Ala a. >hat yo# are ot is %hia o 8s frie d. 6o# were her sla3e, her ser3a t. & am ot her.: & wi'ed my eyes a d smiled my tha ks to her as she ha ded me a cloth so & co#ld blow my ose. 9& realiAe yo# are ot <#Aa a, b#t & ca 8t hel' b#t see her i yo#4a d she is my best frie d. & ho'e that yo# will h#mor me a d maybe e3e t#ally yo# will come to feel that frie dshi' for me, too. A d, Ala a, & really eed a frie d ri"ht ow.: A d & 'rom'tly started to cry. A"ai . >hat yo# say is tr#e, my Lady, yo# certai ly are ot %hia o .: Mer eyes filled with sym'athetic tears as she br#shed the hair back from my face a d "a3e me a sweet, im'rom't# h#". 9A d yo#r 3oice seems to be reco3ered.: 6eah, it does, does 8t itB: !y smile felt awkward a d strai ed, as if my face had for"otte how. <hall & "et yo# somethi " soothi " to dri k so that yo# do ot ca#se it to rela'seB: Mow abo#t some hot teaB & wa t to stay away from wi e for ow.: Ala a cla''ed her ha ds twice a d a slee'y ym'h a''eared to fetch a d carry for me. GOh, =eesh, is that a other of my sla3esBH Des'air felt easy to sli' i to a d & was dis"#sted whe my tears be"a a ew. Ala a, hel' me # dersta d what has ha''e ed.: >i'i " my eyes a"ai , & "ai ed co trol o3er my ho3eri " de'ressio . 96o# said that what & saw was realB Mow ca that beB: 6o# e2'erie ced the !a"ic <lee'. &t is o e of the "ifts yo# ha3e that makes yo# Mi"h $riestess a d Belo3ed of E'o a. E3e as a small child yo# were able to se d yo#r slee'i " so#l away from yo#r body a d obser3e e3e ts, a d sometimes e3e comm# icate with 'eo'le. 6o# were ot able to do this i yo#r old worldB: No, ot e2actly, b#t my dreams ha3e always bee mi e to co trol, which is # #s#al i my world. & 3isited made-#' 'laces a d had f# thi "s ha''e to me.: A d ow that i oce ce was "o e. DreamLa d wo#ld e3er a"ai be a 'lace of '#re ha''i ess. Not after to i"ht. & shi3ered a"ai . That m#st ha3e bee how yo#r "ift ma ifested itself i a world de3oid of E'o a.: After what & had obser3ed to i"ht it was hard for me to # dersta d why Ala a8s 3oice so# ded sad. B#t why to i"htB & defi itely did 8t Use d8 my so#l a ywhere. %emember, Ala a, & am ot %hia o . >hy wo#ld it ha''e witho#t me e3e # dersta di " what is "oi " o B: !y eyes filled with more tears. 9&t was horrible. >hy was & forced to watch itB: $erha's E'o a to#ched yo# to i"ht beca#se she reI#ired yo# to ser3e as wit ess.: &s yo#r 5oddess so cr#elB: No, my Lady. 5reat e3il ca o ly be combated by "reat "ood.: The ym'h was back with a tray holdi " a e2I#isite tea set. & smiled my a''reciatio at her, which she shyly ret#r ed. B#t as she t#r ed to lea3e & oticed she had bro#"ht o ly o e teac#'. 9E2c#se me.: The ym'h froAe. 9$lease bri " Ala a a c#', she will be =oi i " me.: 6-y-yes, my Lady.: Tha k yo#.: <he looked co f#sed, b#t she scam'ered off to do my biddi ". Ala a was st#dyi " me with what was becomi " her familiar >hat Are 6o# Doi " Now face. 9Do 8t start. &8m # der too m#ch stress to deal with this sla3e cra'. 6o#8re "oi " to ha3e to "et #sed to me treati " yo#

like yo#8re my frie d. Like they say, dam the tor'edoes a d f#ll s'eed ahead?: >ha4: C#st a other e2'ressio .: The tea was s'readi " comforti " warmth thro#"h me a d & was starti " to feel a little less shaky. 9&t mea s let8s try a d for"et all that is worki " a"ai st #s a d for"e ahead.: The little ym'h-maid came back with a other c#', which she ha ded to Ala a. <he still looked co f#sed, b#t she was e th#siastically ret#r i " my smile as she bowed her way o#t of the door. Ala a awkwardly 'o#red herself a c#' of tea. 9Okay, so what yo#8re telli " me is that what & obser3ed was 8t a dream or a 3isio . &t was real, ha''e i " as my so#l or esse ce or whate3er floated abo3e it allB: 6es, my Lady,: she said sadly. <o4: & took se3eral dee' breaths 94he8s deadB: & am so 3ery sorry, my Lady.: The teac#' clattered a"ai st the delicate chi a as my shaki " ha d set it back o its sa#cer. A s#dde tho#"ht made my breath sto'. !y mother. >hat abo#t my motherB: & felt a co strictio i my chest. Not her, too. 9& did 8t see her, b#t wo#ld 8t she be there, with himB: !y Lady, yo#r mother died shortly after yo#r birth.: Mer 3oice was soft a d she set her teac#' dow o its sa#cer a d reached for my ha d. OhD: !y 3oice trailed away tho#"htf#lly. 9Oh, that8s "ood.: Ala a8s eyes wide ed. 9!y LadyB: No, & did 8t mea & was "lad she is dead.: Ala a looked relie3ed. 9&8m =#st "lad she was 8t killed by those creat#res. & my world she di3orced my father whe & was a child.: Ala a looked shocked. 9&t was a "ood thi ", really. They both remarried a d are 3ery ha''y.: &f yo# say so, my Lady.: <he so# ded do#btf#l. 6o# do 8t ha3e di3orce hereB: Oh, 'lease. 6es. B#t it is co sidered disho orable.: >hate3er yo#r c#stoms, &8m "lad my mother did 8t ha3e to "o thro#"h what ha''e ed to i"ht.: <omehow it was easier to thi k that she had died thirty-fi3e years a"o, a d ot ha3e to 'ict#re her bei " m#rdered to i"ht. Like Dad had bee . & took a dee' breath. <till feeli " shaky, & asked the I#estio that s#dde ly mattered 3ery m#ch to me. 9>as %hia close to her fatherB: o

& thi k he was the o ly ma %hia o has e3er bee able to tr#ly lo3e. Me e3er remarried a d he raised her alo e, ot se di " her away from him, like ma y Chieftai s wo#ld ha3e do e.: <he smiled sadly at me. 9The !acCalla was so 3ery 'ro#d of her. Me doted o her. & belie3e he saw a side of her she e3er allowed a yo e else to see. %hia o was always o her 3ery best beha3ior aro# d him.: !y throat felt ti"ht a d hot. 9The we do ha3e o e similarity4the lo3e we feel for o#r fathers.: 6o# m#st e2'lai what has ha''e ed to i"ht to Cla @i ta . Me ca hel' yo#. Tr#st him, my Lady. Me co#ld be a 'owerf#l ally.: <he "ras'ed my ha ds a d s'oke ear estly. 9E2ce't for The !acCalla , %hia o did ot care for a ythi " that did ot bri " her 'leas#re, or a yo e she co#ld ot ma i'#late a d #se to her ad3a ta"e.: Mer soft brow eyes searched mi e. 96o# look like her.

6o# ha3e her fire, her h#mor a d her 'assio , b#t beca#se of yo#r stra "e world, a d the differe t choices yo# made as yo# "rew to ad#lthood there, yo# ha3e de3elo'ed i to a 3ery differe t woma . & do ot belie3e yo# are as she was. 6o# ha3e a cari " heart. $lease, my Lady, ha3e more wisdom, too. %emember, yo#r father a''ro3ed of yo#r mati " with him. Cla @i ta is stro " a d wise, he will k ow how to ri"ht this horrible wro ".: <e d for him.: & "a3e her ha ds a I#ick sI#eeAe. <he smiled at me a d to#ched my cheek before cla''i " her ha ds a"ai a d i formi " the a sweri " ym'h that & wo#ld like to see Cla @i ta . Abr#'tly & realiAed how dishe3eled & m#st look, a d with my fi "ers & be"a to try to comb my wild hair i to some sembla ce of s#bmissio . Ala a8s skillf#l ha ds stilled mi e as she "rabbed a br#sh off my i"htsta d a d I#ickly fashio ed my hair i to a bea#tif#l @re ch braid. Tha k yo#, frie d.: Mer warm smile was a swer e o#"h. Cla @i ta e tered the room, closi " the door softly behi d him. >itho#t hesitatio he mo3ed to the side of my bed a d reached o#t to "ras' my ha d i his. & wo#ld like to offer yo# my dee'est sym'athies. The !acCalla was a "reat Chieftai a d frie d.: Mis "ri' was warm a d firm. 9All of $artholo k ows of yo#r lo3e for him.: Me sI#eeAed my ha d before letti " it loose. T-t-tha k yo#.: !y ha d felt s#dde ly cold witho#t the warmth of his to#ch. Are yo# ready to tell what yo# ha3e wit essedB: Mis dee' 3oice was filled with co cer . 6es.: & sI#ared my sho#lders. 9!y dream be"a here. & we t #' thro#"h the ceili " a d 3isited the bea#tif#l mare.: Ala a a d Cla @i ta both smiled i ack owled"me t, so & "#essed she was real, too. 9The & flew #', lo3i " the brillia ce of the moo a d the i"ht.: 6es, the moo does call.: Mis 3oice so# ded wistf#l. 6eah, #mD: Mis eyes were warm a d ki d as they looked at me. Ceesh, ow was ot the time to be "etti " co f#sed by a 'retty face, or whate3er. 9>ell, & fo# d myself draw toward the sea. A d there was the castle o the cliff o3erlooki " the shore.: Me odded # dersta di ". 9Almost from the be"i i " & k ew somethi " was wro ". No, ot =#st wro ". & k ew there was e3il 'rese t. & co#ld 8t see a ythi ", & =#st felt it.: Me odded a"ai , e co#ra"i " me to co ti #e. 9As & tried to fi d the so#rce of my 'remo itio , & looked o#t at the forest. That8s where they came from.: & sto''ed a d sh#ddered. Ala a, who was still sta di " e2t to me, '#t her ha d o my sho#lder i reass#ra ce. 9They were horrible. At first & tho#"ht the forest was act#ally ali3e, some ki d of i"htmare creat#re. &t ri''led a d s#r"ed. The & saw that it was 8t the forest itself, b#t that there were awf#l thi "s 'assi " thro#"h it. A d the & really saw them. They had wi "s, b#t they looked h#ma .: @omoria s,: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice hissed, i cred#lo#s. Before & co#ld I#estio him, Ala a8s ha d ti"hte ed o my sho#lder i war i ". & "la ced #' at her a d saw her oddi " her head, a"reei " with Cla @i ta 8s ami " of the abomi atio s. >he & # derstood what was ha''e i ", & screamed a war i " to him, a d he e3e heard me. B#t it was too late. They o3erra the castle. They killed all of the "#ards, a d all of the 'eo'le.: & '#t my face i my ha ds. 9& watched as they killed my father.: Lady %hia o .: Mis 3oice bro#"ht me back to the 'rese t. 9Co#ld yo# tell how ma y of them there wereB: Lots. They were like a ra3e o#s swarm of i sects. They de3o#red e3eryo e.:

& am sorry to ask this of yo#, Lady %hia o , b#t & eed yo# to describe them to me4i detail.: Mis ki d eyes were "e tle a d a'olo"etic. & cleared my throat a d took a other dri k of tea before be"i i ". 9They seemed to be taller tha most of the me from the castle.: $a#si ", & bli ked away sce es of wi "ed demo s fli "i " themsel3es o the co#ra"eo#s "#ards. 9They all had e ormo#s, dark wi "s that "rew o#t of their backs. They did 8t fly with them, b#t they #sed them to hel' them r# a d "lide. They mo3ed amaAi "ly fast. @aster tha a ma ca r# . Their arms a d le"s a''eared to be 3ery lo " a d thi , their ski milky white, their hair was lo " a d mostly li"ht colored.: & 'a#sed a"ai , rememberi ". 9>hat was most horrible abo#t them was that they looked like me . Take the wi "s off, dress them i re"#lar clothes, a d they co#ld 'ass for h#ma me .: & shi3ered. Did they #se wea'o sB: Me broke i to my tho#"hts. C#st teeth a d claws.: The & forced myself to add, 9They were sto''i " to eat the "#ards before the castle was com'letely take 4a d before the me were e3e dead.: !y flat, em'ty-so# di " 3oice co#ld ot be"i to reflect the horror & felt at the cr#elty & had wit essed. & did ot belie3e it tr#e # til ow.: Me 'aced back a d forth i fro t of the foot of the bed, r# i " his fi "ers thro#"h the thick ess of his loose ed hair. 9& tho#"ht the stories told from o#r 'ast abo#t the @omoria s were myths, tales #sed to fri"hte childre i to "ood beha3ior.: & do 8t # dersta d.: This is 'robably somethi " & sho#ld already k ow, or rather, somethi " %hia o k ew, b#t ow was ot the time for me to 'lay !s. <ile t Gas if & e3er co#ldH. 6o#83e heard the stories.: Me seemed too e "rossed i his ow tho#"hts to otice my lack of k owled"e. 9$artholo ia mothers ha3e fri"hte ed childre who strayed too far from home with tales of wi "ed demo s who wo#ld swoo' them #' a d de3o#r them.: Oh, yeah.: & tried to so# d o chala t. 9& do 8t remember the whole story. >here were they s#''osed to ha3e come fromB: They came from the other side of the Trier !o# tai s. & do ot thi k a y of the le"e ds e3er s'ecified their ori"i .: >hat ha''e ed to themB: Bards si " that "e eratio s a"o $artholo rose a"ai st them. Altho#"h they 'ossessed "reat e3il, their #mbers were small. They were defeated a d the s#r3i3i " few were ba ished back o3er the mo# tai s. >hich, accordi " to le"e d, is why 5#ardia Castle was erected at the mo#th of the 'ass, a d how it "ot its ame.: Me looked at me i te tly. 9B#t, bei " E'o a8s Belo3ed, & wo#ld thi k that yo# wo#ld k ow this already.: E'o a does ot traffic with e3il.: As soo as it esca'ed from my mo#th, & had a i t#iti3e feeli " that it was the tr#th. B#t my i t#itio was ha'haAard a d & did 8t feel & co#ld tr#st it. 5reat. Back to ta' da ci ". 9A d why wo#ld & co cer myself with le"e ds #sed to fri"hte childre B: 5ras'i " at straws, & "la ced #' at Ala a for hel'. 9E'o a is m#ch too b#sy to bother with s#ch foolish ess.: & was totally lost4com'letely cl#eless. @omoria sB $artholo ia sB Trier !o# tai sB $erha's that is why she se t yo# to wit ess the horror of to i"ht, my Lady. <o that yo# co#ld realiAe what has bee loosed #'o $artholo .: Ala a8s 3oice was ki d, a d she reached dow to take my ha d. 9Co#ld E'o a ot ha3e bee war i " yo# of a da "er for which yo# ha3e bee # 're'aredB: Mer words had s'ecial mea i " for the two of #sJ she k ew & was # 're'ared for all of this. Mer smile was sad, a d the she "la ced at Cla @i ta . 9$erha's that is why she has # ited the two of yo#. E'o a k ew her Belo3ed was # 're'ared for this e3il, as she k ew that as Mi"h <hama yo# ha3e bee better i formed abo#t these le"e ds, a d wo#ld be more 're'ared to

combat this e3il.: Of co#rse. Tha k yo#, Ala a.: <he sa3ed my b#tt. A"ai . 6es, that does make se se.: Tha k 5od Cla @i ta seemed too 'reocc#'ied to thi k too hard. A d after all, horse or o horse, he was a "#y. A d, well, they =#st do 8t m#ltitask 3ery well. >hich mea s E'o a was war i " me that this e3il is comi ".: Like a bi" li"htb#lb "oi " o , & abr#'tly sat #' a d shook off a y li "eri " tears. 9The dam thi "s are 8t "oi " to be ha''y with =#st attacki " my father8s castle.: & looked back a d forth betwee the two of them. 9& thi k what E'o a is telli " #s is that we8re ot safe.: A d, as weird as it so# ded, & k ew it was tr#e. !aybe %hia o was e2'erie ci " the same ki d of thi " i Oklahoma4a biAarre ability to i t#iti3ely feel thi "s she did 8t k ow before. 6es, Lady %hia o , this is a 'orte t war i " #s of im'e di " da "er.: Cla @i ta 8s ma er was s#dde ly br#sI#e a d 'rofessio al. 9>ith yo#r 'ermissio & will se d for the @i ta warriors so they ca aid yo#r $alace 5#ard i e3ac#ati " the 'eo'le who li3e betwee here a d !acCalla Castle. They ca come here. As yo# k ow, E'o a mea t this site to be easily defe ded, a d they will be safer here. & ass#me yo# ha3e 'ro3isio s stored i case of emer"e ciesB: Ala a8s od of asse t hel'ed me to breathe easier. 5ood. !acCalla Castle is two days hard ride from here.: Cla @i ta was 'aci " a"ai , totally e "rossed i his tho#"ht 'rocess. 9Let #s ho'e that the @omoria s will 'a#se to e =oy their 3ictory a d ot immediately be"i their e2t attack. That sho#ld "i3e #s time to se d for rei forceme ts from the herd, "ather the 3illa"ers a d war $artholo .: >aitD: @or"i3e me, Lady %hia o . & did ot mea to take char"e of yo#r d#ties. As yo#r mate, & o ly wish to aid yo# i 're'ari " for that which E'o a has war ed yo#.: Mis 3oice was si cere. B#t he was a "#y, a d as #s#al he was missi " the 'oi t. >hat abo#t my dadB: & am sorry, Lady %hia o , b#t he is dead.: A"ai , his 3oice was ki d4his ho est co cer ob3io#s, b#t he still did 8t "et it. & remember what & saw.: !y 3oice felt strai ed a d & took a I#ick dri k of tea. 9B#t & did 8t act#ally see him die.: Cla @i ta a d Ala a e2cha "ed worried looks. 9>hat if he8s still ali3eB <#fferi "D: & took a other dri k of tea. & was ot "oi " to cry. A"ai . %hia o 4: his dee' 3oice was comforti ". 96o# m#st realiAe he co#ld ot ha3e s#r3i3ed.: &D& # dersta d that. & k ow he m#st be dead. B#t, well, & ca 8t lea3e him a d those me =#st lyi " o#t there.: & looked i to his eyes, as close to 'leadi " as & wa ted to come. 96o# did 8t see how bra3e they were.: Of co#rse, Lady %hia "#y. o . They were 3alia t warriors.: Me so# ded co f#sed. 5od, he was s#ch a

6eah, a d & eed to b#ry them.: &t was 'retty sim'le. !y dad a d his me were ot "oi " to be crow bait. Ala a8s ha d sI#eeAed my sho#lder a"ai . 9!y Lady, yo# ca ot "o to !acCalla Castle.: Of co#rse & ca . Me =#st said it8s o ly two days away, a d4: here & faltered. <he k ew & had o ly bee there i s'irit. 9>ellD&83e bee there before.: & was so# di " like a idiot.


a a d Cla @i ta e2cha "ed worried "la ces.

Lady %hia o , yo# ca ot '#t yo#rself i s#ch da "er.: Me held #' his ha d to still my 'rotest. 9The 'eo'le look to yo# for "#ida ce. 6o# are the Belo3ed of E'o a. Es'ecially ow, o harm m#st come to yo#. At a time whe e3il is loose #'o the world, the 'eo'le will be looki " to E'o a for stability a d "#ida ce.: A d the warriors, my Lady, h#ma a d ce ta#r alike, will look to yo#.: Ala a8s worried 3oice i terr#'ted Cla @i ta . 96o# are 5oddess & car ate of the warriors, too. &t will be a hard blow whe they realiAe The !acCalla is dead. &f the Belo3ed of E'o a is i da "er, it wo#ld se3erely dama"e the s'irits of the warriors.: >o derf#l. & was i char"e of the es'rit de cor's a d & was 8t e3e !arily !o roe. <omehow it did 8t seem fair. Thi k of what it wo#ld do to yo#r 'eo'le if yo# were i =#red or ca't#red.: Cla @i ta took my ha d. Mis ha d was warm. Mis "ri' was firm. 5od, he was a bi" "#yQhorse. Me8d be hell o a football field. Dad wo#ld really like him. The tho#"ht almost made me smile. Liste to him, my Lady. >hat if the @omoria s are still at !acCalla CastleB 6o#r father wo#ld ot wa t yo# to '#t yo#rself i da "er, ot e3e for him.: B#t & ca 8t =#st lea3e him o#t there.: & felt tears formi " i my eyes a"ai as my fr#stratio o3erwhelmed me. Lady %hia o D: Cla @i ta 8s dee' 3oice 'e etrated my swirli " emotio s. 9Ask yo#rself what The !acCalla wo#ld ha3e yo# do.: & sh#t my eyes. Of co#rse Dad wo#ld 8t wa t me to "et h#rt. &f o ly it were that sim'le. !y mi d co#ld tell me that the ma & watched die was ot really my dad. Me was ot %ichard $arker, hi"h-school biolo"y teacher i Broke Arrow, Oklahoma, football coach, horse trai er, amate#r artist Ghe liked to work with charcoal sketches of a imals4which ow seems 3a"#ely iro icH, e2celle t cook a d a dar ha dy 'l#mber. Me was my dad. No, ot =#st my dad. !y fa3orite ma i the world. 6es, my world, a d & k ew ratio ally that my old world was ot this o e. B#t my heart said somethi " else. &t said that it somehow did 8t matter. Me looked like Dad. Me so# ded like Dad. A d, o matter how biAarre a d screwed #' thi "s had become si ce &8d awake ed i this weird world, %hia o lo3ed this ma , too. <he mi"ht be a bitch. <he was defi itely a sl#t. <he was 8t e3e a 3ery "ood 'erso . B#t she, too, was a Daddy8s 5irl. <he lo3ed her dad. Before ow & had 8t tho#"ht too m#ch abo#t home. &8d bee a little b#sy. B#t if somethi " ha''e ed to my dad, & k ew, somehow & =#st k ew, o matter how craAy her ew world seemed to her, %hia o wo#ld 8t desert him. A d & wo#ld 8t desert her dad, either. & felt the res'o sibility of a de3oted da#"hter. & co#ld 8t esca'e it a d & was 'retty s#re that & wo#ld 8t wa t to e3e if & co#ld. B#t Ala a a d Cla @i ta wo#ld 8t # dersta d. & o'e ed my eyes. <eei " clearly4fi ally. >hat yo#8re sayi " makes se se.: & "a3e them my best accommodati " smile. They rela2ed.

A d & 'rete ded diAAi ess. 9Oh, &8m so tired. &s it mor i " yetB: They looked co cer ed, a d & felt a mome tary twi "e of "#ilt. Ala Cla @i ta sI#eeAed my ha d, looki " worried. !y Lady, it is ot yet dayli"ht.: %est, %hia o , & will see to se di " the warriors to be"i bri "i " the 3illa"ers to the tem'le.: Mis free ha d to#ched my cheek i a brief caress. Me really was c#te, i a horsey way. &8m =#st so tired.: & 'layed La a T#r er, falli " back o my 'illows, my free ha d to#chi " my forehead. The other o e still cl#tched at Cla @i ta 8s. G>ell, it felt "ood?H %est, my Lady.: Ala a was cl#cki " a d arra "i " 'illows. & will see to the warriors.: Cla @i ta bowed o3er my ha d a d t#r ed it, 'alm #'. !y eyes shot o'e , a d for a seco d & was scared he was "oi " to bite me a"ai . & stead, his "aAe ca#"ht mi e a d held it while he kissed the middle of my 'alm. & mea really kissed it. !a , his li's were warm. 6e'4it felt "ood, too. &8m telli " yo#4Dad wo#ld like this "#y. Dad always liked a "#y who co#ld kee' me o my toes. The he dro''ed my ha d a d mo3ed I#ickly toward the door. & co#ld hear him yelli " orders for his ce ta#rs to be awake ed a d se t to him, the the door closed a d & was left with the li "eri " warmth of his li's o my 'alm. Ala a was still 'l#m'i " my 'illows a d looki " worried, ki d of like a sweet little mother he . Are yo# well, my LadyB: 6es, Ala a, tha k yo#. & thi k & =#st eed to rest for a while. <o m#ch has ha''e ed.: & s #""led dow i to my comfortable bed. 96o# eed to "et some slee', too. &8ll be okay, "o ahead a d rest.: <he "a3e me a do#btf#l look. 9Ca & ot "et yo# some warm m#lled wi e, or 'erha's br#sh yo#r hair # til yo# slee'B: Dam , she s#re k ew what & liked. No, ho ey. Tha k yo#, tho#"h. & =#st eed some slee'.: The & will lea3e yo# to yo#r rest.: <he br#shed the hair back from my forehead i a familiar "est#re, a d =#st before my eyes closed & felt her li's to#ch my forehead as she whis'ered, 95ood i"ht, <ha o .: As she t#r ed to lea3e & co#ld 8t hel' b#t ask the I#estio that ke't 'o''i " i to my mi d. 9Ala a, did %hia o e3er me tio how she was "oi " to "et back here4a d "et me back thereB: !y eyes were still sh#t, b#t & co#ld hear her feet sto', a d & k ew she had t#r ed to look at me. <he said it was ot 'ossible to ret#r . &t is o ly 'ossible to 'ass thro#"h The Di3ide o ce a d li3e.: Mer 3oice so# ded sad. 9& am sorry, <ha o . & k ow this m#st be diffic#lt for yo#.: Do 8t worry abo#t it. &t8s ot yo#r fa#lt.: & wo dered if she co#ld hear my heartbeat all the way o3er there. Ne3er "o back homeB & ke't my eyes sh#t ti"htly. <#dde ly & # derstood <carlett O8Mara. & co#ld 8t thi k abo#t this today. &8d thi k abo#t it tomorrow. & heard Ala a8s footste's fade away, a d my eyes 'eeked o'e at the soft so# d of the door closi ". The & sat #' a d dow ed the rest of the tea Gcaffei e is "ood for the so#lH. & had 'laces to "o a d 'eo'le toDwellDi ter. A d this 9stay safe a d be "ood: cra' mi"ht be okay for !s. a a swered first, b#t


o , b#t &8m a differe t ki d of "irl.

A d my dad was ot "oi " to be aba do ed.

Dam , & wish & had my !#sta ". !obility is the moder woma 8s ema ci'atio . >ho ca kee' a woma dow whe she ca =#m' her ass i to a car a d dri3e to a differe t tow QstateQma Q=obB & tried to fi"#re o#t how to "et myself to a castle somewhere orthwest of here. & the middle of the i"ht. >ith some ki d of 3am'ire-looki " mo sters loose #'o a biAarre world. >itho#t a car. >ell, to be fair, o o e here had a car. <o, with my theme so "49& Am >oma :4'layi " o3er a d o3er i my mi d, & tried to fe d off a er3o#s breakdow . Okay, whe i do#bt, fi2 yo#r wardrobe. @irst order of b#si ess4cha "e these clothes. There was o way & co#ld tra3el i 'ieces of filmy silk. A d e3e here it m#st "et cool at i"ht. &8d catch my death dressed Gor rather, # dressedH as & was. $l#s, if & co#ld 8t ha3e my !#sta "4& co#ld feel the bi" li"htb#lb clicki " o i my mi d a"ai 4the e2t best thi " was, well, a real m#sta ". Ala a said my dream was tr#th. <o that "or"eo#s sil3er mare m#st really belo " to me. Bet she wo#ld 8t mi d a mid i"ht ride. A d this o#tfit was absol#tely ot made for horseback ridi ". GO#ch.H Looki " aro# d my s'acio#s room, & oticed se3eral car3ed wardrobes, like "ia t armoires. A little s oo'i " yielded ot =#st clothes b#t lots of clothes. No kiddi ", & felt like & was Barbie. Not =#st 'lai Barbie, b#t $rom Barbie, <#mmer Barbie, Cocktail E tertai i " Barbie, Dati " a DoctorQLawyerQCor'orate E2ec#ti3e BarbieDo a d o . %hia o serio#sly had a lot of clothes, somethi " & i o way held a"ai st her. Tryi " ot to "et sidetracked Gor hy' otiAedJ & co#ld see we had somethi " else besides lo3e for o#r dads i commo H, & co3eto#sly ratted thro#"h yards a d yards of clothes # til & fi ally st#mbled #'o what m#st be the <'ortswear Armoire. &t was filled to b#rsti " with soft leather le""i "s a d to's. All the 'a ts were o e style, the same b#ttery-yellow color, each with its ow i tricately tooled decoratio s. & reco" iAed a 3ery Celtic-looki " k ot wo3e dow the sides of ma y of them. A d & swear & co#ld see more of those "ross sk#lls hidde i the decorati3e leatherwork. They all had arrow le"s, a d weird ties that laced #' hi"h o the left hi' G& "#essed they were cl#eless abo#t Ai''ers i this worldH. & eyed them aska ce, ho'i " & had 8t '#t o a y water wei"ht lately. Decidi " o o e 'air that seemed to ha3e the least sk#ll-like 'atter , & started to '#ll them o , a d co#ld 8t hel' b#t "as' at the s#''le smooth ess of the leather. They felt as if someo e had faste ed a baby8s b#tt o to my le"s. They did 8t =#st fit, they molded their soft ess to my ass a d thi"hs. 6e'. %hia o was o e s'oiled "irl. <he8d ha3e a s#r'rise comi " whe she checked o#t the 'rice of clothes i my world, a d the fi ite state of my closet. & # wo# d myself from my silky to' a d "rabbed o e of the matchi " 'ieces of leather. This, too, laced #' the back Gwhich & had o e hell of a time tyi "4& co#ld see why & eeded Ala a to hel' me dressH. B#t & was 8t abo#t to wake her a d a swer a "aAillio I#estio s, so & str#""led all by myself Gall the while ma iacally h#mmi " 9& Am >oma :DH a d fi ally had the to' tied sec#rely. Act#ally, & was 'leased to otice that besides bei " flatteri ", the o#tfit was ob3io#sly b#ilt for ridi ". The clothes mo3ed with my body, yet they afforded s#''ort that Eictoria8s <ecret wo#ld be 'ro#d of. GLet8s be totally serio#s here, &8m thirty-fi3e4my "e ero#s C-c#' 9"irls: are old, a d "ra3ity is a e3il thi ". 7 ow what & mea BH <o & was 'leased to ote that & was weari " the Celtic eI#i3ale t of a s'orts bra. & co#ld 'robably climb trees or slay dra"o s G& briefly b#t fer3e tly

ho'ed that wo#ld 8t be ecessaryH i it. %#mma"i " aro# d i the bottom of the armoire, & fo# d se3eral 'airs of 3ery, 3ery cool boots. They were made of the same b#ttery-colored leather, s#''le a d 'lia t. They had thick soles, ki d of like moccasi s. As & "rabbed a 'air & oticed somethi " o the sole a d was deli"hted to see that i to the bottom of each boot was car3ed a thick, fi3e-sided star. & wo#ld lea3e foot'ri ts of stars e3erywhere & walked. Barbie does 8t e3e do that. >ell, & was all dressed, b#t4 %ememberi " back to my dream 3isio , & co#ld still e 3isio the tem'le from abo3e. &f my iffy se se of directio was correct, the tem'le faced the west. The mo# tai ra "e was to the orth, s'readi " as far as & co#ld see to the east a d west. O the west ed"e it met the sea. @#rther dow the coast was Dad8s castle. & clearly remembered there was a wide ri3er that wra''ed behi d the tem'le, a d from there stretched ro#"hly to the west. The orthwest e d of the ri3er e ded Gor be"a , whate3erH at the sea. All & had to do was follow the ri3er away from the tem'le to the sea, a d the t#r ri"ht. & wo#ld e3e t#ally come to Dad8s castle. At least that was the theory. & k ew the stable was attached to the orther 'art of the tem'le, a d that was where & wo#ld fi d the mare. B#t how the hell did & fi d the area of the tem'le that held the stablesB &t was 8t like & co#ld =#st wa der aro# d, # oticed, # til & st#mbled i to horse 'oo'ie. & had lifted #' o#t of this ceili ". B#t & had o idea where & was located i the castle. 5reat. The & "ot a idea. %ememberi " the adorable door decoratio s & had o"led earlier, & s#dde ly tho#"ht of o e of my fa3orite mottoesN whe i do#bt, s#cker a "#y i to hel'i " yo# o#t. & 'atted my hair, which was really stayi " i 'lace for a cha "e Gtha ks to Ala a8s e2'ertiseH, a d "#l'ed the rest of my tea. The & 'roceeded to the door4the o e & was s#re led to the hall, as o''osed to Ala a8s or Cla @i ta 8s room. & o'e ed it I#ickly a d s#r'rised 9the boys.: 6es, Lord, they were y#mmy. @lat t#mmies. Bare chests. <tro " chi s. Ti y little co3eri "s, a dDGstayi " i character of %hia o the <l#t & co#ld 8t hel' b#t s eak a 'eekH lar"e 'acka"es. A d &8m ot talki " U$<. They ba "ed their m#scley chests i some ki d of adorable sal#te. & drew myself #' to as ha#"hty a attit#de as &8m ca'able Gwhile tryi " ot to droolH, a d looked the taller of the two i the eye. & wo#ld like to ride my horse.: Me bli ked. Now.: Me bli ked a"ai . >hy do & always ass#me tall "#ys are smarterB GNote to selfN tall "#ys are ot smarter, they8re =#st more attracti3e.H >ell, i form the stableD#mDser3a ts that they eed to saddle her for me.: Nice sa3e, b#t & k ew & was reachi ". G5od, & ho'ed %hia o rode with some ki d of a saddle.H & took a bi" breath a d tried to act all s#re of myself a d bitchy4which, for some a oyi " reaso , was s#dde ly more diffic#lt tha #s#al. !istress, shall & ha3e yo#r escort awake edB: !r. !#scles still looked co f#sed.

No?: & realiAed my 3oice so# ded shrill a d & "ot it # der co trol. 9& wa t 'ri3acy. Do ot wake #' a y of my "#ards. C#st ha3e the stable ser3a ts saddle her for me.: As yo# comma d, my Lady.: A d & was ri"ht o his heels as he t#r ed a d headed for what had to be the e2it to the stables. & did see him t#r his head o ce, a d ca#"ht his startled "la ce as he oticed me ri"ht behi d him, b#t & fi"#red he m#st be #sed to %hia o acti " like a ra3i " bitch4this was 'robably small 'otatoes com'ared to her screwi " e3eryo e i si"ht a d 5od k ows what else. The c#te "#ard led me dow a corridor that wo# d i the o''osite directio of the o e that led me to my ha dfast a d feast. After a short walk we came to a set of car3ed do#ble doors. !r. !#scles s'oke to the "#ards sta di " before the doors, a d they h#stled them o'e before r#shi " off to wake the stable ha ds. & e tered the stable a d my little Oklahoma horse-"irl heart we t all a-'itter-'atter. &t was a stable fit for a I#ee . Or better. The stalls were car3ed o#t of the same milky-colored marble from which the tem'le a d its s#rro# di " wall were made. They stretched dow a wide hall o either side of me. There were 'robably twe ty s'acio#s stalls o either side, a d as & walked dow the hall & co#ld 8t hel' 'a#si " at each stall a d cooi " to the bea#tif#l horses they held. They were the breedi " stock of royalty. All mares, they ra "ed from dai ty bays with a Arabia look, to lo "-le""ed sorrel Thoro#"hbreds. As & made my way dow the hall, & was to#ched by how each mare seemed to reco" iAe me. At each stall the e closed mare wo#ld raise her soft m#AAle a d blow i my directio , looki " forward to my caress a d my whis'ered flattery. Mey there, bea#tif#l "irl.: Mi, sweet thi ".: Look at yo#, what a 'retty lady.: The mares whickered back at me, 3yi " for atte tio . &t was familiar horsey talk to a "irl raised aro# d horses. Each mare8s head reached o#t o3er the half door of her stall, waiti " for my to#ch. >hate3er else %hia o was, she certai ly lo3ed her horses. A d they certai ly reci'rocated the feeli ". Add a other to the col#m of ways <ha o &< similar to %hia o . G&8d try to make s#re that col#m did 8t "et too lar"e.H As & came to the e d of the row of stalls, the chamber t#r ed to my left, the wide ed i to a "i"a tic stall attached to a 'ri3ate corral o#tside the stable. & reco" iAed it as bei " the o e my s'irit body had 3isited earlier. & side the s'acio#s stall Gwhich somehow remi ded me of %hia o 8s bedroom4as stra "e as that may so# dH three lo3ely Gb#t slee'y a d r#m'led-looki "H ym'hs were readyi " the sil3er mare for me. & e tered the stall a d the ym'hs 'a#sed lo " e o#"h to c#rtsy to me, the ret#r ed to "roomi " the mare. & sto''ed a d breathed a si"h of ha''i ess at the si"ht of s#ch a e2I#isite horse. <he really was ma" ifice t, e3e more e2ce'tio al tha she had a''eared i my dream. <he oticed my 'rese ce a d & was deli"hted to see her twist her 'erfect head aro# d so that she co#ld see me. <he tele"ra'hed her "reeti " i a wo derf#l, f#ll-throated ei"h that made me la#"h o#t lo#d with =oy. >ell, hello to yo#, too, "or"eo#s?: & mo3ed ea"erly toward her, taki " a c#rrycomb from o e of the ser3a ts a d e =oyi " the feel of her sleek coat # der the soft br#sh. & lo3e "roomi " horses. & always ha3e. Too ma y horse ow ers thi k that "roomi " a horse or m#cki " a stall is m# da e. They des'ise the ordi ary tasks of cari " for their a imals. & e3er ha3e. @rom the time & was a little "irl, & ha3e adored the smell of the stables a d the feel of clea i " my horse8s coat a d stall. &t8s a labor of lo3e. &t8s like lyi " i the s# 4or weedi " roses4so#l- a d

mi d-cleari " work. 5ood for what ails ya. The sil3er mare #AAled my face a d li''ed my sho#lder as & combed her already 'erfectly "roomed eck. 6o# are a sweet, bea#tif#l lady.: & cl#cked a d cooed at her, feeli " like & was a "irl a"ai , soaki " i her sce t a d the feel of her warm breath. Mer head sw# " obedie tly forward whe o e of the ser3a ts a''roached with a dai ty-looki " hackamore Gyo# "otta fi"#re this mare wo#ld 8t eed a bitH. & ste''ed o#t of the way as two more ser3a ts lifted o to her back a saddle bla ket that looked like a (0.1s shee'ski b#cket-seat co3er with stirr#'s a d a "irth. The ser3a t ti"hte ed the "irth a d ste''ed back. The they all stood there. C#st looki " at me. & looked at those hi"h stirr#'s. A d the tall mare. A d co sidered my thirty-fi3e-year-old body. 5reat. Now & ha3e to 'rete d to be !s. Athletic. >ait4 o, all & ha3e to 'rete d to be is !s. Bitch. A d some 'eo'le wo#ld say that was ot m#ch of a 'rete se. >ell, someo e hel' me mo# t?: Dam , & so# ded hatef#l. <mile. >itho#t hesitati ", & strode forward Grelishi " a tr#e Coh >ay e mome tH, "rabbed a fistf#l of sil3er ma e a d lifted my foot Gho'i " a ym'h wo#ld catch it a d "i3e me a boost #'H. Tha k 5od o e did, a d & scrambled aboard, sticki " my other foot i the em'ty stirr#' a d sI#ari " my sho#lders. B#t ow & did 8t k ow which way was o#t. >ell, o'e the "ate for me?: & seemed to be catchi " o to this 'rete d-to-be-a-bitch st#ff 'retty easily. O e of the ym'hs scam'ered toward a door at the far side of the mare8s stall, a d a other ym'h scrambled to o'e a seamless e2it i the o#ter wall of the tem'le. & cl#cked twice with my to "#e o the side of my teeth Gi what & ho'ed was the # i3ersal horse oise for "iddy#'H a d the wo derf#l mare mo3ed forward. C#st before & we t thro#"h the last o'e ed door, & '#lled her to a halt a d s'oke o3er my sho#lder to the ser3a ts. Tha k yo#. 6o# may "o back to yo#r beds ow. <lee' late, & will care for the mare myself whe & ret#r .: & sI#eeAed my thi"hs a"ai st the soft saddle bla ket a d lea ed forward. The mare broke i to a rolli " ca ter. >e were o#t of the castle a d o o#r way. The moo was still hi"h a d bri"ht, so 3isibility was 'retty dar "ood. & '#lled the mare #' so that & co#ld look aro# d a d attem't to fi"#re o#t =#st where the hell & was, a d the & wo#ld theoretically k ow where the hell & sho#ld be "oi ". The first thi " & oticed was that the tem'le had bee b#ilt strate"ically o the to' of a hilly rise, a d the "ro# ds aro# d it, altho#"h l#sh a d "ree , were clear of trees. The tem'le itself was a h#"e circle, stately a d rich-looki " with marbled col#m s a d a r#shi " fo# tai sit#ated sI#are i the fore"ro# d Gsome ki d of "ia t horse risi " from a fake ocea with what looked like hot mi eral water s'ewi " from se3eral orifices43ery Tre3i @o# tai FlikeH. & tried to look at the b#ildi " with a soldier8s eye, a d & co#ld see what Cla @i ta had mea t by it bei " b#ilt for defe se. The bi""est cl#e to that was the h#"e wall that e circled it. The wall looked thick a d im'e etrable, a d the to' of it had the stereoty'ical toothlike bal#strades, com'lete with a battleme t that wo#ld be a "reat 'lace to sit#ate archers Gor s# bathers, whiche3er the c#rre t co ditio s of war or ot-war called forH. A d the wall was 8t =#st solid, & oticed with a start of s#r'rise, it was bea#tif#l. &t looked as if it had bee b#ilt of o e solid slab of e ormo#s

cream-colored marble. & the moo li"ht it "a3e off a otherworldly "low. & realiAed that if yo# took away the o#ter wall, the tem'le itself wo#ld ha3e remi ded me of the $a theo i %ome, o ly the to' did 8t ha3e a hole i it. The reflectio of the moo o water drew my atte tio to the ri3er, which loo'ed aro# d a d behi d the tem'le4 ot so close it wo#ld flood, b#t close e o#"h that bar"es co#ld dock earby. &t was a co 3e ie t set#'. &f it were 8t for those horrible flesh-eati " ma -creat#re thi "s, this wo#ld be a 3ery ice 'lace to li3e. >hich remi ded me that i stead of sitti " there all slack-=awed like a Ca'a ese to#rist at the Eatica , & sho#ld be followi " that ri3er to the sea. & had more im'orta t thi "s to do tha "awk at a 'retty tem'le. A d & dam s#re did 8t ha3e a camera with me. & mea , 'lease, where wo#ld & "et the film de3elo'edB & headed the mare toward the ri3er, "lad that the i"ht was so clear a d I#iet. & k ew that somewhere i side the tem'le Cla @i ta was ro#si " the ce ta#rs a d "i3i " them i str#ctio s to start bri "i " the 'eo'le to safety, so & lea ed forward a d sI#eeAed my k ees, #r"i " the mare i to a smooth "allo'. &t wo#ld 8t do to be ca#"ht o#t here i the o'e a d ha3e to "o thro#"h some horribly embarrassi " '#blic 'ower 'lay abo#t what &83e bee #' to. $l#s, & mi"ht 3ery well lose. %hia o 8s 'ower seemed im'ressi3e, b#t & wo dered how far it wo#ld e2te d if my desires were at odds with what was co sidered safe for E'o a8s Belo3ed. <oo , the mare8s "allo' bro#"ht #s to the ri3erba k, a d & t#r ed her to the west. The ri3er itself was im'ressi3e. & had o way of telli " how dee' it was, b#t it was wide a d the c#rre t was swift. &t had a ice smell, ot fishy a d m#ddy like the !ississi''i, b#t clear a d rocky like the Colorado %i3er. Trees li ed the ba ks a d & was relie3ed to see that the mare had 'icked o#t a small 'ath, 'robably some ki d of deer trail, which ra 'arallel with the ba k. There was 8t so m#ch # derbr#sh that she co#ld 8t ha3e made her way witho#t the 'ath, b#t this made thi "s I#icker a d easier. A d & s#re did 8t wa t to ride dow the road that & had "lim'sed from the tem'le. &t seemed to head i the "e eral directio & wa ted to "o, b#t it looked like it was 'retty well #sed. Not that it was a fo#r-la e hi"hway, b#t & was fairly s#re that at first li"ht it wo#ld be crowded with ce ta#rs a d 'eo'le4a d, 'lease. Like they wo#ld 8t otice E'o a8s Belo3ed trotti " alo " o her shimmery sil3er mareB <'eaki " of my bea#tif#l mare, & '#lled her #' from a "allo'. <he looked like she was i "reat sha'e, b#t we had two hard days of tra3eli ", a d o horse co#ld kee' #' a "allo' for two days. $atti " her silky eck & rela2ed a d fo# d my seat as she settled i to a smooth, "ro# d-eati " trot. Mey, sweet "irl, what does %hia o call yo#B: Mer delicate ears cocked back atte ti3ely at the so# d of my 3oice. 9& ca 8t kee' calli " yo# The !are, it8s r#de. &t8s like someo e calli " me The >oma , or co sideri " my attit#de lately, The Bitch.: <he tossed her head i ob3io#s a"reeme t. A d i this world, yo# e3er k ew, maybe she co#ld # dersta d my words. 9Clearly, e3eryo e calls yo# E'o a, b#t that so# ds too formal a d st#ffy for me.: & reached forward a d m#ssed her ma e. 9Mow abo#t if & call yo# E'iB &t mi"ht ot be as di" ified, b#t i my world di" ified is #s#ally sy o ymo#s with what 'oliticia s try to a''ear to be.: & did 8t thi k she8d be i terested i a de'ressi " lect#re o the dow slide of moder America 'olitics, b#t it mi"ht be a lo " two days a d & filed the story away to tell her abo#t later4if & "ot really des'erate for to'ics. Mer sassy s ort a d a little 'ra ce to the side were a swer e o#"h for me. 9E'i it is.: & let my fi "ers trail thro#"h her soft ma e a d settled back for a lo " ride. &t was clear from the start that E'i was ot o e of those horses who eed a lot of her rider8s atte tio . <he was smart a d well able to trot forward alo " the 'ath witho#t me "#idi " a d coa2i ". <o & settled back a d took i the sce ery. &t certai ly was 'retty co# try. Betwee the trees & ca#"ht "lim'ses of homes

dotti " the sce ic la d. They looked well ke't a d adorably thatched, altho#"h thi ki " abo#t all the b#"s that li3ed i the thatchi " dis'elled some of my roma ticiAi ". Betwee cotta"es stretched acres of 3i eyards a d fields filled with cro's, & thi k & reco" iAed cor a d bea s, b#t & co#ld 8t be s#re i the moo li"ht. O ce i a while &8d otice some slee'y a imals, mostly cows a d shee' with a occasio al horse throw i 4a d & was im'ressed a d a''reciati3e that E'i did 8t ei"h like a commo mare. E3ery so ofte & co#ld see the moo li"ht reflect off the road as it s aked betwee homesteads, kee'i " i a "e erally orthwesterly directio , b#t it was 'retty far away a d & felt well co cealed by the trees. All i all it was a ice i"ht. & "#ess some 'eo'le GsissiesH wo#ld be scared at the tho#"ht of bei " alo e o#t i the middle of who-k ows-where, b#t & ha3e e3er bee afraid of the dark a d e3er bee scared of bei " alo e. Tr#e, my desti atio was da# ti ", a d & was 8t e3e e tirely s#re what the hell & was act#ally "oi " to do whe GifH & "ot there, b#t & was <carlett O8MaraFi " that, so it was 8t hard, with me dee'ly e tre ched i de ial, to fi d =oy i a clear, lo3ely i"ht ride. 5rad#ally it became li"hter. At abo#t the same time the trees started to become more de se a d the 'ath less defi ed. E'i did 8t seem worried abo#t it, so & let her 'ick her ow 'ath, a d we "ra3itated toward the rocky ri3erba k. That horse-se se thi " ca really come i ha dy. Also, abo#t this time & realiAed that & had ridde off, all Bitchy a d & Char"e, witho#t "i3i " o e ti y tho#"ht to thi "s like breakfast, l# ch, di er, water or toilet 'a'er. >ho k ew what time it was, b#t by the time the s# was 'ee'i " o3er the to' of the trees my b#tt a d my stomach were both telli " me that we had bee ridi " 9a while.: & Okie sla ", 9a while: ra "es from fi3e ho#rs to fi3e days. !y mi d said & had 'robably bee ridi " abo#t fi3e ho#rs. !y b#tt a d stomach said they were s#re it had bee fi3e days. A d let8s face it, my b#tt a d stomach are bi""er tha my mi d, so they wo . >ell, at least & k ew where & co#ld "et some water. & co#ld lithely dismo# t, lead E'i dow to the s'arkli " ri3er a d Gm#ch like Coh >ay eH "et a cool, refreshi " dri k. !aybe &8d e3e walk for a while a d let E'i take a break. Easier tho#"ht tha do e. Ma3e yo# e3er ridde for 9a whileB: A d & do 8t mea ro# d a d ro# d i a little corral while a ridi " i str#ctor beams e co#ra"eme t. A d & do 8t mea 'ayi " fifty b#cks a ho#r to sit o a horse that co#ld 'robably be declared cli ically dead, followi " fiftee other Na"s of the >alki " Dead o a A#the tic Trail %ide. >hich lasts e2actly thirty-fi3e a d o e-half mi #tes. & mea ridi " a horse Go e that8s act#ally ali3eH for se3eral ho#rs. Alter ati " betwee trot, ca ter, walk, back to trot. O a thirty-fi3e-year-old b#tt. >itho#t breakfast. >ell, it8s ot as easy as it a''ears i the mo3ies, altho#"h &8m s#re Coh >ay e really did ride a lot. Mis b#tt was 'robably made of iro . 5od bless him. <lidi " dow the side of E'i & co#ld 8t seem to fi d my feet4or my le"s. !y b#tt was where & had last left it, e2ce't it felt like it had "row broader a d flatter. >hat a lo3ely tho#"ht. <o & stood there a d attem'ted to restore circ#latio to my e2tremities, "lad that E'i was the o ly o e who wit essed my a''alli " lack of "l#teal com'ete ce. E3e t#ally Galmost 9a while: laterH & felt able to hobble4yes, & mea literally lim'i " a d c#ssi " my way i the tr#e traditio of the a#the tic Old >est Mobble4dow the ba k to the ed"e of the ri3er. >ell, at least it8s ot m#ddy.: & "r#mbled a d 'atted E'i, letti " her dri k first. <lowly, & strai"hte ed #', liste i " to the m#sical cracki " of my s'i e. E'i li''ed the water a d took

se3eral oisy "#l's, sayi " 9tastes "ood: i horsey la "#a"e. & "im'ed #'stream a co#'le of ste's a d cro#ched Gamidst m#ch creaki " of k eesH, be di " forward to wash my ha ds. Oh, baby, that8s cold?: & was e2'ecti " the ri3er to be a ice room tem', beca#se the climate was so warm, b#t the ri3er was icy, which told me it had to ori"i ate i the dista t mo# tai s. Mey4&8m a colle"e "rad#ateJ yo# ca 8t sli' a ythi " by me. C#''i " my ha ds, & s#cked the cold, clea water i to my mo#th. &t was like 5ra dma8s well water. Nothi " I#e ches a thirst as com'letely as cold water strai"ht from the well. As a child & #sed to thi k that my "ra dma8s well water was the @o# tai of 6o#th. &8d '#m' like mad a d the r# aro# d to the fro t of the s'i"ot a d sl#r' ha df#ls of the clear liI#id. !y creaky k ees 'ro3ed my @o# tai of 6o#th theory wro ", b#t the taste still I#e ched a d refreshed like a s'ri " rai . A d & was s#dde ly ot I#ite as h# "ry as & had bee . >ell, old "irl. Mow abo#t & walk a d "i3e yo# a little breakB: & smoothed her forelock a d r#bbed her broad forehead while she e2'lored the fro t of my shirt a d li''ed my chi with her wet m#AAle. 5od, horses are i credible a imals. Bei " alo e with her made me realiAe how m#ch &8d missed ow i " o e. Their smell, their eI#i e bea#ty a d i telli"e t ki d ess are thi "s # iI#e to them, ot re'laceable by a do" or e3e a thi ki "-it-has- o-ow er cat Galtho#"h cats are cooler tha do"s4they8re the ha#"hty bitches of the a imal world, a d & ca 8t hel' b#t a''reciate that i themH. B#t &83e always adored horses. They are tr#ly oble a imals. %emember the sce e i Tr#e 5rit whe Little Blacky allows Coh >ay e G%ooster Co"b#r H to r# him to death so that Baby <ister ca be sa3edB <ob. >hat Gs iffleH other a imal wo#ld Gblow my oseH do that Gwi'e my eyesHB No wo der & tho#"ht Cla @i ta was so dam c#te4& was i with him & killed two birds with o e sto e. A d he tho#"ht & was a bitch. After o e more 'at to E'i8s eck, & t#r ed rel#cta tly away from the ri3erba k, loo'ed the rei s o3er my sho#lder a d started back to fi d o#r scra""ly, fadi " trail. E'i followed me like the 'olite "irl she was, occasio ally "rabbi " a mo#thf#l of "rass a d chewi " co te tedly. & started to whistle the 9Mi-Mo: t# e from < ow >hite. E'i blew thro#"h her ose at me, which & took as a comme tary o my whistli " ability, a d & la#"hed o3er my sho#lder at her, still whistli ". 6eah, we were ha3i " f# ow. The trees were decidedly more de se, a d & co#ld "lim'se fewer a d fewer homes betwee the thick folia"e. & tried to remember the layo#t of the la d from my dream, b#t my s'irit body had bee mo3i " so I#ickly that & had 8t "otte a y la dmarks more clearly defi ed tha the ri3er, the l#sh la ds aro# d it a d the fact that it flowed from somewhere ortheast of the castle a d ra all the way dow 'ast my tem'le. & felt like !aid !ario lost i <herwood @orest. E2ce't & was 'retty dam s#re %obi Mood was 8t "oi " to come resc#e me Ga d, I#ite fra kly, &8m o maidH. & hated to be a whi er, b#t & really was h# "ry. &t was 8t too lo " before the whistli " a d the la#"hi " sto''ed, a d the <earch @or A y 7i d of Edible @ri""i Berry started. Mere we are, s#rro# ded by all of this dam at#re.: E'i8s ears cocked forward, liste i " to me m#tter. 96o#8d thi k there wo#ld be some wild strawberries. Or bl#eberries. Or m#lberries. E3e i OA they had a''le trees.: E'i "rabbed a other mo#thf#l of "rass. 9&s that st#ff "oodB: &t8d 'robably "i3e me the r# s, a d & did 8t e3e ha3e a y dam toilet 'a'er. The 3is#al 'ict#re that co =#red was e o#"h to kee' me from tryi " E'i8s di er. eed of a 'et a d a ma . A''are tly

E2ce't he was "oi " to be really 'issed whe & "ot back to the tem'le.

& tr#ly hate cam'i ". !y 'are ts #sed to make me cam' with them Gbefore they "ot di3orced4& thi k it was their idea of I#ality family time, which s#re as hell did 8t workH, a d & be"a hati " it the . Not that & do 8t like The 5reat O#tdoors. & thi k at#re is 3ery i s'iratio al a d lo3ely. & like to hike, a d &8m e3e willi " to lie o#t i the s# a d read a book while whate3er ma & ha''e to be with fishes. & =#st wa t to a''reciate it d#ri " the day, a d "o somewhere with a comfortable bed, r# i " water a d a fo#r star resta#ra t at i"ht. & really do 8t like ro#"hi " it. <o, what the hell am & doi " o#t hereB: E'i li''ed the back of my @re ch braid, a d & swatted at her m#AAle. 9<to'4there8s o way & ca car3e a comb o#t of a tree a d rebraid this st#ff.: A d my feet were starti " to h#rt. %hia o had broke the boots i , b#t they m#st ha3e bee made to be wor with socks, a d, well, & had for"otte to look for the sock drawer before & left. 7i d of like &8d for"otte to look for the kitche . E'i, & thi k & ha3e a blister the siAe of %hode &sla d.: <to''i ", & rested my head a"ai st her warm eck a d s'oke i to her soft ess. 9A d & thi k & eed to ride a"ai . Mo'e that8s okay with yo#.: & took her sweet #AAle as a okay, a d "a3e her a I#ick sI#eeAe. 9Let8s "et a other dri k first. <hall & b#y this time, or wo#ld yo# like to treatB: <he s orted at me. 9& like my mar"aritas o the rocks, with lots of salt.: & tra slated her look as horse la "#a"e telli " me how m#ch more am#si " & was tha %hia o . T#r i " toward the ri3er, & oticed we had wa dered se3eral yards from the ba k, 'robably beca#se it was 3ery rocky a d s#dde ly looked a little stee'. Caref#lly, & led the way back to the ri3er, scrambli " dow the ba k i a shower of loose rocks. After all the tro#ble it took to "et back dow to it, & was relie3ed to see the water was as clear a d cold as e3er, es'ecially beca#se as the day 'ro"ressed it had become oticeably warmer. Not that it was too # comfortable # der the shadi " co3er of the trees, b#t the cool water was a ice relief. To kee' the heat i 'ers'ecti3e, & remi ded myself that it was othi " com'ared to a ty'ical Oklahoma s#mmer day whe the h#midity re"istered at abo#t a Aillio 'erce t 'l#s the ormal o e h# dredF'l#s de"rees. Almost e o#"h to make >o der >oma 8s bra melt. The cha "e i worlds had h#rt my re'#tatio , b#t it had defi itely im'ro3ed the weather. <o & "#ess & sho#ld co# t my blessi "s. E'i8s #d"e i terr#'ted my tho#"hts. 9%eady to "o, "or"eo#sB: Mer look said yes, so & led her to a rock lar"e e o#"h to #se as a mo# ti " block. The mare tilted her head a d "a3e me a odd look. & "#ess yo#83e already fi"#red o#t that &8m ot %hia o . <he co#ld 'robably lea' #' o yo# witho#t a y hel'.: E'i8s k owi " "aAe did 8t falter, a d & felt the eed to sta d #' for myself. 9No offe se, b#t that co#ld be beca#se she8s so #sed to thr#sti " herself #' a d dow .: E'i arched her eck a d bli ked her bea#tif#l dark eyes at me. 9Do 8t "et me wro ". &8m ot a"ai st some thr#sti ", b#t & like to thi k & choose I#ality o3er I#a tity.: The mare tossed her head a d made a 3ery h#ma -like sI#eal. %eally, it so# ded like a little horsy la#"h, a d as & hea3ed myself off the rock a d scrambled aboard & fo# d myself "i""li ", too. 9<o we # dersta d o e a otherB: E'i reached back a d #d"ed my foot, which was da "li " awkwardly o#t of the stirr#'. 9&8ll take that as a yes.: & smiled a d '#t my foot where it belo "ed before "i3i " the i credible horse the 9let8s "o: cl#ck Gas if she eeded itH. & reached dow a d 'atted her eck fo dly. There are some thi "s abo#t this world that were =#st 'lai cool. E'i a d & a "led #' toward the ba k, a d & was s#r'rised to see how stee' a d rocky it looked from this directio . &t had 8t seemed so bad comi " dow . >ell, it was 'robably =#st the differe ce betwee seei " it from my feet a d seei " it from horseback. Lea i " forward, & #r"ed E'i #' toward o#r soft, "ree 'ath4

<#dde ly the rocks shifted, ca#si " E'i to scramble a d l# "e awkwardly to kee' her footi ". & was =olted forward hard a d had to "rab her aro# d the eck to kee' from bei " throw off. & co#ld feel her str#""li " to re"ai solid footi ". &t was like she was tryi " to swim thro#"h rocky I#icksa d that ke't s#cki " at her feet. <he seemed to be # able to "ai a y "ro# d as rocks a d dirt t#mbled aro# d #s. All & co#ld do was hold ti"ht a d try ot to let my wei"ht shift too far to either side so that & wo#ld 8t ca#se her to lose her already 'recario#s bala ce. All at o ce we broke free a d l#rched #' o3er the ba k a d o to solid "ro# d. &" ori " my I#i3eri " stomach, & slid off E'i a d be"a r# i " my ha ds dow her m#sc#lar le"s. <he was breathi " hard a d shaki " all o3er. A y other horse wo#ld ha3e bee white-eyed a d 'a icked, b#t E'i stood I#ietly, letti " me com'lete my fra tic e2ami atio . 5ood "irl. There8s my sweet "irl.: & ke't talki " to her, tryi " to calm my er3es as m#ch as hers. 96o# were so bra3e. & am so 'ro#d of yo#.: & fi ished feeli " all of her le"s. No broke bo es. No laceratio s. <he seemed okay. B#t & k ew from ha3i " "row #' aro# d horses the dece'ti3e fra"ility of their le"s. O ce yo# wit ess o e horse race where they come aro# d the cor er a d a horse 'laces a foot at =#st the wro " a "le, a d it s a's, yo# e3er for"et it. & was te years old the first time & saw a horse break a le". &t broke clea , betwee the k ee a d the hoof, a d that horse ke't o tryi " to fi ish the race with the bo e of his le" =#tti " thro#"h the ski . &t =#st takes a si "le misste'. & let E'i 'ress her forehead i to my chest a d & r#bbed her bea#tif#l head, strai"hte i " her m#ssed ma e. 96o#8re okay, yo#8re okay. <#ch a "ood "irl.: & ke't m#rm#ri " i a e e dearme ts as we bro#"ht o#r breathi " a d heart rate # der some sembla ce of co trol. E3e t#ally she lifted her head a d #AAled my cheeks, which were wet with tears. & wi'ed my face a d ste''ed back from her, looki " her o3er a"ai with a critical eye. & thi k yo#8re okay.: & walked a circle aro# d her while she lowered her head a d blew at a t#ft of l#sh "rass. & smiled. 96o#8re h# "ry. 6o# m#st be okay.: <he chewed a mo#thf#l a d blew a si"h at me. 9Let8s ot do that a"ai . OkayB: <he tossed her head. 9>ell, bi" "irl, ow & ha3e to "et back o yo# with o dam hel' at all.: E'i sto''ed chewi ", a d & swear she made a 3ery female so# di " 9hmm'h: oise thro#"h her ose. 9C#st hold still a d do 8t la#"h.: <he held still, b#t as & "roa ed a d str#""led my way aboard, & ca 8t swear she did 8t la#"h. >e started forward a d she seemed fi e. <i"hi " i relief, & cl#cked her i to a smooth trot. !y hair, of co#rse, had be"# esca'i " from its braid of steel, a d & be"a tryi " to 'oke c#rli " red te drils back i to s#bmissio while h#mmi " the theme so " from Bo a Aa. & "i3e #'.: E'i8s ears cocked back to liste to me. 9No matter how tra"ically # fashio able, & serio#sly eed a scr# chie.: Abo#t half of my hair was c#rli " aro# d my head like & was !ed#sa8s craAy redheaded sister. The other half was still cli "i " to the @re ch braid. 9!aybe &8ll start a ew fashio tre d.: E'i made o comme t. & thi k she was =#st bei " ice. Time for a ew theme so ". & was halfway thro#"h h#mmi " the theme from & Dream of Cea ie whe E'i8s trot faltered a d slowed to a stra "e-feeli " walk. &t felt like she was tryi " to stay o her ti'toes, or rather her ti'hoo3es. & '#lled her to a sto' a d slid I#ickly off. >hat8s wro ", E'iB: & 'atted her eck a d she tossed her head restlessly. 9Let8s check it o#t.: %#le #mber o e of horse tro#bleshooti "N whe i do#bt, check the hoo3es. 5ras'i " her left fro t le" low, & cl#cked at her a d said, 95i3e, "irl.: >o derf#l, obedie t a imal that she was, she

lifted her hoof. &t looked ormal. >ith my fi "ers & 'icked a co#'le of small sto es o#t of the hoof base a d '#lled free a small dirt clod. Caref#lly a d firmly & 'ressed my th#mbs dow o the fro" 'art of her foot. 6es, horses ha3e fro"s. Do 8t try a d fi"#re it o#t, =#st take my word for it. Lift a horse8s hoof sometime. Look at the 'art that Es a d is soft. That8s the fro". A d do 8t bitch abo#t the ame, some a cie t fro" 'robably martyred itself for the betterme t of horseki d. <how some res'ect. >ell, this fro" s#re seemed okay. >orki " my way aro# d E'i, e3erythi " was =#st fi e # til & "ot to her ri"ht fro t hoof. >he & 'ressed dow o her fro" she fli ched a d "a3e a eI#i e "roa of 'ai . & 'atted her eck to reass#re her, a d br#shed away some cli "i " dirt a d "rass from the hoof. !o3i " my th#mbs #' hi"her o the soft E, & 'ressed a"ai . This time the "roa was lo#der a d & co#ld feel a ab ormal warmth a d m#shi ess # der my th#mbs. 5i "erly, & set her foot dow . Do 8t I#ote me o this, &8m ot a 3et, b#t & thi k yo#83e br#ised yo#r fro".: & was tryi " to kee' my 3oice li"ht a d ot let this # #s#ally smart horse k ow that & was 3ery dam worried abo#t this t#r of e3e ts. & looked dow at the offe di " a''e da"e. &t was ob3io#s she was 8t '#tti " m#ch wei"ht o it. 9Correct me if &8m wro ", b#t & thi k yo#r hoof h#rts.: <he b#tted me with her ose. & tho#"ht so.: & r#bbed her =awli e a d she lea ed her head i to my caress. 9<o & 'robably sho#ld 8t ride yo#. Mow abo#t if we fi d a ice little cleari ", maybe somewhere #'stream where the ba k is 8t so stee', a d we rest for a whileB: >alki " slowly, & led the way with E'i hobbli " 'ai f#lly behi d me. & ke't #' a chatteri " mo olo"#e, a d she walked with her forehead resti " a"ai st my back i the s'ace betwee my sho#lder blades. & was "lad she co#ld 8t see my eyes fra tically sca i " the la d ahead of #s, tryi " to fi d a easy 'lace to desce d. & k ew & had to "et her close to the ri3er, a d ot =#st so that she co#ld ha3e water to dri k. That hoof eeded atte tio . !y mi d was r#mma"i " thro#"h old horse-care-r#les i formatio & had filed away somewhere i my brai back i my yo#th. & =#st ho'ed they were 8t filed i the cells that my affi ity for red wi e had killed off. & seemed to remember that E'i8s ki d of sym'toms were telli " me that the br#ised area of her hoof sho#ld be iced. &f & co#ld "et her to sta d i the ri3er for te mi #tes or so, it seemed lo"ical that it wo#ld sto' some of the swelli " a d hel' the 'ai . The she co#ld rest a d &8d fi"#re o#t what the hell we were "oi " to do e2t. @or a fleeti " mome t & wished Cla @i ta wo#ld show #' with the resc#e 'osse. B#t reality i tr#ded o my mome t. The ce ta#r was b#sy ro# di " #' 'eo'le a d deali " with the creat#re crisis4o e A>OL rel#cta t bride was ot a bi" deal. A d a yway, &83e e3er bee the ki d of woma who li3ed her life 'i i " after a k i"ht i shi i " armor, 'rayi " that he wo#ld come char"i " i o a white horse to resc#e me. & my 'artic#lar case the whole horseQ"#y thi " was ca#si " me to # i te tio ally mi2 my meta'hors. >hich was "i3i " me a E "lish-teacher headache. B#t l#ck was with me, a d we had 8t walked too far whe we came to a abr#'t ri"ht be d i the ri3er. There were fewer trees here, so there was more erosio , a d the "rassy i cli e slo'ed "racef#lly dow to meet the t#mbli " ri3er. $icki " o#r way caref#lly, & led E'i to the water. >itho#t a y ma=or misha' we made o#r way slowly to the ri3er8s ed"e. Bala ci " myself with o e ha d a"ai st her fla k, & '#lled off my boots a d rolled #' my soft leather 'a t le"s. E'i was do e dri ki " a d she #AAled me with her wet m#AAle. >hat we really eed, old "irl, is a co#'le of 'edic#res. B#t where the hell is a bea#ticia whe

yo# eed o e, a ywayB: & "a3e her a 'at, the led her forward i to the icy water. 9Mow abo#t we do the e2t best thi " a d soak o#r achi " feetB: E'i seemed willi ", "i "erly followi " me as & 'icked my way betwee the lar"est of the slick rocks o#t a little way i to the fast-mo3i " c#rre t. Ohmy"od it was cold. Mey, E'i, ha3e yo# e3er heard the 3ery sad, 3ery <cottish lo3e so " ULoch Lomo d8B: <he lifted her ri"ht hoof fretf#lly a d & lea ed my wei"ht a"ai st her left side so that she was forced to '#t it back i the cold water. <he looked at me do#btf#lly b#t ke't her hoof s#bmer"ed. 9&t8s the story of two of Bo ie $ri ce Charlie8s me who were ca't#red i the re3olt. O e of them was e2ec#ted a d o e was set free. %#mor has it the so " was writte by the doomed soldier as a fi al lo3e letter to his sweetheart.: E'i looked cl#eless. Ma3e 8t heard it, h#hB: Cold, cold, cold. 9>ell, yo#8re i l#ck4 ot beca#se & ca si ", beca#se as yo# already k ow, & ca 8t, b#t & do k ow all the words to all the 3erses. A d, yes, &8m willi " to teach yo#.: <he si"hed a d & thi k she mi"ht ha3e rolled her eyes. As & la# ched e er"etically i to the first 3erse, & oticed that my achi " feet were "oi " #mb. Cleari " my throat & '#t o my best bad <cottish acce t, By yo bo ie ba ks a d by yo bo ie braes, >here the s# shi es bri"ht o Loch Lomo d. >here me a d my tr#e lo3e were e3er wo t to "ae O the bo ie, bo ie ba ks o8 Loch Lomo dD As & worked my way thro#"h a 'itif#l re ditio of o e of my fa3orite ballads, & oticed that E'i8s atte tio was wa i ". Okay? Let8s si " that chor#s o e more time?: O ye8ll tak8 the hi"h road a d &8ll tak8 the low road, A &8ll be i <cotla d afore ye, B#t me a d my tr#e lo3e will e3er meet a"ai O the bo ie, bo ie ba ks o8 Loch Lomo d? & si"hed melodramatically a d "a3e a bi" 'rete d sob while & wi'ed 'rete d tears from my eyes. Bea#tif#l, is 8t it.: <he blew at me the li''ed the water, shifti " her wei"ht fretf#lly. 9& ca see yo#8re ot im'ressed with tra"ic a d de'ressi " lo3e so "s s# " with a tra"ic a d de'ressi " lack of # dersta di " of e3e the basics of m#sical 'itch. Okay, okay4how abo#t & "i3e yo# a little taste of somethi " & am act#ally fairly dece t at.: <he "la ced at me, ob3io#sly "# -shy from the demo stratio of my si "i " tale t, or rather my lack thereof. Mey, smartie, & do remember a descri'tio of a horse from a essay &83e ta#"ht to so'homores.: Mer ears 'ricked at me. 9The a#thor wrote, UA d#ck is a lo " low a imal co3ered with feathers. <imilarly, a horse is a lo " hi"h a imal co3ered with co f#sio .8: <he bli ked at me a d looked a little h#ffy. 9>ell, it seemed f# y the . 5#ess yo# had to ha3e bee there.: <he was fid"eti " a"ai , a d & fi"#red & wo#ld o ly be able to "et her to stay i the water for a co#'le more mi #tes. 5ro'i " aro# d i my brai , tryi " to kee' my mi d off my freeAi " feet, the li"htb#lb of i s'ired tho#"ht s#dde ly clicked o i my head. Mey? & k ow what yo#8d like.: <he was 8t 'ayi " m#ch atte tio to me, a d & had to kee' lea i " o her left side, forci " her ri"ht hoof to stay s#bmer"ed. Mer back le"s were starti " to mo3e

restlessly. 6eah, & k ow this is 8t a y f# . C#st liste to o e more, a d the we8ll blow this freeAi " 'o' sta d.: Cleari " my mi d, & del3ed back i to my memory. !y Bible as Literat#re 'rofessor had bee a ecce tric woma 4a tr#ly fi e re'rese tati3e of a lo " s#ccessio of bad-clothes-weari " colle"e E "lish i str#ctors. @or 'art of o#r semester fi al she made each of #s memoriAe a d 'rese t alo#d sectio s of the Old Testame t that dealt with a imals. !y third year of colle"e was a lo """" time a"o. B#t as & started my hesita t recitatio of the a cie t 3erses, they be"a t#mbli " from my mo#th as if they were ha''y to be set free of the cobwebs i my brai N Mast tho# "i3e the horse stre "thB UmDsomethi "4somethi "D#mDoh yeah. The "lory of his ostrils is terrible. Me 'aweth i the 3alley, a d re=oiceth i his stre "th, Me "oeth o to meet the armed me . Me mocketh at fear a d is ot affri"htedJ Neither t#r eth he back from the sword. The I#i3er rattleth a"ai st him, The "litteri " s'ear a d the shield. Me swalloweth the "ro# d with fierce ess a d ra"eN Neither belie3eth he that it is the so# d of the tr#m'et. Me saith amo " the tr#m'ets, Ma, ha, A d he smelleth the battle afar off, The th# der of the ca'tai s, a d the sho#ti ". At least this time & ke't her atte tio . The Book of Cob, Cha'ter somethi "-or-other, Eerse &-do 8t-remember.: Mer ears were 'ricked i my directio a d she tossed her head briefly, "i3i " me a s ort of what & ho'ed was horsey a''reciatio . A d, more im'orta tly, she had stood still with her hoof f#lly s#bmer"ed i the heali " water. Tha k yo#, tha k yo#. No, o, yo#8re too ki d.: & bowed as "racef#lly as o e ca bow with froAe feet. 9& thi k that abo#t co3ers o#r literary mome t for the day. T# e i tomorrow, same time, for a other twisted 3ersio of my ow 'erso al $B<. Come o , old "irl. &t8s dam cold o#t here.: Leadi " E'i back to shore we mo3ed slowly. @eet are odd a''e di2es whe they8re froAe . & felt a little like L#asimodo hobbli " o#t of the water to fi d sa ct#ary o dry "ro# d. Beca#se of the erosio , the rocky "ro# d was mi "led with the fer y "ree car'et of the #''er forest. &t was act#ally a ice resti " 'lace. There was 'le ty of "rass withi E'i8s reach, which was 'erfect beca#se she really eeded to rest. $#lli " the saddle from her back, & tried to kee' a close eye o how she was acti ", witho#t bei " ob3io#s. >ish & had some c#rrycombs. 6o# s#re look a''y.: &m'ro3isi ", & 'ried a 'iece of bark from a earby lo" a d r#bbed it back a d forth o3er her tired body, "i3i " her a ice scratchi ". <he si"hed a d closed her eyes. 97i d of like a foot r#b, h#h.: & 'atted her r#m'. 9>hy do 8t yo# "raAe

for a while a d rest, the &8ll take a other look at that hoof.: <he stood with her ri"ht fro t le" cocked to take the wei"ht off it a d settled dow to the b#si ess of eati ". A d & realiAed that & really eeded to, well, te d to The Call of Nat#re. U"h. E'i, &8m "oi " to take a little walk.: <he "a3e me a I#ick "la ce before ret#r i " her atte tio to her three-le""ed "raAi ". 9Be ri"ht back.: <crambli " #' the ba k, & ke't my eyes 'eeled for a ice-siAe b#sh a d a soft-leafed 'la t. & hate cam'i ". >adi " off the 'ath a d i to the i di"e o#s folia"e, & be"a testi " 'la t lea3es, "radi " them o te2t#re a d d#rability, like a i sa e !rs. >hi''le. A d, shaAam? & b#mble i to a little slice of hea3e . 5ra'es? Bi", dark, ri'e "ra'es? %#shi " thro#"h my toilette GNote to selfN remember to wash yo#r ha dsH, & GdelicatelyH crammed se3eral of the wo derf#l 'ieces of fr#it i to my sali3ati " mo#th. 6#mmy. 6a ki " as ma y of the cl#sters off their 3i es as & co#ld carry, & h#rried back to where & left E'i. Mey, E'i? Look what & fo# d.: <he looked # im'ressed, b#t at least she was 8t restless or 'awi ". <he we t back to "raAi ". & '#t my stash of "ra'es dow by the saddle bla ket, we t to the ri3er to reclaim my discarded boots a d wash my ha ds. The , fi ally, & 'lo''ed my tired a d flatte ed behi d dow , resti " my back a"ai st the saddle, a d & set to work feasti " #'o at#re8s a'hrodisiac. G!ichelle told me o ce that "ra'es are at#re8s a'hrodisiac. A d she sho#ld k ow.H The "ra'es were delicio#s, a d & do 8t thi k it was =#st beca#se & was star3i ". &t s#re felt ice to ha3e a f#ll t#mmy. A d & did 8t otice a y # #s#al side effects from di i " e tirely o a a'hrodisiac. At least ot yet. B#t & did otice my eyelids felt 3errrry hea3333y. Dra""i " my tired a d sore behi d #'45od, my thi"hs felt like &8d bee ridi " the e tire Dallas Cowboy defe si3e li e4& "im'ed my way o3er to the slee'y mare. Let me see this hoof.: <he ro#sed herself lo " e o#"h for me to take a look at the br#ised fro". &t did 8t look a y worse, a d it did 8t feel I#ite as hot as before, which m#st be a "ood si" . & 'atted her eck a d "a3e her a tired h#". 9To I#ote Coh >ay e as %ooster Co"b#r 4UMere. >e cam' here.8 @or"i3e me if & do 8t make that I#ote more realistic by falli " off yo# a d o to the "ro# d.: <he did 8t e3e bli k at my attem't at h#mor. 5#ess she was "etti " #sed to me. 9Let8s =#st take a little a'. >ake me if & slee' 'ast time for school.: 5i "erly, & ret#r ed to the saddle a d let my body slowly come back i co tact with the "ro# d. Mow a rocky shore a d a horsey saddle bla ket co#ld feel so "ood & did 8t k ow, b#t & was "ratef#l for whate3er & co#ld "et. Not "ratef#l e o#"h to reco sider my a3ersio to cam'i ", b#t "ratef#l. As my eyes closed & me tally set the alarm clock i my mi d to "o off i 9a while.:

The first time & woke #' it was d#sk. &t was like the setti " s# had called o'e my eyes. The warmth of the day had bee re'laced by a 'leasa tly cool breeAe sce ted with the clea , watery fra"ra ce of the ri3er. & stretched a d shifted a little, reachi " # der my left b#tt cheek to remo3e a 'artic#larly # comfortable rock. A d hea3ed the si"h of the dis"r# tled. & had to 'ee. 5etti " to my feet was o f# . & was stiff a d "ro""y a d slee' cl# " to me like a a oyi " two-year-old. Not too far from my makeshift bed, E'i was slee'i ", horsestyle, o her feet4which is a ability &83e always co3eted. & tried it o ce, o a 'artic#larly lo " fli"ht o3erseas whe my le" cram's =#st wo#ld 8t "o away. Lea i " ear the emer"e cy e2it sit#ated o3er o e wi ", & had tried to doAe, with little s#ccess. E3ery time & be"a to rela2, my head wo#ld flo' aro# d, a d to com'lete the failed e2'erime t, & fo# d that sta di " slee' woke i me a # fort# ate 'ro'e sity to drool. B#t

E'i s#re seemed comfortable. Mer ri"ht fro t le" was still cocked, b#t she was 8t fretf#l a d & decided she did 8t eed me obsessi3ely checki " her hoof. >he she woke #' &8d try a d "et her to soak it i the ri3er a"ai , b#t ri"ht ow & was too tired to come #' with a y more 'oetry or de'ressi " ballads. & =#st wa ted to 'ee a d the "o back to slee'. >aki " #' was s#dde a d # 'leasa t the e2t time. & flailed aro# d, tryi " to fi d my alarmclock b#tto . Des'ite the dark ess & was s#re &8d o3ersle't for school. 6o# k ow the feeli "4that heart-'o# di " k owled"e that yo#8re late. A d the the disorie tatio hit. E3e my "ro""y brai reco" iAed that & was 8t i my a tiI#e oak bed c#rled #' # der my dow comforter. <itti " #', & bli ked hard, tryi " to acc#stom my 3isio to s#ch absol#te dark ess. A d the so# d of water ri''li " o rock bro#"ht me totally i to the 'rese t. E'iB: %elief hel'ed my heart to slow as her m#AAle br#shed the side of my face. 5rad#ally, & be"a to disti "#ish the mare as a li"ht blob i the dark ess. <he was lyi " close to my left side. Mer slee'y breath smelled sweet a d "rassy as she e2'lored my face a d hair. @eeli " better, 'retty "irlB: Not wa ti " to sta d yet, & scooted o3er to her a d ra my ha ds dow her eck a d o3er her back. Me le"s were t#cked #' # der her body, so & co#ld 8t reach the sore hoof, b#t she did 8t feel o3erly hot, a d she s#re was 8t acti " like she was i 'ai . >o der if the moo will come #' soo .: & lea ed a"ai st her soft body, 3ery aware that the cool of the i"ht had ot hel'ed my sore, o3er#sed m#scles. 9!a , & co#ld #se a hot, soaki " bath.: !y stomach r#mbled. 5#ess we ca 8t do a ythi " # til it "ets li"hter.: E'i8s li"ht, horsey s ore a swered me. A d what the hell did & thi k we were "oi " to do, a ywayB & had o idea how badly E'i had bee br#ised, b#t she co#ld 8t be ridde , that m#ch was ob3io#s. Now whatB Usi " my cra''y se se of time a d dista ce, & estimated that we had tra3eled for te , maybe twel3e ho#rs. >e8d bee aslee' for, & do 8t k ow, maybe ei"ht ho#rs. <o, if we were l#cky, we were at abo#t the halfway 'oi t. A d h# "ry. A d tired. A d h#rt. & closed my eyes a d tried to rela2, thi k, for"et abo#t my stomach a d kee' warm. Taki " E'i back to the tem'le was the o ly reaso able sol#tio . &t wo#ld be slow "oi ". !aybe o e of those little cotta"es wo#ld be willi " to feed E'o a a d Mer Chose . 5oddess & car ateFhood o#"ht to be "ood for somethi ". <e3eral days of eati " =#st "ra'es was bo# d to do somethi " to my system4the 3is#al ima"es comi " to mi d were 8t 'retty. & co#ld see it ow4&8d t#r i to some ki d of 'athetic ym'homa iac with 3iole t diarrhea. A d o toilet 'a'er. <o, we8d "et started at first li"ht. &8d try a d "et E'i to soak her hoof a"ai , the we8d head back the way we came. U til the &8d better follow E'i8s e2am'le a d "et some slee'4it wo#ld be a lo " e2t se3eral days. < #""li " as close to the mare as & co#ld "et, & shared her body heat. @eeli " warmer a d slee'y a"ai , & ima"i ed her as a bi", sil3er horsey heaterD At first & did 8t otice the so# d. Almost. &t was a 3a"#e r#stli ". Not like the too-cool breeAe thro#"h the tree lea3es. A d ot like the water o3er rocks. Differe t. A twi" cracked. & froAe a d tried to stay still so that & did 8t draw atte tio to #s. B#t, swallowi " aro# d the dry ess i my mo#th, & was s#re the so# d of my 'o# di " heart tele"ra'hed 9Mere they are?: o#t i to the i"ht. A other twi" cracked. This time & felt E'i stir. & co#ld feel her head raise a d t#r to face the forest. A d & remembered the thi "s. !a -creat#re thi "s. A d how they had made the forest seem to

breathe a d '#lse with their mo3eme ts. Mow co#ld & ha3e for"otte B This was 8t my world. There were forces loose here that & did 8t be"i to # dersta d. >hile & had bee b#sy <carlett O8MaraFi ", & had totally o3erlooked the e tire dam reaso behi d why & had to "o to !acCalla Castle. !a -creat#res had sla#"htered a castle f#ll of 'eo'le. <tro ", co#ra"eo#s me had 8t bee able to sto' them. A d here & was, mea deri " aro# d the co# tryside with my silly moder woma head all i the clo#ds a d my ridic#lo#s moder woma 9yo# "o, "irl?: attit#de. B#ryi " Dad was a "ood idea. !aki " s#re he was dead was e3e better. B#t "etti " this mare a d myself killed while attem'ti " to be The 5ood Da#"hter was decidedly Too <t#'id To Breathe. A d Dad wo#ld be the first i li e to tell me so. The br#sh crackled a"ai . <omethi " hea3y was headi " this way. & my mi d & co#ld see the creat#res, wi "s s'read a d ta#t with air, r# i " with their fl#id "lidi " strides. The mome ts betwee oises became 'ro'hetic. The 'a#ses i so# d were sim'ly time betwee o e ho3eri " stride a d a other. 5od & was a moro . Not o ly was & ot "oi " to "et to b#ry my dad, b#t & mi"ht 3ery well be comi " to a tra"ic e d that wo#ld make those "ross bodies o C<& look tame. Clearly & sho#ld ha3e tho#"ht this whole thi " o#t. E'i shi3ered a d s#r"ed to her feet. & stood close to her, stroki " her eck a d m#rm#ri " sh#shi " so# ds. !y mi d str#""led to come #' with A $la . Neither colle"e or 'ast e2'erie ce had 're'ared me for this ki d of #mbi " fear. <o, as E'i a d & watched dark sha'es detach from the forest a d desce d dow the eroded ba k toward #s, & did what & always ho'ed & wo#ld 8t do i time of emer"e cy. & froAe. Like a deer waiti " for a ei"htee -wheeler to sm#sh it across the hi"hway, & stood there o3erwhelmed by my fate. & was 'ro#d of E'i8s co#ra"e. <he faced the i tr#ders, ears 'ricked forward, blowi " softly thro#"h her m#AAle. <he showed o fear. Morses are =#st dam bra3e a imals. & was ho ored to ha3e her by my side as o#r death a''roached #s a d4 Lady %hia o B: The 3oice was dee' a d familiar. @or a mome t & was s#r'rised i to ot res'o di ". The "ross creat#re thi "s had 3oices like Cla @i ta B E'i8s soft icker of reco" itio broke my s'ell of st#'idity. At least for the mome t. Cla @i ta B: <he is here?: he called o3er his sho#lder, a d s#dde ly the rocky ba k was ali3e with dark sha'es that looked 3a"#ely horsey. 95et a fire b#ilt, it is black as the U derworld this i"ht.: & co#ld hear br#sh a d rocks bei " mo3ed, a d 'erha's e3e fli t striki ". All si"ht was blocked ot =#st by the i"ht, b#t by a lar"e horse sha'e directly i fro t of E'i a d me. &t s'oke. A d it so# ded 'issed. Are yo# i =#red, %hia E'iB: Oh, #m, & mea E'o a8s mare.: At least & ho'ed that was what & mea t. @ire flared to life a few yards dow stream, a d as the ce ta#rs fed it to flame my 3isio ret#r ed. Cla @i ta was sta di " i fro t of #s, arms o his waist Ghis, #h, h#ma waistH, forehead f#rrowed i to a frow . >hich hoofB: Me so# ded brisk a d b#si esslike. %i"ht fro t.: & ste''ed # der E'i8s eck, sI#atted a d ra my ha ds dow her le". 9&t does 8t feel o B: No, &8m fi e. &t8s E'i, she8s br#ised her hoof.:

swolle or hot, so & thi k it8s =#st a br#ised fro".: G& 'eeked #' at him4he seemed to # dersta d. Oh, yeah, he sho#ld. Me8s 'art horse.H 9Take a look.: E'i obedie tly lifted her hoof a d he be t to st#dy it. Mis stro " ha ds 'rodded the same s'ots my smaller o es had e2ami ed ho#rs before. E'i "a3e a soft "r# t whe he hit the sore s'ot, a d he immediately sto''ed 'ressi " a d stroked her eck, s'eaki " soothi " words to her that & co#ld 8t # dersta d, which so# ded m#sical a d lilti ", a little like 5aelic. E'i rela2ed a d si"hed as & set her hoof dow . A bad br#ise.: Me so# ded acc#satory. 9Mow did it ha''e B: & strai"hte ed a d took a ste' closer to E'i, hati " the "#ilt he made me feel. Dow ri3er the ba k "a3e way as we were climbi " it. Mer hoof m#st ha3e come dow too hard o a 'oi ted rock.: <he co#ld ha3e broke her le".: & k ow that? & feel bad e o#"h. & do 8t eed yo# blami " me, too.: & felt st#'idly close to tears. E'i b#m'ed me with her m#AAle a d & t#r ed my face i to her eck. <he will reco3er.: Mis 3oice had "e tled. & k ow?: >ell, & did ow. Come o3er by the fire. 6o# look chilled.: Me took my elbow a d s'oke softly to E'i. >e walked with him toward the fire like erra t childre . $ro'elli " me to a semicomfortable rock Gat least it was warm from the ewly made fireH he be"a iss#i " orders to his me QhorsesQwhate3er. A d o#t of seemi "ly owhere a bla ket was dra'ed o3er my sho#lders. A co#'le of the ce ta#rs were b#sy r#bbi " dow E'i, a d she stood I#ietly, ob3io#sly e =oyi " the atte tio . A other ce ta#r was b#sy b#ildi " a fire a few yards from this first o e, a d & was e2cited to see him # loadi " saddleba"s filled with4be still my heart4food. Cla @i ta ha ded me a flo''y sacklike thi ", a d whe & stared st#'idly at it he # ca''ed it for me. Dri k, my Lady. &t will hel' to restore yo#r stre "th.: <omethi " i his to e made me thi k what he really mea t was it mi"ht hel' to restore my commo se se, b#t & was too close to a"reei " with him to ar"#e the 'oi t. The wi e was rich, red a d scr#m'tio#s. 5la ci " o3er to where E'i stood, & was deli"hted to see that o e of the ce ta#rs had attached a feed ba" o3er her head a d she was m# chi " co te tedly. The fryi " sce t of somethi " wo derf#l made my mo#th fill with water, a d as & took a other swi" of wi e my stomach let o#t a roar that co#ld 8t ha3e bee m#ch more embarrassi ". 6o# did ot thi k to bri " 'ro3isio s with yo#B: Cla @i ta looked dow at me with a e2'ressio that co#ld be o ly described as i cred#lo#s. Tr#st me o this o e4E "lish teachers k ow i cred#lo#s whe it looks them i the face. No. &, well, #h. No, & did ot.: Now & so# ded as st#'id as & felt. Mmm'h.: Me t#r ed a d walked away from me a d made like he was oh so b#sy at the other fire. @eeli " miserably st#'id a d i e't, & h# kered dow # der my bla ket, cl#tchi " my wi eski Gtryi " ot to thi k abo#t what ki d of ski my wi e was i 4y#ckH. Me ret#r ed shortly with a h# k of hard bread, ki d of like a bi" di er roll, that had a 'iece of wo derf#l-smelli " meat st#ck i the middle of it. A d a slice of fra"ra t yellow cheese. & had e3er smelled a ythi " so delicio#s i my life.

Mere. 6o# m#st be h# "ry.: Tha ks.: & tried ot to take off a y of his fi "ers as & s atched at the food. Chewi " e th#siastically & watched as he settled across the fire from me. & oticed that the other ce ta#rs4& co# ted te of them4were "ro#'ed aro# d the other cam'fire, a d their "oodat#red co 3ersatio was a comfortable accom'a ime t to the whis'ered oise of the ri3er. >hy did yo# lea3eB: Mis 3oice bro#"ht my atte tio back to my ow cam'fire. & swallowed a 'iece of cheese a d took a I#ick dri k of wi e. 9& had to see abo#t my dad.: The why did yo# ot ask me to escort yo#B: &4well, &4: & ha3e # derstood from the be"i i " that yo# did ot wa t o#r # io .: Me raised a ha d to sto' me whe & tried a"ai to s'eak. 9A d & k ow yo# do ot ha3e a mate8s feeli "s for me, b#t & swore to 'rotect a d res'ect yo#. To ho or yo# abo3e all others.: Me looked away from me a d o#t toward the ri3er. 9%# i " from me was a i s#lt & did ot deser3e.: Uh-oh, & had 8t e3e tho#"ht abo#t that. 5#ys a d their e"os. Ceesh. & was 8t r# i " from yo#.: The what ame do yo# "i3e itB: Me still wo#ld 8t look at me. & was doi " what & tho#"ht & had to do. & did 8t thi k yo# wo#ld take me.: Mis eyes sw# " back to mi e. Me looked shocked. 6o# are E'o a8s Belo3ed a d my mate. Of co#rse & wo#ld escort yo#.: >ell, yo# did 8t wa t me to "o. Neither did Ala a.: & added for "ood meas#re. %hia o , of co#rse we did ot wish for yo# to # dertake s#ch a 'ai f#l a d da "ero#s =o#r ey, b#t yo# are E'o a8s Mi"h $riestess. Mas a ythi " e3er bee de ied yo#B: Me so# ded '#AAled, a d & realiAed what a fa#2 'as & had made. & lowered my eyes a d 'l#cked at a loose thread o my bla ket. 9& was 8t thi ki " strai"ht. & =#st wa ted to take care of my dad.: Looki " #' at him & saw the li es aro# d his mo#th rela2 a little. 9&8m sorry. & sho#ld ha3e come to yo#.: Me bli ked i s#r'rise. %hia o the 5reat ob3io#sly did 8t a'olo"iAe 3ery ofte . 6o# are for"i3e . & am 'leased that we fo# d yo# a d that yo# are safe.: !y eyes were draw to E'i, who was m# chi " ha''ily o her "rai a little way to my ri"ht. 9&s she really "oi " to be okayB: 6es, my Lady. <he eeds rest a d soo she will be able to carry yo# o a y esca'e yo# ca 'la .: B#t, & did 4: Me was smili ". Oh, that was his idea of a =oke. &8ll "i3e him this o e. 9& did 8t really 'la a ythi ". At least ot 3ery well.: E2actly.: Me looked sm#". B#t it was a c#te ki d of sm#". & am sorry for the tro#ble & ca#sed.: &t is for"otte .: Mis eyes "liste ed i the fireli"ht a d the flickeri " flames did delicio#s thi "s to the "lim'ses of his chest & co#ld ma a"e to see whe e3er he mo3ed a little a d that wo derf#lly skim'y leather 3est fell o'e . Dam , & m#st be h# "ry for more tha food. !aybe %hia o was r#bbi " off o me. & b#sied

myself eati " my sa dwich, tryi " to 'rete d that Cla @i ta was 8t st#dyi " me from across the fire. No, & was 'retty s#re & did 8t feel like lea'i " #' a d h#m'i " the first "#y Gor horseH that ha''e ed to cross my 'ath. &t was this "#y Gor horseH i 'artic#lar that & was feeli ", well, sl#ttish abo#t. Or maybe it was all those dam "ra'es. >he i do#bt, cha "e the s#b=ect. Are the 'eo'le bei " bro#"ht to the tem'leB: Oh, "ood, Cla @i ta sto''ed the 3is#al caress a d became !r. B#si esslike a"ai . 6es. & ha3e se t some of yo#r "#ards, as well as my ce ta#rs o#t to s'read word of what has ha''e ed a d to "ather the 'eo'le to E'o a8s tem'le.: Mas there bee a y si" of the creat#resB: No. Carrier 'i"eo s were released with war i "s to all of the Cla Chieftai s aski " the Cla s to res'o d with a y ews of @omoria s. All ha3e re'lied4: he 'a#sed 94e2ce't for the !acCalla a d 5#ardia Castle.: Do yo# thi k they8re still at !acCalla CastleB: & do ot k ow, my Lady.: & looked dow at my half-eate sa dwich. 9Are yo# still willi " to take me there, k owi " the creat#res mi"ht be thereB: @or the s'ace of o e year & will take yo# a ywhere yo# wish. All yo# eed do is ask.: Mis eyes locked with mi e. O#t of d#ty.: %et#r i " his # bli ki " "aAe & realiAed & wa ted more tha d#ty from him. & "a3e my oath to yo#.: Mis 3oice was mesmeriAi ". The & am aski " yo#. $lease, will yo# take me to b#ry my fatherB: !y 3oice was almost a whis'er, ro#"h with emotio s & was =#st be"i i " to feel. 6es, Lady %hia o . & will take yo# a d 'rotect yo#.: A d kee' me close to yo#B: & co#ld 8t sto' myself from addi ". & will kee' yo# as close to me as yo# wish to be.: Oh, =eesh, what a loaded comme t that was? & wo dered abo#t the etiI#ette of aski " him to shift i to ma -form. &s it ki d of like e2c#si " yo#rself to '#t i a dia'hra"mB Or "et a co domB The clatteri " oise of 'ots bei " cleared s a''ed my tho#"hts o#t of the bedroom, a d & was mortified to feel my face bl#shi "4# til Cla @i ta 8s "aAe re"istered the red ess of my cheeks. A d the the soft smile he "a3e me made me ridic#lo#sly "lad &83e always bee a bl#sher. 5od, & felt like a "oofy tee a"er Galtho#"h that8s red# da t, tee a"ers are all "oofyH. 6o# m#st be tired.: >ell, & had bee thi ki " abo#t bed, if that co# ts. Me smiled as if he co#ld read my tho#"hts. &8m 'retty s#re & bl#shed a"ai . %est while & tell the ce ta#rs of o#r 'la s.: Me started to mo3e toward the other cam'fire, b#t t#r ed back at the so# d of my 3oice. Um, what are o#r 'la sB: Dam , he looked "ood i the fireli"ht. >e will escort yo# to !acCalla Castle.: That was easy. >hat abo#t E'i, #h, E'o aB: <he 'ricked her ears i my directio at the so# d of her ame, a d &

blew I#ick kisses at her. & will dele"ate two ce ta#rs to stay here with her a d await o#r ret#r . By the time we come back, she will be ready to tra3el, altho#"h she 'robably will ot be able to bear yo#r wei"ht.: The how am & "oi " to "et to the castle a d back homeB Did yo# bri " a horse with yo#B: >ell, & mea t, besides his frie ds. No.: Mis smile had broade ed. Am & s#''osed to walkB: Like that wo#ld 8t take fore3er. No.: Now he looked like the dam Cheshire cat. >ell, the howB: >hat the heck was he thi ki "B 6o# will ride me.: Me "a3e a little mock bow, the s'# aro# d Glike a y "ood c#tti " horseH a d headed to the other cam'fire. @or o ce & was re dered s'eechless4#tterly de3oid of s'eech. %ide himB >ell, & already k ew he was a biter. & =#st ho'ed he did 8t b#ck, too. >o der how the hell the D#ke wo#ld ha dle this o eB

>i e, food a d warmth worked their ma"ic, a d by the time Cla @i ta set E'i8s soft saddle e2t to me for a 'illow a d #d"ed me off the rock, & was barely able to m#mble a tha ks before & fell i to a dee', dreamless sl#mber. &t seemed as if & had o ly =#st closed them whe the wo derf#l fra"ra ce of fryi " meat forced o'e my # do#btedly bloodshot eyes. & stretched a d was immediately sorry &8d do e so. Mow was it 'ossible for e3ery si "le m#scle i my body to be soreB & thi k my hair e3e h#rt. Ahhh.: 5etti " to my feet was a oisy affair. & the middle of tryi " to strai"hte my old, ab#sed body, & made the mistake of "la ci " #', a d saw ele3e 'airs of ce ta#r eyes a d o e 'air of E'i eyes watchi " me. Ele3e of the twel3e looked am#sed. E'i8s eyes, & was 'leased to otice, showed o ly her #s#al horsey adoratio . >hatB?: Nothi ", my LadyD: At least they had e o#"h se se to look semi-embarrassed Dam me .: !#mbli " # der my breath & "a3e E'i a 'at before headi " dow to the ri3er8s ed"e. & really, really wished & had a toothbr#sh. Be di " o3er was decidedly ot f# , b#t & did feel better after washi " off my face a d swishi " water aro# d my mo#th Ga d #si " my fi "er as a toothbr#sh4y#ckH. Now, to to' off a already lo3ely mor i ", & had to 'ee. A"ai . & started marchi " '#r'osef#lly dow stream Gb#t it8s hard to march '#r'osef#lly, or a y other way, whe yo#r thi"hs are screami " like %ichard <immo s i a ca dy store4"ood 5od, sto' the mad essH. & came to a abr#'t halt. A d t#r ed to see twel3e 'airs of eyes stari " at me4a d o e ce ta#r, decidedly the most ha dsome of the "ro#', a d =#st coi cide tally my mate, ob3io#sly "etti " ready to follow me. Oh, o. No toilet 'a'er is bad e o#"h. !r. Ed co#ld =#st kee' his hairy b#tt there, o matter how c#te he was. &8m =#st "oi " to4yo# k owD: A d & odded toward the forest ed"e.

Call if yo# ha3e eed of a ythi ".: Cla @i ta a d the rest of them tried # s#ccessf#lly to hide smiles. Not i this dam lifetime,: & m#ttered as & hobbled toward the b#shes, scratchi " at 3ario#s b#" bites. Ma3e & me tio ed how m#ch & loathe cam'i "B E2ercise is s#''osed to loose sore m#scles a d as & climbed dow the ba k a d made my "im'y way back to cam', & waited for my thi"hs a d b#tt to # cram'. Of co#rse, my m#scles did 8t k ow the loose i " r#le. They were screami " thi "s like Are yo# craAyB Do yo# k ow we8re thirty-fi3e years oldB <it dow a d feed #s a Twi kie? &t was "oi " to be a lo " day. The ce ta#rs had '#t o#t the fire & had sle't by, a d as & walked #' to the "ro#' s#rro# di " the remai i " fire, they made way for me, a d o e of them Ga adorable 'alomi oH ha ded me a other hard bread a d meat sa dwich. Tha ks.: & smiled my a''reciatio a d he "a3e me a sweet little bow. These "#ys were awf#lly c#te. Cla @i ta =oi ed #s, a d his ce ta#rs made room for him e2t to me. Mow are yo# feeli " this mor i ", my LadyB: Cla @i ta asked sociably. !y b#tt h#rts like hell.: & tho#"ht the 'alomi o was "oi " to "a" o his sa dwich, a d se3eral other ce ta#rs had s#dde co#"hi " fits. & smiled at them. They seemed relie3ed, a d & co#ld feel them st#dyi " me with ew eyes. & ke't for"etti " what a bitch %hia o m#st ha3e bee . Cla @i ta 8s eyes were s'arkli " at me. A ythi " & ca do to hel' yo#B: A "ood, firm ass r#b wo#ld be ice, b#t & did 8t wa t to me tio that i fro t of the herd. & do 8t thi k so.: & "la ced 'oi tedly at his broad back, where shortly & was "oi " to ha3e to sit my sore b#tt. 9U less yo# ca sha'e-shift i to my bed a d yo#r frie ds here ca dra" #s to !acCalla Castle.: & looked i I#iri "ly at his me , i cl#di " them i my =oke. They re'aid me with o#tri"ht la#"hter a d se3eral of them sla''ed Cla @i ta o the back sayi ", 9<he has yo# there.: Cla @i ta took their "ood- at#red teasi " well. Their la#"hter i cl#ded me a d made me feel 'art of them. & be"a to realiAe what %hia o had missed o#t o by bei " s#ch a bitch. @or"i3e me, my Lady, b#t & ca he said. ot shift i to a bei " that does ot ha3e the breath of life withi it,:

6o# are for"i3e , my Lord,: & teased. 9C#st be "e tle with me.: Always.: Mis ha d reached o#t a d br#shed a erra t c#rl from my face. O3er his sho#lder & saw the ce ta#rs smile k owi "ly at each other. A d & fo# d myself feeli " 3ery "lad that %hia o had 8t do e irre'arable dama"e here. & really wa ted them to like me. Okay, &8ll be ho est. & wa ted their Mi"h <hama to more tha like me. B#t these were "ood "#ysQhorsesQwhate3er a d their frie dshi' was somethi " & wo#ld like to ear . Ca yo# fi ish breaki " yo#r fast as we rideB >e eed to "et started.: 6es.: & hesitated.

&s somethi " wro "B: & looked o3er his sho#lder at my mare. 9&8m =#st worried abo#t E'i.: <he will rest comfortably while we are "o e.: <he8ll be safeB: A 'ict#re of the creat#re-thi "s s'ra " i to my mi d. A y of #s wo#ld "i3e o#r li3es for her, or for yo#.: Me certai ly so# ded serio#s. & did 8t wa t a yo e to die for my mare or for me, b#t his declaratio was "i3i " me "oose b#m's a d ca#si " me to ha3e a Coh ->ay e-leadi "-his-mari es-thro#"h-da "er mome t. & did 8t k ow what to say. A"ai . !y st#de ts wo#ld be thrilled at me bei " re dered s'eechless twice i s#ch a short 'eriod of time Gof co#rse, they wo#ld 8t k ow what the word re dered mea t, b#t yo# "et my driftH. $erha's yo# wo#ld like a mome t to say "oodbye to her a d to tell her yo# will ret#r soo B: Me was =#st so da " co siderate. & m#mbled some ki d of tha ks, a d took my sore-b#tted sa dwich-eati " self o3er to my mare, who was "raAi " co te tedly. <he 'ricked her ears a d "a3e me a soft icker of welcome. Mi there, sweet "irl.: & r#bbed her =awli e a d cooed wordless lo3e oises at her as she #AAled me. %esti " my forehead a"ai st her eck & s'oke softly so that she had to cock her ears back to hear me. & ha3e to lea3e for a co#'le of days. Cla @i ta is "oi " to take me to the castle.: <he cra ed her head aro# d so that she co#ld look i to my eyes. 9Do 8t worry, he8s lea3i " a co#'le ce ta#rs here to take care of yo#. A d he wo 8t let a ythi " ha''e to me.: <he seemed okay with that. & co ti #ed, loweri " my 3oice e3e f#rther, 9& ha3e to tell yo#, &8m a little er3o#s abo#t this ridi "him st#ff. & mea , 'lease, how am & s#''osed to kee' my hormo es i co trol with him betwee my le"s all dayB: <he "a3e a dee', horsey si"h that seemed to say, >ell, do 8t the . <ome hel' yo# are.: & "a3e her soft m#AAle a I#ick kiss. 9Beha3e yo#rself while &8m "o e.: <he li''ed my hair briefly the we t back to "raAi ". & felt a little like a mother whose fo#r-year-old had =#st toddled ha''ily off to 'reschool witho#t her. Lady %hia o B: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice held a ed"e of im'atie ce. Comi ",: ready or ot. !ostly, ot. The ce ta#rs had bee b#sy while & was s ooAi ". The ei"ht who were "oi " with #s were loaded a d ready to mo3e o#t. & "#ess it had bee too dark last i"ht for me to otice that each of them had a co#'le sets of saddleba"s dra'ed o3er their horse backs, as well as da "ero#s-looki " lo " swords, a lot like claymores, stra''ed o3er their chests a d resti " across their h#ma backs. Mow co f#si ". A yway, the saddle 'acks were ob3io#sly where the food a d bla kets had materialiAed from. >o der what other "oodies they were hidi ". Cla @i ta was sta di " a'art from the rest of the "ro#', his torso twisted aro# d as he stra''ed my saddle bla ket to his back. & fi ished my breakfast i o e fast "#l'. >ell, & mi"ht as well take the b#ll by the hor s. <o to s'eak. At the so# d of my a''roach he fi ished ci chi " the "irth a d flo''ed the stirr#' dow . %eadyB:

<#re.: & stood there4stari ". Me was bi""er tha E'i, a d & had had 'roblems "etti " aboard her witho#t hel'. Do yo# eed hel' mo# ti "B: Me seemed to be e =oyi " himself. & "la ced at the rest of the ce ta#rs, b#t they were s#dde ly oh so b#sy st#dyi " the local flora a d fa# a. 6es.: & 'a#sed a d smiled teasi "ly, ho'i " & did 8t ha3e a bi" h# k of bisc#it betwee my teeth. 9This o e time.: Me "ri ed back at me as he reached dow with his left arm a d "rabbed me firmly # der my left elbow. O threeDO eDtwoDthree?: U' & we t4act#ally #' a d almost o3er the other side. Me was a lot stro "er tha & had a tici'ated, or maybe & was li"hter tha he tho#"ht & was, beca#se & had to "rab his sho#lders to kee' myself from bei " tossed all the way off his back. Ooof,: & said "racef#lly. Oh, & am sorry.: Me so# ded a ythi " b#t sorry. Mey, do 8t worry abo#t it. Not all horses ca be as easy to mo# t as E'i.: 6o# mi"ht be s#r'rised.: & was 'leased to otice he had his ow teasi " to e i his 3oice. & b#sied myself '#tti " my feet i the stirr#'s a d acted as if & had 8t heard him. & tho#"ht & felt his chest r#mble briefly with a ch#ckle. <o, do & #d"e yo# or cl#ck or somethi " to "et yo# to "oB: C#st hold ti"htly to me, & will see that we mo3e from here.: & "a3e E'i a I#ick wa3e "oodbye as he started forward. The rest of the ce ta#rs fell i behi d #s. !a e#3eri " #' the ba k made me "rab for a o e2iste t saddle hor . >hich bro#"ht to mi d the first %idi " !y M#sba d Dilemma. Um, what e2actly sho#ld & ha " ti"htly o toB: Me smiled back o3er his sho#lder at me. Me was ha3i " way too "ood of a time with this. $#t yo#r ha ds o my sho#lders, or "ras' my waist. Basically, do what feels most comfortable.: & ya ked o his thick 'o ytail G o '# i te dedH. 9Mow abo#t hereB: & heard m#ffled s orts of la#"hter from the ce ta#rs closest to #s. & wo#ld rather yo# did ot.: Not a 'roblem.: <core o e for me. O ce clear of the ba k, he broke i to a I#ick ca ter. & rested my ha ds o his sho#lders, a''reciati " the feel of his m#scles be eath my ha ds Ga d, I#ite fra kly, my thi"hsH. Mis "ait was smooth a d easy to sit, a d & fo# d myself rela2i " a d e =oyi " the s'eed at which we mo3ed thro#"h the forest. & lea ed forward a d s'oke i to his ear. Mow lo " ca yo# kee' #' this 'aceB: &t was a little like talki " to someo e while they were dri3i " a motorcycle4e2ce't there was o e "i e oise. L#ite a while.: & lea ed closer to his ear, liki " the way his back felt a"ai st the ti's of my breasts. G5i3e me a

break, he8s my h#sba d?H This wo#ld ha3e e2ha#sted E'i i less tha a ho#r.: & was deli"hted to see his bare arms break o#t i "oose b#m's as my breath tickled his ear. Or 'erha's it was beca#se my i''les tickled his back. !y, he certai ly was se siti3e. Ce ta#rs ha3e more stami a tha a horse4: 'a#se for effect 94or a ma .: Mis 3oice had dee'e ed a d & felt a r#sh of 'leas#re, a little like electricity, 'ass dow my s'i e, a d for a mome t & tho#"ht & was tra''ed i a steamy roma ce o3el. Not that &8d mi d. 5lad to hear it.: & breathed i to his ear a d sI#eeAed his firm sho#lders. A d decided o ce a d for all4%hia o was a fool.

>e did 8t stay o the small 'ath &8d bee followi ". & stead, Cla @i ta led #s away from the ri3er a d thro#"h the trees # til we came to a well-defi ed road Gob3io#sly the o e & had bee a3oidi "H. <hortly we came to a fork i the road, a d we took the orthwest bra ch, decidedly away from the ri3er. & searched thro#"h my memory of my floati " tri' a d decided that this m#st be a I#icker ro#te tha mea deri " alo " the ri3er road. & credibly e o#"h, the ce ta#rs 'icked #' the 'ace. Cla @i ta a d his b#ds seemed tireless as their "allo' ate #' the dista ce to the castle. Tracki " me had ob3io#sly slowed them dow . Traffic o the roadway was fairly brisk, b#t all were headi " back the way we had come. The "ro#'s of tra3elers were mostly made #' of lar"e families, where the wome rode i flatbed wa"o s a d the me either walked or rode horses alo "side, #s#ally accom'a ied by a small selectio of farm a imals. & did otice that the 'eo'le looked 'ros'ero#s a d well ke't, ot like &8d ima"i ed 'easa ts wo#ld look. They were 8t scra""ly with rotte teeth a d matted, 'arasitei fested hair. Mo estly, they were # commo ly attracti3e 'eo'le4almost as ice-looki " as their horses. This la d m#st really like fi e horseflesh. All that day & did 8t see o e a". & co#ld 8t hel' b#t feel a little sm#" at the fact that my E'i was o#tsta di " e3e amo " these "reat-looki " horses. Act#ally, so was Cla @i ta , b#t he did 8t fall i the strictly horse cate"ory, so & "#ess it was # fair of me to be sm#" abo#t that. & wo dered, before we had crossed 'aths with a y of the locals, if & wo#ld be reco" iAed. !y a swer was I#ick i comi ". The first family we 'assed be"a 'olitely "reeti " the ce ta#rs, b#t sto''ed as soo as they oticed me. Their 'olite "reeti " cha "ed abr#'tly i to e2#bera ce. &t is E'o a?: The mother, who was dri3i " the wa"o filled with se3eral adorable childre a d ba"s of s#''lies, oticed me first. Mer childre took #' her cry a d be"a wa3i " e th#siastically. E'o a?: Blessi "s to yo#, Lady %hia !ay yo#r =o#r ey be safe?: & smiled a d wa3ed a d felt foolishly like !iss America o a r# way. B#t &83e e3er bee acc#sed of bei " shy or timid, so & realiAed I#ickly that it was a feeli " & co#ld "et #sed to. They were =#st all so ice? 5#ess %hia o 8s 'eo'le were 8t aware of what a bitch she was. 5ood thi " for me. A d that was 'retty m#ch how it we t all mor i ". The ce ta#rs ke't #' a amaAi " 'ace, a d tra3elers headed i the directio of the tem'le ke't trickli " by. >e did 8t talk m#ch. & was 8t co 3i ced that this 'ace was I#ite as easily ke't #' as Cla @i ta had boasted, a d & did 8t wa t to bother him. & s'e t the time taki " i the local sce ery, wa3i " o ?:

to my adori " mi io s a d tryi " my best to mai tai a comfortable, well-bala ced seat. The la d was bea#tif#l, l#sh a d ob3io#sly 'ros'ero#s. The co# tryside was co3ered with rolli " 3i eyards i ters'ersed with cro's a d cotta"es. >ildflowers decorated the meadows with s'lashes of ora "e a d 3iolet a d yellow. >e had to cross se3eral clear, ti kli " little streams that irri"ated the "ree la d. @rom the air a d thro#"h the co3er of i"ht it had remi ded me of the Umbria re"io of &taly. @rom #' close it was more like E "la d8s Lake District, e2ce't the hills were more tamed. A d it was warmer. A d it had 8t rai ed. A d, well, there were 8t a y Brits. B#t all i all it was a la d a yo e wo#ld be 'ro#d to call his or her ow . &t was midmor i " whe & s'ied some lo3ely br#sh co3er Ga d some soft-leafed 'la tsH e2t to a other stream that bisected o#r roadway. Co#ld we 'lease take a 'it sto' hereB: & admitted to myself, almost # ashamedly, that & si cerely e =oyed a y e2c#se & co#ld fi d to lea a"ai st his body. >hat ty'e of sto' is a 'it sto'B: Cla @i ta 8s arms were co3ered with a thi layer of sweat, b#t his breathi " so# ded ormal. Me was i serio#sly "ood sha'e. GNote to selfN y#m.H &t8s a sto' that we #se to rechar"e o#r e er"y a d, well, to take care of ecessary thi "s.: <#b=ects like "oi " to the bathroom "et easier the lo "er yo#8re married. The fact that we had 8t bee married 3ery lo ", co#'led with the abse ce of e3e a asty state-r# rest sto', was awkward ess waiti " to ha''e . No wo der & felt myself bl#shi " a"ai . 9A d &8m thirsty.: Oh, of co#rse. & sho#ld ha3e tho#"ht of that earlier.: Mis 'ace slowed to a trot as we drew closer to the stream. Me s'oke o3er his sho#lder to the ce ta#rs. 9>e will take a short4: he smiled at me 94'it sto'.: To their credit the ce ta#rs tried ot to look too co f#sed. Cla @i ta twisted at the waist a d slid his arm aro# d my waist, easily lifti " me off the saddle. As my feet to#ched the "ro# d, & was h#miliated to feel them cr#m'le # der me a d & "rabbed for his stro " arm. Me was I#ick to # dersta d the 'roblem, a d & fo# d myself faci " him, sec#rely wra''ed i his arms, my feet barely to#chi " the "ro# d. &8m sorry. & thi k my feet ha3e "o e to slee'.: & looked #', waiti " to see if he wo#ld make f# of my weak ess. 6o# eed ot a'olo"iAe. 6o# did ot com'lai , so & ke't '#shi " the 'ace.: Mis ha dsome face reflected o ly co cer . 9& sho#ld ha3e bee more co siderate of yo#r eeds. Mere, sit o this felled tree a d let me "et the circ#latio mo3i " i yo#r feet a"ai .: Me hel'ed me o3er to the skeleto of a falle tree a d lifted me to a seat ear the broke tr# k. !y le"s da "led dow witho#t to#chi " the "ro# d, a d & "rabbed at the dry bra ches to kee' my bala ce. Th#s seated & was almost le3el with his waist, which allowed him to easily '#ll my boots off o e at a time. The , starti " with my ri"ht foot, he be"a firmly k eadi " a d r#bbi " e3erythi " from my #mbed 'ad all the way #' my calf a d back to my toes. & felt s#dde ly all !arily !o roeFlike as my eyes we t to half-mast a d a moa esca'ed my li's. Too hardB: Me looked #' from his work. <hh, do 8t talk. !y le" is ha3i " a dee' a d mea i "f#l e2'erie ce with yo#r ha ds. Let8s ot i terr#'t them.: Me ch#ckled dee' i his throat. &s the feeli " comi " back to yo#r footB:

All sorts of feeli "s are comi " back to me. >hich i 'artic#lar are yo# aski " abo#tB: Me =#st smiled a d switched to my other foot. !mm. 6o#8re 3ery "ood at that.: &83e always had the s eaki " s#s'icio that a ma is m#ch like a '#''y4he eeds to be 'raised a d rewarded whe he does well. 9Tha k yo#.: Ma3i " filled the 'raise sI#are, my mi d was ha''ily co tem'lati " the reward cate"ory, whe he "a3e my calf a firm sla'4which s a''ed me o#t of my decidedly %-rated daydream. & thi k yo# will ha3e better l#ck walki " ow.: Me lifted me off my bra ch a d stood me e2t to him. Me was ri"htJ my feet did work better ow. B#t for a i sta t & co sidered 'rete di " otherwise. %i"ht yo# are. B#t before & '#t those boots back o , do we ha3e time for me to soak my feet i the streamB: C#st a short time, %hia the s# sets today.: o . & wa t to be certai we are withi si"ht of !acCalla Castle before

>ill we be there that soo B: 7 owled"e of what we wo#ld fi d at the castle settled hea3ily i the 'it of my stomach. 6o# co#ld stay here a d let me take care of what eeds to be do e at the castle.: Mis 3oice was "e tle. Tha k yo#, b#t o. Me is my father. &t8s my res'o sibility, a d & ha3e to see for myself what ha''e ed to him.: & # dersta d a d & will be there with yo#.: Me reached o#t slowly, almost rel#cta tly, a d took my ha d. & realiAed s#dde ly that he 'robably did 8t wa t to like me. @or all he k ew, a y seco d & was "oi " to t#r back i to a bitchy sl#t who did 8t ha3e a y i te tio of cari " a ythi " abo#t him, a d who e3er wa ted this marria"e4tem'orary or ot. The ki d ess he co ti #ed to show me was a testame t to the de'th of i te"rity he m#st 'ossess. Mis reachi " o#t to me m#st ha3e bee a amaAi "ly diffic#lt thi " for him to do. <o & "a3e him my best 9"ood boy? "ood boy?: smile a d sI#eeAed his ha d. &8m "lad yo#8ll be with me. B#t ow & eed some 'ri3acy to, well, yo# k ow.: Me smiled a d sI#eeAed my ha d i ret#r before dro''i " it a d headi " to the stream to =oi the rest of the ce ta#rs. 9& will be close by if yo# eed me.: &8m so s#re &8d rather die firstD: & m#ttered as & tram'ed delicately off to fi d a earby b#sh, bei " caref#l ot to ste' my bare feet i a y stickers. At least the h# k of cheese seemed to ha3e sto''ed me #'4which was tr#ly a blessi ". Coi i " the boys back at the stream, & cro#ched a d dra k dee'ly of the clear, icy water, washi " my face a d r# i " wet fi "ers thro#"h my hair i a attem't to tame my wild c#rls. $lo''i " my b#tt o the dry ba k, & let the water r# o3er a d aro# d my feet while & tried to do somethi " with my hair. Allow me, my Lady.: & looked o3er my sho#lder to see Cla @i ta k eeli " behi d me with a 'iece of leather i o e ha d a d a wide-toothed comb i a other. & reco" iAed the leather as o e like the tho " that held his thick ma e Gwell, what wo#ld yo# call itBH of hair back o#t of the way. Before & co#ld res'o d, he had '#lled free what remai ed of Ala a8s @re ch braid a d was worki " the comb thro#"h my wild red ta "les. & si"hed ha''ily a d closed my eyes. & far too

short a time he had it tied eatly back. 9That sho#ld stay o#t of yo#r way.: & ma a"ed to moa some sembla ce of tha ks. 6o# had better let yo#r feet dry before tryi " to "et those boots back o . >e will eed to "et mo3i " a"ai soo .: Mis 3oice was a'olo"etic a d his ha ds rested briefly o my sho#lders before he stood. Okay. &8ll be ready.: & mo3ed away from the stream, dryi " my feet i the tall "rass s#rro# di " the road. O e of the ce ta#rs, a attracti3e yo# " strawberry roa , a''roached me, a d with a shy smile offered me somethi " that looked a d smelled like beef =erky. Tha k yo#.: & beamed my a''reciatio for his ot bei " a herbi3ore. 6o# are welcome, my Lady.: Me bl#shed sweetly before =oi i " his b#ddies, who were formi " #' a d "etti " ready to head o#t a"ai . & st#ck the e d of the =erky i my mo#th a d '#lled o my boots, the hobbled o3er to where Cla @i ta stood waiti ". Me, too, was m# chi " o a 'iece of =erky while he ti"hte ed the ci ch a d made s#re the saddle was ready for my b#tt. Okay, &8m ready.: & reached o#t for him a d we clas'ed arms. & was #' a d seated i less time tha it takes to s'ell eI#estria . !ake it so.: & 'oi ted forward, "i3i " my best $icard im'ressio . & "i""led at my ow =oke. Cla @i ta s orted a d shook his head at me before he accelerated i to his smooth, dista ceco3eri " "allo'. & "#ess my h#mor loses somethi " i tra slatio . The rest of the day followed m#ch of the same sched#le. >e wo#ld tra3el # til & felt as if my feet were o lo "er attached to my body a dQor & had to 'ee a"ai . & wo#ld cl#e i Cla @i ta to my desire to take a break. >e wo#ld halt for what seemed like te seco ds, b#t was 'robably abo#t te mi #tes. &8d "et a brief foot r#b so that my le"s wo#ld f# ctio , the we wo#ld take off a"ai , chewi " o a seemi "ly i e2ha#stible s#''ly of =erky. Other tha a thi shee of sweat, the ce ta#rs did 8t show a y si" s of tiri ". !y ow e2ha#stio made me feel like a sissy, a d & str#""led a"ai st the desire to whi e. B#t & fi"#red whi i " was somethi " that %hia o 'robably wo#ld ha3e do e4which hel'ed me kee' my mo#th sh#t. By the time & realiAed we had 8t see a y other tra3elers i I#ite a while, & also oticed the s# was be"i i " to di' toward the horiAo . Taki " a dee' breath of the cooli " air, & smelled the disti ct sce t of salt a d water. To o#r ri"ht & co#ld see that i the dista ce the 3i eyards had "i3e way to forested la d a d realiAed that we m#st be a''roachi " the castle from the easter ed"e. >e8re almost there.: !y 3oice so# ded a lot calmer tha & felt. 6es.: Mis 'ace slowed to a "e tle trot. 96o# said the creat#res came thro#"h the ortheaster 'art of the forestB: 6es.: !y 3oice was a whis'er as memory re'layed the forest sce e i my mi d. The we will circle aro# d a d e ter from the so#thwest. &f they are still i the castle, 'erha's the "lare of the setti " s# will hel' to hide o#r a''roach.: <o# ded like b#ll to me, b#t si ce E "lish teachers are 8t traditio ally k ow for their "reat battle strate"ies, & decided to kee' my comme ts to myself. Cla @i ta made a motio to the ce ta#rs a d they followed him off the trail as we be"a mo3i " i to the setti " s# . & co#ld feel his m#scles b# chi " a d worki " a d & realiAed the "rad#al

i cli e of the la d had i creased a d was ow risi " oticeably as we climbed #' toward the ed"e of the so#ther tree li e. The smell of salt was hea3y i the after oo air a d & co#ld hear the sea r#shi " a"ai st the rocky shore. The ce ta#rs8 hoo3es made crackli " oises as they "allo'ed o3er eedle-co3ered "ro# d. The sile t oaks a d ma'les "a3e way to whis'eri " 'i es, a d & was s#r'rised to reco" iAe the tart sce t of Christmas trees mi2ed with the salty breeAe, a d somethi " else. &t was a smell & co#ld 8t 'lace. A odd fra"ra ce, i disti ct a d sticky. A d the we slid to a halt as the trees cha "ed to rocks, which led to a abr#'t dro' to the ocea . This was o e thi " & defi itely had 8t e2a""erated from my dream 3isio 4it still remi ded me of &rela d8s im'osi " Cliffs of !oher. The coast stretched before #s as far as we co#ld see, a d i the orth the castle 'erched like a sto e "#ardia , 'erilo#sly close to the dee' dro'. The s# lit #' the wester faVade of the castle, t#r i " the "ray sto e to bri"ht, "leami " sil3er. !y breath ca#"ht i my throat a d & felt a s#dde , # e2'ected r#sh of emotio . &f & had bee bor i to this world this amaAi " castle wo#ld ha3e bee where & had "row #'. & bli ked my eyes hard a d told myself it was the brisk ess of the wi d that ca#sed them to fill with water. !y Lord, look there o the "ro# ds s#rro# di " the wall.: The 'alomi o8s 3oice was "rim a d he 'oi ted to the area s#rro# di " the wester "ate. & sI#i ted a d followed the li e of his fi "er. There were cl#m's of debris scattered aro# d the o#tside of the castle, as if field ha ds had 'iled sacks of "rai or maybe bales of hay or4 Oh, 5od. They8re bodies.: !y 3oice shook a d & # derstood what the ameless smell was. Do#"al, check for a y mo3eme t.: The 'alomi o odded a d melted back i to the trees. Co or, =oi him.: The strawberry roa backed i to the 'i es a d was "o e. The Cla @i ta addressed me o3er his sho#lder. 9%hia o , yo# said that that i"ht yo# felt yo# were i the 'rese ce of e3il before yo# act#ally saw the creat#res. Are yo# se si " a y e3il owB: & stared at the castle a d tried to still the 'o# di " of my heart. No, & do 8t feel a ythi " like & did that i"ht.: Are yo# certai , my LadyB: & closed my eyes a d co ce trated, forci " myself to remember that i"ht, to remember the ta "ible e3il that had see'ed o#t of the forest a d slithered i to the castle like a 'oiso o#s mist. &8m certai . The feeli " is # mistakable, a d it is defi itely ot here ow.: !y ha ds were still resti " o his sho#lders a d he reached #' a d "a3e o e of them a I#ick sI#eeAe. 5ood.: The he t#r ed to face Do#"al a d Co or as they re=oi ed #s. 9%e'ort.: E2ce't for the carrio birds, there is o mo3eme t. A d we co#ld detect o si" or sce t of fire.: Do#"al8s 3oice was b#si esslike a d calm. Lady %hia o ca se se othi " of the creat#res8 'rese ce. & belie3e it is safe to e ter the castle.: The he addressed me a"ai . 9!y Lady, yo# do ot ha3e to come i to the castle. &f yo# wait here, & will bri " yo# word of yo#r father. 6o# ca tr#st me to care for his remai s with the ho or he deser3es.: & do tr#st yo#, it8s ot that. & =#stD& =#st ha3e to do this.: !y mo#th felt i credibly dry. 9&t wo 8t be real for me # til & see for myself.: Me odded slowly a d & felt him si"h. 9Eery well, we "o. All of #s. Ce ta#rs, stay close. Be alert.: Cla @i ta be"a trotti " toward the castle, fo#r ce ta#rs o either side of him. & held his sho#lders ti"htly a d ke't 'layi " the words yo# ca do this yo# ca do this yo# ca do this o3er

a d o3er i my mi d. As we a''roached the castle, the wi d be"a to carry more of the sticky smell to #s. At first it was =#st a teasi " so#r ess, like whe yo# o'e the door to the refri"erator a d somethi " does 8t smell I#ite ri"ht. The the teasi " cha "ed. The smell h# " i the air a d s#rro# ded #s. & "a""ed a d s#dde ly my dry mo#th was flooded with bile. Try to breathe thro#"h yo#r mo#th. &t hel's.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was sym'athetic. & wo dered how he k ew so m#ch abo#t the way death smelled. 9>here did yo# say yo# last saw yo#r father i yo#r 3isio B: At the foot of the stairs that led to the barracks.: Me sto''ed a d his "#ard halted with #s. 9%hia o , let me look at the cor'ses. & will reco" iAe yo#r father a d tell yo# whe we ha3e fo# d him. 6o# =#st hold ti"ht. Close yo#r eyes if yo# eed to.: &8ll be okay. Let8s "et this o3er with.: & tried to so# d bra3e, b#t my 3oice was weak a d shaky. >e started forward a"ai . <oo we came to the first of the bodies. As we a''roached, dark birds lifted i a fl#rry of wi "s. & made myself look away from what they held i their 'oi ted beaks. The bodies were cl#m'ed to"ether, se3eral i o e area, the a few yards away se3eral more. Amidst the horror it was somehow comforti " that they were 8t alo e. & tried ot to look at them, b#t my eyes wo#ld 8t obey my mi d4or maybe they obeyed my heart i stead. &t ached for these bra3e me a d & felt that if & looked at them, ack owled"ed their sacrifice by kee'i " a 3is#al recko i " rather tha looki " away, maybe their li "eri " so#ls wo#ld feel my res'ect a d a''reciatio for their heroism a d be comforted. & "la ced at the ce ta#rs that walked at o#r side. Their faces were set i e2'ressio less masks & tried to em#late. They checked each ma , metic#lo#sly maki " s#re o e li3ed. >e mo3ed slowly aro# d the so#ther wall to the fro t e tra ce of the castle. The h#"e iro doors were o'e J sile t bodies a d feedi " birds littered the e tryway. To the barracks.: Cla @i ta 8s emotio less 3oice echoed eerily off the dead walls as we walked thro#"h the "ates, the 'assed thro#"h a smaller, arched i er-wall e tra ce, which led i to a h#"e co#rtyard. &t was like a sce e from a Dali i"htmare 'ai ti ". !e lay i dark, co "ealed 'ools, their bodies twisted a d froAe at "rotesI#e a "les. B#t i s'ite of the car a"e, & "lim'sed s atches of li "eri " bea#ty i the thick, "racef#l col#m s that li ed the co#rtyard a d the fo# tai that still b#bbled m#sically with oily redde ed water. <omethi " abo#t that fo# tai held my "aAe, a d & realiAed with a se se of detached shock that the marble "irl who was 'o#ri " water from a bea#tif#lly 'ai ted #r was a yo# " 3ersio of myself. A d the #r . That dam 'ot. &t de'icted a familiar sce e, ow ti "ed 'i k by the scarlet of the water. The seated 'riestess had her back to me, with her red-"old hair a d her o#tstretched arm 3isible as she acce'ted homa"e from her s#''lica ts. & k ew if & looked closer & wo#ld see a scar o her ha d, the same scar that s#dde ly bl#rred as & looked dow at my ow ha dD %hia o ?: Cla @i ta swi3eled at the waist a d ca#"ht me before & co#ld fall. & ca do this & ca do this & ca do this.: !y body was shaki ". <hall & take yo# o#t of hereB: No? & ca 8t I#it ow. C#st "i3e me a seco d.: & reco3ered my bala ce a d strai"hte ed my s'i e. Cla @i ta hesita tly let loose his "ri' o my arm. 9Let8s fi d him.:

Me "r# ted a wordless re'ly a d mo3ed off to the left. The other ce ta#rs slowly followed #s, metic#lo#sly com'leti " their "r#esome task of checki " each body. >e walked betwee 'illars a d thro#"h a wide, breeAy hallway li ed with doors a d lar"e floor-to-ceili " wi dows. The ce ta#rs8 hoo3es clicked o the sto e floor. That a d the birds were the o ly so# ds & co#ld hear o3er the beati " of my heart. Cla @i ta mo3ed '#r'osef#lly thro#"h the hallway 'ast a room that was f#r ished with lo " woode tables a d the bodies of me , t#r ed to his left a"ai a d walked thro#"h a other door, which led to a m#ch smaller i terior co#rtyard. This co#rtyard had se3eral e tra ces, o e of which was a stee' fli"ht of sto e stairs that led #' to a lar"e, low room co ected to the roof of the castle a d its bal#straded walls. The barracks the me had 'o#red from that dreadf#l i"ht. E3e if & had 8t reco" iAed it from my mid i"ht 3isit, the half-dressed bodies that littered the stairs a d the yard before #s "a3e testame t to where we were. A d i the far cor er, ear the bottom of the stairs, was a si "le body. This ma was ot =oi ed i death by a comrade who died 'rotecti " his back. Me sle't alo e i a bed of his ow blood. The circled area aro# d him was em'ty. Me8s o3er there.: & 'oi ted to the lo e body a d was s#r'rised that my ha d did ot shake. Cla @i ta odded i ack owled"me t a d walked to where & 'oi ted. &t was my father. Me lay o his back with his torso twisted toward the "ro# d. Mis left arm was be eath him, his ri"ht o e was shredded a d his wrist bo e =#tted thro#"h the da "li " ski , b#t it still cl#tched his sword. Mis kilt was black a d stiff with the blood that 'ooled be eath a d aro# d him. Mis kilt was tor a d it did othi " to hide the dee' "o#"es i his back a d chest. & co#ld see that he had bee disemboweled. & tore my eyes away from his "a'i " wo# ds a d my "aAe fo# d his face. &t rested o the "ro# d, half t#r ed away from me. Mis eyes were closed a d already death had s# ke them a d hei"hte ed the rid"e of his cheekbo es. Mis ski was ri"id-looki " a d had the 'ale "ray ess of death, b#t his li's were 8t co torted a d tort#red. & stead, his shadowed face looked at 'eace, restf#l, as if he had fi ished a diffic#lt =ob a d lay dow for a well-ear ed slee'. >hy did he die here alo eB: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice mirrored my sorrow. Me was 8t alo e. The me fo#"ht all aro# d him, b#t he was still fi"hti " after they had bee killed.: & remembered his heroism as he challe "ed the creat#res. 9Me took ma y of those thi "s with him4that8s why he8s o3er here with a ri " aro# d him em'ty of e3erythi " e2ce't blood4 their blood. They m#st ha3e carried off their dead.: Ca & take yo# o#t of here owB: 6es.: A d s#dde ly & k ew what m#st be do e. 9B#r them.: Cla @i ta looked o3er his sho#lder at me. 9B#ild a "ia t 'yre i the co#rtyard a d b#r them all. Clea se this 'lace with fire.: & smiled sadly at what remai ed of the ma who had bee a mirror ima"e of my father a d whis'ered, 9<et them free.: &t will be as yo# say, %hia o .: Cla @i ta bowed o ce to my father8s still form, the t#r ed a d headed I#ickly for the fro t of the castle. & ke't him i 3iew for as lo " as & was able. & barely heard the comma ds Cla @i ta "a3e the ce ta#rs that wo#ld carry o#t my wishes. & was looki " for a last time at the me aro# d me4ack owled"i " each death i my mi d, wa ti " to remember each act of bra3eryD The the tho#"ht hit me a d the breath r#shed from my body. Cla @i ta twisted aro# d, thi ki " & was falli " a"ai . & clas'ed his arm a d looked i te tly i to his eyes.

The wome ? >here are the bodies of the wome B: & tho#"ht & was yelli ", b#t my 3oice so# ded like a choked whis'er. Me froAe. Do#"al?: The 'alomi o ce ta#r a''eared I#ickly, his face 'ale4his eyes shadowed. Ma3e yo# fo# d a y wome 8s bodiesB: Do#"al bli ked i co f#sio , the his eyes wide ed i # dersta di ". No. & ha3e see o wome or "irls. O ly me a d boy childre .: o o#t of here. Come re'ort to Call the others. <earch for them. & am "oi " to take Lady %hia me at the 'lace where we first left the 'i es.: Do#"al s'# away a d be"a calli " for the other ce ta#rs. Mold ti"htly to me.: & reached forward a d wra''ed my arms aro# d his body, b#ryi " my face i the back of his sho#lder a d breathi " dee'ly, letti " his warm, heady sce t block o#t the cloyi " smell of death. & sh#t my eyes a d felt his m#scles b# ch a d release, b# ch a d release. The wi d whistled 'ast #s a d & k ew each lo " stride was taki " #s farther away from the dead. >he we reached the forest8s ed"e he came to a smooth halt. Me '#t his arms o3er mi e where they crossed his chest. Neither of #s s'oke. @i ally, & was able to loose my "ri' a d he remo3ed his arms from mi e. Me t#r ed a d "e tly lifted me. This time he did 8t let "o whe my feet to#ched the "ro# d, which was =#st as well beca#se & co#ld 8t make myself ste' o#t of the comfort of his embrace. The to' of my head came o ly to his lower chest, a d & lay the side of my cheek a"ai st him, letti " his warmth see' i to me. & realiAed & was shaki " a d my teeth were chatteri ", a d & wo dered s#dde ly if & wo#ld e3er feel really warm a"ai . 6o# were bra3e. The !acCalla wo#ld ha3e bee 'ro#d of yo#.: Mis 3oice r#mbled low i his chest. & was scared shitless. & almost fai ted.: B#t yo# did ot fai t.: No, b#t i the middle of all that & almost fell off yo#.: !y body sh#ddered at the tho#"ht. & wo#ld ha3e ca#"ht yo#.: Tha k yo#.: & ti"hte ed my arms aro# d his waist a d felt him lea slowly dow # til his li's rested, for =#st a mome t, a"ai st the to' of my head. & tilted my head back a d looked i to his dark eyes. & did 8t k ow what to make of this ma -horse to whom & was committed for a year of marria"e. That he i terested me was ob3io#s. Me was, after all, like o o e else & had e3er met. Let8s face it, there are 8t a lot of ce ta#rs r# i " aro# d Oklahoma4at least ot i T#lsa Gyo# e3er k ow what "oes o i the $a ha dleH. O e thi " & did s#dde ly ha3e to admit to myself was that & sim'ly felt better whe e3er & was to#chi " him. A d that had e3er ha''e ed to me before. >itho#t sto''i " to co tem'late the co seI#e ces or my moti3es, & reached o e ha d #' # til it rested o the fro t of his soft 3est. The & hooked my fi "ers o3er the o'e ed"e of it a d t#""ed o ce. Me was o d#mmy a d did 8t eed a y f#rther 'rom'ti ". & was s#r'rised by the feel of his li's as they met mi e4they were warmer tha a ma 8s li's wo#ld ha3e bee . A d, dam , he was bi". Mis arms circled me a d & felt the world aro# d #s dissol3e i to his kiss. @or a mome t & for"ot

e3erythi " e2ce't his arms a d his li's a d the heat of his mo#th as his to "#e fo# d mi e. A d the the beati " hoo3es of a I#ickly a''roachi " ce ta#r broke o#r tra ce. Cla @i ta released me4rel#cta tly, & like to thi k4as we t#r ed to hear Do#"al8s re'ort. >e co#ld fi d the remai s of o e of the wome , my Lord.: The yo# " ce ta#r looked as if he had a"ed a decade i o e e3e i ". 9B#t we fo# d tracks leadi " i to the orther forest. Amidst the creat#res8 foot'ri ts were smaller o es4soft, smoothed-toed sa dals like those wor by4: Mis 3oice broke. >ome a d "irl childre ,: Cla @i ta fi ished for him. 6es, my Lord. They made o attem't to hide their trail. &t is as if they wa ted all to k ow what they had do e a d where they co#ld be fo# d.: They are thro#"h hidi ".: Me s'oke with s#ch s#rety that & "la ced #' at him i s#r'rise. Mow do yo# k ow thatB: Me looked at me a d smiled a a'olo"y. 9& will e2'lai later.: Me s#re as hell wo#ld. T#r i " back to Do#"al, he co ti #ed, 9<tay here with Lady %hia o while & ret#r a d we fi ish what m#st be do e at the castle.: & started to 'rotest, b#t his fi "er o my li's sile ced me. 9>e will be able to mo3e more I#ickly if yo# wait here. & do ot wa t to be here after dark.: & had to a"ree with him o that. >atch o3er her,: he ordered Do#"al, "a3e my ha d a I#ick kiss, the s'# aro# d a d headed back to the castle. & did 8t e 3y the task before him. !y LadyD: Do#"al8s yo# " 3oice so# ded shy a d hesita t. 9!ay & offer yo# some wi eB: Me held o#t a wi eski that had bee stra''ed to his back. 6es, tha k yo#.: & took a dee' dri k a d stared back toward the castle. & co#ld see the ce ta#rs dra""i " cor'ses i side the walls. They had disr#'ted the feedi " of the dark birds, which were ow circli " the castle fretf#lly. Their "reedy cawi " carried o the wi d. Crows ha3e always made my ski crawl4 ow & k ew why. & took a other dri k a d let the wi e wash away the taste of death. Bli ki ", & forced my eyes away from the "r#esome sce e a d let my 3isio foc#s i stead o the whiteca''ed sea. Cra""y rocks =#tted dramatically #' ear the ed"e of the cliff a d & had a s#dde desire to climb #' a d let the salty breeAe wash the smell of death from my clothes. & had o ly take a co#'le ste's whe & heard Do#"al8s hoo3es th#d behi d me. & s'oke o3er my sho#lder to him. &8m =#st "oi " to sit o o e of those rocks.: Mis e2'ressio looked as if he do#bted my i te tio s. & 'romise ot to h#rl myself o3er the ed"e.: Me still looked do#btf#l. 9&8ll stay where yo# ca see me.: The rocks were a lot smoother tha they looked from a dista ce a d & had tro#ble fi di " toe a d ha dholds. & settled for 'erchi " o to' of o e of the smaller bo#lders. @aci " the water, & loose ed my hair from the leather bi di ", shook it free a d closed my eyes. The ocea breeAe whi''ed my hair, lifti " it off my sho#lders. & ra my fi "ers thro#"h it, willi " the cli "i " sce t away from me. & took a other dee' dri k a d se t a si cere 'rayer of tha ks to 5od or E'o a or who-the-hell-e3er had filled this world with "ra'es.

& o'e ed my eyes slowly, sI#i ti " a"ai st the i siste t breeAe. The shore far below me was wild a d da "ero#s. >a3es broke 3iole tly a"ai st =a""ed rocks. There was o beach. The s# had drifted dow i the sky a d, as & watched it kissed the water, maki " it bl#sh 3iolet a d 'i k. The soft bea#ty of the s# set was # e2'ected a d & felt my breath catch with 'leas#re. Closi " my eyes a"ai , & co ce trated o thi "s i life that were lo3ely, ot horrifyi " a d # fathomable i their ca'acity for e3il. Like s# sets o3er the ocea Dtall me Dred wi e. <#dde ly a ima"e 'layed across my closed eyelids like a 3ideo across a scree . &t was a 3isio of the last time &8d 3isited Dad. >e8d sat o the old wro#"ht-iro chairs that were 'er'et#ally r#sted beca#se Dad always left them o#t o the fro t 'atio. O#r feet rested o the flat to' of a old Oklahoma sa dsto e rock that ser3ed as a footstool b#t was act#ally =#st too dam bi" to be mo3ed o#t of the way. &t was <# day e3e i " before the last week of school, a d already hot for !ay4& remember the Coors was icy a d tasted like s'ri " rai . The warm breeAe had co3ered #s with the sweet sce t of the b#tterfly b#shes that Dad had 'la ted all aro# d the 'erimeter of the 'atio two years before. & told him & co#ld 8t fi"#re o#t why mi e e3er did as well as his4he was s#cci ctly e2'lai i " to me that his did better tha mi e beca#se & did 8t sho3el e o#"h horse cra' o mi e. >hich made me la#"h the , as it did ow. <ee, some 'art of my heart told my mi d, he8s still ali3e. & a other world, he8s still ali3e. !y cheeks felt cold a d & realiAed they were wet with tears. & o'e ed my eyes a d looked toward the castle. The s# set that had earlier colored the ocea so bea#tif#lly had ow darke ed to dee'er shades that were more reflecti3e of the e d of e3e i ". Ora "es a d reds 'ai ted the #''ermost walls of the castle a all-too-familiar bloody ti t while casti " the rest of the sto es i to shadow. Thro#"h my tears the b#ildi " took o the bl#rred a''eara ce of a cro#chi " beast, still red from the kill. & k ew all the r#les of meta'hor a d the 'ower of fi"#rati3e la "#a"e, b#t this ima"e was 8t ty'ed eatly o 'a'er a d & was 8t c#rled #' with a fa3orite book a d a "lass of wi e, "etti " a little too lost i a a#thor8s make-belie3e world. & shook myself a d wi'ed my eyes. This world was my reality, b#t the male3ole t ima"e before me did 8t ha3e to defi e my ew life. T#r i " my back o the castle, & co ce trated o the sea a d the s# set, breathi " i dee', clea si " breaths of the e3e i " air.

The s# had almost disa''eared whe & fi ally climbed dow to the er3o#sly waiti " ce ta#r who looked relie3ed as & a''roached. Do 8t e3er worry abo#t me doi " somethi " st#'id like that. &8m ot a I#itter.: Of co#rse, my Lady.: Me looked sli"htly ashamed of himself. Me really was a c#te yo# " "#yQhorseQ whate3er. Tha k yo# for cari ", tho#"h.: & smiled at him a d he bl#shed back at me. & "la ced at the castle. The si ki " s# had left a "low i the sky a d it was "etti " hard to see, b#t & tho#"ht all the bodies had bee mo3ed i side the castle walls. Mow m#ch lo "er do yo# thi k they8ll beB: Cla @i ta had bee ri"htJ & did 8t wa t to be here after dark. <oo , my Lady. They will be fi ished soo .: Me, too, was looki " at the castle. 9!ost of the bodies were ear the co#rtyard a d o#tside the fro t "ate.: As he I#it s'eaki " & tho#"ht & oticed risi " from the castle a wis' of dark ess a"ai st the "rayi ".

9&s that smokeB: 6es, my Lady. Look, they ret#r .: & co#ld see the ce ta#rs, ill#mi ated ow by torches they carried, =#st o#tside the walls of the castle. As & watched, they threw the torches withi the castle a d the yellow a d ora "e of catchi " fire reflected off their coats. & saw all se3e of them back slowly away from the castle, bow their heads i # iso a d sal#te the dead. The they t#r ed as o e a d "allo'ed to where & waited. & felt my heart 'erform a f# y little lea' as Cla @i ta drew ear me. Mis face was set a d serio#s, as were the rest of the ce ta#rs8 faces, b#t his eyes so#"ht mi e a d & swear & co#ld feel the warmth of his "aAe as he closed the dista ce betwee #s. %hia o , let #s lea3e this 'lace.: Me held o#t his arm for me to "ras', a d the ce ta#rs barely 'a#sed as & was swe't #' to his back a d we headed thro#"h the forest of 'i es. & cra ed my head aro# d a d looked at the castle. <moke billowed from it a d flames were already licki " its walls. >e will rest i the stora"e bar ear that last stream.: Mis 3oice bro#"ht my head back aro# d a d & "ri''ed his sho#lders as he 'icked #' the 'ace. & 3a"#ely remembered some ki d of bar like str#ct#re that we had 'assed =#st before we left the road a d c#t thro#"h the forest. & hated to com'lai , b#t & co#ld 8t hel' aski ". 9Ca 8t we stay i , well, a ho#se or somethi " i the tow that8s =#st so#th of the castleB: A real bed a d a bath so# ded like a wo derf#l idea. %hia o , Loth Tor was the first tow e3ac#ated to the tem'le.: &8m s#re the 'eo'le wo#ld 8t mi d if we borrowed a 'lace to stay for the i"ht.: >as that me whi i "B Of co#rse they wo#ld ot mi d.: Me "la ced o3er his sho#lder at me as if & had t#r ed i to a moro . 9They wo#ld be ho ored to s#ccor yo#, b#t firi " the castle will draw atte tio to the area.: Me 'a#sed a d seemed to co sider his words before co ti #i ". 9&f the creat#res were to ret#r , the 3illa"e wo#ld be the first 'lace they wo#ld raid.: Oh4& did 8t thi k of that. Ne3er mi d, &8m s#re the bar will be fi e.: & thi k yo# will be I#ite comfortable, my Lady.: >ell, of co#rse he wo#ld co sider a bar 9I#ite comfortable.: Me was half horse. & scratched my hair a d tho#"ht lo "i "ly of the h#"e mi eral bath at the tem'le. & did 8t e3e wa t to co sider the 'ossibility of a y ki d of 'arasites, b#t & started searchi " my memory to see if & co#ld recall e3er heari " abo#t a case of horselice. &t was 8t f#ll dark yet whe we broke from the co3er of the trees a d crossed a fairly dee' stream that b#bbled a d "#r"led its way i to the forest ot too far from where a bar like str#ct#re stood. Cla @i ta set me "e tly o the "ro# d a d Do#"al slid o'e the door. $eeki " i side, & co#ld =#st make o#t mo# ds of st#ff that smelled like freshly c#t hay4which was act#ally a 3ery 'leasa t smell. B#t & k ew from Oklahoma e2'erie ce that s akes like the smell of hay, too Gas do mice a d ratsH, so & h# " aro# d o chala tly while the ce ta#r amed Co or b#ilt a ice-siAe fire. & watched the other ce ta#rs set #' cam' a d oticed that they were m#ch I#ieter to i"ht. A d, somethi " elseD Cla @i ta ?: Me t#r ed I#ickly from # loadi " his 'acks a d a''roached me with worry o#tli i " his ha dsome face. 96o#8re missi " two of yo#r ce ta#rs.: & hated to be the o e to tell him, b#t he had to k ow. >ere the creat#res followi " #s, 'icki " #s off o e at a timeB The li es of worry softe ed a d he smiled. 9They are h# ti " o#r di er. They will ret#r shortly.: The other ce ta#rs mirrored his smile, which hel'ed to ease my feeli " of embarrassed st#'idity.

At least they co#ld still smile. Oh, #h, & k ew that.: & breathed dee'ly of the i"ht air a d was rewarded with a decidedly sti ky smell. & s iffed a"ai . &t was me4& s iffed i Cla @i ta 8s directio 4a d him. 9<he#w?: &t was the horrible sti k of my sweat mi2ed with the li "eri " sce t of death, oil Gm#st be the lam' oil they #sed to li"ht the 'yreH a d, let8s face it, f# ky horse smell. & smell bad?: Cla @i ta shot me a shocked look a d & heard se3eral "#ffaws from the b#sy horsies. & thi k the water forms a 'ool a short dista ce dow stream. &f yo# ca sta d the cold, yo# ca freshe #'.: @reshe , hell, & eed a serio#s bath.: & s iffed k owi "ly i his directio , 9a d &8m ot the o ly o e.: This time Do#"al la#"hed o#t lo#d. 9& did 8t mea =#st him, either,: & said 'oi tedly to the yo# ", ow bl#shi ", ce ta#r. That made Cla @i ta la#"h. >hich decided me. 5rab a s'are bla ket a d come o the .: & walked '#r'osef#lly 'ast him a d headed toward the stream. & did 8t hear him followi ", so & sto''ed a d t#r ed to face him. 96o# do 8t e2'ect me to "o o#t there alo e i the dark a d take a bath, do yo#B: Me still stood there, looki " co f#sed a d hel'less. Eery m#ch like a "#y. Did 8t yo# swear to 'rotect meB: That seemed to "et thro#"h to him, a d he ya ked a bla ket from the ha ds of o e of the ea3esdro''i " ce ta#rs a d started after me. & decided s#dde ly to #se a little of %hia o 8s bitchi ess a d t#r ed to address the rest of the herd. 9&t wo#ld really be ice if & had a hot meal waiti " for me whe & fi ish my bath.: The & wi ked a d "ri ed at them. 9<omethi " tells me &8m "oi " to eed it.: & marched toward the stream, lo3i " the so# d of their la#"hter as it floated i the i"ht. >here was that 'oolB: As #s#al, & had o idea where & was "oi ". A little farther dow stream. & oticed a small bea3er dam ri"ht o3er there.: Me 'oi ted to a mo# d of tree 'arts that co3ered most of the stream. A d he was ri"ht. There was a ro# d, basi like area that made a ice catch 'ool of water =#st o the other side of the dam. >e walked to the water8s ed"e a d sto''ed. Dark ess had be"# to thicke a d the li"ht from the ce ta#rs8 cam'fires threw a eerie "low aro# d the bar . The li"ht did 8t act#ally reach #s, b#t it reflected off the water #'stream a d hel'ed to c#t thro#"h some of the dark ess. & co#ld see the 'ool clearly. &t looked abo#t waist dee', fed slowly as the dammed water esca'ed from a o'e 'lace amidst the limbs a d collected i the basi . The e2cess ra off i a ti y t#mbli " waterfall. Uh-#m.: & s#cci ctly cleared my throat. & felt him looki " at me. 9That water8s "oi " to be cold.: 6es, it is.: Me defi itely so# ded am#sed. Do 8t be so sm#"4yo# smell bad, too. & ha3e to ride yo#, which mea s yo# "et a bath, too.: Oh.: A d we were sile t a"ai . Ceesh, this was ridic#lo#s. This "#yQhorseQwhate3er was, after all, my h#sba d. A d it was 8t as if & had 8t do e my share of ski y-di''i ". & "la ced o3er at him a d fo# d he was looki " at me. A"ai . & took a dee' breath4remi di " myself firmly that &83e e3er bee shy Gmy mi d whis'ered that &83e also e3er had se2 with a horseH. A other dee' breath a d & reached o#t, resti " o e ha d o his withers to bala ce, a d be"a taki " off my boots. !i"ht as well "et this o3er with. &t8s s#re ot "oi " to "et a y warmer.: & shook my hair loose,

ha di " him the leather tie, the # laced my 'a ts a d slid them off a d lay them across a lar"e, flat rock, tryi " to decide if & sho#ld lea3e my tho " o or ot. & o'ted for ot Gthere are better reaso s for ha3i " a wet crotch tha bathi " i yo#r 'a tiesH a d ste''ed dai tily o#t of the small tria "le of material. >itho#t looki " at Cla @i ta , & reached aro# d a d started tryi " to worry the k ot o#t of the laci " i the back of my shirt4a d & heard him mo3e behi d me. Let me do that.: Mis 3oice was dee' a d had that 3el3ety, se s#al to e to it that & was already be"i i " to look forward to heari ". Mis fi "ers re'laced my ow a d & co#ld feel his # iI#e warmth thro#"h the soft leather. @ar too soo the tie was loose ed a d & co#ld draw the shirt o3er my head. As & walked i to the water, & worried briefly abo#t what my b#tt looked like to him Ga d ho'ed fer3e tly that it did 8t =i""le too m#chH, b#t the seco d my feet ste''ed i to the water tho#"hts of b#tt fl#b fled my mi d a d were re'laced by4 Ohmy"od? That8s freeAi "?: & heard a s ort of la#"hter from behi d me. Not allowi " myself to hesitate Gbeca#se &8d chicke o#tH, & made my way o#t i to the 'ool. The bottom was rocky, b#t the rocks were mostly small, smooth 'ebbles, which was a blessi ". & wo#ld hate to add shar', c#tti " rocks to my freeAi " feet. Before & co#ld sto' myself Ga d kee'i " i mi d how ra k & smelledH, & took a dee' breath a d sa k dow i the water # til & was co3ered to my sho#lders. Oh, brrrr?: Act#ally, & was fi di " o#t it was 8t so bad o ce & was # der the water. &t es'ecially was 8t so bad si ce the water was ow bla keti " the 3iew of my aked body from him. & t#r ed to face the ce ta#r, ki d of resti " half o my b#tt a d half cro#chi ", b#t defi itely # der the water a d co3ered to my sho#lders. Mis face was i shadow, b#t & saw the white of his teeth flash as he smiled at me. & wish & had some soa'. !y hair co#ld #se a "ood scr#bbi ".: Me walked toward the ed"e of the water a d & co#ld see he was searchi " the "ro# d ear his hoo3es. Did he thi k someo e had dro''ed a bar of Pest o the ba kB <#dde ly he raised a hoof a d stom'ed se3eral times o a dark, flat sto e. & tho#"ht that 'erha's l#st for me had dri3e him o#t of his horsey mi d. >ill this doB: Me "est#red to the "ro# d, which was ow co3ered with sa dlike 'ieces of rock a d lots of soa'y b#bbles. & did 8t mo3e. As far as & was aware, Oklahoma does 8t ha3e a y rocks that do#bled as soa'. & was co f#sed. A"ai . & k ow it is ot 'erf#med a d 'rocessed, b#t sa d soa' works well, e3e i its at#ral form.: <illy me. Um, of co#rse. B#t, well, &8m "oi " to freeAe if & sta d #'. Do yo# thi k yo# co#ld bri " me a ha df#lB: <omehow it was better to ha3e him wade o#t here a d =oi me while & was co3ered with water tha for me to sta d #', all aked a d i''ley, a d 'arade to him. !aybe. Me started to be d to scoo' #' the soa'y sa d. Mey, yo# better take off that 3est.: & looked at him a d co#ld 8t hel' addi " a teasi " smile. 96o#8re "oi " to "et wet.: & do 8t thi k &83e e3er see a "#y "et o#t of a shirt or 3est so I#ickly. Ea"er was too slow a word. &

mome ts he was ca#si " the 'ool to slosh a d s'ill o3er as he waded to me, ha ds filled with b#bbles a d sa d. As he =oi ed me he offered me the sa d soa' a d & "ratef#lly scoo'ed o#t a ha df#l Gwhich was, by the way, warm from his to#chH a d started soa'i " #' my arms, 'its, a d well, other 'laces. & had to rise a little o#t of the water to "et to some of the other 'laces. & tried to stay t#r ed away from him beca#se he =#st stood there, watchi " me, slowly r#bbi " some sa d aro# d his ow chest. >hich was ow 3ery bare4a d 3ery m#sc#lar4a d 3ery broad. 5ood thi " the water was coldJ & was s#dde ly be"i i " to feel warm. &ma"i e that. To take my mi d off his chest, & d# ked myself all the way # der the water, shaki " my head # til my hair was "ood a d soaked. Emer"i " back abo3e water Ga d tryi " ot to s'#tter # attracti3elyH, & reached for more of the sa d soa' from my 3ery ha dsome soa' holder. The sa d felt wo derf#l as & r#bbed it f#rio#sly i to my hair, a d & liked the # #s#al, sweet sce t that drifted dow my sho#lders with the b#bbles. &t smelled a little like 3a illa, or maybe ho ey, mi2ed with some ki d of #t. & ca do that.: Mis ha ds re'laced my ow a d he took o3er for me, massa"i " the soa' i to my scal' with warm, firm fi "ers. 96o# will be warmer if yo# stay co3ered by the water.: & cro#ched back dow a d felt him k eeli " behi d me. Mis ha ds worked thro#"h my hair, r#bbi " a d '#lli ", bei " caref#l to kee' the soa'y b#bbles from falli " dow i to my eyes. Mis body was o ly a few i ches away from me4& co#ld feel the heat of him radiati " thro#"h the water. That feels wo derf#l.: & mea t it as a comradely com'lime t, b#t it came o#t of my mo#th as a breathy moa . Mis ha ds drifted from my head to my eck, "lidi " with slick, hot fi "ers dow to my sho#lders a d back to the base of my eck the #' thro#"h my scal' a"ai . & lea ed # til & felt my back to#ch the heat of his chest. Mis ha ds stilled o my sho#lders. & 'laced my ha ds o3er his a d the "lided them #' his soa'y forearms, lo3i " the hard feel of his te se m#scles. Do 8t sto',: & whis'ered. Thro#"h my back & felt his heartbeat i crease as his ha ds mo3ed forward a d dow # der the water, taki " the hea3i ess of my breasts, o e i each of his ha ds, a d sI#eeAi " them "e tly while he drew me more firmly a"ai st his body. This time & did 8t e3e attem't to make my moa so# d comradely. The cold of the water combi ed with his heat a d the slick ess of the soa'. & felt e3erythi " i side of me liI#efy. T#r i " i his arms, & rose =#st far e o#"h o#t of the water so that o#r faces were almost e3e with each other. Mis ha ds dro''ed to cradle my waist a d & reached #', ri "i " the e2cess soa' from my hair i to my ha ds a d 'ili " my s#dsy hair i a ball o to' of my head. Not taki " my eyes from his Gwhich was diffic#lt beca#se & really wa ted to "awk at his "or"eo#s chestH, & be"a r#bbi " the soa' o3er his torso. & ca do that,: & '#rred. Me smiled as my words echoed his. & lathered his chest, worki " the sa dy soa' #' to his sho#lders a d dow his wo derf#lly m#sc#lar arms. The & swi'ed the e2tra soa', c#''i " the b#bbles i my ha ds a d reachi " # der his arms to r#b them aro# d his back. The ti's of my breasts worked sed#cti3ely a"ai st his chest, mo3i " to the rhythm of my ha ds. & thi k his breathi " had i creased, b#t & co#ld 8t be s#re beca#se my heart was hammeri " so lo#dly i my chest it seemed to be drow i " o#t all so# d4e2ce't his dee' moa as he be t dow a d co3ered my mo#th with his. Mis ha ds slid from my waist to c#' my ass, a d my breasts flatte ed a"ai st his chest as & wra''ed my arms aro# d his sho#lders a d 'ressed i to him. Nat#rally, my hair had to choose that 'recise mome t to fall dow o#t of the soa'y ball o to' of my head a d flo' directly i to the s'ace betwee o#r eyes a d oses. >e s'lit a'art4s'#tteri " a d wi'i " soa' from o#r eyes a d mo#ths.

!aybe & sho#ld ri se ow.: The se2y, throaty to e of 3oice & was "oi " for was 'retty m#ch r#i ed whe & s'it a bi" blob of sa dy b#bbles o#t of my mo#th a d o to his chest. 9Oo's, sorry.: Urm'h.: Me was b#sy c#''i " ha df#ls of water #' to wash the sa d a d soa' o#t of his eyes. & d# ked myself # der the water, ri si " a d ri si " # til & seemed to ha3e the soa' a d my hair # der co trol. & e ded #' cro#ched back # der the water, watchi " him try to "et the soa' o#t of his eyes. There he was, this bi", stro " ma Qhorse k eeli " dow i the water with abo#t half of the horse 'art of him s#bmer"ed, s'lashi " water i his face, which really o ly ca#sed more a d more b#bbles. Me looked like someo e who was bei " forced to take a b#bble bath a d was 'issed off beca#se of it. A "i""le esca'ed my mo#th. Me sI#i ted at me, tryi " to bli k the remai der of the soa' from his eyes. & "i""led a"ai . >hat is so f# 4: As his li's formed the be"i i " of the word f# mo#th, =#st like he8d blow it from a bi" ol8 wad of BaAooka. y a b#bble 'o''ed o#t of his

& co#ld 8t sta d it4at the si"ht of that b#bble 'o''i " from his serio#s, soa'y face, my "i""les co 3#lsed i to la#"hter. At first he =#st stared at me, b#t whe my la#"hter made me s ort he =oi ed me. $retty soo & was cl#tchi " o e of his arms to kee' myself from drow i ". E3e t#ally o#r la#"hter I#ieted a d left #s smili " at each other. & shi3ered s#dde ly a d wo dered how & co#ld feel so warm i side a d act#ally be freeAi " o the o#tside. 6o# look cold.: Me reached o#t a d t#cked a stray te dril of wet hair behi d my ear. & am. & "#ess we sho#ld "et dried off.: 6es.: Neither of #s mo3ed. >e ke't smili " at each other like o#r brai s were as froAe as o#r feet Gwell, my feet, his hoo3esH. <ta di " so that the water co3ered me o ly to below my rib ca"e, & ste''ed slowly toward him, liki " the way his eyes tra3eled o3er my wet body. & s#cked i my t#mmy a d k ew the dista t fireli"ht was reflecti " softly off my c#r3es, flatteri " my 3ol#'t#o#s body. Mis dark eyes told me he liked what he saw, a d & se t #' a sile t 'rayer of tha ks that & had e3er bee o e of those wome who felt it ecessary to star3e or '#ke away their bodies. & reached forward a d kissed him li"htly, whis'eri " i to his li's, 96o#8d better ri se off4that soa' will itch yo#r f#r if it dries.: The & t#r ed a d headed to where we8d left o#r clothes a d the bla ket. Behi d me & co#ld hear a lot of s'lashi " a d "r# ti " as o e 3ery lar"e horse-"#y tried to "et himself # soa'ed. & wra''ed myself i the bla ket a d 3i"oro#sly be"a dryi " with o e e d of it. Now & was really cold a d my ha ds shi3ered a d shook so hard & almost dro''ed the bla ket. Cla @i ta 'lodded oisily o#t of the water a d =oi ed me o the ba k. &f-f-f-f yo# s-s-shake water o m-m-me &8m "oi " to '-'#ll yo#r t-t-tail.: Me s orted a la#"h at me a d "rabbed the bla ket from my froAe ha ds. Before & co#ld com'lai , & fo# d myself i the middle of his 3i"oro#s toweli ". & s#cked i my breath as the ro#"h bla ket bro#"ht the blood r#shi " back to my e2tremities. 6o# take a lot of care.: Mis 3oice so# ded 3ery b#si esslike. Me had 'art of the bla ket dra'ed o3er my head a d he was k eeli " to the side of me, dryi " my back a d fro t at the same time. &

felt a little like a 'iece of sil3er that was bei " 'olished. Do 8t com'lai 4it8s ot attracti3e.: & had to yell thro#"h the bla ket to make myself heard. <#dde ly the bla ket was remo3ed a d dra'ed o3er his sho#lders a d he be"a ha di " me articles of my clothi ". &t was ot a com'lai t.: Mis 3oice was "r#ff b#t his eyes s'arkled mischie3o#sly at me. >ell, okay the .: & held my dam' hair o#t of the way a d offered my back to him. Mis warm fi "ers deftly retied the leather. After & sli''ed o my boots, & took the bla ket from aro# d his sho#lders. !y t#r .: As he '#t o his 3est, & b#sied myself toweli " off his wet f#r. There really was a lot of him. & mea , he was a serio#sly bi" "#yQhorseQwhate3er. By the time & had him fairly well dried & was 8t so cold a ymore. @oldi " the bla ket a d tossi " it o3er his back, & sli''ed my ha d i his. & s iffed the air. Do we smell betterB: Me "ri ed dow at me. 6es.: & wri kled my ose back at him. 9A d & thi k & smell somethi " cooki ". <omethi " y#mmy.: Mis ostrils flared. 9$heasa t.: Me took a ste' forward. & stead of mo3i " with him, & t#""ed at his ha d to hold him back. Me "a3e me a I#estio i " look. 9& tho#"ht yo# were h# "ry.: & am, b#t, well, & wa t to ask yo# somethi ".: & held his ri"ht ha d i my left, a d with my other ha d & 'l#cked er3o#sly at my li'. >hat is it yo# wish to askB: Mis 3oice was frie dly a d c#rio#s. &t8s, #h, abo#t this sha'e-shifti " thi ".: & tried to meet his eyes, b#t & ke't "la ci " away like a kid aski " abo#t the fri""i birds a d bees. 6o# may ask me a ythi " yo# wish.: Ca yo# really do itB: !y 3oice was a whis'er he had to lea toward me to hear. Of co#rse & ca .: & was looki " at his chest, b#t & co#ld hear the smile i his 3oice. To i"htB: Me 'a#sed for a mome t. The his ha d to#ched my chi . 5e tly he lifted it so my eyes met his. 9There is othi " & wo#ld like more. B#t & ca ot sha'e-shift to i"ht.: >hy otB: Mis th#mb br#shed across my li's. 9<ha'e-shifti " reI#ires a e ormo#s amo# t of e er"y. & ca o ly mai tai a other form for a limited time, a d whe & re"ai my ormal sha'e & am i a weake ed state.: Mis smile was bittersweet. 9As m#ch as & desire otherwise, we ca ot afford that weak ess tomorrow.: Oh, & # dersta d.: & let my disa''oi tme t show a d was rewarded by his warm ha d tra3eli " dow to caress my eck. & shi3ered, this time ot with cold. & am sorry.: Me lifted my ha d a d, as he had do e o o#r weddi " day, t#r ed it o3er a d took the meaty 'art of my 'alm "e tly betwee his teeth. & swear, a r#sh of electricity shot from his teeth strai"ht to my crotch. Be caref#l,: & '#rred at him. 9& may =#st bite back.: & am co# ti " o it.: Mis i' t#r ed i to a kiss a d & lo3ed the way his hot breath felt a"ai st my 'alm.

>e walked back to the cam' ha d i ha d. & was clea er, b#t decidedly colder4at least some 'arts of me were colder. & "la ced #', e =oyi " his stro " 'rofile a d liki " the fact that he slowed his 'ace to mi e. <ome of my 'arts were warmer, too. Not that & mi ded. The "#ys had bee b#sy while we were "o e. They had two lar"e fires "oi " a few yards i fro t of the bar e tra ce, a d o3er both were s'itted se3eral chicke -looki " thi "s, already siAAli " a d 'o''i " with =#ices. !ore bread a d cheese a''eared. !y mo#th was wateri ", a d & tha ked Do#"al with a bi" "ri whe he ha ded me a wi eski a d a h# k of bread. The sweet horsies had '#lled a falle lo" ear e o#"h to o e of the fires for me to sit comfortably. & took my seat a d started r# i " my fi "ers thro#"h my wild hair, attem'ti " to calm it while it dried i the warmth of the fire Gbetwee bites of bread a d "#l's of wi eH. Try this.: Cla @i ta offered me the comb he had #sed earlier o my hair. Tha k yo#.: $#r'osely & let my fi "ers li "er o his. & co#ld 8t hel' it4he was =#st so dam ice to to#ch. $robably somethi " to do with the horseQ"#y mi2t#re. &t made me wa t to 'et him. A lot. & worked the comb thro#"h my wild hair while the "#ys cooked a d talked. Cla @i ta mo3ed betwee the two cam'fires, talki " to his me a d doi " "#y st#ff Glike wi'i " the already s'otless blade of his claymore a d scratchi " his 'ri3ates4 o, &8m =#st kiddi ", & did 8t act#ally see him scratchH. & felt his "aAe co ti #ally fi d me. E3ery so ofte & wo#ld meet his eyes a d a look wo#ld 'ass betwee the two of #s. 6o# k ow the look4whe yo# first fall i lo3e a d yo# ca feel his caress i a "aAe. &t was ice b#t a little disco certi ". !y 'owers of co ce tratio Gs#ch as they areH felt bef#ddled a d & was "lad that & was 8t "oi " to ha3e to sol3e a y math 'roblems. >ell, & mea e3e more "lad tha #s#al. &t seemed that 3ery little time had 'assed whe the ce ta#rs be"a di3idi " #' the cooked birds. They were so hot the ski was s'lit a d siAAli ", maki " me blow o the le" & was tryi " to eat as well as o my fi "ers. B#t it was delicio#s4a d & did 8t hesitate to acce't a seco d 'iece whe it was offered. After di er we sat aro# d the fires, di"esti " a d talki ". Cla @i ta stayed ear me. Do#"al a d Co or shared o#r fire. Three other ce ta#rs cl#stered aro# d the other cam'fire. Do#"al e2'lai ed to me before & co#ld worry Ghe said with a shy smileH that this time the two 9missi ": ce ta#rs were taki " their t#r watchi " o#r 'erimeter. &f & had "i3e it m#ch tho#"ht before to i"ht & wo#ld ha3e 'robably fo# d it biAarre that a creat#re who was half ma a d half horse co#ld sit a d co 3erse after di er. B#t & s#''ose yo# wo#ld 8t really call it 9sitti ".: Their horse bodies recli ed with le"s folded # der them4which "a3e their h#ma torsos the a''eara ce of, well, sitti ". &t so# ded stra "e, b#t & was be"i i " to # dersta d that =#st abo#t e3erythi " ce ta#rs did was with a otherworldly "race. >hich makes se se beca#se, well, this was a other world. A yway, we were rela2i " a d & was be"i i " to feel warm a d dry a d maybe a little slee'y. Do#"al started h#mmi " a t# e that so# ded 3ery m#ch like o e of my fa3orite E ya melodies, b#t & co#ld 8t really 'lace it. &t was =#st 3a"#ely Celtic. <#dde ly he sto''ed h#mmi " a d smiled e2'ecta tly at me. & was =#st wishi " o#r bard was with #s4the & remembered we ha3e someo e e3e better.: Me had raised his 3oice a d all the ce ta#rs were looki " his way. 9>e ha3e bee blessed with the 'rese ce of E'o a8s Belo3ed? The best storyteller i $artholo ?: As & bla ched, all of the horsies "ri ed a d sho#ted somethi " that so# ded like, 9Mear? Mear?: & looked at Cla @i ta for resc#e, o ly to fi d he was beami " 'ro#dly a d leadi " the sal#te. & k ow it was # #s#al, b#t & did 8t k ow what to say.

The =#bilatio slowly died dow , lea3i " Do#"al looki " at me as if &8d =#st told him he co#ld 8t ha3e dessert. @or"i3e me, my Lady. $erha's yo# are ot i the mood for storytelli " after today8s e3e ts.: Me looked at me 'itif#lly with those bi", brow eyes. Like a h#mo "o#s '#''y. Ceesh. No, &, #h, =#st eed a mome t to, #h4: 'a#se a d stall for time 94thi k of which story & wo#ld like to tell.: Oh, 5od. >hich story which story which story which storyB & ha3e almost the e tire Cat i the Mat memoriAed, b#t somehow & did 8t thi k it was 'artic#larly a''ro'riate. !y little teacher brai started rifli " thro#"h my me tal file e titled 9Nearly >orthless <t#ff 6o#83e !emoriAed.: A d, bam? <o'homore E "lish came to my resc#e? & smiled at Do#"al a d saw him 'ractically sI#irm with 'leas#re. &f he had had a '#''y8s tail, &8m s#re it wo#ld83e wa""ed 3i"oro#sly4a d he 'robably wo#ld83e wet himself. Me really was c#te. @or years & ha3e bee attem'ti " to hammer i to si2tee -year-olds the bea#ty of the 'oetic ballad. &8m 'retty s#re to o a3ail. B#t my effort to e li"hte the masses has had o e side effect4& ca recite The Mi"hwayma a d The Lady of <hallot backward, forward, i my slee' a d sta di " o my head Gwhich &83e e3er act#ally tried i class4yetH. & like them both, b#t &8m a little 'artial to The Mi"hwayma , es'ecially the 3ersio '#t to m#sic by Loree a !c7e itt. Alfred Noyes had writte a 3ery cool ballad, b#t Loree a had s'ri kled it with &rish ma"ic. Eery tra"ic43ery Celtic. A d easier to recite tha the ori"i al. & 'layed at strai"hte i " my hair Ga f#tile attem'tH a d my clothes Ga other f#tileDwell, yo# "et the ideaH as my mi d raced thro#"h the sta Aas, s#bstit#ti " a''ro'riate 'hrasi " for awkward words, s#ch as claymore for m#sket, blade for tri""er, shatteri " the i"ht with a scream i stead of the blast of a m#sketDetc., etc. & had 8t oticed a y "# s si ce &8d bee here, a d & fi"#red that if this world had them the it was a 'retty "ood bet that the ce ta#rs wo#ld ow some. & stood #' a d threw back my sho#lders, "i3i " them all my best 9'ay atte tio to me &8m the teacher a d & lo3e to be the ce ter of atte tio : look. They a''eared to be a atte ti3e class. & cleared my throat a d be"a N The wi d was a torre t of dark ess amo " the "#sty trees, The moo was a "hostly "alleo tossed #'o clo#dy seas, The road was a ribbo of moo li"ht o3er the '#r'le moor, A d the Mi"hwayma came ridi "4 ridi "4ridi "4 The Mi"hwayma came ridi ", #' to the old i -door. Now, & k ow & ca 8t si ", b#t & also k ow that e3e i my ow world & am a 'retty dar "ood storyteller. !y st#de ts lo3e it whe & read or recite to them. & do all the 3oices. Accordi " to them, 9it8s cool.: <o, & may ot be Loree a !c7e itt with her ha# ti "ly bea#tif#l 'itch a d to e, b#t & was 8t tryi " to be. & did 8t si " the balladJ & recited it with 'assio a d e2'ressio . By the seco d sta Aa & had them. Me8d a @re ch cocked-hat o his forehead, a b# ch of lace at his chi , A coat of the claret 3el3et, a d breeches of brow doe-ski J

They fitted with e3er a wri kleJ his boots were #' to the thi"h? A d he rode with a =ewelled twi kle, Mis ra'ier hilt a-twi kle, # der the =eweled sky. & walked aro# d the cam'fires as & s'# the tra"ic a d bea#tif#l story of The Mi"hwayma , worki " my a#die ce. They smiled their 'leas#re as Bess Gthe la dlord8s da#"hterH 'laited 9a dark red lo3ek ot i to her lo " black hair.: & "ra3itated to Cla @i ta as & told of how Bess8s Mi"hwayma kissed the wa3es of her hair a d swore to ret#r to her by the moo li"ht, 9tho#"h hell sho#ld bar the way.: The & stiffe ed my s'i e a d threw #' my chi 4a d & became Bess as the %edcoats "a""ed her a d bo# d her to her bed, attem'ti " to #se her as the mea s to tra' her belo3ed. & let my eyes fill with tears as Bess "alla tly ra a sword thro#"h her breast a d screamed a war i " Gwhich & s#bstit#ted for the m#sket shot4& did 8t thi k Noyes wo#ld mi d, him bei " a dead E "lishma , stiff #''er li' a d allH so that her Mi"hwayma was 8t ca't#red. The the ce ta#rs8 eyes wide ed whe the Mi"hwayma fo# d o#t it was his lo3e who was killed war i " him. Back, he s'#rred like a madma , shrieki " a c#rse to the sky, with the white road smoki " behi d him a d his ra'ier bra dished hi"h? Blood-red were the s'#rs i the "olde dow like a do" o the hi"hway, a d he lay i his blood o the hi"hway, with a b# ch of lace at his throat. & be"a the last sta Aa sta di " i the shadows betwee the two fires, ha ds traci " the 'atter s of the words like a ma"icia 'erformi " ill#sio s i the shade-filled air of the i"ht. <till of a wi ter8s i"ht, they say, whe the wi d is i the trees, >he the moo is a "hostly "alleo tossed #'o the clo#dy seas, >he the road is a ribbo of moo li"ht o3er the '#r'le moor, A Mi"hwayma comes ridi "4 %idi "4ridi "4 A Mi"hwayma comes ridi ", #' to the old i -door. & e ded by clas'i " my ha ds before me a d looki " o3er my sho#lder off i to the dista ce4like & was s#re the fri""i Mi"hwayma 8s "host was ridi " #' behi d #s. The "#ys were I#iet for a seco d, the Gtha k 5odH they broke i to rioto#s a''la#se, all talki " at o ce abo#t the bad-assed %edcoats a d wo deri " where they co#ld fi d a Bess of their ow . & made my way back to Cla @i ta , amidst the co "rats of the troo's, a d re'erched o my lo". & liked yo#r story.: Cla @i ta ha ded me the wi eski a d & took a "ratef#l swi". Tha ks. &t8s o e of my fa3orites.: & ha3e e3er heard it before.: Mis 3oice so# ded differe t4more co tem'lati3e tha c#rio#s. Oh, well, &8m ot s#r'rised. & made it #'.: & had my fi "ers crossed behi d my back. & tr#ly did 8t oo J wi e-red was his 3el3et coat, whe they c#t him dow o the hi"hway,

mea to 'la"iariAe, a d & se t #' a sile t a'olo"y to the dead !r. Noyes. >ho are the %edcoatsB: The bad "#ys. &t8s a clothi " meta'hor for e3il.: Me did 8t look co 3i ced, so & switched o a d we t i to teacher mode. 9%ed is for blood. Blood has a e"ati3e co otatio . Therefore, a red coat wo#ld be a fi"#rati3e all#sio for a e3il 'erso or 'eo'les. As wo#ld a s# risi " to a red sky i the mor i " be a 'orte t of disaster to come. Or a red look wo#ld be a e"ati3e or bad look.: A d 7i " 5eor"e is whoB: At least he #ses correct "rammar. A made-#' "#y.: !y fi "ers were recrossi " themsel3es. A d a hi"hwayma isD: Me 'a#sed, waiti " for me to fill i the correct a swer. A thief who #ses a road that wi ds its way like a ribbo #' a mo# tai . Me ce the Uhi"h8 'art of the word.: & tried to meet his eyes, b#t did 8t do a "reat =ob selli " my fibs. &8m really ot a 3ery "ood liar. A "ood e2a""erator, yes4a "ood liar, o. Mr#m'h.: & tra slated that as ce ta#r for 96o#8re f#ll of cra'.: B#t & acted as if & did 8t s'eak the li "o. 5osh, it8s bee a lo " day.: Bi" yaw a d stretch. 9& thi k &8d better t#r i .: @or a mome t he did 8t react, he =#st looked at me oddly. Like he was tryi " to '#t the 'ieces of a '#AAle to"ether. A d s#dde ly & remembered how adama t Ala a had bee abo#t me ot letti " a yo e k ow & was 8t me. Mowe3er co f#si " that mi"ht so# d. <he had seemed ki d of stressed a d e#rotic Ge3e more tha what was the orm for <#Aa aH, b#t her distress had bee real. A d let8s face it, she k ew a lot more abo#t what was "oi " o i this world tha & did. & had to ass#me she had "ood reaso s to be 'ara oid. 6et she had told me that & co#ld tr#st Cla @i ta . At the 3ery least & better kee' my mo#th sh#t abo#t my ori"i # til & had a cha ce to I#estio Ala a. <o & did my best to bli k i oce tly #' at my too-c#rio#s, ha dsome, 'etable h#sba d. The & "la ced behi d #s at the e tra ce to the bar . 9Mey, co#ld yo# 'lease "o i there first a d make s#re there8s othi " cree'i " or crawli " aro# d before & make #' a 'alletB: Mis distracted look of co ce tratio cha "ed i to a smile. 9Of co#rse.: Me fo# d Do#"al, who had mi"rated o3er to the other fire, 'robably to "i3e #s some 'ri3acy. 9Do#"al, Lady %hia o eeds two bla kets.: Do#"al s a''ed to like a "ood boy. Come.: Me stood, holdi " o#t a ha d to hel' me #'. 9& will ot let a ythi " cree' or crawl o yo#.: & took his ha d a d we we t i to the shadowy i terior of the bar . &t was 8t 3ery bi", a d it was 'acked with hay bales. They were bo# d to"ether i cl#m's with twi e, which was stacked o to' of o e a other. Cla @i ta b#sied himself tossi " aro# d some cl#m's a d # tyi " others. By the time Do#"al ha ded him a co#'le of bla kets, he had made a ice little est ear the fro t of the bar . Me lay o e of the bla kets o to' of the est a d motio ed for me to =oi him. There is othi " i here that ca harm yo#.: Tha ks. & do 8t like thi "s that slither or dart.: & sat i the middle of the est a d be"a '#lli " off my boots. Me be t dow a d took o3er for me.

& really liked that abo#t him. The bar was dark a d coAy a d smelled like a ewly c#t field. >here are yo# "#ys slee'i "B: >e will take t#r s at watch. Betwee o#r t#r s at watch we will rest by the fires.: &8m the o ly o e who will be slee'i " i hereB: 6es.: Me cocked his head a d & co#ld see the white "leam of his teeth. <o it wo#ld 8t be i dece t of me if & sli''ed o#t of my 'a tsB: & hate slee'i " i 'a ts. No, & belie3e that wo#ld be fi e.: Mis 3oice had t#r ed i to liI#id 3el3et a"ai . & took off my 'a ts, foldi " them eatly a d be di " G#si " my best !arily !o roe imitatio H at the waist to set them o a co 3e ie t cl#m' of hay. & k ew his eyes were o me, a d & liked it. C#rli " #' o my bla ket-co3ered hay est, & lay back a d smiled #' at him. Me co3ered me with the other bla ket. 5ood i"ht. <lee' well, %hia Not # til well after moo rise.: The wo#ld yo# stay with me # til & fall aslee'B: &f yo# like.: & like.: & sat #' a d scooted o3er, maki " room for his co siderable b#lk. Me ste''ed i to the est a d recli ed. &t was like he was sitti " behi d me4the h#ma 'art of his torso was tall, b#t ot so lar"e that it was awkward. & "a3e him a cha ce to "et sit#ated, a d the & lea ed back so that the to' 'art of my body rested comfortably a"ai st his chest a d i his arms. & shifted 'ositio so that & was faci " him, still resti " i his arms. !y hair was acti " craAy, as #s#al. Dryi " by the fire had made it c#rl like !ed#sa8s. Me br#shed some of it back o#t of my face. <orry. &t "ets i the way a lot. & sho#ld c#t it short.: & blew a stray stra d o#t of my mo#th. Me bli ked at me i s#r'rise. 9>ome do ot c#t their hair.: Oo's. 9&t mi"ht be easier if we did.: Cra'. >o der if he8d oticed that my hair was shorter tha %hia o 8sB Mastily & added, 9>he Ala a trimmed it the other day & sho#ld ha3e told her to take a little more off.: <hort hair mi"ht be easier, b#t less attracti3e.: Me so# ded like a ty'ical "#y. They lo3e lo " hair. A d, I#ite fra kly, & wo#ld 8t ha3e it a y other way. 6o# may ha3e a 'oi t.: 6es.: Mis stray ha d caressed my hair, "etti " ta "led i the mass of it. Me lifted his ha d, still e closed i my hair, lea ed dow a d b#ried his face i the middle of it. Mis mo3eme t sa dwiched me a"ai st his chest a d & felt, more tha heard, his breathy moa . Me lifted his face o#t of my hair a d o#r eyes met. O#r faces were 3ery close to o e a other. <o, yo# like my hairB: Mis eyes tra3eled to my mo#th as & whis'ered the I#estio . & am fi di " that & like ma y thi "s abo#t yo#.: o .: Me did 8t t#r to lea3e. >he is yo#r t#r to watchB: >hat the hell, he was my h#sba d.

& smiled softly at him. 96o# so# d s#r'rised.: Mis "aAe shifted back to my eyes. 9& am.: Do 8t be. >hat yo# see is really who & am.: Before he co#ld "et me backed i to a co 3ersatio Ala a wo#ld ot a''ro3e of, & reached #' a d '#lled his mo#th dow to mi e. & wo dered if & wo#ld e3er "et #sed to the feel of him. Me was like liI#id heat a d as he e2'lored my mo#th, my mi d wa dered to other 'laces o my body &8d like him to e2'lore. & felt "oose b#m's rise all the way dow my s'i e a d & moa ed a"ai st his li's. A d he '#lled away from me. C#st a little, b#t & felt the abse ce of his warmth like a cold wi d. >hy did yo# sto'B: & so# ded h# "ry. 6o# eed to slee'.: Me si"hed a d ta''ed my ose with o e of his fi "erti's. 9A d & eed to sto' this before & for"et that & ca ot allow myself to sha'e-shift.: Mis fi "er had mo3ed from my ose a d was ow traci " the li e of my li's. That was "i3i " me "oose b#m's, too. Oh yeah.: & ca#"ht his fi "er betwee my teeth a d bit dow , "e tly. & was "ratified to feel the shar' i take of his breath. & let his fi "er "o with a kiss. 9That8s a b#mmer.: >hat is a b#mmerB: A b#mmer is yo# ot bei " able to allow yo#rself to sha'e-shift to i"ht.: A b#mmer is a bad thi ".: Eery bad.: >e smiled at each other like tee a"ers. & c#rled my body aro# d him a d s #""led a"ai st his warmth. Try to slee',: he whis'ered i to my hair. & ca thi k of other thi "s &8d rather be doi ".: %ela2 a d thi k abo#t slee'.: Mis 3oice so# ded strai ed4which made me smile a"ai st his chest. O e of his ha ds be"a r#bbi " the ti"ht m#scles of my back. & si"hed with 'leas#re. That feels really "ood.: Me "r# ted a res'o se that so# ded like a m#ffled order to be I#iet. Mis k eadi " ha d worked the m#scles of my back a d be"a mo3i " its way dow to my 3ery sore a d 3ery bare b#ttocks. Uhhhh, that8s sore.: & k ow. Be still.: Now he so# ded like my "ra dma. B#t & h#shed. The combi atio of my e2ha#stio a d his warm, i siste t massa"e was better tha a Tyle ol $!. & felt the stress drai o#t of my m#scles. <lee' came s#dde ly, carryi " me away o a tide of rela2atio . At first my dreams were dis=oi ted s i''ets4sce es of bei " i a hot t#b with the Lo e %a "er a d his horse, <il3er. >hich is odd e o#"h, beca#se &83e e3er dreamed of the Lo e %a "er before Gif &8m "oi " to dream of a masked "#y, it8s #s#ally Batma 4his "oodQbad boy st#ff really does it for meH, b#t add to that oddity the fact that my dream 'erso a was comi " o to <il3er, a d ke't

tryi " to tell the Lo e %a "er to take a hike, a d yo# really ha3e a weird dream. E3e for me. A yway, that did 8t last lo ". U like !r. Ed, <il3er co#ld 8t talk, so & lost i terest. !y dream faded o#t from the hot-t#b fiasco a d & fo# d myself 'l# ked dow i the middle of a lar"e <aks @ifth A3e #e store with a bi" wad of mo ey i my fist a d se3eral salesladies sali3ati " to hel' me. & was =#st maki " my way toward the bl#sh-colored cashmere sweater set G'rice marked S,)0.114it was o saleH, whe my body was s#dde ly s#cked thro#"h the ceili " ofD Oh, "reat. The bar . & was floati " abo3e the two cam'fires a d the slee'y ce ta#rs. The moo had rise a d was a sli3er of li"ht a"ai st the star-filled sky. This time & steeled myself a"ai st the feeli " of 3erti"o as, a"ai st my will, my body lifted hi"her a d be"a floati " toward the ortheast. & looked off to my left a d & co#ld see the "low from the smolderi " castle. & closed my eyes a d 'leaded with who or whate3er was i co trol to 'lease ot make me "o there. & sta tly & was filled with a se se of reass#ra ce a d comfort. & rela2ed a little a d o'e ed my eyes. <#re e o#"h, & was 8t tra3eli " toward the castle. & stead, & was headi " i the directio of the dista t mo# tai s. & tried to will myself to the east so that & co#ld check o E'i a d maybe e3e float o3er the tem'le a d s oo' aro# d a d see what was "oi " o there, b#t as & had disco3ered before, & had o real co trol o3er this ty'e of dream e2'erie ce. B#t & told myself this time was differe t. Before, & did 8t realiAe that what & was seei " was reality a d ot a dream. This time & k ew better. !y floati " body tra3eled o3er the dark settleme ts. & 'eered dow , tryi " to make s#re that there were o 'eo'le left who had disre"arded the e3ac#atio war i "s, b#t & had little time to look for si" s of life beca#se as & reached the ed"e of the forest, my s'eed i creased so that the trees below me became a dark bl#r. !y body h#rled ahead as if it had bee shot from a sli ". The & slowed a d sto''ed before a str#ct#re 'erched at the base of a r#""ed mo# tai 'ass. The castle was lar"e, almost as lar"e as my father8s, b#t as & became acc#stomed to the dark ess of my s#rro# di "s & realiAed it was ot at all like !acCalla Castle. >here !acCalla Castle had bee "racef#l a d 'ict#resI#e, this b#ildi " was stark a d im'osi ". A d the & felt it. &f & had bee sta di ", & wo#ld ha3e do#bled o3er at the waist. &t was the same feeli " & had had the i"ht & wit essed !acCalla 8s destr#ctio . @rom the castle before me e3il ema ated, thick a d cloyi " like ho ey dri''i " from a comb. The echoes of that i"ht8s horror re3erberated from the walls be eath me4 ot i the form of so# d, b#t of feeli ". & bli ked as & tried to foc#s o the castle a d see it ob=ecti3ely4b#t the shadows of !acCalla stayed with meJ death colored my 'erce'tio . & co#ld ot shake the "hosts of those me from my so#l. The castle looked as if it had bee car3ed from the mo# tai s. &t was a 'erfect sI#are with thick walls a d barred doors. The walls themsel3es were b#ilt of a ro#"h "ray sto e, which "a3e its e2terior the a''eara ce of a"e, like " arled wood that had withstood ma y storms. As & st#died the castle the setti " of o e of Ed"ar Alla $oe8s more obsc#re short stores, 9Li"ea,: flashed i to my mi d. The mai actio takes 'lace i a a cie t mo astery, walled by thick, old sto e. >ithi the walls $oe8s character s#bseI#e tly watches his seco d wife killed by the s'ecter of his first4 who the re3i3es a d co s#mes the seco d wife as the arrator 'l# "es i to mad ess. <omehow the com'ariso felt a''ro'riate. !y ho3eri " body mo3ed forward # til & h# " directly o3er the middle of the b#ildi ". The castle was ot aslee'. & co#ld see ma y o'e fires b#r i " i the lar"e, sI#are co#rtyard. Altho#"h my dream body co#ld ot feel tem'erat#re, & realiAed it m#st be cold here beca#se the sha'es that te ded the fires were co3ered with hea3y bla kets a d ca'es with cowls. & sh#ddered, a d for a

mome t & was afraid & had mistake bla kets a d ca'es for wi "s as & had o ce before. B#t o e of the fi"#res shr#""ed off a bla ket as it added a other lo" to a fire, a d & saw that it was defi itely h#ma . A h#ma female. Of its ow accord my body mo3ed closer. All of the fi"#res were wome , b#t they mo3ed methodically a d did 8t s'eak to o e a other, like they were a#tomato s. The wome from !acCalla Castle.: & s'oke alo#d a d saw o e head t#r i my directio . <he was yo# ", 'robably o ly thirtee or fo#rtee . Mer cheekbo es were hi"h a d 'romised a striki " 'rofile to come, b#t ow they were still sweetly ro# ded with cher#bic yo#th. Mer eyes were lar"e a d thickly lashed4they swe't like b#tterfly wi "s as she tried to bli k away the 3esti"es of a #mb ess i which the other wome looked to be dee'ly e twi ed. <he stared i my directio , strai i " to see somethi " that had o real s#bsta ce. Mer hair was a mass of c#rls that ca#"ht the li"ht of the fire a d "leamed like faceted sto es. & felt a s#r"e of sad ess at the si"ht of this lo3ely "irl. <omethi " terrible was ha''e i ". & k ew it with a s#rety that was f#eled by more tha the cli "i " horror of what & had wit essed the last time the dream ma"ic had o3ertake me. & did 8t # dersta d it yet, b#t & k ew what & was s'irit#ally ea3esdro''i " #'o we t beyo d kid a''ed sla3es or ab#sed co c#bi es. A d the a horrible shriek s'lit the i"ht a d the "irl who had bee strai i " to bri " herself to see a d feel retreated to the rest of the coweri " females. Mer eyes were o ce more "laAed a d em'ty. The wome milled to"ether like shee' whose she'herd had betrayed them to the wol3es. They 'l#cked er3o#sly at their clothes a d fretf#lly held their wra's ti"htly aro# d their trembli " bodies. Their atte tio was foc#sed i o e directio . They were stari " at a closed e tra ce. The door was lar"e e o#"h to s#""est it mi"ht lead to a mai hall or chamber. The shriek re'eated. A co#'le of the wome started to mo3e forward toward the door, b#t se3eral of the others fretf#lly called them back. A"ai the shriek so# ded4almost i h#ma i its raw 'ai . & co#ld 8t sta d it. >ith e3erythi " i side of me & wished & k ew what was ha''e i "4a d & wished & k ew how to sto' it. As if a sweri " my 'lea, my body flashed forward a d was s#cked thro#"h the omi o#s door like a "erbil thro#"h a 3ac##m clea er. & was s'it o#t i to the air, ho3eri " ear the ceili " of a imme se room. !y first im'ressio was that the room remi ded me, i a 3a"#e, shadowy way, of the di i " hall at E'o a8s tem'le. @ire'laces, bi" e o#"h for se3eral 'eo'le to sta d i , were blaAi " i each cor er of the room. @lami " ta'ers were lit. B#t o e of this dis'elled the "loom of the chamber. Cr#de tables like a cie t 'ic ic be ches had bee '#shed ear the walls of the room, a d i the flickeri " li"ht & co#ld see 'eo'le seated all alo " the be ches. !a y of them had their heads lyi " o their arms a d a''eared to be aslee'. No e of them were talki ". The a other shriek, followed by a 'a ti " moa , drew my atte tio to the middle of the room. A "ro#' of 'eo'le cl#stered aro# d a si "le 'ic ic be ch. !y body drifted toward the "ro#' a d as & "ot closer & be"a to feel i # dated by wa3es of e3il followed by what & co#ld best describe as a misti " of des'air. As o the i"ht of the attack o !acCalla Castle, my 'remo itio was almost 'al'able. & did 8t wa t to look4& did 8t wa t to see what was o that table, b#t my eyes ref#sed to close. E3eryo e i the "ro#' of 'eo'le s#rro# di " the be ch had somethi " i commo other tha their co ce tratio o the table. They all had wi "s. >i "s that r#stled a d stirred e3e tho#"h their bodies remai ed 3ery still. & took a dee' breath a d braced myself as my s'irit floated i to 'ositio o3er the table. & had fo# d the so#rce of the shrieki ". &t was a woma 4she was aked b#t it was im'ossible to

tell how yo# " or old she was. <he was lyi " o to' of a table that "liste ed red with her blood. Mer arms had bee stretched o3er her head a d tied dow . Mer le"s were s'read a d her k ees were #' a d be t. Mer feet had bee '#lled back to her body a d tied dow , too. <he looked like she was bei " 're'ared for some ki d of obsce e $a' test. Mer diste ded belly ri''led a d writhed with a life of its ow a d she shrieked a"ai 4her eck m#scles strai i " a d her body I#i3eri ". The watchi " creat#res did 8t to#ch her or mo3e to comfort or hel' her. They stood sile tly watchi ". Their restless wi "s the o ly o#tward si" of their te sio . The the labori " woma 8s screami " be"a a ew with the raw terror of the doomed. As & watched, her '#bis b#l"ed o#tward4stretchi "Dstretchi "D& had e3er ima"i ed the h#ma body co#ld e2'a d that m#ch. <#dde ly her "roi e2'loded i a shower of blood that rai ed red dro'lets o the I#i3eri " wi "s of the waiti " a#die ce. O#t of the "a'i " hole i the woma 8s twitchi " body 'rotr#ded a cyli der-sha'ed thi " that seemed to be wra''ed i thick wri kled ski dyed the brillia t scarlet of ew blood. !y mi d rebelled with shock a d horror at the sce e 'layi " o#t below me, b#t my eyes ref#sed to obey my comma d to close, =#st as my body ref#sed to take me away. & the ca3ity of the woma 8s r#i ed body the thi " I#i3ered. <omethi " "li ted amidst the hideo#s t#be of flesh. U willi "ly, my eyes were draw to that "li ti "J it s'arkled wetly like li"ht "liste i " off the shar'e ed blade of a freshly #sed k ife. !y body floated dow # til & was o ly a few feet abo3e the heads of the creat#res. Time seemed to slow. The creat#res # der me were froAe , as if a i 3isible ha d had 'ressed a lifelike 'a#se b#tto . As & "ot closer, my eyes foc#sed more clearly o the l#m' of deformed flesh still tra''ed i the woma 8s body, a d & realiAed that & was looki " at a ewbor creat#re. >hat & had mistake for wri kled flesh was really a 'air of immat#re wi "s, which totally e cased the embryo ic body withi 4m#ch like a cocoo wo#ld e case a cater'illar. The li"ht of the ta'ers flickered off two a''e da"es at the to'most 'oi t of the =oi ed wi "s. They looked like talo s a d they were shi y with am iotic fl#id a d blood. Oh, my 5od?: !y e2clamatio e ded the freeAe-frame. A head s a''ed #' i my directio a d the creat#re8s eyes searched the air abo3e the table. Take it to the i c#bati " ca3er ?: Mis 3oice had a ro#"h, breathy I#ality. Mis words so# ded as if they had to fi"ht to esca'e his throat. A female wi "ed creat#re r#shed forward a d 'l# "ed her ha ds i to the o'e wo# d, caref#lly e2tracti " the cocoo ed fet#s. Before & co#ld "lim'se a y more of it, the ad#lt8s wi "s folded forward, com'letely co3eri " the ewbor . <he I#ickly e2ited the room, followed by almost half of the other creat#res who had obser3ed the obsce e s'ectacle. & watched them sc#rry away a d my "aAe was draw to the be ches that li ed the walls. The fi"#res sitti " o the be ches cowered back as the e to#ra"e r#shed 'ast them to the e2it4& "as'ed with re ewed horror, realiAi " that those 'eo'le were wome , h#ma wome , all i 3aryi " sta"es of 're" a cy. A hissi " so# d ear the table ca#sed my atte tio to be '#lled away from them. The male who had s'oke was still looki " #', a d & felt my s'irit body tremble. & tried to remai 3ery still. N#ada, what is itB: o e of the creat#res asked te tati3ely. & do ot k ow.: Mis ro#"h 3oice s'at the a swer. 9& ca feel somethi " here. & ha3e felt this 'rese ce before, at !acCalla Castle =#st as we were defeati " that lo e warrior.: Mis wi "s stirred

a""ressi3ely as his hot "aAe raked the air aro# d me. 9& ca almost see itD: & o e fl#id stride he lea'ed #' o the table, le"s straddli " the bloody body of the dead woma . Me was ow directly # der me. $erha's & ca to#ch it.: Me be"a to reach #' toward me with o e lo " arm, talo ed fi "ers e2te ded. & felt a scream b#ildi " i my chest a d4

Aaaahhhhh?: The scream shot from my mo#th with the force of a e2'loded la d mi e. & 'a icked i the dark ess e3e tho#"h my frayed se ses whis'ered to me that it smelled like s'ri "time a d horse, ot blood a d horror. B#t my mi d was #mb with terror a d & str#""led 3iole tly, kicki " a d biti " a"ai st the bo ds that had me tra''ed. %hia o ? <to', yo# are safe?: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice broke thro#"h the ice of my fear. & realiAed that & was back i the bar a d & I#it str#""li ", b#t adre ali e still co#rsed thro#"h my body. & was shaki " # co trollably. Oh, 5od. &t was horrible.: Mis arms ti"hte ed aro# d me. &t was the !a"ic <lee'B: & odded my yes a"ai st his chest. The creat#res a"ai B: Cla @i ta , & fo# d the wome .: Me loose ed his arms a d & '#lled back to look i to his eyes. 9They are i the castle by the mo# tai 'ass.: 5#ardia Castle,: he 'rom'ted. 6es, it has to be.: Ma3e yo# e3er bee thereB: No, of co#rse ot.: & did 8t take time to wo der if %hia a d sit#ated at the base of a arrow 'ass.: That is 5#ardia Castle.: That8s where they are. They ha3e the wome , a d, oh, 5od, they m#st be mati " with them4: Mere & had to sto' a d co3er my face with trembli " ha ds. & o e smooth motio Cla @i ta stood a d scoo'ed me, still wra''ed i the bla ket, i to his arms. Me strode o#t i to the comforti " li"ht of the cam'fires a d de'osited me "e tly back o my lo". Throw me that wi eski ,: he ordered a s#r'rised, slee'y-looki " Do#"al, who tossed him the wi e a d bli ked at me with worried eyes. 9Dri k.: Me held the ski to my li's a d & "ratef#lly swallowed se3eral "#l's of the red liI#id. Tha k yo#.: & wi'ed my mo#th a d tried to co trol my trembli ". Now tell me.: Mis 3oice was stro " a d reass#ri ". Me recli ed e2t to me a d took my ha d i his, sI#eeAi " "e tly. The other ce ta#rs were all awake a d liste i ". Their 'rese ce fortified me 4& was safe with them. & took a dee' breath. 9The wome were there. At first & o ly oticed that they acted like Aombies o had bee . 9B#t it8s lar"e a d sI#are

or like they were i shock. The & heard the screami " a d & followed the so# d i to a lar"e room. A 're" a t woma was tied to the to' of a table. <he was i labor. <he was s#rro# ded by a "ro#' of the creat#res. >hile & watched, aDaDthi ", a ewbor creat#re, clawed its way o#t of her body. &t was o e of them.: !y 3oice so# ded raw to my ow ears. & ti"hte ed my "ri' o Cla @i ta 8s warm ha d. 9A d there were more 're" a t wome i the room. !a y more. & saw them =#st sitti " there, like their so#ls were already "o e. The o e of the creat#res se sed me a d tried to "rab me a d & screamed a d woke #' back here.: & e ded i a r#sh of breath, lifti " the wi eski o ce more to my li's. O e of them se sed yo#B: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice shot o#t the I#estio . 6es, he said he co#ld almost see me. Me me tio ed the i"ht my father was killed. Me said he had se sed me the , too.: Cla @i ta stood abr#'tly a d be"a to 'ace back a d forth i fro t of the fire. & did ot thi k they co#ld break thro#"h E'o a8s 'rotectio , too.: Too4what do yo# mea by Utoo8B: & watched him look 'oi tedly at the liste i " ce ta#rs. The he t#r ed slowly to face me. Mis face looked hard a d remote, like it had the first time & met him. A shi3er of forebodi " fi "ered its way dow my s'i e a d & remembered his words o#tside !acCalla CastleN 9They are thro#"h hidi ".: Like he had k ow more abo#t them tha he had let o . Cla @i ta , what is itB: Ce ta#rs ha3e k ow the @omoria e3il was loose #'o $artholo for some time ow.: 6o# k ewB B#t4: Do#"al ste''ed forward, his 3oice f#ll of familiar co cer . 9!y Lady, some of #s k ew a d belie3ed. Others wo#ld ot belie3e the si" s.: & looked from Do#"al to Cla @i ta . >hat si" sB >hat are yo# talki " abo#tB: !y 3oice had a a "ry ed"e to it. Cla @i ta a swered my a "er with calm detachme t. 96o# k ow that & ha3e rece tly, =#st before we were betrothed, become head of the @i ta Merd. As yo# also k ow, my father was Merdsmaster before me.: & odded like & k ew what the hell he was talki " abo#t. Me co ti #ed. 9Almost o e year a"o my father be"a to beha3e oddly. At first there were o ly small cha "es. Me de3elo'ed ew habits. @or i sta ce, he woke a d sle't at stra "e times. Me cha "ed some of his habits, =#st small thi "s, which were o ly a''are t to his family a d close ad3isers. The his tro#ble slee'i " became more 'ro o# ced. Me seemed # characteristically I#iet, almost as if he was co sta tly 'reocc#'ied or dee' i tho#"ht. <lowly, his 'roblems became more ob3io#s. Time 'ro"ressed a d he became more a d more withdraw . &t was as if he was li3i " i a dark world of his ow maki ", where e3il l#rked behi d e3ery tree. >here old frie ds became ob=ects of s#s'icio .: Cla @i ta 'a#sedJ the tho#"ht of his father8s de"e eratio was ob3io#sly 'ai f#l, b#t he steadied himself a d co ti #ed. 9As yo# 'robably k ow, the @i ta Merd chooses their Merdsmaster as we choose o#r <hama s, ot by blood b#t by a co se s#s a d a s'irit#al calli ". There is o disho or to a ce ta#r whe , followi " a lo " term of r#le, he ste's aside to li3e o#t his remai i " years as a ho ored ad3iser, allowi " his yo# "er a d more ca'able re'laceme t to ass#me his 'ositio . B#t if a ce ta#r is forcibly remo3ed beca#se ofD: Cla @i ta 8s eyes were ha# ted a d he co#ld ot make himself fi ish the se te ce. 9There ca be o "reater disho or.: The ce ta#r8s face harde ed back i to his mask of detachme t. 9The Merd was losi " faith i their

leader a d he k ew it, b#t it seemed he had lost the ability to co trol what was e "#lfi " him. The sit#atio became i tolerable. &t was o ly beca#se of the "reat lo3e a d res'ect he had comma ded for so ma y years that o e mo3ed a"ai st him. The , the "host of his former self, he called a Co# cil of >arriors, which bro#"ht the heads of all the families to"ether. Me addressed them with o ly a shadow of his old di" ity. Me told of dreams a d 3isio s, which had followed him from his bed # til they had absorbed him i to their e3il. Morrible twisted 3isio s of blood a d death. They ce tered aro# d 5#ardia Castle, the reached o#t to e "#lf $artholo a d the Ce ta#r $lai s, s#cki " #s all i to their dark ess.: The ce ta#r8s 3oice faded, his memories of that 'ai f#l co# cil meeti " taki " him far away. Cla @i ta ,: & s'oke his ame "e tly, em'athiAi " with his "rief o3er a falle father. Mis face softe ed for a mome t, the he sI#ared his sho#lders a d fi ished his story. 9The rest tells itself easily. Malf of the Co# cil tho#"ht him mad a d called for him to ste' dow as Merdsmaster. The other half belie3ed him a d dema ded actio be take to fi d the so#rce of the e3il. The 3ote was s'lit e2actly i half. They were deadlocked # til they decided #'o a com'romise.: Mis f#ll li's twisted i a sardo ic smile. 9They a''oi ted me as Merdsmaster, re'laci " him. They were all i a"reeme t o o e thi "4a Merdsmaster who was also Mi"h <hama sho#ld be able to disco3er the tr#th.: Me sto''ed there, b#t i t#itio whis'ered to me that there was more & eeded to k ow. <o with all of this "oi " o why were yo# so set o ha dfasti " with meB: !y father s'oke to me i 'ri3ate after the Co# cil a''oi ted me i his stead. Me was diffic#lt to # dersta d, b#t he ke't i sisti " that & had to ha3e E'o a8s hel' to fi"ht the e3il. & had to be allied with E'o a8s Belo3ed, followi " the a cie t traditio of a ce ta#r Mi"h <hama bei " mated with E'o a8s Chose .: Cla @i ta 8s "aAe e3er left mi e. 9E3e tho#"h yo# had made it ob3io#s that yo# had broke with traditio . Me told me to "o to yo#r father a d e2'lai e3erythi ", that if & did the !acCalla wo#ld "i3e his 'ermissio to wed yo#, e3e if yo# remai ed firm i yo#r desire ot to be bo# d to me, a d that, o#t of yo#r lo3e a d res'ect for yo#r father, yo# wo#ld co se t to o#r mati ". 6o# k ew, of co#rse, that they were comrades. !y father had "reat res'ect for yo#r father. & told him & wo#ld do as he wished, a d the he s'oke a si "le word4@omoria s. >he that word left his li's it was as if he had bee re dered s'eechless. The e2t mor i " he was fo# d dead.: &8m sorry, Cla @i ta . 6o#r father was a "reat ce ta#r.: E3e tho#"h & had 8t k ow him, & was s#re it was tr#e. Tha k yo#.: Mis face softe ed for a mome t. 9Now we are both fatherless.: <o that8s why yo# married me.: Mis sad ess to#ched me, b#t & co#ld 8t hel' the feeli " of loss his words had e3oked. & k ew it was ridic#lo#s, b#t & felt betrayed. 9>hy did 8t yo# tell me what was "oi " o B: Mis look darke ed. 9&f yo# will remember o#r first betrothal meeti ", yo# ca a swer that I#estio for yo#rself. 6o# "a3e me o o''ort# ity to e2'lai my reaso s to yo#. 6o# ref#sed my s#it, i s#lted me a d left.: & wa ted to scream that it had 8t bee me, b#t & did 8t wa t to try to e2'lai the whole mirrordime sio thi " to him ri"ht ow. Es'ecially ot i fro t of all of those frow i ", sorrowf#l-looki " ce ta#rs. !y commo se se told me that & did 8t ha3e a y ri"ht to be a "ry a d h#rt. %hia o had bee a ra3i " bitch to Cla @i ta . Me had bee ri"ht ot to tr#st meQher. B#t my heart said somethi " else. &t felt br#ised. <o & did 8t k ow what to say. >e =#st looked at each other like two childre who had had a fi"ht

a d did 8t k ow how to make #'. & felt e2ha#sted a d sicke ed by what & had wit essed. & =#st wa ted to slee'4a d & mea t really slee'. & se t a sile t 'lea to E'o a to 'lease ot se d me o a y more of those dream thi "s to i"ht. & eed to "et some slee'.: & stood #', kee'i " the bla ket wra''ed aro# d my waist. & did 8t look at the ce ta#rs, b#t & co#ld hear them sal#te me formally as & left a d their sweet 95ood i"ht, my Lady: followed me i to the bar like a soft breeAe. & s #""led back i to my hay est, sI#elchi " tho#"hts of how comfortable Ga d ha''yH & had bee o ly a little earlier that i"ht. & closed my eyes. & had already k ow he had married me o#t of some se se of d#ty. >hy was & so #'set to hear him say itB A d, & remi ded myself, he had 8t married me a yway. Me had married %hia o , 5oddess & car ate a d Belo3ed of E'o a. & was =#st <ha o $arker, # der'aid E "lish teacher from Broke Arrow, Oklahoma. & did 8t belo " here a d & did 8t belo " with him. %hia o B: & had 8t heard him a''roach a d his 3oice made me =#m'. !y eyes flashed o'e . & did ot mea to startle yo#.: Me so# ded co cer ed. $robably worried abo#t ca#si " me to ha3e a heart attack before & co#ld f#lfill my d#ty to him. A d & did 8t mea that i the Biblical se se. & mea t it i some obsc#re E'o a se se. <i"h. & did 8t say a ythi ". & =#st looked at him a d shr#""ed. 6o# left before & co#ld fi ish.: & si"hed a"ai . 9>hat else is there to sayB: & wa ted yo# to k ow that & do ot thi k of yo# as & did before o#r ha dfast. & do ot # dersta d it, b#t yo# are differe t ow.: Mis eyes were soft as they reflected the dista t fireli"ht. 9There is o e bit of "ood that this e3il has ca#sed. &t has ca#sed me to =oi with yo#. 5ood i"ht, my Lady. & will be close by if yo# ha3e eed of me.: Before & co#ld a swer, he t#r ed a d left the bar . & tried ot to thi k too m#ch abo#t the r#sh of 'leas#re his words had "i3e me. & tho#"ht i stead that it wo#ld take me ho#rs to fall aslee', b#t my eyes co#ld 8t ha3e bee closed more tha a few mi #tes whe & blissf#lly e tered my DreamLa d. This time & Gtha kf#llyH 'assed the rest of the i"ht dreami " that & was s'e di " a wo derf#l after oo 3isiti " a 5odi3a chocolate factory that do#bled as a 3i eyard. <#'erma a d $ierce were bickeri " o3er who was "oi " to r#b my feet a d who was "oi " toD >ell, yo# "et the idea. GThis time <#'erma wo 4a d may & =#st share that he8s called s#'er for more tha =#st his ability to fly.H

The ta taliAi " aroma of fryi " fish woke me. & yaw ed a d stretched, r#bbi " slee' o#t of my eyes. 6a ki " o my 'a ts, & shook o#t the bla kets, sl# " my boots o3er my arm a d made my way blearily o#t to fi d the so#rce of the y#mmy smell. 5ood mor i ", my Lady.: Cla @i ta looked bri"ht eyed a d b#shy tailed GliterallyH. !or i 8,: & m#ttered as & ha ded the shyly smili " Do#"al my bla ket mess a d mo3ed Aombielike to the ed"e of the earest cam'fire. &8m ot a mor i " 'erso . Act#ally, &8m sli"htly s#s'icio#s of mor i " 'eo'le. &t8s e2ha#sti " to be 'erky before 0N11 a.m. There8s o ly a certai amo# t of

'erky that o e i di3id#al ca ha3e o3er the co#rse of o e day. !or i " 'eo'le #se #' their 'erky too early a d e d #' bei " =#st 'lai "r#m'y. & did 8t see a y fish fryi ". B#t & still smelled cooki " food. Tryi " to r# my fi "ers thro#"h my o#t-of-co trol hair while & 'icked o#t 'ieces of hay, & raised my brows at Cla @i ta . 9Do 8t & smell breakfastB: 6es, fish rolls.: Me 'oi ted to bi" rolled-#' lea3es that were st#ck amidst the hot coals of the o ly cam'fire still smolderi ". >ell, that s#re cleared e3erythi " #'. Me8s 'robably a mor i " 'erso QhorseQwhate3er. <i"h. & '#lled o my boots a d headed toward the stream. >itho#t looki " o3er my sho#lder, & said, 9No, & do 8t eed a y dam hel'.: After fi ishi " my mor i " ecessaries, which i cl#ded washi " my face a d ri si " my mo#th o#t with cold water, a d br#shi " 3i"oro#sly with my fi "er Gma , & s#re missed my mi t-fla3ored wa2ed de tal floss4who8d ha3e e3er fi"#redBH, & felt semi-ali3e a d awake. The horsies were chom'i " co te tedly o the fish that had bee i side the rolled-#' lea3es. They were #si " the lea3es as 'lates a d 'icki " flaky fish from the bo e. & sat o my lo" seat e2t to where Cla @i ta was recli i ", a d Co or ha ded me my ow leaf 'late of fish. &t was wo derf#l. The fish8s head had bee c#t off Gtha k 5od4& do 8t like it whe my food looks at meH a d its body had bee st#ffed with "arlic. This is really "reat.: Tha k yo#, my Lady.: Do#"al a d Co or s'oke to"ether. Are the rest of the "#ys h# ti " or somethi "B: No. & se t them ahead to i form the warriors of yo#r latest dream 3isio . They ca tra3el more I#ickly tha & ca while & carry yo#.: Me smiled at me, so & "#essed my slowi " him dow did 8t 'iss him off. 9They will otify the others who stayed with E'o a a d we will meet with all of them at yo#r tem'le.: Those creat#res ha3e to be sto''ed.: !e tio i " my dream 3isio had sobered me, a d & almost choked o the fish. O#r combi ed forces will sto' them.: Mis 3oice mirrored the co 3ictio i mi e. >e fi ished o#r breakfast i sile ce. The three of them broke cam' I#ickly, b#ryi " the fire coals a d reloadi " their 'acks like "ood little Boy <co#ts. Cla @i ta saddled himself a d offered me a ha d #'. & tried ot to feel 'leased that he ob3io#sly let his ha d li "er o my arm. Ma " o . >e will be tra3eli " hard today.: & rested my ha ds o his broad sho#lders as he ste''ed o#t at a brisk "allo'. A"ai & was "ratef#l he had s#ch a smooth "ait. &t wo#ld be embarrassi " to ha3e to tell my h#sba d his "allo' rattled my teeth. >e fo# d the road that c#t dow to the so#theast, a d the ce ta#rs ste''ed #' the 'ace co siderably. This time 'ros'ero#s families did 8t "reet #s as we tra3eled. The road was deserted. &t "a3e the day a eerie, Twili"ht Po e feel4or, maybe more a''ro'riately, a Ome"a !a a#ra. Like the orm had bee t#r ed i side o#t. As if to mirror the cree'y feeli ", the day was clo#dy a d dreary. The sky h# " low a d "ray, a d a misty fo" cre't o3er the "#llies o either side of #s a d drifted i 'atches across the road.

The ce ta#rs were worki " harder todayJ Cla @i ta 8s torso "liste ed with sweat, altho#"h his breathi " stayed dee' a d # labored. Mis stami a amaAed me, a d my tho#"hts dwelled o that i teresti " fact witho#t a y ty'e of se2#al co otatio Gwell, almost witho#t a yH. & =#st tried to sit I#ietly a d ha " o 4a d ot be a #isa ce. & ke't my 'otty sto's to a mi im#m a d chewed =erky i the saddle. As the day 'ro"ressed a li"ht driAAle be"a a d the fo" t#r ed thicker a d more i siste t. The world arrowed to a few yards aro# d #sJ it "a3e the ill#sio that we were e dlessly "allo'i " i the same 'lace a d e3er "etti " a ywhere. Time lost mea i ". & be"a to fa tasiAe that i this altered dime sio the world co#ld =#st sto' a d & wo#ld be ca#"ht fore3er i this mome t4 eter ally tra3elli " b#t e3er "etti " a ywhere. & felt myself totter to o e side a d & =erked #'ri"ht, ho'i " Cla @i ta did 8t otice. At least my mo3eme t had allowed time to be"i # ra3eli " a"ai . <lide yo#r arms aro# d me a d lay yo#r head dow . & will ot let yo# fall.: Mis 3oice did 8t e3e so# d strai ed as he s'oke o3er his sho#lder at me. Me wo#ld be dam "ood i a aerobics class. B#t & co#ld 8t ima"i e him i the worko#t ti"hts. <tifli " a "i""le, & realiAed & was "etti " "oofy with e2ha#stio , which made me feel bad beca#se, after all, he was doi " all the work. 5o ahead. Try to rest. 6o# co#ld ot ha3e had e o#"h slee' last i"ht.: Mis 3oice was dee' a d hy' otic. & slid forward # til & was 3ery close to his back a d "ratef#lly wra''ed my arms aro# d him, somewhere midway o his chest, a d lay my head a"ai st the stro " 3alley betwee his sho#lder blades. !aybe if & was close e o#"h to him, he wo#ld hel' dis'el the biAarre otio s that ke't tryi " to cree' #' o me. & si"hed a d closed my eyes, breathi " dee'ly a d lo3i " the smell a d the feel of him. Mis leather 3est was soft e2t to my cheek. Mis warmth b#r ed thro#"h the cool dam' ess of the rai y day, a d & felt myself I#ickly l#lled i to a slee'y half-dream state by his mo3eme t, which was a little like how a trai 8s clack-clack hy' otiAes its o3er i"ht 'asse "ers. & o'e ed my eyes o ce some time later a d it was f#lly dark. The ce ta#rs were still tra3eli ". & co#ld feel Cla @i ta 8s steady breathi " had dee'e ed, a d as & shifted my wei"ht a d s #""led back i to him, he sI#eeAed my arm reass#ri "ly. %est.: That si "le word was like a dr#", a d & rela2ed back i to my stra "e half slee'. >he & e2t became f#lly co scio#s, it was beca#se & co#ld feel his "ait cha "i " from the e3ere di " "allo' to a trot, a d fi ally slowi " to a walk. & '#shed myself #' a d r#bbed my face. &t was still wet a d cool, b#t the dark ess was be"i i " to li"hte to the "ray of 'remor i ". Teresa, a &rish-America "irlfrie d from my last, a d fa3orite, colle"e writi " class liked to call it 9mor i "8s "loami ".: & e3er really # derstood it # til ow. >here are weB: & bli ked at the ma"ic of the misty daw a d b#sied myself retyi " my wild hair back i to some sembla ce of a braid. & oticed Cla @i ta 8s had come loose, too, so & reached forward a d be"a loose i " it so & co#ld re'lait it more eatly. >e are o ly a short way from yo#r tem'le.: & was co cer ed to otice his words were '# ct#ated by labored breathi ". & co#ld e3e hear Do#"al a d Co or breathi " hea3ily as they walked beside #s. !y ha ds stilled o his hair. & for"ot abo#t the 'retty mor i " a d shifted my "aAe from Do#"al to Co or. 9Are yo# "#ys okayB <ho#ld we sto' a d restB: The & tried to 'eek aro# d at Cla @i ta ,

'#lli " his hair back to "et a better look at his face, a d asked, 9Do yo# wa t me to walk for a whileB: The three ce ta#rs let o#t horselike s orts. Do#"al a d Co or ste''ed a little closer to their Merdsmaster a d "a3e him what & tho#"ht were co cer ed looksD# til they s'oke. Aye, Do#"al, Cla @i ta does look a bit ro#"h.: Co or threw a 'oi ted "la ce at Do#"al a d & oticed their m#sical lilt was more 'ro o# ced as they str#""led to catch their breath. & also oticed their a''are t fati"#e did 8t do m#ch to sI#elch their "oofy "ri s. & m#st a"ree, Co or.: They cl#cked # der their breath sadly, looki " at Cla @i ta , who had bee t#r i " his head from side to side, watchi " their e2cha "e. !y Lord, if yo#r Lady8s wei"ht has become too m#ch for yo# & wo#ld like to 3ol# teer to ser3e as yo#r relief.: Do#"al8s 3oice was the #ltimate i "e tlema ly 'olite ess, b#t his smile was defi itely smart-assed. & frow ed at him a d started to o'e my mo#th. A d, my Lord, whe Do#"al "rows weary from beari " s#ch a sli"ht, 'leasa t wei"ht, & 3ol# teer to take #' his b#rde .: Me swe't his arm forward i a flo#rish a d bowed toward me as he e2ec#ted a eat sideste'. & frow ed at him, too. >ell? & =#st tho#"ht4: A d they both e2'loded i to la#"hter, i terr#'ti " my tirade. & "lared at them. Dam silly horsies. C#st sa3e yo#r breath for tryi " to kee' #' with me.: Cla @i ta so# ded am#sed. 9&m'#de t colts.: Me broke back i to his road-eati " "allo', lea3i " the chortli " ce ta#rs scrambli " to catch #'. & co#ld feel his torso 3ibrati "4it took a seco d for me to realiAe he was la#"hi ". & ya ked o his thick braid as & retied the tho ". Me threw a smile o3er his sho#lder at me. 9%hia o , yo# say the stra "est thi "s.: & was =#st tryi " to be ice.: & "r#m'ed. 9& do 8t wa t to wei"h yo# dow or a ythi ".: Me reached back a d sI#eeAed my calf, se di " little chills #' my le". That yo# co#ld e3er do.: Do 8t be so s#re. & may "et old a d fat. Mow wo#ld yo# feel abo#t ha#li " me aro# d if my b#tt was twice this siAe a d it took both Do#"al a d Co or to lift me i to the saddleB: %hia o 4: his 3oice was rich with la#"hter 94yo# are far too 3ai to e3er "et fat.: & e2'elled air thro#"h my ose, imitati " a ce ta#r s ort. 5#ess he mi"ht k ow me a little after all. Do#"al a d Co or ca#"ht #' with #s a d & tried to frow at them, b#t their silly "ri s were too m#ch a d & smiled back at them. Disres'ectf#l im's,: & m#ttered i to Cla @i ta 8s sho#lder. Me m#st ha3e heard me Ga d a"reedH beca#se his 3ibrati " la#"h r#mbled thro#"h both of #s. & tried to rela2 a d fade back i to my semi-slee' state, b#t as the mist cleared so did my weari ess. !y mi d did 8t seem to be able to sh#t itself off. &ma"es of batlike 3am'iric creat#res ha# ted my tho#"hts. Mow i the hell co#ld they be sto''edB The f#tility a d da "er of the sit#atio wei"hed o my mi d. A d s#dde ly & wo dered why & sho#ld be so worried abo#t it. This was 8t my dam world. >hy was 8t & co ce trati " my e er"y o "etti " my sore b#tt homeB Mold ti"ht, my Lady. The trail "ets stee' here.: Cla @i ta 8s arms co3ered mi e, which were laced

loosely aro# d the middle of his torso. The stre "th a d heat of his forearms melted i to me, maki " me feel 'rotected a d cherished4a feeli " that was totally alie to <ha o $arker8s life. A d, dam it, that was it. &t was this dam ma Q horseQwhat-the-hell-e3er. A d it was Ala Do#"al. A d Co or. A d myQher dad who had died before he was s#''osed to. a. A d

This screwed-#' 'lace was becomi " home to me. & closed my eyes a d b#ried my face i to my h#sba d8s sho#lder, a d & realiAed that 'art of me was already attached to this world. Dam %hia o a d her meddli " a d schemi ". Dam it, why co#ld 8t & ha3e married a ice lawyer a d raised )., malad=#sted childre i the s#b#rbs a d 'aid a fort# e to a ha dsome shri k amed somethi " 3a"#ely &talia who & co#ld fa tasiAe abo#t, b#t e3er be literally # faithf#l withB & stead, & "et this biAarre mirror world filled with a horseQ"#y who & ha3e the serio#s hots for, creat#res who are terroriAi " ci3iliAatio , my ass which is e2tremely sore, com'lete with saddle sores be"i i " o my i er thi"hs a d deodora tless arm'its that 'robably sti k a d o toilet 'a'er. As my st#de ts wo#ld s#cci ctly say, This s#cks.

The ce ta#rs 'a#sed o ly for water o3er the e2t se3eral ho#rs. !y b#rst of stre "th was "o e a d & had to fi"ht to stay #'ri"ht. Tha kf#lly, & co#ld see s atches of the setti " s# reflecti " off the ri3er, which was 'retty close to #s o the ri"ht. That sho#ld mea the tem'le was ear. The Cla @i ta raised his arm i some ki d of sal#te to somethi " off o e side of the road. >hat8s thatB: !y 3oice so# ded scratchy. A other se try.: Me so# ded matter-of-fact. Oh, there, #h, ha3e bee moreB: 6es, of co#rse, for the 'ast se3eral ho#rs we ha3e bee hailed 'eriodically by those se t to kee' watch.: That8s a "ood idea.: Me made a s orti " so# d a d & sh#t my mo#th. &f memory ser3ed me e3e a little bit correctly, & seemed to recall that E'o a had bee 5oddess of the %oma Le"io s, as well as the Celts, a d was hailed as a warrior8s deity. & wo dered if %hia o had bee trai ed i the ways of warfare. &t mi"ht hel' her i my hi"h school classroom. !aybe. & felt Cla @i ta 8s 'owerf#l m#scles b# ch as the road be"a a "rad#al climb a d we t#r ed shar'ly to the left. A d there was the tem'le. Cla @i ta '#lled abr#'tly to a halt a d he, Do#"al a d Co or 'a#sed, ob3io#sly tryi " to catch their labored breath. !y eyes dra k i the tem'le a d "ro# ds before me like a thirsty horse dri ks i water. Now that & "ot a "ood look at it from the road a d d#ri " the li"ht of day, & realiAed =#st how amaAi " a str#ct#re it really was. As & had oticed whe E'i a d & had s #ck o#t, it was b#ilt o the crest of a "e tle i cli e. U like !acCalla Castle the "ro# ds aro# d the tem'le for abo#t the le "th of a football field were clear of trees or a ythi " else that mi"ht ser3e to hide a e emy. The bea#tif#l marble wall that e circled the tem'le looked creamy a d e3e more im'ressi3e i the dayli"ht. The ri3er wra''ed aro# d the so#theast side of the tem'le "ro# ds, a d the la d s#rro# di " the cleared area

ad=ace t to it was co3ered with "ra'e3i es, which were hea3ily lade with dark fr#it. <'ri kled amidst the fields were se3eral attracti3e homes, remi isce t of A e Mathaway8s thatched-roof cotta"e i <tratford-U'o -A3o . !ost of them had eat-looki " bar s with corrals beside them, altho#"h & did 8t otice a y a imals. All 3ery #''er-middle-class 'easa t. B#t there was o e h#"e differe ce betwee the sce ery before me ow a d the sce ery that & had st#died as & was ridi " away. $eo'le had bee added4h#ma s a d ce ta#rs. Lots of 'eo'le were cam'ed all aro# d the tem'le walls. The te ts they had 'itched were blowi " i the "e tle breeAe. They seemed to be efficie tly "oi " abo#t their b#sy li3es4herdi " a imals a d childre , talki ", cooki "4it was like & had st#mbled i to a b#stli " medie3al faire. The a sho#t was heard from 3ery ear #s, a d re'eated a d re'eated a"ai . All heads t#r ed i o#r directio a d the sho#t i te sified to a series of cries as the 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs raised their ha ds, wa3i " a d welcomi " #s home. <hall we forwardB: Cla @i ta "la ced at his two comrades, a d the all three looked to me. &t took a mome t for me to realiAe they were waiti " for my 'ermissio . Oh? 6eah, let8s "o.: Cla @i ta broke i to what ca o ly be described as a 'erky ca ter, totally belyi " the fact that =#st mome ts before he a d the boys had bee str#""li " to catch their breath. & smiled. !e 4they s#re ca be c#te. E3e tho#"h their b#tts looked like horses, they certai ly acted o e h# dred 'erce t like "#ys. Belatedly & tried to retie my wild hair b#t decided &8d better "o for the wi dblow look Glike & had a y choiceH. As we eared the thro " of 'eo'le who were r#shi " forward to "reet #s, & remi ded myself firmly that & was #sed to Ga d was ty'ically deli"hted byH bei " the ce ter of atte tio . & mea , & admit that &83e do e ridic#lo#s thi "s d#ri " 'e' assemblies i fro t of h# dreds of 'artially "row h#ma bei "s. 5oddess & car ate sho#ld be a relati3ely # embarrassi " 'art to 'lay. <o & did what & do i fro t of tee a"ers4& threw my sho#lders back, held my head hi"h a d "ri ed at the masses like &8m cool Gor i sa e4the childre are e3er 'ositi3e whichH. E'o a?: Mail the Belo3ed of E'o a?: >elcome home, 5oddess & car ate?: E'o a8s Belo3ed, bless #s?: & e3e ma a"ed to wa3e. Tha k 5od &83e watched a lot of $B< s'ecials abo#t The %oyal @amily. As we 'assed withi the tem'le wall, & oticed somethi " else & co#ld 8t ha3e see well e o#"h to # dersta d the i"ht & left. The tem'le m#st be b#ilt o or aro# d the site of a mi eral s'ri "s. & the dayli"ht & co#ld ow see er#'tio s of s'arkli ", steamy water amidst the moss a d cra"s that & had tho#"ht before was =#st a h#"e, artificial fo# tai . !y eyes wide ed at the ima"i atio a d the craftsma shi' that had fashio ed the bea#ty of a h#"e 'l# "i " horse o#t of at#ral rock. &t was as if the fo# tai b#rst o#t of the side of the hill. & remembered Gwith relishH the wo derf#l bath Ala a had led me to, a d & # derstood that the architects a d b#ilders of the tem'le m#st ha3e somehow har essed the mi eral s'ri "s. $retty smart of them4a d they did 8t e3e ha3e TE, Ca'a ese-made 'arts or the & ter et to hel' them. &ma"i e that. <'eaki " of Ala a4ma , & was ha''y to see her. <he stood i the shadow of the e tra ce, dressed i a 3ery flatteri " b#tterc#'-yellow flowy thi ", ha ds folded dem#rely before her. !y im'atie ce to "et dow m#st ha3e tele"ra'hed itself thro#"h my thi"hs Ga d & wo dered briefly

what other 9tele"ra'hs: he had 'icked #' thro#"h my thi"hsH, a d Cla @i ta reached aro# d a d hel'ed me to e2it his back. & odded a d smiled at my adori " crowd as & made my way I#ickly toward Ala a. & co#ld feel that Cla @i ta a d the "#ys had t#r ed a d were faci " o#t to the crowd, blocki " them from adori " me so m#ch that they c#t off my e2it. Me was ass#ri " the masses that & was fi e, =#st tired, that &8d be back to bless them first thi " i the mor i "DblahD blahD. @or"etti " her # <#Aa a-like retice ce, & threw my arms aro# d Ala 9&8m so "lad to see yo#?: a a d h#""ed her hard.

& am 'leased to see that yo# are well, my Lady.: Mer 3oice was s#bser3ie t, a d & co#ld feel the te sio i her body. & dro''ed my arms from aro# d her a d she bowed to me, the #shered me thro#"h the e tra ce. & stead of e teri " the lo3ely "arde ed co#rtyard i fro t of #s Gwhich was, i cide tally, f#ll of more adori " 'eo'leH, she t#r ed abr#'tly to o#r left a d o'e ed a small, # decorated door. & side stood two of the sca tily clad "#ards & remembered so well. Before followi " her, & 'a#sed a d t#r ed to face Cla @i ta . Me smiled at me. 9%est a d refresh yo#rself. & will ha3e my warriors brief me o what has tra s'ired si ce we ha3e bee "o e, the & will =oi yo# later4: he 'a#sed, 'robably for effect 94 i yo#r chambers.: Mis 3oice had dee'e ed a d become h#sky. & thi k & bl#shed. 9&f that is as yo# wish, my LadyB: Now & k ew & was bl#shi ". O#r eyes met a d & was s#dde ly ha3i " tro#ble breathi ". & for"ot how tired & was. & for"ot how m#ssed a d =#st dow ri"ht sti ky & was. All & co#ld thi k abo#t was his hot, slick chest a d how his mo#th felt a"ai st mi e. !y LadyB: Ala a8s 3oice broke the s'ell. Oh, #h, comi ",: & told her, a d bli ked #' at Cla @i ta . 96es, that8s e2actly as & wish.: Mis se2y smile shot thro#"h me a d & "ri ed back at him. The & h#rried after Ala a before & did somethi " foolish like bite my h#sba d i '#blic. The "#ard closed the secret door a d & followed Ala C#st aro# d this cor er, my Lady.: >e t#r ed the cor er, a d & s'ied the door to my chambers, fla ked by two more y#mmy "#ards. & smiled at them as they sal#ted me, a d i my best !ae >est 3oice & said, 9Tha ks, boys: before they closed the hea3y door behi d me. Ohmy"od? & ca 8t wait to tell yo# e3erythi "?: & "#shed a d followed Ala r#mma"ed thro#"h my wardrobe, '#lli " o#t "a#Ay this a d sca ty that. 6es, my Lady.: >ell, it was awf#l4: & took a breath 94a d wo derf#l.: & "ri ed at her a d was mome tarily disco certed that she did 8t ret#r my "ri . 9A yway, & fo# d myQher dad4#"h4that was horrible. All those me dead. &83e e3er see a ythi " like it. >e b#r ed them. & ho'e it8s what Dad wo#ld ha3e wa ted.: &8m s#re his s'irit # dersta ds, my Lady.: @or a seco d her 3oice was ti "ed with familiar te der ess as she 'a#sed to meet my "aAe. Do yo# really thi k soB: 6es, my Lady.: The mome t was broke a d she ret#r ed to r#mma"i " thro#"h my wardrobe. a aro# d as she a dow a hall that looked 3a"#ely familiar.

Are yo# "etti " my clea thi "s so & ca take a bathB: !y 3oice so# ded almost as ea"er as & felt. 6es, my Lady. $lease follow me to the bathi " room.: <he t#r ed a d breeAed to the door. Bathi " room? Com'lete with toilet 'a'er? &8m ot ashamed to admit that & was looki " forward to sa3ori " the e2'erie ce. & h#rried after her. E teri " the bathi " room was like e teri " a little 'iece of hea3e . &t was as bea#tif#l as & remembered4all "olde a d misty i the ca dleli"ht G& i" ored the fact that the ca dleholders were sk#llsH. <e3eral barely clad ym'hets =#m'ed #' a d c#rtseyed, m#rm#ri " welcomes as & e tered. Tha k yo#. &t8s ice to be home.: A d & mea t it. Their smiles were shy b#t warm. & si "led o#t the taller of the ym'hs, whose willowy bea#ty & s#dde ly realiAed remi ded me of a kid amed <taci, o e of my all-time fa3orite st#de ts. !y 3oice reflected the affectio & had for her mirror ima"e i my old world whe & told her to, 9$lease tell the kitche that Cla @i ta will be eati " the e3e i " meal with me i my chamber. A d tell them & am 3errrry h# "ry.: Of co#rse, my Lady?: The <taci- ym'h bo# ded o#t of the room. >o#ld the rest of yo# 'lease e2c#se #sB & wo#ld like to be alo e with Ala their way "racef#lly o#t the door. a.: They c#rtseyed

&t will be so "ood to rela2?: & watched as Ala a b#sied herself setti " o#t the st#ff for my bath. 9Um, while yo#8re b#sy &8m "oi " to, wellD: & odded i the directio of the 'otties. Certai ly, my Lady.: After a e2'erie ce that & will describe o ly as satisfyi ", & ret#r ed a d be"a stri''i " the filthy clothes off my body. U"h. These thi "s are =#st 'lai "ross.: & sat ear the ed"e of the steami " 'ool a d '#lled off my cr#sty boots. 9Mey, is there a y bath oil o3er there that smells like the sa d soa' i the forestB: Ala a "a3e me a I#iAAical look. 96o# k ow, ki d of like almo ds a d 3a illa a d, well, soa'B: 6es, my Lady, & k ow.: <he t#r ed a d looked thro#"h the elaborate bottles that 'erched ear the f#ll-le "th mirror, sto''i " to smell se3eral a d discardi " them, # til she fo# d o e that fit my reI#est. <he bro#"ht the bottle o3er to the 'ool a d 'o#red it i to the warm water. The soft sce t of it ho3ered with the steam. That8s it.: & s iffed i a''reciatio , ya ked off my 'a ts a d ste''ed "ratef#lly o#t of the asty tho ". >ith a si"h of '#re deli"ht & lowered myself i to the fra"ra t water. 9Ahhh4this is beyo d words.: 6es, my Lady.: <omehow thro#"h the ecstasy of clea , warm water Ala a8s beha3ior 'e etrated. & o'e ed my eyes a d watched her thro#"h the mist. <he was b#sy rearra "i " br#shes a d make#' =ars. Ala a.: <he did 8t 'a#se, b#t a swered i the cool 3oice of a stra "er. 96es, my Lady.: L#it messi " with that st#ff a d come o3er here a d talk to me.: & did 8t mea for it to come o#t as a order, b#t she =erked stiffly aro# d a d mo3ed to the side of the 'ool. >hat is it yo# wish me to say, my LadyB: & wa t to k ow why yo#8re acti " like &8m some stra "er? Or worse yet, like &8m really %hia !y fr#stratio made me so# d "r#m'y. o ?:

As yo# k ow, & am yo#r ser3a t, my Lady. & am o ly acti " as befits my 'lace i yo#r ho#sehold.: Mer eyes were dow cast. B#llshit.: <he "la ced #' at me, the I#ickly looked dow a"ai . & st#died her face. <he looked 'ale a d te se. >hat the hell was wro " with herB & tho#"ht we "ot all that sla3e cra' strai"ht before & left.: As yo# wish, my Lady.: <to' this Uas yo# wish8 a d Uyes, my Lady8 "arba"e? Mow ma y times do & ha3e to e2'lai to yo# that & ca 8t see yo# as my sla3eB 6o#8re my frie d.: Mer eyes fi ally lifted to meet mi e. & co#ld see they were brimmi " with tears. <#Aa a is yo#r frie d, ot &.: a, a d & ca 8t hel' b#t wa t yo# to be my frie d.: B#t yo#8re a lot like <#Aa

<he drew a dee' breath. 9>o#ld yo# ha3e stole o#t i the dee' of i"ht, "oi " i to da "er a d horror witho#t telli " yo#r <#Aa a yo# were lea3i "B Or aski " for her aid a d 'rayersB: 6i'es. Now & # derstood. No, & wo#ld 8t ha3e,: & said I#ietly. <o yo# see, my Lady, o matter what yo#r words say, yo#r actio s show we are ot really frie ds.: Oh, Ala a, yo# are so ri"ht.: & co#ld 8t belie3e what a mess &8d made of this. &t is better we remai sla3e a d mistress o ly.: Mer 3oice was resi" ed. No? That8s ot what & mea t.: & cleared my throat, searchi " for the ri"ht words. 9& mea t yo# are absol#tely ri"ht to be 'issed off at me.: $iss4: Now she really looked co f#sed. Oo's, & kee' for"etti ". $issed off mea s mad. 6o# ha3e e3ery ri"ht to be mad at me. &t was a idiotic thi " for me to do.: !y Lady? & co#ld ot be mad4: & i terr#'ted, 9<#re yo# co#ld. 6o# are. A d yo# ha3e reaso to be.: <he started shaki " her head, b#t & talked o3er her 'rotestatio s. 96o#8re ri"ht4& wo#ld ha3e told <#A. & sho#ld ha3e told yo#. & was wro ". $lease for"i3e me a d "i3e me a other cha ce at bei " yo#r frie d.: <he looked at me as if &8d =#st "row a other eye or somethi ", b#t the tears were o lo "er threate i " to s'ill from her eyes. &D&D: <he seemed to be str#""li " withi herself. &8m sorry & h#rt yo#r feeli "s a d made yo# mistr#st me.: & for"i3e yo#.: Mer e2'ressio shifted as she s'oke the words a d a te tati3e smile raised the ed"es of her li's. 5ood? Ne2t time & do somethi " craAy &8ll cl#e yo# i o it. The we ca both worry to"ether.: & wo#ld like that.: !e, too.: & si"hed a d rela2ed back i to the water, ha''y that we8d "otte that strai"hte ed o#t. 9Co#ld yo# ha d me somethi " to wash withB:

Of co#rse, my La4: & had to i terr#'t her. 9Ala a, & ca 8t sta d this Umy Lady8 st#ff. Ca 8t yo# call me somethi " elseB: <he came back to the 'ool with a other delicate bottle i her ha d a d a thick, cream-colored s'o "e. G& mea a real s'o "e. The ki d they #se at the ritAy s'as.H <he '#t the bottle o the led"e that ra the le "th of the 'ool a d 'roceeded to cro#ch dow , "rab my arm a d be"i washi " me. No offe se, "irlfrie d, b#t & wo#ld really rather yo# =#st sat there a d talked to me. A d let me wash myself.: <he looked 3a"#ely disco certed, b#t she ha ded me the s'o "e a d my arm. 9&f that is what yo# wish, my Lady.: &8d a''reciate it.: &t8s =#st too weird to be washed by yo#r frie d. 9<o4: & soa'ed myself #', lo3i " the sati like feel of the warm mi eral water 94what else ca yo# call me besides Umy Lady8B: & s#''ose & co#ld call yo# %hia %hia &t mea s I#ee ly.: That fi"#res,: & m#ttered as & scr#bbed the cr#d off the bottom of my feet. 9& wish yo# co#ld call me <ha o , b#t & s#''ose that wo#ld 8t be a "ood idea.: No.: <he looked worried. & k ow? !y frie ds do 8t call me <ha o 3ery ofte , they shorte it to <ha. >hat if we shorte %hia o to somethi " like %he or %heaB: Ceesh, my feet were dis"#sti ". %heaB: <he looked do#btf#l. 6e'. & like it.: >ell, & will try.: o .: <he did 8t so# d totally co 3i ced. o .: & did 8t like it. 9& do 8t like it.:

Ala a, ca yo# fi d me somethi " that will wash the y#ck o#t of my hairB: Of co#rse4: she 'a#sed, ob3io#sly str#""li " before she added 94%hea.: <he looked thro#"h bottles # til she fo# d a tall "olde o e. 9This is hair soa' made from ho ey a d almo ds. %hia o 8s fa3orite4& tho#"ht yo# wo#ld 'robably like it, too.: 6o#8re ri"ht, & do. &t8s stra "e how similar o#r tastes are, is 8t itB: Ala a "a3e a s#dde , # ladylike s ort. 9& thi k stra "e is ot a stro " e o#"h word.: Ma " o , &8m "oi " to d# k # der a d "et this dis"#sti " hair wet. The & really wo#ld a''reciate it if yo# co#ld hel' me lather it #'.: & wo#ld be ha''y to hel' yo#, %hea.: This time the ick ame came easier. & held my ose a d 'l# "ed # der, shaki " my head aro# d so that the water soaked thro#"h my matted c#rls. <#rfaci ", & s'#ttered, wi'i " hair o#t of my eyes. T#r i " my back to Ala a, & sat ear the led"e while she # corked the bottle a d 'o#red the thick, soa'y mi2t#re all o3er my hair. The we both attacked the dirty mess. >e had to re'eat the ri se-a d-wash cycle three times before & felt really clea .

The bathi " 'ool was remarkable. There was some sort of system that allowed dirty, soa'y water to drai o#t o e side, while fresh, hot water ra i from a other side. A d it was h#"e. The ce ter was dee' e o#"h that if & stood, the soothi " water co3ered me to =#st # der my chi . @i ally clea , & lay back ear the area where water b#bbled i , soaki " away the sore ess i my m#scles. Ala a sat ear me, her le"s 'layi " i the water like she was a kid sitti " o a ri3erba k. & am sorry yo# had to see the horror of what ha''e ed at !acCalla Castle,: Ala & had to "o. & did 8t wa t to, b#t & eeded to.: 6es. B#t & am "lad Cla @i ta followed yo#.: & do 8t k ow what & wo#ld83e do e witho#t him.: A s#dde tho#"ht startled me. 9E'i? & did 8t e3e ask if she "ot home okay.: Ala a8s brow wri kled I#iAAically, the her e2'ressio cleared. 9The Chose 4%hia o 8s mare. 6es, Cla @i ta 8s ce ta#rs escorted her home. <he is resti " co te tedly i the stables.: Mer hoof8s "oi " to be all ri"htB: <he did ot a''ear to fa3or it whe last & saw her.: <he smiled at me. 9The two of yo# ha3e become frie dsB: <he8s wo derf#l.: & k ow & so# ded like a "iddy school"irl. 9&83e always lo3ed horses.: Co sideri " yo#r ew circ#msta ces that is a l#cky coi cide ce.: No kiddi ".: >e were both sile t4co tem'lati " dee' tho#"hts of mirror dime sio s a d horse "oddesses a d se2 with ce ta#rsD & really like him.: Ala a bli ked at me. & oce tly. >ho, my LadyB: Do 8t Umy Lady8 me.: & s'lashed water at her a d she "i""led. 96o# k ow who. !r. Tall, Dark a d EI#i e.: <o yo# are ot #'set at bei " mated with himB: Mer eyes were s'arkli ". & ca 8t seem to kee' my ha ds off him.: & thi k & had the "ood "race to bl#sh, b#t it mi"ht =#st ha3e bee the heat of the water. Now yo# do so# d like %hia a other "i""le. o .: Ala a8s ha ds flew to her mo#th a d she tried to stifle a said sadly.

Now yo# so# d like <#Aa a.: A d we la#"hed to"ether. 9Oh, =eesh, that remi ds me4he8s "oi " to meet me i my room a d "i3e me his4: 'a#se, wi k 94re'ort. $lease hel' me 'ick o#t somethi " "reat to wear.: Ala a =#m'ed #' a d "rabbed a thick towel, i which & I#ickly wra''ed myself. & sat at the 3a ity a d we both started toweli " my hair dry. A d there is the 'roblem of those horrid ma -creat#res.: Both o#r ha ds stilled a d o#r eyes met i the mirror. 9Oh, Ala a, & had a other of those dream thi "s. The creat#res ha3e take the wome to 5#ardia Castle. They8re mati " with them.: & t#r ed a d took her ha ds i mi e. 9& watched as a ewbor creat#re b#rst from a woma 8s body.: & sh#ddered at the memory. Ala a8s eyes "rew h#"e a d her ha ds "ri''ed mi e ti"htly. 9Tell me the ce ta#rs are stro " e o#"h to kill

those thi "s. & k ow so little abo#t this world. Do & ha3e a army or somethi ", tooB Or are %hia o 8s "#ards =#st boy toysB: The ce ta#rs are mi"hty warriors.: Mer 3oice was firm. 9A d %hia o chose her "#ards for their fi"hti " ability as well as theirD'rowess a d other, shall we say, e dowme ts.: & sI#eeAed her ha ds a d t#r ed back aro# d. 9At least she was a smart sl#t.: Ala a8s "ri a swered me. <'eaki " of bei " smartD: & watched Ala a i the mirror as she started worki " a comb thro#"h my dam' hair. 9& feel like a idiot beca#se & do 8t k ow my way aro# d this world. Does %hia o ha3e a ma' or somethi " yo# co#ld show meB & did 8t e3e k ow 5#ardia Castle was 5#ardia Castle. Cla @i ta m#st thi k &8m some ki d of airheaded moro .: 6es, there is a ma' of $artholo i yo#r chambers.: <he cleared her throat a d smiled shee'ishly at my reflectio . 96o# realiAe yo# will ha3e to 'erform a blessi " ceremo y for the 'eo'le o the morrowB: & for"ot.: 5reat, like & did 8t ha3e e o#"h o my mi dB 9Ca 8t yo# take my 'lace or somethi "B: Ala a looked shocked. 9No? 6o# are ot %hia $riestess.: & o'e ed my mo#th to i terr#'t. !y Lady, yo# ha3e bee "ifted with the !a"ic <lee'. That alo e is 'roof of E'o a8s fa3or.: !y mo#th started to o'e a"ai . A d the mare lo3es a d acce'ts yo#.: !y mo#th sh#t. 6o# are Belo3ed of E'o a a d the 'eo'le8s s'irit#al leader.: Mer e2'ressio softe ed as she co ti #ed. 9The 'eo'le co# t o yo#, 'robably m#ch like yo#r st#de ts did i yo#r old world. !y Lady, & ca ot belie3e yo# wo#ld let them dow .: !y mi d wa dered. & "#essed & co#ld come #' with a brief mor i " blessi ", hea3y o Celtic se time ts. 6eats was o e of my fa3orites4betwee him a d <hakes'eare Ga d whoe3er else & co#ld ca ibaliAeH & sho#ld be able to 9borrow: e o#"h material to "et by Ga d 'erha's ot embarrass myself or my 'rofessio N teachers4the few, the 'ro#d, the brokeH. !y mi d sc#rried aro# d rehearsi " fra"me ted combi atio s of half-remembered 'oetry a d 'artially reco" iAed soliloI#iesD Tilt yo#r head #', %hea. Let me fi ish yo#r eyes.: & bli ked a d did as Ala a ordered, 3a"#ely s#r'rised to fi d that while &8d bee me tally rehearsi " she8d bee tra sformi " me from the >icked >itch of the >est i to Ci derella Gat the ball4before mid i"htH. <he fi ished e2'ertly hi"hli"hti " my eyes, ha ded me a 'ot of bro Ae li' shi e a d held o#t two "a#Ay bits of silky othi " for my i s'ectio . Do yo# ha3e a 'refere ceB: 6es,: & "#l'ed. 9&8d like to lea3e somethi " to his ima"i atio .: Mer "i""le b#bbled. 96o# say the most # #s#al thi "s?: & "#ess & like the "ree o e with the "old threadi ".: The other o e was white with some ki d of s'arkly sil3er beadi " a d & was certai that o matter how ma y times she wra''ed it aro# d me it wo#ld still be tra s'are t. Mow8s a "irl to sit comfortably i that ki d of o#tfitB o b#t yo# are still E'o a8s Belo3ed a d o#r Mi"h

The "ree matches yo#r eyes.: <he held o#t a ti y scra' of silk. E2'erie ce had ta#"ht me it was a ha kie masI#eradi " as my 'a ties. E2'erie ce had also ta#"ht me it did 8t "i3e m#ch 'rotectio from the eleme ts. B#t to i"ht the o ly eleme t &8d eed 'rotectio from wo#ld be Cla @i ta , soD& I#ickly sli''ed o the tho " a d held my arms away from my sides while Ala a be"a wra''i " a d twisti " the silk aro# d me. That "old desi" is so 'retty. >hat is itB: & cra ed my head aro# d tryi " to reco" iAe the "litteri " #'side-dow sha'es. Ala a had st#ck the e d of a brooch i her mo#th a d she a swered me thro#"h '#rsed li's, 9<k#lls, of co#rse.: Of co#rse.: & sho#ld83e k ow . <he 'i ed the silky "arme t at my ri"ht sho#lder, the ha ded me a 'air of sa dals made of soft cream-colored leather. The shoes laced halfway #' my cal3es a d & was 'leased to ote that they had heels. @lats =#st ca 8t be all that se2y. Ala a was worki " her way aro# d my body, t#cki " a d '#lli " folds of silk i to 'lace. <he st#died me, oddi " her head like she was 'leased with herself, a d t#r ed back to the 3a ity to o'e the lids of i tricately car3ed bo2es. As she 'oked a d 'rodded thro#"h the co te ts, & oticed s'arkles a d followed to 'eek o3er her sho#lder. The bo2es were filled with =ewelry. & felt my mo#th "o dry. Ohmy"od, are all of those mi eB: They are ow.: <he so# ded sm#". & take it %hia Ala o wo#ld ha3e a litter of kitte s if a yo e to#ched her lootB: a8s s#dde la#"h e ded i a s ort. 9That is o e way of '#tti " it.:

5ood. Let8s di" thro#"h a d load me #'.: 6es, let8s,: she mimicked. As & ha3e already me tio ed, %hia o 8s taste was 3ery similar to mi e. That held tr#e i the =ewelry de'artme t Gif ot the 'a ty de'artme tH. The bo2es before me were filled with "old. <hi i ", flat herri "bo e ecklaces, twi kli " diamo d-c#t ro'es, i tricate k ots a d twists of brooches a d earri "s. $recio#s a d semi'recio#s =ewels were s'ri kled liberally amidst the "olde mess4& oticed e3erythi " from earri "s set with iridesce t bl#e to'aA to ecklaces cr#sted with a cie t teardro's of crystalliAed amber. A d diamo ds. Lots of diamo ds. &t was as if someo e had em'tied i to the bo2es se3eral trays from Tiffa y8s estate collectio . & tried ot to babble i cohere tly a d to remember that & was dressi " for my h#sba d, ot for a s'ot o a TE e3a "elism 'ro"ram. @i ally & decided to mi2 dem#re with !arily !o roe. & chose a lo ", thick diamo d-c#t ro'e ecklace which estled hea3ily betwee my breasts Gwhich were mostly bareH, a e2I#isite 'air of dai ty 'earl a d "old dro' earri "s a d Gthis is the !arily 'artH aro# d my left wrist & clas'ed a bracelet of e ormo#s ro# d diamo ds held to"ether by ti y "old li ks. & held my ha d o#t, twisti " it this way a d that, while & admired the fire of the diamo ds. & mea , they were really cool. E3e $ammy, my flashy "irlfrie d who li3ed i Las Ee"as, wo#ld be drooli ". Do ot for"et this.: Ala %hia a held o#t the bea#tif#l coro et & had wor before. &t was "or"eo#s, b#t & hesitated. 9Are yo# s#re it is 8t a little m#chB: o wore it always. &t is si" of yo#r obility a d statio 4a coro et ca o ly be wor by a

$riestess who is the Belo3ed of a 5oddess.: & decided to follow my "#t feeli ". 9The & thi k &8ll choose to lea3e it here. To i"ht & wa t to be Cla @i ta 8s Belo3ed.: & looked at Ala a with belated co cer . 9& do 8t wa t to 'iss off my 5oddess, tho#"h. Do yo# thi k E'o a will mi dB: Ala a "a3e me a I#ick half h#" that was so like <#Aa wa t yo# to ho or yo#r h#sba d a d be ha''y.: a it made my breath catch. 9E'o a wo#ld

5ood. Let8s "o back to my room.: & led the way to the door. 9A d &8ll "o first4& ha3e to start lear i " my way aro# d. &f & mess #' &8ll =#st act like a bitch. No o e will otice a ythi " o#t of the ordi ary abo#t that.: As we swe't "ra dly o#t of the bathi " room, the adorable door or ame ts s a''ed to atte tio . & co#ld 8t sto' myself from tweaki " the taller of the two8s cheek Gthe o e o his faceH. Nice =ob.: Mis eyes s'arkled a d his se s#o#s li's c#r3ed i a smile. & remembered that %hia o had 'robably k ow him well. & the Biblical se se. & bl#shed a d started hastily dow the hall. $sssst?: & slowed dow a d motio ed for Ala a to catch #'. 9>alk e2t to me, & ca 8t talk to yo# while yo#8re back there.: & whis'ered for her ears alo e, 9Did %hia o , #m, well, boi k that "#ardB: Boi kB: she whis'ered back. <i"h. 6o# k ow.: & wi""led my eyebrows s#""esti3ely a d wi ked. 9Boi k.: Oh?: <he t#r ed 'i k. 96o# ca ass#me so. <he boi ked all of her "#ards.: Did 8t yo# say there are o e h# dred of themB: & for"ot to whis'er. 6es.: Dam , she m#st ha3e bee b#sy.: &t bo""led my mi d. <he was 3ery dedicated to her me .: & sho#ld say so. A d she still had time to do "oddess st#ffB: <he had ma y tale ts.: >e came to the door to my chambers a d & co#ld 8t I#it stari " at the two "#ards as they s a''ed to a d o'e ed the door for me. &t was like watchi " the aftermath of a car wreck. & wa ted to look away, b#t & r#bber ecked all the way i to my roomD A d ri"ht i to the bea#tif#l <taci- ym'h. Oh, my Lady? @or"i3e my cl#msi ess?: <he was bowi " a d I#aki ". &8m telli " yo#, she looked like she was "etti " ready to 'rostrate herself at my feet. & reached o#t to sI#eeAe her sho#lder a d tell her ot to worry abo#t it, a d she cowered dow , 'rotecti " her face with her ha ds as if she e2'ected to be beate . &8m ot "oi " to hit yo#?: & bl#rted. Mer body was shaki " a d she 'eered #' at me thro#"h her fi "ers. & looked at Ala a d she mo#thed what looked like the ame Tarah to me. a for hel',

Tarah, 'lease, it was my fa#lt. & was 8t looki " a d & ra ri"ht i to yo#.: <he bli ked tears from her eyes a d slowly her ha ds mo3ed away from her face. &t amaAed me how m#ch she looked a d so# ded like <taci4shimmery, lo " dark hair, h#"e lim'id brow eyes a d bo e str#ct#re a s#'ermodel wo#ld die for Gor, at the 3ery least, commit b#limia forH. & smiled at her a d held my ha ds 3ery still, like she was a =ittery colt. <he smiled te tati3ely back at me. !-my Lady. & h-had yo#r chambers set for yo#r meal.: <he wi'ed away her tears. 9& stayed to see if it met yo#r a''ro3al.: & looked behi d her a d saw a lo3ely table setti " for two. The chaise lo# "es were 'ositio ed so that the heads of the di ers recli i " o them wo#ld be 3ery ear o e a other. E3erythi " looks wo derf#l. C#st ha3e them bri " s#''er shortly after Cla @i ta arri3es.: <he bobbed a "racef#l c#rtsy a d be"a backi " to the door. A d, Tarah.: <he 'a#sed i her e2it. 9& the 'ast & belie3e & ha3e beha3ed badly.: Mer eyes o'e ed wide as & co ti #ed, 9A d for that & a'olo"iAe. Thi "s will be differe t from ow o .: 6es, my Lady?: The res'o si3e "low of her face made me e3e a "rier with %hia Tha k yo#, Tarah.: Mer "ri lit #' the doorway as she left. o .

Alo e a"ai , & t#r ed to Ala Did %hia o a. e3er co trol herselfB:

<he is E'o a8s Chose . <he did ot ha3e to co trol herself.: That8s cra'. &t8s that ki d of thi ki " that allowed 'eo'le like Cali"#la, Me ry E&&& a d, well, certai 'reside ts to make s#ch asses of themsel3es.: >ho are theyB: !ore sl#ts.: Oh.: Mow the hell co#ld %hia Ala o kee' 'eo'le loyal to her if she was s#ch a bitchB: a "a3e me a k owi " look.

& mea female 'eo'le. &t8s ob3io#s how she ke't her me ha''y.: !y ha ds were 'la ted o my hi's a d & was ta''i " my foot i time with my a "er. G& looked 3ery teacherish4as a matter of fact, & felt the s#dde desire to re'rima d a tee a"er. B#t there8s e3er o e aro# d whe yo# eed o e.H %hia o was a 3ery 'owerf#l woma .: <he did 8t I#ite meet my eyes. A tho#"ht came to me. 9Ala a, yo# e3er did tell me how %hia o was able to e2cha "e 'laces with me thro#"h a e2'losi3e fire witho#t either of #s "etti " b#r ed #'.: That was ass#mi " %hia o had s#r3i3ed, too. & am ot com'letely certai . <he did ot re3eal e3erythi " to me.: Mer 3oice was hesita t.

B#t yo# ha3e a 'retty "ood "#essB: Mer si"h was dee' a d she raised her eyes to mi e. 9<he we t thro#"h se3eral test rit#als.: <he sh#ddered i remembra ce. 9They were 8t s#ccessf#l. The 'eo'le she attem'ted to e2cha "e wereDdama"edDwhe they a''eared. They did ot li3e.: & odded at her to "o o . The she came #'o the idea of se di " somethi " i a imate from this world, somethi " that co#ld carry some of her 'ower, with o e of the 'eo'le.: The 'ot?: 6es, she se t a ceremo ial f# eral 3ase4o e that had bee #sed to 'o#r libatio s o3er the "ra3es of 'ast "e eratio s of E'o a8s Chose .: <he 'a#sed a d swallowed hard. 9Mer e2t test was more s#ccessf#l.: !ore s#ccessf#lB: & did 8t like how that so# ded. The ser3a t li3ed. @or a while.: U"h.: 6es. %hia o we t back to fasti " a d meditati ". The she seemed to ha3e disco3ered a a swer.: Ala a sat o o e of the chaises. This time & 'o#red her a "lass of wi e, the 'o#red myself a "lass a d sat e2t to her. 9<he had a fa3orite ser3a t4a <hama amed Bres.: <he bla ched 3isibly a d her eyes darted er3o#sly as she s'oke his ame. 9Me was 8t like Cla @i ta , he worshi''ed dark "ods whose ames are better left # said.: >ell, do 8t say them the ?: This whole co 3ersatio was "i3i " me a walki "-o3er-my-"ra3e feeli ". Ala a odded i a"reeme t a d co ti #ed, 9They 'erformed a dark ceremo y the day yo# came to this world. A terrible storm blew i .: There was a storm that a''eared s#dde ly the after oo of my accide t.: <he a d Bres walked to a deserted area ear the Loch at the ed"e of Ufasach !arsh. <he always i sisted that & be earby, so & we t with them, b#t it was hard for me to # dersta d what was ha''e i " beca#se of the wi d a d the rai .: !y !#sta " a d & # derstood e2actly what she was describi ". They chose a aba do ed cotta"e to set afire. E3e i the storm it b#r ed with a # holy flame. Bres walked i to the b#ildi ", cha ti " a i ca tatio that st# " my ears with its i te sity. Me disa''eared. The a other ma , o e with Bres8s form, b#t who was ob3io#sly ot the <hama , b#rst from the b#ildi " almost hysterical with co f#sio .: Ala a sto''ed a d took a lo " dri k. To sa3e her the embarrassme t of dri ki " alo e & ch#""ed with her. As he emer"ed, %hia o mo3ed behi d him a d slit his throat. The she ca#"ht his blood i a "oblet a d dra k it. <he s'e t the rest of the day s'eaki " s'ells o3er his body. As d#sk was falli " she stri''ed off her clothes, fl# " her head back a d arms wide, a d mo3ed i to the still-b#r i " b#ildi " like she was embraci " it.: & shi3ered, rememberi " the weird mirror 3isio of myself & had "lim'sed i the 'ot as it b#rst i to a fiery ball. The the b#ildi " e2'loded i to othi ". A d & fo# d yo# lyi " # co scio#s i its r#i s.: <he smiled bra3ely at me.

& wo der if she was s#ccessf#l i "etti " to my world.: &t felt stra "e to wish ill o someo e who co#ld be my twi , or more acc#rately my clo e. B#t & did wish it, 3eheme tly. <he was s#ccessf#l.: Ala Mow do yo# k owB: <he was always s#ccessf#l. <he settled for othi " less tha e2actly what she desired.: >ell, '#blic school will be a r#de awake i " for her. &8d lo3e to be a fly o the wall at her first 'are t-teacher co fere ce.: Not e3e te #re wo#ld be e o#"h to 'rotect her. 9At least we8re rid of her a d that Bres character.: 6es.: >e "ri ed at each other. Mey, was Bres tall a d skeletal with real sti ky breath a d a fish bellyFwhite com'le2io B: 6es?: <he bli ked i s#r'rise at me. 9Did yo# see himB: >e met shortly before the storm hit. Me was serio#sly cree'y.: >e shi3ered i # iso . &8m "lad yo# fo# d me.: & sI#eeAed her ha d. & am, too.: <he sI#eeAed back a d the warmth of o#r frie dshi' bro#"ht the color back to a world that had t#r ed tem'orarily 'ale. Mow abo#t showi " me the ma' before Cla @i ta "ets here a d starts messi " with my mi dB: A d G& si cerely ho'edH my body. <he stood, refilled both of o#r em'ty "lasses a d the mo3ed to a door at the far e d of the chamber. &t o'e ed to a tastef#lly decorated sitti " room, com'lete with lo3e seats, a readi " table, a chaise lo# "e Gob3io#sly a hot item i this worldH, a fire'lace with a elaborately car3ed marble ma tel a d walls li ed with rows a d rows of4 Books?: & yel'ed as & r#shed i to the room, 'ractically k ocki " Ala a to her b#tt. 9& tho#"ht this door led to a closet.: & ra my fi "ers re3ere tly dow the leather s'i es. 95od, & lo3e books.: <o did %hia o . <he ke't the scribes b#sy.: Ala a we t to o e wall a d climbed to the to' r# " of a little woode ste'ladder. <he reached #' i side the to'most shelf a d '#lled dow a rolled-#' ma'. This is $artholo .: >ow?: >hich was a # derstateme t. The ma' # rolled # til it almost to#ched the floor. &t was a little like the scree for a o3erhead 'ro=ector, b#t it was made of some ki d of i tricately wo3e material that remi ded me of silk, o ly thicker. &t was amaAi "4its bea#ty drew me ear a d & lo "ed to to#ch its soft ess. & ste''ed close to it a d ra my ha ds i a li"ht caress o3er its s#rface. Uh?: &t was as tho#"h a electric shock had 'assed thro#"h the ma' to my fi "ers, a d my ha ds shot back from the fabric. 9&t Aa''ed me?: Ala a looked 'leased. 9There is the last of yo#r 'roof. The s'ark that 'asses betwee the sacred ma' of $artholo a d the Belo3ed of E'o a ha''e s o ly whe the 5oddess8s Mi"h $riestess to#ches it.: & r#bbed my fi "ers a d took a wary half ste' away from it. 6o# co#ld ha3e war ed me.: a8s 3oice had "o e flat.

>o#ld yo# still ha3e to#ched itB: $robably ot.: That is why & did ot war yo#.: <mart aleck.: & "r#mbled a smile at her as & be"a st#dyi " the ma' from a safe dista ce. E'o a8s Tem'le was or ately marked by "old thread a d sit#ated i the so#theaster 'art of $artholo , to the orth of the wide 3a"#ely east-west r# i " ri3er, which was labeled 5eal %i3er. The ri3er ori"i ated i the ortheaster e d of the Trier !o# tai s as a s'lit ri3er, the west bra ch of which was labeled Calma %i3er, a d it em'tied i to the sea as a s'lit ri3er, too. At the B8a <ea the orther most bra ch was labeled Clare %i3er. & was i terested to otice a str#ct#re labeled Tem'le of the !#se was estled ear the =oi i " of the ri3ers o the Calma 8s wester ba k. !y eyes were draw to the far west of the ma' where the B8a <ea ra the le "th of the border, with cliffs of "ree draw i dramatically. !acCalla Castle sat boldly ear the ed"e. & si"hed sadly a d looked orth from !acCalla Castle to see 5#ardia Castle sit#ated i a cleft betwee h#"e whiteti''ed mo# tai s. Looki " dow from 5#ardia Castle & was shocked to see a lar"e bl#e lake labeled Loch <elkie Ga d & oted Ufasach !arsh h#""ed the easter ed"e of the lochH betwee it a d E'o a8s Tem'le. A other castle labeled Lara"o Castle sat orth of the loch a d so#theast of 5#ardia Castle. & did 8t remember 'assi " o3er a lake or a other castle, a d & felt a shi3er of dread as & st#died the area betwee Lara"o a d 5#ardia Castles. A s#dde oise broke my co ce tratio . That will 'robably be o e of yo#r ha dmaids with word of Cla @i ta .: Ala a smiled k owi "ly as a fl#sh bloomed o3er my face. 9& will tell her she may a o# ce him mome tarily.: !y eyes were draw back to the ma' a d & tried to take the rest of it i I#ickly. & co#ld see at least three other castles labeled, b#t o e as close to 5#ardia Castle as Lara"o a d !acCalla . & o ly had time to otice that the "rassy la ds which co3ered a "reat deal of the la d o#tside $artholo were emblaAo ed Ce ta#r $lai s, whe Ala a rea''eared with a smile, followed by <taci- ym'h. !y Lady, Cla @i ta asks if he may =oi yo# i yo#r I#arters.: <he "a3e me a sweet c#rtsy. Tha k yo#, <taD#mDTarah. $lease show him i a d bri " o#r di 6es, my Lady?: <he certai ly was cheerf#l. Ala a a d & we t back i to the mai chamber Gthe o e with my bi" bed i itH. &8m a little er3o#s.: & tried ot to fid"et. C#st be who yo# really are.: Ala a8s eyes were ki d a d she 'atted o e of my loose c#rls i to 'lace. 9Me is already 'redis'osed to lo3e yo#, yo# k ow.: & bli ked i s#r'rise. 9No, & did 8t k ow.: 6o# are E'o a8s Belo3ed. The 5oddess always fashio s a ce ta#r Mi"h <hama to be yo#r mate.: A firm k ock so# ded a d Ala a res'o ded whe & hesitated, 9E ter?: Cla @i ta mo3ed i to the chamber a d my stomach did se3eral b#tterfly-filled fli's. Me8d ob3io#sly bathed. Mis coat shimmered like hot ma'le syr#' a d his lo " thick hair was br#shed back a d h# " free i a dark c#rtai aro# d his bro Ae sho#lders. Me wore a black leather 3est embroidered with r# es of "old that ri''led almost as ma"ically as his m#scles whe he mo3ed. >hich made me realiAe he had 8t mo3ed si ce the door had closed behi d him. Me =#st stood there, to#chi " me with his eyes. er, too.:

>elcome, my Lord.: & co#ld hear the smile i Ala

a8s 3oice.

Tha k yo#, Ala a.: The s'ell was broke a d he mo3ed "racef#lly i to the s'ace before me. 9@or"i3e my sile ce, & was e tra ced by my Lady8s bea#ty.: Me reached o#t a d took my ri"ht ha d i his, slowly raisi " my 'alm to his li's. O#r eyes locked a"ai a d & felt my breath I#icke . 5od, he was bi". A d m#sc#lar. A d hot Gi all se ses of the wordH. 5ood e3e i ", Cla @i ta . &t8s "ood to see yo# a"ai .: & realiAed as & said it that &8d missed him this after oo . & fi d that it is "ood to see yo# a"ai , too, my Lady.: Mis breath was warm o my 'alm a d his li's li "ered ear the '#lse of my wrist. @or a seco d & wo dered if he8d bite me a"ai G ot that &8d mi dH. Me did 8t a d & si"hed as he released my ha d. &f there is othi " else, my Lady, & will wish yo# a "ood e3e i " a d4: No?: Ala a 'a#sed i her fli"ht to the door. Cla @i ta looked at me, s#r'rised by my o#tb#rst. 9& mea , #m, 'lease stay # til o#r di er arri3es. There are thi "s we eed to disc#ss.: They both stared at me. U der their co f#sed scr#ti y & walked er3o#sly to o e of the chaise lo# "es a d refreshed my "lass of wi e. 9& wo#ld like Ala a to hear yo#r re'ort a d, well, she has some really "ood i si"hts abo#t, #h, thi "s.: They were still stari " a d & looked to Cla @i ta for # dersta di ". 9<he is my frie d, a d & 3al#e her =#d"me t.: Of co#rse, %hia o .: That seemed to "et thro#"h to him. 9The she sho#ld stay.: Me took his 'lace at the other lo# "e. Ala a mo3ed aro# d the 'illar-like table to 'o#r him a fresh "lass of wi e a d & tried to tele"ra'h a 9rela2 a d hel'?: look to her. >i e, my LordB: <he sli''ed easily i to her ser3a t role. 6es.: Me si''ed a d & felt his eyes watchi " me o3er the rim. & looked at Ala a a d si"hed. 9Ala a, 'o#r yo#rself some wi e a d sit here with me.: <he odded, looki " at me oddly, b#t did as & asked. & thi k that sometimes it takes her a few mi #tes to remi d herself &8m ot "oi " to shriek at her a d 'o# ce. B#t the a"ai , &83e see tee a"ers "i3e me the same ki d of startled look, so who k owsD !y atte tio ret#r ed to the ce ta#r. 9<o, are the troo's "etti " ready for battleB: & ho'ed & did 8t so# d too &-do 8t-k ow-what-the-hell-&8m-talki "-abo#t-ish. 6es. &83e se t a call to the $lai s, a d the ce ta#rs are "atheri ". They sho#ld be"i arri3i " withi the e2t few days. 6o#r "#ard is, as always, ready to 'rotect yo# a d E'o a8s Tem'le. & ha3e called a war co# cil i yo#r ame4by the e d of the e2t se3e th day the heads of all the Cla s will arri3e, the yo# may i form them of what E'o a has re3ealed to yo#4: he smiled "rimly at #s 94 a d we will for"e a combi ed strate"y to combat the @omoria e3il.: Cla @i ta , & wo#ld like yo# to lead that war co# cil.: Me started to i terr#'t a d & h#rried o , 9& wo#ld feel sec#re k owi " yo# are i char"e of seei " to o#r safety.: B#t, my Lady, by ri"ht yo# sho#ld lead the co# cil.: 5reat. 6es, b#t as my mate & am aski " yo# to ass#me that 'artic#lar 'lace of leadershi' for me.: &

crossed my fi "ers Gfi"#rati3elyH a d ho'ed what & was aski " was 8t creati " a e ormo#s war co# cil fa#2 'as. & "la ced at Ala a a d was "lad to see she did 8t a''ear to be freaki " o#t. 6et. &f that is what yo# wish, & will, of co#rse, do my best i yo#r stead.: Me so# ded hesita t, b#t & tr#sted his abilities m#ch more tha mi e. After all4we were "oi " to war, ot st#dyi " rhetorical theories of writi " s#cci ct essays abo#t war Gyaw H. Tha k yo#. A d there is somethi " else &8m worried abo#t.: & looked at Ala a. 9>he we were st#dyi " the ma' & realiAed how close Lara"o Castle is to 5#ardia Castle. Mas Lara"o bee otified of what has ha''e edB: 6es, carrier 'i"eo s were se t the first day, a d ce ta#rs ha3e bee de'loyed to aid them i readyi " their defe ses.: <o, yo# thi k the creat#res will ot stay at 5#ardia CastleB 6o# thi k they will attack a"ai B: !y ski crawled at the tho#"ht. & k ow little abo#t them, b#t & do ot thi k they will be a''eased with what they ha3e take .: Mis words were ha# ted by the memory of my descri'tio of the horror & had wit essed. Does obody k ow a ythi " s#bsta tial abo#t theseDthi "sB: @r#stratio shorte ed my to e. @omoria s.: Ala a hel'ed me with the word. 6eah, @omoria s.: & looked from her to Cla @i ta . 9Did 8t yo# say yo# k ew somethi " of them from the le"e dsB: &t is ot m#ch. O ly that they were defeated i a cie t times a d ba ished o3er the mo# tai s. A d that they dabbled i dark 'owers a d dra k the blood of li3i " bei "s.: !ore "ood ews. They8re fri""i 3am'ires?: Eam'iresB: Ala a a d Cla @i ta s'oke to"ether. <i"h. 5#ess they83e e3er read Bram <toker. Eam'ires are creat#res that li3e off the blood of others4#s#ally 'retty asty thi "s.: They both looked bla k. 9They do 8t like to tra3el d#ri " dayli"ht. They ca be killed o ly i certai ways, etc., etc., etcD.: Cla @i ta 8s bla k looked s#dde ly cha "ed. 9$erha's the @omoria s ha3e weak esses like these 3am'ires.: <o# ds "ood4how do we fi d o#t if they doB: The three of #s looked at each other. The the li"htb#lb o3er my head lit #'. Clearly, we eeded a teacher? Do 8t we ha3e a historia B: & t#r ed to Ala stories.: >o der what8s #' with herB 5ood? Co#ld yo# 'lease co tact the teacher, let her k ow what she eeds to research, a d bri " her to me tomorrow mor i ", before & ha3e to bless the 'eo'leB: & will, my Lady.: Mer eyes shied away from mi e a d she 'l#cked er3o#sly at her wi e"lass. GNote to selfN look i to whate3er the hell was the 'roblem betwee Ala a a d the teacher.H 5ood. &8m "lad that8s settled.: a. 96o# k ow, a teacher of a cie t ideas a d

6es, of co#rse, my Lady.: C#rio#sly, she we t all 'i k. E3e her ears bl#shed.

There was a k ock at the door. This time & had the 'rese ce of mi d to a swer for myself. Come o i ?: <taciQTarah- ym'h ski''ed i to the room with a bi" smile o her "or"eo#s face. !y Lady, may & ha3e di & "ri er bro#"ht i to yo#B: ed back at her yo# " e2#bera ce. 96es, & wo#ld like that.:

<he mo3ed aside a d cla''ed her ha ds im'erio#sly. <er3a ts be"a swarmi " i to the room. They were all carryi " trays filled to o3erflowi " with delicio#s-smelli " food. & "ri ed at <taciQTarah- ym'h. 95ood =ob?: 6o# said yo# were h# "ry, my Lady?: <he was so e2cited by my a''ro3al & tho#"ht she wo#ld wi""le o#t of her 'orcelai ski . 6es, & am h# "ry.: !y eyes fo# d Cla @i ta 8s a d we shared a secret smile. 6e'4we certai ly were h# "ryD As the ser3a ts loaded dow o#r 'lates Ala a took the o''ort# ity to sta d a d c#rtsy to me. & will te d to that 'roblem of which we s'oke, my Lady.: The she t#r ed her c#rtsy to Cla @i ta . 9& wish yo# a blessed e3e i ", my Lord.: Tha k yo#, Ala a.: Mis 3oice was warm. 6es, tha k yo#D: & 'a#sed so that all the eyes i the room were foc#sed o me, the & co ti #ed, clearly so that o o e i the room co#ld mistake my words, 9!y frie d. As always, yo# ha3e my lo3e as well as my a''reciatio for yo#r loyalty.: To Ala a8s credit she did 8t bl#sh or look shocked at what e3eryo e else m#st ha3e co sidered a # characteristic o#tb#rst from me. <he =#st shot me a "ratef#l look a d e2ited "racef#lly with her head held hi"h. There was a short s'ace of dead air, a d the the co f#sed a d sile t ser3a ts followed her. GAltho#"h & did otice that the adorable <taciQTarah- ym'h was "ri i " like <aks @ifth A3e #e Barbie as she led the e2it.H %hia o had bee s#ch a i credibly hatef#l bitch. The door clicked closed. & was star3i " Gi all se ses of the wordH. A d ow that we were alo e & felt i credibly er3o#s. & fo# d myself la3ishi " i te se i terest #'o the food o my 'late. 5osh, this looks wo derf#l.: & e th#siastically stabbed a 'iece of somethi " that looked like chicke a d 'o''ed it i to my mo#th. 6esDwo derf#l.: That h#sky to e was back i his 3oice. &t se t shi3ers from my back teeth to my toes. A d e3erywhere i betwee . Mis eyes locked with mi e. Mis elbow was resti " o the crest of the chaise lo# "e. Mis other ha d held his wi e"lass. Me was 8t e3e 'rete di " i terest i the food. & swallowed hastily. 9Are 8t yo# h# "ryB: Mis slow smile drew my eyes to his wo derf#lly f#ll li's. 9No. & ate before & came to yo#r chamber.: 6o# did?: & s'#ttered, b#t at least food did 8t dribble o#t of my mo#th. 9>hy did 8t yo# tell meB & wo#ld ha3e eate earlier, too.:

& e =oy watchi " yo# eat.: Mis 3oice was dee' a d i tri"#i ". 96o# do so lo3e yo#r food.: >ell, he had me there. & still felt # comfortable. 9B#t & do 8t wa t to eat alo e.: Me looked s#r'rised. 9B#t yo# are ot di i " alo e. & am here.: 6o# s#re are,: & m#mbled thro#"h the st#ff that tasted like chicke . Me la#"hed. 96o# ha3e s#ch a odd way of s'eaki ". & did ot k ow that abo#t yo#.: >ell, yo# lear somethi " ew e3ery day.: That is tr#e.: Me looked e li"hte ed. 5#ess clichKs worked well i this world. & chewed my food a d st#died him. 96o# do 8t look like yo#83e bee tra3eli " hard, carryi " a 'asse "er a d "oi " witho#t slee' for the 'ast se3eral days.: Act#ally he looked stro " a d refreshed4he looked y#mmy, to be more 'recise. 6o# were a b#rde & e =oyed beari ".: Mis h#sky 3oice dee'e ed s#""esti3ely. 9A d my stami a is "reater tha a h#ma ma 8s.: & "rabbed a h# k of lobster from a o'e ed tail. &t dri''ed with b#tter a d & s#cked it "e tly i to my mo#th. & co#ld hear his breath catch. <lowly, & licked the liI#id from my li's. 9<o yo# ha3e me tio ed before.: 6es, so & ha3e.: & was 'leased to otice his re'ly so# ded strai ed. & do 8t thi k & tha ked yo# for followi " me. &t wo#ld ha3e bee # ima"i able witho#t yo#. Tha k yo#.: The fi e li es at the cor ers of his eyes cri kled as he smiled. 96o# are 3ery welcome. The e2t time yo# feel the eed to embark #'o a I#est, 'lease allow me to accom'a y yo# from its i ce'tio .: Before & s#cked a other 'iece of b#ttery lobster i to my mo#th, & '#rred, 9& wo#ld 8t thi k of lea3i " home witho#t yo#.: !y to "#e slid o#t to catch a dro' of b#tter from my #''er li', a d the & s#cked the wet white meat i to my mo#th, chewi " slowly a d deliberately. & swallowed a d licked my li's Ga"ai H. 9&8ll =#st call yo# !r. America E2'ress.: Me looked hy' otiAed a d 3a"#ely co f#sed. America E2'ressB >ho is thatB: The lobster was "o e so & 'icked #' a s#"ared strawberry a d took it delicately betwee my teeth. Ni''i " the e d of it "e tly, & watched him watch me. &t is someo e who allows me to ha3e e2actly what & desire.: & s#cked the strawberry =#ice off my middle fi "er. 9!mm, that is "ood.: 6es, it was.: !y, my, my4& did 8t thi k he was talki " abo#t the berry. >e si''ed o#r wi e. & attem'ted to look dem#re. G& said attem'ted.H A d we st#died each other. & co#ld feel the wi e b#bbli " i my head4it had Gob3io#slyH already be"# to loose my i hibitio s. Okay, let8s face it, &83e e3er really had a i hibitio 'roblem. B#t the horseQma iss#e had seemed a little da# ti " at first.

A d that was it? Me had ceased to be a horseQma thi " to me. & felt my li's t#r #' i to what & si cerely ho'ed was a sed#cti3e smile. & s#dde ly # derstood what Bea#ty m#st ha3e felt as she had falle i lo3e with her Beast. Me was my h#sba d, a d & wa ted him. All & had to do was reach o#t a d to#ch him. & '#t my wi e"lass dow a d lea ed forward. Mis ri"ht arm was still resti " o the c#r3e of the chaise. <lowly, & reached across the short s'ace that se'arated #s a d ra my fi "ers i a caress that mo3ed from the swell of his bice', dow his forearm, a d e ded at his 'alm. Mis hot fi "ers closed o3er my ha d. Me did 8t '#ll me o3er to him, like a h#ma ma wo#ld ha3e. & stead, he stroked my wrist a d waited, allowi " me to decide whe , or if, & wa ted to come to him. A d that was a dam easy decisio . & stood a d mo3ed aro# d to the other side of his chaise. Me shifted his body so that he was faci " me. As & mi"ht ha3e me tio ed before, he8s a bi" "#y. >ith me sta di " a d him recli i ", o#r heads were still ot e3e , b#t at least this way he did 8t tower o3er me. & ste''ed close to him a d was immediately s#bmer"ed i the i e2'licable heat he radiated. >itho#t co scio#s tho#"ht, & lifted my arms a d rested my ha ds o his sho#lders. The , caref#lly, & slid my ha ds toward each other, at first lo3i " the soft te2t#re of his 3est, the re3eli " i the s'ri "y feel of his chest hair as & fo# d the o'e i " i his 3est. & raised my eyes to meet his. Me was watchi " me with liI#id i te sity. & lo3e to#chi " yo#,: & whis'ered. & am "lad of it.: That 3oice4& do 8t thi k & had e3er e2'erie ced a y so# d as sed#cti3e. &t was a 3erbal caress. &t i" ited flames all o3er my already se sitiAed body. !y ha ds sli''ed i side the 3est a d tra3eled o3er his broad chest, fi ally mo3i " dow ward # til & traced the li es of his m#sc#lar stomach, li "eri " o the firm rid"es a d e =oyi " the way he I#i3ered # der my to#ch. Dow to where his h#ma body met horse. A d my ha ds stilled. !y ha ds ref#sed to e2'lore fartherJ # e2'ectedly & felt shackled by fear of the # k ow . !y eyes shot back #' to his. There is somethi " yo# m#st belie3e.: Me s'oke with co trolled i te sity i to the sile ce that had froAe betwee #s. 9& wo#ld e3er harm yo#. 6o# m#st e3er fear me.: This is all so ew to me.: !y chi di''ed dow a d & had to look away from him. &f o ly he k ew how alie this whole world was to me. Me took my chi i his ha d a d tilted it #' so that o#r eyes met a"ai . 96o# ha3e my oath that & will do othi " that makes yo# # comfortable.: Do yo# wa t meB: !y 3oice trembled a d & wo dered fleeti "ly if it was from a tici'atio of a yes, or of a o, as his a swer. !ore tha & co#ld 'ossibly make yo# # dersta d.: The erotic 3el3et had disa''eared from his 3oice, a d had bee re'laced by sad resi" atio . Mis ha d slid slowly from my chi , a d witho#t act#ally to#chi " my ski , he followed the o#tli e of my sho#lder a d arm, dow to where my ha d had stilled a"ai st his waist, the he si"hed a d his ha d came to rest a"ai st his ow side. The heat of that to#chless caress made "ooseb#m's rise #' a d dow my body. The I#iet resi" atio of his re'ly chased away the last 3esti"es of my fear. & felt like a di3er "etti " ready to lea' from the side of a cliff.

& held my breath a d asked, 9>o#ld yo# take off yo#r 3estB: Mis serio#s e2'ressio shifted i to a smile, a d he cocked o e eyebrow, watchi " me closely as he '#lled off the 3est a d dro''ed it to the floor beside #s G=#st like a "#yH. Me was "or"eo#s, all bro Aed m#scles a d chiseled li es. !y ha ds fo# d his chest a"ai a d & #sed my fi "erti's to circle his i''les. Me s orted a I#ick la#"h a d "rabbed my ha ds. Are yo# ticklishB: C#st there.: &t str#ck #s as f# y a d we la#"hed to"ether. & felt both of #s rela2i ", a d after o ly a mome tary 'a#se & co ti #ed my e2'loratio dow his chest, back to his ri''led stomach, a d still farther dow ward. >he my fi "erti's met his thick coat & "la ced #' at him. Mis e2'ressio was o'e a d warmJ a e co#ra"i " smile 'layed o his se2y li's. & looked back dow to my ha ds. Mis waist was ta'ered a d stro ", "racef#lly mer"i " i to se s#o#s eI#i e li es. >itho#t a y f#rther hesitatio my ha d tra3eled o3er his coat. 6o#8re bea#tif#l.: & ste''ed closer to him a d my arms slid #' aro# d his eck. & fi ished s'eaki " the tho#"ht i to his li's. 9All of yo#.: >ith a moa , his arms we t aro# d me a d he drew me a"ai st his bare chest. O#r li's met a d & felt immersed i the familiar taste a d heat of him. & am a serio#s ad3ocate of lo ", i timate kissi ". There8s somethi " # belie3ably erotic abo#t taki " a ma 8s to "#e i to my mo#th, a d the e2'lori " his mo#th i t#r , that makes me be"i to feel all ti "ly =#st thi ki " abo#t it. <o & took my time. Cla @i ta did 8t seem to mi d. The heat of his body was i credibly sed#cti3e. As & ibbled o his li's a d s#cked at his to "#e, & co#ld feel him rei i " i his 'assio as his breathi " "rew dee'er a d his m#scles co ti #ed to b# ch a d I#i3er # der my roami " ha ds. Me ke't his ha ds still, resti " low o my back, as he allowed me to become comfortable with to#chi " him. The misi formed mi"ht thi k that his retice ce wo#ld work a"ai st his ori"i al i te tio Gwhich, & ass#med4as wo#ld a y America female4was to "et i to my 'a tiesH. & tr#th, this style of sed#ctio , 'erha's we sho#ld call it the No -Octo'#s Tech iI#e, was serio#sly worki " for him. By way of 'roof, let me offer the fact that i o time & was r#bbi " my body a"ai st his chest a d, well, e3e t#ally & fo# d myself reachi " dow , taki " his ha d off my waist, a d '#tti " it smack o to my boob. &8m telli " yo#, this "#y co#ld "o o a lect#reQtrai i " circ#it a d make a fort# e teachi " the No Octo'#s Tech iI#e to semi-bald, di3orced, middle-a"ed me . The heat from his ha d a d the ro#"h ess of his 'alm made my i''le harde , which was 3ery ob3io#s thro#"h the filmy material of my dress. Mis ha d teased my i''le for a while, the his mo#th made a hot trail dow the side of my eck, li "ered for a mome t o the cre3ice of my eck bo e, a d the he be"a kissi " his way slowly o3er the swell of my breast # til his li's fo# d my i''le. The fact that & was still clothed did 8t ca#se him to hesitate a d he ra his to "#e o3er my i''le. Thro#"h the thi silk of my bodice, the warmth a d wet ess of his mo#th bro#"ht my breath r#shi " o#t of my mo#th i a moa . The he o'e ed his li's a d drew the i''le, a d the material that co3ered it, i to his mo#th, s#cki " a d ibbli " "e tly. Oh, that feels "ood.: & arched a"ai st his mo#th. & felt like my body was melti " i to him. !mm.: Me raised his head a d 'ressed his li's to mi e. Mis arms wra''ed all the way aro# d me a d he '#lled me firmly a"ai st him. & reci'rocated. Bi"-time. C#st whe the to' of my head was be"i i " to s'i he broke the kiss, b#t he did 8t loose his hold o me. O#r eyes met. & k ow & was fl#shed a d my li's felt deli"htf#lly br#ised a d wet.

&s yo#r fear "o eB: There was o hesitatio i my a swer. 96es.: & mo3ed half a ste' back from him. Me looked at me c#rio#sly, b#t let me esca'e from his arms. <till holdi " his eyes with mi e, & reached #' a d # 'i ed the brooch that ke't my dress i 'lace. & shr#""ed o e sho#lder a d the material fell away to e2'ose my breasts. A sim'le t#" o a e d of the fabric aro# d my waist, a d & was sta di " i a 'ool of silky material, weari " o ly a tho ", se2y sa dals a d a smile. & s#cked i my stomach G ot that & eeded to, b#t, well, yo# k owH a d let him look, tr#ly e =oyi " the ra3e o#s e2'ressio o his face. The he reached o#t a d cr#shed me a"ai st him4 Abr#'tly he stood #', lifti " me off my feet. Me sli''ed a arm # der my b#tt a d strode '#r'osef#lly i the directio of my bi" bed. G&t was 3ery 5o e with the >i dFesI#e.H >he we reached the bed he cha "ed my 'ositio i ", ca#si " my body to slide a"ai st his # til & was sitti " o the bed. <lowly, he # tied my sa dals, kissi " the arch of each foot. After he remo3ed my shoes, he lifted me by the waist till & was sta di " ear the ed"e of the bed, my ha ds resti " o his sho#lders for bala ce. Mis ha ds "lided dow my body # til they fo# d the to' of my tho ", the they ke't "lidi " dow , b#t they took the filmy 'iece of material with them. & ste''ed o#t of it a d he 'icked me #' a"ai , cradli " me i his arms a d kissi " me softly. The he lea ed dow a d lay me o the bed, rel#cta tly releasi " me before he took se3eral ste's backward. This will ot take lo ", b#t & m#st ask yo# ot to s'eak to me # til the Cha "e is com'lete.: & tri"#ed, & odded. Me closed his eyes a d bowed his head. Mis li's be"a to mo3e as if he was s'eaki " I#ickly a d i te tly to himself. At first & co#ld 8t hear his words, b#t withi a few mome ts his 3oice became lo#der a d the already I#ick tem'o of his lita y i creased. 7ee'i " his eyes ti"htly closed, his head slowly be"a to rise4with it he bro#"ht his arms away from his sides i a #'ward mo3eme t so that his head a d arms were mo3i " i ta dem. The 3ol#me a d tem'o of his 3oice ke't i creasi ". & co#ld 8t # dersta d the words, b#t they so# ded mysterio#s a d a cie t, a d se3eral of them were re'eated o3er a d o3er. Mis head ke't mo3i " #', as did his arms, # til they were directly o3er him, a d his face was 'oi ted #' to the ceili ". Me was ot sho#ti ", b#t the i te sity of the words was i credible a d & felt the hair at the back of my eck a d my forearms rise. The a shimmeri " be"a all o3er his body. At first it was like he was "lowi ", b#t the "low was mo3i ". A d the & realiAed it was 8t the "low that was mo3i "4it was his ski . Mis ski was ri''li " a d his m#scles a''eared to liI#efy. !y eyes shot to his face. Mis e2'ressio was o e of i te se 'ai . & wa ted to scream at him to sto', b#t his war i " abo#t sile ce froAe the words i my throat. The e3erythi " ha''e ed 3ery I#ickly. Mis body e2'loded i a shower of li"ht 'articles like the tra s'orter o <tar Trek as it beamed a 'erso aboard the E ter'rise. The li"ht became so i te se & had to hold my ha d i fro t of my eyes a d sI#i t. A wordless shriek of 'ai echoed a"ai st the walls of the chamber. The the li"ht disa''eared. The room seemed dark i com'ariso a d it took a mome t for my eyes to refoc#s. As my 3isio ret#r ed, a fi"#re took form. &t was a h#ma ma . Me was k eeli " i the e2act 'lace Cla @i ta had stood. Mis head was bowed a d a thick bla ket of familiar dark hair shielded his face. O e ha d rested o the "ro# d a d the other was still raised abo3e him. Me was

breathi " hard4his body was slick with a film of moist#re, as if he8d bee r#

i " a maratho .

Me raised his head a d shook the hair back o#t of his face. O#r eyes met. The effects of 'ai li "ered a d dee'e ed the li es of his face, ca#si " him to look older a d # characteristically 3#l erable. The he smiled at me. Mis 3oice so# ded ras'y. 9& 'robably sho#ld ha3e4: he cleared his throat 94war ed yo# abo#t the li"ht.: The li"ht?: That was all he8d tho#"ht he eeded to war me abo#t? & scooted to the ed"e of the bed, b#t sto''ed there, afraid to "et too close to him, ot wa ti " to ca#se him a y harm. 9Are yo# okayB: Me took a dee' breath a d stood. Mis first ste' toward me was shaky, b#t as he "ot closer & co#ld see the tremors i his le"s still, a d by the time he stood i fro t of me he looked stro " a d i co trol o ce more. & am # harmed.: Me smiled a"ai a d ta''ed the ti' of my ose li"htly with his fi "er. 9<ha'eshifti " is diffic#lt.: & sho#ld say so?: & to#ched his chest te tati3ely. Me felt reass#ri "ly warm a d solid. 9&t looked like yo# were i a lot of 'ai .: Me took my ha d i his. 9Nothi " of a y 3al#e comes witho#t a cost.: & tho#"ht abo#t his words as & st#died his ew sha'e. Me had shifted i to a i credibly tall ma 4 'robably almost a foot taller tha my fi3e-se3e . Mis ski was the same b#r ished co''er color, o ly this time it co3ered all of his body. Mis le"s were lo " a d m#sc#lar. A d he was aked. !y eyes followed the li e of his chest dow to his waist, a d dow farther yet. Eery aked. Me was b#ilt i e3ery way like a h#ma ma 4a d he was I#ite ob3io#sly 3ery ha''y to be here Ghe certai ly had a short reco3ery timeH. %#mor has it yo# ca tell the siAe of a ma 8s 'e is by the siAe of his fi "ers. !ay & =#st say that he m#st ha3e dam bi" ha ds. Me cleared his throat. & tore my eyes away from The Eiew a d bro#"ht them back to his face. Do & 'ass i s'ectio as a h#ma maleB: & was "lad to hear his 3oice had ret#r ed to its dee', se2y lilt. Absol#tely.: Act#ally, & wa ted to yell, <heeet, yes, boy? B#t si ce he was 8t from Oklahoma & did 8t thi k it8d be a''ro'riate. & stead, to show my a''reciatio for his male ess, & stood, wra''ed my arms aro# d him, 'ressed my body a"ai st his a d "a3e him a bi" ol8 Oklahoma hello. Me lifted me i his arms a d sat dow o the bed, with me i his la'. C#''i " my breast i his ha d, he lowered his head to my ow bared i''le. !#ch too soo he lifted his head a d looked i to my eyes. Mis 3oice was h#sky. Tell me if there is somethi " yo# wo#ld ha3e me do. & ha3e e3er made lo3e as a ma before.: & a swered him by '#tti " my arms aro# d his eck a d '#lli " him dow e2t to me. & whis'ered a"ai st his mo#th, 9& ha3e e3er made lo3e as a ma before, either, b#t somethi " tells me we8ll do =#st fi e.: Mis ch#ckled re'ly was m#ffled by my mo#th a d re'laced by a moa as & "#ided his ha d to the wet ess betwee my le"s. Oh4& was mistake abo#t o e thi "4we did better tha =#st fi e.

& tho#"ht yo# said sha'e-shifti " left yo# i a weake ed stateB: & said a little breathlessly, after the third i cide t of better tha =#st fi e. & was estled a"ai st him, with my head resti " o his chest. Me blew some of my # tamable c#rls o#t of his mo#th before a sweri ". & feel the effects after & ha3e shifted back to my ori"i al form. A d & ca ot stay i a y other form for more tha the s'a of a si "le i"ht.: Me tilted my chi #' a d st#died my face, s#dde ly serio#s. 96o# # dersta d & ca ot remai a h#ma B: Of co#rse.: & to#ched the side of his face, s#r'rised to fi d o st#bble there, a d & realiAed that o e of the ce ta#rs had sha3ed or had facial hair o3er the days we had tra3eled to"ether. 96o#8re ot a h#ma , yo#8re a ce ta#r. & k ow that.: >e looked at each other. & was afraid that the i timacy we had shared was "oi " to e3a'orate. & did 8t really # dersta d what ki d of a bei " he was4the whole sha'e-shifti " thi " was too scie ce fictio -ish a d totally alie to the world with which & was acc#stomed. B#t he was 8t alie to me. 6o#8re my h#sba d4whether yo#8re h#ma or ce ta#r.: & "a3e him a crooked smile. 9Or, #m, whate3er else yo# mi"ht ha''e to cha "e i to.: & =#st ho'ed he8d war me first. A look of relief 'assed o3er his ha dsome face a d he kissed my forehead "e tly. 96es, & am yo#r h#sba d.: &8m "lad yo# are.: & si"hed with co te tme t a d s #""led more firmly a"ai st him. As am &.: & c#rled my le" o3er his, a d his ha d fo# d the back of my thi"h. & a lo ", warm caress he be"a r#bbi " from the se siti3e s'ot behi d my k ee, all the way #' to the swell of my b#ttock a d back dow a"ai . !y eyelids fl#ttered sh#tJ it felt like that massa"e was a dr#". & str#""led to stay awake, tho#"h, ot wa ti " to waste a y of o#r i"httime ho#rs. <hh,: he whis'ered i to my hair. 9%est4& will be ri"ht here.: & odded my head a"ai st him a d allowed myself to rela2 i to a dee', co te ted slee'. A warm kiss a"ai st my cheek bro#"ht me slowly awake. The soft, clea li"ht of 'redaw soaked thro#"h my closed eyelids, maki " me sh#t them all the more ti"htly. A other kiss o the cheek made me remember where & was, a d, as & stretched a d felt the i timate sore ess of my body, who & was with. & smiled a d yaw ed, letti " my eyes come slowly o'e . @irst, & oticed the so#rce of the li"ht, a d & was s#r'rised to realiAe it was comi " thro#"h a o e2iste t wall o o e side of my room. <I#i ti ", & saw that h#"e be3eled wi dows looked o#t o a bea#tif#l, rose-filled "arde that li ed the far side of the room, which ob3io#sly faced the east, beca#se ma#3e-colored daw was be"i i " to cree' #' o3er the flowers a d i to my room. The the shadowed mo# tai sta di " at the ed"e of the bed mo3ed, be di " to kiss me o ce more. & reached my ha d slee'ily o#t a d it met the silk that co3ered his forele". & ra my fi "ers li"htly o3er his coat, '#lli " 'layf#lly at some of the f#r. 5ood mor i ".: !y 3oice was fo""y with slee'. 9The li"ht s#r'rised me. & tho#"ht those bi" c#rtai thi "s =#st co3ered more wall, ot wi dows a d a "arde .: >hatB %hia f#lly awake. o , how co#ld yo# ot k ow yo#r ow bedchamberB: Mis I#estio bro#"ht me

& realiAed my 3oice was 8t all that had bee fo""y with slee'. 5reat, &8d screwed #'. & sat abr#'tly, r#bbi " my eyes a d stalli " for time. Thro#"h my fi "ers & co#ld see Cla @i ta st#dyi " me i te tly. Oh, "osh, #m, & was ha3i " the stra "est dream. !y room had bee cha "ed aro# d, a d, #m, it was so realistic & tho#"ht it had really ha''e edD: !y 3oice trailed off. Me o'e ed his mo#th to I#estio me f#rther. Decidi " di3ersio was my best tactic, & stood o the bed a d threw myself i to his arms. A#tomatically he ca#"ht me, a d & b#sied myself #AAli " a d i''i " at the side of his eck. &8m awake ow.: & felt his chest r#mble with a ch#ckle a d & rela2ed. & really do ha3e to talk to Ala a abo#t why & ca 8t let him k ow who & am. Two lo#d k ocks so# ded a"ai st the door. Cla @i ta de'osited me o the bed a d & wra''ed a sheet aro# d my aked body before & called, 9Come i ?: Ala a ste''ed i to the room. <he smiled k owi "ly at #s, sayi ", 9!y Lord, my Lady, & ho'e yo# had a e3e tf#l i"ht.: Cla @i ta s orted Gwhich & s#''ose mea t that we hadH a d & felt myself bl#shi " like a 3ir"i Gwhich & most thoro#"hly was otH. <he co ti #ed thro#"h a bi", face-s'litti " "ri . 9%hea, & tho#"ht yo# mi"ht like to "o to the bathi " room a d freshe yo#rself before yo# bless the 'eo'le.: !y cheeks still felt hot as & odded at her. Ala a8s eyes shi ed with mischief a d she addressed Cla @i ta . 9$erha's my Lord wo#ld like to =oi #s. & am certai betwee myself a d some of the maide s, we co#ld wash a d "room him 'ro'erly, too.: <he 'a#sed, barely co tai i " her mirth. 9<e3eral of the maide s ha3e already said they wo#ld be ha''y to 3ol# teer for the task.: Cla @i ta 8s face lit #' i a wolfish "ri a d & "ot I#ickly to my feet, bei " caref#l ot to tri' o3er my sheet o#tfit, a d whacked him "ood a d hard o his flat stomach. & was satisfied to hear a "r# t i terr#'t his la#"hter. Me wra''ed his arm aro# d me a d held me ti"htly a"ai st his side G'robably so & co#ld 8t hit him a"ai , a d, 5od k ows, it certai ly wo#ld 8t do a y "ood for me to stom' o his hoofH. >itho#t looki " dow at me, he a swered, 9& thi k & will bathe i the warriors8 chambers. & eed to check with the i"ht watch before the blessi " ceremo y. B#t tha k yo# for yo#r hos'itable offer.: Me sI#eeAed my sho#lder. M#h,: was my a swer. & '#lled away from him a d headed toward Ala a a d the door. 9Let8s "o, & eed a bath.: & had the disti ct im'ressio they were both la#"hi " at me. >alki " 'ast the wi dows & ca#"ht a reflectio of myself, wra''ed i a r#m'led sheet, hair sta di " o#t i all directio s a d head held hi"h as & attem'ted a ha#"hty e2it. The "i""le be"a i my chest a d b#bbled o#t of my mo#th before & reached Ala a. <he '#t her arm aro# d me a d we both la#"hed. Cla @i ta had followed me a d & t#r ed to smile #' at him. Did they really 3ol# teer to wash himB: Act#ally, they were ar"#i " o3er the 'ri3ile"e.: >e tilted o#r heads to"ether a d 'rete ded to st#dy the ce ta#r as he stood i fro t of #s, ha ds

resti " o his waist. Mis e2'ressio said that he was 'retty certai we were #ts. Mmm, he is a rather ice-looki " ce ta#r. Do yo# ot thi k so, my LadyB: Ala a said. & "#ess ow that yo# me tio it, he has "ood, wide withers a d & ca testify to hisD#hDshall we say, stami a,: & said. & sI#ealed as the ob=ect of o#r s'ec#latio s l# "ed forward a d lifted me off the floor a d i to his arms. Ala a =#m'ed o#t of his way a d o'e ed the door for him. As he carried me thro#"h the door he was "r#mbli " somethi " abo#t 9>ide at the withers, i deed,: b#t & co#ld 8t be s#re beca#se of Ala a8s la#"hter. & 'eered o3er his sho#lder a d saw her holdi " her side as she h#rried after #s, tryi " f#tilely to co trol her "i""les. & wra''ed my arms aro# d his eck a d held o . & was 'retty certai he wo#ld take care of kee'i " the sheet aro# d me. Too soo , we came to the door of the bathi " chamber. The two "#ards s a''ed to atte tio . & oticed Cla @i ta made a 'oi t of looki " each of them directly i the eye, before he be t his head to mi e a d "a3e me a slow, thoro#"h kissi ". Abo#t that time, Ala a ca#"ht #' with #s a d o'e ed the door. Me set me back o my feet a d we released each other rel#cta tly. 6o# will =oi me for the blessi " ceremo yB: & realiAed & so# ded wistf#l at the tho#"ht of bei " se'arated from him. Dam , & had it bad. & will be by yo#r side4: he "la ced #' at my "#ards 94where & belo ".: Me kissed me o ce more, I#ickly. Before he t#r ed to "o, he addressed my two warriors. 95#ard my Lady with yo#r li3es. &f a yo e to#ches her, & will kill him.: !y, my, my, "#ess he8d heard those #"ly r#mors abo#t %hia o 8s attachme t to her me . They sal#ted him. Me looked satisfied a d caressed the side of my face. The he s'# "racef#lly a d headed dow the hall, clom'i " '#r'osef#lly a d looki " 'leased with himself. & floated after Ala a i to the wo derf#l bathi " room. & #sed the facilities while Ala a ro# ded #' the correct bottles a d br#shes, the & dro''ed my sheet a d "i "erly lowered my well-#sed body i to the soothi " mi eral water. Ala a 'lo''ed dow o the led"e e2t to me a d ha ded me the s'o "e a d a bottle of the soa' & liked so m#ch. & set to work re'airi " the dama"e of last i"ht8s i timacies, smili " secretly to myself as & disco3ered little bite marks o my i er thi"h. &t seems last i"ht we t well.: Mo ey, last i"ht was s'ectac#lar.: >e shared a "irlfrie d "ri . <o, yo# watched him 'erform the Cha "eB: Mer 3oice was filled with c#riosity. &t was the most amaAi " thi " &83e e3er see .: & bli ked at her i amaAeme t. 96o# mea yo#83e e3er see a yo e sha'e-shiftB: Oh, o?: <he looked shocked for a mome t4the she smiled a d t#""ed at o e of my dam' c#rls. 9& for"et yo# co#ld ot k ow these thi "s. There are 3ery few sha'e-shifters a d the Cha "e is sacred to them. &t is somethi " that o ly other Mi"h <hama s, or i yo#r case, mates of Mi"h <hama s, e3er "et to wit ess. After Cha "i ", a <hama mi"ht 'erform a ceremo y or ser3ice for

the 'eo'le i whate3er sha'e he has ass#med, b#t he or she wo#ld e3er Cha "e i 3iew of the '#blic.: & tho#"ht abo#t that. 9Did yo# k ow it was 'ai f#l for them to sha'e-shiftB: No?: That m#st be why they do 8t like 'eo'le to see them Cha "e.: & remembered the look o Cla @i ta 8s face as his body shifted form. 9They do 8t wa t 'eo'le to k ow how 'ai f#l it is.: Ala a took my soa'y ha d i hers. 9>as it that hard o himB: & odded. 9B#t he said othi " worth a ythi " comes witho#t a 'rice.: Do yo# thi k the i"ht was worth the 'rice of tem'orary 'ai B: Mer 3oice was wise a d & sI#eeAed her ha d i "ratit#de. Me s#re acted like it was.: The & wo#ld belie3e him a d ot let it shadow yo#r 'leas#re.: U til we had s'oke abo#t it & had 8t realiAed =#st how m#ch it had bee botheri " me. & "#ess he k ows what he8s doi ".: &t wo#ld a''ear so.: & si"hed wistf#lly as & lathered myself with the sweet-sce ted soa'. 9Ala wo derf#l.: A d he is de3oted to yo#.: & 'addled o#t to the dee' 'art of the bath to ri se a d co sidered what Ala De3otedDb#t was he de3oted e o#"h to lo3e the real meB a had =#st said. o , a, he really was

Ala a,: & bl#rted o#t, 9what if he8s ot de3oted to meB >hat if he8s o ly de3oted to %hia a d if he fi ds o#t who & really am, he8ll cha "e his mi d abo#t me.: Ala a8s smile was ki d. 9&t is yo# he lo3es.: & chewed my bottom li'. $erha's yo# sho#ld tell him.: >hatB: & sI#eaked. 9B#t yo# said that & had to kee' my ide tity a secret.: That was before he lo3ed yo#.: & do 8t k ow, Ala a. >hat8s ha''e ed betwee #s is too ew.: a said. 6o# are afraid to tell him the tr#th,: Ala

&8m afraid to lose what &83e =#st "ai ed with him.: & thi k yo# # derestimate the Mi"h <hama , b#t & belie3e time will cha "e that. >he a ma is tr#ly de3oted to a woma , he kee's her secrets.: & tho#"ht & detected a sad ote to her 3oice a d & started to I#estio her f#rther, whe she chimed i with a 'erky 9%hea, yo# m#st "et o#t. 6o# eed to bless the 'eo'le shortly after the s# is hi"h e o#"h o3er the easter horiAo for it to shimmer off the ri3er.: & climbed rel#cta tly o#t of the warm water a d wra''ed myself i the thick towel Ala Mow lo " do & ha3eB: Abo#t as lo " as it will take for yo# to do yo#r ceremo ial robes4if we h#rry.: A d she led me a offered.

'#r'osef#lly to the 3a ity. >hy do 8t yo# s#mmo a co#'le of the ym'h-maide s to hel' #s if we8re so r#shed for timeB: !y r#m'led reflectio was maki " me thi k a I#ick re'air =ob wo#ld take more tha two 'eo'le. Ala a was worki " some ki d of hair-oil st#ff thro#"h my wild c#rls. &t smelled "ood, b#t & was do#btf#l it wo#ld ha3e m#ch effect o my i corri"ible redheaded ess. Last i"ht, after & left yo#r chambers, Tarah came to me a d re'orted that se3eral of yo#r ha dmaide s are com'lai i " of feeli " ill.: <he smiled wryly at my reflectio . 9& thi k they are 'robably =#st wor o#t from atte di " to the eeds of so ma y families. & '#t yo#r maids i char"e of kee'i " watch o3er the yo# " childre . & s#''ose yo# sho#ld make a 'oi t of reb#ki " them for their laAi ess.: No way4& always hated babysitti ". Let them slee'.: They will be with yo# this mor i " d#ri " the ceremo y. $erha's a mor i " away from their yo# " char"es will refresh them a d they will fi d they feel s#dde ly reco3ered.: & smiled b#t felt the defi ite stirri "s of er3o#s ess. >hat the heck am & s#''osed to doB: & be"a 'owderi " my face as Ala Near the ba k of the ri3er4: Named 5eal, ri"htB: 6es, it mea s bri"ht. The wester bra ch of the ri3er that =oi s at the Tem'le of the !#se is calledD: <he 'a#sed. Cal-somethi "B: Calma , mea i " do3e. To"ether they make the Bri"ht Do3e %i3er, which yo# wo#ld # dersta d if yo# co#ld see how they look as they =oi . The ra'ids look like "liste i ", swoo'i " birds.: Cool4"o ahead. <orry & i terr#'ted.: 6o# will ride E'o a4: my face broke i to a 'leased "ri 94to the sacred Tor, or hill, e2t to the ri3er. There, while still astride the mare, yo# will bless the 'eo'le as the s# blesses the ri3er.: &s there somethi " i 'artic#lar & am e2'ected to sayB <ome rit#al blessi " & ha3e to 'erformB: & was ho'i " Ala a wo#ld "i3e me the li es. No, %hia o always a#thored her ow 'rayers of blessi ".: <he looked worried. 96o# did well o yo#r weddi " day, & ass#med yo# wo#ld ot ha3e a 'roblem e3oki " a other 'rayer.: No?: <he "a3e me a shocked look. 9& mea , yes, & ca come #' with a blessi ".: <he smiled her relief. 5ood thi " o e of #s k ew what she was doi ". A d & did 8t mea me. Mo ey, how lo " does this ha3e to lastB: Oh, ot lo "4the mor i " blessi " is a brief ser3ice E'a a8s Chose 'erforms o ce each fort i"ht desi" ed to remi d the 'eo'le of E'o a8s lo3e for them as they be"i their day. &t is o the first i"ht of a f#ll moo that yo# m#st 'erform the rit#al da ce a d sacrifice.: Oh, "oodie. &8ll look forward to it. <o, sho#ld & ot me tio a ythi " abo#t the @omoria 'roblem this mor i "B & ass#med that was 'art of the reaso & was "oi " to s'eak to the 'eo'le.: a t#""ed at my hair.

%hea, & thi k it sho#ld be me tio ed that we are armi " o#rsel3es, a d yo# sho#ld ask for E'o a8s 'rotectio s'ecifically a"ai st their e3il, b#t, wellD: <he drifted off, looki " 3ery # comfortable. >hatB %eally, Ala a, & do 8t =#st wa t yo#r ad3ice, & eed it. $lease tell me, as my frie d, the tr#th. Always.: & was sitti " there, b#tt aked with my make#' o ly 'artially a''lied. & mea , how m#ch more ho est co#ld & "etB Mer e2'ressio showed she had come to a decisio , a d she met my eyes i the mirror. 9& do ot thi k yo# sho#ld disc#ss a y as'ects of the war with the 'eo'le. Take this o''ort# ity to a o# ce Cla @i ta as yo#r a''oi ted Chieftai of >arriors. Me is wise i the ways of battle a d me .: <he looked a little shee'ishly at me. 9& may be mistake , b#t & do ot belie3e yo# ha3e bee trai ed to lead me i to battle.: >hat was her first cl#eB Nor do & belie3e yo# to be as, well, e2'erie ced i the ways of me as was %hia o .: & like to thi k &83e attracted my share of me , b#t o e h# dred "#ards is =#st 'lai "l#tto o#s. Uh, o. A d, tha ks for the ad3ice. & a"ree.: <he looked relie3ed. 9Ceesh, sto' worryi " abo#t ste''i " o my feet.: <he looked co f#sed. & mea , yo# do 8t ha3e to worry abo#t h#rti " my e"o. & de'e d o yo#4=#st be ho est with me.: That & ca do.: 5ood.: A d & was wo deri "4what does U=eesh8 mea B: &t8s somethi " & say to kee' me from c#ssi ".: Oh. &t does ot seem to work 3ery well,: she said 3ery matter-of-factly. No shit,: & said thro#"h my o'e ed li's as & a''lied the fi ishi " strokes of li'stick. 9& thi k &8m ready for these ceremo ial robes.: $#t this o while & "et yo#r "arme t.: <he ha ded me the coro et, a d its bea#ty, a"ai , took me by s#r'rise. & ho'e there are matchi " earri "s for this thi ".: 6es,: she s'oke o3er her sho#lder as she o'e ed o e of the ma y wardrobes that li ed the far side of the room. 9Look i that bo2 earest yo#. There sho#ld be earri "s a d a armlet that match.: & was ha''ily 'awi " thro#"h the =ewels whe she ret#r ed. Mere.: <he ha ded me a other silky tho ". This time it looked like it was made of liI#id "old. & was be"i i " to belie3e %hia o had a 'a ty-li e 'hobia. Now, sta d a d hold yo#r arms away from yo#r sides, this #s#ally takes some com'licated wra''i ".: & faced her a d did as & was told. The waterfall of what looked like liI#id "old that she was ma e#3eri " so caref#lly aro# d my body i tri"#ed me. & stood 3ery still while she wra''ed a d wra''ed a d wra'4 Mey? >here8s the to' to this thi "B:

<he was fi ished. <he had 8t #sed a y 'i s4& had o cl#e how the material was stayi " o my body. The skirt 'ortio was lo ", b#t it had se3eral slits i it Ge3e more tha %hia o 8s clothes #s#ally hadH, so that & co#ld ima"i e it wo#ld fall bea#tif#lly aro# d E'i whe & was seated astride her. That was okay. &t was the to' that was ca#si " me stress. &t crossed a d wra''ed i tricately aro# d my torso, lea3i " both of my breasts totally bared. %hea4: she looked da "ero#sly close to la#"hter as she oticed my horrified e2'ressio 94there is o Uto'8 to it. This is the ceremo ial attire the Belo3ed of E'o a wears d#ri " the mor i " blessi " rit#al.: & tho#"ht yo# said it was a robe?: & looked dow at my two 3ery aked thirty-fi3e-year-old breasts. Oh, of co#rse. & wo#ld 8t for"et yo#r robe.: <he h#rried back to the wardrobe. A d ret#r ed with a other 'iece of liI#id "old, which "liste ed with swirl after swirl of crystal beads, formi " a i tricate, delicate desi" . Let me "#ess4more sk#lls.: 6es?: <he looked 'leased at my demo strated ability to lear as she 'i ed the cloak eatly aro# d my eck. &t flowed dow my back, "litteri " like stars o a clear Oklahoma i"ht. B#t it did 8t co3er o e dam bit of my breasts. 6o# look bea#tif#l4as always.: Oh, hold o here? Are yo# telli " me that & am s#''osed to "o o#t i '#blic, i fro t of all those 'eo'le, with my boobs flo''i " aro# d i fro t of 5od, or, #h, 5oddess a d e3eryo eB: GNot to me tio Cla @i ta 4altho#"h he8s already see them. <tillDH & crossed my arms, already ima"i i " the cool mor i " breeAe a d the stari " eyes. Ala a looked '#AAled by my reactio . 9& yo#r old world were there o 'riestesses who wore ceremo ial dressB: A ima"e of my $resbyteria 'astor, Ted @oote, flashed thro#"h my mi d. Me8s a frie dly "#y, a d & like him Ghe8s e3e let me teach ad#lt <# day school4which was 'retty dar bra3e of himH, b#t & co#ld 8t ima"i e him bari " his breast to the co "re"atio o <# day mor i ". Not e3e o Easter <# day. 6es, b#t they do 8t bare 'arts of their bodies.: <he looked a"hast at o#r barbarism. %hea, the bari " of a 'riestess8s body symboliAes the ho esty a d i timacy of her relatio shi' with her "oddess. &f yo# co3er yo#rself, the 'eo'le will belie3e E'o a has deserted yo#, or worse, that yo# are blas'hemi " yo#r "oddess.: &t does 8t seem to me that %hia dow to my sides. o was 3ery dam ho est,: & "r#mbled, tryi " to force my arms

<he was ho est. <he e3er 'rete ded to be a ythi " e2ce't s'oiled a d self-i d#l"e t.: B#t4: !y arms fo# d their way rel#cta tly to my sides. B#t the 'eo'le lo3ed her beca#se she was E'o a8s Chose . As are yo#.: Okay. &8ll try to i" ore the fact that my boobs are fla''i " i the breeAe for e3eryo e to "awk at.: A tho#"ht hit me. 9B#t & do 8t wa t to talk to the teacher while &8m dressed like this. Ca yo# se d word to her to meet #s i my chambers after the ceremo y4after &83e had a cha ce to cha "e my clothesB: 6es.: Ala a odded a d bl#shed a bri"ht 'i k.

Mey, is there some 'roblem with4: Ala a i terr#'ted. 9No? There is o 'roblem?: <he cleared her throat a d be"a h#stli " me toward the door. 9%hea, we ca ot be late.:

Oh, bloody, b#""eri " hell.: Usi " Brit c#sswords mi"ht hel' me to mai tai a certai le3el of di" ity. At least i theory. & sI#ared my sho#lders, which ca#sed my breasts to =#t o#t e3e more 'romi e tly tha #s#al. A"ai , &8m ot what yo# co#ld describe as a small-breasted "al. A d &83e always bee 'leased that &8m ot. To be totally ho est, & admit that &83e felt sm#" as my flat-chested "irlfrie ds lame ted o3er ot filli " o#t their biki i to's a d scrambled to the local 'lastic s#r"eo for their a#"me tatio s. As & rel#cta tly followed Ala a o#t of the 'ri3acy of the bathi " room, & fo# d myself, for the first time i my ad#lt life, wishi " & had 8t bee I#ite so blessed by the Tit @airy Gshe8s the more 'o'#lar co#si of the Tooth @airyH. E2iti " the room, Ala a ste''ed aside so & co#ld take my 'lace as leader. <he shot me a e co#ra"i " smile. & co#ld 8t e3e "la ce at the two "#ards, b#t & felt their eyes o me. Or, more 'recisely, & felt them stari " at my bare boobs? & t#r ed a d be"a beati " a hasty retreat dow the em'ty hall. !y LadyB: A d was sto''ed by Ala a8s 3oice. <he was still back at the door to the bathi " room. & t#r ed4 "i3i " her a look that &8m s#re was remi isce t of bitchy %hia o . 6es,: & hissed thro#"h cle ched teeth. !istress, yo# are 'ressed for time. &f there is somethi " yo# reI#ire from yo#r chambers, & will se d a maide to fetch it for yo#.: <he odded s#btly i the o''osite directio from which & had bee headed. Okay, so &8d bee "oi " the wro " directio . Tha k yo# for remi di " me.: & marched '#r'osef#lly back to her a d "rabbed her ha d as & 'assed her so she was forced to walk e2t to me. 6o#8ll ha3e to show me where the hell we8re "oi ",: & whis'ered. %hia o always had all who wo#ld be 'art of the ceremo y await her directly i fro t of E'o a8s stables,: she whis'ered i re'ly. 9<he lo3ed the s'ectacle she 'rese ted ridi " #' to the Tor, with her maide s strewi " flowers before The Chose .: >e t#r ed a cor er i the hall a d it immediately wide ed. Two or ately car3ed do#ble doors o'e ed o#t to the bea#tif#l co#rtyard & had oticed yesterday. Ala a co ti #ed whis'eri " as we walked thro#"h the doors. @ollow this walkway strai"ht across the co#rtyard. <ee those doors o3er thereB: & odded. 9>e "o thro#"h there, t#r to the ri"ht a d e2it thro#"h the other set of o'e ed doors. 6o# will see the stables a d yo#r e to#ra"e.: & odded a"ai . Ala a t#""ed o my ha d. 9%hea, slow dow . %emember that yo# are !istress here. 6o# are E'o a8s Belo3ed, Mi"h $riestess of $artholo , a d yo# ha3e 'erformed this ceremo y ma y, ma y times.:

& followed her directio s, a d soo er tha & was ready, we b#rst o#t of the mai tem'le b#ildi " a d i to the early-mor i " s# li"ht. !y feet sto''ed, a d & was "ratef#l that Ala a did 8t dra" me forward, allowi " me a mome t to com'ose myself. >e had e2ited o the back side of the tem'le, which bro#"ht #s to the rear of the stables. The corral was se3eral yards i fro t of #s. & fro t of the corral were 'robably half a doAe of my ym'het-maide s, sca tly clad i "or"eo#s see-thro#"h white dresses Gmi e was the o ly o#tfit missi " a to'H. They all carried baskets filled to o3erflowi " with what & ass#med m#st be rose 'etals. E'i a d Cla @i ta stood i the middle of them. As if she co#ld se se my 'rese ce, E'i8s ears flickered i my directio a d she let loose a 3ibrati " whi y of welcome. E'o a8s Belo3edD: Ala are de'e di " o yo#.: a "a3e my ha d a last sI#eeAe before releasi " it. 96o# ca do this. They

& took a dee' breath, bro#"ht my chi #' a d ste''ed ha#"htily o#t of the doorway. &f & was "oi " to do it, & was dam s#re "oi " to do it ri"ht. As & a''roached the waiti " "ro#', & tried to kee' my eyes o E'i, b#t & co#ld feel Cla @i ta 8s hot "aAe almost as s#rely as & co#ld feel my boobs =i""li " merrily. & "#ess they m#st be ha''y to be free at last. The ym'hs e2ec#ted their #s#al "racef#l c#rtsies, a d E'i8s whi y cha "ed to a welcomi " icker as she thr#st her 3el3ety m#AAle a"ai st my cheek. & smiled a d kissed her softly. Mow ha3e yo# bee , sweet "irlB &83e worried abo#t yo#, a d missed yo# terribly.: Mer #AAle was a comforti " re'ly. Ma3e yo# missed a d worried abo#t me, tooB: Cla @i ta 8s dee' 3oice 'assed thro#"h me like a hot fi "er that left a trail of shi3ers #' a d dow my s'i e. & t#r ed to face him, lea i " my back a"ai st E'i8s warm side. &83e missed yo#.: & met his "aAe with a teasi " smile. 9B#t &8m 3ery dam s#re there8s absol#tely othi " 'hysically wro " with yo#4so & eed 8t s'e d a y time worryi ". Or did yo# somehow h#rt yo#r hoof last i"htB: !y ha dmaide s tittered adorably, maki " me wo der if the 9maide : 'art of their title was =#st or ame tal. Me leered rakishly at me, s#dde ly remi di " me of a 'irate, a d took my ha d i his, raisi " it to his li's. Me kissed my 'alm a d the my wrist, li "eri " at the s'ot where my '#lse beat wildly. NoD: Me ste''ed close to me, still holdi " my ha d i his. 9>e4& mea 4& i =#red othi " last i"ht.: Mis 3oice was a i timate caress, a d for a i sta t & for"ot all abo#t my bared boobs. B#t Ala words bro#"ht me back to the real world. >ell, relati3ely s'eaki ". !y Lady, are yo# ready to 'roceed with the ceremo yB: 6es.: & "la ced at E'i, otici " how bea#tif#lly her tack s'arkled i the clear mor i " s# li"ht. Mer hackamore a d saddle bla ket were st#dded with car3ed "old Gmore dam sk#llsH. E3e the stirr#'s "liste ed a d wi ked4a d & was 8t s#r'rised to otice =ewels "leami " at me. %hia o , allow me.: Cla @i ta '#t his arms aro# d my waist a d lifted me easily to E'i8s back. & slid o e le" o3er, a d two of the maids ste''ed forward to "#ide my feet i to the stirr#'s. &8d bee ri"ht abo#t the skirt. &t was slit =#st ri"ht, so that it fell i lo3ely folds aro# d E'i b#t left most of my le"s bare. Oh, well, a8s

maybe my breasts wo#ld 8t look so aked i com'ariso . The ym'hs sc#rried forward # til they formed a do#ble col#m i fro t of E'i. Ala the ri"ht side of E'i, Cla @i ta o the left. & looked at Ala a a d she odded. a stood o

Let8s "o,: & said, a d & cl#cked to E'i, who ste''ed forward like she k ew what she was doi ". The ym'hets ski''ed ahead of #s, mo3i " "racef#lly like balleri as. E3ery few feet o e of them wo#ld "rab a ha df#l of rose 'etals o#t of her basket a d strew them before E'i. & also oticed that e3ery o ce i a while o e of them wo#ld 'iro#ette =oyf#lly aro# d. G!y "#ess was they were ha''y beca#se their boobs were 8t aked, too, b#t & mi"ht ha3e bee wro ".H >e mo3ed slowly o#t from behi d the tem'le, headi " i a ortheasterly directio . The wall loomed before #s i creamy "lory. The rear e2it was smaller tha the "ra d fro t "ates, a d like the e2it from the stables it seemed to disa''ear eatly back i to the wall whe it closed behi d #s. There was a softly ro# ded hill i fro t of #s, a d as E'i climbed o3er its crest a sho#t of welcome "reeted #s. >e made o#r way dow the hill, a d & cl#tched her rei s ti"htly so that o o e co#ld see how m#ch my ha ds were shaki ". Before #s waited a sea of 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs. Behi d the crowd & co#ld see the wide 5eal %i3er, a d as my eyes followed the ri3er dow stream, & co#ld see the 'art of it that & had oticed from the air4it "ot e3e wider a d formed a ki d of harbor where se3eral bar"es were docked. >e reached the ed"e of the crowd a d they 'arted before the flower-strewi ", ca3orti " maide s like & was a bare-breasted !oses. As we mo3ed thro#"h them, the 'eo'le s'oke "reeti "s with s#ch warmth that & felt my stomach sto' cle chi ". & s'otted Do#"al a d Co or sta di " i a "ro#' of ce ta#rs. Their sho#ts of welcome made my li's t#r #' i a ha''y "ri . !y ha ds sto''ed trembli ". They were a "reat a#die ce. & smiled back at them a d wa3ed G& wa ted to look I#ee ly, b#t more frie dly tha the L#ee 4she always looked so stiff, a d, well, so BritishH. >e were maki " o#r way to a clo3er-co3ered hill. All aro# d the base of it stood tall, a cie t-looki " sto es that were the color of fo". !y "irls s'lit #', a d each mo3ed to sta d ear o e of the sto es. E'i did 8t hesitate. <he 'icked her way betwee two of the sto es, climbi " to the to' of the hill. & was relie3ed to see Cla @i ta a d Ala a followi " #s. >he E'i reached the to' of the hill, she t#r ed so that the ri3er was to o#r backs. The 'eo'le faced #s, a d soo they I#ieted res'ectf#lly. & looked dow at Ala a. <he "la ced 'oi tedly o3er her sho#lder to the ri3er. & followed s#it. The water looked amaAi ". As we watched, the s# crested the trees o the far ba k, a d its rays to#ched the water, ca#si " it to s'arkle as if it were made of liI#id =ewels. >he & co#ld tear my eyes from the i credible si"ht, & met Ala a8s waiti " "aAe. <he odded a d & co#ld barely make o#t her whis'ered, 9&t is time.: Cleari " my throat, & faced the adori " crowd4a d se t #' a sile t 'rayer to E'o a, &f & really am yo#r Chose , 'lease "i3e me the ri"ht words to say to these 'eo'le. Usi " my best teacher 3oice, & o'e ed with the ob3io#s. 95ood mor i "?: A ri''le of la#"hter ra thro#"h the crowd, followed by a e th#siastic 95ood mor i ", E'o a8s Belo3ed?: <o far, so "ood. & come to yo# this mor i " with a twofold '#r'ose.: Their sile ce awed me4& wished briefly that my st#de ts co#ld see what really 'ayi " atte tio looked like. 9@irst, to s'eak of a e3il that threate s all of #s, a d, seco d, to ask E'o a8s blessi " for o#r ca#se.: & looked i te tly at my crowd, maki " eye co tact with se3eral of the liste i " 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs. 9As yo# k ow,

!acCalla Castle, a d my father, ha3e bee destroyed by @omoria s.: & 'a#sed here a d allowed them to e2'ress their "rief. After they I#ieted, & co ti #ed. E'o a has show me that they ha3e also o3ertake 5#ardia Castle.: This time all that met my words was shocked sile ce. & looked at their faces a d co#ld 8t add what & k ew abo#t the wome . & was 'retty s#re the ce ta#rs k ew the worst of it, b#t & did 8t k ow =#st how far the k owled"e had s'read. & felt i my "#t that & sho#ld 8t "o there ri"ht ow. There wo#ld be time for that later, after the first shock of i 3asio had become easier to bear. & t#r ed a d "est#red to Cla @i ta . Me ste''ed closer to E'i. & ha3e a''oi ted my h#sba d, Cla @i ta , as Chieftai of >arriors.: A cheer we t #' from the ce ta#rs, which was echoed by the h#ma me . & "la ced I#ickly at Ala a a d "a3e her a sm#" see, there are more ways tha o e to i s'ire me look G ot ma y more, b#tDH. The cheers I#ieted a d & co ti #ed. 9Cla @i ta has se t for the heads of all of the Cla s a d Merds.: & made a I#ick decisio that & ho'ed fer3e tly wo#ld make se se. 9After he meets with them, he will call for a meeti " of all the heads of ho#seholds.: & me tally crossed my fi "ers that & was sayi " the ri"ht thi " a d #si " the correct termi olo"y. 9A d he will i form them of o#r battle 'la s, so that all of yo# ca 're'are for war.: & oticed oddi " heads a d & breathed a si"h of relief. 9B#t the first ste' is for #s to lear all we ca from history abo#t o#r e emy. &f a y of yo# ha3e i formatio , e3e if yo# thi k it is o ly from fairy tales mea t to fri"hte childre , come to the tem'le a d ask for Ala a. <he will take yo# to o#r historia so that this k owled"e ca be #sed. >e will ed#cate a d arm o#rsel3es beca#se 'rese t fears are less tha horrible ima"i i "s.: & se t #' a sile t tha ks to <hakes'eare for that "reat li e. %emember, "ood has o e e emy4e3il. B#t e3il always has two e emies4the "ood a d itself.: That so# ded 'rofo# d a d & wished & co#ld remember where &8d heard it, es'ecially whe se3eral 'eo'le cheered i a"reeme t. Now, let #s ask E'o a8s blessi ".: The crowd I#ieted. & wo dered what the heck & sho#ld do with my ha ds, a d i to my mi d flashed a 3isio of the 'ot that had started this whole thi ". >itho#t co scio#s tho#"ht, & felt my body imitate %hia o 8s 'ost#re that had bee ca't#red so eloI#e tly by the strokes of a # k ow artist8s br#sh. !y body t#r ed at the waist, so that & faced the s'arkli " ri3er. !y ri"ht arm lifted, 'alm #'. & closed my eyes a d foc#sed o fra"me ts of a 6eats 'oem that had bee drifti " thro#"h my mi d like a a swer to a 'rayer. !y words ra " bell clear as & recited the 'oet8s bea#tif#l 3erse. >he day be"i s to break & co# t my blessi "s, "ood a d bad, Bei " wakef#l for yo#r sake, %ememberi " the co3e a t we83e always had, >hat ea"le look yo#r face still shows, >hile #' from my heart8s root <o "reat a sweet ess flows & shake from head to foot. & 'a#sed, ho'i " 6eats wo#ld 8t mi d my tam'eri " with his 'oem, a d ho'i " this modified classroom wo#ld 9"et it.: !ay E'o a8s blessi " follow #s daily, like a "e tle mother "#idi " her childre to safety. A d may

she hel' #s to e s#re that e3il is e3er tr#ly tri#m'ha t.: & o'e ed my eyes a d lowered my arm. T#r i " to face the crowd a d smili " broadly, & fi ished with, 9Li3e lo " a d 'ros'er?:

& breathed a si"h of relief as the 'eo'le be"a to dis'erse. Before E'i retraced her ste's, & looked at Ala a for a''ro3al. <he was beami ", a d &8ll be dar ed if she did 8t wi k at me. The last bit of te sio dissol3ed o#t of my sho#lders. As E'i started back dow the hill, & felt s#rro# ded by lo3e a d acce'ta ce. %hia o ?: Cla @i ta 8s shar' to e ca#"ht me by s#r'rise. & '#lled E'i to a halt a d looked o3er my sho#lder. Me was behi d me, still o the crest of the Tor. Me was 8t looki " at me, tho#"hJ he was stari " o#t toward the orther 'art of the tem'le "ro# ds. Mis eyes sI#i ted as he str#""led to see, a d he was taki " i "#l's of air thro#"h his ose, as if he was testi " the breeAe for a sce t. <#dde ly he 'oi ted, a d & followed his fi "er to the ed"e of the tree li e. >hat is itB: E'i, too, be"a stirri " er3o#sly be eath me. &t took 3ery little #r"i " from me to ha3e her climb back to Cla @i ta 8s side. & the orther wi d & ca#"ht the sce t of dark ess.: Mis to e made my ski crawl. 9& ha3e tasted this sce t before.: Mis atte tio was foc#sed o the trees. At !acCalla CastleB: !y 3oice trembled. Me odded. & heard a ri''le i the crowd. <#dde ly, ce ta#rs s#rro# ded #s a d members of my "#ard were r#shi " from the tem'le to =oi them. Cla @i ta be"a sho#ti " orders. Me s'oke to the first of the tem'le "#ards to reach #s. 9There is somethi " a''roachi " from the woods. 5et yo#r mistress to safety, the "ather the wome a d childre withi the tem'le walls.: <omethi " i side me screamed, Do 8t lea3e Cla @i ta 8s side. >itho#t I#estio i " this i 3oice, & s'oke. er

& stay with Cla @i ta . 5et the wome a d childre to safety.: !y warriors sal#ted i ack owled"me t a d h#rried away. Before he co#ld say a ythi " & looked i to Cla @i ta 8s eyes a d re'eated, 9& stay with yo#.: A d & stay with %hia o .: Ala a8s resol#te 3oice came from the other side of Cla @i ta . Cla @i ta si"hed, b#t did 8t ar"#e with either of #s. Mis atte tio refoc#sed o the dista t tree li e. The "e tle, seemi "ly harmless breeAe caressed o#r faces. Do#"al =oi ed #s o the Tor, a d ow E'i a d & were sa dwiched sec#rely betwee the two ce ta#rs, tryi " i 3ai to catch a "lim'se of whate3er they were sce ti ". &t is mi2ed with ce ta#r.: Do#"al8s 3oice was "rim. Cla @i ta 8s ti"ht od was his o ly a swer. There?: Co or8s sho#t shifted o#r li e of 3isio from the middle of the tree li e to a area closer to the ri3er. <ta""eri ", a lo e ce ta#r b#rst from the trees, mo3i " swiftly, b#t erratically, i o#r directio .

&a ?: Do#"al8s cry wre ched from his chest at the same mome t & saw Cla @i ta 8s start of reco" itio . Do#"al, Co or, come with #s. The rest of yo# 'ositio yo#rsel3es betwee the trees a d &a . &f he has bee followed, yo# m#st hold them off lo " e o#"h for #s to "et him a d o#rsel3es to safety.: Me scoo'ed Ala a off her feet a d de'osited her o his back. 9Mold ti"htly, we will be mo3i " fast.: <he odded. Me looked at me. 9<tay ear me.: & will.: & "rabbed a ha df#l of rei s a d E'i8s ma e. & was almost too scared to wish for a s'orts bra. >e e2'loded off the hill. & felt a thrill of 'ride at the way E'i mo3ed, which was immediately tem'ered with dread at what we mi"ht be char"i " i to. Do#"al was the first to reach the ce ta#r. Me came slidi " to a halt i time to catch the ce ta#r8s torso i his arms as he st#mbled, the colla'sed to the "ro# d. & heard Ala a8s i take of breath as Cla @i ta , Co or, E'i a d & reached them. Do#"al was o his k ees tryi " to s#''ort the ce ta#r8s bloody torso. &a ? By the 5oddess?: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was a "#ished a d he, too, fell to his k ees o the other side of the ce ta#r. Ala a sli''ed off his back a d stood froAe , stari " at the "r#esome sce e. Ma3e yo# bee followedB: Cla @i ta asked, a d &a =erked his head from side to side. No4 ot4followed?: Breathe, &a , the tell #s what has ha''e ed.: &a str#""led to draw breath i to his l# "s as Do#"al m#rm#red wordless so# ds, tryi " to soothe him. The ce ta#r was co3ered with a horrible mi2t#re of blood a d sweat. Me was shaki " 3iole tly. At first & did 8t see a y o'e wo# ds o him, a d wo dered where all the blood had come from. The his body shifted as he tried to re"ai his feet, a d & oticed a e ormo#s "ash r# i " from o e side of his horse chest to the other. & watched as his str#""les bro#"ht a fresh torre t of blood soaki " his already darke ed coat. No,: Cla @i ta a d Do#"al held him dow . 9Do ot try to "et #'.: & slid off E'i a d tore the cloak off my sho#lders. & k ew e o#"h abo#t horses a d h#ma s to k ow bleedi " ca be sto''ed by 'ress#re. & looked at Cla @i ta a d he odded i a''ro3al, the & cro#ched before the ce ta#r a d 'ressed the folded material a"ai st the terrible laceratio . Co or, "et a doctor?: & sho#ted at him. Me s'# aro# d a d ra back toward the tem'le. !o3eme t behi d the falle ce ta#r8s body ca#"ht my eye, a d & "la ced #' to see a li e of warriors 'ositio i " themsel3es betwee the trees a d #s. 7 owi " they were there, sta di " ready to co fro t whate3er had do e this to the yo# " ce ta#r, "a3e me a mome t of calm i the midst of what felt like chaos. & t#r ed my atte tio to the bleedi " ce ta#r. U' close his wo# ds were worse tha they had first a''eared. Me was so cr#sted with blood a d foamy sweat that his h#ma body a d his coat looked as if they were a dark, dirty color. Mis body was riddled with slashes a d c#ts. & 'eered o3er his sho#lder at the rest of him. Like a "rotesI#e I#ilt, 'atches of sil3er-blo d 'alomi o coat were i ters'ersed betwee 'ieces of crimso ed flesh laid o'e a d ooAi " a mi2t#re of blood a d bodily fl#ids. At each ew s'asm of his m#scles, blood see'ed from the horrible "o#"es. As he be"a to s'eak, my eyes flew back to his face, which was a terrible "ray color be eath the

blood a d "rime. Lara"o DisD"o e.: Me took dee' breaths betwee each word, a d his 3oice trembled. 9The 'eo'leDdead.: Me whis'ered the last word. The wome , tooB: Cla @i ta asked. &a shook his head 'ai f#lly. 9No, theyDdid otDkill the wome .: The other ce ta#rsB: Cla @i ta 8s I#estio h# " i the air betwee them. Dead.: The word fell from his tor li's i to the terrible sile ce of realiAed fears. &a 8s body be"a to twitch 3iole tly a d his eyes started closi ". &a ? <tay with #s?: Do#"al8s 3oice 'leaded with him. &a forced his eyes to reo'e . Mow ma y of themB: !a y4too ma y.: <#dde ly, his breathi ", which had I#ieted e o#"h for him to s'eak, i creased a"ai . 9Co#ldD otDsto'D: The ce ta#r8s I#i3eri " became # co trollable a d his words were lost as he strai ed to breathe. & co#ld feel the heat of his blood as it see'ed thro#"h the material of my cloak. Do#"al? >here are yo#B: &a 8s eyes were o'e , b#t he flailed abo#t like he co#ld 8t see. Mere? & am here, my brother.: Do#"al '#lled the bloody torso closer, wra''i " his arms 'rotecti3ely aro# d &a , tryi " to still his tremors. 9All is well. 6o# are safe ow.: Cla @i ta '#lled me away from the dyi " ce ta#r so that & was 'ressed sec#rely to his side. & watched hel'lessly as red foam a''eared at the cor er of &a 8s li's. & heard Cla @i ta be"i a cha t, low a d soft. As the so# d of the cha t reached Do#"al8s ears, & saw him look a "rily at Cla @i ta , who did 8t 'a#se i his lita y, b#t shook his head sadly, affirmi " to Do#"al what he m#st already k ow. Cla @i ta .: &a 8s 3oice was amaAi "ly clear as he s'oke my h#sba d8s ame. 6es4: Cla @i ta worked the words i to his 'rayer 94& am here. & will lead yo# home.: &a 8s body rela2ed as Cla @i ta raised his face a d 3oice to the sky, reciti " words that seemed to 'lace a calmi " s'ell o3er the ce ta#r, blocki " his 'ai a d s#fferi ". & watched as Do#"al closed his eyes a d lea ed his head a"ai st his brother8s. & co#ld see tears slidi " dow his face, mi2i " with &a 8s blood. & lo3e yo#, my brother. >e will meet a"ai i E'o a8s fra"ra t meadow.: Do#"al8s I#iet words carried thro#"h the air like a sho#t. &a 8s body co 3#lsed o ce more, a d the he si"hed "e tly a d was still. Cla @i ta co ti #ed his cha t. Bowi " his head a d closi " his eyes, he foc#sed withi himself. 5rad#ally, his 3oice became softer a d softer, # til he, too, was still. The he stood, '#lli " me "e tly to my feet a d a''roached Do#"al, who was cl#tchi " his brother a d wee'i " o'e ly. Do#"alD: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was dee'e ed with sorrow. 9&t is fi ished. Me is "o e.: Do#"al o'e ed his eyes a d slowly looked #' at his <hama . 9Me was too yo# ". &t sho#ld ot ha3e ha''e ed.: Me so# ded like a broke old ma . Tr#e.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice mirrored Do#"al8s loss.

& felt tears s'ill o3er at the cor ers of my eyes. & remembered how, =#st yesterday, Do#"al had seemed so yo# " a d sweet, bl#shi " shyly whe e3er & smiled at him. & mo3ed from Cla @i ta 8s side a d shook o#t my bloodied cloak, s'readi " it softly o3er the worst of &a 8s chest wo# d. !o3eme t i the cor er of my 3isio made me look #' from the ce ta#r8s ra3a"ed body. Ala a had followed s#it. <he, too, took her cloak from her sho#lders a d laid it res'ectf#lly o3er the ce ta#r. Mer face was wet with tears. & to#ched Do#"al8s cheek li"htly. Me was 3ery bra3e. Like his brother. & wish & co#ld ha3e k ow him.: Do#"al 'ried o e ha d from his brother8s sho#lder a d clas'ed my ha d. 9>o#ld yo# ask E'o a8s blessi " #'o him, my LadyB: Of co#rse.: <till clas'i " Do#"al8s ha d i mi e, & reached my other ha d to fi d my h#sba d8s. & felt &a 8s warm blood sticky betwee o#r =oi ed 'alms. Ala a ste''ed to Do#"al8s other side a d he rel#cta tly 'arted with his brother8s body, taki " her ha d i his. Bowi " my head, & let my eyes rest o the dead ce ta#r. E'o a, & ask yo#r blessi " #'o this yo# " ce ta#r, who has died before his time. To#ch him with yo#r soft ha ds a d hel' him e3er a"ai to feel 'ai .: & looked at Do#"al8s 'ale, strai ed face, a d a small 3oice withi me whis'ered the words & added. 9A d hel' #s to remember that this world is the la d of the dyi ", b#t the e2t world we "o to will be the la d of the li3i "4where o#r so#ls will be =oi ed a"ai , e3er to be 'arted.: Do#"al sI#eeAed my ha d "ratef#lly before releasi " it. Me stood slowly, e3er taki " his eyes from the body of his brother. A fl#rry of hoo3es a o# ced the arri3al of Co or. Me had a ma astride him who lea'ed from his back before he had come f#lly to a halt. The ma r#shed to the falle ce ta#r8s side. Me carried a h#"e ba" sl# " o3er his sho#lder, like a leather d#ffel ba", which he had o'e a d was searchi " thro#"h as he we t to his k ees i fro t of &a . Me to#ched the ce ta#r8s eck a d mo3ed the robe away from his chest wo# d. & heard the ma si"h hea3ily before he t#r ed to face #s. The doctor s'oke to Do#"al. 9!y sym'athies o yo#r loss. &f yo# allow, & will ha3e his body clea ed, a oi ted a d 're'ared for the bier.: 6es,: Do#"al ma a"ed to say. 96es.: The he looked at Cla @i ta . 9O#r father a d mother sho#ld beD: Mis 3oice trailed away. There will be time for that, so ,: Cla @i ta said. 9Co see &a is cared for.: or, take Do#"al back to the tem'le. & will

Co or a''roached Do#"al, a d "e tly led him back toward the tem'le. U til he disa''eared from si"ht, Do#"al8s head strai ed back to look at his brother8s cor'se. & took all of this i , b#t & fo# d it hard to sto' stari " at the doctor. & k ew this ma , or 'erha's & sho#ld say & k ew this ma 8s mirror ima"e43ery well. Cla @i ta made a motio a d a ears'litti " whistle. The warriors who had bee "#ardi " #s from what mi"ht ha3e emer"ed from the forest immediately "a3e #' their 'ositio s a d headed to #s. The ce ta#rs will take &a 8s body to yo#r work site. & will be i yo#r debt if yo# ca clea the yo# " o e #', a d make him 'rese table to his family.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded as if it had

a"ed years i mome ts. There will be o talk of debt.: Their eyes met a d & saw a look of m#t#al res'ect 'ass betwee the two of them. Tha k yo#,: & said to him. 9& k ow we ca de'e d o yo#.: !y 3oice, tho#"h "r#ff from my rece tly shed tears, was filled with the warmth & felt for his mirror ima"e. 9Do#"al deser3es at least that m#ch comfort.: &t will be do e.: & was take back by the s#dde look of cold ess that shar'e ed his face as he a swered me. Cla @i ta directed the ce ta#rs to tra s'ort the Mealer a d follow him with &a 8s body. The ce ta#rs lifted the bloody cor'se a d be"a their sad =o#r ey back i the directio of the tem'le. B#t i stead of watchi " them, my eyes had bee draw to Ala a. <he was stari " at the Mealer, a d as he rode away & saw him se d a f#rti3e "la ce o3er his sho#lder i her directio . %hia o , let #s "o back to the tem'le,: Cla @i ta said. 6esD: !y 3oice so# ded shaky. & cleared my throat a d called softly to E'i, who came obedie tly to me. & smiled sweetly at the well-ma ered mare, who had stood sile tly thro#"h the horrible death. As she came close to me, she #AAled my face with her m#AAle as if she eeded comforti ". &t8s o3er ow, sweet "irl,: & croo ed to her. & co#ld see the dam' trail tears had left dow the sides of her face, more e3ide ce that she was differe t from other horses. Cla @i ta 8s stro " ha ds circled my waist a d he lifted me to E'i8s back. The he t#r ed a d 'laced Ala a o his back. To"ether, we made o#r way slowly back to the tem'le.

Cla @i ta led the way to the stables where we were met, ot by my #s#al flock of maide s, b#t by se3eral well-armed "#ards. @irst he hel'ed me from E'i8s back, a d the he set Ala a "e tly o the "ro# d. Ma3e the lead warriors, ce ta#r a d h#ma , "ather i the tem'le a#die ce chamber.: Me s'oke a I#ick comma d to o e of my "#ards. The "#ard looked at me before mo3i " to obey his order. & ha3e a''oi ted Cla @i ta as Chieftai of >arriors. >hy are yo# hesitati "B Obey him as yo# wo#ld me.: & made s#re my 3oice carried. The "#ard sal#ted me, a d the t#r ed to Cla @i ta . 96es, my Lord,: he ack owled"ed before h#rryi " away. & "a3e E'i o e last 'at a d kissed her m#AAle softly. Take "ood care of her,: & said eedlessly to the "#ard who was waiti " to lead her away. Of co#rse, my Lady.: Ala a mo3ed to my side. 9%hea, yo# m#st wash.: <he made a weak "est#re at my bloodstai ed clothi " a d ski . & looked dow at myself, s#r'rised to see blood smeared o my ha ds, breasts a d the silky clothi " that hid so little of my body. There was so m#ch bloodD!y stomach s#dde ly felt I#easy

a d my mi d fo""y, like & had take too m#ch Be adryl. & sta""ered as a o3erwhelmi " wa3e of diAAi ess washed o3er me. %hia o B: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was filled with co cer . & tried to bli k the haAe from my brai as & a swered him. 9&t was horrible. That 'oor ce ta#rD: E3il is o ly a shadow of "ood.: Me '#t his arms aro# d me a d cradled my shaki " body a"ai st his. & felt his stre "th r#sh i to me as the heat of his body e folded me. 9>e walk i the li"ht with "ood, while e3il cro#ches, hidi " i the dark ess.: Mis arms ti"hte ed aro# d me as he co ti #ed. 9B#t we will ot allow it to co ti #e to hide. >e will b#r it from its dark lair.: The wo derf#l mi2t#re of the warmth a d stre "th of his body, a d the s#rety of his faith, combi ed to 'e etrate the fo" of my shocked mi d. & t#r ed i his arms a d s'oke to Ala a. Before we meet with the Cla a d Merd leaders, we eed to talk to the teacher a d fi d o#t e2actly what is k ow abo#t these creat#res.: & co#ld feel Cla @i ta 8s sile t s#''ort. 9<e d for her to meet #s i the library room that8s attached to my chamber. >hat8s her ame, a ywayB: Mis ame is Carola ,: she said. Mer cheeks had fl#shed 'i k a"ai , a d & "a3e her a I#estio i " look, so she took a dee' breath a d co ti #ed. A d he is ot really a teacher, he is a historia .: <he 'a#sed, looki " 3ery # comfortable. 9A d a Mealer.: <#dde ly it all made se se. Me8s the ma Co or bro#"ht to &a .: 6es, %hea.: <he looked decidedly shee'ish. Me seems a cari " Mealer.: Cla @i ta was obli3io#s to what was 'assi " # s'oke betwee Ala a a d me. B#t he was a "#y, so & did 8t fi d that s#r'risi ". & t#r ed back to face Cla @i ta a d t#""ed o his arm # til he be t for my I#ick kiss. Ala a a d & are "oi " to "et clea ed #'. >hy do 8t yo# "o "et the Mealer a d meet #s i my chambers.: & will ot be lo ".: Me to#ched my cheek li"htly i 'arti ". As soo as we were alo e, & said to Ala a, 9!y frie d, we eed to talk.: <he odded a d followed me. %elie3ed that & was starti " to fi"#re o#t my way aro# d, & headed back thro#"h the door that & k ew wo#ld o'e to the co#rtyard. This time it was filled with chatteri " wome a d childre , a d ri "ed with warriors. At my e tra ce a emotio -lade sile ce fell. & # derstood what & m#st look like as & saw fear reflected i their faces. & s#dde ly realiAed & had see this ki d of fear before i my classroom o a s'ri " day whe a st#de t had bee ca#"ht comi " o to o#r cam'#s with two loaded semia#tomatic "# s. & k ew from that e2'erie ce that hidi " a d 're3aricati " o ly made thi "s worseJ it works better to tell tr#th a d deal with the ramificatio s of reality. <o & held my ha ds to my sides, ot attem'ti " to hide the blood that stai ed them a d the rest of my body. <I#ari " my sho#lders, & met their fri"hte ed "aAes with my do 8t-worry-&8mi -char"e look. B#llshit is a 'rime wea'o i a y s#ccessf#l teacher8s arse al. A yo# " ce ta#r has bee killed.: A collecti3e "as' filled the air. 9>e are ot i immediate da "er, b#t we m#st 're'are for the e emy.: & decided to #se the same tactic & did i my classroom. >he

i do#bt, "i3e the "e eral '#blic somethi " to do, it8ll make them docile a d #sef#l. 9& eed yo#r hel'. & wa t yo# to di3ide i to "ro#'s. <ome of yo# will be"i 're'ari " a 'lace to care for the wo# ded4maki " li e s i to ba da"es, a d that ki d of thi ".: & saw se3eral heads od, a d & felt e co#ra"ed. 9!y maide s will eed hel'. Those of yo# who are the best cooks, 'lease form a "ro#' a d re'ort to the kitche s. >arriors will eed to eat well.: !y Lady? !y sisters a d & ha3e car3ed a d I#illed arrows which we ha3e bartered to the ce ta#r traders.: A 3oice came from the crowd. >ho =#st s'okeB: & yelled. The wome 'arted to let a tall, sle der blo de ste' thro#"h the crowd. & felt my face break i to a relie3ed smile as & reco" iAed her resembla ce to o#r school8s best com'#ter teacher. Now, there was a woma who k ew how to or"a iAe. 6o#r ameB: !araid, my Lady.: <he 'erformed a c#te c#rtsy. & t#r ed to o e of my e3er-'rese t "#ards. 9<e d for the ce ta#rs Do#"al a d Co or. Bri " them to this co#rtyard. Ma3e them i str#ct the wome i what they ca do to hel' s#''ort the warriors.: & 'oi ted to !araid. 9This woma , !araid, will be i char"e of or"a iAi " the wome 8s "ro#'s.: The "#ard sal#ted a d r#shed away. The ce ta#rs will tell yo# what they eed.: !y teacher 3oice carried thro#"h the e2'ecta t sile ce. 9By hel'i " them yo# will hel' all of #s4a d & tha k yo# for it.: As a aftertho#"ht & added, 9E'o a8s blessi "s o all of yo#.: The & beat a hasty retreat, with Ala a sc#rryi " after me. %#shi " thro#"h the door that led to my 'ri3ate corridor, & breathed a relie3ed si"h a d whis'ered to Ala a, 9Do yo# thi k that was okayB: <he odded, her head tilted toward mi e as we h#rried to the bathi "-room door. 9&t "a3e them somethi " to do. &f they are ke't b#sy, they ha3e less time to be afraid.: That8s what & tho#"ht.: The "#ard o'e ed the door for #s. >e ste''ed i to the bathi " chamber, a d & be"a stri''i " off my bloody clothes before Ala a co#ld hel'. Are yo# certai yo# sho#ld ha3e asked for Do#"al, tooB: Ala a was ha di " me a s'o "e a d a bottle of bath soa'. & sat o the 'ool8s led"e a d be"a scr#bbi " the blood from my body. & tho#"ht it wo#ld be best if he stayed b#sy.: & s#bmer"ed myself to ri se away the last of the blood. Ala a had laid a towel ear the ed"e of the 'ool, a d & ste''ed o#t of the water, wra''i " myself i its soft ess. Ala a was r#mma"i " her way thro#"h o e of the lar"e wardrobes. Do yo# thi k yo# ca fi d somethi " that8s ot semitra s'are t a d has a to' to itB: & thi k yo# will fi d this acce'table.: <he was holdi " a 'retty 'iece of cream-colored material i her ha ds. & obedie tly held o#t my arms a d she be"a her ma"ical wra''i ". & was 'leased to otice the soft fabric was 8t seethro#"h. <he fi ished with a flo#rish a d a other elaborate 'i . This o#tfit o ly showed off a ice e2'a se of my lo " le"s, which & was #sed to, a d, I#ite fra kly, &

e =oyed. & like it.: >e smiled. & t#r ed back to the 3a ity a d r#mma"ed I#ickly thro#"h the 'lethora of =ewelry. 9The ability to accessoriAe is what ele3ates #s from lower-life forms,: & said i my lect#re 3oice, choosi " a 'air of diamo d-st#dded dro's for my ears. 9Like me .: >e shared a sm#" "irlfrie d look. Now, tell me abo#t Carola .: The sm#" "irlfrie d look fell off her face a d was re'laced by a bri"ht fl#sh. Ceesh, I#it bl#shi ",: & said. >hich, of co#rse, o ly ca#sed her bl#sh to i te sify. & took her by the ha d a d led her to the be ch i fro t of my make#' 3a ity. $oi ti " to the s'ot e2t to me, & said, 9<it a d talk to me.: <he si"hed a d looked i to my steady "aAe. A d si"hed a"ai . >a t me to hel' yo#B: <he odded. 96o#8re i lo3e with him.: Mer eyes wide ed. <he looked like Bambi. Mow did yo#4: & '#t #' my ha d to sh#sh her. &8d like to say it8s beca#se of my wo derf#lly i t#iti3e mi d4or e3e beca#se it8s some ki d of Belo3ed of the 5oddess thi "4b#t the tr#th is there8s othi " at all mysterio#s abo#t it.: & smiled a d 'layf#lly '#shed my sho#lder i to hers. 9Me8s the mirror ima"e of <#Aa a8s h#sba d, 5e e.: <he bli ked i s#r'rise a d & ke't chatteri ". 9They83e bee married fore3er a d he still adores her like they were ewlyweds. &t8s really 'retty dis"#sti ".: <he was maki " little mewi " oises, so & 'o#red a "oblet of wi e from my # e di " s#''ly a d ha ded it to her. <he dra k dee'ly as & co ti #ed. Act#ally, it8s weird how 'eo'le mirror themsel3es4or howe3er the hell & sho#ld say it.: & 'o#red myself some wi e, too, a d briefly co tem'lated "rammatical 'roblems ca#sed by alter ati3e dime sio s before co ti #i ". 9& my old world 5e e is a lawyer a d a history 'rofessor. <#A a d & call him Doctor-Doctor.: & "i""led. 9<he calls herself !rs. Doctor-Doctor a d says that his brai s ca kick sa d i the face of a y o3erm#scled Nea derthal 'retty boy.: & chased away the hilario#s me tal 'ict#re of 5e e i a <'eedo, which <#A8s words e3er failed to co =#re. >hat is a Nea derthalB: Ala a so# ded o the ed"e of co f#sed hysteria. & frow ed at her. 9Do 8t worry abo#t it. &t =#st mea s she8s craAy abo#t him, too.: <he looked like that e2'la atio hel'ed. 96o# two are 8t married i this worldB: No?: <he =#m'ed as if the words held a electrical char"e. >hy otB: Mer eyes started to fill with tears. Oh, "reat. Do 8t tell me he does 8t lo3e yo#. & saw the way he looked at yo# o#t there.: Me lo3es me.: Mer 3oice was soft. The & remembered that 5e e had bee married o ce, briefly, whe he was 3ery yo# ", lo " before he8d met <#Aa a. &s he married to someo e elseB: & took her ha d, ready to 'ro3ide best-frie d comfort a d s#''ort.

No? Me lo3es o o e e2ce't me.: The what the hell is the 'roblemB: 6o#.: Mer 3oice was a whis'er. !e?: & "lowered at her. 96o# mea that dam %hia & am sorry. 6o# are ri"ht. %hia & still do 8t # dersta d.: O ce she disco3ered o#r feeli "s for each other, %hia o forbid the marria"e. A d she forbid the lo3e. <he wo#ld ot let me be alo e with him. E3er. <he said & belo "ed to her a d o other.: <he shr#""ed her sho#lders sadly. 9<he said whe she was fi ished with my ser3ices, Carola co#ld ha3e me. That he co#ld wait # til the .: & was mome tarily s'eechless. A d so he has waited,: she fi ished sadly. That selfish bitch.: & shook my head at the abs#rdity of kee'i " them a'art. 9>ith all the dam me she had, yo#8d thi k she8d let yo# ha3e o e?: Oh, she wo#ld ha3e let me ha3e a y other ma . C#st ot Carola .: B#t yo# wa ted o o e e2ce't him.: <he shook her head. >e both dra k o#r wi e. A other tho#"ht 'o''ed i to my head. Ala a, yo# do 8t ha3e a y childre B: No, of co#rse ot. & ha3e e3er bee married.: & =#st stared at her a d ke't my mo#th sh#t. Mow co#ld & tell her that i a other world she a d the ma she lo3es are ha''ily married with three bea#tif#l "irlsB & co#ld 8t. O ce a"ai & felt the wei"ht of %hia o 8s decisio s ha "i " hea3ily o my co scie ce. Me m#st hate me.: & had 8t realiAed &8d s'oke the words alo#d # til Ala a"reeme t. & stood abr#'tly. 9>ell, this & ca fi2. !arry him. Today.: Ala a shot to her feet. 9B#-b#t there is o time for a ceremo y.: >hat has to ha''e for yo# "#ys to "et marriedB: A 'riest or 'riestess m#st s'eak a oath to bi d #s to"ether.: &8m a 'riestess. %i"htB: <he bli ked like she was starti " to # dersta d. 96es.: <o & ca 'erform the ceremo y,: & said matter-of-factly. 6es,: she re'eated, looki " fai t. 9B#t ow ca for war.: ot be the ri"ht time4we are readyi " o#rsel3es a odded slowly i o , a d ot yo#.: o 4 ot me.:

<o# ds like a 'erfect time to "et married.: & looked hard at her. 96o# do 8t wa t to wait till after the fi"hti ", do yo#B: No.: & saw fear shadow her eyes. The come o .: & 'rodded her toward the door. 9After this mess with the 3am'ire-thi "s "ets cleared #', yo# ca re ew yo#r 3ows.: <he was 8t sayi " a ythi ", =#st oddi " i a ki d of

dreamy way. 9&8ll throw a bi" 'arty4it8ll be "reat.: & hastily decided that bei " the 'reacher was 'robably "oi " to be almost as m#ch f# as bei " the maid of ho or. >e emer"ed from the bathi " room a d & 'a#sed o ly lo " e o#"h to "et my beari "s. <tridi " '#r'osef#lly to my chamber & was h#mmi " 9Mere Comes the Bride: to myself, a d e =oyi " Ala a8s daAed b#t ha''y e2'ressio . Bei " the 5ood 5#y is a hell of a lot more f# tha bei " the Bad 5#y Gsomethi " Coh >ay e certai ly k ewH. The maid who looked like <taci was =#st fi ishi " s#'er3isi " the layi " o#t of my breakfast table. <melli " the e tici " aroma of some ki d of ho eyed hot cereal made my stomach "rowl. & "a3e her a a''reciati3e "ri a d remembered to call her Tarah. <he s#r'rised me by res'o di " sl#""ishly, a d she walked a little # steadily as she left the room. 6o# thi k the "irls ha3e bee dri ki " too m#chB: & asked Ala >hatB: Ne3er mi d.: <he had that daAed e2'ressio still 'lastered o her "lowi " face, a d & did 8t thi k she8d heard a ythi " &8d =#st said. A d, a yway, sometimes wi e cree's #' o a "irl G'#rely by accide tH. & was a real bitch to e3e me tio it. Come o , eat somethi " before yo# fall o3er.: >e had =#st d#" i to breakfast Gwell, &8d d#" i 4Ala shar' ra's so# ded a"ai st my door. a was 'icki " at her 'orrid"eH whe two a after the ser3a ts de'arted.

Come o i ?: & yelled tho#"h a mo#thf#l of sweet m#sh Git tasted ki d of like oatmeal, o ly wilder 4if that makes a y se seH. !y "#ards held o'e the doors a d Cla @i ta , followed by Carola , e tered the room. & had mea t to watch Ala a8s bl#shi " reactio to her soo -to-be h#sba d8s e tra ce, b#t & fo# d myself ha3i " what & liked to thi k of as a <tar Trek !ome t. Cla @i ta 8s 'rese ce ca#"ht me like he was a bi" ol8 black wormhole i s'ace, a d & was a little sh#ttle-craft. @or yo# # k owi " ci3ilia s, that mea t he s#cked me to him like a Moo3er. Mi?: & so# ded like fri""i 8 5id"et. Me took my ha d i his a d raised my 'alm to his li's i a "est#re that was becomi " as familiar as it was i timate. Mello.: Mis 3oice wra''ed aro# d me a d made me shi3er. After his kiss, my fi "ers laced with his a d he stroked my wrist slowly with his th#mb. Mow is Do#"alB: A "rimace of 'ai mo3ed across his face. 9&t is ot yet real to him.: Me shook his head sadly. 9Me a d &a were seldom se'arated. &t will be diffic#lt for him to bear.: The he sI#eeAed my ha d a d said, 9& hear yo# are kee'i " him b#sy. That was wise4it will "i3e him less time for tho#"ht.: &8m "lad yo#8re ot #'set with me for orderi " aro# d Do#"al a d Co or.: & smiled i to his eyes, a d the rest of the world melted away. %eally, a d do 8t k ock it till yo#83e tried it. Ala a cleared her throat a d & remembered & was 8t a character i a book Gsi"hH. & looked aro# d Cla @i ta 8s lar"e body a d saw that Carola was sta di " I#ietly by the door, his eyes watchi " me warily. &t was disco certi " to ha3e a ma who & wo#ld ormally be frie dly with treat me with s#ch s#s'icio , so & decided that & wo#ld #se the same tactic with him & had #sed with Ala a. &8d =#st act like myself a d let him catch #'4so to s'eak. Carola , come o i .: & smiled warmly as his eyes arrowed. 9>e eed yo#r e2'ertise.:

Ala a was sitti " o o e chaise faci " me, a d & was sitti " o the other. Cla @i ta had sto''ed withi reach of the food Ga d of meH. Carola mo3ed slowly to =oi #s a d & "est#red i the directio of Ala a8s chaise. Ma3e a seat. Are yo# h# "ryB: Me halted e2t to the table, ot looki " at Ala stiffly. 9A d, o, & ha3e broke my fast.: a. 9& wo#ld rather sta d, Lady %hia o ,: he said

& shr#""ed. 9>hate3er, b#t we mi"ht be here for a while, so feel free to sit a d 'o#r yo#rself some wi e. After all, "ra'es are my fa3orite breakfast fr#it.: Me was st#dyi " me like he tho#"ht & was a bomb "etti " ready to e2'lode. Cla @i ta t#""ed o o e of my c#rls. 96o# =#st like wi e,: he said as he looked 'oi tedly at my half-em'ty "oblet. &t8s medici al,: & teased #' at him a d 'layf#lly batted at his ha d. The & shot Carola a other smile, a d asked i a co s'irator8s 3oice, 9Am & ri"ht, !r. MealerB: &t has bee called the ectar of life,: he a swered slowly. <ee?: & said to Cla @i ta a d he h#rm'hed at me. T#r i " to Ala a, & a o# ced, 9The we8ll ha3e to make s#re we ha3e lots of wi e at yo#r formal weddi " ceremo y.: &f 'ossible, my words ca#sed her to fl#sh a e3e bri"hter shade of 'i k. B#t my words had the o''osite effect o Carola 4his face bla ched a horrible shade betwee white a d "rayJ for a mome t & worried that he wo#ld eed a morticia i stead of a 'riestess. The he s'oke thro#"h ti"htly cle ched teeth. & felt Cla @i ta stir at the ob3io#s loathi " i his words. Lady %hia o , & ha3e k ow yo# ca'able of ma y h#rtf#l acts, b#t this4: As his 3oice raised a d his body be"a to tremble with re'ressed 3iole ce, Cla @i ta dro''ed my ha d a d ste''ed 'rotecti3ely forward. Ma3e a care what yo# say to my Lady, Mealer.: Mis 3oice was like death. &f yo# k ew what she really was, yo# wo#ld ot defe d her?: Carola s'at at the floor i my directio . Ala a a d & were o o#r feet as Cla @i ta l# "ed forward so I#ickly that his lar"e body was o ly a bl#r. Before & co#ld say a ythi " to sto' him, he had forced Carola to his k ees. Ask her for"i3e ess,: he "rowled. No?: & yelled as & '#lled o Cla @i ta 8s steel-like arm, tryi " to "et him to loose his "ri'. 9&t8s me who is sorry. & sho#ld ha3e e2'lai ed better4& =#st did 8t thi k.: Cla @i ta looked co f#sed, b#t he loosed his hold o Carola , allowi " him to sta d. Ala a was beside me, a d & I#ickly "rabbed o e of her ha ds. The , before he co#ld s'it at me a"ai or a ythi ", & "rabbed o e of Carola 8s ha ds a d 'laced hers i his. 6o#8re the o e she8s "oi " to marry4today. 6o# sho#ld e3er ha3e bee ke't a'art.: & looked a'olo"etically o3er his sho#lder at my still r#ffled h#sba d a d said, 9& "#ess & was 8t 3ery clear abo#t that before, b#t & really did 8t e2'ect him to freak o#t.: The & shifted my atte tio back to the almost ewlyweds. Carola 8s eyes were wide Ga d his mo#th was ki d of fla''i " o'e , b#t & tho#"ht it8d be r#de to me tio itH. & odded my head #' a d dow a d "a3e him a 9it8s tr#e: look. Me "la ced at Ala a as if he was afraid she wo#ld t#r i to somethi " horrible Gi this world, yo# e3er k ewH, a d as her misty smile of ha''i ess re"istered i his mi d, & heard him s#ck i a "reat "#l' of air.

Before he co#ld "o all craAy a"ai Ga d ha3e my h#sba d accide tally break somethi " he mi"ht eed later4like his eckH, & '#t both of my ha ds o3er their =oi ed o es, a d =#m'ed ri"ht i there with a makeshift weddi " oath borrowed from Lo "fellow. 9There is othi " holier i this life of o#rs tha the first co scio#s ess of lo3e4the first fl#tteri " of its silke wi "s4the first risi " so# d a d breath of that wi d which is so soo to swee' thro#"h the so#l.: & sI#eeAed their ha ds before letti " "o. & wo#ld say that ow &83e =oi ed yo#, b#t & k ow that really yo# were =oi ed lo " before today. <o i stead, let8s =#st say &83e fi ally made it official.: & looked at Carola 8s shocked face a d co ti #ed, 9Cherish her always.: The & ste''ed back a d "a3e them a bi" smile. 9Now yo# may kiss the bride?: >hat a "reat li e. B#t i stead of kissi " Ala "aAe. >ho are yo#B: a, Carola dro''ed her ha d a d ca#"ht my eyes with his 'e etrati "

& o'e ed my mo#th to a swer, b#t Carola c#t me off. No? Do ot try to dis"#ise the tr#th with twisted words. & k ow %hia o . & ha3e s'e t e dless years hati " her. & k ow her tr#e at#re is that of a s'oiled, selfish child.: Ala a8s s#dde i take of breath made him t#r to her. Mis face "e tled. 6o# k ow it is tr#e, lo3e.: Me to#ched her cheek i a li "eri " caress. 9<he rewarded yo#r loyalty a d sacrifice with =ealo#sy a d s'ite.: Me t#r ed back to me. Mis face had lost the wari ess of before4 ow he =#st looked c#rio#s a d 'leased. & ask a"ai , who are yo#B Mow co#ld this ha''e B: Me was st#dyi " me with a doctor8s eye. 9$hysically yo# a''ear amaAi "ly like her.: >ell, &8d always k ow 5e e was too smart for my ow "ood. Me ste''ed closer to me, a d & oticed that this time Cla @i ta did 8t mo3e to sto' him. Act#ally, the ce ta#r had become 3ery still. Me was watchi " me with the same a alytical eyes Carola was #si ". O ly he did 8t a''ear 3ery ha''y. 6o#r hair may be a little shorter.: Me barked a I#ick la#"h. 9A d yo#r s'eech 'atter s are certai ly odd. B#t yo# are remarkably similar.: Carola , yo# are mistake ?: Ala else. This time & did the sile ci ". Let him fi ish, Ala a,: & said firmly. Carola looked i to my eyes a"ai . 96o# are ot %hia o . 6o# may be E'o a8s Chose , b#t yo# are ot %hia o . >he & look i to yo#r eyes & do ot see my old e emy. 6o# do ot ha3e the e3il withi yo# that she had.: & looked at Ala a8s worried face a d si"hed. 9& ca 8t do this a ymore,: & said to her. !y eyes so#"ht Cla @i ta 8s. 9& do 8t wa t to lie to yo# a ymore.: Me did 8t make a y motio or so# d. Mis face had become the "#arded mask & had str#""led a s#dde ly i terr#'ted, ot "i3i " him time to say a ythi "

a"ai st whe we had first met. B#t & co#ld 8t take back what & had said. A d, tr#thf#lly, & did 8t wa t to. &8m me, a d & was tired of bei " mistake for some other bitch. & am ot %hia o .: & heard Carola 8s satisfied "r# t, b#t & did 8t look at him. !y eyes remai ed locked with my h#sba d8s. 9!y ame is <ha o $arker. This is hard to e2'lai . &t8s hard for me to # dersta d, a d &8m the 'erso it8s ha''e ed to. & come from a differe t world4a world where ma y of the 'eo'le are the same, or as similar as a mirror ima"e or a shadow wo#ld be, b#t the world itself is 3ery differe t.: & 'a#sed, wishi " Cla @i ta wo#ld say somethi ". Me stayed sile t b#t odded like he wa ted me to co ti #e. 9<omehow %hia o fo# d o#t abo#t my world a d she fi"#red o#t how to trade 'laces with me. &t all ce tered aro# d a 'ot that had a ima"e of her o the fro t of it. @rom the seco d & saw the 'ot, e3erythi " cha "ed.: & searched for words. 9& had o idea what was ha''e i ". &t seemed like a terrible accide t. Act#ally, & tho#"ht & was dead at first.: !y eyes 'leaded with him to # dersta d. 9%emember the day of o#r marria"eB & co#ld hardly s'eak beca#se & had lost my 3oiceB: Me odded a"ai . &t was from theD& do 8t k ow what to call itDthe tradi " of worlds.: Ala a ste''ed forward a d stood by my side. 9<he is ot %hia o , a d we are the better for it.: Mow ca somethi " that is based #'o a lie be betterB: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded flat a d e2'ressio less. B#t it was ot her lie? &t was mi e.: Ala a h#rried o whe & tried to sh#sh her. 9<he e3er wa ted to 'rete d, b#t she did it beca#se & told her the 'eo'le eeded her.: <he looked at me, ca#si " my eyes to break Cla @i ta 8s cold "aAe. & wa ted yo# to tell Cla @i ta , b#t & was afraid. At first & was afraid for myself, for what mi"ht ha''e if & was blamed for %hia o 8s disa''eara ce. The , after & "rew to k ow yo#, & was afraid the 'eo'le wo#ld t#r #'o yo# if they tho#"ht yo# a im'ostor.: <he looked 'oi tedly at Cla @i ta a d co ti #ed, 9The & worried that those who were close to yo# wo#ld h#rt yo# if yo#r ide tity was disco3ered. B#t & ha3e si ce realiAed that o#r 5oddess m#st be worki " i this e2cha "e, a d that we all ha3e bee the better for it.: <he took my ha d i hers as she s'oke directly to the ce ta#r. 9&f yo# are a "ry at bei " decei3ed, t#r that a "er #'o me. A d, <hama , before yo# do, look closely at the "ift yo# ha3e bee "i3e . >hat wo#ld yo#r f#t#re hold if yo# tr#ly were ha dfasted with %hia o B: Carola 8s disti cti3e la#"h s#r'rised me. Me '#t his arms aro# d his ew wife a d h#""ed her. The he, too, faced the ce ta#r. Mis lifeB %hia o 8s 3i dicti3e at#re has to#ched all of o#r li3es. & will always be "ratef#l that she has ba ished herself.: Me smiled at me, a d briefly lifted my ha d to his li's. 9>elcome, my Lady, Belo3ed of E'o a. !ay o#r world bestow #'o yo# the blessi "s yo# ha3e so richly bro#"ht to #s.: & ret#r ed his smile before looki " er3o#sly back at Cla @i ta . >he he be"a s'eaki ", his 3oice was co tem'lati3e b#t still emotio less. & k ew yo# were differe t. 6o#r ma er of s'eech was odd, b#t at first & told myself that & had e3er really k ow yo#, a d 'erha's yo# were sim'ly # iI#e beca#se yo# were E'o a8s Chose .: Me looked at Carola . 9B#t yo# are ri"ht. & realiAed she lacked %hia o 8s malicio#s at#re some time a"o.: Carola odded i a"reeme t. Cla @i ta 8s "aAe ca't#red mi e o ce more.

& said othi " beca#se & ho'ed that yo# wo#ld tr#st me e o#"h to co fide i me.: Mis 3oice had fi ally re"ai ed its emotio , a d & was #'set to hear the sad ess that filled his words. & do tr#st yo#? &t8s =#st that there did 8t seem to be a ri"ht time. A d the , well, & did 8t tell yo# beca#se & did 8t wa t to cha ce losi " yo#r lo3e.: !y 3oice had become a whis'er. 6es, dam it. & lo3ed him. &t was all so roma tic & wa ted to '#ke. B#t, s'e d a i"ht with a sha'e-shifter who is, well, h# " like a horse, a d see what ha''e s to yo#. Besides all that4he8s o e of the "ood "#ys, like Coh >ay e a d Cames Bo d. A d &83e always bee a s#cker for the "ood "#ys. <o, & stood there tryi " to bli k away the tears that were threate i " to s'ill from my eyes. Cla @i ta si"hed hea3ily a d closed the s'ace betwee #s before & co#ld start bawli ". Me to#ched my face a d c#''ed my chi i the warmth of his ha d. !y lo3e is somethi " yo# will e3er lose.: Me be t a d kissed me softly, the smiled at my # do#btedly "oofy e2'ressio . 9!y 'atie ce, 'erha's, b#t e3er my lo3e.: & wa ted to throw my arms aro# d him a d b#ry my face i his heat, b#t & co#ld feel Ala Carola 8s eyes bori " =oyf#lly i to o#r roma tic i terl#de. a8s a d

<o & t#""ed him dow to me a d reci'rocated with a I#ick kiss a d a whis'ered 9& adore yo#: a"ai st his mo#th. Abo#t that time my stomach "rowled lo#d e o#"h for the whole fri""i world to hear, which ca#sed Cla @i ta to la#"h as he 'ro'elled me back to the table. @irst he recli ed, a d the he '#lled me dow so that & co#ld 'erch i fro t of him o the side closest to the food. &t8s a "ood thi " the chaises were ob3io#sly made for at least two G& did 8t wa t to s'e d m#ch time co tem'lati " the #ses %hia o had 'robably fo# d for themH. Cla @i ta wra''ed a arm aro# d my waist a d '#lled me s #"ly back a"ai st him. Ma3e a seat, "#ys,: & said co te tedly. This time Carola did 8t hesitate. & stead, he "#ided Ala a to the chaise a d sat e2t to her. & oticed that he ke't o e ha d always to#chi " her, as if he was afraid she wo#ld disa''ear. &8ll bet yo# really ha3e 8t eate , ha3e yo#B: & asked Carola thro#"h a bite of some ki d of y#mmy sweet roll. Me "rimaced. 9Act#ally, & missed the blessi " this mor i " beca#se & was hel'i " to birth twi s i to the world. 6o# are correct4& ha3e ot broke my fast.: Eat? There8s always 'le ty.: & "la ced o3er my sho#lder at Cla @i ta a d teased, 9&t8s like they make e o#"h to feed a horse?: Carola almost choked o his 'orrid"e, a d Ala had to 'o# d him heartily o the back. a, who was, by ow, more #sed to my h#mor,

Cla @i ta did 8t say a ythi ", b#t while o#r "#ests were b#sy he bit me o the sho#lder. 6ikes?: & "a3e a little scream. B#t whe the two of them looked I#estio i "ly at me, Cla @i ta had his dead'a face o a"ai . & sho#ld 8t ha3e bee s#r'rised. & already k ew he was a biter. C#st e2actly what sho#ld we call yo#B: Carola chewed tho#"htf#lly while he st#died me. 6es.: Cla @i ta tilted his head so he co#ld st#dy my face. 96o# said i yo#r world yo# were

calledD: Me hesitated, thi ki " 9<ha o $arker.: Me made the ame so# d bea#tif#l a d e2otic. & wished mome tarily that we co#ld throw ca#tio to the clichKd wi d, a d he co#ld call me by my real ame, always. The & woke #'. @i"#rati3ely s'eaki ". <ha o is my ame, b#t & do 8t thi k it wo#ld be 3ery smart for yo# "#ys to start calli " me somethi " differe t. U lessD: & tho#"ht & mi"ht as well ask. 9Do yo# thi k we sho#ld tell the 'eo'le who & really amB: No?: Ala a, Carola a d Cla @i ta all s'oke at o ce. There was a mome tary sile ce G& "#ess while they co tem'lated the horror of letti " the "e eral 'o'#lace k ow & was meH, a d the Carola cleared his throat. >e looked e2'ecta tly at him. Um, & ca ot see a y "ood that co#ld come of i formi " the 'eo'le. Es'ecially at this 3olatile time.: Me 'a#sed a d looked searchi "ly at Ala a. 9A d it is clear she is E'o a8s Chose B: 6es, she is the Belo3ed of E'o a,: Ala a a"reed, oddi " her head 3i"oro#sly. Carola looked relie3ed. 9The there is o 'oi t i #'setti " the str#ct#re of the tem'le, a d accordi "ly the 'eo'le, by i formi " them of this4: he searched for words 94fort#ito#s cha "e.: Cla @i ta a d Ala a m#mbled a series of a"reeme ts. o did a lot of thi "s & do 8t a"ree with.: >ell, okay,: & said, 9b#t %hia

5ood?: Cla @i ta 8s e2clamatio made #s la#"h. & kissed him li"htly o the cheek. %hea, the 'eo'le lo3e yo#.: <he smiled i the directio of my ce ta#r. 9A d yo#r warriors fear yo#, which is why they do ot s'eak freely abo#t %hia o 8s habits.: Mer "aAe shifted back to me. 9Be yo#rself. That will correct %hia o 8s errors.: That so# ded "ood to me. B#t what do we call yo#B: Cla @i ta asked. & like what Ala a calls me. %hea. &t8s ot %hia o 4it8s somethi " that8s disti ctly me4b#t it8s ot so differe t that it wo#ld ca#se a bi" 'roblem.: They odded asse t, a d we all chewed ha''ily for a while. Too bad e3erythi "8s ot as easily sol3ed as that,: & s#cci ctly said. They m#mbled yes to that, too. U fort# ately, & co#ld 8t let it rest at that. & mea , if & was "oi " to li3e i this world we were "oi " to ha3e to "et rid of those 3am'ire-thi "s. Okay, Carola D: !y 3oice forced his atte tio rel#cta tly from his ew wife. 9Tell #s what yo# k ow abo#t the @omoria s.: They are e3il i car ate.: No kiddi "B: & mea , hello, we k ew that already. Me barely bli ked at my i terr#'tio , a d 'roceeded i his history-teacher lect#re mode. They were a s'ecies that came from the far east.: & felt Cla @i ta 8s startled reactio , which made me remember that the ma' that Aa''ed me had show all the la d to the east of the ri3er as ce ta#r la ds.

6es, before ce ta#rs dwelt i the "rassy 'lai s.: Carola ack owled"ed my h#sba d8s cha"ri , the co ti #ed, 9The le"e ds are obsc#re. At first there was 3ery little co tact betwee the 'eo'le of $artholo a d the @omoria s. B#t there seems to ha3e bee a lo " dro#"ht, followed by a "reat fire o the "rassla ds where the @omoria s dwelt. The fire co#ld ot be co tai ed. The @omoria s were i 'eril of bei " i ci erated, a d they came to o#r a cestors for hel'. They eeded to cross o3er the 5eal %i3er, which they said wo#ld be im'ossible witho#t aid from $artholo .: M#hB: & "a3e him a co f#sed look. Accordi " to le"e d, @omoria s m#st stay co ected to the soil of the earth. &t is to them their life8s blood, so they ca ot cross r# i " water.: >ait a seco d4they ha3e wi "s. &f they ha3e to stay co ected to the earth, how ca they flyB: E2celle t 'oi t.: Me smiled. 9There is e3er a y refere ce to them act#ally flyi ". They were described as4: he cleared his throat a d sI#i ted his eyes, searchi " for the e2act words 94 "lidi " demo s. Not flyi " demo s. & ass#me their wi "s f# ctio like a flyi " sI#irrel8s wi "s. Not real, birdlike 'i io s, =#st a a''arat#s that hel's to ma i'#late the wi d.: & remembered their horrible, "ro# d-eati " strides a d had to a"ree with him. Carola co ti #ed, 9The 'eo'le of $artholo met a d decided it wo#ld be a abomi atio to allow them to die i the flames, or to die of fami e after the fire b#r ed itself o#t. <o a e ormo#s brid"e was co str#cted o3er the 5eal %i3er, o e that was fashio ed of timbers layered with soil, the more timbers a d more soil. Act#ally, the remai s of that brid"e ca be fo# d ot far from here.: >e =#st stared at him # til he took a "#l' of wi e a d s'oke a"ai . 9The @omoria s crossed o3er a d o#r two races attem'ted to li3e i 'eace to"ether.: & ha3e o ly heard that the @omoria s were stories made #' to fri"hte small childre .: Cla @i ta i terr#'ted Carola 8s lect#re. 9>hy is it ot k ow that the 'eo'le of $artholo aided them to come hereB: There were 3ery few writte records of the @omoria s. O ly scribes wo#ld k ow that the stories e3e e2ist, a d most of the records are so a cie t they are diffic#lt to deci'her, so few scribes bother to st#dy the cr#mbli " tomes.: Cla @i ta 8s look told me scribes m#st be celibate4or "irls Gor erdsH or somethi ". As if readi " my mi d, Carola ch#ckled. 9U less someo e with scribe trai i " ha''e s to be a historia with too m#ch free time a d c#riosity.: Ala a sI#eeAed his ha d a d they smiled sweetly at each other. Me co ti #ed, 9<o, yo# see, the o ly le"e ds that s#r3i3ed as oral tales for the bards to tell were those that ori"i ated after the war.: All three of #s looked s#r'rised. &t was a relief ot to be the o ly cl#eless o e this time. 6es, the oral le"e ds o ly tell abo#t what ha''e ed after the @omoria s crossed the 5eal %i3er.: & tho#"ht abo#t how thi "s worked i my old world a d decided that it all made se se. & mea , 'lease, there were #mero#s 'oliticia s who wo#ld ha3e tho#"ht life wo#ld be m#ch easier if most of the 'eo'le co#ld 8t read or write Gor hire lawyers a d "et o -1 !i #tesH. <o what do the oral le"e ds tell #sB: & 'i'ed i . The @omoria s were weake ed, a d their #mbers were few, b#t their tr#e at#re was soo k ow . &t is writte that they were a race of demo s, "e erally mo stro#s a d hideo#s, who dabbled i dark 'owers.: Me held #' his ha d a d co# ted off items o his fi "ers. 9They liked to

dri k the blood of h#ma s. They were 'hysically discomforted if they walked abo#t i the s# li"ht. They co#ld ot cross r# i " water. They tho#"ht themsel3es beyo d all laws of at#re a d E'o a.: Me "rimaced. & tho#"ht they so# ded a lot like @idel Castro, b#t that com'ariso wo#ld take a serio#sly lo " time to e2'lai , so & ke't I#iet. Le"e ds say a war e s#ed. The @omoria s were small i #mber. They were defeated, forced thro#"h the 'ass i the Trier !o# tai s, a d ba ished to the far orth. The 5#ardia Castle was erected to sta d as se ti el of the 'ass. &t has blocked the 'ass for "e eratio s.: Not a ymore,: & said. The orthla d sho#ld ha3e destroyed them,: Carola re'lied. 9&t is too cold a d desolate there. The s# shi es bri"htly, b#t it "i3es off o heat. They sho#ld ha3e disa''eared i to the bad dreams of childre .: >ell, they8re back.: & said it with the $olter"eist i fere ce. &t was 'retty safe to ass#me they had 8t see the mo3ie4b#t they # derstood the im'licatio . Mow ca they be killedB: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice c#t the air betwee #s. U fort# ately, they are remarkably resilie t. C#t off their heads. B#r them. That will kill them.: Me looked a'olo"etically at the ce ta#r. 9Le"e d says they are diffic#lt to kill.: Did the le"e ds say a ythi " abo#t them mati " with h#ma sB: & tho#"ht & sho#ld i I#ire. No?: Carola looked shocked. 9There were ot ma y of them, b#t they had females of their ow ki d.: >ell, they still ha3e females,: & said, rememberi " the wi "ed thi "s that had "rabbed the fet#s o#t of that 'oor woma 8s womb. 9B#t it does 8t look like they8re maki " babies with them. They8re maki " babies with h#ma "irls a d letti " the, #h, fetal thi "s ri' o#t of the mothers8 wombs.: Carola 'aled. That is what is ha''e i " to the wome .: Cla @i ta 8s stateme t was like a death k ell. The they are m#lti'lyi ",: Carola said I#ietly. That so# ded bad. 6es,: Cla @i ta a swered. 9Before &a died he re'orted that there were ma y of them.: 6o# ha3e to sto' them.: Ala a8s 3oice was 3er"i " o shrill. Carola '#t his arm aro# d her i a "est#re that was so familiar to me that, for a i sta t, & co#ld almost belie3e & was back i my co do, a d 5e e a d <#A had sto''ed i for br# ch. &t was a eerie feeli ", this ble di " of two worlds, a d it made me disco certi "ly diAAy. & had to a3ert my eyesDa d my "aAe was ca#"ht by the rear e d of my h#sba d4who was most defi itely half horse. >hich "a3e me a 3ery decisi3e reality check. This world did 8t 'lay by the same r#les & was #sed to. No cars. No 'la es. No TE Gtha k 5odH where 3iole ce was rele"ated to the realm of what ha''e ed o ly to other 'eo'le. @or a mome t & was o3erwhelmed by the reality of the sit#atio . & did 8t k ow what the hell & was doi ", a d & had bee thr#st i to a 'ositio of a#thority at a time whe these 'eo'le really eeded someo e who k ew what the hell she was doi ". & closed my eyes a d r#bbed my forehead, a s#re si" & was "etti " a te sio headache.

A d my h#sba d8s stro " arms wra''ed aro# d me, '#lli " me sec#rely back a"ai st his warmth. & felt the te sio be"i to drai from me as & remembered that & was ot alo e. & o'e ed my eyes a d smiled #' at him. They were defeated o ce before,: he said with fi ality. 9They will be defeated a"ai .: A d this time $artholo is allied with the mi"hty ce ta#r warriors,: Carola remi ded #s. Cla @i ta bowed his head i ack owled"me t of Carola 8s com'lime t a d "a3e me a rakish leer. 9Aye, there are few thi "s a ce ta#r a d a h#ma to"ether ca ot accom'lish.: Ala a "i""led a d & thi k & bl#shed. B#t & "ot his 'oi t. >e eeded to work to"ether to "et rid of the @omoria s. & co#ld either sit here a d worry, letti " other 'eo'le Ga d half a imalsH thi k for me, or & co#ld act. & ha3e always bee a firm belie3er i faci " 'roblems. E2'erie ce teaches that there are 3ery few bad thi "s that will sim'ly "o away if they8re i" ored Ga co ce't tee a"ers ha3e a diffic#lt time "ras'i "H. L#ite fra kly, &8d rather do somethi " a d be wro " tha sit aro# d a d "row moss Gwhich really co#ld 8t be 3ery attracti3e a ywayH. <o they =#st attacked Lara"o Castle,: & said. 9&f & remember from my o e look at the ma' of $artholo , the o ly thi "s close to Lara"o Castle are a bi" lake, a d4: & c#t myself off as & remembered what was o the other side of the lake. The Tem'le of the !#se?: Ala a8s 3oice held the horror & was feeli ". a. Ohmy"od, are 8t they =#st a b# ch of wome B: & asked Ala

Carola a swered me. 96es. There are i e & car ate 5oddesses. Each is a mistress of her 'artic#lar craft.: Mis to e was sober a d he so# ded worried as he e2'lai ed, 9Each of them also has ma y atte da ts a d eo'hytes. The Tem'le of the !#se is where the most bea#tif#l a d tale ted yo# " wome of $artholo are schooled i the arts of da ce, 'oetry, m#sic, the scie ces, etcetera. >ome who s#ccessf#lly com'lete their trai i " are res'ected for their i telli"e ce a d ed#catio , as well as their "race a d bea#ty.: The he added, 9%hia o was trai ed by the !#ses.: B#t do 8t they ha3e "#ards like & ha3e hereB: This was looki " really bad. No. E'o a is a "oddess of warriors. &t is o ly lo"ical that "#ards sho#ld s#rro# d Mer Chose . The !#ses are ot warriorsJ they are teachers of art a d bea#ty a d scie ce. They ha3e o eed of "#ards.: They do ow.: !y stomach felt sick. A ima"e of my weddi " celebratio flashed thro#"h my mi d, a d with it came a me tal 'ict#re of the woma who was a mirror ima"e of my frie d, !ichelle. As !#se of the Da ce she had bee e2I#isite4bea#tif#l a d all#ri ". & did 8t wa t to thi k abo#t what the creat#res wo#ld do to a tem'le filled with "or"eo#s wome like her. Come o .: & stood #'. 9Let8s "o i there a d look at that ma'.: & "est#red to the door that led to the library room. 9>e ha3e to fi"#re o#t some way to sto' them from "etti " a y more wome .:

Ala a rolled the ma' dow a d & stood close e o#"h to see it witho#t act#ally to#chi " it. O#r eyes traced a 'ath from 5#ardia to Lara"o Castle. Lara"o was a h#"e str#ct#re sit#ated so#th of the Trier !o# tai s. The ortherly ti' of Loch <elkie =#tted #' to almost di3ide the la d that

stretched the dista ce betwee Lara"o a d the Tem'le of the !#se. The Tem'le of the !#se had bee b#ilt o the wester ba k of the thick Calma %i3er. @ollowi " the ri3er so#th after it =oi ed with the 5eal %i3er bro#"ht my eyes back to the elaborate str#ct#re marked E'o a8s Tem'le. Ufasach !arsh filled most of the area betwee the !#se a d E'o a, as did the lar"e Loch <elkie. Ca we ass#me the @omoria s are still at Lara"o CastleB: Carola asked. &f they follow the same 'la they #sed after the destr#ctio of !acCalla Castle, they will ha3e left Lara"o a d ret#r ed to 5#ardia Castle.: Cla @i ta ste''ed closer to the ma' a d st#died it sile tly before he co ti #ed, 9B#t that is, 'erha's, beca#se !acCalla Castle was b#ilt i s#ch a dista t locatio . &t mi"ht ot ha3e bee co 3e ie t to their i 3asio 'la s for them to #se it as a base from which to o'erate. & ha3e 3isited Lara"o . &t is well located, a d tho#"h it is ot as easily defe ded as this tem'le, it co#ld be #sed as a seco dary site from which to la# ch a i 3asio .: That did 8t so# d "ood for o#r side. Cla @i ta motio ed to the wester side of the ma', where !acCalla Castle stood its lo ely watch o3er the B8a <ea. By e#traliAi " !acCalla Castle, they ha3e wi'ed o#t the o ly co ce trated threat from the orthwest. Eery co 3e ie t for them, whether they ret#r to 5#ardia or remai at Lara"o .: Me shr#""ed his sho#lders. 9<o, e3e if they did ot remai at Lara"o , it was still a e2celle t strate"y to first destroy !acCalla .: & co#ld tell by the briefi "-like to e of his 3oice that he was tryi " to take the emotio o#t of the sit#atio a d look at it with ob=ecti3e eyes. & ste''ed a little closer, witho#t to#chi " the ma'. &s this ma' acc#rateB: 6es, the 'laceme t of str#ct#res a d at#ral la dmarks is acc#rate. B#t, of co#rse, thi "s a''ear m#ch closer o the ma' tha i act#ality, a d the castles a d tem'les are ot to scale.: Carola smiled. 9&t is a lo3ely ma', b#t the wea3er took artistic lice se whe it came to the str#ct#res.: $erso ally, & tho#"ht it was bea#tif#lly do e a d co#ld 8t see what differe ce dressi " #' the b#ildi "s made. The & remembered that 5e e had always bee a stickler for detail. 5#ess borderli e obsessi3e-com'#lsi3e te de cies stay co siste t i mirror ima"es. &t made me wo der abo#t my mirror ima"e a d my ow te de cies. GNote to selfN thi k abo#t bei " less sarcastic. Later.H & refoc#sed o the ma'. After the 5eal %i3er loo'ed aro# d be eath E'o a8s Tem'le, a d co ti #ed to the west, it wide ed i to somethi " that looked as if it co#ld ri3al the !ississi''i. <o#th of the ri3er was forestla d, a d & oticed a str#ct#re labeled >o#lff Castle estled amidst the forest, which e3e t#ally "a3e way to more of the swee'i " Ce ta#r $lai s. @ollowi " the ri3er west, there was a small area labeled the Bl#e Tors, a d the & e co# tered a h#"e str#ct#re amed !cNamara Castle sit#ated i the far so#thwest cor er of the ma'. Like !acCalla , it was ear the coast, b#t it had the added be efit of bei " smack i the middle of where the 5eal %i3er res'lit, with o e bra ch re amed Clare, before it d#m'ed i to the sea. <o, for all tech ical '#r'oses, !cNamara Castle was isolated by water. & "#ess the @omoria s wo#ld 8t be i terested i that castle.: & "est#red toward the water-locked str#ct#re. 9Or 'robably that o e, either.: & 'oi ted at >o#lff Castle. The forest me of >o#lff Castle are mi"hty archers,: Carola said tho#"htf#lly. Cla @i ta odded his a"reeme t.

A d how abo#t that other castleB: & asked. Cla @i ta s orted. 9Old !cNamara is almost as ca ta kero#s as the wilder ess o3er which he is Chieftai .: Carola looked as if he a"reed. 9Me certai ly is a la d # to his ow .: !akes a e2celle t brew of whiskey, tho#"h.: Cla @i ta so# ded a''reciati3e. >ell, that8s certai ly i his fa3or,: & added. Ala a looked s#r'rised. 9%hia commo dri k.: o co#ld ot tolerate the taste of whiskey. <he said it was a

& adore a "ood si "le malt.: Ma? All of #s looked 'leased that my tastes did 8t always r# 'arallel to %hia o 8s. A d & felt my 'syche rela2 a little. & take it we do 8t ha3e to worry abo#t @omoria s tar"eti " either of those castles.: They shook their heads. >o#ld they se d #s some warriorsB: Carola a d Cla @i ta e2cha "ed "la ces. >o#lff ca 'robably be co# ted o for aid,: Cla @i ta said, a d Carola seemed to a"ree. !cNamaraB: & asked. Cla @i ta shr#""ed his sho#lders. 9$erha's, if we made it worth the old Chieftai 8s while.: Mow abo#t letti " him k ow he wo#ld be hel'i " to sa3e li3esB: & realiAed & so# ded dis"r# tled. >e ca se d him word.: Cla @i ta did 8t so# d 3ery s#re of the o#tcome of the reI#est. & had a s#dde i s'iratio . 9Mey, with that word, be s#re to make it clear that the @omoria s are steali " h#ma wome , a d that they83e already had a taste of >est Coast "irls. A d they like them. A lot.: That wo#ld a "er him.: Cla @i ta smiled. 5ood,: & said. 9C#st do 8t me tio the little detail abo#t their a3ersio to water. A d it wo#ld 8t h#rt to em'hasiAe the woma -steali "-ra'i "-a d-im're" ati " 'oi t to >o#lff, too.: The fo#r of #s smiled at each other i f#ll a"reeme t. Before we co#ld t#r o#r atte tio back to the ma', two shar' ra's so# ded o the door to my o#ter chamber. & will see to it,: Ala a said. <he kissed Carola softly o the li's before lea3i " the room. Mis eyes followed her h# "rily. >atchi " them & s#dde ly felt like & was bei " a little too 3oye#ristic, so & t#r ed my atte tio back to the ma'. & realiAe & k ow e2t to othi " abo#t a y of this war st#ff, b#t it seems to me that we eed to try a d bo2 them i some'lace.: 5#ardia Castle co#ld hold off a sie"e i defi itely. &t was b#ilt to be self-s#fficie t a d to withsta d attack.: Cla @i ta st#died the ma' as he s'oke. &8d like to k ow how the hell they broke thro#"h the castle to be"i with,: & m#mbled to myself. 9Okay, from this ma' Lara"o Castle is 3ery close to the orther e d of Loch <elkie. %i"htB: 6es,: Carola a swered.

Mow far are the mo# tai s from the castleB They look like they are close.: & felt a idea formi ". Eery ear. The so#ther 'art of the ra "e e ds at the ed"e of the castle8s "ro# ds.: Carola 8s 3oice so# ded wistf#l. 9&t is a bea#tif#l castle, b#ilt i a 3alley filled with "ree clo3er a d wildflowers. Lara"o is where we "et o#r dyes a d 'erf#mes. All alo " the base of the mo# tai s stretch field after field filled with flowers a d berries.: & tried ot to "et distracted by the lo3ely ima"e he was 'ai ti ", a d the tho#"ht of what it mi"ht look like ow. B#t Lara"o ca o ly be a''roached from either the east or west. That is, if yo#8re # able to a''roach it from o3er the Loch.: 6es.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded as if he had ca't#red the esse ce of my i com'letely formed idea. Me ste''ed #' to the ma', to#chi " it with swee'i " "est#res as he s'oke. &f we co#ld be certai that the mai force of the @omoria s was at Lara"o Castle, we co#ld s#rro# d them from here.: Me bro#"ht his ha d i a trail from E'o a8s Tem'le #' 'ast the !#se to the east side of Lara"o . 9A d here.: This time his ha d traced a 'ath aro# d the Loch8s left ed"e to a''roach Lara"o from the west. 9A d, fi ally, here.: Cla @i ta drew his fi "ers from the so#th ba k of the Loch, almost directly orth of E'o a8s Tem'le, #' the middle of the h#"e lake, to e ter Lara"o "ro# ds from the so#th. 9O#r combi ed forces co#ld easily s#rro# d a d e tra' them at Lara"o . There wo#ld be o esca'e. The castle is well b#ilt a d co 3e ie tly sit#ated, b#t they co#ld ot last thro#"h a 'rotracted sie"e or combi ed i 3asio 4 ot like 5#ardia Castle co#ld.: &t wo#ld work4: Carola r#bbed his chi tho#"htf#lly 94b#t o ly if the ma=ority of the @omoria force was at Lara"o . &f e o#"h of them remai ed at 5#ardia Castle, they co#ld fla k #s, di3ide o#r warriors a d destroy #s i 'ieces.: <o, the trick seems to be to make s#re a lot of them eed to be at Lara"o .: & tho#"ht alo#d. <#dde ly, the idea that had bee half-formed i my mi d crystalliAed, like it had bee whis'ered i to my s#bco scio#s byDwellDa "oddess. %el#cta tly, & s'oke the idea alo#d. &D#mD: & cleared my throat, which felt rather thick. 9& thi k & may ha3e a way of "etti " them i terested i bei " at Lara"o .: Cla @i ta a d Carola looked at me res'ectf#lly, as if & really mi"ht k ow what the hell & was doi ". &t seems that the mai foc#s of their i 3asio is to collect wome .: & 'a#sed, waiti " for them to 9ye': me. They odded i a"reeme t. 9Do yo# thi k they k ow that the Tem'le of the !#se is filled with bea#tif#l wome B: $robably ot,: Carola a swered. 9&t was ot # til this ce t#ry that the !#se b#ilt a combi ed tem'le a d school. & a cie t times the i e 5oddess & car ates tra3eled thro#"ho#t $artholo , i str#cti " yo# " wome at each of the ma=or castles.: &t was weird to hear Carola talk like these were moder times. B#t, the a"ai , ci3iliAatio does 8t ecessarily de'e d o thi "s like dishwashers a d com'#ters. After all, they did ha3e wi e, toilet 'a'er a d =ewelry. That8s moder e o#"h for me. >hat do yo# thi k the @omoria s wo#ld do if they "ot the idea that there was a tem'le =#st to the east of Lara"o filled with "or"eo#s, fertile, #bile wome B: They wo#ld attack that tem'le.: Carola 8s 3oice so# ded certai . A d what wo#ld they do if they tho#"ht the tem'le was "#arded by a troo' of ce ta#rsB: & smiled at my 3irile h#sba d.

They wo#ld come i force to attack the tem'le.: Cla @i ta 8s eyes wide ed as he a swered. A d it wo#ld be lo"ical to ass#me that their force of warriors wo#ld #se Lara"o as headI#arters i stead of the more dista t 5#ardia Castle.: Carola 8s 3oice was warm with a''reciatio . 9&t is a e2celle t 'la 4e2ce't how are we "oi " to 'la t the idea withi the @omoria cam'B: That was the 'art that made me # easy, b#t, o ce a"ai , & felt a sli"ht s#bco scio#s 'rod. This Belo3ed of the 5oddess st#ff mi"ht dri3e me to dri k. Mow # fort# ate. & thi k & ca do that,: & said slowly. The ce ta#r a d the ma looked at me like & was <a ta Cla#s. MowB: they said almost to"ether. &t8s somethi " that ha''e s d#ri " theDdream thi "s.: & si"hed a"ai . 9The first time it ha''e ed was whe & saw my dad, & mea , %hia o 8s dad, that awf#l i"ht. & k ew the creat#res were attacki " the castle, a d & had to war him. Mer dad heard me, ki d of. A yway, he k ew what & was sayi ", a d he looked like he co#ld almost see me, or se se me, or somethi ". &t ha''e ed a"ai the i"ht & tra3eled to 5#ardia Castle, twice.: !y 3oice m#st ha3e reflected the fear & felt i the remembra ce, beca#se Cla @i ta mo3ed to my side so that & co#ld lea a"ai st him. >ith his arm aro# d me & felt better4 ot "reat, b#t better, a d able to co ti #e. 9A yo# " "irl se sed me. A d the there was thatDthi ". The leader.: & searched my memory for the ame, a d it came easily to me4like it had bee whis'ered i to my mi d. 9N#ada. Me more tha se sed me, he k ew & was there. A d he said he had k ow & was at !acCalla Castle, too. &f & had tried, & k ow & co#ld ha3e s'oke to him. A d & k ow he wo#ld ha3e heard me4or at least # derstood what & was tryi " to say to him.: A sh#dder we t thro#"h my body a d & lea ed more hea3ily i to Cla @i ta 8s warmth. 9That8s how they8ll k ow. &8ll tell them.: & do ot wa t yo# to be i da "er.: Cla @i ta 8s dee' 3oice r#mbled o3er my head. Did 8t yo# "#ys say E'o a is a warrior "oddessB: & asked, looki " at Carola . <he is4: Carola 8s "aAe met mi e 94a d E'o a makes certai those who belo " to her are 'rotected.: Me looked as if he wa ted to say more, b#t & i terr#'ted him. &8m co# ti " o that.: & so# ded m#ch calmer tha & felt. The se satio of s#bco scio#s 'roddi " was back, a d & s'oke the tho#"hts that came to my mi d. 9B#t we eed to h#rry. Mow soo ca the combi ed forces be ready, a d how lo " will it take for them to reach Lara"o B: Cla @i ta st#died the ma' before he a swered. >ithi fi3e days the ma=ority of the forces ca be "athered. >ith hard marchi ", we ca be i 'ositio to attack Lara"o i two more.: <e3e days.: A week had e3er seemed so short4or so lo ". 9The & eed to start to i"ht,: & m#mbled, more to myself tha to my h#sba d. <tart to i"htB >hat do yo# mea B: Cla @i ta so# ded worried. Carola sa3ed me the tro#ble of e2'lai i ". 9<he ca N#ada,: & s#''lied. N#ada4: he odded his tha ks a d co ti #ed his e2'la atio to Cla @i ta 94with o ly o e ma ifestatio . <he m#st a''ear to him more tha o ce, as a ta# ti " 3isio with which he will become obsessed, # til he is com'elled to follow her.: &s E'o a talki " to yo#, tooB: & smiled at him. &t seems she m#st be,: he re'lied. ot 'ers#ade the leaderD:

& still do ot like it.: !y h#sba d did 8t so# d ha''y. E'o a will look after her s'irit. 6o# will 'rotect her body.: Carola reached #' a d '#t his ha d reass#ri "ly o the ce ta#r8s sho#lder. A d & do 8t 'artic#larly like it, either,: & said. 9B#t this world does 8t ha3e tele'ho es, or a media that ca 'laster the facts o the i"htly ews4so it seems &8m st#ck doi " thi "s the old-fashio ed way. !yself.: To their credit, they did 8t comme t o my otherworldly 3ocab#lary. & will be with yo# e3ery mome t.: Cla @i ta h#""ed me ti"htly. As will &,: Carola seco ded him. & will, too.: Ala a ste''ed back i to the room. 9B#t what are tele'ho es a d the i"htly ewsB:

& la#"hed a d '#lled a face at Ala a. 9Tele'ho es a d the i"htly ews are 3ery effecti3e demo ic forces. Be ha''y we do 8t ha3e them here.: & will,: she re'lied with s#ch serio#s ess she made me la#"h all o3er a"ai . Carola took her ha d a d 'ressed a li "eri " kiss to her 'alm. 9>hat was the i terr#'tio , lo3eB: >orry creased her forehead, a d as she a swered she looked back a d forth betwee Carola a d me. A ill ess has broke o#t i the tem'le.: <he s'oke slowly. 9<e3eral of yo#r maide s com'lai ed last week abo#t ot feeli " well after ret#r i " from a retreat.: Ala a looked a'olo"etically at me. 9& did ot thi k m#ch of it. The maide s #s#ally made e2c#ses to stay away from %hia o .: & odded my head i # dersta di ", a d she co ti #ed, 9The & was so b#sy, first with the ew %hia o 4: we "ri ed at each other 94the with the 'eo'le who 'o#red i to the tem'le, that & "a3e the maide s8 com'lai ts o crede ce a d admo ished them to ser3e the 5oddess with more dili"e t s'irits.: & remember yo# me tio i " to me that the "irls were 'layacti ", a d & said & tho#"ht they =#st eeded a break from their babysitti " load,: & chimed i . 6es, well, it seems we both were mistake .: The li es o3er her forehead had become e3e more 'ro o# ced. <he t#r ed to her h#sba d. 9!a y of the maide s are 3ery ill, as are se3eral of the childre a d old wome . They eed yo#r atte tio .: <he t#r ed back to me, 9A d yo#r 'rayers.: Of co#rse, lo3e.: Carola kissed her o the cheek, a d let his th#mb br#sh her worried forehead i a li"ht caress. & co#ld see her rela2 at his to#ch. &8d better come, too, a d see what the heck8s wro " with them.: Ala 'leased, at my 'ro o# ceme t. a looked s#r'rised, b#t

6o# do ot wish to atte d the meeti " with the warriors a d e2'lai o#r 'la B: Cla @i ta i I#ired. & lo3ed the way he looked at me4all serio#s, like he really e2'ected me to wa t to s'eak to a room filled with smelly old warriors abo#t st#ff & really did 8t # dersta d. Act#ally, &8d almost rather sol3e math 'roblems. Almost. No, ho ey.: & tried to look sorry. 96o# "o ahead a d e2'lai it to them. &8d better be s#re my maide s are okay.: &f yo# feel yo# m#st, & am certai the warriors will # dersta d.:

<ometimes he remi ded me of >orf Gas i the 7li "o from <tar Trek The Ne2t 5e eratio , for yo# ci3ilia sH. >he yo# fi ish with yo#r maide s, 'lease be s#re to =oi #s. 6o# will be "ood for the warriors8 morale.: Now, that & did like. C#st like !arily !o roe. Not a 'roblem.: & t#""ed o his arm a d he be t dow for my kiss. 97 ock 8em dead, bi" boy,: & '#rred. Me looked co f#sed, b#t he ret#r ed my kiss, odded at Carola a d Ala a, a d trotted his c#te b#tt from the room. Attem'ti " my best bad imitatio of !adeli e 7ah as Lilly Eo <cht#'' i BlaAi " <addles, & si"hed dreamily a d said, 9>hat a ice "#y.: Carola i" ored me com'letely. Ala a rolled her eyes a d said, 9Are yo# comi "B: o3er her sho#lder as they t#r ed a d left the room. & "#ess & eeded to "et some ew material. & h#rried after them, b#t they were waiti " at the door so that & co#ld e2it before them a d mai tai the faVade of bitchy "oddess-i -char"e. Not that & mi ded. C#st o#tside the door a "#ard waited for #s. Me was holdi " a e ormo#s ba" made of wor leather, which he ha ded to Carola . Carola tha ked him a d the "#ard bowed, t#r ed o his heel a d ste''ed back i to his 'ositio of door or ame t. & se t for yo#r ba" of medici es,: Ala U"h. Newlyweds. <tarti " dow the hall, i what & ho'ed was the ri"ht directio , & 9'sst-ed: a d motio ed for them to catch #' with me. Mey,: & whis'ered. 9>here the hell are we "oi "B: To the I#arters of yo#r maids.: Ala a s#''lied that o hel'f#l a swer. & "a3e her a &8m cl#eless look a d she seemed to remember & was me. Oh, =#st kee' "oi " strai"ht, like yo# are ret#r i " to the co#rtyard. Before yo# come to the door, t#r left, a d kee' walki " a d the corridor will lead yo# to their I#arters.: <he 'a#sed. 9>he yo# smell it, yo# are ear.: Carola 8s eyes arrowed at her descri'tio , a d we i creased o#r 'ace. & followed her directio s. & t#r ed left whe & came to the e2it that & reco" iAed as the door that wo#ld o'e o#t o the ce ter co#rtyard. >e walked dow a lo ", marble corridor that was decorated with colorf#l m#rals o o e side a d lar"e wi dows that o3erlooked the co#rtyard o the other. The m#rals were 'redomi ately of lo3ely maide s frolicki " "aily i flowered meadows, with me Gor, rather, %hia o H astride E'i Gbare bosomed, of co#rse4me, ot E'iH be e3ole tly o3erseei " it all. As we h#rried dow the hall, & "la ced o#t the be3eled wi dows a d was 'leased by the sce e of i d#strio#sly worki " wome . !araid was i the thick of it all, walki " from "ro#' to "ro#' G o do#bt she was i or"a iAers8 hea3e H. >e ro# ded a be d i the hall4 A d the smell str#ck me. At first it was almost sweet, like s#"ar that had bee scalded. The it cha "ed to a thick, '#r#le t aroma that ca#sed me to "a". & '#t my ha d to my mo#th a d 'a#sed, looki " at Ala a. <he motio ed to the # "#arded door that was closest to #s, a d odded. a said. As #s#al, yo# a tici'ate my eeds.: Me smiled dreamily i to her eyes.

& will e ter first.: Carola mo3ed 'ast #s toward the door. 9&t may be best if yo# wait here.: No.: & took my ha d from my mo#th a d made my 3oice so# d firm. 9&8m comi " with yo#. They8re my "irls.: & ha3e already bee i there4it holds o s#r'rise for me.: Ala Carola odded at #s, a d o'e ed the door. a8s 3oice so# ded sad.

The sce e that "reeted #s was like a 3i" ette take from a weird horror flick. &f it had 8t bee for the smell maki " it real, & wo#ld ha3e tho#"ht & was ha3i " my first a#the tic i"htmare. The room was e ormo#s, a d had ob3io#sly o ce bee lo3ely. The ceili " was tall a d i tricately li ed with creamy-colored crow moldi ". The walls a d the matchi " sheer c#rtai s, which dra'ed o3er floor-to-ceili " wi dows a d 'ooled i shimmery wa3es o the marble floor, were ti ted a soft 'each color that sho#ld ha3e e3oked feeli "s of harmo y a d comfort, b#t ow it seemed to cast e3erythi " i a diseased off-color li"ht. <oiled beddi " a d li e s were 'iled all o3er the floor4o each 'ile lay a 'erso . Other wome sh#ffled betwee the 'iles of beddi " with beakers of water a d wet clothi ", sto''i " briefly to hel' o e of the sick dri k or to wi'e a fe3ered face. As & ste''ed i to the room & forced myself ot to retch, b#t & co#ld 8t kee' my ha d from co3eri " my mo#th. Eomit a d other bodily wastes mi2ed with somethi " that & did 8t, at first, reco" iAe. The & realiAed where & had smelled the odd sce t before4!acCalla Castle. &t was the sce t of death. Ala a a d & stayed by the door as Carola h#rried i to the room. Me we t I#ickly to the 'allet closest to #s, a d be t to to#ch the fe3ered brow of a yo# " "irl. Thick, dow -filled bla kets co3ered her, b#t & co#ld see she shi3ered a d thrashed abo#t. & watched Carola e2ami e her4he drew back the bla kets a d be"a feeli " her eck with o e ha d a d taki " her '#lse with the other. Mis face was set i a im'assi3e mask as he m#rm#red soft words to her a d o'e ed the ba", which lay at his feet. Me '#lled o#t somethi " that looked like a cr#de stethosco'e a d be"a liste i " to her chest. & felt hel'less a d i e't sta di " there, watchi " him mo3e from 'allet to 'allet, e2ami i " the 'atie ts a d calli " for water, fresh li e s or cool com'resses. & wa ted to misI#ote Bo es a d yell, 9Dam it, Cim, &8m a teacher ot a miracle worker?: B#t & k ew o o e wo#ld "et it. & "la ced sideways at Ala a a d decided & was "oi " to ha3e to start telli " <tar Trek stories, if for o other reaso tha =#st so someo e wo#ld be able to a''reciate my wit. !y LadyB: A ras'y 3oice ca#"ht my atte tio . & looked aro# d, tryi " to ide tify who was calli " me, a d abo#t halfway i to the room & saw a ha d make a 3a"#e motio i my directio a d a head raised feebly so that & "lim'sed lo ", dark hair. TarahB: Ala a odded her head sadly. >ell, that did it. & s#re as hell co#ld 8t =#st sta d there whe a ym'h who looked like a fa3orite e2-st#de t eeded me. & took a dee' breath thro#"h my mo#th a d made my way to where she lay. As & came to her side, & took her ha d i mi e. &t was cracked a d dry, a d the fra"ile li"ht ess of her bo es s#r'rised me. & am sorry, my Lady.: <he tried to smile, b#t her e2'ressio t#r ed i to a "rimace. 9>e are too b#sy for me to be ill.: <h#sh,: & I#ieted her. 9Do 8t worry abo#t it. C#st rest a d "et better.: <he closed her eyes a d

odded. <he did 8t wa t to let loose my ha d, so & sat e2t to her a d st#died her face. &t was 'ale a d her li's looked dry, b#t what was most disco certi " was that the ski of her face a d eck were co3ered with a a "ry-looki " red rash. Chicke 'o2B: & m#mbled alo#d to myself. 6es, & belie3e it is the 'o2.: Carola 8s 3oice startled me. 9Are yo# familiar with itB: & thi k so. & had it whe & was a child,: & a swered him, still looki " at Tarah8s draw face. 9B#t & was 8t this sick.: & remembered heari " stories of 'eo'le who had died of chicke 'o2, b#t these had always seemed to me like old wi3es8 tales. & had ca#"ht chicke 'o2 whe & was a kid, a d & remember missi " se3eral days of school a d bei " itchy, b#t othi " like this. These 'eo'le were se3erely ill. &, too4: Tarah8s weak 3oice trailed off, a d & had to be d dow to catch the rest of her words 94 had the 'o2 as a child.: <he says she had 'o2 whe she was a child.: & bli ked #' at Carola i s#r'rise. 9That8s weird. & my4: & almost said world, b#t ca#"ht myself a d cha "ed words with a co#"h 94#m, e2'erie ce, 'eo'le ca o ly "et 'o2 o ce. They are # able to be i fected a"ai .: Carola odded i a"reeme t the motio ed for me to follow him back to the door. Before letti " "o, & sI#eeAed Tarah8s dry ha d a d whis'ered that &8d be back soo . The three of #s h#ddled to"ether ear the e tra ce, a d Carola s'oke I#ietly a d #r"e tly. & ha3e o ly 'erformed a r#dime tary e2ami atio of se3eral of the 'atie ts, b#t what & ha3e already fo# d co cer s me dee'ly. & belie3e this is all the same disease, b#t it de3elo's i three disti ctly differe t sta"es.: Me 'oi ted at the first "irl he had e2ami ed. 9The be"i i " sta"e seems to be hi"h fe3er with headache, backache a d 3omiti ".: Me "est#red toward Tarah a d co ti #ed, 9The a few days later the fe3er breaks a d the rash be"i s. &t a''ears to mo3e from the face thro#"ho#t the body a d e2tremities.: Me odded his head i the directio of a cl#ster of 'allets, all occ#'ied by childre . 9The rash cha "es i to blisters, which become filled with '#s a d '#trefactio . The fe3er ret#r s, bri "i " deliri#m. This sta"e is da "ero#s a d deadly. These childre are dehydrati ". <ome are de3elo'i " fl#id i their l# "s. <ome ha3e throats that are closi ". This is ot the childhood 'o2 that bri "s # comfortable itchi " a d is o ly fatal to the 3ery yo# " or 3ery old a d weak. !a y of these wome a d childre were yo# " a d stro "4b#t they are da "ero#sly ill.: <mall'o2.: The ame washed i to my mi d from the recesses of my memory. 5rowi " #' i Oklahoma & was 3ery familiar with tra"ic stories of tribes of Nati3e America s bei " wi'ed o#t after bei " i fected with the disease. Almost witho#t co scio#s tho#"ht, my ha d lifted to trace the old i oc#latio scar o my left arm. A sh#dder of fear fl#ttered i my stomach. >hat is this small'o2B: Carola asked. & do 8t k ow a lot abo#t it. & my world, or at least i the ci3iliAed 'art of my world, it has bee e tirely eradicated. B#t from what & ca remember, this so# ds like it mi"ht be a similar disease.: & "a3e him a a'olo"etic look. A ythi " yo# ca tell me & ca '#t to #se.: & searched my memory, wishi " the biolo"y electi3es & had take i colle"e had 8t bee te -'l#s years a"o. U der what yo# mi"ht call ormal circ#msta ces, which mea s if a race of 'eo'le had bee

'eriodically e2'osed to the 'o2, it killed those who were 3ery yo# ", a d those who were old a d already ill. B#t let8s say a certai co# try a d the 'eo'le who li3ed i the co# try had e3er bee e2'osed to the 'o2. &t co#ld de3astate them, killi " 'robably i ety-fi3e o#t of e3ery o e h# dred e2'osed. &t is like a 'la"#e.: !y remembra ces o ly made me more worried. 9Mas this disease e3er bee see i $artholo before owB: Carola r#bbed his chi while he tho#"ht. 9&t seems to me that & do ha3e some records of a 'o2 that has s'r# " #' 'eriodically i the 'eo'le who li3e ear Ufasach !arsh, a d s'read s'oradically to the "e eral '#blic. B#t they are a stra "e, secreti3e 'eo'le who do ot look to o#tsiders for aid, so the refere ces are few.: That "a3e me a tho#"ht. 9Ala a, yo# said the maide s were com'lai i " of bei " sick whe they came back from a retreat. %i"htB: 6es,: she a"reed. >here was the retreatB: The Tem'le of the !#se.: &s 8t that ear the marshB: & tried to 3is#aliAe the ma'. 6es,: Carola a swered. 9The marsh makes a 'ict#resI#e so#ther border for the tem'le "ro# ds.: &8ll bet if we check this o#t, we8ll fi d the retreat was where this st#ff ori"i ated. >hich mea s the !#ses are 'robably deali " with the same ill ess there that we are deali " with here.: & d#" thro#"h my memory Gwhich te ded to be cl#ttered with old 'ieces of half-memoriAed literat#re a d 'oetryH, tryi " to remember e3erythi " & co#ld abo#t small'o2. Oh, 5od.: & hit my forehead, #'set that the most ob3io#s thi " abo#t small'o2 had =#st ow 'o''ed i to my mi d. 9&t8s really co ta"io#s. Thro#"h bodily fl#ids a d co tact. Like if yo# slee' i the same beddi " someo e who is i fected has sle't a d sweated, or whate3er, i 4yo# "et the disease. Or if yo# dri k after them o#t of the same c#'. A yo e who takes care of someo e who has it risks co tracti " the disease.: & wo dered briefly if they # derstood abo#t "erms. A ima"e of Carola calli " for fresh water a d soa' a d washi " his ha ds betwee 'atie ts set my mi d somewhat to rest. The yo# a d Ala a m#st stay far away from those who are sick.: a. 96o# ha3e to stay o#t of the sickroomDyo#83e already bee 6o#8re ri"ht.: & looked at Ala e2'osed too m#ch.: As m#st yo#,: Ala a said.

No, & ca 8t "et it.: & br#shed aside the soft fabric of my half slee3e to e2'ose my faded scar. 9>he & was a kid & "ot a shot.: Carola 8s face was a total I#estio mark. & si"hed a d made a motio with my ha d of a eedle sticki " i to my ski a d somethi " bei " i =ected i to my arm, decidi " I#ickly to "i3e him the short 3ersio of the story a d lea3e o#t my G ow 3ery fort# ateH decisio to say yes whe the school #rse asked if we wa ted small'o2 boosters alo " with o#r a #al fl# shots at school. 9&t made my body b#ild #' somethi " called a tibodies a"ai st small'o2. &f &8m e2'osed to it, my body will fi"ht off the disease.: &t so# ds like a miracle.: Carola 8s 3oice was awestr#ck. 6eah, & wish & were a doctor so & co#ld e2'lai how it works.: & shr#""ed my sho#lders hel'lessly. 9<orry, yo# "ot the E "lish teacher ot the doctor.:

The teacher is fi e with me,: Ala

a said sweetly.

& smiled my tha ks at her before t#r i " back to Carola . 9>ell, what do we eed to doB: The first ste' is to I#ara ti e the sick.: A d e3erythi " they #se,: & added. 9A d their families.: 6es.: Me odded i a"reeme t. 9& thi k it wo#ld be wise to limit co tact with the sick to my assista ts, a d, 'erha's, a few healthy 3ol# teers, 'robably family members of those who ha3e already bee e2'osed to the disease. The & m#st look thro#"h my records to see if & ca fi d refere ces to this disease.: Me "la ced sadly back at the room that was already filled with sick 'eo'le. 9The o ly thi " we ca do is make them comfortable a d attem't to kee' them filled with liI#ids.: Boil the water first, before they dri k it.: <o# ded like a "ood tho#"ht. They s#re did 8t eed wi e, a d & had o way of k owi " how clea the water s#''ly was4& had 8t "otte sick yet, b#t & had 8t bee dri ki " m#ch of my water strai"ht G& 'refer my water i wi e formH. 96o# sho#ld also make s#re that the dirty li e s are ke't I#ara ti ed from the rest of the tem'le, a d they eed to be washed i boili " water, with lots of harsh soa'.: Boili " water clea ses the e3il from co ta"io .: Me so# ded 'leased. Mowe3er he wa ted to '#t it was okay with meJ & was =#st ha''y he a"reed. 6eah, as well as most "erms.: Carola raised his eyebrows at me, b#t he did 8t ar"#e or ask for a e2'la atio . & am co cer ed abo#t the ori"i of this o#tbreak. &t wo#ld ser3e a ill '#r'ose to ha3e o#r warriors become sick as they are mo3i " i to 'ositio to e tra' the @omoria s. &f this 'o2 ori"i ated at the Tem'le of the !#se, the warriors m#st stay away from that area.: >ait, yo#8re ri"ht abo#t that, b#t4 ow, correct me if &8m wro "4& do 8t thi k &83e e3er heard of horses comi " dow with a 'o2. Ma3e yo#B: !y mi d was whirri " like a hamster i a wheel. NoD: Carola was r#bbi " his chi a"ai . 9& ca thi k of o i sta ce of a horse 'o2.: Mow abo#t a ce ta#r 'o2B: & asked. 6o#r h#sba d wo#ld be more k owled"eable tha &, b#t & do ot belie3e & k ow of a y s#ch 'o2 that has e3er i fected the ce ta#rs.: 5ood.: & felt a load lift from me. 9The we8ll =#st be s#re we ha3e o ly ce ta#r warriors "o thro#"h the Tem'le of the !#se to attack Lara"o from the east.: That wo#ld be wise, b#t we still m#st be certai we co tai this o#tbreak.: Okay. Let8s "et b#sy.: &f & tho#"ht too lo " abo#t what & was "oi " to 3ol# teer to do, &8d r# screami " o#t of the room. This was o e of the times it was better to act tha to thi k. Lo3e,: Carola s'oke softly to Ala co ta"io .: a, 9yo# ca ot aid #s here. & will ot ha3e yo# '#t i da "er of

B#t yo# are e2'osi " yo#rself.: <he mo3ed close to him a d his arms we t aro# d her. & m#st.: Me kissed her forehead. 96o# k ow & m#st. B#t & ca ot do what eeds to be do e here if & am worried abo#t yo#r safety. 6o# ca hel' me by se di " for my assista ts, a d the "oi " to the kitche to o3ersee the boili " of water a d maki " of herbal tea.: A d & eed yo# to make s#re the wome are doi " what they sho#ld be doi ",: & added. 9&8m s#re !araid is de'e dable, b#t she8s ot yo#. A d yo# ha3e to ro# d #' the families of those i fected,

a d kee' yo#r eye o#t for 'eo'le who mi"ht be =#st comi " dow with the sick ess.: & heard Ala a8s si"h as she "a3e i . A d & k ew she wo#ld4her se se of res'o sibility a d i te"rity wo#ld e3er allow her to be selfish or childish. &t was 8t i her at#re to i sist she stay here with Carola . Ala a a d <#Aa a were wome who '#t the eeds of others before their ow desires. Not for the first time, & wished & co#ld be more like them. <he kissed her ew h#sba d o the li's a d & heard their whis'ered adoratio for each other. The she t#r ed to me a d "a3e me a hard h#". 7ee' watch o3er him for me.: <he ya ked o e of my loose c#rls, remi di " me of my ow h#sba d. 9A d kee' watch o yo#rself, too.: Not a 'roblem. Oh, a d wo#ld yo# fi d Cla @i ta a d e2'lai to him what8s ha''e edB A d ask him if he wo#ld come here whe he has fi ished with the warriors.: Ala a odded a d said, 9& will see yo# this e3e i ". & lo3e yo# both.: <he left I#ickly, as if she had to force her le"s to start mo3i " before her heart co#ld order them to sto'. Neither of #s said a ythi "J we =#st watched her lea3e. Mer I#iet di" ity to#ched o#r hearts. OkayD: & cla''ed my ha ds to"ether, '#r'osely breaki " the mome t before either of #s did somethi " ridic#lo#s like start bawli ". 95i3e me somethi " to tie back this fri""i hair with, a d &8m yo#rs to comma d. C#st tell me what we eed to do.: @irst, let #s be"i by arra "i " the 'atie ts i areas of most to least ill. The we ca "et these li e s a d 'allets cha "ed a d clea ed. A d we m#st try a d kee' the 'atie ts hydrated a d comfortable.: Me 'oi ted to a 'ile of what looked like clea stri's of cloth. 9A d there is somethi " yo# ca #se o yo#r # tamable hair.: Aye? Aye?: & sal#ted his back as & "rabbed the makeshift scr# chie a d followed him o#t i to the room. 9Mey, is it okay for me to crack o'e these wi dowsB &t8s ice o#tside a d asty i here.: Carola "a3e me a 9yes: od a d & h#rried to '#ll o'e the h#"e wi dows. O#tside, the warm breeAe held the heady sce t of ho eys#ckle i bloom. & tried ot to retch as the sweet smell mi2ed with 3omit a d disease. & co#ld already tell this was "oi " to be a really lo " day.

>hile & was "oi " to colle"e & worked 'art-time as a # it secretary for a lar"e Catholic hos'ital ear the cam'#s of the U i3ersity of &lli ois. As a r#le, # it secretaries do 8t do m#ch dirty work. They8re =#st what the ame im'lies4a secretary for a #rsi " # it. & #s#ally worked o a "e eralmedici e floor. @or a while & worked o the birthi " # it Gwhich was 'retty coolH. There were two ma=or thi "s & lear ed from my 'art-time-hel'i "-to-'#t-myself-thro#"h-colle"e =ob. N#mber o e was & did 8t 'artic#larly like bei " a secretary. $eo'le were =#st too dam st#ck #' a d they did 8t thi k secretaries k ew a ythi ", whe #s#ally a "ood secretary k ew =#st abo#t e3erythi "4or at least e3erythi " that was im'orta t. Lesso #mber two was that & absol#tely e3er, e3er wa ted to be a #rse. Do 8t "et me wro ", & liked them. & res'ected them. & a''reciated them. & =#st did 8t wa t to be them. Blood, feces, 3omit, s'#t#m, looki " at 'eo'le8s 'ri3ate 'arts Gwhich were #s#ally a ythi " b#t attracti3eH a d sticki " thi "s i to bodily orifices while bei " s#rro# ded by sick ess a d y#ck4 o'e, it was 8t for me. !y tho#"hts drifted back to what my colle"e e2'erie ce had ta#"ht me as & held the head of

woma #mber si2 who, i the last few mome ts, had felt the com'elli " eed to retch 3iole tly i to what looked like a chamber 'ot strai"ht o#t of Oli3er Twist. U"h. & the te years si ce & "rad#ated from colle"e & ha3e cha "ed my o'i io s a d tastes abo#t ma y thi "s, b#t this is o e thi " that & had 8t cha "ed my o'i io o o e bit. & am ot, or will & e3er be, c#t o#t to be a #rse. $eriod. After she had fi ished '#ki ", & wi'ed the woma 8s face, s#r'rised to otice # der the layer of 'ers'iratio a d sick ess that she was yo# ", 'robably o ly a tee a"er. BetterB: & asked "e tly. 6es, my Lady.: Mer 3oice was weak, b#t her li's fl#ttered #' i a smile. 96o#r to#ch is so ice a d cool.: & hel'ed her lie back, a d br#shed the hair from her dam' forehead. >o#ld yo# bless me, my LadyB: Mer feeble-so# di " I#estio ca#"ht at my heart, as it had e3ery time o e of these 'eo'le asked for my blessi ". As & had do e so ma y times already that day that & had lost co# t, & bowed my head, closed my eyes a d 'rayed, 9E'o a, 'lease watch o3er a d comfort this "irl.: The & o'e ed my eyes a d smiled at her. 9&8ll come back a d check o yo# later,: & 'romised for what seemed like the Aillio th time. !y feet dra""ed as & walked o3er to o e of the 'itchers that Carola 8s assista ts ke't filled with clea , hot water. & held o#t my ha ds a d o e of them 'o#red water for me to wash with, a d a other dri''ed soa' from a bottle i to my cha''ed 'alms. As & r#bbed my ha ds to"ether & ca#"ht si"ht of Carola maki " his way '#r'osef#lly from o e bed to a other. Mis mo3eme ts were steady a d s#re. Me seemed i e2ha#stible. After dryi " my ha ds & took a mome t to stretch my back a d roll my head aro# d to try a d loose my te se eck m#scles. Dam , my sho#lders were killi " me. & heard a weak 3oice call my ame, a d a#tomatically & re'lied with a 9&8ll be ri"ht there.: B#t & co#ld 8t seem to make my body mo3e. !y stomach "rowled a d & wo dered how lo " it had bee si ce two of Carola 8s assista ts had deli3ered to #s a l# ch of cheese, bread a d cold meat. The cheese had bee c#t i to hearts a d Carola a d & had la#"hed alo#d at Ala a8s "ift to him. Now & mar3eled at the fact that & had bee able to la#"h. E2ha#stio t#""ed at me4a d ot =#st sim'le bodily e2ha#stio . & was o3erwhelmed. Mere & was, tryi " to comfort 'eo'le who were serio#sly ill. !e4a E "lish teacher from Oklahoma. A d they belie3ed i me. They e3e wa ted me to bless them. Tell them stories, yes. %ecite 'oetry to them, yes. E3e e2'licate the symbolic mea i " of Colerid"e8s most obsc#re a d biAarre writi "s, yes. B#t be a "oddess or a 'riestess, o. & felt hel'less, i e't a d # characteristically close to tears. 5oddess,: a weak 3oice becko ed from the far side of the room. !y Lady,: & heard Tarah calli " from the 'art of the room where we had "ro#'ed the cases of medi#m se3erity. Lady %hia o ,: a other 3oice, a child8s, from the area of the most serio#sly ill. & drew myself #', '#shed stra ds of hair back i to my makeshift 'o ytail a d tried to collect

myself, both me tally a d 'hysically. &t was horrible. &t was like bei " i a classroom filled with sick tee a"ers who were all be""i " for me to hel' them com'lete a 'a"e of com'le2 al"ebraic eI#atio s. A d & ca 8t do fri""i al"ebra. As & mo3ed slowly toward the most ill of the 3oices calli " me, & realiAed that was e2actly it. They were like my st#de ts. A d & eeded to I#it feeli " sorry for myself a d do what eeded to be do e. <o & did 8t like bei " a #rse. The bottom li e was & co#ld 8t "et this horrible disease. They were mi e. & was res'o sible for them. & loco'are tis was more tha =#st a abstract term. &t tra sce ded worlds. A d & eeded to s#ck it #', I#it whi i " a d do my =ob. GAct#ally, o e bri"ht s'ot was the 'ay. & was 'retty s#re & made more i this world as a 5oddess & car ate tha & did i Oklahoma as a schoolteacher. & mea , who does 8tB & co#ld look at it like it was ki d of a 'romotio . A d it certai ly was 8t as bad as bei " 9'romoted: to a 'ositio i admi istratio .H >hat it is, sweetieB: & took a beaker of water that was sitti " o a earby sta d a d hel'ed the child to take a si'. Mer li's were cracked. Morrible '#s-filled blisters co3ered her face, eck a d arms. As she o'e ed her mo#th to try a d dri k, & saw red sores all o3er her to "#e. The water dribbled #selessly dow her chi , a d & wi'ed it #' with the e d of her sheet. &s E'o a wo derf#l to rideB: Mer yo# " 3oice was ras'y, as if she had bee smoki " for twe ty years. 6es, ho ey.: & caref#lly dabbed her face with a dam' cloth o e of the assista ts ha ded me. 9Mer "ait is so smooth it8s like ridi " the wi d.: &s it tr#e she talks to yo#B: Mer eyes, already bri"ht with fe3er, ca't#red mi e. & reco" iAed the fer3or of a tr#e horse lo3er. & thi k she does. <he8s 3ery smart, yo# k ow.: The sick "irl odded weakly. >hat is yo#r ame, sweetheartB: 7ristia a,: she whis'ered. &8ll make a deal with yo#, 7ristia a.: Mer eyes e3er left my ow . 96o# "et well, a d &8ll take yo# to ha3e a talk with her. $erha's she will e3e tell yo# she8d like to take yo# for a ride.: & was almost sorry &8d made the offer, beca#se immediately she be"a tryi " to sit #'. Mey? That mea s yo# ha3e to rest a d co ce trate o "etti " well.: The child settled back i to the soiled li e s with a si"h. 5oddess,: she asked wistf#lly, 9do yo# thi k she mi"ht really wa t to talk to meB: <omethi " withi me whis'ered the words & s'oke alo#d. 9E'o a is always looki " for yo# " o es who are willi " to hear her 3oice.: & wa t to hear herD: The child8s 3oice trailed off as slee', or # co scio#s ess, o3ertook her. & '#t the cloth dow a d looked sadly at her swolle face. 9& ho'e yo# do, ho ey,: & whis'ered. & felt the 'rese ce of heat e com'ass me from behi d before & heard him say my ame. %heaB:

& t#r ed a d almost ra i to Cla @i ta 8s m#sc#lar chest. Oh, hi.: & was ac#tely aware of how & looked. <omethi " like the fri""i redheaded ste'sister of !ed#sa. A d he looked stro " a d ha dsome a d wo derf#l. As #s#al. >e missed yo# at the warriors8 meeti ".: Mis 3oice was like warm molasses 'o#ri " o3er my sore body. &8m sorry,: & said, tryi " fra tically to retie my hair i to some sembla ce of 'ro'riety. B#t as & "la ced dow & oticed the 3omit stai s co3eri " most of the fro t of my dress, so & "a3e #'. & ho'e yo# e2'lai ed to them why & was, #h, detai ed.: 6es, they # derstood a d comme ded yo#r se se of res'o sibility to the 'eo'le.: Cla @i ta had take me by the arm a d was 'ro'elli " me toward the door as he s'oke. & saw Carola od at him as he wre ched o'e the door a d we emer"ed i to what & realiAed with s#r'rise was the wa i " li"ht of the late after oo s# as it 'eered sl#""ishly thro#"h the be3eled "lass of the hallway. & fo# d myself s#dde ly e com'assed withi the ce ta#r8s stro " arms. U"hD: & tried f#tilely to '#ll away. 9&8m dis"#sti "ly filthy.: Be still.: Mis dee', hy' otic 3oice washed o3er me. 9& ha3e missed yo#.: That did make me be still. Me missed me. & was s#re & was smili " foolishly a"ai st him. A d & worried abo#t yo#, too.: Me held me a little away from him so he co#ld look i to my face. 9>hat is this ma"ic Ala a tried to e2'lai to meB Do yo# really ha3e a talisma a"ai st the 'o2B: 6es.: & lo3ed his worried e2'ressio . 9&t8s ot really ma"ic4it8s medici e. B#t, belie3e me, it works. & ca 8t "et small'o2.: 5ood.: Me cr#shed me a"ai st him a d & felt his li's to#ch the to' of my head. 9& wo#ld ot ha3e a y harm come to yo#.: & wo#ld 8t ha3e a y harm come to me, either,: & tried to =oke. Me sI#eeAed me e3e harder a"ai st him. 9This is ot a matter for =oki ".: <orry,: & sI#eaked, a d he loose ed his "ri'. 9&t8s =#st that & do 8t 'artic#larly like this t#r of e3e ts. & do 8t wa t to shock yo#, b#t &8m ot c#t o#t to be a #rse.: That does ot shock me. 6o# do ot like thi "s that smell bad, a d sick thi "s smell bad.: Boy, that8s the tr#th.: & smiled sardo ically. 9A yway, did Ala 'robably at the Tem'le of the !#se, tooB: 6es,: he si"hed. 9That com'licates o#r 'la .: &8ll say4if we se d h#ma warriors #' i that area they will be s#sce'tible to this st#ff. That ca 8t be "ood for a army.: & lea ed back a little, still s#''orted by the warm cradle of his arms. 9Ma3e yo# e3er k ow of a y ce ta#rs "etti " a ythi " like this 'o2B: No.: Me so# ded s#re of himself. 9The ce ta#r race is ot s#sce'tible to 'o2.: That8s what & ho'ed.: >hich mea s o ly ce ta#r warriors will be allowed ear the !#ses. & ha3e already se t a "ro#' of ce ta#rs to their tem'le. They will tell them of o#r 'la a d re'ort back to #s of the health of the wome at the tem'le.: &t8s 'robably a mess. As awf#l as it mi"ht so# d, we eed to I#ara ti e the tem'le a d the area aro# d it. >e ca se d them s#''lies, b#t we ca ot let h#ma s from the tem'le f#rther a tell yo# we thi k this 'o2 is

co tami ate the rest of $artholo .: & a"ree. & ha3e already s'read word of the I#ara ti e.: Me eyed me critically. 9A d ow it seems & m#st take care of yo#, too.: M#hB: Are yo# rememberi " that yo# ha3e a rather f#ll i"ht aheadB: Me looked at me I#iAAically. & my best se2y !arily !o roe 3oice & cooed, 9>hat did yo# ha3e i mi dB: Comm# icati " with the Lord of the @omoria s.: That certai ly threw cold water o my R-rated tho#"hts. A d, yes, somehow &8d for"otte all abo#t that. Oh, yeah.: & wish there was a other way. & still do ot feel comfortable with yo# ta# ti " this dark Lord.: Mis th#mbs traced laAy circles o the '#lse 'oi ts i side my elbows. & did 8t wa t to be i 3ol3ed i a y scary dream-ma"ic cra'. & wa ted to take a lo " bath, eat a bi" di er a d screw his brai s o#t. B#t a i siste t 3oice whis'ered that & had a =ob to do. &t was =#st too da " hard to i" ore a "oddess whe she was i side yo#r brai a d ta''ed i to yo#r "#ilt b#tto . &8m ot 'artic#larly looki " forward to it myself, b#t it has to be do e.: & si"hed a d #AAled a"ai st him. 96o# did say yo# were "oi " to stay with me. Did 8t yo#B: Of co#rse. & will always 'rotect yo#r body.: & co#ld thi k of ma y thi "s &8d like for him to do to my body, 'rotecti " was the least of which. 5ood. >ell, let me "o i there a d fi ish #'. The &8ll ha3e some di fi"#re o#t how to make this dream thi " work.: er, a d yo# ca hel' me

The 5oddess will lead yo#.: Me took my chi i his ha d a d tilted my face #'. 9& will "i3e yo# o ly a short time more. The if yo# ha3e ot left, & will come carry yo# o#t of that room of co ta"io . 6o# may ot be able to "et the 'o2, b#t yo# m#st be mi df#l of yo#r health.: A d of my h#sba d, tooB: & attem'ted to so# d coI#ettish, b#t & did 8t thi k the '#ke o my clothes hel'ed to set a se2y mood. 6es, yo#r h#sba d, too.: Me r#ffled my already m#ssed hair a d t#r ed me aro# d. >ith a "e tle '#sh he 'ro'elled me back toward the sickroom door. 9%emember, if yo# do ot fi ish soo , & will come "et yo#.: & lo3e it whe yo#8re ro#"h,: & said o3er my sho#lder as & ree tered the room. Comi " back i to 'o2 hell was a serio#s wake-#' call. The first thi " & saw was Carola slowly taki " the e d of a li e sheet a d co3eri " the face of o e of the childre who had bee amo " the most se3erely ill. & h#rried to his side. This is the first o e4: his 3oice was low, so o ly & co#ld hear it 94b#t she will ot be the last.: Cla @i ta says ce ta#rs do ot "et the 'o2.: That, at least, is "ood ews. Do yo# realiAe that twel3e more cases were re'orted si ce this mor i "B: No, & had 8t realiAed. &8d bee too b#sy deali " with what was i fro t of my face. & had tho#"ht the sickroom had seemed more crowded, b#t &8d chalked that #' to my a3ersio to #rsi ".

A d fi3e of the se3e most serio#s cases will 'robably ot li3e thro#"h the i"ht.: Mow abo#t that little "irlB: & 'oi ted discreetly to the small horse lo3er. Me shook his head sadly. 9<he is i E'o a8s ha ds.: Dam it.: Carola motio ed for a co#'le of his assista ts to take the body away. The body is still co ta"io#s,: & said. Me looked at me i s#r'rise, b#t he did 8t hesitate to say, 9Take her to the room ad=oi i " my cli ic. >e m#st b#ild a 'yre o#tside of the tem'le "ro# ds i which to se d her remai s to E'o a.: & odded my head, caref#l to make a disti ctly '#blic dis'lay of a"reei " with him. 9E'o a wa ts all of the 3ictims of the 'o2 to be cremated i o e 'lace, away from the tem'le. <he will recei3e their so#ls, b#t she does ot wish the dead to co tami ate the li3i ".: >e watched them carry the small "irl away. Carola s'oke to o e of his se3eral com'ete t assista ts. 9Ma3e the 'are ts of the "irl otified of her death.: No.: This time & did 8t eed a 3oice withi to 'rod me i to actio . 9&t8s my =ob.: & s'oke directly to the woma . 9Bri " them here. &8ll tell them.: As yo# say, my Lady.: <he c#rtsied a d h#rried away. 6o# do ot ha3e to. %hia & am ot %hia o wo#ld ot ha3e do e so.: o .: !y fr#stratio with his comme t was ob3io#s.

No, yo# are ot. @or"i3e me for e3oki " a com'ariso .: Carola 8s tired 3oice was rich with warmth. 6o#8re for"i3e .: >e smiled at each other. 9Mey, while we8re o the s#b=ect of yo#r for"etf#l ess, are yo# rememberi " that this is yo#r weddi " i"htB: & swear, # der eath the layer of sweat a d y#ck he bl#shed. 9$erha's it has sli''ed my mi d.: That co#ld "et yo# i tro#ble.: Me looked aro# d hel'lessly. 9Mow ca & lea3e themB: 6o# ha3e wo derf#l assista ts. Tr#st them. 6o# ha3e to take a break to slee', or whate3er.: & ma a"ed a tired "ri of e co#ra"eme t. 9Clea #' a d "o to her. Life is too # 'redictable to waste a mome t.: B#t4: he stammered. Take ei"ht ho#rs. 6o# wo 8t be a y "ood to yo#r 'atie ts if yo#8re too tired to see strai"ht. &8ll stay for a while a d make s#re thi "s are i order.: %hea, yo# ha3e a "ood heart, b#t yo# are really ot e2'erie ced i cari " for the ill.: Tell me abo#t it. Do 8t worry, &8ll =#st dele"ate a d look "oddess-like.: Now, that yo# ha3e e2'erie ce i .: <eems e3eryo e had my #mber. & made a face at him as he be"a calli " his assista ts to him a d "i3i " them their orders. & co#ld o3erhear him di3idi " them #' i to shifts, so that some co#ld rest, the come relie3e the i"ht shift. Lady %hia o B: A te tati3e 3oice called me from the doorway.

&t was the assista t who had bee se t to "et the dead child8s 'are ts. & co#ld see the shadowed forms of two 'eo'le sta di " behi d her i the hallway. & sI#ared my sho#lders a d walked toward them. D#ri " my first year of teachi " & had the 'ri3ile"e of teachi " o e of those st#de ts. 6o# k ow4 the ki d of st#de t that com'letes the teacher. <arah had bee bri"ht a d f# y a d f#ll of 'romise. <he had also bee more dee'ly tro#bled tha a y of #s k ew. <he committed s#icide shortly before her se3e tee th birthday. >alki " #' to the 'odi#m to s'eak at her f# eral, & had felt the m#ch as & felt ow, s#re of o ly two thi "sN a horre do#s tra"edy had ha''e ed, a d whate3er & co#ld thi k to say wo#ld 8t cha "e that. !y Lady4: the assista t8s 3oice was hesita t 94these are the child8s 'are ts.: & t#r ed to face the co#'le. They co#ld ha3e bee the 'are ts of a y of my st#de ts. They held ha ds a d had that look abo#t them that said they k ew what & was "oi " to say b#t they wa ted des'erately ot to hear it. & am so sorry, b#t yo#r da#"hter died this e3e i ".: & wo#ld ha3e "o e o , b#t the mother be"a sobbi ". <he cl# " to the h#sba d as if she was # able to sta d by herself. <#dde ly, she strai"hte ed a d, betwee sobs, asked, 9!ay we see herB: Oh, 5od. This was awf#l4they co#ld 8t e3e see their little "irl. Mer body still holds the disease. <he has to be cremated I#ickly, at the behest of E'o a.: Their looks of des'eratio made me cha "e my mi d a d fi ish with, 96o# may ot to#ch her, b#t yo# may say yo#r "oodbyes to her.: & made a motio to the assista t for her to take them to see their da#"hter. Before they t#r ed to "o, the father reached o#t a d "ras'ed my ha d. 5oddess4: his 3oice shook 94were yo# with her whe she diedB: & did 8t e3e hesitate. 96es,: & lied. 9& was by her side, as was E'o a.: Tha k yo#. !ay yo# be blessed for yo#r ki d ess.: They followed the assista t slowly, like their bodies were bei " t#r ed to li3i " sto e. The & realiAed it was 8t their bodies4it was o ly their hearts. %hea, come away ow.: Cla @i ta ste''ed o#t of the shadows. Me I#ickly occ#'ied the s'ace i fro t of me the 'are ts had =#st 3acated. Mis ha ds lifted to my face, a d his warm th#mbs wi'ed the tears from my cheeks. Come,: he re'eated. & odded sile tly a d let him lead me away from the sce t of death.

& smell bad.: & s iffled back my tears a d m#mbled at him as we walked dow the torchlit hallway. That & k ow4which is why & am taki " yo# to the bathi " room.: & odded #mbly, thi ki " how ice it wo#ld feel to be clea . &f othi " else, the tho#"ht alo e was "ood for morale. !i e. >e walked witho#t s'eaki ". & oticed cam'fires b#r i " i the co#rtyard, a d & co#ld make o#t the dark sha'es of wome cooki " o3er the o'e fires. The aroma drifted i thro#"h the floor-toceili " wi dows, a d my stomach "rowled i res'o se.

Cla @i ta ch#ckled. 9Di Tha ks.: &t is ot a 'roblem.:

er is waiti " i yo#r chambers.:

6o#8re starti " to so# d like me.: There are worse thi "s to so# d like.: Mis dee' ch#ckle r#mbled thro#"h his chest, a d & felt my de'ressio lifti " i res'o se. The "#y wo#ld make o e heck of a 3ibrator. Mell o the "rocery bills, b#t o e heck of a 3ibrator. Before yo# co#ld say Billy Co Bob lo3es his co#si , we were walki " thro#"h the door to what was I#ickly becomi " my fa3orite room. & oticed that the "#ards did 8t fli ch from my h#sba d8s 'ossessi3e stare. >here8s Ala aB: & looked lo "i "ly at the steami " water. <he has a h#sba d of her ow who reI#ires her atte tio .: Me smiled at my co f#sio . 9& will be yo#r ser3a t to i"ht.: Before & co#ld make my tired brai co =#re a witty res'o se, he had take the back of my filthy dress i his ha ds, a d with a I#ick motio , ri''ed it eatly i two. Eeek?: Me co#ld ha3e war ed me. 6o# did ot wa t to sa3e it, did yo#B: Mis 3oice almost so# ded i oce t. Almost. Absol#tely ot. Oh a d make s#re yo# b#r that asty thi " later. & do 8t wa t a y of the "irls to#chi " it.: & reached for his arm to steady myself as & ste''ed o#t of yet a other ti y tho ". 7icki " off my sa dals & 'ractically ra , a"ai ho'i " des'erately my ass did 8t =i""le too m#ch, i to the 'ool of hot water a d s#bmer"ed myself #' to my sho#lders with a "roa . %heaB: he ca#"ht my atte tio . Before a sweri " him, & felt alo " the side of the 'ool # til & fo# d my sitti " led"e. <it#ati " my b#tt, & s#cci ctly said, 9MmmB: 5i3e me a mome t.: Me was sheddi " his 3est as he s'oke. 9A d, & m#st remi d yo# a"ai , 'lease do ot s'eak.: >hatB: <h#sh.: The his co ce tratio t#r ed withi a d he be"a the cha t & reco" iAed from the 're3io#s i"ht. At the same time & felt a shi3er of desire, & felt a r#sh of fear whe & remembered the 'ai The Cha "e had ca#sed him. A"ai , & wa ted to cry o#t as the shimmeri " became his flesh shifti " a d re-formi ". Almost too late & remembered to close my eyes4the li"ht a"ai st my lids was shar' a d 'e etrati ". The there was dark ess. Bli ki ", & refoc#sed o his k eeli ", tem'orarily h#ma , form. Me wi'ed the sweat from his eyes a d tried to co trol his accelerated breathi ". 6o#4: he 'a#sed to take a dee' breath 94may s'eak a"ai & hate that it h#rts yo#.: Me stood, still a little shaky. 9&f & co#ld ot sha'e-shift, we co#ld ot be to"ether as h#sba d a d wife.: ow.:

& k ow, a d &8d hate that, too.: Me walked to the 'ool, his ste's "rowi " steadier with each stride. Usi " the sto e stairs that led dow i to the water, he =oi ed me. & did 8t otice that yo# smelled bad.: & was, a''are tly, a little er3o#s. & told yo# & wo#ld be yo#r ser3a t to i"ht.: Me took a s'o "e a d a bottle of soa' from the ed"e of the 'ool. 9T#r aro# d.: & com'lied ha''ily, resti " my forearms a"ai st the led"e o which & had bee sitti ". Me swe't my hair o#t of the way a d be"a r#bbi " soa' all o3er the back of my body. !mm,: & breathed. <oo he set the s'o "e back o the ed"e, a d #sed his stro ", warm ha ds to r#b the soa' aro# d my back, sto''i " at my sho#lders a d eck to work the k ots o#t of my o3erstressed m#scles. & felt myself t#r i " to liI#id. After mi isteri " to my backside Ga d & do mea all of itH he lifted me o to o e of the hi"her led"es so that most of my torso was o#t of the water a d he had access to my le"s. The he soa'ed #' the s'o "e a d be"a washi " the fro t of me. & realiAed that, altho#"h his to#ch was i timate, it was ot se2#al. & stead, it was "e tle a d soothi ". & watched him thro#"h my half-lidded eyes, str#""li " to stay awake. C#st lea back a d rela2.: Mis 3oice was warm. 96o# ha3e bee thro#"h m#ch today. & did ot Cha "e to be i timate with yo# i a se2#al way4that is ot what yo# eed to i"ht.: & felt a defi ite se se of relief at his words. & lo3ed him, b#t he was ri"ht, to i"ht & eeded to be cared for, ot sed#ced. & closed my eyes as he started at my toes, holdi " first o e foot, the the other, o#t of the water. >ith o e ha d he #sed the s#ds-filled s'o "e, with the other he r#bbed a d k eaded my sore m#scles. After he fi ished with my le"s, he mo3ed slowly #' my torso, #si " the s'o "e to "e tly circle the soa' aro# d a d o3er my arms a d sho#lders. &t seemed that with e3ery swi'e of the s'o "e my m#scles rela2ed more a d more a d the horrors of the day were becomi " almost bearable. & am mo3i " yo# a"ai ,: he war ed. Okay,: & si"hed, kee'i " my eyes closed. Me "ras'ed my waist a d let my b#oya cy i the water hel' him mo3e me dow to a lower led"e. Lea back a d "et yo#r hair wet, & will hold yo#r sho#lders.: & did as & was told, ri si " the ra cid smells of '#ke a d sick ess from my hair. After soaki " my head, he sit#ated himself behi d me o the led"e, a d be"a worki " sham'oo thro#"h my wild tresses. All & co#ld do was lea back i to him, e =oyi " his firm to#ch. Now, ri se.: Me s#''orted my sho#lders a"ai as & lay back i to the warm water, swishi " my hair from side to side # til it felt clea . @loat for a time, allow yo#r body to absorb the heali " of the bath8s heat. & will ot let yo# "o.: & lay back i the warm water, kee'i " my eyes closed a d my mi d bla k. & felt br#ised i side a d o#t. U der his breath, Cla @i ta be"a a melodic cha t. & co#ld 8t # dersta d the words, b#t his dee' 3oice was bea#tif#l a d hy' otic. >hat are yo# sayi "B: & whis'ered. & am sayi " rela2, lo3e. 6o#r cares are mi e a d & will e3er let yo# "o.: L#lled by the water a d his lo3e, & barely stirred whe he lifted me o#t of the 'ool. By some

wo derf#l feat of ma #al de2terity a d raw, br#te stre "th, he was able to wra' me i a thick towel a d set me o the chair at my 3a ity. 6o# will ot fall o3er, will yo#B: he asked. & o'e ed my eyes =#st a little to see him sI#atti " i fro t of me, his ha ds resti " o my k ees. & shook my head. This will take 3ery little time.: Me sI#eeAed my k ees a d stood. >here are yo# "oi "B: & was starti " to wake #'. <h#sh.: & watched sile tly as he be"a the cha t that wo#ld shift him back to his ori"i al form. &t seemed to take less time tha it took for him to become a h#ma , a d the li"ht be"a earlier a d was more i te se, ca#si " me to close my eyes a d b#ry my face i the towel. & heard the familiar clom' of his hoo3es a d k ew it was safe to look Ga d to talkH. Are yo# awakeB: That li"ht is a little hard to slee' thro#"h. Does it h#rt as m#ch to cha "e back i to a ce ta#rB: & asked as he scoo'ed me i to his arms. <to' worryi ".: Me t#cked my head i to the crook betwee his sho#lder a d his eck, a d f#ssed aro# d # til he made s#re the towel co3ered all of me. 9& am fi e.: & #AAled a"ai st him a d kissed his eck. 9Bet yo# co#ld 8t r# a maratho .: & co#ld r# o e,: he ch#ckled as he carried me o#t i to the hall a d headed toward my chambers. 9& =#st wo#ld ot r# 3ery fast.: !y stomach "rowled a d we both la#"hed.

!y room was softly lit with abo#t a Aillio ca dles Gyes, most of them were i the sha'e of sk#lls, b#t & was lear i " to i" ore thatH, a d my table had bee hea'ed f#ll of delicio#s food. As #s#al, & was star3i ". Cla @i ta recli ed o o e of the chaises, t#cki " me i fro t of him. Me lea ed o3er me a d "rabbed a h#"e "olde le" of what m#st ha3e bee a m#tated t#rkey. Eat,: he talked thro#"h the bite of le". 9& k ow yo# thi k yo# are star3i ".: & t#cked the towel aro# d me a d fell to. There was a "reat selectio of meat, 3e"etables a d 'asta. A d, o ce a"ai , & felt a foodlo3er8s a''reciatio for the chef8s e2'ertise. GNote to selfN "i3e the cook a raise4or whate3er.H The wi e was, as #s#al, a dee', rich red. %hia food a d wi e. o had her bad 'oi ts, b#t she certai ly k ew her

6o# remi d me of a ce ta#r female the way yo# lo3e food.: Cla @i ta 8s ch#ckle rolled a"ai st my back. Are yo# telli " me & eat like a horseB: & teased. A ce ta#r is ot a horse.: Me so# ded st#ck-#', b#t & still tho#"ht he was c#te. 9Altho#"h we do a''reciate the eI#i e8s limited #ses.:

>e o ly ha3e horses i my old world,: & said betwee bites. >hatB: Me so# ded shocked, as if &8d =#st said babies came from cabba"e 'atches or somethi " eI#ally as l#dicro#s. 6e'.: & talked as & chewed a wo derf#l 'iece of fish that tasted like halib#t. 9& my old world, ce ta#rs are make-belie3e4the st#ff of fairy tales a d myths.: Mow ca that beB: Me so# ded tr#ly offe ded. & do 8t k ow. &t8s certai ly their loss.: M#rm'h,: he s orted i a"reeme t while he chewed. The a tho#"ht str#ck him a d he said, 9&t m#st ha3e bee I#ite a shock for yo# to fi d yo#rself married to a bei " yo# tho#"ht e2isted o ly as myth.: Tell me abo#t it.: & smiled a d took a other dri k of wi e. Me odded i s#dde # dersta di ". 9Little wo der yo# were so afraid at first.: Me br#shed the hair back from my face i a familiar caress. 9There are o sha'e-shifters i yo#r world, either.: &t was 8t a I#estio . 6o# took a little "etti " #sed to.: & lea ed i timately a"ai st him. 6o# were 3ery bra3e. & wish & had k ow .: >e did =#st fi e. 6o# made me feel it was safe to tr#st yo#.: & am "lad.: The worry was lea3i " his face. 9B#t if & had k ow , & wo#ld ha3eD: Me hesitated. >hatB >aited lo "erB: & "a3e him a mock frow . 9& do 8t thi k & wo#ld ha3e let yo#.: >ell, & certai ly wo#ld ot ha3e wa ted to.: Me be t dow a d kissed my eck. There is somethi " & wa t yo# to k ow4 ow that yo# do k ow who & really am.: & t#r ed at the waist so & co#ld look directly i to his eyes. 9U like %hia o , & am a faithf#l woma . & ha3e e3er bee 4: & str#""led to fi d the ri"ht words that wo#ld s'a worlds 94i cli ed to slee' with a lot of differe t me .: Mis look said he # derstood. 96o# do 8t e3er ha3e to worry abo#t tr#sti " me.: & already belie3ed that of yo#.: Mis 3oice was hy' oticJ & felt like & co#ld "et lost i its warmth. 9B#t & ca ot hel' b#t be 'leased to hear yo# say it. & will ot share yo#.: & remembered his little tWte-X-tWte with my "#ards a d "ri Me looked sm#" a d ha''y. Mey?: & felt the eed to add, 9This "oes both ways, yo# k ow. &t8s ot okay for yo# to mess aro# d, either.: Me looked shocked. 9Of co#rse ot. & will always be faithf#l to yo#.: 5ood.: & raised my eyebrows at him me aci "ly. 9&8d hate to ha3e to chase dow a d beat #' some lady ce ta#r. & "#ess E'i co#ld hel' me, b#t & thi k it8d be 3ery stressf#l.: A d 'robably ot 'artic#larly attracti3e. Mis la#"hter rolled o3er me. >e ate i com'a io able sile ce. & was thi ki " how easy he was to be aro# d, a d what a witty se se of h#mor he had. A d he defi itely was 8t a short "#y. Act#ally, the fact that he was 8t tech ically a "#y did 8t seem 3ery im'orta t. & was fi ally feeli " f#ll, so & 'o#red myself a ew "oblet of wi e. Before & co#ld c#rl comfortably a"ai st him, the mood was broke by me ha3i " the !other of all 6aw s. Come.: Me rose "racef#lly from the chaise. 96o# are e2ha#sted.: ed. 96o# wo 8t ha3e to.:

No, really, &8m ot tired.: & tried to ha " back a d dra" my feet as he '#lled me toward the bed. B#t try sto''i " a horse from '#lli " yo# somewhere. &t was 8t e2actly a eI#al t#"-of-war co test. >e "ot to the bed a d stood looki " at it. &t was, as & may ha3e me tio ed before, a really bi" bed. B#t, as & "la ced from Cla @i ta to the bed a d back, & realiAed that o matter how bi" it was, it wo#ld be i credibly awkward for my ce ta#r h#sba d to slee' e2t to me o it. & walked o3er to the ed"e of the bed a d '#lled back the "or"eo#s "olde embroidered comforter a d sheets so that & co#ld i s'ect the mattress. &t was a h#"e, thick, dow -filled ba", which h# " s#s'e ded o lots of leather stra's. & retied my towel i to a more sec#re 'ositio , a d started stri''i " the beddi " from the to' of the mattress. >he the li e s were o#t of the way, & "rabbed o e side of the mattress a d started to t#". >ell, are 8t yo# "oi " to hel' meB: & asked o3er my sho#lder as & str#""led to '#ll the mattress off the bed frame. 6es.: Me so# ded do#btf#l as to my i te tio s, b#t he added his co siderable stre "th to the ma e#3er a d 'retty soo we had the mattress lyi " o the "ro# d. & '#t the sheets a d comforter back o it a d stood back to s#r3ey my work. &t looks like a "ia t marshmallow.: >hich was 8t ecessarily a bad thi ". & ha3e two I#estio s,: he said. & "a3e him a atte ti3e look as & crawled o to the marshmallow bed. @irst, why did yo# do thatB: >ell, it did 8t a''ear too likely that yo# were "oi " to climb yo#r half-horse body o to that bed a d be comfortable.: & looked him o3er caref#lly a d added, 9A d yo# mi"ht ha3e broke the da " thi " if yo#8d tried. & wa t yo# to slee' with me, so & tho#"ht we8d be more comfortable dow here to"ether.: Oh.: Me looked e li"hte ed, a d ste''ed "i "erly o to the marshmallow with me. >hat8s the seco d I#estio B: & asked as he folded his eI#i e le"s a d lay dow >hat is a marshmallowB: & s #""led i to his body while & a swered him. 9&t8s ki d of a dessert. &t8s '#ffy a d white a d 3ery s#"ary. They8re "ood toasted o3er a o'e fire.: Me '#lled me a"ai st him, s'oo style. The sides of o#r feather bed fl#ffed #' aro# d #s. Me smiled a d kissed the side of my head. 9&t is certai ly '#ffy.: That8s what & tho#"ht.: & e ded the word o a other bi" yaw . %ela2, yo# eed to slee'.: & felt myself starti " to rela2, whe a sh#dder ra thro#"h me a d & =olted awake, rememberi " the missio that waited for me i my slee'. & do 8t thi k & wa t to. &8m scared.: & will be here with yo#r body, a d E'o a will be there with yo#r s'irit.: Cla @i ta 8s ha d fo# d the o#tside of my le" a d he be"a a hy' otic caress that ra the le "th of my thi"h, to the se siti3e s'ot behi d my k ee a d all the way #' to the small of my back4a d the re'eated o3er a d o3er a"ai . & felt my body rela2i " a d my eyelids fl#tteri ". e2t to me.

Do 8t let "o of meD: & whis'ered, a d felt his arm ti"hte i res'o se as slee' claimed me. & was a "#est at a e2cl#si3e s'a "etti " a massa"e fromD& looked o3er my sho#lderDBatma Gm#st be o e of my 9bad boy: dreamsH. The massa"e table was o a terrace, which o3erlooked a co# tryside that remi ded me of the Lake District of E "la d, e2ce't i stead of sha""y E "lish shee', fat black-a d-white cats "raAed i meadows of mice "rass. Batma had =#st be t dow to whis'er i my ear that & had the most 'erfect ass i the world, whe 4 !y body was s#cked #' thro#"h the ceili " a d & fo# d myself looki " dow o what had become a familiar 3iew of E'o a8s Tem'le. The i"ht was clear b#t the moo was 8t f#lly rise yet, so the stars were really showi " off by li"hti " #' the sky with a brillia t dis'lay of 'riceless =ewels. @rom o3erhead it was easy to see how crowded the tem'le a d the s#rro# di " "ro# ds had become. Te ts a d cam'fires s'otted the la d. &t was late, b#t & co#ld make o#t the forms of ce ta#rs a d h#ma s who were still awake, b#sy with # com'leted tasks. !y body floated i the soft breeAe, which was blowi " toward the ri3er. The ri3er, too, was ali3e with motio . Bar"es =ockeyed for 'ositio , la ter s were lit a d 3oices carried o3er the water. & watched the actio below me as my body t#r ed slowly orth, the be"a to 'ick #' s'eed. The se satio of tra3eli " so I#ickly was the same as it had bee the other two i"hts my s'irit had bee s#cked from the comfort of DreamLa d. &t was like & had become a "#st of wi d that had bee blow from the mo#th of a irritable "ia t. The se satio was as # 'leasa t as the a alo"y made it so# d, es'ecially ow that & had a 'retty "ood idea of where & was headi ". & left the ri3er8s side a d 3eered to the west. Looki " dow , & saw a h#"e e2'a se of dark water 'assi " swiftly by, ob3io#sly Loch <elkie. !#ch faster tha sho#ld ha3e bee 'ossible, & came to the orther ba k of the Loch. & oticed a lar"e sto e str#ct#re a little way from the water8s ed"e. &t sat sile t a d dark. & a3erted my eyes a d se t a sile t 'lea to E'o a that she ot take me there. & did 8t wa t to see what the creat#res had left at Lara"o Castle. &t was 'robably cowardly of me, b#t & breathed a s'irit#al si"h of relief whe my body did 8t slow or cha "e directio toward the dead castle. @ar too soo & be"a to see li"hts ahead of me. & reco" iAed the dark sto e of 5#ardia Castle8s walls as & floated o3er them, a d my body be"a to slow a d desce d. $lease do 8t make me stay here too lo ",: & whis'ered to the air aro# d me. Be bra3e, Belo3ed. The words flitted thro#"h my mi d so I#ickly & co#ld 8t be s#re that & had 8t made them #' myself. & drew a dee' breath a d tried to 're'are myself for somethi " awf#l. !y desce t bro#"ht me o3er the middle of the same co#rtyard & had 3isited o my 're3io#s dream tri'. A''are tly, it was still bei " #sed as a cam'"ro# d for wome , beca#se & co#ld see shabby te ts reflecti " the dim "low of flickeri " fires. Bla keted sha'es h#ddled aro# d the fires. & drifted closer a d & co#ld tell that the #mber of wome had i creased co siderably. A # #s#al sile ce h# " o3er the co#rtyard. Normally, this ma y wome , e3e late at i"ht, wo#ld be chatteri " a d "ossi'i " i frie dly "ro#'s. This "atheri " was so sile t & co#ld hear the 'o''i " a d crackli " of the cam'fires. This time o e of them seemed to otice my 'rese ce, a d & did ot 'a#se o3er them. & stead, & felt myself mo3i " off to the wester wi " of the castle. !y body sto''ed whe & reached the flat bal#straded roof of a sectio of the castle that was lit bri"htly by ma y flami " torches. The whis'ered words $re'are yo#rself, Belo3ed echoed thro#"h my mi d. The s#dde ly & was dro''i " dow thro#"h the roof below me.

& s a''ed thro#"h the ceili " i to a lar"e bedroom chamber. The room was filled with lit torches a d ca dles. Two hearths lar"e e o#"h for se3eral me to sta d #'ri"ht withi were ablaAe. >ellill#mi ated i the fireli"ht o3erkill, the 'redomi a t feat#re of the room was the h#"e bed sit#ated directly below me. At first & tho#"ht the room was em'ty. The a r#stli " so# d drew my eyes to the ce ter of the bed. The thi " o the bed stirred a d '#lled his wi "s back, a d & realiAed with a sh#dder of re3#lsio that what & had tho#"ht was a em'ty bed dra'ed with bla kets was really a bed o which lay a creat#re whose wi "s had bee o#ts'read, like a bat-wi "ed beds'read. U"h. >itho#t willi " it, my body drifted dow . The creat#re8s wi "s shifted a"ai , a d & saw that they co3ered more tha its ow body4they had bee co3eri " the aked body of a h#ma "irl. <he was so 'ale a d she lay so 3ery still that & tho#"ht she mi"ht be dead, the & saw her =erk co 3#lsi3ely as the creat#re reached his ha d dow a d c#''ed her aked '#bis. <o sweet,: he hissed. Mis ha d ke't tra3eli " dow to her i er thi"h, a d his fi "ers slid i a circ#lar motio , 'layi " i the wet ess he fo# d there. Mer le"s s'asmed, allowi " the flickeri " ca dleli"ht to ill#mi ate the liI#id, so that & co#ld see it was thick a d red with blood. Oh?: !y breath left me i a horrified r#sh. & sta tly, the creat#re8s head swi3eled #' i my directio a d his eyes arrowed as he searched the area abo3e his bed. & reco" iAed him as soo as & saw his face4it was N#ada. 5et o#t,: he ordered. >ith a talo ed foot he '#shed the "irl to the ed"e of the bed. <he fell to the floor, the 'icked herself #' a d sta""ered I#ickly to the door. As soo as she had left the room, N#ada cro#ched ear the headboard of the bed, still looki " i te tly abo3e him. & k ow yo# are here.: Mis breathy 3oice was fearless. 9& ha3e felt yo#r 'rese ce before.: !y body, which was floati " directly abo3e the foot of his bed, sa k a few feet lower. & st#died the sm#" creat#re. Mis face looked as if it had bee car3ed from 'ale "ra ite4it was all hard, shar' li es. Mis body was lea a d free of hair, e2ce't the sil3er mass that fell from his head 'ast his sho#lders. M#"e batlike wi "s ke't shifti ", as if to co3er his aked ess, b#t they did little to hide the bloodstai s that were smeared all alo " his thi"hs a d ow-flaccid "e itals. & had tho#"ht & wo#ld be terrified, so it was with s#r'rise that, i stead of fear, my foremost emotio s were a "er a d re3#lsio . 6o# make me sick,: & s'at at him, a d saw his eyes arrow i res'o se. & ca tell yo# are female.: Me e # ciated the last word slow a d lo ", like it was a c#rse. 9<how yo#rself, # less yo# are too weak a d afraid.: & had heard abo#t "#ys like him. They were the ki d of 9me : who fo# d 'leas#re i ab#si " wome a d childre . As a "er filled me & felt a cha "e i my floati " body. & "la ced dow to see myself become s#dde ly semi3isible. & was aked, a d & floated e tici "ly o3er the bed, like & was a dream made almost s#bsta tial. Mis eyes wide ed a d he licked his li's as he stared. Do yo# like what yo# see, N#adaB: !y s'irit 3oice reso ated with a # earthly I#ality. Come closer, a d & will show yo# what & like,: he leered cr#elly.

!aybe & willD: & let the so# d of my words ha " i the air betwee #s. 9Or maybe yo# sho#ld come to me.: & e2te ded o e ha d a d becko ed to him, like a s ake charmer teasi " a cobra. !y other ha d reached #' a d to#ched the '#lse 'oi t i my eck, the mo3ed i a lo ", slow caress dow my body to fi ally come to rest o my i er thi"h. There & made my fi "ers mimic what his had do e to the ewly ra'ed "irl. Mis eyes watched me with a obsce e h# "er that made my stomach roll. As he be"a to collect himself to l# "e at me, & oticed that his wi "s, as well as his all-too-h#ma -looki " 'e is, had be"# to stir a d swell. Thro#"h my mi d drifted the words La#"h at him, Belo3ed, a d & obeyed, letti " my "hostly, ta# ti " la#"hter echo off the walls of the fiery chamber. The mome t he l# "ed at me my body shifted, disa''eari " #' thro#"h the ceili ". & b#rst i to the i"ht with the so# d of his e ra"ed shriek shatteri " the dece'ti3ely 'eacef#l sile ce. A d my eyes flew o'e . 6o# are safe.: & had a horrible mome t of 'a ic as & tried to remember where & was. The feeli " r#shed back i to my body, a d & k ew Cla @i ta 8s arms were wra''ed aro# d me. & r#bbed the mist o#t of my eyes so that & co#ld look clearly at his face. Me smiled at me, b#t his brow was creased with li es of worry. 6o# ha3e ret#r ed to yo#r body.: Me so# ded almost as "lad as & felt. 6es,: my throat felt scratchy. 9& eed somethi " to dri k.: Me let me slide o#t of his arms so & co#ld retrie3e my wi e"lass from the table. @illi " my "oblet, my ha ds were shaki " so badly that & made a mess, s'latteri " red dro's o the white marble table. & fo# d my eyes were draw to those scarlet s'ots. The liI#id tra sformed i to s'attered dro's of blood4red a"ai st the i h#ma white of N#ada8s ski . & co#ld 8t '#ll my eyes away a d shake the ima"e of how the "irl8s blood had bee s'lattered across the creat#re8s body. %heaB: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice broke the s'ell, a d & breathed a sh#dderi " breath the h#rried back to bed. %earra "i " myself comfortably a"ai st him, & took a lo " dri k, tryi " to steady my frayed er3es. Tell me,: he coa2ed. E'o a took me strai"ht to him. Me had =#st fi ished ra'i " a yo# " "irl.: Did he se se yo#r 'rese ceB: !ore tha that. Me co#ld hear me, a d E'o a did somethi " to my s'irit-body so that he co#ld see me. 7i d of.: Cla @i ta odded i # dersta di ". 9E'o a is #si " her 'owers to "et o#r messa"e to the @omoria s.: & =#st ho'e she remembers to watch o#t for me d#ri " all of this, too.: & k ow & so# ded ki d of whi y, b#t this whole dream-ma"ic-"oddess-creat#re st#ff was more tha a little er3e-racki ". 6o# are Mer Belo3ed, she will always 'rotect yo#.: & was abo#t to o'e my mo#th a d make a s ide comme t abo#t wishi " & co#ld be so s#re, b#t the & remembered the 3oice i my mi d that had whis'ered the war i " $re'are yo#rself, Belo3ed, a d ke't my mo#th sh#t. & took a other lo " dri k of wi e.

Did yo# tell him of the !#seB: & did 8t "et to it this time. E'o a =erked me o#t of there =#st as he was lea'i " at me.: & remembered N#ada8s fr#strated shriek at ot ca't#ri " my body, a d & took a other lo " dri k. Me lea'ed at yo#B &t will 'lease me to skewer him o my sword. <oo .: Mis 3oice was hard a d a "ry. &8m ot #s#ally a bi" 'ro'o e t of 3iole ce, b#t this time &8ll make a e2ce'tio . That thi " serio#sly eeds skeweri ".: & took a other dri k, a d was mildly s#r'rised to fi d it was the last i the "oblet. & yaw ed. 9& ho'e E'o a8s do e with me for to i"ht. &8m tired.: Cla @i ta took the em'ty "oblet from my ha d, a d #sed his lo " arms to '#t it o the floor e2t to o#r marshmallow. & thi k the 5oddess will allow yo# what remai s of the i"ht to slee'.: Me '#lled me close to his body. 5ood.: & 'atted a dow -filled 'illow i to 'lace a d s #""led #' i to a comfortable ball. !y h#sba d8s ha d fo# d the small of my back, a d & si"hed "ratef#lly as he r#bbed #' a d dow my s'i e. <lee', my lo3e,: he whis'ered. 9& will let o harm come to yo#.: &8m 'retty s#re & fell aslee' with a bi" smile o my face, N#ada a d his e3il tem'orarily r#bbed away by Cla @i ta 8s "e tle to#ch.

%heaB: The dista t 3oice broke i to my dream of bei " "ra ted a # limited sho''i " s'ree at Tiffa y8s. &8m o3er here, i the diamo d-tiara sectio ,: & m#mbled slee'ily witho#t o'e i " my eyes. >hy are yo# o the floorB: The 3oice was closer, a d & was G# fort# atelyH awake e o#"h to realiAe it was Ala a. & o'e ed my eyes slowly a d stretched, otici " that my h#sba d had disa''eared. Ma3e yo# e3er tried "etti " a horse i to bedB: <he co3ered her "i""le with her ha d, shaki " her head from side to side. Mard to ima"i e, is 8t itB: & oticed & was aked a d asked, 9Co#ld yo# toss me somethi " to co3er #' withB & really eed to 3isit the little "irls8 room.: <he "a3e me a I#iAAical look as she ha ded me a i"ht robe4'robably beca#se by ow it was ob3io#s & was 8t a 9little "irl,: b#t she "ot the idea a d followed me as & scrambled to the door, '#lli " o the robe. The hall that =oi ed my room to the bathi " room was # #s#ally crowded with "#ards a d wome , who solicito#sly mo3ed aside a d bowed or c#rtsied a "ood-mor i " at me. & odded slee'ily i ret#r , wishi " &8d take a few mi #tes to fi2 my hair or 'ick the slee' from my eyes. <oo , & darted "ratef#lly i to the 'ri3acy of my bathroom, "lad that my e3er-'rese t "#ards were there to close the door sec#rely behi d #s. Ceesh,: & sho#ted from the 9facilities: sectio of the bathi " chamber. 9>hat8s #' with all the 'eo'leB:

!ore 'eo'le are arri3i " co sta tly4e3e a tem'le the siAe of E'o a8s has to "et crowded e3e t#ally.: & re=oi ed Ala a, '#lled the robe o3er my head a d walked dow the sto e stairs i to the warm 'ool to "i3e myself a I#ick mor i " bath. <o, yo#8re telli " me lots of 'eo'le are hereB: $eo'le a d ce ta#rs,: she said with a stressed-o#t # derto e to her 3oice. 9& "a3e the order for the me to set #' the 5reat Te ts that %hia o ke't for o#r yearly 5atheri ", a d for the cooks to "et e2tra 'ro3isio s from o#r stock'iles. & ho'e that does ot make yo# a "ry.: A "ryB: & asked as she ha ded me a towel. 9Of co#rse ot4do what yo# thi k is best. 6o# k ow better tha & do what eeds to be o'e ed a d closed a d whate3er.: <he looked relie3ed as she be"a wra''i " a other short t# ic aro# d me. This o e was made of a shimmery aI#a-"ree fabric that remi ded me of sea foam. Ma''ily, it co3ered all of my breasts. <itti " at the 3a ity, & 'icked thro#"h the make#' as she be"a combi " o#t my hair a d twisti " it i to a st#rdy @re ch twist. O#r eyes met a d & smiled mischie3o#sly #' at her i the mirror. Did yo# "et 'le ty of rest last i"ht, my frie dB: As & e2'ected, 'i k blossomed o3er her cheeks4which made me la#"h a d I#ote C#liet8s bawdy #rse i my decidedly bad Cock ey acce t, UNow comes the wa to blood #' i yo#r cheeks, they8ll be i scarlet strai"ht at a y ews.8: >hich o ly made her bl#sh e3e more f#rio#sly. & la#"hed a"ai , ha''y at the way her eyes da ced4e3e i her embarrassme t. &t was a wo derf#l i"ht.: <#ch sim'le words, b#t her 3oice made them so# d like the 'ro o# ceme t of a miracle. & am so "lad for yo#, Ala a.: >e stayed sile t for a while, each of #s, o do#bt, thi ki " of her ow h#sba d. &8ll admit that my ow cheeks felt a little hot as my mi d wa dered. %hea, last i"ht, did E'o a "#ide yo# to 5#ardia CastleB: 6es. <he took me to N#ada.: O#r eyes met a"ai i the mirror, a d we e2cha "ed a sober look that said we ack owled"ed the e3il we were #' a"ai st. 9& challe "ed him, a d E'o a "ot me o#t of there. & do 8t look forward to my ret#r tri' to i"ht.: E'o a will 'rotect yo#.: Mer 3oice so# ded as s#re as Cla @i ta 8s. That8s what e3eryo e kee's telli " me. A d, & admit that & thi k & ca hear her 3oice sometimes, b#t & do 8t thi k &8ll e3er "et #sed to flitti " aro# d the co# try, aked i body a d so#l.: E3e %hia o co#ld be disco certed after i"hts whe E'o a8s Dream !a"ic 3isited her.: Ala a8s ha ds stilled a d & saw a 'e si3e frow cross her face. >hat is itB: & asked. & was =#st rememberi " how 3ery #'set %hia o had bee ri"ht before she crossed The Di3ide i to yo#r world. <he sle't little. &t was as if she wa ted to a3oid E'o a8s 3isio s.: &8ll bet that bitch k ew those @omoria thi "s were comi ".: &t made 'erfect se se. 9E'o a wo#ld ha3e wa ted her 'eo'le war ed.: As & s'oke, that feeli " was back4the o e that whis'ered e co#ra"eme t i to my mi d a d so#l. 9<he 'robably showed %hia o what was "oi " o a d, selfish bitch that she is, she chose to r# away rather tha stay a d fi"ht with her 'eo'le.: & hated that someo e who looked like me 'issed me off so badly.

<'eaki " to the back of my head, Ala a combed a d 'i ed my hair. 9$erha's E'o a allowed her to r# beca#se the 5oddess wa ted yo# to lead o#r 'eo'le a"ai st the @omoria s.: & started to re'ly with a bi" o way, b#t she was 8t fi ished. E'o a had to ha3e k ow %hia o 8s tr#e at#re4a d the 5oddess m#st ha3e k ow yo#rs, too. &t was yo# E'o a chose. 6o# are her Belo3ed, ot %hia o .: Ala a fi ished off my hair with a bea#tif#l "olde ba d, a d & ke't my mo#th sh#t. &t was a da# ti " tho#"ht4that a "oddess mi"ht ha3e really chose me. & ho'ed fer3e tly E'o a k ew what she was doi ". & stayed sile t a d Ala a reached o3er to retrie3e the coro et from its s'ot o my 3a ity. <he 'laced it o my head. &t estled a"ai st my forehead comfortably, like it had bee made for me. & thi k yo# sho#ld wear this more ofte .: & reached #' a d to#ched the "olde circlet with hesita t fi "ers. &t felt warm # der my fi "ers. !aybe & sho#ld,: & heard myself sayi ". !y stomach felt fl#ttery. & tore my eyes away from the reflectio of the crow a d searched thro#"h the earest =ewelry bo2 for some matchi " earri "s. A d cha "ed the s#b=ect. Mow are Carola 8s 'atie tsB: Before she co#ld a swer, we were i terr#'ted by a do#ble k ock at the door. Come i ?: At my comma d the door sw# " o'e to admit se3eral ser3a ts who were lade with trays of breakfast food. 6#m?: & smiled i 'leas#re at the ser3a ts. 9&8m star3i ".: 5ood mor i ", my Lady.: O e of the me bowed er3o#sly G& swear he looked like a ki d of Aitty kid who had fl# ked my freshma E "lish class. TwiceH. 9Lord Cla @i ta ordered #s to ser3e yo# breakfast here as soo as yo# awoke.: Me did?: & smiled like a lo3esick fool. 9&s 8t he adorableB: & said to o o e i 'artic#lar. &f yo# say so, my Lady.: The ser3a t looked sli"htly fl#stered as he bowed his way o#t of the room. Ala a8s la#"h ra " thro#"h the room. 96o# are freaki " them #'.: a, ho ey, it8s freaki " them o#t, ot <he almost ca#sed me to shoot oatmeal o#t of my ose. 9Ala #'.:

Oh.: <he shr#""ed her c#te little sho#lders a d sat e2t to me. >e dai tily d#" i to breakfast. Carola 8s 'atie tsB: & re'eated thro#"h a mo#th filled with some ki d of wo derf#l ci amo roll, which & washed dow with a stro ", "ree tea fra"ra tly sweete ed with ho ey. & "#essed the ser3a ts had decided to restrict my breakfast dri ki ". GNote to selfN tell the fri""i ser3a ts to bri " backD e3er mi d. Tea was 'robably better for me. At least for breakfast. <i"h.H & do ot k ow.: Mer brow wri kled with worry. 9Me wo#ld ot allow me to accom'a y him to the sickroom. B#t last i"ht we were se t word that se3eral more families had falle ill with the 'o2.: That8s ot "ood.: & dreaded what & k ew & had to do. 9&8ll "o see what & ca do for them as soo as we fi ish eati ".: A d & felt my a''etite dwi dle at the tho#"ht. Cla @i ta asked that yo# come to him first.: >here is heB:

Before & came to wake yo#, he was i the i Do#"al.: Mow did Do#"al seemB: B#sy.: >e e2cha "ed a satisfied look.

er co#rtyard o3erseei " the ladies with Co

or a d

>ell4: & swallowed the rest of the tea 94& better "et "oi ". & "#ess & sho#ld look o the bri"ht side of this. At least & do 8t ha3e to bare my breasts this mor i ".: & "a3e her a sla ted look. 9Do &B: Not for a other fort i"ht,: she la#"hed. 5reat4& ha3e that to look forward to.: Mer la#"hter b#bbled aro# d #s. >hat are yo#r 'la s todayB: & asked as & fi ished the tea. & will o3ersee the ho#sehold ser3a ts, check o the cooks, make s#re there is room for the arri3i " families a d warriors a d be certai yo# a d Carola ha3e the eeded s#''lies for the sickroom.: C#st a other bori " day of othi " to do, h#hB: 6es, my Lady,: she si"hed as if she had ot a care i the world4e2ce't 'erha's whether to ha3e her fi "er or toe ails ma ic#red. 6es, yes.: & walked re"ally to the door. 9Bei " ladies of leis#re is certai ly tiresome.: >e "i""led like "irls as we ste''ed o#t i to the crowded hall4where o#r "i""les t#r ed i to co#"hs. %hea, & eed to "o make s#re the cooks are ot ha3i " attacks of a'o'le2y.: The she lowered her 3oice for my ears o ly. 9Do yo# k ow yo#r way from here to the co#rtyardB: 6es,: & whis'ered back. 5ood4Oh, 'lease "i3e Carola my lo3e whe yo# see him.: &8ll do that.: & smiled. The & strai"hte ed #' a d said i a 3ery 5oddess & car ateFlike to e, 9Tha k yo# for all of yo#r hard work, Ala a. 6o# are a diamo d amidst a "ro#' of CPs.: Mer bla k look was reflected i the faces that had 'a#sed to bow i re3ere ce to me. Oo's. As & said, yo# are a diamo d amidst a y "ro#', which is easy to see.: & k ew how lame & so# ded. <he tried fairly s#ccessf#lly to hide her smile behi d a s#bmissi3e 9Tha k yo#, my Lady.: & started '#r'osef#lly dow the hall with my mo#th sh#t, before & co#ld say a ythi " else that wo#ld make o se se at all to the local 'o'#lace. & remembered the way to the co#rtyard, a d a do#ble set of well-m#scled "#ards bowed a d o'e ed the doors for me. & 'a#sed for a mome t, obser3i " the acti3ity i fro t of me. The co#rtyard had bee tra sformed from a lo3ely "arde area to a efficie t worki " area. >ome cl#stered at differe t statio s4it seemed they were doi " e3erythi " from car3i " shafts of arrows to teari " stri's of li e a d boili " h#"e 3ats of water. E3eryo e was b#sy doi " somethi ". >orki " side by side with the h#ma wome were ohmy"osh female ce ta#rs. & ste''ed back i to the shadows of the doorway, i tri"#ed by my first look at female ce ta#rs. The first thi " & oticed was that they were smaller. No. & take that back4the first thi " & oticed was that they were st# i "ly "or"eo#s creat#res. They carried themsel3es with a "race a d fl#idity that was a cross betwee the way a bea#tif#l Arabia mare wo#ld mo3e, a d a 'rima balleri a.

There were at least a doAe female ce ta#rs scattered thro#"ho#t the co#rtyard, their coats a d colori " ra "i " from blo d 'alomi o to a d#sky da''led "ray. They each wore i tricately decorated leather 3ests, a little like the o es Cla @i ta a d his warriors wore, b#t the females8 3ests were bri"htly colored a d s'arkled with =eweled beadi ". <e3eral of them were cl#stered aro# d the area where the h#ma wome were car3i " arrows, a d my eyes were at#rally draw to that "ro#' of all#ri " horse-wome . & the middle of which stood my h#sba d. & s#dde ly decided it was time to lea3e the shadows a d make my 5oddess-& car ate-Belo3eda d-Chose -of-E'o a 'rese ce k ow . Drawi " myself #' to my f#ll hei"ht Gwhich wo#ld 'robably come abo#t to the sho#lders of the female ce ta#rsH, & ste''ed o#t i to the co#rtyard. 5ood mor i ", 5oddess?: E'o a?: Blessi "s #'o yo#, E'o a8s Belo3ed?: & smiled "ratef#lly at their adoratio , which made the i credible bea#ty of the ce ta#r females somehow easier to di"est, a d ret#r ed their "reeti "s as & made my way slowly Gso their lo3i " welcome co#ld si k i H to my h#sba d. As & =oi ed his little "ro#', he mo3ed i to the s'ace i fro t of me. Mis eyes held mi e4they s'arkled with his ow , decidedly more 'erso al, form of adoratio . Me lifted my ha d to his li's a d kissed first my 'alm, the the '#lse 'oi t at my wrist. 5ood mor i ", %hea.: Mis dee' 3oice "a3e me shi3ers. Or maybe it was his li's that "a3e me shi3ers. Or maybe it wasD A yway, yo# "et the idea. Me "a3e me shi3ers. Not that & mi ded. 5ood mor i ", lo3e.: Me re"istered my "reeti " by ste''i " e3e closer to me a d lea i " dow to li"htly kiss my li's. & missed yo# this mor i ",: & whis'ered to him. A d & did ot wa t to lea3e o#r marshmallow.: & smiled at his acce ted 'ro # ciatio . Tha k yo# for ha3i " breakfast se t to me.: Me bowed his head briefly i ack owled"me t before sayi ", 9& k ow yo# are always h# "ry.: >ell, yes, & am.: & did my best to "i3e the words a do#ble mea i ". Mis "ri wide ed. At the so# d of a delicate throat cleari " we remembered where we were, a d looked away from each other to fi d the e tire co#rtyard watchi " #s with ha''y, k owi " smiles o their faces. & felt my ow face be"i to "et warm. O e of the female ce ta#rs cleared her throat Ga"ai H a d my "aAe shifted to her. A d my face fl#shed from warm to hot. <he was 'robably the lo3eliest creat#re Gh#ma or otherwiseH that & had e3er see . Mer hair a d the coat of her body were the same color4a shimmery 'lati #m blo de. Mer hair h# " i a thick waterfall of silk dow her back, well 'ast her sho#lders. GNot o e wild, craAy c#rl.H <he had i credibly hi"h cheekbo es, which framed startli " aI#amari e eyes. Mer li's were f#ll a d li"htly d#sted with some ki d of sheer li' shi e Gwhere the hell had she "otte thatBH. <he wore a scarletcolored leather 3est G=#st the shade that made a redhead like me look like a ora "e-headH e cr#sted with crystal beads that "liste ed i the mor i " li"ht. Mer f#ll, 'erky breasts were 8t

e2actly bared, b#t they were 8t e2actly co3ered, either. Cla @i ta still held my ha d i his, a d he '#lled me forward to her. %hia o , & wa t yo# to meet a close frie d of mi e, Eictoria Dhia Ce ta#rs.: <he "racef#lly e2ec#ted somethi " betwee a c#rtsy a d a bow. Lady %hia o 4: her 3oice was as silky a d 'erfect as her hair 94at last & meet the woma who ma a"ed to marry Cla @i ta .: & bowed my head sli"htly a d said with the 'erfect i flectio of s#r'rise, 9!a a"ed to marry himB 5osh, the te acity with which he '#rs#ed me left me little choice.: & smiled a d added, 9B#t & am "lad he made s#re he ca#"ht me.: & heard Cla @i ta 8s s ort of h#mor, b#t my "aAe stayed locked with !s. Bl#e Eyes. & was 'leased to see her eyes cri kle Gla#"h li es?H as a smile broke o#t o3er her face. To#chK, Lady %hia Call me, %hea.: & "ri o ,: she la#"hed. ed back at her. &t looked as if she had "irlfrie d 'ote tial. a, Lead M# tress of

%heaD: Cla @i ta re"ai ed my atte tio . 9& m#st "o see to the warriors. !a y more ha3e =oi ed #s last i"ht a d this mor i ". & eed to make certai that they are or"a iAed, a d that their leaders are a''rised of o#r 'la .: Me raised my ha d to his warm mo#th a"ai . This time his kiss was followed by a I#ick i' o the fleshy 'art of my 'alm. 9& will look forward to di er to i"ht.: Mis 'arti " look said di er a d beyo d. & si"hed ha''ily a d watched him lea3e. Ob3io#sly, what & heard abo#t yo#r mati " is ot tr#e.: Eictoria had mo3ed to my side, a d was s'eaki " softly. & looked #' at her. 9>hat is it that yo# heardB: That d#ty alo e made yo# mate with Cla @i ta , which is why it is o ly a ha dfast a d ot a 'erma e t marria"e co3e a t.: & did 8t k ow what to say, so & told the tr#th. 9>hat started o#t as d#ty has cha "ed. !#ch like a ha dfast ca be cha "ed i to a 'erma e t co3e a t.: & am 'leased for both of yo#.: A d she so# ded as tho#"h she really was4my =ealo#sy radar did 8t detect a y late t hatef#l 3ibes to lock o to. !e, too.: Let me i trod#ce yo# to the rest of #s.: <he t#r ed a d ca#"ht the atte tio of the "ro#' of lady ce ta#rs. All e2ce't fi3e of them had wa dered off d#ri " o#r e2cha "e. The fi3e that remai ed were easily reco" iAable as the most e2I#isite of a already attracti3e "ro#' of females Ghorse or otH. 7aitly , Cy thia, Elai e, Ale2a dra a d Cathlee .: As Eictoria called each ame, the corres'o di " ce ta#ress Gfemale for ce ta#rBH e2ec#ted a a"ile mi2t#re of c#rtsy a d bow i ack owled"me t of her i trod#ctio . These are my M# tresses.: Mer 'ro#d "est#re took i the fi3e bea#ties. >elcome to E'o a8s Tem'le,: & said, tryi " ot to feel dwarfed by the stat#esI#e horse-wome . 9& am 'leased to ha3e yo# here, altho#"h & wish it was # der differe t circ#msta ces.: Eictoria8s serio#s e2'ressio mirrored my ow . 9As M# tresses we o3ersee the crafti " of bows a d

arrows, as well as the 'ro3isio i " of "ame for o#r Merds. >he we recei3ed word of the @omoria i 3asio , we tho#"ht o#r e2'ertise co#ld be of #se.: 6o#8re ri"ht. >e eed all the hel' we ca "et.: Eictoria looked 'leased at my ack owled"me t of their worth, the she said to the M# tresses, 9Co ti #e to i str#ct the wome i tech iI#es that will lesse the time it takes to car3e a d form arrows. & will otify the cooks that we are at their dis'osal if they eed fresh "ame.: The M# tresses we t back to worki " with the other wome , a d Eictoria a d & fo# d that we were left sta di " to"ether i a small 'ocket of sile ce amidst a thro " of b#sy 'eo'le. &t was hard for me to sto' looki " at her4 ot o ly was she st# i ", b#t she i tri"#ed me. & had "otte #sed to Cla @i ta a d 9the boys.: AmaAi "ly e o#"h, & did 8t thi k of them as biAarre or # #s#al a ymore. They were =#st, well, "#ys. B#t these female ce ta#rs were somethi " else. Not o ly did their bea#ty draw my atte tio , like sta di " e2t to !ichelle $feiffer or <o'hia Lore , b#t & was dyi " to ask a Aillio I#estio s abo#t what the heck a M# tress was, how did she "et to be o e a d how they fi"#red i to ce ta#r society. A d, well, & k ew & co#ld 8t me tio it4b#t & was b#bbli " with c#riosity abo#t st#ff like, #m, well, ce ta#r se2. &f & were a cat & wo#ld be as dead as a bi" ol8 'ile of 'oo'ie. & stead, & settled for a safe I#estio that & ho'ed wo#ld be a''ro'riate for %hia o to ask. &8m ot 3ery familiar with the role M# tresses 'lay i ce ta#r society, b#t & wo#ld lo3e to k ow more abo#t yo# a d yo#rD: & hesitated for a seco d, stressi " abo#t what o# to #se as o ly a E "lish teacher co#ld stress. 9Collea"#es.: As the ame im'lies, each of #s is M# tress for o#r Merd, or Cla , as yo# wo#ld call them. >e s#''leme t the domestic meats with a s#''ly of fresh "ame, we are master trackers, a d master crafters of arrows, cross- a d lo "bows. >e e3e occasio ally attach o#rsel3es to a h#ma Cla , b#t yo# already k ow that.: & odded like &8d already k ow that, a d I#ickly asked, 9<o ce ta#r me do 8t h# tB: O ly for ce ta#r wome .: !e are me ,: & said. <he odded a d we e2cha "ed a k owi " look. >e are ot warriors4we lea3e that to the males4e3e tho#"h o#r 'atro "oddess is Dia a. B#t we are ot 3ir"i s, either.: <he smiled. 9A d we do res'ect E'o a a d 'ay trib#te to her at the be"i i " of each 'hase of the f#ll moo .: & heard a whis'er i my mi d a d re'eated it alo#d, 9E'o a thi ks hi"hly of M# tresses.: Tha k the 5oddess for her fa3or.: Mer e2'ressio was 'leased a d o'e . 9& do ot k ow if yo# 'la to tra3el with Cla @i ta to 5le &orsa, b#t if yo# do, & wo#ld like to ask yo#r 5oddess8s blessi " #'o a ew birthi " "ro3e, 5le <h#rri", which will be o'e ed with the e2t s'ri " seaso .: & co#ld o ly "#ess that 5le &orsa was where Cla @i ta was from, a d & felt a i sta t of awf#l i sec#rity. & mea , he was my h#sba d, a d & did 8t e3e k ow the ame of his hometow . Before & co#ld become a e#rotic mess, the 3oice i my mi d whis'ered, Me was bor to lo3e yo#. >ith a r#sh of s#r'rise a d a''reciatio , & se t a sile t tha ks to E'o a for the reality check. Me lo3ed me, a d it really did 8t matter where he was from. A swer the M# tress flitted thro#"h my head, a d & shook myself a d said, 9&8d be ha''y to, after we take care of the @omoria s.:

6esD: Eictoria lowered her 3oice a d co ti #ed, 9&s it tr#th that they ha3e ca't#red, a d are mati " with, h#ma wome B: 6o# ca 8t really call it mati ".: !y 3oice echoed my loathi ". 9They ra'e them to im're" ate them. & ha3e o ly wit essed o e woma "i3i " birth4b#t that was e o#"h. <he was killed by the hybrid creat#re as it was bor .: Dia a hel' them,: she breathed the 'rayer. Dia a, E'o a a d all of #s ha3e to hel' them.: Lady %hia o ?: A woma calli " for me across the co#rtyard i terr#'ted #s. 6es. &8m o3er here.: & wa3ed a d the woma h#rried o3er to me. As she "ot closer, & reco" iAed her as o e of Carola 8s assista ts. !y Lady,: she c#rtsied. 9Carola se t me to fi d yo#. Me asks that yo# come to him i the sickroom. Me m#st s'eak with yo#.: <he looked fraAAled a d tired. &8ll be ri"ht there.: & t#r ed to say "oodbye to Eictoria. 9& ho'e we ha3e more time to talk a"ai soo . &t was a 'leas#re meeti " yo# a d yo#r M# tresses. Tha k yo# for yo#r hel'.: 6o# are "racio#s, Lady %hea.: Mer lithe body e2ec#ted the female ce ta#r8s disti cti3e bow. 9As o#r 5oddess teaches, females m#st s#''ort o e a other.: &8m with yo# there, "irlfrie d,: & called back o3er my sho#lder as & headed toward the sickroom. & saw her eyes wide , a d the her la#"h li es were back as her face s'lit i to a smile. 6e'4defi ite "irlfrie d material.

& tho#"ht abo#t the bea#tif#l ce ta#r as & followed Carola 8s assista t across the co#rtyard. This world did 8t ha3e tech olo"y. No com'#ters, cars, TE, etc., b#t it was rich i di3ersity a d re'lete with a cie t c#lt#re. @or some reaso , & felt at home here, which was stra "e beca#se & was othi " b#t a 'lai old Gwell, ot too old4a d ot too 'lai , eitherH white "irl. !s. !iddle America <choolteacher, a d a re"istered 3oter. Now & fo# d myself the Chose of a 5oddess, married to a ce ta#r Gdecidedly ot a white boyH, battli " 3am'ire-thi "s Gthey wo#ld 8t e3e be co sidered America s4 ot e3e i New 6orkH a d becomi " frie ds with a M# tress who =#st ha''e ed to be half horse. <omehow & did 8t thi k this was what my mother had i mi d whe she said thi "s ha''e i life yo# do 8t 'la for Gif & remember correctly, she was talki " abo#t sa3i " mo ey 3ers#s b#yi " a ew A Taylor o#tfitH. & ho'ed & had bo#"ht the dam o#tfit. >e left the co#rtyard a d walked thro#"h a archway, the t#r ed left a d e tered a hall. & reco" iAed that it was the same hall &8d followed yesterday to "et to the sickroom. A other I#ick t#r a d the smell told me we were ear before & saw the door. This time it was "#arded by a yo# " male ce ta#r & did 8t reco" iAe. Me ack owled"ed me with a bow a d o'e ed the door. &t was worse tha yesterday. The #mber of 'atie ts m#st ha3e at least do#bled. Their "ro#'i "s of least to most ill were o lo "er discer ible. $allets were crowdi " each other, a d a y free s'ace had bee filled with beddi " laid directly o the floor. !#ffled oises a d weak cries came from differe t areas of the room, b#t mostly a # at#ral sile ce h# " o3er the chamber, like someo e had '#shed a biAarre m#te b#tto . & co# ted three assista ts, 'l#s the o e & had followed, a d had to search aro# d for a while before

& fo# d Carola . Me was o3er i the far cor er of the room, be t o3er a 'allet. As & watched, he stood slowly, the reached dow for the e d of a soiled bedsheet so that he co#ld co3er the small 'atie t8s head. Me t#r ed, mo3i " like a old ma , a d ca#"ht si"ht of me. @irst, he motio ed for a assista t to carry o#t the body. The he odded i the directio of the makeshift ha d-washi " area, aski " me to =oi him there. & made my way to him, ret#r i " the 'itif#l "reeti "s of the sick with I#ickly #ttered blessi "s. &t looks bad,: & whis'ered to him as he washed his ha ds. 9There are so ma y of them?: A d more are becomi " sick as we s'eak. Two more died i the i"ht. This mor i " & lost three childre a d o e a"ed woma .: Me "la ced o3er his sho#lder, the looked back at me a d lowered his 3oice e3e f#rther. 9& estimate fi3e more will ot last the day. A d for e3ery o e that dies, three more are bro#"ht here i 3ario#s sta"es of the ill ess.: Me wi'ed his ha d across his brow. 9& eed more I#ara ti ed s'ace.: >hate3er yo# eed is yo#rs.: Not far dow the hall from here there is a "ra d ballroom. %hia o lo3ed to host h#"e masI#erade balls where she dis"#ised herself so she co#ld come to her ow 'arty i co" ito.: <he was =#st fri""i weird.: Me odded i a"reeme t a d co ti #ed, 9>e co#ld #se that s'ace for the milder cases, a d the cases that ha3e =#st be"# to show sym'toms. The & wo#ld be able to sa3e this room for the most serio#sly ill.: <o# ds like a "ood idea to me. Mow ca & hel'B: & eed a little o3er half of these 'eo'le mo3ed, b#t & do ot wa t a y # e2'osed h#ma s tra s'orti " the sick o es. & tho#"ht, 'erha's, yo# mi"ht co 3i ce some ce ta#rs to hel' #s.: A ima"e of Eictoria a d her more tha ca'able M# tresses flashed thro#"h my mi d. 9& thi k & k ow =#st the ce ta#rs to head #' this =ob. 6o# start "etti " them ready for tra s'ort, &8ll bri " i the mari es.: !ari esB: &t mea s &8ll come back with the "ood "#ys to sa3e the day.: Me looked relie3ed. 9Tha k yo#, %hea.: Not a 'roblem.: Before & left & "a3e him a teasi " smile a d said, 9Uh, & saw yo#r wife this mor i ". <he asked that & "i3e yo# her lo3e. & ho'e that does 8t mea & ha3e to kiss yo# or a ythi ".: Mis eyes s'arkled a d he looked more like himself as he a swered, 9& thi k the se time t is e o#"h4 o kiss will be reI#ired.: E2ce't from her.: & "ri 6es.: Me "ri ed. ed back at me. 9!ost defi itely from her.:

&8ll "o "et the mari es.: As & left & co#ld see he was still smili " while he be"a "i3i " orders for the forthcomi " mo3e. %etraci " my ste's back to the co#rtyard "a3e me time to wo der if &8d s'oke too soo . O3erseei " wome maki " bows a d arrows was o e thi ", ha#li " aro# d sick, sti ky folks was a other. B#t my feet were still mo3i ", a d & did 8t see that & had m#ch choice4# less & wa ted to "o r# i " to Cla @i ta to ask for his hel'.

& lo3ed him a d e3erythi ", b#t Carola had asked for my hel'. A d & wa ted to be able to "i3e it. & also wa ted to be able to act i de'e de tly i my ew world. &8d e3er bee a follower4a d, ob3io#sly, either was %hia o . & tho#"ht it was abo#t time that & e2erted some of herQmy a#thority witho#t my er3o#s com'atriots acti " as tra'eAe ets i case of my fail#re or ma=or screw#'. &t was ki d of like bei " ha''ily married b#t wa ti " yo#r ow mo ey. <ome 'eo'le wo#ld say it was a destr#cti3e thi ", this eed for i de'e de ce i moder wome . & thi k it8s sim'ly ot bei " a cli "i " 3i e. &8m ot a milita t ma -hater or a ythi " like that. & =#st ha3e a brai a d ca breathe o my ow . Ceesh. The co#rtyard was still h#mmi " with acti3ity, b#t the M# tresses were easy to s'ot4they were the tallest, most "or"eo#s thi "s i the area. & co#ld see that Eictoria was talki " ear estly with !ariad, so & waited for them to co cl#de their co 3ersatio before & 'ssst-ed at her to catch her atte tio . <he saw me a d smiled as she came toward me. Lady %hea.: <he br#shed her shimmeri " mass of blo d hair back as the wi d blew it i fro t of her face. 9& am 'leased to see yo# a"ai so soo .: 6o# may ot be so 'leased after & tell yo# why &8m back.: <he "a3e me a I#estio i " look. Did yo# hear that we are deali " with a o#tbreak of small'o2B: 6es, Cla @i ta briefed the warriors, a d, as lead M# tress, & was i cl#ded i the meeti ".: Mer e2'ressio was si cere. 9&t m#st be a terrible disease. & was sorry to hear yo#r 'eo'le ha3e become i fected, b#t he said E'o a has "i3e yo# a talisma a"ai st the disease.: 6es, well, & ca 8t catch it.: &f o ly she k ew. 9B#t the rest of my 'eo'le ca .: <he odded, a d & co ti #ed, 9E3e tho#"h we ha3e I#ara ti ed the sick, ma y more are becomi " ill. O#r Mealer, Carola , has asked that & o'e the ballroom a d #se it as a ki d of i termediary sickroom, so that the I#arters of my maide s ca be #sed for those who are most se3erely ill.: That seems lo"ical.: The 'roblem is we eed to mo3e the 'atie ts who are 8t se3erely ill to the ballroom, a d Carola has o ly a few assista ts. Ce ta#rs ca 8t catch small'o2. & k ow it8s a awf#l =ob, b#t they8re my 'eo'le a d &8m res'o sible, a d4: >hat is it yo# reI#ireB: Eictoria8s 3oice was 3ery b#si esslike. <he wo#ld ha3e bee a "reat cor'orate e2ec#ti3e for o e of those ritAy com'a ies that b#ild "aAillio -floor hi"h-rises Gif she co#ld83e fit i the ele3atorH. & eed yo# a d yo#r M# tresses to hel' #s mo3e the 'eo'le. A d & thi k Carola wo#ld a''reciate it if he had some e2tra hel'. Me8s looki " 'retty fraAAled, a d last time & checked, he was dow to abo#t fo#r assista ts. The rest are either e2ha#sted, or more likely, they ha3e become sick.: & looked her i the eye a d asked, 9>ill yo# hel' #sB & k ow this is 8t the =ob yo# came to do, b#t we eed yo#.: <he st#died me sile tly for a mome t, the said, 9E2c#se me, Lady %hea, if & seem take aback. 6o# are so differe t from what & e2'ected.: & I#elled the #r"e to scream, &8m ot that st#'id, selfish, hatef#l %hia o , a d let her fi ish. 6es, the M# tresses will aid yo#.: Mer 3ibra t bl#e eyes 'ierced my worried "ree s. 9A d after meeti " yo#, & belie3e yo# wo#ld ret#r the fa3or sho#ld we eed to call #'o E'o a for her aid.: & odded "ratef#lly. 9Of co#rse & wo#ld. >ome eed to stick to"ether.: As we shall.: <he called to the female ce ta#r earest to #s. 9Elai e, "ather the M# tresses. The

h#ma s eed o#r hel' i te di " to their sick.: The bea#tif#l bay ce ta#r odded at Eictoria. A d call <ila4we ha3e eed of a Mealer. Ma3e them meet #s at4: !y maide s8 chambers,: & s#''lied. 6es, !istress.: Elai e left #s to be"i calli " to"ether the M# tresses. <how me the way to the sickroom, a d tell me what eeds to be do e. !y M# tresses are at yo#r dis'osal.: This way,: & "est#red a d led, walki " I#ickly so that her brisk stride did 8t cli' my heels. As we made o#r way dow the hall, she reached back a d be"a efficie tly braidi " her lo " hair. <he oticed & was watchi " her. &f & am to care for the sick, it is better that my hair is o#t of the way.: 6eah, yo#8re telli " me.: & 'oi ted to o e of my esca'i " c#rls. >e had, by ow, come withi smelli " ra "e of the sickroom, a d & was 8t s#r'rised whe Eictoria 'a#sed, s iffi " s#s'icio#sly. & st#died her face, thi ki " & saw a familiar e2'ressio . & do 8t like #rsi " the sick, either,: & offered. Mer e2'ressio 'erked #', a d her la#"h li es cri kled a"ai as she made a face like she8d =#st bitte i to a lemo . 9&t is tr#ly ot a =ob & e =oy.: <mells bad,: & said. 6es,: she a"reed. 9& wo#ld rather h# t wild boar.: >ell, & thi k &83e bee h# ted by se3eral bores before, a d while it was 8t a y f# , it was certai ly more e =oyable tha fri""i #rsi ".: @ri""i #rsi "B: she asked. &8m tryi " to I#it c#rsi ".: <he rolled her eyes before she odded. 9&, too, ha3e a 'ro'e sity for #si " i a''ro'riate words.: 6o#B &8m shocked?: <#rely ot Ce ta#r Barbie? >e had come to the door, a d & watched the yo# " ce ta#r "#ard8s bla k e2'ressio cha "e to adoratio as he ca#"ht si"ht of Eictoria. Me drew himself #' to his f#ll hei"ht, a d made a swee'i " bow of "reeti " to Eictoria Ghe "la ced briefly my way to semi-i cl#de me, tooH. >ell met, a"ai , !istress Eictoria?: he said with e th#siasm. The M# tress8s face did 8t re"ister a y reco" itio , so the ce ta#r babbled o . Last e3e i "8s meal4we s#''ed at the same cam'fire.: & worried for a seco d that he8d blow #' if he did 8t rela2 a d I#it '#ffi " his chest o#t. The Eictoria8s e2'ressio shifted i to a be e3ole t half smile. 9Oh, yes.: <he 'a#sed a d tho#"ht before she added, 9>illie. Mow co#ld & for"et the ame of the chi3alro#s ce ta#r who "a3e #' his 'lace at the cam'fire for meB: <he to#ched his arm i a frie dly caress a d & tho#"ht he8d wi""le o#t of his ski . 9>illie,: she breathed, 9wo#ld yo# do me a other ser3ice by directi " my M# tresses withi whe they comeB: A ythi " for yo#, !istress?: Mis 3oice broke adorably o the word !istress, like the 'oor thi " had 8t fi ished "oi " thro#"h '#berty yet.

Tha k yo#.: Mer 3oice was h#sky as we 'assed him a d e tered the sickroom. 9& will remember yo#r de3otio .: The door sh#t Grel#cta tlyH behi d #s, a d Eictoria a d & e2cha "ed am#sed "la ces. <he rolled her eyes. >as he a ce ta#r or a '#''yB: & asked. Both,: she la#"hed. 9Colts are so e deari ".: %hea?: The strai that was e3ide t i Carola 8s 3oice sobered #s. Me I#ickly crossed the room. 9& see yo# bro#"ht the mari es.: &8ll e2'lai later,: & said i a swer to Eictoria8s look of i I#iry. T#r i " back to Carola , & made the hasty i trod#ctio s. Eictoria, Lead M# tress of the Ce ta#rs, & wo#ld like yo# to meet o#r Mealer, Carola .: They odded a "reeti " to each other. >e are at yo#r dis'osal, Carola . !y M# tresses a d o#r ow Mealer will be =oi i " #s shortly. Mow ca we be of assista ceB: Eictoria8s brisk 3oice said she co#ld ha dle a ythi ", a d Carola "ratef#lly be"a e2'lai i " what he eeded. & felt the #r"e to belt o#t a 3erse of 9& Am >oma ,: b#t & settled for sile tly mi2i " the lyrics aro# d i my head to fit the occasio G9& Am Ce ta#r Mear !e Nei"hB: No'e, it did 8t rhymeH. Lady %hia o B: A weak 3oice i terr#'ted my bad so "writi ". & looked aro# d a d ca#"ht si"ht of a small ha d raised weakly i my directio . & swallowed a si"h a d headed toward the 'allet. Mi, 7ristia a.: &t was the little horse lo3er. <he looked awf#l, b#t she was still ali3e. The blisters o her face, eck a d arms that yesterday had bee 'ea-siAe a d watery, were ow '#s-filled a d a "ry-looki ". Mer face was fl#shed a d her li's were cracked. C-c-ce ta#rsD: <he ma a"ed a ra""ed whis'er, a d her # at#rally bri"ht eyes shifted i the directio of the door, where Carola a d Eictoria had bee =oi ed by half a doAe female ce ta#rs. 6es, ce ta#rs. They8re bea#tif#l, are 8t theyB: & made eye co tact with a 'assi " assista t, a d she ha ded me a cool, wet cloth, with which & tried to blot some of the sweat from the "irl8s forehead. & cri "ed i ter ally e3ery time the fabric to#ched a '#st#le4& was afraid & was ca#si " her more 'ai tha & was hel'i ". B#t her "aAe had faste ed #'o the M# tresses a d she seemed almost obli3io#s to me. <-s-s-so '-'retty.: & had to be d to hear her. Mo ey, yo# rest. &8m "oi " to "o see if & ca "et yo# some tea to soothe yo#r throat.: Mer eyes shifted back to mi eJ she refoc#sed o me a d odded 'ai f#lly. M#rts.: & k ow. Close yo#r eyes a d rest.: %e=oi i " the "ro#' by the door & wished fer3e tly for somethi " that wo#ld make that little "irl feel better. Do 8t yo# ha3e a ythi " yo# ca "i3e them for the 'ai B: & bl#rted at Carola . & ha3e bee "i3i " them mi2t#res of willow bark a d chamomile, b#t those who eed it the most ca ot swallow well e o#"h to "et e o#"h of it i to their systems,: he said sadly. A 'etite roa -colored ce ta#r & had ot see before ste''ed forward. Mer c#rly a#b#r hair had bee cro''ed short i a chi -le "th bob, 'arted at the side a d tossed back behi d o e small ear.

<he wore a leather to' that was more formfitti " a d #tilitaria tha the M# tress8s or ate 3ests. A 'atie t has to swallow o ly a small amo# t of =#ice from the 'o''y for it to rela2 them. $erha's if they were "i3e the 'o''y e2tract first, they co#ld the be coa2ed i to dri ki " more of yo#r tea mi2t#re.: Mer 3oice was a 'leasa t s#r'rise4"e tle a d easy to liste to. & was i sta tly draw to her. Let me i trod#ce o#r Mealer, <ila,: Eictoria said. The 'o''y e2tract is a e2celle t idea. U fort# ately we ha3e 3ery little of the eli2ir. O#r s#''ly comes from the fields aro# d Lara"o Castle.: Carola shr#""ed hel'lessly. 9Lara"o is o more.: $o''ies "row i 'rof#sio o the ce ta#r 'lai s, & ha3e a am'le s#''ly with me, a d & will se d immediately for more.: >e wo#ld be i yo#r debt,: & said "ratef#lly. 96o# are a a swer to o#r 'rayers.: &f & am a a swer to yo#r 'rayers, Belo3ed of E'o a, it is the 5oddess yo# are i debted to, ot me.: The Mealer8s e2'ressio was "racio#s a d o'e . The tho#"ht 'assed thro#"h my mi d that she m#st be a e2ce'tio al Mealer if =#st the so# d of her 3oice was so soothi ". The she t#r ed her atte tio to Eictoria. 9M# tress, 'lease ha3e a r# medici es so that we ca start relie3i " these 'eo'le of their 'ai .: er bri " my tr# k of

Eictoria ca#"ht my eye a d raised her eyebrows at me. 9& k ow a yo# " ce ta#r who wo#ld be ha''y to be o#r r# er.: 6o#rs, a yway,: & m#mbled a d she t#r ed, flicki " her tail at me as she o'e ed the door. & co#ld hear her se2y 3oice calli " for >illie. The so# d of his ea"er hoo3es scrambli " to do her biddi " echoed off the walls. 6o#8re "oi " to ca#se that boy to ha3e cardiac 'roblems,: & said as she re=oi ed #s, looki " sm#". Mis heart is yo# ", he will be fi e,: she said, b#t her satisfied "ri said she e =oyed the tho#"ht of the 'ossibility. The she shifted from @lirtatio#s Na#"hty Ce ta#r Barbie to Cor'orate E2ec#ti3e Ce ta#r Barbie. 9Carola , show #s which 'atie ts eed to be mo3ed. >e ca #se the 'allets as litters to tra s'ort them.: All the 'atie ts who ha3e yellow ribbo s tied to their wrists eed to be mo3ed. The others m#st remai here.: The o es who are stayi " are the most serio#sly illB: <ila asked i a h#shed 3oice. 6es.: The it is here that & will co ce trate my efforts.: <he we t to the wash#' area a d be"a scr#bbi " her ha ds. The rest of the ce ta#rs "ot to work.

&t was amaAi " how I#ickly thi "s fell i to 'lace. The M# tresses were fast, efficie t a d well or"a iAed. Eictoria seemed to be i se3eral 'laces at o ce, a d it am#sed me to see that the adori " >illie looked e2ha#sted lo " before the lady ce ta#rs be"a showi " a y si" s of slowi " dow . & tried to be hel'f#l, b#t mostly & =#st stayed o#t of their way. & teresti "ly e o#"h, & fo# d myself

assisti " <ila as she worked amo " the serio#sly ill. &t was a testimo y to her tale t whe , after watchi " her te d to the first few 'atie ts, Carola a o# ced that he was "oi " to the ballroom to "et the 'atie ts there sit#ated a d medicated, a d he wo#ld be lea3i " <ila i char"e with o ly o e of his assista ts a d me to act as her 9team: of #rses. 5reat. Like the 're3io#s day, time bl#rred as my world arrowed to cari " for the sick. <ila worked tirelessly to ease her 'atie ts8 'ai . @irst, & hel'ed dribble thick 'o''y liI#id dow the closi " throats of the most ill, relie3ed each time the dr#" took effect a d & saw their "rimaces of 'ai rela2. The we be"a followi " the 'o''y dosa"es with tea. <ila e2'lai ed to me which was willow bark, #sed to fi"ht 'ai a d i flammatio Gso# ded ki d of like liI#id as'iri H, a d which was chamomile. & already k ew chamomile was soothi " for #'set stomachs a d hel'ed relie3e stress Gmy st#de ts "i3e me co'io#s amo# ts of herbal tea for Christmas a d e d-of-year 'rese ts, 'robably thi ki " it mi"ht make me 9chill o#t:4silly childre H. Carola 8s 'redictio of the day8s cas#alties had bee close to correct. @i3e ew 'atie ts were admitted to o#r &CU, a d & co# ted fo#r deaths4two yo# " "irls, o e of my maide s a d o e i fa t boy. &t seemed as if & had o ly take o e lo ", s#stai ed breath, a d had 8t really had time to let it o#t, whe & realiAed that the torches a d ca dles had bee lit for se3eral ho#rs. & felt like my feet were "oi " to '#lse o#t of my sa dals, a d my sho#lders were 3ibrati " with te sio . Lady %hea, <ila.: Eictoria8s 3oice ca#"ht my atte tio . & looked #' from the bed of a wheeAi " boy to see that she had e tered the sickroom with si2 ew female ce ta#rs who looked fresh a d awake. 9These 'ost#la ts of Dia a are here to relie3e yo#.: 5ood,: & tried ot to cheer. Act#ally, & was too tired to cheer. 9Come o , <ila, let8s wash #' a d "o eat.: & watched <ila as she be t o3er a elderly woma , coa2i " her to swallow =#st a little bit more tea. <he looked a lot like she had whe &8d met her this mor i ". Mer a#b#r hair c#rled aro# d her face, softe i " her 'romi e t cheekbo es. 7i d ess a d com'assio radiated from her. <he looked co te t a d rested, which co f#sed me beca#se & was s#re & looked like a e2ha#sted ba" lady. 6o# "o ahead, Lady %hea, & will stay a d o3ersee the yo# " o es.: <he "est#red to the ea"er yo# " ce ta#r females. & started to o'e my mo#th to 'rotest, b#t Gtha k 5od?H Eictoria sto''ed me by sayi ", 9Cla @i ta told me to carry yo# o#t of here if & had to.: <he looked aska ce at me a d co ti #ed, 9B#t & wo#ld tr#ly rather ot lift a other h#ma today.: Okay, okay? <ila, &8ll ha3e s#''er se t to yo#.: & ha3e already ordered it.: Eictoria "a3e me a i s#lted look. 9& k ew o#r Mealer wo#ld ot lea3e the sick so soo .: <o soo ? >e8d bee #rsi " all fri""i day? 5o to yo#r h#sba d,: <ila ordered whe & =#st stood there like a idiot. & "a3e i "racef#lly. 9Ma3e someo e come wake me i the mor i ".: As & 'assed by 7ristia a8s bed & 'a#sed to look at her fl#shed face. <he a''eared to be slee'i ", b#t her breathi " was labored. There is othi " more yo# ca do for her.: <ila had =oi ed me beside the child8s bed. 9<he is i the ha ds of yo#r 5oddess.: Come "et me ifD: & did 8t wa t to say it.

& will. Now, "o.: <he '#shed me toward Eictoria. Before we were o#t the door & co#ld hear that she was already iss#i " orders to the ewcomers. Eictoria a d & walked slowly dow the hall i sile ce. & "la ced at her a d was 'leased to see that she, too, looked dirty a d tired. Mow8s a soak i my mi eral bath so# dB: Mow lar"e is itB: & let my eyes tra3el the le "th of her body before a sweri ". 9Lar"e e o#"h.: 5ood4h#ma s sometimes do thi "s i a small way.: <he did 8t so# d like she was tryi " to be offe si3eJ she =#st so# ded like she was stati " a # fort# ate fact. Not Lady %hia o , Belo3ed a d Chose of E'o a.: & st#ck my dirty ose #' i the air. Mer eyes cri kled i a tired smile. 9Of co#rse, how foolish of me to for"et.: That8s beca#se "oddesses are 8t #s#ally co3ered i '#ke a d 'oo'.: & 'icked at a dried ball of y#ck that was half st#ck to my coro et, a d half st#ck to my hair. 9A d & thi k & ha3e s ot i my hair.: That co#ld ha3e somethi " to do with it.: <he r#bbed at a s'ot o her cheek that was cr#sty with somethi " as eI#ally dis"#sti ". 9Bei " Mi"h $riestess sho#ld be more "lamoro#s.: >ell, & always tho#"ht & wa ted to be a "oddess.: & si"hed theatrically. >e looked at each other, smili " at o#r fati"#e-i d#ced silli ess. Tha kf#lly, we were soo at the door that led to my bathi " chamber. !y "#ard o'e ed the door. & oticed he was stari " at my "e eral state of dishe3eled ess with a st# ed e2'ressio . & "a3e him a ha#"hty frow , a d before he closed the door & said, 95et a life. &8m too dam b#sy to be immac#late.: Mis eyeballs b#""ed o#t i shock. %hia ahead. o 8s boys were certai ly i for some co f#si " days

!y bathi " room was familiar a d comfortable, a d & i haled a dee' breath of '#re se sory deli"ht as the mi eral f#mes from the steami " 'ool wafted o3er me. This is a lo3ely chamber.: Eictoria was already sheddi " her skim'y 3est. Tha ks, & really like it.: & followed s#it a d awkwardly dise ta "led myself from Ala a8s mor i " wra''i " =ob. O3er my sho#lder & said to the bea#tif#l, ow bare-chested M# tress Gyes, her breasts were lar"e a d 'erfectly ro# ded4the bitchH, 95o ahead a d "et i . Be caref#l, tho#"h, the ste's are a little stee'.: & fi ally rid myself of my dirty dress a d ste''ed o#t of my tee y tho ", =#st i time to see Eictoria maki " her way "i "erly to the dee'est 'art of the 'ool, which co3ered her abo#t midway #' o her well-formed breasts. & ste''ed dow i to the warm water a d was soo settled comfortably o my led"e, lea i " back so that the water sloshed #' to my chi . Eictoria m#st ha3e do e some # horselike ma e#3eri " of her le"s, beca#se she rela2ed i water that was s#dde ly #' to her eck. !mm,: she si"hed co te tedly. 9>e ha3e o mi eral s'ri "s i the Ce ta#r $lai s, =#st cold, clear water from s'ri "s.: & remembered my little dallia ce with Cla @i ta at the co# try 'ool. Little wo der he k ew his way aro# d the sa d soa'.

&t8s "reat to soak i . MereD: & threw her o e of the se3eral bottles of my fa3orite soa', which =#st ha''e ed to be lyi " beside the 'ool withi my arm8s reach GNote to selfN tha k Ala aH. 9This st#ff is "reat.: <he # corked the bottle a d s iffed delicately, the said with s#r'rise, 9&t smells like sa d soa', o ly with more4: she s iffed a"ai 943a illa.: 6eah, it8s cool.: & "rabbed a bottle for myself a d started to lather #'. CoolB & feel othi " cold.: <he was holdi " a '#ddle of soa' i her ha d, stari " at it like it was a "lob of b#"s. &t8s =#st a e2'ressio ,: & e2'lai ed. 9&t mea s somethi "8s ice, or yo# really like somethi ".: <he shook her head at me as she be"a scr#bbi " herself free of small'o2 sc#m. 96o# ha3e a odd way of s'eaki ".: >ell, #h, it8s a E'o a thi ".: A d & made myself 3ery b#sy with # braidi " a d washi " my hair, ho'i " she wo#ld 8t 'ress the 'oi t. Two I#ick k ocks so# ded a"ai st the door. Come i 4: & "la ced at my 3ery aked bathi " 'art er a d added 94if yo#8re ot a male.: 5irlfrie d or o "irlfrie d, & was 8t abo#t to let my h#sba d come i here a d fill his eyes f#ll of b#2om aked ce ta#r. & mea , 'lease, & am a E "lish teacher. <ome thi "s =#st are 8t acce'table. Ala a breeAed thro#"h the door, arms loaded dow with clothes a d a lar"e =#" of what & des'erately ho'ed was wi e. Mi, Ala a?: <eei " her familiar face made me realiAe how m#ch &8d missed her today. a smile at me a d r#shed forward to em'ty her arms of st#ff, %hea?: <he smiled her sweet Ala oddi " 'leasa tly at Eictoria. Ala

a, meet Eictoria, Lead M# tress of Ce ta#rs.:

&t is a ho or to meet yo#, !istress.: Ala a is my best frie d4'roof of that lies i the fact that &8d bet my coro et that =#" is filled with my fa3orite red wi e.: As & s'oke, Ala a was 'o#ri " me a "oblet of red ma"ic a d 'laci " it o the led"e e2t to me. A y red wi e is yo#r fa3orite red wi e.: A y dark, dry red wi e4& ha3e my sta dards,: & I#i''ed as & took a I#ick swallow. Ala a, always !s. !a ers, was already 'o#ri " a seco d c#' for Eictoria. 9$lease =oi #s, !istress,: she said 'olitely as she ha ded the wi e to the ce ta#r. Eictoria "ratef#lly acce'ted the c#', a d & watched as Ala a be"a to 'ick #' my dirty clothi "4 <to'?: & screamed a d =#m'ed #', s'rayi " water a d wi e e3erywhere. 9Do 8t to#ch my clothes?: Ala a dro''ed the dirty mess as if she8d bee b#r t, a d stood there looki " miserable. & "rabbed her ha d a d led her o3er to the waterfall area where clea water b#bbled i to the 'ool. $o#ri " a la3ish amo# t of so#' o her ha ds, & ordered, 9>ash4really, really well.: & for"ot,: she said a'olo"etically.

!#mbli " to myself abo#t blo des a d best frie ds, & marched my aked body o3er to the 'ile of asty clothes, 'icked them #' a d threw them i to the blaAi " hearth that was b#ilt i to the far wall. The & =#m'ed back i to the 'ool a d re'ositio ed myself o my led"e. & looked #' to fi d Eictoria watchi " me as if & had s#dde ly s'ro#ted wi "s or, worse, a 'e is. & took a other dri k from my "oblet, which & was 'leased to see still had some wi e left i it, before & e2'lai ed. <mall'o2 is 3ery co ta"io#s.: & k ew that. &t is why h#ma s sho#ld ot te d those who are already ill.: &t8s more tha =#st te di " the ill that s'reads the disease4the bla kets, clothes, c#'s, a ythi " someo e has "otte 4: & searched for the ri"ht words 94body fl#ids o , ca s'read the disease =#st as s#rely as if the 'erso were sta di " there.: That & did ot k ow.: Mer kee eyes searched mi e. 9This is somethi " yo#r 5oddess has re3ealed to yo#B: 6es,: & said, "la ci " sideways at Ala a, who was still scr#bbi " her ha ds as she watched me. <he ack owled"ed my worried look by reiterati ", 9The 5oddess re3eals ma y thi "s to %hea.: Eictoria looked satisfied with the di3i e-i ter3e tio e2'la atio , a d we t back to washi " her hair while she talked. 9&t has bee said that yo# are ta# ti " the leader of the @omoria s a d drawi " them i to o#r tra'.: 6eah4: & attacked my hair, too 94a d it is 8t m#ch f# .: & ha3e fo# d that there is o ly o e com'e satio for deali " with "reat e3il.: <he 'a#sed a d & waited e2'ecta tly for her to co ti #e. 9&t teaches "reat lesso s.: <he s'oke with s#ch 'rofo# d sad ess that & s#dde ly wa ted 3ery m#ch to ask what had ha''e ed to her4& wo dered what horrible lesso e3il had ta#"ht her. & stead, & said, 9& wo der what lesso it will teach me.: & to the sile ce the two k ocks o the door seemed to echo. >hatB?: & yelled i my most a oyed-teacher 3oice. %heaB: !y h#sba d so# ded # characteristically te tati3e as the door o'e ed a crack. & co#ld see the reflectio of the ca dles "limmer i his eyes as he tried to 'eer i to the room. 9!ay & e terB: No?: & screeched. 9Eictoria does 8t ha3e a dam thi " o ?: Me 'a#sed, holdi " the door o'e a little farther tha a crack, a d & co#ld hear his am#sed s ort. 9& "rew #' with Eictoria. & ha3e see her bathi " ma y times.: & do 8t care how ma y times yo#83e see how ma y Aillio s of "or"eo#s aked ce ta#rs before we were married.: & was still yelli " as & =#m'ed o#t of the 'ool a d s'ed to towel dry my body while & made shooi " motio s at him. 9@rom ow o yo# do 8t "et to see a y aked females e2ce't me4ce ta#r or ot.: & co#ld hear his la#"hter, a d & co#ld see the door was still cracked o'e . U less yo# wa t me leeri " at my "#ards while they bathe?: The door slammed I#ickly closed. & co ti #ed dryi " myself, m#mbli " somethi " abo#t this ot bei " the $layboy !a sio , so we were certai ly ot b# ies o dis'lay.

A oise from the 'ool made me look, =#st i time to see Eictoria e2'lode i la#"hter as she s#r"ed from the 'ool a d shook water all o3er the room. & oticed that Ala a Gmy s#''osed best frie dH had 'lo''ed dow o her b#tt a d was =oi i " the ce ta#r i a bi" belly la#"h. >hat8s so dam f# >hat abo#t #sB: 6o# are =ealo#s?: <oB: Ala a was la#"hi " so hard she s orted. & shot her a look a d said, 9& do 8t k ow what yo#8re la#"hi " at, !s. Newlywed.: <he tried to sober her e2'ressio , b#t o ly s#cceeded i ca#si " her eyes to tear with s#''ressed la#"hter. Lady %hea,: Eictoria hicc#'ed as her la#"hter s#bsided, 9do ot be offe ded. &t was =#st so # #s#al to see the woma & ha3e heard so ma y4: she sto''ed, clearly choosi " to discard se3eral offe si3e words 94tales abo#t showi " s#ch ob3io#s affectio for her mate.: & frow ed a d co ti #ed to dry myself. A d the to see Cla @i ta 8s eI#ally =ealo#s reactio 4it was =#st so # e2'ected.: >hyB: All ears, & waited for i side Cla @i ta i fo. Ala a had herself back # der co trol, a d she was able to h# t #' a e2tra towel for the ce ta#r. Eictoria talked as she dried herself GAla a 'o#red more wi e for all of #s45od bless her, & for"a3e her mome tary hysteriaH. Cla @i ta has lo " bee '#rs#ed by females, ce ta#r a d h#ma . Me has always reacted with the same 'olite i differe ce.: <he saw that she had my f#ll atte tio . & am ot sayi " he has bee disi terested i females, he has =#st e3er let his heart become i 3ol3ed.: Mer lo3ely smile lit #' her face. 9&t is I#ite ob3io#s his heart is ow i 3ol3ed.: !#ch to his cha"ri ,: Ala them. a 'i'ed i , a d they started "i""li " all o3er a"ai . This time & =oi ed yB: & asked as & wra''ed my wet hair i a towel, t#rba style. 6o# a d Cla @i ta ?: Eictoria said betwee her ri "i " la#"hter.

& did ot mea to offe d yo# with my la#"hter. &t was moti3ated by =oy ot ridic#le. & saw earlier that he cared for yo#, a d yo# him. & =#st ow # dersta d the e2te t of yo#r relatio shi'. 6o# are i lo3e.: & heard Ala a si"h roma tically. & wo#ld ha3e '#ked if it had 8t bee so tr#e. 6es.: & was s#re that "oofy "ri was back o my face. & wish yo# =oy. Me is a e2ce'tio al ce ta#r.: & searched her eyes for dissembli " or a y hi t of a ythi " that was 8t tr#e a d ho est, a d fo# d o e3ide ce that she was a ythi " b#t forthri"ht a d si cere. Tha k yo#, Eic.: >e "ri ed at each other, well satisfied with o#r ew frie dshi'. a ha ded the ce ta#r a brillia t bl#e, silky 'iece of & bro#"ht this for yo#, !istress Eictoria.: Ala material.

Eictoria fi "ered it caref#lly, a d looked at Ala Ala

a with a I#estio i " "aAe.

a smiled at her. 9& ca show yo# how to sec#re it.:

Let her,: & said. 9<he8s really "ood at wra''i " that st#ff aro# d a body.: &t is I#ite lo3ely.: <he so# ded wistf#l. & reco" iAed the 3oice of a fellow clothes lo3er. !istress, & m#st ask yo# to k eel so that & ca reach aro# d yo#.: Before she com'lied, the M# tress "a3e Ala am Eictoria to my frie ds.: a a ster look. 9O ly if yo# sto' calli " me !istress. &

Ala a smiled a d Eictoria dro''ed "racef#lly to her k ees. & watched, fasci ated by the wra''i " a d wea3i " of what looked like othi " b#t a lo ", 'retty scarf. After =#st a few twists a d t#r s, Ala a had mor'hed it i to a se2y to' that left =#st e o#"h of Eictoria bared to draw seco d a d third looks witho#t "etti " her arrested. Eictoria stood a d trotted GliterallyH to the f#ll-le "th mirror. &t is bea#tif#l?: <he mo3ed her body aro# d so she co#ld admire her e tirely too se2y reflectio . The she "ri ed mischie3o#sly at me a d said, 9Be caref#l, %hea, that & do 8t tem't Ala a away from yo#. O ce my M# tresses see this, they will im'lore me to fi d a way to coa2 her from yo#.: & "#l'ed a d tried ot to look worried. Eictoria, it is a easy skill to lear . & will sim'ly teach yo#r M# tresses how to wra' the fabric.: Ala a8s sweet 3oice '#t my fears to rest. A d a "reat idea came to me4why ot "ift the M# tresses with lots of bea#tif#l cloth whe they lea3eB GNote to selfN remember to set the 'rese t #' with Ala a.H Mere is yo#rs, %hea.: Ala a ha ded me a silky b#tterc#'-colored i"htshirt. &t was c#t with a dee' E i the fro t, a d cascaded i delicate folds to the floor. Almost see-thro#"h b#t ot I#ite. & did 8t ha3e to look i the mirror to k ow how erotically it o#tli ed my breasts a d hi's. Ala a certai ly k ew what she was doi ". &t8s "or"eo#s. Tha k yo#, my frie d.: & "a3e her a I#ick h#" before & started h# ti " thro#"h the lar"e selectio of combs a d br#shes for a thick-toothed comb that & tho#"ht wo#ld s#it Eictoria8s 'lati #m masses. @i di " o e & tho#"ht wo#ld work well, & ha ded it to the M# tress. The & "rabbed my ow a d smiled at my two frie ds. &f yo#8ll e2c#se me, & thi k &8ll take my comb to my room a d work it thro#"h my hair there.: %hea, & ca dress yo#r hair for yo#.: Ala a so# ded co f#sed as she looked ske'tically at the towel t#rba & still had wra''ed aro# d my hair. Do 8t worry abo#t it. &8m s#re Carola will be comi " to fi d yo# soo . 6o# sho#ld make s#re he has a "ood di er, a d dessert.: As & said the last word, & "a3e her a s#""esti3e look that made her cheeks fl#sh. A d yo# ha3e dessert of yo#r ow waiti " i yo#r chambers.: Eictoria "a3e me a k owi " look. A d & felt my ow cheeks t#r 'i k. 5ood i"ht, yo# two,: & said as & esca'ed o#t the door. Their "i""les made me wa t to break i to a chor#s of 96o# " Lo3e.: B#t, well, & serio#sly ca 8t si ", so & =#st h#mmed i ter ally while & walked dow the hall. The adorable "#ards s a''ed to as & a''roached. !y Lady, Lord Cla @i ta awaits withi ,: o e of them i formed me.

5ood.: & wa ted to tweak his sword, b#t & realiAed it wo#ld 8t be a''ro'riate. 9Tha ks for telli " me.: Me sal#ted a d o'e ed the door for me. Cla @i ta was recli i " o a chaise that sat before a lade a d delicio#s-smelli " table. At my e tra ce his face broke i to a welcomi " smile. & co#ld 8t hel' myself4like a "oofy tee a"er & r#shed i to his arms, lo3i " his ea"er kiss. <o, yo# wa t to leer at yo#r "#ards as they batheB: Mis dee' 3oice was 'layf#l, b#t & heard the serio#s # derto e he tried to hide. O ly if yo# wa t to look at aked M# tresses.: & ibbled at his bottom li'. There is o ly o e aked female & wish to look at.: Me kissed me slowly. >he & came #' for air, & asked. 9Mow ma y le"s does she ha3eB: Mis la#"hter shook his chest as he h#""ed me a"ai st him. 9O ly two.: &8m "lad.: >e smiled at each other # til my stomach "rowled. >ell, act#ally it roared. Me ch#ckled. 9Eat.: & swi3eled a d took #' my 'erch o the chaise e2t to him. E3erythi " looked so delicio#s that & decided & wo#ld ha3e to try a little bit of e3ery si "le thi ". As & "raAed my way across the table, Cla @i ta asked me I#estio s abo#t the small'o2 'atie ts. Me was sorry to hear of the #mber of dead a d ewly ill, b#t we a"reed that either of #s was really s#r'rised. After a while my a''etite started to slow dow , a d & co#ld ask my ow I#estio s. Are the warriors still arri3i "B: 6es.: Me so# ded 'leased. 9& belie3e we may be able to be"i mo3i " o Lara"o earlier tha & had ori"i ally a tici'ated. Do yo# thi k N#ada ca be co 3i ced to attack the !#ses i less timeB: & tho#"ht of the e2'ressio o the creat#re8s face as & had ta# ted him. 6es,: & said I#ietly. Me sI#eeAed my sho#lders a d said othi ". <#dde ly, the wei"ht of my e2ha#stio was back. !y head felt hea3y a d all & wa ted to do was comb o#t my hair a d slee'. & kissed his cheek a d "ot #', # wi di " the towel from my almost dried hair. <it#ati " myself cross-le""ed o o#r mattress G& oticed o#r bed had bee made, b#t it was still o the floorH, & started to comb my way thro#"h my st#bbor hair. Let me.: Cla @i ta k elt behi d me a d took the comb from my tired fi "ers. 9Lea back a d close yo#r eyes.: !mm.: & felt my body become leade # der his to#ch. 96o# ha3e the most wo derf#l ha ds.: & lea ed back # til & was c#rled #' o my side a"ai st a b# ch of 'ro''ed-#' 'illows. The se s#o#s feeli " of his ha ds worki " the comb thro#"h my hair made me wa t to stay awake a d e =oy it, a d maybe e3e try a d coa2 him i to sha'e-shifti " a"ai to i"ht, b#t the stress of the day wo , a d & felt myself falli " i to a dee', e2ha#sted slee'. Tom <elleck a d & were at a wo derf#l !e2ica seafood resta#ra t somewhere i orther &taly. The mar"aritas were made with real lime =#ice a d "old teI#ila, a d the white cheese di' was totally calorie free. Tom was =#st i the middle of e2'lai i " to me why he was o ly attracted to 3ol#'t#o#s wome o3er thirty, whe the sce e dissol3ed a d & was lifted #' thro#"h the ceili " a d shot o#t i to the clear $artholo ia i"ht.

To i"ht & did 8t feel like s'e di " a y time si"htseei " or tryi " to a3oid what & k ew & had to face. Okay, &8m ready. Let8s "et this o3er with,: & said alo#d to the air. & felt my s'irit body hea3e forward, as if & had bee throw o#t of a sli "shot. @amiliar la dsca'e bl#rred be eath me as & rocketed toward the i creasi "ly less dista t mo# tai sD A d came to a abr#'t halt o3er the i side co#rtyard. The sce e was 8t m#ch cha "ed from the 're3io#s i"ht. >ome were h#ddled i # at#ral sile ce aro# d smoky cam'fires, bla kets shro#di " most of their feat#res. & felt a "er be"i to b#ild i side me. Take me to him,: & whis'ered thro#"h cle ched teeth. !y body mo3ed forward toward the 'art of the castle that & had 3isited the i"ht before. Thro#"h the wi dows of the #''ermost rooms & co#ld see li"hts blaAi " a d & k ew who & wo#ld fi d o the other side of the roof be eath me. $re'are yo#rself, Belo3ed. The words whis'ered thro#"h my mi d. &8m ready,: & said resol#tely, a d the bottom dro''ed from be eath me. & sa k thro#"h the roof a d i to N#ada8s chamber. &t took a mome t for me to refoc#s i the bri"ht, o3erly lit room. The bed was em'ty, b#t before & co#ld feel relie3ed, a mo3eme t from across the room ca#"ht my atte tio . !y body t#r ed a d & felt a sh#dder of re3#lsio as & realiAed what & was wit essi ". N#ada was holdi " a aked yo# " "irl i his arms i a sick 'arody of a lo3er8s embrace. <he was tilted backward, as if they had =#st da ced a d he was fi ishi " a roma tic di', b#t her head was throw back to the side # at#rally. N#ada8s mo#th was 'ressed firmly a"ai st her eck, a d as & drifted closer & co#ld see his =aws worki " i a "ri di " motio as he bit thro#"h her ski . Blood welled o#t of his mo#th a d be"a r# i " i a dark stream dow her body a d to the floor. As he la''ed a d s#cked at the wo# d, his wi "s be"a to r#stle, "rowi " ta#t a d erect, s'readi " #' a d o3er him like a "ia t 'redatory bird. The "irl be"a to twitch a d moa i 'ai , a d the mo3eme ts of her body allowed me to "et a better look at N#ada. Me, too, was aked, a d it was ob3io#s that his wi "s were 8t the o ly thi "s "rowi " a d becomi " erect. Eeww, that is serio#sly dis"#sti ".: & s'at the words. At the so# d of my 3oice, N#ada8s head shot #' a d he hissed, 9Are yo# here, femaleB: !y body drifted forward a d, o ce a"ai , & e2'erie ced the shi3ery feeli " that told me & was becomi " semi3isible. &8m ri"ht here.: The "hostly so# d of my s'irit 3oice echoed off the walls. N#ada fl# " the "irl to the "ro# d. 5et o#t?: The 'ale "irl scrambled weakly o her ha ds a d k ees, a d fled o#t the door. N#ada wi'ed his bloody mo#th with the back of his ha d a d cro#ched o his ha# ches, st#dyi " me. <o, yo# come to me a"ai .: Me so# ded self-satisfied. Me made my stomach feel ti"ht a d sick. Draw him to yo#, Belo3ed. The words drifted thro#"h my mi d. & came to yo# beca#se yo# are ot stro " e o#"h to come to me.: & c#''ed o e of my breasts s#""esti3ely. Mis wi "s twitched a d his eyes arrowed.

&t is s#ch a shame that all yo# ca ha dle are weak, 'itif#l little "irls.: & c#''ed my other breast a d 'o#ted at him. Me licked his li'sJ his eyes e3er left my breasts. & let my ha ds mo3e from caressi " my breasts dow my body, my fi "erti's drawi " sha'es a d 'atter s o3er my aked ribs, waist a d stomach. Mis eyes stayed locked with the sed#cti3e 'lay of my ha ds, a d & co#ld hear his breathi " dee'e . B#t maybe a ythi " e2ce't a hel'less little "irl wo#ld beD: & 'a#sed. !y ha ds tra3eled dow to caress my i er thi"h, while the other c#''ed my '#bis, m#ch as & had see him do to the 3iolated "irl the i"ht before 9Dtoo m#ch for yo#.: Mis breath t#r ed i to a hiss as he shot to his feet a d l# "ed forward, reachi " clawed a d bloody fi "ers i to the air below me. To i"ht & did 8t eed the 5oddess to 'rom't me, a d my mocki " la#"hter echoed aro# d him as he 'aced back a d forth be eath me. &f & k ew where to fi d yo#, & wo#ld show yo# my stre "th,: he hissed. 6o# wa t to k ow where to fi d meB: Me sto''ed 'aci " a d stared #' at me. 9& am a 5oddess & car ate. !y home is the Tem'le of the !#se. Ask a y of yo#r weak ca'ti3es, they ca tell yo# how to fi d my tem'le.: Mis face s'lit i to a leeri " "ri . 9& will come for yo# myself, a d i stead of yo#r la#"hter this room will be filled with yo#r screams.: !y ta# ti " la#"h ca#sed his 'aci " to res#me. @i di " me is ot the diffic#lt 'art, N#ada. $ossessi " me is. !y sister 5oddesses a d & are well 'rotected by a army of ce ta#r warriors.: !y ha ds be"a caressi " my breasts a"ai . 9& am almost sorry that yo# ca ot 'ossibly defeat them. &t wo#ld ha3e bee am#si " to dally with yo#.: Mis chalky-colored face was s#dde ly mottled with a fl#sh of ra"e a d he screamed, 9Am#si "?: Me took se3eral lo ", r# i " strides. Mis m#scles "athered a d he lea'ed #', talo ed ha ds reachi " i to the air. & felt a shar' 'ai as the ti's of his claws br#shed thro#"h the bottoms of my tra s'are t feetD <#dde ly & was o#t of there like a fat boy 'layi " dod"eball. Dam it? Ow?: & sat strai"ht #', "rabbi " for my feet. >hat is it, lo3eB >hat has ha''e edB: The fire had b#r ed low, a d he m#st ha3e e2ti "#ished the ca dles a d lam's before he fell aslee', so the li"ht i the room was dim, b#t & co#ld see three stri's of welts across the bottom of my left foot. They st# ", like someo e had =#st beat me with somethi " hard a d shar'. As & watched, the welts swelled, looki " e3e more a "ry a d red. Me h#rt me,: & said as & tried to r#b the sti " off my foot. <how me.: & cha "ed 'ositio s so that & was 'ro''ed #' o my elbows. & watched him i s'ect my sore foot. Me looked "rim as he stood a d headed toward the door. >here are yo# "oi "B: Nowhere.: Me "a3e me a reass#ri " look before o'e i " the door. & co#ld see o e of my "#ards sal#te him. 95o to the Mealer. Tell him & eed some soothi " balm, like what he wo#ld a''ly for a

b#r or a i sect bite.: Me closed the door a d 'o#red #s two c#'s of wi e. Tha ks.: & smiled at him. Mow did this ha''e B: N#ada lea'ed at me. Mis claws raked thro#"h my feet =#st as E'o a was "etti " me o#t of there.: & saw Cla @i ta 8s =aw cle ch. 9>as to i"ht8s 3isit e o#"hB Do yo# thi k he will mobiliAe the @omoria s to attack the !#seB: & thi k so. Of co#rse, & wo 8t k ow for s#re # til & act#ally see them lea3e 5#ardia Castle. B#t he was s#re 'issed off.: Cla @i ta "a3e me a '#AAled look. &t mea s mad,: & clarified. 9%eally, really mad.: Me walked o3er to the ed"e of o#r bed a d be t so he co#ld to#ch my face, smoothi " the hair back o#t of my eyes. 9Me will 'ay for h#rti " yo#.: Mis 3oice was flat a d da "ero#s. & was "lad he was o my side. Two k ocks so# ded a d Cla @i ta strode I#ickly to the door. The balm, my Lord.: & co#ld hear the 3oice of the "#ard. 9Carola asks if yo# reI#ire his assista ce.: Tell him o, ot at this time.: Before Cla @i ta ret#r ed to his 'ositio at the e d of o#r mattress, he lit a oil lam' a d carried it to a iche i the wall behi d #s. The , o ce more, he took my foot i his ha d, st#dyi " the li es of welts. &t8s really ot that bad. &t =#st sti "s.: Act#ally, it st# " like &8d ste''ed o a est of yellow =ackets, b#t & did 8t wa t to be a whi er. Me looked #' from my foot, his e2'ressio was serio#s. 9%hea, do yo# ot k ow that wo# ds to the s'irit ca be far more da "ero#s tha wo# ds to the bodyB: & shr#""ed my sho#lders. 9& really do 8t k ow m#ch abo#t this ki d of st#ff.: Liste to yo#r i er 3oice. & thi k yo# k ow more tha yo# realiAe. Now lie back a d co ce trate o riddi " yo#r s'irit of a y dark i fl#e ce.: & did as he ordered. !y dam foot did h#rt more tha a few welts wo#ld ormally ca#se. As his "e tle fi "ers be"a r#bbi " the balm o to my foot, & co#ld 8t hel' b#t s#ck my breath i at the shar' 'ai . %e'eat after me4co ce trate o yo#r s'irit4co ce trate o bei " well a d whole.: Mis dee', hy' otic 3oice be"a a cha t that & re'eated, 9C#imh ich, tha mi "le mhathDC#imh ich, tha mi "le mhathDC#imh ich, tha mi "le mhathD: O a d o the cha t we t as he r#bbed the cool 'aste i to my foot. & closed my eyes a d let the so# d of his 3oice wash o3er me as & co ce trated o bei " well. A d & realiAed he had bee ri"ht. $art of me had felt dirty a d dama"ed by my e co# ters with N#ada. By to#chi " myself for his be efit, teasi " a d ta# ti ", it was like & had allowed some of his dark ess to see' i to my s'irit. As soo as & realiAed it, & be"a to let the dark ess "o. That creat#re was 8t "oi " to co trol my feeli "s or r#i my s'irit. A d the sti "i " sto''ed. & o'e ed my eyes to Cla @i ta 8s relie3ed smile. Look,: he said, a d he hel'ed me to sit #' so & co#ld fold back my le" a d look at the bottom of

my footDwhich was ow smooth a d free of a y welts or 'ai . >hat was it we were sayi "B: & asked, still amaAed that my foot was welt free. %emember, & am well,: he a swered. That8s allB & tho#"ht it was some ki d of ma"ic s'ell.: Me la#"hed a d '#lled me a"ai st him, kissi " me so# dly. The words are from the Old La "#a"e, b#t the o ly ma"ic they hold is already withi yo#.: & s #""led comfortably a"ai st him. 9Are yo# s#re it was =#st meB & thi k yo# cast some ki d of s'ell or somethi ".: Me ta''ed the ti' of my ose with his fi "er. 9Not to i"ht.: Mis look was i timate a d & tho#"ht the room mi"ht ha3e "row warmer as his 3oice dee'e ed. 96o# eed yo#r slee'.: Are yo# s#reB: & ibbled at his eck, a d he be t to ca't#re my li's with his ow . O#r to "#es be"a a sed#cti3e "ame of ta". Now & was s#re the room was hot, a d & moa ed a"ai st his mo#th a d whis'ered, 9>hy do 8t yo# do that 3oodoo that yo# do so well.: &f yo# are talki " abo#t sha'e-shifti ",: he whis'ered back, a d his ha ds stroked my waist a d b#ttocks, #' a d dow , #' a d dow , 9& ca ot to i"ht.: & wri""led aro# d, 'ressi " myself a"ai st his hard chest so that & co#ld breathe i his ear, 9>hy otB: 5e tly, he '#lled me back from him, the t#cked me # der his arm Gwhere & co#ld do less dama"e, & "#essH. & was "ratified to see his breathi " had i creased a d he looked fl#shed, too. >e be"i o#r march to the !#ses8 tem'le tomorrow. & ca ot afford the e er"y drai of sha'eshifti " to i"ht,: he said, br#shi " a c#rl o#t of my face. 9No matter how m#ch & wo#ld like to.: >e8re lea3i " tomorrowB: & felt my stomach cle ch. 9<o soo B: After what ha''e ed to i"ht, & belie3e N#ada will be o the mo3e, a d we ha3e a f#ll le"io of ce ta#r warriors ready to de'art.: A d my "#ard is lea3i " whe B: Early i the mor i " they be"i their march to the Loch.: >hat abo#t the me who are s#''osed to attack from the westB: !cNamara a d >o#lff ha3e both se t word that their armies are =oi i ". & se t Co a "ro#' of ce ta#rs to lead the march.: & "#ess they did 8t like that little steali "-a d-ra'i "-o#r-wome i fo.: >ell, what o#r r# er said was that it a "ered the me 4: Cla @i ta "ri really, how wo#ld yo# '#t it, 'issed off their wome .: & la#"hed. 96eah, &8ll bet they were 'issed.: <eems old !cNamara8s first wife died last wi ter, a d ow he has a yo# " a d bea#tif#l ew wife. >he she heard the ews, she told him if he wa ted his bed warmed by her this wi ter he wo#ld make s#re the @omoria s were sto''ed.: <mart "irl.: & yaw ed. 9%emi d me to tha k her someday.: <lee' first. >e lea3e at midday.: & estled a"ai st him, l#lled i to slee' by the warmth of his body a d the "e tle ess of his ha d as ed at me 94b#t it or there with

he stroked my hair.

& still thi k & sho#ld be comi " with yo#.: Ala a almost so# ded whi y. & si"hed as & '#lled o a ew 'air of soft leather breeches, mar3eli " at their s#''le bea#ty. 9Ala a, & wish yo# co#ld come with #s, too, b#t yo# ha3e to stay away from the small'o2.: B#t the 'o2 is here, too.: >e already talked abo#t this. The 'o2 is I#ara ti ed here. At the Tem'le of the !#se it has 'robably i fested e3erythi ".: & do ot like the idea of yo# "oi " witho#t me.: & do 8t like it, either, b#t & like e3e less the tho#"ht of yo# dyi " from small'o2.: <he ha ded me o e of my boots. & t#r ed it o3er, smili " at the car3ed star & fo# d o the sole, a d traci " it with my fi "er. &t8s so cool that my foot'ri ts lea3e stars e3erywhere & ste''ed. & looked #' to see Ala a watchi " me with a &8m-"oi "-to-cry e2'ressio o her face. %hia o e3er e3e oticed those stars.: o was s#ch a bitch.: At & thi k they8re "reat.: !y "ri started to make her li's twitch. 9%hia those familiar words, her li's t#r ed #' i a a sweri " smile.

!y frie d4: & reached o#t a d took her ha d, '#lli " her dow beside me 94& co#ld 8t sta d it if somethi " ha''e ed to yo# =#st beca#se yo# felt yo# had to take care of me.: & will worry abo#t yo# e3ery day.: Mer 3oice was soft a d shaky. Do 8t4yo# k ow Cla @i ta wo 8t let a ythi " ha''e to me. 6o# =#st foc#s o taki " care that Carola does 8t e2ha#st himself. Now that <ila8s "oi " with #s, he8s back to too little hel' a d too ma y sick 'eo'le.: Me does eed me,: she said with the wistf#l 3oice of a ewlywed. A d do 8t for"et, &83e '#t yo# i char"e of tem'le ma a"eme t. 6o# ha3e to make s#re e3erythi " r# s smoothly. >ho wo#ld do it if yo# we t with meB: There is o o e else.: >ell, whe this @omoria mess is o3er we8ll trai a assista t for yo# so yo# a d Carola ca "o o a lo " 3acatio . !aybe the yo# co#ld "et started o a baby.: & b#tted i to her with my sho#lder as her face lit #'. 9&f yo# ha3e 8t already.: %hea?: <he hit me 'layf#lly. Come o .: & =#m'ed #', stom'i " my boots more s #"ly o my feet. 96o# k ow Cla @i ta is already a oyed at how lo " it took for me to say "oodbye to the 'atie ts this mor i ".: & 'robably had s'e t too m#ch time i the sickroom, b#t sayi " "oodbye was more diffic#lt tha & had ima"i ed, e3e if it was o ly tem'orary. <i2 more of the most serio#sly ill 'atie ts had died, a d more ill 'eo'le were bei " admitted to both rooms. Carola said he tho#"ht the disease had 'eaked, b#t & was 8t so s#re. The "ood ews was that it looked like the little horse lo3er, 7ristia a, was "oi " to li3e, a d, altho#"h Tarah had bee mo3ed to the room with the most serio#sly ill, <ila had said she tho#"ht that she, too, wo#ld s#r3i3e the awf#l disease. Ala a si"hed miserably a d followed me o#t the door. The hall was deserted, which & tho#"ht was odd beca#se =#st a ho#r a"o whe &8d left the sickroom to bathe a d "et dressed for the tri' &8d

had to dod"e 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs. & was =#st thi ki " what a ice cha "e it was to ha3e the hall back to a bei " a more 'ri3ate walkway whe we came to the door to the co#rtyard. The "#ard bowed a d o'e ed the door, a d a r#sh of oise e2'loded o3er me. 5oddess?: Blessed of E'o a?: L#ck be with yo#, Lady %hia o ?: O#r lo3e "oes with yo#, Chose of E'o a?: The co#rtyard was crammed f#ll of 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs. They cheered a d wa3ed as & strai"hte ed my sho#lders, swallowed hard, "rabbed Ala a8s ha d so she wo#ld 8t be se'arated from me a d ste''ed o#t i to the arrow 'ath. & was i sta tly s#rro# ded by my adori " masses Gwho had =#st scared me so badly that &8d almost 'eed my 'a tsH. Tha k yo#. & a''reciate it. &8ll miss yo#, too. Tha k yo#.: & wa3ed a d babbled what & tho#"ht was the correct 5oddess & car ate res'o se. & made my way thro#"h the co#rtyard a d o#t what & co sidered the fro t door of the tem'le, which o'e ed o#t o the horse fo# tai a d led to the Bi" @ro t 5ate a d the o#tside wall. The si"ht that met me was i credible. <tretchi " before me was a sea of ce ta#rs. Their bea#ty a d ferocity made the breath i my throat catch. They were eI#i e li es of stre "th a d m#scle, melded with ma a d woma . They ri''led with 'ower, a d co fide ce h# " o3er them like a 'hysical e tity. They ca#"ht si"ht of me, a d as o e they let loose a cry of 9Mail E'o a?: that se t "ooseflesh #' a d dow my arms. & s#dde ly remembered somethi " that O3id had writte abo#t bea#ty, that it was 9fa3or bestowed by the "ods.: &f that were tr#e, s#rely all the "ods smiled o this "ro#' of warriors. The most ha dsome Gat least i my o'i io H of the warriors detached from the fro t of the "ro#' a d re"ally bowed to me before raisi " my 'alm to his li's. At his "reeti " a other cheer we t #', this time from the ce ta#rs a d the h#ma s to"ether. Are yo# ready, my LadyB: he asked. & "a3e Ala a o e last h#", the & t#r ed to face the h#ma crowd that s'illed o#t of the castle a d stood aro# d the base of the tem'le a d the h#"e fo# tai . >ith my lo#dest 3oice & 'ro=ected as far i to the crowd as was teacherly 'ossible. Lady Ala a carries my a#thority while & am "o e.: & saw a ri''le of smiles 'ass thro#"h the crowd at my a o# ceme t. & did 8t ha3e to look at her to k ow Ala a was bl#shi " a"ai . 9>hile & am "o e, kee' me close to yo# i yo#r 'rayers.: & smiled a d felt my eyes fill # e2'ectedly with tears. 97 ow yo# will always be with me i my tho#"hts, a d i my heart. !ay E'o a8s blessi " s#rro# d a d fill yo# like the air yo# breathe.: & t#r ed to Cla @i ta a d held o#t my arm so he co#ld lift me to his back. The he s'# aro# d, a d at his comma d o#r army mo3ed o#t at a smart trot while the 'eo'le cheered a d childre ra back a d forth strewi " flowers i o#r 'ath. <#dde ly, & heard a lo#d, familiar ei"h, a d & sho#ted i ha''i ess as E'i "allo'ed #' to #s. <he slid to a "racef#l halt, as did the e tire army of ce ta#rs. Mer ei"h t#r ed i to a low whicker as she #AAled my side. & be t to kiss her soft m#AAle, m#rm#ri " to her how "lad & was to see her, a d how cle3er she was to ma a"e to come o#t here to say "oodbye. & "la ced #' to see se3eral ym'hets who were r# i " from the directio of the stable, tryi " to catch #' with her.

6o# ha3e to stay here, lo3e,: & whis'ered to her a d stroked her 3el3et m#AAle. 9& co#ld 8t bear it if a ythi " ha''e ed to yo#.: <he blew thro#"h her ose, a d li''ed my chi . The she backed a co#'le of ste's, threw her head i the air, s'# aro# d o her rear le"s a d raced back toward her stable, s orti " with her tail held hi"h4o ce more lea3i " the fr#strated "irls i the d#st behi d her. Cle3er mare,: Cla @i ta said as he "a3e the order for #s to 'roceed. & co#ld hear ch#ckles of a''reciatio for E'i8s a tics from the ce ta#r warriors behi d #s. & reco" iAed that we were headed i the directio of the ri3er, =#st as & had "o e a co#'le of days earlier o the mor i " of the blessi " ceremo y. & lea ed forward, resti " my chi o my h#sba d8s sho#lder so & co#ld s'eak i his ear. Are we "oi " to follow the ri3er orthB: Me tilted his head back so & co#ld hear him. 96es, b#t we m#st cross o3er the ri3er a d tra3el #' its easter side. >e do 8t wa t to 'ass thro#"h Ufasach !arshDit wo#ld be im'ossible for a ce ta#r le"io to a3i"ate thro#"h the wetla ds. A d we m#st tra3el I#ickly. The easter ed"e of the 5eal %i3er be"i s the Doire a Each, which is forested la d. Tra3eli " thro#"h it is co siderably I#icker tha 'icki " o#r way thro#"h the swam'.: !akes se se,: & said a d "a3e him a I#ick kiss o the earlobe. 9Doire a Each, so# ds 'retty4 what does it mea B: Tra slated from the Old La "#a"e it mea s 5ro3e of the Morses, 'robably amed th#s beca#se it is the forest that se'arates easter $artholo from the Ce ta#r $lai s. B#t the ame is misleadi ", it is a a cie t forest filled with "ia t oaks, ot a mere "ro3e.: Me s orted. 9A d & ha3e e3er oticed a y horses there at all.: & odded i a # dersta di " ki d of way. The a s#dde tho#"ht made me frow . & remembered how wide a d bea#tif#l the ri3er had looked the mor i " of the blessi " ceremo y. &t had bee lo3ely to look at, b#t & s#re as hell wo#ld 8t wa t to swim across it. >ait4are yo# telli " me we ha3e to swim across the ri3erB: & felt his dee' ch#ckle. 9No, there is a brid"e =#st orth of the tem'le. Act#ally, it is I#ite ear the r#i s of the a cie t brid"e Carola told #s abo#t. >e8ll cross there.: 5ood, these leather 'a ts wo#ld take fore3er to dry o#t.: & certai ly wo#ld ot wa t to be the ca#se of yo#r wet 'a ts,: he said, "la ci " o3er his sho#lder at me with a "leam i his eye. & i''ed at his eck. 9Do 8t "et fresh4yo#8re s#''osed to be co ser3i " yo#r stre "th.: & was o ly tryi " to be hel'f#l.: Me tried to so# d i 6o# mi"ht be s#r'rised.: Mis 3oice had dee'e ed. Before & co#ld ask him to e2'lai his last i tri"#i " comme t, we followed a be d i the ri3er a d before #s stretched the brid"e. &t was a hi"h, flat str#ct#re made of lo"s tied to"ether with what looked like "ia t bi der twi e. A d it really did 8t look all that safe. >hy does it ha3e to be so fri""i tallB: <o the bar"es ca sail be eath it. The 5eal is ormally a 3ery b#sy waterway.: & did remember seei " bar"es a d other shi'-ty'e thi "s floati " dow the ri3er o my first co#'le oce t. The ki d of hel' & eed from yo# ca 8t ha''e i yo#r 'rese t form, !r. Too Bi" @or !y Bed.:

of i"htly s'irit e2c#rsio s. Oh, well, crossi " brid"es was, o do#bt, 'robably safer tha dri3i " a car. The brid"e was o ly wide e o#"h for the ce ta#rs to cross two abreast, so Cla @i ta started barki " a series of orders that were echoed by se3eral old a d "riAAled ce ta#rs Glike Coh >ay e i The 5ree BeretsH that were sit#ated at i ter3als dow the li es. &t so# ded like, 9COLU!N AT>O<TOTME%&5MT? MUUUM? @O%MUUUM? <TANDMA<T? !A%CMMUUUM?: A military ma =#st makes my heart "o 'itter-'atter. The army sw# " i a eat motio , a d a col#m , two ce ta#rs abreast b#t abo#t a Aillio dee', marched o#t i a 'erky trot. Cla @i ta ca tered ahead of the li e. The brid"e loomed closer a d closer. Mold ti"htly4the climb is stee'.: & sh#t my eyes a d held o as he 'l# "ed #' the ba k. & co#ld feel his footi " falter as it sli''ed o the brid"e8s cr#de lo"s, a d my stomach sa k somewhere aro# d my a kles, the his hoo3es echoed d#lly like we were a millio miles #'. & had a flashback of the time & tried to walk across the %oyal 5or"e Brid"e i Colorado. Not e3e my "irlfrie d da "li " a bottle of my fa3orite red co#ld coa2 me 'ast the halfway 'oi t. 7ee'i " my eyes sI#eeAed closed. As a e#rotic trib#te to o e of my all time fa3orite mo3ies, @re ch 7iss, & started to si " # der my breath, to the t# e of & Lo3e $aris i the <'ri "time, 9& hate brid"es i the s'ri "time.: %hea, is there a 'roblemB: The so# d of h# dreds of hoo3es followi " #s almost drow ed o#t Cla @i ta 8s i I#iry. No'e,: & said with my eyes still closed. 9B#t let me k ow whe we8re across the dam brid"e.: & felt the solid "ro# d # der eath his hoo3es. Me ste''ed to the side a d said, 9Do#"al, yo# a d Cla -C#lle lead the col#m #' the seco d 'ath to the orth.: Do#"al a d a e2tremely m#sc#lar roa ce ta#r sal#ted a d "allo'ed to take #' 'ositio s at the head of the col#m . & had rela2ed my eyes o'e e o#"h to otice Do#"al was looki " less 'ale. Do#"al looks well,: & said as we watched the ce ta#rs 'ass. Cla @i ta "la ced o3er his sho#lder at me a d said # der his breath, 9Better tha yo# do. 6o#r face is drai ed of color.: The he added, 9Oh, we ha3e crossed the brid"e.: & "la ced at brid"eQaccide t waiti " to ha''e , a d sh#ddered. 9& do 8t like brid"es,: & whis'ered i his ear. Mis la#"hter ca#sed the 'assi " ce ta#rs to "ri i res'o se. 6o# ca ta# t the leader of a demo horde a d '#t yo#rself i mortal da "er i"ht after i"ht, b#t crossi " a brid"e makes yo# fai tB: 6eahDsoB: & said s#cci ctly. Me took my ha d a d kissed my 'alm. 96o# are a co sta t s#r'rise.: 6eah, well, #h, do 8t yo# for"et it.: & felt s#re his co ti #ed la#"hter reflected the fact that he was o3erwhelmed by the de'th of mystery a d all#re that made #' a moder America woma . That or he tho#"ht & was =#st "oofy as hell. & did 8t ask which o e it was. & e3ery marria"e there are thi "s better left # said. Lady %hea?:

& smiled a d wa3ed e th#siastically as Eictoria a d a whole "ro#' G'ackB herdB "a""leBH of M# tresses th# dered o3er the brid"e. & will fi d yo# whe we cam' to i"ht?: she yelled. & yelled back a e th#siastic 9Okay?: >e stood there watchi " the ma=esty of the ce ta#rs trot by #s. They seemed to stretch e dlessly. Mow ma y ce ta#rs are i a le"io , a ywayB: O e tho#sa d,: he said with ob3io#s 'ride. & ho'ed it wo#ld be e o#"h. Ma"a ?: !y h#sba d8s 3oice carried abo3e the hoo3es, a d a h#"e black ce ta#r ste''ed o#t of the col#m to =oi #s. Me e2cha "ed "reeti "s with Cla @i ta a d bowed his head res'ectf#lly to me. & tried ot to stare. Me was the bi""est fri""i horse &8d e3er see . A d the blackest. Mis ski was black, as was his thick, wa3y hair. Mis coat was so dark it "leamed hi"hli"hts of '#r'le a d dark bl#e, like a ra3e 8s wi ". E3e his hoo3es were black. The o ly thi "s white o his e tire "i"a tic body were his teeth, a d two 'atches of sil3er-white hair that streaked his tem'les. &t was amaAi ". A d, I#ite fra kly, 3ery attracti3e i a rakish, Porro sort of way. & fo# d myself ha3i " a s#dde #r"e to lick him. GOh, 'lease4& wo#ld 8t really lick him, &8m =#st sayi " he was sed#cti3e-looki ". &8m ha''ily married, ot e tombed.H After a brief disc#ssio with Cla @i ta , Ma"a ass#med o#r 'ositio , & rei ed i my risI#K mi d, a d we set off at a I#ick "allo' to re=oi the fro t of the army. >e o3ertook the col#m easily, a d Do#"al a d C#lle sal#ted #s a d fell back to their 're3io#s 'ositio s. Cla @i ta slowed the col#m , allowi " the ce ta#rs to re-form so that they were ow trotti " fo#r across. The , with a sho#ted order the ce ta#rs le "the ed their strides i to the "ro# d-eati " ca ter 9the boys: had tra3eled with o the way to a d from !acCalla Castle. As & already k ew, it was a fairly comfortable way to tra3el, b#t it was 'retty hard to carry o a co 3ersatio with yo#r h#sba d if he ha''e ed to be yo#r so#rce of co 3eya ce. That was okayJ & e =oyed "awki " at the sce ery. Cla @i ta had bee ri"ht, Doire a Each was o "ro3e. The 'ath we tra3eled was o the ed"e of the forest, betwee the tree li e a d the hi"h easter ba k of the 5eal %i3er. The ri3er was bea#tif#l, wide a d wild, with a clea , rocky smell that remi ded me of the i"ht E'i a d & had s'e t e2t to it. B#t it was the forest that drew my eyes. &t was easy to belie3e it was a cie t. Oaks "rew to s#ch e ormo#s hei"hts that & co#ld ha3e barely reached the bottom bra ches sta di " o Cla @i ta 8s back. C#st a short way i to the forest & co#ld see that there was 3ery little "ro# d co3er, =#st a thick r#st-colored bla ket of old lea3es a d dry bra ches a d lo"s. The 'assi " army ca#sed birds to scold a d sI#irrels to chatterJ & e3e "lim'sed a doe a d her faw s'ri "i " away i fri"ht. The lea3es r#stled i the "e tle breeAe melodically, a d soo & felt my head "row hea3y. Cla @i ta reached back a d '#lled my arm aro# d his waist. 9Lea o me a d rest. 6o# ha3e bee "etti " too little slee'.: & yaw ed a d b#rrowed a"ai st him, breathi " dee'ly of his # iI#e sce t. & m#mbled slee'ily, 9&t seems like yo#8re always telli " me to rest.: The breeAe bro#"ht his dee' 3oice to me. 9& like cari " for yo#.: 5ood.: & yaw ed a"ai . 9$lease do 8t let me fall.:

Ne3er.: Me '#t his arm o3er mi e. The so# ds of the forest l#lled me i to a s#r'risi "ly dee' slee'. & was o a cr#ise shi', which was rocki " "e tly i the bl#e Caribbea <ea. Lyi " e2t to me o a bri"ht f#chsia s# bathi " chair was <ea Co ery, circa 11.. & the shi'8s 'ool i fro t of #s frolicked a whole school of dol'hi s. They ke't telli " me to for"et 11. a d to come 'lay with them. The dol'hi s had a ball-sha'ed thi " that they were tossi " aro# d o their oses, a d swatti " so# dly with their tails. & looked closer a d realiAed it was my e2-h#sba d8s headD & la#"hed as my s'irit body rose from Cla @i ta 8s back to ho3er briefly o3er the h#"e oaks. !e tally shaki " off a feeli " of #mb ess that & co#ld o ly e2'lai as me bei " way o3ertired, & t#r ed so that & co#ld look dow the li e of the ce ta#r army, a d felt a r#sh of 'ride at its #mbers. They were so 'owerf#l a d bra3e. Mow co#ld a ythi " sta d a"ai st themB Okay.: E3e my s'irit 3oice so# ded weary. 9&8m ready.: A d as & said, 9By the way, how ofte do we ha3e to do this twice i o e daaaaayyD: my body shot forward with the familiar cata'#lt-like e2'losio . & followed the li e of the ri3er, which bl#rred # der me like a bi" sil3er ribbo , a d the & cha "ed directio a d headed to the west. & was s#r'rised to see that the s# was setti "4"#ess &8d bee a''i " lo "er tha &8d realiAed. The Loch came i to 3iew. & tried to catch si"ht of my warriors who had left the tem'le this mor i " to march to the Loch a d the sail to the re deA3o#s 'oi t with the other two armies, b#t & was mo3i " too I#ickly to see a ythi " e2ce't a bl#r of dark bl#e. Lara"o Castle 'assed be eath me, a d & made myself look, b#t othi " was mo3i " e2ce't some dark birds. & t#r ed my head away, k owi " where my s'irit wo#ld be tra3eli " to e2t. & t#r ed o ce more to the west, a d the mo# tai s loomed h#"e ahead of me a d to my ri"ht. They "a3e me a cree'y feeli ", which & tho#"ht was odd beca#se & #s#ally liked mo# tai s. GNo, & ca 8t ski well, b#t & ha3e totally mastered sitti " i the lod"e dri ki " m#lled wi e.H The closer & "ot to the mo# tai s, the stro "er The @eeli ". &t was likeDwhe yo#8re walki " alo e at i"ht a d yo# =#st k ow someo e8s followi " yo#, orD Oh, o. & k ew what it was like. &t was like the i"ht of my s'irit 3isit to !acCalla Castle whe &8d first felt the i kli "s of the 'rese ce of @omoria e3il. & tried to calm the s#dde 'o# di " of my heart while & looked aro# d me. 5#ardia Castle was owhere i si"ht. & was ho3eri " o3er the be"i i " of the mo# tai ra "e, a d was 8t early far e o#"h i to the mo# tai s to be close to 5#ardia Castle. !y body drifted lower, a d & st#died the =a""ed terrai below me. The twili"ht made it hard to see. & drifted dow the far side of the crest of o e of the first lar"e 'eaks. A d my heart froAe. Below me, s'illi " o3er the side of a mo# tai a d i to a small 3alley was a a3ala che of creat#res. E3e tho#"h the terrai was too r#""ed for them to #se their wi "s to hel' their ad3a ce, they mo3ed swiftly a d sile tly. & the wa i " li"ht somethi " abo#t them str#ck me as re'tilia . @i d him, the 5oddess whis'ered i to my mi d. !y body drifted lower still, # til & floated ear the heads of the leaders of the creat#res. @rom abo3e it was im'ossible to disti "#ish i di3id#als4 they all looked alike. Their wi "s were semi-erectJ their heads were tilted dow , as if they eeded to watch where their talo s were ste''i ". They were all tall a d skeletal-looki ", a d & co#ld 8t fri""i fi d N#ada. @r#strated a d ot k owi " what else to do, & drew a dee' breath a d yelled, 9Mey, N#ada? >here are yo#, sweet tha "B:

A horribly familiar hiss er#'ted from o e of the lead @omoria s. Me halted abr#'tly, ca#si " the sy chro iAed li e behi d him to falter a d sto'. They milled aro# d i co f#sio as N#ada searched the air abo3e him. & drifted dow # til & my s'irit body was floati " almost directly behi d him. & se t a sile t 'lea to E'o a that she wo#ld lift me back #' a d o#t of reach before he t#r ed aro# d. Do ot fear, Belo3ed. >itho#t breathi ", & lea ed forward a d whis'ered my breathy s'irit 3oice almost directly i to his ear, 9Looki " for meB: As & be"# s'eaki ", my body was already lifti "4which was a "ood thi " beca#se N#ada s'# aro# d, "rabbi " o ly em'ty air with his diste ded claws. U' here, bi" boy?: & felt the shi3er that told me & had become 3isible, a d N#ada8s eyes were slits as he ca#"ht si"ht of me. Mis com'a io s, too, co#ld see me, as was ob3io#s from their reactio . & "la ced dow at myself, realiAi " that & was aked a"ai . & "ritted my teeth. !y body was still ki d of see-thro#"h, so somehow that sho#ld make it okay that & was aked. At least that8s what & told myself. >e come, female,: he s'at. 5ood.: & blew kisses at his leeri " com'a io s, which made him s arl. 9The ce ta#rs are looki " forward to yo#r defeat almost as m#ch as & am.: !y mocki " la#"hter echoed from the side of the mo# tai as E'o a made me tra s'are t o ce a"ai , a d lifted my body away a d back toD Uh?: & sat abr#'tly #'ri"ht, bli ki " i the "olde -ti ted twili"ht. %heaB: & cleared my throat a d said, 9They8re o their way.:

>e made cam' as it became f#lly dark. Cla @i ta said there wo#ld be li"ht as soo as the moo rose, b#t ot e o#"h to risk s a''i " off a ce ta#r8s le". Besides, the Tem'le of the !#se was o ly a day8s march ahead. &t was 'ossible that they wo#ld be "oi " i to battle withi forty-ei"ht ho#rs, so this i"ht mi"ht be their last cha ce to rest before e "a"i " the @omoria s. The tho#"ht of the battle to come made my stomach h#rt, b#t s#rro# ded by o e tho#sa d stro ", well-armed ce ta#rs it was hard to ima"i e that a ythi " co#ld sta d a cha ce of defeati " #s. Not e3e demo ic, 3am'iric creat#res like the @omoria s. <oo after halti " for the i"ht, cam'fires flickered a d the M# tresses ret#r ed with fresh meat that was I#ickly s'itted a d str# " o3er the o'e flames. & e2c#sed myself, headi " i the directio of the ri3er to fi d a co 3e ie t b#sh a d a trail dow to the ri3er so that & co#ld wash some of the tra3el "rime off me. Cla @i ta , Do#"al a d a host of other smart-alecky ce ta#rs made lo#d offers to accom'a y me, b#t & decli ed "racef#lly Gtelli " them to mi d their ow fri""i b#si essH. The ba k was m#ch stee'er tha & had a tici'ated, b#t it was li ed with a lo3ely assortme t of low, leafy b#shes. & smiled as & chose my facilities. The & scrambled dow the ba k i a s'ot that looked like it mi"ht ha3e bee a deer 'ath. The 5eal %i3er "liste ed i the 'ale moo li"ht as if someo e had broke a "ia t thermometer a d s'illed sil3er merc#ry o3er the to' of it. &t was more t#rb#le t here tha it had bee dow stream a d it "rowled as it t#mbled o3er rocks a d cre3ices, bea#tif#l i a wild, # tamed way & wo#ld ha3e e3er e2'erie ced i my old world. &8d see ma y s'ectac#lar ri3ersN the Colorado %i3er, %ed %i3er, the

%io 5ra de a d the !ississi''i. A d &8d tho#"ht they were lo3ely a d sce ic, b#t this ri3er felt differe t. &t had 8t bee tamed a d commercialiAed a d to#ristiAed. &t was still the '#lse of its co# try. As & di''ed my ha ds i its icy wet ess a d washed my face, the dra k from it, & co#ld almost taste its 'ower. <#r'risi "ly, i stead of bei " o3erwhelmed by its 'rimiti3e stre "th it i 3i"orated me. 6o# belo " here, Belo3ed. The words were s'oke clearly i my mi d. Co#ld that be tr#eB: & said alo#d to the 5oddess. 9& thi k & wa t to belie3e it. & k ow & wa t to belie3e. B#t &8mD&8m =#st me. Nothi " s'ecial.: Or at least ot s'ecial e o#"h to be chose by a a cie t "oddess. >hat does yo#r heart tell yo#, Belo3edB The "e tle words soothed thro#"h my mi d. !y heart said that this was my home, a d the wo der of it ca#sed the flesh o my arms to 'rickle a d raise. %emember to follow yo#r heart, my Belo3edD The sweet 3oice faded away like wi d-blow lea3es. & stood beside the t#mbli " ri3er for a lo " while tryi " to wra' my mi d aro# d the co ce't of belo "i " to a ew world a d a"e4a d bei " called my Belo3ed by a "oddess. @eeli " more tha a little o3erwhelmed, & str#""led back #' the ba k, which m#st ha3e "row stee'er as &8d comm# ed e2t to the ri3er. & was breathi " hard a d losi " "ro# d, whe a stro " arm reached dow a d '#lled me the rest of the way #'. & was be"i i " to worry abo#t yo#.: !y h#sba d "a3e the 'ath &8d =#st bee tryi " to a3i"ate a frow . 9This ba k is really too stee' for yo# to be climbi "4it co#ld "i3e way a d yo# wo#ld fi d yo#rself i the ri3er.: & br#shed my breeches off a d m#ttered, 9Now yo# tell me.: & wo#ld ha3e come after yo# soo er, b#t & k ow how yo# 3al#e yo#r 'ri3acy, a d & tho#"ht & wo#ld wait # til yo# were fi ished.: Dar ice of yo#.: & started walki " back to o#r cam'fire. Me fell i beside me, loo'i " his arm aro# d my sho#lders a d ad=#sti " his lo " stride so that he did 8t walk o3er the to' of me. Mis warm, solid 'rese ce "ro# ded me, a d & realiAed that whether or ot & belie3ed & sho#ld be the Chose of a "oddess, there was o e thi " & did ot I#estio , a d that was that & belo "ed with Cla @i ta . The smells of o#r cam'fire were welcomi " a d made my mo#th water. <omethi " that had 'robably bee Bambi was siAAli " o a s'it o3er the fire4& co#ld hardly wait to di" i . & was ha''y to see <ila had =oi ed o#r cam'fire, a d we e2cha "ed warm "reeti "s. !y Lady?: Do#"al8s c#te self h#rried #'. 9& '#lled this lo" o3er for yo#.: Me 'oi ted to a lo" that made a 'erfect seat by the fire. & smiled at him a d 'atted his arm like he was a cross betwee a tee a"er a d a '#''y. 9Tha k yo#, Do#"al. &t8s 'erfect.: Me bl#shed a d "a3e me a shy smile. Do yo# thi k yo# co#ld fi d me a wi eski , 'referably filled with a ice redB: Of co#rse, my Lady?: A d off he trotted. Literally. Me is yo# ".: !y h#sba d8s 3oice so# ded am#sed. Me8s adorable4do 8t yo# make f# of him.:

Cla @i ta s orted i re'ly. &8ll bet yo# were a adorable yo# " thi " o ce, too.: Cla @i ta s orted a"ai , a d se3eral of the ce ta#rs withi heari " ra "e e2'erie ced co#"hi " fits, which so# ded s#s'icio#sly like la#"hter. Do#"al ret#r ed with a f#ll wi eski , followed by se3eral yo# " ce ta#rs, all of whom bowed er3o#sly to me. Cla @i ta s'oke to each by ame. & reco" iAed two of them from o#r e2c#rsio to !acCalla Castle, the others looked 3a"#ely familiar, a d & fi"#red they m#st all be from Cla @i ta 8s 'ri3ate "#ard. Eictoria =oi ed #s =#st as Do#"al ha ded me a 'iece of siAAli " meat o a stick, to the 3ery ob3io#s =oy of the yo# " ce ta#rs. There is room here by me, M# tress,: o e c#te sorrel said. B#t yo# wo#ld be directly i li e of the smoke from the fire there,: a m#sc#lar bay chimed i . 9Mere yo# wo#ld be free of smoke, M# tress.: <e3eral other ce ta#rs o'e ed their mo#ths to make their ow bids for her atte tio , b#t Eictoria sile ced them. & eed to s'eak with Lady %hia o , b#t tha k yo# for yo#r "e ero#s offers.: <he acce'ted a s#cc#le t-looki " 'iece of meet offered to her by Do#"al, whom she rewarded with a "ratef#l smile. & tho#"ht 'oor Do#"al mi"ht fai t. <he took her 'lace e2t to my lo", a d folded her k ees "racef#lly. As she did so she ca#"ht my eyes a d rolled her ow , m#mbli " somethi " abo#t silly fresh colts. They adore yo#,: & whis'ered to her. <he shr#""ed her sho#lders a d bit dai tily i to her Bambi-o -a-stick. After she8d chewed she whis'ered back, 96o# " males wo#ld all like to tame a M# tress.: <he said it as if there was 3ery little 'ossibility of that ha''e i ". 6o# do 8t ha3e a mateB: & ke't my 3oice low, tha kf#l the ce ta#rs were distracted by talki " to my h#sba d. <he "a3e a horselike s ort thro#"h her ose. 9No? !ales take #' too m#ch time.: & la#"hed, b#t my eyes "ra3itated to my h#sba d8s ha dsome 'rofile. As if he felt my "aAe, he t#r ed his head i my directio a d smiled warmly from across the fire. B#t they ca be awf#lly ice to ha3e aro# d.: & k ew & so# ded lo3e-str#ck, a d & did 8t care. That is beca#se yo# lo3e him. & ha3e ot fo# d lo3e4so & ha3e take o mate.: <he did 8t so# d 'artic#larly bothered by it. As if to 3erify that, she added, 9<ome M# tresses e3er mate.: 5#ess yo#8re ke't 'retty b#sy.: As Lead M# tress it is my res'o sibility to tra3el from herd to herd, trai i " a d o3erseei " all of the yo# " M# tresses.: <he shr#""ed her sho#lders a"ai . 9&t lea3es little time for co#rti ".: >ell, Eic, maybe someo e sho#ld tell them that.: & "est#red to the yo# " ce ta#rs who were still se di " her looks filled with lo "i ". <he la#"hed a d wi ked at o e of the stari " ce ta#rs, who 'rom'tly dro''ed the meat he was '#lli " off the fla k roasti " o the fire. As he fra tically tried to "rab it o#t of the hot coals, <ila, who was recli i " comfortably across the fire from #s, la#"hed alo#d.

Take care with what yo# are doi ", colt. & will ot me d b#r s ca#sed by foolish ess.: At that, the yo# " ce ta#rs all ch#ckled at themsel3es "ood- at#redly. B#t they did 8t sto' s eaki " looks at Eic. They are i tri"#ed by the 'ower of a M# tress. >he o e is i tri"#ed by who & am4Eictoria, ot the Lead M# tress4the & may be willi " to make time for him. U til the they are sweet di3ersio s, a d o more.: & was dyi " to ask her abo#t ce ta#r se2, b#t Cla @i ta chose that mome t to =oi #s, a d, well, whe "irlfrie ds talk abo#t se2 it is a "irl-e2cl#si3e s#b=ect, e3e whe o e of the "irls is 'art horse. M# tress, this is e2ce'tio ally choice 3e iso . !ay & comme d yo# o yo#r h# ti " todayB: <ee, & k ew we8d bee eati " Bambi. M# ti " is easy i this forest. &t is brimmi " with "ame.: Eic so# ded o chala t, b#t & co#ld tell she was 'leased by Cla @i ta 8s 'raise. & started to tell her that & tho#"ht it was "ood, too, whe Do#"al cleared his throat a d ca#"ht my atte tio . Lady %hia o 4: his eyes were shi i " a d his cheeks were fl#shed 94& ha3e bee asked to i I#ire if we co#ld e tice a story from yo# to i"ht.: Oh, =eesh. Mere we "o a"ai . That wo#ld be lo3ely, %hea.: Eictoria "a3e me a "irlfrie d "ri . 9& ha3e heard yo# are a master storyteller, trai ed by the !#se.: 5reat. Act#ally &8m a master teacher who memoriAes well e o#"h to 'la"iariAe 'retty easily. & co#ld see Cla @i ta shifti " er3o#sly at my side, ob3io#sly worried that <ha #' to %hia o 8s re'#tatio . Me sho#ld ha3e k ow better by ow. & wi'ed my ha ds o my 'a ts, tossed my hair back a d stood. <mili " at Do#"al, & said, 9& wo#ld be deli"hted to tell yo# a story.: At my words, e2clamatio s of ha''y s#r'rise we t #' from the "ro#' aro# d o#r cam'fire, a d & oticed se3eral ce ta#rs withi heari " 'assed the word that %hia o was telli " a tale, so my crowd be"a to "row. @or a teacher, that8s a "ood thi ". & cleared my throat a d '#t o my storytelli " 3oice, which was 'art actress, 'art teacher a d 'art sire . To i"ht & made s#re it was hea3y o the sire 'art, while my mi d was I#esti " ahead, cha "i " a d rewriti " the roma tic le"e d of the $ha tom of the O'era. O ce, lo " a"o, a child was bor with a horribly disfi"#red face. Mis eyes were mismatched, his li's were deformed, his ski was thi a d yellow, like old 'archme t, a d where his ose sho#ld ha3e bee , there was o ly a "rotesI#e hole.: !y a#die ce made m#rm#rs of dis"#st. 9Mis mother aba do ed him at birth, b#t a ki dly "oddess4: & searched my brai fra tically 94the !#se of !#sic, took 'ity o him. <he carried him to her tem'le a d allowed him to li3e i the catacombs be eath it. To make #' for his terrible disfi"#reme t, she "ifted him with that which was most im'orta t to her, a ma"ical ability to make m#sic, both with i str#me ts a d his 3oice. <o, the child "rew i to a ma , li3i " i the bowels of the tem'le, worshi''i " m#sic a d 'erfecti " his craft. Mis o ly lo3e was m#sicJ his fo dest =oy was to liste to his 5oddess trai i " the 3oices of the o co#ld 8t hold

eo'hytes who came to st#dy at the tem'le.: The ce ta#rs were ra't with atte tio 4a serio#sly "ood class. Me e3er allowed himself to be see , he e3e fashio ed a mask, white as moo li"ht "leami " o s ow, which he wore always to shield his face from the shadows a d s'irits that were his o ly com'a y. Me e3e belie3ed himself to be a shadow, or a s'irit, a d he called himself the $ha tom of the Tem'le.: G>ell, it worked.H Me co 3i ced himself that he was co te t with his life, co 3i ced himself he eeded othi " more tha m#sic to fill his dark days a d e dless i"hts. U til the day he ha''e ed to hear a yo# " eo'hyte a#ditio i ", a d he made the mistake of "la ci " at her thro#"h a hidde mirror. Me fell i sta tly a d irre3ocably i lo3e. Mer ame was Christi e.: & mo3ed aro# d the fire, wea3i " a bastardiAed 3ersio of the timeless story. & lo3ed teachi " the story to freshme 4e3ery year & had them read 5asto Lero#28s ori"i al, the & wo#ld read alo#d to them from <#sa 7ay8s (001s roma tic retelli ". The we wo#ld liste to A drew Lloyd >eber8s amaAi " m#sical. By the time the fi al sce e was 'layed, there were 3ery few dry eyes i my classroom. @or my ce ta#rs & mi2ed the best of the three 3ersio s to"ether, recreati " a tale that mesmeriAed them. a d whe he fi ally had Christi e alo e, dow i his chamber be eath the tem'le, he k ew there was o ly o e cha ce she wo#ld lo3e him4a d that o e cha ce was if his m#sic co#ld mo3e her heart e o#"h that she co#ld for"et the horror of his face. <o he wra''ed her i his words a d sa " to her of The !#sic of the Ni"ht.: >hat did Christi e chooseB: !y h#sba d8s 3oice was thick with emotio . The world had arrowed so that it seemed we were alo e. & smiled thro#"h tears a d told a bi" ol8 who''i " lie. 9<he o3ercame her fear of his a''eara ce a d chose the bea#ty withi him4a d they li3ed ha''ily e3er after.: A cheer we t #' from my a#die ce, followed by lots of lo#d cla''i " a d stom'i " of hoo3es. & the midst of it all, Cla @i ta '#lled me i to his arms a d kissed me lo " a d hard, which ca#sed a lot more cheeri " a d stom'i ". The he 'icked me #' a d, to the accom'a ime t of lots of ribald sho#ts, carried me I#ickly away from the cam'fires. O3er his sho#lder & was s#r'rised a d to#ched to see <ila smili " wistf#lly as she we't o'e ly, a d Eic wi'i " tears from her shi i " eyes with o e ha d, a d wa3i " at me with the other. Clearly, &8d bee a hit. A d yo# did 8t thi k & co#ld do it.: & kissed his m#sc#lar sho#lder, the Go seco d tho#"htH "a3e it a shar' bite. 6o# k ow & ca bite back.: Me looked dow at me with mock serio#s ess. &8m co# ti " o it.: & kissed the 'lace &8d =#st bitte . &t is ot that & did ot thi k yo# ca'able of e tertai i " themD: Me 'a#sed. & stayed sile t, allowi " him to co ti #e as he carried me away from the fireli"ht. 9&t is =#st that & k ow yo# do ot like to be tho#"ht of as %hia o , a d storytelli " is a 3eryD: Mis 3oice trailed off a d & offered, 9A 3ery %hia 6es.: Me looked relie3ed that & # derstood. O#r li3es o3erla'4: & shr#""ed 94& ca 8t hel' that. All & ca do is make what was hers my ow .: & o thi " to doB:

wo dered briefly what ki d of mess she was maki " of my life. The & sI#elched that tho#"ht. This was my lifeJ there was othi " & co#ld do abo#t what she was or was ot doi " i a other world. &f & dwelt o the 'ossibilities, like how badly she m#st be h#rti " my frie ds a d family, it wo#ld dri3e me i sa e with fr#stratio . There was o "oi " back, o fi2i " it. & looked #' at my h#sba d8s stro " 'rofile, a d admitted to myself that e3e if there was a way for me to "o back, & wo#ld 8t. & # derstood it was a selfish decisio , b#t he was my lo3e a d with him was where & chose to make my life. & closed my eyes a d rested my head a"ai st his chest, wishi " si cerely that %hia o wo#ld "et hit by a b#s.

6o# are ot aslee', are yo#B: No.: & o'e ed my eyes a d looked aro# d. Cla @i ta had bee tra3eli " orth, a d we had 'assed o#t of the area i which the army was cam'i ". & heard him a swer a se try8s hail, 'a#si " o ly lo " e o#"h for him to ack owled"e the ce ta#r8s sal#te before he co ti #ed mo3i ". Me 3eered to the ri"ht, a d we were soo e cased by the dark ess of the forest. The moo had rise , a d 'oi ts of sil3er li"ht drifted dow thro#"h the a cie t trees, washi " e3erythi " i a s#rrealistic "low. >here are we "oi "B: & ha3e a s#r'rise for yo#.: %eallyB: & started 'atti " his 3est for 'ockets. >hat are yo# looki " forB: A =ewelry bo2.: Me la#"hed. 9Not that ki d of s#r'rise.: Me be"a looki " aro# d at the floor of the forest, like he was searchi " for somethi ". The & heard his satisfied "r# t as he came to a old falle tree. &t looked as if it had bee s'lit almost e2actly i half, 'robably by li"ht i ". Cla @i ta walked o3er to the lar"est half. <ta d o this,: he said as he caref#lly de'osited me o the lo". &t was wide a d st#rdy, a d & did 8t ha3e a y tro#ble bala ci " o it. & looked at him a d "ri ha''ily. ed

Mey? &8m almost e3e with yo# ow.: A d & was. Almost. !y eyes came abo#t to his chi . & loo'ed my arms aro# d his sho#lders a d lea ed i to him, kissi " the cleft i that chi . Me res'o ded by wra''i " his arms aro# d my waist, fi di " my li's with his, a d be"i i " a slow, se s#o#s kiss that seemed to ha3e o e d. & 'arted my li's a d let him de3o#r me, losi " myself i the heat of him. & was "lad he had his arms aro# d me, beca#se my k ees be"a to feel decidedly weak. Me '#lled me a"ai st him. Mis li's be"a a hot trail dow the side of my eck. & lea ed i to him, letti " my ha ds tra3el o3er the hard m#scles of his sho#lders a d back. >itho#t 'a#si " i his e2'loratio , & felt him # tyi " the laces of my leather to', which he deftly '#lled off me. Mis head lowered to my breasts as he be"a alter ati " erotically betwee ibbli ", s#cki " a d kissi ". The & felt his ha d # tyi " the laces of my 'a ts. & held ti"htly to him a d ste''ed o#t of them, so that ow all & was weari " was o e of my ti y tho "s. & whis'ered, more tha a little breathlessly, 9& tho#"ht it was 8t smart for yo# to sha'e-shift ri"ht ow.: Mis ha ds c#''ed my ass a d he '#lled me ro#"hly a"ai st him a"ai , whis'eri " back i to my

mo#th, 9& am ot "oi " to sha'e-shift.: Me 'layf#lly took my bottom li' betwee his teeth. Oh,: & said whe he released my li'. 9The what4: That is the s#r'rise.: <tayi " i the safety of his arms, & lea ed back a little bit so & co#ld see his eyes. & do 8t # dersta d.: Me ke't o e arm aro# d me as he talkedJ the other was b#sy with my body. @irst he caressed my breasts "e tly. & had a talk with Carola 4: Mis 3oice was low a d sed#cti3e, a d what his ha d was doi " was maki " my head feel diAAy. 9Abo#t h#ma female a atomy.: & bli ked, ot s#re if &8d heard him correctly. >hatB & still do 8t # dersta d.: Mis ha d tra3eled from my breasts to my waist a d stomach. 9%ela2, yo# will.: Mis ha d di''ed dow , sli''i " i side my tho " a d slidi " easily o3er the hot moist ess he fo# d there. & s#cked i my breath a d lea ed my head a"ai st his sho#lder, letti " my ow ha d roam # der his o'e 3est. & asked him how & co#ld 'leas#re yo# whe & was ot able to sha'e-shift.: Mis fi "ers mo3ed back a d forth. 9Me e2'lai ed se3eral thi "s to me.: Me be t a d ca't#red my mo#th a"ai , while his fi "ers ke't #' their erotic da ce. <lowly, he broke the kiss, a d whis'ered to me. 9A d o#r talk "a3e me a idea. Tr#st me, a d & thi k yo# will e =oy yo#rself.: &8m already e =oyi " myself,: & said breathlessly. Me smiled. 9There is more.: Oh, 5od,: & moa ed. Me smiled a"ai a d e2'lai ed, 9& am "oi " to '#t yo# o my back. & wa t yo# to scoot forward, 'ress yo#r body a"ai st me, a d wra' yo#r arms ti"htly aro# d me. The mo3e with my rhythm.: Me kissed me a"ai . & made a mewi " so# d whe his fi "ers stilled, the retreated. Me held me with o e ha d, a d with the other he I#ickly stri''ed off his 3est, lea3i " his torso bare. The & felt his stro " ha ds e circle my waist, a d he lifted me, 'laci " me firmly o his back. Me t#r ed his head a d s'oke o3er his sho#lder. 9Mold me ti"htly.: & mo3ed myself as far forward as & co#ld, lo3i " the feel of my aked breasts a"ai st the heat of his back. & wra''ed my arms ti"htly aro# d him, stroki " my ha ds from his chest dow to his hard stomach, while & kissed a d ibbled o the li e of his sho#lder blades. Now 'ress yo#rself a"ai st me as & mo3e.: Mis 3oice was thick with desire, a d & felt chills tra3el dow my i er thi"hs i res'o se. Me started o#t, mo3i " i a rolli " ca ter. & felt my 'el3is rock with him, back a d forth, back a d forth, as if his ha d was still caressi " me. & moa ed a d b#ried my face betwee his sho#lder blades. Mis arms co3ered my arms. The , slowly, his "ait i creased, a d the rhythmic rocki " i creasedDa d i creasedDa d i creasedD# til s#dde ly & fo# d myself e2'lodi " a d dissol3i " i to him.

&t was so "ood it made my back teeth ache4& swear. Mis "allo' decreased i s'eed as he circled back to o#r lo". By the time we were back where we started, & felt as if & had o bo es left i my body. Not that & mi ded. %hea, &8m "oi " to set yo# o the lo".: & odded slee'ily a"ai st his back, a d he "e tly lifted me to the lo". O'e yo#r eyes so & k ow yo# will ot fall whe & let "o of yo#.: & o'e ed my eyes a d stretched like a cat. Me watched me for a mome t with a 'leased e2'ressio o his face. The he asked, 9Did yo# like yo#r s#r'riseB: Absol#tely.: GNote to selfN tha k Carola .H & looked at him dreamily. 9B#t what abo#t yo#B: !eB: Me was '#tti " his 3est back o a d searchi " aro# d for my shirt a d 'a ts. 6eah. 6o# k ow, is there somethi " & ca do to, #m, 'leas#re yo#B: & held my breath waiti " for his a swer. &t came i the form of a horse-siAe belly la#"h. & thi k ot, lo3e,: he said whe he was able to co trol himself. Me ha ded me my clothes, still ch#ckli " to himself. & was feeli " a little dis"r# tled a d sli"htly embarrassed as & =erked my clothes back o , tryi " to tie the i tricate laces myself. Let me do that.: Mis fi "ers took o3er for mi e as & swe't my hair o#t of the way. >he he was fi ished he oticed my G# #s#alH sile ce. & did 8t meet his eyes, b#t & felt him st#dy me, a d whe & did allow myself to "la ce #' at him & saw his eyes wide ed i s#dde # dersta di ". Me took my chi i his ha d a d tilted my face so that & had to meet his "aAe. & did ot mea to belittle or embarrass yo#. & am 'leased that yo# offered, b#t4: his smile lit #' the i"ht, a d & felt my li's t#r i " #' i res'o se 94yo# are s#ch a small h#ma .: Me ch#ckled a"ai a d kissed me "e tly. & let my arms slide aro# d his sho#lders, a d he '#t o e arm aro# d my back a d o e arm # der my le"s, carryi " me close to him as we headed back to the cam'. & rested my head o his sho#lder. B#t it does 8t seem fair. & wa t to 'lease yo#, too.: Altho#"h & did really e =oy the fact that he tho#"ht of me as 9small.: 6o#r 'leas#re is my ow ,: he said i a matter-of-fact to e of 3oice a d kissed the to' of my head. 9Do yo# ot # dersta d that & was bor to lo3e yo#B: 6o# belo " to o e a other, Belo3ed. The 5oddess8s words filled my mi d. 96es, & # dersta d.: !y 3oice was choked with emotio . & watched his stro " 'rofile i the moo li"ht, a d saw his li's t#r #' i a co te ted smile. &t was at that mome t that & 3owed to myself, & will e3er be 'arted from him.

The so# ds of horses8 hoo3es r#stli " thro#"h dried lea3es called me from my dee', dreamless

slee'. The & smelled somethi " that remi ded me of scrambled e""sDa d fryi " meat. & rolled o3er, tryi " to fi d a comfortable s'ot o the hard "ro# d so that & co#ld drift back to slee', b#t dee' 3oices sho#ti " orders made me crack o'e my eyes. &t was still dark, b#t & co#ld see that a 'ale hi t of daw was be"i i " to '#sh i"ht away. 5ood mor i ", Lady %hea?: <ila8s cheerf#l 3oice assa#lted me. !or i ",: & m#ttered i re'ly, r#bbi " my eyes. Eictoria fo# d a est of 'artrid"e e""s, do they ot smell delicio#sB: <he beamed at me as she reached dow a d stirred the co te ts of a iro 'ot that was 'erched betwee two rocks so that it h# " abo3e the cam'fire. 6eah, they smell "reat.: They did, b#t the aches a d sore ess i my slowly awake i " m#scles s#cked the life o#t of the 'leas#re & took i the y#mmy smell. &8d for"otte how horrible tra3eli " ce ta#rback for a 'rotracted 'eriod of time was. E3ery m#scle i my body screamed for my mi eral 'ool a d a ice massa"e. & stood slowly, feeli " each seco d of my thirty-fi3e-'l#s years, m#lti'lied by te . !y hair was a est. !y back h#rt. A d my breath 'robably smelled like someo e8s dirty toes. & really hated cam'i ". & tried to ret#r <ila8s 'erky smile G"reat4a other mor i " ce ta#rH. 9&8m "oi " to, #h, freshe #'.: >o derf#l? The e""s sho#ld be ready whe yo# ret#r .: Mow co#ld a yo e be so ha''y before the s# had rise B Okay,: & m#mbled a d be"a lim'i " toward the ri3erba k. O the way ce ta#rs ke't calli " me by ame a d wishi " me a "ood mor i ". & did my best to be 'olite, es'ecially whe se3eral of them comme ted "racio#sly o the $ha tom of the Tem'le story. & fo# d a rece'ti3e b#sh, a d ma a"ed to scale my way to the ri3er, wash my ha ds, face a d scr#b my teeth with my fi "er, the scramble my way back #' the ba k. Ah, the >o derf#l >orld of Cam'i "4may it rot i hell. A h#"e amo# t of scrambled e""s mi2ed with reheated Bambi was hot off the "rill as & "r#mbled my way back i to cam'. Cla @i ta , Do#"al a d two more yo# " ce ta#rs & reco" iAed from the i"ht before were already eati ". & wo dered where Eic was, b#t commo se se told me !s. M# tress was 'robably already sco#ti " aro# d, looki " for somethi " te der to kill. 5ood mor i ", my Lady.: Cla @i ta "a3e me a I#ick smile a d ha ded me a wide leaf filled with steami " e"" a d meat. !or i ".: & tried to smile back. & sat o the lo" a d caref#lly scoo'ed the hot mi2t#re i to my mo#th with my fi "ers, a d oticed my beddi " was already 'acked away somewhere. E3eryo e looked ea"er to hit the road. >ill we reach the tem'le todayB: & asked Cla @i ta as & chewed the s#r'risi "ly scr#m'tio#s e"" mi2t#re. 6es, we sho#ld arri3e =#st before d#sk.: They do k ow we8re comi ", do 8t theyB: & asked. %# ers were se t, as well as carrier-'i"eo messa"es. They k ow o#r 'la .: ers were directed to stay there a d 're'are for o#r arri3al, a d othi " A y word o the co ditio of the ladiesB: No e. The ce ta#r r#

was me tio ed thro#"h 'i"eo messa"es.: %ats with wi "s,: & m#ttered aro# d a 'iece of e"" X la Bambi. Cla @i ta "a3e me a I#estio i " look. C#st i" ore me4&8m "r#m'y i the mor i ".: & looked aro# d at the lack of li"ht. 9A d es'ecially "r#m'y i the 'remor i ".: Cla @i ta la#"hed "ood- at#redly. 96o# =#st eed to "et "oi ". O ce we ha3e started yo# ca "o ri"ht back to slee'.: Me lowered his 3oice a d br#shed a c#rl away from my face. 9&f & remember correctly, yo# are I#ite comfortable astride me.: & 'layf#lly sla''ed his ha d away a d smiled thro#"h my e""s. 96o#8re so fresh.: Come?: Me "ri we tra3el.: ed a d lifted me off the lo" a d o to his broad back. 96o# ca fi ish the rest as

6eah, "reat,: & said as & br#shed his thick hair o#t of my leaf 'late so & co#ld eat the last bites of my breakfast, a d serio#sly wished for some coffee. The ce ta#rs broke cam' I#ickly, a d soo the army was o its way. & had to admit it was a "or"eo#s mor i ". &t was still too dam early, b#t e3e & co#ld a''reciate a e2#bera t dis'lay of !other Nat#re !or i " ess. The s# rose o3er the forest, shi i " 'recocio#sly with a clear, brillia t ti t. Today o#r 'ath took #s more toward the 'ict#resI#e ba k that had bee "rowi " e3er stee'er. &t was bea#tif#l, tho#"h, li ed with wee'i " willows, cotto woods, a d & was e3e 'retty s#re & "lim'sed a occasio al wild-cherry tree. A tho#sa d ce ta#rs8 hoo3es m#ted the oise of the ri3er, b#t its ma=esty was 3isible whe the folia"e thi ed o#t, a d its t#m#lt#o#s r#sh dow ri3er im'ressed me. Abo#t midday we 'a#sed lo " e o#"h to 'ass aro# d dried meat a d hard bisc#its. Cla @i ta de'osited me ear the ba k so & co#ld stretch my le"s. >hile & was attem'ti " a r# er8s l# "e, the directio of the wi d cha "ed. &t had bee blowi " softly from east to west, ow it ori"i ated i the west, a d it was blowi " harder. &t lifted the bra ches of the willows, maki " them look like a woma 8s lo " hair blowi " i the breeAe. & t#r ed my face i to the breeAe, shaki " o#t my ow hair, liki " the way it was lifted off my sho#lders. & breathed dee'ly, stretchi " my sore m#scles, a dD <hew? >hat is that asty smellB: The breeAe bro#"ht with it a decidedly "aseo#s sce t. Ufasach !arsh.: Cla @i ta wri kled his ose as he, too, tested the air. U"h, it8s horrible. <mells like my "ra dma8s com'ost hea'.: Those who li3e ear the marsh say it has its ow # iI#e bea#ty.: 6#ck4they ca ha3e it. Mow close is it, a ywayB: & walked o3er to sta d o the 'reci'ice of the ba k, sI#i ti " a d shieldi " my eyes from the reflectio of the midday s# off the t#rb#le t water. & co#ld barely make o#t the far ba k. & co#ld tell it was 8t hi"h like the easter ba k, b#t all & co#ld see were more willows4 o cli "i " moss ha "i " from bra ches or s akes or alli"ators. >hat & ha3e bee told is that it be"i s abo#t the le "th of twe ty-fi3e ce ta#rs i la d from the wester ba k, a d stretches almost the e tire breadth of the la d from the Tem'le of the !#se to the orther border of E'o a8s "ro# ds.: Me shr#""ed his broad sho#lders. 9& ha3e e3er tra3eled thro#"h the marsh. Ce ta#rs a3oid swam'y "ro# d.: >ell, &8m with yo# o that o e. < akes, leeches, sti ky waterDyeesh? !akes my ski crawl =#st thi ki " abo#t it.:

!o3eme t of the troo's behi d #s ca#"ht o#r atte tio . & stretched o e more time, the held #' my arms so that Cla @i ta co#ld rede'osit me o his back, a d we co#ld take #' o#r 'ositio at the head of the army. <mall'o2, or o small'o24& was "oi " to be really "lad to "et to the Tem'le of the !#se. !y b#tt felt like it was adheri " to my h#sba d8s back, which is ot a 'artic#larly "ood thi ". The day 'ro"ressed 'retty m#ch as the 're3io#s day. The farther orth we tra3eled, the thicker the forest became. <oo the li e of ce ta#rs was forced to re-form a d tra3el i col#m s of twos. B#t they ke't #' their "ro# d-eati " ca ter. E3e tho#"h &8d wit essed it before, their stami a amaAed me. Cla @i ta 8s breath came =#st as easily after he8d bee tra3eli " for se3eral ho#rs as it had this mor i " before the s# had rise . &8m telli " yo#, ce ta#rs co#ld serio#sly kick b#tt i a aerobics classD!y head s a''ed #' a d & realiAed &8d bee oddi " off. Cla @i ta 8s head be"a to tilt back i my directio a d & s'oke before he co#ld. & k ow4: & c#ddled #' a"ai st him, a d he loo'ed his arm o3er mi e 94yo# wo 8t let me fall.: Ne3er,: he re'eated. & smiled a"ai st his warm back a d let myself drift off i to a dee' slee'. & was i a 'are tFteacher co fere ce with o e of o#r school8s co# selors a d o#r 3ice 'ri ci'al i char"e of disci'li e. Across the table from me sat a st#de t a d his mommy. E3e i my dreams &8m too 'rofessio al to me tio a y ames, b#t & will describe said st#de t as a re'lica of The !issi " Li k, if The Li k had bee i trod#ced to mari=#a a, so that his "e eral a''eara ce had become remi isce t of a Nea derthal-like sloth. Mis mommy was blo d, 'erky a d e2tremely well dressed4be""i " the I#estio N =#st e2actly how m#ch alcohol a dQor recreatio al dr#"s had she co s#med while he was i #teroB & was =#st e2'lai i " to !ommy, accom'a ied by a sta di " o3atio from the co# selor a d 3ice 'ri ci'al Gwho, by the way, was bei " 'layed by $ierceH, that her si2tee -year-old 9baby boy: was either # der-challe "ed or too bri"ht to be i terested i so'homore E "lish, he was sim'ly a laAy, whi y, 'ot-smoki " brat who co#ld be the 'oster child for why we sho#ld bri " ca i " i to America8s '#blic schoolsD >he & was s#cked off of my h#sba d8s back a d fo# d myself s#s'e ded o3er the middle of the 3iole tly ch#r i " ri3er. & do 8t mea a y offe se by this, b#t this time yo# i terr#'ted o e of my to' te fa3orite dreams,: & said to the air aro# d me. 9A d & was =#st "etti " to the real fa tasy 'art where the 3ice 'ri ci'al act#ally backs #' a teacher.: There was o res'o se, b#t my body did be"i h#rli " orth, followi " the ri3er. <omeday, do yo# thi k &8ll be able to slee' witho#t these littleDe2c#rsio sB: & asked alo#d. $atie ce, Belo3ed. Not o e of my 3irt#es,: & m#mbled. The my atte tio was ca'ti3ated by the h#"e b#ildi " & was ra'idly a''roachi ". &t was a domed edifice, a d e3e from a dista ce the stately arches of car3ed marble were im'ressi3e. As & "ot closer & saw that what & took at first to be o e e ormo#s b#ildi " was really se3eral "racef#l str#ct#res, =oi ed to"ether by elaborate walkways a d "arde s. The ce ter b#ildi " was the foc#s, a d the s#rro# di " str#ct#res were sit#ated like s'okes i a wheel. & was close e o#"h ow to see that wome dressed i flowi " robes walked the 'athways betwee b#ildi "s. !a y of their heads

were tilted to"ether, as if they were i the midst of li3ely disc#ssio s. Altho#"h all of the b#ildi "s were bea#tif#l, the ce tral b#ildi " was the most im'ressi3e. & st#died it, i tri"#ed by the lifelike stat#es that ri "ed its e tra ce. & the "arde before it, a woma was s'eaki " to a "ro#' of yo# " wome sitti " all aro# d her feet. <he "est#red "racef#lly with o e ha d, a d with the other she held a e2I#isite ca e car3ed of i3ory. Mer bea#ty was so striki " that if she had 8t mo3ed & wo#ld ha3e tho#"ht her o e of the 'erfect marble stat#es. As & ho3ered earer, she s#dde ly sto''ed s'eaki ", a d cocked her head like she was liste i " to a 3oice i her mi d. The her face broke i to a deli"hted smile, a d she tilted her head #', s'eaki " directly to me. >elcome, Belo3ed of E'o a?: The "irls at her feet G& was close e o#"h ow to see that they, too, were # #s#ally bea#tif#lH m#rm#red e2citedly a d be"a searchi " the air as tho#"h they were tryi " to see me. Thalia, & car ate !#se of Comedy, the 3oice i my mi d 3ol# teered. Tha k yo#, Thalia,: & a swered 'olitely, tryi " to 'ro=ect my s'irit 3oice. <he cocked her head a"ai , like she co#ld hear b#t ot see me, a d asked, 9Are yo# a d the ce ta#rs closeB: >e8ll be here a little after d#sk,: & yelled. Mer smile broade ed a d she t#r ed her head, s'eaki " to the "irl earest her feet. 9@io a, r# to the mai tem'le a d a o# ce that the ce ta#rs will be here shortly after d#sk?: Deli"hted cries a d "i""les we t #' from the healthy, ob3io#sly small'o2-free "irls. & wo dered if we had bee 'remat#re i isolati " h#ma s from this tem'le. >e will be 'leased to welcome yo# this e3e i ", Lady %hea.: <he tilted her face #', a d & had the s#dde realiAatio that her eyes co#ld ot see my s'irit body, or a ythi " else. Mer milky orbs had o '#'ils4she was bli d. All & had time to do was s'#tter a I#ick 95oodbye?: a d & was o the mo3e a"ai , this time headi " directly i to the west, where the s# had already be"# its desce t. The la d s#rro# di " the !#ses8 tem'le was reflecti3e of the wome 8s bea#ty. The mo# tai s to the orth made a 'ict#resI#e backdro' to a 3alley 'ai ted with fields of wildflowers a d irri"ated with b#bbli " streams. & was 'reocc#'ied with "awki " at the sce ery be eath me, so whe Lara"o Castle loomed s#dde ly before me, & felt myself startle i s#r'rise. Torches b#r ed bri"htly from the battleme ts a d the i terior rooms a d co#rtyards. Tall, wi "ed fi"#res sc#rried aro# d the s#rro# di " "ro# ds, shooi " away flocks of dark birds so that they co#ld dra" 'ieces of bodies i to a "r#esome 'ile at the ed"e of the castle "ro# ds. & closed my eyes a d whis'ered, 9$lease do 8t make me "o dow there.: Be stro ", Belo3ed. %emember, & am with yo# was my o ly a swer, b#t, tha kf#lly, my body did 8t 'a#se at the car a"e o#tside the castle. & stead, & floated I#ickly toward a i er towered room that was lit #' with a o3erab# da ce of torches, ca dles a d hearth fires. E'o a did 8t ha3e to 're'are me. & k ew what & wo#ld be faci " as my body dro''ed thro#"h the ceili " of the room. N#ada was alo e, sitti " i a thro elike chair before a blaAi " hearth. Mis ab ormally lo ", i3orycolored fi "ers were wra''ed aro# d a "oblet of red liI#id. & ho'ed it was a ice !erlot, b#t & had my do#bts.

>orryi " abo#t the battle to come, N#adaB: my "hostly 3oice asked. Me did 8t hiss a d l# "e toward me, as was his c#stom. & stead, he si''ed delicately at the liI#id i his c#', a d smiled o3er his sho#lder at me. Not worryi ", female, a tici'ati " tomorrow i"ht, whe yo# will be mi e to claim.: As he s'oke, his li's "liste ed with the red wet ess from the thick liI#id i the c#'. 5ood idea. 6o# ha3e o e last i"ht of freedom. 6o# mi"ht as well stay del#ded a d make it easier o yo#rself,: & said i a matter-of-fact to e of 3oice. Me stood slowly, like a s ake # coili ", a d t#r ed toward my 3oice. Me rested o e ha d o the hi"h back of the chair, i the other he still held the "oblet. & ha3e decided that & will ot kill yo#. & stead, & will kee' yo# ali3e for a 3ery lo " time, so that yo# will ha3e the o''ort# ity to 'leas#re me o3er a d o3er a"ai .: %eallyB: & la#"hed a d felt my body shimmer i to 3iew. 9&8m afraid my ce ta#r h#sba d will ot a''ro3e of yo#r little 'la .: M#sba d?: Mis hiss was back. 9<e3er yo#r ties, female. 6o# belo " to me.: & felt a "er fill my so#l a d & s'at the words at him, 96o# dis"#sti " creat#re? Cla @i ta will sI#ash yo# # der his hoo3es like the roach yo# are, a d se d yo# back to rot i hell where yo# belo "? Take a "ood look at me, beca#se this is as close as he will e3er allow yo# to come.: Mis wi "s be"a to r#stle i a "ry res'o se a d he shrieked, 9Tomorrow i"ht, female? 6o# will belo " to me?: As he h#rled the "oblet at me, E'o a '#lled me away from that dis"#sti " sce e. & ke't my eyes ti"htly closed # til & felt myself resettle i to my body. & breathed dee'ly a d ti"hte ed my "ri' aro# d my h#sba d. Me sI#eeAed my arm i res'o se. They8re at Lara"o Castle,: & said. Me took my ha d a d raised it to his li's. They8re "oi " to attack the !#ses tomorrow i"ht.: That is accordi " to o#r 'la .: Me8ll be looki " for yo#.: 5ood.: Mis 3oice was flat a d da "ero#s. 9That will sa3e me the tro#ble of searchi " him o#t.: Me barked a order at the ce ta#r closest to #s i the col#m . 9Tell Do#"al to loose the 'i"eo s to se d word to the h#ma armies. >e attack Lara"o tomorrow i"ht.: & started to tell him to be caref#l, b#t =#st the we ro# ded a be d i the ri3er a d a =oyo#s cry we t #' from a crowd of e th#siastic "irls o the o''osite ba k. The Tem'le of the !#se stood bri"htly lit by the setti " s# . The ce ta#rs be"a sho#ti " a d wa3i " i re'ly. Cla @i ta called a comma d a d the e tire army broke i to a sy chro iAed "allo'. >hich wo#ld ha3e bee a e2hilarati " e2'erie ce, e2ce't & co#ld see that we were headed directly for a delicate-looki " s#s'e sio brid"e that was ob3io#sly the o ly mea s of crossi " the ra"i " ri3er. Oh, cra',: & said. Cla @i ta sho#ted abo3e the cries of the welcomi " wome , 9Close yo#r eyes a d hold o ? 6o#

k ow & will e3er let yo# fall.: & sh#t my eyes a d b#ried my head i to his thick hair, m#tteri ", 95reat, that mea s we8ll both h#rtle to o#r deaths whe the dam thi " breaks.: & co#ld feel his la#"hter shaki " his sho#lders as he ste''ed o to the brid"e. & =#st ho'e & do 8t '#ke.: &f yo# do, t#r yo#r head. A d remember, they are here to welcome yo#, too.: Ohhhh?: & felt #s swayi " with the breeAe a d the wei"ht of the ce ta#rs who followed #s. 6o# co#ld 8t choose ow to make me "o o o e of my s'irit-tri' thi "sB: & asked my 5oddess. Tr#st him, Belo3ed. Me will e3er let yo# fall drifted thro#"h my mi d, b#t & swear it was accom'a ied by "oddess-like la#"hter.

The Tem'le of the !#se was e3e more im'ressi3e from the "ro# d. >e followed a flower-strew 'ath to the ce tral b#ildi ", the bea#tif#l yo# " wome di3ided #' the army, leadi " each "ro#' to their I#arters amidst lots of yo# " h#ma 3oices "i""li " a d ce ta#rs la#"hi ". Thalia was o the ste's of the "reat b#ildi " to "reet #s. <he wore a lo ", sil3er "ow that s'arkled like it had bee threaded with Aillio s of ti y diamo ds. Mer thick, ho ey-colored hair was braided with fra"ra t "arde ias a d h# " 'ast the middle of her back. The dee'e i " twili"ht cast her bli d eyes i to shadow. >elcome a"ai , E'o a8s Chose .: <he smiled warmly. 9A d <hama Cla @i ta , we are always 'leased to ha3e yo# 3isit #s.: ThaliaD: Cla @i ta walked forward a d took her ha d as she offered it, raisi " it briefly to his li's. 96o# e3er a"e.: Mer la#"hter was i fectio#s. 9<a3e yo#r flattery for yo#r ew wife,: she said, b#t with ob3io#s affectio . The she tilted her head toward me. 9Lady %hea, & ha3e waited lo " to welcome yo#.: & had the disco certi " feeli " that she k ew who & was. O im'#lse & slid off Cla @i ta 8s back, a d took her ha d i mi e, sI#eeAi " it warmly. Tha k yo#, it8s ice to meet yo#, too.: @rom close #' & co#ld see her face was etched delicately with la#"h li es a d small creases that said she was ot as yo# " as she a''eared. <he sI#eeAed my ha d i res'o se. 9Come, o#r maide s will show yo# to yo#r I#arters. After yo# ha3e refreshed yo#rsel3es yo# ca =oi the feast we ha3e 're'ared for yo#.: <he t#r ed, a d her robe ri''led a d shimmered as she mo3ed with "racef#l co fide ce #' the stee' stairs to the o'e doors of the tem'le, her i3ory ca e ta''i " occasio ally i fro t of her the o ly e3ide ce of her bli d ess. <he sees more tha most, Belo3ed. The words i my mi d did 8t s#r'rise me. >e were led thro#"h halls that made E'o a8s Tem'le look modest. The ceili "s were im'ossibly hi"h, decorated with crow moldi " that was car3ed with lifelike sce es of the $riestesses a d their st#de ts. & was amaAed to see colorf#l so "birds flitti " abo3e #s, filli " the air with welcomi " trills. O#r o'#le t chamber had its ow 'ri3ate bath, com'lete with a s# ke 'ool of steami " water. & oticed a filmy-looki " "ow , m#ch like Thalia had bee weari ", dra'ed o3er the e d of the h#"e bed. Cla @i ta smiled as & cooed i deli"ht.

Oh, ma ? &8m "oi " to take a lo " bath? >a t to wash my backB: & was already 'eeli " off my dirty ridi " clothes a d headi " to the s# ke t#b. &f & k ow Thalia a d the rest of the !#ses, we do ot ha3e time for m#ch i timate bathi ".: Mis eyes followed my aked body with what & was 'leased to reco" iAe as l#stf#l lo "i ". &8ll h#rry.: & looked at the bath, the at him. 9Come here, &8ll share my s'o "e with yo#, there8s =#st o way yo#8re "oi " to fit i here.: Me "ri ed, stri''ed off his 3est a d a''roached the t#b with a leer. Be "ood.: & sla''ed his ha ds away with the wet s'o "e. 9Mold still, yo# smell like a horse.: After m#ch s'lashi " a d la#"hi ", & declared both of #s clea , a d my h#sba d wra''ed me i a towel. & held ti"htly to his arm so & did 8t sli' o the water that we8d ca#sed to s'ill from the t#b. >e made a mess,: & said as & dried myself a d headed o3er to the bed, where my ha ds caressed the dia'ha o#s material of the dress. Cla @i ta stood behi d me a d took the towel from aro# d his sho#lders a d be"a hel'i " me to dry my dam' hair. 6o# will look edible i that.: Me lea ed dow a d kissed a se siti3e s'ot o the side of my eck. & shi3ered i 'leas#re, the t#r ed a d walked i to his arms, resti " my head a"ai st him. $lease be caref#l tomorrow. N#ada isD: & did 8t k ow how to describe s#ch 'erfect e3il. 9Morrible beyo d words.: & faltered. & will ot allow him to to#ch yo#.: & k ow yo# wo 8t.: Me held me ti"hter. Two k ocks so# ded at the door, a d a 3oice said, 9!y Lord, my Lady, the ba I#et is abo#t to be"i .: Tha k yo#,: & called. Before & '#lled away, Cla @i ta be t a d kissed me. & lo3e yo#,: he said sim'ly. & lo3e yo#, too. That8s why &8m scared.: Me smiled a d ta''ed the ti' of my ose. 9Do ot be.: & smiled back at him before & t#r ed a d '#lled o the bea#tif#l dress. B#t & co#ld 8t shake the em'ty feeli " i my stomach4a d, for o ce, & k ew it had othi " to do with food. Cla @i ta held my ha d as we =oi ed the crowd that was maki " its way to what m#st be a h#mo "o#s ba I#et room. The ce ta#rs were all smiles, looki " rela2ed a d ha''y as they followed their hostesses to di er. &t was hard for me to ima"i e they wo#ld be "oi " i to battle i twe ty-fo#r ho#rs. >e ste''ed i to the ba I#et hall, a d & "as'ed with a''reciatio for the e2I#isite room. &t was filled with tables a d chaises, a d food a d wi e were bei " set o#t e3erywhere, b#t my eyes were draw #'ward. At least a doAe h#"e crystal cha deliers h# " s#s'e ded from the hi"h domed ceili ", which was 'ai ted with a m#ral de'icti " the i"ht sky, com'lete with co stellatio s e cr#sted with s'arkli " =ewels. The e tire room "liste ed with a "low that made the stars a''ear to mo3e i the 'ai ted sky. There has to be ma"ic i here,: & whis'ered to Cla @i ta as we were show to o#r 'laces at the

head table. 6es,: he whis'ered back, 9there is always ma"ic 'rese t at the Tem'le of the !#se.: >ow?: Me be t so that & co#ld kee' my 3oice soft. 9Now, that is amaAi "?: Mis eyes "liste ed with la#"hter, a d he kissed me o to' of my head. 96o# will fi d ma"ic is m#ch like life, its "ifts are best whe they are # e2'ected.: The this room is a "reat "ift.: As was this s#r'risi " ew life of mi e, & added sile tly as we made o#r way to the ce ter table. Ah, Lady %hea, Cla @i ta ? $lease, =oi #s.: Thalia motio ed to a lar"e chaise that sat betwee her re"al chair a d a other bea#tif#l woma 8s chair. & was ha''y to see Eictoria was already recli i " o the other side of Thalia. O#r chaise was set #' so that Cla @i ta a d & co#ld 'ositio o#rsel3es i o#r 'referred mealtime 'ositio s, with him recli i ", a d me 'erchi " e2t to him. & wo der how the hell she k ew so m#ch abo#t #sB As if she co#ld read my mi d, she said, 9& k ow more tha =#st that, <ha of Comedy lea ed close to me so that o#r 3oices wo#ld 8t carry. o .: The & car ate !#se

& bli ked at her i s#r'rise, a clear I#estio o my face, before & realiAed she co#ld 8t see me, a d & attem'ted to babble somethi " that so# ded like, 9B#t4&4do 8tD: Mer i fectio#s la#"hter s'arkled betwee #s. 9Do ot worry, & am 'leased that E'o a8s tr#e Chose has fi ally arri3ed4as are we all.: Oh,: & said, feeli " com'letely o#t of my lea"#e. Co cer 'assed across her face a d she I#ickly e2'lai ed, 9Do ot fear what yo# do ot immediately # dersta d. 6o#r 5oddess is with yo#. That is all that is really im'orta t.: <he 'atted my ha d ki dly, s#dde ly remi di " me of my mother. & felt # e2'ected tears catch i my throat. >hat is it, childB: she asked. &8m =#st "lad to be here.: <he reached o#t # erri "ly a d to#ched my cheek, e2actly as my mother wo#ld ha3e do e. 96o# m#st be h# "ry.: <he cla''ed her ha ds to"ether, a d ser3a ts carryi " trays lade with steami " food be"a circ#lati " aro# d the room. As & de3o#red a delicio#s st#ffed I#ail, & wi ked at Eic. 9Mey, did yo# kill a y of this foodB: Not to i"ht, %hea.: <he wi ked back. 9& offered, b#t they said they had already bee 're'ari " for o#r arri3al. <o & had to co te t myself with si''i " a "oblet of wi e a d waiti " for yo# to fi ish4: she raised her eyebrows s#""esti3ely i Cla @i ta 8s directio 94dressi ".: <to', yo# bad thi ",: & "i""led at her. 9>hat ca & say, he8s bi", so he takes a lot of4: & raised my eyebrows s#""esti3ely, too 94washi ".: >e dissol3ed i to "irlfrie d "i""les. Cla @i ta 'oi tedly i" ored #s, b#t Thalia =oi ed o#r la#"hter. >ith the e2t co#rse & oticed <ila e teri " the room a d bei " led to o#r table, a d & was cha"ri ed that &8d for"otte com'letely abo#t the threat of small'o2. Before <ila took her a''oi ted 'lace e2t to Eictoria, she 'a#sed to address Thalia. 6o# seem to ha3e the o#tbreak I#ite # der co trol.: Mer 3oice was filled with res'ect. 9!el'ome e asks that & i form yo# that o e of the yo# " o es ha3e worse ed, a d the marsh 'eo'le will soo be well e o#"h to be o their way.: Mer brow wri kled as she co ti #ed, 9B#t

Ter'sichore has become ill, a d will be # able to atte d the feast.: Tha k yo#, <ila. $lease rest a d refresh yo#rself.: & lea ed o3er a d whis'ered to Cla @i ta , 9&s 8t Ter'sichore the !#se that da ced at o#r ha dfastB: 6es,: he re'lied, kee'i " his 3oice low. A d !el'ome e is !#se of Tra"edy,: Thalia s#r'rised me by lea i " toward me a d 3ol# teeri ". 9<he feels she eeds to be i char"e whe e3er there is a ill ess.: The yo#8re familiar with small'o2B: Thalia8s e2'ressio remai ed sere e. 9&t is ot # #s#al for ill ess to come o#t of Ufasach !arsh, a d we ha3e dealt with the 'o2 before. B#t we were sadde ed to lear it had s'read to E'o a8s Tem'le.: >e ha3e the sick I#ara ti ed, a d o#r Mealer says it is # der co trol.: E2celle t.: <he took a si' from her crystal wi e"lass before she co ti #ed i a 3oice 'itched low for my ears alo e. 9$erha's yo# wo#ld like to k ow that e2t to yo#r h#sba d sits Callio'e, !#se of $oetry. Beside her recli es Cleio, !#se of Mistory.: <he tilted her head, liste i ", before she co ti #ed. 9At the head of the earest table, Erato, !#se of Lo3e Lyrics, is e tertai i " yo# " Do#"al, who has so rece tly lost his brother.: !y eyes followed her i trod#ctio s a d & was 'leased to see Do#"al8s face "lowi " with ra't atte tio as the lo3ely Erato s'oke a imatedly. <eated at the table with the leaders of the warriors are $olyhym ia, !#se of <o ", %hetoric a d 5eometry, who is weari " a 3iolet robe, a d Ura ia, !#se of Astro omy a d Astrolo"y, who sho#ld be attired i her ty'ical 3el3et robe the color of the i"ht sky.: 6es, it8s e2actly as yo# describe.: 6o# ha3e already heard that Ter'sichore, !#se of the Da ce, has falle illD: Mer 3oice lowered with sad ess. 9A d E#ter'e, !#se of Lyric $oetry, became ill two days a"o.: &8m sorry. Ter'sichore da ced at o#r weddi ". <he was bea#tif#l.: A d if her 5oddess wills it, she will be a"ai .: Thalia, tha k yo# for e2'lai i " all of this to me. A d tha k yo# for acce'ti " me.: 6o# are 3ery welcome, child.: <he strai"hte ed, still smili ", a d cla''ed her ha ds to"ether twice. The room fell sile t i e2'ectatio . 9Allow #s to e tertai o#r bra3e ce ta#r warriors.: Mer smile was as bri"ht as the cha deliers. 9A d may all of o#r 5oddesses bless yo# tomorrow.: The !#se Erato was the first to rise. <he be"a a to#chi " so " abo#t a yo# " 'easa t "irl who wo the heart of a Chieftai 8s so , a d the feats he had to accom'lish before his father wo#ld co se t to their marria"e. & tried more delicio#s food tha & co#ld kee' co# t of, the , satisfied, & lea ed back a"ai st my h#sba d8s warm chest to e =oy the tale t of the !#ses, a d the delicio#s I#ality of their red wi e. Erato was followed by Callio'e, who e2'ertly recited a ro#si " e'ic 'oem abo#t the first ce ta#r Mi"h <hama , which co cl#ded to the th# dero#s a''la#se of her a#die ce. The $olyhym ia sa " a ha# ti "ly bea#tif#l ballad that remi ded me of somethi " & co#ld ha3e heard o a E ya CD. As se3eral da cers e tered the h#"e chamber a d be"a a se s#o#s da ce, accom'a ied by '#lsi " dr#ms, & felt my eyes be"i to "row hea3y.

Cla @i ta 8s arms e circled me, a d & tried to swim back to wakef#l ess. <hh, child, slee'.: Thalia8s motherly 3oice drifted i to my semico scio#s mi d. 96o#r 5oddess calls.: A d black ess o3ercame me. This time & was 8t eased o#t of my slee'i " body by a delicio#s dream. & stead, & felt my s'irit wre ched #'ward, thro#"h the diamo d-e cr#sted dome i res'o se to the order Come? & h# " abo3e the e ormo#s tem'le, mome tarily disorie ted. The tem'le looked misty a d co f#si "4a d & realiAed that clo#ds had rolled i with the i"ht, obsc#ri " the familiar la dmarks of the mo# tai s a d ri3er. B#t la#"hter a d m#sic floated i the i"ht aro# d me. Des'ite the bad weather, the !#ses8 tem'le was ali3e with es'rit de cor's4i other words, morale was dam "ood. Too soo my body be"a mo3i " i a westerly directio . & be"a 'assi " o3er the fields that se'arated Lara"o Castle from the !#se, catchi " o ly occasio al "lim'ses of the "ree be eath me thro#"h the low-ha "i " clo#ds. & had 8t "o e far whe & be"a to feel a # comfortable se satio i the 'it of my stomach. !y body slowed4the sto''ed. !y heart was raci ", a d & heard the blood 'o# di " i my tem'les. Below me, =#st o#tside the wester ed"e of the tem'le8s "ro# ds, the misty fields were thick with the mo3i " bodies of the @omoria army. They were a''roachi " sile tly, #si " their wi "s to i crease their i sect-like "lidi " strides. No? & closed my eyes a d willed my s'irit back i to my bodyD & lea'ed #', i terr#'ti " the lo3ely da ce as & screamed the word alo#d, 9No?: %hea?: Cla @i ta reached for me. 9>hat is itB: & "as'ed for air4my body was shaki " 3iole tly. 9They8re comi "? Now? The @omoria s are almost o the tem'le "ro# ds.: The room er#'ted i 'a demo i#m, a d Cla @i ta shot to his feet, raisi " his arm a d sho#ti " for sile ce. Ce ta#r a d h#ma obeyed. The the time has come,: he addressed the ce ta#rs with the co fide ce of a e2'erie ced leader. 9Merdsmasters, assemble yo#r warriors o the wester law . Do#"al, se d o#r swiftest r# er with orders to skirt the @omoria li e a d "et to the h#ma s. Tell them we await their aid. Loose the 'i"eo s with the same messa"e. A d remember, ce ta#rs, they m#st ot break thro#"h o#r li es.: Bless them, Belo3ed. & was filled with a s#dde calm, a d my 3oice ra " o#t across the h#"e chamber. 9>e are co# ti " o yo#r co#ra"e. A d yo# are co#ra"eo#s. & k ow it beca#se co#ra"e is ot meas#red by the cr#de 3#l"arity of claws a d fa "s o3er'oweri " wome a d hacki " a'art # 're'ared me . Co#ra"e arises from a se se of d#ty, a d the firm resol3e of "ood ess a d ri"ht. A d that is what & see before me4yo#r obility a d i te"rity. !ay E'o a8s blessi " a d "race "o with each of yo#. !y lo3e s#rely does.: A sho#t of 9Mail E'o a?: ra " to the domed ceili ". The the room e2'loded i to a sea of mo3i "

ce ta#rs. The & car ates of the !#se were maki " their way toward Thalia. The bli d 'riestess8s face was sere e. <he s'oke i a calm 3oice to the wome who s#rro# ded her. $riestesses, o#r st#de ts k ow they are to assemble here. 7ee' them b#sy, it will hel' to kee' them calm.: The $riestesses m#rm#red a"reeme t, a d they be"a calli " to the yo# " st#de ts who had be"# arri3i " as the ce ta#rs were lea3i ". !istress Thalia,: <ila addressed the $riestess, 9ha3e yo#r st#de ts be"i boili " lar"e I#a tities of water, a d teari " li e i to stri's for ba da"i ". & will check o the ill o es a d i form them of what has ha''e ed. The & will ret#r here to hel' yo#r st#de ts 're'are for the i =#red.: Tha k yo#, <ila.: Eictoria?: Cla @i ta called the M# tress to his side. Me '#t his ha d o her sho#lder a d looked i to her eyes as he s'oke. 9>hile & am away, & e tr#st to yo# the safety of my wife.: Eic co3ered his ha d with her ow . 9@i"ht the battle with a clear mi d, my frie d. & will 'rotect %hea with my life.: Cla @i ta '#t his arm aro# d me a d led me a few 'aces away from the wome . @or a mome t we =#st looked at each other, the he be t a d his mo#th co3ered mi e. & cl# " to him, wa ti " to drow i the taste a d heat of him. %el#cta tly, he broke the kiss a d took my face i his ha ds. & felt my li' tremble, a d & bli ked my eyes ra'idly, willi " the tears that were waiti " there ot to fall. & did 8t wa t to se d him i to battle with me bl#bberi " like a sissy. %emember always, & was bor to lo3e yo#. 6o# are as m#ch a 'art of me as my so#l. &f yo# stay safe, a 'art of me will always remai safe.: No, it does 8t work like that.: & k ew & so# ded fra tic, b#t & co#ld 8t sto' myself. 9Nothi " ca ha''e to yo#4do 8t tell me all that cra' abo#t if &8m safe, yo#8re safe. &t8s b#llshit # less yo# really are okay.: & '#t my ha ds o3er his. 9$romise me yo# will li3e a d come back to me. & co#ld 8t bear it if yo# did ot.: %hea, yo#4: $romise me?: & said with a 3iole ce that s#r'rised e3e me. 6o# ha3e my 'romise.: Me '#lled me a"ai st him ro#"hly, a d & felt his li's 'ress the to' of my head. 9<tay with Eictoria. & will fi d yo# whe it is o3er.: Me released me, a d witho#t looki " back, t#r ed a d left the room. & heard Eic8s hoo3es cli' shar'ly a"ai st the marble floor as she came to sta d beside me. Thalia has told me of a way we ca reach the roof of this tem'le. <he says it will be tricky, b#t the M# tresses a d & sho#ld be able to climb to it. Let #s "o watch from there.: &t8s dark.: !y 3oice so# ded #mbed. &t will ot be for m#ch lo "er. Daw is o ly a few ho#rs away.: & co#ld see the other M# tresses had e tered the room. & oticed they were all carryi " a im'ressi3e array of crossbows a d I#i3ers filled with deadly-looki " arrows. The si"ht of their I#iet co fide ce broke my #mb ess. Eic, & eed to cha "e o#t of this dress a d back i to my ridi " clothes.: <he odded i # dersta di ". 9>e will wait here for yo#.: As & h#rried back to the ba I#et room, it was easy to tell that the sce e was already more

or"a iAed. The st#de ts were I#ietly cleari " away the feast a d '#shi " the tables to the sides of the room. <e3eral lar"e 'ots were s#s'e ded o3er the hearths i the walls. The $riestesses were mo3i " amo " their yo# " st#de ts, sto''i " here a d there to s'eak words of calm e co#ra"eme t. & saw Eictoria a d the fi3e M# tresses & k ew from E'o a8s Tem'le sta di " i the far cor er of the room. Eic made a motio for me to =oi them. As & mo3ed across the room, Thalia i terce'ted me, ha di " me a lo " bro Ae t#be. &t will hel' yo# to see,: she e2'lai ed. & took the small telesco'e a d tried to tha k her, b#t she had already mo3ed away a d was s'eaki " to a "ro#' of er3o#s yo# " "irls. The M# tresses were sta di " i the arch of a e2it that led to a circ#lar stairway that wra''ed its way #'ward. Come, Thalia says this leads to the roof.: Eictoria be"a climbi " the 'recario#sly small stairs first, followed by me, the the other M# tresses. The 'assa"e was arrow. The M# tresses co#ld stretch their arms o#t a d to#ch the smooth walls o either side, which they did to hel' them ma e#3er their way #' the ti"ht s'iral. &f yo# tri' a d fall backward, yo#8ll sI#ish me,: & i formed Eic. >itho#t t#r i " her head, she said, 9M# tresses do ot tri'.: That8s a "ood thi ",: & m#ttered. & heard the M# tress directly behi d me, & thi k her ame was Elai e, s ort a I#ick la#"h at my res'o se. No'e4they s#re did 8t act er3o#s. C#st whe & tho#"ht the s'iral wo#ld e3er e d, Eictoria hea3ed herself thro#"h a other car3ed doorway. & heard her hoo3es clatter o the roof as she mo3ed aside so that the rest of #s co#ld emer"e. >e s'illed o#t o to a arrow 'assa"eway that wra''ed aro# d the domed roof. &t was ot I#ite a horse8s width across, which mea t the M# tresses had to sta d sideways a d h#" the wall to 'ass by o e a other. The o#ter wall was li ed with bal#strades. Betwee each col#m were lar"e earthe ware 'la ters filled with "era i#ms a d o3erflowi " i3y, traili " a "ree waterfall of wideleafed 'la ts o3er the side of the tem'le. & the m#rky li"ht of 'redaw , Eictoria s#r3eyed the roofto'. This was mea t to be a "arde , ot a 'lace of defe se.: The M# tress so# ded a oyed. &t8s a school for wome , Eic, ot soldiers.: & felt the eed to come to the !#ses8 defe se. After all, this was the eI#i3ale t of %hia o 8s # i3ersity, a d & s#re wo#ld 8t wa t a yo e maki " f# of the U i3ersity of &lli ois G"o &lli i?H. Eic made a dis"#sted oise, which was echoed by the other M# tresses. <'read o#t. Take #' 'ositio s se3eral le "ths a'art, all faci " the west. Let me k ow whe the armies become 3isible.: The M# tresses mo3ed to obey her. & took #' my ow 'ositio e2t to her. & 'eered o#t i to the "loom a d worried. Me is a "reat warrior,: Eic said. E3e "reat warriors bleed whe they8re c#t.: & si"hed. 9!aybe & sho#ld try a d slee' so that my s'irit body co#ld "o fi d him.: Me wo#ld se se yo#r 'rese ce,: she said "e tly. 96o# wo#ld distract him.:

& hate waiti ".: Eic odded i a"reeme t.

>e sat i sile ce. & strai ed to see or hear a y so# d of fi"hti ", b#t the o ly oises came from the li"ht breeAe whis'eri " thro#"h the i3y, a d a occasio al call of a lark that was "reeti " the ew day with i oce t e2#bera ce. The sky behi d #s be"a to li"hte , a d the "ray lifted, b#t o ly a little. The clo#ds from the i"ht before were ob3io#sly there to stay, a d e3e a weird fo" was drifti " o#t of the marsh to ha " s#s'e ded o3er the tem'le "ro# ds. !y body =erked with # dersta di ". Carola said @omoria s do 8t like to mo3e aro# d i the dayli"ht. B#t they8re attacki " today beca#se of the dam weather.: 5rimly, Eictoria odded. To the orth the mo# tai s swam i to a d o#t of 3iew. & raised the le s to my eye, t#r i " the wheel i the middle of it # til the misty side of the closest mo# tai came i to foc#s. No creat#res 3isible there. 6et. & t#r ed a d looked o3er the dee' forest. O3ershadowed by clo#ds it looked slee'y a d harmless. & co ti #ed t#r i ", a d "ot occasio al "lim'ses thro#"h the fo" of the 3erda t "ree of what m#st be the be"i i "s of Ufasach !arsh. Before & co#ld com'lete my circle, Eictoria yelled, 9There?: & ya ked the telesco'e from my eye to see Eictoria 'oi ti " i to the west at a dark sm#d"e that s'read across the wester horiAo . & lifted the "lass back to my eye, s#r'rised by the s#dde trembli " i my ha ds. Take it.: & ha ded it to Eic. 9Look for me, my ha ds wo 8t be still.: The M# tress took the "lass a d calmly '#t it to her eye, foc#si " the wheel as & had do e before. &t is the rear li e of o#r archers,: she said as she looked. & remembered the "ro#' of ce ta#rs & had oticed who carried da "ero#s-looki " lo "bows sl# " across their backs, alo " with I#i3ers filled with lo ", 'oi ted arrows. Are they "ood archersB: & asked. E2ce't for >o#lff8s me , they are the best i $artholo .: & wish >o#lff was here, too.: As do &.: <he ke't watchi ". 9The warriors m#st ot ha3e e "a"ed the @omoria s yet. & ca see the archers firi " ro# ds, their bows 'oi ted hi"h i to the sky.: <he ad=#sted the foc#s a"ai . 9There, & ca see the li e of o#r warriors. They are waiti " for the archers to fi ish.: &t started to driAAle as & looked i te tly i to the west. & was able to make o#t the dista t li e of archers a d the rai of arrows that flew at i ter3als #' a d o#t, the dow , as tho#"h the clo#ds were belchi " death. Betwee the ro# ds of arrows, & saw somethi " that "liste ed i termitte tly i fro t of the archers8 li e. >hat is that shi i "B: O#r ce ta#rs ha3e draw their claymores,: she e2'lai ed.

& felt a chill tra3el dow my s'i e. They are ad3a ci ".: Mer 3oice was emotio less a d lo#d so that the M# tresses co#ld hear what she was sayi ". Liste i " to her & felt a odd detachme t, almost like we were watchi " a biAarre TE 'ro"ram. &t was hard for me to belie3e my h#sba d was 'art of that li e of "li ti " swords. >hat8s ha''e i " owB: <he took the telesco'e from her eye a d ha ded it to me. 9The battle has be"# .: & wi'ed dro'lets of moist#re from the le s before resti " my elbows a"ai st the rail that ra aro# d the to' of the bal#strades, which ke't my ha ds from shaki ". The & raised the telesco'e to my eye a d foc#sed o the dista t sce e. Thro#"h the dreary mor i " & co#ld see the mo3i " li e of ce ta#rs, se3eral thick, as the archers 'arted a d, bra dishi " their ow claymores they dis'ersed to =oi the left a d ri"ht fla ks. & tried to foc#s o i di3id#al ce ta#rs, b#t they were too far away. & co#ld 8t e3e see a y @omoria s, =#st the strai i ", hea3i " backs of the ce ta#rs as the li e mo3ed forward i some 'laces a d s#r"ed back i others. & ca 8t tell what the hell is "oi " o .: & took my eye from the "lass a d ha ded it back to Eic. &t co#ld "o o like this for ho#rs.: <he smiled "e tly at me. 9The first battle yo# wit ess is always the most horrible.: Basically, all we ca do is sta d here a d watchB: & asked. That is all we ca do.: A d that is what we did. As the mor i " cha "ed to midday, fi3e yo# " st#de ts bro#"ht #s sa dwiches of hard bread, meat a d cheese, alo " with ski s of sweet wi e. Tell Thalia there is o cha "e,: & said to o e of the "irls. <he already k ows, Lady %hia <he s#re does.: >e chewed o#r food, taki " t#r s looki " thro#"h the telesco'e. As & fi ished my sa dwich, the M# tress to the ri"ht of me, Cathlee , ha ded me the telesco'e so & co#ld take my t#r . & took se3eral dri ks of the sweet wi e to clear my throat, a d the & raised the "lass to my eye, refoc#si " # til the battlefield came i to shar' 3iew. A d & felt a s#dde #r"e to '#ke #' my l# ch. Eic?: The M# tress mo3ed I#ickly to my side. & ha ded her the telesco'e. 9The li e is mo3i ".: <he raised the "lass to her eye, looki " i te tly. Mer breath s#cked i , a d her body "rew 3ery still. 9The ce ta#rs ha3e broke .: Mer 3oice was a death k ell. 9These wome are doomed.: o ,: she said as she left the roof. Thalia sees ma y thi "s,: Eic said.

No?: & "rabbed her arm. 9@omoria s ca ot cross water. Bei " se'arated from the earth by flowi " water ca#ses them # bearable 'ai . &f we ca "et the wome across the brid"e to the other side of the ri3er, they will be safe.: <he ha ded me the telesco'e, a d while & refoc#sed it she called orders to the M# tresses. >e m#st mo3e the wome across the brid"e. The creat#res ha3e broke thro#"h o#r warriors.

The o ly way the wome will be safe is if they cross o3er the ri3er. Mel' them "et to safety. Now?: & 'ressed my body a"ai st the bal#strade as the M# tresses 'assed me to retrace their 'ath dow the treachero#s stairwell, a d "aAed i horror thro#"h the telesco'e. Now & co#ld see the wi "ed sha'es of the @omoria s as they i # dated the ce ta#r ra ks. There was o lo "er a discer ible li e4i stead, there was a =#mble of bodies as the battle swelled toward #s. & was still # able to reco" iAe i di3id#al ce ta#rs, b#t & co#ld clearly see creat#res bei " hacked a'art by claymores, a d ce ta#rs bei " clawed to their k ees as "ro#'s of the creat#res broke off to si "le o#t a d s#rro# d i di3id#al warriors. As & watched, masses of creat#res were slai , o ly to be re'laced by more a d more of their fellow creat#res, who #sed the bodies of their falle comrades to sta d #'o so that they were more eI#al i hei"ht with the battli " ce ta#rs. >a3e #'o wa3e of claws a d teeth washed o3er the ce ta#rs. They had o choice b#t to "i3e "ro# d. Come, %hea, we ha3e work to do.: & do 8t see him?: %hea, he said he wo#ld fi d yo#. &t does o "ood for yo# to stay here watchi ". B#t yo# ca hel' #s "et the wome to safety.: & made myself lower the telesco'e a d t#r away from the battle sce e. 9Let8s "et the wome o#t of here.: & h#rried from the roof with Eictoria close behi d me. As we e tered the ba I#et chamber, the fearf#l chatter of the "irls I#ieted. Thalia walked sile tly to sta d before #s. The ce ta#r army ca how calm & so# ded. ot hold the @omoria s. They will o3err# the tem'le,: & said, s#r'rised at

6es, my 5oddess has already s'oke th#s to me. >hat m#st we doB: 6o# m#st ha3e all the wome make their way I#ickly to the brid"e. @omoria s ca 5eal %i3er. O ce yo# are o the other side of the ri3er, yo# will be safe.: & looked aro# d the room # til & s'otted <ila. <ila, "et those who are ill o to 'allets, the M# tresses will tra s'ort them.: The ce ta#r Mealer odded a d ca tered from the room. &t m#st be ow, Thalia, the army ca ot ha3e m#ch time remai i ".: LadiesD: Thalia8s re"al 3oice filled the room. 9@ollow the $riestesses to the brid"e4we m#st lea3e o#r tem'le. Take othi " with yo# e2ce't yo#r li3es.: The she tilted her head to the side, a d the room remai ed sile t while she liste ed to a i ter al 3oice that & # derstood all too well. 9!y 5oddess ass#res me this is ot the last time we will see o#r belo3ed tem'le4what is lost will be re"ai ed. Now, I#ickly, a d as we lea3e let #s each 'ray fer3e tly that the bra3e ce ta#rs will =oi #s across the ri3er.: The $riestesses were the first to h#rry to the e2it doors, each followed by a orderly "ro#' of her st#de ts. Erato took Thalia by the ha d, a d to"ether they e co#ra"ed those at the rear to kee' #' with the others. Thalia wo#ld ha3e made a really "ood hi"h school teacher. GB#t she wo#ld83e had to take a bi" c#t i 'ay.H 6o# sho#ld "o with them, %hea,: Eic said. >here are yo# "oi "B: ot cross the

To hel' mo3e those who are ill.: Mer fellow M# tresses were already ca teri " thro#"h the door <ila had #sed. & stay with yo#.: Before she co#ld ar"#e, & remi ded her, 9Cla @i ta told me to stay with yo#.: <he si"hed, b#t said, 9The come here, we ca mo3e more I#ickly if yo# are astride me.: !#ch like Cla @i ta , Eic "rabbed my #''er arm a d & "rabbed hers, the she tossed me easily o to her sleek back. & held ti"htly to her sho#lders as she s'ri ted to the e2it, followi " her M# tresses. >e skidded aro# d cor ers a d t#r ed dow elaborately decorated halls, followi " the clear echo of hoo3es i the otherwise sile t tem'le. >e b#rst thro#"h a o'e ed door to a o#tside "arde i time to see the back of o e of the M# tresses disa''eari " thro#"h a door across the co#rtyard. <he lea'ed across the s'ace i se3eral lo " strides. 6o# are dam fast,: & yelled i to her ear. & am Lead M# tress,: she yelled back, like that e2'lai ed e3erythi ". >e ca#"ht #' to the M# tresses =#st as & smelled a familiar odor. Eic a d & wri kled o#r oses. This m#st be the 'lace,: & said as o#r "ro#' came to a lar"e door. & slid off her back, a d Eic o'e ed the door. <ila was i the middle of the room, hel'i " 'atie ts from their beds a d o to thick bla ket-like 'allets. <he looked #' as we e tered. Those ear the door are ready to be mo3ed,: she said, the t#r ed back to the '#st#le-marked tee a"er who was lea i " hea3ily o her arm. There are more of them tha & a tici'ated.: Eictoria s'oke i low to es to her ce ta#rs. 9>ork I#ickly, M# tresses.: <ila?: Eic ca#"ht her atte tio . 9>e ha3e 3ery little time.: <ila8s eyes wide ed, b#t the ce ta#r Mealer8s "e tle 3oice did ot betray the worry reflected i her eyes. 9Liste , ladies?: The room became abr#'tly sile t. 9Those of yo# who are able m#st be tra s'orted astride the M# tresses. <ta d if yo# thi k yo# are able to ride.: Abo#t a doAe yo# " wome rose slowly to their feet. The M# tresses mo3ed I#ickly to the sta di " wome . & followed them, hel'i " to lift the sick "irls to the ce ta#rs8 backs. As each M# tress t#r ed to e2it the room, a tall woma dressed i black blessed them a d admo ished them to hold ti"htly so they wo#ld 8t fall. $riestess,: & heard <ila addressi " the woma whe the last M# tress had left the room. 96o# m#st =oi the others at the ri3er crossi ".: & will ot lea3e # til this room is em'tied,: was her dramatic re'ly. <he m#st be !el'ome e, !#se of Tra"edy. & wa ted to roll my eyes a d say, 9That fi"#res,: b#t & tho#"ht it8d be r#de. As & hel'ed a other tee a"er o#t of her bed, a dark-haired woma who was 'ro''ed #' a"ai st 'illows ca#"ht my eye. & almost called her !ichelle, b#t ca#"ht myself i time. Ter'sichore.: & sto''ed at her bedside, st#dyi " her. 96o# look well e o#"h to ride, be s#re to "et o the e2t M# tress who ret#r s.: !y st#de ts lea3e first.: Mer eyes were bri"ht with fe3er a d her face was fl#shed. <he was ob3io#sly i the be"i i " sta"es of the disease. They eed yo# with them.: & tried to reaso with her, b#t & reco" iAed the familiar st#bbor set of

her =aw. GUs#ally she was bei " st#bbor abo#t b#yi " a S),1 silk blo#se whe she co#ld o ly afford a S+1 cotto '#llo3er, b#t it was the same immo3able st#bbor ess.H A d those who lea3e last will eed me, too.: @i e.: & k ew better tha to waste my time ar"#i " with her. 9C#st watch yo#r b#tt whe time "ets short. 6o# do ot wa t to be ca#"ht by those thi "s.: & started to walk away, a d her 3oice sto''ed me. %hia o , & hear yo# ha3e cha "ed.: 6es, & am ot like & #sed to be.: The & tr#ly do wish yo# ha''i ess i yo#r mati ".: This time her blessi " was "e #i e. Tha k yo#.: & smiled at her, a d we t back to work, hel'i " the sick "irls "et ready to be mo3ed. & ho'ed she wo#ld show e o#"h se se to "et across the ri3er4& did 8t wa t to thi k abo#t what wo#ld ha''e to her if the creat#res ca#"ht her. E2ce't for the # at#rally bri"ht fl#sh of her ski , she was still breathtaki "ly bea#tif#l. & was lifti " a wraith-thi "irl from her bed a d maki " her smile by telli " her that she wo#ld 8t wei"h i ety 'o# ds soaki " wet with a sI#irrel i her 'ocket, whe the M# tresses slid back i to the room i a clatter of hoo3es a d be"a loadi " #' for their seco d e3ac#atio tri'. The "irl & was carryi " shrieked s#dde ly with m#ch more stre "th tha & wo#ld ha3e tho#"ht 'ossible. & looked #' to see Do#"al b#rst thro#"h the o'e door. 5et across the ri3er ow?: he sho#ted betwee ra""ed breaths. 9The warriors are kee'i " them o#t of the tem'le for as lo " as 'ossible, b#t they are close behi d me.: Mis sides I#i3ered, a d he was s'attered with blood a d "ore. There was a a "ry-looki " slash across his sho#lder, a d a other "ash across his cheek was steadily see'i " blood. Me looked so m#ch like his dyi " brother that & had to choke back tears. <ila r#shed to his side a d be"a e2ami i " his ma y wo# ds. The room broke i to a caco'ho y of so# d a d motio # til the tall $riestess, !el'ome e, raised her black-robed arms, cla''i " her ha ds to"ether i a b#rsti " ball of s'arks. 6e', there s#re as hell was ma"ic here. This is what we shall do.: <he s'oke i a im'erio#s to e. 9Those of yo# who are able to ride will climb astride the M# tresses. Those of yo# who ca walk, "o dow the rear 'athway to the ri3er. &f yo# ca ot make it to the brid"e, co ceal yo#rsel3es i the folia"e ear the water. The rest of #s will remai here.: &f yo# remai here, yo# will die.: & s'oke with s#rety i to the still ess of the room. E'o a8s Chose , yo# sho#ld k ow that we are ot witho#t defe ses.: The $riestess smiled at me, a d & was amaAed at the tra sformatio that occ#rred i her a''eara ce. Mer smile softe ed the harsh li es of her face, a d let her # derlyi " bea#ty become 3isible. 9>ait o lo "er. <a3e yo#rsel3es. >e ha3e 'laced o#rsel3es i the lo3i " ha ds of o#r 5oddesses.: & saw that Ter'sichore was walki " '#r'osef#lly to sta d by the dark woma 8s side. <he looked sere e a d lo3ely a d s'oke i a calm, # h#rried 3oice. Lady %hia o , did yo# ot se d word that yo#r 5oddess has re3ealed to yo# that the way to combat the 'o2 is to isolate those who ha3e bee i fected with it from other 'eo'leB: 6es, small'o2 is 3ery co ta"io#s,: & a swered I#ickly, ot s#re why she was taki " time to re'eat old i str#ctio s.

<o co ta"io#s that it ca s'read easily if a i fected 'erso mi "les with those who are healthyB: 6es, it ca be s'read easily, b#t there eeds to be co tact betwee the ill 'erso a d the well 'erso .: A d are the @omoria s ot h#ma likeB: 6es.: The & will remai a d ha3e co tact with them,: she said sim'ly. No? They8ll kill yo#. Or worse. A yway, e3e if they ca "et the disease4a d we do 8t k ow for s#re that they ca 4it ca be tra smitted to them thro#"h the diseased waste left o these bla kets.: & "est#red at the mess of li e s that lay aba do ed aro# d the room. >hat wo#ld creat#res like that wa t with these soiled li e sB: Mer la#"hter was like m#sic. 9No 4: her lo3ely face sobered 94my 5oddess a d & ha3e decided. This is how it m#st be.: >e ha3e to lea3e ow?: Do#"al8s strai ed 3oice i terr#'ted the sile ce that the !#se8s words e3oked. >hate3er ha''e s to me is a small 'rice to 'ay to "i3e the creat#res so 'riceless a "ift.: Ter'sichore8s thick-lashed eyes s'arked with the iro y of her words. >hat yo# do here will ot be for"otte ,: & said, awed by her sacrifice. 9& "i3e yo# my word.: & am 'leased my fi al 'erforma ce will be remembered,: she said before melti " i to the "racef#l bow of a 'rima balleri a. &t will be,: & 'romised before shifti " my atte tio to the rest of the room. 9Let8s "o?: & yelled a d the room e2'loded back i to actio as sick tee a"ers scrambled aboard M# tresses. <ila a''roached me a d 'a#sed lo " e o#"h to ha d me a leather '#rselike 'o#ch s#s'e ded o a lo " leather tho ". & looked at her I#estio i "ly. <he s'oke I#ietly. 9>ithi the 'o#ch is oi tme t that #mbs a d hel's to close wo# ds.: <he "la ced across the room at Do#"al. 9A''ly it s'ari "ly, ma y may eed it. A d be certai yo# take a ski f#l of wi e before yo# lea3e, too.: <he 'oi ted to a table filled with f#ll leather bladders. & odded my # dersta di " a d sl# " the tho " o3er my head so that the 'o#ch rested s #"ly a"ai st my left side ear my waist, a d "rabbed o e of the wi eski s a d sl# " it o3er my other sho#lder. The & we t back to work loadi " the M# tresses with sick "irls. As the last 'atie t scrambled aboard Elai e, & looked aro# d the room a d saw that <ila was s#''orti " fo#r st#mbli " "irls as they slowly made their way o#t the back e2it of the room. <ila?: & sho#ted after her. <he t#r ed a d & heard her a "elic 3oice from across the room. 9& will "o with these sick o es. &f the 5oddess wills, we will meet yo# across the ri3er.: >itho#t taki " a y more time, she a d her e to#ra"e mo3ed thro#"h the door. Lady %hea, we ha3e o more time.: Do#"al held a shaki ", blood-co3ered ha d o#t to hel' me mo# t. All of the M# tresses e2ce't Eictoria were already o#t the doorJ the fadi " echo of their hoo3es ra " as they "allo'ed dow the hall. Eictoria mo3ed I#ickly to my side, br#shi " away Do#"al8s ha d. 6o# are i o sha'e to bear e3e her sli"ht wei"ht.: <he "rabbed my arm a d tossed me to her back. As we th# dered toward the e2it, & cra ed my eck aro# d i time to see !el'ome e a d Ter'sichore holdi " ha ds i the middle of a circle of abo#t half a doAe wome who were too sick

to mo3e. Their heads were bowed a d they looked like they were s#ff#sed with li"ht. The we, too, b#rst o#t i to the hall.

The M# tresses were o#t of si"ht somewhere ahead of #s, b#t Eictoria co fide tly dod"ed aro# d cor ers a d c#t thro#"h "arde s, # til we fi ally cleared the i ter al maAe of the tem'le a d fo# d o#rsel3es o the fro t law . >e 3eered to the left, b#t a mo3eme t o o#r ri"ht ca#"ht my eye. Eictoria?: & yelled, '#lli " o her sho#lder with o e ha d a d 'oi ti " with the other. Do#"al a d the M# tress skidded to a halt, t#r i " i the directio & was 'oi ti ". <'illi " o to the orthwester ed"e of the law was a ra""ed li e of ce ta#rs. They attem'ted to sta d their "ro# d, a d their claymores sa " as they hacked at o e wi "ed creat#re after a other. B#t, =#st as & had wit essed i the telesco'e, as soo as o e creat#re fell, a other ste''ed i to take its 'lace 4all teeth a d claws, sta di " ato' its falle comrade. <te' by ste', they beat back the ce ta#r li e. As & watched, o e e2ha#sted ce ta#r fell to his k ees a d si2 creat#res lea'ed o his back, raki " their claws o3er him, t#r i " his coat red with his ow blood. 5et to the brid"e?: Do#"al yelled. 9The warriors will hold them off as lo " as 'ossible.: A d we res#med o#r fli"ht. >e followed the l#sh "ree law aro# d a cor er, a d came face-to-face with a "ro#' of fo#r st#de ts who were r# i " fearf#lly back i o#r directio . <to'? 6o# ca ot "o back this way, yo# m#st "et o3er the brid"e.: Eictoria a d Do#"al '#t their bodies i the 'ath of the terrified "ro#', forci " them to halt. The "irl who a''eared to be i the lead shook her head 3iole tly from side to side. T-t-they are t-t-there already?: <he was shaki " so hard she was diffic#lt to # dersta d. >hatB >ho do yo# mea B: Do#"al asked fra tically. Them?: Mer 3oice was shrill. 9The @omoria s. They are ch-cho''i " d-dow the brid"e?: Oh, 5oddess hel' #s,: Eictoria breathed. They m#st ha3e fla ked o#r army a d circled aro# d the tem'le to the orth to c#t off the ri3er esca'e.: Do#"al8s 3oice was flat. 5o toward the swam'.: & said the words alo#d as they whis'ered i to my mi d. 6es?: Eictoria s'oke to the fri"hte ed "irls. 95o i to Ufasach !arshDthe @omoria s will be loath to follow yo# there.: The "irls odded a d darted off i a ew directio . That is where we m#st "o, too,: Do#"al said, stari " back the way we had come. 9There is othi " the two of #s ca do to sto' the @omoria s at the brid"e.: Eictoria odded ti"htly. Not yet,: & said firmly. >e m#st.: Do#"al so# ded e2ha#sted. No, &8ll "o to the ed"e of the swam', b#t & wo 8t "o i to it # less Cla @i ta is with #s.: Lady %hea, he se t me ahead to be s#re yo# were mo3ed to safety. Me said he will =oi yo# whe

he is able.: The he8s still ali3e.: !y stomach wre ched as & asked the I#estio . Me li3ed whe last & saw him.: The & wait for him to fi d me, before & "o i to the swam'.: Eictoria a d Do#"al e2cha "ed "la ces as they be"a a flat "allo' i the directio the "irls had take . >e I#ickly o3ertook them. & felt Eic si"h as she a d Do#"al slid to a halt beside them. <coot forward, %hea, yo# ha3e com'a y.: Eic8s 3oice attem'ted li"ht h#mor. 9Come o , "irls, we do ot ha3e time for ridi " lesso s.: Do#"al "rimaced i 'ai as he lifted two "irls #' behi d me, the he '#t the other two o his ow blood-flecked back. >e took off a"ai with the fri"hte ed kids cli "i " like crabs to the backs of the ce ta#rs. & ho'e the swam' is ot too dam far away,: & said i to Eictoria8s ear. As do &,: she whis'ered betwee labored breaths. 96o# h#ma s =#st seem to "et hea3ier a d hea3ier.: >e smelled the marsh before we saw it. A"ai , & tho#"ht it remi ded me of a old com'ost hea', b#t this time the smell was m#ch more i 3iti ". >e came to a halt o the ed"e of a stee' i cli e, at the bottom of which b# ched a "ro3e of trees, mostly moss-lade cy'ress, i termi "led with a few willows a d some trees with yellowish bark that & tho#"ht were 'robably hackberry. Alo " the ed"e of the i cli e, at i ter3als of abo#t te feet, stood a e ormo#s ri " of old sto es, remi di " me a little of the rocks at <to ehe "e. They look like they8re sta di " "#ard.: That is the le"e d, Lady %hia o .: The kid sitti " behi d me, who was cl#tchi " me aro# d the middle so hard & felt short of breath, s'oke. >hile & hel'ed the tee a"ers behi d me dro' off Eic8s back, she co ti #ed ed#cati " me. Thalia ta#"ht #s that the first & car ate $riestesses of the !#se erected the <to ewatchme to hel' sto' Ufasach !arsh from s'readi " to their ew tem'le.: <he s#dde ly looked a'olo"etic a d embarrassed. 9Oh, for"i3e me, my Lady, yo# m#st already k ow that.: Do 8t worry abo#t it, kid. &t e3er h#rts to hear o e of Thalia8s lesso s a"ai .: >he all the tee a"ers were o the "ro# d o ce more, Eic s'oke #r"e tly to them. 9Now, h#rry i to the marsh, b#t kee' as close to the easter ed"e as yo# ca . As soo as yo# are far e o#"h so#th, try to fi d a way to "et across the ri3er. &f yo# ca ot, stay withi the marsh # til yo# reach the bo# daries of E'o a8s Tem'le. Mel' will be waiti " there.: They tha ked #s, the ra bra3ely dow the i cli e a d disa''eared i to the swam'. >e ha3e to =oi them,: Do#"al said. &8m waiti " for him.: The two ce ta#rs t#r ed, a d we stared dow the law that led back to the tem'le. The la d slo'ed "rad#ally dow from the lo3ely b#ildi "s, so from where we stood it was a''are t that the etwork of !#se tem'les had bee b#ilt o a raised 'latea#, which, e3e i the "loom of the clo#dy day, allowed #s a "ood 3iew of the so#th side of the "ro# ds. & realiAed that the sta d of or ame tal shr#bs that Eic a d Do#"al had crashed thro#"h to "et to the ed"e of the swam' loo'ed i a decorati3e li e before #s, ser3i " to shield #s from the si"ht of a yo e sta di " o the

so#ther "ro# ds. The tem'le had become a battlefield. Mordes of @omoria s blacke ed the ste's of the ce tral tem'le a d the s#rro# di " law s as they attacked "ro#'s of retreati " ce ta#rs. There was o more or"a iAed li e of ce ta#r warriorsJ i stead, they had broke off i to cl#sters, heroically attem'ti " to kee' the creat#res from "etti " 'ast them. B#t e3e as we watched, creat#res sli''ed aro# d the battli " ce ta#rs a d s'ed 'ast them, e teri " the tem'le a d raci " 'ast it toward the ri3er. & ho'e the wome "ot across the brid"e.: Do#"al8s 3oice so# ded strai ed. & wish & still had that telesco'e,: & said, strai i " my eyes to try a d make o#t i di3id#al ce ta#rs. >e m#st e ter the swam'.: Eic did 8t so# d ha''y at the 'ros'ect. & wo 8t "o witho#t Cla @i ta .: E3e if yo# see him, he has o way of k owi " yo# are here.: Eic8s 3oice so# ded e2as'erated with my i siste ce. & co#ld try a d fi d him,: Do#"al said. A lo e ce ta#rB 6o#8d be killed for s#re.: & shook my head. & co#ld "o with him,: Eic offered. The yo#8d both be killed.: !y mi d was whirri ", tryi " to come #' with a 'la , b#t my tho#"hts were all =#mbled to"ether. E3erythi " had ha''e ed too fast. >e had 8t bee 're'ared. They had attacked too soo . >here were the other armiesB A d where was Cla @i ta where was Cla @i ta where was Cla @i ta DB $eace, Belo3ed4let yo#rself hear my 3oice. At the 5oddess8s words & forced my mi d to clear, closed my eyes, '#t my face i my ha ds a d took a dee', clea si " breath, letti " E'o a8s wise words drift thro#"h my addled brai . 6es?: !y eyes shot o'e . 9Eic, "et me o3er there to o e of those sto es.: Eictoria "a3e me a odd look, b#t she did 8t ar"#e as she trotted o3er to the earest sto e. &t was h#"e. &8d ha3e to sta d o her back. Mo'ef#lly, & co#ld "rab the cra""y rid"es ear the to' of it a d ha#l myself #'. Um, &8m "oi " to ha3e to sta d o yo#r back, Eic. <orry abo#t that. A d yo#8ll eed to hold this wi eski for me.: <he "rabbed the leather bladder from me a d backed #' a"ai st the rock. 96o# sho#ld 'robably sta d o my r#m'.: 6o#8re a "ood frie d.: & k ow.: & stood o her r#m' a d "rabbed the ro#"h side of the rock. Do#"al, hel' boost me #' o to' of it.: & lifted my ri"ht foot a d set it i Do#"al8s ha ds so he co#ld boost me #', =#st like & was mo# ti " a horse Gwhich, & realiAed, was 3a"#ely iro icH. Me co# ted to three, the sho3ed, a d & scrambled, till & was sitti " o the thi ". The to' was flat a d abo#t as wide as the bottom of a foldi " chair. <lowly, & "ot my feet # der me a d stood, with my arms o#t to hel' me bala ce.

Be caref#l,: Eic called. &t8s dam hi"h,: & said, feeli " my stomach fl#tter. & was faci " the tem'le "ro# ds. The sce e of car a"e ow 3isible was horre do#s. There were o ly a few cl#sters remai i " of li3i " ce ta#rs. @omoria s domi ated the sce e. & closed my eyes, ot wa ti " to see the defileme t of the tem'le. Co ce trate o yo#r lo3e for him. & odded my head i res'o se, a d foc#sed my mi d o Cla @i ta . &ma"es flashed a"ai st my closed eyesN of Cla @i ta carryi " me, ti'sy a d "i""li ", i to my room4r#bbi " my tired feet as we made o#r way to !acCalla Castle4holdi " me "e tly i his arms so that & co#ld o3ercome my fear of him4sha'e-shifti " so that we co#ld =oi to"ether as ma a d wife4a d telli " me he was bor to lo3e me. & tilted back my head, took a dee' breath, a d with all the stre "th of my body a d so#l, & loosed a sho#t that E'o a ma" ified # til it was almost a 'hysical thi ". CLAN@&NTAN? CO!E TO !E?: & o'e ed my eyes to see that all mo3eme t had ceased o the tem'le "ro# ds. E3ery bei ", ce ta#r a d @omoria , had t#r ed i my directio , a d they stood froAe , like they were a 'art of a macabre 'ai ti ". The my heart be"a to beat a"ai as a small cl#ster of ce ta#rs from the far ri"ht of the sce e broke the immobility a d be"a a all-o#t r# i o#r directio . E3e from this dista ce & reco" iAed the silho#ette of the ce ta#r leadi " the "ro#'. Me8s comi "?: & yelled. The my breath ca#"ht as the @omoria s, too, became # froAe a d they "a3e chase. 9Oh, o4they8re after him.: 5et dow from there?: Do#"al held o#t his arms to catch me. >ait.: & ke't watchi " as Cla @i ta a d the ce ta#rs fo#"ht off the seemi "ly e dless stream of creat#res while they made their way toward #s. & co#ld hear the screams of the creat#res as the ce ta#r warriors hacked at them with re ewed stre "th, b#t it seemed to o a3ail as o e by o e the mi"hty ce ta#rs fell # der swarms of dark wi "ed sha'es. As & watched, a si "le @omoria broke ra ks a d s'ed after the "ro#' of retreati " ce ta#rs Cla @i ta led. The a other followed him, a d a otherD The way the lead @omoria mo3ed drew my eye. Me did 8t ha3e to "et a y closer for me to reco" iAe him. Catch me,: & said to Do#"al as & faced the rock a d let myself dro' o3er the side. & took the wi eski back from Eictoria a d said "rimly, 9The ce ta#rs are tryi " to fi"ht the creat#res off, b#t they are bei " o3erwhelmed by sheer #mbers.: & res'o se, Do#"al # sheathed his claymore, a d Eictoria '#lled her crossbow a d I#i3er from the sli " at her side. The Cla @i ta e2'loded thro#"h the hed"e. U' close he was barely reco" iAable. Mis claymore a d the ha d that held it were dre ched i blood. Mis body was co3ered with "ore. Mis 3est was "o e, a d i its 'lace were dee' claw marks that bled freely. Mis hair was matted with blood a d "rime, a d a laceratio ra from his ri"ht tem'le dow to his =awli e, barely a3oidi " his ri"ht eye. Me skidded to a halt i fro t of #s as Do#"al yelled. They ca ot follow #s i to the swam'?: Me "rabbed me with arms that felt like slick iro , a d threw me to his back. & ca#"ht a "lim'se of a set of dee' "o#"es o his r#m'. & co#ld 8t tell if the blood that co3ered his back was his. & '#t my

ha ds li"htly o his sho#lders, a d tried ot to ti"hte my le"s aro# d him, afraid & wo#ld break o'e a # k ow wo# d. Normally, his ski felt warmer tha mi e, b#t be eath my ha ds his sho#lders felt like they were b#r i ". Me s'# aro# d a d faced the hed"e. The ce ta#rs who were followi " meB: Mis 3oice was raw. There were too ma y creat#res. They did 8t make it,: & said I#ietly. Mis o ly res'o se was to reach #' a d lay a hot, blood-soaked ha d o3er mi e. The first @omoria lea'ed o3er the hed"erow. & a motio so fast it bl#rred, Eictoria fired a arrow that embedded itself to the I#ills i the creat#re8s forehead. &t fell, a d a other creat#re s'ra " o to its body, s arli ". Eic dis'atched that o e with a arrow thro#"h its throat. The ce ta#rs be"a backi " I#ickly dow the slo'e of the i cli e, with Eictoria firi " arrows as if she was shooti " a machi e "# . As we e tered the "ro3e that bordered the swam', a lo ", shar' hiss foc#sed o#r eyes o o e of the <to ewatchme . & k ew that hiss. Me hid behi d the "ia t rock, with o ly the o#tli e of his erect wi "s 3isible, b#t his 3oice echoed eerily to #s. & see yo#, female.: Mis wi "s I#i3ered. 9%emember, & ha3e claimed yo# for my ow . This will ot be the last time we meet.: Eictoria si"hted a d let fly a arrow, which tore eatly tho#"h a e2'osed fla' of his wi ". >e e tered the swam' as N#ada8s scream so# ded behi d #s.

After we left the co3er of the "ro3e of trees, the la d cha "ed dramatically. &t was like we had bee tra s'orted from a lo3ely 3illa i 5reece to the middle of the Lo#isia a bayo#. Before #s stretched a trackless wetla d4a world of still water, a d see a d # see GyeeshH re'tiles a d b#"s. The air was 3ery I#iet, a d the sat#rated "ro# d s#cked at the ce ta#rs8 hoo3es as they s#r"ed ahead, determi ed to "et as m#ch of the wetla ds betwee them a d the @omoria s as 'ossible. The soft "ro# d "a3e way to a sta" a t lake, b#t the ce ta#rs did 8t hesitate. <oo they were fla k hi"h i so#'y, "ree -ti ted water, '#shi " their way thro#"h thick mats of al"ae. As time 'assed, Cla @i ta slowed a d fell behi d Eictoria a d Do#"al. & saw them se di " worried "la ces o3er their sho#lders at him. Eic 'oi ted i the directio of a sta d of trees that a''eared to be o semisolid "ro# d. >e cha "ed directio a d made for the trees. As we "ot closer, it was ob3io#s it was some ki d of isla d shooti " #' i the middle of the shallow lake. Alo " the ed"es of the solid la d, h#"e cy'ress roots were e2'osed. They looked like thick, brow -"ray s akes. & was s#re they ho#sed all sorts of crawly thi "s. O e at a time, the ce ta#rs ha#led themsel3es o#t of the water a d o to solid "ro# d. As soo as Cla @i ta 8s fo#r hoo3es were o the isla d, & slid off his back a d ha ded the wi eski to Eictoria. <he # corked it b#t ha ded it to Do#"al before she dra k. The & be"a # tyi " the 'o#ch <ila had "i3e me Ga d & said a sile t 'rayer of tha ks for her tho#"ht-f#l ess4'lease let her ha3e crossed the ri3erH. & side the 'o#ch was a =ar of thick, yellow sal3e, a co#'le of rolls of "a#Ay li e stri's a d G& was s#r'rised to disco3erH se3eral hooked eedles a d a black thread that felt like fishi "

li e. & "#l'ed whe & realiAed they were clearly mea t to sew #' wo# ds a d ot to re'lace a b#tto o a dress. <how me where yo# are h#rt.: & looked #' at him, o3erwhelmed by what & saw. Me was breathi " hard, a d where he was 8t co3ered with blood a d "rime, his ordi arily bro Aed ski was 'ale a d "ray. Mis m#scles twitched a d & co#ld see blood trickli " steadily o#t of the slash o his head. & heard yo# call me,: he ras'ed. & wo#ld 8t lea3e witho#t yo#.: & felt tears wash o3er the cor ers of my eyes. 9Are4are yo# "oi " to be okayB: Me reached his ha d toward me. & r#shed forward a d cl# " to it. &8m afraid to to#ch yo#,: & said shakily. Me raised my 'alm to his li's, closi " his eyes as he kissed my ha d. Do ot be afraid.: & felt his li's mo3e a"ai st my 'alm. <al3e his wo# ds, the 3oice i my mi d ordered. Before & started worki " o his wo# ds, & took a stri' of "a#Ae a d motio ed at Do#"al to bri " me the wi eski . The & soaked the li e , took a dri k, the soaked the li e a"ai . 6o#8ll eed a dri k of this, too.: & ha ded the wi eski to Cla @i ta , who dra k dee'ly. Be d dow so & ca reach that c#t o yo#r head, a d hold still, &8m 'retty s#re this is "oi " to h#rt. A lot.: Te d to Do#"al8s wo# ds first.: & looked at the yo# " ce ta#r, who shook his head 'oi tedly at me. 9Do#"al8s ot bleedi ", yo# are. Now be d dow a d hold still.: & will te d to Do#"al,: Eictoria said i a b#si esslike 3oice. <he, too, took a stri' of "a#Ae a d soaked it i wi e. & watched o#t of the cor er of my eye while she a''roached him. Me looked as if he did 8t k ow whether to wri""le with e th#siasm or bolt. Me chose either a d froAe as the bea#tif#l M# tress be"a clea i " the wo# d o his cheek. & was 8t e3e s#re he was breathi ". 6o# ca breathe,: & o3erheard Eictoria chidi " him. 6es, M# tress.: The yo# " ce ta#r e2'elled a lo " breath. & "#ess & had a silly smile o my face, beca#se my h#sba d8s ro#"h 3oice whis'ered, 9Do 8t la#"h at the colt.: & "a3e a "#ilty =#m'. 9&8m ot la#"hi ",: & whis'ered back, 'leased beyo d words that he felt well e o#"h to tease me. 96o# k ow & thi k Do#"al8s adorable.: $erha's so does Eictoria.: & was 'leased to see his li's rela2 i to a smile. That wo#ld be ice, b#t ri"ht ow & wa t yo# to I#it talki " a d hold still.: Me "r# ted a res'o se, b#t he ke't sile t as & worked o his head wo# d. As & "ot the blood a d dirt clea ed o#t of it, & was relie3ed that it did 8t a''ear as dee' as all the blood ca#sed me to thi k. & s'read <ila8s sal3e o3er it, a d be"a worki " o his chest wo# ds, which were far dee'er. There were fo#r lo ", #"ly slashes that be"a #' o3er his left breast a d tra3eled i a dia"o al li e to the bottom of the ri"ht side of his rib ca"e. They had I#it bleedi ", b#t & had o idea if that was a "ood or bad si" . & looked #' at him a d fo# d him watchi " me. Do yo# ha3e a y idea how badly yo#8re h#rtB: & asked, tryi " ot to so# d as i com'ete t as &

k ew & was. & will reco3er.: Mis 3oice was starti " to so# d more ormal. 9Ce ta#rs are 3ery resilie t.: & k ow, & k ow.: & smiled, relie3ed at his a swer. 96o#8re 'robably way better at heali " tha a mere h#ma .: Amo " other thi "s.: Me be t to kiss me, b#t the effect was lost whe & saw him "rimace i 'ai . There8ll be time for that later. Let me "et yo# clea ed #'.: & we t back to work o his c#ts. Me stood I#ietly, a d soo & was able to lather i the sal3e. That do e, & rel#cta tly mo3ed to the rear of his body. 6o#8re too matted with dirt, a d, #h, st#ff, for me to tell. Are the c#ts o yo#r r#m' the o ly bi" wo# ds o the rest of yo#r bodyB Me t#r ed at the waist, looki " #' a d dow his horse body as if it did 8t belo " to him. & belie3e so.: Okay, well, yo#8re too tall, so yo#8re "oi " to ha3e to lie dow for me to take care of these.: >ith a si"h, he folded his k ees a d dro''ed to the "ro# d. >ar i "s from my memory file titled <t#ff 6o# Do 8t Let <ick Morses Do flashed i my mi d. 96o# will be able to "et #', wo 8t yo#B: & ho'e so.: 5reat. >here the hell is a 3eteri aria whe yo# eed o e, a ywayB The c#ts o his r#m' were terrible. &t looked as if the claws of a "ia t bear had raked him. Three Lsha'ed "ashes, h#"e fla's of ski a d m#scle, had bee "o#"ed o#t, the laid back dow . & '#lled o e of the fla's #' a little, a d heard Cla @i ta 8s shar' i take of breath. & thi k these are "oi " to ha3e to be sew #'.: C#st the tho#"ht of it made my head feel fai t. Do what yo# eed to do,: he said I#ietly. &8m "oi " to clea them first.: & wet a other stri' of li e with more wi e, tryi " to #se it s'ari "ly, b#t it was hard ot to =#st do#se his e tire r#m' i wi e. The wo# ds were dee' a d scary. After & worked as m#ch of the "rime as & co#ld o#t of them G& wo#ld83e "i3e all of %hia o 8s =ewels to ha3e a bi" bottle of 'ero2ide a d a syri "e filled with 'e icilli H, & a''lied a thick layer of <ila8s oi tme t, a d was relie3ed to see his face rela2 as the #mbi " sal3e took effect. C#st rest, &8m "oi " to "o talk to Eic.: & 'atted his sho#lder a d ha ded him the wi eski . Eic a d Do#"al were talki " amiably. & oticed his wo# ds looked clea , "liste i " with yellow sal3e, a d his ski had ret#r ed to a more ormal color. Eic.: & so# ded like & was ha3i " a a 2iety attack. $robably beca#se & was ha3i " a a 2iety attack. 9& thi k the wo# ds o Cla @i ta 8s r#m' eed to be sew #'.: That is 3ery likely.: & s'oke ti"htly # der my breath. 9& ca 8t sew #' his ski ?: & felt like & was "oi " to cry, which really made me mad. 9& co#ld sew #' yo#r ski . & co#ld sew #' Do#"al8s ski . B#t & =#st ca 8t fri""i sew #' his ski .: & 'a#sed i my tirade. 9No offe se mea t.: No e take ,: Do#"al8s sweet little self ass#red me.

& ca do it,: Eic said, as if she was talki " abo#t dri3i " dow to the cor er to 'ick #' 'iAAa. 5ood.: & "rabbed her ha d a d '#lled. 9Come o . &8m s#re the lo "er we wait, the more swam' dirt a d cra' will fester away i it, a d his b#tt will 'robably fall off i the mor i "Dor somethi ".: & ho'e yo# realiAe & ca hear yo# I#ite well.: Cla @i ta 8s am#sed 3oice carried across the few feet that se'arated #s. 6o# did 8t hear a ythi ",: & said as Eic a d & a''roached him. 96o#8re 'robably delirio#s.: Or yo# will soo wish yo# were,: Eic said sadistically as she be"a threadi " o e of the eedles. & was horrified, b#t Cla @i ta a d Do#"al shared a bi" belly la#"h. &8m "lad yo# three are ha3i " a "ood time.: & crossed my arms, a d felt a serio#s teacher le"-ta' comi " o . Come here, lo3e.: Cla @i ta held his arm o#t to me. & ste''ed i to the shelter of it, e3e tho#"h he was still co3ered with all sorts of scabby # me tio ables. The worst is o3er ow.: Me kissed my cheek. &s itB: & asked as & watched Eictoria head toward his r#m', eedle i ha d. & will eed somethi " to c#t this?: she yelled, a d Do#"al # sheathed his sword a d mo3ed I#ickly to her side. >e are to"ether,: he said sim'ly. Mis words made my heart beat more re"#larly, so & sh#t my mo#th a d 'eeked o3er his sho#lder at Eic. Brace yo#rself,: Eic said. & watched her =ab the eedle thro#"h the fla's of his ski , a d & heard the disti cti3e 'o' so# d e3ery time she 'oked thro#"h o e side a d the other4the & liste ed to the sh###### so# d the thread made as she '#lled it ta#t, tied it off Gwith the hel' of Do#"al8s swordH a d started a ew. & tho#"ht & was "oi " to be sick. Do ot for"et to lea3e room for the drai a"e.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded remarkably calm. Eictoria threw him a look that said, 9& k ow that, d#mmy.: %hea4: my h#sba d8s 3oice was soft i my ear 94the sal3e has #mbed the wo# ds. <he is ot h#rti " me.: & looked i to his face, wa ti " to belie3e him, b#t seei " the film of sweat o3er his #''er li' made me ha3e my do#bts. & =#st do 8t like eedles.: & s #""led i to his sho#lder, watchi " Eictoria as she sewed #' my h#sba d8s flesh. &t seemed like ho#rs had 'assed before Eictoria tied off the fi al s#t#re a d asked me to ha d her the sal3e, which she a''lied "e ero#sly all o3er the freshly sew -to"ether ski . & belie3e yo# will ha3e a scar.: Eictoria so# ded =ealo#s. Cla @i ta "r# ted, a d acted as if he was starti " to "et back to his feet. Oh, o?: & '#shed dow o his sho#lders. 96o# eed to rest.: & looked o3er at Do#"al. 9<o do yo#. The creat#res ca 8t follow #s i here. 6o# two ha3e =#st bee thro#"h a ma=or battle. 6o# eed to

stay '#t.: %hea.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded strai ed. 9& ha3e to "ather the ce ta#r s#r3i3ors, fi d the wome a d "et back to E'o a8s Tem'le. L#ickly. The @omoria s ha3e ot fi ished with #s.: 6o# ca 8t do a ythi " if yo# do 8t "et some rest.: & "lared at him. Before o#r ow little 'ri3ate war co#ld be"i , Eic cleared her throat a d said, 9Does a yo e ha3e a y idea how far we are from the ri3erB: The ce ta#r k ow-it-alls were sile t. No'e, does 8t look like a y of #s does. Ce ta#rs do 8t like the swam', a d & s#re as hell ha3e e3er bee i here before,: & said. The & 'ro'ose & sco#t a d fi d o#t where we are. &t mi"ht be a sim'le thi " for #s to cross the ri3er4a d it mi"ht ot.: Eictoria had t#r ed i to Ce ta#r Barbie & Char"e. <o# ds like a "reat idea, Eic,: & said. 9C#st be caref#l.: & am Lead4: M# tress,: we said to"ether, a d smiled at each other. & will accom'a y yo#,: Do#"al said. No, & h# t alo e.: B#t as she 'assed by the yo# " ce ta#r she to#ched his cheek "e tly, which took the sti " o#t of her words. Nimbly, she lea'ed from the isla d with a s'lash, b#t soo the thick ess of the swam' swallowed all so# d of her 'assa"e. Do#"al si"hed a d took a 'ositio ear the ed"e of the isla d, 'eeri " i to the dista ce after her. Cla @i ta shifted his wei"ht to his other side so he co#ld lea his torso a"ai st the cra""y ed"e of a cy'ress tree. Me 'atted the "ro# d e2t to him. Come, & eed yo# beside me.: Mis words made me feel a r#sh of warmth for him, a d & sat dow , estli " a"ai st him o the soft "ro# d. Me t#cked me # der his arm a d rested his chi o my head. Are yo# s#re yo#8re okayB: & asked, tryi " to "et a other look at his wo# ds. Be still. As yo# ha3e already said, & eed rest.: Oh, sorry.: Mis ch#ckle 3ibrated thro#"h his chest a d & felt his warm li's o the to' of my head. & 'ressed myself a"ai st him harder, tryi " to be caref#l of his wo# ds b#t eedi " the comfort of his body to reass#re me that he was tr#ly here a d ali3e. Me seemed to # dersta d my eed, beca#se he laced his fi "ers with mi e, '#lli " me a"ai st him. & was so afraid yo# were dead.: & co#ld 8t sto' the words from comi ". 6o# wo#ld ha3e k ow .: Let8s ot test that theory, okayB: Me sI#eeAed me, a d & was 'leased it was with e o#"h stre "th that & felt the air r#sh o#t of my l# "s. & watched from the roof of the tem'le.: >e co#ld ot hold them4there were too ma y.: Mis 3oice was s#dde ly hollow.

& sho#ld ha3e k ow there were too ma y of them. & saw them comi ". & =#st did 8t realiAe.: &t wo#ld ot ha3e mattered if yo# had k ow .: Mis 3oice lowered, a d & was 8t s#re he k ew he was s'eaki " alo#d a ymore. 9&t wo#ld ot ha3e mattered if the h#ma forces had =oi ed #s. There are too ma y of them.: A chill crawled dow my s'i e. Too ma y of themB @or e3e o#r combi ed armiesB The what the hell were we "oi " to doB

The "loom of the clo#dy day "a3e way easily to i"ht. Do#"al a d Cla @i ta sle't fitf#lly, a d & stayed awake, liste i " to the h#m of what m#st be a Aillio cicadas, a d a sym'ho y of mewi ", chir'i " a d croaki " fro"s mi2i " i "ross harmo y with other # see slimy, crawli " thi "s. A d & swatted mosI#itoes. &8d tho#"ht Oklahoma had a mosI#ito 'roblem. This 'lace m#st be & sect Mea3e . A d & was star3i ". A d it was really dark. & ke't feeli " Cla @i ta to see if he was fe3erish, b#t his body was always so hot that & co#ld 8t tell if he had a ra"i " tem'erat#re, or if he was =#st 9 ormal.: $l#s, he had started "etti " a oyed at me for waki " him #' e3ery few mi #tes. <o & sat back a d tried to rest, witho#t act#ally falli " aslee' beca#se & really, really, really did 8t wa t to "o o a other o e of those s'irit-dream thi "s. & =#st co#ld 8t ha dle seei " what & was s#re was ha''e i " back at the Tem'le of the !#se. %est, Belo3ed drifted thro#"h my tired mi d. & felt my eyelids droo' i res'o se, a d & breathed a sile t 'lea that & wo#ld, 'lease, be allowed to stay i my bodyDa d slee' e 3elo'ed me. The thrashi " so# d of a lar"e body slo#"hi " its way thro#"h water made me come s#dde ly awake. & sat strai"ht #', wo deri " for a i sta t =#st where the hell & was. The the smells of the swam' re"istered i my fo""y brai . &t is Eictoria,: Cla @i ta 8s dee' 3oice r#mbled a"ai st me. There was little li"ht. &t seemed the marshy la dsca'e soaked the moo li"ht #', b#t the sil3erblo d of the M# tress8s coat "limmered ethereally. &t took yo# lo " e o#"h.: !y worry came o#t as bitchi ess. &t was4: she 'a#sed, a d & realiAed how hard she was breathi " 94more diffic#lt tha & had ima"i ed.: Tell #s,: my h#sba d said as he mo3ed me "e tly to the side, the rose stiffly. & tra3eled i to the east, attem'ti " to fi d the ed"e of the ri3er. This lake "oes o for I#ite some time before it "i3es way to a field of tall, shar' "rass.: Mer 3oice drifted i the dark ess. 9There are da "ero#s bo"s withi the "rass4& was almost tra''ed i o e.: & remembered Cla @i ta 8s comme t, ce ta#rs a3oid swam'y "ro# d. No wo der. &t is slow "oi " thro#"h the bo", b#t whe it fi ally "i3es way it is bordered by a thick "rowth of trees, m#ch like we saw at its be"i i ". O ly the "ro3e that r# s alo " the swam'8s easter ed"e is 'robably twe ty ce ta#r le "ths i width. The that e ds at the ed"e of the 5eal %i3er.: & felt my heart fl#tter. All we had to do was "et across the ri3er. The it wo#ld be a strai"ht shot

so#th back to E'o a8s Tem'le a d home, where we co#ld re"ro#' a d come #' with 'la B. B#t Eictoria was 8t do e. The @omoria s ha3e statio ed "#ards alo " the 'erimeter of the marsh so that they ca catch a yo e who tries to flee from the swam' to the ri3er.: Me8s looki " for me.: They k ew & mea t N#ada. Me is looki " for all of #s,: Cla @i ta ass#red me. Okay, how abo#t "oi " toward the Loch i stead of the ri3erB: & asked. Loch <elkie is e3e farther away tha the ri3er. A d if N#ada has creat#res 'osted betwee the swam' a d the ri3er, he will certai ly ha3e them 'osted betwee the Loch a d the ri3er,: Cla @i ta reaso ed, 9a d we wo#ld o ly be safe as lo " as we were i or o the Loch. Crossi " it is o#t of the I#estio , its width is too "reat to swim, e3e if its waters were ot icy.: Bad ews,: & said. E2actly,: Eic re'lied. & co#ld hear her r#mma"i " aro# d i what & ass#med was her I#i3er Gsi ce she was 8t carryi " a '#rseH. The she be"a searchi " the isla d, "atheri " what so# ded like loose lea3es a d twi"s. & heard her cro#ch dow , striki " two shar' ob=ects to"ether4from which s'arks flew. <oo she was breathi " life i to a s'ark, which she fed i to a frie dly blaAe. The fire reflected off her white teeth as she smiled at me. !ales e3er ha3e fli t. >he yo# eed a cam'fire, call a M# tress.: &8ll remember that.: & stood #' a d mo3ed closer to the warmth of the fire. !y stomach let loose a mea -so# di " "rowl. 9Now, if o ly we had somethi " to roast o3er it.: Mow abo#t thisB: Eictoria had mo3ed from her s'ot by the fire, o3er to the leafy side of o e of the cy'ress trees. <he reached o#t a d 'l#cked a "olf ballFsiAe thi " off o e of the lea3es, the ret#r ed to the fire. >hat is itB: & asked, st#dyi " the thi " that lay i her ha d. A''le s ail.: <he "ri ed as she searched the "ro# d aro# d her. @i di " what & s#''osed was the a''ro'riate twi" for the =ob, she "rabbed a stick a d =abbed it #' i to the brow shell, fishi " o#t the soft-ski ed creat#re. &m'ali " it like a s ail shish kebab, she held the sI#irmi " thi " o3er the fire. Does it taste like chicke B: & "#l'ed. No, more like oysters.: >ell, oysters were cool with me. <o & swallowed my sI#eamish ess a d =oi ed the ce ta#rs i the 5reat A''le < ail M# t a d @ry. Tha kf#lly, the little isla d seemed to be some ki d of s ail 3acatio s'ot4'robably s ail @lorida4there were Aillio s of them. A d Eic was ri"ht4if yo# disco# ted their little eyeballs a d a te a-thi "ies, they tasted a lot like oysters. & wished & had some crackers, Tabasco a d a icy Coors. Later, we were co te tedly 'icki " s ail "#ts from betwee o#r teeth a d swatti " mosI#itoes, a d &, for o e, was feeli " f#ll a d slee'y. They will be watchi " for three ce ta#rs a d o e h#ma ,: Cla @i ta said s#dde ly. 6es,: Eictoria said. The we s'lit #'. <e'arately we will ha3e a better cha ce of "etti " 'ast their li e.: &8m ot bei " se'arated from yo#?: & said.

Cla @i ta '#t his arm aro# d my sho#lders a d sI#eeAed. 9No, yo# a d & will ot be se'arated.: Do#"al remai ed sile t, looki " miserably at Eictoria. The M# tress8s "aAe rested o the "ro# d while she said, 9Do#"al a d & sho#ld stay to"ether, too. Two co#'les wo#ld still ha3e a better cha ce at "etti " 'ast their li e tha o e "ro#' of fo#r. Besides,: she co ti #ed, 9there are alli"ators i this swam' a d we each eed two sets of eyes to watch for them.: & saw Do#"al fl#sh i ha''y s#r'rise. >he Eic fi ally raised her eyes to meet his, & tho#"ht & detected a # acc#stomed shy ess i her "aAe. Eictoria a d & will tra3el to"ether.: Do#"al8s 3oice so# ded stro " a d co fide t. Cla @i ta looked 'leased that the two ce ta#rs were stayi " to"ether. 9At first li"ht the fo#r of #s will tra3el so#th # til the s# is midway i the sky. The yo# a d Do#"al will bra ch off to the east. %hea a d & will tra3el farther so#th, the we, too, will t#r toward the ri3er.: Do#"al a d Eictoria odded i a"reeme t. The i"ht is still yo# ". Let #s rest, my frie ds.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was hy' otic i the wa i " fire. & lea ed a"ai st him, 'leased he so# ded like himself. !aybe e3erythi " wo#ld be okayD E2ha#stio ca#"ht #' with me a d a dee', tha kf#lly dreamless slee' claimed me as its ow . The rat-a-tat-a-tat-a-tat of a wood'ecker woke me. 5od, what a a oyi " bird.: & "r#mbled as & r#bbed the slee' from my eyes. The & smelled somethi " that was cooki "4somethi " that smelled y#mmy. The three ce ta#rs were sta di " aro# d the fire. Cooki " o3er it o a s'it was a lo ", thick 'iece of white meat. & "ot #' a d stretched my way o3er to them. 5ood mor i "?: Do#"al said cheerf#lly. Cla @i ta '#lled a leaf o#t of my hair. Eic odded. !or i ",: & "r#m'ed. 9>hat is itB &t looks too thick to be s ake,: & said ho'ef#lly. No, caima ,: Eic said. Oh, "ood. >hat8s a caima B: <mall crocodile4easier to kill a d ski tha a lar"e o e.: <he smiled 'ro#dly. 9They are a little tricky to catch, b#t4: & k ow, & k ow4tastes like chicke .: They la#"hed. >ere they all mor i " 'eo'leQce ta#rsQwhate3erB Mere.: Cla @i ta '#lled somethi " that looked like a b#r t sweet 'otato o#t of the coals. >ith o e of Eic8s shar' arrowheads he slit it to e2'ose steami " '#l'. & 'icked a small 'iece o#t a d blew o it, the 'o''ed it i to my mo#th. Not bad, a little bitter a d barky tasti ", b#t ot bad. >hat is itB: The t#ber 'art of a cattail.: Eic motio ed at a "ro3e of cattails =#st off the far side of o#r little isla d. 6o# M# tresses are =#st da " ha dy to ha3e aro# d.: Of co#rse we are,: Eic said with her ormal lack of modesty. The caima was 'retty "ood, too. >hat they write i books is the tr#th4sometimes yo# "et too h# "ry to care what yo#8re eati ". Before we left, & checked Cla @i ta 8s wo# ds. Mis head a d chest wo# ds looked "ood, es'ecially

# der the defi ite lack of sterile circ#msta ces. B#t the s#t#red slashes o his r#m' looked #"ly. They were wee'i " bloody fl#id. They worried me, es'ecially "i3e the stiff way Cla @i ta was hobbli " aro# d. & told him to hold still while & r#bbed more sal3e o all of them. Me met my eyes, smili " "e tly, a d '#lled me i to his arms. 9&t is ormal for the wo# d to drai .: 6o# ca hardly walk?: Me la#"hed. 9$erha's & am sim'ly ot a mor i " ce ta#r.: Do 8t be a smart aleck, yo#8re hobbli " aro# d worse tha E'i did whe she we t lame.: & am older tha E'i.: & '#t my head a"ai st the side of his chest that was 8t wo# ded. 9Tell me the tr#th, are yo# really okayB: Me r#ffled my hair. 96es, & will mo3e more easily whe my m#scles are warm.: !aybe & sho#ld ride Eic a"ai .: & 'eeked o3er at her where she a d Do#"al were stom'i " o#t the fire. 9& do 8t thi k she8d mi d.: & wo#ld mi d. & wa t yo# close to me.: Me kissed the to' of my head. 9B#t & wo#ld a''reciate it if yo# wo#ld refrai from fo dli " my r#m'4: he 'a#sed a d "a3e me a teasi " look 94today.: & '#lled away from him a d we t back to sal3i " his wo# ds, m#tteri ", 96o# 'robably eed a "ood smack o the r#m'.: >e left the isla d a d tra3eled so#th, i to the e3er-thicke i " marshla ds. Tha kf#lly, the water stayed at a de'th betwee the ce ta#rs8 k ees a d their fla ks, b#t it made for slow "oi ". The m#d s#cked a"ai st their hoo3es like a li3i " thi ". <hortly after we had started o#t, a lo" drifted 'ast #s. & ca#"ht si"ht of mo3eme t o it a d sho#ted a alli"ator war i ". Eic8s crossbow was i her ha d, a d Do#"al a d Cla @i ta # sheathed their lo " swords, taki " #' a defe si3e sta ce with their backs to each other. As it floated closer to #s we "ot a better look at it. &t was 8t a alli"atorJ it was a lo" teemi " with writhi " s akes. 6eesh, that8s dis"#sti ". Are they 'oiso o#sB: They made my ski crawl. 6es, b#t they are mati ". &f we let them drift by witho#t botheri " them, they sho#ld ot bother #s.: Eic8s 3oice mirrored my dis"#st. Needless to say, we "a3e them a wide berth. E2ce't for all the b#"s, crawli " thi "s a d "ree , slimy water, & was s#r'rised by the hidde bea#ty of the marsh. Tall, 'oi ted- osed birds stood i the water, bli ki " at #s like laAy bl#ehaired old so#ther wome . Mi"h i the moss-dri''i " cy'ress trees, brillia t scarlet birds ested. That m#st be a scarlet ibis.: & 'oi ted at o e as it floated "racef#lly to the water. 6es.: Eic odded. 9They are a rare bird. Ma3e yo# see o e beforeB: O ly i a story,: & si"hed, rememberi " the 'oi" a t comi "-of-a"e story that & read to my freshme e3ery year e titled The <carlet &bis. 9%emi d me to tell yo# the story abo#t Doodle some day.: & will,: Do#"al said with e deari " e th#siasm. A little before midday we came to a other 'atch of dry la d, too small to e3e be called a isla d. There the ce ta#rs took a break from the co sta t water. & searched the lea3es for more a''le s ails.

They o ly come o#t at i"ht,: Eic i formed me. & do 8t s#''ose we ha3e time for a fire a yway.: A d & did 8t thi k & was h# "ry e o#"h to eat o e raw. 6et. No,: Cla @i ta said. 9Eictoria a d Do#"al m#st be o their way. A d so m#st we.: Me t#r ed to Eictoria. Me clas'ed her #''er arm, a d she his. 9Take care of each other.: The he faced Do#"al. 9&f yo# reach the tem'le before we do, tell them they m#st e3ac#ate to the other side of the ri3er. Mead to 5le &orsa. @rom there we will decide what is to be do e.: They clas'ed arms. 9B#t yo# m#st "et the h#ma s across the ri3er. &t is o lo "er safe for them, o matter what has become of the other armies.: Mis words shocked me, a d & co#ld read my shock mirrored i Eictoria8s e2'ressio , altho#"h she did 8t s'eak. B#t Do#"al sim'ly odded, as if he had e2'ected the ews. & walked o3er to Eic, a d "a3e her a "irlfrie d h#". <tay safe,: she said. Allow yo#rself to be lo3ed,: & whis'ered. Mer eyes wide ed at my words a d & was amaAed to see a hi t of color s eaki " i to her cheeks. & am too old to bother with s#ch o se se,: she whis'ered back to me. No o e is too old for s#ch o se se.: The & we t to Do#"al, who tried to kiss my ha d, b#t & '#lled him dow a d "a3e him a h#", kissi " him so# dly o the cheek. >atch o#t for her4a d for yo#rself.: & t#r ed away so that & wo#ld 8t ha3e to see them lea3e. & heard them lea' off the dry la d a d back i to the water, b#t soo the swam' co3ered all so# ds of their de'art#re. >e will see them a"ai soo .: Cla @i ta stood behi d me, resti " his ha ds o my sho#lders. & k ow,: & said with false bra3ado. >e m#st "o.: & reached #' a d he sw# " me o to his back, a d we, too, immersed o#rsel3es back i the # e di " marsh. &t seemed like days i stead of ho#rs had 'assed whe Cla @i ta fi ally made a abr#'t left t#r . This sho#ld be e o#"h s'ace betwee #s,: he said as he cha "ed directio . 5ood?: & a"reed cheerily, to co3er #' the worry that had be"# i side me. Cla @i ta 8s amaAi " stami a was be"i i " to wa e. Mis coat be eath my le"s was dam' with more tha waterJ it was flecked with white sweat4somethi " &8d e3er see o him before. The "ashes o his r#m' were co sta tly dri''i " yellowish drai a"e. & co#ld hear his breathi " dee'e as he strai ed a"ai st the m#ddy "ro# d. & thi k & sho#ld walk for a while.: No,: he said betwee breaths. %eally, it8s okay. &8d like to stretch my le"s.: & said o?: he s a''ed. & =#st sat there, ot s#re if & sho#ld smack his b#tt a d tell him ot to yell at me, =#m' off his back a d tell him &8ll dam s#re do what & wa t or =#st sit there a d cry. Co f#sio wo , so & sh#t my

mo#th a d sat there i a ti"ht ball of emotio s. <oo he came to a halt a d wi'ed the sweat from his brow wearily with the back of his ha d. @or"i3e me, lo3e,: he said with a 3oice that so# ded like it came from a "ra3e. 9& shame myself by taki " my e2ha#stio o#t o yo#.: & lea ed forward, caref#lly wra''i " my arms aro# d his chest. & rested my chi o his sho#lder. 96o#8re for"i3e .: >he the water becomes a little more shallow yo# may walk, if yo# wo#ld like.: & wo#ld like.: & kissed his eck. Me lay his arms o3er mi e briefly, the took a dee' breath a d forced his hoo3es o#t of the so""y "ro# d. The horrible s#cki " so# d made me wa t to cri "e. >e co ti #ed to mo3e slowly forward. >he the water had s#bsided to his k ees he halted a"ai . Mow abo#t if & walk for a little whileB: Me odded, a d hel'ed me to dismo# t. !y booted feet sa k dow i the m#cky "ro# d # til & was sta di " i water #' to my thi"hs. 6#ck, this st#ff is serio#sly "ross.: & took his ha d a d we started walki ". <erio#sly "rossB: he asked. 6eah, like that lo" that was filled with s akes.: Oh.: Me odded tired # dersta di ". >e str#""led o . After we had o ly "o e a short way, & was breathi " hea3ily. &t amaAed me that he had bee tra3eli " i this m#d all day4with me o his back a d a b#tt that was all tor #'. &t ca 8t be m#ch farther,: & said betwee breaths. Me did 8t re'ly. &t seemed that he was foc#si " all of his e er"y o co ti #i " to mo3e forward. <oo the water le3el had oticeably s#bsided, which wo#ld ha3e bee wo derf#l, e2ce't that the le3el of the m#d i creased. The water came o ly to my k ees, b#t e3ery time & '#t a foot dow , & sa k to mid-calf i m#d. & the dwi dli " li"ht we did 8t see the "rass # til it was ri"ht before #s. &t was a i credible si"htJ m#ch of it e3e towered o3er Cla @i ta . >e sto''ed, both of #s breathi " hea3ily. Did 8t Eic say a field of tall "rass came ri"ht before the ed"e of the swam'B: & asked ho'ef#lly. 6es, a d she said it was shar'. 6o# sho#ld remo# t me so that & ca shield yo# from its c#ts.: No, let me try walki " thro#"h it.: & co#ld see he wa ted to ar"#e, so & rested my ha d o his arm a d said, 9&f it8s too shar', &8ll climb back aboard.: Me a"reed rel#cta tly, a d we ste''ed i to the forest "rass. As #s#al, Eic had bee ri"htJ the "rass c#t. A d ow that & tho#"ht abo#t it, & remembered seei " red slashes across her ski , b#t we were all so m#d s'attered a d i sect bitte that & had "i3e it little tho#"ht. >ell, ow that & was walki " thro#"h the st#ff, & "a3e it lots of tho#"ht. & '#t my arms #' to try a d shield my face from the worst of the "rass. <oo & co#ld feel warm blood trickli " dow my forearms from the scratches o scratches as the raAor-ed"ed "rass sliced across my ski like a "ia t 'a'er c#t.

%hea, sto'. 6o# m#st ride ow.: C#st a little farther, the & will.: & had ma a"ed to draw a small dista ce ahead of him, a d & did 8t e3e 'a#se to look back, afraid he8d see the blood o my arms. The m#d still s#cked at my feet, a d & k ew he did 8t eed the b#rde of my added wei"ht. & '#lled o e foot #', a d '#t it o#t i fro t of me, set it dow 4 A d my foot co ti #ed to si k dow , dow , witho#t sto''i ". & cried o#t a d str#""led to '#ll it back, b#t & fell off bala ce a d flo# dered, s#dde ly fi di " myself #' to my waist i a soft, sa dy mi2t#re. The more 3iole tly & str#""led, the more it s#cked me i to it. %hea?: Cla @i ta yelled, a d with a ferocio#s stre "th he "rabbed my arm a d ya ked me backward, almost ca#si " my sho#lder to be wre ched o#t of its socket. Cla @i ta we t dow , a d & fell back i to his arms, where we stayed for a mome t4ha''y that what was be eath #s was =#st m#d. !y h#sba d8s ha ds were tra3eli " o3er my body, like he was checki " to make s#re e3erythi " was still there. Did somethi " "rab yo#B Are yo# h#rtB: Mis 3oice was shaki ". No, &8m okay.: & laid my head a"ai st him, breathi " dee'ly. 9&t did 8t ha3e a bottom. &t felt like it was s#cki " me dow . U"h4it m#st be I#icksa d.: 6es.: Me so# ded calmer ow that he k ew & was i o e 'iece. 9& ha3e heard of the si ki " sa d.: Me attem'ted a smile. 9&t is o e reaso ce ta#rs stay o#t of swam'y la d.: >ell, it8s a dam "ood reaso .: Me s#r"ed to his feet, lifti " me with him. >e m#st "o aro# d it.: Me started worki " his way to the so#th, ste''i " caref#lly. 9A d ow yo# ca ot ride me.: Me did 8t eed to say what we both k ew. Me co#ld '#ll me o#t of I#icksa d, b#t there wo#ld be o way & co#ld do the same for him. >e ke't mo3i ", a d & se t a sile t 'rayer to my 5oddess, be""i " for hel'.

E3e t#ally, we tra3eled far e o#"h so#th so that we skirted the I#icksa d, a d were able, o ce a"ai , to t#r to the east. The c#tti " "rass felt as if it was ri''i " the flesh from my arms, a d my footste's became slower a d slower. %hea, let me walk ahead.: Me had sto''ed. 9%#b some sal3e o yo#r arms a d walk behi d me, "i3e them a cha ce to rest,: he coa2ed. 9After a time we ca cha "e 'ositio s a"ai .: B#t what if yo# ste' i to some I#icksa dB: & will be caref#l.: Okay.: & "a3e i with somethi " that so# ded 3ery m#ch like a sob, a d st#mbled back to him. Me took the 'o#ch from my sho#lder, a d & wished we had some wi e left, b#t the fo#r of #s had fi ished that off before midday. & held o#t my arms, fli chi " as his "e tle fi "ers a''lied the sticky oi tme t. Almost immediately the b#r i " sto''ed, a d & breathed a lo " si"h of relief. That feels "ood.: & oticed the scratches o his arms a d chest. 9Mere, &8ll '#t some o yo#, too.: They are =#st small scra'es4my ski is ot soft, like yo#rs.: Me to#ched my cheek.

&8ll =#st '#t a little o yo#. & k ow how badly they sti ".: Me smiled i d#l"e tly at me while & doctored the scratches. The & '#t the =ar away a d mo3ed rel#cta tly behi d him. Be caref#l?: & called. & will.: Me started o#t, a d we be"a o#r timeless str#""le forward a"ai . C#st as & tho#"ht the field of "rass wo#ld e3er e d, Cla @i ta called o3er his sho#lder e2citedly, 9& ca see the tree li e ahead?: Me s#r"ed forward with re ewed 3i"or. A d ri"ht i to a bed of I#icksa d. Mis eI#i e body flo# dered, str#""li " a"ai st the s#cki " sa d. Mis arms flailed o#t, tryi " to "rab somethi ", a ythi ", that he co#ld #se to '#ll himself to safety. <tay back?: he yelled as & tried to "o to him. 9& am too far i 4yo# ca >hat ca & doB: & yelled, feeli " 'a ic rise i my throat. Me looked fra tically aro# d. 9&f yo# ca make it to the trees, fi d a lo " bra ch a d bri " it back here.: & odded, a d started searchi " for a way aro# d the I#icksa d, b#t & k ew & wo#ld e3er make it i time. & co#ld 8t e3e see the sta d of trees, a d & co#ld 8t r# i the marsh8s s#cki " m#d. & k ew he was "oi " to die4a d all & co#ld do was watch him. Me m#st call The Cha "e. The tho#"ht b#rst lo#d a d clear thro#"h my 'a icked mi d. & r#shed to the ed"e of the I#icksa d. Me had s# k to midway #' his h#ma torso. <tay backD: Mis breathi " was ra""ed. Liste ?: & dro''ed to my k ees a d crawled aro# d the side of the 'it. 96o# m#st sha'e-shift.: & stretched o#t my arms to him. 9<ee, if yo# reach o#t, & ca "rab yo#. Try?: Me did, a d o#r fi "ers to#ched. Now, sha'e-shift. & ca '#ll o#t a ma 4b#t ot a ce ta#r.: & saw # dersta di " flash thro#"h his eyes. The he closed them a d bowed his head. Mis body became 3ery still as he be"a the cha t, raisi " his arms a d head sy chro istically. The shimmer started. Before & had to close my eyes to the brillia ce of the li"ht, & watched his face twist i # ima"i able a"o y. The the li"ht e2ti "#ished. &mmediately, & stretched forward. Mel' me? %each?: & yelled at him. >ith weary determi atio he reached for me, a d o#r fi "ers to#ched. The o#r ha ds "ras'ed o e a other8s. & d#" my heels i to the m#rky "ro# d a d '#lled with e3erythi " withi me. & ch by i ch & wo "ro# d o3er the deadly sa d, # til Cla @i ta 8s torso lay o the wet "ro# d a d he was able to hel' me '#ll the rest of him free. Me rolled o3er o his side, a d for a lo " time we lay there a"ai st each other. O#r o ly mo3eme t was to breathe. Tha k yo#, E'o a,: & said alo#d. 6o#r 5oddess is "ood to yo#.: & was reass#red by the ormal so# d of his dee' 3oice. & br#shed some of the cli "i " sa d from his face, the kissed the s'ot & had clea ed. ot reach me.:

Ca yo# walk yetB: Me odded a d stood with 'ai f#l, stiff mo3eme ts. As he t#r ed, & was afforded a "lim'se of the rear of his body. The "ashes were h#"e, horribly fla''i " wo# ds, tacked to"ether obsce ely with dark s#t#res. They ra from =#st abo3e his b#ttocks, all the way dow to the back of his thi"hs, a d ooAed fl#id, which mi2ed with the sa d a d water of the 'it. Oh, 5od?: & co#ld 8t sto' the e2clamatio . 9Cha "e back?: & thi k4: his slow a swer was 'ai f#l to hear 94& sho#ld stay i h#ma form # til we ha3e crossed the ri3er. %emember, they are ot looki " for a h#ma ma a d woma . They search for E'o a8s Chose a d her ce ta#r mate.: B#t yo#r wo# ds.: C#st looki " at them made me ache. $#t more sal3e o them a d it will be tolerable.: & did 8t wa t to to#ch those horrid "ashes i his flesh. & was 'etrified & wo#ld h#rt him more tha he h#rt already. Me reached for the ba" a d drew o#t the half-em'ty =ar. & ca do it,: he said whe he oticed my retice ce. & di''ed my fi "ers i to the =ar. &8ll do it.: & "ritted my teeth a d forced myself to smear the oi tme t o3er a d i to the "ashes. Me did 8t mo3e, a d he did 8t s'eak. Me also did 8t breathe # til & was fi ished. BetterB: & asked, wi'i " my fi "ers across the slashes o his forearms to rid them of the li "eri " oi tme t. 6es.: Me made a "reat show of acti " bra3e, b#t his ski had take o a sickly 'ale h#e. 9& saw the tree li e =#st o3er there.: Me 'oi ted. 9&t is ot m#ch farther.: >e started o#t, caref#l to 'ick o#r way aro# d the 'it of I#icksa d. & "a3e his aked body a sideways "la ce. 6o# wa t to borrow my tho ", or somethi "B: Mis bark of la#"hter made him fli ch with the 'ai it ca#sed his wo# ds, b#t his eyes s'arkled as he looked dow at me. & thi k ot. &f we were ca't#red by the @omoria s, thi k of the stories they wo#ld tell.: & ca see the headli es ow, Cross-dressi " Mi"h <hama of the Ce ta#rs @i ally Ca't#red.: Meadli esB: 5ossi' that e3eryo e reads abo#t.: 6es, that wo#ld be embarrassi ".: &t certai ly wo#ld.: $erha's we sho#ld talk abo#t what we ca do with yo#r tho " at a later time.: & was hearte ed to hear a se2y tease i his 3oice. <a3e yo#r e er"y, bi" boy. >ho do yo# thi k yo# are, Coh >ay eB: & k ew he was "oi " to ask. Coh >ay eB:

Now here8s a s#b=ect & co#ld 'o tificate o for ho#rs. & cleared my throat a d ass#med my teacherlect#re mode. Coh >ay e, real ame !ario !ichael !orriso , bor i >i terset, &owa. Me was what we called a 5reat America &co i my old world. $erso ally, & thi k of him as a 'atriot a d a hero.: Me "a3e me a c#rio#s "la ce, which was all the e co#ra"eme t & eeded. 9Let me tell yo# abo#t himD: & was i the middle of retelli " the 'lot of The Cowboys, a d choki " myself #', whe Cla @i ta '#t his ha d o#t, sto''i " me. <hh,: he said. 9The e d of the "rass.: Me 'oi ted, a d & saw that, s#re e o#"h, the field of c#tti " "rass e ded =#st a few feet ahead of #s as abr#'tly as it had be"# . & 'eered aro# d i the fadi " li"ht. A li e of trees be"a o the other side of the "rass field. Not a 'retty "ro3e with a car'et of dried lea3es, like we had tra3eled thro#"h o the o''osite side of the ri3er. Mere the trees were wild a d thick, a im'e etrable =# "le of cy'ress, willow a d hackberry, i ters'ersed with h#"e, red-ti''ed ele'ha t ear a d somethi " that looked like m#ta t hibisc#s. B#t, as we stood there sile tly, a delicio#s so# d came to o#r ears. >e realiAed what it was at the same time, a d o#r eyes lit #' as we smiled at each other. The ri3er,: Cla @i ta said i a low 3oice. Tha k yo#, 5oddess? @i ally?: <hh.: Me '#t his arm aro# d me a d s'oke i to my ear, 9&f we ca hear the ri3er, that mea s the creat#res are somewhere betwee here4: he odded his head back at the marsh behi d #s 94 a d the ba k.: Mow do we "et 'ast themB: & asked I#ietly. They are e2'ecti " a ce ta#r to crash thro#"h the # derbr#sh with his mate ridi " boldly astride his back, ot two h#ma s who ca d#ck a d dod"e thro#"h the trees stealthily.: A d what two h#ma s ca do thatB: Me sI#eeAed my sho#lders a d kissed the to' of my head. >e ca .: Oh, yeah. & almost for"ot.: That is why yo# married me4so that & co#ld remi d yo# of thi "s yo# ha3e almost for"otte .: & was "lad to see a mischie3o#s smile 'layi " o his li's. A d & tho#"ht & =#st married yo# for yo#r "reat foot r#bs.: That, too.: Mis e2'ressio sobered. 9>e m#st mo3e like o#r M# tress frie d, slowly a d so# dlessly. Try to dist#rb o br#sh. $lace yo#r feet softly o the dam'est 'art of the "ro# d. A3oid twi"s a d dry lea3es.: & liste ed i te tly, 'sychi " myself #' for the task before me. >hat if we are see B: Me took me by the sho#lders a d t#r ed me so that he co#ld look i te tly i to my eyes. 96o# r# for the ri3er. Do ot sto'. Do ot worry abo#t me. C#st "et to the ri3er a d swim across it.: B#t4:

No? Liste to me. They will ot reco" iAe me. They will thi k & am o ly a h#ma male. & ca b#y yo# the time it will take for yo# to cross the ri3er. >he yo# are safe & will call The Cha "e to me a d =oi yo#.: &t so# ded like a li e of cra' to me. & started to tell him so, b#t his fi "ers d#" i to my sho#lders. &f they catch yo#, thi k of what they will do to yo#. & co#ld ot bear it.: The 'ai reflected i his eyes was 'al'able. 9All they ca do is kill me4they ca do m#ch more to yo#.: Okay, &8ll "et to the ri3er.: Mis e2'ressio rela2ed, as did his "ri' o my sho#lders. Me be t a d kissed me "e tly. Now let #s "et o#t of this marsh. <te' o ly where & ste'.: Okay, yo#8re i char"e.: Me "a3e me a h#"e "ri . @or ow,: & added. >e started forward slowly, lea3i " the "rass behi d a d e teri " a world of 'rime3al trees a d de se # derbr#sh. & a way, it was worse tha the m#d a d the "rass. At least amidst the "rass we co#ld bl# der ahead, co ce trati " o '#tti " o e foot i fro t of the other. Mere it was differe t. Cla @i ta mo3ed i slow motio , a d & mimicked him. >e co#ld 8t tra3el i a strai"ht easterly li e. >e had to Ai" a d Aa" o#r way thro#"h the br#sh, a3oidi " 'iles of dried lea3es a d mo# ds of twi"s. &t seemed for e3ery ste' we were able to take forward we had to take two to each side. A d, to make a already diffic#lt sit#atio worse, d#sk was falli ", maki " it diffic#lt to see the e2t cl#m' of oisy dry folia"e. @rom my 'ositio behi d him, & was afforded a e2celle t 3iew of his aked backside. Each ste' he took ca#sed his wo# ds to see' bloody fl#id. Mis back was co3ered with a film of sweat. & watched the m#scles i his back twitch a d shake as he slowly shifted his wei"ht from side to side. E3ery mome t & e2'ected somethi " wi "ed a d s arli " to lea' at #s, b#t we ke't mo3i ", with o ly the so# d of o#r ow breath a d the oise of the ri3er as com'a io s. The Cla @i ta 8s ha d we t #', a d he froAe. & fro t of #s was the ri3er, 'owerf#l a d "ray i the fadi " li"ht. Betwee the tree li e where we were sta di " a d the ba k was a rocky area, 'robably twe ty or thirty yards wide. A d i that area betwee the ri3er a d #s cro#ched three wi "ed creat#res. They were a little way #'ri3er from where we stood. Their backs were to #s4act#ally, they were h# kered aro# d a blaAi " cam'fire. As we watched, o e of them fed it more dried bra ches. They did 8t s'eak, b#t o ce i a while o e of them wo#ld look at the ri3er a d hiss. Cla @i ta motio ed for me to mo3e #' beside him, a d & did so caref#lly. >he & "i3e yo# the word, & wa t yo# to r# to the ri3er. Do ot look at me. Do ot wait for me,: he said with I#iet i te sity. & o'e ed my mo#th a d he '#t a warm fi "er a"ai st my li's. Tr#st me,: he whis'ered. & swallowed my com'lai ts a d odded rel#cta tly. Me be t a d searched the "ro# d aro# d #s. @i ally satisfied, he "ras'ed a falle bra ch that lay close to his feet. Me looked at me. %eadyB: Me mo#thed the words.

& odded. Me reached his arm back, a d h#rled the "ree bra ch to o#r left, toward the li e of trees directly behi d the creat#res. 5o?: he whis'ered. & shot from the trees, fear a d adre ali e "i3i " me a =olt of # acc#stomed s'eed. & heard Cla @i ta followi " close behi d me. A d & heard the creat#res. They were s arli " a d s'itti ". & "la ced o3er my sho#lder i time to see them bo# di " for the trees behi d them. Do 8t look, r# ?: Cla @i ta said betwee breaths. U fort# ately, & was 8t the o ly o e who heard him. There?: o e of the creat#res hissed, 'oi ti " at #s. The rocks cr# ched as he r#shed after #s, with the other two followi " close behi d him. @aster?: Cla @i ta yelled. & reached the ba k as o e of the creat#res ca#"ht Cla @i ta . & heard a awf#l teari " so# d as his claws raked my h#sba d8s sho#lder. Cla @i ta 'i3oted, '#tti " his body betwee the @omoria s a d me. Me d#cked a other slashi " attack from the creat#re, a d la ded a blow of his ow o its =aw. & heard it cr# ch4the thi " backed off a few 'aces to recollect itself, ready to attack Cla @i ta a"ai . C#m'? &8ll =oi yo# as soo as & ca ?: he yelled o3er his sho#lder at me. & looked dow at the s#r"i " water, a d back at my h#sba d a d the three creat#res that were "etti " ready to h#rl themsel3es at him. Not witho#t yo#?: Before he co#ld a swer & d#cked # der his arm a d ra strai"ht toward the s#r'rised creat#res. !y arms were raised o3er my head a d & wa3ed my ha ds wildly, shrieki ", 95et the f#ck back, yo# slimy, 'er3erted bastards?: The @omoria s skittered backward, away from me, looki " =#stifiably co f#sed. & mea , really, how ma y h#ma wome act#ally r# to themB A d & was a h#ma woma co3ered i swam' y#ck, with wild red hair sticki " o#t i matted h# ks a d arms flaili " like a deme ted Bride of @ra ke stei . &8d r# from me. Before they co#ld reco3er, & t#r ed a d faced my h#sba d. &f & =#m', yo# =#m'?: & yelled. %ememberi " e3erythi " &8d e3er heard Dad tell his football 'layers abo#t blocki ", & ra forward a d tackled Cla @i ta with my sho#lder, low a d hard, k ocki " #s both o3er the ba k a d i to the swirli " water. & kicked my way to the s#rface, 'leased to hear Cla @i ta s'#tteri " beside me as the roari " c#rre t "rabbed #s a d carried #s away from the ed"e of the ri3er. %ela2,: he yelled abo3e the water. 9<wim with the c#rre t?: & did as he said, stroki " with the fast-mo3i " water, always a "li " toward the o''osite ba k. The water was cold, a d soo the #mb ess be"a to scare me. <tay with me?: Cla @i ta yelled. 9Almost there?: A fi "er of ba k =#tted o#t i fro t of #s, a d Cla @i ta "rabbed my hair with o e ha d a d a lowha "i " bra ch with his other, ha#li " #s both i to the rocky shallows. O#ch?: & said as he tried to dise ta "le himself from my hair.

Come.: Me took my ha d a d we walked # steadily to"ether o#t o to the shore, where we colla'sed. & heard his 'ai f#l "roa as he shifted his wei"ht from his backside. & hate to say this, b#t yo# really sho#ld "o back i to the shallows a d wash the m#d o#t of those wo# ds.: Me odded ti"htly a d forced himself to his feet, st#mbli " back i to the ri3er. & followed him, hel'i " him s'lash the cold, clea water o3er his dama"ed body. Ma''ily, the 'o#ch that held the remai i " oi tme t was still aro# d my eck, a d & s'read the rest of it o his wo# ds. Me was shaki " 3iole tly. The fresh c#ts o his sho#lder bled freely. Ca yo# cha "e back owB: & asked. Me "a3e me a tired od, a d & ste''ed away from him so he8d ha3e room to call The Cha "e. & closed my eyes a"ai st the li"ht a d the si"ht of his 'ai . >he the bri"ht ess faded a d & o'e ed my eyes, & was relie3ed to see that he looked more solid a d 'owerf#l i his tr#e form. Let8s "o home,: & said, holdi " o#t my ha d to him. Me took it a d hel'ed '#ll me #' the stee' ba k.

>e easily fo# d the tracks the le"io had made o the way to the Tem'le of the !#se, a d be"a retraci " o#r ste's. At first & walked e2t to him, ref#si " his i siste t offer that & remo# t. No, yo#83e bee thro#"h too m#ch.: & tried to reaso with him. As ha3e yo#.: Oh, s#re. Look who has all the "a'i " wo# ds.: Me s orted at me. A d, correct me if &83e for"otte , b#t & thi k yo#8re the o ly o e who8s cha "ed his body8s form i the last twe ty-fo#r ho#rs.: 6o# are my wife.: Me said it as if that e2'lai ed e3erythi ". 6es, a d &8m more tha ca'able of walki " for a while.: Me o'e ed his mo#th to co ti #e the ar"#me t. >ait, let8s com'romise,: & said reaso ably. 9&8ll walk # til the moo rises to the middle of the sky, the &8ll ride yo# witho#t ar"#i " abo#t it.: Me made a oise # der his breath that so# ded like he did 8t totally belie3e me. 6o# are a st#bbor woma .: Tha k yo#.: That made him la#"h, a d he loo'ed his arm aro# d me. >e smell bad.: & smiled #' at him. A"ai B: Me ch#ckled. & "#ess that8s what & "et for marryi " a horse.: & co#ld see him cocki " o e of his eyebrows at me i the ew moo li"ht. 9That is ot all yo# "et.:

& la#"hed a d se t a sile t tha k-yo# to my 5oddess. Me so# ded like himself a"ai . >e walked i com'a io able sile ce. & breathed i the fresh i"ht air, a d e =oyed the solid feel of my h#sba d8s arm aro# d me. >e wo#ld make o#r way back to the tem'le, a d from there fi"#re o#t how the hell we were "oi " to "et rid of those dam creat#res. A oise i the forest to o#r left startled me, a d & la#"hed i relief as the white tail of a deer blaAed i the sil3er i"ht. B#t the deer bro#"ht somethi " else to mi d. Do yo# thi k we8ll r# i to a y of the wome from the !#seB Or Do#"al a d EicB: Do#"al a d Eictoria are 'robably well ahead of #s. & do ot k ow abo#t the wome .: Mis 3oice was sad a d low. 9>he it became a''are t that we co#ld ot hold the creat#res, & se t 'art of the le"io to the ri3er, a d 'art to the tem'le. No ce ta#r wo#ld ha3e 'assed a woma witho#t "i3i " her aid. &f they made it across the ri3er, the ce ta#rs wo#ld ha3e haste ed the wome to E'o a8s Tem'le. They, too, sho#ld be ahead of #s.: &f a y of them had made itD& k ew we were both thi ki " it, b#t we left the tho#"ht # said. The moo is o3er o#r heads,: he remi ded me of my com'romise. & sto''ed a d looked i te tly #' at him. Are yo# really okayB: 6es, lo3e.: Me br#shed a c#rl back from my face. 9!y wo# ds will heal.: The &8ll ride. & admit & am ki d of tired.: Me lifted me to his back. A d h# "ryB: Do 8t e3e me tio food. 6o# k ow &8m star3i ".: Ala a will ha3e a feast ready for yo#.: Me "la ced o3er his sho#lder at me, a d his eyes wide ed. 9Look,: he said, 'oi ti " dow the 'ath i the directio from which we had =#st come. & looked, a d saw that my foot'ri ts each had a star i the middle of them. As we watched, they shimmered a d "littered, as if they had =#st falle from the sky a d la ded where my feet had bee . The & bli ked, a d the 'lay of li"ht 3a ished. !a"icB: & s'oke re3ere tly, like & was i ch#rch. $erha's there is more ma"ic withi yo# tha yo# realiAe.: Cla @i ta took a few strides forward, a d the broke i to his familiar "ro# d-eati " ca ter. & lea ed a"ai st his back, thi ki " abo#t ma"ic a d "oddesses a d lo3eDa d fell immediately aslee'. & was c#rled #' o a bi" rocki " chair i the cafK of my fa3orite bookstore back i T#lsa Gthe +(st <treet Bar es Y NobleH, a d the ma a"er Gwho looked amaAi "ly like $ierce Bros a H was telli " me that & co#ld ha3e as ma y books as & wa ted, free, o him, 'lease, =#st choose to my little heart8s co te t. The wo derf#l chef, 'layed by <ea Co ery, was 'erso ally 're'ari " a e2I#isite meal for me Gwhich & co#ld smell cooki "4lots of "arlicH, a d a bare-chested 'ool boy who looked like Brad $itt Gwho k owsBH was 'o#ri " me a lar"e "lass of "liste i " !erlotD A d & was s#cked o#t of DreamLa d to ho3er "r#m'ily o3er the middle of the ri3er. & started to whi e, a d the & remembered the 3oice i my head that had sa3ed Cla @i ta 4 ot

o ce, b#t twice4a d & ke't my silly mo#th sh#t. Okay, &8m ready for whate3er yo# eed me to see,: & said. No a swer4e2ce't to feel myself drift #'stream, retraci " the 'ath we had =#st tra3eled. & si"hed a d me tally 're'ared myself for 5oddess o ly k ows what. The marsh "liste ed to my left like a o'e sore o the face of the la d. &t stretched as far i la d as & co#ld see. & shi3ered at the tho#"ht that we 3ery easily co#ld ha3e bee tra''ed i there fore3er. Li"hts be"a flickeri " ahead of me, t#r i " my atte tio away from the de'ressio of the marsh to the rocky area betwee it a d the ri3er. !y body slowed as & came withi 3iew of se3eral lar"e cam'fires. They were s'read #' a d dow alo " the wester ba k of the 5eal. !y s'irit body ke't drifti " #'stream, # til & came to a e ormo#s circle of blaAi " fireli"ht. & co#ld see the wi "ed creat#res cro#ched aro# d the fires. !y body desce ded. &t was ob3io#s that they were all watchi " somethi " that was i the middle of the ri " of cam'fires. & saw mo3eme t withi the circle, b#t blowi " smoke from the fire obsc#red my 3iew. The the smoke cleared a d my eyes wide ed i horror. >ithi the circle, Ter'sichore da ced. <he was aked. Mer body was slick with the fe3ered sweat of the early sta"es of small'o2, which, iro ically, made her ski "liste with a i 3iti " l#ster. <he s'# a d twisted, mesmeriAi " the creat#res with her i credible "race a d se2#ality. Mer hair cl# " to her wet body like a erotic 3eil. <he writhed sed#cti3ely from creat#re to creat#re. <he was to#chi " each @omoria , lea3i " a trail of sweat a d aro#sal i her wake. A d, & 'rayed sile tly, disease. & watched as she da ced toward the creat#res who were cro#chi " =#st o#tside the circle, bei " s#re she to#ched as ma y of them as 'ossible. >i "s wo#ld twitch a d be"i to become erect, the she wo#ld s'i teasi "ly away4a d start the da ci " "ame all o3er with a other creat#re. &t was like she was a lo3ely a#tomato . Mer face was a e2'ressio less mask, a d & saw that her li's were cracked a d dry. As & looked closer, & oticed the be"i i "s of the rash o her bea#tif#lly ro# ded arms. The o e of the creat#res # f#rled itself from the "ro# d a d ste''ed i to the circle, "rabbi " Ter'sichore by the waist a d '#lli " her a"ai st his e "or"ed body. A d & realiAed why o e of the other creat#res had allowed themsel3es to take her. N#ada had claimed her. E o#"h 'lay, 5oddess.: Me reached o#t a d let o e claw tra3el dow the side of her f#ll breast, lea3i " a thi li e of blood i its 'ath, which he licked from her wet ski with his 'ale to "#e. 9& am ready for yo# ow.: Me be"a dra""i " her from the circleJ the he froAe a d "lared directly #' at me. @emale?: & heard his scream as E'o a wre ched me away a d back i to my body. & =erked #'ri"ht. N#ada has Ter'sichore.: !ay her 5oddess 'rotect her,: his dee' 3oice echoed i the i"ht. <he stayed behi d o '#r'ose,: & e2'lai ed. 9<he wa ted to carry the 'o2 to the @omoria s.: Mis head =erked back i s#r'rise. 9>ill it workB: & wish & k ew.: @r#stratio was clear i my 3oice. 9& k ow it8s co ta"io#s, a d & k ow how it8s s'read. >hat Ter'sichore was doi " wo#ld s'read the disease to h#ma s. & =#st do 8t k ow if the creat#res are h#ma e o#"h to catch it.: >he will we k owB:

&83e bee tryi " to fi"#re that o#t.: & si"hed. 9& thi k & remember that it took abo#t a week from e2'os#re to the a''eara ce of sym'toms. B#t & ha3e o idea if the @omoria 'hysiolo"y will be effected like that. !y "#ess is that they will either "et 3ery sick, 3ery soo , or it wo 8t h#rt them at all.: The what we eed is time,: he said tho#"htf#lly. A d a lot of l#ck,: & added. <ile tly, & se t a 'rayer #' to E'o a that the !#se8s sacrifice had ot bee i 3ai . E2ha#stio t#""ed at me. %est, we sho#ld be ear the tem'le by daybreak.: >ith his reass#ri " words ri "i " i my ears & closed my eyes a d fell i to a dee', # e3e tf#l slee'. <ometime betwee my dream 3isio a d daw , a li e of low-ha "i " clo#ds drifted i from the orth, bri "i " with them driAAle that h# " like fo" i the moist air. &t m#st ha3e bee se3eral ho#rs 'ast daw , altho#"h the s# remai ed hidde a d the mor i " was "loomy, whe we heard a sho#t, a d o e of my warriors b#rst from his 'ost ear the ri3erba k. E'o a be 'raised? 6o# li3e?: Me sal#ted me a d & was to#ched to see tears i his eyes. & smiled at him, b#t Cla @i ta did 8t hesitate i his 'ace. Almost there,: & breathed i to his ear. Me "r# ted a d odded his head, co ce trati " o kee'i " #' his 'ace. >e followed a familiar t#r i the ba k, a d & ca ho estly say & was 'leased beyo d words to see the brid"e stretchi " i all its scary le "th hi"h o3er the water. As we =#m'ed o to the brid"e, a other se try ca#"ht si"ht of #s a d se t #' a yell that was take #' by a other, the a other. & "#ess some of my warriors "ot away from the creat#res,: & said as more a d more 3oices were raised i e2cited welcome. >e crossed the brid"e a d made the shar' t#r to the tem'le. E3e i the "ray of the fo""y mor i ", its marble walls "leamed i 3iti "ly. $eo'le were 'o#ri " o#t of the tem'le a d r# i " toward #s. @rom i side the walls b#rst a "ro#' of ce ta#rs, led by a shimmeri " blo de who was followed closely by a yo# " 'alomi o. Eictoria? Do#"al?: & yelled as they "allo'ed to #s. & told her yo# wo#ld make it,: Do#"al said "leef#lly. This o e time & will allow him to be ri"ht.: Eic la#"hed ha''ily a d h#""ed me so hard & almost fell off Cla @i ta 8s back. <oo we were e folded i a wa3e of =#bila t 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs. As we we t thro#"h the rear e tra ce, E'i tr#m'eted a =oyo#s welcome. The & heard a familiar 3oice, a d & looked i to the co#rtyard to see Ala a a d Carola r# i " to =oi #s. Cla @i ta wearily hel'ed me dow . Carola "a3e me a I#ick i s'ectio . &8m fi e4&8m fi e. Take care of him,: & br#shed him off a d, after "i3i " me o e more look o3er, he be"a e2ami i " Cla @i ta 8s ma y wo# ds. Come with me,: he ordered the ce ta#r i a "rim-so# di " 3oice. Cla @i ta kissed me I#ickly, whis'eri ", 9& will =oi yo# i yo#r chambers as soo as he is fi ished with me.: The he did as the doctor ordered, m#ch to my relief.

& ste''ed i to Ala

a8s arms, ret#r i " her embrace.

& belie3ed yo# wo#ld ret#r .: Mer 3oice shook with tears. 5et me o#t of here,: & said softly. <he sli''ed her arm aro# d my waist, a d be"a "#idi " me I#ickly thro#"h my adori " welcomers. & wa3ed a d tha ked them, sayi " & wo#ld be fi e a d & =#st eeded rest. <till, it seemed to take fore3er to cross the co#rtyard a d make o#r way dow the hall to my bathi " chamber. Before followi " me i to the room, & heard her "i3e orders to the smili " "#ard. Bri " wi e, water a d fresh fr#it. The ha3e a f#ll meal se t to her chambers.: <he closed the door a d we cl# " to each other like school"irls. & was the first to '#ll away. Oh, &83e "otte yo# filthy,: & said as & s iffed a d wi'ed the tears from my face. & do ot care, b#t here, let me "et yo# o#t of those thi "s.: @or o ce & did 8t mi d her #rt#ri " mi istratio s. & ca 8t seem to sto' shaki ",: & said, la#"hi ". Detachedly, & realiAed this m#st be what hysteria felt like. Ala a took my ha d a d led me to the warm 'ool. Two k ocks so# ded at the door a d a e2#bera t ym'h e tered carryi " a loaded tray. Oh, my Lady,: she b#bbled. 9>e are all so ha''y yo# ha3e ret#r ed safely to #s?: Tha k yo#.: & tried to smile aro# d my chatteri " teeth, 9& am 'leased beyo d words to be home.: <he c#rtsied a d scam'ered o#t the door. & let myself lie back i the water with a dee' si"h. Mere4: Ala a ha ded me a "oblet 94dri k.: & did as & was told, "#l'i " dow the cool water. Easy, ot all of it at o ce.: & came #' for air, waited, the took a other lo " dri k. Tha ks.: & ha ded the em'ty c#' back to her. & s#dde ly realiAed how filthy my hair was, a d & wa ted othi " more tha to "et it clea . & '#t my head back i the warm water, shaki " it from side to side. Mel' me, & ha3e to "et clea .: Ala a did 8t ask a y I#estio s, she sim'ly 'o#red a bottle of soa' o my hair a d set abo#t hel'i " me scr#b. >he that was do e, she ha ded me a s'o "e a d & lathered #' my e tire body. The & di3ed i to the middle of the 'ool, ri si " the filth from me. & ret#r ed to my led"e, a d Ala a ha ded me a other c#' of cool water. As & dra k it, & oticed my ha ds had I#it shaki ". BetterB: she asked. 6es, "irlfrie d, tha k yo#.: <he sat cross-le""ed ear me o the side of the 'ool, e2cha "i " my c#' of water for a "oblet of wi e. <he slid the 'latter filled with sliced fresh fr#it withi my reach. & smiled "ratef#lly, a d 'o''ed a c#be of melo i to my mo#th, chewi " slowly, letti " its sweet =#ice co3er my to "#e. &t8s so i credibly "ood to be home.: & breathed a relie3ed si"h. &s there ot some way we co#ld stayB:

Mer words remi ded me that Do#"al had bee ordered by Cla @i ta to be"i e3ac#ati " the 'eo'le across the ri3er. Cla @i ta does 8t thi k so.: & remembered the sce e of de3astatio at the !#ses8 tem'le. 9A d & thi k he8s ri"ht. Did a y other 'eo'le from the Tem'le make it hereB: 6es, a lar"e "ro#' came i =#st before daw this mor i ", escorted by ce ta#r warriors a d fi3e M# tresses. Carola has te ded the wo# ded, a d they are all resti " I#ietly ow. Eictoria a d Do#"al arri3ed shortly after, with word that we m#st lea3e the tem'le. >e sho#ld be ready to be"i crossi " the ri3er at daw .: >as Thalia with themB: 6es, she is well.: <ilaB: & held my breath. No,: Ala a said sadly. 9No o e saw her cross the ri3er.: Ma3e o more ce ta#rs come backB: 6es, a other "ro#' arri3ed this mor i " shortly after Eictoria a d Do#"al. They were escorti " h#ma s who are 3ery ill with the 'o2.: <o, how ma y ce ta#rs ha3e made it hereB: & held my breath. At last co# t a little o3er three h# dred,: Ala a said softly. O#t of o e tho#sa d, o ly a third s#r3i3edB &t was # ima"i able. & closed my eyes, 'rayi " that more ce ta#rs had li3ed, a d that they were maki " their way back to their homela ds. !y warriorsB: & asked. Two bar"es left, each with fifty warriors. O e bar"e ret#r ed. The warriors said the creat#res were waiti " for them as they disembarked.: Mer 3oice so# ded hollow. >o#lff a d !cNamaraB: Their arri3al was too late. Co me .: or se t word that they were forced to retreat. They lost ma y

& breathed dee'ly. 9&t8s a li3i " i"htmare.: There m#st be a way to sto' them,: Ala a said i des'eratio . 6es, a d we will fi d it.: B#t my words so# ded em'ty, e3e to my ow ears.

Dressed i clea clothes, with my hair combed thro#"h, two "lasses of wi e a d a lot of fr#it i side of me, & felt a little less "loomy. Ala a 'laced the coro et aro# d my head, a d we walked arm i arm to my room. >e were almost there whe a little ha dmaid r#shed #', c#rtsyi " a'olo"etically. @or"i3e me, my Lady, b#t there is a 'roblem i the la# dry room. <ome sheets ca#"ht afire, a d they were e2ti "#ished, b#t ow there is a h#"e mess a d m#ch co f#sio abo#t what sho#ld be do e. A d U a is ar"#i " with Nora abo#t who was res'o sible,: she added to Ala a # der her breath. Before & co#ld res'o d, Ala a smiled sweetly at the "irl a d said, 9& will come.: <he t#r ed to me a d "a3e me a I#ick h#". 9& will take care of this. Carola will 'robably release yo#r h#sba d shortly. Di er is waiti " withi for both of yo#. & will ret#r later this e3e i ".: <he followed the

"irl dow the hall. !y "#ard o'e ed the door for me, a d as it closed sec#rely behi d me & realiAed that & co#ld #se some alo e time. !y room looked welcomi " a d familiar. The frame of my bed had bee remo3ed, a d i its 'lace the 9marshmallow: was eatly made #'. The dra'es were 'artially draw , allowi " the rai y o -li"ht of day to "i3e the room a coAy, c#rl-#'-with-a-"ood-book-a da-"lass-of-wi e ambie ce. The table was lade with foodJ delicio#s smells wafted to me e tici "ly. !y stomach "a3e a lo#d roar, 'rom'ti " me to walk I#ickly o3er to the waiti " smor"asbord a d to comme ce chowi " dow . C#st as & was lifti " a delectable le" of some small, fat bird, a so# d from the library room drew my atte tio . Mello,: & called, wo deri " what ym'het was i there d#sti " or somethi ". No o e a swered. & shr#""ed my sho#lders a d decided it m#st ha3e bee my o3erworked ima"i atio . The bird was melti " i my mo#th whe & heard the so# d a"ai . This time it was lo#der4a th#d like somethi " hea3y a d hollow had bee dro''ed. 5reat. <ome timid little "irl had 'robably broke somethi ", a d ow she was too scared to come o#t here a d face %hia o the Bitch. That8s what it 'robably was4b#t somethi " br#shed at the back of my mi d. A # comfortable feeli " that was hard to defi e. & si"hed a d wi'ed my mo#th o the "old li e "la ce, walked rel#cta tly to the library. a'ki a d, "i3i " the lade table a desiro#s

& k ew it was ridic#lo#s, b#t the closer & "ot to the arched doorway, the more # comfortable & felt. & sto''ed, s#dde ly fearf#l that a @omoria had somehow sli''ed i to the tem'le. No, the feeli " was 8t o e that 'orte ded e3il. &t was sim'ly # comfortable. A d it was a familiar discomfort4& =#st co#ld 8t 'lace it. As & ste''ed i to the room, & realiAed my stomach had started to h#rt a d & was "ritti " my teeth. The library was lit by ma y flickeri " ca dles, all i the sco ce sk#ll decor. The room looked like it had the last time &8d bee i it, o ly the ma' had bee rolled back #'. Books li ed the shel3es, "i3i " the room a comfortable a''eara ce that was i direct co tradictio to the sick feeli " i my stomach. & was be"i i " to thi k maybe & was =#st o3ertired a d some of the fr#it had 8t a"reed with me, whe somethi " abo#t the ce ter table ca#"ht my atte tio . A d the breath r#shed o#t of my body as if &8d bee hit i the "#t. &t was sitti " i the middle of the table. The same 'ot &8d bo#"ht at the a#ctio . The same 'ot that had ca#sed my car wreck a d my e2cha "e of worlds. & tried to catch my breath, s#dde ly o3erwhelmed with diAAi ess. The room be"a to wa3er, like & was sta di " i a "ia t fishbowl looki " o#t. & tried to ste' backward, b#t my body wo#ld 8t obey me. & felt like & was bei " s#cked i to a "ia t whirl'oolJ & co#ld 8t breatheJ & was drow i ". The the 'ot be"a to "low, a d & k ew it had bee se t there to '#ll me back to my old world. & felt my se se of what was real dissol3i ". As the 'ot "lowed bri"hter, & tho#"ht & co#ld see a ima"e of myself sta di " aked i a # familiar room. $late-"lass 'ict#re wi dows reflected the li"hts of a moder skyli e behi d the mirror ima"e of me. !y arms were s'read a d & was walki " forward. <#dde ly & was fl# " backward a d Cla @i ta h#rled 'ast me, k ocki " the 'ot off the table so that it shattered a"ai st the tiled floor. The he re'eatedly reared #' a d came dow with all his wei"ht o the 'ieces of 'ottery, # til it was othi " b#t r#bble # der his hoo3es. <lowly, the "low disa''eared.

& realiAed & was still ot breathi ", a d my le"s "a3e way be eath me as e3erythi " faded to black. %heaD%hea,: & heard someo e calli ", as if from far away. 9%heaDwake #',: the 3oice co ti #ed calli ". & co#ld 8t a swer it4& co#ld 8t fi d my way o#t of the black ess. <ha o $arker? O'e yo#r eyes a d ret#r ?: !y eyes flew o'e . & was lyi " o o#r mattress i Cla @i ta 8s arms. Mis face was white with worry. >hat ha''e edB: & asked, tryi " to remember. The & remembered, a d & str#""led to sit #'. 9The 'ot? &t tried to take me back?: A wa3e of diAAi ess 'assed o3er me. Lie still. & destroyed it.: Cla @i ta 'ressed a kiss a"ai st my clammy forehead. 9& ha3e se t for Carola .: & thi k &8m fi e,: & said, b#t & did 8t try to sit #' a"ai . 6o# look like a "host.: 6o# do 8t look so "reat yo#rself.: & to#ched his face "e tly. Before he co#ld a swer, Carola b#rst i to the room, with Ala a close behi d. >hat ha''e edB: he asked as he k elt e2t to me. Me to#ched my face a d felt my wrist, checki " my '#lse. The 'ot a''eared. %hia Oh, 5oddess, o?: Ala o tried to e2cha "e 'laces with her a"ai ,: Cla @i ta said. a8s ha d flew to her mo#th.

& was o#tside i the hall,: Cla @i to said, 9a d & heard her scream i side my mi d. & ra i here. <he was i the library. The 'ot was "lowi " a d the room seemed to be wa3eri ", like a ri''led 'ool of water. & '#lled her o#t of the room a d destroyed the 'ot. The she fai ted.: & feel better ow.: Ca yo# sta dB: Carola asked. 6es.: They hel'ed me "et slowly to my feet. The room stayed '#t. 9Mel' me walk o3er to the table, &8m star3i " a d & serio#sly eed a dri k.: <he is better.: Cla @i ta so# ded relie3ed, b#t he ke't his arm aro# d me as he "#ided me to the table. Cla @i ta took his ormal 'lace o the chaise, '#lli " me sec#rely a"ai st him. Ala me a "oblet of wi e, the she a d Carola sat across from #s. & took a lo " dri k, foc#si " o "etti " the trembli " i side me # der co trol. <he8s tryi " to come back.: & was s#r'rised at how calm & so# ded. 9& sho#ld ha3e realiAed this wo#ld ha''e . <he left here a 5oddess & car ate whose e3ery whim was a tici'ated a d f#lfilled, to become a Oklahoma E "lish teacher. @ifty o#t of fifty o the atio al 'ay scale. $lease4who wo#ld 8t wa t to ret#r B: & k ew they did 8t # dersta d e3erythi " & was sayi ", b#t they let me babble. 9<he somehow ea3esdro''ed o my world. <he saw cars a d 'la es, h#"e skyscra'ers a d s#'erhi"hways, the Uma"ic8 of TE a d com'#ters.: & "i""led, feeli " li"ht-headed. 9<he tho#"ht she wo#ld be 5oddess I#ee o3er it all. Mardly. Teachers are # der'aid a d o3erworked. >e ha3e to '#t #' with abse tee 'are ts blami " #s for the 'roblems their 'oor choices ha3e ca#sed. & mea , really, some of #s are e3e thi ki " abo#t weari " b#llet'roof 3ests to school.: Lo3eD: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice of sa ity sto''ed my tirade. 9& will ot let her take yo# away from me.: Mow are yo# "oi " to sto' herB: & was shaki " a"ai . a ha ded

Did & ot sto' her todayB: Me '#t his arms aro# d me a d & cl# " to his warmth a d sec#rity. >e will make s#re e3eryo e k ows what the #r looks like.: Ala a smiled reass#ra ce. 9>e will say it is bei " #sed by the forces of e3il. &f a other a''ears, it will be destroyed before it ca harm yo#.: Not if, whe . & k ow she8ll try a"ai .: Let her,: Carola said. 9<he will ot be allowed to s#cceed.: Cla @i ta 8s stro " ha ds k eaded the te sio o#t of my sho#lders as & allowed myself to belie3e & was safe. Eat, lo3e,: he whis'ered i to my ear. 9&t will make yo# feel better.: &t always does,: & m#ttered a d 'l# ked a 'iece of delicio#s whitefish i my mo#th. & was =#st be"i i " to rela2, liste i " to Carola a d Cla @i ta disc#ss the dy amics of the mor i " e3ac#atio , whe there was a I#ick k ock a d the door to my chamber flew o'e . A sweat-co3ered "#ard sal#ted hastily a d said, 9@omoria s ha3e bee si"hted o#tside the tem'le "ro# ds.: Cla @i ta s#r"ed off the chaise a d l# "ed to the door.

5et Do#"al. Ma3e him assemble the ce ta#rs a d the rest of the Tem'le 5#ard at the e tryway to the to' of the ortheast wall,: Cla @i ta ordered, a d the "#ard odded a d r#shed off. The fo#r of #s mo3ed resol#tely dow the hall i the directio of the e tra ce to the co#rtyard. Mow co#ld they be here so soo B: !y 3oice was i cred#lo#s. >e e tered the co#rtyard, which was a sce e of milli " 'eo'le. The rai ,: Carola said "rimly. 9&t has ke't the s# shro#ded, a d they ha3e #sed it to their ad3a ta"e.: & sho#ld ha3e a tici'ated how I#ickly they ca tra3el,: Cla @i ta said, t#r i " to face #s. 9Carola , "et all of the ce ta#rs a d warriors to the to' of the tem'le wall. & do ot care how badly wo# ded or how ill they are4tell them we ha3e o choice.: Carola odded, kissed Ala a briefly a d r#shed away. Ala a,: Cla @i ta said. 9Ma3e the wome "ather all the cooki " ca#ldro s i the tem'le a d bri " them here to the ce ter co#rtyard. The ha3e the barrels that hold the oil for the lam's carried o#t of stora"e a d bro#"ht to the co#rtyard, too.: 6es, Cla @i ta .: <he r#shed off. Do 8t e3e thi k abo#t se di " me o some fri""i erra dJ & stay with yo#.: & e3er tho#"ht otherwise,: he said as we =o""ed across the co#rtyard. >e we t i the directio that wo#ld take #s o#t thro#"h the wide walls to the rear of the tem'le, b#t i stead of 'assi " thro#"h the e2it, Cla @i ta followed the wall aro# d to the left. <oo we came to a ra"ta"-looki " "ro#' of ce ta#rs a d h#ma s assembled at the bottom of a arrow staircase that was b#ilt i to the wall itself. &t led #'. Do#"al ste''ed o#t of the "ro#'. Eictoria was at his side. @omoria s.:

Do#"al odded. 9>e heard. >hat owB: >here is the se try who otified the "#ardB: Cla @i ta asked. A yo# " ma ste''ed forward a d sal#ted cris'ly. %e'ort,: Cla @i ta ordered. !y Lord, & was statio ed at the orther most watch 'oi t this side of the ri3er. & heard a series of # e2'lai ed oises, so & climbed a old "ra dfather oak ear my statio . To the orth, as far as & co#ld see s'read creat#res with wi "s. & ra back with the ews.: Eictoria, "et yo#r M# tresses to the to' of the wall. >e ha3e eed of yo#r crossbows.: Eic a d her M# tresses mo3ed immediately to the stee' stairs a d be"a climbi " to the to' of the battleme ts. Cla @i ta addressed the rest of the "ro#', which was made #' of members of my battered-looki " "#ard a d a third of his ori"i al le"io , who were e2ha#sted b#t determi ed. The wome are collecti " ca#ldro s a d oil i the ce tral co#rtyard. 5et them #' to the to' of the wall. Bri " torches a d firewood. &t may be the o ly way we ca kee' them from "ai i " the tem'le.: The warriors s'ri ted away, lea3i " #s alo e with Do#"al. Let #s =oi the M# tresses,: Cla @i ta said a d led the way #' the stairs. &t was stee' "oi ", a d & had a s#dde , # comfortable flashback to =#st a co#'le of days before whe & had followed Eictoria #' similarly stee' ste's, a d i to disaster. The walkway that ra the le "th of the wall was smooth a d wider tha the roof battleme ts at the !#ses8 tem'le had bee . E'o a8s bal#strades were thick a d well 'laced. >e we t #', a d the M# tresses s'read o#t, otchi " their crossbows at the ready. & stood betwee Cla @i ta a d Do#"al, 'eeri " with them o#t i to the m#rky e3e i " li"ht, tryi " to disti "#ish sha'es from fo" a d mist. Nothi " mo3ed e2ce't the rai . Noises from o#r side of the wall drew o#r atte tio as the warriors clambered #' the stairs, strai i " # der the wei"ht of the hea3y ca#ldro s a d oil barrels. >e co ce trated o hel'i " the warriors while the M# tresses a d ce ta#rs ke't watch for the creat#res. Betwee e3ery third or fo#rth bal#strade, smoothed-o#t holes had bee car3ed i to the floor of the walkway. Ma "i " o3er the holes were iro hooks that were screwed sec#rely i to the side of the marble teethlike bal#strades. The warriors be"a filli " the holes #' with hot coals a d firewood. The they s#s'e ded the ca#ldro s from the hooks, filled the ca#ldro s with oil a d lit the fires. & remembered Cla @i ta 8s words that had 'raised E'o a8s Tem'le as a fortress, a d Carola e2'lai i " that, # like the !#ses, E'o a was a warrior "oddess. <o the tem'le itself was ready for a fi"ht4& =#st ho'ed we had e o#"h warriors to ma her. <oo wo# ded ce ta#rs a d h#ma warriors =oi ed #s. Their faces were set i "rim li es a d they followed orders witho#t comme t as Cla @i ta statio ed them aro# d the le "th of the tem'le wall. & heard him ask the se try who had ori"i ally bro#"ht word of the @omoria s to #s, 9>hat is yo#r ame, warriorB: $atrick,: he a swered. Does the tem'le ha3e a storeroom s#''ly of lo "bows a d arrowsB:

6es, my Lord.: 5et them,: was Cla @i ta 8s sober res'o se. Carola =oi ed #s briefly, checki " o his 'atie ts. Cla @i ta '#lled him aside to "i3e him i str#ctio s. 9Ma3e Ala a "ather all of the wome withi the tem'le. Tell them to bri " o e 'ack a'iece4they sho#ld each be carryi " a bla ket, a bladder of wi e a d a wea'o .: Me 'a#sed. 9A y wea'o . A kitche k ife or a 'air of scissors is better tha othi ".: & will tell them.: Carola h#rried back dow the stairs. Cla @i ta ?: Eictoria8s 3oice s a''ed across the battleme ts. 9There?: >e followed her 'oi ti " fi "er a d saw that a li e of creat#res was a''roachi " the tem'le wall. They came from all sides, like a ti"hte i " oose. & co#ld hear their 'redatory hissi " i the still e3e i " air. >ait # til the M# tress "i3es the word.: !y h#sba d8s 3oice was stro " a d s#re. 9Aim for their heads or ecks. As most of yo# k ow, they are diffic#lt to kill.: The li e drew closer. & saw Eictoria take aim with her crossbow. The M# tresses a d the other warriors followed s#it. The li e drew closer. & co#ld see the i di3id#al creat#res. Their eyes sho e with a # the low li"ht their claws a d teeth "leamed wetly. at#ral reddish "low, a d e3e i

Now?: Eictoria cried. There was a "reat whooshi " of arrows, a d the sicke i " so# d of flesh bei " 'ierced by the deadly shafts. !a y of the first li e of creat#res fell, b#t their comrades ste''ed o3er them a d ke't comi ", obli3io#s to their death throes. A"ai ?: Eic sho#ted. A d the arrows th# ked home. O a d o the arrows rai ed, b#t it did 8t sto' the @omoria mass. Too soo , they were at the foot of the slick tem'le walls. <'ill the oil?: Cla @i ta "a3e the order, a d the ca#ldro s were d#m'ed o to the creat#res. Those earest the wall screeched a d writhed i a"o y as the boili " oil scalded flesh to the bo e. The others hissed a d 'a#sed, ot s#re they sho#ld co ti #e climbi " o3er the bodies of the dyi ". Dro' the torches?: At Cla @i ta 8s order, warriors dro''ed li"hted torches dow o to the oilsoaked creat#res, who i sta tly became flami " effi"ies of 'ai , bl# deri " bli dly i to their li3i " comrades, ca#si " them, too, to catch afire. The flames s'read dow the tem'le "ro# ds, a d soo the creat#res were r# i " fra tically, clawi " o3er the to' of each other to "et away from the tem'le walls. & looked away, # able to watch their a"o y. A 3ictorio#s sho#t we t #' from the warriors of the tem'le a d their ce ta#r allies. !ore oil.: Cla @i ta took o time for celebratio . 9%e-arm yo#r s#''le of arrows. They will be back.: The sce t of roasti " flesh wafted #' from the still-flami " creat#res, a d & 'ressed my ha d o3er my mo#th a d h#rried dow the battleme t stairs. & ra , followi " the wall a few ste's, the folded at the waist a d '#ked what little my stomach held all o3er the i side of the tem'le wall.

>he & was fi ished, & wi'ed my mo#th with the back of my ha d a d ste''ed shakily away from the mess. !y i sides felt as if they had bee k otted to"ether with wire, a d my mo#th tasted terrible. All kiddi " aside, & serio#sly hate '#ki ". %eally. & had come to the realiAatio that E "lish teachers were 8t made for all-o#t warfare. 5a " wa abes yelli " obsce ities at each other4yes. 5irl fi"hts o#tside the lockers of e2-frie ds started by the words 96o# stole my boyfrie d, yo# ho?:4yes. <emi-i oce t i th-"raders who mi2 clear la2ati3e i to yo#r water bottle while yo#8re i the hall e2'lai i " to a other i th "rader why throwi " balls of chewed "#m #' o the ceili " is "oi " to cost him time i dete tio 4yes. B#t real war4 o. & was 8t made for it. & was 8t 're'ared for it. & co#ld 8t ha dle it. & co#ld 8t lead 'eo'le o#t of it. &4 6o# ha3e the stre "th, Belo3ed. & tried to catch my breath a d let the comfort of my 5oddess8s words wash o3er me, b#t & still felt i adeI#ate. A d & had '#ke breath. %heaB: Cla @i ta ste''ed o#t of the shadows. 9>here did yo# "oB: & was '#ki ".: & so# ded like a little "irl, a d & did 8t care. Come here, lo3e.: Me '#t his arms aro# d me a d & rested a"ai st his warmth. C#st do 8t kiss me4&8m s#re & taste like '#ke.: A la#"h 3ibrated his chest. 9$erha's we ca fi d some wi e to wash the taste from yo#r mo#th.: Me kissed me o the to' of the head, a d his arm e folded me. >e be"a walki " across the co#rtyard. @emale?: The hiss s#rro# ded #s. 9>here are yo#, femaleB: The so# d was carryi " o3er the wall of the tem'leJ it was as if the words were looki " for me. & ste''ed o#t of Cla @i ta 8s arm a d s'ri ted #' the stairs to take my 'lace o the battleme t. N#ada was 'aci " back a d forth at the ed"e of the mo# d of smolderi " cor'ses. Mis wi "s were f#lly erect. Mis colorless hair flew wildly aro# d him, a d his aked body was f#lly 3isible i the oily "low of the fire. At the si"ht of him, the sick ess i my stomach left me, a d & was filled with a "oddess8s 3e "ef#l a "er. >hat do yo# wa t, yo# 'athetic creat#reB: & s'oke the words softly, b#t somehow E'o a ma"ically 'icked them #', lifted a d ma" ified them so that they carried easily across the tem'le "ro# ds. 6o#, female. & wa t yo#.: Too dam bad. 6o# will e3er ha3e me.: & k ew what & said was tr#e. No matter what ha''e ed, & felt my 5oddess8s 'romise that N#ada wo#ld e3er 'ossess me. & will?: he shrieked. & oticed his ormally 'ale face was fl#shed a d co3ered with a film of sweat. 9& will ha3e yo#4soo ? The rest of my army =oi s me o the morrow.: Ta# ti " la#"hter followed his words. 9& let them am#se themsel3es with the wome from the other tem'le, b#t that am#seme t did ot last lo ". & ha3e hi"her e2'ectatio s for yo#?: Me cackled more ta# ti " la#"hter at me. 9To i"ht make 'eace with yo#r weakli " 5oddess, a d say "oodbye to that m#tatio yo# call a mate. Tomorrow yo# belo " to me?: & felt Cla @i ta "est#re to Eictoria, a d she tossed him her crossbow. >ith a motio that bl#rred with s'eed, my h#sba d si"hted the bow. The twa " of the shot was followed by a shriek from

N#ada as the arrow sliced the side of his head, se3eri " his ear from his body. N#ada8s ha d tried to stem the flow of blood as he whirled aro# d a d disa''eared i to the fadi " li"ht. That "#y eeds some serio#s thera'y,: & m#ttered. <lee' i shifts.: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice was flat a d cold as he s'oke to the warriors o the battleme t. 9Eictoria, Do#"al, $atrick, fi d Carola a d Ala a, the meet #s i %hea8s chambers. @ollow me,: he said bl# tly to me as he we t dow the stairs. >e did as we were told. & had to scramble to kee' #' with him, a d i o time we were r#shi " thro#"h the door to my room. Before & co#ld catch my breath, Cla @i ta '#lled me ro#"hly i to his arms a d co3ered his mo#th with mi e. & wa ted to str#""le a d remi d him & had '#ked ot too lo " a"o, b#t his heat was o3er'oweri " a d & felt myself e th#siastically ret#r i " the kiss. Mis mo#th broke away from mi e, a d he 'ressed me a"ai st his hard body. That creat#re will e3er 'ossess yo#. & will ot let it ha''e .: & k ow, lo3e,: & m#rm#red a"ai st his ski as his ha ds roamed familiarly o3er my body. !y k ees had =#st be"# to feel weak, whe two I#ick k ocks so# ded at the door. Cla @i ta rel#cta tly let loose my body a d yelled, 9Come?: as & 'o#red myself a lar"e "lass of wi e a d had a seat o the chaise. Do#"al, Eictoria, Carola , Ala a a d $atrick 'o#red i to the room. >itho#t a y 'reamble, Cla @i ta faced them a d a o# ced, 9>e lea3e at daw .: To their credit, the assembled mi2 of 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs did 8t comme t. Ala a mo3ed I#ickly to the side of the room. >ith o e of her Ala a miracles, she 'rod#ced si2 "oblets a d be"a distrib#ti " them a d 'o#ri " wi e. & hel'ed. MowB: Carola asked the o ly I#estio . >e form a 'hala 2. $art of the ce ta#rs with clay-mores draw a d shields at ready will form the o#tside of the formatio .: Me ca#"ht $atrick8s eye. 9& termi "led with h#ma warriors holdi " their s'ears at the ready.: Me t#r ed to Eic. 9A d M# tresses firi " their deadly crossbows. >ithi the 'hala 2 will be the wome a d childre . The rest of the ce ta#rs a d h#ma warriors will form a li e betwee the creat#res a d the 'hala 2. >e will mo3e o#t as the s# rises, headi " i to the east to "reet it, a d to cross the ri3er. >e will hold off the @omoria s # til the wome make it to the ri3er, the we will follow them.: The room was sile t. &t is the o ly way. &f we stay here, we are all dead.: !a y will ot make it across the ri3er.: Carola 8s 3oice was ot acc#satory4he was stati " a fact. B#t some will make it,: & s'oke #'. 9&f the creat#res "et i to the tem'le, the wome will face somethi " worse tha death.: There is o way we ca hold them offB: Ala a asked Cla @i ta . No.: Mis a swer was firm. 9Not i defi itely. N#ada said more creat#res were =oi i " them. >e ca ot cha ce that their #mbers will swell so lar"e that they ca tra' #s a d o3err# the tem'le.: >here do we "o after we "et to the other side of the ri3erB: $atrick8s 3oice so# ded yo# " a d

afraid. To safety.: Cla @i ta "ras'ed the yo# " ma 8s sho#lder. 9To the Ce ta#r $lai s. There we will reb#ild a d ret#r .: $atrick swallowed hard a d odded. Ter'sichore8s sacrifice flashed thro#"h my mi d, a d & co sidered aski " for =#st a co#'le more days to see if small'o2 co#ld affect the creat#res. The & looked closely at the 'eo'le a d ce ta#rs s#rro# di " me. >hat if & was wro " a d a few days of waiti " wo#ld ca#se the @omoria tra' to s a' sh#tB & sim'ly was ot willi " to risk them for a maybe. To a ew be"i A ew be"i i "?: & said a d raised my "oblet. i "?: the "ro#' re'eated solem ly a d we raised o#r "lasses to"ether.

A d the we "ot b#sy.

!o3i " has e3er bee a y fri""i f# ,: & m#mbled to myself as & 'lodded dow the hall to my bathroom. & eeded to #se the facilities, a d & did 8t wa t to #se the '#blic o es Ge3e if & k ew where the hell they wereH. & oticed there were 8t a y "#ards statio ed o#tside the door to my bathi " chamber, which made se se. The tem'le was ali3e with acti3ity. E3eryo e had a =ob4 there was o free time to sta d i fro t of a door a d look m#sc#lar Gwhich was, i its ow way, tra"icH. The misty warmth of the room e folded me, a d & tried ot to thi k abo#t the fact that & may e3er see this room after this mor i ". & looked aro# d at the steami " water a d the sk#ll ca dleholders4&8d miss this 'lace. After &8d fi ished my 'ri3ate b#si ess, & wa dered o3er to the 3a ity, taki " a mome t to # cork a fa cy bottle a d breathe dee'ly of the soa'y fra"ra ceDa d it bro#"ht back a e3e i " # der a fat moo whe &8d bathed i a cold 'ool with a ce ta#r who was ra'idly becomi " my lo3er. A d my frie d. $lease, 5oddessD& closed my eyes a d breathed a sile t 'rayer. $lease let him li3e thro#"h tomorrow. The door o'e ed, a d before & t#r ed & reco" iAed the click of hoo3es o sto e. Ala a said she saw yo# s eaki " i this directio .: & co#ld hear his smile. & was 8t s eaki ". & =#st wa ted some 'ri3acy.: <hall & lea3eB: he asked. Not 'ri3acy from yo#.: & "ri feelB: ed #' at him a d ste''ed i to his arms. 9Mow do yo#r wo# ds

Better4& told yo# ce ta#rs ha3e amaAi " 'owers of reco3ery.: <o & ha3e already oticed.: & i''ed the s'ot =#st below the middle of his breastbo e, e =oyi " the way his m#scles twitched i res'o se. 9Too bad we do 8t ha3e more time.: & i''ed him a"ai . >e will4: he h#""ed me to him 94tomorrow a d tomorrow a d ma y tomorrows after that.: & ho'e so,: & said, feeli " safe i the circle of his arms. & k ow so.: & felt his warm li's a"ai st the to' of my head. 9!orale seems to be "ood.: They8re really bra3e. &8m 'ro#d of them.:

The wome had bee worki " si ce they had bee otified ho#rs before of the ew e3ac#atio 'la . Told they co#ld o ly carry a wi eski , a wea'o a d a e2tra cha "e of clothi ", they had set abo#t 're'ari " themsel3es for the mo3e with a admirable lack of whi i ". Now, as daw a''roached, families were assembli " i the co#rtyard, I#ietly readyi " themsel3es for what was to come. No o e talked abo#t the fact that there were ob3io#sly more @omoria s tha h#ma s a d ce ta#rs, a d that ma y members of o#r "ro#' were h#rt orill. Or the fact that the s# was risi " i to a other misty, rai y day4which was "ood for the @omoria s b#t bad for #s. U fort# ately, we did 8t ha3e the l#2#ry of waiti " for a s# y day. A d the there was the ri3er itself, which was se3eral h# dred yards away from the tem'le walls, a d was wide a d treachero#s. !a y of the wome co#ld ot swim. No o e talked abo#t it. & stead, the wome sat with their h#sba ds a d fathers as the me I#ietly hefted the la ces the warriors had distrib#ted to them, tryi " to "et a feel for wea'o s most of them had e3er before #sed. There were o tears4 o hysteria. No talk of death. &8m still worried abo#t E'i.: >e had decided that she a d the other mares wo#ld ha3e the best cha ce at maki " it o#t of the tem'le a d to the ri3er if they were let loose to r# at the same time the warriors de'arted. The creat#res sho#ld 8t be i terested i horses4so, they wo#ld 'robably lea3e them alo e. U said was the tho#"ht that they mi"ht ser3e as a distractio , allowi " the 'hala 2 time to "et closer to the ri3er. <he is fast a d smart. <he will make it to the ri3er.: & odded a"ai st his chest a d se t #' a other 'lea to the 5oddess for her to watch after the mare. & wa t yo# to k ow somethi ".: & '#lled back so that & co#ld look i to his eyes. 96o#83e made me 3ery ha''y. 6o# are e3erythi " & e3er wa ted i a h#sba d.: Me ta''ed the ti' of my ose with his fi "er. 9As & ha3e already told yo#, & was bor to lo3e yo#.: & thi k that8s amaAi ".: !y eyes wide ed as & realiAed, 9Mey? &t8s ma"ic.: Me la#"hed a d be t to claim my li's, kissi " me thoro#"hly. Two k ocks so# ded o the door to the bathi " chamber, a d Ala a breeAed i . Cla @i ta , Eictoria is aski " for yo#. <he wa ts to k ow e2actly where yo# wa t her M# tresses statio ed.: <he "la ced at me. 9A d & eed to "et my Lady ready for o#r tri'.: & co#ld see Ala a was '#tti " o a bra3e face, a d & smiled i res'o se. &t8s always the a''ro'riate time for 'ro'er accessoriAi ",: & said. Do ot take lo ",: he said as & '#lled him dow to kiss his cheek before he left. The door clicked sh#t a d & took Ala Dress me i somethi " that shi es?: <he looked co f#sed. 9%hea, & do ot thi k that is 3ery wise. N#ada will be looki " for yo#, yo# sho#ld ot be easily see .: There are more im'orta t thi "s tha N#ada.: 6es, kee'i " yo# from him is more im'orta t,: she said sim'ly. Liste , yo# ha3e bee telli " me si ce & "ot to this world that E'o a8s Chose is the leader of her a8s ha d as a s#dde idea s'ra " i to my head.

'eo'le, s'irit#al a d otherwise. %i"htB: <he looked a little tra''ed, b#t odded. >ell, how ca a leader hide a d e2'ect her 'eo'le to be bra3e a d co fide tB: B#t yo# ca ot be take . That wo#ld de3astate yo#r 'eo'le.: <he so# ded shaky. & ha3e o i te tio of bei " take .: <he looked do#btf#l. Ala a, do yo# tr#ly belie3e & am E'o a8s Chose B A d & mea me, <ha o $arker, ot someo e who is o ly 'rete di " to be %hia o .: & watched her closely as she a swered. 6es, & tr#ly belie3e it.: <he did 8t hesitate. <o do &,: & said slowly, realiAi " o ce a d for all that & did belie3e it. 9& eed to be there for the 'eo'le, a d & belie3e E'o a will 'rotect me.: <he still had a scared-rabbit look, so & added, 9Mow abo#t this4dress me i somethi " that shi es, b#t "i3e me a dark cloak. &8ll co3er myself # less &8m eeded.: A look of relief 'assed across her 'retty face as she odded i a"reeme t a d I#ickly be"a r#mma"i " thro#"h the earest wardrobe, discardi " o e silky o#tfit after a other. & b#sied myself taki " off the clothes & wore already. 6es?: Ala a sI#ealed i deli"ht. 9Mere it is.: <he t#r ed to me, holdi " a s'ectac#lar 'iece of material i her ha ds. & "as'ed with deli"ht, a d & co#ld 8t sto' my ha ds from reachi " o#t a d stroki " it. The silk was # #s#ally hea3y a d thick4 it felt like cloth that had bee made from a waterfall of co''er "ilded with "old. >ithi the fabric were sew ti y crystal =ewels, which ca#"ht the ca dleli"ht a d flickered back a rai bow of fiery color. &t8s amaAi ",: & breathed deli"htedly, holdi " o#t my arms so Ala a co#ld be"i her ma"ic. The dress wra''ed aro# d my torso i a attracti3e crisscross 'atter . The skirt 'art of the o#tfit was lo ", a d fell "racef#lly to the floor. & sat obedie tly a d let Ala a comb o#t my hair. >he she be"a the @re ch k ot of steel, & sto''ed her. C#st '#ll it back with a tie.: &t may come loose a d "et i yo#r way.: <he was co f#sed by my reI#est. & shr#""ed my sho#lders i a o chala t way. 9>he is 8t it i my wayB: Before she co#ld a swer, a k ock so# ded at the door. Come i ?: & yelled. !y Lady.: O e of my warriors ste''ed i to the room. 9Cla @i ta asked me to tell yo# the time is ow.: Tha k yo#. Tell him & am comi ".: Me h#rried away a d Ala a tied my hair loosely back. & set my coro et s #"ly o my head while she t#r ed back to a other wardrobe, from which she emer"ed carryi " a lo ", drab, "ray 'o cholike cloak, com'lete with cowled hood. Oh, 'lease. %hia o wore thatB: Did 8t seem her styleJ defi itely was 8t mi e, either. a hel'ed me o O ly whe she was "oi " somewhere she did 8t wa t to be reco" iAed.: Ala

with the mo#sy cloak. The she stood back a d s#r3eyed her work. 96o# look co3ered.: <he so# ded satisfied. 5ood, let8s "o.: >e walked to the door a d headed o#t to the fro t co#rtyard. & took her ha d. 9No matter what ha''e s, "et to the ri3er.: Mer fri"hte ed "aAe flitted to me, b#t before she co#ld res'o d we ste''ed o#t i to a mass of 'eo'le. The 'hala 2 had bee formed i the co#rtyard a d stretched thro#"h the "rassy area betwee the o#tside wall a d the tem'le. The o#termost ri " was made #' of ce ta#r warriors i ters'ersed with my h#ma s "#ard. Each of them carried wicked-looki " lo " swords i o e ha d, a d shields i the other. The e2t ri " was made #' of me who looked determi ed b#t o#t of 'lace holdi " 3ario#s wea'o s4e3erythi " from claymores to da""ers. They were ob3io#sly the "ra dfathers, fathers, brothers a d so s of the wome i the i er ri ". !y heart sI#eeAed as & watched the wome sta di " I#ietly. Betwee comforti " babies a d watchi " toddlers, they se t e co#ra"i " looks a d co fide t smiles to the me s#rro# di " them. Mail E'o a?: Cla @i ta 8s stro " 3oice "reeted me, a d the 'hala 2 t#r ed, echoi " his words. Mail E'o a?: !y h#sba d reached my side a d raised my 'alm to his li's. & felt 3ery calm as & said, 9& wo#ld like to bless the 'eo'le before we "o.: Of co#rse, Belo3ed of E'o a.: Me bowed his head a d "racio#sly ste''ed aside. The tem'le "rew still. >e each ha3e o e life to li3e, o e little "leam of time betwee two eter ities, o seco d cha ces, o U&8ll "o back a d reli3e tomorrows.8: !y 3oice carried like & was s'eaki " i to a micro'ho e as it was e ha ced by the ta "ible 'rese ce of my 5oddess. 9Life is 8t abo#t 'ai or 'leas#re4it is abo#t the serio#s b#si ess of li3i " a#the tically, a d the ma"ic that ca ha''e betwee mome ts4: & "la ced at my h#sba d a d smiled 94a d betwee so#ls. Today let #s walk boldly a d bra3ely i to the li"ht, beca#se =#st as s#rely as there are beasts a d demo s o#t there, so there is "ood ess a d lo3e i here.: & swe't my arm aro# d me i a arch, i cl#di " all of them. 9E'o a will be close to #s o o#r =o#r ey. Dark ess ca ot co3er a flame, so let #s be flames?: The 'eo'le a swered i a roar that was a si "le 3oice. The Cla @i ta ste''ed forward. The 'hala 2 will mo3e o#t whe the M# tress "i3es word that we ha3e take o#r 'ositio betwee yo# a d the @omoria s.: Me odded a d Eictoria mo3ed to the e tra ce to the to' of the wall, disa''eari " briefly, the rea''eari " ato' the battleme t. 9>he we are i 'ositio , the o#ter ri " of the 'hala 2 will lead yo# thro#"h the tem'le "ates. Do ot hesitate. Do ot sto'. 6o#r si "le "oal is to make it to the ri3er. >he yo# cross it yo# will be safe. The we will follow yo#. !ay E'o a "o with yo#.: The 'eo'le odded a d t#r ed I#ietly to face the tem'le "ates. 6o# m#st '#t yo#rself i the middle of them.: Me s'oke softly to me. & tho#"ht yo# were "oi " to lead #s.: & k ew & had to be bra3e for my 'eo'le, b#t the tho#"ht of him bei " s#rro# ded by the e tire @omoria army was maki " my chest h#rt. Eictoria will lead yo#J & m#st stay with the other ce ta#rs.: Me '#lled me i to his arms a d whis'ered, 9& will =oi yo# across the ri3er.: $lease stay safe.: !y 3oice shook. Mis kiss was hard a d fast. The he whirled a d was "o e.


a took my ha d i hers.

Come,: she said. The 'hala 2 'arted, allowi " #s to mo3e to the e2act ce ter where, & was 'leased to see, Tarah a d 7ristia a stood bra3ely beside Carola . Me kissed his wife a d "reeted me. Cla @i ta i sisted & stay i the ce ter. Me said & m#st remai safe so that & ca sa3e him from Eictoria8s eedlework.: & tried to come #' with a 'ithy re'ly, b#t i act#ality & was relie3ed whe Eictoria8s 3oice c#t thro#"h the eed for a y f#rther words. The ce ta#rs ha3e left the rear of the tem'le a d are mo3i " o#t across the "ro# ds.: <he was looki " i te tly to the orth. 9The mares ha3e bee loosed.: <he 'a#sed. 9They are i 'ositio 4 Cla @i ta has si" aled. Be"i mo3i " o#t?: The ri " of warriors started forward as Eictoria left the wall a d "allo'ed to the fro t of their ra ks. The 'ace i creased steadily as the fro t of the 'hala 2 'assed thro#"h the safety of the tem'le walls. By the time those of #s i the ce ter of the 'hala 2 de'arted the tem'le, we were =o""i ". >hat had started o#t as a fo""y, rai y daw was ra'idly becomi " a clear, warm mor i ". & was 'leased to see the disti ct o#tli e of the s# abo3e a d i fro t of #s. $lease, 5oddess, & 'rayed, let it b#r off all of this fo" a d be a serio#s hot 'ai i the ass Gor where3erH to the @omoria s. & cra ed my head aro# d to the left, tryi " to "et a "lim'se of the battlefield, b#t betwee the last 3esti"es of the fo" a d the ti"ht ri " of warriors, & co#ld 8t see a ythi ". B#t soo & realiAed that did 8t matter, beca#se & co#ld hear. <o# ds of shrieks a d s arls drifted eerily o3er the treeless tem'le "ro# ds. 7ee' mo3i "?: Eictoria sho#ted whe the wome reacted to the oise by falteri " i their steady =o". Come o .: & took #' Eic8s e co#ra"eme t a d called to the wome s#rro# di " me. 9>e8ll be fi e 4=#st kee' #' with the warriors.: The the so# d of hoo3es th# dered thro#"h the dissi'ati " mist, a d as the last of the fo" lifted, the herd of terrified mares "allo'ed i to 3iew. They milled aro# d, white-eyed a d # certai , whe they saw #s. Do yo# see E'iB: & yelled abo3e the di , tryi " to 'ick her o#t from the sea of mo3i " horses. No?: Carola a swered. The my eyes wide ed i horror as a dark, wi "ed sha'e came i to 3iew. The a other, a d a other. They mowed thro#"h the terrified horses, slashi " a d clawi ". <omewhere behi d me o e of the "irls screamed, a d that 'ierci " cry carried across the field. & co#ld see @omoria heads swi3el i o#r directio , a d they left off the sla#"hter of the horses a d be"a their "lidi " r# toward #s. @orward? !o3e?: & sho#ted i my best teacher 3oice, a d o#r "ro#' s#r"ed forward. A other screech drew my atte tio back to the battlefield, a d & looked o3er my sho#lder i time to see a ce ta#r warrior chase dow a d hack the head from o e of the creat#res '#rs#i " #s. They83e broke thro#"h the ce ta#r ra ks, b#t the warriors are i '#rs#it.: Carola 8s 3oice was "rim. & tried to mo3e forward while kee'i " 'art of my atte tio foc#sed o what was ha''e i " behi d #s. The mares were still 'a icked, a d they milled aro# d ha'haAardly. !ore @omoria s were

comi " after #s, b#t ow & co#ld 'lai ly see the li e of ce ta#r warriors. They were still battli " the @omoria army, a d attem'ti " to '#rs#e si "le creat#res as they broke thro#"h. B#t they co#ld 8t catch them all. A d the dark wi "ed sha'es were "ai i " o #s. >here is the dam ri3erB: & yelled to Ala a. >e are ot yet halfway there.: Mer face was white. M# tresses, fall o#t a d arm yo#r bows?: Eictoria8s calm 3oice ordered, a d fi3e ma" ifice t M# tresses ste''ed fl#idly o#t of the 'hala 2, otchi " their crossbows as they mo3ed. 9<i"ht a d fire at will.: The 'i " of loosed arrows, a d the shrieks of wo# ded @omoria s followed her words. >arriors, shields #'?: The ri " of me a d ce ta#rs aro# d #s res'o ded i sta tly, tem'orarily blocki " o#r 3iew of the co 3er"i " creat#res. The first creat#res reached the 'hala 2, a d o#r ra ks res'o ded with a 3iole ce that ri''led thro#"h o#r "ro#'. Thro#"h breaks i the shieldi " me , & was able to catch "lim'ses of si "le creat#res as they str#ck at o#r warriors. >he a @omoria fell, a other ste''ed o3er him a d ass#med his 'lace. >e ke't mo3i " forward. & saw the familiar fi"#re of Eictoria firi " off arrows I#ickly, each fi di " its deadly mark. Betwee loadi " a d shooti ", her atte tio s#dde ly wa3ered, a d she met my "aAe. 5et them to the ri3er or we will be o3err# ?: she sho#ted at me. Mer face was set i sto e a d she was already s'attered with "ore. <he was a sil3er "oddess of death. !y atte tio was wre ched from her as a creat#re clawed his way thro#"h the me i fro t of #s. Carola '#shed me aside a d met it with a borrowed claymore. &t seemed as if it ha''e ed i slow motio . Carola 'arried the creat#re8s raAorlike talo s, a d the thi " "rabbed the Mealer8s sword arm. %ammi " himself forward i to the creat#re, Carola sho3ed it off bala ce, a d with a swee'i " motio bro#"ht his sword #', the back a d dow , slici " thro#"h the @omoria 8s e2'osed eck. Ala a co3ered her face with her ha ds, sobbi ", a d Tarah a d 7ristia a cl# " to each of my ha ds. & co#ld 8t take my eyes from the deca'itated creat#re. Neither co#ld Carola . >e stood there, 'aralyAed i the ce ter of a world of chaos. Look, Belo3ed. U dersta d what yo# are seei " whis'ered thro#"h my mi d, a d & bli ked i shock. There are sores o its body?: !y e2cited e2clamatio made Ala a # co3er her face. That is it?: Carola yelled. 9That is why it was so m#ch weaker tha & e2'ected. They ha3e the 'o2.: A d the the s#s'e ded mome t i time came to a e d, a d o#r "ro#' was st#mbli " forward a"ai . !ore a d more dark sha'es =oi ed falle comrades as the warriors str#""led to kee' their wome safe. & co#ld see that the @omoria s were easier to kill4that the disease had ob3io#sly weake ed them. B#t there were still sim'ly too ma y of them. >ith a detached se se of calm, & realiAed that we wo#ld ot make it to the ri3er, that we were act#ally still closer to the tem'le tha to the water. Lo"ic said we sho#ld ret#r to the safety of E'o a8s walls. B#t we co#ld 8t, at least ot witho#t more hel'. The yo# shall ha3e more hel'. The 5oddess8s words so# ded clearly i side my head. Thro#"h the co f#sed haAe of battle, & ca#"ht a flash of sil3er. Not the sil3er of Eic8s sleek hair, or

the 'ale, dead sil3er of the @omoria s, b#t the otherworldly sil3er of a ethereal mare. E'i?: & cried as & saw her circli " aro# d o#r 'hala 2 as she tried to catch a "lim'se of me. Call her, Belo3ed. >itho#t co scio#s tho#"ht, & obeyed by lifti " my fi "ers to my li's a d s'litti " the air with a shar' Okie whistle. E'i8s head =erked #' i res'o se a d she "allo'ed '#r'osef#lly toward me. & started sho3i " my way to her, yelli ", 9Let her thro#"h?: to the warriors i fro t of me. The 'hala 2 'arted a d my mare slid to a sto' i fro t of me, blowi " hard. !o# t her, Belo3ed, a d see how the Chose of a 5oddess tri#m'hs. & looked aro# d hastily a d fo# d4 ot to my s#r'rise4Ala Ala a r# i " to =oi me. a? Mel' me to "et #' o E'i.: & t#r ed a d "rabbed a fistf#l of shi i " ma e.

>hat are yo# doi "B: she asked as she took my be t k ee i her ha ds a d boosted me #'. 5etti " hel',: & re'lied, fi di " my seat easily. 9& wa t yo# to "et the wome a d childre back i side the tem'le "ro# ds.: <he started to i terr#'t a d & sto''ed her. No. Tr#st me4a d tr#st my 5oddess. Lead them home.: <he closed her mo#th a d odded solem ly. 9& tr#st yo#. Both of yo#.: The she be"a calli " the wome a d childre to her, sho#ti " that E'o a wa ted #s to ret#r to the tem'le. <oo she had the atte tio of the warriors. @rom the cor er of my 3isio , & saw Ala a r# to Eictoria, "rabbi " her arm a d ear estly motio i " back toward the tem'le walls. & met Eictoria8s "aAe lo " e o#"h to od my a"reeme t, the the M# tress8s 3oice =oi ed Ala a8s a d the 'hala 2 be"a shifti " directio . & '#lled my atte tio from Ala a a d what was ha''e i " aro# d me. & stead, & liste ed to my heart, or maybe, more acc#rately, my so#l. Look, Belo3ed. !y eyes sca ed the horiAo , sI#i ti " o3er the heads of bloody creat#res a d warriors, t#r i " E'i i a ti"ht circle. As the wester horiAo came i to 3iew, my eyes wide ed a d my breath ca#"ht. >o#lff a d !cNamara come. The h#ma warriors? A thick li e of them stretched across the wester ed"e of the tem'le "ro# ds. <till far away, the s# bo# ced off their shields, "li ti " with a teasi " dista t bea#ty. B#t e3e as my heart raced with =oy, & # derstood that they were too far away, that they wo#ld ot make it to #s i time. O#r "ro#' wo#ld be o3err# . >e were tra''ed betwee the solid safety of the tem'le a d the liI#id safety of the ri3er. Call them, Belo3ed. O ly yo# ca . A d & k ew why & was there. As # belie3able a d mirac#lo#s as it seemed, & was i that world at the behest of a 5oddess, chose to take the 'lace of a selfish, s'oiled woma . Te years of leadi " yo# " 'eo'le had readied me for this =ob4the 'eo'le who s#rro# ded me belo "ed to me. A d & to them. A d & eeded o f#rther 'rom'ti " from my 5oddess. L#ickly, & drew the drab robe o3er my head, '#lli " the tie from my hair with it. B#ryi " my fi "ers i my wild c#rls, & shook them # til they were electrified, frami " my face like a lio 8s ma e.

Looki " aro# d me, & oticed a yo# " farm boy who bra3ely cl#tched a claymore. Boy?: Mis eyes were lar"e a d ro# d as he looked at me. 95i3e me yo#r sword.: >itho#t hesitatio he r#shed to me, offeri " the ha dle of the lo " sword. &t felt hea3y a d solid i my ha d, a d with a s#r'risi " r#sh of 'leas#re & lifted it o3er my head, sI#eeAed E'i8s sides with my k ees a d lea ed forward o3er her slick eck. The me aro# d #s 'arted i s#r'rise as the mare s'ra " forward. As we broke free of the battli " "ro#' & felt a sli3er of hot mor i " s# li"ht to#ch first the shaft of the sword, a d the my body, se di " a electrified field of e er"y thro#"h me. & "la ced dow to see the molte fabric of my dress s'arkli " i the s# li"ht as if it had bee c#t from a =ewel a d faceted by a "els for a fairy I#ee . & "lowed with the same ma"ic that had 'laced the stars i my foot'ri ts. The "ro# d i fro t of me came to a soft rise, a d E'i "allo'ed ato' the small hill. @aci " the dista t li e of h#ma warriors, with my back to the battle, & '#lled the mare to a halt. >ith the sword still held hi"h abo3e me, & '#lled back hard o E'i8s ma e, "ri''i " her sides with my thi"hs. The mare obeyed my tho#"hts a d reared "racef#lly #', tr#m'eti " a challe "e across the field. TO !E?: & yelled, a d my 3oice swelled with the same 5oddess-e ha ced I#ality it had had whe & called Cla @i ta from the ed"e of the marsh. 9>OUL@@ AND !cNA!A%A, CO!E TO !E?: & '#lled o E'i a"ai , a d she res'o ded with a other amaAi " tr#m'et as she reared i the air. E3e from there, & heard the 3oices of the dista t warriors rise as o e. E'o a? To E'o a?: Their li e s'ri ted forward with redo#bled s'eed. & sw# " my sword i a "litteri " arch as E'i 'ra ced from side to side. TO !E, >OUL@@?: The 'assio i my 3oice 3ibrated across the field. >o#lff8s warriors "rowled their battle cry i re'ly as their li e r#shed forward. TO !E, !cNA!A%A?: & co#ld feel my hair crackli " i the air aro# d me as the cry shot from my li's. !cNamara8s battle cry =oi ed >o#lff8s, a d they arrowed the dista ce betwee #s i a char"e that wo#ld ha3e made the D#ke 'ro#d. The the warriors behi d me took #' the cry, a d & felt the re ewed stre "th of their dri3e to the tem'le. 5la ci " o3er my sho#lder, & was =#st i time to see a s arli " @omoria desce di " #'o me. E'i?: & screamed. The mare s'# aro# d, lashi " o#t a d catchi " the se siti3e ed"e of the creat#re8s ri"ht wi " i her teeth. <he =erked her head back, ri''i " the membra e from the thi "8s back. The creat#re shrieked i a"o y, a d was off bala ce lo " e o#"h for me to swi " the hea3y sword dow with both ha ds, slici " him from the to' of his sho#lder to midway dow his chest. The the wei"ht of its body tore the sword from my ha ds as the creat#re fell to the "ro# d. Almost i sta tly a other creat#re scrambled ato' his falle com'a io 8s body. All & co#ld do was hold o as E'i8s teeth a d hoo3es flashed i the mor i " li"ht. &t seemed the mare battled o that small hill for time # e di ", b#t my mi d k ew lo"ically that o ly mi #tes had 'assed before dark, wi "ed sha'es com'letely s#rro# ded #s. Lea3e them to me?: a familiar 3oice hissed. The creat#res 'arted, allowi " the blood-dre ched fi"#re of N#ada to ca#tio#sly a''roach o#r hill. 9@emale,: he s eered, 9how ki d of yo# to set yo#rself a'art from the others a d to wait so 'atie tly for me.:

E'i stirred restlessly # der me. As N#ada "lided closer, she sI#ealed a war i " at him. &t seems yo#r frie d is ot as ea"er to see me.: Me la#"hed horribly. %hea?: my h#sba d8s 3oice roared, a d & looked #' to see him i a flat r# toward o#r hill. N#ada saw him, too. 7ill the mare,: he ordered as he t#r ed to meet Cla @i ta 8s char"e. 9L#ickly.: The circle of creat#res aro# d #s hissed i 'leas#re a d be"a to ti"hte , like a closi " oose. Eyes flashi ", E'i s'# aro# d, kee'i " the creat#res wary of her hoo3es a d teeth. B#t o#r hill had become slick with blood, a d & felt a sicke i " l#rch as E'i missed her footi " a d fell s#dde ly to her k ees. The mo3eme t was # e2'ected, a d & co#ld ot sto' my body8s mome t#m from the s'i . & flew o3er the mare8s eck, la di " hard o the wet "ro# d. A bolt of white 'ai bli ded me as my head s a''ed a"ai st the cold hilt of a sword. Black ess as s#ffocati " as a a3ala che washed o3er me. There was o 'leas#rable DreamLa d i terl#de. U co scio#s ess was com'lete a d o3erwhelmi " as my co scio#s mi d retreated dee' withi me, where o ly the 3oice of a 5oddess co#ld awake it. Come, Belo3ed, yo# ca ot rest yet. Me eeds yo#. !y so#l res'o ded to the i siste t call a d & felt my s'irit body lift with a sicke i " wa3e of 3erti"o from my cr#m'led body. At first & was # able to foc#s clearly. The battle below me was =#st a mass of # reco" iAable red-ti "ed characters. Co ce trate, the 5oddess whis'ered. & breathed slowly a d tried to bli k away the bl#rri " of my 3isio . A d abr#'tly the sce e be eath me swam i to foc#s. <e3eral members of my 'erso al "#ard had =oi ed E'i, a d they were s#ccessf#lly battli " the "ro#' of @omoria s. %elie3ed, my atte tio shifted to a sce e bei " 'layed o#t se3eral yards away from a y of the other warriors or creat#res. Cla @i ta a d N#ada were circli " each other warily. !y s'irit body floated o3er to where they fo#"ht. Both males were co3ered i blood a d sweat. New blood was 'o#ri " from the arrow wo# d o the side of N#ada8s head, a d se3eral a "rylooki " slashes made his wi "s look frayed a d raw. & floated closer a d oticed that what & ass#med at first to be blood was really a scarlet rash that co3ered his torso. B#t as he lashed o#t at Cla @i ta , a d his deadly talo s raked across the ce ta#r8s left sho#lder, & realiAed that the disease had ot yet affected his stre "th. Cla @i ta had lost his claymore, a d he was fi"hti " off N#ada8s i creasi "ly wild ad3a ces with o ly a da""er a d his hoo3es. 5et o#t of my way, m#ta t horse, & wish to claim the body of yo#r bride,: N#ada hissed. Ne3er.: & stead of a "eri " him, N#ada8s words seemed to ha3e a stra "ely calmi " effect o Cla @i ta . Me fo#"ht o methodically, ot "i3i " "ro# d b#t also ot fi di " a y ew o'e i "s i the creat#re8s defe ses. 6o# k ow, horse ma , she will welcome me.: N#ada8s 3oice lashed o#t with his claws. Neither fo# d their mark. Ne3er,: Cla @i ta 8s dee' 3oice re'eated. &f she still li3es,: N#ada co ti #ed. The ew words did ha3e a effect o the ce ta#r. Me l# "ed forward s#dde ly, a d N#ada lea'ed

to meet him. The two males locked to"ether, N#ada8s raAor-ed"ed teeth i ches from Cla @i ta 8s eck, while the ce ta#r8s da""er ho3ered =#st abo3e the @omoria 8s 'romi e t =#"#lar 3ei . !y body sa k lower # til it was floati " =#st abo3e a d to the side of my h#sba d. & was 8t "oi " to watch a other ma & lo3ed be killed by those thi "s. & the middle of my tho#"ht & felt the tremor that 'assed thro#"h my body as it became semi3isible. & me tally crossed my fi "ers that & was doi " the ri"ht thi ". Mey, N#ada. Am & what yo#8re looki " for, bi" boyB: & called sed#cti3ely to the @omoria . At the so# d of my 3oice N#ada8s head s a''ed #', his co ce tratio wa3eri " from Cla @i ta for a i sta t. & watched as my h#sba d8s ha d broke from the creat#re8s "ras' a d the da""er sliced eatly thro#"h the '#lsi " 3ei o the side of N#ada8s eck. & co#ld clearly see the look of disbelief 'ass o3er N#ada8s twisted feat#res as he sli''ed o his ow blood a d fell to the "ro# d. Cla @i ta reared #', his wet hoo3es "liste i " abo3e the creat#re8s body. Ne3er,: my h#sba d8s 3oice ras'ed harshly as he came dow a"ai a d a"ai , smashi " N#ada8s e3il i to othi " ess. A sho#t below me ca#sed me to look from the "ory sce e i time to see the armies of >o#lff a d !cNamara =oi i " o#r warriors. The ce ta#rs a d h#ma s mer"ed i to a si "le force, a d with a shared mi d they be"a decimati " the weake ed @omoria army. A wa3e of diAAi ess 'assed o3er me, a d & s#dde ly fo# d it hard to breathe. %hea?: Cla @i ta 8s 3oice so# ded a lo " way off. & ca 8tD: & felt myself i e2orably '#lled back to my falle body. As & was s#cked dow , my eyes fl#ttered o'e lo " e o#"h to see Cla @i ta r#shi " to me a d "atheri " me i his arms. Mold o ,: he said as my 3isio darke ed. 9& am taki " yo# home.: A d the & k ew othi " more.

As e3e i " fell the wi d shifted, a d & "a3e tha ks to my 5oddess. @or three days the ste ch of b#r i " bodies had 'ermeated the tem'le, which had 8t hel'ed to soothe the e ormo#s 'ai i my head. Carola had ass#red me the l#m' o my left tem'le was o ly the siAe of a cockerel8s sto e Gtra slatio N a rooster8s testicle4who k ewBH, b#t & was 'retty s#re it was the siAe of a m#tated "ra'efr#it, a d it s'orted a 3eritable rai bow of br#ised colors. A yway, the co se s#s was that & wo#ld reco3er with all of my wits. >ell, tha k 5odGdessH. The @omoria s had bee killed by the tho#sa ds. O#r combi ed armies had rallied a d the creat#res, already weake ed by small'o2, co#ld ot sta d before their 'ower. Carola hy'othesiAed that beca#se the @omoria s were h#ma oid, b#t ot act#ally h#ma , their bodies were e2ce'tio ally s#sce'tible to the disease. Their i c#batio time was less tha o#rs, a d the disease 'ro"ressed more ra'idly with them. By the e3e i " of the battle the sce e o#tside the tem'le was somethi " strai"ht o#t of the old horror flick Ni"ht of the Li3i " Dead. At least, that8s how Eictoria described it to me G ot that she8d act#ally see the mo3ieH. & had still bee drifti " i a d o#t of the Co c#ssio La d of $#ke a d <ee Do#ble, so & o ly "ot a seco dha d descri'tio . Eic said the creat#res literally be"a re di " the flesh from their bo es with their ow claws. They I#it fi"hti ". Each a''eared to be i a world of his ow , locked i some ki d of a"o y with his ow ski as his claws raked across already battle-bloodied flesh to "o#"e a d tear mercilessly. <he e2'lai ed that the battle had bee red#ced to o#r warriors rai i " arrows dow #'o the

a"o iAed @omoria s as the M# tresses e ded their misery. &f we had allowed them to s#ffer,: Eictoria had said afterward, 9we wo#ld be o better tha them.: <o the battle had e ded with the so# ds of mercy. There was still the I#estio of what co#ld be do e to hel' the wome who were carryi " @omoria fet#ses, b#t Carola was worki " dili"e tly o that 'roblem. By the time the wome from 5#ardia Castle arri3ed, he ass#red #s he wo#ld be ready for them. Ceesh, &8m tired of stayi " i bed,: & m#ttered to myself. A d it was 8t e3e a "ood ki d of roma tic i terl#de i bed with my ha dsome h#sba d. &t was a rest-my-bi"-head-a d-take-lots-ofbori "- a's ki d of i terl#de. 5i "erly, & sat #', ho'i " the '#ki " a d s'i s'litti " headache, & seemed fi e. <o & stood #'. >ell, maybe semi-fi e wo#ld be a better descri'tio . & do 8t ormally feel each beat of my heart i my head. Caref#lly, & walked to my floor-to-ceili " wi dows a d o'e ed o e of the doorlike "lass 'a es. The e3e i " was bea#tif#l a d warm. <till bei " caref#l, & ste''ed o#t i to my 'ri3ate "arde a d took a dee' breath of the fresh sce t of the ho eys#ckle b#shes that were bloomi " all aro# d its 'erimeter. GNote to selfN ask o e of my ym'hs to c#t a bo#I#et of these for my bedroom.H Lady %hia o ?: a little 3oice chir'ed. Thi ki " of ym'hs had ob3io#sly co =#red o e, a d & watched as the "irl walked shyly across the "arde to c#rtsy dee'ly before me. Tarah?: & reached o#t a d "a3e her a h#" that made her lo3ely face fl#sh with 'leas#re. !y Lady?: <he ret#r ed my embrace e th#siastically before co ti #i ", 9The stable maide s se t me to i I#ire if yo# were well e o#"h to come to the stable.: Mer smile wide ed. 9The child, 7ristia a, is ready for her ride o E'o a.: That so# ds wo derf#l. Tell them &8m o my way.: &8m 'leased to see yo# ha3e reco3ered, my Lady,: she said, seemi " rel#cta t to lea3e my side. A d &8m "lad to see yo#8re better, too.: !ost of the scabs had already dro''ed off her face a d arms, a d & co#ld see that she had bee l#cky. E2ce't for a few marks that wo#ld fade o3er time, she wo#ld reco3er f#lly from her ill ess. Tha k yo#, my Lady. & am a 2io#s to ret#r to my d#ties.: <he shyly t#r ed her head to the side, a d & was e tra ced by the # e2'ected 3iew of her 'rofile. The "irl s#dde ly remi ded me so stro "ly of Ter'sichore that & felt my eyes fill with tears. Mo ey, ha3e yo# e3er co sidered a f#t#re i da ceB: Color flooded her face as she a swered, barely holdi " i check her yo#thf#l e th#siasm, 9Oh, my Lady, da ce is all that & dream abo#t?: >ith a i t#iti3e feeli " & k ew the martyred !#se wo#ld a''ro3e of this yo# " re'lica. Do 8t r#sh it4b#t whe yo#8re feeli " stro " a"ai , come see me. A d we will talk more abo#t yo#r dreams.: & let her chatter "aily as we walked across the "arde to the e2it that wo#ld lead her i the directio of the stables. i " had sto''ed. Other tha the e3er-'rese t

%emember,: & called after her as she scam'ered ahead of me to a comes,: 9see me whe yo# are stro " a"ai .: Oh, & will, my Lady?:

o# ce that 9E'o a8s Chose

Thi ki " of hel'i " Thalia reb#ild the !#sesB: Cla @i ta 8s 3el3et 3oice came from the shadows. Act#ally, & was thi ki " more abo#t Ter'sichore a d what she wo#ld wa t,: & said tho#"htf#lly. & tilted my head a d watched him walk o#t of the shadows toward me. The "e tle li"ht of e3e i " was ki d to a face a d form that had o eed of the fa3or. Mis 'owerf#l m#scles ri''led smoothly, a d his rece t wo# ds "a3e him a decidedly bad-boy a''eara ce. Me br#shed a erra t c#rl back from my face. $lease do 8t ask me how &8m feeli ", or order me back to bed.: & realiAed & mi"ht ha3e bee so# di " a little "r#m'y. 6o# seem to be sta di " a d walki " strai"ht.: Me lea ed a little closer a d s iffed at my face. 9A d it does ot a''ear yo# ha3e bee throwi " #'.: No, dam it, & ha3e 8t '#ked for a e tire day.: Now & k ew & so# ded "r#m'y. B#t my mood did 8t seem to '#t Cla @i ta off. <o, what ha3e yo# bee doi "B: Me so# ded mischie3o#s. &83e bee thi ki " abo#t se di " for !ariad so that Ala Me "a3e me a I#iAAical look. <o she8s ot so da " b#sy. The she a d Carola ca ha3e more time to"ether.: & held #' my ha ds like & was frami " a 'ict#re. 9& seeDthree little "irls i their f#t#re.: Me ste''ed closer a d wra''ed his arms aro# d my waist, lifti " my feet off the "ro# d a d '#lli " me firmly a"ai st him. A d what do yo# see for o#r f#t#reB: Mis 3oice had dee'e ed to the erotic to e & k ew so well, a d had bee missi " the 'ast se3eral i"hts. & see4: & ibbled o his earlobe, thi ki " that maybe a rom' with my h#sba d wo#ld be the c#re for my headache 94a Cha "e comi " o to i"ht.: Me ch#ckled a d kissed me I#ickly, sli''i " his arm # der my b#tt a d shifti " my 'ositio i his arms so that & was 8t da "li " ha'haAardly. 9& mea t abo#t o#r f#t#re childre .: Childre ?: & sI#eaked thro#"h the 'o# di " i my head. Of co#rse,: his chest r#mbled. 9>e certai ly ha3e ot bee celibate.: B#t4: & s'#ttered. & that old world of yo#rs did they ot teach how babies are madeB: Me 'eered i mock serio#s ess i to my face. B#t4: & re'eated. 9>hat will it beB: Boy or "irlB: he asked, s#dde ly all i oce ce. & th#m'ed him so# dly o his hard chest. 9Morse or h#ma B: >ellD: Me smiled dow at me a d kissed me o the forehead. 9>hate3er it is, it will certai ly ha3e the maki "s of a e2celle t eI#estria .: & let my ha d slide betwee #s so that it rested o my Grelati3elyH flat stomach. & tho#"ht & felt a a ca start trai i " a assista t.:

fl#tteri " be eath my 'alm, a d my ha d =erked away like &8d recei3ed a electrical char"e. A babyB: !y 3oice was more tha a little shaky. $erha's yo# are feeli " the 'romise of what is to come.: Me h#""ed me a"ai st himJ & lo3ed the way his warmth e "#lfed me. The 'romise of the f#t#re,: & said. O#r f#t#re,: he corrected me. O#r f#t#re,: & re'eated. 9& like that.: As do &, <ha o ,: he whis'ered a"ai st my li's. 9As do &.:

B#t %hia o is 8t "oi " to let <ha o rest i Cla @i to 8s arms for lo "? Do 8t miss their showdow i Di3i e by Choice, A3ailable December )11- from LUNA Books.

D&E&NE B6 !&<TA7E &<BNN (-,,),+-,/(-+ Co'yri"ht Z )11- by $.C. Cast Ori"i ally '#blished as 5ODDE<< B6 !&<TA7E Z )11( by $.C. Cast %e3ised D&E&NE B6 !&<TA7E Z )11- by $.C. Cast A#thor 'hoto byN 7im Do er All ri"hts reser3ed. E2ce't for #se i a y re3iew, the re'rod#ctio or #tiliAatio of this work i whole or i 'art i a y form by a y electro ic, mecha ical or other mea s, ow k ow or hereafter i 3e ted, i cl#di " 2ero"ra'hy, 'hotoco'yi " a d recordi ", or i a y i formatio stora"e or retrie3al system, is forbidde witho#t the writte 'ermissio of the editorial office, >orldwide Library, )** Broadway, New 6ork, N6 (1).0 U.<.A. All characters i this book ha3e o e2iste ce o#tside the ima"i atio of the a#thor a d ha3e o relatio whatsoe3er to a yo e beari " the same ame or ames. They are ot e3e dista tly i s'ired by a y i di3id#al k ow or # k ow to the a#thor, a d all i cide ts are '#re i 3e tio . This editio '#blished by arra "eme t with MarleI#i Books <.A. [ a d T! are trademarks of MarleI#i Books <.A., #sed # der lice se. Trademarks i dicated with [ are re"istered i the U ited <tates $ate t a d Trademark Office, the Ca adia Trade !arks Office a d i other co# tries. www.LUNA-Books.com

A!o"t t#e A"t#o$

$.C. Cast was bor i &lli ois a d "rew #' bei " sh#ttled back a d forth betwee there a d Oklahoma, which is where she fell i lo3e with L#arter Morses a d mytholo"y Gat abo#t the same timeH. <he co#ld ride before she co#ld walk, a d she read e3ery horse story she co#ld "et her

ha ds o # til her father i trod#ced her to The Lord of the %i "s whe she was abo#t te . <he we t from that to A e !cCaffrey\s $er 4a d was hooked o fa tasy for life. @i3e days after "rad#ati " from hi"h school, she =oi ed the U ited <tates Air @orce, which is where she be"a s'eaki " 'rofessio ally. After her to#rs with the U<A@, !s. Cast atte ded colle"e as a literat#re ma=or with a seco dary ed#catio mi or. Mer first o3el, 5oddess by !istake, was '#blished by a small 'ress i )11(. Thoro#"hly shocki " the a#thor, it wo The $rism, The Molt !edallio a d the La#rel >reath, as well as bei " a fi alist for the Natio al %eaders Choice Award. <i ce the !s. Cast has "o e o to wi #mero#s writi " awards. <he is the a#thor of the 3ery 'o'#lar 5oddess <#mmo i " <eries for Berkley, a d is thrilled that with her $artholo series for LUNA Books she has bee "i3e the o''ort# ity to co ti #e the world she created i her first book. $.C. Cast li3es a d teaches i Oklahoma with her fab#lo#s da#"hter, her s'oiled cat, $atchy $oo the $#d, a d her <cotties4better k ow as the <cotti ators. The da#"hter atte ds colle"e. The cat has decided a"ai st hi"her ed#catio . The <cotti ators are as yet # decided abo#t their f#t#re.

Co%&n' Ne(t Mont#

&f yo# e =oyed the eBook yo# =#st read, the yo#8ll lo3e what we ha3e for yo# e2t mo th? ON <ALE &N OCTOBE% )11!A5&C <TUD6 by !aria < yder, LUNA

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