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IEC 60127-1 - Definitions For Miniature Fuses and General Requirements For Miniature Fuse-Links

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The document covers standards and requirements for miniature fuses including scope, definitions, dimensions, construction, electrical and performance requirements, testing, marking and annexes.

The main sections covered include scope, definitions, general requirements, standard ratings, marking, dimensions and construction, electrical requirements, endurance tests, and annexes on color coding and examples of time/current characteristics.

The electrical requirements specified include voltage drop, time/current characteristic, breaking capacity, endurance tests, maximum sustained dissipation, pulse tests and fuse-link temperature.

–2– 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 3

1 Scope and object .............................................................................................................. 5

2 Normative references ....................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ....................................................................................................... 5
4 General requirements ....................................................................................................... 9
5 Standard ratings ............................................................................................................... 9
6 Marking ............................................................................................................................ 9
7 General notes on tests ................................................................................................... 10
7.1 Atmospheric conditions for testing ......................................................................... 10
7.2 Type tests ............................................................................................................. 11
7.3 Fuse-bases for tests .............................................................................................. 11
7.4 Nature of supply .................................................................................................... 11
8 Dimensions and construction .......................................................................................... 12
8.1 Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 12
8.2 Construction .......................................................................................................... 12
8.3 Terminations ......................................................................................................... 12
8.4 Alignment and configuration of terminations .......................................................... 12
8.5 Soldered joints ...................................................................................................... 12
9 Electrical requirements ................................................................................................... 12
9.1 Voltage drop .......................................................................................................... 12
9.2 Time/current characteristic .................................................................................... 13
9.3 Breaking capacity .................................................................................................. 14
9.4 Endurance tests .................................................................................................... 15
9.5 Maximum sustained dissipation ............................................................................. 16
9.6 Pulse tests ............................................................................................................ 16
9.7 Fuse-link temperature ........................................................................................... 16

Annex A (informative) Colour coding for miniature fuse-links ............................................... 17

Annex B (informative) Example presentations of time/current characteristic
Annex C (informative) Audit testing and surveillance – Guidelines for the application of
the principles of IECEE 03 (CB-FCS) to miniature fuse-links ................................................. 21

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 27

Figure A.1– Layout of colour bands....................................................................................... 17

Figure B.1 – Example presentation of time/current characteristic, ratio 2:1 ........................... 19
Figure B.2 – Example presentation of time/current characteristic, ratio 3:1 ........................... 20
Figure C.1 – Example of a fuse-link description .................................................................... 22

Table A.1 – Colour coding for miniature fuse-links ................................................................ 18

Table C.1 – Audit testing for option 3 .................................................................................... 25
Table C.2 – Audit testing for option 4 .................................................................................... 26
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) –3–




Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and

general requirements for miniature fuse-links

1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote
international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications,
Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC
Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested
in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-
governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely
with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by
agreement between the two organizations.
2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all
interested IEC National Committees.
3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC
Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any
misinterpretation by any end user.
4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence
between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in
the latter.
5) IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
equipment declared to be in conformity with an IEC Publication.
6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and
members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage or
other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and
expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC
8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is
indispensable for the correct application of this publication.
9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

International Standard IEC 60127-1 has been prepared by subcommittee 32C: Miniature
fuses, of IEC technical committee 32: Fuses.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (1988), together with amendment 1
(1999) and amendment 2 (2002), and constitutes a technical revision.

The major technical changes with regard to the first edition concern subclause 9.2.3 where
the nature of the current source has been clarified; in addition, IEC 60038: I EC standard
voltages, has been added to the list of normative references.
–4– 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

The text of this standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

32C/387/FDIS 32C/390/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.

This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

This Part 1 of the IEC 60127 series covers definitions, general requirements and tests
applicable to all types of miniature fuses (e.g. cartridge fuse-links, sub-miniature fuse-links
and universal modular fuse-links). All subsequent parts of the complete series should be read
in conjunction with this Part 1.

IEC 60127 consists of the following parts, under the general heading Mi ni ature fuses:

Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirements for miniature fuse-links
Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links
Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links
Part 4: Universal modular fuse-links (UMF) – Through-hole and surface mount types
Part 5: Guidelines for quality assessment of miniature fuse-links
Part 6: Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-links
Part 7: (Free for further documents)
Part 8: (Free for further documents)
Part 9: (Free for further documents)
Part 10: User guide for miniature fuses

The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the maintenance result date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in
the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.

A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date.

60127-1  IEC:2006(E) –5–


Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and

general requirements for miniature fuse-links

1 Scope and object

This part of IEC 60127 covers the general requirements and tests applicable to all types of
miniature fuse-links (e.g. cartridge fuse-links, sub-miniature fuse-links and universal modular
fuse-links) for the protection of electric appliances, electronic equipment and component parts
thereof normally intended to be used indoors.

Specific details covering each major subdivision are given in subsequent parts.

This standard does not apply to fuses for appliances intended to be used under special
conditions, such as in a corrosive or explosive atmosphere.

The object of this standard is

a) to establish uniform requirements for miniature fuses so as to protect appliances or parts

of appliances in the most suitable way,
b) to define the performance of the fuses, so as to give guidance to designers of electrical
appliances and electronic equipment and to ensure replacement of fuse-links by those of
similar dimensions and characteristics,
c) to define methods of testing,
d) to define maximum sustained dissipation of fuse-links to ensure good compatibility of
stated power acceptance when used with fuse-holders according to this standard (see
IEC 60127-6).

2 Normative references

The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.

IEC 60038, I EC standard voltages

IEC 60127-6:1994, Miniature fuses – Part 6: Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-links

Amendment 1 (1996)
Amendment 2 (2003)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply.

device that, by the fusing of one or more of its specially designed and proportioned
components, opens the circuit in which it is inserted by breaking the current when this
exceeds a given value for a sufficient time
NOTE The fuse comprises all the parts that form the complete device.
–6– 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

miniature fuse
fuse in which the fuse-link is a miniature fuse-link

part of a fuse including the fuse-element(s) intended to be replaced after the fuse has

enclosed fuse-link
fuse-link in which the fuse-element is totally enclosed, so that during operation within its
rating it cannot produce any harmful external effects, e.g. due to development of an arc, the
release of gas or the ejection of flame or metallic particles

miniature fuse-link
enclosed fuse-link of rated breaking capacity not exceeding 2 kA and which has at least one
of its principal dimensions not exceeding 10 mm
NOTE Principal dimensions are length, width, height and diameter.

sub-miniature fuse-link
miniature fuse-link of which the case (body) has no principal dimension exceeding 10 mm
NOTE Principal dimensions are length, width, height and diameter.

universal modular fuse-link
miniature fuse-link primarily adapted for direct electrical connection to printed circuit boards
or other conductive substrates, incorporating features designed to provide a degree of non-
interchangeability where necessary

fuse-link contact
conductive part of a fuse-link designed to engage with a fuse-base contact or with a fuse-
carrier contact

combination of a fuse-base with its fuse-carrier

fixed part of a fuse provided with contacts and terminals for connection to the system

fuse-base contact
fuse-mount contact
conductive part of a fuse-base, connected to a terminal designed to engage with a fuse-
carrier contact or with a fuse-link contact

movable part of a fuse designed to carry a fuse-link
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) –7–

fuse-carrier contact
conductive part of a fuse-carrier connected to a fuse-link contact and designed to engage with
a fuse-base contact

part of the fuse-link designed to melt when the fuse operates

homogeneous series (of fuse-links)
series of fuse-links, deviating from each other only in such characteristics that, for a given
test, the testing of one or a reduced number of particular fuse-links of the series may be taken
as representative of all the fuse-links of the series
NOTE Fuse-links are considered as forming a homogeneous series when the characteristics comply with the
– the bodies have the same dimensions, material and method of manufacture;
– the caps or other end closures of the body have the same dimensions, materials and method of attachment and
– the granular filler, if any, of the body is of the same material and completeness of filling. It should be of the
same size or any variation of the grain size with current rating should be monotonous;
– the fuse-elements are of the same material with the same principles of design and construction; any changes of
fuse-element dimensions with current rating should be monotonous;
– the rated voltage is the same;
– for low-breaking capacity fuse-links it is only necessary to test the highest rated breaking capacity in a
homogeneous series.

general term employed to designate the characteristic values that together define the working
conditions upon which the tests are based and for which the fuse is designed
Examples of rated values usually stated for fuses:
− voltage (U N );
− current (I N );
− breaking capacity.

time/current characteristics (of a fuse-link)
a) For a.c.: curve giving, under stated conditions of operation, the value of time expressed as
virtual time as a function of the prospective symmetrical current, expressed as the r.m.s.

b) For d.c.: curve giving, under stated conditions of operation, the value of time expressed as
actual time as a function of the d.c. prospective current
NOTE Time/current characteristics usually stated for a fuse-link relate to the pre-arcing time and the operating

conventional non-fusing current
value of current specified as that which the fuse-link is capable of carrying for a specified time
(conventional time) without melting

prospective current (of a circuit and with respect to a fuse)
current that would flow in a circuit, if a fuse situated therein were replaced by a link of
negligible impedance
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pre-arcing time (melting time)
interval of time between the beginning of a current large enough to cause a break in the fuse-
element and the instant when an arc is initiated

arcing time
interval of time between the instant of the initiation of the arc and the instant of final arc

operating time (total clearing time)
sum of the pre-arcing time and the arcing time

virtual time
value of I 2 t divided by the value of the square of the value of the prospective current
NOTE The values of the virtual times, usually stated for a fuse-link, are the values of the pre-arcing time and of
the operating time.

I 2 t (joule integral)
integral of the square of the current over a given time interval:

I²t = ∫i
t =0

NOTE 1 The pre-arcing I 2 t is the I 2 t integral extended over the pre-arcing time of the fuse.
NOTE 2 The operating I 2 t is the I 2 t integral extended over the operating time of the fuse.
NOTE 3 The energy in joules released in 1 Ω of resistance in a circuit protected by a fuse is equal to the value of
the operating I 2 t expressed in A 2 s.

breaking capacity of a fuse-link
value (r.m.s. for a.c.) of prospective current that a fuse-link is capable of breaking at a stated
voltage under prescribed conditions of use and behaviour

recovery voltage
voltage which appears across the terminals of a fuse after breaking of the current
NOTE This voltage may be considered in two successive intervals of time, one during which a transient voltage
exists, followed by a second one during which the power frequency or the steady-state recovery voltage exists.

maximum sustained dissipation
power dissipation of a fuse-link measured under prescribed conditions of measurement at the
maximum current level that can be sustained for a minimum of 1 h
NOTE 1 The figure for maximum sustained dissipation is used in connection with the maximum power acceptance
of fuse-holders for miniature fuse-links in accordance with IEC 60127-6.
NOTE 2 These values are often exceeded for short periods of time immediately before the fuse-element melts.
Values as high as twice the maximum sustained dissipation have been recorded.
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4 General requirements

Fuse-links shall be so constructed that they are reliable and safe in operation and consistent
in performance at any current up to and including the breaking capacity rating and at any
voltage up to the rated voltage, when used within the limits of this standard.

During normal use of the fuse-link and within the conditions given in this standard, no
permanent arc, no external arcing, nor any flame that can endanger the surroundings, shall
be produced. During the test for establishing the maximum sustained dissipation and after
operation, the fuse-link shall not have suffered damage hindering its replacement and the
marking shall still be legible.

In general, compliance is checked by carrying out all the tests specified.

5 Standard ratings

In the relevant standard sheets, values are given for

– rated voltage,
– rated current,
– rated breaking capacity.

6 Marking

Unless otherwise stated in subsequent parts, the requirements for marking are as follows:

6.1 Each fuse-link shall be marked with:

a) Rated current in milliamperes for rated currents below 1 A, and in amperes for rated
currents of 1 A or more. The marking of the rated current shall precede and be adjacent to
the marking of the rated voltage.
To accommodate existing practice in some countries, for the time being, the current may
also be indicated in fractions of ampere.
b) Rated voltage in volts (V).
c) Maker's name or trade mark.
d) A symbol denoting the relative pre-arcing time/current characteristic as given in the
relevant standard sheet. This symbol shall be placed before and adjacent to the rated
These symbols read as follows:
FF: denoting very quick acting
F: denoting quick acting
M: denoting medium time-lag
T: denoting time-lag
TT: denoting long time-lag.
– 10 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

6.2 Marking shall be indelible and easily legible.

Compliance is checked by inspection and by rubbing the marking by hand for 15 s with a
piece of cloth soaked in water and again for 15 s with a piece of cloth soaked in petroleum
NOTE 1 For petroleum spirit the use of an aliphatic solvent hexane, with an aromatics content of maximum 0,1 %
volume, a kauri-butanol value of 29, initial boiling point approximately 65 °C, dry-point approximately 69 °C and
specific gravity of approximately 0,68 is recommended.
NOTE 2 In the case of colour coding, the test for indelibility need not be applied.

6.3 The marking according to 6.1 shall be printed on the packing together with a reference to
this standard and an indication of the appropriate standard sheet. The marking on the packing
shall include the abbreviation A and mA.

Compliance is checked by inspection.

6.4 Further identification of the current rating and the time/current characteristics by means
of colour bands may be used.

Such an additional marking shall be in accordance with Annex A.

7 General notes on tests

Tests according to this standard are type tests.

It is recommended that where acceptance tests are required, they are chosen from the type
tests in this standard.

7.1 Atmospheric conditions for testing

7.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in subsequent parts, all tests shall be carried out under the
following atmospheric conditions:

– temperature between 15 °C and 35 °C;

– relative humidity between 45 % and 75 %;
– air pressure between 8,6 × 10 4 Pa and 1,06 × 10 5 Pa.

Where the above-mentioned conditions have a significant influence, they shall be kept
substantially constant during the tests.

Fuse-links shall be tested in the specified bases in free air, and be protected from draughts
and direct heat radiation. The position of the fuse-holder shall be horizontal.

If temperature has a marked effect on the results of the tests, these shall be performed at a
temperature of 23 °C ± 1 °C.

7.1.2 In every test report, the ambient temperature shall be stated. If the standard conditions
for relative humidity or pressure are not fulfilled during tests, a note to this effect shall be
added to the report.

Where tests are required at elevated temperatures, these tests shall be carried out at an
ambient temperature of 70 °C ± 2 °C, unless otherwise specified.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 11 –

7.2 Type tests

7.2.1 The number of fuse-links required shall be specified in subsequent parts.

Fuse-links shall be tested or inspected in accordance with the following subclauses:

a) Marking (see 6.1)

b) Dimensions (see 8.1)
c) Construction (see 8.2)
d) Voltage drop (see 9.1)

with such additional tests as are specified in subsequent parts.

7.2.2 Based on the results of the test in item d) above, the fuse-links shall be sorted in
descending order of voltage drop, and numbered consecutively, lower numbers being
allocated to the fuse-links having the highest voltage drop. Tests from these fuse-links shall
then be made in accordance with the relevant testing schedule.

If a test is to be repeated, spare fuse-links having approximately the same voltage drop as the
original fuse-links shall be used for the repeat test.


a) No failure is allowed in any of the tests covered by Clauses 6 and 8, nor those described
in 9.1, 9.2.2 and 9.7 and such additional clauses and subclauses as shall be specified in
subsequent parts.
b) If in the tests covered by 9.2.1 and 9.3, two failures occur at any one current, the fuse-
links are deemed not to comply with this standard. If, however, one failure occurs, the test
shall be repeated on twice the number of fuse-links, at the same current and a second
failure shall be a cause for rejection.
If two failures occur, but not both in the same test, the fuse-link shall be deemed to comply
provided that there are no further failures in repeat tests with twice the number of fuse-
If more than two failures occur, the fuse-link shall be deemed not to comply with this
c) In each of the tests according to 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6, one failure is allowed. If two or more
fuse-links fail in any one test, the fuse-links are deemed not to comply with this standard,
unless otherwise specified in subsequent parts.

7.3 Fuse-bases for tests

For tests that require a fuse-base for mounting the fuse-links, a base according to the
requirements specified in subsequent parts shall be used.

7.4 Nature of supply

The nature of the supply for the electrical tests is specified in the relevant clauses or in the
relevant standard sheets in subsequent parts.

For a.c., the test voltage is of substantially sinewave form with a frequency between 45 Hz
and 62 Hz.
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8 Dimensions and construction

8.1 Dimensions

The dimensions of the fuse-links shall comply with the relevant standard sheet, given in
subsequent parts.

Compliance is checked by measurement.

8.2 Construction

The fuse-element shall be completely enclosed. Further details of the construction are given,
as appropriate, in subsequent parts.

8.3 Terminations

Fuse-link contacts shall be made of non-corroding material or of material suitably protected

against corrosion, and shall be effectively free from flux or other non-conducting substance on
their outer surfaces.

Nickel or silver plating is deemed to be adequate protection for brass end caps.

Tests for firm attachment are given, where appropriate, in subsequent parts.

8.4 Alignment and configuration of terminations

Appropriate tests for alignment or position of pins, etc., as applicable, are given in subsequent

8.5 Soldered joints

Externally visible soldered joints (e.g., on end caps) shall not melt during normal use and

Compliance is checked by inspection of the soldered joints after the tests described in 9.2.1,
9.2.2, 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6.

9 Electrical requirements

9.1 Voltage drop

The voltage drop across the fuse-links at their rated current shall not exceed the maximum
values given on the relevant standard sheet.

Individual values shall not deviate from the mean value determined for the model under test
during type tests by more than 15 %.
NOTE 1 Attention is drawn to the fact that the second paragraph is based on the assumption that the fuse-links,
which are submitted to a type test, belong to the same manufacturing batch. Where samples are drawn at random,
the condition for the permitted deviation from the mean value need not be fulfilled. If, due to the Peltier effect,
different voltage drops are measured when the current through the fuse-link is reversed, the highest value shall be

Compliance is checked by measuring the voltage drop when the fuse-link has carried its rated
current for a time sufficient to reach temperature stability.

Direct current shall be used for this test; equipment shall be used which does not influence
the result of the test significantly.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 13 –

Temperature stability is considered to be reached when the voltage drop changes by less
than 2 % of the previously observed value per minute. During this test, the current through the
fuse-link shall not deviate by more than ±1 % from the rated current and the accuracy of the
voltage drop measurement shall be within a tolerance of ±1 %.
NOTE 2 Problems can arise when fuse-links are used at voltages considerably lower than their rated voltage,
mainly for low ratings. Due to the increase of the voltage drop when the element of a fuse-link approaches its
melting point, care should be taken to ensure that there is sufficient circuit voltage available to cause the fuse-link
to interrupt the current when an electrical fault occurs. Furthermore, fuse-links of the same type and rating may,
due to difference in design or element material, have different voltage drops and may therefore not be
interchangeable in practice when used in applications with low circuit voltages, especially in combination with fuse-
links of lower rated currents.

9.2 Time/current characteristic

9.2.1 Time/current characteristic at normal ambient temperature

The time/current characteristic shall be within the limits specified in the relevant standard

Compliance is checked by measuring the pre-arcing time under the atmospheric conditions
mentioned in 7.1.

The current through the fuse-link shall be adjusted to within ±1 % of the required value.
The current stability during the test shall be maintained within ±1 % of the adjusted value. The
voltage of the source shall not exceed the rated voltage of the fuse-link under test.
The accuracy of the measurement of time shall be within a tolerance of ±5 % for times of less
than 10 s and ±2 % for times of 10 s or more.

In the case of very short pre-arcing times at high levels of the current where constant current
no longer can be maintained, the I 2 t value should be measured and the virtual time be

9.2.2 Test at elevated temperature

When specified on the standard sheet, fuse-links shall also be tested for 1 h at an ambient
temperature and with the multiple of the rated current as specified on the relevant standard

The current stability during the test shall be maintained within ±2,5 % of the adjusted value.
The fuse-link shall not operate.

9.2.3 Test procedure

Direct current shall be used for these tests.

NOTE 1 Direct current is used because it is easier to control and eliminates the variation inherent with alternating
current caused by the point on the voltage wave that switching occurs.
NOTE 2 Care should be taken that the arcing time is not included in the total time measured

The output voltage of the current source shall be sufficient to limit the variation of current
during the pre-arcing time. Additionally, the output voltage shall not exceed a value declared
by the manufacturer and chosen from the list of d.c. voltages in Table 6 of IEC 60038.

The time constant of the circuit shall not exceed 3 % of the pre-arcing time.

Where there is a possible influence of the Peltier effect, care should be taken to reverse the
direction of the current passing through the fuse-link for each successive sample.
NOTE 3 Where the influence of the Peltier effect is essentially due to the construction, the time/current
characteristic should be tested with twice the number of fuse-links at 2,0 I N or 2,1 I N . The additional samples may
be taken from the spare fuse-links.
– 14 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

Attention is drawn to the fact that, for certain types of fuse-links, the time/current
characteristic with a.c. can be significantly different from the characteristic determined with
d.c. and particularly with currents just exceeding the conventional non-fusing current.

Furthermore, it should be noted that due to the small thermal inertia of the fuse-elements for
low currents, the characteristic of the fuse-links may change considerably at very low

9.2.4 Presentation of results

If the time/current characteristics with the current as independent variable are plotted, it is
preferred that they are presented with logarithmic scales on both co-ordinate axes. The basis
of the logarithmic scales shall be in the ratio 2:1 with the longer dimension on the abscissa.

If the multiple of the rated current is used as the independent variable, the ratio shall be 3:1.
NOTE Examples of such formats are given in Annex B.

9.3 Breaking capacity

9.3.1 Operating conditions

Fuse-links shall operate satisfactorily without endangering the surroundings when breaking
prospective currents between the conventional non-fusing current and rated breaking capacity
in accordance with the relevant standard sheets in subsequent parts.

The recovery voltage shall be between 1,02 and 1,05 1 times the rated voltage of the fuse-
links and shall be maintained for 30 s after the fuse has operated.

Typical test circuits are given in subsequent parts.

For the breaking capacity test, the current shall be adjusted by changing the series

The impedance of the a.c. source shall be less than 10 % of the adjusted value of the total
impedance of the applicable circuit.

Compliance is checked by either method A or method B.

1) Method A (individual ratings)

a) rated breaking capacity;

b) prospective currents of approximately 5, 10, 50 and 250 times the rated current, but
not exceeding the rated breaking capacity as specified in the relevant standard sheet.
The circuit shall be closed at (30 ± 5)° after the passage of voltage through zero.

2) Method B (homogeneous series)

a) rated breaking capacity with random closing angle;

b) fuse-links shall be tested at rated breaking capacity.

NOTE 1 The breaking capacity may be lower with d.c. than with a.c. It is influenced by the circuit inductance and,
with a.c., additionally by the instant of closing the circuit.
NOTE 2 The d.c. value, if required by the purchaser or user, should be specified by the manufacturer.

More details of appropriate tests for the breaking capacity of each type of miniature fuse may
be found in the subsequent parts.

1 This tolerance may be exceeded with the manufacturer’s consent.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 15 –

9.3.2 Criteria for satisfactory performance

In each of the tests, the fuse-link shall operate satisfactorily without any of the following

– permanent arcing;
– ignition;
– bursting of the fuse-link.

Additional criteria for satisfactory performance of individual types of miniature fuse-links are
given, where appropriate, in subsequent parts.
NOTE Changes in colour are not considered as a failure.

Criteria concerning switching overvoltages are under consideration.

9.3.3 Insulation resistance

After the breaking capacity test, the insulation resistance between the fuse-link terminations
shall be measured with a d.c. voltage equal to twice the rated voltage of the fuse-link, but not
less than 250 V. The resistance shall be not less than 0,1 MΩ.

9.3.4 Type test for fuse-links of homogeneous series

Fuse-links having the largest rated current shall be tested completely according to the
relevant testing schedule for the maximum ampere rating of a homogeneous series given in
the subsequent parts.

Fuse-links having the smallest rated current shall be tested according to the relevant testing
schedule for the minimum ampere rating of a homogeneous series given in the subsequent

9.4 Endurance tests

Fuse-links shall be so constructed as to prevent in extended normal use any electrical or

mechanical failure impairing their compliance with this standard.

Compliance is checked by the following test:

Direct current shall be used for this test, unless otherwise specified in subsequent parts.

a) A current specified in the relevant standard sheet is passed through the fuse-link for a
period of 1 h. The current is then switched off for a period of 15 min. This cycle is
repeated 100 times.
The current stability during the test shall be maintained within ±1 % of the adjusted value.
The test should be run continuously, but where unavoidable, a single interruption is
b) A current specified in the relevant standard sheets is then passed through the fuse-link for
1 h. At the end of this test the voltage drop across the fuse-link is measured and used for
the calculation of the maximum sustained power dissipation, where this is specified in
subsequent parts.
c) Finally, the voltage drop across the fuse-link is measured again according to 9.1. The
voltage drop across the fuse-link after the test shall not have increased by more than 10 %
of the value measured before the test.
d) After the test, the marking shall still be legible and soldered joints on end caps, for
example, shall not show any appreciable deterioration.

NOTE Changes in colour are not considered as a failure.

– 16 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

9.5 Maximum sustained dissipation

The values calculated from the measurement taken in accordance with 9.4 b) shall be within
the limits specified in the relevant standard sheet.

9.6 Pulse tests

Where pulse tests are required in subsequent parts, they shall be performed as follows:

Pulse tests at normal ambient temperature

Fuse-links shall be so constructed as to prevent, when subjected to current surges normally

experienced in service, any electrical or mechanical failure impairing their compliance with
this standard.

Compliance is checked by the following test:

a) A current pulse specified in the relevant standard sheet is passed through the fuse-link
1 000 times at the repetition rate specified in the relevant standard sheet. The fuse-link is
then allowed to cool for at least 1 h at room temperature.
b) A current equal to the value specified in the relevant standard sheet is then passed
through the fuse-link for the time recommended on the relevant standard sheet.
c) Finally, the voltage drop across the fuse-link after the test is measured again according
to 9.1.
The voltage drop across the fuse-link after the test shall not have increased by more than
10 % of the value measured before the test.
d) After the test, the marking shall still be legible and soldered joints on end caps, for
example, shall not show any appreciable deterioration.

NOTE Changes in colour are not considered as a failure.

9.7 Fuse-link temperature

Where temperature tests are required in subsequent parts, they shall be performed as

The temperature rise, as measured at any location on the fuse-link enclosure or fuse-link
terminations, shall not exceed 135 K when the fuse-link is tested as follows:

– the initial current shall be as specified in the relevant standard sheet;

– the initial current shall be applied for 15 min;
– after the first 15 min, the current shall be increased by 0,1 I N every 15 min until the fuse-
link operates;
– the temperature of the fuse-link shall be measured continuously;
– the point for measuring the temperature shall be the hottest location.

NOTE 1 Due to the difficulty of specifying the location of the hottest point, it should be determined during the
initial 15 min.
NOTE 2 A thermocouple or other measuring methods that do not appreciably affect the temperature shall be used
to measure the temperature rise.

The test base for mounting and connection of the fuse-link shall be in accordance with 7.3.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 17 –

Annex A

Colour coding for miniature fuse-links

Where colour bands are used for additional identification of the current rating and the
time/current characteristics, the following system shall be applied:

a) The miniature fuse-links specified in the relevant standard sheets are provided with four
colour bands, the first three identifying the rated current expressed in milliamperes and
the last, broader, colour band identifying the time/current characteristics.

b) The colour bands shall extend over at least half the circumference of the fuse body and
shall be evenly spaced and clearly separated as indicated in Figure A.1.
NOTE 1 In the case of transparent miniature fuse-links, the spacings still allow for the visibility of the fuse-

c) The IEC standards with regard to colour coding practices, i.e. IEC 60062 and IEC 60425,
shall be used as far as applicable.

d) The colour code system given in Table A.1 shall be used.

NOTE 2 In Table A.1, both series R 10 and R 20 are given with their corresponding colour code. In order to
keep the number of colour bands to a minimum, only the first two colour bands are used for identifying the first
two digits.

e) In addition to the requirements given in 6.3, it is recommended to print the relevant colour
coding of the contents on the packing also.

d d

s 2s
s s
IEC 1064/06

NOTE The values for d and s are given in subsequent parts.

Figure A.1 – Layout of colour bands

– 18 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

Table A.1 – Colour coding for miniature fuse-links

Rated current First Second Third band Fourth band

mA band colour band colour time/current
Colour Multiplier
25 * Red Green Black 10 0 FF (0) = black
32 * Orange Red « 10 0 F (2) = red
40 * Yellow Black « 10 0 M (4) = yellow
50 * Green Black « 10 0 T (6) = blue
56 Green Blue « 10 0 TT (8) = grey
63 * Blue Orange « 10 0
71 Violet Brown « 10 0
80 * Grey Black « 10 0
90 White Black « 10 0
100 * Brown Black Brown 10 1
112 Brown Brown « 10 1
125 * Brown Red « 10 1
140 Brown Yellow « 10 1
160 * Brown Blue « 10 1
180 Brown Grey « 10 1
200 * Red Black « 10 1
224 Red Red « 10 1
250 * Red Green « 10 1
280 Red Grey « 10 1
315 Orange Brown « 10 1
355 Orange Green « 10 1
400 * Yellow Black « 10 1
450 Yellow Green « 10 1
500 * Green Black « 10 1
560 Green Blue « 10 1
630 * Blue Orange « 10 1
710 Violet Brown « 10 1
800 Grey Black « 10 1
900 White Black « 10 1
1 000 * Brown Black Red 10 2
1 120 Brown Brown « 10 2
1 250 * Brown Red « 10 2
1 400 Brown Yellow « 10 2
1 600 * Brown Blue « 10 2
1 800 Brown Grey « 10 2
2 000 * Red Black « 10 2
2 500 * Red Green « 10 2
3 150 * Orange Brown « 10 2
4 000 * Yellow Black « 10 2
5 000 * Green Black « 10 2
6 300 * Blue Orange « 10 2
8 000 * Grey Black « 10 2
10 000 * Brown Black Orange 10 3
* = R 10 series.
Colour bands indicating rated current based upon first two digits of R 10/R 20 series.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 19 –

Annex B

Example presentations of time/current characteristic

1 000
Current A
0, 1
0, 01
10 000

1 000






Time s IEC 1065/06

Figure B.1 – Example presentation of time/current characteristic, ratio 2:1

– 20 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

100 000

10 000

1 000


Time s



1 10 100
× IN IEC 1066/06

Figure B.2 – Example presentation of time/current characteristic, ratio 3:1

60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 21 –

Annex C

Audit testing and surveillance – Guidelines for the application

of the principles of IECEE 03 (CB-FCS) to miniature fuse-links

C.1 Introductory remarks

This annex contains instructions for audit testing and surveillance of fuse-links. The tests and
inspections described in this annex are optional. However, if they are carried out, it is
essential that the requirements for audit testing and surveillance are met.

C.2 Overview

This annex describes the obligations of the fuse-link manufacturers and the National
Certification Body (NCB) for audit testing and surveillance of fuse-link production.

It covers the preparation of the Conformity Assessment Report and the audit testing and
surveillance considered to be the minimum requirements of the NCB. Such inspections, tests
and measures are implemented by the NCB as an audit of the means that the manufacturer
exercises to determine the conformance of products with the requirements of the appropriate
parts of IEC 60127.

C.3 Terms of reference

For the purposes of this annex, the following definitions apply.

party who requests the conformity assessment, and controls the manufacturing of the product

conformity assessment
any activity concerned with determining directly or indirectly that relevant requirements are

significant sample
sample taken to be representative of a homogeneous series of fuse-links

Conformity Assessment Report
a document containing product and factory conformity assessment information issued by
Body A to the applicant

C.4 Conformity Assessment Report

C.4.1 Product description

The part of the Conformity Assessment Report regarding product description shall identify
only those details of components and dimensions that have a major impact on the
– 22 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

performance of the fuse-link. The following are examples of the type of details that may be
used to prepare the descriptive part of the Conformity Assessment Report:

a) fuse-element: material, thickness, and diagram of overall shape for every ampere rating;
b) time-delay section: defines general terms such as spring-loaded, solder slug, etc.; gives
details on fusing alloy material, dimensions and any other major components;
c) body: material and minimum wall thickness;
d) filler: generic description of filler material; grain size if applicable;
e) contacts: material and plating, method of securement, and key dimensions not covered
by overall dimension requirements;
f) miscellaneous: description of other components which have a major impact on the fuse-
link design and performance.

An example of a product description is included in Figure C.1.

IEC 1067/06

Cylindrical fuse-links 20 mm long by 5 mm in diameter containing a wire element helically wound on a ceramic
core. The wire element is soldered to the contacts at each end of the fuse-link.
i. Contacts: cylindrical end caps of plated or unplated copper alloy with a minimum wall thickness of
0,25 mm.
ii. Core: ceramic.
iii. Fuse-element: wire helically wound on a supporting core.
Ampere rating: 6,3 A
Wire diameter: 0,40 mm
Basic material: copper alloy
Plating material tin
iv. Filler: quartz sand; grain size 100 µm to 300 µm.
v. Tube: glass with a minimum wall thickness of 0,50 mm.
vi. Miscellaneous items: none.

Figure C.1 – Example of a fuse-link description

C.4.2 Identification of significant samples

When the reduced sampling plan is used, the Conformity Assessment Report shall identify the
significant samples that are necessary for testing, chosen on the basis of their representation
of a homogeneous series. If a certain fuse-link rating requires no testing or only a partial test
programme due to similarities with another fuse-link which is already scheduled for tests, this
shall be noted.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 23 –

C.5 Use of the standard

The requirements of IEC 60127-1 and the relevant subsequent parts shall be applied for the
audit testing and surveillance, except where information in the Conformity Assessment Report
specifically overrides these requirements. Specific references are noted in Tables C.1 and

C.6 Audit test and surveillance programme options

Four programme options are available to verify the ability of the applicant to supply fuse-links
that continue to meet the requirements of the relevant part of IEC 60127. The applicant shall
choose one of these options. The programmes are not intended for combined use, though
different programmes may be chosen for different fuse-link series.

Option 1: a complete test programme according to the relevant part of IEC 60127 shall be
performed on every ampere rating of each fuse-link series. The complete programme shall
be repeated at 10 year intervals according to C.6.1 below.

Option 2: a complete test programme according to the relevant part of IEC 60127 shall be
per-formed on every ampere rating of each fuse-link series. The complete programme shall be
repeated at 10 years intervals, and the applicant's quality control system shall be utilized
according to C.6.2 below.

Option 3: a test programme which uses the homogeneous series (significant sample)
approach shall be performed according to C.6.3 below.

Option 4: a test programme which uses the homogeneous series (significant sample)
approach and the applicant’s quality control system shall be performed according to C.6.4

The following points apply to each option:

a) the scheduling of the audit testing and surveillance may be staggered;

b) the NCB shall be responsible for surveillance and audit activities;
c) the applicant shall give proof of continuous conformance with the requirements of the
appropriate part of IEC 60127;
d) the selection of samples for audit testing and surveillance shall be random, if possible;
e) it is recommended that spare samples be selected for audit testing, in order to reduce the
delay if additional tests are needed;
f) utilization by NCB of manufacturer’s test facilities:
1) testing at manufacturer’s premises (TMP): tests may be carried out by the staff of a
CB testing laboratory at the manufacturer’s test laboratory under specific rules aimed
at verifying compliance.
Approval by the NCB of the manufacturer’s laboratory is not necessary providing the
laboratory is currently registered with a duly accredited certification body/registrar;
2) supervised manufacturer’s testing (SMT): tests may be carried out (wholly or in
part) by the manufacturer’s test laboratory providing it has been previously approved
by the NCB under specific rules aimed at verifying compliance.
Approval by the NCB of the manufacturer’s laboratory is not necessary providing the
laboratory is currently registered with a duly accredited certification body/registrar.
– 24 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

C.6.1 Audit testing and surveillance – Option 1

C.6.1.1 Audit testing

A complete test programme according to the relevant part of IEC 60127 shall be performed on
every ampere rating of each fuse-link series. The complete programme shall be repeated at
10 year intervals. These audit tests may be witness testing, re-testing, TMP or SMT.

C.6.1.2 Surveillance

Routine inspection shall take place no less than once per year. The inspection shall review
each product for consistency with the product description in the Conformity Assessment

C.6.2 Audit testing and surveillance – Option 2

C.6.2.1 Additional obligations of the NCB

The NCB is required to assess the manufacturer’s quality system. In addition, the
manufacturer’s quality system shall be reviewed to ensure that it includes the surveillance
detailed below.

C.6.2.2 Additional obligations of the applicant

Applicants are required

a) to have a documented quality system in operation, which includes provisions for

continuous conformance with the requirements of the relevant part of IEC 60127,
b) to include in their quality system the surveillance detailed in C.6.2.4.

C.6.2.3 Audit testing

A complete test programme according to the relevant part of IEC 60127 shall be performed on
every ampere rating of each fuse-link series. The complete programme shall be repeated at
10 year intervals. These audit tests may be witness testing, re-testing, TMP, or SMT.

C.6.2.4 Surveillance

Routine inspection shall take place no less than once every two years. The inspection shall
review each product for conformance with the product description in the Conformity
Assessment Report. The inspection shall also comprise routine assessment of the operation
of the quality plan and the quality system.

The applicant shall record all routine tests required by the applicant’s quality system and
make these records available for verification and review on the NCB’s request.

The NCB shall inspect the results of all routine tests required by the applicant's quality system
every two years.

C.6.3 Audit testing and surveillance – Option 3

A test programme utilizing the homogeneous series (significant sample) approach shall be

C.6.3.1 Audit testing

A test programme according to the homogeneous series concepts of IEC 60127 shall be
performed on significant samples in accordance with the schedule shown in Table C.1. These
audit tests may be witness testing, re-testing, TMP, or SMT.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 25 –

Table C.1 – Audit testing for option 3

Sample numbers in decreasing value of voltage drop

Description of 1-6 7-12 13 16 19 22 25 28
IEC 60127-1 14 17 20 23 26 29
15 18 21 24 27 30
Endurance test 9.4 A s
Rated breaking capacity 9.3 A s
characteristics 10 I N 9.2.1 A s
2 I N or 2,1 I N a) A s

A Tested annually.
s Spare fuse-links, only used if non-conforming results are obtained.

a) As specified in the relevant standard sheet.

C.6.3.2 Surveillance

Routine inspections shall take place no less than once per year. The inspection shall review
each significant sample for conformance with the product description in the Conformity
Assessment Report.

C.6.4 Audit testing and surveillance – Option 4

A test programme which uses the homogeneous series (significant sample) approach and the
applicant’s quality control system shall be performed.

C.6.4.1 Additional obligations of the NCB

The NCB is required to assess the manufacturer’s quality system. In addition, the
manufacturer’s quality system shall be reviewed to ensure that it includes the surveillance and
audit testing detailed below.

C.6.4.2 Additional obligations of the applicant

The applicant is required

a) to have a documented quality system in operation which includes provisions for

continuous conformance with the requirements of the relevant part of IEC 60127;
b) to include in their quality system the surveillance detailed in C.6.4.4.

C.6.4.3 Audit testing

A test programme shall be performed in accordance with the schedule shown in Table C.2.
These audit tests may be witness testing, re-testing, TMP, or SMT.
– 26 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

Table C.2 – Audit testing for option 4

Sample numbers in decreasing value of voltage drop

Description of 1-6 7-12 13 16 19 22 25 28
IEC 60127-1 14 17 20 23 26 29
15 18 21 24 27 30
Endurance test 9.4 B s
Rated breaking capacity 9.3 B s
characteristics 10 I N 9.2.1 B s
2 I N or 2,1 I N a) B s

B Tested every two years.

s Spare fuse-links, only used if non-conforming results are obtained.

a) As specified in the relevant standard sheet.

C.6.4.4 Surveillance

Routine inspections shall take place no less than once every two years. The inspection shall
review each significant sample. The inspection shall also comprise routine assessment of the
operation of the quality plan and the quality system.

The applicant shall record all routine tests required by the applicant’s quality system and
make these records available for verification and review on the NCB’s request.

The NCB shall inspect the routine test results every two years.

C.7 Acceptability of audit test results

If more than one sample has non-conforming results during the audit testing, the fuse-link and
all represented fuse-links shall be rejected.

If a single non-conforming result is obtained for a particular test during the audit testing, a
second set of samples from the same lot shall be selected and subjected to the same test.
The second set shall have the same number of samples as the first set. If any non-conforming
results are obtained on the second set, the fuse-link and all represented fuse-links shall be

C.8 Acceptability of surveillance results

If any non-conforming results are obtained during the surveillance, the NCB shall consult with
the manufacturer and applicant to determine whether the non-conformance is significant, and
whether corrections need to be made, or type testing performed.
60127-1  IEC:2006(E) – 27 –


IEC 60062:2004, Marki ng codes for resi stors and capaci tors

IEC 60425:1973, Gui de for the choi ce of colours to be used for the marki ng of capaci tors and
resi stors

IECEE 03:2005, Rules of Procedure of the Scheme of the I ECEE for Mutual Recogni ti on of
Conformi ty Assessment Certi fi cates accordi ng to Standards for Electri cal and Electroni c
Equi pment and Components (CBFCS)

– 28 – 60127-1  IEC:2006(E)

This amendment has been prepared by subcommittee 32C: Miniature fuses, of IEC technical
committee 32: Fuses.

The text of this amendment is based on the following documents:

CDV Report on voting

32C/436/CDV 32C/438/RVC

Full information on the voting for the approval of this amendment can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.

The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data
related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be

• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn,
• replaced by a revised edition, or
• amended.


Endurance tests 9.4

Replace the second sentence of item c) by the following new sentence:

The voltage drop shall not have increased by more than 10 % of the value measured before
the test and shall not exceed the maximum value specified in the relevant standard sheet.


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