Waqf is a permanent dedication of property under Islamic law for religious or charitable purposes. A waqf is completed differently under Sunni and Shia law - under Sunni law it is completed upon declaration, while under Shia law possession must be delivered. A mutawalli (manager) can be appointed by the waqif (creator), executor, other mutawalli, or court order to manage the waqf property. The waqif must be Muslim and of sound mind, and can appoint themselves or others such as females or non-Muslims as the mutawalli.
Waqf is a permanent dedication of property under Islamic law for religious or charitable purposes. A waqf is completed differently under Sunni and Shia law - under Sunni law it is completed upon declaration, while under Shia law possession must be delivered. A mutawalli (manager) can be appointed by the waqif (creator), executor, other mutawalli, or court order to manage the waqf property. The waqif must be Muslim and of sound mind, and can appoint themselves or others such as females or non-Muslims as the mutawalli.
Waqf is a permanent dedication of property under Islamic law for religious or charitable purposes. A waqf is completed differently under Sunni and Shia law - under Sunni law it is completed upon declaration, while under Shia law possession must be delivered. A mutawalli (manager) can be appointed by the waqif (creator), executor, other mutawalli, or court order to manage the waqf property. The waqif must be Muslim and of sound mind, and can appoint themselves or others such as females or non-Muslims as the mutawalli.
Waqf is a permanent dedication of property under Islamic law for religious or charitable purposes. A waqf is completed differently under Sunni and Shia law - under Sunni law it is completed upon declaration, while under Shia law possession must be delivered. A mutawalli (manager) can be appointed by the waqif (creator), executor, other mutawalli, or court order to manage the waqf property. The waqif must be Muslim and of sound mind, and can appoint themselves or others such as females or non-Muslims as the mutawalli.
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Completion Of Waqf
Q. What is waqf? how is waqf completed? who can be appointend as
Mutawalli. (1999) Q. Define waqf? how is a waqf completed discuss. (!!1)(!!") Q. What is #waqf# is completed. who can be appointed as a Mutawalli. (!!$%&) 1. 'nt(oduction) Waqf is an important social institution of Islam. it is a permanent dedication by a Muslim of some specific property for religious and pious purpose. every Muslim of sound mind may dedicate his property by way of waqf. it may be made verbally or in writing. . Meanin*) Literal means tying up or detention. ". Definition) Waqf act 19+, "According to Sec. !i" waqf means the permanent dedication by a person professing Islam of any moveable and immovable property for any purpose recogni#ed by the Muslim law as pious$ religious or charitable." -bu .anifa %Waqf is the detention of a specific thing in the ownership of the waqf or appropriator$ and the devoting or appropritator%s of its profits or usufruct in charity on the poor or other good ob&ects." ,. Capacit/ to ma0e waqf) 'he person who creates waqf is called waqif. it should have the following qualification. !i" Waqif must profess Islam. !ii" Waqif may be a male or female. !iii" Waqif must be sound mind. !iv" Waqif must be the owner of the property. !v" Waqfi must be of age of the ma&ority. +. C(eation of waqf) A waqf may be created in the following ways( !i" )y a dedication in which case the waqf comes into e*istence as soon as it is completely made. !ii" )y means of a will. !iii" +uring illness. !iv" Waqf by user. $. Completion of waqf) 1nde( &unni law) A waqf is completed by mere declaration of endowment by the owner. 1nde( &hia law) A waqf is not completed unless possession of the waqf property is given to either mutawalli or the first beneficiary. 2. 'n whose fa3ou( can waqf be made) ,ollowing are the person in whose favour property of waqf can be made. !i" 'he waqif himself. !ii" 'he desenendants of waqif. !iii" 'he family of waqif. !iv" -ublic 4. Mutawalli) Mutawalli is the superintendent or Manager of the waqf property. Case law .anib )egum /%S A0bar 1an 2345 S6M7 253 It was held that waqf is not completed unless besides a declaration of waqf a Mutawalli is appointed by the owner and possession of endowed property is delivered to him. '. -ppointment) Mutawalli may be appointed by the following. !b" )y the waqif. !b" )y the e*ecutor. !c" )y the mutwalli. !d" )y the order of the court. ''. Qualification of mutwalli) 8ualification of mutwalli is as under. !i" Muhammeden or non9Muhammeden should. !ii" Sound mind. !iii" Should be of the age of ma&ority. 9. Waqif as mutawalli) A waqif may constitute himself the first mutawalli. the transfer of possession in such case is not necessary to be transferred. Case law .han Muhammad /:S Luqman 233 6L6 2;;< It was held that no writing is required to ma0e a will valid$ and no particular form even of verbal declaration as long as intention of the testator is sufficiently ascertained. 1!. Who can be appointed mutawalli) ,ollowing can be appointed mustawalli. !i" 'he waqif himself. !ii" ,emale. !iii" =on9Muslim. !iv" Sunni in a Shia waqf and Shia in Sunni waqf. 11. 5emo3al of mutwali) Mutawali can be removed by the curt from his office on the following grounds. !i" 6orruption. !ii" Mental disorder. 1. Waqf 3olid fo( unce(taint/) 'he ob&ect of waqf must be certain. if there is element of uncertainty in the ob&ect of waqf. it will be void. Case law >hulam Shabbir /:S Mst =ur )egum -. L. +. 23?? S ?; It was held that when charitable intention was clearly e*pressed in the instrument of waqf mere vagueness or waqf mere vagueness or uncertainty in the instrument can not lead to failure of waqf. 1". Conclusion) 'o 6onclude I can say that$ every Muslim of sound mind can dedicate his property by way of waqf. under Sunni law a waqf is completed by mere declaration of endowment by the owner but under Shia law possession must be delivered.