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Sheet 1 Design

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Sheet 1

1- Find the diameter of a solid shaft to transmit 40 kW at 100 r.p.m. The ultimate shear stress for the steel
is 360 Mpa and the factor of safety is 4.
If a hollo shaft is !e used in place of the solid shaft" hat is the inside and outside diameter hen the
ratio of inside to outside diameters is 0.#.
$- % pair of heels of a railay a&on carries a load of 100 k' on each a(le !o(" actin& distance of #0
mm outside the heel !ase. the &au&e of the rails is 1.4 m. Find the diameter of the a(le !eteen the
heels" if the stress is not to e(ceed 100 Mpa.
3- % solid shaft is su!)ected to a !endin& moment of 3000 '.m and a tor*ue of 10000 '.m . The shaft
material has ultimate tensile stress of +00 M,a and a ultimate shear stress of #00 M,a. %ssumin& a factor
of safety as 6" determine the diameter of the shaft.
4- % shaft made of mild steel is re*uired to transmit 100 kW at 300 r.p.m. The supported len&th of the
shaft is 3 meters. It carries to pulleys each ei&htin& 1#00 ' supported at a distance of 1 meter from the
ends respecti-ely. The shaft material has ultimate tensile stress of +00 M,a and a ultimate shear stress of
#00 M,a. %ssumin& a factor o safety as #" determine the diameter of the shaft.
#- % line shaft supportin& to pulleys % and .. poer is supplied to the shaft !y means of -ertical !elt
on pulley %" hich is then transmitted to pulleys . carin& a hori/ontal !elt. the ratio of !elt tensions on
ti&ht and loose sides is 301 and the ma(imum tension in either !elt is limited to $.+ k'. The pulleys keyed
to the shaft. The shaft material has ultimate tensile stress of +00 M,a and a ultimate shear stress of #00
M,a. %ssumin& a factor o safety as 3" determine the diameter of the shaft.
6- The layout of an intermediate shaft of a &ear !o( supportin& to spur &ears . and 1 is shon in the
folloin& fi&ure. the shaft is mounted on to !earin&s % and 2. The pitch circle diameters of &ears . and
1 are 300 and 600 mm respecti-ely. The shaft material has ultimate tensile stress of +00 M,a and a
ultimate shear stress of #00 M,a. %ssumin& a factor o safety as 4" determine the diameter of the shaft.
+- % transmission of shaft supportin& a spur &ear . and pulley 2 is shon in the folloin& fi&ure. The
shaft is mounted on to !earin&s % and 2. The diameters of pulley and &ear are 4#0 and 300 mm
respecti-ely. $0 kW poer at #00 r.p.m is transmitted from the pulley to the &ear. ,1 and ,$ are the !elt
tensions in the ti&ht and loose sides" hile ,t and ,r are the tan&ential and radial components of the &ear-
tooth force. The shaft material has ultimate tensile stress of +00 M,a and a ultimate shear stress of #00
M,a. %ssumin& a factor o safety as 4" determine the diameter of the shaft.

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