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Animal Behavior: History II: From 1960

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Animal Behavior
History II: from ~1960
Sociobiology (1975)
Opposed at Harvard by his
evolutionary biologist
colleagues Steven J. Gould,
Richard Lewontin
Attacked at talk Nov 1978
AAAS meeting:
Wilson, youre all wet!
Some Case Studies: E.O. Wilson
Wilson: "I believe...I am the
only scientist in modern
times to have been
physically attacked for an
Science and religion are two of the most potent forces on Earth and they should come
together to save the creation.
A scientific humanist = the only worldview compatible with science's growing
knowledge of the real world and the laws of nature.
1960s: The rise of sociobiology
1964 W. D. Hamilton papers on inclusive fitness
1966 George Williams Adaptation and Natural Selection
1970-1976 Robert Trivers many seminal papers
1971. The evolution of reciprocal altruism. Quarterly Review of Biology 46:
1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. In Campbell, B. (ed.),
Sexual Selection and the descent of man.
1975. Parent-offspring conflict. American Zoologist 14: 249-264.
1976. (with Hare, H.) Haplodiploidy and the evolution of the social insects.
Science 191: 249-263.
1960 -70s Richard Alexander & students
1974. The evolution of social behavior. Annual Review of Ecology &
Systematics 5: 325-383.
1975 E. O. Wilson Sociobiology
1976 Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene
1970s John Maynard Smith many seminal papers
1973. (with George Price) The logic of animal conflict, Nature 246:15-18
behavioral ecology
Dick Alexander
Had a huge influence on the field (30+ grad students, many postdocs,
influenced many others as well ). Brought Hamilton to Michigan, also Trivers.
Kenneth Shaw Mary Jane West
Dan Otte Mitchell Weiss
Ann Pace Harry Power
Paul Sherman John Hoogland
Rick Howard Marianne Feaver
Gerry Borgia Katie Noonan
David Foltz Cynthia Kagarise
Nancy Moran Marlene Zuk
David Queller Joan Strassman (UG)
Alex Mintzer Bernard Crespi
Richard Connor Beverly Strassman
Stan Braude Eileen Lacey
Andy Richards John Pepper
John Cooley David Marshall
Deborah Ciszek Anna Bess Sorin
Bret Weinstein Laura Howard
PhD students
of Dick Alexander

Note: he influenced many

others as well, including
those who had him a
committee member (e.g.,
Trish Schwagmeyer) or
postdoc advisor (e.g., Jim
Lloyd, Laura Beitzig), or
who eavesdropped on his
lectures (me, many others)
Mary Jane West
The modern study of animal behavior is generally
thought to have begun in 1960s, and Williams and
Hamilton are often nominated as the founding figures.
W. D. Hamilton
George Williams
Robert Trivers
1971. The evolution of reciprocal altruism.
QuarterlyReviewof Biology 46: 35-57.
1972. Parental investment andsexual selection. In
Campbell, B. (ed.), Sexual Selection
and the descent of man.
1975. Parent-offspringconflict.
American Zoologist 14: 249-264.
1976. (with Hare, H.). Haplodiploidy and the evolution of
the social insects. Science 191: 249-263.
1982. (with Newton, H.P). The crash of flight 90: doomed
by self-deception? Science Digest 111: 66-67.
2011. The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-
Deception in Human Life. Basic Books.
Bob Trivers & Huey Newton
The benefit of self-deception is
the more fluid deception of
others. The cost is an impaired
ability to deal with reality.
Trivers & Newton 1982
Huey Newton: political
radical, co-founder of
the Black Panthers
Two key insights (Williams, Hamilton, others):
1. selection at the level of the individual (or gene, Dawkins)
2. Apparent altruism can be explained by kin selection
Early debate hinged on two questions
1. What is an adaptation? Williams addresses this
2. Altruistic traits good for the group but bad for the
individual (group selection, Wynne-Edwards)
Alarm calls why do individuals put themselves at
risk to protect others (not their offspring)
Reproductive restraint why do individuals produce
fewer offspring than they are capable of?
The modern study of animal behavior is generally thought
to have begun in 1960s, and Williams and Hamilton are
often nominated as the founding figures.
Williams major question: what is / is not an adaptation?
Adaptation is often recognized in purely fortuitous effects,
and natural selection is invoked to resolve problems that do
not exist. (p 4)
Adaptation is a special and onerous concept that should be
used only where it is really necessary. When it must
recognized, it should be attributed to no higher a level of
organization than is demanded by the evidence. (pp 4-5)
[i.e., nix on group selection]
The designation of something as the means or mechanism
for a certain goal or function or purpose will imply that the
machinery involved was fashioned by selection for the goal
attributed to it. [e.g., vision is the function of the eye,
reproduction and dispersal the function of the apple] When I
do not believe that such a relationship exists, I will avoid such
terms and use words appropriate to fortuitous relationships
such as cause and effect. (p 9)
ALTRUISM: behavior that benefits another individual
at a cost to the altruist's personal fitness (ability to
produce offspring).
- C + B
Altruist Recipient
Group Selection and
Reproductive Restraint
V. C. Wynne-Edwards, Animal
Dispersion in relation to Social
Behaviour (1962)
Lemmings are small mouselike rodents that live in the Arctic
tundra. They are known for extreme fluctuations in population
size. At high population densities, large number leave their
homes to travel long distances. In the course of their journey,
many die, some by drowning, as they attempt to swim across
lakes and rivers. One popular explanation for their behavior is
that the travelers are actually committing suicide to relieve
overpopulation. The suicidal lemmings thus leave shelter and
food for those that have
stayed behind, and so
save the species
(or population) from
Whats the
problem with this
The logical problem with group selection
Perrins 1965 (Swifts)
Reproductive Restraint
Perrins 1965;
Lack 1966
Reproductive Restraint
Reproductive Restraint
Bill Hamilton's 1963 and 1964 inclusive fitness
articles are easily the most cited articles in the
entire field of behavioral evolution, and his work
on altruism and kinship spurred endless
dissertation projects and hundreds of published
articles, both theoretical and empirical. When
modern behavioral ecologists and sociobiologists
are asked to mark the birth of the field, many
respond by citing Hamilton's 1963 and 1964
Dugatkin, L. A. (2007) Inclusive Fitness Theory from
Darwin to Hamilton. Genetics 176: 1375-1380.
Back to Hamilton
Question: Would you
lay down your life for
your brother?
No, but I would for
two brothers
or eight cousins
J.B.S. Haldane
Hamiltons take on altruismanticipated by Haldane
Three factors are important in the spread and
maintenance of an altruism gene by kin selection:
1. benefit to recipient, B
2. cost to altruist, C
3. degree of relatedness between
altruist & recipient, r
Hamiltons Rule states the conditions under which
altruism will spread. In its simplest form it is:
r B > C
Recipient r B>C/r
identical twin 1 B > C
1 parent 1/2 B > 2C
full sib 1/2 B > 2C
half sib 1/4 B > 4C
niece/nephew* 1/4 B > 4C
uncle/aunt ** 1/4 B > 4C
cousin 1/8 B > 8C
* assumes your sib is full sib
** assumes your parents sib was full
When should you be altruistic?
When B > C/r
From Gardner et al 2008
West talk on group selection:
Pagel talk on group selection:
Empirical Studies
Jerram Brown Mexican jays [helpers at the nest & kin selection]
1970. Cooperative breeding and altruistic behaviour in the Mexican jay.
Animal Behavior 18: 366-378.
1974. Alternate routes to sociality in jays - with a theory for the evolution
of altruism and communal breeding. American Zoologist 14: 63-80.
Paul Sherman Beldings ground squirrels [kin selection]
1977. Nepotism and the evolution of alarm calls. Science 197: 1246-
1985. Alarm calls of Belding's ground squirrels to aerial predators:
nepotism or self-preservation? Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology 17:
Jerry Wilkinson Vampire bats [reciprocity]
1984. Reciprocal food sharing in the vampire bat. Nature 308: 181-184
1990. Food sharing in vampire bats. Scientific American 262, 2: 64-70.
Paul Sherman Beldings ground squirrels
1977. Nepotism and the evolution of alarm calls.
Science 197: 1246-1253.
Alarm calling is potentially risky (exposes caller to danger) but
valuable to unaware ground squirrel that hears it = Altruism

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