Animal Behavior: History II: From 1960
Animal Behavior: History II: From 1960
Animal Behavior: History II: From 1960
Animal Behavior
History II: from ~1960
Sociobiology (1975)
Opposed at Harvard by his
evolutionary biologist
colleagues Steven J. Gould,
Richard Lewontin
Attacked at talk Nov 1978
AAAS meeting:
Wilson, youre all wet!
Some Case Studies: E.O. Wilson
Wilson: "I believe...I am the
only scientist in modern
times to have been
physically attacked for an
Science and religion are two of the most potent forces on Earth and they should come
together to save the creation.
A scientific humanist = the only worldview compatible with science's growing
knowledge of the real world and the laws of nature.
1960s: The rise of sociobiology
1964 W. D. Hamilton papers on inclusive fitness
1966 George Williams Adaptation and Natural Selection
1970-1976 Robert Trivers many seminal papers
1971. The evolution of reciprocal altruism. Quarterly Review of Biology 46:
1972. Parental investment and sexual selection. In Campbell, B. (ed.),
Sexual Selection and the descent of man.
1975. Parent-offspring conflict. American Zoologist 14: 249-264.
1976. (with Hare, H.) Haplodiploidy and the evolution of the social insects.
Science 191: 249-263.
1960 -70s Richard Alexander & students
1974. The evolution of social behavior. Annual Review of Ecology &
Systematics 5: 325-383.
1975 E. O. Wilson Sociobiology
1976 Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene
1970s John Maynard Smith many seminal papers
1973. (with George Price) The logic of animal conflict, Nature 246:15-18
behavioral ecology
Dick Alexander
Had a huge influence on the field (30+ grad students, many postdocs,
influenced many others as well ). Brought Hamilton to Michigan, also Trivers.
Kenneth Shaw Mary Jane West
Dan Otte Mitchell Weiss
Ann Pace Harry Power
Paul Sherman John Hoogland
Rick Howard Marianne Feaver
Gerry Borgia Katie Noonan
David Foltz Cynthia Kagarise
Nancy Moran Marlene Zuk
David Queller Joan Strassman (UG)
Alex Mintzer Bernard Crespi
Richard Connor Beverly Strassman
Stan Braude Eileen Lacey
Andy Richards John Pepper
John Cooley David Marshall
Deborah Ciszek Anna Bess Sorin
Bret Weinstein Laura Howard
PhD students
of Dick Alexander