EHS 320 Fall 13
EHS 320 Fall 13
EHS 320 Fall 13
Disaster Management
Fall 2013
4:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Jeffrey . Mit!"ell# $".D# %S
%o&rse itle: Disaster Management
%o&rse Des!ription: This course describes the history and status of disaster
management in the United States. The student learns basic concepts of disaster
management and disaster management strategies and tactics. The federal
government role in disaster response is described. By means of case reviews and
tabletop exercises the students learn the most important steps disaster response
personnel must keep in mind to manage effectively an overwhelming event.
Important: What if ???
The instructor reserves the right to alter the course schedule, requirements, and /
or the method of course delivery. In all likelihood, should a situation significantly
interfere with normal class schedules at UMBC, the Black Board system will e
used to !resent a sustantial !ortion of this course.
%o&rse '()e!ti*es: At the conclusion of this course students should be able to:
. !iscuss the history and status of disaster management in the United States.
". !escribe the roles of the local# state and federal government in disaster
$. %ist the four main functional areas of disaster management.
&. 'erform a ha(ard assessment on a specific building on the U)B* campus.
+. !efine the terms ,mitigation-# ,preparedness-# ,response- and ,recovery-.
.. !iscuss the /ncident *ommand System.
0. !efine the terms ,staging-# ,command post-# ,/*-# ,sector-# ,perimeter-#
and ,hot (one-.
1. %ist the ten most important considerations for first arriving disaster response
2. 'repare a tabletop disaster drill for the final class pro3ect.
4.5rite a term paper on a specific disaster chosen by the student.
.'ass a final examination with a minimum score of 046.
".'articipate actively in the final tabletop model.
%o&rse +eg&lations and +e,&irements:
A. %lass -ttendan!e is re,&ired. Three 7$8 points will be deducted
from a student9s final grades for ea!" unexcused absence.
B. /n most cases# only medically related and documented excuses will be
considered for excused absences.
*. Students must present# no less than one week prior to the potential
absence# a written re:uest in order to be excused from a specific
future class. !ocumentation 3ustifying an unexpected absence from
class must be in the instructor9s university mailbox within "& hours of
the missed class session.
!. Unexcused absences occurring on :ui( or test days# or on days when a
ma3or assignment is due# will result in a student losing five 7+8 points
from the final grade score.
;. %ate assignments are not acceptable unless the instructor authori(es a
delay in advance of the deadline.
<. The classroom environment re:uires that interactions between the
instructor and students# vice versa# and between students and each
other should always be respectful. /nappropriate talking or reading in
class# corresponding via email or using the worldwide web# working
on assignments for other classes and sleeping in class are rude
behaviors that indicate to the instructor that the student is not
interested in taking responsibility for their education. Any student
engaging in a behavior the instructor feels is disruptive to the learning
environment will be asked to leave the class.
=. %aptop computers may not be used in class. ;xceptions for learning
disabilities may be made. 'ermission of the instructor is re:uired.
>. ?adios and cell phones must be in the ,off- mode during class time.
/. 'agers must be in the ,silent- alert mode during class time.
@. *ell phones may not be used in class to handle calls# pages or text
messages and must be turned off or in the silent mode during class
A. All cell phones# pagers and radios must be ,off- during :ui((es and
%. <ive 7+8 points will be deducted from the final grade score for students
who are consistently late for class.
). Term papers must be original and must not have been used in previous
courses nor may they be for current courses. Term papers must use
primary source material.
B. Talking# looking around or at another9s test paper or having open
unauthori(ed books or notes open during a :ui( or an examination is
perceived as cheating and will be handled as such.
C. The principles of academic integrity are always in effect during this
course 7no cheating# no plagiarism# no fabrication of material# and no
careless or shoddy work8. Academic integrity means that people
show up for and complete class sessions and that they actively
participate in the class program# discussions# and activities. Academic
integrity also means that assignments are completed on time and to
the best of one9s abilities. Cne who has academic integrity will not
participate in cheating activities or in the unDcited use of material that
is some else9s. Academic integrity means that# if you know someone
else is cheating# you would challenge that student first and come to
the instructor with such information if the student does not correct the
Spe!ifi! %o&rse +e,&irements:
10. /ndividual >a(ard Assessment E University *enter. D&e '!to(er /# 2013
10. *lass pro3ect E *reate final tabletop exercise. 7All class members participate
and contribute to the rating.8 D&e De!em(er 2# 2013.
20. )id term examination. '!to(er 14# 2013.
30. Term paper E /n depth review of the literature on a specific disaster of your
choosing 7one disaster per person8. D&e 1o*em(er 12# 2013.
20. <inal examination and tabletop drill. De!em(er 10. 3Fail&re to parti!ipate
in t"e final drill !osts a letter grade on t"e final !o&rse grade.4 F?emember# the
table top model was due on !ecember "# "4$G.
5rading System: An 1Dpoint grading system is used in this course.
A H 2" to 44 D ;xemplary
B H 1& to 2 D Above average
* H 0. to 1$ D Average
! H .1 to 0+ D Below average
< H below .0 D <ailure
EHS 320
Disaster Management
Fall 2012
Jeffrey . Mit!"ell# $".D.# %S
Schedule is sub3ect to change to accommodate guest speakers or sub3ect matter
Sept. " %abor day D U)B* *losed. Bo *lass.
Sept. 2 /ntroduction#
Aey terms# background and historical perspectives on disaster
Batural and technological disasters
>a(ard Analysis
Sept. . Bational /ncident )anagement System and /ncident *ommand Search
and ?escue in disasters.
Sept. "$ Tabletop exercise number . Situation review. %essons learned.
Sept. $4 <our phases of emergency management
Ha6ard -ssessment d&e today
Cct. 0 !esigning the disaster response. ?ehearsal for doom.
Cct. & Mid erm E7amination today
>a(ardous materials
Cct. " Tabletop exercise number ". Situation review. %essons learned.
Cct. "1 Aviation disasters.
Bov. & *urrent issues in disaster. )anaging a disaster criti:ue.
Bov. ;motional aftershocks of disaster E Iictim ?esponse
erm paper d&e today# 1o*em(er 11# 2013
Bov. 1 'reventable disasters in >istory
Bov. "+ Student 'resentations
!ec. " Student 'resentations
Tabletop 7<inal ta(letop model d&e today4
!ec. 2 Final 8ritten E7amination and ta(letop model e7er!ise