The document outlines the responsibilities and requirements for key personnel on an EPCI project management team. It describes 8 roles - Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Procurement Manager, Site/Construction Manager, Commissioning Manager, SHE Manager, QA/QC Manager, and Project Control Manager. For each role, it lists essential responsibilities and minimum qualifications like education requirements and years of relevant industry experience.
The document outlines the responsibilities and requirements for key personnel on an EPCI project management team. It describes 8 roles - Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Procurement Manager, Site/Construction Manager, Commissioning Manager, SHE Manager, QA/QC Manager, and Project Control Manager. For each role, it lists essential responsibilities and minimum qualifications like education requirements and years of relevant industry experience.
The document outlines the responsibilities and requirements for key personnel on an EPCI project management team. It describes 8 roles - Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Procurement Manager, Site/Construction Manager, Commissioning Manager, SHE Manager, QA/QC Manager, and Project Control Manager. For each role, it lists essential responsibilities and minimum qualifications like education requirements and years of relevant industry experience.
The document outlines the responsibilities and requirements for key personnel on an EPCI project management team. It describes 8 roles - Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Procurement Manager, Site/Construction Manager, Commissioning Manager, SHE Manager, QA/QC Manager, and Project Control Manager. For each role, it lists essential responsibilities and minimum qualifications like education requirements and years of relevant industry experience.
1 PROJECT MANAGER (PJM) - Shall manage the entire EPCI project effort and responsible for planning, coordinating, scheduling, quality monitoring, and cost control of the Project, including establishment of priorities and allocation of manpower to assure that all required technical, cost, and safety standards are fulfilled and all specified Project objectives achieved. - Shall be responsible for all activities in the Contract for the full duration of the Contract - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in an engineering field, and in total shall have twenty (20) years and at least a total of fifteen (15) years of oil and gas facilities project experience, including a minimum of ten (10) years of oil and gas production facilities detailed engineering, construction and/or fabrication experience. - At least five (5) years of project management and procurement experience - Shall have managed at least one (1) successful EPCI projects in his experience last seven (7) years of similar scope and complexity of the Facilities consist of CO2 equal or greater than 20% mole and sulfur removal/sulfur recovery processing facilities consist of H2S equal or greater than 1% mole, - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills 2 ENGINEERING MANAGER (ENM) - Shall be responsible for the EPCI project in the aspect of engineering, technical assurance, design effort and managing the CONTRACTOR's discipline engineers. - Shall ensure that all designs comply to the requirements of the Work, that all Work is efficiently and effectively executed in accordance with the criteria, specifications, Code and standards applied in the Bid Package, and that the designs comply to good engineering practice as accepted within the oil and gas industry - Shall also function as the alternate to the Project Manager if the Project Manager is absent or any Key Personnel who approved by COMPANY as the alternate - Shall be responsible for all engineering and design activities throughout the full duration of the Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in process or mechanical engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of facilities engineering experience in oil & gas project, including at least eight (8) years of oil and gas facility detailed engineering and design - Shall have minimum three (3) years in construction experience. - Shall have been in responsible charge as Engineering Manager at least two (2) EPCI projects, and last seven (7) years at least have involved in one (1) successful EPCI projects similar in scope and technology content to that contemplate for the Facilities consist of CO2 equal or greater than 20% mole and sulfur removal/sulfur recovery processing facilities consist of H2S equal or greater than 1% mole. - Must have demonstrated excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills, hard working and ability to work under pressure, has superior planning and organizational ability 3 PROCUREMENT MANAGER (PRM) - Shall be responsible for the EPCI project in the aspect of material and service procurement. - Shall ensure that all service and material procurement comply with applied government regulation and COMPANY specification and guidance. - Shall also manage all service and material procurement to ensure the Work will be completed within schedule - Shall be responsible for all procurement activities throughout the full duration of the Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of procurement experience in oil & gas project - Shall have knowledge of long lead items, delivery chain, custom clearance of PSC materials, Master List, etc - Shall have managed at least two (2) EPCI projects in his experience similar to Facilities, and at least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities - Must have demonstrated excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills, hard working and ability to work under pressure, has superior planning and organizational ability. QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 4 SITE/CONSTRUCTION MANAGER (SCM) - Shall be responsible for the EPCI project in the aspect of construction. Construction Manager is responsibility shall include planning, coordinating, monitoring, and quality of the construction phase, including establishment of priorities and allocation of manpower to assure that all required technical, cost, and safety standards are fulfilled and all specified project objectives achieved - Shall be responsible for all construction activities throughout the full duration of the Work - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree or Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in detail engineering experience - Shall have managed at least two (2) successful EPCI projects in his experience similar to Facilities, and last seven (7) years at least have involved in one (1) successful EPCI projects similar in scope and technology content to that contemplate for the Facilities consist of CO2 equal or greater than 20% mole and sulfur removal/sulfur recovery processing facilities consist of H2S equal or greater than 1% mole - Must have demonstrated excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills, hard working and ability to work under pressure, has superior planning and organizational ability. 5 COMMISIONING MANAGER (CMM) - Shall be responsible for the EPCI Project in the aspect of commissioning - Shall include planning, coordinating, monitoring, and quality of the commissioning phase, including establishment of priorities and allocation of manpower to assure that all required technical, cost, and safety standards are fulfilled and all specified project objectives achieved. - Shall be responsible for all commissioning activities throughout the full duration of the Work - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree or Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in commissioning of oil and gas facilities '- Shall have minimum three (3) years in detail engineering experience - Shall have managed at least two (2) successful EPCI projects in his experience similar to Facilities, and last seven (7) years at least have involved in one (1) successful EPCI projects similar in scope and technology content to that contemplate for the Facilities consist of CO2 equal or greater than 20% mole and sulfur removal/sulfur recovery processing facilities consist of H2S equal or greater than 1% mole - Must have demonstrated excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills, hard working and ability to work under pressure, has superior planning and organizational ability. 6 SHE MANAGER (SHM) - Shall be responsible for the EPCI project in the aspect of SHE - Shall include planning and coordinating of the SHE, including establishment of priorities and allocation of manpower to assure that all required safety, helath and environmental standards are fulfilled - Shall be responsible for all SHE activities throughout the full duration of the Work - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree or Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in SHE of oil and gas facilities - Shall have involved at least two (2) successful EPCI projects in his experience similar to Facilities, and last seven (7) years at least have involved in one (1) successful EPCI projects similar in scope and technology content to that contemplate for the Facilities consist of CO2 equal or greater than 20% mole and sulfur removal/sulfur recovery processing facilities consist of H2S equal or greater than 1% mole - Must have demonstrated excellent verbal communication and interpersonal skills, hard working and ability to work under pressure, has superior planning and organizational ability RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 7 QA/QC MANAGER (QAM) - Shall have responsibility for Quality Assurance and Quality Control and shall report directly to the Project Manager and COMPANY representative to advice regarding the Quality Assurance/Control - Shall be the designated management representative for Quality of the Work - Shall have independence, authority and responsibility to assure satisfactory implementation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance/Control - Must have at least a Bachelor of Metalurgy Science degree in an engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least eight (8) years experience in QA/QC of oil and gas production facilities - Must have a working knowledge of applicable industry practices and must have been involved for least two (2) major oil and gas EPCI projects within the last seven (7) years - Must have excellent interpersonal skills, excellent written and verbal communication skills and superior planning, quality auditing, and organizational skills 8 PROJECT CONTROL MANAGER (PCM) - Shall keep management informed of the progress of the Work - Shall prepare a CPM project schedule and monitor the schedule to identify the resources required to keep the project on schedule - Shall analyze the schedule to identify potential areas of slippage and the required corrective action - Shall be responsible for all planning and control for the full duration of the Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science in an engineering field or a construction management degree, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least eight (8) years experience in planning and control of major oil and gas production projects - Must have a Working knowledge of applicable industry practices and must have been the principle planning engineer responsible for planning and control of least two (2) successful major oil and gas EPCI projects within the last seven (7) years - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to project planning RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL B. PROJECT ENGINEERING TEAM 1 PROJECT ENGINEER (PJE) - Shall coordinate the multidisciplinary engineering effort and integrity to assure that all required and specified project objectives are achieved - Shall be responsible for all project- engineering activities throughout the full duration of the Contract - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in an engineering field, and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years of facilities project engineering experience, including at least seven (7) years of oil and gas production facility EPCI project, detailed engineering, and construction experience. - Within the last five years, shall have been in responsible charge of at least one (1) successful EPCI project and involved in one (1) EPCI project similar in scope and technical content to that contemplated for the Facilities - Must have demonstrated excellent interpersonal skills and superior planning and organizational ability 2 PROJECT PLANNING & CONTROL ENGINEER (PPE) - Shall keep management informed of the progress of the Work. - Shall prepare a CPM project schedule and monitor the schedule to identify the resources required to keep the project on schedule. The Senior Project Planning Engineer shall analyze the schedule to identify potential areas of slippage and the required corrective action. - Shall be responsible for all planning and control for the full duration of the Work. - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science in an engineering field or a construction management degree, and at least eight (8) years experience in planning and control of major oil and gas production projects. - Must have a Working knowledge of applicable industry practices and must have been the principle planning engineer responsible for planning and control of least two (2) successful major oil and gas EPCI projects within the last seven (7) years. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to project planning. 3 COST CONTROL ENGINEER (CCR) - Shall monitor EPCI project costs and make equipment and installed cost estimates for various project options in order to identify the most cost effective approaches. - Shall also make weekly and monthly spending forecasts to determine cash requirements, potential problem areas, and corrective action to be taken. - Shall be responsible for all cost control for the full duration of the works - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree an engineering field or a construction management degree, and at least eight (8) years experience in cost control and cost estimating of major oil and gas production projects. - Must have a working knowledge of applicable industry practices and must have been the principle cost control engineer responsible for at least two (2) successful major oil and gas EPCI projects within the last seven (7) years. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to the control of costs for oil and gas production projects. 4 QA/QC ENGINEER (QAE) - Shall have responsibility for Quality Assurance and Quality Control and shall report directly to the QA/QC Manager and COMPANY representative to advice regarding the Quality Assurance/Control. - Shall be the designated management representative for Quality of the work - Shall have independence, authority and responsibility to assure satisfactory implementation and maintenance of the Quality Assurance/Control. - Must have at least a Bachelor of Metalurgy Science degree in an engineering field, and at least eight (8) years experience in engineering, design, procurement and construction of oil and gas production facilities - Must have a working knowledge of applicable industry practices and must have been responsible for least two (2) major oil and gas EPCI projects within the last seven (7) years. 5 DOCUMENT CONTROLLER (DCC) - Shall report to the Project Engineer regarding all document control matters. - Shall be the designated management representative for document handling. - Must have a university degree or Diploma plus five (5) years experience as a Document Controller of oil and gas EPCI projects. - must have excellent detailed checking and interpersonal skills, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and superior planning. - Shall be responsible for all Document Control activities for the full duration of the Work. RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 6 PROCESS SAFETY ENGINEER (PSE) - Shall be responsible for health, safety, and environmental aspects, and loss control studies and designs, including Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA), mitigating risk designs, Project SHE Plan, SHE philosophies, dispersion analysis, and specifying fire protection and safety equipment - Shall be responsible for all SHE engineering and construction activities for the full duration of the Work - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering, and the over all experience should be ten (10) years and at least five (5) years applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas production facilities and at least five (5) years total process design experience, including experience in EPCI Project - Must be familiar with applicable SHE codes and standards and all Indonesian Government Health, Safety, and Environmental regulations as they apply to oil and gas productions facilities. Each must have a working knowledge of international SHE standards and practice - Must each have been responsible for the SHE aspects of at least two (2) other oil and gas facilities projects in the last seven (7) years. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs. 7 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 7.a SENIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (SEE) - Shall develop power and control, design, develop project electrical specifications, perform electrical engineering calculations, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards - Shall be responsible for all electrical engineering and construction activities for the full duration of the Work - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering of oil and gas EPCI projects - Must have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs - Shall have experience in at least two (2) successful EPCI project study, as Senior Engineer, within the last six (6) years and must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise electrical engineering and design personnel and the integrity with other the engineering disciplines 7.b JUNIOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (JEE) - Shall assist in the electrical engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities, including electrical equipment and lay out - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 8 MECHANICAL ENGINEER 8.a SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER (SME) - Shall develop mechanical design engineering, project mechanical specifications, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards -Shall be responsible for all mechanical and construction engineering activities for the full duration of the Work - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering of oil and gas projects, including compression systems, pressure vessels, pumps, and air cooled heat exchangers - Must each have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must have each been responsible, as principle engineers, for the mechanical engineering and design of at least one other project with similar mechanical equipment and mechanical systems - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs - Shall have participated in at least two (2) successful EPCI project as Senior Engineer within the last six (6) years, and must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise mechanical engineering and design personnel and interface with other the engineering disciplines RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 8.b JUNIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER (JME) - Shall assist in the Mechanical engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities, including mechanical equipment and lay out - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 9 MECHANICAL ROTATING ENGINEER 9.a SENIOR MECHANICAL ROTATING ENGINEER (SRE) - Prepare mechanical design and check engineering procedures, specifications and standards. - Review MTO and cost estimate - Evaluate and establish Long Lead Items List for equipment packages and equipment criticality - Prepare and check the basis of design, specifications, data sheets, requisitions, technical bid evaluations, and drawings. - Provide technical recommendations on the selection of equipment to meet Project requirements. - Check and review vendor proposals, documentation and drawings. - Participate in project, client and vendor meetings. - Provide Input to Construction Sub Contract and evaluate bids - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering of oil and gas projects, - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 9.b JUNIOR MECHANICAL ROTATING ENGINEER (JRE) - Shall assist in the Mechanical engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities, including mechanical equipment and lay out - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 10 MECHANICAL STATIC ENGINEER 10.a SENIOR MECHANICAL STATIC ENGINEER (SSE) - Prepare mechanical design and check engineering procedures, specifications and standards. - Review MTO and cost estimate - Evaluate and establish Long Lead Items List for equipment packages and equipment criticality - Prepare and check the basis of design, specifications, data sheets, requisitions, technical bid evaluations, and drawings. - Provide technical recommendations on the selection of equipment to meet Project requirements. - Check and review vendor proposals, documentation and drawings. - Participate in project, client and vendor meetings. - Provide Input to Construction Sub Contract and evaluate bids - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering of oil and gas projects, - Be able to demonstrate a track record in the design, specification and engineering of Pressure Vessels (PD5500 / ASME VIII), Heat Exchangers (TEMA) and Storage Tanks, etc - Be computer literate and have working knowledge of design software and databases. 10.b JUNIOR MECHANICAL STATIC ENGINEER (JSE) - Shall assist in the Mechanical engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities, including mechanical equipment and lay out - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 11 PIPING ENGINEER 11.a SENIOR PIPING ENGINEER (SPE) - Shall develop piping layout design concepts, project piping and valve specifications, perform piping stress calculations, and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards. - Shall be responsible for all piping engineering and construction activities for the full duration of the Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and at least eight (8) years total experience, including five (5) years minimum experience in engineering and construction of oil and gas projects, including piping systems, plot plans, and equipment layouts. - Must have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must have each been responsible, as principle engineers, for the piping engineering and design of at least one other project with similar equipment and mechanical systems - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs; HYSIS, CESAR, etc - Shall have participated in at least two (2) successful EPCI project , as Lead Engineer, within the last six (6) years and must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise piping engineering and design personnel and interface with other the engineering disciplines. 11.b JUNIOR PIPING ENGINEER (JPE) -Shall assist in the piping engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities, including piping and equipment lay out. - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs; HYSIS, CESAR, etc 12 PROCESS ENGINEER 12.a SENIOR PROCESS ENGINEER (SPC) - Shall develop process design concepts, design criteria, and process specifications and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards - Shall be responsible for all process engineering activities for the full duration of the Work - Must have each at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and each shall have at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in process engineering, design and construction of oil and gas projects, including process simulation, compression systems, gas processing systems, flare and blow down systems, utility systems, pipeline hydraulics, preparation of PFDs, UFDs, P&IDs, and SAFE Charts - Must have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must have been responsible for the process engineering and design of at least one other project with similar process equipment and systems - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs - Shall each have participated in at least two (2) EPCI PROJECT as Senior process engineer within the last five (5) years - Must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise process engineering and design personnel and interface with other the engineering disciplines 12.b JUNIOR PROCESS ENGINEER (JPC) - Shall assist in the process engineering and design Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities. - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs. RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 13 INSTRUMENT & CONTROL ENGINEER 13.a SENIOR INSTRUMENT & CONTROL ENGINEER (SIE) - Shall develop instrument and control system design, project instrumentation and control specifications, review and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards - Shall be responsible for all Instrument/Control system engineering activities for the full duration of the Work. - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical, or Electronics, Engineering Physics or related field, and the over all experience should be twelve (12) years and each shall have at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in instrumentation & control systems and telecommunication engineering and design for oil and gas projects, including field instrumentations, DCS systems, PLC based safety shutdown systems, and PLC based fire and gas detection systems. - Must have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must each have been responsible for the Instrument&Control System engineering and design of at least one project with similar process equipment and systems. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs. - Shall have participated in at least two (2) successful EPCI Project as Senior Engineer within the last six (6) years, and must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise Instrument&Control System and Telecommunication engineering and design personnel and interface with other the engineering disciplines. 13.b JUNIOR INSTRUMENT & CONTROL ENGINEER (JIE) - Shall assist in the Instrument engineering and design Work - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, Electronic, or Engineering Physics and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities. - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 14 CIVIL/STRUCTURE ENGINEER 14.a SENIOR CIVIL/STRUCTURE ENGINEER (SCE) - Shall develop civil/structural design, calculation, project specifications, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards. - Shall be responsible for all civil and structural engineering and construction activities for the full duration of the Work. - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil/Structural Engineering and at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering and construction of oil and gas projects, including steel structures, major equipment foundations, pipe racks, and process plant and buildings. - Shall have ability to analyze geotechnical, geohazard, and survey interpretations, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes. - Must each have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must have been responsible for the engineering and design of at least one EPCI project with similar equipment and systems. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs - Shall have participated in at least two (2) successful EPCI project as Senior Engineer within the last six (6) years, - Must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise mechanical engineering and design personnel and integrity with other the engineering disciplines. 14.b JUNIOR CIVIL/STRUCTURE ENGINEER (JCE) - Shall assist in the civil/structural engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil/Structural Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities. - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 15 ARCHITECT 15.a SENIOR ARCHITECT (SAE) - Shall develop architectural design, project specifications, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes and standards. - Shall be responsible for all architectural engineering and construction activities for the full duration of the Work. - Must each have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Archirtect and at least eight (8) years total experience, including seven (7) years minimum experience in engineering and construction of oil and gas projects, including steel structures, major equipment foundations, pipe racks, and process plant and buildings. - Shall have ability to analyze geotechnical, geohazard, and survey interpretations, and review and implement Government regulations and industry codes. - Must each have a working knowledge of applicable codes and standards and must have been responsible for the engineering and design of at least one EPCI project with similar equipment and systems. - Must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs - Shall have participated in at least two (2) successful EPCI project as Senior Engineer within the last six (6) years, - Must have demonstrated ability to coordinate and supervise mechanical engineering and design personnel and integrity with other the engineering disciplines. 15.b JUNIOR ARCHITECT (JAE) - Shall assist in the Architectural engineering and design - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Architect and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas facilities. - Must be familiar with the applicable codes and standards and must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs 16 MATERIAL & CORROSION ENGINEER (MCR) - Leading the development of new technologies in engineering materials (both metallic & nonmetallic) and demonstrating their performance in a wide variety of service conditions (i.e. sour service, extreme temperatures & pressures etc.) - Leading the identification of material technologies that provide technical & commercial advantages over existing materials for applications in the oil & gas exploration & production industry.- Leading research into the structures & properties of materials (metallic & nonmetallic) to determine their utility for new applications. - Design, manage or implement as applicable corrosion control strategies - Provide materials selection, review of design basis/materials suitability, corrosion risk assessment (including commissioning of appropriate databases, where necessary) and identification and collation of relevant data from various sources, e.g. drawings, datasheets, manuals, inspection reports, etc - Must have at least a Bachelors Degree in Materials Science & Engineering, Metallurgical, Corrosion, Chemical, Civil or Mechanical Engineering - At least seven (7) years successful material and corrosion practitioner experience in the oil and gas or related industries with sound knowledge of relevant plant, process or production chemistry, and structural and process materials properties. Must be able to demonstrate up to - date knowledge of and be able to use applicable national and international standards in the corrosion or related fields. Must possess proven and successful experience in delivery of high quality oral and written communications 17 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (CTE) - Shall be responsible for construction planning, construction engineering, site supervision, implement the requirements for temporary construction facilities, and specifying construction equipment requirements. - Shall have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering and eight (8) years of oil and gas facilities project engineering experience, including at least seven (7) years of field construction engineering experience for major oil and gas facilities projects - Shall have been in responsible charge of the construction planning for at least two (2) successful oil and gas facilities EPCI projects of similar scope within the last seven (7) years 18 QUANTITY SURVEYOR (QTS) - Participate in the bidding, engineering and construction phase such as preparing and checking Bill of Quantity and construction cost estimate. - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil and gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities. Quantity Surveyor must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such cost estimation/controller. Proven experiences in QS Firm will be advantages. RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 19 WTP OPERATION ENGINEER (WOE) - Maintain the water treatment plant system in order to ensure the availability of a clean community water supply. - Maintain the physical plant and mobile equipment. - Maintain the general administration of the water system in order to ensure effective operations. - Perform other related duties as required. - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in related field. - Finance knowledge is preffered. - Be consistent and fair. 20 WTP Engineer (WTE) - Review electrical, instrumentation and control design documents, which includes single-line diagram, electrical load list, fuctional description, instruments list, technical specifications and etc. - Work with other departments to ensure the constructability in designs. - Ensure technical compliance from sub-contractors, suppliers and vendors. - Enhance overall environmental, safety and quality work activities to meet management objectives set for the department and customer satisfaction. - Provide technical support and leadership to project and site engineers. - Perform any task or job assigned by the management. - Carrying out all mechanical equipment installation activities for waste water treatment plants. - Preparing technical submittals, compliance statements and schedules. - Preparing method statements. - Prepares necessary documents for the completion of work such as. - Manufacture dossier, As-Built Drawings, manuals and have them authorized by the consultants & Client. - Attends regular meeting with client, civil engineers and consultant to provide update on project progress. - Managing site subcontractors works and progress. - Quality control and safety matter on the site and ensures that regulations are adhered to. - Handles and supervises all Mechanical works and ensures that installation activities are complying with contractual obligations and quality control standards. - Pre-resolve any unexpected technical difficulties and other problems at site that may arise at any time. - Inspect, service and repair components of the water treatment plant including water intakes, pipes, water storage vessels, chemical treatment equipment controls, circulation pumps, boilers, heat exchangers and valves. - Must have at least a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering and at least five (5) years of applicable experience in related field. 21 PDMS DESIGNER (PDD) - Prepares detailed drawings/models of unusual, complex or original design, 3D and 2D modelling for a complete phase of a project requiring the application of theoretical and practical design knowledge. This will include but is not limited to the following:- Equipment Layout, Pipe Routing, Pipe Support Design, General Arrangement drawings, Piping Isometrics, P&ID Drafting, Equipment setting plans - Checks work assigned to lower-level CAD Drafter and Designers for technical quality, accuracy and compliance with customer, Company and discipline standards. - Must have at least a Technical School, Dipoma Degree with suitable experience in CAD & 3D Design, experience in using 3D PDMS design tools and Autocad to produde piping drawings & reports (MTO, material take off, isometric & support list) - Must have a good working knowledge of piping practices and relevant codes and standards, ANSI, ASME - At least three (3) years experience in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Industry as piping designer (prepare/check of detailed drawings & fabrication drawings) RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 22 MECHANICAL DESIGNER (MDD) - To be the main point of contact between CAD Drafter and Engineer who determine the Company Engineering Design Standard in line with project design parameters and specification determined by Owner Provide input technical aspect'; concept trough design, testing, field trial related on mechanical design drawing - Measured by the accurate interpretation of the product requirements into effective designs/drawings which can be used for manufacture. - Check and review work assigned to lower-level CAD Drafter for technical quality, accuracy and compliance with customer, Company and discipline standards. - Prepare shop drawing for fabrication and construction works - Prepare material take off, purchase requistion, test procedure, manage design drawing file, drawing progress documentation and leads the drafter to develop as built drawing - Coodinating with Mechanical Engineer to input technical aspect related to engineering design, fabrication and installation - Must have at least a Technical School, Dipoma Degree with suitable experience in CAD & 3D Design, experience in Autocad to produde shopdrawings & reports (MTO, material take off, isometric & support list) - Must have a good working knowledge of codes and standards, - At least three (3) years experience in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Industry as designer (prepare/check of detailed drawings & fabrication drawings) 23 ELECTRICAL DESIGNER (ELD) - To be the main point of contact between CAD Drafter and Engineer who determine the Company Engineering Design Standard in line with project design parameters and specification determined by Owner Provide input technical aspect related on mechanical design drawing to drafter - Measured by the accurate interpretation of the product requirements into effective designs/drawings which can be used for manufacture. - Provide input technical aspect; concept trough design, testing, field trial related on electrical design drawing - Check and review work assigned to lower-level CAD Drafter for technical quality, accuracy and compliance with customer, Company and discipline standards. - Prepare shop drawing for fabrication and construction works - Prepare material take off, purchase requistion, test procedure, manage design drawing file, drawing progress documentation and leads the drafter to develop as built drawing - Coodinating with Electrical Engineer to input technical aspect related to engineering design and installation - Must have at least a Technical School, Dipoma Degree with suitable experience in CAD & 3D Design, experience in Autocad to produde shopdrawings & reports (MTO, material take off, isometric & support list) - Must have a good working knowledge of codes and standards, - At least three (3) years experience in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Industry as designer (prepare/check of detailed drawings & fabrication drawings) 24 INSTRUMENT & CONTROL DESIGNER (ICD) - To be the main point of contact between CAD Drafter and Engineer who determine the Company Engineering Design Standard in line with project design parameters and specification determined by Owner - Provide input technical aspect; concept trough design, testing, field trial related on intrument control design drawing - Check and review work assigned to lower-level CAD Drafter for technical quality, accuracy and compliance with customer, Company and discipline standards. - Prepare shop drawing for fabrication and construction works - Prepare material take off, purchase requistion, test procedure, manage design drawing file, drawing progress documentation and leads the drafter to develop as built drawing - Coodinating with Instrument Engineer to input technical aspect related to engineering design and installation - Must have at least a Technical School, Dipoma Degree with suitable experience in CAD & 3D Design, experience in Autocad to produde shopdrawings & reports (MTO, material take off, isometric & support list) - Must have a good working knowledge of codes and standards, - At least three (3) years experience in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Industry as designer (prepare/check of detailed drawings & fabrication drawings) RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 25 CIVIL & STRUCTURE DESIGNER (CSD) - To be the main point of contact between CAD Drafter and Engineer who determine the Company Engineering Design Standard in line with project design parameters and specification determined by Owner - Provide input technical aspect'; concept trough design; testing, field trial related on structural design drawing - Check and review work assigned to lower-level CAD Drafter for technical quality, accuracy and compliance with customer, Company and discipline standards. - Prepare 3D Modeling and 2D Draft by PDMS Structural or Tekla and produce structural shop drawing for fabrication and construction works - Prepare material take off, purchase requistion, test procedure, manage design drawing file, drawing progress documentation and leads the drafter to develop as built drawing - Coodinating with Structurel Engineer to input technical aspect related to engineering design, fabrication and construction - Must have at least a Technical School, Dipoma Degree with suitable experience in CAD & 3D Design, experience in Autocad to produde shopdrawings & reports (MTO, material take off, isometric & support list) - Must have a good working knowledge of codes and standards, - At least three (3) years experience in Oil, Gas, & Petrochemical Industry as designer (prepare/check of detailed drawings & fabrication drawings) 26 MECHANICAL DRAFTER (MDR) - Participate in the mechanical engineering and design such as to prepare mechanical upstream and downstream plot plan and detailed engineering drawing for site work, utilities, building, etc. - Must have at least a Technical School, Diploma, Bachelor degree in Electrical and or CAD and at least two (2) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities, for foundation and superstructure work. Mechanical Drafter must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs (CAD). 27 ELECTRICAL DRAFTER (EDR) - Participate in the electrical engineering and design such as to prepare electrical upstream and down stream plot plan and detailed engineering drawing for site work, utilities, building, etc. - Must have at least a Technical School, Diploma, Bachelor degree in Electrical and or CAD and at least two (2) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities, for foundation and superstructure work. Electrical Drafter must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs (CAD). 28 CIVIL & STRUCTURE DRAFTER (CDR) - Participate in the civil engineering and design such as to prepare plot plan and detailed engineering drawing for site work, site development, grading design, road & drainage. - Participate in the structure engineering and design such as to prepare plot plan and detailed engineering drawing for general foundation, steel/concrete structure, pipe rack/bridge, cable duct, building, etc. - Must have at least a Technical School, Diploma, Bachelor degree in Civil and or CAD and at least two (2) years of applicable experience in the design and construction of site development, foundation and superstructure work for oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities. Especialy for Civil Drafter must be experienced in the use of computer programs applicable to such designs; AutoCad Civil 3D and Land Desktop Development RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL C. PROCUREMENT TEAM 1 CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION ENGINEER (CAE) - Obtain the best possible commercial terms and conditions for the technical contracts in the early phases of the company project, especially the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract. - Establish transparent and credible contracting strategy for the main Project contracts. - Establish the negotiation strategy for all individual contracts together with Legal department. - Obtain commercial and technical mandates from the Project Partners prior to the actual negotiation with Contractors and Vendors. - Must have at least a Bachelor degree in Engineering Science or related diciplines - Specific expertise at least five (5) years of applicable experience in procurement and contracting in the oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities. 2 PURCHASING COORDINATOR (PCC) - Participate in the Procurement Team in the purchasing of equipments, process requisitions from initial request through to order placement and close out, - Approve purchase orders within limits of approved budgets and delegated financial authority, - Ensure that purchasing activities are carried out in accordance with Management System Procedures. - Assist in establishment and management of vendor agreements for materials, equipment and services - Maximise savings and cost avoidance through leveraging, negotiation, and standardisation of equipment as appropriate. - Ensure that materials purchased are as specified, safe, fit for purpose, correctly documented and the most economic to fulfil business objectives. - Ensure that all activities are carried out in a safe manner and that all safety related issues are recorded, reported and dealt with in accordance with procedures. - If required assist in expediting to ensure materials are delivered to meet operational requirements and take corrective action as required. - Liaise with the QA/QC Manager and Maintenance/Operations to ensure any identified inspection is carried out in a timely manner. - Responsible for creating and managing annual budget for personnel, training and consumables. - Monitor and control the SAP business processes and the standards that cover the entire purchase to pay (P2P) cycle. - Deliver the assigned objectives from the annual business plan. - Must have at least a Dipoloma, Bachelor degree in Engineering or related diciplines - Must have strong understanding of operational requirements (equipment that has to be purchased quickly and to very specific time-scales) - At least seven (7) years of applicable experience the Engineering, Procurement and Construction project of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities 3 MATERIAL TRACKING & EXPEDITOR (MTE) - Participate in the Procurement Team in to provide materials logistical support in the receipt and issuance of materials, coordination of materials storage and delivery to the relevant sites. - Ensure proper supporting documentation is received with materials (Mill Certs, Certificates Of Conformance), compliance with company Standards, - Ensure proper coordination is achieved between suppliers and the Construction team - Ensure communication materials receipt in a timely manner as required per installation schedule. - Ensure materials are securely and systematically stored to protect against damage and deterioration within required warehousing and to allow for easy identification and access. - Ensure when materials are issued it is accompanied with the relevant certification of conformity - Ensure transmittals are supplied for full traceability when materials are received and distributed for shipping. - Must have at least a Dipoloma, Bachelor degree in Engineering and/or related diciplines - Must have strong understanding of the oil & gas, power plant and industrial construction project with materials specifications knowledge - Able to work with deadlines and possess a proven track record of delivering required projects in a timely and professional manner. - At least seven (7) years of applicable experience the Engineering, Procurement and Construction project of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 4 MATERIAL INSPECTOR (MTI) - Act as focal point and controller for all inventory movements within their designated area. - Identify items for disposal, organise and facilitate the disposal process in accordance with company standard. - Carry out the scheduled warehouse visits to perform mock audits and annual stock checks. - Liaise with vendors Materials to ensure services are provided to Company control standards and in accordance with Company policies. - Work with Materials Tracking & Expeditor to identify and resolve any non compliance with corporate policy and procedures, including excess stock and related material optimisation activities. - Notifying QA if any materials require QA inspection. - Ensuring that materials are clearly labelled and located. - Comply with all relevant procedures. - Analyse results of Control and Compliance reports, taking necessary actions. - Guarantee material availability through the use of Materials Requirement Planning. - Must have at least a Dipoloma, Bachelor degree in Engineering and/or related diciplines - Must have strong understanding of the oil & gas, power plant and industrial construction project with materials specifications knowledge - Able to work with deadlines and possess a proven track record of delivering required projects in a timely and professional manner. - At least seven (7) years of applicable experience the Engineering, Procurement and Construction project of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities 5 LOGISTIC COORDINATOR (LGC) - Manage inventory accuracy through monitoring of daily warehouse activities, cycle counts, stocktakes and audit of same to verify results. - Continuously monitor the performance and activities of the warehouse, with a primary focus on cost controls - Arrange collection and coordinate with carrires to delivery of all materials - Coordinate the delivery of required materials to the laydown area for loadout as per instructed - Create and maintain an itemised Register for all Materials (Rental, Consignment, Owned and Purchased) delivered to and returned form your assigned - Must have at least a Dipoloma, Bachelor degree in Engineering and/or related diciplines - Must have strong understanding of the oil & gas, power plant and industrial construction project with materials specifications knowledge - Able to work with deadlines and possess a proven track record of delivering required projects in a timely and professional manner. - At least seven (7) years of applicable experience the Engineering, Procurement and Construction project of oil & gas, power plant, or industrial plant facilities RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL D. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TEAM 1 MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (MCE) - Review of construction techniques and identification of opportunities to share best practice across constriction delivery teams and locations. - Interface with engineering and contractors to align construction focus on products, materials and techniques. - Plan, evaluate and develop construction scope packages, including submission of review packages to the site construction team, project management and customer - Evaluation of risks for site construction operations, including the review and communication of design risk assessments to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. - Assist with the resolution of technical queries and development of construction or engineering solutions Responsible for the technical success of the project with due regard to project budget - Identify and solve complex problems, uses a broad perspective and resources inside or outside the project team to develop solutions, ensuring consistency with the project objectives. - Liaison with Construction Team Members, Project Team Members, Customer Representatives, Third Party Subcontractors, Supply Chain etc - To plan, and direct the construction effort and formulate the most cost-effective plan for timely completion within budget and to lead the execution of that plan. - Supervise and approve the development of PEP from Mechanical construction point of view - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in mechanical (static & rotating) detail engineering experience - Should have experiences of Scheduling, Planning and Delivery 2 ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (ECE) - Review of construction techniques and identification of opportunities to share best practice across constriction delivery teams and locations. - Interface with engineering and contractors to align construction focus on products, materials and techniques. - Plan, evaluate and develop construction scope packages, including submission of review packages to the site construction team, project management and customer - Evaluation of risks for site construction operations, including the review and communication of design risk assessments to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. - Assist with the resolution of technical queries and development of construction or engineering solutions Responsible for the technical success of the project with due regard to project budget - Identify and solve complex problems, uses a broad perspective and resources inside or outside the project team to develop solutions, ensuring consistency with the project objectives. - Liaison with Construction Team Members, Project Team Members, Customer Representatives, Third Party Subcontractors, Supply Chain etc - To plan, and direct the construction effort and formulate the most cost-effective plan for timely completion within budget and to lead the execution of that plan. - Supervise and approve the development of PEP from Electrical construction point of view - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degreein Electrical Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in electrical detail engineering experience - Should have experiences of Scheduling, Planning and Delivery RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 3 CIVIL/STRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (CCE) - Review of construction techniques and identification of opportunities to share best practice across constriction delivery teams and locations. - Interface with engineering and contractors to align construction focus on products, materials and techniques. - Plan, evaluate and develop construction scope packages, including submission of review packages to the site construction team, project management and customer - Evaluation of risks for site construction operations, including the review and communication of design risk assessments to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. - Assist with the resolution of technical queries and development of construction or engineering solutions Responsible for the technical success of the project with due regard to project budget - Identify and solve complex problems, uses a broad perspective and resources inside or outside the project team to develop solutions, ensuring consistency with the project objectives. - Liaison with Construction Team Members, Project Team Members, Customer Representatives, Third Party Subcontractors, Supply Chain etc - To plan, and direct the construction effort and formulate the most cost-effective plan for timely completion within budget and to lead the execution of that plan. - Supervise and approve the development of PEP from Civil/Structure construction point of view - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in civil/structural detail engineering experience - Should have experiences of Scheduling, Planning and Delivery 4 INSTRUMENT CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (ICE) - Review of construction techniques and identification of opportunities to share best practice across constriction delivery teams and locations. - Interface with engineering and contractors to align construction focus on products, materials and techniques. - Plan, evaluate and develop construction scope packages, including submission of review packages to the site construction team, project management and customer - Evaluation of risks for site construction operations, including the review and communication of design risk assessments to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. - Assist with the resolution of technical queries and development of construction or engineering solutions Responsible for the technical success of the project with due regard to project budget - Identify and solve complex problems, uses a broad perspective and resources inside or outside the project team to develop solutions, ensuring consistency with the project objectives. - Liaison with Construction Team Members, Project Team Members, Customer Representatives, Third Party Subcontractors, Supply Chain etc - To plan, and direct the construction effort and formulate the most cost-effective plan for timely completion within budget and to lead the execution of that plan. - Supervise and approve the development of PEP from Instrument & Control construction point of view - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Instrument & Control Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in instrument & control detail engineering experience - Should have experiences of Scheduling, Planning and Delivery RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 5 PIPING & PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (PCE) - Review of construction techniques and identification of opportunities to share best practice across constriction delivery teams and locations. - Interface with engineering and contractors to align construction focus on products, materials and techniques. - Plan, evaluate and develop construction scope packages, including submission of review packages to the site construction team, project management and customer - Evaluation of risks for site construction operations, including the review and communication of design risk assessments to ensure these activities are carried out in a safe manner. - Assist with the resolution of technical queries and development of construction or engineering solutions Responsible for the technical success of the project with due regard to project budget - Identify and solve complex problems, uses a broad perspective and resources inside or outside the project team to develop solutions, ensuring consistency with the project objectives. - Liaison with Construction Team Members, Project Team Members, Customer Representatives, Third Party Subcontractors, Supply Chain etc - To plan, and direct the construction effort and formulate the most cost-effective plan for timely completion within budget and to lead the execution of that plan. - Supervise and approve the development of PEP from Piping & Pipeline construction point of view - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - Shall have minimum three (3) years in Piping & Pipeline detail engineering experience - Should have experiences of Scheduling, Planning and Delivery 6 PRECOMM & COMMISIONING ENGINEER (PCM) - Produce pre-commissioning philosophies / scope of supply statements at the start of projects to define the workscope. - Assist during equipment selection process by producing pre-commissioning scope of works. - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Engineering and the over all experience should be ten (10) years and at least has minimum five (5) years experience in commissioning of oil and gas facilities - Must have pre-commissioning experience i.e. been involved with pigging, testing schedules and activities such as flooding, cleaning & gauging, pressure testing, dewatering and conditioning, drying etc. The ideal candidate will have a good knowledge of industry codes and standards and will have previous experience interfacing with project teams and coming up with solutions. - Must have experience of pre-commissioning and managing interfaces within a project structure is essential RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 7 FIELD MECHANICAL ENGINEER (FME) - Monitor installation of mechanical equipment for conformance to mechanical drawings & specification. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Organise and direct the site engineers and inspectors controlling the works. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Overseeing the installation of all mechanical equipment, including organisation and monitoring of vendor representatives site visits. -Assist construction team to prepare construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Must have at least a Bachelor Degree in Mechanical engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of field engineering experience in oil & gas project - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills 8 FIELD ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (FEE) - Monitor installation of electrical equipment for conformance to electricall drawings & specification. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Organise and direct the site engineers and inspectors controlling the works. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Overseeing the installation of all electrical equipment, including organisation and monitoring of vendor representatives site visits. -Assist construction team to prepare construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Must have at least a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of field engineering experience in oil & gas project - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 9 FIELD PROCESS ENGINEER (FPR) - Monitor installation of process equipment for conformance to electricall drawings & specification. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Organise and direct the site engineers and inspectors controlling the works. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Overseeing the installation of all process equipment, including organisation and monitoring of vendor representatives site visits. -Assist construction team to prepare construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Must have at least a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of field engineering experience in oil & gas project - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills 10 FIELD PIPING ENGINEER (FPE) - Monitor installation of piping for conformance to piping drawings & specification. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Organise and direct the site engineers and inspectors controlling the works. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Overseeing the installation of allpiping, including organisation and monitoring of vendor representatives site visits. -Assist construction team to prepare construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Must have at least a Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of field engineering experience in oil & gas project - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 11 FIELD INSTRUMENT ENGINEER (FIE) - Monitor installation of instrument & control system equipment for conformance to instrument drawings & specification. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Organise and direct the site engineers and inspectors controlling the works. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Overseeing the installation of allinstrument & control system equipment, including organisation and monitoring of vendor representatives site visits. -Assist construction team to prepare construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Must have at least a Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering field, and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least ten (10) years of field engineering experience in oil & gas project - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills RESPONSIBILITIES REQUIREMENTS QUALIFICATION PERSONNEL 12 FIELD CIVIL/STRUCTURE ENGINEER (FCE) - Monitor installation of rebar for conformance to structural drawings. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Present oneself as a candidate for promotion by learning and understanding construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering and the over all experience should be fifteen (15) years and at least has minimum ten (10) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills 13 FIELD ARCHITECT (FAE) - Monitor construction of building architectural works for conformance to archetural drawings. - Assist Site/Construction Manager by enforcing quality control, expediting subcontractors. - Continually update drawings with changes as issued by engineering team - Continually find solutions to conflicts in drawings and specifications by conferring with the engineering team. Coordinate these solutions with the various sub- trades. - Report accurate quantities for labor cost reports, accurately monitor material ledgers to determine if quantities remaining in the estimate are sufficient to complete the project in the field. - Coordinate inspections with engineering team and authorities as required by the contract. - Inspect falsework for conformance to design drawings. - Review shop drawings for conformance with the contract and ensure information is communicated to Foreman and Superintendent. - Identify contract document conflicts and recommend solutions. - Ensure construction work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications and design instruction. - Present oneself as a candidate for promotion by learning and understanding construction methods and developing good construction management skills. - Provide technical engineering information and interpretation of plans, detail sheets and specifications for contractors. - Shall at least hold Bachelor Degree in Architecture and the over all experience should be ten (10) years and at least has minimum ten (5) years experience in construction of oil and gas facilities - At least have involved in two (2) EPCI projects, with all projects similar in scope to that contemplated for the Facilities. - Must have excellent interpersonal, written, verbal communication skills, good decision making, hard working and ability to work under pressure, and superior planning and organizational skills