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P. D. Ouspensky

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P.D. Ouspensky was a Russian esotericist known for expounding on the teachings of George Gurdjieff. He studied Gurdjieff's system for 10 years before separating and continuing the work independently.

P.D. Ouspensky was a Russian writer and philosopher who studied metaphysics and esotericism. He is known for documenting and spreading the teachings of George Gurdjieff. Some of his main contributions include documenting his time with Gurdjieff and expounding on concepts like the fourth dimension.

Ouspensky met and became a student of Gurdjieff in 1915, studying under him for around 10 years before separating in 1924 to continue the work independently. Their relationship and teachings were influential in introducing ideas around esotericism and self-development to the West.

P. D.

P. D. Ouspensky (1878-1947)
Born Pyotr Demianovich
5 March 1878
Moscow, Russian Empire
Died 2 October 1947 (aged 69)
Lyne Place, Surrey,
Nationality Russian
Religion Christian
P. D. Ouspensky
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter D. Ouspensky (; Pyotr
Demianovich Ouspenskii, also
Uspenskii or Uspensky,
; 5 March 1878
2 October 1947)
was a Russian
esotericist known for his expositions of
the early work of the Greek-Armenian
teacher of esoteric doctrine George
Gurdjie, whom he met in Moscow in
He was associated with the ideas and
practices originating with Gurdjie from
then on. In 1924, he separated from
Gurdjie personally, for reasons he
explains in the last chapter of his book In
Search of the Miraculous. Some, including
his close pupil Rodney Collin, say that he
nally gave up the (Gurdjie) "system"
that he had shared with people for 25
years in England and the United States,
but his own recorded words on the subject
("A Record of Meetings," published
posthumously) do not clearly endorse this
judgement, nor does Ouspensky's
emphasis on "you must make a new
beginning" after confessing "I've left the
system". All this happened in Lyne Place,
Surrey, England in 1947, just before his
demise. While lecturing in London in
1924, he announced that he would
continue independently the way he had begun in 1921. All in all, Ouspensky
studied the Gurdjie System directly under Gurdjie's own supervision for a
period of ten years, from 1915 to 1924. His book In Search of the Miraculous is a
recounting of what he learned from Gurdjie during those years.
1 Career
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2 Later life
3 Teaching
3.1 Fourth Way
3.2 Self-remembering
4 Published works
5 References
6 Further reading
7 External links
Ouspensky was born in Moscow in 1878. In 1890, he was studying in the Second
Moscow Gymnasium, a government school attended by boys from ten to eighteen.
At the age of sixteen, he was expelled from school for painting grati on the wall
in plain sight of a visiting inspector to see; thereafter, he would be more or less on
his own.
In 1906, he was working in the editorial oce of the Moscow daily
paper The Morning. In the autumn of 1913, age 35, before the beginning of World
War I, he journeyed to the East in search of the miraculous but was forced to
returned to Moscow after the beginning of the great world war. There he met
Gurdjie and took in Mme Sophie Grigorievna Maximenko as his wife. He had a
mistress by the name of Anna Ilinishna Butkovsky.
His rst book, The Fourth Dimension, appeared in 1909; his second book, Tertium
Organum, in 1912. A New Model of the Universe, as explained by Ouspensky in
the foreword of the second edition, was written and published as articles by 1914,
updated to include "recent developments in physics" and republished as a book in
Russian in 1917. Assuming that Ouspensky was lost to the Revolution's violence,
it was then republished in English without his knowledge in 1931. Since the
earliest lectures this work attracted a who's who of the philosophic crowd (see
below) and has been to this day a widely accepted authoritative basis for a study
of metaphysics, or rather to exceed the limits of the same by his "psychological
method," which he denes as (paraphrasing p75) "a calibration of the tools of
human understanding to derive the actual meaning of the thing itself." This term
is one of three high concepts of the material presented, along with "the esoteric
method" which as he sums up (p76) depends on the rst to derive the possibility
of something beyond ordinary human eort entirely. In high concept terms:
"...The idea of esotericism, ... holds that the very great majority of our ideas are
not the product of evolution but the product of the degeneration of ideas which
existed at some time or are still existing somewhere in much higher, purer and
more complete forms." (p47) As Ouspensky's reputation is presently degenerated
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to being a follower of Gurdjie, rather than a partner (see below), and apex of
esotericism, self-knowledge, and metaphysical thought. Finally of course the title
itself promises a model of the universe, or unied theory of everything, which it
is. He also wrote the novel Strange Life of Ivan Osokin, which explored the
concept of eternal recurrence or eternal return. He traveled in Europe and the
East India, Ceylon, and Egypt in his search for knowledge. After his return to
Russia and his introduction to Gurdjie in 1915, Ouspensky spent the next few
years studying with him, and supporting the founding of a school. According to
Osho, when Ouspensky went to Gurdjie for the rst time, the latter was but an
unknown fakir and Ouspensky made him well-known to his own reading public.
Denying the ultimate reality of motion in his book Tertium Organum,
he also
negates Aristotle's Logical Formula of Identication of "A is A" and nally
concludes in his "higher logic" that A is both A and not-A.
Unbeknown to Ouspensky, a Russian migr by the name of Nicholas Bessarabof
took a copy of Tertium Organum to America and placed it in the hands of the
architect Claude Bragdon who could read Russian and was interested in the
fourth dimension.
Tertium Organum was rendered into English by Bragdon who
had incorporated his own design of the hypercube
into the Rochester
Chamber of Commerce building.
Bragdon also published the book and the
publication was such a success that it was nally taken up by Alfred A. Knopf. At
the time, in the early 1920s, Ouspensky's whereabouts were unknown until
Bragdon located him in Constantinople and paid him back some royalties.
Ouspensky's lectures in London were attended by such literary gures as Aldous
Huxley, T. S. Eliot, Gerald Heard and other writers, journalists and doctors. His
inuence on the literary scene of the 1920s and 1930s as well as on the Russian
avant-garde was immense but still very little known.
It was said of Ouspensky
that, though nonreligious, he had one prayer: not to become famous during his
Ouspensky also provided an original discussion of the nature and expression of
sexuality in his A New Model of the Universe; among other things, he draws a
distinction between erotica and pornography.
During his years in Moscow, Ouspensky wrote for several newspapers and was
particularly interested in the then-fashionable idea of the fourth dimension.
His rst published work was titled The Fourth Dimension
and he explored the
subject along the ideas prevalent at the time in the works of Charles H.
the fourth dimension being an extension in space.
treats time as a fourth dimension only indirectly in a novel he wrote titled Strange
Life of Ivan Osokin
where he also explores the theory of eternal recurrence.
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Ouspensky's grave at the
Holy Trinity Church in Lyne,
Surrey, England,
photographed in 2013
Later life
After the Bolshevik revolution, Ouspensky
travelled to London by way of Istanbul. G.R.S.
Mead became interested in the fourth dimension
and Lady Rothermere, wife of the press magnate,
was willing to spread the news of Ouspenky's
Tertium Organum, while Ouspensky's acquaintance
A.R. Orage was telling others about Ouspensky. By
order of the British government, Gurdjie was not
allowed to settle down in London. Finally, he went
to France with a considerable sum of money raised
by Ouspensky and his friends and settled down
near Paris at the Prieur in Fontainebleau-Avon.
It was during this time, after Gurdjie founded his
Institute for the Harmonious Development of Man
in France, that Ouspensky came to the conclusion
that he was no longer able to understand his
former teacher and made a decision to discontinue
association with him, setting up his own
organisation The Society for the Study of Normal
Psychology, which is now known as The Study
Nevertheless, he wrote about
Gurdjie's teachings in a book originally entitled
Fragments of an Unknown Teaching, only
published posthumously in 1947 under the title In
Search of the Miraculous. While this volume has
been criticized by some of those who have followed
Gurdjie's teachings as only a partial
representation of the totality of his ideas, it
nevertheless provides what is probably the most concise explanation of the
material that was included. This is in sharp contrast to the writings of Gurdjie
himself, such as Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson, where the ideas and precepts
of Gurdjie's teachings are found very deeply veiled in allegory. Initially,
Ouspensky had intended this book to be published only if Beelzebub's Tales to his
Grandson were not published. But after his death, Mme Ouspensky showed its
draft to Gurdjie who praised its accuracy and permitted its publication.
He died in Lyne Place, Surrey. Shortly after his death in 1947, The Psychology of
Man's Possible Evolution was published, together with In Search of the
Miraculous. A facsimile edition of "In Search of the Miraculous" was published in
2004 by Paul H. Crompton Ltd. London. Transcripts of certain of his lectures were
published under the title of The Fourth Way in 1957; largely a collection of
question and answer sessions, the book details important concepts, both
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introductory and advanced, for students of these teachings.
Ouspensky's papers are held in Yale University Library's Manuscripts and
Archives department.
After Ouspensky broke away from Gurdjie, he taught the "Fourth Way", as he
understood it, to his independent groups.
Fourth Way
There are three recognized ways of self-development generally known in esoteric
circles. These are the Way of the Fakir, dealing exclusively with the physical body,
the Way of the Monk, dealing with the emotions, and the Way of the Yogi, dealing
with the mind. What is common about the three ways is that they demand
complete seclusion from the world. According to Gurdjie, there is a Fourth Way
which does not demand its followers to abandon the world. The work of
self-development takes place right in the midst of ordinary life. Gurdjie called his
system a school of the Fourth Way where a person learns to work in harmony with
his physical body, emotions and mind. Ouspensky picked up this idea and
continued his own school along this line.
P.D. Ouspensky made the term "Fourth Way" and its use central to his own
teaching of the ideas of Gurdjie. He greatly focused on Fourth Way schools and
their existence throughout history.
Among his students were Rodney Collin, Maurice Nicoll, Robert S de Ropp,
Kenneth Walker, Remedios Varo and Dr Francis Roles, .
Ouspensky personally confessed the diculties he was experiencing with
self-remembering, a technique to which he had been introduced by Gurdjie
himself. Gurdjie explained to him this was the missing link to everything else.
While in Russia, Ouspensky himself experimented with the technique with a
certain degree of success and in his lectures in London and America, he
emphasized its practice. The technique requires a division of attention, so that a
person not only pays attention to what is going on in the exterior world but also in
the interior. A.L. Volinsky, an acquaintance of Ouspensky in Russia mentioned to
Ouspensky that this was what professor Wundt meant by apperception.
Ouspensky disagreed and noted how an idea so profound to him would pass
unnoticed by people whom he considered intelligent. Gurdjie explained the
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Rosicrucian principle that in order to bring about a result or manifestation, three
things are necessary. With self-remembering and self-observation two things are
present. The third one is explained by Ouspensky in his tract on Conscience: it is
the non-expression of negative emotions.
According to Beryl Pogson, author of The Work Life, "...the only real poverty is
lack of self-knowledge."
Published works
The Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution. Online
Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, a Key to the Enigmas of the
World. (Translated from the Russian by Nicholas Bessarabo and Claude
Bragdon). Rochester, New York: Manas Press, 1920; New York: Knopf, 1922;
London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1923, 1934; 3rd American edition,
New York: Knopf, 1945. Online version (http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/to
A New Model of the Universe: Principles of the Psychological Method in Its
Application to Problems of Science, Religion and Art (Translated from the
Russian by R. R. Merton, under the supervision of the author). New York:
Knopf, 1931; London: Routledge, 1931; 2nd revised edition, London:
Routledge, 1934; New York: Knopf, 1934.
Talks with a Devil.(Russian, 1916). Tr. by Katya Petro, edited with an
introduction by J. G. Bennett. Northhamptonshire: Turnstone, 1972, ISBN
0-85500-004-X (hc); New York: Knopf, 1973, ; York Beach: Weiser, 2000,
ISBN 1-57863-164-5.
The Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution. New York: Hedgehog Press,
Strange Life of Ivan Osokin. New York and London: Holme, 1947; London:
Faber & Faber, 1948; rst published in Russian as Kinemadrama (St.
Petersburg, 1915). Online (Russian) (http://fourthway.narod.ru/lib/Ouspen
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In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching New York:
Harcourt, Brace, 1949; London: Routledge, 1947.
In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching London,
Paul H. Crompton Ltd 2010 facsimile edition of the 1949 edition, hardcover.
The Fourth Way: A Record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the
Teaching of G. I. Gurdjie (Prepared under the general supervision of Sophia
Ouspensky). New York: Knopf, 1957; London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957.
Letters from Russia, 1919 (Introduction by Fairfax Hall and epilog from In
Denikin's Russia by C. E. Bechhofer). London and New York: Arkana, 1978.
Conscience: The Search for Truth (Introduction by Merrily E. Taylor) London:
Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.
A Further Record: Extracts from Meetings 19281945 London and New York:
Arkana, 1986.
The Symbolism of the Tarot (Translated by A. L. Pogossky). New York: Dover
Publications Inc., 1976. Online version (http://www.sacred-texts.com/tarot
The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution and The Cosmology of Man's
possible Evolution, a limited edition of the denitive text of his Psychological
and Cosmological Lectures, 1934-1945. Agora Books, East Sussex, 1989.
ISBN 1-872292-00-3.
P.D. Ouspensky Memorial Collection (http://hdl.handle.net/10079
/fa/mssa.ms.0840), Yale University Library, Archive Notes taken from
meetings during 19351947.
^ "Ouspensky Foundation"
/ouspenskyeng.htm). ouspensky.info.
2002. Retrieved 7 March 2014.
1. ^ Miller, Timothy (1995). America's
Alternative Religions
&q=). SUNY Press. p. 260.
ISBN 0-7914-2397-2. "Ouspensky
succeeded in capturing on paper
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Gurdjie's system..."
^ Shirley, John (2004). Gurdjie.
Penguin Group. p. 111.
ISBN 1-58542-287-8.
^ Moore, James (1999). Gurdjie.
Element Books Ltd. p. 73.
ISBN 1-86204-606-9. "The meaning of
life is an eternal search."
^ Osho, Swami Ananda Somendra And
The Flowers Showered, p. 39, Diamond
Pocket Books Ltd., 1978 ISBN
^ Ouspensky, P. D. (1912). Tertium
Organum (http://books.google.com
912) (2nd ed.). Forgotten Books.
ISBN 1-60506-487-4.
^ Ouspensky, P. D. (2003). Tertium
Organum. Book Tree. p. 266.
ISBN 1-58509-244-4. "A is both A and
^ Gary Lachman In Search of P. D.
Ouspensky, p. 174, Quest Books, 2006
ISBN 978-0-8356-0848-0
^ Claude Bragdon, A Primer of Higher
Space, Omen Press, Tucson, Arizona,
^ A primer of higher space (the fourth
dimension) (http://books.google.com
Higher+Space) by Claude Fayette
Bragdon, plates 1, 20 and 21
(following p. 24)
^ Rudolf Rucker, Geometry, Relativity
and the Fourth Dimension, Dover
Publications Inc., 1977, p. 2. ISBN
^ Gary Lachman In Search of P. D.
Ouspensky, pp. 177-8, Quest Books,
2006 ISBN 978-0-8356-0848-0
^ Geometry of four dimensions
lr=&as_brr=1) by Henry Parker
^ P. D. Ouspensky, The Fourth
Dimension, Kessinger Publishing,
2005. ISBN 1-4253-4935-8.
^ Rucker, Rudolf, editor, Speculations
on the Fourth Dimension: Selected
Writings of Charles H. Hinton, Dover
Publications Inc., 1980. ISBN
^ Scientic Romances
as_brr=1) by Charles Howard Hinton
^ A new era of thought
lr=&as_brr=1) by Charles Howard
^ P. D. Ouspensky, Strange Life of Ivan
Osokin, Lindisfarne Books, 1947. ISBN
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8 of 10 2014-05-05 22:41
^ Alex Owen The Place of
Enchantment, p. 232, University of
Chicago Press, 2004 ISBN
^ Brian Hodgkinson (2010). In Search
of Truth. Shepheard-Walwyn
(Publishers). ISBN 978-0-85683-276-5.
p. 34
^ Bruno de Panaeu-Jacob
Needleman-George Baker-Mary Stein
Gurdjie, p. 218, Continuum
International Publishing Group, 1997
ISBN 978-0-8264-1049-8
^ P. D. Ouspensky Conscience, p. 126,
Routledge, 1979 ISBN
^ Gary Lachman In Search of P. D.
Ouspensky, p. 121, Quest Books, 2006
ISBN 978-0-8356-0848-0
^ Beryl Pogson The Work Life, p. 5,
1994 ISBN 978-0-87728-809-1
Further reading
Bob Hunter: Don't Forget: P.D. Ouspensky's Life of Self-Remembering, Bardic
Press, 2006. ISBN 0-9745667-7-2.
Gary Lachman: In Search of P. D. Ouspensky: The Genius in the Shadow of
Gurdjie. Quest Books, 2004, ISBN 0-8356-0840-9. Chapter VI, Online
J. H. Reyner: Ouspensky, The Unsung Genius. George Allen & Unwin,
London, 1981, ISBN 0-04-294122-9.
Colin Wilson: The Strange Life of P. D. Ouspensky. The Aquarian Press, 1993,
ISBN 1-85538-079-X.
The Study Society: The Bridge No. 12, P. D. Ouspensky Commemorative
External links
The Ouspensky Foundation (http://www.ouspensky.info/)
appreciation by James Moore and bibliography by J. Walter Driscoll
Ouspensky's Historical Choreography (http://www.ouspensky.org.uk
A Brief Discussion of Ouspensky's Thought by Michael Presley
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Tertium Organum (full text at sacred-texts.com) (http://www.sacred-
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