The woman helps Anne find the private investigator's office by providing directions. Anne describes her missing brother David to the private investigator and asks for his help in finding him. The investigator asks Anne questions about herself and her family's wine importing business in Singapore to gather more information for the case.
The woman helps Anne find the private investigator's office by providing directions. Anne describes her missing brother David to the private investigator and asks for his help in finding him. The investigator asks Anne questions about herself and her family's wine importing business in Singapore to gather more information for the case.
The woman helps Anne find the private investigator's office by providing directions. Anne describes her missing brother David to the private investigator and asks for his help in finding him. The investigator asks Anne questions about herself and her family's wine importing business in Singapore to gather more information for the case.
The woman helps Anne find the private investigator's office by providing directions. Anne describes her missing brother David to the private investigator and asks for his help in finding him. The investigator asks Anne questions about herself and her family's wine importing business in Singapore to gather more information for the case.
Anne, a wine dealer from Singapore, arrives at Adelaide Airport and meets her local buyer, Sarah. Anne walks out with the other passengers... ANNE Excuse me... SARA Anne Lee? ANNE Yes. Hello SARA Im Sarah Taylor. Im your new local buyer. Pleased to meet you. (they shae hands! ANNE Its "ery #nd o$ you to meet me. SARA %h. Sorry. Th#s #s my husband& 'ar. !AR" (ood morn#n). How are you? ANNE *ery well thanyou. !AR" How was your $l#)ht? ANNE Actually& Im a b#t t#red. It was a "ery lon) $l#)ht. SARA Lets )et your ba)s. The three watch as the ba)s )o around. Anne +o#nts. ANNE Thats m#ne there, The red one. !AR" Its hea"y, ANNE Sorry. SARA -ont worry. 'ars stron) . arent you dear? !AR" /o worr#es. SARA 0ome on. Lets )o to the hotel. They leave the airport. #ocabulary dealer $n% 1. (dt! n)23# bu4n b5n& #nh doanh (chuy6n m7t m8t h9n) n9o :;! someone who buys and sells someth#n) buyer $n% 1. (dt! n)23# mua h9n) "9o someone whose wor #s to buy $or a de+artment store& a com+any& etc. local $ad&% 1. (tt! :<a +h2=n)& thu7c "> m7t n=# n9o :; #n or o$ a certa#n +lace sha'e hands $(% 1. b?t tay hold someone@s hand as a )reet#n) and mo"e #t u+ and down
flight $n% A. (dt! chuyBn bay a tr#+ on an a#r+lane Episode Note 1 (reet#n)s A. Introduct#ons C. S#m+le Sentences D. Personal Pronouns E. THAT and THIS F. AdGect#"es Episode ). En&oy *our Stay Sarah and 'ar tae Anne to her hotel. She checs #n. ANNE Than you "ery much $or +#c#n) me u+. SARA Youre "ery welcome. H#ll you be alr#)ht here? ANNE Thans. Ill be $#ne. And thanyou 'ar& $or hel+#n) w#th my hea"y ba)s. !AR" -ont ment#on #t. SARA Alr#)ht then. /#ce to meet you $#nally. Ill r#n) you tomorrow. ANNE /#ce to meet you too. SARA (oodbye. +,ER" (ood morn#n). Hould you l#e to chec #n? ANNE Yes +lease. +,ER" And your name? ANNE Anne Lee. +,ER" Ah yes. 0ould you Gust $#ll th#s out +lease? How lon) w#ll you be stay#n)? ANNE Two wees. +,ER" Are you here on bus#ness? ANNE 'a#nly bus#ness. +,ER" H#ll you need a h#re car? ANNE /o thanyou. +,ER" And w#ll you need a ma+ o$ the c#ty? ANNE 'aybe later. +,ER" H#ll you want a news+a+er #n the morn#n)? ANNE /o thanyou. +,ER" %I. And how w#ll you be +ay#n) 's Lee? ANNE 0red#t card. +,ER" Thanyou. Heres your ey. Its room CJK. EnGoy your stay 's Lee. ANNE Thanyou. I ho+e I w#ll. #ocabulary L chec' in-into $v% 1. (:t! )h# t6n l9 h5ch trM N h5ch sOn& ho8c l9 h9nh h5ch (:# m5y bay! N sPn bay& "."... re)#ster at a hotel pic' up $v% A. (:t! :Bn :;n a# come and )et someone at a certa#n +lace and t#me I@ll +#c you u+ at your house at QLCJ. mention $v% 1. (:t! R ra& n;# :Bn& :> cS+ say someth#n) about You ne"er ment#oned that you were )o#n) to Tu#t your Gob. fill in, fill out $v% 1. (:t! :#Rn th4n) t#n )#"e #n$ormat#on on a +r#nted +a)e& card& $orm& etc on business $(% 1. :an) c4n) t5c& :an) c; c4n) "#Uc the reason why someone #s some+lace #s because heVshe has bus#ness there hire $v% 1. (:t! m2Wn a# l9m "#Uc )#"e wor to someone Episode Note 1. Say#n) Thanyou A. Say#n) (oodbye C. The Xuture Tense D. Pay#n) E. Xormal T#tles Episode .. /hat time is it0 In her hotel room& Anne r#n)s a number. Yohn Zarbour& the +r#"ate detect#"e& answers the +hone. 12N Hello& Zarbours Pr#"ate In"est#)at#on. Yohn Zarbour s+ea#n). ANNE Hello. 0an you $#nd m#ss#n) +eo+le? 12N Somet#mes we can. Ha"e you lost somebody? ANN Yes. 12N Perha+s youd l#e to tell me about #t? ANN 0an I mae an a++o#ntment +lease? 12N Hhen would you l#e to come #n? ANNE Is tomorrow oay? 12N Lets see[ Yes& I can see you at ten ocloc. H#ll that su#t you? ANNE %ay& thanyou. (consults bus#ness card! AC '#tchell Street . #s that r#)ht? 12N Thats r#)ht. Second $loor. ANNE %ay. See you then. (oodbye. 12N (oodbye. He +uts down the +hone and celebrates. In her hotel room& Anne +uts the +hone down& and r#n)s a)a#n. +,ER" Hello? ANNE Hello. \ece+t#on? Hhat t#me #s #t +lease? +,ER" Its $#"e ocloc. ANNE And what t#me do you ser"e d#nner? +,ER" The restaurant o+ens #n an hour& and d#nner #s ser"ed between s#x and n#ne +m. ANNE And brea$ast? +,ER" Zrea$ast #s ser"ed between se"en and n#ne th#rty am maam. ANNE Thanyou. +,ER" Youre welcome. Anne +uts the +hone down& then not#ces the +hoto by her bed and +#cs #t u+ a)a#n. There #s a tear #n her ey #ocabulary L ring $v% C. (:t! )M# :#Un thoO# call someone on the +hone private $ad&% 1. (tt! r#6n)& t2& c5 nhPn +ersonal] not $or e"eryone to now detective $n% 1. (dt! th5m t^ someone whose Gob #s to #n"est#)ate cr#mes& etc investigation $n% 1. (dt! cu7c :#>u tra& s_ :#>u tra appointment $n% 1. (dt! s_ s?+ xB+ tr2Wc :R )8+ ho8c th`m a# "9o m7t th3# )#an nhat :<nh] l<ch hbn a meet#n) that you $#x #n ad"ance suit $v% 1. (:t! thca mdn& :5+ en) nhu cfu be what you l#e or what you want -oes th#s car su#t you or would you l#e to see someth#n) else? A. (:t! hg+ "W#& thhch hg+ "W# loo )ood on someone
Episode Note 1. 'a#n) An A++o#ntment A. 0an C. H#ll and @ll D. The T#me E. Pre+os#t#on w#th T#me Episode 3. Second on the ,eft ANNE is looking for JOHNs office. A WOMAN is waiting at a us stop. ANNE approaches her. ANNE Excuse me. /2!AN Yes? ANNE 0ould you tell me how to )et to '#tchell Street? /2!AN Yes. Youre )o#n) the wron) way. You need to )o stra#)ht alon) here& +ast the s#l"er balls& turn le$t& and #ts the second on the r#)ht& o++os#te the Town Hall. ANNE Thanyou "ery much. /2!AN Youre welcome. ANNE follows the !irections. "he approaches a shopkeeper. ANNE Excuse me. S2P"EEPER Yes? ANNE Im loo#n) $or number AC. Zarbours Pr#"ate In"est#)ator. S2P"EEPER %"er there. /ext to the trees. ANNE %h. Thanyou S2P"EEPER (ood luc. Youll need #t. ANNE enters the uil!ing an! goes up the stairs. "he knocks at the !oor. 12N 0ome #n, ANNE enters an! looks aroun!. 12N (to A//E! Sorry. #to phone$ %es& any ti'e(yes usual rates. Must go now. )ight. *oo!ye. Julia. +ye. He hangs up an! leaps to shake ANNEs han!. ANNE 'r Zarbour? 12N Yohn. Pr#"ate #n"est#)ator. You must be 's Lee. Please s#t down. She does so& hes#tantly. 12N /ow i what can I do $or you 's Lee? "he puts the photo of ,A-., on his !esk. ANNE 0ould you $#nd h#m $or me? #ocabulary L approach $v% 1. (:t! :Bn )fn& lO# )fn& tW# )fn] t#B+ cSn come near someone or someth#n) silver $ad&% 1. (tt! l9m bjn) bOc made o$ s#l"er s#l"er Gewelry. A. (tt! c; m9u bOc the color o$ s#l"er s#l"er +a+er. s#l"er (n! 1. (dt! bOc a sh#ny& wh#te metal that #s used $or co#ns& Gewelry and other th#n)s. investigator $n% 1. (dt! n)23# :#>u tra& :#>u tra "#6n follow $v% A. (:t! :# theo )o a$ter direction A. (dt! chk dln& chk th<& chk bmo& h2Wn) dln (+lural! #nstruct#ons hesitantly $adv% 1. (tr! do d_& n)O# n)nn)& l2on) l_ The +u+#l a++roached the teacher hes#tantly pisode Note 1. As#n) -#rect#ons A. Present 0ont#nuous Tense C. *#s#t#n) D. -#rect#ons Episode 4. Are you married0 ANNE !escries her rother to the private investigator. ANNE 0an you hel+ me? 12N Hell Ill try. /ow tell me about your brother 's Lee. How old #s he? ANNE Hes twentyithree. 12N Hell that would mae h#m your youn)er brother. Hhats h#s name? ANNE -a"#d. 12N And what does he do? ANNE Hes a student. %r . he was a student. I dont now where he #s. JOHN #looks at the photo$ Hmmm. How tall #s he? ANNE About a hundred and se"entyi$#"e cent#metres. 12N Hmmm. And does he s+ea En)l#sh? ANNE Yes. He s+eas En)l#sh and 0h#nese. 'r Zarbour . can you $#nd h#m? 12N Ill certa#nly try. /ow& tell me a l#ttle about yoursel$ '#ss Lee. Hhere are you $rom? ANNE I come $rom S#n)a+ore. Im S#n)a+orean. 12N \#)ht& and how old are you? ANNE Im twentyi$#"e. 12N Hhat do you do? ANNE I #m+ort w#ne. Im a bus#nesswoman. I wor #n my $am#lys bus#ness. 12N And are you marr#ed? ANNE /o& Im s#n)le. 12N you ha"e a boy$r#end? ANNE Pardon? 12N %h sorry. He +r#"ate detect#"es are a naturally cur#ous bunch. 's Lee& +erha+s youd better tell the whole story. ANNE It all started two years a)o... #ocabulary L businesswoman $n% 1. (dt! np th2=n) )#a a woman who #s #n bus#ness. naturally $adv% 1. (tr! "qn& t_ nh#6n $rom nature curious $ad&% 1. (tt! ham b#Bt& muqn trm h#Ru ea)er to learn A cur#ous +u+#l reads more than Gust schoolboos. A. (tt! ts ms want#n) to now someth#n) bunch $n% 1. (dt! bt#& chnm&b;& cum& buvn) $ru#t that )rows #n a )rou+ a bunch o$ )ra+es. a bunch o$ bananas. A. (dt! b;& chnm&tS+ hg+ a )rou+ o$ th#n)s o$ the same #nd that are $astened to)ether whole $ad&% 1. (tt! :Pwy :ux & n)uy6n "eyn& n)uy6n chPzt& troyn "eyn& toaw n b4y all o$ someth#n) a whole wee. A. (tt! toawn b4y & tPzt cax & toawn th6x #n one +#ece] not broen The +late $ell& but #t@s st#ll whole. whole $n% 1. (dt! toawn b4y & tPzt cax& toaw n th6x all o$ someth#n) Episode Note 1. About /at#onal#ty A. About A)e C. The /umbers D. About %ccu+at#on E. %ther {uest#ons about a +erson Episode 5. e didn6t write ANNE My rother& ,avi!& worke! in the fa'ily usiness too. +ut he !i!nt like it. He wante! to try so'ething !ifferent. 12N So what ha++ened? ANNE 'y +arents a)reed. They let h#m come to Austral#a to study. 12N Hhere d#d he )o? ANNE He came here& to Adela#de. He stud#ed com+uter sc#ence. He thou)ht he was ha++y. 12N And then what ha++ened? ANNE I dont now. He wrote e"ery wee& and then the letters sto++ed. 12N -o you now where he l#"ed? A//E He stayed w#th an Austral#an $am#ly. He was a boarder. Heres the address. "he passes JOHN a piece of paper. 12N -#d you +hone them? ANNE Yes& o$ course. He le$t there a year a)o. They dont now where he went. 12N -oes he ha"e a mob#le +hone? ANNE I dont now. He d#d& but he doesnt answer #t now. 12N -ont worry 's Lee. Ill $#nd your brother. Im on the case. He shakes her han! an! she leaves. JOHN looks at the photo. Now he looks worrie!. #ocabulary L agree $v% 1. (:t! cha+ nhSn c5# )r l9 :tn)] t5n th9nh& :vn) | th#n that an o+#n#on or +lan #s correct boarder $n% 1. (dt! n)23# N trM& h5ch trM a +erson stay#n) at a board#n) house case $n% 1. (dt! trnh hrnh the way th#n)s are I$ that #s the case& maybe I was wron). A. (dt! tr23n) hg+ hay thh du "> c5# )r xmy ra an exam+le o$ someth#n) Episode Note 1. The Past Tense A. \e)ular *erbs C. *erbs end#n) #n @Y@ D. Irre)ular *erbs E. {uest#ons #n the Past Tense F. {uest#ons us#n) HHAT and HHE\E Epi sode 7. +ome t o ,unch "A)AH invites ANNE to 'eet her fa'ily. "A)AH an! ANNE taste a sa'ple of wine. ANNE 'mm. Its "ery smooth. (ood $la"our too. SARA It sells well #n restaurants here. I th#n thesell sell well #n S#n)a+ore. ANNE The sam+les you sent me were "ery +o+ular w#th our sta$$. You seem to understand our tastes #n S#n)a+ore. SARA Thanyou. Its my Gob to now what my cl#ents l#e. ANNE see's !istracte!. "A)AH oserves her for a 'o'ent. SARA So& are you enGoy#n) the c#ty? ANNE (uncon"#nc#n)ly! Its "ery n#ce. SARA Hhat are you )o#n) to do tomorrow? ANNE I dont now. Ill +robably stay #n the hotel and relax. SARA Hhy dont you come to lunch w#th us at home? ANNE %h thanyou& but you ha"e your $am#ly. SARA Yes& and they want to meet you. Here )o#n) to ha"e roast ch#cen . trad#t#onal Auss#e $ood. ANNE Sounds )ood. Alr#)ht& Ill come. SARA (reat. ANNE Hhat t#me? SARA He eat at about oneioicloc. So about twel"eith#rty? Ill show you the house. ANNE %ay. Thanyou SARA Ill )et my brother to +#c you u+. ANNE /o thats oay. Ill )et a tax#. SARA Alr#)ht then. Thats settled, #ocabulary L smooth $ad&% 1. (tt! nh}n] tr=n] m2gt] bjn) +h~n)] l8n) not rou)h on the sur$ace A. (tt! b~n) +h~n)] 6m not bum+y He had a smooth r#de. flavor $n% 1. (dt! "< n)on] mn# th=m] mn# "< (Zr#t $la"our! taste taste $n% 1. (dt! "< )#5c ()#5c Tuan :R nhSn b#Bt "<! (no +lural! one o$ the senses] the ab#l#ty to $eel or reco)n#e someth#n) #n your mouth distract $v% 1. (:t! l9m sao nhdn)& l9m ldn) :# tae your m#nd o$$ what you are do#n) observe $v% 1. (:t! Tuan s5t& theo d# watch care$ully roast $n% 1. (dt! th<t Tuay& th<t n2Wn) a lar)e +#ece o$ roasted meat unconvincingly h4n) l9m cho n)23# ta t#n Episode Note 1. (o#n) To A. H#ll C.Su))est#ons D. -ays E. Pre+os#t#ons %$ T#me Episode 8. 9his is my brother ANNE goes to "A)AHs house for lunch. ANNE arrives in a ta/i. 9A:;<=R;#ER Here we are. ANNE How much #s that? 9A:;<=R;#ER Thatll be se"enteeni$#$ty thans lo"e. "he gives hi' twenty !ollars ANNE Iee+ the chan)e. 9A:;<=R;#ER Thanyou. Ha"e a n#ce day. ANNE walks towar!s the house an! knocks. The !oor is opene! y a little girl #0O1."E$. ANNE Hello. Im Anne. 0ouise turns an! runs. ,2>;SE 'ummy, "A)AH co'es to the !oor. SARA 0ome #n Anne, ANNE Hhat a beaut#$ul house, SARA Its been a lot o$ wor& but were )ett#n) there. Th#s #s the bathroom. Th#s #s my dau)hters bedroom. And heres the #tchen. 0ouise is in the kitchen 2helping. SARA Annes here. You"e met my dau)hter Lou#se. ANNE Hello Lou#se. ,2>;SE Im hel+#n). ANNE Yes& I see[ SARA And my husband 'ar. ANNE Hello a)a#n. Mark preten!s to have a pain in the ack. ANNE %oh, Sorry about my hea"y ba). !AR" Yust #dd#n). SARA Zut you ha"ent met my l#ttle brother. Th#s #s Ste"e. S9E#E I was )o#n) to +#c you u+ th#s morn#n). You wouldnt let me. ANNE Im sorry. I l#e to $#nd my own way around. S9E#E /o worr#es. 'aybe another t#me. ANNE Yes& maybe SARA 0ome on. Lets )o outs#de. #ocabulary L change $n% A. (dt! t#>n l (no +lural! the money that you )et bac a$ter you +ay your b#ll toward$s% $prep% 1. ()t! h2Wn) :Bn #n the d#rect#on o$ pretend $v% 1. (:t! l9m b7] l9m ra " try to mae someth#n) a++ear to be true He +retended not to hear. A. (:t! )#m "3 #ma)#ne that someth#n) #s true pain $n% 1. (dt! s_ :au :Wn& s_ :au h (thR chat& t#nh thfn! someth#n) that hurts you bac' $ad&% 1. (tt! :jn) sau] sau] hSu $arthest away $rom the $ront The tallest +u+#ls s#t #n the bac row. A. (tt! :d Tua] c earl#er #n t#me] belon)#n) to the +ast bac numbers o$ the ma)a#ne. bac' $adv% 1. (tr! :jn) sau beh#nd 'id $v% 1. (:t! :na& la +hknh (#n$ormal! Goe #dded& #dd#n) He@s only #dd#n). pic' up $v% A. (:t! :Bn :;n a# come and )et someone at a certa#n +lace and t#me I@ll +#c you u+ at your house at QLCJ. Episode Note 1. Pay#n) A. \ooms C. Possess#"e Pronouns D. \elat#ons Xam#ly Episode ?. 9he most beautiful city They have lunch an! talk aout !ifferences. S9E#E So Anne& ha"e you been to an Austral#an home be$ore? ANNE /o& ne"er. It@s a beaut#$ul home Sarah. So b#), The rooms are much b#))er than at home. There@s more s+ace here. S9E#E -o you l#"e #n a house? !AR" /o Ste"e . she l#"es #n an #)loo. ANNE Actually& no. He l#"e #n an a+artment. 'ost +eo+le do. S#n)a+ore #s much bus#er than Adela#de& and more crowded. S9E#E Yeah& and more exc#t#n). It@s so bor#n) here. SARA It@s Tu#eter. Some +eo+le l#e that. ANNE I don@t th#n #t@s bor#n). !AR" Adela#de #s a "ery beaut#$ul c#ty. It@s a better +lace to l#"e than anywhere else I@"e been. SARA Zut you ha"en@t been anywhere. (to A//E! 'ar hates tra"ell#n). I lo"e #t. !AR" I Gust don@t see the +o#nt o$ #t. ANNE Hhat about you Ste"e? -o you l#e to tra"el? S9E#E Yes. Yeah& I@"e been to Iula Lum+ur& and to Zal#. Zal#@s )reat, ,2>;SE I@"e been to the oo, They laugh. ANNE s'iles ANNE You@re lucy. I ha"en@t been to the oo. I@d lo"e to )o to the oo. S9E#E I@ll tae you, There are raise! eyerows at the tale. #ocabulary L s+ace (n! A. (dt! homn) trqn)] ch (no +lural! room C. (dt! homn) trqn)] homn)] ch] n=# igloo $n% 1. (dt! nh9 tuyBt (ca n)23# Eti#im4! a house bu#lt by the Inu#t (Es#mos! made $rom blocs o$ hard snow. Episode Note 1. 0om+ar#n) Two Th#n)s i A. L##n) V /ot L##n)s i C. Hould L#e To Episode 1@. /hat6s the matter0 ANNE fin!s out "A)AHs secret 'ission. SARA Im sorry about my brother. ANNE /ot at all. You ha"e a lo"ely $am#ly. E"eryone seems so ha++y. ANNE reaks !own in tears. "A)AH goes to her& concerne!.
SARA Anne, Hhats the matter? ANNE Theres someth#n) I ha"ent told you. SARA Hhat #s #t? ANNE Hhen I met your brother& I was th#n#n) about my brother& -a"#d. I ha"ent seen h#m #n two years. SARA How come? ANNE Hes m#ss#n). %ne reason I came to Austral#a #s to $#nd h#m. SARA Im so sorry. Ha"e you had any luc? ANNE /ot yet. I"e h#red a +r#"ate #n"est#)ator. SARA (oodness, -o you th#n hell $#nd h#m? ANNE Perha+s. I dont now. Its been a lon) t#me s#nce -a"#d last called. SARA Hhat do you th#ns ha++ened to h#m? Ha"e you any #dea? ANNE I really dont now. I cant hel+ th#n#n) the worst. SARA Im sure hes alr#)ht. I$ someth#n) bad had ha++ened& you would ha"e heard. ANNE I )uess so. I su++ose youre r#)ht. +ut ANNE !oesnt look convince!. #ocabulary L secret $ad&% 1. (tt! bh mSt& thfm hn& hn :5o that +eo+le don@t now about mission (n) 2. (dt) se mUnh, nhiUm vu the purpose for which a person or group is sent somewhere concerned $ad&% 1. (tt! lo Pu& b`n ho`n worr#ed He #s "ery concerned about h#s health. guess (v) 1. (:t) :on give an answer you hope is right but you are not sure Can you guess who wrote this song?
Episode Note 1. A+olo)#s#n) i A. Show#n) 0oncern i C.Present Per$ect i D. Past Part#c#+le i E. A)ree#n) -#sa)ree#n) i F. Xor& S#nce& A)o Episode 11. ,et me elp SARA offers to help ANNE SARAL 0an I hel+ you $#nd your brother? ANNE L Youre "ery #nd. Zut #ts not your +roblem. SARAL I want to hel+. Hhat can I do? ANNE L Hell& maybe you could )et some co+#es made o$ th#s +hoto)ra+h. "he shows "A)AH the 3HOTO*)A3H of her rother. SARA L Sure. Id lo"e to. Anyth#n). "he looks closely at the photograph. SARAL Hes "ery )ood loo#n). Such a n#ce sm#le. Is he tall? ANNEL Xa#rly tall. SARA L He loos "ery $#t. -oes he +lay a lot o$ s+ort? ANNEL /o& he used to. SARAL Hhat does he do? Is he a student? ANNEL Hes not really academ#c. Hes cle"er& but he +re$ers to do th#n)s w#th h#s hands. SARAL He sounds n#ce. Im loo#n) $orward to meet#n) h#m. ANNE s'iles at the encourage'ent. #ocabulary L o$$er("!L :> n)h< o$$er (n! l3# :> n)h< )ood loo#n)L :b+ tra# sm#leL nu c23# $#tL ho mOnh academ#c Note: 1. %$$er#n) hel+ A. AdGect#"es C. -escr#b#n) Peo+le D. A Z#t& *ery& Xa#rly& {u#te Episode 1). 9he day after tomorrow ANNE and SARAH plan a meeting. SARAH is working at her computer. ANNE knocks at the open door. SA\AH L 0ome #n Anne. A//E L (ood morn#n), SA\AH L (ood morn#n). Are you $eel#n) better today? A//E L Yes than you. SA\AH L Hhats on the a)enda? A//E L Im th#n#n) about th#s tr#+ to the w#ner#es. I want to meet your ma#n su++l#ers and tal to them about the maret. SA\AH L(reat. They"e been dy#n) to meet you. Hhen do you want to )o? A//E L As soon as +oss#ble. How about tomorrow? SA\AH LI cant tomorrow. I"e )ot some other a++o#ntments. Hhat about the day a$ter tomorrow? A//E LYes& thats )ood. Its 'onday today& so that w#ll be Hednesday. Hhat date #s that? SA\AH L The $#$th o$ /o"ember. A//EL %ay. Hhat t#me shall we meet? SA\AHL Ill +#c you u+ at n#ne oicloc. A//E L(ood. How many w#ner#es do you th#n well be able to see? SA\AHL Im not sure& $our or $#"e. -e$#n#tely our b#))est su++l#ers& and maybe a $ew sur+r#ses. A//EL I cant wa#t. H#ll #t tae all day? SA\AHL 'ost o$ the day. Ill start r#n)#n) now& and let them now we ha"e a "ery #m+ortant cl#ent all the way $rom S#n)a+ore. A//EL Thanyou. Im loo#n) $orward to #t. SA\AHL 'e too. #ocabulary L nocL ) c^a $eelL cmm thay tr#+L chuyBn :# w#neryL nh9 m5y r2gu "an) su++l#erL nh9 cun) ca+ dyeL nhu7m as soon as +oss#bleL asa+L c9n) sWm c9n) tqt a++o#ntmentL cu7c hbn +#c u+L :;n loo#n) $orwards toL n);n) tr4n)& mon) NotesA 1'a#n) Arran)ements A. Shall C. AdGect#"al /umbers D. -ates E. At& %n In F. Xract#ons Episode 1.. /hat are you doing tomorrow0 S9E#E ma'es a date with ANNE "TE-E is nervously fi!!ling with the phone. He starts ringing& then puts it !own& then rings again. At the hotel& the 40E)5 answers the phone. +,ER"L 'ed#na Hotel. 'ar#e s+ea#n). How may I hel+ you? S9E#E L 0an I s+ea to 's Anne Lee& +lease? Im not sure what room shes #n. The 40E)5 puts the call through. +,ER"L Ill +ut you throu)h s#r. .n her roo'& ANNE is looking through so'e wine catalogues. The 3HONE rings. ANNEAHello? S9E#EL Hello. Anne? Th#s #s Ste"e Parer. ANNEA#pu66le!$ Ste"e Parer? S9E#EL Ste"e... Sarahs brother. He met... ANNEA#surprise!& ut please!$ %h& Ste"e, Hello Ste"e. S9E#EAH#. Hhat are you do#n)? ANNEA %h& wor#n). Im +lann#n) a tr#+ to the w#ner#es later #n the wee. S9E#EL %h. Hhen are you )o#n)? ANNE L Ah&Hednesday. S9E#EA%h& )ood. Hhat are you do#n) tomorrow? ANNEA /oth#n). Hhy? S9E#E L Hell I ha"e the day o$$& and I was Gust wonder#n)... well I was Gust wonder#n) whether you wanted to )o to a w#ldl#$e +ar... w#th me. You sa#d youd l#e to )o to the oo. ANNEL Thats r#)ht& I d#d. Yes& thanyou Ste"e& Id lo"e to )o. S9E#EL Alr#)ht, Ill meet you #n the $oyer. Ten ocloc? ANNE L %ay& ten. Ill see you then. S9E#EL (reat, (oodn#)ht Anne. ANNEL (oodn#)ht Ste"e. "he hangs up& please!. #ocabulary L ner"ousL bvn chvn $#ddleL o& n)h<ch "= "n wonderL b`n ho`n w#ldl#$eL hoan) dd ooL sN tht $oyerL +hsn) )#m# lao
NotesA 1Tele+hone \eTuest A.Ta#n) Tele+hone 0alls C. Tele+hone /umbers D. 'a#n) A -ate E. Present 0ont#nuous (!S to be *i#n) .. i(i! S to be not *i#n).. (?! to be S *i#n)? Episode 13. Are there some 'angaroos0 ANNE and S9E#E go to a /ildlife Par' ANNE an! "TE-E are uying tickets. "TE-E pays for the tickets an! gives her one. STE*E Two& +lease. And a ba) o$ $ood. SH%P ASSISTA/T There are your t#cets. Ha"e a n#ce day A//E How much do I owe you? STE*E Thats oay. Its my treat. A//E Thanyou. Ill buy lunch. Is there somewhere to ha"e lunch? STE*E %$ course. Theres a ca$ Gust o"er there. Hhat do you want to do $#rst? A//E I really want to hold a oala. Is there a oala here? STE*E Yes, Its the most +o+ular an#mal, He m#)ht ha"e to Tueue thou)h. A//E I dont m#nd. Hhat else #s there? Are there some an)aroos? STE*E %$ course. There are lots. A//E And b#rds? I"e heard Austral#an b#rds are ama#n). STE*E -ont worry. Youll )et to see lots o$ b#rds. A//E Hhat shall we do $#rst? STE*E Hell& the an)aroos are Gust o"er there. And I th#n the b#rds are next& and next[ A//E [well cuddle a oala, STE*E Sure, And a$ter that? A//E A$ter that& Ill buy you lunch. STE*E Its a deal, They hea! off into the park. Episode 14. A big grey one Steve and Anne eBplore the par'. A//E Loo at th#s b#) )rey one STE*E Hes mass#"e. He has "ery& "ery stron) arms and le)s. A//E And a b#) stron) ta#l. STE*E Yeah. And ears. *ery b#) ears A//E H#s $ur loos "ery so$t. STE*E It $eels so$t on my hand A//E Its )ot beaut#$ul b#) brown eyes. They walk aroun!. A//E %h& loo at that l#ttle blac and wh#te one. STE*E %h yeah. I th#n thats a w#lly wa)ta#l. Theyre "ery $ast and they mo"e around a lot. A//E Its cute. Its )ot such a lon) ta#l. %h& loo at that b#rd, STE*E %h& thats a #n)$#sher A//E %h& we ha"e them #n S#n)a+ore STE*E \eally? A//E Hmm. Loo at #ts beaut#$ul blue bac. STE*E *ery colour$ul& #snt #t? Theres lots #n Austral#a. Z#) ones and small ones. He ha"e a "ery b#) one called a ooaburra. It has a "ery #nterest#n) lau)h. Anne cu!!les a koala. A//E Hes so so$t and cuddly. STE*E Yeah& l#e me, STE*E They"e actually also )ot really shar+ claws. See? A//E Hes so cute, 0an I tae h#m home? STE*E I dont th#n theyd be "ery ha++y about that. Anne has a 'o'ent of sa!ness. STE*E %h& loo at that one. Hhats the matter? A//E /oth#n)[ Im Gust $eel#n) a b#t homes#c. STE*E 0ome on& lets )o and )et someth#n) to eat. Episode 15. /hat /ould you ,i'e0 Anne and Steve have lunch. ANNE an! "TE-E are at the counter getting so'e foo!. The A""."TANT is waiting for their or!er. ASSISTA/T Hhat would you l#e? STE*E Anne? A//E mmm[Ill ha"e a cheese and salad sandw#ch and a ca++ucc#no thans. STE*E -o you ha"e w#ne? ASSISTA/T /o s#r. He dont ser"e alcohol. He ha"e co$$ee& tea& so$t dr#ns and Gu#ces. STE*E %ay. Id l#e a[ oran)e Gu#ce and a +#e w#th ch#+s. -o you ha"e sauce? ASSISTA/T Yust hel+ yoursel$. And Ill br#n) the $ood when #ts ready. STE*E Thanyou. They eat their lunch at an outsi!e tale. A//E Is that )ood? STE*E Its del#c#ous. You should try one. Its real Auss#e $ood. A//E 'aybe one day. I dont eat a lot o$ meat. STE*E Hows your co$$ee? A//E Its "ery )ood. -ont you dr#n co$$ee? STE*E Somet#mes. I +re$er tea. %r Gu#ce. So& was the oala the best? A//E %h& de$#n#tely. The an)aroos were #nterest#n) too. I"e ne"er seen real ones be$ore. And the b#rds are wonder$ul. I th#n I l#ed the b#rds the most. Theyre so colour$ul& and so many d#$$erent #nds. Hhat about you? Hhat d#d you l#e best? STE*E Yust be#n) here. He gives her a longing look. Episode 17. ; usually catch a bus ANNE and S9E#E tal' about their different lives. STE*E Tell me about your l#$e #n S#n)a+ore. Hhat do you do e"ery day? A//E Hell& I wor #n my $athers bus#ness& #m+ort#n) w#nes. I l#"e w#th my $am#ly. STE*E How do you )et to wor? -o you catch a bus? A//E sually. Somet#mes I )o w#th my $ather #n h#s car. Hhat about you? Hhat do you do? STE*E Im a bu#lder. I bu#ld houses. A//E And how do you )et to wor? STE*E I dr#"e. I ha"e to use my car $or wor. I ne"er )o by bus. A//E -o you enGoy #t? Your wor? STE*E 'ostly. Its not easy& be#n) a bu#lder. Zut #ts outs#de. I +re$er to wor outs#de. A//E I ne"er wor outs#de. %ccas#onally I tra"el thou)h . l#e now. STE*E And what do you do on the weeend? A//E Somet#mes I )o sho++#n). Somet#mes I )o out. STE*E Hhere do you )o? /#)htclubs? A//E /ot really. %ccas#onally. STE*E Hho do you )o w#th? A//E A bunch o$ $r#ends. STE*E Zoy $r#end? A//E /ot at the moment. "TE-E cheers up. Epi sode 18. 9here6 s a message f or you ANNE returns to the hotel, to find a message. ANNE an! "TE-E return to the hotel courtyar!. STE*E -#d you ha"e a )ood day? A//E *ery much. Thanyou $or ta#n) me. How about you? STE*E %$ course. A//E /ot too bor#n)? You must ha"e been there a hundred t#mes. STE*E /ot s#nce I was a #d. It was )reat. A//E Hmmm. -o you l#e 0h#nese $ood? STE*E I lo"e 0h#nese $ood. A//E Im )o#n) to coo a 0h#nese meal $or you and your $am#ly. STE*E \eally, Thatll be )reat. Hhen? A//E Xr#day? STE*E Xantast#c. Ill see you then. A//E Yes& bye. STE*E Zye. "TE-E goes& please! with his !ay. ANNE goes to collect her key fro' the 40E)5& who !oesnt notice her. "he coughs. A//E Excuse me. 0LE\I Im sorry 's Lee. I d#dnt see you. A//E 0ould I ha"e my ey +lease? 0LE\I 0erta#nly. Here you are. %h& and theres a messa)e $or you. ANNE opens the 'essage an! rea!s it. .ts fro' JOHN the private investigator. 12NCS N29E -ear 's Lee Please call my o$$#ce. I ha"e some news $or you. Yohn Zarbour Pr#"ate In"est#)ator. Episode 1?. ; havenCt found him 1ohn tells Anne of his progress in finding her brother. A//E Ha"e you $ound my brother? Y%H/ /ot yet. /o. /ot Tu#te. Y%H/ Zut I ha"e $ound someth#n). A//E Hhat #s #t? Y%H/ I went to the n#"ers#ty. You sa#d he was a student. I s+oe to h#s +ro$essor& the head o$ the course he stud#ed. A//E And what d#d he say? -oes he now what ha++ened? Y%H/ Hell& no. /ot exactly. He d#dnt now where your brother went. Zut he told me -a"#d had le$t the un#"ers#ty. He sto++ed )o#n) to lectures. A//E Hhen d#d he sto+? Y%H/ %h& about a year a)o. He d#dnt tell anyone. Zut he le$t a letter w#th the Pro$essor. A//E A letter, Ha"e you )ot #t? Hhere #s #t? Y%H/ The +ro$essor has #t. He wouldnt )#"e #t to me because #t was addressed to you. He le$t[ ah& h#s card. A//E Ill )o and see h#m. Thanyou. Y%H/ I $ound out someth#n) else. A//E Yes? Y%H/ Your brother had a )#rl$r#end. A//E \eally, He d#dnt tell me. Hho #s she? Y%H/ Hell& I dont now yet& but Im sure I can $#nd her. Here clos#n) #n 's Lee. Xear not. A//E Thanyou. Epi sode )@. *ou wal ' sadl y ANNE catches a bus to the >niversity. Anne walks to the us stop. An el!erly la!y waiting for the us watches her walk up. Anne sits ne/t to her. EL-E\LY LA-Y Hello dear. How are you? A//E *ery well thanyou. EL-E\LY LA-Y Are you sure? Is anyth#n) wron)? A//E /o& Im $#ne. EL-E\LY LA-Y I watched you wal#n). You wal sadly. Im old. I wal slowly. Zut you wal sadly. A//E Hell I do ha"e a +roblem. EL-E\LY LA-Y /ot too ser#ous I ho+e? A//E I dont now. I ho+e not. EL-E\LY LA-Y Horry#n) doesnt hel+& my dear. Th#n +os#t#"ely. It hel+s. -o someth#n)& tae act#on. Youll be alr#)ht. A//E I ho+e so. Thanyou. EL-E\LY LA-Y Hhere are you $rom dear? A//E S#n)a+ore. EL-E\LY LA-Y You s+ea En)l#sh "ery well. A//E Thanyou. Somet#mes when +eo+le s+ea "ery Tu#cly I cant understand. EL-E\LY LA-Y -ont worry. I s+ea slowly. A us is co'ing. The el!erly la!y s7uints at it. EL-E\LY LA-Y And I see badly these days. Hhat number bus #s that& dear? A//E Its one n#nety. EL-E\LY LA-Y At last. It was n#ce tal#n) to you. A//E You too. Episode )1. Single trip or =aytrip0 A//E -oes th#s bus )o the n#"ers#ty? ZS -\I*E\ Yes m#ss. A//E How much #s that? ZS -\I*E\ S#n)le or day tr#+? A//E Sorry? ZS -\I*E\ Are you com#n) bac today? A//E Yes. ZS -\I*E\ How lon) w#ll you be at the un#"ers#ty? A//E Im not sure. An hour +erha+s. ZS -\I*E\ A s#n)le w#ll do. You can use the same t#cet to come bac. Thats three dollars& +lease. A//E How $ar #s #t? ZS -\I*E\ /ot $ar. About $our #lometres $rom here. A//E How many sto+s #s #t? ZS -\I*E\ About ten. A//E Thanyou "he 'oves in an! sits !own. The us stops outsi!e the university. ZS -\I*E\ n#"ers#ty, Th#s #s your sto+ m#ss. A//E %h& thanyou. Hhere do I catch the bus to )o bac? ZS -\I*E\ Yust across the street. %"er there. A//E How o$ten do the buses come? ZS -\I*E\ E"ery twenty m#nutes. You wont ha"e to wa#t lon). Its 1J.CJ& the next ones at 1J.DJ& and then 11ioicloc. A//E Thans. (oodbye. ZS -\I*E\ Ha"e a )ood day. Episode )). ,oo' after yourself ANNE sees the Professor. ANNE rea!s a sign 8A!elai!e 1niversity8 "he enters the university groun!s. "he walks !own a corri!or an! sees a sign on a !oor 83rofessor *)AHAM 4ornish8 "he knocks on the !oor. (\AHA' Im sorry to hear your brothers )one m#ss#n)& '#ss Lee. A//E Here all so worr#ed. I"e come to Adela#de to loo $or h#m. How lon) d#d he study here? (\AHA' Im not sure& er& two semesters. A//E -#d he )et )ood )rades? (\AHA' Im a$ra#d not. I dont th#n com+uter sc#ence was the r#)ht d#rect#on $or h#m. A//E The #n"est#)ator& 'r Zarbour sa#d you ha"e a letter& $rom -a"#d. (\AHA' Ah& o$ course. Its addressed to you. I told h#m Id only )#"e #t to you #n +erson. -A*I- -ear Anne& Please dont loo $or me. I need to be by mysel$. I cant study any more. Tell mum and dad to $or)et about me and tae care o$ themsel"es. You too. Loo a$ter yoursel$. Im sorry. Lo"e& your brother -a"#d. ANNE puts the letter !own. Tears fill her eyes. *)AHAM hol!s out a o/ of tissues. (\AHA' Here Episode ).. ;f ; were you 9he Professor advises ANNE on what to do neBt. (\AHA' Here A//E I dont now what to do. (\AHA' I th#n you should )o to the +ol#ce. A//E Zut he says I shouldnt loo $or h#m. (\AHA' Yes& well he m#)ht ha"e $elt that way then. Zut a years a lon) t#me. I$ I were you& Id re+ort your brother m#ss#n). A//E Should I tell my +arents about the letter? (\AHA' Your +oor +arents& they must be so worr#ed. I th#n you should tell them what you now. A//E Hhat #$ I cant $#nd h#m? (\AHA' Ha"e $a#th. Im sure you w#ll. You now your brother. Youll $#nd h#m. (\AHA' Ill show you out. He shows her outsi!e. (\AHA' Hell& )ood luc 's Lee. A//E I dont now what else to do. (\AHA' Hhy dont you ad"ert#se #n the news+a+er? Put a +hoto)ra+h o$ your brother there. Somebody m#)ht reco)n#se h#m. A//E (ood& I hadnt thou)ht o$ that. (\AHA' 'y ad"#ce #s& ne"er )#"e u+. A//E Thanyou $or your hel+. "he shakes his han! an! walks away. (\AHA' Hhen you $#nd your brother . say hello to h#m $or me. A//E I w#ll. Episode )3. 9he !ost EBpensive ANNE an! "A)AH are tasting wines. The W.NEMA5E)& T.M& is e/plaining the !ifferent varieties. TI' These are our wh#tes. Hhy dont you try the 0hardonnay $#rst? Its our bestisell#n) w#ne. SA\AH Lo"ely. A//E (ood $ru#t. Perha+s a l#ttle #mmature. TI' Yes& #ts made $rom some o$ our youn)est "#nes. Its our most +o+ular wh#te at the moment. Try th#s \#esl#n). A//E Hmmm. SA\AH Its "ery +ale #snt #t? TI' A lot o$ our customers are $#nd#n) #t "ery attract#"e. A//E Its a b#t too dry $or our maret. I th#n well lea"e that one. Zut I l#e the 0hardonnay. I th#n we can sell that. TI' Excellent. SA\AH Lets try the reds. TI' %ur reds are as )ood as any youll $#nd around here. A//E Hhat ha"e we )ot here? TI' Th#s #s our cabernet sau"#)non. Its "ery +o+ular. A//E 'mmm. A b#t too much $ru#t at th#s sta)e. I understand #t wasnt a )ood year $or cabernet #n th#s d#str#ct. TI' You now your w#nes& '#ss Lee. A//E I try to be +re+ared. Hhats your best red? TI' Th#s one. %ur sh#ra& and we th#n #ts world class. SA\AH Its a lo"ely colour& dee+est red. A//E Hhat "#nta)e #s th#s? TI' Its three years old now. Itll dr#n well $or years yet& but you can dr#n #t r#)ht now too. A//E And whats the +r#ce? TI' Hell& #ts our most ex+ens#"e w#ne at $#$ty dollars reta#l. A//E Ill th#n about #t. Its certa#nly )ot +otent#al& but there are a lot o$ w#nes around #n th#s class these days. You"e )ot a lot o$ com+et#t#on T#m, TI' Thats $or sure. Zut we can wor out a s+ec#al +r#ce $or you& #$ youre #nterested. A//E Im de$#n#tely #nterested. Th#s #s "ery )ood. Sarah nows our reTu#rements and +r#c#n) +os#t#on& Im sure you can wor out someth#n) w#th her. TI' Im sure we can. Episode )4. ow many prawns0 ANNE goes shopping at the !ar'et. ANNE waits at the counter of the fish shop. ATTE/-A/T Hhos next +lease? A//E 0ould I ha"e some +rawns +lease? ATTE/-A/T Xresh& $roen or cooed? A//E Xroen +lease. ATTE/-A/T How much do you need? A//E About $#"e hundred )rams +lease. He weighs an! wraps the prawns. ATTE/-A/T Thatll be ten dollars thanyou. A//E Thanyou ATTE/-A/T A 0an I hel+ you? A//E Some o$ these lees. ATTE/-A/T A How many lo"e? A//E Three. ATTE/-A/T A Someth#n) else? A//E Some )#n)er. ATTE/-A/T A \#)ht there lo"e. A//E %h& r#)ht. Yust th#s +#ece +lease. ATTE/-A/T A %ay. A//E -o you ha"e any bean s+routs? ATTE/-A/T A Yes we do. How much would you l#e? A//E About a hundred )rams. ATTE/-A/T A H#ll that be all? A//E Yes thans. ATTE/-A/T A Thatll be $our dollars thans. A//E Thanyou. Through the crow! Anne sees a young 'an who looks fa'iliar. 4oul! it e ,avi!& her long9 lost rother: Episode )5. ; thought ; saw him ANNE meets S9E#E uneBpectedly. ANNE is trying to keep sight of the young 'an as she finishes uying her groceries. The young 'an turns away an! she starts after hi'& ut it is too har! to get through the crow!. "he u'ps into so'eone. A//E Sorry. A//E Ste"e, STE*E Xancy runn#n) #nto you here, Hhere are you o$$ to #n such a hurry? A//E %h& /owhere[ I& I thou)ht I saw someone I now. STE*E %h. Hhere? A//E %h& #ts oay. Hes )one now. I must"e made a m#stae. STE*E You )ot t#me $or a co$$ee? A//E Yeah&oay STE*E Yeah STE*E How about here? A//E X#ne. STE*E So what are you do#n) at the maret? A//E Im coo#n) at your house on Xr#day& remember? STE*E %$ course& Xr#day. Thatll be )reat. A//E Hhat about you? -o you come here o$ten? "TE-E laughs A//E Hhats $unny? STE*E Hhen someone says& -o you come here o$ten& #ts what we call a +#ciu+ l#ne. You now when someones try#n)[ A//E I now what a +#ciu+ l#ne #s. STE*E Sorry. I come here e"ery wee to buy $ru#t. I l#e $resh $ru#t $or wor. Hhat are we ha"#n) $or d#nner? A//E Youll $#nd out on Xr#day. HAITE\ Hhat would you l#e? STE*E 0a++ucc#no. HAITE\ Ye+ STE*E And a tea +lease HAITE\ Tea. /o worr#es. STE*E -o you want me to tae your sho++#n) home? I can +ut #t #n the $r#d)e $or you. A//E /o& thats oay& I ha"e a $r#d)e #n my room at the hotel. A//E The +erson you saw. Hho d#d you th#n #t was? A//E Its a lon) story. 'aybe Ill tell you later. STE*E %n Xr#day. A//E 'aybe E+#sode AQ. It@s made o$ )old ANNE sees 12N and describes her brotherCs possessions. ANNE is sitting in JOHNs office. A//E I thou)ht I saw -a"#d at the maret. Zut I d#dnt )et a "ery )ood loo and I lost h#m #n the crowd. Y%H/ Hhen was th#s? A//E Yust yesterday. Y%H/ How lon) s#nce you"e seen h#m? A//E /early two years. Y%H/ Are you sure youd reco)n#se h#m now? A//E %$ course, Hes my brother. Y%H/ Its Gust& Im th#n#n) he m#)ht ha"e chan)ed h#s a++earance . #$ he d#dnt want to be $ound. A//E 'r Zarbour& I would reco)n#se my brother. Zel#e"e me. Y%H/ %$ course. Im sorry. 'aybe you d#d see h#m at the maret. Its Gust you"e been th#n#n) about h#m a lot. The m#nd +lays tr#cs& you now. A//E I su++ose so. 'aybe #t wasnt h#m. I dont now. Y%H/ Is there anyth#n) that would +os#t#"ely #dent#$y h#m? Yewellery& a scar& anyth#n)? A//E H#s watch. 'y $ather )a"e #t to h#m. He always wears #t. Y%H/ 0an you descr#be #t? A//E Its an old $ash#oned watch. An %me)a. It was our )rand$athers Y%H/ Hhats the band made o$? A//E S#l"er. And the watch has an #nscr#+t#on. It says To my son /orman Y%H/ /orman? A//E Thats our $athers name. (rand$ather )a"e #t to h#m. Y%H/ Aha, #writes$ /orman. A//E In 0h#nese. Y%H/ In 0h#nese. A//E He m#)ht ha"e a necband. I )a"e #t to h#m as a )o#n)iaway +resent. Y%H/ Hhats #t l#e? A//E Its made o$ torto#seishell. Its a d#sc w#th a des#)n& l#e th#s. "he !raws a 2yin9yang !esign on a piece of paper. Y%H/ Ah& Y#n Yan). A//E Thats r#)ht. You now #t. The band #s made o$ leather. He sa#d hed always wear #t. Y%H/ Yes& well #ts not much& but #ts someth#n) I su++ose. Ill call you next wee w#th some news. A//E I ho+e so. Episode )?. =o you have a wo'0 SARA shows ANNE her 'itchen ANNE has her shopping in a ag. "he puts it on the ench while "A)AH shows her aroun! the kitchen. SA\AH Are you $eel#n) better now? A//E Yes& the -octor sa#d I should relax. SA\AH Hhy dont you s#t down? Let me coo. A//E /o. I enGoy coo#n). It #s relax#n) $or me. SA\AH %ay then. Hell& let me hel+. Hhat do you need? A//E I need a shar+ n#$e. SA\AH The n#"es are #n th#s drawer. A//E And a wo. -o you ha"e one? SA\AH Yes o$ course. Its #n th#s cu+board. A//E And do you ha"e a [. Hmmm. I dont now what #ts called. A #nd o$ sauce+an w#th holes #n #t. SA\AH A colander. Its #n here too. Its beh#nd the sauce+an. A//E And Ill need a bowl. SA\AH Lar)e or small? A//E Z#) enou)h to hold these +rawns. SA\AH %h& yum& +rawns. I lo"e +rawns. How about th#s one? "he hol!s up a very ig owl. A//E /o& thats too b#). I dont need one as b#) as that. SA\AH Th#s one? A//E Thats +er$ect. %ay& Im ready, Episode .@. Dirst, fry the prawns ANNE coo's a meal. SA\AH Hhat are we ha"#n)? A//E S#n)a+ore noodles w#th +rawns. Its a "ery $amous d#sh. You can buy #t at street stalls e"erywhere. I ho+e you l#e #t. SA\AH Im sure we w#ll. So& what do we do $#rst? A//E X#rst we ha"e to +eel the +rawns. SA\AH %ay. Ill do that. /ow what? A//E /ow well $ry the +rawns. The o#l must be "ery hot. It doesnt tae "ery lon). Hh#le Im do#n) that& you can cho+ the lees. 0ho+ them "ery $#ne. "he fries the prawns& while "A)AH chops the leeks. SA\AH L#e th#s? A//E Yes. Sort o$[ 0ATE)( "he has taken the prawns out of the wok( SA\AH /ow what? A//E /ext we add the s+#ces& and some )#n)er& and the lees. SA\AH %ay& and now? A//E /ow the lees are so$t& we +ut #n some bean s+routs& and then the +rawns& and the noodles. SA\AH All #n to)ether? Is that all? A//E Almost. Lastly we add some o$ th#s s+ec#al sauce. I d#dnt th#n Id be able to $#nd th#s here. Your marets "ery )ood. Thats #t. Here almost ready. I ho+e your $am#lys hun)ry. Episode .1. 9hat was =elicious 9he family praise ANNE for her meal. "A)AH& her husan! MA)5& !aughter 0ouise an! rother "TE-E are there. They are finishing their 'eal. SA\AH That was del#c#ous Anne. A//E Im )lad you enGoyed #t. 'A\I Yes& #t was "ery tasty. A//E I$ you went to S#n)a+ore you could ha"e #t e"ery day. SA\AH There you are& 'ar& the ad"anta)es o$ tra"el. STE*E I thou)ht #t was absolutely su+erb. A//E Thanyou& Ste"e. Hhat d#d you th#n Lou#se? L%ISE Too hot, A//E Im sorry. Thats how we eat #n S#n)a+ore. STE*E -o you want to +lay darts? A//E Hhats that? STE*E 0ome on& Ill show you. L%ISE 0an I +lay too? SA\AH /o Lou#se. Let Anne relax. She cooed d#nner& so well clean u+. .n the ga'es roo'& "teve shows Anne how to play !arts. STE*E You ha"e to hold #t l#e th#s. (ently& l#e th#s. Loo where you want the dart to )o& and throw #t& but not too hard. ANNE throws her !art. STE*E Thats +retty )ood $or a be)#nner. ANNE s'iles& ut her 'in! is so'ewhere else. STE*E Anne& you seem sad a)a#n. Hhats the matter? A//E Theres someth#n) I ha"ent told you... Epi sode .). e says he 'nows my brot her =A#;= tells ANNE what he 'nows. "TE-E is looking at the photo. STE*E Th#s #s your brother? A//E Yes STE*E I now th#s man, A//E You now h#m, STE*E Im sure #ts h#m. Th#s #s the man who wors at the stall where I buy $ru#t. A//E I new #t, I new #t was h#m, He must )o there now, STE*E Hold on, Hold on, Its ten ocloc at n#)ht. The 'arets closed. Let me ha"e another loo. How lon) s#nce you"e seen h#m? A//E Two years. STE*E Its h#m. Im sure #ts h#m. "A)AH co'es into the roo'. SA\AH Hhats )o#n) on? A//E Ste"e says he nows my brother. SA\AH Hhat, STE*E Hell I th#n so[ A//E He says -a"#ds wor#n) at the 'aret. STE*E Thats r#)ht. A//E 'y brother sells $ru#t $or a l#"#n), SA\AH Ste"e& are you sure? STE*E Yes. A//E th#ns she saw h#m. SA\AH Hell the 'arets are o+en tomorrow. Lets $#nd out. A//E I cant bel#e"e #t. -a"#d& wor#n) at the 'aret. Episode ... /ho /ants to "now0 ANNE, S9E#E and SARA loo' for =A#;= at the !ar'et stall. "TE-E lea!s the' to the fruit an! veg stall where ANNE thinks she saw ,A-.,. A//E Hes not here. STE*E (#"e me the +hoto. Ill as. ANNE gives hi' the photo an! "TE-E goes up to the ;)1.T"E00E). STE*E Excuse me, X\ITSELLE\ Yes mate. STE*E Here loo#n) $or th#s man. He wors here& doesnt he? X\ITSELLE\ Hho wants to now? STE*E Th#s #s h#s s#ster. Shes been loo#n) $or h#m. X\ITSELLE\ -ont now anyth#n) about a s#ster. He ne"er ment#oned a s#ster. A//E Zut #t #s h#m& #snt #t? Please say #ts h#m, X\ITSELLE\ Yeah& well th#s does loo l#e our -a"o. \econ #ts h#m& lo"e. A//E %h thanyou& thanyou, Its -a"#d, STE*E I new #t, Turns to ;ruitseller STE*E So where #s he? X\ITSELLE\ Loo I dunno& mate. He ran) yesterday. Sa#d he wanted a cou+le o$ days o$$. I sa#d oay . hes usually +retty )ood. A//E -o you now where he l#"es? X\ITSELLE\ Han) on lo"e& Ill Gust )et me boo. SA\AH Hell )o there stra#)ht away. 0ater& they are !riving. STE*E Stra#)ht ahead? SA\AH Yes& no& le$t at the next l#)hts. A//E How $ar #s #t? SA\AH /ot $ar. Iee+ )o#n) alon) th#s road unt#l you )et to a roundabout. A police 'otorike catches up with the' an! turns on its siren. STE*E h oh. SA\AH Hhats that? STE*E Its the co+s. Epi sode .3. *ou were goi ng t oo f ast SARA, ANNE and S9E#E get pulled over for speeding. A police'an is following the' on a 'otorike. A//E Hhats that? STE*E Its the co+s, They pull over& an! the police'an approaches. P%LI0E'A/ 0an I see your l#cence +lease? STE*E Here you are. Im sorry o$$#cer& whats the +roblem? P%LI0E'A/ Im a$ra#d you were tra"ell#n) at se"enty #lometres +er hour #n a s#xty #lometre one. Also& I see you ha"e a +assen)er #n the bac seat who was not wear#n) a seat belt. -o you now that you must wear a seat belt when youre tra"ell#n) #n a "eh#cle& maam? SA\AH Im sorry. I $or)ot. You see o$$#cer& my $r#end here has been loo#n) $or her brother who she hasnt seen $or two years& and we"e Gust d#sco"ered the address. STE*E He were dr#"#n) there when you +ulled us o"er. P%LI0E'A/ Yes& well& you hear a lot o$ stor#es #n th#s Gob. I ha"ent heard that one be$ore. SA\AH Zut #ts true, A//E Im really sorry. Its all my $ault. I was only th#n#n) about my brother& and now youre #n trouble. STE*E Its oay Anne. It was my $ault we were )o#n) too $ast. P%LI0E'A/ Loo& Gust st#c to the s+eed l#m#t& oay? STE*E Thanyou o$$#cer. Thanyou so much. P%LI0E'A/ Zut thats no excuse $or not wear#n) a seatbelt. \#)ht now be o$$ w#th you. I ho+e they $#nd your brother& maam. STE*E Thans o$$#cer. Episode .4. 9his is the house 9hey arrive at =A#;=Cs house SA\AH Hhere d#d you say #t was? STE*E Th#s #s #t. Zarer Street. Here loo#n) $or number EQ. The car pulls up outsi!e the house. A//E Hhat am I )unna say to h#m? SA\AH Itll be $#ne. Hes your brother. STE*E So. Hhos )o#n) to noc? A//E I )uess I w#ll. Im so ner"ous. SA\AH -ont worry. Hell be here. ANNE walks up to the front !oor an! knocks. A WOMAN #)O"E$ co'es to the front !oor. \%SE Hello. A//E Hello. I wonder[ er& Im sorry to bother you. Im loo#n) $or[#ts "ery hard to ex+la#n. \%SE Perha+s my +artner can hel+ you. -a"#d, ANNE is shocke!. ,A-., co'es to the !oor an! recognises his sister. -A*I- Anne, A//E -a"#d, -A*I- Its so )ood to see you. Im so ashamed. I"e been so sel$#sh. A//E Im so )lad youre alr#)ht. I"e been so worr#ed. )O"E is looking confuse! an! a little worrie!. -A*I- \ose . th#s #s my s#ster Anne. \%SE Your s#ster, -A*I- Anne . th#s #s my er[ )#rl$r#end& \ose.. \%SE Youd better come #n. Episode .5. 9his is your nephew ANNE meets her brotherCs family \%SE Youd better come #n. \%SE You d#dnt tell me you had a s#ster. #Turning to the others$ -a"#d hasnt told me "ery much about h#s $am#ly. -A*I- Im so sorry. Anne& I $eel "ery bad about not contact#n) you. A//E I Gust cant bel#e"e #t. I was loo#n) $or you& th#n#n) that someth#n) terr#ble must ha"e ha++ened and here you are +lay#n) house, -A*I- Theres someone you should meet. He takes ANNE to a corner of the roo' where there is a cri with a cover over it. He fol!s ack the cover. There is a ay there. -A*I- Th#s #s our son& Sam. Sam& meet your Aunt Anne. A//E -a"#d, 'y l#ttle brother . a $ather, Hes beaut#$ul, -a"#d& why d#dnt you tell me about \ose. Hhy d#dnt you tell me you were a $ather? \%SE I th#n I would l#e to now that too. A//E I would ha"e come and hel+ed you. -A*I- Its hard to ex+la#n. A//E I ha"e some $r#ends outs#de who hel+ed me $#nd you. I th#n you need to tell us all what ha++ened. \%SE Ill )o and )et them. ,A-., picks "AM up out of his cri& an! passes hi' to ANNE. A//E Im an aunt, )O"E co'es in with the others. A//E Sarah& Ste"e. Th#s #s my brother -a"#d and h#s +artner& \ose. And th#s #s my ne+hew Sam. SA\AH Hes )or)eous, -A*I- (to STE*E! I now you. You[ STE*E [sho+ at your stall. Yeah. -A*I- (reen a++les. He always wants )reen a++les. STE*E Thats r#)ht. You ha"e a )ood memory -a"#d. \%SE I th#n youd better all s#t down. Episode .7. ; had to find a &ob =A#;= tells his story A//E Hhat ha++ened? Hhy d#d you sto+ wr#t#n)? -A*I- I started my course at n#"ers#ty. It was "ery d#$$#cult. 0om+uter sc#ence #snt $or me. A//E -#d you $a#l your exams? -A*I- Yes. I let e"eryone down. I Gust wanted to d#e. -ad must be so an)ry. A//E Hes Gust worr#ed about you& -a"#d. -A*I- I d#dnt now what to do. I was so con$used. I had to $#nd a Gob. I couldnt use $athers money any more. So& I a++l#ed $or a Gob at the 'arets. Ph#l was "ery #nd. He a)reed to )#"e me a Gob #$ I could )et a wor#n) "#sa. A//E How d#d you? -A*I- I went home and a++l#ed $or #t. A//E You mean you went bac to S#n)a+ore? -A*I- Yes. I was too ashamed to see anyone. Im such a $a#lure. )O"E takes ,avi!s han!. \%SE I dont th#n youre a $a#lure. -A*I- Anyway& I returned here& and I started wor. I met \ose& we mo"ed #n to)ether& and& well& then Sam came alon). STE*E Its an ama#n) story. SA\AH I th#n #ts wonder$ul. -A*I- 'um and dad wont th#n #ts that wonder$ul. A//E Theyll be so rel#e"ed youre sa$e. He d#dnt now what to th#n& -a"#d. Epi sode .8. *ou Shoul d Ri ng *our Parent s 9hey discuss what =A#;= should do. A//E Theyll be so rel#e"ed youre sa$e. He d#dnt now what to th#n& -a"#d. -A*I- 0ant I Gust d#sa++ear? You can +retend I dont ex#st. A//E You should ha"e told me. I could ha"e hel+ed. -#dnt you real#se wed come and loo $or you? -A*I- I Gust couldnt $ace -ad. A//E You could ha"e told your s#ster. -A*I- I ou)ht to ha"e told you Anne. I should ha"e trusted you. Im so sorry. A//E Hes so beaut#$ul -a"#d. You cant ee+ h#m $rom 'um and -ad. \%SE Theyre your $lesh and blood& -a"#d. Theyre Sams )rand+arents. -ont you th#n theyll want to see h#m? -ont you th#n I want to meet your +arents? A//E \ose #s r#)ht -a"#d. 'um and -ad so much want to be )rand+arents. -A*I- Zut not l#e th#s, STE*E Your secrets out now. SA\AH Ste"e, A//E Its alr#)ht Sarah. Ste"es r#)ht. I th#n -a"#d nows what he has to do. -A*I- Hhat do you su))est? -A*I- Hello 'um. Its me& -a"#d. Yeah& Im %ay& Im alr#)ht. Anne $ound me. Yeah& Im wor#n). Loo& Im so sorry that I d#dnt call you. 0an you $or)#"e me? Yeah oay& alr#)ht. I lo"e you too. Yeah& Alr#)ht. 'ums cry#n). Shes )one to )et -ad. Hes )o#n) to be so an)ry. Hello dad? Epi sode .?. ow coul d you0 =A#;= tal's to his father. -A*I- Hello -ad? Its me& -a"#d. /%\'A/ -o you real#se how worr#ed we"e been? -A*I- (*.%.! Yes& I[ /%\'A/ Youre our son, How could you do th#s to us? -A*I- Im sorry $or caus#n) you so much worry dad. I thou)ht you would be an)ry. Thats why I d#dnt tell you I couldnt study any more. /%\'A/ %$ course Im an)ry. Your mother has been s#c w#th worry. Zut you d#dnt ha"e to d#sa++ear. Hhat ha"e you been do#n) all th#s t#me? -A*I- I"e been wor#n). I wor at the maret. Im )o#n) to be a +artner #n the bus#ness soon. And -ad[theres someth#n) else. Im w#th someone. And we ha"e a baby boy (s#lence! -ad[? Are you st#ll there? /%\'A/ -#d you say you were marr#ed? -A*I- /ot exactly. I ha"e a +artner. Her name #s \ose. And we ha"e a son. Your )randson. -ad? /%\'A/ Im here -a"#d. Theres too much to th#n about. I want you to come home. -A*I- Zut I[ /%\'A/ /o buts. You need to come home. Zr#n) her. Zr#n) \ose and our )randson. Your mother and I lo"e you& and we want to see you. He want to meet your $am#ly. Episode 3@. e said he loved me =A#;= reports his conversation to the others. -A*I- (oodbye. Ill see you soon. Yeah& I +rom#se. I lo"e you too. SA\AH Hell? Hhat d#d they say? -A*I- 'y mother sa#d she was )lad that Im oay. She sa#d she was ha++y to hear my "o#ce. She told me that shes been "ery worr#ed. A//E Hhat about dad? Hhat d#d he say? -A*I- He sa#d he was "ery an)ry& but that he $or)#"es me& and he told me that he lo"es me. A//E %$ course he lo"es you. Hes your $ather, \%SE -#d he say anyth#n) else? -A*I- Yes& he ased me to )o home. He sa#d they want to see us. \%SE All o$ us? -A*I- Yes. They want to meet you. And Sam. They ased us to )o to S#n)a+ore. \%SE Zut we cant a$$ord #t. -A*I- Hes send#n) us t#cets. A//E %$ course he #s. He lo"es you& -a"#d. He all do. And now there #s \ose and Sam too. \%SE Id lo"e to meet your +arents -a"#d. And Sam wants to meet h#s )rand+arents. Theyre our $am#ly -A*I- Im so sorry. \%SE Its oay. Its all out now. Hell )o as soon as +oss#ble. A//E You can come w#th me. STE*E Hhat about me? 0an I come too? SA\AH Youre not $am#ly& Ste"e. Episode 31. ;f ; li'e you ANNE and SARA, and S9E#E and ANNE discuss the future. SA\AH Hell& you $ound your brother& you"e ordered your w#ne& and tomorrow youre )o#n) home. A//E Yes& Sarah& than you $or e"eryth#n). SA\AH Zut youll come bac& wont you? A//E Yes& #$ the w#ne sells well& Ill be bac soon. I $eel as #$ I ha"e a second $am#ly here. SA\AH Id lo"e to come and see you #n S#n)a+ore. A//E %h yes, Ill show you around. And you must meet my +arents. Thatd be )reat. SA\AH Hell& #$ our bus#ness )oes well& Ill be able to a$$ord #t. A//E Theres no #$s about #t. Youre a "ery )ood a)ent. Im so ha++y youre my buyer here. STE*E I$ you l#e& Ill come to S#n)a+ore w#th Sarah. A//E Id l#e that "ery much. You can meet my +arents too. STE*E -o you th#n theyll l#e me? A//E %$ course theyll l#e you. I$ I l#e you& theyll l#e you. SA\AH I th#n Id better lea"e you two alone. \#n) me #$ you need hel+ w#th +ac#n). STE*E I"e only Gust met you. And now youre lea"#n). A//E Zut Ill come bac. I$ you want me to. Episode 3). See *ou Again ANNE, =A#;= and his family fly home. A//E Hell& I )uess th#s #s #t. Sarah& thanyou so much $or all your hel+& and $or your #ndness. SA\AH Please dont ment#on #t. And thanyou $or trust#n) me to be your bus#ness +artner. A//E And my $r#end. Ill be th#n#n) o$ you all the t#me. -A*I- I want to than you too Sarah& $or be#n) so #nd to my s#ster and loo#n) a$ter her so well. Ill be th#n#n) o$ you too. SA\AH Thanyou. It was )reat to meet you. And you too \ose. I ho+e e"eryth#n) )oes well #n S#n)a+ore. \%SE Im loo#n) $orward to meet#n) -a"#ds +arents. I ho+e they l#e me. SA\AH Im sure they w#ll. Ill be ex+ect#n) a +ostcard $rom you Anne& so youd better send me one. STE*E And Ill be wa#t#n) $or a +ostcard too. A//E Ill be count#n) the days unt#l you come to S#n)a+ore. A//%/0E'E/T Attent#on +lease, Th#s #s the $#nal call $or S#n)a+ore A#rl#nes $l#)ht S{DEA d#rect to S#n)a+ore. 0ould all +assen)ers $or th#s $l#)ht )o #mmed#ately to )ate loun)e C. A//E (oodbye. See you soon. SA\AH (oodbye. STE*E Ill see you soon. SA\AH (oodbye \%SE. (ood luc. And you too -a"#d. SA\AH V -A*I- VSA\AH Zye. Seeya. Zye. Y%H/ Ha#t, I"e $ound h#m. I"e $ound your brother, STE*E Hhat. Another one? 9E EN=