Matter and Consciousness
Matter and Consciousness
Matter and Consciousness
The study of consciousness and life is often regarded as a field pertaining to philosophy,
psychology and the so-called metaphysical sciences. However, as we shall see here, the
hardcore physical sciences dealing with the studies of matter also seem to share
something common in this ensemble of vertical convergence of knowledge.
About seven decades ago the great scientist Albert Einstein had presented the hypothesis
of grand unification of cosmic forces. This reflects his visualization of the subtle
existence of higher and deeper dimensions of existence that were realized by the Vedic
Rishis. This article presents an extract of some of the comparable aspects of both the
modern and the vedic scientific insights.
Ever since the research in particle physics has been focused on the subtler forms of
matter (from atom to quark, and gradually to anti-matter…) and the decipheration of the
complexities of the biomolecules, it is becoming more and more evident that the living
system exists in an unimaginably subliminal form that could ultimately be perceived, in
the gross world, only as an energy-packet of consciousness. Albert Einstein, through his
concept of ‘Pure Thought’, was able to see the perfect order that exists in the universe.
He therefore accepted the inability of contemporary research in particle physics and other
areas of modern sciences in comprehending even a fraction of the orderly creation of the
great, unknown, absolute Spirit.
Adi Shankaracharya has mentioned about the subtle aspects of the physical world in his
magnum opus "Vivek Chudamani" as ––
Meaning: The divine source of the (existence of the) cosmos and every creature or
particle in the universe are subliminally linked together and are similar in the sense of the
similarity between ‘the sun and a glowworm’, ‘an ocean and a well’, ‘a king and a
laborer’, or ‘a mountain and an atom’.
Research into the atomic and subtler structures of matter has paved the way towards
searching the commonality between matter and energy. May be, one day the research will
be motivated towards deciphering the commonality between energy and consciousness.
About seven decades ago, Einstein had defined the space as the grand unification of
gravitational and electromagnetic forces. Later on, two more forces, namely, the ‘Weak
Force’ and the ‘Strong Force’ were also considered in the definition of Space as a
‘Unified Field’.
Einstein’s investigations into the ‘Four Dimensional Curved Space’ –– Time, have given
pioneering directions to future scientists for deeper elucidation of various aspects of
universal subtle forces and their grand source in the eternal Consciousness Force. In this
respect Einstein deserves a place in modern sciences equivalent to the revered positions
of the sages like Vishwamitra, Patanjali and Vyas in the spiritual science of vital energy
and consciousness force as described in the vedic treatises.
The discovery of anti-matter in physics has given interesting clues for studying the
concepts of ‘Anti-World’ and ‘Meta-Space’ mentioned in the Vedas and Upanishads.
Noted thinker Robert Ernest Humes has mentioned in "The Thirteen Principal
Upanishads" that the main objective of the Upanishads is –– the search for absolute truth,
ultimate knowledge, and its enlightened use for the welfare and progress of all creatures.
Renowned scholar Maxmueller in his "Lectures on the Vedanta Philosophy" has
expressed similar views. According to them, the insights of the Vedas and Upanishads
have inspired and guided the pioneers and independent researchers of ‘matter and life’ in
all ages. The ancient scriptures will continue to further enlighten the scientific
investigations of the modern times as well, if studied attentively in the right perspective.
The Ishopanishad begins with the phrase – "Purnamadah Purnamidam", which implies
that the Supreme Cosmic Power – Brahm (the Omnipresent Consciousness Force) is one
and absolutely complete. There are many ‘formulae’ given in the Upanishads, which
explain the sublime principles of the physical manifestation of Nature and existence of
matter (referred as ‘This’ in the corresponding vedic hymns) and its eternal relation with
the unique universal force, the infinite ‘whole’ (referred as ‘That’). The uncertainty
principles of the Quantum Mechanical approach, the postulations of particle physics, the
‘Pure Thought’ of Einstein and later findings of theoretical and experimental physicists
(including Dr. Yogesh Pati, Dr. Abdus Salam, Dr. Howard George and Dr. Sheldon
Glashaw) on quark, leptons, anti-matter and the grand unification of forces, can all be
seen implied in the mantras of the Upanishads.
Prof. N. Hugen used to be a great critic of the Indian Mythology. However, after
investigating more into the concepts of ‘Super Gravity’ and "Anti Gravity’, he had also
accepted that these together with the hypothesis of the Black Holes could be better
understood in light of the insights of Vedic Philosophy.
Researchers desirous of revealing the secrets of matter and life, may view the vedic
knowledge as a science that deals with the subtler realms and layers of what has been
discovered by the modern sciences so far. Sir James Jeans has noted that everything in
this world happens in a logical and reasonable manner like a mathematical principle. In
his views, the creator and controller of this limitless absolute system could be none other
than the Unique, Infinite, and Supernatural Power, named as God.
Modern scientists may attempt deciphering the mysterious universe more deeply by
considering the existence of the subliminal forms of subatomic particles and perceivable
energies in the infinite currents of the ultimate ‘energy’ of the Omnipresent
Consciousness Force, which, so far, has been left for metaphysical research in
philosophy. An open minded integrated research in focussed areas of physical, biological
and cognitive sciences and spirituality would prove to be very fruitful towards unfolding
of the hidden linkages of matter and life and the super-unifying principle of "Sarva
Khalvidam Brahm"- All this is Brahm.