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BERKELEY Ementa Urban Economics

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U000035 urban economics

Urban economics emphasizes: the spatial arrangements of households, rms,

and capital in metropolitan areas; the externalities which arise from the
proximity of households and land uses; and the public policy issues which
arise from the interplay of these economic forces.
Cities exist because production or consumption advantages arise from higher
densities and spatially concentrated location. After all, spatial competition
forces rms and consumers to pay higher land rents rents that they would
not be willing to pay if spatially concentrated economic activity did not yield
cost savings or utility gains. Economists have long studied the forces leading
to these proximities in location, focusing rst and foremost upon the im-
portance of transport costs.
Early theorists (for example, von Thu nen, as early as 1826; see Hall, 1966)
considered land use and densities in an agrarian town where crops were
shipped to a central market. Early models of location deduced that land
closer to the market would be devoted to producing crops with higher
transport costs and higher output per acre. Cities in the 19th century at this
time were characterized by high transport costs for both goods and people,
and manufactured goods were produced in close proximity to a central node
a port or a railway from which goods could be exported to world markets.
The high costs of transporting people also meant that workers residences
were located close to employment sites.
Transport improvements in the late 19th century meant that urban work-
ers could commute cheaply by streetcar, thereby facilitating the suburban-
ization of population into areas surrounding the central worksite. More
radical technical change in the rst decades of the 20th century greatly re-
duced the cost of transporting materials and nished goods. The substitution
of the truck for the horse and wagon nally freed production from locations
adjacent to the export node. The introduction of the private auto a decade
later further spurred the decentralization of US metropolitan areas.
Spatial forces
The seminal literature in urban economics provides positive models of the
competitive forces and transport conditions which give rise to the spatial
structure of modern cities. These models emphasize the trade-off between the
transport costs of workers, the housing prices they face, and the housing
expenditures they choose to make. Relatively simple models can explain the
basic features of city structure for example, the gradient in land prices with
distance to the urban core; the house price gradient; the relationship between
land and housing price gradients; the intensity of land use; and the spatial
distribution of households by income (see Breuckner, 1987, for a review).
Empirical investigations of these phenomena reveal clearly that these gra-
dients have been decreasing over time. Indeed, the attening of price and
density gradients over time has been observed in the United States since as
long ago as the 1880s. (Early work is reported in Mills, 1972.) In interpreting
these trends, it is important to sort out the underlying causes. The stylized
model described above emphasizes the roles of transport cost declines (in
part, as a result of technical change and the role of the private auto), in-
creases in household income, and population growth in explaining subur-
banization. These models also rely upon the stylized fact that the income
elasticity of housing demand exceeds the income elasticity of marginal trans-
port costs. The alternative, largely ad hoc, explanations stress specic causes,
for example the importance of tax policies which subsidize low-density
owner-occupied housing, the importance of neighbourhood externalities
which vary between cities and suburbs, or the role of variations in the pro-
vision of local public goods. There is a variety of empirical analyses of the
determinants of the variations in density gradients over time and space. A
general nding is that levels and intertemporal variations in real incomes and
transport costs are sufcient to explain a great deal of the observed patterns
of suburbanization.
Durable capital
But, of course, variations in many of these other factors are highly correlated
with secularly rising incomes and declining commuting costs, so any par-
celling out of root causes is problematic. The elegant and parsimonious
models of urban form have proven easy to generalize in some dimensions
for example, to incorporate stylized external effects and variations in income
distributions across urban areas. It has proven to be substantially harder to
recognize the durability of capital in tractable equilibrium models. The orig-
inal models assumed that residential capital is innitely malleable, and that
variations in income or transport costs would be manifest in the capital
intensity of housing over space in a direct and immediate way. The decline in
land rents with distance from the urban centre means that developers
choices of inputs vary with capital-to-land ratios declining with distance to
the core. Dwellings are small near the urban core and large at the suburban
fringe. Tall buildings are constructed near the urban centre, and more com-
pact buildings are constructed in peripheral areas. But, of course, these
structures and housing units are extremely durable, with useful lives exceed-
ing 40 years or more. Thus, insights derived from the perspective in which the
capital stock adjusts instantly to its long-run equilibrium position in response
to changed economic conditions are limited.
Incorporating durable housing into models of residential location and ur-
ban form implies some recognition of the fact that history matters in the
structure and form of urban areas. Cities with the same distribution of in-
come and demographics and with identical transport technologies may be
quite different in their spatial structures, depending upon their historical
patterns of development. Extensions of these simple models analyse the form
of urban areas when developers have myopic or perfect foresight and when
development is irreversible. With myopic developers, land is developed at
each distance from the centre to the same density as it would have been built
with malleable capital, but, once built, its capital intensity is frozen. Thus,
with increasing opportunity costs of land over time, population and struc-
tural densities may increase with distance from the urban core.
With perfect foresight, the developer maximizes the present value of urban
rents per acre, which vary with the timing of urban development. The present
value of a parcel today is its opportunity cost in agriculture until devel-
opment plus its market value after conversion (minus construction costs).
With perfect foresight, developers choose the timing of the conversion of
land to urban use as a function of distance to the urban core, and devel-
opment proceeds in an orderly fashion over time. Locations are developed
according to their distance from the centre.
Of course, durable residential capital also implies that structures may de-
preciate or become obsolete. In particular, a historical pattern of develop-
urban economics 2
ment along concentric rings from the urban core, together with rising in-
comes, means that the most depreciated and obsolete dwellings are the more
centrally located. But embedded in each of these parcels of real estate is the
option to redevelop it in some other conguration. Obsolete and depreciated
dwellings commanding low prices are those for which the option to exercise
redevelopment is less costly.
Models of development with perfect foresight in which residential capital
depreciates imply that the timing of initial redevelopment of residential par-
cels depends only on their distance from the urban core (since that indexes
their vintage of development). These models imply that the capital intensity
of land use does not exhibit the smooth and continuous decline with distance
from the core. Capital intensity does decline with distance, on average, but
the relationship is not monotonic.
With uncertainty, developers take into account their imperfect knowledge
of future prices in making land use decisions today. But this means that
developers may make mistakes by developing land too soon. As a conse-
quence, land development may often proceed in a leapfrog pattern. Land-
owners may withhold some interior land from development in anticipation of
higher rents and profitable development later on (see Capozza and Helsley,
1990, for a unied treatment).
The key point in these modern models of urban form which incorporate
durable residential capital is that the timing as well as the location of de-
velopment affect the choices made by housing suppliers. History matters in
these models, just as it does in the decisions of housing suppliers in urban
Recent work has greatly extended these urban models to address explicitly
the production and consumption externalities which give rise to cities. The
basic models combine Marshallian notions of economics of localized in-
dustry and Jacobss (1969) notions of urbanization economies with the
perspective on monopolistic competition and product diversity introduced by
Dixit and Stiglitz (1977).
On the consumption side, the general form of these models assumes that
household utility depends on consumption of traded goods, housing, and the
variety of local goods. The markets for traded goods and housing are com-
petitive, while the differentiated local goods are sold in a monopolistically
competitive market. If there is less differentiation among local goods, then
variety loses its impact on utility; greater differentiation means that variety
has a greater effect on utility. Under reasonable assumptions, the utility of a
household in the city will be positively related to the aggregate quantity of
local goods it consumes and the number of types of these goods which are
available in the economy (see Quigley, 2001, for examples).
On the production side of the economy, the importance of a variety of
locally produced inputs can be represented in a parallel fashion. For exam-
ple, suppose that the aggregate production function includes labour, space
and a set of specialized inputs. Again, the markets for labour and space can
be taken as competitive, while the differentiated local inputs are purchased in
a monopolistically competitive market. If there is less differentiation among
inputs, then variety loses its impact on output; greater differentiation means
that variety has a greater effect on output. For example, a general counsel
urban economics 3
may operate alone. However, she may be more productive if assisted by a
general practice law rm, and even better served by rms specializing in
contracts, regulation and mergers. Again, under reasonable conditions, out-
put in the city will be related to quantities of labour, space, and specialized
inputs utilized and also to the number of different producer inputs available
in that city.
The theoretical models built along these lines yield a remarkable conclu-
sion: diversity and variety in consumer goods or in producer inputs can yield
external scale economies, even though all individual competitors and rms
earn normal profits. In these models, the size of the city and its labour force
will determine the number of specialized local consumer goods and the
number of specialized producer inputs, given the degree of substitutability
among the specialized local goods in consumption and among specialized
inputs in production. A larger city will have a greater variety of consumer
products and producer inputs. Since the greater variety adds to utility and to
output, in these models larger cities are more productive, and the well-being
of those living in cities increases with their size. This will hold true even
though the competitive and monopolistically competitive rms in these
models each earn a normal rate of prot (see Fujita and Thisse, 2002, for a
comprehensive treatment).
Applications: pollution and transport
As emphasized above, however, the advantages of urban production and
consumption are limited. Explicit recognition of the land and housing mar-
kets and the necessity of commuting suggests that, at some point, the in-
creased costs of larger cities higher rents arising from the competition for
space, and higher commuting costs to more distant residences will offset the
production and consumption advantages of diversity. Other costs like air and
noise pollution no doubt increase with size as well. Nevertheless, even when
these costs are considered in a more general model, the optimal city size will
be larger when the effects of diversity in production and consumption are
properly reckoned. Urban output will be larger and productivity will also be
greater (see Quigley, 1998).
The empirical evidence assembled to support and test these theoretical
insights about the regional economy is potentially very valuable. Hitherto,
much of the discussion about the sources of economic growth was framed at
that national level, and most of the aggregate empirical evidence time series
data across a sample of countries was inherently difcult to interpret. By
framing these theoretical propositions at the level of the region, it is possible
to investigate empirically the sources of endogenous economic growth by
using much richer bodies of data within a common set of national institu-
tions. Geographical considerations of labour market matching and efciency
(Helsley and Strange, 1990), of the concentration of human capital (Rauch,
1993), and of patent activity (Jaffe, Trajtenberg and Henderson, 1993) have
all been studied at the metropolitan and regional levels, and considerable
effort is under way to use regional economic data to identify and measure
more fully the sources of American economic growth. These are major re-
search activities exploring urban externalities in urban economies throughout
the developed world. This research programme is still in its infancy.
Of course, specialization, diversity and agglomeration are not the only
externalities arising in cities. High densities and close contact over space
reinforce the importance of many externalities in modern cities. Among the
most salient are the external effects of urban transport congestion and
urban economics 4
pollution. Most work trips in urban areas are undertaken by private auto.
(Indeed, in 2000, less than four per cent of commuting was by public transit;
see Small and Gomez-Ibanez, 1999.) In most US cities, automobiles are the
dominant technology for commuting from dispersed origins to concentrated
worksites. This technology is even more efcient for commuting from dis-
persed residences to dispersed worksites in metropolitan areas. Since com-
muting is concentrated in morning and evening hours, roads may be
congested during peak periods, and idle during off-peak periods. Road users
pay the average costs of travel when they commute during peak periods.
They take into account the out-of-pocket and time costs of work trips, and in
this sense commuters consider the average level of congestion in their trip-
making behaviour. But commuters cannot be expected to account for the
incremental congestion costs their travel imposes on other commuters. This
divergence between the marginal costs of commuting and the average costs of
commuting may be large during peak periods on arterial roadways.
The imposition of congestion tolls, increasing the average costs paid by
commuters to approximate the marginal costs they impose on others, would
clearly improve resource allocation. In the absence of efcient road pricing,
the rent gradients in metropolitan areas are atter, and the patterns of res-
idential location are more centralized than they would otherwise be. Land
markets are distorted and the market price of land close to the urban core is
less than its social value.
The obstacles to improved efciency are technological as well as political.
Until recently, mechanisms for charging road prices were expensive and
cumbersome. But modern technology (for example, transponders to record
tolls electronically) makes road pricing easy on bridges, tunnels and other
bottlenecks to the central business district. Regular commuters afx a device
to their autos, a device which can automatically debit the travellers account.
It would be a simple matter to vary these charges by time of day or intensity
of road use and to make the schedule of these changes easily available to
commuters. So far, at least in the United States, about the only form of price
discrimination on bridges, tunnels and bottlenecks has been by vehicle oc-
cupancy, not by time of day and intensity of road use. It is surely possible to
prot from the experience of other countries (such as Singapore) in pricing
scarce roadways.
Political resistance is a major factor inhibiting the diffusion of road pric-
ing. Typically, tolls are imposed in new facilities and the proceeds are
pledged to retire debt incurred in construction. Paradoxically, tolls are thus
imposed on new uncongested roads. Later on, when the roads become con-
gested, the initial debt has been retired, and there is political support for
removing the toll. (After all, the investment in the bridge has been repaid.)
This is surely an instance where economics can better inform public policy.
Applications: social, spatial and neighbourhood
Urban areas have always been characterized by social externalities as well.
The close contact of diverse racial and ethnic groups in cities gives rise to
much of the variety in products and services which enrich consumption. But
the city is also characterized by the concentration of poverty and by the high
levels of segregation by race and class.
The spatial concentration of households by income is, of course, predicted
by the models of residential housing choice described above. A central ques-
tion is the extent to which poverty concentrations give rise to externalities
which disadvantage low-income households relative to their deprived cir-
urban economics 5
cumstances in the absence of concentration. A great deal of qualitative re-
search by other social scientists suggests that this is the case. Quite recent
econometric research, however, suggests that this proposition is quite hard to
demonstrate quantitatively by reliance on non-experimental data (see Man-
ski, 1995.) Nevertheless, the view that concentrations of disadvantaged
households lead to more serious social consequences simply because of con-
centration is widely shared. For example, in low-wage labour markets most
jobs are found through informal local contacts. If unemployed workers are
spatially concentrated, it follows that informal contacts will produce fewer
leads to employment.
Economic models of residential location also suggest that households will
be segregated by race to the extent that race and income are correlated. Yet
research clearly indicates that the segregation of black households in urban
areas is far greater than can be explained by differences in incomes and
demographic characteristics.
Until quite recently, these patterns of segregation could be explained by
explicitly discriminatory policies in the housing market. During the period of
black migration to northern cities, rents were substantially higher in black
neighbourhoods than in white neighbourhoods. As levels of migration ta-
pered off in the 1970s, price differentials declined. The patterns of residence
by race may be explicable by the tipping point models of Thomas Schelling
(1971). In these models, there is a distribution of tolerance among the pop-
ulation, reecting the maximum fraction of neighbours of a different race
tolerated by any household. In this formulation, the race of each household
provides an externality to all neighbouring households. It is easy to show
that the racial integration of neighbourhoods may be impossible to achieve
under many circumstances.
Despite this, there is widespread evidence of conscious discrimination in
the markets for rental and owner-occupied housing (Ross and Yinger, 2002),
four decades after passage of the rst Fair Housing legislation.
Racial segregation in housing markets may have particularly important
welfare implications as jobs continue to suburbanize at a rapid rate. Racial
barriers to opening up the suburbs for residence may lead to higher unem-
ployment rates among minority workers (see Glaeser, Hanushek and
Quigley, 2004.)
The barriers to the integration of the suburbs by race and income are also
related to the scal externalities which are conferred by one category of
residents upon another category. Most local tax structures emphasize ad
valorem property taxes, and in most urban areas towns are free to vary
property tax rates to nance locally chosen levels of public expenditure. If
local tax revenues are proportional to house value, and if local public ex-
penditures are proportional to the number of households served, local gov-
ernments have strong incentives to increase the property value per household
in their jurisdictions. To achieve this outcome, local governments may simply
use zoning regulations to prohibit construction of housing appropriate to the
budgets of lower-income households. The prohibition of high-density hous-
ing and multi-family construction, the imposition of minimum lot-size re-
strictions and the imposition of development fees can all be used as devices to
increase property tax revenue per household. Importantly, these rules also
increase the price of low-income housing. Many of these regulations can also
be cloaked in terms of ecological balance and environmental protection. The
inability of higher levels of government to achieve balance and equity in new
residential development in US urban areas is quite costly.
urban economics 6
The eld of urban economics emphasizes the spatial arrangements of house-
holds, rms, and capital in metropolitan areas, the externalities which arise
from the proximity of households and land uses, and the policy issues which
arise from the interplay of these economic forces.
John M. Quigley
See also
<xref=U000064> urban agglomeration;
<xref=U000061> urban production externalities;
<xref=xyyyyyy> urban transportation economics.
Brueckner, J. 1987. The structure of urban equilibria: a unied treatment of the
MuthMills Model. In Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, vol. 2, ed. E.
Mills. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Capozza, D. and Helsley, R. 1990. The stochastic city. Journal of Urban Economics
28, 187203.
Dixit, A. and Stiglitz, J. 1977. Monopolistic competition and optimum product di-
versity. American Economic Review 67, 297308.
Fujita, M. and Thisse, J.-F. 2001. Economics of Agglomeration. Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Glaeser, E., Hanushek, E. and Quigley, J. 2004. Opportunities, race, and urban lo-
cation: the legacy of John Kain. Journal of Urban Economics 56, 709.
Hall, P. (ed.) 1966. Von Thunens Isolated State, trans. C. Wartenberg. Oxford:
Pergamon Press.
Helsley, R. and Strange, W. 1990. Matching and agglomeration economies in a sys-
tem of cities. Regional Science and Urban Economics 20, 189212.
Jacobs, Jane. 1969. The Economy of Cities. New York: Random House.
Jaffe, A., Trajtenberg, M. and Henderson, R. 1993. Geographic localization of
knowledge spillovers as evidenced by patent citations. Quarterly Journal of Eco-
nomics 108, 57798.
Manski, C. 1995. Identication Problems in the Social Sciences. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Mills, E. 1972. Studies in the Structure of Urban Economy. Baltimore, MD: John
Hopkins Press.
Quigley, J. 2001. The renaissance in regional research. Annals of Regional Science 35,
Quigley, J. 1998. Urban diversity and economic growth. Journal of Economic Per-
spectives 12(2), 12738.
Rauch, J. 1993. Productivity gains from geographic concentration of human capital.
Journal of Urban Economics 34, 380400.
Ross, S. and Yinger, J. 2002. The Color of Credit. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Schelling, T. 1971. Dynamic models of segregation. Journal of Mathematical Soci-
ology 1, 14386.
Small, K. and Gomez-Ibanez, J. 1999. Urban Transportation. In Handbook of Re-
gional and Urban Economics, vol. 3, eds. Paul C. Cheshire and Edwin S. Mills.
Amsterdam: North-Holland.
Index terms
density gradient
urban economics 7
diversity (ethnic and racial)
endogenous growth
external economies
housing markets
human capital
labour markets
land markets
land use
monopolistic competition
price discrimination
property taxation
regional economics
residential segregation
road pricing
Schelling, T.
social externalities
spatial competition
tipping point models
transport costs
urban agglomeration
urban consumption externalities
urban economics
urban production externalities
von Thu nen, J.
Index terms not found:
density gradient
diversity (ethnic and racial)
endogenous growth
external economies
property taxation
regional economics
residential segregation
urban agglomeration
urban consumption externalities
urban production externalities
urban economics 8

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