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Drummers Quick Guide To Reading: Introduction To Drum Notation

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The key takeaways are that the guide introduces the basics of drum notation including symbols for different drum and cymbal sounds, as well as explaining musical concepts like time signatures and reading simple patterns.

The main components of drum notation explained include symbols for the bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat, ride cymbal, toms and their typical placements on the staff.

The guide mentions that practicing drum notation and being able to read music can help a drummer obtain a wider variety of job opportunities and add value to their career by understanding the fundamentals of reading music.


Introduction To Drum Notation
By Denise Johnson (DJLadydrummer)
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
This Quick Drummers Guide was desiged to !amiliari"e drummers o how to
uderstad drummig otatio ad read music at a #uick glace$ As the drummer lears
how to ideti!% what each ote stads !or& he'she will the be able to mo(e to more
ad(aced readig$ As %ou lear more about drum otatio& %ou will !id that the otes
ma% (ar% de)edig o the arrager but geerall% will be eas% to ideti!%$ With )ractice
ad re)etitio a drummer ca add (alue to his'her career i uderstadig the
!udametals o! readig music$
*ou do+t ecessaril% ha(e to become a e,)ert reader& but beig able to ideti!% timig
sigatures as well as beig able to site read will )ro(e to be a (aluable asset$ This asset
could (er% well aid i obtaiig a wider scale o! -ob o))ortuities$ ./0/1 limit %our
abilities$ 2ear to liste ad )la% b% ear$ 2ear at least the basics o! drum otatio$
This geeral guide will get %ou started33$ 4o 2ets 5egi 666
The (erticals lies show abo(e are called bar lies$ The% di(ide the music ito e#ual
beats$ The s)ace betwee the lies are ideti!ied as a 7bar8 ad is where otes are
show$ We will ow start to ideti!% s%mbols !or each )art o! the drum kit$

The s%mbol to the le!t o! sta!! is the drum cle!$ 9t lets the reader kow that the
!ollowig music is ot writte !or a )itched istrumet ad that the )ositio o! the ote
idicates the drum& c%mbal& or other )ercussio istrumet )la%ed$ .ow we will take a
look at s%mbols that are used !or each )art o! the drum kit$
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
Lets start with the ..
*our sare drum is the most im)ortat )art o! %our drum kit ad is used i almost e(er%
beat or !ill %ou )la%$ The sare drum is usuall% located i the middle o! the sta!! i order
to easil% ideti!%$ *ou ma% also !id the sare drum ote o the 2
lie or the otes ca
be )oited u) or dow3$$de)edig o the arrager$ 4ometimes the arrager will label
otes$ Whe sare )atters are used the 728 !or le!t had ad 718 !or right had o sare
will be abo(e the otes$
:! course we kow that the bass drum is most im)ortat i establishig %our groo(e or
timig$ The bass drum is o!te matched with the bass guitar groo(e$ This establishes a
tight or cohesi(e !oudatio !or the bad to build u)o3$$ a little tidbit !or *:;
The otes are t%)icall% ideti!ied at the bottom o! the sta!!$
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
9! aother bass drum is eeded& the otes are located well below the sta!! bar$
<i-hats are show o to) o! lie with a 7,8 c%mbal$ *our !oot is )ositioed o hi-hat
)edal i dowward )ositio i order to kee) the hi-hats closed$
=edal is released o hi-hat to gi(e a slush soud ad is show below with circle to s)eci!%
as 7o)e8$ As oted below& some arragers might use the > s%mbol as 7closed8$
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
The hi-hat ca be )la%ed b% usig the !oot :.2* which causes the hi-hats to clash
together$ Di!!eret e!!ects ca be obtaied b% the ad-ustmet o! the c%mbals& but the
drum otatio is show similar to bass drum but is located below the bottom lie$ A 7,8
is used to ideti!% that this is a hi-hat !oot )edal$
The ride c%mbal is oted wa% abo(e the sta!!$ .otice that the s%mbol is ot restig o
to) o! the lie as the hi-hat s%mbol i the illustratio below$

The tom toms are the most di!!icult to read due to the slight (ariatios o! where the
arrager might )lace s%mbols o chart$ 4ome charts ma% ot s)eci!% tom otes& but ol%
the core o! bass& sare& hit-hat ad )ossibl% c%mbals$ Most arragers uderstad how
drum charts ma% be iter)reted so the% will iclude a re!erece b% labelig o makig
otatios o! music )age$ :ce %ou ha(e the leared the basics o! drum otatio %ou will
be able to ideti!% each )art o! the drum& o matter where the arrager )laces the otes$
The !irst tom is usuall% )laced o !irst lie& the 2
tom o 2
lie& ad the !loor tom o
$ 9 this case 3the bass drum will be oted directl% o middle lie o! chart$ Do+t
!orget that arragers ma% )lace otes di!!eretl%& but %ou will still be able to uderstad$
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
Dont worry although drum notation can be a little confusing, you will be able to
understand more as you are comfortable with notations. There are more advanced
symbols to learn, but learn the basics first.
.ow let+s )ut it all together ad look at a cou)le o! sim)le e,am)les$
1 2 ? @ 1 2 ? @
The sig all the wa% to the le!t is called a Drum Clef$ This lets the reader kow that
otes are !or )ercussios$ To the le!t %ou will also see the timig sigature$ This is @'@
timig3$$@ beats to a measure$ 1&2&?&@ 3$ 1&2&?&@3etc$ Athere should be a lie a!ter the
@ cout i this e,am)leB3$but this to !amiliari"e %ou with s%mbols !or ow$
*ou otice that the closed hi-hat is o all @ beats3$Ato) lie with 7,8 s%mbolB
The bass drum is o the 1 ad 2 Ashow o bottom lieB& Aad the sare is o the ? o! the
beat Amiddle or 2
lieB The hi-hat e(er sto)s & ad are )la%ed o the 1&2&?&ad @$
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
9+ll let %ou !igure this oe out3$but 9+m sure %ou got it 66666666666 Cee) learig more 6
1 2 ? @
D: *:; .//D 2/44:.4 DD .//D T: 2/A1.
<:W T: =2A* Q;9CC2* 66
Click </1/ to G/T 4TA1T/D 66
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
HERE IS A &UICK 'LANCE OF DRUM NOTATION$ 4ome s%mbols we did+t
co(er are oted below as e,tra tidbits$ <a(e !u ad kee) learig 66
Introduction Guide to Drum Notation
DJMusicWorldWide - AllAboutCcoktailDrums 2012
M:1/ T<9.G4 T: 2/A1. 66
A!ter %ou lear the basics& challege %oursel! to lear more$
Note & Rest Values
1eadig ca be !u i! take slowl% ad leared ste) b% ste)$ Take %our time ad
remember with re)etitio ad )ractice %ou will become a great site reader$ /.J:* 66

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