Foreign Body Aspiration in Children-A Diagnostic Challenge
Foreign Body Aspiration in Children-A Diagnostic Challenge
Foreign Body Aspiration in Children-A Diagnostic Challenge
Foreign body aspiration (FBA) is common among children,
but sometimes there is a signicant delay until the diagnosis
is made. A delay of over three days between aspiration and
removal of the foreign body (FB) was reported in almost 30%
of children (1). The highest incidence of FBA is in children
between one to three years of age (2). A recent history of
aspiration is elicited in only 73-80% of cases, leaving up to
27% of cases unrecognized. The interval between FBA and
admission to hospital may vary between a few days to several
months, even years (3, 4). When obtained, anamnestic data
revealed symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and/or chok-
ing in 95% of cases (5, 6).
The clinical presentation of FBA can mimic other pulmo-
nary diseases, so it is obvious why a signicant number of
children are misdiagnosed (in up to 18% of cases), most often
with pneumonia, persistent fever or asthma which does not
respond to standard therapy (5, 7). The aim of this paper was
to depict the obstacles that pediatricians and radiologists
may face when dealing with a patient with unrecognized FBA.
Case Report
A previously healthy, 11-month old boy was admitted to a
local hospital with the diagnosis of acute bronchiolitis and lar-
yngitis. Except for a positive family history of asthma, all other
anamnestic data were normal. Standard therapy was initiated
and his condition gradually improved. After 4 days, he sud-
denly developed global respiratory insufciency, so he was in-
tubated and transported from the local hospital to the Pediat-
ric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of our hospital. On admission to
PICU, he was subfebrile and dyspnoic. Auscultation revealed
symmetric low-tone wheezing and early and late inspiratory
crackles. CR was normal. Respiratory support (continuous
positive airway pressure) was initiated. The patients condi-
tion improved, so he was extubated 16 hours after admis-
sion. Two days later, he was transferred to the Pulmonology
Department. At that time, he was dyspnoic, SatO
was 95%
with supplemental oxygen through nasal cannulas. He had a
laryngeal cough and weakened breathing with inspiratory-ex-
piratory stridor. CR showed paracardial and consolidation of
basal parts of left lung (Figure 1A). Bronchodilatators and an-
tibiotics were continued until serological and microbiological
tests, along with negative indicators of acute inammation,
ruled out bacterial and viral etiology. Auscultatory ndings
improved, but mild wheezing persisted. Five days after cessa-
tion of antibiotics he was febrile again, reaching 40C. The CR
nding stimulated (Figure 1B) raised suspicions of bacterial
infection of the lower airways. Antibiotics were included in
the therapy and after 24 hours he became afebrile.
Despite the continuous use of bronchodilatators, signs of
bronchoobstruction persisted. He had a positive family his-
tory for asthma, so inhaled corticosteroids were added to the
therapy but had no signicant effect. Additional examinations
(cardiologist, gastroenterologist, uoroscopy of upper gas-
trointestinal tract, sweat chlorine, allergological tests as well
as mycobacterium tuberculosis tests) ruled out other possible
causes of symptoms. Poor clinical response and unclear clini-
cal condition were indications for bronchoscopy, which was
performed on the 45
day of hospitalization (This option was
considered earlier, but when it was suggested, the mother
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Slobodanka Petrovic, Institute for Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Phone: + 381 64 2115233 E-posta:
Balkan Med J 2012; 29: 96-8 DOI: 10.5174/tutfd.2010.04545.1
Trakya University Faculty of Medicine
Foreign Body Aspiration in Children-a Diagnostic Challenge
Institute for Child and Youth Health Care of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia
Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Institute for Radiology, Novi Sad, Serbia
Slobodanka Petrovic
, Svetlana Cegar
, Jovan Lovrenski
, Nenad Barisic
, Viktor Till
The clinical presentation of foreign body aspiration in children is variable. Clinicians should maintain a high index of suspicion in order to make a prompt
and correct diagnosis. In this paper,we present a case of foreign body aspiration that had gone unrecognized for 54 days. Foreign body aspiration
should be considered whenever a previously healthy child suddenly exhibits unexplained symptoms usually consistent with airway obstruction which is
refractory to medical treatment.
Key Words: Bronchoscopy, children, foreign body aspiration, prolonged diagnosis
Received: 02.09.2010 Accepted: 25.10.2010
had refused to give consent for the procedure). Bronchoscopy
revealed complete obstruction of the left main bronchus with
a soft tissue mass. After partial extraction of the mass, inam-
mation and granulomatous changes of mucosa were observed
at the posterior wall of the proximal part of the bronchus. The
procedure was ended because of the hemorrhage and pos-
sibility of complications. Two days later, contrast enhanced
computed tomography (CECT) was performed using 2.5 mm
section thickness and 0.6 mm reconstruction interval for mul-
tiplanar reformatted (MPR) imaging (Figure 2).
After 7 days of intravenous corticosteroid therapy, bron-
choscopy ndings were improved. A mucus plug with detritus
was extracted at 5 mm distance below the bifurcation. FB was
visualized and removed. It was a semioval shaped piece of
plastic, 10x3 mm in size, with partially sharp edges on the 54
day of hospitalization. Complete regression of all respiratory
symptoms followed.
The most important criteria to raise a suspicion to FBA are
anamnestic data. They are elicited in 70-80 % of cases, mean-
ing that such data are absent in up to 27% of patients (3, 4,
6, 8). In such cases, the interval between inhalation and ad-
mission to the hospital may vary between few days to several
months or years (4). Delays attributable to patients behavior
or circumstances are most common in young children when
the FBA event was unwitnessed (3). In our case, there was
no anamnestic data pointing to FBA. The symptoms that ap-
peared rst-laryngeal cough, hoarseness and dyspnea, were
indicative of upper airway infection. Acute respiratory fail-
ure and global respiratory insufciency probably developed
due to positioning of the foreign body in the laryngeal re-
gion. During emergency intubation, FB was pushed further
into the distal parts of the airways, which was the cause of
inspiratory-expiratory and, later on, constant wheezing. Fur-
thermore, misleading information such are the atopic status
of the patient and poor social background, raised suspicions
of diseases with similar presentation.
When FBA is suspected, CR is requested. Normal CR does
not rule out FB aspiration. In children younger than 3 years
of age, in 80% of cases FBs are not visible on CR (8).
on CR can reveal secondary changes in the associated lung or
pulmonary lobe as obstructive emphysema or overination of
the lung or lobe distal to the airway obstruction. In our case,
CR was not very helpful. CT can be used in all doubtful cases
to determine bronchiectasis or other conditions, and is proved
to be better than CR in depicting radiolucent FBs which far
outnumber radiopaque ones (9, 10). Following the contem-
porary approach to pediatric radiology, based on the ionizing
radiation reduction because of its harmful effects, we used CT
as the last diagnostic choice (11-15). Although some studies
demonstrated the efciency of virtual bronchoscopy (16), it is
a time consuming procedure which, in our experience, does
not provide additional information to MPR imaging. A similar
opinion was stated in the study of Kocaoglu et al. (17)
even a CT examination did not allow the nal diagnosis to be
made. The most striking feature was the complete discrep-
ancy between CR and CT ndings after the rst bronchoscopy,
which occurred within only two days. Although, in those two
days, left bronchus occlusion probably prograded, the most
probable reason for such discrepancy was the retrocardial po-
sition of lung consolidation, so it was superimposed on the
cardiac silhouette on CR.
Radiological ndings should not inuence the decision
about treatment and should not delay bronchoscopy in chil-
dren with a suspicion of aspiration (3, 18). Because compli-
cations such as pneumonia, granulation tissue formation, and
bronchiectasis increase if the diagnosis is delayed, early bron-
choscopy is preferred. Unfortunately, in our case, bronchos-
copy was delayed due to administrative reasons (initially the
mother refused to give consent for the procedure). Further,
when bronchoscopy was performed for the rst time, com-
plete occlusion of the left bronchus, hemorrhage and high risk
of serious complications (e.g. perforation) prevented a nal
diagnosis. During that time, the left bronchus was occluded
by granulation tissue, but the nature of the foreign body (plas-
tic) did not allow xation of FB to the wall of bronchus. Finally,
that enabled the bronchoscopic approach to the FB and ex-
traction after a course of corticosteroid therapy.
Prompt and accurate diagnosis of FBA can be achieved
with early bronchoscopy, which is essential for reducing as-
sociated morbidity and mortality.
Figure 1. A) Paracardial and basal opacities of the left lung.
B) Asymmetric lung volumes with hyperinflated and hyper-
lucent right lung
Figure 2. A) Axial CECT images show lung consolidation on
the left with visible bronchogram, along with loss of volume
on the same side, combined with segmental hyperinflation.
B) Coronal MPR show 23mm long hypodense content wit-
hin the left main bronchus, starting 5mm below bifurcation,
and entering the proximal part of the lobar bronchus. It had
an appearance of a mucus plug
Balkan Med J
2012; 29: 96-8
Petrovic et al.
FBA in Children
Conict of Interest
No conict of interest was declared by the authors.
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Balkan Med J
2012; 29: 96-8
Petrovic et al.
FBA in Children