Effects of Physical Exercise On Quality of Life, Exercise Capacity and Pulmonary Function in Children With Asthma
Effects of Physical Exercise On Quality of Life, Exercise Capacity and Pulmonary Function in Children With Asthma
Effects of Physical Exercise On Quality of Life, Exercise Capacity and Pulmonary Function in Children With Asthma
ate asthma (mean age 10.4 (SD 2.1) years) were randomly
allocated into exercise and control groups. The exercise group
underwent a moderately intensive basketball training program
for 8 weeks. A home respiratory exercise program was advised
to both groups. Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Question-
naire (PAQLQ) was used for the evaluation of activity
limitation, symptoms and emotional functions. Exercise
capacity was evaluated through the physical work capacity
(PWC 170 test) on a cycle ergometer and 6-minute walk test.
Spirometric tests were also performed and medication and
symptom scores were recorded.
Results: Although PAQLQ scores improved in both groups,
the improvement in the exercise group was significantly higher.
The exercise group performed better in the PWC 170 and
6-minute walk tests, whereas no improvement was detected in
the control group at the end of the trial. Medication scores
improved in both groups, but symptom scores improved only in
the exercise group. No significant changes were detected in
pulmonary function in either group, except for peak expiratory
flow values in the exercise group.
Conclusion: Eight weeks of regular submaximal exercise has
beneficial effects on quality of life and exercise capacity in
children with asthma. Submaximal basketball training is an
effective alternative exercise program for asthmatic children.
Key words: asthma, children, quality of life, exercise,
physical capacity, pulmonary rehabilitation.
J Rehabil Med 2006; 38: 130/135
Correspondence address: Sibel Basaran, Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine,
Cukurova University, TR-01330 Adana, Turkey. E-mail:
Submitted July 14, 2005; accepted November 7, 2005
Asthma, a leading cause of chronic illness in childhood, can
have a considerable impact on the daily life of children (1, 2).
Asthmatic children tend to have a sedentary lifestyle compared
with their peers. They show less tolerance to exercise because of
shortness of breath, so-called exercise-induced bronchocon-
struction, and restriction of activities secondary to medical
advice or family influence (3). Apart from the lower exercise
capacity and symptoms such as shortness of breath, cough and
wheeze, these children are also affected by physical, social,
educational and emotional impairments (4). It has been
reported that asthmatic children have significantly poorer
health-related quality of life (QoL) than other children (5).
Published reports recommend regular physical activity and
participating in sports to be considered in the management of
asthma (6). Evidence-based analysis identifies exercise training
as the most effective part of pulmonary rehabilitation (PR)
programs, which comprise multidisciplinary therapy with essen-
tial components such as assesment, patient education, exercise
training, psychosocial intervention and follow-up (7/9). PR
programs have been increasingly prescribed for adult patients
with chronic pulmonary diseases including bronchial asthma.
These programs have been proven to increase functional
capacity, decrease symptoms, especially dyspnoea, reduce utili-
zation of healthcare resources and, finally, improve QoL (7, 9,
10). On the other hand, published reports on the rehabilitation
of children with chronic pulmonary diseases are sparse. Positive
effects of physical training on cardiopulmonary fitness and
pulmonary function have been reported in these studies, but
published data lacks evidence of the effects of exercise on QoL
in asthmatic children (6).
The American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary
Rehabilitation (AACVPR) recommends exercise training in PR
to contain both lower and upper extremity endurance training,
strength training and respiratory muscle training. Home
exercise prescription should also be provided for patients
participating in rehabilitation programs (7). The British Thorax
Society (BTS) also reports that physical aerobic training,
particularly of the lower extremities (brisk walking or cycling)
is mandatory and upper limb and strength-building exercises
can also be included (10). Since swimming is considered to be a
safer form of exercise, which precipitates asthma less than land-
based exercise, it is well accepted and frequently prescribed for
asthmatic children (11). A few randomized controlled trials have
searched the effects of other physical training methods in
children with asthma, but none of these concentrated on QoL
(6). In this trial we decided to perform a land-based team sport
for exercise training, expecting that it would increase compli-
ance to the training sessions. Basketball training enables
J Rehabil Med 2006; 38: 130/135
# 2006 Taylor & Francis. ISSN 1650-1977
DOI: 10.1080/16501970500476142 J Rehabil Med 38
children to be socially active during exercise and can be more
The primary end-point of this study is investigating the effects
of a regular submaximal basketball training program on QoL in
mild/moderate asthmatic children. The secondary end-points
are the changes in exercise capacity as well as pulmonary
function of the study group after exercise training.
The study was conducted at the outpatient clinic of the Department of
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Cukurova University Medical
Faculty, Adana, Turkey. The local ethics committee approved the study
and written informed consent was obtained from all of the patients and
their parents.
Seventy-seven mild/moderate asthmatic patients admitted to
the Pediatric Allergy-Immunology Department for their follow-up
visits were evaluated. Patients were classified as having mild or moderate
asthma according to their symptom severity, night-time symptoms
and lung function (1). Of the 77 patients, 15 were excluded (11
declined to participate because of transport problems, 3 declined
because of the fear of bronchoconstruction and 1 patient was withdrawn
because of his additional restrictive component resulting from chest
The study population comprised 62 mild/moderate asthmatic chil-
dren (40 boys, 22 girls) with a mean age of 10.4 (SD 2.1) years (range
7/15 years). The patients were randomly assigned to either exercise
(group E, n/31, 20 boys and 11 girls) or control (group C, n/31, 20
boys and 11 girls). The 2 groups did not differ with respect to age,
sex, height, body mass index (BMI), Tanner stage, duration of disease
(Table I) or pulmonary function.
Baseline assessment
A clinical and medicational history was obtained from all subjects,
followed by physical examination, spirometric tests and determination of
Tanner stage, medication and symptom scores. The hallway 6-minute
walk test (6MWT), physical work capacity at a heart rate of 170 beats
per minute (PWC 170 test) and Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life
Questionnaire (PAQLQ) were performed on both groups.
Lung function was measured using a spirometer and the variables
were expressed as percentage of predicted value. Medication scores were
recorded according to the Modified Asthma Medication Score as
follows: 0/no medication; 1/inhaled salbutamol 200 mg; 2/inhaled
salbutamol 600 mg; 3/inhaled cromolyn or nedocromil or oral
ketotifen; 4/inhaled steroid; 5/inhaled steroid plus oral aminophyl-
line; 6/oral steroidB/20 mg; 7/oral steroid/20 mg (12). Symptom
scores were determined on a scale of 0 to 3 (0/no symptoms, 1/mild,
symptoms present but not troublesome, 2/moderate, symptoms
sufficient to interfere with daily activities, 3/severe symptoms, incapa-
citating) (13).
The hallway 6MWTwas performed on a 30-metre long enclosed quiet
corridor after patients were instructed to walk from end to end, covering
as much ground as possible in the allocated time period (14). The
6MWTwas performed on all of the patients and the distance walked in 6
minutes was recorded in both groups.
The PWC 170 test was assessed by a continuous graded test on
a bicycle ergometer by the same exercise physiologist. Each subject was
required to pedal continuously for a total of 9 minutes after a 2-minute
warm-up, during which time the workload was increased twice.
The baseline load (load 1) was obtained from a normative data
according to age, gender and activity level. According to the heart rates
at 3 and 6 minutes, the workload was increased twice (load 2 and 3)
making 3 loads in all. Heart rate was measured during the last 15
seconds of each load, and the workload increases were regulated so that
the heart rate achieved at the end of the test approached 170 beats per
minute (bpm). The load that could be achieved at a heart rate of 170
bpm was calculated through a formula using loads 2 and 3, and the heart
rates in loads 2 and 3. The PWC 170 test results are expressed as the load
achieved at a heart rate of 170 bpm per kg body weight (W/kg) (15).
The PWC 170 test could not be performed on 8 children in group E and
9 children in group C as the childrens height had to be more than 1.35
metres in order to use the bicycle ergometer.
PAQLQP is a disease-specific questionnaire administered to evaluate
health-related QoL of the asthmatic children. The interviewer-adminis-
tered form of the questionnaire was used. The instrument includes 23
items in 3 domains; activity limitation (n/5), symptoms (n/10) and
emotional function (n/8). In the activity limitation domain, 3 of the
items are individualized according to the activities that affected the
patients most because of their asthma. Both the scores of 3 domains and
the overall score range from 1 to 7 (1 indicates maximum impairment
and 7 indicates no impairment). For PAQLQ, an average change in score
of 0.5 per domain and for overall QoL has been shown to be the minimal
clinically important difference (4, 5, 16).
Training program
Group E underwent a submaximal aerobic training designed as a
moderately intensive basketball training program including both lower
and upper extremity activities. During the 8-week training program the
sessions were performed 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday and
Friday) for one hour in each session. A typical session in the gymnasium
started with warm-up and callisthenics (15 min) followed by submaximal
basketball training (30/35 min), cool-down and flexibility exercises
(10 min). Except daily routines, specific exercise training was not encour-
aged in group C. A regular home respiratory exercise program consisting
of relaxation and breathing exercises was advised to both groups.
Final evaluation
After the 8-week period, spirometric tests, medication and symptom
scores, 6MWT, PWC 170 test and PAQLQ were reassessed in both
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using the statistical package SPSS v
12.0. Normality was checked for each continuous variable. Appropriate
parametric tests were chosen for the data distributed normally. Students
t -test was used for comparing differences between groups E and C.
Changes of total activity, symptom and emotional scores of PAQLQ
were calculated from the difference between final and baseline values
(delta PAQLQ scores) and also Students t -test was used for comparing
these values between the 2 groups. Paired t -test was used to evaluate the
differences within dependent groups. The ratio of gender and Tanner
stages between groups was analysed through the x
test. Results were
presented as mean (SD) and n (%). The level of statistical significance
was set at p B/0.05.
In the baseline evaluation, no significant differences were
found between group E and group C except for a difference
on symptom score (p B/0.01) and 6MWT distance (p B/0.01)
(Table II). The baseline symptom score and the distance covered
Table I. Baseline characteristics of the patients in exercise or control
Exercise (n/31)
Mean (SD)
Control (n/31)
Mean (SD)
Age (years) 10.35 (2.2) 10.45 (2.1)
Male/female (n) 20/11 20/11
Height (cm) 140.84 (13.7) 142.77 (13.4)
BMI (kg/m
) 19.0 (3.8) 17.7 (3.2)
Duration of disease (years) 5.42 (3.3) 4.80 (2.7)
BMI/body mass index.
Exercise and quality of life in asthmatic children 131
J Rehabil Med 38
in the 6MWT in group E were significantly higher before the
The training program was well tolerated and completed by
most of the children in group E. Only one patient discontinued
the intervention, due to receiving a traumatic tibia-fibula
fracture in a traffic accident during the third weekend of the
trial. In group C, 2 patients (siblings) were lost to follow-up
because of moving to another city. Another patient was
withdrawn from the final evaluation as they did not perform
the home exercise program. Therefore, 30 patients in group E
and 28 patients in group C underwent final analysis at the end
of the 8-week period.
According to the individualized 3 items in activity limitation
domain in PAQLQ, the most commonly restricted activities
during the week preceeding the baseline assessment were
running (86%), climbing (52%) and playing football (38%).
The overall PAQLQ score and scores of the 3 domains (activity
limitation, symptom, emotional function) improved signifi-
cantly in group E and group C at the final evaluation
(Table II). Although significant effects of the interventions
were found on the overall PAQLQ scores and on each domain
scores within each group, the degree of improvement (delta
PAQLQ scores) in group E was significantly higher than in
group C (p B/0.001) (Fig. 1). When we compared the PAQLQ
scores between groups after training, statistically significant
differences were detected in all subscores, but the most
prominent difference was seen in the activity limitation domain
(p B/0.01) (Table II).
No significant correlations were found between QoL and the
other variables, such as exercise capacity, pulmonary functions,
duration of disease, socioeconomic variables and medication
and symptom scores. Only the change in symptom scores
correlated significantly with the change in total QoL scores.
The distance in 6MWT and the PWC 170 test results
increased significantly in group E (p B/0.05), whereas no
statistically significant improvement was detected in group C
(Table II).
Medication scores improved in both group E (p B/0.001) and
group C (p B/0.01). Despite higher baseline mean symptom
score in group E, significant improvement in symptom scores
was observed at the final evaluation indicating a better health
status (p B/0.01). No significant improvement of symptom
scores was detected in group C (Table II).
As expected, the intervention had no significant effect on
pulmonary functions except a significant improvement in peak
expiratory flow (PEF) values in group E (p B/0.05). However,
the comparison of PEF values between groups revealed no
significant difference at the final evaluation. No exercise-
induced bronchospasm was observed throughout the training
Table II. Comparison of outcome measures between and within exercise and control groups
Exercise (n/30) Mean (SD) Control (n/28) Mean (SD)
PAQLQ Total (pre-training)
5.03 (0.7)
6.23 (0.4)***
5.31 (0.8)
5.73 (0.8)***
PAQLQ Activity (pre-training)
4.65 (0.6)
5.93 (0.6)***
4.65 (0.7)
5.28 (0.8)***
PAQLQ Symptom (pre-training)
4.91 (0.8)
6.23 (0.5)***
5.34 (0.8)
5.73 (0.9)**
PAQLQ Emotion (pre-training)
5.27 (0.9)
6.43 (0.5)***
5.58 (1.0)
6.02 (0.9)**
PWC 170 (W/kg) (pre-training)
1.82 (0.4)
2.01 (0.4)*
1.87 (0.5)
1.84 (0.5)
6MWT (metres) (pre-training)
662.1 (47.1)
688.3 (69.8)*
620.4 (59.5)
640.4 (58.7)
Symptom score (pre-training)
0.74 (0.5)
0.20 (0.8)**
0.32 (0.7)
0.39 (0.7)
Medication score (pre-training)
4,93 (2.5)
3,53 (2.1)***
3.93 (2.3)
3.04 (2.4)**
(%) (pre-training)
91.3 (12.4)
90.2 (12.1)
88.2 (12.9)
91.4 (12.2)
FVC % (pre-training)
83.0 (10.3)
82.6 (10.1)
83.0 (12.5)
82.5 (12.3)
FEV1/FVC (pre-training)
92.8 (8.6)
92.1 (8.8)
90.4 (7.9)
92.9 (7.1)
MEF % (pre-training)
97.3 (28.5)
93.4 (25.1)
89.0 (25.5)
95.8 (19.9)
PEF % (pre-training)
82.9 (17.1)
87 (14.4)*
81.9 (13.7)
86.1 (17.1)
*p B/0.05; **p B/0.01; ***p B/0.001 within group between pre- and post-training (paired t -test);
p value between exercise and control groups
(Students t -test).
PAQLQ/Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; PWC 170/physical work capacity at a heart rate of 170 beats per minute;
6MWT/6-minute walk test; FEV
/1-second forced expiratory volume; FVC/forced vital capacity; MEF/maximum expiratory flow;
PEF/peak expiratory flow.
132 S. Basaran et al.
J Rehabil Med 38
Health-related QoL has become an essential part of the health
outcome measures in chronic disorders (17). Children with
asthma have been shown to have significantly poorer health-
related QoL, which is related to both disease and non-disease
factors (18). PR programs in adult patients improve QoL as well
as exercise capacity and decrease symptoms and health costs
(10). However, despite many articles, reviews and meta-analyses
concerning these beneficial effects in adult COPD and asthma-
tic patients (10, 19/24), few studies have concentrated on QoL
in asthmatic children (25/30). Most of these articles discuss the
effects of education and asthma self-management programs on
QoL. To the best of our knowledge, the effect of outpatient
exercise training on QoL has not yet been studied in asthmatic
Swimming is well accepted and investigated in asthmatic
children. Only a few randomized controlled trials have ques-
tioned the effects of other physical training methods (6, 11). In
the current study, we evaluated the effects of basketball training
on QoL along with exercise capacity and pulmonary functions
of children with mild/moderate asthma. The results revealed
that children in the exercise group improved their QoL as well as
their exercise capacity. The QoL also improved in the control
group in which the children performed a home exercise
program. This is consistent with the study by Bingol et al.
(26) in which a daily home exercise program resulted in
improvements in QoL in asthmatic children. These beneficial
effects on QoL might be explained by the positive effects of
regular home respiratory exercise. As expected, the QoL
improvement in the exercise group was more than the control
group in our trial. The psychosocial benefits of participating in
an exercise program of team sport and sharing with other
asthmatic children could have an additional effect on QoL
besides the training program itself.
No significant correlations were observed between QoL and
other variables such as exercise capacity, pulmonary functions,
duration of disease, socioeconomic variables and symptom
scores in our study group. Change in symptom scores was
the only parameter to correlate significantly with the change in
total QoL scores. Improvement in QoL seems to be independent
of the physiological parameters such as Fuchs-Climent et al.
(31) have also found in their study of a short and intensive
inpatient rehabilitation program. They, too, have found
improvements in QoL and exercise endurance, yet no significant
correlations between QoL and physiological parameters
throughout their rehabilitation program. The impact of an
asthma program on QoL which consisted of agressive
medical management and education have also been investigated
by Munzenberger & Vinuya (25) and significant improvements
have been seen in overall QoL scores as well as in each
domain. However, no relationship has been detected between
exercise tolerance, symptoms and changes in QoL total score.
The literature presents several studies concerning the effects
of different asthma management programs on QoL of asthmatic
children. It is quite challenging to compare these results as the
contents of these rehabilitation programs, the duration and
follow-up periods show a wide range of variability. Marabini
et al. (32) investigated the short-term effects of an asthma
education program and significant improvements were found in
overall QoL and in symptom domain. The long-term effect of
indoor rehabilitation was investigated in 8/16-year-old asthma-
tic children by Bauer et al. (28). Significant improvements in
asthma management, days absent from school, MEF 50 and
QoL were observed after 12 months. In another study, the
impact of a population-based asthma management program on
paediatric asthma patients and their caregivers was investigated
(27). Statistically significant outcomes were observed in various
domains, such as symptomatology, restricted activity days for
children and workdays lost for adult carers after a period of 12
Our secondary end-points were investigating the effects of the
intervention on exercise capacity and pulmonary functions. The
functional exercise capacity determined by 6MWTand PWC170
test improved in group E whereas no significant improvements
were seen in group C. There are some limitations of the 6MWT
and the PWC 170 test in interpreting the results of children for a
precise determination of exercise capacity. The 6MWT distance
normally ranges from400 to 700 metres in healthy adults (33), but
there is, to-date, no data for healthy children. The minimal
clinicallysignificant change in6MWTdistance was foundtobe 54
metres for adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) (34). There is also no defined data regarding the
minimal clinically significant change in 6MWT distance when
performed on children. Therefore, the clinical importance of the
significant change of 26 metres in the 6MWTresults of group Ein
our study remains unclear.
Control Exercise
Fig. 1. Differences for total, activity, symptom and emotional scores
of Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire of exercise
(n/30) and control (n/28) groups. The differences are signicant
(p B/0.001) for all scores in the exercise vs control groups.
Whiskers/interquartile ranges 25/75%; line in box/median;
Exercise and quality of life in asthmatic children 133
J Rehabil Med 38
The PWC 170 test, on the other hand, has been shown to have
good correlation with maximal oxygen uptake (VO
max) and
provides crude estimate of VO
max, but should not be used to
predict individual maximal aerobic power (35). In clinical
practice, it is easy to perform the PWC 170 test compared
with the other direct measurement techniques of VO
especially in children. However, it is technically not possible to
perform on children less than 1.35 metres tall.
Our findings are consistent with the current literature
concerning aerobic improvement as well as symptomatic
improvement and medication reduction with physical training
in asthma. Neder et al. (3) investigated the short-term effects of
aerobic training in moderate-to-severe asthma and detected
aerobic improvement with a significant reduction in the
medication score. Effects of an exercise program consisting of
regular group exercises and home exercises for a period of 3
months on aerobic capacity, endurance and coping with asthma
was evaluated by van Veldhoven et al. (2). They also found
significant improvements in exercise parameters and coping
with asthma. However, neither of these studies has evaluated the
effects of the interventions on QoL.
In their review, Ram et al. (6) evaluated the effects of physical
training on resting pulmonary functions, aerobic fitness, clinical
status and QoL in asthmatic children who were ]/ 8 years. The
clearest finding of this meta-analysis was that aerobic power
increased with physical training. No improvement in resting
lung function was shown and any benefits of regular exercise
were reported to be unrelated to effects on lung function. In the
review mentioned above, no data were available on a number of
outcome measures, such as exercise endurance, symptoms,
bronchodilator use and measures of QoL.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first article
evaluating the effects of a supervised indoor physical training
program in the form of a team sport (basketball training) on
QoL in mild/moderate asthmatic children. Our results support
the positive effects of submaximal aerobic exercise on QoL and
exercise capacity in children with asthma. Eight weeks of
regular submaximal basketball training is an effective alter-
native program for asthmatic children. Children with asthma
should be encouraged to engage in sports and lifetime exercise.
However, further randomized controlled trials using larger
samples are needed to confirm these findings and to assess
the long-term effects of physical training on QoL in asthmatic
children as well as to determine which form of exercise training
is most beneficial.
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