Objective of Marketing Manager
Objective of Marketing Manager
Objective of Marketing Manager
- Managing present customers and increase the product category among them.
- Understanding current and potential Customers.
- Using Lean management technique run the business smoothly and achieve the
- Supervise the team and maintain the pricing strategy according to demand and
- Sound easibility analysis on the product category.
Strategy for achieving the goal and objective of Business:
- Manage the team and remove the barrier bet!een the employees.
- Using SOS"#C approach ma$e the mar$eting plan.
- #ssign the team on the basis o their $no!ledge and eectiveness.
- Ma$e sound Customer %elationship Management !ith e&isting and ne!
- 'ective research on the prospect clients and also on the easible area.
Focus area and Opportunities:
- (ue to centrali)e system o *overnment policy+ the private institution and clinic
are developing and the inrastructure and technology o these institutions are
- (ue to customers,clients satisaction level rom the private -nstitution are
increasing day by day and also the competition among the -nstitutions increased
and all the customers demanding !orld class acilities !ithin their convenience.
- (ue to rule and regulation o the .ealth /olicy change on the technology used in
the -nstitution+ thus target those !hich are under standard according to health
- #ccording to changing rules and regulation+ the .ealth institutions must be
ollo!ed the -SO standard. "hus+ changing the rules is emerging opportunities and
target those institutions !hich are under the -SO standard equipment.
#ccording to the MO./+ the appro&imately total number o health institution are as
Number of Hospitals
under Ministry of Health
and opulation
.ospitals 1os.
.ospitals 2
%egional .ospital 3
Sub %egional .ospitals 3
4onal .ospitals 5
(istrict .ospitals 67
(istrict .ealth Oice 72
/rimary .ealth Care
Center 8/.C9C: 3;<
.ealth /ost 8./: 733
Sub .ealth /ost 8S./: =375
/.C Outreach Clinics 322>;
!hy Shasis vt" #td"$
9 *ood relationship maintain !ith the top reputed .ospitals in 1epal.
9 .olding more the 33 leading multinational corporations distribution agency.
Other %overnmental
.ospitals 1os.
Military .ospital 6
/olice .ospital 3
Cancer .ospital 3
.eart .ospital 3
Civil Servant .ospital 3
9 Leading distributors o medical equipment to the various top leading .ospitals
including the *ov. sectors .ealth centres.
9 #!arded !ith many tenders through LM( 8Logistic and Management (ept.:
!hich is under .ealth Ministry o 1epal.
- /roviding good service on installing medical equipment in various hospitals in
- Financially sound and oldest medical equipment distributor agency in 1epal
having all types o Medical equipment.
- #ll equipment are !orld class and -SO standard.