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Penal Law 3

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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 181826 January 9, 2013
HONG !ENG E an" TSEN TSEN CHU#, Appellants.
#$#%, J.:
This is about the !ut" of the p#osecution to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt that the ille$al sale of !#u$s %as consu&&ate!. Absence of p#oof
of consu&&ation, the accuse! &a" be ac'uitte! fo# ille$al sale of !#u$s. Nonetheless, accuse! &a" be convicte! fo# (ille$al possession of
p#ohibite! !#u$s()penali*e! in Section + of Republic Act ,R.A.- ./01, as a&en!e!)as possession is necessa#il" inclu!e! in the c#i&e cha#$e!
in the Info#&ation.
The 2acts an! the ase
The it" P#osecuto# of Manila sepa#atel" cha#$e! the accuse! Hon$ 3en E 4 (5en6ie On$( ,3en E-, Tsien Tsien hua ,hua-, an! 7un 8ie
An$ ,An$- befo#e the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of that cit" fo# violation of Section 91, A#ticle III in #elation to Section 0,e-, ,f-, ,&-, an! ,o-,
A#ticle I in #elation to A#ticle 09 of R.A. ./01, as a&en!e! b" P#esi!ential Dec#ee :.1;.
The National 5u#eau of Investi$ation ,N5I- Special Investi$ato# ,SI- Ro" Rufino . Su<e$a ,Su<e$a- testifie! that Att". Ruel =asala, hief of
the Na#cotics Division, o#!e#e! hi& to place accuse! 3en E un!e# su#veillance an! a##an$e a possible bu")bust involvin$ hi&. Subse'uentl",
Su<e$a %ent to 8ollibee, Masan$>a" 5#anch, to$ethe# %ith SI Noel . 5ocalin$ fo# a p#e)a##an$e! &eetin$ %ith 3en E. At that &eetin$, 3en E
a$#ee! to sell t%o >ilo$#a&s of shabu to Su<e$a fo# P.??,???.?? pe# >ilo$#a&. He %as to !elive# the shabu in the evenin$ of the follo%in$ !a"
at the sa&e place.
Su<e$a cause! the p#epa#ation of boo!le &one", consistin$ of 0/ bun!les of 9?? 9?)peso bills %ith fou# 1??)peso bills to cove# the top an!
the botto& of each bun!le. He ha! the 1??)peso bills &a#>e! %ith (RS)9,( (RS)0,( (RS)@( an! (RS)/( at the #i$ht top po#tion.
As a$#ee!, the
N5I a$ents &et %ith 3en E a$ain on the evenin$ of Septe&be# 1, 0??9. 3en E a##ive! but #e'ueste! the police bu"e#s to &eet hi& at =ai)=ai
Restau#ant. 5efo#e he left, 3en E too> a pee> at the &one".
At the =ai)=ai Restau#ant, hua an! An$ a##ive! an! app#oache! 3en E. Apon the latte#Bs inst#uction, hua han!e! ove# the plastic ba$s she
ha! to Su<e$a. onvince! that these containe! shabu, Su<e$a lit his ci$a#ette, the si$nal that the bu")bust ha! been co&plete!. Afte# the
a##est of the th#ee, Su<e$a place! the shabu in plastic ba$s an! &a#>e! these %ith (H. 3EN)9( an! (H.3EN)0( %ith the !ate (;)?.)0??9.(
police then sub&itte! the suspecte! shabu fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination. 3vette 3lao, an N5I fo#ensic anal"st testifie! that, upon eCa&ination,
the contents of the plastic ba$s p#ove! to be &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e.
Accuse! hua !enie! the cha#$es an! testifie! that it %as a case of (huli!ap( an! the" to#tu#e! he#. The" !iveste! he# of he# 6e%el#" an!
!e&an!e! P0 &illion fo# he# #elease. 3en E also !enie! the cha#$es an! co&plaine! of bein$ a victi& of (huli!ap.( He testifie! that the
a##estin$ office#s !e&an!e! P0 &illion fo# his #elease. An$, on the othe# han!, 6u&pe! bail an! thus %aive! his #i$ht to a!!uce evi!ence.
On Ap#il 0;, 0??/ the RT foun! the th#ee accuse! $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e cha#$e! an! sentence! the& to suffe# the
penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua an! to pa" a fine of P1??,???.?? each %ithout subsi!ia#" i&p#ison&ent in case of insolvenc".
On appeal to the ou#t of Appeals ,A- in A)7.R. R)H.. ?09.+,
the latte# affi#&e! in toto the RT Decision. It also !enie! the accuse!Bs
&otion fo# #econsi!e#ation on Au$ust ., 0??:, hence, this appeal.
The Issue P#esente!
The sole issue in this case is %hethe# o# not the A e##e! in fin!in$ that the p#osecution succee!e! in p#ovin$ be"on! #easonable !oubt the
consu&&ation of the ille$al sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s.
The Rulin$ of the ou#t
One. To p#ove the c#i&e of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, the p#osecutionDs evi!ence shoul! establish the follo%in$ ele&entsE ,9- the i!entit"
of the bu"e# an! selle#, ob6ect an! consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent. Absent an" of these t%o ele&ents,
the p#osecutionBs case &ust fail.
He#e, %hile SI Su<e$a clai&e! that 3en E offe#e! to sell to hi& t%o >ilo$#a&s of shabu fo# P9.0 &illion an! that he a$#ee! to bu" the sa&e,
the sale %as not consu&&ate!. He thus na##ate!E
GE Hhat happene! %hen this hinese la!" han!e! to "ou the plastic ba$I
AE Hell, I i&&e!iatel" inspecte! the contents of the sai! ba$ an! I notice! the ba$ has t%o t#anspa#ent plastic ba$s an! c#u&ple! ne%spape#s
cove#e! it.
GE An! %hat %as the content of thisI
AE 5ase! on &" initial eCa&ination, I a& convince! that it is shabu. 5ase! on its appea#ance.
GE Hhat happene!, M#. Hitness, %hen this hinese la!" han!e! to "ou the plastic ba$I
AE Hell, I i&&e!iatel" li$hte! a ci$a#ette. An! the li$htin$ of the ci$a#ette is a p#e)a##an$e! si$nal to ou# bac>)up tea& that the !#u$s a#e the#e
al#ea!" an! that is a si$nal to con!uct the a##est. ,sic-
GE Hhat happene!, M#. Hitness, %hen "ou testifie! that "ou $ave a p#e)a##an$e! si$nalI
AE Afte# that, I al#ea!" sa% &" bac>)up tea& app#oachin$ ou# position an! then befo#e I coul! han! ove# the &one" to M#. 5en6ie On$, the
a##est %as al#ea!" &a!e.
,E&phasis supplie!-
Du#in$ the #e)c#oss eCa&ination, SI Su<e$a a!&itte! that the bac>)up tea& i&&e!iatel" a##este! the appellants befo#e he coul! !elive# the
bu")bust &one" to the appellants, thusE
GE O>a", the#e %as no pa"&ent %hatsoeve#I
AE I have the &one" %ith &e to pa" but befo#e I can !o so, the bac>)up tea& al#ea!" assiste! &e in con!uctin$ the a##est.
GE In othe# %o#!s, "ou !i! not actuall" pa" fo# %hat "ou clai& "ou have #eceive!I Hin!i &o bina"a#an an$ sinasabi &on$ inabot sa i"o. Is that
AE ThatDs co##ect, si#.
It is &ate#ial in ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s that the sale actuall" too> place. Hhat consu&&ates the bu")bust t#ansaction is the !elive#" of
the !#u$s to the poseu#)bu"e# an!, in tu#n, the selle#Bs #eceipt of the &a#>e! &one".
Hhile the pa#ties &a" have a$#ee! on the sellin$ p#ice of
the shabu an! !elive#" of pa"&ent %as inten!e!, these !o not p#ove consu&&ate! sale. Receipt of the &a#>e! &one", %hethe# !one befo#e
!elive#" of the !#u$s o# afte#,
is #e'ui#e!.
In an atte&pt to p#ove a consu&&ate! sale, the p#osecution heavil" #elie! on the testi&on" of SI Su<e$a that 3en E too> a pee> at the &one"
befo#e the" %ent to the #estau#ant fo# the s%ap %ith shabu. 5ut loo>in$ at a thin$ !oes not t#ansfe# possession of it to the behol!e#. Such a
tenet %oul! &a>e %in!o% shoppe#s liable fo# theft.
T%o. AppellantBs eCone#ation f#o& the sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s !oes not spell f#ee!o& f#o& all c#i&inal liabilit" as the" &a" be convicte! fo#
ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s un!e# Section +
of R.A. ./01. This ou#t has consistentl" #ule! that possession is necessa#il" inclu!e!
in the sale of ille$al !#u$s.
7iven that ille$al possession is an ele&ent of an! is necessa#il" inclu!e! in the ille$al sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s, the ou#t %ill no% !ete#&ine
appellants culpabilit" un!e# Section +.
The ele&ents of ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s a#e as follo%sE ,a- the accuse! is in possession of an ite& o# ob6ect %hich is i!entifie!
to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,b- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,c- the accuse! f#eel" an! consciousl" possesse! the p#ohibite!
The evi!ence on #eco#! clea#l" establishe! that appellant hua %as in possession of the plastic ba$s containin$ p#ohibite! !#u$s %ithout the
#e'uisite autho#it". Appl"in$ Section @,6-, Rule 9@9 of the Rules of ou#t,
a !isputable p#esu&ption a#ises that she is the o%ne# of the ba$
an! its contents. It &a" be #ebutte! b" cont#a#" p#oof that the accuse! !i! not in fact eCe#cise po%e# an! cont#ol ove# the thin$ in 'uestion,
an! !i! not inten! to !o so. The bu#!en of evi!ence is thus shifte! to the possesso# to eCplain absence of ani&us possi!en!i.
He#e, hua
faile! to p#esent evi!ence to #ebut the p#esu&ption. She clai&s that she %as a victi& of f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion b" the na#cotics a$ents of the
N5I. This !efense is vie%e! %ith !isfavo# fo# it can be easil" concocte!.
The !efense of f#a&e)up, often i&pute! to police office#s, #e'ui#es
st#on$ p#oof %hen offe#e! as a !efense, because of the p#esu&ption that public office#s acte! in the #e$ula# pe#fo#&ance of thei# official
Althou$h the plastic ba$s containin$ shabu %e#e foun! solel" in the possession of hua, it %as evi!ent that 3en E ha! >no%le!$e of its
eCistence. As the #eco#!s %oul! sho%, 3en E ne$otiate! fo# the sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s. Hhen hua a##ive! in the vicinit", she app#oache!
3en E befo#e !elive#in$ the shabu to Su<e$a.1wphi1 These acts of the accuse! in!ubitabl" !e&onst#ate a coo#!inate! plan on thei# pa#t to
activel" en$a$e in the ille$al business of !#u$s. Hhen conspi#ac" is sho%n, the act of one is the act of all conspi#ato#s. Di#ect evi!ence of
conspi#ac" is not necessa#" as it can be clea#l" !e!uce! f#o& the acts of the accuse!.1wphi1
Th#ee. As to the accuse!Bs a#$u&ent that the N5I ope#atives faile! to obse#ve the chain of custo!" #ule in !an$e#ous !#u$s cases, %e !o not
a$#ee. The alle$e! failu#e of the app#ehen!in$ tea& to invento#" an! photo$#aph the confiscate! ite&s i&&e!iatel" afte# the ope#ation, is not
fatal to the p#osecutionBs cause. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s,
as the sa&e %oul! be use! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!.
He#e, the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the
sei*e! !#u$s ha! been p#ese#ve! as the#e is evi!ence to account fo# the c#ucial lin>s in the chain of custo!" of the sei*e! shabu, sta#tin$ f#o&
its confiscation to its p#esentation as evi!ence in the RT.
HHERE2ORE, the assaile! Decision of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. ?09.+ !ate! Ma#ch @?, 0??: is he#eb" MODI2IED. The
ou#t 2INDS Hon$ 3en E4 (A$iJ5en6ie On$( an! Tsien Tsien hua $uilt" of ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s un!e# Section + of
Republic Act ./01F IMPOSES on the&, in acco#!ance %ith the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, i&p#ison&ent fo# + "ea#s as &ini&u& to 90
"ea#s as &aCi&u&F an! ORDERS the& to pa" a fine of P90,???.??. osts !e oficio.
RO$ERTO #. #$#%
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Thi#! Division
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIA of the onstitution an! the Division hai#pe#sonDs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the c?nclusions in the above
Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tDs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 180(1) #*r+, 1-, 2013
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, Plaintiff)Appellee,
%#NTE L. %UM#L#G, Accuse!)Appellant.
2o# #evie% is the Decision
!ate! 8ul" @, 0??: of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R.)H.. No. ?9+/:, %hich affi#&e! the Decision
Nove&be# 9., 0??1 of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT-, 5#anch 9;, of =aoa$ it" in #i&inal ase Nos. 9.+@)9; an! 9.+/)9;, tin!in$ accuse!)
appellant Dante =. Du&ala$ $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ A#ticle II, Sections 1 an! 99 of Republic Act No. ;9.1, othe#%ise
>no%n as the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0.
The Info#&ations a$ainst accuse!)appellant #ea!E
#i&inal ase No. 9.+@)9;, fo# violation of Rep. Act No. ;9.1 ,Possession-
That on o# about @E@? oDcloc> in the afte#noon of 8anua#" 1, 0??1 at the SeC" 5each Reso#t locate! at 5#$". Estancia, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te,
Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an!
feloniousl" have in his possession, cont#ol an! custo!" th#ee ,@- heat seale! plastic sachets %ei$hin$ ?.?9 $#a&s, ?.?91 $#a&s, an! ?.?/
$#a&s #espectivel" ,sic- fo# Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e othe#%ise >no%n as (shabu(, %ithout havin$ the autho#it", license o# p#esc#iption
to !o so.
#i&inal ase No. 9.+/)9;, fo# violation of Rep. Act No. ;9.1 ,Sale-
That on o# about @E@? oBcloc> in the afte#noon of 8anua#" 1, 0??1 at the SeC" 5each Reso#t locate! at 5#$". Estancia, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te,
Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an!
feloniousl" sell one ,9- s&all heat seale! plastic sachet containin$ Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e othe#%ise >no%n as shabu, a #e$ulate!
!#u$, %ei$hin$ ?.?0@ $#a&s to a police poseu# bu"e# in a bu" bust ope#ation %ithout the necessa#" license o# autho#it" to !o so.
Accuse!)appellant plea!e! not $uilt" to both cha#$es %hen he %as a##ai$ne! on 8une 9/, 0??1.
Du#in$ the p#eli&ina#" confe#ence on 8une 0:, 0??1, the pa#ties &a!e the follo%in$ a!&issionsE
The !efense a!&itte! the follo%in$ p#oposals of the p#osecutionE
9. The i!entit" of the accuse! as the sa&e Dante Du&ala$ also >no%n as Dato Du&ala$ %ho %as a##ai$ne! in these cases.
0. That the accuse! is a #esi!ent of 5#$". 0, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te on o# befo#e 8anua#" 1, 0??1.
@. That the accuse! %as at the SeC" 5each LReso#tM at 5#$". Estancia, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te in the afte#noon of 8anua#" 1, 0??1.
/. That the p#osecution %itnesses na&el"E PO@ Rousel Albano, PO0 Dann" Val!e*, SPO/ An$el Salvatie##a an! PO0 Ha#ol!
Nicolas a#e &e&be#s of the Special Ope#ations 7#oup ,SO7- on o# befo#e 8anua#" 1, 0??1.
1. That the accuse! is not autho#i*e! to sell neithe# to possess p#ohibite! !#u$s >no%n as shabu.
2o# its pa#t, the p#osecution onl" a!&itte! the p#oposal of the !efense that the accuse! an! PO0 Dann" Val!e* a#e to%n &ates.
The !efense &a!e a!!itional a!&issions !u#in$ p#e)t#ial on 8une 0+, 0??1, %hich the RT state! in its O#!e#
of even !ateE
Apon p#oposal of the ou#t, the !efense a!&itte! the eCistence of the initial labo#ato#" #epo#t, the confi#&ato#" #epo#t an! the #esult of the
u#ine test issue! b" Police Senio# Inspecto# ,PSI- Ma#" Ann a"ab"ab ,a"ab"ab- %hich %e#e &a#>e! as EChibits (I(, (8( an! (N(,
The p#osecution an! the !efense also a$#ee! that befo#e 0E?? oBcloc> in the afte#noon of the !ate of the inci!ent, the accuse! ha! #ente! an!
%as occup"in$ #oo& nu&be# @ of the Reso#t Hotel an! Restau#ant locate! at SeC" 5each, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te.
The#eafte#, the p#osecution an! !efense consi!e#e! the p#e)t#ial close! an! te#&inate!.
The#eafte#, t#ial ensue!.
The p#osecution calle! Police Office# ,PO- @ Rousel Al Albano+ ,Albano- an! PO0 Dann" A. Val!e*
,Val!e*- to the %itness stan!, %hile
!ispensin$ %ith the testi&on" of Police Senio# Inspecto# ,PSI- Ma#" Ann a"ab"ab ,a"ab"ab- in vie% of the stipulation of the pa#ties as to
the substance of he# testi&on".
The p#osecution li>e%ise sub&itte! the follo%in$ ob6ect an! !ocu&enta#" evi!enceE ,a- the 8oint
!ate! 8anua#" ., 0??1 eCecute! b" the Special Ope#ations 7#oup ,SO7- &e&be#s %ho con!ucte! the bu")bust ope#ation on
8anua#" 1, 0??1, inclu!in$ PO@ Albano an! PO0 Val!e*F ,b- the ECt#acte! Police 5lotte#s
!ate! 8anua#" ., 0??1 %hich #eco#!e! the events
p#io# to an! afte# the bu")bust ope#ationF ,c- t%o pieces of P9??.?? &a#>e! bills use! in the bu")bust ope#ationF
,!- the Re'uest fo#
=abo#ato#" ECa&ination
!ate! 8anua#" 1, 0??1 of one heat)seale! sachet &a#>e! (RA( an! th#ee heat)seale! sachets &a#>e! (R( of
suspecte! shabu confiscate! f#o& accuse!)appellantF ,e- Re'uest fo# D#u$ Test ECa&ination
!ate! 8anua#" 1, 0??1 of accuse!)appellantBs
pe#sonF ,f- one heat)seale! sachet of suspecte! shabu &a#>e! (RA(F
,$- th#ee heat)seale! sachets of suspecte! shabu &a#>e! (R(F
,h- PSI
a"ab"abBs he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)??@)0??1
!ate! 8anua#" 1 an! ., 0??1 statin$ that the sachets sub&itte! fo# eCa&ination teste!
positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!eF ,i- PSI a"ab"abBs he&ist#" Repo#t No. DT)??0)0??1
!ate! 8anua#" ., 0??1 statin$ that
accuse!)appellantBs u#ine sa&ple teste! positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!eF ,6- the e#tification of Sei*e! Ite&s
!ate! 8anua#" 1,
0??1 p#epa#e! b" PO@ Albano an! PO0 Val!e* enu&e#atin$ the ite&s sei*e! f#o& accuse!)appellantBs possession %hen a##este!F ,>- seve#al
pieces of c#u&ple! alu&inu& foilsF
,l- a pu#ple !isposable li$hte#F
an! ,&- an e&pt" Hinston ci$a#ette pac>.
The p#osecutionBs ve#sion of events %as p#esente! b" the RT as follo%sE
At a#oun! 0E?? oBcloc> in the afte#noon of 8anua#" 1, 0??1, a fe&ale police info#&ant f#o& Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te %ent to the office of the
Special Ope#ations 7#oup ,no% P#ovincial Anti)Ille$al D#u$s Special Ope#ations Tea& o# PAID)SOT- locate! at a&p 8uan, =aoa$ it" an!
#epo#te! that a ce#tain Dato Du&ala$, a >no%n !#u$ pe#sonalit" of 5#$". 0, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te %as at SeC" 5each Reso#t o%ne! b" 5ebot
2e##e# sellin$ shabu to custo&e#s. Actin$ upon the #epo#t, PO@ Rousel Albano an! PO0 Dann" Val!e* #ela"e! the info#&ation to thei# tea&
lea!e#, Police Inspecto# Rolan!o 5attula"an, %ho then o#$ani*e! a tea& co&pose! of PO@ Albano, PO0 Val!e*, SPO/ Salvatie##a an! PO0
Ha#ol! Nicolas to con!uct a bu" bust ope#ation a$ainst the suspect. PO@ Albano %as assi$ne! to act as poseu# bu"e# %hile the #est of the
tea& %ill act as pe#i&ete# bac> up. PO@ Albano %as also tas>e! to &a#> the t%o pieces of P9?? bills p#ovi!e! b" Inspecto# 5attula"an to be
use! as bu" bust &one" an! place! the lette# (R( bet%een the lette#s 7 an! P of Republi>a N$ Pilipinas on the face of the bills. The p#e)
ope#ation activit" %as also #eco#!e! in the police blotte#. Afte#%a#!s, the tea& p#ocee!e! to the ta#$et place locate! in 5#$". Estancia,
Pasu'uin at a#oun! 0E@? oBcloc> that sa&e afte#noon.
Apon #eachin$ the place at a#oun! @E?? oBcloc>, the police as>e! the ca#eta>e# of the beach #eso#t if a pe#son is occup"in$ Roo& ?@ as
#epo#te! b" the asset. The ca#eta>e# %ho %as %ith anothe# ca#eta>e# an! both of %ho& %e#e fe&ale $ave the& the info#&ation that in!ee! a
&ale pe#son %as occup"in$ the sai! #oo&. Afte# the" p#epa#e! fo# the plan an! have su#ve"e! the a#ea fo# five to seven &inutes, the"
p#ocee!e! %ith the !#u$ bust. The &e&be#s of the bac> up secu#it" positione! the&selves on the southe#n pa#t of the alle" about 91 &ete#s
a%a" f#o& Roo& @ %hile PO@ Albano an! the police asset %ent to the sai! #oo& of the suspect %hich %as locate! at no#the#n&ost pa#t of the
&ain buil!in$ of the #eso#t. Hhen the" %e#e al#ea!" at the !oo#, the asset calle! out the na&e of the suspect Dato an! PO@ Albano >noc>e!
at the !oo#. Afte# the asset also >noc>e! at the !oo#, a &ale pe#son peepe! th#ou$h an! upon #eco$ni*in$ the police asset, Dato Du&ala$
tol! he#, (Mano Alaen"o, su&#e> >a" pa" lan$ n$a#u!( ,Ho% &uch %ill "ou $et, co&e in then-. As the" %e#e al#ea!" insi!e the #oo&, PO@
Albano tol! the suspect, (5alo# !os ti alaen&i( ,He %ill $et %o#th t%o-. The suspect then %ent to the !#esse# locate! on the southe#n pa#t of
the #oo& an! %est of the !oo# an! too> one s&all plastic sachet an! han!e! the sa&e to PO@ Albano %ho i&&e!iatel" han!e! the t%o
&a#>e! P9?? bills. Afte# the suspect ha! poc>ete! the &one" on his #i$ht f#ont poc>et, he tol! the&, (Ru&a&an >a" pa" n$a#u! ti$)P1?.??
,Taste fi#st, P1? %o#th fo# each of "ou-. At that instance, PO@ Albano $ave the p#e)a##an$e! si$nal to the &e&be#s of the bac> up secu#it" that
the sale %as al#ea!" consu&&ate! b" p#essin$ the button of his cellphone to #et#ieve an! call the last !iale! nu&be# %hich %as the cell
nu&be# of PO0 Val!e*. Afte# &a>in$ the si$nal, PO@ Albano $#abbe! the #i$ht han! of the suspect an! info#&e! hi& of his autho#it". The
suspect scuffle! %ith the police office# %ho %as ho%eve# able to sub!ue hi&.
In the &eanti&e, afte# PO0 Val!e* #eceive! the &iss call of PO@ Albano, he an! his co&panions #ushe! insi!e the #oo& of the suspect. PO@
Albano ha! al#ea!" han!cuffe! the suspect b" then an! %as hol!in$ hi& at that ti&e. Hhile PO@ Albano f#is>e! the accuse! %he#e he
confiscate! a P1? bill in %hich th#ee othe# sachets of suspecte! shabu %e#e inse#te!, PO0 Val!e* sea#che! the #oo& an! confiscate! so&e
ite&s %hich %e#e on top of the !#esse#, such as five c#u&ple! alu&inu& foil, stic> of ci$a#ette, ci$a#ette foil, a li$hte# an! a cellphone.
Afte#%a#!s, the" b#ou$ht the suspect an! the confiscate! ite&s to thei# hea!'ua#te#s in =aoa$ it" %he#e PO@ Albano &a#>e! the sachet of
shabu bou$ht f#o& the suspect %ith his initials (RA(. He also &a#>e! the othe# th#ee sachets an! theP1? bill in %hich he foun! the sai!
sachets %ith the lette# (R( on one si!e an! the lette#s (DD( on the othe# si!e. He also p#epa#e! the confiscation #eceipt %hich the accuse!
si$ne! an! the post ope#ation #epo#t. On the othe# han!, PO0 Val!e* &a#>e! the ite&s that he confiscate! %ith his initials (DAV(. The" then
b#ou$ht the confiscate! ite&s fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination to$ethe# %ith a lette# #e'uest.
Apon #eceipt of the speci&ens, the 2o#ensic he&ical Office# of the Ilocos No#te P#ovincial #i&e =abo#ato#" Office in a&p 8uan, Police
Senio# Inspecto# Ma#" Ann a"ab"ab, eCa&ine! the sa&e. Pa#ticula#l" %ith #espect to the fou# sachets, she foun! the contents the#eof to be
&etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e. This is sho%n in he# Initial =abo#ato#" Repo#t as %ell as in he# confi#&ato#" #epo#t, he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)
??@)0??1. The sai! 2o#ensic he&ical Office# also foun! the u#ine sa&ple of the accuse! positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e as
sho%n in he&ist#" Repo#t No. DT)??0)??1.
It &ust be note! that in the cou#se of his testi&on", PO@ Albano i!entifie! thei# 8oint Affi!avit of a##est, the eCt#act of the police blotte# sho%in$
the p#e)ope#ation activit"F the eCt#act of the police blotte# containin$ the post ope#ations #epo#t, the t%o pieces of P9?? bills bu" bust &one"
bea#in$ Se#ial Nos. K@../:9: an! P7.1.9.?, the th#ee plastic confiscate! f#o& the possession of the accuse! %ith the &a#>in$ lette# (R( an!
(DD(, the P1? bill in %hich the th#ee sachets %e#e suppose!l" #olle!, the plastic sachet containin$ c#"stalline substance that %as sol! b" the
suspect an! the e#tification of Sei*e! Ite&s. In the case of PO0 Val!e*, he i!entifie! those that he confiscate!E the five ,1- pieces of
c#u&ple! alu&inu& foil, the No>ia @09? cellphone, the Hinston ci$a#ette pac>, a stic> of Hinston ci$a#ette an! a pu#ple ci$a#ette li$hte#. 5oth
%itnesses also i!entifie! the lette# #e'uest fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination an! the lette# #e'uest fo# u#ine eCa&ination.
,itations o&itte!.-
Evi!ence fo# the !efense %e#e the testi&onies of accuse!)appellant Hi&self
an! Naichel 5olosan
,5olosan-, an! thei# #espective S%o#n
State&ents !ate! 2eb#ua#" 9+, 0??1.
The !efense ave##e! that the police office#s f#a&e! accuse!)appellant afte# failin$ to eCto#t &one"
f#o& hi&. The RT su&&e! up the !efenseBs evi!ence, to %itE
That afte#noon of 8anua#" 1, 0??1, Naishel 5olosan %as %ith his f#ien!s Nathaniel 5olosan, Ma#> Milan, 8a" A!aon an! 5en6ie 7ali*a sin$in$
at a vi!eo>e establish&ent locate! at the co#ne# of the ent#ance of SeC" 5each. Hhile the sai! $#oup %as the#e, Dante o# Dato Du&ala$
%ho& Naishel ha! >no%n because he usuall" pla"e! billia#!s in his ,accuse!Bs- house at 5#$". 0, Pasu'uin but %ith %ho& he has not ha! an"
conve#sation befo#e, passe! b" thei# place in a chop)chop &oto#c"cle. Dante Du&ala$ %as then %ith a fe&ale co&panion. As soon as Dante
ha! pa#>e! his &oto#c"cle, he an! his fe&ale co&panion i&&e!iatel" %ent insi!e the hotel. This, Naishel an! his co&panions !i! not &in! as
the" >ept on sin$in$. The ca#eta>e# an! the cleane# of the hotel %e#e the#e at that ti&e %hen Dante Du&ala$ ente#e! the hotel. Thi#t" ,@?-
&inutes afte# Dante an! his fe&ale co&panion ente#e! the hotel, siC &en a##ive! in a #e! pic> up vehicle. Naishel 5olosan >ne% the& to be
police&en because he #eco$ni*e! one of the& to be Dann" Val!e*, a police&an %ho is a #esi!ent of Pasu'uin an! %ho& he usuall" sa% in
his unifo#& fla$$in$ !o%n a #i!e in $oin$ to =aoa$ it", a##ive! in a #e! pic> up vehicle. The police office#s %ho %e#e all &ale as>e! fi#st the
ca#eta>e# %he#e the #oo& of Dante Du&ala$ %as an! afte# loo>in$ fo# it fo# about five ,1- &inutes, Naishel assu&e! that the" ente#e! the
#oo& of Dante because afte# the" p#ocee!e! to the bac>, he !i! not see the& an"&o#e. T%o of the police office#s, ho%eve#, #e&aine! at the
si!e of the hotel, one of %ho& &ove! thei# pic> up vehicle besi!e the hotel.
In the &eanti&e, as Dante Du&ala$ an! his co&panion I#ish Sao %e#e al#ea!" in the hotel %he#e the" %e#e suppose! to #est, the" #ente! a
#oo&, pa#ticula#l" Roo& No. @. Hhen the" %e#e al#ea!" insi!e, Dante Du&ala$ %ent to the bath#oo& to ta>e a bath %hile his la!" co&panion
la" on the be!. Afte# ta>in$ a bath, Dante hea#! so&ebo!" >noc>e! at the !oo#. Onl" %ea#in$ a sho#t pants as he 6ust ca&e f#o& the
bath#oo&, he %ent to open the !oo# an! as he !i! so, police office# Rousel Albano %hose na&e he ca&e to >no% the follo%in$ !a", pushe!
the !oo#, ente#e! the #oo& an! pointe! his $un at hi&. At that ti&e, I#ish Sao %as then in f#ont of the &i##o#. Office# Albano suppose!l" let
Dante tu#n his bac> an! %ithout i!entif"in$ hi&self an! %ithout $ivin$ an" #eason %h", he han!cuffe! the accuse!, &a!e hi& lie on the be!
face !o%n, place! a pillo% on his hea!, pointe! his $un at hi& an! f#is>e! hi& but !i! not fin! an" cont#aban!. The accuse! %as then &a!e to
stan! up an! it %as at that instance that the t%o police&en ,inclu!in$ Dann" Val!e*- %ho follo%e! Rousel Albano insi!e the #oo& let I#ish Sao
leave the #oo& an! %ithout tellin$ %hat the" %e#e loo>in$ fo#, sea#che! the #oo&. The" too> his cellphone an! that %as the ti&e that the
police&en also sho%e! hi& t%o sachets of shabu. Dante Du&ala$ ho%eve# !i! not >no% f#o& %he#e the" p#o!uce! the shabu because he
%as &a!e to bo% his hea! on the be!. Afte# sho%in$ the shabu, Rousel Albano place! the ba##el of his $un insi!e the &outh of Dante
Du&ala$ but #e&ove! it %hen one of his co&panions tol! hi& that he &i$ht acci!entall" pull the t#i$$e#. Rousel Albano then tol! hi& that the"
%ill 6ust tal> so that the#e %ill be no case. Dante Du&ala$ un!e#stoo! this to &ean that he has to settle the case b" $ivin$ the& &one". Hhen
he !i! not acce!e, Rousel Albano alle$e!l" boCe! an! pushe! hi& on the sto&ach, causin$ hi& to stoop !o%n. The" then let hi& put on his
san!o an! because he %as in han!cuffs, Nico&e!es o# Me!" =asaten, a !etainee %ho %as %ith the police&en at that ti&e, helpe! hi& !o so.
The police&en then b#ou$ht Dante Du&ala$ to the vehicle.
5efo#e that, Naishel 5olosan an! his co&panions %e#e still the#e at the vi!eo establish&ent. Afte# the lapse of 91 &inutes f#o& the ti&e the"
ente#e! the hotel, Naishel sa% the fou# police&en #e)appea# an! 6ust stoo! b" an! afte#%a#!s, one of the& calle! hi& an! his co&panions to
boa#! the chop chop &oto#c"cle of the accuse! in thei# pic> up an! afte# co&pl"in$ %ith the o#!e# of the police&en, the" %e#e as>e! to leave.
Hhen the" have al#ea!" #etu#ne! to the vi!eo>e ba#, that %as the ti&e that Naishel sa% Dante Du&ala$ b#ou$ht out of the hotel b" t%o
police&en. Dante Du&ala$ %as then boa#!e! at the bac> of the pic> up %he#e he %as san!%iche! b" th#ee police&en %hile Dann" Val!e*
%as on the %heel an! I#ish Sao %as at the passen$e# seat in f#ont. The othe# t%o police&en #o!e at the bac> of the pic> up. As the pic> up
left, it still stoppe! b" the vi!eo>e ba# %he#e Dann" Val!e* in a th#eatenin$ tone tol! Naishel an! his co&panions not to sa" an"thin$ an! that
the" %ill a##est the& all shabu use#s. At that ti&e, Dante Du&ala$ !i! not see Naishel because he %as &a!e to bo% his hea! in his seat.
Hhen the pic> up &ove! out of the place !u#in$ %hich Naishel alle$e!l" sa% Dante bein$ boCe! b" one of the police&en, the" fi#st !#oppe!
b" the house of Dann" Val!e* %he#e the" too> so&ethin$ to cove# the e"es of the accuse!, afte# %hich the" p#ocee!e! to the ca&p.
On Nove&be# 9., 0??1, the RT p#o&ul$ate! its Decision fin!in$ accuse!)appellant $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the felonies cha#$e!
an! !ec#eein$ thusE
HHERE2ORE, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e! fin!in$ the accuse! Dante Du&ala$ 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt as cha#$e! in #i&inal
ase No. 9.+@)9; fo# ille$al possession of shabu a$$#e$atel" %ei$hin$ ?.?.1 $#a& an! is the#efo#e sentence! to suffe# the in!ete#&inate
penalt" of i&p#ison&ent #an$in$ f#o& THE=VE ,90- 3EARS an! ONE ,9- DA3 to 2I2TEEN ,91- 3EARS an! to pa" a fine of P/??,???.??.
Sai! accuse! is li>e%ise foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt as cha#$e! of ille$al sale of shabu in #i&inal ase No. 9.+/)9; an! is
the#efo#e sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent an! to pa" the fine ofP0,???,???.??.
The cont#aban! sub6ect of these cases a#e he#eb" confiscate!, the sa&e to be !ispose! of as the la% p#esc#ibes.
In an O#!e#
!ate! Dece&be# 0, 0??1, the RT $ave !ue cou#se to accuse!)appellantBs Notice of Appeal an! !i#ecte! that the #eco#!s of his
cases be fo#%a#!e! to the ou#t of Appeals %ithin the pe#io! p#esc#ibe! b" the #ules. Accuse!)appellant %as then t#ansfe##e! to an!
co&&itte! at the Ne% 5ilibi! P#ison on Dece&be# 1, 0??1, pen!in$ his appeal.
Accuse!)appellant insiste! that he is innocent an! that the cha#$es a$ainst hi& %e#e &e#el" fab#icate!. Acco#!in$ to accuse!)appellant, the
p#osecution faile! to establish the factual !etails %hich le! to his a##est.1wphi1 Accuse!)appellant pointe! out that he %as consistent in
statin$ that at the ti&e he %as a##este!, he ha! a fe&ale co&panion %ith hi&, %hich %as cont#a#" to the police office#sB self)se#vin$
testi&onies that accuse!)appellant %as alone %hen he %as a##este!F that the p#osecution faile! to i&peach the c#e!ibilit" of 5olosan %ho
testifie! that the#e %e#e siC &en %ho a##ive! at the #eso#t sho#tl" befo#e accuse!)appellantBs a##est, the#eb" #efutin$ the p#osecutionBs clai&
that the bu")bust tea& %as co&pose! of onl" fou# &ale police office#s, plus the fe&ale info#&antF an! that the#e %oul! have been no !oubt as
to the eCistence of the fe&ale info#&ant ha! the p#osecution p#esente! he# !u#in$ the t#ial. Accuse!)appellant fu#the# a#$ue! that the police
office#s %ho a##este! hi& an! pu#po#te!l" confiscate! the sachets of shabu f#o& his possession faile! to st#ictl" co&pl" %ith the &an!ate!
p#oce!u#e un!e# Section 09 of Republic Act No. ;9.1. The sai! p#ovision of the la% an! 6u#isp#u!ence on the &atte# #e'ui#e that the &a#>in$
of the !#u$s be !one i&&e!iatel" afte# the" a#e sei*e! f#o& the accuse!F othe#%ise, #easonable !oubt a#ises as to the authenticit" of the
sei*e! !#u$s. Accuse!)appellant clai&e! that the sachets of shabu suppose!l" sei*e! f#o& his possession %e#e &a#>e! %hen he %as al#ea!"
at the police station an! not at the place of his a##est.
In its Decision !ate! 8ul" @, 0??:, the ou#t of Appeals affi#&e! in toto the RT 6u!$&ent of conviction.
Thus, accuse!)appellant institute! this appeal
ancho#e! on the follo%in$ $#oun!sE
The appeal is be#eft of &e#it.
Accuse!)appellant challen$es the c#e!ence an! %ei$ht acco#!e! b" both the RT an! the ou#t of Appeals to the testi&onies of the
%itnesses fo# the p#osecution as oppose! to those of the !efense.
It is an establishe! #ule that factual fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t, if suppo#te! b" evi!ence on #eco#!, an! pa#ticula#l" %hen affi#&e! b" the
appellate cou#t, a#e bin!in$ on this ou#t, unless si$nificant facts an! ci#cu&stances %e#e sho%n to have been ove#loo>e! o# !is#e$a#!e!
%hich, if consi!e#e!, %oul! have alte#e! the outco&e of the case. Mo#eove#, 'uestions as to c#e!ibilit" of a %itness a#e &atte#s best left to the
app#eciation of the t#ial cou#t because of its uni'ue oppo#tunit" of havin$ obse#ve! that elusive an! inco&&unicable evi!ence of the %itnessB
!epo#t&ent on the stan! %hile testif"in$, %hich oppo#tunit" is !enie! to the #evie%in$ t#ibunal.
Accuse!)appellant he#ein faile! to p#esent an" co$ent #eason to !istu#b the factual fin!in$s of the RT an! the ou#t of Appeals. The totalit"
of the p#osecutionBs evi!ence establishe! a lo$ical, vivi!, an! !etaile! account of the bu")bust ope#ation %hich ulti&atel" le! to accuse!)
appellantBs a##est an! the sei*u#e of the plastic sachets of shabu f#o& his possession. The alle$e! inconsistencies in the p#osecution
%itnessesB testi&onies on the nu&be# an! $en!e# of the bu")bust tea& &e&be#s a#e t#ivial an! i##elevant fo# it !oes not involve an" of the
necessa#" ele&ents fo# conviction of the accuse!)appellant fo# the ille$al possession an! sale of shabu.
2o# a p#osecution fo# ille$al possession of a !an$e#ous !#u$ to p#ospe#, it &ust be sho%n that ,a- the accuse! %as in possession of an ite& o#
an ob6ect i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! o# #e$ulate! !#u$F ,b- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,c- the accuse! %as f#eel" an!
consciousl" a%a#e of bein$ in possession of the !#u$.
In the p#osecution fo# the c#i&e of ille$al sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s, the follo%in$ ele&ents &ust concu#E ,9- the i!entities of the bu"e# an! selle#,
ob6ect, an! consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent the#eof. Hhat is &ate#ial to the p#osecution fo# ille$al sale of
!an$e#ous !#u$s is the p#oof that the t#ansaction o# sale actuall" occu##e!, couple! %ith the p#esentation in cou#t of the substance sei*e! as
In this case, p#osecution %itnesses, PO@ Albano an! PO0 Val!e*, cate$o#icall" state! un!e# oath that as &e&be#s of the bu")bust tea&, the"
cau$ht accuse!)appellant in fla$#ante !elicto sellin$ an! possessin$ shabu. The p#osecution %as able to establish that ,a- accuse!)appellant
ha! no autho#it" to sell o# to possess an" !an$e#ous !#u$sF ,b- !u#in$ the bu")bust ope#ation con!ucte! b" the police on 8anua#" 1, 0??1 at
the SeC" 5each Reso#t in 5a#an$a" Estancia, Pasu'uin, Ilocos No#te, accuse!)appellant sol! an! !elive#e! to PO@ Albano, actin$ as a
poseu#)bu"e#, fo# the p#ice of T%o Hun!#e! Pesos ,P0??.??-, one heat)seale! plastic sachet containin$ ?.?0@ $#a&s of %hite c#"stalline
substance, che&icall" confi#&e! to be shabuF an! ,c- as a #esult of a sea#ch inci!ental to the vali! %a##antless a##est of accuse!)appellant, he
%as cau$ht in possession of th#ee &o#e heat)seale! plastic sachets containin$ ?.?9, ?.?91, an! ?.?/ $#a&s of %hite c#"stalline substance, all
che&icall" confi#&e! also to be shabu. The t%o &a#>e! One Hun!#e! Peso ,P9??.??- bills use! as bu")bust &one", as %ell as the
afo#e&entione! sachets of shabu %e#e a&on$ the ob6ect evi!ence sub&itte! b" the p#osecution to the RT.
As fo# the non)p#esentation b" the p#osecution of the info#&ant, this point nee! not be belabo#e!. The ou#t has ti&e an! a$ain hel! that (the
p#esentation of an info#&ant in an ille$al !#u$s case is not essential fo# the conviction no# is it in!ispensable fo# a successful p#osecution
because his testi&on" %oul! be &e#el" co##obo#ative an! cu&ulative.(
The info#&antDs testi&on" is not nee!e! if the sale of the ille$al !#u$
has been a!e'uatel" p#oven b" the p#osecution.
In cont#ast, accuse!)appellantBs !efense of f#a&e)up %as !oubtful an! unco##obo#ate!. The !efenses of !enial an! f#a&e)up have been
inva#iabl" vie%e! b" this ou#t %ith !isfavo# fo# it can easil" be concocte! an! is a co&&on an! stan!a#! !efense plo" in p#osecutions fo#
violation of Republic Act No. ;9.1. In o#!e# to p#ospe#, the !efenses of !enial an! f#a&e)up &ust be p#ove! %ith st#on$ an! convincin$
In the instant case, accuse!)appellant faile! to p#esent, othe# than his o%n testi&on", sufficient evi!ence to suppo#t his clai&s.
5olosan !i! not see an! %as not able to testif" on the actual bu")bust ope#ation, %hich too> place insi!e accuse!)appellantBs #oo& at SeC"
5each Reso#t, as 5olosan onl" %itnesse! the events ta>in$ place f#o& outsi!e the #eso#t.
2u#the#&o#e, the ou#t fin!s that the chain of custo!" of the sachets of shabu sei*e! f#o& accuse!)appellant ha! been !ul" establishe! b"
the p#osecution, in co&pliance %ith Section 09 of Republic Act No. ;9.1. As pe#tinentl" su&&a#i*e! b" the ou#t of Appeals, the p#osecution
ha! p#oven each an! eve#" lin> of the chain of custo!" of the sachets of shabu f#o& the ti&e the" %e#e sei*e! f#o& accuse!)appellant, >ept in
police custo!" then t#ansfe##e! to the labo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination, an! up to thei# p#esentation in cou#t, to %itE
It has been establishe! thatE afte# the police office#s #eache! appellantBs #oo& at the SeC" 5each Reso#t, an! PO@ Albano acte! as poseu#)
bu"e#, he %as han!e! one ,9- heat)seale! plastic sachet containin$ shabu. Afte# accuse! %as a##este!, the police office#s %e#e able to
#et#ieve f#o& appellantBs possession the &a#>e! &one", as %ell as th#ee ,@- othe# heat)seale! plastic sachets containin$ shabu. The" b#ou$ht
appellant to thei# office, to$ethe# %ith the confiscate! ite&s, an! p#epa#e! the necessa#" !ocu&ents fo# the filin$ of the cases a$ainst hi&.
PO@ Albano an! PO0 Val!e* si$ne! the e#tification of Sei*e! Ite&s ,EChibit (=(- !ate! ?1 8anua#" 0??1. The tea& lea!e#, Police Inspecto#
Rolan!o 5attula"an, p#epa#e! the Re'uest fo# =abo#ato#" ECa&ination ,EChibit (E(- !ate! ?1 8anua#" 0??1 of sai! heat)seale! plastic sachets
containin$ alle$e! shabu, %ith the necessa#" &a#>in$s on the&, to !ete#&ine if sai! ite&s contain &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e. The one
,9- heat)seale! plastic sachet, sub6ect of the ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, %as &a#>e! %ith lette#s (RA,( %hile the th#ee ,@- heat)seale!
plastic sachets, sub6ect of the ille$al possession of !an$e#ous !#u$s, %e#e &a#>e! %ith the lette#
(R( on one si!e an! (DD( ,initials of appellant-, on the othe# si!e. PO@ Albano %as the one %ho &a!e sai! &a#>in$s an! !elive#e! the sa&e
to the Ilocos No#te P#ovincial #i&e =abo#ato#" Office, a&p apt. Valentin. 5ase! on the he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)??@)0??1 ,Initial
=abo#ato#" Repo#t- !ate! ?1 8anua#" 0??1 ,EChibit (I(- an! he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)??@)0??1 ,EChibit (8(- !ate! ?. 8anua#" 0??1 of Police
Senio# Inspecto#J2o#ensic he&ical Office# Ma#" Ann Nillo a"ab"ab, the fou# ,/- speci&ens ,A, 59, 50 an! 5@-, upon 'ualitative
eCa&ination, teste! positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$. Even appellantBs u#ine sa&ple teste! positive fo#
&etha&pheta&ine, as state! in he&ist#" Repo#t No. DT)??0)0??1 ,EChibit (N(-.
,itations o&itte!.-
Accuse!)appellantBs insistence that the police office#s b#o>e the chain of custo!" #ule %hen the" faile! to &a#> the sei*e! ite&s i&&e!iatel"
upon thei# confiscation at the place %he#e he %as app#ehen!e! lac>s le$al basis.
It has al#ea!" been settle! that the failu#e of police office#s to &a#> the ite&s sei*e! f#o& an accuse! in ille$al !#u$s cases i&&e!iatel" upon
its confiscation at the place of a##est !oes not auto&aticall" i&pai# the inte$#it" of the chain of custo!" an! #en!e# the confiscate! ite&s
ina!&issible in evi!ence.
In People v. Resu##eccion,
the ou#t eCplaine! that (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s (i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an!
confiscation( &a" be un!e#ta>en at the police station #athe# than at the place of a##est fo# as lon$ as it is !one in the p#esence of an accuse!
in ille$al !#u$s cases. It %as fu#the# e&phasi*e! that %hat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value
of the sei*e! ite&s, as these %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!. The ou#t elabo#ate! in this %iseE
8u#isp#u!ence tells us that the failu#e to i&&e!iatel" &a#> sei*e! !#u$s %ill not auto&aticall" i&pai# the inte$#it" of chain of custo!".
The failu#e to st#ictl" co&pl" %ith Sec. 09,9-, A#t. II of RA ;9.1 !oes not necessa#il" #en!e# an accuse!Bs a##est ille$al o# the ite&s sei*e! o#
confiscate! f#o& hi& ina!&issible. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e!
ite&s, as these %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!.
As %e hel! in People v. o#te*, testi&on" about a pe#fect chain is not al%a"s the stan!a#! because it is al&ost al%a"s i&possible to obtain an
unb#o>en chain. o$ni*ant of this fact, the I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations of RA ;9.1 on the han!lin$ an! !isposition of sei*e!
!an$e#ous !#u$s p#ovi!es as follo%sE
SETION 09. usto!" an! Disposition of onfiscate!, Sei*e! an!Jo# Su##en!e#e! Dan$e#ous D#u$s, Plant Sou#ces of Dan$e#ous D#u$s,
ont#olle! P#ecu#so#s an! Essential he&icals, Inst#u&entsJPa#aphe#nalia an!Jo# =abo#ato#" E'uip&ent. P The PDEA shall ta>e cha#$e an!
have custo!" of all !an$e#ous !#u$s, plant sou#ces of !an$e#ous !#u$s, cont#olle! p#ecu#so#s an! essential che&icals, as %ell as
inst#u&entsJpa#aphe#nalia an!Jo# labo#ato#" e'uip&ent so confiscate!, sei*e! an!Jo# su##en!e#e!, fo# p#ope# !isposition in the follo%in$
,a- The app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall"
invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o#
hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho
shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofF P#ovi!e!, that the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph shall be
con!ucte! at the place %he#e the sea#ch %a##ant is se#ve!F o# at the nea#est police station o# at the nea#est office of the app#ehen!in$
office#Jtea&, %hicheve# is p#acticable, in case of %a##antless sei*u#esF P#ovi!e!, fu#the#, that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e#
6ustifiable $#oun!s, as lon$ as the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&,
shall not #en!e# voi! an! invali! such sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&s C C C.
Accuse!)appellant b#oaches the vie% that SA Isi!o#oBs failu#e to &a#> the confiscate! shabu i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e c#eates a #easonable
!oubt as to the !#u$Bs i!entit". People v. Sanche*, ho%eve#, eCplains that RA ;9.1 !oes not specif" a ti&e f#a&e fo# (i&&e!iate &a#>in$,( o#
%he#e sai! &a#>in$ shoul! be !oneE
Hhat Section 09 of R.A. No. ;9.1 an! its i&ple&entin$ #ule !o not eCp#essl" specif" is the &atte# of (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s in
%a##antless sei*u#es to ensu#e that the evi!ence sei*e! upon app#ehension is the sa&e evi!ence sub6ecte! to invento#" an! photo$#aph"
%hen these activities a#e un!e#ta>en at the police station #athe# than at the place of a##est. onsistenc" %ith the (chain of custo!"( #ule
#e'ui#es that the (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s P to t#ul" ensu#e that the" a#e the sa&e ite&s that ente# the chain an! a#e eventuall" the ones
offe#e! in evi!ence P shoul! be !one ,9- in the p#esence of the app#ehen!e! violato# ,0- i&&e!iatel" upon confiscation.
To be able to c#eate a fi#st lin> in the chain of custo!", then, %hat is #e'ui#e! is that the &a#>in$ be &a!e in the p#esence of the accuse! an!
upon i&&e!iate confiscation. (I&&e!iate confiscation( has no eCact !efinition. Thus, in People v. 7u&)O"en, testi&on" that inclu!e! the
&a#>in$ of the sei*e! ite&s at the police station an! in the p#esence of the accuse! %as sufficient in sho%in$ co&pliance %ith the #ules on
chain of custo!". Ma#>in$ upon i&&e!iate confiscation conte&plates even &a#>in$ at the nea#est police station o# office of the app#ehen!in$
,E&phases supplie!, citations o&itte!.-
The#e is no 'uestion he#ein that the confiscate! sachets of shabu an! #elate! pa#aphe#nalia %e#e invento#ie! an! &a#>e! in the p#esence of
accuse!)appellant at the police station %he#e he %as b#ou$ht #i$ht afte# his a##est.
2inall", the penalties i&pose! b" the RT, as affi#&e! b" the ou#t of Appeals, a#e co##ect.
A#ticle II, Section 99 of Republic Act No. ;9.1 p#ovi!es that the penalt" fo# ille$al possession of shabu, %ith a total %ei$ht of ?.?.1 $#a&s, is
t%elve ,90- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s, an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& Th#ee Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,P@??,???.??- to 2ou#
Thousan! Pesos ,P/??,???.??-. Appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the accuse! shall be sentence! to an in!ete#&inate sentence, the
&aCi&u& te#& of %hich shall not eCcee! the &aCi&u& fiCe! b" la% an! the &ini&u& te#& shall not be less than the &ini&u& p#esc#ibe! b"
the sa&e. Thus, in #i&inal ase No. 9.+@)9;, the penalties i&pose! upon accuse!)appellant of i&p#ison&ent of t%elve ,90- "ea#s an! one
,9- !a", as the &ini&u& te#&, to fifteen ,91- "ea#s, as the &aCi&u& te#&, an! to pa" a fine of 2ou# Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,P/??,???.??-,
a#e in o#!e#.
The penalt" fo# ille$al sale of shabu ,#e$a#!less of the 'uantit" an! pu#it" involve!-, un!e# A#ticle II, Section 1 of Republic Act No. ;9.1, shall
be life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& 2ive Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,P1??,???.??- to Ten Million Pesos ,P9?,???,???.??-.
onse'uentl", the ou#t uphol!s the sentence i&pose! upon accuse!)appellant of life i&p#ison&ent an! the o#!e# fo# hi& to pa" a fine of
T%o Million Pesos ,P0,???,???.??- in #i&inal ase No. 9.+/)9;.
HHERE2ORE, in vie% of all the fo#e$oin$, the appeal of accuse!)appellant Dante =. Du&ala$ is DENIED an! the Decision !ate! 8ul" @, 0??:
of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R.)H.. No. ?9+/: is A22IRMED in toto.
Associate 8ustice
hief 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
M#RTN S. &LL#R#M#, JR.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation
befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tDs Division.
hief 8ustice



) ve#sus )

Def en!ant ) Appel l ant .
G. R. No. 18)-60


A5AD, an!


Ap#il 0@, 0?9?
C ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C

% E C S O N


Assaile! in this appeal via Notice of Appeal is the 9/ 8une 0??: Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7R H No. ?09+/ %hich affi#&e! the
?1 Octobe# 0??1 Decision
p#o&ul$ate! b" the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of San Mateo, Ri*al, in #i&inal ase Nos. .;;9);@, fin!in$ accuse!)
appellant Pate#no =o#en*o " asas $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ Sections 1 an! 99, A#ticle II, of Republic Act No. ;9.1, othe#%ise >no%n
as the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0.

Accuse!)appellant %as a##este! an! cha#$e! follo%in$ a bu")bust ope#ation.

On 90 Septe&be# 0??@, t%o ,0- Info#&ations %e#e file! a$ainst accuse!)appellant Pate#no =o#en*o " asas ,=o#en*o- cha#$in$ hi& %ith
violatin$ Sections 1 an! 99, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, the accusato#" po#tions the#eof #ea!in$.

#i&inal ase No. .;;0
That on o# about the 9?
!a" of Septe&be# 0??@ in the Municipalit" of San Mateo, P#ovince of Ri*al, Philippines an!
%ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull",
unla%full" an! >no%in$l" have in his possession, !i#ect custo!" an! cont#ol a total of 0.?/ $#a&s of %hite c#"stalline substance
containe! in t%o ,0- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachets %hich $ave positive #esult to the test fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine
H"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$.

#i&inal ase No. .;;@
That on o# about the 9?
!a" of Septe&be# 0??@, in the Municipalit" of San Mateo, P#ovince of Ri*al, Philippines an!
%ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull",
unla%full" an! >no%in$l" sell, !elive# an! $ive a%a" to anothe# ?.0? $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance containe! in one ,9- heat)
seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet %hich $ave positive #esult to the test fo# Meta&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$.

The cases %e#e #affle! to 5#anch :. of the RT of San Mateo, Ri*al an! !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase Nos. .;;0);@.

One on#a!o Estanislao " 8avie# ,Estanislao- %as si&ila#l" cha#$e! in a !iffe#ent Info#&ation, %hich case %as !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase No.
.;;9. Estanislao %as accuse! of possessin$ ille$al !#u$s in violation of the p#ovisions of Section 99, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, the Info#&ation
containin$ the follo%in$ ave#&entsE

#i&inal ase No. .;;/

That on o# about the 9?
!a" of Septe&be# 0??@, in the Municipalit" of San Mateo, P#ovince of Ri*al, Philippines an! %ithin
the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull",
unla%full" an! >no%in$l" have in his possession, !i#ect custo!" an! cont#ol of ?.?1 $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance containe! in
one ,9- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet %hich $ave positive #esult to the test fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, a
!an$e#ous !#u$.

On a##ai$n&ent, both accuse!, %ith the assistance of counsel, ente#e! QNOT 7AI=T3B pleas.

The th#ee ,@- cases havin$ been consoli!ate!, 6oint t#ial on the &e#its ensue!.

The p#osecution p#esente! as its lone %itness, Police Office# 9 ,PO9- Noel P. Pine!a, %ho %as a &e&be# of the bu")bust tea&.

The evi!ence fo# the p#osecution sou$ht to establish that on ; Septe&be# 0??@, upon a se#ies of #epo#ts #ela"e! b" a confi!ential info#&ant
that a ce#tain Pate#no =o#en*o %as pe!!lin$shabu in the 5a#an$a" Dulon$ba"an a#ea, the tea& of PO@ Pine!a e&ba#>e! on a bu")bust ope#ation
a$ainst sai! !#u$ pe!!le#. Anticipatin$ the ope#ation, PO@ Pine!a p#epa#e! t%o ,0- pieces of &a#>e! P9??.?? bills to be use! as bu")bust &one". At
a#oun! 9?E?? oBcloc> in the evenin$ of the sa&e !a", PO@ Pine!a, alon$ %ith SPO9 A#ellano an! PO@ Tou$an, p#ocee!e! to 5a#an$a" Dulon$ba"an
an! sec#etl" &et %ith thei# confi!ential info#&ant. Acco#!in$ to the confi!ential info#&ant, he ha! not seen =o#en*o an! #aise! the possibilit" that he %as
not in the a#ea at the ti&e. Assessin$ the situation, the police office#s inst#ucte! the confi!ential info#&ant to continue %ith his su#veillance of the a#ea
an! to info#& the& i&&e!iatel" if he co&es ac#oss =o#en*o.

At a#oun! 9E?? oBcloc> in the &o#nin$ of 9? Septe&be# 0??@, %hile PO9 Pine!a an! his co&panions %e#e %aitin$ at 7en. =una St#eet, the
confi!ential info#&ant #epo#te! that =o#en*o %as al#ea!" at the Daan$ba>al, Dulon$ba"an I a#ea an! %as sellin$ p#ohibite! !#u$s. Ri!in$ an un&a#>e!
vehicle, the tea& p#ocee!e! to %he#e =o#en*o %as. On thei# a##ival, =o#en*o %as tal>in$ to a &an at the co#ne# of Pulon$ Diablo an! Daan$ba>al. PO@
Tou$an steppe! out of thei# vehicle an! hi! in a place %he#e he %as not visible to =o#en*o. PO@ Pine!a sta"e! close to SPO9 A#ellano, %ho %as then
hi!in$ insi!e a t#ic"cle nea# =o#en*o. Hhile this %as happenin$, the confi!ential info#&ant app#oache! =o#en*o fo# the t#ansaction. =o#en*o an! the
confi!ential info#&ant %e#e app#oCi&atel" fou# ,/- &ete#s a%a" f#o& PO@ Pine!a. 5ecause PO@ Pine!a >ne% %ho =o#en*o %as an! consi!e#in$ the
place %as illu&inate!, PO@ Pine!a #eco$ni*e! the suspect. The confi!ential info#&ant an! =o#en*o %e#e tal>in$ fo# about one &inute, afte# %hich the
info#&ant $ave the &a#>e! &one" to =o#en*o. Afte# ta>in$ the &a#>e! &one", =o#en*o han!e! the shabu to the info#&ant. PO@ Pine!a an! SPO9
A#ellano ali$hte! f#o& the t#ic"cle an! app#oache! =o#en*o, an! int#o!uce! the&selves as police office#s. The" a##este! =o#en*o.

Apon bein$ a##este!, =o#en*o %as bo!il" sea#che! an! PO9 Pine!a %as able to #et#ieve the &a#>e! &one" an! 0 othe# sachets
of shabu f#o& hi&. Seein$ %hat ha! happene! to =o#en*o, the &an he %as tal>in$ to an! late# on i!entifie! as a ce#tain Estanislao, atte&pte! to escape
the police office#s an! #an, but he %as soon accoste! b" PO@ Tou$an. A sea#ch of his poc>ets "iel!e! one ,9- sachet of shabu.

Afte# the bu")bust ope#ation, =o#en*o an! Estanislao %e#e ta>en to the police station %he#e the inci!ent %as #eco#!e! in the police blotte#.
The plastic sachets containin$ 0.?/ an! ?.0? $#a&s of %hite c#"stalline substance bou$ht f#o& =o#en*o %as sent to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" fo#
labo#ato#" eCa&ination. The #esults as containe! in he&ist#" Repo#t no. D)9:/9)?@E sho%e! that the substance sol! b" =o#en*o %as positive fo#
Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu.

Inte#posin$ the t%in !efenses of !enial an! f#a&e)up, accuse!)appellant =o#en*o an! Estanislao stoo! befo#e the %itness stan! an!
p#esente! thei# ve#sion of the facts.

=o#en*o %as in his &ountain bi>e on the %a" ho&e to Dulon$ba"an so&eti&e bet%een 90E?? oBcloc> in the evenin$ an! 9E?? oBcloc> in the
&o#nin$ of 9? Septe&be# 0??@. Estanislao, %ho %as also %ith hi& at the ti&e, %as #i!in$ in his &oto# c#oss st"le bi>e an! %as suppose! to bu" foo! at
sai! place afte# pla"in$ Qton$)its.B

Hhile the t%o ,0- %e#e t#ave#sin$ Daan$ba>al an! Delos An$eles St#eet, the chain on EstanislaoBs bi>e %ent loose. Du#in$ the ti&e Estanislao
%as #epai#in$ his bi>e, PO@ Tou$an, PO@ Pine!a, an! SPO9 A#ellano, %ho %e#e then on boa#! an o%ne# t"pe 6eepne", a##ive! an! a##este! =o#en*o
an! Estanislao. Acco#!in$ to the police office#s, the" %e#e to be b#ou$ht to the Municipal Hall. The t%o ,0- suspects p#oteste!, clai&in$ not havin$ !one
an"thin$ %#on$ but the police office#s continue! %ith the a##est. It %as late# that the" %e#e info#&e! that the a##est %as fo# ille$al !#u$s.

On 1 Octobe# 0??1, the RT #en!e#e! a Decision convictin$ =o#en*o fo# ille$al possession an! sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, but ac'uittin$
Estanislao, !isposin$ as follo%sE

HHERE2ORE, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e!E
,a- 2in!in$ accuse! Pate#no =o#en*o " asas $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt fo# violation of Section 1, fi#st pa#a$#aph, A#ticle II
of Republic Act No. ;9.1 ,#i&inal ase No. .;;@- o# ille$al sellin$ of ?.0? $#a& of &eth"la&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e
,shabu-, a !an$e#ous !#u$, an! is sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent an! to pa" a fine of 2ive Hun!#e!
Thousan! Pesos ,P1??,???.??-.

,b- 2in!in$ accuse! Pate#no =o#en*o " asas $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt fo# Violation of Section 99, secon! pa#a$#aph, No.@,
A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1 ,#i&inal ase No. .;;0- o# ille$al possession of 0.?/ $#a& of &eth"la&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e ,shabu-, a !an$e#ous !#u$, an! is sentence! to suffe# i&p#ison&ent of T%elve ,90- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" as
&ini&u& to T%elve "ea#s an! siC ,&onths- as &aCi&u& an! to pa" a fine of Th#ee Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,P@??,???.??-.

,c- 2in!in$ accuse! on#a!o Estanislao " 8avie#, fo# violation of Section 99, secon! pa#a$#aph, sub pa#a$#aph @, A#ticle II of
Republic Act No. ;9.1, NOT 7AI=T3 fo# failu#e of the p#osecution to p#ove his $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt.

Detaine! accuse! on#a!o Estanislao " 8avie# is o#!e#e! #elease! f#o& !etention at the San Mateo 8ail unless !etaine! fo# so&e
othe# la%ful cause.

The plastic sachets of shabu sub6ect &atte# of the instant cases a#e o#!e#e! fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent an! the Office#)In)
ha#$e of the ou#t is he#eb" o#!e#e! to safel" !elive# o# cause the safe !elive#" of the sa&e to the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent
A$enc" ,PDEA- fo# p#ope# !isposition.

Hei$hin$ the testi&onies of the p#osecution an! !efense %itnesses, as %ell as the othe# evi!ence p#esente! !u#in$ t#ial, the t#ial cou#t $ave
&o#e ve#acit" to the p#osecutionBs ve#sion that =o#en*o %as cau$ht in flagrante delicto sellin$ ille$al !#u$s to a poseu#)bu"e# !u#in$ a bu")bust
ope#ation. The t#ial cou#t $ave c#e!ence to the p#osecutionBs evi!ence in acco#!ance %ith the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official
functions acco#!e! to police office#s. Acco#!in$ to the t#ial cou#t, the p#osecution p#ove! be"on! #easonable !oubt the i!entit" of the bu"e# in the bu")
bust ope#ation an! the selle#, ob6ect an! consi!e#ation, inclu!in$ the !elive#" of the shabu sol! b" =o#en*o an! the pa"&ent of the bu")bust &one".

Invo>in$ his innocence, =o#en*o appeale! his conviction to the ou#t of Appeals, 'uestionin$ the p#oce!u#e follo%e! b" the police ope#atives
in the sei*u#e an! custo!" of the evi!ence a$ainst hi&.

On 9/ 8une 0??:, the ou#t of Appeals affi#&e! the 6u!$&ent of conviction #en!e#e! b" the RT, !isposin$ to %itE

HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, appeal is he#eb" !is&isse! an! the assaile! Octobe# 1, 0??1 Decision of the Re$ional T#ial
ou#t of San Mateo Ri*al, 5#anch :., in #i&inal ase Nos. .;;9);@, is he#eb" A22IRMED.

Pu#suant to Section 9@ ,-, Rule 90/ of the 0??? Rules of #i&inal P#oce!u#e, as a&en!e! b" AM No. ??)1)?@)S !ate!
Septe&be# 0+, 0??/, %hich beca&e effective on Octobe# 91, 0??/. This 6u!$&ent of the ou#t of Appeals &a" be appeale! to the
Sup#e&e ou#t b" notice of appeal file! %ith the le#> of ou#t of the ou#t of Appeals.


An"iel!in$, =o#en*o appeale! befo#e this ou#t on Notice of Appeal,
a!optin$ the sa&e a#$u&ents #aise! befo#e the ou#t of AppealsE



The p#esu&ption of innocence of an accuse! in a c#i&inal case is a basic constitutional p#inciple, fleshe! out b" p#oce!u#al #ules %hich place
on the p#osecution the bu#!en of p#ovin$ that an accuse! is $uilt" of the offense cha#$e! b" p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt. o#olla#" the#eto,
conviction &ust #est on the st#en$th of the p#osecutionBs evi!ence an! not on the %ea>ness of the !efense.

In fact, if the p#osecution fails to &eet the #e'ui#e! 'uantu& of evi!ence, the !efense &a" lo$icall" not even p#esent evi!ence on its behalf. In
%hich case, the p#esu&ption of innocence shall p#evail an!, hence, the accuse! shall be ac'uitte!. Ho%eve#, once the p#esu&ption of innocence is
ove#co&e, the !efense bea#s the bu#!en of evi!ence to sho% #easonable !oubt as to the $uilt of the accuse!.

Hhethe# the !e$#ee of p#oof has been &et is la#$el" left fo# the t#ial cou#ts to be !ete#&ine!. onsistent %ith the #ulin$s of this ou#t, it is but a
fun!a&ental an! settle! #ule that factual fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t an! its calib#ation of the testi&onies of the %itnesses an! its conclusions ancho#e! on
its fin!in$s a#e acco#!e! b" the appellate cou#t hi$h #espect, if not conclusive effect, &o#e so %hen affi#&e! b" the ou#t of Appeals. The eCception is
%hen it is establishe! that the t#ial cou#t i$no#e!, ove#loo>e!, &isconst#ue! o# &isinte#p#ete! co$ent facts an! ci#cu&stances %hich, if consi!e#e!, %ill
chan$e the outco&e of the case. onsi!e#in$ that %hat is at sta>e he#e is the libe#t" of accuse!)appellant, %e have ca#efull" #evie%e! an! evaluate!
the #eco#!s of the case an! fin! it necessa#" to #eve#se the appellate cou#tBs !ecision convictin$ accuse!)appellant.

Essentiall", =o#en*o 'uestions his conviction on the basis of #easonable !oubt. The !efense ancho#s its clai& on the failu#e of the p#osecution
to a!opt the #e'ui#e! p#oce!u#e un!e# Section 09, A#ticle II, Republic Act No. ;9.1, on the custo!" an! !isposition of confiscate!, sei*e!, o#
su##en!e#e! !an$e#ous !#u$s. Acco#!in$ to the !efense, this alle$e! failu#e to follo% p#ope# p#oce!u#e, i.e. invento#" an! photo$#aphin$ of the #et#ieve!
evi!ence, #aises !oubts as to %hethe# the speci&en eCa&ine! b" the fo#ensic che&ist an! p#esente! in cou#t %e#e in!ee! #et#ieve! f#o& accuse!)
appellant. The !efense also faults the police ope#atives fo# not havin$ coo#!inate! %ith the PDEA #e$a#!in$ the bu")bust.

Thus, fo# #esolution b" this ou#t is the sole issue of %hethe# the p#osecution !ischa#$e! its bu#!en of p#ovin$ =o#en*oBs $uilt be"on!
#easonable !oubt fo# the c#i&e cha#$e!.

He #ule in the ne$ative. The p#osecutionBs case fails fo# failu#e to establish the i!entit" of the p#ohibite! !#u$ %ith &o#al ce#taint".

In o#!e# to successfull" p#osecute an accuse! fo# ille$al sale of !#u$s, the p#osecution &ust be able to p#ove the follo%in$ ele&entsE ,9-
i!entities of the bu"e# an! selle#, the ob6ect, an! the consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent the#efo#.
Mate#ial to the
p#osecution fo# ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s is the p#oof that the t#ansaction o# sale ha! actuall" ta>en place, couple! %ith the p#esentation in cou#t of
evi!ence of corpus delicti.
The te#& corpus delicti &eans the actual co&&ission b" so&eone of the pa#ticula# c#i&e cha#$e!.

On the othe# han!, in ille$al possession of !an$e#ous !#u$s, the ele&ents a#eE ,9- the accuse! is in possession of an ite& o# ob6ect %hich is
i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,0- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,@- the accuse! f#eel" an! consciousl" possesse! the sai!
!#u$. Si&ila#l", in this case, the evi!ence of the corpus delicti &ust be establishe! be"on! !oubt.

In both ille$al sale an! ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s, conviction cannot be sustaine! if the#e is a pe#sistent !oubt on the i!entit" of the
!#u$. The i!entit" of the p#ohibite! !#u$ &ust be establishe! %ith &o#al ce#taint". Apa#t f#o& sho%in$ that the ele&ents of possession o# sale a#e
p#esent, the fact that the substance ille$all" possesse! an! sol! in the fi#st place is the sa&e substance offe#e! in cou#t as eChibit &ust li>e%ise be
establishe! %ith the sa&e !e$#ee of ce#titu!e as that nee!e! to sustain a $uilt" ve#!ict.

Hhile bu")bust ope#ations have been p#oven to be an effective %a" to flush out ille$al t#ansactions that a#e othe#%ise con!ucte! cove#tl" an!
in sec#ec", a bu")bust ope#ation is susceptible to police abuse. Thus, cou#ts have been &an!ate! to be eCt#a vi$ilant in t#"in$ !#u$ cases lest an
innocent pe#son is &a!e to suffe# the unusuall" seve#e penalties fo# !#u$ offenses.

Ta>in$ the afo#e&entione! into consi!e#ation, specific p#oce!u#es #elatin$ to the sei*u#e an! custo!" of !#u$s have been lai! !o%n un!e# the
I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations ,IRR- fo# Republic Act No. ;9.1 an! it is the p#osecutionBs bu#!en to a!!uce evi!ence that these p#oce!u#es have
been co&plie! %ith in p#ovin$ the ele&ents of the offense.

The p#oce!u#e fo# the custo!" an! !isposition of confiscate!, sei*e! an!Jo# su##en!e#e! !an$e#ous !#u$s, a&on$ othe#s, is p#ovi!e! un!e#
Section 09 ,a-, pa#a$#aph 9 of A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, to %itE
,a- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation,
ph"sicall" invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e
confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o# hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice
,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofF

Section 09 ,a-, A#ticle II of the I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations of Republic Act No. ;9.1, %hich i&ple&ents sai! p#ovision, #ea!sE
,a- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation,
ph"sicall" invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e
confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o# hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice
,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofF
P#ovi!e!, fu#the# that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e# 6ustifiable $#oun!s, as lon$ as the inte$#it" an! the
evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#sJtea&, shall not #en!e# voi! an!
invali! such sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&s.

Section 09,a-, A#ticle II of the IRR offe#s so&e fleCibilit" in co&pl"in$ %ith the eCp#ess #e'ui#e&ents. In!ee!, the evi!ent pu#pose of the
p#oce!u#e is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s, as the sa&e %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt of
o# innocence of the accuse!. Thus, the p#oviso statin$ that non-compliance with the stipulated procedure, under justifiable grounds, shall not render void
and invalid such seizures of and custody over said items, for as long as the integrity and evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved by
the apprehending officers.

In People v. anchez,
%e cla#ifie! that this savin$ clause applies onl" %he#e the p#osecution #eco$ni*e! the p#oce!u#al lapses, an!
the#eafte# eCplaine! the cite! 6ustifiable $#oun!s.

Accuse!)appellant clai&s that no ph"sical invento#" an! no photo$#aphin$ of the !#u$s too> place. Non)co&pliance b" the police ope#atives
%ith the fo#e$oin$ #e'ui#e&ents in the instant case is fatal to the p#osecutionBs case. Althou$h the p#osecution #eco$ni*e! its failu#e to coo#!inate %ith
the PDEA because of the u#$enc" of the situation, it i$no#e! the issue of specificall" i!entif"in$ the p#ohibite! !#u$ at the point of confiscation. The#e is
absolutel" nothin$ in the #eco#!s to sho% that the invento#" an! photo$#aph" #e'ui#e&ents, o# thei# c#e!ible substitute to p#ove inte$#it" an! evi!entia#"
value, %e#e eve# follo%e!.
In People v. !im,
this ou#t hel!E
CCC an" app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of sai! !#u$s an!Jo# pa#aphe#nalia, shoul! i&&e!iatel" afte#
sei*u#e an! confiscation, have the sa&e ph"sicall" invento#ie! an! photo$#aphe! in the p#esence of the accuse!, if the#e be an",
an! o# his #ep#esentative, %ho shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eof. The failu#e of the
a$ents to co&pl" %ith such a #e'ui#e&ent #aises a !oubt %hethe# %hat %as sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination an! p#esente! in
cou#t %as actuall" #ecove#e! f#o& the appellants. It ne$ates the p#esu&ption that official !uties have been #e$ula#l" pe#fo#&e! b"
the PAO)T2 a$ents.

In "ondad, Jr. v. People,
%he#e the p#osecution !i! not invento#" an! photo$#aph the confiscate! evi!ence, this ou#t ac'uitte! the#ein
accuse! #easonin$ that failu#e to co&pl" %ith the afo#esai! #e'ui#e&ents of the la% co&p#o&ise! the i!entit" of the ite&s sei*e!.

In People v. #uiz,
this ou#t ac'uitte! accuse! !ue to the failu#e of the p#osecution to co&pl" %ith the p#oce!u#es un!e# Republic Act No.
;9.1 an! its IRR as no ph"sical invento#" %as eve# &a!e, an! no photo$#aph of the sei*e! ite&s %as ta>en un!e# the ci#cu&stances #e'ui#e!.

In People v. $rteza,
the ou#t eCplaine! the i&plications of the failu#e to co&pl" %ith Pa#a$#aph 9, Section 09, A#ticle II of Republic Act No.
;9.1, to %itE
In People v. !a%a, %he#e the bu")bust tea& faile! to &a#> the confiscate! &a#i6uana i&&e!iatel" afte# the app#ehension
of the accuse!, the ou#t hel! that the !eviation f#o& the stan!a#! p#oce!u#e in anti)na#cotics ope#ations p#o!uce! !oubts as to the
o#i$ins of the &a#i6uana. onse'uentl", the ou#t conclu!e! that the p#osecution faile! to establish the i!entit" of the corpus
The ou#t &a!e a si&ila# #ulin$ in People v. &imura, %he#e the Na#co& ope#atives faile! to place &a#>in$s on the sei*e!
&a#i6uana at the ti&e the accuse! %as a##este! an! to obse#ve the p#oce!u#e an! ta>e custo!" of the !#u$.
Mo#e #ecentl", in 'arraga v. People, the ou#t hel! that the &ate#ial inconsistencies %ith #e$a#! to %hen an! %he#e the
&a#>in$s on the shabu %e#e &a!e an! the lac> of invento#" on the sei*e! !#u$s c#eate! #easonable !oubt as to the i!entit" of
the corpus delicti. The ou#t thus ac'uitte! the accuse! !ue to the p#osecutionDs failu#e to in!ubitabl" sho% the i!entit" of
the shabu.

To #eite#ate, the fleCibilit" offe#e! b" the IRR of Republic Act No. ;9.1 is couple! %ith the p#oviso that the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the
sei*e! ite&s &ust be p#ese#ve!.

Thus, in (alillin v. People,
the ou#t eCplaine! that the Rchain of custo!"S #e'ui#e&ent pe#fo#&s this function in that it ensu#es that
unnecessa#" !oubts conce#nin$ the i!entit" of the evi!ence a#e #e&ove!. The chain of evi!ence is const#ucte! b" p#ope# eChibit han!lin$, sto#a$e,
labelin$ an! #eco#!in$, an! &ust eCist f#o& the ti&e the evi!ence is foun! until the ti&e it is offe#e! in evi!ence.
2ailu#e to p#ove that the speci&en
sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination %as the sa&e one alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& accuse! is fatal to the p#osecutionBs case. The#e can be no c#i&e of ille$al
possession o# ille$al sale of a p#ohibite! !#u$ %hen na$$in$ !oubts pe#sist on %hethe# the ite& confiscate! %as the sa&e speci&en eCa&ine! an!
establishe! to be the p#ohibite! !#u$.

PO9 Pine!a testifie! that it %as thei# confi!ential a$ent %ho pu#chase! the shabu f#o& accuse!)appellant an! that he onl" #et#ieve! it f#o&
sai! info#&ant. He fu#the# testifie! that he &a#>e! the #et#ieve! sachet of shabu to$ethe# %ith the t%o othe# sachets of shabu that %e#e alle$e!l" sei*e!
f#o& the accuse!, but it %as not ce#tain %hen an! %he#e the sai! &a#>in$ %as !one no# %ho ha! specificall" #eceive! an! ha! custo!" of the
speci&ens the#eafte#.

The ou#t also obse#ves that the p#osecution !i! not p#esent the poseu#)bu"e# %ho ha! pe#sonal >no%le!$e of the t#ansaction. The lone
p#osecution %itness %as at least fou# &ete#s a%a" f#o& %he#e accuse!)appellant an! the poseu#)bu"e# %e#e. 2#o& this !istance, it %as i&possible fo#
hi& to hea# the conve#sation bet%een accuse!)appellant an! the poseu#)bu"e#.

The fo#e$oin$ facts an! ci#cu&stances c#eate !oubt as to %hethe# the sachets of shabu alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& accuse!)appellant %e#e the
sa&e ones that %e#e #elease! to a&p #a&e an! sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination. He the#efo#e fin! that this failu#e to establish the evi!enceBs
chain of custo!" is !a&a$in$ to the p#osecutionBs case.

In su&, the totalit" of the evi!ence p#esente! in the instant case faile! to suppo#t accuse!)appellantBs conviction fo# violation of Sections 1 an!
99, A#ticle II, Republic Act No. ;9.1, since the p#osecution faile! to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt all the ele&ents of the offense.

Acco#!in$l", the p#esu&ption of innocence shoul! p#evail.

/HEREFORE, the assaile! ou#t of Appeals Decision !ate! 9/ 8une 0??: in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?09+/, is he#eb" RE&ERSE% an! SET
#S%E. Accuse!)appellant PATERNO =ORENOO " ASAS is he#eb" #C0UTTE% fo# failu#e of the p#osecution to p#ove his $uilt be"on! #easonable
!oubt. He is o#!e#e! i&&e!iatel" RELE#SE% f#o& !etention, unless he is confine! fo# an" othe# la%ful cause.

=et a cop" of this Decision be fu#nishe! the Di#ecto# of the 5u#eau of o##ections, Muntinlupa it" fo# i&&e!iate i&ple&entation. The Di#ecto# of
the 5u#eau of o##ections is !i#ecte! to #epo#t to this ou#t %ithin five !a"s f#o& #eceipt of this Decision the action he has ta>en. opies shall also be
fu#nishe! the Di#ecto# 7ene#al, Philippine National Police, an! the Di#ecto# 7ene#al, Philippine D#u$s Enfo#ce&ent A$enc", fo# thei# info#&ation.


Associ at e 8ust i ce


Associate 8ustice

Associate 8ustice Associate 8ustice

RO$ERTO #. #$#%
Associate 8ustice


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision %e#e #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the
opinion of the ou#tBs Division.

Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Secon! Division


Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, it is he#eb" ce#tifie! that the
conclusions in the above Decision %e#e #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs

hief 8ustice

9 #ollo, pp. 0)9+F Penne! b" Associate 8ustice Vicente G. RoCas, %ith the concu##ence of Associate 8ustices 8osefina 7ueva#a)Salon$a an!
Ra&on R. 7a#cia.
A #ollo, pp. 10)./F Penne! b" 8u!$e 8osephine 2e#nan!e*.
S234+on (. ale, )rading, *dministration, +ispensation, +elivery, +istribution and )ransportation of +angerous +rugs and,or -ontrolled
Precursors and .ssential -hemicals. ) The penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& 2ive hun!#e! thousan! pesos
,P1??,???.??- to Ten &illion pesos ,P9?,???,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son, %ho, unless autho#i*e! b" la%, shall sell, t#a!e,
a!&iniste#, !ispense, !elive#, $ive a%a" to anothe#, !ist#ibute !ispatch in t#ansit o# t#anspo#t an" !an$e#ous !#u$, inclu!in$ an" an! all species
of opiu& popp" #e$a#!less of the 'uantit" an! pu#it" involve!, o# shall act as a b#o>e# in an" of such t#ansactions.CCC
S234+on 11. Possession of +angerous +rugs. ) The penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& 2ive hun!#e! thousan!
pesos ,P1??,???.??- to Ten &illion pesos ,P9?,???,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son, %ho, unless autho#i*e! b" la%, shall possess
an" !an$e#ous !#u$ in the follo%in$ 'uantities, #e$a#!less of the !e$#ee of pu#it" the#eofE
TCC Othe#%ise, if the 'uantit" involve! is less than the fo#e$oin$ 'uantities, the penalties shall be $#a!uate! as follo%sE
,@- I&p#ison&ent of t%elve ,90- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& Th#ee hun!#e! thousan! pesos
,P@??,???.??- to 2ou# hun!#e! thousan! pesos ,P/??,???.??-, if the 'uantities of !an$e#ous !#u$s a#e less than five ,1- $#a&s of opiu&,
&o#phine, he#oin, cocaine o# cocaine h"!#ochlo#i!e, &a#i6uana #esin o# &a#i6uana #esin oil, &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e o# (shabu(, o#
othe# !an$e#ous !#u$s such as, but not li&ite! to, MDMA o# (ecstas"(, PMA, TMA, =SD, 7H5, an! those si&ila#l" !esi$ne! o# ne%l"
int#o!uce! !#u$s an! thei# !e#ivatives, %ithout havin$ an" the#apeutic value o# if the 'uantit" possesse! is fa# be"on! the#apeutic
#e'ui#e&entsF o# less than th#ee hun!#e! ,@??- $#a&s of &a#i6uana C CC



) ve#sus )

G.R. No. 192816


ARPIO, J., hai#pe#son,
PEREO, an!

8ul" ., 0?99
C) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C


C#RPO, J.1

T52 Ca62

5efo#e the ou#t is an appeal assailin$ the Decision
!ate! 9. Ma#ch 0?9? of the ou#t of Appeals ,A- in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?099:. The
A affi#&e! %ith &o!ification the Decision
!ate! @ 2eb#ua#" 0??. of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of Pasi$, 5#anch :?, in #i&inal ase
Nos. 90+/?)D, 90+/9)D, 90+/0)D, convictin$ appellant 8oel 7aspa# y Hilson of violation of ,9- Section 1, pa#a$#aph 9, A#ticle II ,Ille$al Sale
of Shabu-F
,0- Section 99, 0
pa#a$#aph, No. @, A#ticle II ,Ille$al Possession of Shabu-F
an! ,@- Section 90, A#ticle II ,Possession of
Pa#aphe#nalia fo# Dan$e#ous D#u$s-,
all of Republic Act No. ;9.1
,RA ;9.1- o# the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0.
T52 Fa346

On 01 Au$ust 0??@, fou# sepa#ate Info#&ations
fo# !iffe#ent violations of RA ;9.1 %e#e file! %ith the RT of Pasi$, 5#anch :?.
Th#ee info#&ations %e#e a$ainst 8oel 7aspa# y Hilson ,7aspa#-, !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase Nos. 90+/?)D, 90+/9)D an! 90+/0)D. The fou#th
info#&ation %as a$ainst =eo&a# San Antonio ,San Antonio-, !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase No. 90+/@)D. Theinfo#&ations stateE

#i&inal ase No. 90+/?)D

That, on o# about the 00
!a" of Au$ust, 0??@ in the Municipalit" of San 8uan, Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction
of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ la%full" autho#i*e! to sell an" !an$e#ous !#u$, !i! then an! the#e
%illfull", unla%full", an! >no%in$l" sell, !elive# an! $ive a%a" to anothe#, ?.?/ $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance containe! in one
,9- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet, %hich %as foun! positive to the test fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e >no%n as
RshabuS, a !an$e#ous !#u$, in violation of the above)cite! la%.


#i&inal ase No. 90+/9)D

That, on o# about the 00
!a" of Au$ust, 0??@ in the Municipalit" of San 8uan, Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction
of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la% to possess an" !an$e#ous !#u$, !i! then an! the#e
%illfull", unla%full", an! >no%in$l", possess an! have in his custo!" an! cont#ol ?.?+ $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance containe!
in t%o ,0- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachets, %ith ?.?/ $#a& each, %hich %as foun! positive to the test
fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, also >no%n as shabu, a !an$e#ous !#u$, in violation of the above)cite! la%.


#i&inal ase No. 90+/0)D

That, on o# about the 00
!a" of Au$ust, 0??@ in the Municipalit" of San 8uan, Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction
of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, %ithout bein$ autho#i*e! b" la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full", an!
>no%in$l", possess an! have un!e# his custo!" an! cont#ol ten ,9?- t#anspa#ent plastic sachets, one ,9- i&p#ovise! %ate# pipe, one
,9- plastic containe#, t%o ,0- !isposable li$hte#, one ,9- pai# of scisso#s an! one ,9- %oo!en stic>, %hich a#e all inst#u&ent,
e'uip&ent, appa#atuses, o# pa#aphe#nalia fit o# inten!e! fo# s&o>in$, sniffin$, consu&in$ an! in$estin$ RshabuS, a !an$e#ous !#u$,
into the bo!", in violation of the above)cite! la%.


#i&inal ase No. 90+/@)D

That, on o# about the 00
!a" of Au$ust, 0??@ in the Municipalit" of San 8uan, Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction
of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la% to possess an" !an$e#ous !#u$, !i! then an! the#e
%illfull", unla%full", an! >no%in$l", possess an! have in his custo!" an! cont#ol ?.?/ $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance containe!
in one ,9- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet, %hich %as foun! positive to the test fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, also
>no%n as shabu, a !an$e#ous !#u$, in violation of the above)cite! la%.

At the a##ai$n&ent on . Octobe# 0??@, both accuse! plea!e! not $uilt".

On 9: Nove&be# 0??@, at the p#e)t#ial confe#ence, the p#osecution an! !efense ente#e! into stipulations of facts #e$a#!in$ the !ue eCecution
an! $enuineness of the #ecove#e! ite&s &a#>e! in evi!ence, %hich !ispense! %ith the p#esentation of the p#osecutionBs %itness, 2o#ensic
he&ist Isi!#o a#i<o. The stipulations of facts p#ovi!eE

9. The !ue eCecution an! $enuineness of the Re'uest fo# =abo#ato#" ECa&ination !ate! 00 Au$ust 0??@ %hich %as &a#>e! in
evi!ence as EChibit RAS, the Speci&ens Sub&itte! to be &a#>e! as EChibit RA)9S an! the sta&p sho%in$ #eceipt the#eof b" the PNP
#i&e =abo#ato#" as EChibit RA)0SF

0. The !ue eCecution an! $enuineness, as %ell as the t#uth of the contents, of he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)9.9+)?@e !ate! Au$ust 00,
0??@ issue! b" 2o#ensic he&ist PJInsp. Isi!#o a#i<o of the #i&e =abo#ato#", Easte#n Police Dist#ict #i&e =abo#ato#"
Office, Man!alu"on$ it", %hich %as &a#>e! in evi!ence as EChibit R5S, the fin!in$s as appea#in$ on the #epo#t as EChibit R5)9S an!
the si$natu#e of the fo#ensic che&ist ove# his t"pe%#itten na&e li>e%ise as appea#in$ on the #epo#t as EChibit R5)0SF

@. The eCistence of the plastic sachets, but not thei# sou#ce o# o#i$in, the contents of %hich %as the sub6ect of the Re'uest fo#
=abo#ato#" ECa&ination, %hich %e#e &a#>e! in evi!ence as follo%sE as EChibit RS ,the t#anspa#ent plastic ba$-, as EChibit R)9S ,the
plastic sachet &a#>e! 8H7 bu")bust-, as EChibit R)0S ,the 0
plastic sachet &a#>e! 8H79-, as EChibit R)@S ,the @
sachet &a#>e! 8H70-, as EChibit R)/S ,the /
plastic sachet &a#>e! =ASA-, as EChibit R)1S ,the 1
plastic sachet &a#>e! 8H7;-,
as EChibit R).S ,the i&p#ovise! %ate# pipe &a#>e! 8H7/-, as EChibit R):S ,the plastic containe! &a#>e! 8H7@-, as EChibit R)+S
,the "ello% !isposable li$hte# &a#>e! 8H71-, as EChibit R);S ,the scisso#s-, as EChibit R)9?S ,the pin> !isposable li$hte# &a#>e!
8H7:-, as EChibit R)99S ,the %oo!en stic> &a#>e! 8H7+- an! as EChibit R)90S ,the nine unuse! plastic sachets &a#>e!

Sho#tl" afte# the p#e)t#ial confe#ence, San Antonio 6u&pe! bail an! !i! not appea# befo#e the RT !u#in$ the t#ial. Thus, San Antonio %as
!ee&e! to have %aive! the p#esentation of his evi!ence an! the case %as sub&itte! fo# !ecision %ithout an" evi!ence on his pa#t.

The p#osecution p#esente! the onl" %itnessE Police Office# 9 7e#&an So#eta ,PO9 So#eta-, the poseu#)bu"e# in the bu")bust ope#ation. The
othe# p#osecution %itness, PO9 A#&alito Ma$u&cia,PO9 Ma$u&cia-, faile! to appea# in cou#t !espite subpoenas sent to hi&F thus, his
testi&on" %as consi!e#e! %aive! in an O#!e# !ate! 0. Ap#il 0??1.

The p#osecution su&&e! up its ve#sion of the factsE On 00 Au$ust 0??@, at a#oun! 99E@? in the &o#nin$, the San 8uan Police Station D#u$
Enfo#ce&ent Anit ,DEA- th#ou$h PO9 So#eta #eceive! an info#&ation via teCt &essa$e that sale of shabu %as in p#o$#ess at the house of a
pe#son na&e! 8oel 7aspa#, appellant in this case, locate! at No. 0.)A Thi#! St#eet 5a#an$a" Hest #a&e, San 8uan.

PO9 So#eta i&&e!iatel" info#&e! the hea! of the DEA, Police Inspecto# Rica#!o Ma#so ,Inspecto# Ma#so-, #e$a#!in$ the &essa$e #eceive!.
Inspecto# Ma#so then !i#ecte! PO9 So#eta, PO9Ma$u&cia, PO9 8eff#e" Ti&a!o, an! PO9 Dave =ote#te to ve#if" the #epo#t an!, if necessa#",
to con!uct a bu")bust ope#ation. Inspecto# Ma#so $ave PO9 So#eta, as poseu#)bu"e#, t%o one)hun!#e! peso bills to be use! as bu")bust
&one". Afte# coo#!inatin$ %ith the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc" on the planne! bu")bust ope#ation, the police office#s p#ocee!e! to
the ta#$et a#ea.

Apon #eachin$ the house of 7aspa#, the police office#s sa% t%o pe#sons 6ust outsi!e the !oo#. One %as late# i!entifie! as 7aspa#, %ho
han!e! so&ethin$ to the othe#, late# i!entifie! as San Antonio. Afte# San Antonio left 7aspa#Bs house, the police office#s stoppe! San Antonio
an! as>e! hi&, R*nong inabot sa iyoIS San Antonio #eplie!, R"a/itIS The police office#s sai!, RPulis/ami.S San Antonio opene! his han! an!
the#e %as a sachet of shabu. The police office#s i&&e!iatel" a##este! San Antonio. PO9 So#eta an! PO9 Ma$u&cia info#&e! San Antonio of
his constitutional #i$hts an! tu#ne! hi& ove# to PO9 Ti&a#io.

PO9 So#eta then app#oache! 7aspa#, %ho %as al#ea!" about to ente# the house, an! tol! hi& RJoel pa-is/or naman ng dalawang piso.S
7aspa# %ent out an! as>e! fo# pa"&ent. Afte# #eceivin$ the a&ount of P0??.??, 7aspa# too> out f#o& his #i$ht poc>et a s&all t#anspa#ent
plastic sachet an! han!e! it to PO9 So#eta. PO9 So#eta int#o!uce! hi&self as a police office# an! a##este! an! han!cuffe! 7aspa#. The othe#
police office#s then #ushe! to the scene an! assiste! PO9 So#eta.

The police office#s #ecove#e! f#o& 7aspa#Bs possession t%o othe# s&all t#anspa#ent plastic sachets, as %ell as !#u$ pa#aphe#nalia insi!e the
house, %hich %e#e in plain vie% f#o& the %i!el" open !oo#. 7aspa# an! San Antonio %e#e b#ou$ht to the San 8uan Police Station fo#
investi$ation an! filin$ of cha#$es. The plastic sachets an! !#u$ pa#aphe#nalia #ecove#e! %e#e app#op#iatel" &a#>e! an! b#ou$ht b"
PO9 Anta*o to the Philippine National Police ,PNP- #i&e =abo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination. PO9 So#eta also eCecute! an Affi!avit of A##est
na##atin$ the ci#cu&stances %hich le! to 7aspa#Bs app#ehension.

5ase! on he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)9.9+)?@)E !ate! 00 Au$ust 0??@,
2o#ensic he&ist Isi!#o a#i<o foun! the #ecove#e! sachets positive
fo# &eth"la&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$.
The !efense, on the othe# han!, p#esente! 7aspa# an! 7lo#ia Santia$o ,Santia$o- as %itnesses.

7aspa# testifie! that on 00 Au$ust 0??@ at about +E?? in the &o#nin$, %hile he %as sleepin$ %ith his %ife at ho&e, he %as a%a>ene! b" a
lou! noise an! sa% t%o &en in civilian atti#e a#&e! %ith $uns %ho sai!, R(ga pulis -rame /ami.S 7aspa# as>e! the &en %hat his offense %as
but the" !i! not ans%e# hi& an! instea! tol! hi& to stan! up. 7aspa# %as then han!cuffe! b" one %hile the othe# sea#che! the house. The
one %ho &a!e the sea#ch, late# i!entifie! as PO9 So#eta, %ho !i! not fin! an"thin$ ille$al insi!e the house, tol! his co&panion, late# i!entifie!
as PO9 Ma$u&cia, RPare, dalhin natin sa -rame yan. +oon natin imbestigahan.S PO9 Ma$u&cia then tol! 7aspa#, R)ara, sumama /a na.S

At the San 8uan Police Station, PO9 So#eta tol! 7aspa#, R+ito, /aya /itang ilubog dito. &ung magbibigay /a ng treinta, wala na tayong pag-
uusapan pa, wala /ang /aso.S 7aspa#, believin$ that he !i! not co&&it an" offense, tol! the& to p#ocee! %ith the filin$ of the cha#$e. On 01
Au$ust 0??@, 7aspa# %as b#ou$ht fo# in'uest. He#e, 7aspa# !isclose! that he onl" ca&e to >no% his co)accuse! San Antonio insi!e the 6ail.

To co##obo#ate 7aspa#Bs testi&on", the !efense p#esente! Santia$o, a nei$hbo# of 7aspa#Bs %ho %as %ashin$ clothes outsi!e he# house
%hen the inci!ent occu##e!. Santia$o testifie! that on 00 Au$ust 0??@ at a#oun! ;E?? in the &o#nin$, she sa% th#ee pe#sons in civilian clothes
>ic> open the !oo# of 7aspa#Bs house. T%o of the& ente#e! the house. 2ille! %ith fea#, Santia$o %ent insi!e he# house an! obse#ve! the
inci!ent f#o& the %in!o%. Afte# so&e ti&e, she sa% 7aspa# bein$ pulle! out of his house. Afte# the $#oup left %ith 7aspa#, 7aspa#Bs %ife
as>e! Santia$o to acco&pan" he# to a&p #a&e. Apon #eachin$ a&p #a&e, the" %e#e tol! that 7aspa# %as not b#ou$ht the#e. =ate#,
the" foun! out that 7aspa# %as b#ou$ht to the San 8uan Police Station, %hich the" visite! the neCt !a". On c#oss)eCa&ination, Santia$o
a!&itte! that she !i! not >no% %hat actuall" t#anspi#e! insi!e the house since she onl" peepe! th#ou$h the %in!o% %hen the inci!ent

In its Decision !ate! @ 2eb#ua#" 0??., the RT foun! 7aspa# an! San Antonio $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of RA ;9.1. The
RT state! that $iven the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of the police office#sB official !ut" an! absent an" clea# sho%in$ of bias,
&alice o# ill)&otive on the pa#t of the p#osecution %itness, PO9 So#eta, the cou#t $ives c#e!ence to his testi&on". The RT a!!e! that the
testi&on" of a sin$le %itness suffices to suppo#t a conviction if it is t#ust%o#th" an! #eliable, such as in this case. The !ispositive po#tion of the
!ecision statesE

HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e! as follo%sE

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/?)D accuse! 8oel 7aspa# is he#eb" foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of Violation of
Section 1, A#ticle II, Republic Act ;9.1 ,Ille$al Sale of Shabu-, an! is he#eb" sentence! to =I2E IMPRISONMENT an! to pa" a 2INE
of 2ive Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,PHP 1??,???.??-.

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/9)D accuse! 8oel 7aspa# is li>e%ise foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of Violation
of Section 99, A#ticle II, Republic Act ;9.1 ,Ille$al Possession of Shabu-, an! is he#eb" sentence! to suffe# i&p#ison&ent f#o&
T%elve ,90- 3ea#s an! One ,9- Da" to T%ent" ,0?- 3ea#s an! to pa" a 2INE of Th#ee Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,PHP @??,???.??-.

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/0)D accuse! 8oel 7aspa# is also foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of Violation of
Section 90, A#ticle II, Republic Act ;9.1 ,Possession of Pa#aphe#nalia fo# Dan$e#ous D#u$s-, an! is he#eb" sentence! to SiC ,.-
Months an! One ,9- Da" to 2ou# ,/- 3ea#s i&p#ison&ent an! to pa" a 2INE of Ten Thousan! Pesos ,PHP 9?,???.??-.

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/@)D accuse! =eo&a# San Antonio is he#eb" foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of
Violation of Section 99, A#ticle II, Republic Act ;9.1 ,Ille$al Possession of Shabu- an! is he#eb" sentence! to suffe# i&p#ison&ent
f#o& T%elve ,90- 3ea#s an! One ,9- Da" to T%ent" ,0?- 3ea#s an! to pa" a 2INE of Th#ee Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,PHP

onsi!e#in$ the penalt" i&pose! b" the ou#t on accuse! 8oel 7aspa# #elative to #i&inal ase No. 90+/?)D, his i&&e!iate
co&&it&ent to the National Penitentia#", Ne% 5ilibi! P#isons, Muntinlupa it", is he#eb" o#!e#e!.

Pu#suant to Section 0? of Republic Act ;9.1, the a&ount of PHP 0??.?? #ecove#e! f#o& the accuse! 8oel 7aspa# #ep#esentin$ the
p#ocee!s f#o& the ille$al sale of shabu is he#eb" o#!e#e! fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent.

A$ain, pu#suant to Section 09 of the sa&e la%, #ep#esentatives f#o& the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc" ,PDEA- a#e he#eb"
o#!e#e! to ta>e cha#$e an! have custo!" ove# the sachets of shabu an! !#u$ pa#aphe#nalia ob6ect of these cases fo# p#ope#


7aspa# file! an appeal %ith the A. 7aspa# i&pute! the follo%in$ e##o#s on the RTE



T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Cour4 o8 #**2a,6

In a Decision !ate! 9. Ma#ch 0?9?, the A affi#&e! %ith &o!ification the !ecision of the RT. The A foun! that the p#osecution full"
!ischa#$e! its bu#!en of establishin$ all the ele&ents of the c#i&es cha#$e!. The A state! that the p#osecution %as able to p#ove that the
chain of custo!" of the sei*e! p#ohibite! !#u$s #e&aine! intact f#o& the ti&e the !#u$s %e#e #ecove#e! until the" %e#e sub&itte! to the PNP
#i&e =abo#ato#" fo# testin$. As a #esult, the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the !#u$s sei*e! f#o& 7aspa# %e#e !ul" p#oven not to have
been co&p#o&ise!. The A a!!e! that the corpus delicti an! the othe# ele&ents of the c#i&es cha#$e! %e#e sufficientl" establishe! b" the
p#osecution be"on! #easonable !oubt. Thus, the evi!ence p#esente! b" the p#osecution p#evails ove# the !efense of f#a&e)up alle$e! b"
7aspa#, %hich %as not substantiate! b" clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence. The !ispositive po#tion of the !ecision statesE

HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the p#esent appeal of accuse!)appellant 8oel 7aspa# y Hilson is DENIED. The Decision
!ate! @ 2eb#ua#" 0??. of the Re$ional t#ial ou#t, 5#anch :?, Pasi$ it" convictin$ accuse!)appellant 8oel 7aspa# " Hilson of
Violation of Sections 1, 99, an! 90, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, othe#%ise >no%n as The o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s
Act of 0??0 in #i&inal ase Nos. 90+/?)D, 90+/9)D an! 90+/0)D is he#eb" A22IRMED HITH MODI2IATION on the penalt"
i&pose! to %itE

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/?)D accuse!)appellant is he#eb" sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of =I2E IMPRISONMENT an! to pa" a
2INE of 2ive Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,PHP 1??,???.??-.

In Cr+9+na, Ca62 No. 128)1.% accuse!)appellant is he#eb" sentence! to suffe# the *2na,4y o8 +9*r+6on92n4 o8 T/EL&E :12;
!E#RS an" ONE :1; %#! a6 9+n+9u9 4o FFTEEN :1(; !E#RS a6 9a<+9u9 an! to pa" a fine of THREE HANDRED
THOASAND PESOS ,P@??,???.??-, as p#ovi!e! in Section 99, A#ticle II, RA No. ;9.1F an!

In Cr+9+na, Ca62 No. 128)2.% accuse!)appellant is he#eb" sentence! to suffe# the *2na,4y o8 S= :6; MONTHS an" ONE :1;
%#!, a6 9+n+9u9, 4o T/O :2; !E#RS an" SE&EN :-; MONTHS, a6 9a<+9u9 an! to pa" a fine of TEN THOASAND PESOS
,P9?,???.??-, as p#ovi!e! in Section 90, A#ticle II, RA No. ;9.1.

Appellant 7aspa# no% co&es befo#e the ou#t, sub&ittin$ that the Decision !ate! 9. Ma#ch 0?9? of the A is cont#a#" to facts, la% an!
applicable 6u#isp#u!ence.

T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Cour4

The appeal lac>s &e#it.

At the outset, %e #eite#ate the fun!a&ental #ule that fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t, %hich a#e factual in natu#e an! %hich involve the c#e!ibilit" of
%itnesses, a#e acco#!e! #espect %hen no $la#in$ e##o#s, $#oss &isapp#ehension of facts o# speculative, a#bit#a#" an! unsuppo#te! conclusions
can be $athe#e! f#o& such fin!in$s.
This #ule fin!s an even &o#e st#in$ent application %he#e sai! fin!in$s a#e sustaine! b" the ou#t of
Appeals, li>e in the p#esent case.

In a successful p#osecution fo# offenses involvin$ the ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s un!e# Section 1, A#ticle II of RA ;9.1, the follo%in$
ele&ents &ust concu#E ,9- the i!entities of the bu"e# an! selle#, ob6ect, an! consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the
pa"&ent fo# it.
Hhat is &ate#ial is p#oof that the t#ansaction o# sale actuall" too> place, couple! %ith the p#esentation in cou#t of evi!ence
of corpus delicti.

In #i&inal ase No. 90+/?)D, all these ele&ents %e#e p#esent. PO9 So#eta testifie! that he %as the poseu#)bu"e# in the bu")bust ope#ation
con!ucte! an! i!entifie! 7aspa# as selle# of the plastic sachet containin$ shabu in eCchan$e fo# a consi!e#ation of P0??.??. The sale %as
consu&&ate! afte# the eCchan$e of bu")bust &one" an! plastic sachet occu##e!. In People v. .ncila,
%e hel! that the !elive#" of the
cont#aban! to the poseu#)bu"e# an! the #eceipt of the &a#>e! &one" consu&&ate the bu")bust t#ansaction bet%een the ent#ap&ent office#s
an! the accuse!. The c#i&e of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s is co&&itte! as soon as the sale t#ansaction is consu&&ate!.

On the othe# han!, un!e# Section 99, A#ticle II of RA ;9.1, the ele&ents of the offense of ille$al possession of !an$e#ous !#u$s a#eE ,9- the
accuse! is in possession of an ite& o# ob6ect %hich is i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,0- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,@-
the accuse! f#eel" an! consciousl" possesse! the sai! !#u$.

A$ain, in #i&inal ase No. 90+/9)D, all of these ele&ents %e#e !ul" p#oven. PO9 So#eta p#ope#l" i!entifie! appellant as the one he
t#ansacte! %ith in the bu")bust ope#ation an! late# a##este! afte# the sale too> place. Afte# bein$ a##este! in flagrante delicto , the police
office#s foun! in appellantBs possession t%o s&all t#anspa#ent plastic sachets each containin$ ?.?/ $#a& of shabu , a p#ohibite! !#u$, %hich
appellant %as not autho#i*e! to possess.

NeCt, appellant asse#ts that the #ecove#" of the !#u$ pa#aphe#nalia seen f#o& outsi!e the house because of the %i!el" open !oo# is
unbelievable since no pe#son in his #i$ht &in! %oul! !ispla" the sa&e fo# an"one to see.

He !isa$#ee. D#u$ pushin$, especiall" the ones !one on a s&all scale, happens instantl". The ille$al t#ansaction ta>es place afte# the offe# to
bu" is accepte! an! the eCchan$e is &a!e. Since 7aspa# %as al#ea!" about to ente# the house, he &a" not have inten!e! to >eep the !oo#
open %hen PO9 So#eta app#oache! hi& to ca##" out a sale t#ansaction. Thus, at the ti&e the a##est %as &a!e, it %oul! not have been
i&p#obable fo# the !#u$ pa#aphe#nalia to be seen f#o& outsi!e because of the open !oo#.
Appellant also clai&s that it is hi$hl" unli>el" that PO9 So#eta coul! have easil" bou$ht shabu f#o& hi& $iven that PO9 So#eta is a co&plete

In !#u$ #elate! cases, %hat is #elevant is the a$#ee&ent an! acts constitutin$ the sale an! !elive#" of the !an$e#ous !#u$ bet%een the selle#
an! bu"e# an! not the eCistin$ fa&ilia#it" bet%een the&. It is of co&&on >no%le!$e that pushe#s, especiall" s&all)ti&e !eale#s, pe!!le
p#ohibite! !#u$s in the open li>e an" a#ticles of co&&e#ce.
D#u$ pushe#s !o not confine thei# nefa#ious t#a!e to >no%n custo&e#s an!
co&plete st#an$e#s a#e acco&&o!ate! p#ovi!e! the" have the &one" to pa".
Thus, it is not i&p#obable that 7aspa# sol! shabu to a
co&plete st#an$e# li>e PO9 So#eta%ho p#esente! hi&self as a bu"e#.

Appellant fu#the# insists that the cou#ts #elie! &ainl" on the ve#sion of the p#osecutionBs lone %itness an! place! &o#e %ei$ht on the
p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of !ut" instea! of the accuse!Bs #i$ht to be p#esu&e! innocent.

In People v. +e 2uzman,
%e hel! that in cases involvin$ violations of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act, c#e!ence is $iven to p#osecution %itnesses
%ho a#e police office#s fo# the" a#e p#esu&e! to have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# &anne#, unless the#e is evi!ence to the cont#a#"
su$$estin$ ill)&otive on the pa#t of the police office#s. He#e, appellant faile! to sho% that the police office#s !eviate! f#o& the #e$ula#
pe#fo#&ance of thei# !uties. AppellantBs !efense of !enial is %ea> an! self)se#vin$. Anless co##obo#ate! b" othe# evi!ence, it cannot ove#co&e
the p#esu&ption that the police office#s have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# an! p#ope# &anne#.

Also, %hile an accuse! in a c#i&inal case is p#esu&e! innocent until p#oven $uilt", the evi!ence of the p#osecution &ust stan! on its o%n
st#en$th an! not #el" on the %ea>ness of the evi!ence of the !efense.
In this case, the 'uantu& of evi!ence necessa#" to p#ove appellantBs
$uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt ha! been sufficientl" &et. Thus, the p#osecution %as able to ove#co&e appellantBs constitutional #i$ht to be
p#esu&e! innocent.

In su&, %e fin! no co$ent #eason to !epa#t f#o& the !ecision of the RT an! A. 7aspa# is $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of
Sections 1, 99 an! 90, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1.

/HEREFORE, %e %SMSS the appeal. He #FFRM the Decision !ate! 9. Ma#ch 0?9? of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. No.

Associate 8ustice


Associate 8ustice

Associate 8ustice Associate 8ustice

Associate 8ustice


I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice


Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.

hief 8ustice
K Desi$nate! actin$ &e&be# pe# Special O#!e# No. 9??. !ate! 9? 8une 0?99.
9#ollo, pp. 0)91. Penne! b" 8ustice 2lo#ito S. Macalino %ith 8ustices Ros&a#i D. a#an!an$ an! Ra&on M. 5ato, 8#., concu##in$.
0A rollo, pp. 09)@?. Penne! b" 8u!$e Pablito M. Ro6as.
@Section 1. ale, )rading, *dministration, +ispensation, +elivery, +istribution and )ransportation of +angerous +rugs and,or
-ontrolled Precursors and .ssential -hemicals. ) The penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& 2ive hun!#e!
thousan! pesos ,P1??,???.??- to Ten &illion pesos ,P9?,???,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son, %ho, unless autho#i*e!
b" la%, shall sell, t#a!e, a!&iniste#, !ispense, !elive#, $ive a%a" to anothe#, !ist#ibute !ispatch in t#ansit o# t#anspo#t an" !an$e#ous
!#u$, inclu!in$ an" an! all species of opiu& popp" #e$a#!less of the 'uantit" an! pu#it" involve!, o# shall act as a b#o>e# in an" of
such t#ansactions. C C C
/Section 99. Possession of +angerous +rugs. ) C C C Othe#%ise, if the 'uantit" involve! is less than the fo#e$oin$ 'uantities, the
penalties shall be $#a!uate! as follo%sE
,@- I&p#ison&ent of t%elve ,90- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& Th#ee hun!#e! thousan! pesos
,P@??,???.??- to 2ou# hun!#e! thousan! pesos ,P/??,???.??-, if the 'uantities of !an$e#ous !#u$s a#e less than five ,1- $#a&s of
opiu&, &o#phine, he#oin, cocaine o# cocaine h"!#ochlo#i!e, &a#i6uana #esin o# &a#i6uana #esin oil, &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e
o# RshabuS, o# othe# !an$e#ous !#u$s such as, but not li&ite! to, MDMA o# Recstas"S, PMA, TMA, =SD, 7H5, an! those si&ila#l"
!esi$ne! o# ne%l" int#o!uce! !#u$s an! thei# !e#ivatives, %ithout havin$ an" the#apeutic value o# if the 'uantit" possesse! is fa#
be"on! the#apeutic #e'ui#e&entsF o# less than th#ee hun!#e! ,@??- $#a&s of &a#i6uana.
1Section 90. Possession of .3uipment, 4nstrument, *pparatus and $ther Paraphernalia for +angerous +rugs. - The penalt" of
i&p#ison&ent #an$in$ f#o& siC ,.- &onths an! one ,9- !a" to fou# ,/- "ea#s an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& Ten thousan! pesos
,P9?,???.??- to 2ift" thousan! pesos ,P1?,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son, %ho, unless autho#i*e! b" la%, shall possess
o# have un!e# hisJhe# cont#ol an" e'uip&ent, inst#u&ent, appa#atus an! othe# pa#aphe#nalia fit o# inten!e! fo# s&o>in$, consu&in$,
a!&iniste#in$, in6ectin$, in$estin$, o# int#o!ucin$ an" !an$e#ous !#u$ into the bo!" C C C.
.An Act Institutin$ the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0, Repealin$ Republic Act No. ./01, Othe#%ise Nno%n as the
Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0, As A&en!e!, P#ovi!in$ 2un!s The#efo#, an! fo# Othe# Pu#poses. App#ove! on 0@ 8anua#" 0??0 an!
too> effect on : 8une 0??0.
>G.R. No. 13961(. May 28, 200)?
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, appellee, vs. #M#%EO TR# an" CONNE TR#, appellants.
% E C S O N
This is an appeal of the Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Pan$asinan, 5#anch /., fin!in$ appellants A&a!eo Ti#a an! onnie
Ti#a $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ Section 9., in #elation to Section 0?, A#ticle III of Republic Act No. ./01, >no%n as the
Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0, as a&en!e! b" Rep. Act No. :.1;, sentencin$ each of the& to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua an!
o#!e#in$ each of the& to pa" a fine of P9,???.???.
T52 n"+3492n4
The appellants A&a!eo Ti#a an! onnie Ti#a %e#e cha#$e! in an Info#&ation %hich #ea!sE
That on o# about Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, in the Municipalit" of A#!aneta, p#ovince of Pan$asinan an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the
above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession, cont#ol an!
custo!" the follo%in$E
) Th#ee ,@- ,sic- sachets of shabu
) SiC ,.- pieces opene! sachets of shabu #esi!ue
) One ,9- b#ic> of !#ie! &a#i6uana leaves
%ei$hin$ :09 $#a&s
) SiC !isposable li$hte#
) One ,9- #oll Alu&inu& 2oil
) Seve#al e&pt" plastics ,tea ba$-
) ash &one" a&ountin$ to P90,1@..?? in
!iffe#ent !eno&inations believe! to be p#ocee!s
of the cont#aban!.
%ithout fi#st secu#in$ the necessa#" pe#&itJlicense to possess the sa&e.
ONTRAR3 to SE. + in #elation to Sec. 0? of RA ./01, as a&en!e!.
T52 Ca62 8or 452 Pro623u4+on
In the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 0/, 9;;+, SPO@ Asi!elio Manibo$ #eceive! a ve#bal inst#uction f#o& the hief of Police Supe#inten!ent
Hilson R. Victo#io to con!uct su#veillance ope#ations on the house of A&a!eo Ti#a an! onnie Ti#a at Pe#e* ECtension St#eet because of
#epo#te! #a&pant !#u$ activities in the sai! a#ea. Manibo$ fo#&e! a tea& co&pose! of SPO9 Renato #esencia, PO@ Re"nal!o 8avonilla, 8#.
an! PO@ Ef#en Aba! !e Ve#a to con!uct the o#!e#e! su#veillance.
At a#oun! +E?? p.&., the $#oup, cla! in civilian clothes, a##ive! at Pe#e* ECtension St#eet. As the" statione! the&selves in the pe#iphe#"
of a sto#e, the" obse#ve! that &o#e than t%ent" pe#sons ha! $one in an! out of the Ti#a #esi!ence. The" conf#onte! one of the&, an! as>e!
%hat %as $oin$ on insi!e the house. The pe#son #eveale! that A&a!eo Ti#a sol! shabu, an! that he %as a #e$ula# custo&e#. The $#oup %ent
close# to the house an! sta#te! plannin$ thei# neCt &ove. The" %ante! to pose as bu"e#s, but hesitate!, fo# fea# of bein$ i!entifie! as PNP
&e&be#s. Instea!, the" sta"e! the#e up to 90E??&i!ni$ht an! continue! obse#vin$ the place. onvince! that ille$al activities %e#e $oin$ on
in the house, the police&en #etu#ne! to the station an! #epo#te! to PJSupt. Hilson R. Victo#io. Afte# hea#in$ thei# #epo#t, PJSupt. Victo#io
inst#ucte! his &en to &a>e an affi!avit of su#veillance p#eli&ina#" to an application fo# a sea#ch %a##ant.
On Ma#ch ., 9;;+, SPO@ Asi!elio Manibo$, PO@ Ef#en Aba! !e Ve#a, SPO9 Renato #esencia an! PO0 Re"nal!o Soliven 8avonilla,
8#. eCecute! an Affi!avit of Su#veillance, alle$in$, inter alia, that the" %e#e &e&be#s of the D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent Anit of A#!aneta, Pan$asinan,
an! that in the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 0/, 9;;+, the" confi#&e! #epo#ts of ille$al !#u$)#elate! activities in the house of the spouses A&a!eo an!
onnie Ti#a.
On Ma#ch ., 9;;+
Police hief Inspecto# Danilo 5u&ata" Datu file! an Application fo# a Sea#ch Ha##ant in the Municipal T#ial
ou#t of A#!aneta, Pan$asinan, attachin$ the#eto the affi!avit of su#veillance eCecute! b" his &en an! a s>etch of the place to be sea#che!.
Satisfie! %ith the testi&onies of SPO@ Manibo$, PO@ !e Ve#a, SPO9 #esencia an! PO0 8avonilla, 8#., 8u!$e Au#o#a A. 7a"apa issue!
a sea#ch %a##ant co&&an!in$ the applicants to &a>e an i&&e!iate sea#ch of the Ti#a #esi!ence at an"ti&e of the !a" o# ni$ht, pa#ticula#l" the
fi#st #oo& on the #i$ht si!e, an! the t%o #oo&s locate! at Pe#e* south, an! fo#th%ith sei*e an! ta>e possession of the follo%in$ ite&sE
9. Poo# ManBs ocaine >no%n as ShabuF
0. D#u$)Asa$e Pa#aphe#naliaF an!
@. Hei$hin$ scale.
PJS#. Inspecto# =u!ivico 5#avo, an! as hea! of the tea&, %ith SPO@ a#ia$a, PO@ oncepcion, a#i<o, 7ali&a, Villa#o"a, An!a"a,
SPO9 Ma#io Ta6on, SPO9 Aste#io Dis&a"a, SPO9 Renato #esencia, an! PO@ Re"nal!o 8avonillo %e#e !i#ecte! to i&ple&ent the sea#ch
The" #espon!e! an! b#ou$ht "arangay &agawad Ma#io on%i to %itness the sea#ch.
At 0E@1 p.&. on Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, the tea&
p#ocee!e! to the Ti#a #esi!ence. The &en foun! E#nesto Ti#a, the fathe# of A&a!eo, at the po#ch of the house. The" int#o!uce! the&selves
an! tol! E#nesto that the" ha! a %a##ant autho#i*in$ the& to sea#ch the p#e&ises. E#nesto le! the& insi!e. The police&en foun! the ne%l"
a%a>ene! A&a!eo insi!e the fi#st #oo&
of the house.
Hith "arangay &agawad on%i an! A&a!eo Ti#a, the police&en p#ocee!e! to
sea#ch the fi#st #oo& to the #i$ht ,an inne# #oo&- an! foun! the follo%in$ un!e# the be! %he#e A&a!eo sleptE
9. ; pcs. suspecte! &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e place! in heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachets
0. #oll alu&inu& foil
@. seve#al e&pt" plastic t#anspa#ent
/. use! an! unuse! alu&inu& foil
1. !isposable li$hte#s
.. 9 sachet of shabu confiscate! f#o& Nelson Ti#a
The" also foun! cash &one" a&ountin$ to P90,1@. insi!e a shoul!e# ba$ place! on top of the television, in the follo%in$
9 pc. )P9,???.?? bill
/ pcs. ) 1??.?? bill
10 pcs. ) 9??.?? bill
@. pcs. ) 1?.?? bill
9?? pcs. ) 0?.?? bill
1@ pcs. ) 9?.?? bill
9 pc. ) 1.?? bill
9 pc. ) 9.?? coin
The police&en liste! the fo#e$oin$ ite&s the" foun! in the house. A&a!eoBs pictu#e %as ta>en %hile he %as si$nin$ the sai!
E#nesto ,A&a!eoBs fathe#-, also %itnesse! the ce#tification.
A 6oint affi!avit of a##est %as, the#eafte#, eCecute! b" SPO@ Asi!elio Manibo$, SPO9 Ma#io . Ta6on, SPO9 Aste#io T. Dis&a"a, SPO9
Renato M. #esencia an! PO@ Re"nal!o S. 8avonilla, 8#. fo# the app#ehension of A&a!eo Ti#a an! Nelson Ti#a %ho %e#e b#ou$ht to the police
station fo# custo!ial investi$ation. The a#ticles sei*e! %e#e tu#ne! ove# to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#", A#!aneta Sub)Office, fo# eCa&ination.
In tu#n, a labo#ato#" eCa&ination #e'uest %as &a!e to the hief of the Philippine National Police Se#vice)9, Sub)Office, A#!aneta,
Pan$asinan fo# the follo%in$E
a. Th#ee ,@- sachets of suspecte! &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e app#oCi&atel" ?.1 $#a&sF
b. SiC ,.- opene! sachets of suspecte! &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,SHA5A- #esi!ueF
c. T%ent")fou# ,/- pieces of !#ie! &a#i6uana leaves sachetF an!
!. One ,9- heat)seale! plastic sachet of suspecte! &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e confiscate! f#o& the possession of
Nelson Ti#a.
On Ma#ch 9?, 9;;+, PJSupt. Hilson R. Victo#io eCecute! a o&plianceJRetu#n of Sea#ch Ha##ant.
On Ma#ch 9:, 9;;+, the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" 7#oup in Ph"sical Science Repo#t No. DT)?1:);+ #epo#te! that the test con!ucte! b"
Police Supe#inten!entJhe&ist The#esa Ann 5u$a"on$)i!,
"iel!e! positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,shabu- an!
&a#i6uana. The #epo#t containe! the follo%in$ fin!in$sE
RA9 to A@, R59 to 5.,S RES P POSITIVE to the test fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,shabu-, a #e$ulate! !#u$.
RS an! RD9 to D/S P POSITIVE to the test fo# &a#i6uana, a p#ohibite! !#u$.
Speci&ens A9 to A@, 59 to 5. an! E contain &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,Shabu- an! speci&ens an! D9 to D0/ contain &a#i6uana.

A c#i&inal co&plaint %as file! b" PJSupt. Hilson R. Victo#io a$ainst A&a!eo Ti#a an! onnie Ti#a on Ma#ch 9?, 9;;+ fo# violation of
Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!.
Afte# fin!in$ p#obable cause, Assistant P#ovincial P#osecuto# Rufino A. Mo#eno file! an Info#&ation a$ainst
the Ti#a Spouses fo# ille$al possession of shabu an! &a#i6uana, in violation of Section +, in #elation to Section 0? of Rep. Act No. ./01.
%a##ant of a##est %as issue! a$ainst onnie Ti#a on Ma" 9@, 9;;+. Ho%eve#, %hen the police&en t#ie! to se#ve the sai! %a##ant, she coul!
not be foun! in the $iven a!!#ess.
She %as a##este! onl" on Octobe# ., 9;;+.
Du#in$ the t#ial, the cou#t con!ucte! an ocula# inspection of the Ti#a #esi!ence.
T52 Ca62 8or #33u62" #9a"2o T+ra
A&a!eo Ti#a !enie! the cha#$e. He testifie! that he %as a fu#nitu#e !elive#" bo"
%ho o%ne! a one)sto#e" bun$alo% house %ith t%o
be!#oo&s an! one &aste#Bs be!#oo&. The#e %as also anothe# #oo& %hich %as !ivi!e! into an oute# an! inne# #oo&F the latte# #oo& ha! no
%in!o%s o# ventilation. The house stoo! t%ent" &ete#s a%a" f#o& Pe#e* ECtension St#eet in A#!aneta, Pan$asinan, an! coul! be #eache!
onl" b" foot.
He lease! the #oo& locate! at the %este#n po#tion to his nephe% h#is Ti#a
an! the latte#Bs live)in)pa#tne# 7e&&a =i& fo#
fou# hun!#e! pesos a &onth.
h#is an! 7e&&a %e#e en$a$e! in the bu"in$ an! sellin$ of bananas. He !enie! that the#e %e#e "oun$ &en
co&in$ in an! out of his house.
In the afte#noon of Ma#ch ., 9;;+, he %as in his house sleepin$ %hen the police&en ba#$e! into his house. He hea#! a co&&otion an!
%ent out of the #oo& to see %hat it %as all about, an! sa% police office#s #esencia, 8avonilla an! 5e#$onia, sea#chin$ the #oo& of his
nephe%, h#is Ti#a. He tol! the& to stop sea#chin$ so that he coul! contact his fathe#, E#nesto, %ho in tu#n, %oul! call the ba#an$a"
captain. The police&en continue! %ith thei# sea#ch. He %as then pulle! insi!e the #oo& an! the police&en sho%e! hi& the ite&s the"
alle$e!l" foun!.
"arangay &agawad Ma#io on%i testifie! that on Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, %hile he %as at alle Pe#e*, A#!aneta, Pan$asinan, apt. =u!ivico
5#avo as>e! to be acco&panie! to the Ti#a #esi!ence. apt. 5#avo %as %ith at least ten othe# police&en. As the" pa#>e! the ca# at alle
Pe#e*, the police&en sa% a &an #unnin$ to%a#!s the !i#ection of the #icefiel!s. Na$a%a! on%i an! so&e of the police&en chase! the &an,
%ho tu#ne! out to be Nelson Ti#a. One of the police&en pointe! to a sachet of shabu %hich fell to the $#oun! nea# Nelson. The police&en
a##este! hi& an! p#ocee!e! to the house of A&a!eo Ti#a to se#ve the %a##ant.
Hhen the" #eache! the house, the othe# police&en %e#e
%aitin$. He sa% A&a!eo an! onnie Ti#a sittin$ b" the !oo# of the house in the sala. The#eafte#, he an! the police&en sta#te! the sea#ch.
The" sea#che! the fi#st #oo& locate! at the #i$ht si!e ,if facin$ south-,
an! foun! &a#i6uana, shabu, &one" an! so&e pa#aphe#nalia.
invento#" of the ite&s sei*e! %as &a!e afte#%a#!s, %hich %as si$ne! b" apt. 5#avo an! E#nesto Ti#a.
Alfonso 7alla#!o, A&a!eoBs nei$hbo#, testifie! that he %as the one %ho const#ucte! the Ti#a #esi!ence an! that the house initiall" ha!
t%o #oo&s. The fi#st #oo& %as #ente! out, %hile the secon! #oo& %as occupie! b" the Spouses A&a!eo an! onnie Ti#a.
Subse'uentl", a
!ivi!e# %as place! insi!e the fi#st #oo&.
He also testifie! that his house %as onl" th#ee ,@- &ete#s a%a" f#o& that of the Ti#as, an! that onl"
a toilet sepa#ate! thei# houses.
He !enie! that the#e %e#e &an" people $oin$ in an! out of the Ti#a #esi!ence.
T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Tr+a, Cour4
The t#ial cou#t #en!e#e! 6u!$&ent on Septe&be# 0/, 9;;+, fin!in$ A&a!eo Ti#a $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of ille$al possession of
+?:.@ $#a&s of &a#i6uana an! 9.??9 $#a& of shabu. The !ec#etal po#tion of its !ecision is he#ein 'uote!E
HHERE2ORE, 8AD7MENT is he#eb" #en!e#e! ONVITIN7 be"on! #easonable !oubt accuse! AMADEO TIRA fo# Ille$al Possession of
Ma#i6uana %ei$hin$ +?:.@ $#a&s an! shabu %ei$hin$ 9.??9 $#a& penali*e! un!e# A#ticle III, Sections 9. an! 0?, of Republic Act ./01, >no%n
as LtheM Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act :.1;. The ou#t sentences A&a!eo Ti#a to suffe# the penalt" of
Reclusion Pe#petua an! a fine of P9,???,???.??.
The a&ount of P90,1@..?? is he#eb" fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent %hich fo#&s pa#t of the fineF the &a#i6uana %ei$hin$ +?:.@ $#a&s an!
shabu %ei$hin$ 9.??9 $#a& a#e he#eb" fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&entF the !isposable li$hte# an! the alu&inu& foil a#e li>e%ise fo#feite!
in favo# of the $ove#n&ent.
The 5#anch le#> of ou#t of this ou#t is he#eb" o#!e#e! to p#epa#e the mittimus.
The Ha#!en, 5u#eau of 8ail Mana$e&ent an! Penolo$" ,58MP- is he#eb" o#!e#e! to t#ans&it the pe#son of A&a!eo Ti#a to the National
5ilibi! P#ison %ith p#ope# esco#t %ithin fifteen ,91- !a"s upon #eceipt of this O#!e#.
The t#ial cou#t uphel! the vali!it" of Sea#ch Ha##ant No. @ issue! b" 8u!$e Au#o#a 7a"apa. It foun! A&a!eoBs !efense, that the #oo&
%he#e the ite&s %e#e sei*e! %as #ente! out to the couple #is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i&, unsubstantiate!. It hel! that A&a!eo, as o%ne# of the
house, ha! cont#ol ove# the #oo& as %ell as the thin$s foun! the#ein an! that the inne# #oo& %as a sec#et an! p#actical place to >eep
&a#i6uana, shabu an! #elate! pa#aphe#nalia.
A&a!eo appeale! the !ecision.
T52 Ca62 #7a+n64 Conn+2 T+ra
Afte# he# a##est, onnie file! a &otion to 'uash sea#ch %a##ant,
alle$in$ that the police office#s %ho applie! fo# the sai! %a##ant !i!
not have an" pe#sonal >no%le!$e of the #epo#te! ille$al activities. She conten!e! that the sa&e %as issue! in violation of Section /, Rule 90.
of the Rules of ou#t, as the 6u!$e issue! the sea#ch %a##ant %ithout con!uctin$ sea#chin$ 'uestions an! ans%e#s, an! %ithout attachin$ the
#eco#!s of the p#ocee!in$s. Mo#eove#, the sea#ch %a##ant issue! %as in the natu#e of a $ene#al %a##ant, to 6ustif" the Rfishin$ eCpe!itionS
con!ucte! on the p#e&ises.
On Octobe# 0., 9;;+, the p#esi!in$ 6u!$e o#!e#e! 8u!$e Au#o#a A. 7a"apa to fo#%a#! the steno$#aphic notes of the applicant an! the
onnie %as a##ai$ne! on Nove&be# ;, 9;;+, pen!in$ the #esolution of the &otion. She plea!e! not $uilt" to the cha#$e of ille$al
possession of shabu an! &a#i6uana.
The t#ial cou#t the#eafte# issue! an O#!e# on Nove&be# 99, 9;;+, !en"in$ the &otion to 'uash.
It !i!
not $ive c#e!ence to the alle$ations of onnie Ti#a, an! foun! that 8u!$e 7a"apa issue! the sea#ch %a##ant afte# con!uctin$ sea#chin$
'uestions, an! in consi!e#ation of the affi!avit of %itness En#i'ue Mila!.
onnie testifie! that she %as en$a$e! in the business of bu"in$ an! sellin$ of f#uits, %hile he# husban! %as e&plo"e! at the
7lasshouse T#a!in$. One of the #oo&s in thei# house %as occupie! b" thei# th#ee boa#!e#s, t%o &ale pe#sons an! one fe&ale.
In the afte#noon of Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, she an! he# husban! A&a!eo %e#e in thei# house, %hile thei# boa#!e#s %e#e in thei# #espective
#oo&s. At 0E@? p.&., she %as in the >itchen ta>in$ ca#e of he# one)"ea#)ol! chil!. She ha! othe# th#ee chil!#en, a$e! ei$ht, fou#, an! th#ee,
#espectivel", %ho %e#e %atchin$ television. He# husban! A&a!eo %as sleepin$ in one of the #oo&s. Su!!enl", five police&en ba#$e! into
thei# house an! sea#che! all the #oo&s. The police&en foun! an! sei*e! a#ticles in the #oo& occupie! b" one of thei# boa#!e#s. The"
a##este! A&a!eo, an! he# b#othe#)in)la%, Nelson Ti#a, an! b#ou$ht the& to the police station. The boa#!e#s, ho%eve#, %e#e not a##este!.
8o" 2e#nan!e*, a nei$hbo# of the Ti#as, live! app#oCi&atel" ten &ete#s a%a" f#o& the latte#. Since the" ha! no television, she
f#e'uentl" %ent to he# nei$hbo#Bs house to %atch ce#tain p#o$#a&s. In the afte#noon of Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, she %as at the Ti#a #esi!ence %atchin$
RMi#asol,S %hile onnie %as in the >itchen nu#sin$ he# bab". Su!!enl", about five o# ten pe#sons #an insi!e the house an! han!cuffe!
A&a!eo Ti#a.
T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Tr+a, Cour4
The t#ial cou#t foun! onnie Ti#a $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of ille$al possession of +?:.@ $#a&s of &a#i6uana an! 9.??9 $#a& of
shabu. The !ispositive po#tion of the !ecision #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, 8AD7MENT is he#eb" #en!e#e! ONVITIN7 be"on! #easonable !oubt accuse! ONNIE TIRA fo# Ille$al Possession of
Ma#i6uana %ei$hin$ +?:.@ $#a&s an! shabu %ei$hin$ 9.??9 $#a& penali*e! un!e# A#ticle III, Section 9. an! 0?, of Republic Act ./01, >no%n
as LtheM Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act :.1;, the ou#t sentences onnie Ti#a to suffe# the penalt" of Reclusion
Pe#petua an! a fine ofP9,???,???.??.
The a&ount of P90,1@..?? is he#eb" fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent %hich fo#&s pa#t of the fineF the &a#i6uana %ei$hin$ +?:.@ $#a&s an!
shabu %ei$hin$ 9.??9 $#a& a#e he#eb" fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&entF the !isposable li$hte# an! the alu&inu& foil a#e, li>e%ise, fo#feite!
in favo# of the $ove#n&ent.
The Ha#!en, 5u#eau of 8ail Mana$e&ent an! Penolo$" ,58MP- is he#eb" o#!e#e! to t#ans&it the pe#son of onnie Ti#a to the National 5ilibi!
P#isons %ith p#ope# esco#t %ithin fifteen ,91- !a"s upon #eceipt of his O#!e#.
The t#ial cou#t !i! not believe that onnie Ti#a ha! no >no%le!$e, cont#ol an! possession of the shabu an! &a#i6uana foun! in the fi#st
o# inne# #oo& of thei# house. It st#esse! that onnie an! A&a!eo Ti#a 6ointl" cont#olle! an! possesse! the shabu an! &a#i6uana that the
police&en foun! the#ein. It #atiocinate! that it %as unusual fo# a %ife not to >no% the eCistence of p#ohibite! !#u$s in the con6u$al
abo!e. Thus, as husban! an! %ife, the accuse! conspi#e! an! confe!e#ate! %ith each othe# in >eepin$ custo!" of the sai! p#ohibite!
The cou#t also hel! that onnie Ti#aBs fli$ht f#o& thei# house afte# the sea#ch %as an in!ication of he# $uilt. onnie, li>e%ise,
appeale! the !ecision.
T52 Pr262n4 #**2a,
In thei# b#ief, the appellants A&a!eo an! onnie Ti#a assi$ne! the follo%in$ e##o#s co&&itte! b" the t#ial cou#tE



The ou#t shall #esolve the assi$ne! e##o#s si&ultaneousl" as the" a#e inte##elate!.
The appellants conten! that the sea#ch con!ucte! b" the police&en in the #oo& occupie! b" h#is an! 7e&&a =i&, %he#e the a#ticles
an! substances %e#e foun! b" the police&en, %as &a!e in thei# absence. Thus, the sea#ch %as &a!e in violation of Section :, Rule 90. of
the Rules of #i&inal P#oce!u#e, %hich p#ovi!esE
SE. :. earch of house, room, or premise, to be made in presence of two witnesses. P No sea#ch of house, #oo&, o# an" othe# p#e&ise
shall be &a!e eCcept in the p#esence of the la%ful occupant the#eof o# an" &e&be# of his fa&il" o# in the absence of the latte#, in the
p#esence of two witnesses of sufficient a$e an! !isc#etion #esi!in$ in the sa&e localit".
The appellants posit that the a#ticles an! substances foun! b" the police&en in thei# house a#e ina!&issible in evi!ence, bein$ the f#uits
of a poisonous t#ee. Hence, the" conten!, the" shoul! have been ac'uitte! of the c#i&e cha#$e!. The appellants fu#the# asse#t that the
p#osecution faile! to p#ove that the" o%ne! the p#ohibite! !#u$s, an! that the sa&e %e#e in thei# possession an! cont#ol %hen foun! b" the
police&en. The" insist that it cannot be p#esu&e! that the" %e#e in cont#ol an! possession of the sai! substancesJa#ticles si&pl" because
the" o%ne! the house %he#e the sa&e %e#e foun!, consi!e#in$ that the #oo& %as occupie! b" h#is Ti#a an! his live)in pa#tne#, 7e&&a =i&.
The appellant onnie Ti#a ave#s that she neve# fle! f#o& thei# house afte# the police&en ha! con!ucte! the sea#ch. Neithe# %as she
a##este! b" the police&en %hen the" a##este! he# husban!.
The appeals have no &e#it.
ont#a#" to the appellantsB clai&, appellant A&a!eo Ti#a %as p#esent %hen the police&en sea#che! the inne# #oo& of the house. The
a#ticles an! substances %e#e foun! un!e# the be! on %hich the appellant A&a!eo Ti#a slept. The police&en !i! not fin! the sai! a#ticles an!
substances in an" othe# #oo& in the houseE
G So %hen "ou #eache! the house of A&a!eo Ti#a at the Ti#aBs co&poun!, "ou sa% the fathe# an! "ou tol! hi& "ou a#e
i&ple&entin$ the Sea#ch Ha##ant an! "ou# $#oup %as allo%e! to ente# an! "ou a#e allo%e! to sea#ch in the p#esence of
A&a!eo Ti#aI
A 3es, Si#.
G In the cou#se of "ou# sea#ch, %hat !i! "ou fin!I
A He foun! out suspecte! &a#i6uana leaves, Si#.
G Hhe#e, in %hat pa#ticula# place !i! "ou fin!I
A An!e# the be! insi!e the #oo& of A&a!eo Ti#a, Si#
G Hhat else !i! "ou fin! asi!e f#o& &a#i6uana leavesI
A He also fin! suspecte! sachet of shabu, Si#.
G Hhat elseI
A =i$hte#, Si#.
G If that shabu %ill be sho%n to "ou, coul! "ou i!entif" the sa&eI
A 3es, Si#.
G About the &a#i6uana leaves, if sho%n to "ou coul! "ou i!entif" the sa&eI
A 3es, Si#.
G Hhat else !i! "ou fin! out asi!e f#o& the &a#i6uana leaves, shabu an! li$hte#I
A I have he#e the list, Si#.
One ,9- b#ic> of &a#i6uana
0/ pcs. tea ba$ of &a#i6uana
; pcs. sachets of suspecte! RshabuS
. !isposable li$hte#s
9 #oll of alu&inu& foil
seve#al e&pt" plasticF seve#al use!
an! unuse! alu&inu& foil
one ,9- sachet of shabu confiscate! f#o& Nelson Ti#aF an!
P90,1@..?? cash in !iffe#ent !eno&inations p#ocee!s of the cont#an! ,sic-.
G Hhe#e !i! "ou fin! the &one"I
A Nea# the &a#i6uana at the ba$, Si#.
G About the &one", coul! "ou still i!entif" if sho%n to "ouI
A 3es, Si#.
G Hhen "ou foun! shabu, li$hte#, &a#i6uana, an! &one", %hat !i! "ou !oI
A He &a#>e! the&, Si#.
G All of the ite&sI
A Onl" the &a#i6uana, Si#.
G Hhat &a#> !i! "ou placeI
A M" si$natu#e, Si#.
G An! %hen "ou %e#e allo%e! to ente# the house, !i! "ou notice %ho %as p#esentI
A I notice! the p#esence of onnie Ti#a, Si#.
G Hhen "ou sai! onnie Ti#a, is she the sa&e onnie Ti#a the accuse! in this caseI
A 3es, Si#, she %as ta>in$ ca#e of the bab".
G Hho elseI
A He also notice! the p#esence of A&a!eo Ti#a, Si#.
G Hhat %as he !oin$ the#eI
A He %as ne%l" a%a>e, Si#.
G Apon ente#in$ the house, %hat !i! "ou !oI
A He ente#e! an! sea#che! the fi#st #oo&, Si#.
G Hhat !i! "ou fin! outI
A Shabu an! Ma#i6uana an! pa#aphe#nalia, Si#.
G A#e "ou one of those %ho ente#e! the houseI
A 3es, Si#.
G an "ou &ention to the Hono#able ou#t those ite&s that "ou sea#che! in the house of onnie Ti#a an! A&a!eo Ti#aI
A As pe# in ,sic- ou# #eco#!s, %e foun! th#ee ,@- sachets containin$ suspecte! Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e RShabuS
#esi!ueF one ,9- b#ic> of suspecte! !#ie! &a#i6uana leaves %ei$hin$ &o#e o# less :1? $#a&sF t%ent")fou# ,0/- tea ba$s
containin$ !#ie! &a#i6uana leavesF siC ,.- !isposable li$hte#F one ,9- #oll alu&inu& foilF seve#al e&pt" plastics ,tea ba$-F
seve#al use! an! unuse! alu&inu& foilF an! cash &one" a&ountin$ to P90,1@..?? in !iffe#ent !eno&inations believeL!M to
be p#ocee!s of the cont#aban!, Si#.
G 3ou sai! "ou #ecove#e! one ,9- b#ic> of &a#i6uana leaves, sho%in$ to "ou a ,sic- one ,9- b#ic> suspecte! to be &a#i6uana
leaves, is this the one "ou a#e #efe##in$ toI
A 3es, Si#, this is the one.
Appellant A&a!eo Ti#a %as not the onl" %itness to the sea#chF &agawad Ma#io on%i an! E#nesto Ti#a, A&a!eoBs fathe#, %e#e also
p#esent. E#nesto Ti#a even le! the police&en insi!e the house. This is evi!ence! not onl" b" the testi&on" of &agawad on%i, but also b"
the ce#tification si$ne! b" the appellant hi&self, alon$ %ith &agawad on%i an! E#nesto Ti#a.
The t#ial cou#t #e6ecte! the testi&on" of appellant A&a!eo Ti#a that the inne# #oo& sea#che! b" the police&en %as occupie! b" h#is
Ti#a an! his $i#lf#ien! 7e&&a =i& %ith the follo%in$ enco&passin$ !is'uisitionE
V The !efense contention that a couple f#o& 5a$uio it" fi#st occupie! the fi#st #oo&, the ou#t is not pe#sua!e! because the" !i! not
p#esent sai! business&en f#o& 5a$uio it" %ho %e#e en$a$e! in ve$etable business. Secon!l", the sa&e #oo& %as #ente! b" h#is Ti#a
an! 7e&&a =i&. h#is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i&, en$a$e! in banana business, %e#e not p#esente! in ou#t. If it %e#e t#ue that h#is Ti#a an!
7e&&a =i& %e#e the suppose! lessees of the #oo&, the" shoul! have been app#ehen!e! b" the sea#chin$ pa#t" on Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, at
about 0E@? p.&. The#e %as no p#oof sho%in$ that h#is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i& eve# occupie! the #oo&, li>e pe#sonal belon$in$s of h#is Ti#a
an! 7e&&a =i&. The !efense !i! not even sho% p#oof sho%in$ that h#is Ti#a #esi!e in the fi#st #oo&, li>e clothin$s, toothb#ush, soap, shoes
an! othe# accesso#ies %hich &a>e the& the #esi!ents o# occupants of the #oo&. The#e %e#e no >itchen plates, spoons, po%!e#, o# soap
evi!encin$ that the sai! #oo& %as occupie! b" h#is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i&. A&a!eo Ti#a conten!e! that h#is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i& a#e
en$a$e! in banana business. The#e a#e no banana sto#e! in the #oo& at the ti&e of the sea#ch an! both of the& %e#e out of the #oo& at the
ti&e of the sea#ch. An! %h" !i! not A&a!eo Ti#a suppl" the police office#s of the pe#sonal i!entities an! a!!#ess %he#e the" coul! fin! h#is
Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i& at the ti&e of the sea#ch. If the" %e#e banana !eale#s, the" &ust be sellin$ thei# banana in the &a#>et an! the" coul!
have pointe! the& in the &a#>et.
He a#e in full acco#! %ith the t#ial cou#t. It bea#s st#essin$ that the t#ial cou#t con!ucte! an ocula# inspection of the house of the
appellants, an! thus, ha! fi#st han! >no%le!$e of the la"out of the house. 5esi!es, the testi&on" of the appellant A&a!eo Ti#a, that the inne#
#oo& %as occupie! b" h#is Ti#a an! 7e&&a =i& %ho %e#e not the#e %hen the sea#ch %as con!ucte!, is belie! b" the testi&on" of the
appellant onnie Ti#a that the #oo& %as occupie! b" t%o &ale an! one fe&ale boa#!e#s who were in the room when the policemen searched
it. ThusE
G 3ou sai! that %hile ta>in$ ca#e of "ou# bab", seve#al police&en ba#$e! LsicM "ou# houseI
A 3es, Si#.
G An! the" p#ocee!e! to "ou# #oo& %he#e "ou# husban! %as sleepin$ at that ti&eI
A 3es, Si#.
G An! it is in that #oo& %he#e "ou# husban! %as sleepin$ an! %he#e those a#ticles %e#e ta>enI
A No, Si#.
G Hhe#e a#e ,sic- those thin$s ca&e ,sic- f#o&I
A At the #oo& %he#e &" boa#!e#s occupie!, Si#.
G So, at that ti&e %he#e %e#e those boa#!e#sI
A The" %e#e insi!e thei# #oo&, Si#.
G Ho% &an" of the&I
A T%o ,0- &ale pe#sons an! one %o&an, Si#.
G An! !o "ou >no% thei# %he#eaboutLsM, Ma!a& HitnessI
A No &o#e, Si#.
G Hhen !i! the" leave, Ma!a& HitnessI
A At that ti&e, the" left the house, Si#.
G The" %e#e not investi$ate! b" the policeI
A No, Si#.
He a$#ee %ith the fin!in$ of the t#ial cou#t that the onl" occupants of the house %hen the police&en con!ucte! thei# sea#ch %e#e the
appellants an! thei# "oun$ chil!#en, an! that the appellants ha! no boa#!e#s the#ein.
5efo#e the accuse! &a" be convicte! of violatin$ Section + of Republic Act No. ./01, as a&en!e! b" Rep. Act No. :.1;, the
p#osecution is bu#!ene! to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the essential ele&ents of the c#i&e, vizE ,9- the actual possession of an ite& o#
ob6ect %hich is i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,0- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an!, ,@- the accuse! f#eel" o# consciousl"
possesse! the sai! !#u$.
The essential ele&ents of the c#i&e of possession of #e$ulate! !#u$s a#e the follo%in$E ,a- the accuse! is foun! in possession of a
#e$ulate! !#u$F ,b- the pe#son is not autho#i*e! b" la% o# b" !ul" constitute! autho#itiesF an!, ,c- the accuse! has >no%le!$e that the sai!
!#u$ is a #e$ulate! !#u$. This c#i&e is mala prohibita, an!, as such, c#i&inal intent is not an essential ele&ent. Ho%eve#, the p#osecution
&ust p#ove that the accuse! ha! the intent to possess ,animus posidendi- the !#u$s. Possession, un!e# the la%, inclu!es not onl" actual
possession, but also const#uctive possession. Actual possession eCists %hen the !#u$ is in the i&&e!iate ph"sical possession o# cont#ol of
the accuse!.
On the othe# han!, const#uctive possession eCists %hen the !#u$ is un!e# the !o&inion an! cont#ol of the accuse! o# %hen he
has the #i$ht to eCe#cise !o&inion an! cont#ol ove# the place %he#e it is foun!.
ECclusive possession o# cont#ol is not necessa#".
accuse! cannot avoi! conviction if his #i$ht to eCe#cise cont#ol an! !o&inion ove# the place %he#e the cont#aban! is locate!, is sha#e! %ith
Thus, conviction nee! not be p#e!icate! upon eCclusive possession, an! a sho%in$ of non)eCclusive possession %oul! not eCone#ate
the accuse!.
Such fact of possession &a" be p#ove! b" !i#ect o# ci#cu&stantial evi!ence an! an" #easonable infe#ence !#a%n
the#ef#o&. Ho%eve#, the p#osecution &ust p#ove that the accuse! ha! >no%le!$e of the eCistence an! p#esence of the !#u$ in the place
un!e# his cont#ol an! !o&inion an! the cha#acte# of the !#u$.
Since >no%le!$e b" the accuse! of the eCistence an! cha#acte# of the !#u$s
in the place %he#e he eCe#cises !o&inion an! cont#ol is an inte#nal act, the sa&e &a" be p#esu&e! f#o& the fact that the !an$e#ous !#u$ is in
the house o# place ove# %hich the accuse! has cont#ol o# !o&inion, o# %ithin such p#e&ises in the absence of an" satisfacto#" eCplanation.
In this case, the p#ohibite! an! #e$ulate! !#u$s %e#e foun! un!e# the be! in the inne# #oo& of the house of the appellants %he#e the"
also #esi!e!. The appellants ha! actual an! eCclusive possession an! cont#ol an! !o&inion ove# the house, inclu!in$ the #oo& %he#e the
!#u$s %e#e foun! b" the police&en. The appellant onnie Ti#a cannot escape c#i&inal liabilit" fo# the c#i&e cha#$e! si&pl" an! &e#el" on he#
ba#eface! testi&on" that she %as a plain house%ife, ha! no involve&ent in the c#i&inal actuations of he# husban!, an! ha! no >no%le!$e of
the eCistence of the !#u$s in the inne# #oo& of the house. She ha! full access to the #oo&, inclu!in$ the space un!e# the be!. She faile! to
a!!uce an" c#e!ible evi!ence that she %as p#ohibite! b" he# husban!, the appellant A&a!eo Ti#a, f#o& ente#in$ the #oo&, cleanin$ it, o# even
sleepin$ on the be!. He a$#ee %ith the fin!in$s an! !is'uisition of the t#ial cou#t, viz5
The ou#t is not pe#sua!e! that onnie Ti#a has no >no%le!$e, cont#ol an! possession of the shabu an! &a#i6uana ,EChibits RM,S RN,S ROS an!
RPS- foun! in thei# #oo&. onnie Ti#a an! A&a!eo Ti#a 6ointl" cont#ol an! possess the shabu ,EChibits RMS an! RNS- an! &a#i6uana ,EChibits
ROS an! RPS- foun! in the #oo& of thei# house. It is unusual fo# a %ife not to >no% the eCistence in thei# con6u$al abo!e, the 'uestione! shabu
an! &a#i6uana. The husban! an! %ife ,A&a!eo an! onnie- conspi#e! an! confe!e#ate! %ith each othe# the >eepin$ an! custo!" of sai!
p#ohibite! a#ticles. 5oth of the& a#e !ee&e! in possession of sai! a#ticles in violation of R.A. ./01, Section +, in #elation to Section 0?.
T52 Cr+926 Co99+442" @y 452 #**2,,an46
The t#ial cou#t convicte! the appellants of violatin$ Section 9., in #elation to Section 0?, of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!. The Office
of the Solicito# 7ene#al ,OS7- asse#ts that the appellants shoul! be convicte! of violatin$ Section + of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!. He
!o not a$#ee %ith the t#ial cou#t an! the OS7. He fin! an! so hol! that the appellants a#e $uilt" of t%o sepa#ate c#i&esE ,a- possession of
#e$ulate! !#u$s un!e# Section 9., in #elation to Section 0?, of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!, fo# thei# possession of &etha&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e, a #e$ulate! !#u$F an!, ,b- violation of Section +, in #elation to Section 0? of the la%, fo# thei# possession of &a#i6uana, a
p#ohibite! !#u$. Althou$h onl" one Info#&ation %as file! a$ainst the appellants, neve#theless, the" coul! be t#ie! an! convicte! fo# the c#i&es
alle$e! the#ein an! p#ove! b" the p#osecution. In this case, the appellants %e#e cha#$e! fo# violation of possession of &a#i6uana an! shabu in
one Info#&ation %hich #ea!sE
That on o# about Ma#ch ;, 9;;+, in the Municipalit" of A#!aneta, p#ovince of Pan$asinan, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession, cont#ol an!
custo!" the follo%in$E
) Th#ee ,@- pieces ,sic- sachets of shabu
) SiC ,.- pieces opene! sachets of shabu #esi!ue
) One ,9- b#ic> of !#ie! &a#i6uana leaves %ei$hin$ :09 $#a&s
) T%ent")fou# ,0/- tea ba$s of !#ie! &a#i6uana leaves %ei$hin$ +..@ $#a&s
) SiC L.M !isposable li$hte#
) One ,9- #oll Alu&inu& foil
) Seve#al e&pt" plastics ,tea ba$-
) ash &one" a&ountin$ to P90,1@..?? in !iffe#ent !eno&inations believe! to be p#ocee!s of the cont#aban!.
%ithout fi#st secu#in$ the necessa#" pe#&itJlicense to possesLsM the sa&e.
ONTRAR3 TO SE. +, in #elation to Sec. 0? of R.A. ./01, as a&en!e!.S
The Info#&ation is !efective because it cha#$es t%o c#i&es. The appellants shoul! have file! a &otion to 'uash the Info#&ation un!e#
Section @, Rule 99: of the Revise! Rules of ou#t befo#e thei# a##ai$n&ent. The" faile! to !o so. Hence, un!e# Rule 90?, Section @ of the
sai! #ule, the appellants &a" be convicte! of the c#i&es cha#$e!. The sai! Rule p#ovi!esE
SE. @. Judgment for two or more offenses. - Hhen t%o o# &o#e offenses a#e cha#$e! in a sin$le co&plaint o# info#&ation but the accuse!
fails to ob6ect to it befo#e t#ial, the cou#t &a" convict hi& of as &an" offenses as a#e cha#$e! an! p#ove!, an! i&pose on hi& the penalt" fo#
each offense, settin$ out sepa#atel" the fin!in$s of fact an! la% in each offense.
T52 Pro*2r P2na,4+26 On 452 #**2,,an46
The c#i&e of violation of Section +, A#ticle II of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!, fo# ille$al possession of +?:.@ $#a&s of &a#i6uana, a
p#ohibite! !#u$, is punishable b" reclusion perpetua to !eath. onsi!e#in$ that the#e a#e no 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stances, the appellants a#e
sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua, confo#&abl" to A#ticle .@ of the Revise! Penal o!e an! a#e o#!e#e! to pa" a fine
of P1??,???.??.
An!e# Section 9., A#ticle III of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!, the i&posable penalt" of possession of a #e$ulate! !#u$, less than 0??
$#a&s, in this case, shabu, is prision correccional to reclusion perpetua. 5ase! on the 'uantit" of the #e$ulate! !#u$ sub6ect of the offense,
the i&posable penalt" shall be as follo%sE
=ess than one ,9- $#a& to /;.01 $#a&s prision correccional
/;.0. $#a&s to ;+.1? $#a&s prision mayor
;+.19 $#a&s to 9/:.:1 $#a&s reclusion temporal
9/:.:. $#a&s to 9;; $#a&s reclusion perpetua
onsi!e#in$ that the #e$ulate! !#u$ foun! in the possession of the appellants is onl" 9.??9 $#a&s, the i&posable penalt" fo# the c#i&e
is prision correccional. Appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the appellants a#e sentence! to suffe# an in!ete#&inate penalt" of f#o& fou#
,/- &onths an! one ,9- !a" of arresto mayor in its &e!iu& pe#io! as &ini&u&, to th#ee ,@- "ea#s of prision correccional in its &e!iu& pe#io!
as &aCi&u&, fo# violation of Section 9. of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!.
N LGHT OF #LL THE FOREGONG, appellants A&a!eo an! onnie Ti#a a#e foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$
Section +, A#ticle II of Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!, an! a#e he#eb" sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua, an! ORDERED
to pa" a fine of P9,???,???.??. The sai! appellants a#e, li>e%ise, foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ Section 9., A#ticle III of
Rep. Act No. ./01, as a&en!e!, an! a#e sentence! to suffe# an in!ete#&inate penalt" of f#o& 2ou# ,/- Months an! One ,9- Da" of arresto
mayor in its &e!iu& pe#io! as &ini&u&, to Th#ee ,@- "ea#s of prision correccional, in its &e!iu& pe#io!, as &aCi&u&.
No costs.
6itug, Panganiban, 0uisumbing, 7nares-antiago, andoval-2utierrez, -arpio, *ustria-(artinez, -orona, -arpio-(orales,
*zcuna, an! )inga, JJ., concu#.
+avide, Jr., -.J., on official leave.
Puno, J., on official leave.
>G.R. No. 13(323. Jun2 2(, 2003?
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, appellee, vs. E%ELM# L#G#T# y M#NFOSTE, appellant.
% E C S O N
E!el&a =a$ata %as accuse! of havin$ in he# possession, custo!" an! cont#ol Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# RshabuS %ithout
autho#it" of la%. The info#&ation #ea!sE
That on o# about the 9?
!a" of Dece&be#, 9;;., in Pasa", Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the
above)na&e! accuse!, EDE=MA =A7ATA 3 MAN2OSTE a>a 5A53, %ithout autho#it" of la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an!
feloniousl" have in he# possession, custo!" an! cont#ol 01:./00 $#a&s of Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e ,SHA5A-, a #e$ulate! !#u$,
%ithout a co##espon!in$ license.
The case %as !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase No. ;.);1@; of the RT of Pasa" it", 5#anch 99?.
Apon a##ai$n&ent on 8anua#" 09, 9;;:, accuse! assiste! b" he# counsel de parte plea!e! not $uilt" to the c#i&e cha#$e! a$ainst he#.
Afte# t#ial, the cou#t #en!e#e! its 6u!$&ent, the !ispositive po#tion of %hich #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e! fin!in$ the accuse! EDE=MA =A7ATA " MAN2OSTE, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the
offense of Violation of Section 9. A#ticle III in #elation to Section 0? Republic Act ./01, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act :.1;, an! he#eb"
i&poses on he# the penalt" of RE=ASION PERPETAA an! con!e&ns sai! accuse! to pa" a fine of 2ive Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos
,P1??,???.??- %ithout subsi!ia#" i&p#ison&ent in case of insolvenc".
The 01:./00 $#a&s of Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# RshabuS ,EChibit R5S, R5)9)aS R5)9)bS- a#e he#eb" !ecla#e! confiscate! in favo# of
the $ove#n&ent but in vie% of the fact that sai! speci&en is in the possession of 2o#ensic he&ist, M#s. =ilia 5. A#iola of the 2o#ensic
he&ist#" Division of the National 5u#eau of Investi$ation, sai! 2o#ensic he&ist o# he# !ul" autho#i*e! #ep#esentative he#eb" o#!e#e! to
cause the !elive#" an! t#anspo#tation the#eof to the Dan$e#ous D#u$s 5oa#! fo# !isposition in acco#!ance %ith la%.
The accuse! shall be c#e!ite! in full fo# the pe#io! of he# !etention at the Pasa" it" 8ail !u#in$ the pen!enc" of this case p#ovi!e! that she
a$#ee! in %#itin$ to abi!e b" an! co&pl" st#ictl" %ith the #ules an! #e$ulations of the sai! it" 8ail.
On Dece&be# 9?, 9;;., %hile appellant %as ten!in$ he# &othe#Bs sto#e at 9:/0 T#a&o St., Pasa" it", a sho#t an! !a#> co&pleCione!
&an %ea#in$ 6eans an! a pai# of slippe#s app#oache! an! as>e! he# to !elive# a pac>a$e %#appe! in ne%spape# an! place! in plastic ba$ to a
ce#tain hin$$a", a boa#!e# in he# &othe#Bs house. 2e#nan!o He#nan!e*, one of the !efense %itnesses, %as at the sto#e bu"in$
soft!#in>s. Appellant !i! not eCa&ine the contents of the pac>a$e an! the &an hu##ie!l" left the sto#e. She ente#e! the livin$ #oo& of the
house to $ive the pac>a$e to hin$$a", %ho %as in one of the #oo&s of the house, %hen she sa% t%o &en sittin$ on the sofa. The &en
app#oache! he# an! int#o!uce! the&selves as a$ents of the National 5u#eau of Investi$ation. The &en too> the pac>a$e f#o& he# an!
opene! it. To he# su#p#ise, it containe! shabu. The N5I a$ents i&&e!iatel" a##este! he#.
Appellant !oes not !en" the fact that at the ti&e of he# a##est she %as in possession of the pac>a$e %hich tu#ne! out to contain
shabu. Ho%eve#, she !enie! >no%le!$e of the contents of the pac>a$e han!e! to he# b" the uni!entifie! &an.
The p#osecution has a !iffe#ent ve#sion of the events.
On Nove&be# 0:, 9;;., A$ents Dave Se$unial an! Ro&&el Valle6o of the Special Tas> 2o#ce Office of the National 5u#eau of
Investi$ation #eceive! a tip f#o& its info#&ant that a ce#tain R5ab"S an! Rhin$$a"S, both #esi!ents of 9:/0 T#a&o St., Pasa" it", %e#e
en$a$e! in !#u$ t#affic>in$. The" %e#e i&&e!iatel" inst#ucte! b" thei# ECecutive Office#, Att". E!&un! A#u$a", to con!uct su#veillance an!
vali!ation of the info#&ation an!, if foun! positive, to plan fo# a test bu" o# appl" fo# a sea#ch %a##ant. Thus, the" too> pictu#es of the sub6ect
house an!, on Dece&be# 9, 9;;., a test bu" %as con!ucte! %he#e thei# confi!ential info#&ant, acco&panie! b" A$ent Valle6o, pose! as
bu"e# of shabu an! A$ent Se$unial acte! as thei# !#ive#. The" %e#e able to bu" P9,???.?? %o#th of substance %ei$hin$ .9?/1 $#a&s %hich,
%hen sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination, p#ove! positive fo# shabu. The follo%in$ !a", the" obtaine! a sea#ch %a##ant a$ainst R5ab"S an!
Rhin$$a"S f#o& the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Manila.
The tea& t#ie! to se#ve the sea#ch %a##ant t%ice but thei# ope#ations %e#e abo#te!. On thei# fi#st atte&pt, the" %e#e unable to $ain
ent#ance to the p#e&ises since the house ha! t%o steel $ates an! the" coul! not fo#ce the&selves into the p#e&ises, othe#%ise, the sub6ects
%ill be able to !ispose of the shabu an! elu!e a##est. On the secon! occasion, the" encounte#e! %atche#s outsi!e the house %ho, base! on
thei# eCpe#ience, acte! as loo>)out %ho %oul! $ive si$nals to the sub6ects if the" see suspicious loo>in$ people.
On Dece&be# 9?, 9;;., at a#oun! ;E?? a.&., the tea& p#ocee!e! to the a#ea %ith anothe# confi!ential info#&ant >no%n to the
sub6ects. Hhen the" a##ive! at the house, the info#&ant tal>e! to the pe#son insi!e the sto#e an! the" %e#e allo%e! to ente# the house. The
fi#st steel $ate %as opene! b" a &an f#o& ac#oss the st#eet, %hile the secon! $ate %as opene! b" a la!" %ho ca&e f#o& insi!e the
house. The" %e#e le! insi!e b" anothe# la!" an! %e#e tol! to %ait in the livin$ #oo&. A fe% &inutes late#, appellant ente#e! the livin$ #oo&
f#o& the sto#e, ca##"in$ a plastic ba$. The info#&ant $estu#e! that she %as 5ab", one of the sub6ects. A$ent Valle6o stoo! up an! sho%e! his
ba!$e. At the sa&e ti&e, A$ent Se$unial p#esse! the beepe# to si$nal the #est of the tea&. Appellant c#ie!, Rhu%a$ po, hu%a$ poWS The"
confiscate! the plastic ba$ %ith pin> st#ipes, %hich containe! t%o pouches of %hite c#"stalline substance, late# foun! to be Metha&pheta&ine
H"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu.
Afte# appellant %as a##este!, A$ent Valle6o hea#! #unnin$ footsteps upstai#s, so he i&&e!iatel" %ent up the stai#s. He fo#cibl" opene!
the !oo# an! sa% a %o&an fleein$ th#ou$h anothe# stai#case at the bac> of the house. He chase! the %o&an but faile! to catch he#.
The tea& sea#che! the house but foun! no othe# a#ticles o# pa#aphe#nalia. At a#oun! that ti&e, the &e!ia &en an! the ba#an$a"
captain a##ive!.
The onl" issue to be #esolve! in this appeal is %hethe# o# not appellant is $uilt" of the c#i&e cha#$e! a$ainst he#.
2o# one to be convicte! of ille$al possession of p#ohibite! o# #e$ulate! !#u$s, the follo%in$ ele&ents &ust concu#E ,9- the accuse! is in
possession of an ite& o# ob6ect %hich is i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,0- such possession is not autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,@- the accuse!
f#eel" an! consciousl" possesse! the sai! !#u$.
In the case at ba#, the p#esence of the fi#st t%o ele&ents of the offense is uncont#ove#te!. Appellant !oes not !en" that she ha! in he#
possession RshabuS at the ti&e of he# a##est. She ce#tainl" !i! not have the autho#it" to possess the sai! #e$ulate! !#u$. Hhat appellant
conten!s to be %antin$ in this case is the thi#! ele&ent.
Appellant &aintaine! that the pac>a$e of shabu !i! not belon$ to he#F that she %as &e#el" as>e! to han! the pac>a$e to a boa#!e# in
he# &othe#Bs houseF an! that she %as not a%a#e of the contents the#eof %hen it %as han!e! to he#. Even the p#osecution faile! to p#ove that
she ha! >no%le!$e of the contents of the pac>a$e. Thus, it cannot be sai! that she %as cau$ht in flagrante delicto, since she %as not
consciousl" co&&ittin$ a c#i&e %hen the N5I a$ents accoste! he#.
The t#ial cou#t, on the othe# han!, consi!e#e! appellantBs !efense as absu#!, p#eposte#ous an! un%o#th" of belief.
He a#e ve#" &uch a%a#e of the %ell)settle! #ule that factual fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t !ese#ve ut&ost #espect an! %ill not be !istu#be!
on appeal because the t#ial cou#t, unli>e #evie%in$ t#ibunals, ha! a fi#sthan! oppo#tunit" to obse#ve the !e&eano# an! the con!uct of the
%itnesses an! coul! thus bette# assess thei# capacit" to spea> the t#uth.
Neve#theless, such #ule a!&its of eCceptions, such as %hen the
t#ial cou#t has ove#loo>e! ce#tain facts o# ci#cu&stances of substance an! value, %hich if consi!e#e! %oul! chan$e the #esult of the
case. Afte# a painsta>in$ #evie% of the #eco#!s of the case, %e fin! ce#tain ci#cu&stances %hich if %ei$he! %oul! tilt the scales of 6ustice in
favo# of appellant an! cast a !oubt on he# $uilt.
Anent the thi#! ele&ent, %e have hel! that possession of ille$al !#u$s &ust be %ith >no%le!$e of the accuse! o# that animus
possidendi eCiste! to$ethe# %ith the possession o# cont#ol of sai! a#ticles.
Nno%le!$e #efe#s to a &ental state of a%a#eness of a fact. Since
cou#ts cannot penet#ate the &in! of an accuse! an! the#eafte# state its pe#ceptions %ith ce#taint", #eso#t to othe# evi!ence is
necessa#".*nimus possidendi, as a state of &in!, &a" be !ete#&ine! on a case)to)case basis b" ta>in$ into consi!e#ation the p#io# o#
conte&po#aneous acts of the accuse!, as %ell as the su##oun!in$ ci#cu&stances. Its eCistence &a" an! usuall" &ust be infe##e! f#o& the
atten!ant events in each pa#ticula# case.
The eCistence of animus possidendi is onl" p#i&a facie. Thus, it is sub6ect to cont#a#" p#oof an! &a" be #ebutte! b" evi!ence that the
accuse! !i! not in fact eCe#cise po%e# an! cont#ol ove# the thin$ in 'uestion, an! !i! not inten! to !o so.
An!e# the facts an! ci#cu&stances obtainin$ in this case, %e fin! that appellantBs eCplanation of ho% she ca&e into possession of the
pac>a$e %ithout >no%in$ that it containe! RshabuS is c#e!ible an! sufficient to #ebut the prima facie p#esu&ption of animus possidendi. Si&pl"
put, she 6ust happene! to be at the %#on$ place at the %#on$ ti&e.
AppellantBs na##ation %as suppo#te! b" c#e!ible co##obo#ation f#o& an unac'uainte! an! !isinte#este! pe#son, 2e#nan!o He#nan!e*,
%ho testifie! thusE
G. M#. %itness, on Dec. 9?, 9;;. %ill "ou tell the Hono#able ou#t %he#e %e#e "ouI
A. I %as at the sto#e bu"in$ soft!#in>s.
G. Do "ou #e&e&be# the location of that sto#eI
A. 3es si#.
G. Hh" %e#e "ou at the sto#e at about 99E?? oBcloc> in the &o#nin$ on that Dec. 9?, 9;;.I
A. I %as bu"in$ soft!#in>s %hile %aitin$ fo# the o%ne# of the house %ho %ent out to bu" elect#ical &ate#ials fo# the const#uction
of a nea#b" buil!in$.
G. 3ou &ean to sa" the#e %as nobo!" &annin$ the sa#i)sa#i sto#eI
A. The#e %as 3ou# Hono#.
G. Afte#, o#V as "ou %e#e bu"in$ soft!#in>s at the sto#e !i! "ou #ecall if "ou eve# notice! so&ethin$I
A. 3es si#.
G. Hhat is that thin$ "ou notice! %hile "ou %e#e bu"in$ soft!#in>s at the sto#eI
A. I chance! upon a pe#son %ho !i! not bu" an! he %as ca##"in$ %ith hi& a plastic ba$ si#.
G. So "ou notice! a &an a##ive! %ith a pac>a$e, %ill "ou please tell the ou#t %hat this pa#ticula# &an !i! as he %as besi!e in
the sto#eI
A. The plastic then he %as ca##"in$, he %as then hol!in$ %as han!e! to the pe#son %ho %as ten!in$ to the sto#e.
G. The &an "ou sai! %ho $ave so&ethin$ to the pe#son insi!e the sto#e, !o "ou >no% hi&I
A. No, 3ou# Hono#.
G. Have "ou eve# seen that pe#son p#io# to "ou# seein$ hi& the fi#st ti&e at the sto#eI
A. No, 3ou# Hono#.
G. The pe#son to %ho& he $ave that pac>a$e !i! it appea# to "ou that the" >no% each othe#I
A. No ans%e#.
G. Do "ou feel that the" !o not >no% each othe#, 6ust ans%e# "es o# no, %h" a#e "ou so evasiveI
A. No, 3ou# Hono#, the" !o not >no% each othe#.
G. Hhat !i! the &an !o %hen he %ent nea# the sto#eI
A. The &an %ho app#oache! the sto#e as>e! a favo# f#o& the pe#son insi!e the sto#e to $ive the pac>a$e to a ce#tain pe#son
%hose na&e I coul! no lon$e# #ecall si#.
G. oul! "ou #ecall the $en!e# of the pe#son to %ho& that pa#ticula# pac>a$e to be $ivenI
A. It is a %o&an. The pac>a$e is fo# a %o&an si#.
G. An! %hat !i! the pe#son insi!e the sto#e !o %hen afte# the #e'uest fo# the pac>a$e to be !elive#e! %as utte#e!I
A. The pe#son %ent insi!e the house to $et the soft!#in>s I %as bu"in$ an! to han! the pac>a$e to that pe#son %ho the pac>a$e
is a!!#esse! to, si#.
AppellantBs lac> of >no%le!$e of the contents of the plastic ba$ beco&es all the &o#e c#e!ible consi!e#in$ that %hen the N5I a$ents
con!ucte! a test bu" to vali!ate the tip $iven to the& b" thei# confi!ential info#&ant, the" #elie! enti#el" on the info#&ation that a ce#tain R5ab"S
an! Rhin$$a"S %e#e sellin$ RshabuS. A$ent Valle6o, na##atin$ ho% the test bu" %as con!ucte!, testifie! as follo%sE
ontinue. =ast 'uestion) that %e as>e! %as about "ou !eci!e! to have a test bu". Hhat a&ount %e#e "ou able to bu"I
A P9,??? %o#th of shabu.
Ho% &an" $#a&s %e#e "ou able to bu" f#o& that P9,???I
A He %e#e able to pu#chaseV
...Hho acte! as bu"e#I
A The info#&ant, "ou# Hono#.
3ou &ean to sa" the info#&ant %as a!&itte!I In this s>etch, the#e is a steel $ate. Acco#!in$ to "ou, "ou sta"e! outsi!e the
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
3ou %e#e able to ente# the $ateI
A 3es, the" opene! the $ate fo# us. It is bolte! f#o& insi!e. A la!" unbolte! the $ate.
Hh" !i! "ou not acco&pan" the info#&antI
A I %as not allo%e! to ente# the house.
Hho !i! not allo% "ou to ente# the houseI
A The la!" %ho opene! the $ate.
Is that la!" the sa&e accuse!I
A No, "ou# Hono#.
She is anothe# pe#sonI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
So "ou %e#e 6ust allo%e! insi!e the co&poun! but "ou# info#&ant %as able to ente#.
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
M#. Valle6o, "ou sai! that the info#&ant %as able to bu" shabu f#o& the suspect. Di! "ou co&e to >no% f#o& %ho& the
info#&ant %as able to bu" the shabuI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G 2#o& %ho&I
A 2#o& 5ab".
G The info#&ant late# on tol! "ou that she %as able to bu" shabu f#o& 5ab".
A 3es, &aBa&.
Hhen c#oss)eCa&ine!, the %itness fu#the# na##ate!, thusE
So "ou coul! not see %hat %as happenin$ f#o& outsi!e to the insi!eI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G So "ou have no pe#sonal >no%le!$e of %hat t#anspi#e! insi!e %hen "ou# info#&ant %ent insi!e the houseI
A No.
G An! "ou &e#el" #elie! on the info#&ation tol! to "ou afte#%a#!sI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G 3ou ha! no %a" of chec>in$ the t#uthI
A He t#uste! ou# info#&ant.
The fo#e$oin$ testi&on" #eveals that the N5I a$ents ha! no pe#sonal >no%le!$e that he#ein appellant %as pe!!lin$ shabu. In fact, the"
!i! not >no% the i!entit" of the appellant befo#e Dece&be# 9?, 9;;., %hen the" se#ve! the sea#ch %a##ant.
Onl" the info#&ant %ho
t#ansacte! the test bu" sa% the alle$e! pushe#s. This not%ithstan!in$, the p#osecution !i! not p#esent the confi!ential info#&ant as
%itness. He have hel! in &an" cases
that the testi&on" of the poseu#)bu"e# beco&es &ate#ial an! in!ispensable %hen the appellant
!enies havin$ co&&itte! the p#ohibite! act. Hithout the testi&on" of the poseu#)bu"e#, &o#e often than not, the#e is no convincin$ evi!ence
that she !i! sell o# possess the p#ohibite! o# #e$ulate! !#u$.
Especiall" if the#e a#e no othe# e"e%itness to the illicit t#ansaction, the non)
p#esentation of the poseu# bu"e# can be fatal to the case of the p#osecution.
In fine, %hat the" #epo#te!l" lea#ne! f#o& the info#&ant %as
in!ubitabl" hea#sa" as the latte# %as neve# calle! to appea# an! testif" at the t#ial.
The li>elihoo! of havin$ &ista>en appellant as the pushe# is fu#the# bolste#e! b" the fact that !u#in$ the sea#ch, the N5I a$ents
e&plo"e! anothe# confi!ential asset othe# than the one %ho acte! as the poseu# bu"e# !u#in$ the test bu". 2u#the#&o#e, as testifie! to b"
A$ent Valle6o, the#e %e#e th#ee la!ies insi!e the house, inclu!in$ the appellant. The fi#st la!" %as the one %ho opene! the $ate, the secon!
la!" %as the one %ho b#ou$ht the& in the house an! %ent upstai#s, an! the thi#! la!" %as appellant, %ho ente#e! the livin$ #oo& th#ou$h the
!oo# connectin$ to the sto#e.
N5I a$ents place! too &uch #eliance on thei# info#&ants that a ce#tain 5ab" live! in the house sub6ect of the
sea#ch %a##ant, &a>in$ no initiatives to fin! out %hethe# it %as t#ue, o# at the ve#" least asce#tain the i!entit" of the alle$e! Rpushe#sS.
T#ue, appellant %as a##este! %hile in possession of the #e$ulate! !#u$. This fact is not !enie!. Ho%eve#, appellantBs lac> of >no%le!$e
of the contents of the plastic ba$ casts a #easonable !oubt as to he# $uilt. He# $uilt cannot be sustaine! %he#e the p#osecutionBs evi!ence is
ancho#e! on sha>" foun!ations. The p#osecution has the onus probandi of establishin$ the $uilt of the accuse! be"on! #easonable !oubt.
Much as %e abho# the p#olife#ation of !#u$ pushe#s, %e cannot allo% the inca#ce#ation of an in!ivi!ual base! on insufficient factual neCus
of sai! pe#sonBs pa#ticipation in the co&&ission of the offense.
/HEREFORE, in vie% of the fo#e$oin$, the !ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Pasa" it", 5#anch 99?, in #i&inal ase No. ;.)
;1@;, fin!in$ appellant E!el&a =a$ata " Manfoste $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of Section 9., A#ticle III, Republic Act No. ./01
,The Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0-, as a&en!e!, is REVERSED an! SET ASIDE. Appellant is AGAITTED of the offense cha#$e! on the
$#oun! of #easonable !oubt. She is o#!e#e! RE=EASED f#o& !etention unless she is bein$ hel! fo# so&e othe# la%ful cause.
osts de oficio.
+avide, Jr., -.J., 8-hairman9, 6itug, -arpio, an! *zcuna, JJ., concu#.

) ve#sus )

J#ME G#TL#$#!#N ! $#T#R#,
G.R. No. 186)6-


VE=ASO, 8R., -hairperson,

8ul" 9@, 0?99

C ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))C

% E C S O N


This is an appeal f#o& the 8ul" 0;, 0??+ Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals 8-*9 in A)7.R. R)H No. ?0009, %hich affi#&e! the
Ma" 9?, 0??1 Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of San Mateo, Ri*al, 5#anch :: 8#)-9, in #i&inal ase No. .@+/, fin!in$ accuse! 8ai&e
7atlaba"an " 5ata#a 82atlabayan9 $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of Section 1 ,9-, A#ticle II of Republic Act 8#.*.9 No. ;9.1,
othe#%ise >no%n as the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0.

The Info#&ation

That on o# about the 9?
!a" of Septe&be#, 0??0 in the Municipalit" of Ro!#i$ue*, P#ovince of Ri*al, Philippines
an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, %ithout bein$ autho#i*e! b" la%, !i! then
an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! >no%in$l" sell, !elive# an! $ive a%a" to anothe# pe#son one ,9- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent
plastic sachet containin$ ?.?@ $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance %hich $ave positive #esult to the test fo#
Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$, an! %hich substance p#o!uces a ph"siolo$ical action si&ila# to
a&pheta&ine o# othe# co&poun! the#eof p#o!ucin$ si&ila# ph"siolo$ical effects.


Du#in$ the t#ial, the pa#ties a$#ee! to stipulate on the testi&onies of p#osecution %itnesses, Police Office# 9 ,PO9- Re"nal!o
Alba#ico an! Police Inspecto# ,PJInsp.- 8oseph Pe#!i!o, the fo#ensic che&ist. The p#osecution, the#eafte#, p#esente! PO9 2o#tunato 8i#o
III 8P4$ Jiro 4449 an! PO9 8ose 7o#!on Antonio 8P$1 *ntonio9 at the %itness stan!. The !efense, on the othe# han!, p#esente! 7atlaba"an,
the accuse! hi&self.

T52 &2r6+on o8 452 Pro623u4+on

The PeopleBs ve#sion of the inci!ent has been su&&a#i*e! b" the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al 8$29 in its 5#ief
as follo%sE

On Septe&be# 9?, 0??0, at a#oun! +E@? in the evenin$, %hile PO9 8ose 7o#!on Antonio, a &e&be# of PNP
Intelli$ence Ope#ative Division of Ro!#i$ue*, Ri*al, to$ethe# %ith his collea$ues, PO9 2o#tunato 8i#o an! PO9 Alba#ico,
%e#e insi!e thei# station, the" #eceive! an info#&ation f#o& an RassetS that appellant 8ai&e 7atlaba"an alias RPun$a"S %as
#a&pantl" sellin$ ille$al !#u$s at a#lton Villa$e, 5#$". Man$$ahan, Ro!#i$ue*, Ri*al. On the basis of sai! info#&ation, the
police office#s i&&e!iatel" !eci!e! to fo#& a co&posite tea& fo# the con!uct of a bu")bust ope#ation a$ainst appellant.
onse'uentl", PO9 Antonio %as tas>e! as the poseu#)bu"e# e'uippe! %ith a 9??.?? bill bu")bust &one" %he#e his
initials R87AS %as %#itten the#eon, %hile PO9 8i#o an! PO9 Alba#ico acte! as &e&be#s. The#eupon, the co&posite tea&
#eco#!e! in thei# police blotte# the planne! bu")bust ope#ation. The#eafte#, the th#ee ,@- police office#s %ith thei# RassetS
p#ocee!e! to the ta#$et a#ea on boa#! an o%ne# t"pe 6eep.

A##ivin$ the#eat, the civilian asset pointe! appellant to the bu")bust tea&. Appellant %as then stan!in$ un!e# a
Sa&paloc t#ee at a#lton Villa$e, 5#$". Man$$ahan, Ro!#i$ue*, Ri*al. Afte#%a#!s, poseu#)bu"e# PO9 Antonio, f#o& a
!istance of 9? &ete#s a%a" f#o& appellant ali$hte! f#o& the ca# %hile the #est of the co&posite tea& an! the info#&e#
#e&aine! in the vehicle. Mean%hile, poseu#)bu"e# PO9 Antonio %al>e! to%a#!s appellant. Apon seein$ PO9 Antonio,
appellant as>e! if he %ants Rto sco#e,S ,%hich in local pa#lance &eans, if he %ants to bu" RshabuS- to %hich PO9 Antonio
#ea!il" ans%e#e! "es, an! si&ultaneousl" han!e! to appellant the P9?? &a#>e! &one". In tu#n, appellant $ave hi& a
s&all plastic sachet containin$ %hite c#"stalline substance suspecte! of Rshabu.S Apon consu&&ation of the sale, PO9
Antonio $ave the p#e)a##an$e! si$nal of %aivin$ his han!. Seein$ this, police office#s 8i#o an! Alba#ico #ushe! to the locus
criminis an! si&ultaneousl" int#o!uce! the&selves as police office#s. Then, PO9 8i#o !i#ecte! appellant to e&pt" his
poc>et an! the 9??.?? &a#>e! &one" fell on the $#oun!. The#eafte#, appellant %as a##este! an! %as app#ise! of his
constitutional #i$hts an! %as li>e%ise info#&e! of the c#i&e he co&&itte!.

Appellant %as b#ou$ht to the nea#b" police station of Ro!#i$ue*, Ri*al fo# investi$ation. Subse'uentl", the
plastic sachet sol! b" appellant to poseu#)bu"e# PO9 Antonio %as sub6ecte! to a labo#ato#" eCa&ination an! fo#ensic
che&ist Police Inspecto# 8oseph M. Pe#!i!o of the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" in his he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)9:+/)?0E foun!
that the sub6ect c#"stalline substance is positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e o# Rshabu.S onse'uentl", appellant
%as cha#$e! fo# violation of Section 1, Pa#a$#aph 9, A#ticle II of R.A. ;9.1 o# fo# RIlle$al Sale of Dan$e#ous D#u$s.S

T52 &2r6+on o8 452 %282n62

In his 5#ief,
7atlaba"an !enie! that he %as cau$ht, in flagrante, sellin$ shabu an! clai&e! that he %as 6ust a victi& of police f#a&e)up.
The accuse! p#esents the follo%in$ ve#sion of %hat t#anspi#e!E

8AIME 7AT=A5A3AN %as at the Rpe#"ahanS %ith a co&panion on Septe&be# 9?, 0??0, at +E?? oBcloc> in the
evenin$. Hhile the accuse! %as sin$in$, PO9 Antonio alon$ %ith PO9 8i#o a##ive! an! su!!enl" han!cuffe! hi&. The
accuse! as>e! RSi#, anon$ >asalanan >oIS PO9 Antonio 6ust #eplie! Rbasta su&a&a >a na lan$.S He %as b#ou$ht to the
police station an! %as inca#ce#ate!. The accuse! %as not f#is>e! %hen he %as a##este!. He !enie! the offense cha#$e!
a$ainst hi&.

On Ma" 9?, 0??1, the RT #en!e#e! its 6u!$&ent #e6ectin$ the !efense of f#a&e)up p#offe#e! b" the accuse! an! !ecla#e! that the
sa&e fell flat in the face of the affi#&ative testi&on" of p#osecution %itnesses, PO9 Antonio an! PO9 8i#o III, %ho cate$o#icall" an! fo#th#i$htl"
testifie! that he %as cau$ht in fla$#ante !elicto sellin$ shabu. The t#ial cou#t #ule! that the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of
!uties in favo# of the police ope#atives ha! not been ove#tu#ne! in the absence of clea# sho%in$ that the" ha! been i&pelle! b" an" ill &otive
to falsel" testif" a$ainst hi& fo# such se#ious c#i&e. It a!!e! that the alle$e! inconsistencies in the testi&onies of the police office#s pe#taine!
to inconse'uential o# collate#al &atte#s %hich !i! not i&pai# thei# c#e!ibilit". The !ispositive po#tion of the RT !ecision #ea!sE

HHERE2ORE, the $uilt of the accuse! havin$ been p#oven be"on! #easonable !oubt as cha#$e! in the
info#&ation, %ithout an" a$$#avatin$ o# 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stance, accuse! 8AIME 7AT=A5A3AN 3 5ATARA is he#eb"
sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of =I2E IMPRISONMENT an! to pa" the fine of 2IVE HANDRED THOASAND
, 1??,???.??- PESOS.


On appeal, the A affi#&e! the conviction of the accuse! on the basis of the testi&on" of PO9 Antonio an! PO9 8i#o, III %hich it
foun! c#e!ible an! sufficient to sustain a conviction. The A %as of the vie% that the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official
!ut" %as not sufficientl" cont#ove#te! b" hi&. It #ule! that the p#osecution %as able to satisfacto#il" establish the ele&ents of the c#i&e of
ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s as %ell as the i!entit" of the accuse!. =astl", the A !ebun>e! his !efense that he %as a victi& of f#a&e)up
an! that he %as not a##este! pu#suant to a vali! bu")bust ope#ation, fo# failu#e to substantiate the sa&e. The !ispositive po#tion of its Decision

HHERE2ORE, the assaile! +ecision !ate! 9? Ma" 0??1 of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 2ou#th 8u!icial
Re$ion, San Mateo, Ri*al, 5#anch ::, is he#eb" A22IRMED.


On Au$ust 0?, 0??+, 7atlaba"an file! a Notice of Appeal,
%hich %as $iven !ue cou#se b" A in its Minute
!ate! Septe&be# 0@, 0??+.

On Ap#il 0., 0?9?, this ou#t issue! a #esolution notif"in$ the pa#ties that the" &a" file thei# #espective supple&ental b#iefs, if the"
so !esi#e, %ithin thi#t" !a"s f#o& notice. The OS7 file! a &anifestation !ate! Ma" 0;, 0??; info#&in$ the ou#t that it %oul! no lon$e# file a
supple&ental b#ief. On 8une 0@, 0??;, the accuse! file! his supple&ental b#ief.


Maintainin$ his innocence, 7atlaba"an i&putes to the t#ial cou#t the follo%in$ e##o#sE




In his Supple&ental 5#ief, 7atlaba"an p#esents the follo%in$ a!!itional assi$n&ent of e##o#E

#LLEGE% SE'E% LLEG#L %RUGS, N &OL#TON OF SECTON 21 #N% 86 OF R.#. NO. 916(.

The accuse! is of the stance that the p#osecution faile! to p#ove his $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. He ave#s that both the RT an!
the A %e#e &ista>en in uphol!in$ the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official functions in favo# of the police office#s an!
$ivin$ un!ue c#e!ence to thei# testi&onies %hich, he clai&s, %e#e lace! %ith inconsistencies that cast se#ious !oubt on thei# c#e!ibilit" an! the
vali!it" of the alle$e! bu")bust ope#ation. He posits that the p#osecution faile! to establish the &ate#ial !etails of sai! ent#ap&ent ope#ation
an! that his a##est %as invali!. He a#$ues that the failu#e of the app#ehen!in$ tea& to obse#ve the p#oce!u#e outline! b" Section 09 of R.A.
No. ;9.1 i&pai#e! the p#osecutionBs case. 2inall", he assails the p#osecution evi!ence fo# its failu#e to establish the p#ope# chain of custo!" of
the shabu alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& hi&.

The OS7, on the othe# han!, &aintains that the testi&onies of PO9 Antonio an! PO9 8i#o III %e#e c#e!ible an! sufficient to convict.
It insists that the culpabilit" of the accuse! fo# the c#i&e of ille$al sale of shabu %as p#oven be"on! #easonable !oubt.

T52 Cour4A6 Ru,+n7E

The co#e issue in this case is %hethe# o# not sufficient evi!ence eCists to suppo#t the conviction of the accuse! fo# violation of
Section 1, A#ticle II of R.A. No. ;9.1.

=et it be un!e#sco#e! that appeal in c#i&inal cases th#o%s the %hole case open fo# #evie% an! it is the !ut" of the appellate cou#t to
co##ect, cite an! app#eciate e##o#s in the appeale! 6u!$&ent %hethe# the" a#e assi$ne! o# unassi$ne!.
onsi!e#in$ that %hat is at sta>e
he#e is no less than the libe#t" of the accuse!, this ou#t has &eticulousl" an! tho#ou$hl" #evie%e! an! eCa&ine! the #eco#!s of the case, an!
fin!s that the#e is &e#it in the appeal.

As a $ene#al #ule, the t#ial cou#tBs fin!in$s of fact, especiall" %hen affi#&e! b" the A, a#e entitle! to $#eat %ei$ht an! %ill not be
!istu#be! on appeal. The #ule, ho%eve#, a!&its of eCceptions an! !oes not appl" %he#e facts of %ei$ht an! substance %ith !i#ect an! &ate#ial
bea#in$ on the final outco&e of the case have been ove#loo>e!, &isapp#ehen!e! o# &isplace!.
The case at bench falls un!e# the above
eCception an!, hence, a !epa#tu#e f#o& the $ene#al #ule is %a##ante!.

8u#isp#u!ence has fi#&l" ent#enche! that in p#osecution of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, the follo%in$ essential ele&ents &ust be
establishe!E ,9- the t#ansaction o# sale too> placeF ,0- the corpus delicti o# the illicit !#u$ %as p#esente! as evi!enceF an! ,@- the bu"e# an!
selle# %e#e i!entifie!.
I&plicit in all these is the nee! fo# p#oof that the t#ansaction o# sale actuall" too> place, couple! %ith the p#esentation
in cou#t of the confiscate! p#ohibite! o# #e$ulate! !#u$ as evi!ence.

The na#cotic substance itself constitutes the ve#" co#pus !elicti of the offense an! the fact of its eCistence is vital to sustain a
6u!$&ent of conviction. It is the#efo#e of p#i&e i&po#tance that the i!entit" of the !an$e#ous !#u$ be li>e%ise establishe! be"on! #easonable
Othe#%ise state!, it &ust be p#oven %ith eCactitu!e that the substance bou$ht !u#in$ the bu")bust ope#ation is the sa&e substance
offe#e! in evi!ence befo#e the cou#t. Thus, eve#" fact necessa#" to constitute the offense &ust be establishe!. The chain of custo!"
#e'ui#e&ent ensu#es that unnecessa#" !oubts conce#nin$ the i!entit" of the evi!ence a#e #e&ove!.

Section 9,b- of Dan$e#ous D#u$s 5oa#! Re$ulation No. 9, Se#ies of 0??0 %hich i&ple&ents R.A. No. ;9.1 !efines Rhain of
usto!"S as follo%sE

Rhain of usto!"S &eans the !ul" #eco#!e! autho#i*e! &ove&ents an! custo!" of sei*e! !#u$s o# cont#olle!
che&icals o# plant sou#ces of !an$e#ous !#u$s o# labo#ato#" e'uip&ent of each sta$e, f#o& the ti&e of
sei*u#eJconfiscation to #eceipt in the fo#ensic labo#ato#" to safe>eepin$ to p#esentation in cou#t fo# !est#uction. Such
#eco#! of &ove&ents an! custo!" of sei*e! ite& shall inclu!e the i!entit" an! si$natu#e of the pe#son %ho hel! te&po#a#"
custo!" of the sei*e! ite&, the !ate an! ti&e %hen such t#ansfe# of custo!" %e#e &a!e in the cou#se of safe>eepin$ an!
use in cou#t as evi!ence, an! the final !isposition.

Pa#ticula#l" inst#uctive is the case of (alillin v. People
%he#e the ou#t eCplaine! ho% the chain of custo!" o# &ove&ent of the
sei*e! evi!ence shoul! be &aintaine! an! %h" this &ust be sho%n b" evi!ence, vi*E

As a &etho! of authenticatin$ evi!ence, the chain of custo!" #ule #e'ui#es that the a!&ission of an eChibit be
p#ece!e! b" evi!ence sufficient to suppo#t a fin!in$ that the &atte# in 'uestion is %hat the p#oponent clai&s it to be. It
%oul! inclu!e testi&on" about eve#" lin> in the chain, f#o& the &o&ent the ite& %as pic>e! up to the ti&e it is offe#e! into
evi!ence, in such a %a" that eve#" pe#son %ho touche! the eChibit %oul! !esc#ibe ho% an! f#o& %ho& it %as #eceive!,
%he#e it %as an! %hat happene! to it %hile in the %itnessB possession, the con!ition in %hich it %as #eceive! an! the
con!ition in %hich it %as !elive#e! to the neCt lin> in the chain. These %itnesses %oul! then !esc#ibe the p#ecautions
ta>en to ensu#e that the#e ha! been no chan$e in the con!ition of the ite& an! no oppo#tunit" fo# so&eone not in the
chain to have possession of the sa&e.

In People v. &amad,
the ou#t enu&e#ate! the lin>s that the p#osecution &ust establish in the chain of custo!" in a bu")bust
situation to be as follo%sE first, the sei*u#e an! &a#>in$, if p#acticable, of the ille$al !#u$ #ecove#e! f#o& the accuse! b" the app#ehen!in$
office#F second, the tu#nove# of the ille$al !#u$ sei*e! b" the app#ehen!in$ office# to the investi$atin$ office#F third, the tu#nove# b" the
investi$atin$ office# of the ille$al !#u$ to the fo#ensic che&ist fo# labo#ato#" eCa&inationF an! fourth, the tu#nove# an! sub&ission of the
&a#>e! ille$al !#u$ sei*e! b" the fo#ensic che&ist to the cou#t.

An eCa&ination of the case #eco#!s sho% that %hile the i!entities of the selle# an! the bu"e# an! the consu&&ation of the
t#ansaction involvin$ the sale of ille$al !#u$ on Septe&be# 9?, 0??0 have been p#oven b" the p#osecution th#ou$h the testi&on" of PO9
Antonio as co##obo#ate! b" the testi&on" of PO9 8i#o III, the ou#t, nonetheless, fin!s the p#osecution evi!ence to be !eficient fo# failu#e to
a!e'uatel" sho% the essential lin>s in the chain of custo!". This $la#in$ !eficienc" can be #ea!il" seen f#o& the testi&on" of the poseur bu"e#
PO9 Antonio %hich $losse! ove# sai! #e'ui#e! !etails, thusE

2iscal Rolan!o T. Ma6o&ot
,On Di#ect ECa&ination-

GE No% %hen this civilian info#&e# pointe! to that pe#son %ho& "ou calle! as alias Pun$a", %hat !i! "ou !oI
AE I %as still ten ,9?- &ete#s a%a" f#o& alias Pun$a" %hen I ali$hte! f#o& the vehicle an! I app#oache! hi&, si#.

GE Hhat happene! neCt %hen "ou app#oache! alias Pun$a"I
AE Hhen alias Pun$a" sa% &e an! %hen he notice! that I %as loo>in$ fo# so&ebo!" he offe#e! &e an! as>e! &e if I
%ant to Ris>o#S, si#.

GE He#e the#e an" othe# pe#sons in that vicinit", M#. %itnessI
AE I !i! not see an" othe# pe#son in that place, si#.

GE Hhen alias Pun$a" offe#e! to "ou, %hat !i! "ou !oI
AE I $ave hi& the &a#>e! &one", si#, an! he also han!e! to &e a s&all plastic sachet containin$ suspecte! shabu
an! afte# that I %aLiMve! to &" co&panions, si#.

GE Afte# %aLiMvin$ to "ou# co&panions, %hat happene! neCt, if an", M#. %itnessI
AE I hea#! that PO9 8i#o !i#ecte! alias Pun$a" to inve#t his poc>et, si#, an! f#o& it the One Hun!#e! Peso ,P9??.??-
bill %hich I use! in bu"in$ shabu f#o& hi& fell on the $#oun! an! at that &o&ent &" co)police office#s a##este!
hi&, si#.

GE Hho pic>e! up the One Hun!#e! Peso ,P9??.??- bill ,sic- fell on the $#oun!I
AE PO9 Alba#ico, si#.

GE Hhat happene! neCt afte# thatI
AE He a##este! hi& an! info#&e! hi& of his constitutional #i$hts an! %e also info#&e! hi& of the la% %hich he
violate! an! I also int#o!uce! &"self to hi& as a police&an, si#.

GE This pe#son %ho& "ou a##este! %as onl" >no%n as alias Pun$a". Hhen !i! the fi#st ti&e "ou >no% the t#ue na&e
of this pe#sonI
AE Afte# he %as b#ou$ht to the police station, si#, %e as>e! hi& of his t#ue na&e an! afte# that %e tu#ne! ove# to the
police investi$ato# the evi!ence %hich %e confiscate! f#o& hi&, si#.

GE Hhat is the t#ue na&e of the accuse!I
AE 8ai&e 7atlaba"an " 5ata#a, si#.


GE Afte# that M#. %itness, %hat !i! "ou !oI
AE He fo#%a#!e! to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" the evi!ence %hich %e confiscate! fo# eCa&ination, si#.

GE I a& sho%in$ to "ou a lette# #e'uest M#. %itness, is this the #e'uest "ou a#e #efe##in$ toI
AE 3es, si#.

GE Hho si$ne! this #e'uestI
AE It %as si$ne! b" ou# Deput" hief of Police, si#.

PO9 8i#o, III, on the othe# han!, has no >no%le!$e o# an" pa#ticipation in the chain of custo!" as #eveale! b" his testi&on", vi*E

GE No%, %hat happene! neCt, M#. Hitness, %hen "ou a##este! the accuse! afte# "ou pic>e! up the &one"I
AE He info#&e! hi& of his constitutional #i$hts an! the#eafte#, %e b#ou$ht hi& to the police station, si#.

GE 5" the %a", %ho a##este! the accuse!I
AE Me an! PO9 Alba#ico, si#.

GE Hhe#e is no% the accuse!I
AE The#e si#.
,Hitness pointin$ to a ce#tain &an insi!e the ou#t#oo& %ho %hen as>e! ans%e#e! to the na&e of 8ai&e

GE Do "ou >no% also o# have >no%le!$e about the one han!e! to 7o#!on f#o& the accuse!, ho% &an" sachet in that
bu")bust ope#ationI
AE As fa# as I >no%, onl" one ,9- sachet, si#.

GE Has it sho%n to "ou b" 7o#!onI
AE I !i! not see it, si#.
,An!e#sco#in$ Ou#s-

It is si$nificant to note that the fo#e$oin$ testi&onies of the p#osecution %itnesses ha#!l" touche! on the chain of custo!" of the
sei*e! evi!ence. The testi&on" of PO9 Antonio clea#l" lac>e! specifics on ho% the confiscate! shabu %as han!le! i&&e!iatel" afte# the
a##est of the accuse!. Althou$h PO9 Antonio testifie! that he sei*e! the s&all plastic sachet containin$ the shabu f#o& the accuse!, he neve#
!isclose! the i!entit" of the pe#sonJs %ho ha! cont#ol an! possession of the shabu afte# its sei*u#e an! at the ti&e of its t#anspo#tation to the
police station. Neithe# !i! he testif" that he #etaine! possession of the sei*e! ite& f#o& the place of the a##est to the police station. In the
absence of clea# evi!ence, the ou#t cannot p#esu&e that PO9 Antonio, as the poseur bu"e#, han!le! the sei*e! sachet ) to the eCclusion of
othe#s ) !u#in$ its t#ansfe# f#o& the place of a##est an! confiscation to the police station.

The p#osecution evi!ence also faile! to i!entif" the pe#son %ho &a#>e! the sachet, ho% the sa&e %as !one, an! %ho %itnesse! the
&a#>in$. In People v. (artinez,
the ou#t #ule! that the (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s ) to t#ul" ensu#e that the" a#e the sa&e ite&s that
ente# the chain an! a#e eventuall" the ones offe#e! in evi!ence ) shoul! be !one ,9- in the p#esence of the app#ehen!e! violato#, an! ,0-
i&&e!iatel" upon confiscation P in o#!e# to p#otect innocent pe#sons f#o& !ubious an! concocte! sea#ches, an! the app#ehen!in$ office#s as
%ell f#o& ha#ass&ent suits base! on plantin$ of evi!ence an! on alle$ations of #obbe#" o# theft.

In!ee!, the #eco#!s of the case a#e be#eft of an" !etail #elatin$ to the &a#>in$ of the confiscate! sachet. All that the p#osecution
a!!uce! on this sco#e %e#e the #espective Sinu&paan$ Sala"sa"
of PO9 Antonio an! PO9 8i#o III, %he#ein the" !ecla#e! that afte# the
app#ehension of 7atbala"an, the" b#ou$ht hi& as %ell as the sei*e! ite& to the police station %he#e the confiscate! plastic sachet containin$
shabu %as &a#>e! as RETHI5IT 9 !t! 9? Sept B?0,S an! that it %as o#!e#e! to be sub&itte! ,ipinasu&ite- to the Philippine National
Police 8P:P9#i&e =abo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination. The i!entit" of the office# %ho &a!e the &a#>in$ an! %hethe# the &a#>in$ %as !one in the
p#esence of the accuse! %e#e, ho%eve#, not at all clea# f#o& the above !ocu&enta#" evi!ence.

It is li>e%ise note%o#th" that the p#osecution faile! to p#esent evi!ence pe#tainin$ to the i!entit" of the police investi$ato# to %ho&
the bu")bust tea& tu#ne! ove# the sei*e! ite&. Althou$h the Re'uest fo# =abo#ato#" ECa&ination
%as si$ne! b" a ce#tain Santia$o fo# an!
in behalf of Police Senio# Inspecto# Anastacio 5en*on, it %as not sho%n that he %as the sa&e official %ho #eceive! the sub6ect shabu f#o& the
bu")bust tea& o# f#o& the police investi$ato#. A pe#usal of the Re'uest fo# =abo#ato#" ECa&ination an! the he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)9:+/)
#eveals that the &a#>in$ on the plastic sachet containin$ the sub6ect shabu %as changed to RETHI5IT 9 857.S The p#osecution,
ho%eve#, faile! to !isclose the na&e an! i!entit" of the police office# %ho chan$e! the &a#>in$ of the speci&en. 2u#the#, the p#osecution
evi!ence is %antin$ as to the i!entit" of the pe#son %ho sub&itte! the speci&en to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#"F as to %hethe# the fo#ensic
che&ist %hose na&e appea#e! in the che&ist#" #epo#t %as the one %ho #eceive! the sub6ect shabu %hen it %as fo#%a#!e! to the c#i&e
labo#ato#"F an! as to %ho eCe#cise! custo!" an! possession of the speci&en afte# the che&ical eCa&ination an! befo#e it %as offe#e! in
cou#t. Neithe# %as the#e an" evi!ence a!!uce! to sho% ho% the sei*e! shabu %as han!le!, sto#e! an! safe$ua#!e! pen!in$ its offe# as
evi!ence in cou#t.

The ou#t, at this point, ta>es note of the RT O#!e# !ate! 8ul" 0@, 0??@ !ispensin$ %ith the testi&on" of the fo#ensic che&ical
office# an! bea#in$ the &atte#s stipulate! upon b" the pa#ties. The ou#t vie%s the stipulation as confine! &e#el" to the han!lin$ of the
speci&en at the fo#ensic labo#ato#" an! to the anal"tical #esults obtaine!. People v. *lmorfe
teaches that the testi&on" of the fo#ensic
che&ist %hich is stipulate! upon !oes not cove# the &anne# as to ho% the speci&en %as han!le! befo#e an! afte# it ca&e to the possession
of the fo#ensic che&ist. It bea#s st#essin$ that althou$h the pa#ties stipulate! on the #esults of the labo#ato#" eCa&ination, no stipulation %as
&a!e %ith #espect to the ulti&ate sou#ce of the !#u$ sub&itte! fo# eCa&ination.

Hhile a pe#fect chain of custo!" is al&ost al%a"s i&possible to achieve, an unb#o>en chain beco&es in!ispensable an! essential in
the p#osecution of !#u$ cases o%in$ to susceptibilit" of the sei*e! !#u$ to alte#ation, ta&pe#in$, conta&ination an! even substitution an!
Hence, each an! eve#" lin> in the custo!" &ust be establishe! be$innin$ f#o& the sei*u#e of the shabu f#o& the accuse! !u#in$
the ent#ap&ent ope#ation until its sub&ission b" the fo#ensic che&ist to the RT. In!ee!, the ou#t cannot enti#el" !iscount the li>elihoo! o# at
least the possibilit" that the#e coul! have been alte#ation, ta&pe#in$ o# substitution of substance in the chain of custo!" of the sub6ect shabu,
ina!ve#tentl" o# othe#%ise, f#o& anothe# case %ith a si&ila# na#cotic substance sei*e! o# sub6ecte! fo# che&ical anal"sis.

Mo#eove#, it &ust be pointe! out that the sub6ect ?.?@ $#a& of shabu %as neve# p#esente! as evi!ence an! &a#>e! as an eChibit
!u#in$ the p#e)t#ial o# even in the cou#se of the t#ial p#ope#. Neithe# PO9 Antonio no# PO9 8i#o III %as conf#onte! %ith it at the %itness stan! fo#
p#ope# i!entification an! obse#vation of the uni'ueness of the sub6ect na#cotic substance. The" %e#e not able to testif" as to the con!ition of
the ite& %hile it %as in thei# possession an! cont#ol. Sai! fla% &ilitates a$ainst the p#osecutionBs cause fo# it !oes not onl" cast !oubt on the
i!entit" of the corpus delicti but it also ten!s to !isc#e!it, if not ne$ate, the clai& of #e$ula#it" in the con!uct of official police ope#ation. O!!l",
the plastic sachet containin$ the sub6ect shabu %as fo#&all" offe#e! b" the p#osecution as EChibit RHS
an! a!&itte! b" the RT pe# its
!ate! Au$ust @9, 0??/. The !efense %as clea#l" sleepin$ on its feet %hen it !i! not pose an" ob6ection to the p#osecutionBs offe# of

In vie% of the fo#e$oin$ loopholes in the evi!ence a!!uce! a$ainst the accuse! as %ell as the $aps in the chain of custo!", it can
be #easonabl" conclu!e! that the p#osecution faile! to convincin$l" establish the i!entit" an! inte$#it" of the !an$e#ous !#u$. Acco#!in$l",
the#e coul! be no assu#ance that the speci&en of shabu offe#e! in cou#t as evi!ence a$ainst the accuse! %as the sa&e one sei*e! f#o& hi&,
b#ou$ht to the police station an! afte#%a#!s, sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" testin$ P especiall" consi!e#in$ that since the inception of this case, he
has consistentl" !enie! that the suppose! plastic sachet of shabu %as not #ecove#e! f#o& his possession %hen he %as a##este! at the
Rpe#"ahanS on Septe&be# 9?, 0??0 at +E?? oBcloc> in the evenin$. In effect, the p#osecution faile! to full" p#ove the ele&ents of the c#i&e
cha#$e! c#eatin$ #easonable !oubt on his c#i&inal liabilit". As this ou#t hel! in -atuiran v. People,
the failu#e of the p#osecution to offe# the
testi&on" of >e" %itnesses to establish a sufficientl" co&plete chain of custo!" of a speci&en of shabu, an! the i##e$ula#it" %hich
cha#acte#i*e! the han!lin$ of the evi!ence befo#e the sa&e %as finall" offe#e! in cou#t, fatall" conflicts %ith eve#" p#oposition #elative to the
culpabilit" of the accuse!. All tol!, the co#pus !electi in this case is not le$all" eCtant.

In sustainin$ the conviction, the cou#ts a 'uo #elie! on the evi!entia#" p#esu&ption that official !uties have been #e$ula#l"
pe#fo#&e!. A!&itte!l", the !efense !i! not a!!uce evi!ence sho%in$ that PO9 Antonio an! PO9 8i#o III ha! an" ill &otive to falsif" thei#
testi&on". Nonetheless, the fla$#ant p#oce!u#al lapses the police office#s co&&itte! in han!lin$ the alle$e!l" confiscate! shabu in violation of
the chain of custo!" #e'ui#e&ent effectivel" ne$ate the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of !uties. An" taint of i##e$ula#it" affects
the %hole pe#fo#&ance an! shoul! &a>e the p#esu&ption unavailable.
It &ust be e&phasi*e! that the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the
pe#fo#&ance of official !ut" cannot b" itself ove#co&e the p#esu&ption of innocence no# constitute p#oof of $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt.

The %ea>ness of the !efense of the accuse!, &e#e !enial an! f#a&e)up, cannot 6ustif" his conviction. The bu#!en is al%a"s on the
p#osecution to p#ove his $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt, an! not on hi& to p#ove his innocence. The &e#it of his !efense is not the issue he#e.
It is safel" ent#enche! in ou# 6u#isp#u!ence that the evi!ence fo# the p#osecution &ust stan! o# fall on its o%n %ei$ht an! cannot be allo%e! to
!#a% st#en$th f#o& the %ea>ness of the !efense.
A fin!in$ of $uilt &ust solel" #est on the p#osecutionBs o%n evi!ence, not on the %ea>ness
o# even absence of that fo# the !efense. ou#ts cannot &a$nif" the %ea>ness of the !efense an! ove#loo> the p#osecutionBs failu#e to
!ischa#$e the onus p#oban!i.

In ou# c#i&inal 6ustice s"ste&, the ove##i!in$ consi!e#ation is not %hethe# the cou#t !oubts the innocence of the accuse! but %hethe#
it ente#tains a #easonable !oubt as to his $uilt. In o#!e# to convict an accuse!, the ci#cu&stances of the case &ust eCclu!e all an! eve#"
h"pothesis consistent %ith his innocence. In the case at bench, the evi!ence a!!uce! b" the p#osecution faile! to ove#co&e the constitutional
p#esu&ption of innocence of the accuse!. Hhat is #e'ui#e! is that the#e be p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt that the c#i&e %as co&&itte! an!
that the accuse! co&&itte! the c#i&e.
It is onl" %hen the conscience is satisfie! that the c#i&e has in!ee! been co&&itte! b" the pe#son on
t#ial that the 6u!$&ent %ill be fo# conviction.

The ou#t is not una%a#e of the !#u$ &enace that beset ou# count#" an! the !i#ect lin> of ce#tain c#i&es to !#u$ abuse. The
un#elentin$ !#ive of ou# la% enfo#ce#s a$ainst t#affic>in$ an! use of ille$al !#u$s an! othe# substance is in!ee! co&&en!able. Those %ho
en$a$e in the illicit t#a!e of !an$e#ous !#u$s an! p#e" on the &is$ui!e! &e&be#s of the societ", especiall" the susceptible "outh, &ust be
cau$ht an! p#ope#l" p#osecute!. Althou$h the cou#ts a#e co&&itte! to assist the $ove#n&ent in its ca&pai$n a$ainst ille$al !#u$s, a conviction
un!e# the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0 can onl" be obtaine! afte# the p#osecution !ischa#$es its constitutional bu#!en to
p#ove $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. Othe#%ise, this ou#t is !ut")boun! to uphol! the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence.

/HEREFORE, the appeal is GR#NTE%. The Decision !ate! 8ul" 0;, 0??+ of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H No. ?0009 is
he#eb" RE&ERSE% an! SET #S%E fo# failu#e of the p#osecution to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the $uilt of appellant 8ai&e 7atlaba"an "
5ata#a %ho is acco#!in$l" he#eb" #C0UTTE% of the c#i&e cha#$e! a$ainst hi& an! o#!e#e! i&&e!iatel" RELE#SE% f#o& custo!", unless
he is bein$ hel! fo# so&e othe# la%ful cause.

The Di#ecto# of the 5u#eau of o##ections is OR%ERE% to i&ple&ent this !ecision an! to info#& this ou#t of the !ate of the actual
#elease f#o& confine&ent of the accuse! %ithin five ,1- !a"s f#o& #eceipt he#eof.


Associate 8ustice


Associate 8ustice

Associate 8ustice Associate 8ustice

Associate 8ustice

# T T E S T # T O N

I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of
the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.


Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Thi#! Division

C E R T F C # T O N

Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in
the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.

hief 8ustice
>G.R. No. 1)1(32. #*r+, 1), 200)?
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, appellee, vs. G#TU%#N $#L#G.E! an" E%/N #LONG y SUNGOT, appellants.
% E C S O N
P#NG#N$#N, J.:
Those %ho en$a$e in the illicit t#a!e of !an$e#ous !#u$s an! %ho p#e" on &is$ui!e! &e&be#s of societ" &ust be cau$ht an! put
behin! ba#s. To !o this, ho%eve#, the p#osecution &ust p#ove thei# $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. Hithout such p#oof, ac'uittal is the onl"
T52 Ca62
7atu!an 5ala$)e" an! E!%in Alion$ appeal the Octobe# 0?, 9;;; Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of 5a$uio it" ,5#anch .-
in #i&inal ase No. 9.9??)R, in %hich the" %e#e foun! $uilt" of ille$al possession an! atte&pte! sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s. The !ispositive
po#tion of the assaile! Decision #ea!sE
(Hhe#efo#e, the ou#t fin!s accuse! 7atu!an 5ala$)e" an! E!%in Alion$ $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of ille$al possession
of an! atte&pt to sell &a#i6uana %ith a total %ei$ht of 9+,@10.+0 $#a&s in violation of Section 09, A#ticle IV in #elation to Section /, A#ticle II of
Republic Act ./01, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act :.1; as cha#$e! in the Info#&ation %hich is inclu!e! in the offense of sale o# !elive#" of
&a#i6uana p#ove! an! he#eb" sentences each of the& to the penalt" of Reclusion Pe#petua an! to pa" the fine of P1??,???.?? each, %ithout
subsi!ia#" i&p#ison&ent in case of insolvenc", an! to pa" the costs.
RThe accuse! 7atu!an 5ala$)e" an! E!%in Alion$, bein$ both !etention p#isone#s, a#e entitle! to be c#e!ite! /J1 of thei# p#eventive
i&p#ison&ent in the se#vice of thei# sentence in acco#!ance %ith A#ticle 0; of the Revise! Penal o!e.
RThe 9+,@10.+0 $#a&s of b#ic>s of &a#i6uana containe! in the ci$a#ette boC %ith the &a#>in$ Philip Mo##is a#e fo#feite! in favo# of the State to
be !est#o"e! i&&e!iatel" in acco#!ance %ith la%.S
,itations o&itte!-
Appellants %e#e cha#$e! in an A&en!e! Info#&ation
!ate! Dece&be# ;, 9;;+, as follo%sE
RThat on o# about the 0+
!a" of Septe&be#, 9;;+, in the it" of 5a$uio, Philippines, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the
above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ an! &utuall" ai!in$ C C C each othe#, %ithout an" autho#it" of la%, !i! then an! the#e
%illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession an! atte&pt to sell t%ent" ,0?- b#ic>s of !#ie! &a#i6uana leavesJf#uitin$ tops, a
p#ohibite! !#u$, %ei$hin$ about 9+,@10.+0 $#a&s ,actual %ei$ht- &o#e o# less, to SPO9 DANI=O P. NATIVIDAD, a &e&be# of the Philippine
National Police, 9/
Na#cotics Re$ional Office, %ho acte! as poseu# bu"e#, fo# P9,???.?? pe# >ilo, in violation of the afo#ecite! p#ovision of
Du#in$ thei# #espective a##ai$n&ents on Dece&be# 09, 9;;+
an! 8anua#" 09, 9;;;,
appellants, %ith the assistance of thei#
counsels de parte,
plea!e! not $uilt" to the cha#$e. Afte# t#ial in !ue cou#se, the cou#t a 3uo #en!e#e! the assaile! Decision. It also !enie!
appellantsB Motion fo# Reconsi!e#ation.
T52 Fa346
Version of the Prosecution
In its 5#ief, the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al ,OS7- p#esents the p#osecutionBs ve#sion of the facts as follo%sE
RAbout 9?E@? in the &o#nin$ of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, the 9/
Na#cotics Re$ional Office ,NAROM- %ith office at DPS o&poun!, 5a$uio it",
#eceive! a confi!ential info#&ation f#o& Ro$e# I&asa that a ce#tain 7atu!an of =a T#ini!a!, 5en$uet, %as en$a$e! in the sale of
&a#i6uana. He %as alle$e!l" loo>in$ fo# bu"e#s. Police Senio# Inspecto# Ro!olfo astel fo#&e! a tea& fo# the possible a##est of
7atu!an. SPO9 Danilo Nativi!a! %as !esi$nate! as poseu# bu"e# %ith SPO9 Pe!#o Raba$o an! PO0 E&e#son =in$ba%an as bac>)
up. SPO9 Nativi!a! %as $iven the boo!le &one".
R=ate# in the &o#nin$ of the sa&e !a", SPO9 Nativi!a! an! I&asa %e#e able to locate 7atu!an at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& alon$
Oan!ueta St#eet, 5a$uio it". I&asa int#o!uce! SPO9 Nativi!a! to 7atu!an as a f#ien! an! a !#u$ use#. Afte# a b#ief conve#sation, 7atu!an
a$#ee! to sell to SPO9 Nativi!a! all of his available &a#i6uana, about 0? >ilos in all, at P9,???.?? pe# >ilo. The" a$#ee! to &eet at five in the
afte#noon in f#ont of 8ollibee at the Session Roa!. The bu")bust tea& %as ale#te! an! b#iefe!.
RAbout /E@? in the afte#noon of the sa&e !a", I&asa, SPO9 Nativi!a!, SPO9 Raba$o an! PO0 =in$ba%an p#ocee!e! to 8ollibee Session
Roa! on boa#! a taCi. SPO9 Raba$o an! PO0 =in$ba%an positione! the&selves in the vicinit" %hile SPO9 Nativi!a! p#ocee!e! to %ait in
f#ont of 8ollibee.
RNot lon$ afte#, 7atu!an ali$hte! f#o& a Ta&a#a% 2T TaCi. His co&panion, co)accuse! Alion$, #e&aine! insi!e the taCi %ith the ci$a#ette boC
&a#>e! Philip Mo##is at the bac> co&pa#t&ent of the taCi. Afte# seein$ 7atu!an, SPO9 Nativi!a! app#oache! hi& an! in'ui#e! about the
!eal. 7atu!an tol! hi& that the stuff %as #ea!" an! opene! the Lbac>M co&pa#t&ent of the taCi. He notice! the plastic st#a% an! opene! the
ci$a#ette boC containin$ the &a#i6uana b#ic>s. Afte# confi#&in$ the contents, SPO9 Nativi!a! $ave the p#e)a##an$e! si$nal b" #e&ovin$ his
bull cap.
RSPO9 Raba$o an! PO0 =in$ba%an #ushe! to the scene. Afte# i!entif"in$ the&selves as police office#s, the" a##este! 5ala$)e" an!
Alion$. The" ,5ala$)e" an! Alion$- %e#e info#&e! of thei# constitutional #i$hts. The boC %as confiscate! an! SPO9 Nativi!a! put his initials
on it fo# i!entification. The" %e#e b#ou$ht to the NAROM office in the sa&e Ta&a#a% 2T taCi !#iven b" Vicente 7a#bo.
RAt the NAROM office, the" issue! a #eceipt of the p#ope#t" sei*e!, p#epa#e! the boo>in$ sheet an! a##est #epo#t of 7atu!an. SPO9
Nativi!a! eCecute! his Affi!avit #e$a#!in$ the bu")bust an! a##est of 7atu!an an! Alion$ as %ell as the 8oint Affi!avit of the bac>)up tea&.
RP#eli&ina#" fin!in$s of Al&a Ma#$a#ita Villase<o#, fo#ensic che&ist of the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" in a&p 5a!o Dan$%a, =a T#ini!a!,
5en$uet, foun! the b#ic>s to be positive fo# &a#i6uana. A &o#e !etaile! labo#ato#" eCa&ination e&bo!ie! in he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)?99);+
confi#&e! the fin!in$s about the 0? b#ic>s of &a#i6uana %ith a total %ei$ht of 9+,@10.+0 $#a&s.S
,itations o&itte!-
Version of the Defense
Vehe&entl" !en"in$ that he %as a##este! !u#in$ the alle$e! bu")bust ope#ation, Appellant 5ala$)e" states his ve#sion of the facts in this
RC C C L5ala$)e"M %as su#p#ise! %hen police&en in civilian LclothesM su!!enl" a##este! hi& at a#oun! 1E?? p.&. of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, at the
Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"&. The police&en i&&e!iatel" han!cuffe! hi&, an! b#ou$ht hi& to the NAROM office. Apon LhisM a##ival at the
NAROM office, he sa% Ro$e# I&asa an! accuse!)appellant E!%in Alion$ in han!cuffs.
RThe NAROM a$ents inte##o$ate! hi& an! insiste! that he !ivul$e the na&e of the supplie# of &a#i6uana f#o& Sa$a!a. Accuse! 5ala$)e"
#eto#te! that he ha! no >no%le!$e of the &atte#s bein$ as>e! of hi& an! that he %as &e#el" a stu!ent at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts
7"&. Ho%eve#, the NAROM a$ents pe#siste! an! continue! to in'ui#e fo# the i!entit" of the alle$e! supplie# of the &a#i6uana. He %as even
th#eatene! that he %ill #ot in 6ail, if he faile! to !isclose the i!entit" of the &a#i6uana supplie#. Du#in$ his custo!", accuse! 5ala$)e" %as neve#
info#&e! of his constitutional #i$hts an! he %as not p#ovi!e! %ith an" counsel.S
2o# his pa#t, Appellant Alion$ na##ates the facts in this %iseE
R9. LAlion$M is a &a#tial a#ts inst#ucto# teachin$ >ic> boCin$, co&bat ai>i!o, boCin$, a&on$ othe#s at his $"& at No. /;)5, Oan!ueta St#eet,
5a$uio it". His $"& is >no%n as the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts O#$ani*ationF
R0. He >no%s one Ro$e# I&asa, a >no%n asset of the C C C NAROM, his /umpadre an! one of the Ma#tial A#ts inst#ucto#s at the Anive#sal
Ma#tial A#ts O#$ani*ationF
R@. =i>e%ise, he >no%s his co)accuse!, 7atu!an 5ala$)e". 7atu!an 5ala$)e" is his f#ien! %a" bac> !u#in$ the 9;+?BsF
R/. So&eti&e in 9;;: an! a$ain in 9;;+, 7atu!an 5ala$)e" visite! hi& at his $"&. onsi!e#in$ that the" a#e f#ien!s, he allo%e! 7atu!an
to p#actice in his $"&F
R1. One ti&e, C C C 7atu!an 5ala$)e" as>e! hi& if he %oul! li>e to have &one". He as>e! ho% an! 7atu!an sai! that he >ne% of
so&ebo!" %ho %as loo>in$ fo# a bu"e# of &a#i6uana.
R.. He then tol! 7atu!an that he hates that >in! of 6ob. He even a!vise! 7atu!an to avoi! that >in! of 6ob because that is !ifficultF
R:. He &entione! his conve#sation to his f#ien!, Ro$e# I&asa, the NAROM asset. Ro$e# then tol! hi& that if he li>es, the" %oul! cause
the a##est of 7atu!anF
R+. Ro$e# I&asa then tol! hi& to int#o!uce hi& to 7atu!an. Ro$e# tol! hi& that he int#o!uce! hi& as so&eone %ho >no%s a
bu"e#. The#eafte#, he int#o!uce! Ro$e# I&asa to 7atu!an 5ala$)e" an! %hen the t%o %e#e int#o!uce!, the" tal>e! to each othe#F
R;. In the afte#noon of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, Ro$e# I&asa, the NAROM LaMsset, convince! hi& to tell 7atu!an to $o so&e%he#e. 7atu!an
#efuse!. He an! Ro$e# I&asa then %ent to the Han$a# Ma#>et. Ro$e# then %ent out an! %hen he ca&e bac>, he %as ca##"in$ one Lca#ton
boCM. He neve# sa% the contents of the Lca#tonMF
R9?. Ro$e# then loa!e! the Lca#tonM in an L2TM TaCi. LThe#eafte#,M Ro$e# tol! the taCi !#ive# to b#in$ the& to the DPS o&poun!. Ho%eve#,
the" !#oppe! b" at the 8ollibee Session Roa!. Ro$e# then %ent out of the taCi an! then tol! hi& to %ait. Thus, he 6ust sat !o%n insi!e the
2LTM TaCi. Afte# 1 &inutes, a &an %ho int#o!uce! hi&self as a police office# %ent insi!e an! sat !o%n. He %as tol! to sit at the f#ont
seat. About / &en %ho int#o!uce! the&selves as police office#s %ent nea# the taCiF
R99. Afte# the &en %ho int#o!uce! the&selves as police office#s ca&e insi!e the taCi, Ro$e# I&asa %as no%he#e to be foun!. Then the"
p#ocee!e! to the NAROM Office at DPS o&poun!, %he#e so&eone )) late# to be i!entifie! as Police Office# =in$ba%an )) as>e! his
co&panionsLEM Q&umustaIB ,Ho% is itI-, to %hich one of his co&panions ans%e#e!. QPalpa/B ,It %as a failu#e-. The one %ho ans%e#e! Qit %as a
failu#eB %as the alle$e! poseu# bu"e#, Police Office# Nativi!a!F
R90. He %as the#eafte# tol! to Q6ust #elaC.B Police office# =in$ba%an then convince! hi& to testif" that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as %ith hi& insi!e
the taCi. The#eafte#, Office# =in$ba%an convince! hi& that if he %oul! coope#ate, he %ill beco&e an asset an! that if he #efuses to coope#ate,
he %ill be i&plicate! 6ust the sa&e. Thus, he a$#ee! to beco&e an asset an! Lhe sai!M that Q7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as %ith hi& insi!e the
taCi.B 2o# this #eason, he %as &a!e to si$n LanM Affi!avit. Inci!entall", it %as the NAROM office#s %ho p#epa#e! the sai! affi!avit an! the"
&e#el" tol! hi& to si$n the sa&eF
R9@. 2o# the #eco#!, he neve# sa% the contents of the boC an! it %as onl" at the NAROM Office that he %as info#&e! of its contentsF
R9/. He %as then &a!e to sta" at the NAROM Office. The neCt !a", Septe&be# 0;, 9;;+, he %as #elease!. An! he %as #elease! because
he %as totall" innocent of the t#ansaction bet%een 7atu!an 5ala$)e", the QIB Ro$e# I&asa an! the alle$e! poseu# bu"e#, Police Office# Danilo
,itations o&itte!-
Ru,+n7 o8 452 Tr+a, Cour4
Dis#e$a#!in$ the !efenses p#offe#e! b" appellants, the t#ial cou#t #ule! that the" ha! been cau$ht, in flagrante delicto, sellin$ o#
!elive#in$ 0? b#ic>s of &a#i6uana %ei$hin$ 9+,@10.+0 $#a&s to the poseu#)bu"e# )) SPO9 Nativi!a!.
In the case of 5ala$)e", the cou#t a 3uo foun! it !ifficult to believe that police ope#atives %oul! plant evi!ence a$ainst hi&. It also
!isc#e!ite! his clai& that he ha! been a##este! at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& alon$ Oan!ueta St#eet, #athe# than at a 8ollibee fast)foo!
#estau#ant chain alon$ Session Roa! ,R8ollibee)Session Roa!S-.
Hith #e$a#! to Alion$, the RT hel! that he, to$ethe# %ith 5ala$)e", ha! loa!e! a ci$a#ette boC containin$ &a#i6uana in a taCi, b#ou$ht it
to 8ollibee)Session Roa!, an! !elive#e! it to the poseu#)bu"e#. Thus, the t#ial cou#t b#ushe! asi!e the clai& of Alion$ that he ha! no
>no%le!$e of 5ala$)e"Bs &a#i6uana t#ansaction.
Hence, this appeal.
T52 66u26
Appellant 5ala$)e" #aises the follo%in$ suppose! e##o#s fo# ou# consi!e#ationE
The t#ial cou#t e##e! in $ivin$ full %ei$ht an! c#e!ence to the testi&onies of the a##estin$ office#s !espite $la#in$ inconsistencies an!
The t#ial cou#t e##e! in fin!in$ that the $uilt of Accuse!)appellant 7atu!an 5ala$)e" fo# the c#i&e cha#$e! has been p#oven be"on! #easonable
Appellant Alion$, on the othe# han!, alle$es the follo%in$ e##o#sE
Hhethe# o# not the hono#able t#ial cou#t %as co##ect in convictin$ the accuse! !espite the conflictin$ testi&onies of the p#osecution
%itnesses. The police office#s testifie! that accuse! an! 7atu!an 5ala$)e" #o!e to$ethe# in the 2T taCi %hile the alle$e! !#ive# testifie! that it
%as he#ein Accuse!)appellant Alion$ an! anothe# pe#son %ho #o!e in the sai! 2T TaCi.
Hhethe# o# not the hono#able t#ial cou#t is co##ect in convictin$ the accuse! !espite the testi&onies of the police office#s that he#ein accuse!)
appellant has no >no%le!$e of the alle$e! bu")bust ope#ation. The testi&onies of the police office#s Lsho%M that it %as the accuse!, 7atu!an
5ala$)e", %ho o%ne! the &a#i6uana !elive#e! to the alle$e! poseu#)bu"e#, Danilo Nativi!a!. Thus, it is inco##ect fo# the hono#able t#ial cou#t
to hol! he#ein Accuse!)appellant Alion$ in conspi#ac" %ith 7atu!an 5ala$)e".
onsi!e#in$ the peculia# facts obtainin$ in the case at ba#, %hethe# o# not the hono#able t#ial cou#t is co##ect in convictin$ the accuse!
appellant !espite the fact that the alle$e! coope#atin$ in!ivi!ual ,QIB-, Ro$e# I&asa, %as not p#esente! as a %itness.
Hhethe# o# not the hono#able t#ial cou#t is co##ect in convictin$ the accuse! !espite clea# an! ha#! evi!ence that no buy-bust operation %as
actuall" con!ucte! as sho%n b" the fact that no &one" chan$e! han!s bet%een the alle$e! poseu# bu"e# an! the accuse!, 7atu!an 5ala$)
e". This is fu#the# sho%n b" the fact that no Q&a#>e! &one"B %as p#o!uce! an! &a#>e! in cou#t as evi!ence.S
In sho#t, appellants 'uestion ,9- the c#e!ibilit" of the p#osecution %itnesses, ,0- the sufficienc" of the p#osecution evi!ence, an! ,@- the
eCistence of the bu")bust ope#ation.
T52 Cour4A6 Ru,+n7
The appeal is &e#ito#ious.
F+r64 66u21
re!i"ility of the Prosecution #itnesses
Appellant 5ala$)e" i&pu$ns the ve#acit" of the testi&onies of the a##estin$ office#s that he %as cau$ht in the act of sellin$ &a#i6uana at
8ollibee)Session Roa!. He &aintains that he %as a##este! at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& locate! on Oan!ueta St#eet.
As a #ule, the t#ial cou#tBs fin!in$s of fact an! conclusions on the c#e!ibilit" of %itnesses a#e acco#!e! hi$h #espect
an! !ue %ei$ht,
unless it has ove#loo>e! &ate#ial an! #elevant points that %oul! have le! it to #ule othe#%ise. In the p#esent case, ho%eve#, the RT
co&&itte! $la#in$ factual ove#si$hts that i&pel us to !epa#t f#o& this $ene#al !oct#ine.
The %itnesses of 5ala$)e" )) Dios!a!o Mapala
an! An$ie =i*a =a!i%an
)) testifie! that on the afte#noon of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+,
the" sa% appellant in han!cuffs, bein$ le! b" police office#s !o%nstai#s at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"&. Hence, the" ha! the i&p#ession
that he %as a##este! the#e. Nonetheless, the t#ial cou#t #ule! that thei# testi&onies %e#e consistent %ith the fact that the a##estin$ office#s ha!
b#ou$ht appellant to the $"& afte# his a##est in this %iseE
RSeventh, the testi&onies of Dios!a!o Mapala an! An$ie =i*a =a!i%an cannot be $iven %ei$ht b" the cou#t to sho% that 7atu!an %as
a##este! at the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& at Oan!ueta St#eet.
RDios!a!o Mapala %as not insi!e the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& at that ti&e an! so he coul! not sa" %hat happene! insi!e the sai! 7"& Lo#M
if 7atu!an %as #eall" a##este! the#e. Mapala hi&self sai! that he %as outsi!e the 7"& in f#ont of a ce#tain $#oce#" an! %as c#ossin$ the #oa!
%hen he notice! 7atu!an in han!cuffs bein$ acco&panie! b" &ale pe#sons co&in$ f#o& the !i#ection of Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"&.
RThis !oes not establish L%ithM ce#taint" that 7atu!an %as a##este! insi!e the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"&, LbMecause it coul! happen that
7atu!an %as a##este! in 8ollibee Session Roa! an! then b#ou$ht bac> to the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts b" the police an! %hen he %as co&in$ out
that %as the ti&e an! occasion %hen Dios!a!o Mapala sa% 7atu!an in han!cuffs.S
,Italics supplie!-
The#e is no evi!ence on #eco#!, ho%eve#, that the a##estin$ office#s !i! b#in$ 5ala$)e" to the $"& afte# his a##est. Guite the cont#a#",
SPO9 Nativi!a! cate$o#icall" ave##e! that 7atu!an ha! not been b#ou$ht to the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& at an" ti&e afte# his alle$e!
a##est. The police office# testifie! on !i#ect eCa&ination as follo%sE
RP#osecuto# Ve#$a#a Lto SPO9 Nativi!a!ME
G *side from physical e%amination, did you bring him anywhere elseI
A :o more, sir.
0 ;e was not brought bac/ to the gymnasium, (r. <itness.
* :o sir.S
,Italics supplie!-
Mo#eove#, 7a#bo, the taCi !#ive#, cate$o#icall" sai! that %hen his taCi %as haile! on the afte#noon of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, 5ala$)e" %as
not Alion$Bs co&panion. 7a#bo li>e%ise testifie! that the police office#s ha! not $one to the Anive#sal Ma#tial A#ts 7"& afte# that
inci!ent. Pe#tinent po#tions of his testi&on" a#e he#ein 'uote!E
RLAtt". MolintasEM
G 3ou &ean "ou !o not >no% the i!entit" of the pe#son %ho %as %ith Alion$ at that ti&e he %as a##este!I
A No si#.
G 3ou cannot !esc#ibe hi& to be a sho#t pe#son %ho is %ith !a#> co&pleCionI
A So&e%hat !a#> an! sho#t, si#.
G Hhen E!%in Alion$ %as a##este! in Session LRMoa!, %as this co&panion of his not b#ou$ht to the NAROM officeI
A No si#.
G Do "ou >no% %he#e he %ent afte# Alion$ %as a##este!I
A No si#.
G Asi!e f#o& the NAROM office#s an! E!%in Alion$ %ho& the" b#ou$ht to the NAROM office, %e#e the#e othe# co&panions
of the NAROM office#s %ho follo%e! "ou in anothe# vehicle to%a#!s the NAROM officeI
A None, si#.
G 7ou said you went to ;illtop with the :*#-$( officers. =rom the ;illtop where you went, have you seen this 1niversal
(artial *rts 2ym>
A No C C C, si#.
G An"%a", the NAROM office#s tol! "ou to %ait an! afte# so&e ti&e, the" ca&e bac>, is that "ou# testi&on"I
A 3es si#.
G Hhen the" ca&e bac> an! boa#!e! "ou# vehicle, the" have anothe# pe#son o# the" a##este! anothe# pe#son, is that co##ectI
A I !i! not notice, si#.
G )his person you mentioned a while ago who identified himself as 2atudan "alag-ey, you said that you saw him at the =iscal?s
$ffice when you were investigated, would that be correct>
A 7es sir.
G )hat was the first time you saw him, would that be correct>
A 7es sir.
G 7ou did not see him at that time of the arrest of .dwin *liong>
A 4nside the ta%i sir, no sir.
G 3ou &ean %hen E!%in Alion$ %as a##este!, 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as not insi!e the taCicabI
A No C C C, si#.
G An! in fact, 7atu!an 5ala$)e" coul! not be the co&panion of E!%in Alion$ because 7atu!an 5ala$)e" is 'uite tall an! fai# in
co&pleCion %hile the co&panion of E!%in Alion$ %as 'uite !a#> an! sho#t, %oul! that be co##ectI
A 3es si#.
The cou#t %oul! li>e to be clea# on that. 3ou a#e tellin$ this cou#t then that the t%o pe#sons %ho boa#!e! that boC in "ou# taCi,
one of %ho& %as Alion$ but the othe# is not 5ala$)e", is that %hat "ou a#e tellin$ the ou#tI
A No, si#. 5ut his featu#es, it is not li>e hi&.
Att". MolintasE
G In fact, "ou testifie! on this &atte# befo#e 2iscal Ve#$a#a %hen "ou %e#e investi$ate! in his office, %oul! that be co##ectI
A 3es si#.
G oul! "ou tell the ou#t %ho p#epa#e! that Affi!avit %hich "ou i!entifie! ea#lie# as "ou# Affi!avitI
A It %as p#epa#e! at the NAROM office.
G Afte# the" p#epa#e! that, the" #elease! "ou on the sa&e !ate on Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, %oul! that be co##ectI
A 3es si#.
G In othe# %o#!s, "ou %e#e &a!e to sleep at the NAROM office on Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+I
A I !i! not sleep the#e, si#.
G So %he#e !i! "ou sleep on the ni$ht of Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+I
A In ou# house, si#.
0 *t the :*#-$( office, you said earlier that you never met 2atudan "alag-ey, would that be correct>
* 7es sir.
0 4n your *ffidavit, a name 2atudan "alag-ey was indicated, do you /now who included this name 2atudan in your *ffidavit>
* )he person who investigated me whose name 4 do not /now wrote that, sir.
0 "ecause the truth is, you never /new 2atudan "alag-ey and you never met him on eptember @A, 1BBA, correct>
* 7es sir.S
RLAtt". Du&a%in$EM
G So the .
pa#a$#aph of "ou# Affi!avit %hich states an! I 'uote, QThat %hen %e a##ive! in f#ont of 8ollibee, one &ale ali$hte!
f#o& the taCi an! p#ocee!e! insi!e the 8ollibee an! %hen the" #etu#ne! he has al#ea!" one &ale co&panion an! the" %ent
nea# &" taCi an! his ,7atu!an- &ale co&panion chec>e! the contents of the boC an! late# announce! that he is a Na#cotics
a$ent until othe# &e&be#s of the Na#cotics a$ents a##ive! an! a##este! &" passen$e#s an! p#ocee!e! to Na#cotics Office
at DPS o&poun!, 5a$uio it" C C CB is not enti#el" co##ect, is it not, M#. HitnessI
A 3es si# because %hen I %as #elatin$, the" %e#e t"pin$ it.
0 :ow, the -ourt wants to be very clear on that, so that there will be no mista/es about it. 7ou are telling us then that it was
not 2atudan "alag-ey who alighted from your ta%i, then came bac/ with another companion to chec/ the contents of the
bo% in the ta%i>
* :o sir.C
Even Alion$ sai! in his testi&on" that fo# fea# of bein$ i&plicate!, he %as fo#ce! to !ecla#e that 5ala$)e" ha! been a##este! %ith hi& at
8ollibee)Session Roa!. He testifie! thusE
RLAtt". Du&a%in$EM
G So, afte# "ou a##ive! at the NAROM Office at the DPS o&poun!, %hat happene!, if an"I
A The" tol! &e, QE!%in, 6ust #elaC.B Then the" tal>e! to each othe#.
G Do "ou >no% %hat the" %e#e tal>in$ aboutI
A No, si#, because I %ent out.
G Hhat happene! afte# thatI
A Afte# the" tal>e!, =iLn$Mba%an calle! &e.
G Do "ou #e&e&be# fo# ho% lon$ the" %e#e tal>in$I
A About &o#e than 1 &inutes, si#.
G An! %he#e %e#e "ou !u#in$ all these 1 &inutes that the" %e#e tal>in$I
A I %as outsi!e, si#.
G Outsi!e ofVI
A Outsi!e of the NAROM office, si#.
G So, %hen this =iLn$Mba%an finall" calle! "ou, %hat !i! he tell "ou, if an"I
A =iLn$Mba%an %as convincin$ &e to testif" that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as %ith &e insi!e the taCi.
G Hhat !i! "ou sa" to his p#oposal, M#. HitnessI
A I #efuse! because I tol! hi& 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as not &" co&panion.
G Hhat %as the #esponse of =iLn$Mba%an %hen "ou #efuse!I
A He tal>e! to &e an! even hit &" conscience. He tol! &e to thin> it ove# because I shoul! thin> of the nu&be# of pe#sons
%ho coul! be !est#o"e! b" that boC of &a#i6uana, that it &i$ht inclu!e &" chil!#en o# even &" #elatives. An! he tol! &e that
it %as al#ea!" confi#&e! that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" is a pushe# an! he as>e! &e to coope#ate.
G Hhat else !i! he tell "ou, if an", in o#!e# to convince "ouI
A He tol! &e that if I coope#ate, I %ill be officiall" inclu!e! as an asset.
G Hhat elseI
A No &o#e, si#.
0 ;e did not threaten you>
* ;e told me that if 4 don?t cooperate, 4 will be implicated just the same.
G So, %hat %as "ou# #esponse to =iLn$Mba%an %hen he sai! thatI
A I tol! hi& that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" &i$ht ta>e #even$e a$ainst &e.
G Hhen "ou tol! that to =iLn$Mba%an, %hat !i! he sa", if an"I
A He tol! &e not to %o##" because the" %ill ta>e ca#e of &e.
G So, %hat follo%e! neCt, M#. HitnessI
A Hhen he tol! &e that, I a$#ee! to be an asset Lan!M to sa" that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as %ith &e insi!e the taCi.
G Hh" !i! "ou finall" a$#ee to testif" falsel" a$ainst 7atu!an 5ala$)e"I
Al#ea!" ans%e#e!.
Ma" ans%e#.
A 5ecause =iLn$Mba%an tol! &e that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" is a confi#&e! pushe#. So, because as I sai! I hate that >in! of activit",
I a$#ee!.
G M#. Hitness, "ou eCecute! an LaMffi!avit ea#lie# &a#>e! b" the p#osecution as EChibit QH.B Hho p#epa#e! this LAMffi!avitI
A The NAROM office#s, si#.
G Hho pa#ticula#l" a&on$ the NAROM office#sI
A Hhat I >no% is it %as =iLn$Mba%an %ho p#epa#e! it because he %as the one tal>in$ to &e an! he %as the one %ho sho%e! it
to &e.
G Di! "ou un!e#stan! all the contents of this LAMffi!avit of "ou#sI
A No si#, onl" the fi#st pa#t.
G Hhat pa#ticula# pa#t of this LAMffi!avit !i! "ou un!e#stan!, M#. HitnessI
A Onl" that po#tion %hich sa"s that 7atu!an 5ala$)e" %as %ith &e insi!e the taCi. An! %hen I sa% that, I !i! not &in! the #est
G 5" the %a", %hat is "ou# hi$hest e!ucational attain&ent, M#. HitnessI
A Secon! "ea# hi$h school, si#.
G No%, M#. Hitness, a#e the contents of this LAMffi!avit t#ue as fa# as "ou >no%I
A No, si#.
0 :ow, (r. <itness, despite /nowing that the contents of this D*Effidavit are not true, why did you sign it>
* "ecause the :*#-$( officer told me that if 4 will not sign it, 4 will be implicated.
OARTE ,to %itness-
G Di! "ou #eali*e that b" "ou# testi&on" no% "ou have actuall" i&plicate! "ou#self because in "ou# testi&on" "ou a#e the one
%ho b#ou$ht the boC of &a#i6uana to 8ollibee Restau#ant in that taCiI
A Hhat I a$#ee! %ith Ro$e# I&asa %as to b#in$ that ca#ton of &a#i6uana to the NAROM office, si#.
G M#. Hitness, have "ou seen the contents of that boCI
A No, si#.
G Di! "ou eve# pe#sonall" hol! that boCI
A No, si#.
0 :ow, (r. <itness, you finally agreed to testify against 2atudan "alag-ey. <hat did !iDngEbawan do, if any, after that>
* ;e told me to call up the gym and inform them that a :*#-$( officer will go to the gym and that they should show that
officer who 2atudan is.
G Hhat !i! "ou !o afte# thatI
* 4 called my wife by phone and relayed to her what !iDngEbawan told me, that when they arrive at the gym they will point
2atudan to them.
G So, afte# "ou calle! "ou# $"&, as inst#ucte! b" =iLn$Mba%an, %hat !i! the NAROM people !o, if an"I
A I tol! =in$ba%an that I &a!e a call. Afte# that, the" tal>e! fo# a %hile an! then the" left.
0 +o you /now where they proceeded to>
* <hat 4 /now is they proceeded to the gym because that is where they as/ed me to ma/e a call.
0 o, what happened after they left>
* *fter FG minutes, they came bac/ with 2atudan "alag-ey, sir.C
,Italics supplie!-
5ecause of the vacillatin$ state&ents of Alion$, the t#ial cou#t #e$a#!e! his testi&on" as !ubious an! hi$hl" suspect. Still, it shoul! not
have been !is&isse! out#i$ht, as he ha! been able to $ive an a!e'uate eCplanation fo# his testi&onial chan$e. 5esi!es, he ha! nothin$ to
$ain f#o& testif"in$ that 5ala$)e" ha! not been %ith hi& !u#in$ the alle$e! bu")bust ope#ation.
The fo#e$oin$ points sho% the lac> of c#e!ibilit" of the p#osecutionBs clai& that 5ala$)e" %as a##este! %hile in the act of sellin$
&a#i6uana at 8ollibee)Session Roa!.
5ala$)e" also p#otests the !enial of his #i$ht to counsel !u#in$ his custo!ial investi$ation. Section 90 of A#ticle III of the onstitution
p#ovi!es that an" pe#son un!e# custo!ial investi$ation fo# the co&&ission of an offense shoul! have a #i$ht to in!epen!ent an! co&petent
counsel at every phase of the investi$ation )) f#o& its inception to its en!.
5oth PO9 Nativi!a! an! PO@ E&e#son =in$ba%an affi#&e! that 5ala$)e" ha! not been assiste! b" counsel at an" sta$e of the
investi$ation. Du#in$ c#oss)eCa&ination, the" testifie! as follo%sE
RAtt". Molintas Lto PO9 Nativi!a!ME
G Ho% about 7atu!an, !i! "ou p#ovi!e hi& L%ithM a la%"e# at that ti&eI
A He !i! not p#ovi!e hi& because he !i! not $ive his affi!avit o# an" confessional state&entI
G Is that "ou# p#oce!u#eI 3ou onl" $et a la%"e# to assist hi& if "ou inten! to $et his confessionI
A 3es si#.
G 3ou !o not p#ovi!e hi& a counsel so that V
A He app#ise! Lhi& ofM his constitutional #i$hts but V
G 3es. The 'uestion is )) "ou !o not fin! it necessa#" o# "ou !o not >no% that the la% #e'ui#eLsM that "ou p#ovi!e hi& a la%"e#I
A 5ut he !i! not #e'ui#e an" la%"e#.
G Ma"be "ou !i! not as> hi& to $ive an" but !o "ou >no% that the la% #e'ui#es "ou as a !etainin$ office# to p#ovi!e hi& a
A 3es, "ou# Hono#, %e tol! hi& but V
G The 'uestion is, !o "ou >no% that "ou a#e #e'ui#e! to p#ovi!e hi& a la%"e# i&&e!iatel" afte# his a##estI
A 3es si#.
G An! !espite that, "ou !i! not p#ovi!e hi& an" la%"e#I
A No &o#e si#.
G In fact "ou have a ve#" bi$ Me&o#an!u& in "ou# office #e$a#!in$ Republic Act :/@+I
A 3es si#.
G An! "ou allo%e! 7a#bo to $et in touch %ith a la%"e# an! sub&it an affi!avit an! in fact "ou !i! not #eco&&en! that he be
A 5ecause he $ave a volunta#" affi!avit that is %h" %hen the investi$ato# too> it afte# #ea!in$ the affi!avit he confe##e! %ith his
o%n la%"e#.
G An! that affi!avit %as p#epa#e! b" "ou# investi$ato#I
A 3es si#.
G An! li>e%ise "ou !i! not #eco&&en! the p#osecution of Alion$ because he also $ave his affi!avitI
A 3es si#.S
RAtt". Du&a%in$ Lto PO@ =in$ba%anME
G 5et%een 1E??, a little past 1E?? an! until the afte#noon of Septe&be# 0;, 9;;+, these t%o accuse! %e#e un!e# "ou# custo!"I
A 3es si#.
G An! %hile the" %e#e un!e# "ou# custo!" the" %e#e not assiste! b" counselI
A None si#.
G Not%ithstan!in$ the fact that "ou info#&e! the& of thei# constitutional #i$htsI
A He onl" info#&e! thei# #elatives si#.S
The violation of 5ala$)e"Bs #i$ht to counsel !u#in$ his custo!ial investi$ation eCclu!es, f#o& the a&bit of the t#ial cou#tBs evi!ence, his
alle$e! eCt#a6u!icial a!&ission that he %as the o%ne# of the sei*e! &a#i6uana.
S23on" 66u21
$ufficiency of Prosecution Evi!ence
5ala$)e" an! Alion$ %e#e cha#$e! %ith violation of Section / in #elation to Section 09 of RA ./01, as a&en!e! b" RA :.1;
)) an
offense the" alle$e!l" co&&itte! b" Rconspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ an! &utuall" ai!in$ each othe#, %ithout an" autho#it" of la%, Lan! b"M havLin$M
in thei# possession an! atte&ptLin$M to sell t%ent" ,0?- b#ic>s of !#ie! &a#i6uana leavesJf#uitin$ tops, a p#ohibite! !#u$ C C C.S
The afo#e&entione! Section / penali*es Ran" pe#son %ho, unless autho#i*e! b" la%, shall sell, a!&iniste#, !elive#, $ive a%a" to anothe#,
!ist#ibute, !ispatch in t#ansit o# t#anspo#t an" p#ohibite! !#u$, o# shall act as a b#o>e# in an" of such t#ansactions.S This p#ovision is violate! b"
the co&&ission of an" of the acts specifie! the#ein o# a co&bination the#eof.
Mo#eove#, the p#evailin$ !oct#ine is that Rpossession of
p#ohibite! !#u$sS is a necessa#" ele&ent in the offense of sellin$ the&, eCcept %he#e the selle# is also foun! in possession of anothe# 'uantit"
of p#ohibite! !#u$s not cove#e! b" o# inclu!e! in the sale an! %hich a#e p#obabl" inten!e! fo# so&e futu#e !ealin$s o# use b" the selle#.
On the othe# han!, the afo#ecite! Section 09 punishes an atte&pt o# a conspi#ac", a&on$ othe#s, in the RLsMale, a!&inist#ation, !elive#",
!ist#ibution an! t#anspo#tation of !an$e#ous !#u$s.S This is one of the fe% instances %hen the la% specificall" punishes &e#e conspi#ac".
Havin$ cha#$e! the accuse! %ith conspi#ac", it %as incu&bent upon the p#osecution to p#ove that 5ala$)e" an! Alion$ ha! co&e to an
a$#ee&ent conce#nin$ the possession an! the sale of &a#i6uana an! ha! !eci!e! to eCecute the a$#ee&ent.
2u#the#&o#e, in a p#osecution fo# the sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, it is &ate#ial an! in!ispensable ,9- to p#ove that the accuse! sol! an!
!elive#e! the p#ohibite! !#u$ to anothe#, as %ell as to p#esent in cou#t the corpus delicti as evi!enceF an! ,0- to p#ove that the accuse! >ne%
that %hat %as sol! an! !elive#e! %as a !an$e#ous !#u$.
The atte&pt to sell the !#u$s &a" be establishe! b" ove#t acts sho%in$ that the
accuse! >no%in$l" co&&ence! the co&&ission of the c#i&e.
The fla%s an! the insufficienc" of the evi!ence a$ainst 5ala$)e" have been !iscusse! ea#lie#. He shall no% ta>e up the sufficienc" of
the evi!ence a$ainst Alion$.
Alion$ %as not i!entifie! b" the ent#appin$ police office#s as one of those %ho ha! offe#e! to sell &a#i6uana to SPO9 Nativi!a!. It %as
neithe# alle$e! no# establishe! that the t%o ha! been in contact p#io# to the suppose! bu")bust ope#ation. It %as not sho%n that the fo#&e#
ha!, at an" ti&e, >no%n that the contents of the Philip Mo##is ci$a#ette boC %e#e p#ohibite! !#u$s. It %as not he, but his co&panion, %ho
loa!e! the boC into the ba$$a$e co&pa#t&ent of the taCi,
acco#!in$ to the testi&on" of 7a#bo, the taCi !#ive#. As to %ho the co&panion of
Alion$ ha! been %as not a!e'uatel" p#oven. Hhen the testi&onies of the latte# an! of P#osecution Hitness 7a#bo a#e ta>en to$ethe#, it
beco&es #easonabl" !oubtful that the co&panion #efe##e! to %as 5ala$)e".
Hence, eCcept fo# the fact that Alion$ %as on boa#! the taCi f#o& %he#e the boC of &a#i6uana %as sei*e!, an! that he %as the one %ho
pai! eCt#a fa#e to the !#ive# %hile the" %aite! fo# the #etu#n of the fo#&e#Bs co&panion, the#e is no evi!ence that Alion$ conspi#e! %ith 5ala$)
e" an! atte&pte! to sell the p#ohibite! !#u$s. The #ule is settle! that, %ithout an" othe# evi!ence, &e#e p#esence at the scene of the c#i&e is
not b" itself sufficient to establish conspi#ac".
Afte# 'uestionin$ Alion$, even the ent#appin$ police office#s initiall" clea#e! hi& of co&plicit". In!ee!, the" foun! no #eason to in!ict
hi& to$ethe# %ith 5ala$)e" in the o#i$inal Info#&ation.
SPO9 Nativi!a!, in pa#ticula#, testifie! as follo%sE
RAtt". Molintas ,to PO9 Nativi!a!-E
G About Alion$, %hen %as he #elease!I
A He spent the ni$ht in ou# office an! then he %as #elease! afte# the investi$ato# sai! that he has no >no%le!$e of the
G 3ou# investi$ato# sa"s that he has no >no%le!$e but this ti&e "ou a#e the poseu#)bu"e#. Hhat %as the pa#ticipation of Alion$
%hen the ne$otiation %as bein$ &a!eI
A Acco#!in$ to Alion$, he onl" acco&panie! the suspect 7atu!an si#.
0 )he 3uestion is, during the negotiation the first time you went to the 1niversal (artial *rts D2ymE, the truth is, he was not
* ;e was not there sir.
0 7ou only saw him at ession #oad>
* 7es sir.
0 4nside the ta%icab>
* 4nside the ta%icab sir.
0 <hen you met 2atudan at ession #oad, did *liong alight from the ta%icab>
* :o sir.
G Di! "ou as> the taCi !#ive# %ho pai! the taCi fa#e at that ti&eI
A No si#.
G Antil no% "ou !o not >no%I
A 3es si#.
G So, %hat %e a#e &a!e to un!e#stan! is, afte# !oin$ "ou# pa#t as poseu#)bu"e#, "ou !i! not pa#ticipate an"&o#e in the
investi$ation of the caseI
A I assiste! the investi$ato# %hen %e invento#ie! the &a#i6uana si#.
G ThatBs itLIM Nothin$ &o#eI
A Nothin$ &o#e si#. The investi$ation an! the !ocu&entation, I !i! not pa#ticipate Lthe#einM an"&o#e.
0 D+o youE suggest, (r. <itness that the person you actually met at the 1niversal (artial *rts 2ym and Dwith whom youE
negotiated about the DsaleE of marijuana was a certain .dwin *liong>
* :o sir, 2atudan.
G LDo "ouM also su$$est that 7atu!an %as not the#e in the &o#nin$I
A He %as the#e si#. The onl" LoneM I >ne% is 7atu!an.
G LDo "ouM also su$$est, M#. Hitness, that at Session Roa!, in f#ont of the 8ollibee, the pe#sons #i!in$ the taCicab %e#e Ro$e#
LIM&asa, E!%in Alion$ an! 7atu!an %as not the#eI
A No si#, 7atu!an an! Alion$.S
RAtt". Du&a%in$ Lto SPO9 Nativi!a!ME
G No%, M#. Hitness, is it not a fact that befo#e "ou con!uct a bu")bust ope#ation "ou sub6ect the pe#son o# a suspect to
A 3es, si#.
G An! in this pa#ticula# case, M#. Hitness, "ou neve# sub6ecte! accuse! E!%in Alion$ to su#veillanceI
A No, si#.
G 3ou also >no% %hat the" call an O#!e# of 5attle. Hill "ou tell the Hono#able ou#t %hat that isI
A It is a NAROM %atch list of pe#sons %ho a#e en$a$e! in the t#affic of !#u$s.
G An! is it not a fact that the na&e of E!%in Alion$ !oes not appea# in "ou# O#!e# of 5attleI
A 3es, si#.
0 (r. <itness, when this case was filed by your office with the Prosecutor?s $ffice, you only charged 2atudan "alag-ey>
* 7es, sir.
0 7ou did not initially includDeE .dwin *liong>
* 7es, sir, because to our /nowledge, after the investigation was finished in our office, #oger 4masa revealed to us that .dwin
*liong is his sub-agent.
G So that is the #eason %h" "ou !i! not inclu!e hi& initiall" in the cha#$e, is it notI
A That is one #eason, si#.S
,Italics supplie!-
The above a!&issions, ta>en to$ethe# %ith the acts of Alion$ )) p#io# to, conte&po#aneous %ith, an! subse'uent to his a##est )) fail to
establish an" conspi#ac".
Even the cha#$e of ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s %as not establishe! be"on! #easonable !oubt. The ele&ents of this offense
a#e the follo%in$E ,9- the accuse! is in possession of an ite& o# ob6ect, %hich is i!entifie! to be a p#ohibite! !#u$F ,0- such possession is not
autho#i*e! b" la%F an! ,@- the accuse! f#eel" an! consciousl" possesse! the !#u$.
A!&itte!l", the thi#! #e'uisite %as not convincin$l"
establishe! b" the p#osecution.
In vie% of the lapses in the p#osecutionBs case, the 'uantu& of evi!ence nee!e! to convict Alion$ an! 5ala$)e" )) p#oof be"on!
#easonable !oubt )) has not been a!e'uatel" establishe! b" the p#osecution. Ou# &in!s cannot #est eas" on thei# suppose! $uilt. He
#eite#ate the conventional %is!o& that it is bette# to f#ee ten $uilt" pe#sons than to convict an innocent one.
T5+r" 66u21
%uy&%ust Operation
5oth appellants a#$ue that no bu")bust ope#ation too> place on Septe&be# 0+, 9;;+, as sho%n b" the inabilit" of the p#osecution to
p#esent in cou#t the alle$e! police info#&ant an! the &a#>e! &one". =i>e%ise, the" point out that even the p#osecutionBs %itnesses testifie!
that &one" ha! not chan$e! han!s !u#in$ the alle$e! t#ansaction.
Hell)establishe! is the #ule that the p#esentation of a confi!ential info#&ant in a bu")bust ope#ation is not al%a"s #e'ui#e!,
%hen the sale %as actuall" %itnesse! an! a!e'uatel" p#ove! b" othe# p#osecution %itnesses.
This #ule a!&its of eCceptions, ho%eve#, as
%hen the appellant vehe&entl" !enies sellin$ p#ohibite! !#u$sF an! %hen the#e a#e &ate#ial inconsistencies in the testi&onies of the a##estin$
2o# li>e #eason, the p#esentation of the bu")bust &one"
an! p#oof of its actual pa"&ent
)) pieces of evi!ence that a#e othe#%ise not
in!ispensable )) beco&e necessa#" if the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence is to be ove#co&e. In the p#esent case, the &ate#ial
inconsistencies in the testi&onies of the p#osecution %itness an! the non)p#esentation of the bu")bust &one" #aise #easonable !oubts about
the occu##ence of a bu")bust ope#ation.
The un#elentin$ !#ive a$ainst ille$al !#u$s is in!ee! co&&en!able. Those %ho en$a$e in the illicit t#a!e of &a#i6uana an! %ho p#e" on
the &is$ui!e! &e&be#s of societ" &ust be cau$ht an! p#osecute! p#ope#l". Hhile cou#ts a#e co&&itte! to assist the $ove#n&ent in its
ca&pai$n a$ainst ille$al !#u$s, a conviction un!e# the Dan$e#ous D#u$s =a% %ill p#ospe# onl" afte# the p#osecution !ischa#$es its
constitutional bu#!en to p#ove $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. Othe#%ise, this ou#t is li>e%ise !ut")boun! to uphol! the constitutional
p#esu&ption of innocence.
/HEREFORE, the appeal is 2#*:).+, an! the assaile! Decision #.6.#.+. Appellants 7atu!an 5ala$)e" an! E!%in
Alion$ y Sun$ot a#e he#eb" *-014)).+ on #easonable !oubt.
=et the& be i&&e!iatel" #elease! f#o& thei# place of confine&ent, unless the#e is an" othe# le$al o# vali! cause to !etain the&
fu#the#. The !i#ecto# of the 5u#eau of o##ections shall #epo#t to this ou#t, %ithin ten ,9?- !a"s f#o& notice of this 6u!$&ent, on his action in
obe!ience to this !i#ective. No costs.
+avide, Jr., -.J., 8-hairman9, 7nares-antiago, -arpio, an! *zcuna, JJ., concu#.

R2*u@,+3 o8 452 P5+,+**+n26
Su*r292 Cour4



) versus )

G.R. No. 18-1(-


ORONA, -.J.,
DE= ASTI==O, an!


2eb#ua#" 91, 0?90
C) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )C

D E ' $ ' O N


This is an appeal f#o& the Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R.)H.. No. ??;@0 !ate! Ma" ;, 0??+, affi#&in$ %ith
&o!ification the conviction of accuse!)appellant A#nel la#ite " Sala*a# fo# violation of Section 1, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1.

The A&en!e! Info#&ation, !ate! 8ul" 01, 0??0, #ea!sE

That on o# about 99 8ul" 0??0, in the it" of Na$a, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able
ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, %ithout autho#it" of la%, !i! then an! the#e, %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" sell,
!ispense, !elive# an!Jo# !ist#ibute fou# ,/- plastic sachets containin$ %hite c#"stalline substance, teste! an! foun! out to
be Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# QshabuB, a #e$ulate! !#u$ %ei$hin$ /1.+:90 $#a&s to N5I poseu#)bu"e#, fo# an! in
consi!e#ation of P1?,???, a &a#>e! &one" bill, Philippine cu##enc".

The evi!ence of the p#osecution, %hich inclu!e! the testi&onies of National 5u#eau of Investi$ation ,N5I- special investi$ato#s
Alf#e!o Ro&ano, 8#. ,Ro&ano-, 2elipe 8essie 8i&ene* ,8i&ene*- an! Ro&&el Di*on ,Di*on-, as %ell as PJInsp. 8osephine Macu#a le&en
,le&en- an! Ale6an!#o e!e<o ,e!e<o-, ten!e! to establish the follo%in$E

On 8ul" +, 0??0, Ro&ano #eceive! info#&ation f#o& his Rasset,S e!e<o, that a ce#tain A#nel, a supplie# of ille$al !#u$s f#o& avite,
is loo>in$ fo# a bu"e# of shabu.
Ro&ano !i#ecte! e!e<o to ne$otiate the sale.

e!e<o co&&unicate! %ith accuse!)appellant, an! the latte# a$#ee! that he %oul! be a##ivin$ in Na$a it" in the &o#nin$ of 8ul"
99, 0??0. Accuse!)appellant %oul! be ca##"in$ 1? $#a&s of shabu, %hich %ill be sol! to e!e<oBs Rfinancie#S fo# P/1,???.??.
Hith the
autho#it" of Att". 8ose Doloi#as, the i&&e!iate supe#io# of Ro&ano, the N5I special investi$ato#s !evise! a plan to ent#ap sai! A#nel. Ro&ano
an! 8i&ene* p#epa#e! %hat the" calle! Rbu!ol Lboo!leM &one",S counte#feit notes &a!e out of photocopie! P9??? an! P1?? bills. The
counte#feit bills, #ep#esentin$ a total value of P1?,???.??, %e#e !uste! %ith fluo#escent po%!e# at the Philippine National Police ,PNP-
Re$ional #i&e =abo#ato#", a&p Si&eon Ola, =e$aspi it". On 8ul" 9?, 0??0, Ro&ano %as able to confi#& %ith e!e<o that sai! RA#nelS
%as !efinitel" a##ivin$ the follo%in$ !a" at +E?? a.&. at the ent#al 5usiness Dist#ict ,5D- te#&inal, Na$a it".

On 8ul" 99, 0??0, Ro&ano a$ain confi#&e! %ith e!e<o that sai! RA#nelS %oul! be co&in$ at +E?? a.&. At a#oun! .E?? a.&.,
Ro&ano, 8i&ene* an! Di*on %e#e at the N5I Office. It %as at this ti&e that Di*on %as info#&e! of the ope#ation. 5efo#e +E?? a.&., Ro&ano,
8i&ene*, Di*on an! e!e<o p#ocee!e! to the 5D te#&inal %he#e the" poste! the&selves in st#ate$ic locations. Di*on %as poste! at a
pa#>in$ space, %hile Ro&ano an! 8i&ene* %e#e nea# each othe#, close to a Dun>in Donut shop house! insi!e the buil!in$ at the te#&inal.

Hhile Ro&ano an! e!e<o %e#e tal>in$ to each othe# in f#ont of the Dun>in Donut shop, accuse!)appellant a##ive!, ca##"in$ a s&all
The info#&ant int#o!uce! Ro&ano to accuse!)appellant. Ro&ano as>e! fo# the shabu. Hhen sai! shabu %as han!e! to Ro&ano,
accuse!)appellant as>e! fo# the &one". This %as %hen accuse!)appellant notice! that the &one" %as fa>e. Ro&ano then #e&ove! his
sun$lasses to si$nal the co&pletion of the t#ansaction to 8i&ene* an! Di*on.

The N5I investi$ato#s a##este! an! han!cuffe! accuse!)appellant, an! the#eafte# b#ou$ht the latte# to the N5I Office in Na$a
it". The#ein, accuse!)appellant %as boo>e!, fin$e#p#inte! an! photo$#aphe!. Accuse!)appellant %as then b#ou$ht to the PNP Re$ional
#i&e =abo#ato#" at a&p Si&eon Ola, =e$aspi it". PJInsp. le&en eCa&ine! the !o#sal an! pal&a# a#eas of accuse!)appellantBs han!s, as
%ell as the plastic sachets han!e! b" hi& to Ro&ano. 5oth han!s of accuse!)appellant %e#e foun! positive fo# the p#esence of b#i$ht o#an$e
ult#aviolet fluo#escent po%!e#. The plastic sachets, %hich ha! a total %ei$ht of /1.+:90 $#a&s, %e#e positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu.

Onl" accuse!)appellant %as able to testif" fo# the !efense. He na##ate! that on 8ul" 9?, 0??0, at a#oun! .E?? p.&., he %as sent b"
M#s. 2el" 7utie##e*, his e&plo"e#, to $o to Na$a it" to !elive# 9?? $#a&s of shabu to a ce#tain hin$ =o. He %as tol! that hin$ =o live! nea#
the S>" able office an! the Na$a it" ivic ente#. On that !a", he also %ante! to fetch his &othe#)in)la% f#o& Ponon$, Ma$a#ao,
a&a#ines Su# in o#!e# that the latte# &a" help he# %ife in ta>in$ ca#e of he# t%o chil!#en.

Accuse!)appellant testifie! that pe# his e&plo"e#Bs st#ict inst#uction, so&eone %oul! app#oach hi& at the Na$a it" ivic ente#. He
%as suppose! to $ive the shabu to sai! pe#son in eCchan$e fo# P99?,???.??. He st#esse! that he %as then ca##"in$ 9?? $#a&s of shabu, not
/1.+: $#a&s as #epo#te! b" the p#osecution %itnesses.

Accuse!)appellant !enie! that the bu")bust ope#ation too> place. Instea!, he na##ate! that he %as aboa#! a t#ic"cle at .E?? a.&. on
8ul" 99, 0??0, on his %a" to the ivic ente#, %hen Ro&ano an! 8i&ene* app#ehen!e! hi&, fo#ce! hi& into thei# ca# an! blin!fol!e!
hi&. Hhile still blin!fol!e!, Ro&ano an! 8i&ene* b#ou$ht hi& to a hotel. He %as tol! to contact his e&plo"e# th#ou$h a cellula# phone an!
info#& he# of his a##est an! that the a##estin$ office#s nee!e! &one" to pa" fo# thei# hotel bills. The N5I ope#atives %e#e eCto#tin$ &one"
e'uivalent to the value of 1?X of the 9?? $#a&s of shabu. Afte# the accuse!)appellant %as able to spea> b#iefl" %ith his e&plo"e#, the latte#
tu#ne! off he# phone an! cannot be contacte! a$ain. The N5I ope#atives, sho%in$ hi& the &a#>e! &one", th#eatene! that a !#u$ case %oul!
be file! a$ainst hi&. The N5I ope#atives tol! hi& to hol! the &a#>e! &one", but he #efuse! an! %as not able to hol! it. Accuse!)appellant
%as b#ou$ht to the N5I Office in Na$a it", then to a&p Ola in =e$aspi it", %he#e he %as sub6ecte! to a pa#affin test. Accuse!)appellant
%as late# b#ou$ht bac> to the N5I Office %hen so&eone tol! hi& that his e&plo"e# %as sen!in$ &one" to settle his case. Accuse!)appellant
a!&itte! that since Octobe# 0??9, he acco&panie! his e&plo"e# a#oun! five o# siC ti&es to !elive# shabu to the afo#e&entione! hin$ =o.

On Ma#ch 9+, 0??/, the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of Na$a it" #en!e#e! its Decision
fin!in$ accuse!)appellant $uilt". The
!ispositive po#tion of the Decision #ea!sE

HHERE2ORE, in vie% of the fo#e$oin$ !is'uisition, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e! fin!in$ accuse!, ARNE=
=ARITE " Sala*a#, $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of violation of Sec. 1, A#ticle II of RA ;9.1, an! he#eb"
sentences hi& to suffe# the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent.

onsi!e#in$ that the accuse! has been un!e#$oin$ p#eventive !etention !u#in$ the pen!enc" of the t#ial in this
case, let the sa&e be c#e!ite! in the se#vice of his sentence.

On Ma" ;, 0??+, the ou#t of Appeals #en!e#e! its Decision affi#&in$ %ith &o!ification the RT DecisionE

HHERE2ORE, the appeale! !ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Na$a it" ,5#anch 01- is A22IRMED %ith
MODI2IATION in that in a!!ition to the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent i&pose! on accuse!)appellant, he is sentence! to
pa" a fine in the su& of P1??,???.??.

Hence, this appeal, %he#e accuse!)appellant a!opts the sa&e lone assi$n&ent of e##o# it #aise! befo#e the ou#t of AppealsE


Accuse!)appellantBs &ain contention is that he %as a##este! %hile he %as #i!in$ a t#ic"cle an! not %hile he %as suppose!l"
sellin$ shabu. Thus, since he %as not cau$ht in flagrante delicto, he can onl" be a##este! %ith a %a##ant. onse'uentl", acco#!in$ to
accuse!)appellant, the sea#ch con!ucte! upon hi& cannot be !ee&e! to have been inci!ental to a la%ful a##est, thus, &a>in$ the evi!ence
obtaine! the#ef#o& ina!&issible. In &a>in$ such a#$u&ent, accuse!)appellant challen$es the fin!in$s of fact of the t#ial cou#t an! the ou#t of
Appeals %hich both accepte! the ve#sion of the p#osecution.

The p#esent appeal &ust fail.

Anfo#tunatel" fo# accuse!)appellant, fin!in$s of fact of the t#ial cou#t, pa#ticula#l" %hen affi#&e! b" the ou#t of Appeals, a#e bin!in$
upon this ou#t,
save onl" fo# ce#tain co&pellin$ #easons.
He pe#use! the #eco#!s of the case at ba# an! foun! no #eason to !istu#b the
fin!in$s of the cou#ts a 3uo.

In cases involvin$ violations of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act, c#e!ence is $iven to p#osecution %itnesses %ho a#e police office#s on the
$#oun! that the" a#e p#esu&e! to have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# &anne#. The eCception is %hen the#e is evi!ence to the cont#a#"
su$$estin$ ill &otive on the pa#t of the police office#s o# !eviation f#o& the #e$ula# pe#fo#&ance of thei# !uties.
In the case at ba#, accuse!)
appellantBs onl" evi!ence of ill &otive on the pa#t of the N5I ope#atives is his o%n testi&on" of f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion, a ve#" co&&on !efense
in !an$e#ous !#u$s cases. He have hel! that such !efense is vie%e! %ith !isfavo#, fo# it can be easil" concocte!. To substantiate such a
!efense, the#efo#e, the evi!ence &ust be clea# an! convincin$.

The t#ial cou#t, %hich ha! the oppo#tunit" to obse#ve the !e&eano# an! con!uct of Ro&ano, 8i&ene* an! Di*on, on one han!, an!
that of accuse!)appellant, on the othe#, %as tho#ou$hl" convince! of the ve#sion of the p#osecution in this &atte#. 2u#the#&o#e, accuse!)
appellantBs a!&ission in open cou#t of bein$ a !#u$ cou#ie# fo# his e&plo"e#, thou$h not conclusive evi!ence of the specific act of
sellin$ shabu on the !ate an! un!e# the ci#cu&stances specifie! in the co&plaint, neve#theless constitutes ci#cu&stantial evi!ence of the
sa&e. 5" a!&ittin$ the p#evious sales of shabu, accuse!)appellant in effect atteste! to his o%n p#oclivit" to !o such an act, as %ell as the
accessibilit" to hi& of the ob6ect of his alle$e! ille$al t#a!e.

8u#isp#u!ence hol!s that the ele&ents of the c#i&e of ille$al sale of !#u$s a#e the follo%in$E ,9- the i!entit" of the bu"e# an! the
selle#, the ob6ect an! consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! pa"&ent the#efo#.

The testi&onies of Ro&ano, co##obo#ate! b" his fello% N5I investi$ato#s 8i&ene* an! Di*on an! info#&ant e!e<o establishe! the
sale an! !elive#" b" accuse!)appellant la#ite to Ro&ano of %hat %as initiall" believe! to be 1? $#a&s of shabu in fou# plastic sachets, in
eCchan$e fo# %hat la#ite thou$ht %as P1?,???.??. Ro&ano positivel" i!entifie! accuse!)appellant la#ite as the pe#son %ho sol! the plastic
sachets of shabu to hi&. As fo# the sale itself, Ro&anoBs account %as si&ple an! clea#E


G As has been a!&itte! b" the !efense, "ou state! in "ou# affi!avit that "ou %e#e able to successfull" have a
t#ansaction %ith A#nel la#ite at 5D te#&inal on 8ul" 99, 0??0, in the &o#nin$, usin$ boo!le &one" in the
a&ount of P1?,???.??. No%, can "ou tell the ou#t ho% !i! "ou int#o!uce "ou#self to M#. la#ite that &o#nin$I

A I %as int#o!uce! b" &" info#&ant, si#, &" asset.


G Hhe#eI

A In f#ont of the te#&inal. I !onBt >no% eCactl" the place. It %as in f#ont of the te#&inal in Dun>in Donuts.

G So, %hen "ou %e#e int#o!uce! b" "ou# asset, %he#e %as M#. la#ite thenI

A He %as in f#ont of us, si#.

G 5" the %a", if M#. la#ite is in cou#t, can "ou point to hi&I

A 3es, si#, the one %ea#in$ "ello% t)shi#t, si#.


Hill the !efense a!&it that the one %ea#in$ a "ello% shi#t is M#. la#iteI


3es, "ou# hono#.


G No%, %hen "ou %e#e int#o!uce! b" "ou# asset to M#. la#ite, %hat t#anspi#e! neCtI

A Afte# the int#o!uction, %e %ent on L%ithM the t#ansaction. I as>e! fo# the shabu an! he as>e! fo# the &one", si#.

G No%, %hich t#anspi#e! fi#st, %ho $ave fi#stI

A The shabu, si#.

G He $ave fi#st the shabuI

A Then, I $ave the &one". Apon han!in$ hi& the &one", he notice! that it %as boo!le. 5ut, it %as too late, I
al#ea!" $ave the si$nal to &" co&panions %ho %e#e still the#e.

G Ho% can "ou sa" that M#, la#ite %as able to notice that %hat "ou $ave hi& %as boo!le &one"I

A He tol! &e, RHhat is thisIS 5ecause it %as obvious b" &e#el" loo>in$ at the bun!le of &one", "ou can !etect that
it %as boo!le. 5ut, I a!&it that since the $ove#n&ent has no fun!, %e use! in ou# bu")bust ope#ations the sho%
&one" o# the &one" to be use! in the pu#chasin$ of ille$al !#u$s, %e use! ou# initiative to #ep#o!uce o# use
boo!le &one" in eve#" bu")bust ope#ation.

The t#ial cou#t %as ve#" ca#eful in consi!e#in$ the testi&on" of Ro&ano an! even as>e! ve#" in'uisitive 'uestions appa#entl"
!esi$ne! to test his c#e!ibilit". Ro&ano, ho%eve#, #e&aine! stea!fastE

OARTE The ou#t has still fe% 'uestions to as>.

G 5" the %a", "ou testifie! a%hile a$o upon 'uestion b" the ou#t that it %as "ou# tea& %hich a##ive! fi#st at the
&eetin$ place, ho% lon$ !i! "ou# tea& %ait fo# the accuse!I

A Seve#al &inutes, "ou# hono#.

G A#oun!I

A 5efo#e +E?? oBcloc>, si#, a#oun!, letBs sa" 91 &inutes.

G Hhat ti&e !i! the tea& $o to the 5D fo# the pu#pose of %aitin$I

A :E@?, "ou# hono#.

G An! "ou %aite! fo# a#oun! 91 &inutesI

A 3es, si#.

G No%, bein$ a poseu#)bu"e#, %hat !i! "ou an! the accuse! tal> about afte# he %as int#o!uce! to "ou b" the

A I as>e! hi& to sho% &e the sachets of shabu an! he as>e! fo# the &one".

G Di! "ou an! the accuse! a$#ee #e$a#!in$ the 'uantit" of the sachets of shabu "ou %e#e to bu" f#o& the accuse!I

A 5efo#ehan!, "ou# hono#, %e al#ea!" a$#ee! that %e a#e $oin$ to bu" 1? $#a&s of shabu %o#th P1?,???.??.


G No%, !i! "ou as> f#o& the accuse! %hethe# he al#ea!" ha! that 1? $#a&s of shabuI

A 3es, "ou# hono#, I as>e! hi& an! he sho%e! it to &e. He too> it f#o& his s&all ba$.

G An!, !i! the accuse! also as> fo# the &one"I

A 3es, "ou# hono#, I han!e! hi& the boo!le &one".

G 3ou sai! a%hile a$o that it %as %ith accuse! %ho han!e! fi#st to "ou the fou# sachets of shabu an! afte# %hich,
"ou also han!e! to hi& the boo!le &one". No%, !i! the accuse! not asce#tain fi#st fo# hi&self to sho% hi& fi#st
the &one" befo#e pa#tin$ a%a" the fou# sachetsI

A 3es, "ou# hono#, afte# I sho%e! it to hi&, I >ne% that he %oul! notice that it %as boo!le, I al#ea!" han!e! it to hi&.

G 5ut that %as not the point %hich this ou#t %oul! %ant to $et f#o& "ou, %hat this ou#t %ants to >no% f#o& "ou is
%hethe# the accuse! $ave to "ou the shabu %hethe# he fi#st asce#taine! f#o& "ou %hethe# "ou have al#ea!" the
&one" %ith "ouI

A He !i! not, "ou# hono#.

G Meanin$, the accuse! !i! not as> f#o& "ou, Rsho% to &e fi#st the &one" befo#e I $ive "ou the shabuIS

A He !i! not, "ou# hono#, I as>e! hi& to sho% &e the shabu because I %as int#o!uce! b" &" info#&ant as a $oo!
bu"e#. That is %h" he $ave &e fi#st the shabu.

It %as li>e%ise clea# f#o& the evi!ence on #eco#! that PJInsp. le&en eCa&ine! the contents of the plastic sachets sol! to Ro&ano,
an! confi#&e! that the" containe! &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,shabu-, even thou$h the total %ei$ht %as onl" /1.+:90 $#a&s. PJInsp.
le&en %as also able to ve#if" that both han!s of accuse!)appellant %e#e positive fo# the p#esence of b#i$ht o#an$e ult#aviolet fluo#escent
po%!e#, thus, co##obo#atin$ the testi&onies of the N5I investi$ato#s that he #eceive! the counte#feit &one" %hich %e#e !uste! %ith such
po%!e#. This also belies the testi&on" of accuse!)appellant that he neve# hel! the &a#>e! &one".

As fo# accuse!)appellantBs a#$u&ent that he %oul! not have sol! shabu in a c#o%!e! place, %e fin! the sa&e unconvincin$. He
have al#ea!" hel! in -hing v. People

This ou#t obse#ve! in &an" cases that !#u$ pushe#s sell thei# p#ohibite! a#ticles to an" p#ospective custo&e#,
be he a st#an$e# o# not, in p#ivate as %ell as in public places, even in the !a"ti&e. In!ee!, !#u$ pushe#s have beco&e
inc#easin$l" !a#in$, !an$e#ous an!, %o#se, openl" !efiant of the la%. Hence, %hat &atte#s is not the ti&e an! venue of
the sale, but the fact of a$#ee&ent an! the acts constitutin$ sale an! !elive#" of the p#ohibite! !#u$s.

Accuse!)appellant also clai&s that the alle$e! bu")bust ope#ation %as con!ucte! %ithout the autho#i*ation of o# coo#!ination %ith
the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc" ,PDEA-, in violation of Section +. of Republic Act No. ;9.1, %hich p#ovi!esE

Section +.. )ransfer, *bsorption, and 4ntegration of *ll $perating 1nits on 4llegal +rugs into the P+.* and
)ransitory Provisions. Y The Na#cotics 7#oup of the PNP, the Na#cotics Division of the N5I an! the usto&s Na#cotics
Inte#!iction Anit a#e he#eb" abolishe!F ho%eve# the" shall continue %ith the pe#fo#&ance of thei# tas> as !etail se#vice
%ith the PDEA, sub6ect to sc#eenin$, until such ti&e that the o#$ani*ational st#uctu#e of the A$enc" is full" ope#ational an!
the nu&be# of $#a!uates of the PDEA Aca!e&" is sufficient to !o the tas> the&selvesE Provided, That such pe#sonnel
%ho a#e affecte! shall have the option of eithe# bein$ inte$#ate! into the PDEA o# #e&ain %ith thei# o#i$inal &othe#
a$encies an! shall, the#eafte#, be i&&e!iatel" #eassi$ne! to othe# units the#ein b" the hea! of such a$encies. Such
pe#sonnel %ho a#e t#ansfe##e!, abso#be! an! inte$#ate! in the PDEA shall be eCten!e! appoint&ents to positions si&ila#
in #an>, sala#", an! othe# e&olu&ents an! p#ivile$es $#ante! to thei# #espective positions in thei# o#i$inal &othe#

The t#ansfe#, abso#ption an! inte$#ation of the !iffe#ent offices an! units p#ovi!e! fo# in this Section shall ta>e
effect %ithin ei$hteen ,9+- &onths f#o& the effectivit" of this ActE Provided, That pe#sonnel abso#be! an! on !etail se#vice
shall be $iven until five ,1- "ea#s to finall" !eci!e to 6oin the PDEA.

Nothin$ in this Act shall &ean a !i&inution of the investi$ative po%e#s of the N5I an! the PNP on all othe#
c#i&es as p#ovi!e! fo# in thei# #espective o#$anic la%sE Provided, however, That %hen the investi$ation bein$ con!ucte!
b" the N5I, PNP o# an" ad hoc anti)!#u$ tas> fo#ce is foun! to be a violation of an" of the p#ovisions of this Act, the PDEA
shall be the lea! a$enc". The N5I, PNP o# an" of the tas> fo#ce shall i&&e!iatel" t#ansfe# the sa&e to the
PDEAE Provided, further, T5a4 452 N$, PNP an" 452 $ur2au o8 Cu64o96 65a,, 9a+n4a+n 3,o62 3oor"+na4+on C+45 452
P%E# on a,, "ru7 r2,a42" 9a442r6. ,E&phasis supplie!.-

Accuse!)appellantBs asse#tion has no &e#it. This ou#t has al#ea!" hel! that the silence of the fo#e$oin$ p#ovision as to the
conse'uences of the failu#e on the pa#t of the la% enfo#ce#s to see> the p#io# autho#it" of the PDEA cannot be inte#p#ete! as a le$islative
intent to &a>e an a##est %ithout such PDEA pa#ticipation ille$al o# evi!ence obtaine! pu#suant to such an a##est ina!&issible.

The t#ial cou#t i&pose! the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent upon accuse!)appellant. Hhile this penalt" is %ithin the pe#io! p#ovi!e!
fo# in Section 1 of Republic Act No. ;9.1, the sa&e o&itte! the fine that shoul! li>e%ise be i&pose!E

S234+on (. ale, )rading, *dministration, +ispensation, +elivery, +istribution and )ransportation of +angerous
+rugs and,or -ontrolled Precursors and .ssential -hemicals. ) The penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an" a fine
#an$in$ f#o& 2ive hun!#e! thousan! pesos ,P1??,???.??- to Ten &illion pesos ,P9?,???,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon
an" pe#son, %ho, unless autho#i*e! b" la%, shall sell, t#a!e, a!&iniste#, !ispense, !elive#, $ive a%a" to anothe#, !ist#ibute,
!ispatch in t#ansit o# t#anspo#t an" !an$e#ous !#u$, inclu!in$ an" an! all species of opiu& popp" #e$a#!less of the
'uantit" an! pu#it" involve!, o# shall act as a b#o>e# in an" of such t#ansactions. ,E&phasis a!!e!.-

Thus, the ou#t of Appeals co##ectl" &o!ifie! the penalt" b" inclu!in$ the#ein a fine in the su& of P1??,???.??.

/HEREFORE, the Petition is %ENE%. The Decision of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R.)H.. No. ??;@0 !ate! Ma" ;, 0??+ is
he#eb" #FFRME%.


Associate 8ustice


hief 8ustice

Associate 8ustice Associate 8ustice

M#RTN S. &LL#R#M#, JR.
Associate 8ustice


Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation
befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.

hief 8ustice
G.R. No. 180919 1 January 9, 2013
a.D.a. E#+,22n,E *ccused.
SMPRESUET# M. SER#SPE, a.D.a. E#+,22n,E *ccused-*ppellant.
% E C S O N
Appellant Si&p#esueta M. Se#aspe ,appellant- assails the 8ul" 01, 0??: Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals ,A- in A)7.R. R)H.. No.
?0?/1 %hich affi#&e! he# conviction fo# ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s b" the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of =as Pi<as it", 5#anch 0:1 in
#i&inal ase No. ;;)990:.
2actual Antece!ents
Appellant, to$ethe# %ith he# &othe#, P#i&itiva M. Se#aspe ,Se#aspe-, an! Melba =. Espi#itu ,Espi#itu- %e#e cha#$e! %ith violation of Section 91,
A#ticle II of Republic Act ,R.A.- No. ./01 ,The Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0-, as a&en!e!, in an A&en!e! Info#&ation,
the accusato#"
po#tion of %hich #ea!s as follo%sEc#ala%lib#a#"
That on o# about 8une 9, 9;;; in =as Pi<as it" an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$,
connivin$, confe!e#atin$, an! helpin$ one anothe#, !i!, then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full", feloniousl" an! >no%in$l" sell, !ispense, t#anspo#t,
!eal in, a!&iniste#, !elive#, ne$otiate an! !ist#ibute ;+@.1 $#a&s of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e ,shabu-, a #e$ulate! !#u$, to Ms.
#isel!a Manila, %ho acte! as poseu# bu"e#, sai! accuse!, sellin$, !ispensin$, t#anspo#tin$, a!&iniste#in$ an! !ist#ibutin$ the afo#e&entione!
#e$ulate! !#u$ %ithout an" license, pe#&it o# autho#it" f#o& the $ove#n&ent to !o so, in consi!e#ation of an a&ount of &one" %hich accuse!
!e&an!e! an! #eceive! f#o& the poseu# bu"e#.
The th#ee ente#e! sepa#ate pleas of (not $uilt"( to the c#i&e cha#$e! !u#in$ thei# a##ai$n&ent on Dece&be# 9, 9;;;.
The#eafte#, t#ial ensue!.
Ve#sion of the P#osecution
The >e" %itnesses p#esente! b" the p#osecution %e#e Police hief Inspecto# Rica#!o Dan!an ,PJhief Insp. Dan!an-, a &e&be# of the no%
!efunct P#esi!ential Anti)O#$ani*e! #i&e Tas> 2o#ce ,PAOT2-, an! #isel!a Manila, a.>.a., a#la ,a#la-, liaison office# of PAOT2. 2#o&
thei# testi&onies,
the follo%in$ facts e&e#$eEc#ala%lib#a#"
On Ma" 91, 9;;;, PJhief Insp. Dan!an #eceive! a telephone call f#o& a confi!ential info#&ant %ho tol! hi& about the !#u$ t#affic>in$
activities of Espi#itu in ainta an! in the ities of =as Pi<as, Muntinlupa, Ta$ui$ an! Pa#a<a'ue. He i&&e!iatel" #epo#te! this info#&ation to
Senio# Police Supe#inten!ent esa# Mancao, %ho, in tu#n, inst#ucte! hi& to c#eate a police tea& to con!uct an ope#ation #elative the#eto.
PJhief Insp. Dan!an thus fo#&e! Tea& 7olf co&pose! of SPO/ 5aha!i ,also #efe##e! to as SPO/ 5a6a!e-, SPO/ Tuan$$an$, SPO0
Robe#to O. A$balo$, PO@ Os&un!o 5. a#i<o ,PO@ a#i<o-, SPO9 =eopol!o Platilla, SPO0 =a#o$a ,also #efe##e! to as SPO0 =a#u$a-, PO@
Ola"a an! a#la. a#la %as to act as the poseu#)bu"e# an! PO@ a#i<o as he# husban!.
On the sa&e !a", Tea& 7olf p#ocee!e! to SM South&all in =as Pi<as it" an! &et the confi!ential info#&ant. The#eafte# a#la, PO@ a#i<o
an! the civilian info#&ant hea!e! to Espi#itus house an! p#esente! the&selves to Espi#itu. Afte# the int#o!uctions, ne$otiation fo# the sale of
shabu follo%e!. a#la o#!e#e! t%o >ilos of shabu fo# a !iscounte! p#ice of P:1?,???.??. Espi#itu, in tu#n, too> a#las cellphone nu&be# an!
p#o&ise! to call once the shabu beco&es available.
On Ma" 0:, 9;;;, Espi#itu calle! a#la an! as>e! the latte# to %ait. She a$ain calle! t%o !a"s late# an! a##an$e! fo# a &eetin$ at noon of the
neCt !a" in SM 5acoo#. Hence, on Ma" @?, 9;;;, a#la p#ocee!e! to the a$#ee! place %hile Espi#itu a##ive! the#eat to$ethe# %ith appellant.
Espi#itu !i#ecte! appellant to $ive a sa&ple of the shabu to a#la insi!e the #est #oo& so the latte# coul! eCa&ine it. Appellant obli$e!. Afte#
the" pa#te! %a"s, a#la $ave the sa&ple to PJhief Insp. Dan!an, %ho #ea!il" >ne% that the sa&e %as shabu because of his fa&ilia#it" %ith
the !#u$.
At a#oun! :E?? p.&. of the sa&e !a", Espi#itu a$ain calle! a#la an! tol! he# that she al#ea!" has t%o >ilos of shabu but %oul! !elive# onl"
one >ilo. She %oul! !elive# the #est afte# #eceipt of the pa"&ent fo# the fi#st. The t%o then a$#ee! to &eet in the foo! cou#t of R2 Manuela
,R2 2oo! ou#t-, =as Pi<as it" fo# the !elive#" of the !#u$s.
Apon lea#nin$ this, PJhief Insp. Dan!an i&&e!iatel" $athe#e! the bu")bust tea&, $ave the& inst#uctions an! p#epa#e! fou# &a#>e! 1??
peso bills an! boo!le &one". The tea& then #epai#e! to the &eetin$ place on 8une 9, 9;;;. At about @E?? p.&., a#la an! PO@ a#i<o
occupie! one of the tables in the R2 2oo! ou#t %hile the #est of the tea& positione! the&selves nea#b". Espi#itu an! appellant a##ive! at
a#oun! 1E?? p.&. Afte# asce#tainin$ f#o& a#la if she b#ou$ht the &one", Espi#itu o#!e#e! appellant to $et the shabu. Appellant left an!
#etu#ne! @? &inutes late# %ith he# &othe#, Se#aspe, %ho %as then ca##"in$ a ba$. Appellant too> the sai! ba$ an! han!e! it to Espi#itu, %ho,
to$ethe# %ith a#la, p#ocee!e! to the #est#oo& to eCa&ine the contents the#eof. Hhen a#la e&e#$e! f#o& the #est#oo&, she &a!e the p#e)
a##an$e! si$nal b" sc#atchin$ he# hea!. Hhe#eupon, the bu")bust tea& a##este! Espi#itu, Se#aspe an! appellant. The &a#>e! &one" %as
#ecove#e! f#o& Espi#itu %hile the plastic ba$ containin$ the substance sub6ect of the bu")bust ope#ation %as &a#>e! b" PO@ a#i<o %ith the
Visa"an %o#! (ti$ulan$.( Apon labo#ato#" eCa&ination, the sei*e! speci&en %ei$hin$ ;+@.1 $#a&s %as foun! positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu.
Ve#sion of the Defense
Espi#itu, Se#aspe an! appellant clai&e! that the" %e#e &e#el" in!uce! b" the PAOT2 ope#atives to sell the !an$e#ous !#u$. Thei#
#eveale! the follo%in$ ci#cu&stancesEc#ala%lib#a#"
Espi#itu fi#st &et a#la %hen the latte# %ent to he# house to$ethe# %ith the civilian info#&ant in the secon! %ee> of Ap#il 9;;;. a#la %ante! to
tal> to Espi#itus husban!, %ho is a la%"e# an! a casino financie#, in the hope of $ettin$ his help in pu#chasin$ shabu f#o& his hinese clients.
Hhen Espi#itu tol! a#la that he# husban! !oes not %ant to $et involve! in that >in! of business, a#la instea! sou$ht he# help. a#la
p#o&ise! to pa" P:1?,??.?? fo# a >ilo of shabu. 2ea#in$ that he# husban! %oul! $et &a! about it, Espi#itu !ecline! the offe#.
Afte# a couple of !a"s, a#la #etu#ne! to Espi#itus house, this ti&e %ith PO@ a#i<o %ho& she int#o!uce! as he# husban!. A$ain, the" sou$ht
he# assistance in pu#chasin$ shabu an! sho%e! he# an attachZ case containin$ P9.1 &illion. Espi#itu a$ain !ecline!. 5ut as a#la an! PO@
a#i<o #etu#ne! fou# &o#e ti&es %ith the sa&e #e'uest an! sho%in$ he# the &one" each ti&e, Espi#itu finall" tol! the& that she %oul! see
%hat she can !o. At that ti&e, she %as in nee! of &one" fo# the tuition fees of he# $#an!chil!#en an! the &e!icines of he# son. Espi#itu thus
int#o!uce! a#la an! PO@ a#i<o to appellant, an e&plo"ee of he# husban! in the casino.
Appellant clai&e! that !u#in$ he# fi#st &eetin$ %ith a#la an! PO@ a#i<o, the t%o as>e! he# to help the& loo> fo# shabu an! sho%e! he#
&one" in an attachZ case. She initiall" #efuse! but chan$e! he# &in! %hen the couple >ept on #etu#nin$ to he# place to convince he#. Thin>in$
that she %oul! be able to pa" he# !ebts an! p#ovi!e fo# the nee!s of he# chil!#en %ith the &one" bein$ offe#e! b" a#la an! PO@ a#i<o, she
acce!e! an! tol! the& that she %oul! t#" to loo> fo# shabu.
On Ma" @?, 9;;;, appellant an! Espi#itu %ent to the house of a ce#tain Ai!a 7o ,Ai!a- to $et the shabu. Appellant then >ept the shabu in he#
house as inst#ucte! b" Espi#itu. On 8une 9, 9;;;, she an! Espi#itu %ent to R2 2oo! ou#t to &eet %ith a#la an! PO@ a#i<o. Appellant
han!e! the shabu to Espi#itu, %ho ente#e! the #est#oo& %ith a#la. Ho%eve#, %hen the" ca&e out, the" %e#e al#ea!" su##oun!e! b"
police&en an! %e#e a##este!.
Se#aspe, fo# he# pa#t, clai&e! that she ha! no >no%le!$e of the t#ansaction as she 6ust acco&panie! he# !au$hte#, appellant, to the R2
2oo! ou#t.
Rulin$ of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t
In its Decision
of 8ul" 0;, 0??0, the t#ial cou#t foun! that all the accuse! conspi#e! to !elive# an! sell shabu
An! cont#a#" to accuse!s clai&
that the" %e#e &e#el" insti$ate! b" the autho#ities to co&&it the c#i&e cha#$e!, it foun! that thei# a##est %as the #esult of a vali! ent#ap&ent
It thus !ispose!Ec#ala%lib#a#"
HHERE2ORE, 6u!$&ent is he#eb" #en!e#e! fin!in$ accuse! ME=5A =. ESPIRITA, PRIMITIVA M. SERASPE an! SIMPRESAETA M.
SERASPE $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt an! sentence! to suffe# each the penalt" of Reclusion Pe#petua an! pa" a fine of P1??,???.?? an!
Espi#itu, Se#aspe an! appellant file! a Notice of Appeal,
%hich %as $iven !ue cou#se b" the t#ial cou#t in an O#!e# !ate! Au$ust 1,
Pu#suant the#eto, the #eco#!s of the case %e#e elevate! to this ou#t.
Ho%eve#, on Octobe# 91, 0??/, Espi#itu file! a Manifestation %ith Motion to Hith!#a% Appeal
because she inten!s to appl" fo# eCecutive
cle&enc" in vie% of he# ol! a$e an! illness. The ou#t $#ante! the &otion in a Resolution
!ate! Dece&be# 9, 0??/ an! the case %as
!ecla#e! close! an! te#&inate! %ith #espect to he#. An Ent#" of 8u!$&ent
#elative the#eto %as acco#!in$l" issue! an! ente#e! in the 5oo> of
Ent#ies of 8u!$&ent.
In the ou#ts Resolution
!ate! Nove&be# ;, 0??1, the case %as t#ansfe##e! to the A fo# app#op#iate action an! !isposition in vie% of the
#ulin$ in People v. Mateo
allo%in$ an inte#&e!iate #evie% b" the sai! cou#t of cases %he#e the penalt" i&pose! is !eath, life i&p#ison&ent o#
#eclusion pe#petua, as in this case.
Subse'uentl", Se#aspe li>e%ise file! a Manifestation %ith Motion to Hith!#a% Appeal
since she also inten!s to appl" fo# eCecutive cle&enc"
in vie% of he# ol! a$e. The A $#ante! the sa&e in a Resolution
!ate! Au$ust :, 0??. an! the case %as li>e%ise !ecla#e! close! an!
te#&inate! insofa# as she %as conce#ne!. A Pa#tial Ent#" of 8u!$&ent
%as li>e%ise issue! an! ente#e! in the 5oo> of Ent#ies of 8u!$&ent
on even !ate.
Thus, appellant %as the onl" one left pu#suin$ the appeal.
Rulin$ of the ou#t of Appeals
In a Decision
!ate! 8ul" 01, 0??:, the A uphel! the RTs fin!in$ of a vali! ent#ap&ent
an! acco#!e! #espect an! finalit" upon the t#ial
cou#ts assess&ent of the c#e!ibilit" of %itnesses.
The !ispositive po#tion of its Decision #ea!sEc#ala%lib#a#"
HHERE2ORE, the Decision appeale! f#o& is A22IRMED.
Hence, this appeal.
Assi$n&ent of E##o#s
The e##o#s #aise! in the Accuse!)Appellants 5#ief
an! Supple&ental 5#ief
a#e as follo%sEc#ala%lib#a#"
I#Il9 III<#IblI[ II#\IIl lII lIb#I#]
Ou# Rulin$
The petition has no &e#it.
The t%o essential ele&ents of the c#i&e
of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s %e#e
!ul" establishe! b" the p#osecutionF
appellant conspi#e! %ith he# co)accuse!
in the co&&ission of the c#i&e cha#$e!.
Appellant faults the t#ial cou#t in convictin$ he# of the c#i&e of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s.
In the p#osecution of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, the t%o essential ele&ents a#eE (,9- the i!entit" of the bu"e# an! the selle#, the ob6ect,
an! the consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent the#efo#.(
Hence, evi!ence that establishes both ele&ents b"
the #e'ui#e! 'uantu& of p#oof, i.e., $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt,
&ust be p#esente!. He#e, the sai! ele&ents %e#e !ul" p#ove! b" the
p#osecution. a#la an! PJhief Insp. Dan!an positivel" i!entifie! appellant an! he# co)accuse! as the selle#s of the cont#aban! %ho sol! the
sa&e in eCchan$e fo# the &a#>e! &one". The ite& %as sei*e!, &a#>e! an! upon eCa&ination %as i!entifie! as shabu, a !an$e#ous !#u$.
The sa&e %as subse'uentl" p#esente! in evi!ence. Mo#eove#, a#la p#ovi!e! a !etaile! testi&on" as to the !elive#" an! sale of shabu,
G Hhat ti&e !i! "ou #each the a#eaI
A About @E?? in the afte#noon.
G Afte# #eachin$ the a#ea at Manuela 2oo! ou#t, %hat happene! neCtI
A An! then the $#oup positione! the&selves insi!e the 2oo! ou#t.
G Ho% about C C C "ou an! a#i<oI
A An! %e positione! ou#selves at the neCt table.
G Hhat happene! afte# "ou positione! "ou#selves at the tableI
A An! then Melba Espi#itu an! Aileen Se#aspe a##ive! at a#oun! 1E?? in the afte#noon.
G An! %hat happene! afte# Melba Espi#itu an! Aileen Se#aspe a##ive!I
A She as>e! &e if I have al#ea!" the &one".
G Hhat %as "ou# ans%e# if an"I
A I ans%e#e! "es.
G Hhat happene! neCt afte# "ou ans%e#e! "es that "ou have &one"I
A An! she as>e! Aileen Se#aspe to $o out.
G 2o# %hat #easonI
A To $et the shabu.
G So %hat happene! afte# Melba Espi#itu !i#ecte! Aileen to $o out an! $et the shabuI
A Hhen Aileen #etu#ne! she %as %ith he# &othe# P#i&itiva Se#aspe.
G An! %hat happene! afte# Aileen ca&e bac> to$ethe# %ith he# &othe# P#i&itiva Se#aspeI
A An! P#i&itiva Se#aspe is ca##"in$ a $#a" envelope clutch ba$ %hich loo>s li>e an envelope.
G An! %hat happene! afte# Aileen ca&e bac> to$ethe# %ith P#i&itiva Se#aspe %ho %as then ca##"in$ a $#a" clutch t"pe ba$I
A An! then she left he# &othe# in one of the tables an! she too> a $#a" ba$ an! opene! it an! too> anothe# plastic pin> ba$ containin$ shabu
an! $ave it to Melba.
G So %hat happene! afte# Aileen Se#aspe too> off the pin> ba$ insi!e the $#a" ba$ an! han!Le!M it ove# to Melba Espi#ituI
A An! then I %as invite! b" Melba Espi#itu to the co&fo#t #oo&.
G Hhat happene! afte# she L%ent %ith "ou insi!eM the co&fo#t #oo&I
A She sho%e! &e that si# an! as>e! &e to loo> at it.
G She sho%e! "ou %hatI
A Shabu si#.
G Hhat happene! neCtI
A Afte# loo>in$ insi!e the plastic ba$ containin$ shabu, I $ave he# the &one".
G An! ho% !i! "ou L$iveM he# the &one"I
A Afte# I $ave he# the &one", I %ent out of the .R.
G Hhat happene! to the shabuI
A It is still in &" possession si#.
G An! %hat happene! afte# "ou %ent out of the R ca##"in$ the shabuI
A Afte# $ettin$ out of the R I &a!e a si$nal.
G An! %hat %as the si$nalI
A I sc#atche! &" hai# usin$ &" #i$ht han!.
G At this 6unctu#e 3ou# Hono# %itness is !e&onst#atin$ b" sc#atchin$ he# hai#. Hhat happene! neCt afte# "ou sc#atche! "ou# hai#I
A An! the" a##este! Melba ca##"in$ the &one".
The ou#t has no #eason to !oubt the above testi&on" of a#la. Asi!e f#o& the fun!a&ental #ule that fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t #e$a#!in$ the
c#e!ibilit" of p#osecution %itnesses a#e acco#!e! #espect consi!e#in$ that it is the t#ial cou#t that ha! the oppo#tunit" to obse#ve thei# con!uct
an! !e&eano#,
the ou#t notes that appellant he#self co##obo#ate! the p#osecutions account of the c#i&e, vi*.Ec#ala%lib#a#"
G Ho% &an" >ilos !i! "ou sell to the bu"e#, if "ou sol! an"thin$I
A He fi#st b#ou$ht one ,9- >ilo.
G Hhen "ou sa" (%e(, "ou a#e #efe##in$ to "ou an! to Melba Espi#itu, is that co##ectI
A 3es, Si#.
G An! %hat happene! %hile at R2I
A Hhile %e %e#e in R2, I han!e! the shabu to Melba Espi#itu an! then the" ente#e! the R an! %hen the" %ent out of the R the#e %e#e
al#ea!" &an" police&en.
Mo#eove#, appellant 'uestions the lo%e# cou#ts fin!in$ of conspi#ac" bet%een he# an! he# co)accuse!. She clai&s that she &e#el"
acco&panie! Espi#itu in $oin$ to the R2 2oo! ou#t an! ha! nothin$ to !o %ith the t#ansaction. As a &atte# of fact, the shabu %as not even
foun! in o# #ecove#e! f#o& he# possession. It 6ust so happene! that she %as in the a#ea !u#in$ the !elive#" of the !#u$s.
The ou#t is not pe#sua!e!.
The#e is conspi#ac" if t%o o# &o#e pe#sons a$#ee to co&&it a felon" an! !eci!e to co&&it it.
(onspi#ac" &ust be p#oven on the sa&e
'uantu& of evi!ence as the felon" sub6ect of the a$#ee&ent of the pa#ties. onspi#ac" &a" be p#ove! b" !i#ect o# ci#cu&stantial evi!ence
consistin$ of acts, %o#!s, o# con!uct of the alle$e! conspi#ato#s befo#e, !u#in$ an! afte# the co&&ission of the felon" to achieve a co&&on
!esi$n o# pu#pose.(
The eCistence of conspi#ac" in this case %as clea#l" establishe! not onl" b" the p#osecutions evi!ence but also b" appellants ve#" o%n
testi&on", vi*Ec#ala%lib#a#"
G So, it %as "ou# o%n !ecision to $o %ith Melba Espi#itu to $et that shabu f#o& Ai!a 7oI
A 3es, si#.
G An! in $oin$ the#e, "ou# intention %as to ea#n &one"I
A 3es, si#.
G An! %ho ente#e! into this t#ansaction of $ettin$ shabu f#o& Ai!a 7o, %as it "ou o# Melba Espi#ituI
A The t%o ,0- of the&. The" %e#e the ones %ho &a!e the !eal.
G An! %hat %as "ou# pa#ticipation %hile Melba Espi#itu an! Ai!a 7o %e#e t#ansactin$ about that shabuI
A M" onl" pa#ticipation %oul! onl" be to ca##" that shabu f#o& %he#e %e %ill $et it up to the bu"e#.
G An! !i! "ou pa" an" a&ount of &one" to Ai!a 7o in o#!e# to $et that t%o ,0- >ilos of shabuI
A No, si#. It %as $iven to us on a consi$n&ent basis.
G An! !o "ou >no% the &eanin$ of (consi$n&ent basis(I
A It %ill be pai! afte# the !eal.
G An! "ou &entione! that "ou# pa#ticipation %oul! be to b#in$ that shabu f#o& %he#eI
A 7et it f#o& 5acla#an then $o to R2.
2ISA= VI==ANAEVAEc#ala%lib#a#"
G Hhe#e in 5acla#anI
A I !ont >no% the eCact a!!#ess but I can $o the#e. I &ean, I %ill be able to $o the#e. It is nea# :)Eleven.
G Alon$ RoCas 5ouleva#! o# Gui#ino AvenueI
A 3ou can pass th#ou$h Gui#ino Avenue an! 5acla#an.
G An! %hen !i! "ou $et that shabu in 5acla#anI
A I thin> it %as at the en! of Ma". En! of Ma".
G An! f#o& %ho& !i! "ou $et the shabu in 5acla#anI
A 2#o& the house of Ai!a 7o.
G An! %ho han!e! the shabu to "ouI
A It %as not han!e! to &e onl". The" onl" inst#ucte! &e to ca##" it. It %as place! in a ba$.
G So, ho% %e#e "ou able to >no% that that boC contains that shabu if nobo!" han!e! it to "ouI
A 5ecause I >no% that %e %ill be $ettin$ shabu. So, %hen Melba Espi#itu tol! &e to ca##" it, that boC, I %as thin>in$ that it %as al#ea!" the
G So, Melba Espi#itu %as %ith "ou %hen "ou %ent to 5acla#an %hen "ou pic>e! up that shabuI
A 3es, si#.
G So, the t%o of "ou %e#e to$ethe# in pic>in$ LupM that shabuI
A 3es, si#.
G Hhen %as thatI
A Ma" @?.
G An! %hat happene! afte# "ou Lpic>e! upM that shabu in 5acla#an to$ethe# %ith Melba Espi#ituI
A She inst#ucte! &e to >eep fi#st the shabu in &" house.
G So, it %as Melba Espi#itu %ho %as !ealin$ %ho %as tellin$ "ou %hat to !oI
A 3es, si#.
G So, %hat happene! afte# "ou >ept that shabu in "ou# houseI
A I !ont >no% %hat happene! because it %as Melba an! the PAOT2%ho %e#e the ones !ealin$.
G So, "ou volunta#il" an! >no%in$l" ca##ie! that shabu fo# Melba Espi#ituI
A 3es. si#.
(An accepte! ba!$e of conspi#ac" is %hen the accuse! b" thei# acts ai&e! at the sa&e ob6ect, one pe#fo#&in$ one pa#t an! anothe#
pe#fo#&in$ anothe# so as to co&plete it %ith a vie% to the attain&ent of the sa&e ob6ect, an! thei# acts thou$h appa#entl" in!epen!ent %e#e in
fact conce#te! an! coope#ative, in!icatin$ closeness of pe#sonal association, conce#te! action an! concu##ence of senti&ents.(
As can be
$leane! f#o& appellants above)'uote! testi&on" as %ell as f#o& the testi&on" of a#la as to %hat t#anspi#e! !u#in$ the actual bu")bust
ope#ation,appellant acte! in co&&on conce#t %ith he# co)accuse! in the ille$al sale of shabu. She cannot the#efo#e isolate he# act of &e#el"
acco&pan"in$ Espi#itu to the R2 2oo! ou#t o# ca##"in$ the shabu since in conspi#ac" the act of one is the act of all.
(To be a conspi#ato#,
one nee! not pa#ticipate in eve#" !etail of the eCecutionF he nee! not even ta>e pa#t in eve#" act o# nee! not even >no% the eCact pa#t to be
pe#fo#&e! b" the othe#s in the eCecution of the conspi#ac".(
Appellants !efense of insti$ation is un%o#th" of belief.
Appellant #aises the !efense of insti$ation to $ain he# ac'uittal. She a#$ues that the $ove#n&ent, th#ou$h the PAOT2 ope#atives, in!uce! he#
to co&&it the offense %hen the" #epeate!l" app#oache! an! as>e! he# to sell the& shabu.
The ou#t is uns%a"e!.
(Insti$ation &eans lu#in$ the accuse! into a c#i&e that he, othe#%ise, ha! no intention to co&&it, in o#!e# to p#osecute hi&.(
It !iffe#s f#o&
ent#ap&ent %hich is the e&plo"&ent of %a"s an! &eans in o#!e# to t#ap o# captu#e a c#i&inal.
In insti$ation, the c#i&inal intent to co&&it an
offense o#i$inates f#o& the in!uce# an! not f#o& the accuse! %ho ha! no intention to co&&it an! %oul! not have co&&itte! it %e#e it not fo#
the p#o!!in$ of the in!uce#.
In ent#ap&ent, the c#i&inal intent o# !esi$n o#i$inates f#o& the accuse! an! the la% enfo#ce#s &e#el" facilitate
the app#ehension of the c#i&inal b" usin$ #uses an! sche&es.
Insti$ation #esults in the ac'uittal of the accuse!, %hile ent#ap&ent &a" lea!
to p#osecution an! conviction.
He#e, the evi!ence clea#l" establishe! that the police ope#atives e&plo"e! ent#ap&ent, not insti$ation, to captu#e appellant an! he# coho#ts in
the act of sellin$ shabu. It &ust be #ecalle! that it %as onl" upon #eceipt of a #epo#t of the !#u$ t#affic>in$ activities of Espi#itu f#o& the
confi!ential info#&ant that a bu")bust tea& %as fo#&e! an! ne$otiations fo# the sale of shabu %e#e &a!e. Also, appellant testifie! that she
a$#ee! to the t#ansaction of he# o%n f#ee %ill %hen she sa% the sa&e as an oppo#tunit" to ea#n &one". Notabl" too, appellant %as able to
'uic>l" p#o!uce a sa&ple. This confi#&s that she ha! a #ea!" suppl" of the ille$al !#u$s. lea#l", she %as neve# fo#ce!, coe#ce! o# in!uce!
th#ou$h incessant ent#eaties to sou#ce the p#ohibite! !#u$ fo# a#la an! PO@ a#i<o an! this she even cate$o#icall" a!&itte! !u#in$ he#
Mo#eove#, a police office#s act of solicitin$ !#u$s f#o& appellant !u#in$ the bu")bust ope#ation, o# %hat is >no%n as the (!eco" solicitation,( is
not p#ohibite! b" la% an! !oes not invali!ate the bu")bust ope#ation.
In People v. =e$aspi,
this ou#t p#onounce! that in a p#osecution fo#
sale of illicit !#u$s, an" of the follo%in$ %ill not eCculpate the accuse!E (,9- that facilities fo# the co&&ission of the c#i&e %e#e intentionall"
place! in his %a"F o# ,0- that the c#i&inal act %as !one at the solicitation of the !eco" o# poseu#)bu"e# see>in$ to eCpose his c#i&inal actF o#
,@- that the police autho#ities fei$nin$ co&plicit" in the act %e#e p#esent an! appa#entl" assiste! in its co&&ission.(
Hence, even assu&in$
that the PAOT2 ope#atives #epeate!l" as>e! he# to sell the& shabu, appellants !efense of insti$ation %ill not p#ospe#. This is (especiall" t#ue
in that class of cases %he#e the offense is the >in! that is habituall" co&&itte!, an! the solicitation &e#el" fu#nishe! evi!ence of a cou#se of
con!uct. Me#e !eception b" the police office# %ill not shiel! the pe#pet#ato#, if the offense %as co&&itte! b" hi& f#ee f#o& the influence o#
insti$ation of the police office#.(
All tol!, %e fin! no #eason to !istu#b the fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t as affi#&e! b" the appellate cou#t, an! thus sustain the conviction of
appellant fo# ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s.
The Penalt"
An!e# Section 91, A#ticle III, in #elation to Section 0?, A#ticle IV, of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 9;:0, as a&en!e! b" R.A. No. :.1;, the
unautho#i*e! sale of 0?? $#a&s o# &o#e of shabu o# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e is punishable b" #eclusion pe#petua to !eath an! a fine
#an$in$ f#o& five hun!#e! thousan! pesos to ten &illion pesos.
The total %ei$ht of the shabu confiscate! in this case is ;+@.1 $#a&s. Hence, the p#ope# penalt" shoul! be #eclusion pe#petua to !eath. 5ut
since the penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua to !eath consists of t%o in!ivisible penalties, appellant %as co##ectl" &ete! the lesse# penalt" of
#eclusion pe#petua, confo#&abl" %ith A#ticle .@,0- of the Revise! Penal o!e %hich p#ovi!es that %hen the#e a#e no &iti$atin$ o# a$$#avatin$
ci#cu&stances in the co&&ission of the !ee!, the lesse# penalt" shall be applie!. onsi!e#in$ the 'uantit" of shabu sol!, %e li>e%ise fin!
#easonable the fine of P1??,???.?? i&pose! b" the t#ial cou#t.
HHERE2ORE, the assaile! Decision !ate! 8ul" 01, 0??: of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?0?/1 is A22IRMED.
>G.R. No. 12-(80. #u7u64 22, 2000?
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff&appellee, vs. 'HENG $# HU F C#RLOS T#N T! an" NELSON HONG T! F S#O
!U, accuse!&appellants.
% E C S O N
G#PUN#N, J.1
2o# the sale of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, othe#%ise >no%n as Rshabu,S Ohen$ 5ai Hui alias a#los Tan T" an! Nelson Hon$
T" alias Sao 3u %e#e sentence! b" the aloocan it" Re$ional T#ial ou#t to suffe# the !eath penalt". Thei# case is no% befo#e this ou#t on
auto&atic #evie%.
Appellants %e#e cha#$e! in an info#&ation statin$E
That on o# about the 0/th !a" of Octobe# 9;;/ at Naloo>an it", Met#o)Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, %ithout autho#it" of la%, conspi#in$ to$ethe# an! &utuall" helpin$ %ith one anothe#, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull",
unla%full" an! feloniousl" sell an! !elive# to SPOI 7I=5ERT 7. SANTOS %ho pose! as bu"e#, One ,9- blue plastic ba$ labelle! RSM
Shoe&a#tS containin$ one ,9- piece of ne%sp#int %ith one ,9- t#anspa#ent plastic ba$ containin$ "ello%ish c#"stalline substance
RMETHAMPHETAMINE H3DRO=ORIDES ,Shabu- an! havin$ a %ei$ht of ;;0.@? $#a&s, a #e$ulate! !#u$s, >no%in$ the sa&e to be such.
A##ai$ne! on Nove&be# /, 9;;/, appellants plea!e! not $uilt" to the above cha#$es. T#ial ensue! the#eafte#.
The p#osecutionBs ve#sion, as piece! to$ethe# f#o& the testi&onies of %itnesses SPO@ 7ilbe#t Santos,
SPO9 7e#ico 5acani,
Elleonito Ap!uhan
an! PO@ Noel asta<eto,
is as follo%sE
In the &o#nin$ of Octobe# 0/, 9;;/, a police info#&ant co!e)na&e! RSta#!ustS a##ive! at the Na#cotics o&&an! ,NAROM- in a&p
Rica#!o Papa, 5icutan, Ta$ui$, an! info#&e! Police S#. Insp. 2#an>lin Moises Mabana$ of t%o hinese nationals %ho %e#e suppose!l" Rbi$
ti&eS !#u$ pushe#s. She clai&e! to have #e$ula# contact %ith one of the alle$e! !#u$ pushe#s, a ce#tain a#los Tan T". Sta#!ust, the
info#&ant, %as a %o&an %ho ha! p#eviousl" p#ovi!e! the police %ith info#&ation that le! to the confiscation of one ,9- >ilo of shabu.
Actin$ on the info#&ation fu#nishe! b" Sta#!ust, the NAROM a$ents o#$ani*e! a bu")bust ope#ation to app#ehen! the #epute! !#u$
pushe#s. Sta#!ust calle! up a#los Tan T" that sa&e &o#nin$ an! int#o!uce! SPO@ 7ilbe#t Santos ove# the cellula# phone. P#eten!in$ to be
a Rpushe#)bu"e#S in Pa#a<a'ue, SPO@ Santos tol! a#los that he %as %illin$ to bu" shabu if a#los ha! an" stoc>. a#los #eplie! that the"
ha! stoc> that %as "ello% in colo#. SPO@ Santos an! a#los subse'uentl" #eache! an a$#ee&ent fo# the fo#&e# to bu" f#o& the latte# one ,9-
>ilo of shabu fo# P1??,??? an! to &eet at the Me#cu#" D#u$ Sto#e in Monu&ento late# that afte#noon. a#los %oul! b#in$ the shabu an! SPO@
Santos the &one". a#los info#&e! SPO@ Santos that he %oul! be %ea#in$ a st#ipe! T)shi#t an! that he %oul! be b#in$in$ %ith hi& a
co&panion. Pe# a#losB inst#uctions, SPO@ Santos %oul! co&e alone.
SPO@ Santos an! Police S#. Insp. Mabana$ then p#epa#e! the Rboo!le &one"S consistin$ of seven ,:- bun!les of ne%spape#
that %as suppose! to #ep#esent the P1??,??? pu#chase &one". A $enuine P1?? bill
%as place! on top of one of the bun!les an!
anothe# P1?? bill
at the botto& of the sa&e bun!le. SPO@ Santos initiale! the #e! po#tion of the Philippine fla$ in each of the bills.
the bills %e#e the ne%spape# cuttin$s. The bun!les, each about th#ee ,@- inches thic>, %e#e %#appe! %ith st#aps f#o& the Anite! oconut
Plante#s 5an> an! tie! %ith a #ubbe# ban!. The boo!le &one" %as then place! in plastic
an! seale! %ith scotch tape.
SPO@ Santos
#ehea#se! ho% he %oul! sho% the !#u$ pushe#s the boo!le &one".
The police hel! a b#iefin$ an! fo#&e! a tea& le! b" Inspecto# Rolan!o Iba<e*. The &e&be#s of the tea& inclu!e! SPO@ Santos,
SPO9 7e#ico 5acani, PO@ Elleonito Ap!uhan, PO9 Noel asta<eto, an! a ce#tain SPO9 8uspi!. SPO@ Santos %as !esi$nate! poseu#)bu"e#
an! SPO9 Ap!uhan, his bac>up. The tea& then p#ocee!e! to the &eetin$ a#ea fo# #econnaissance.
SPO@ Santos an! the #est of the bu")bust tea&, !#esse! in civilian atti#e, a##ive! at the Me#cu#" D#u$ Sto#e at the co#ne# of E!sa,
Monu&ento, aloocan it" late# that afte#noon. SPO@ Santos an! Sta#!ust %aite! insi!e the Me#cu#" D#u$ Sto#e %hile the othe# a$ents
st#ate$icall" positione! the&selves seve#al &ete#s f#o& the sto#e, %he#e the suspects coul! not spot the&.
The suspects a##ive! at a#oun! .E?? in the evenin$. Sta#!ust pointe! to SPO@ Santos t%o ,0- hinese nationals, late# i!entifie! as the
accuse!, ali$htin$ f#o& a taC. SPO@ Santos steppe! out of the sto#e an! int#o!uce! hi&self to the t%o ,0- hinese nationals as the pe#son
%ho& the" tal>e! %ith ove# the phone that &o#nin$. He tol! the suspects that he b#ou$ht the &one" %ith hi&, an! sho%e! the accuse! the
boo!le &one" b" openin$ the %#appe# an! sho%in$ half of the bun!le %ith the P1?? bill on top. He then $ave the &one" to one of the
hinese nationals, late# i!entifie! as the accuse! a#los Tan T". The latte#Bs co&panion, late# i!entifie! as accuse! Nelson Hon$ T", in tu#n
han!e! SPO@ Santos a blue plastic ba$
%ith the &a#>in$ of RSMS o# RShoe&a#t.S The t%o loo>e! at the &one" %hile SPO@ Santos opene!
the ba$ han!e! to hi& b" Nelson Hon$ T". SPO@ Santos foun! a "ello%ish substance
seale! in t#anspa#ent plastic an! %#appe! in
ne%spape#s. The accuse! i!entifie! the substance as shabu. The#eupon, SPO@ Santos hel! a#los b" the han! as the othe# &e&be#s of
the tea& ca&e to help hi& effect the a##est of the t%o suspects, %ho %e#e late# b#ou$ht to a&p #a&e, Gue*on it".
Afte# the bu")bust ope#ation, SPO@ Santos, PO@ 5acani an! PO@ Ap!uhan place! thei# #espective si$natu#es
on the SM plastic ba$,
the ne%spape# %#appin$s an! the t#anspa#ent plastic containin$ the substance. The "ello%ish substance, to$ethe# %ith its %#appin$s, %as
then !elive#e! b" SP?9 Noel asta<eto to the #i&e =abo#ato#" of the Philippine National Police ,PNP-. The boo!le &one" %as han!e! ove#
to the p#ope#t" custo!ian.
=eslie Maala,
a fo#ensic che&ist f#o& the PNP, #eceive! a lette#)#e'uest
f#o& Police S#. Insp. 2#an>lin Moises Mabana$ to con!uct
a labo#ato#" eCa&ination on the substance ta>en f#o& the accuse!. Ms. Maala too> #an!o& sa&ples of about one ,9- $#a& f#o& !iffe#ent
pa#ts of the substance an!, pe# thei# stan!a#! ope#ation p#oce!u#e, pe#fo#&e! ph"sical, che&ical an! confi#&ato#" eCa&inations
the#eon. The ph"sical eCa&ination consiste! of %ei$hin$ the enti#e substance. The che&ical eCa&ination, in tu#n, consiste! of the Si&ons
test an! the Ma#'uisB test. Thence, a thin la"e# ch#o&ato$#aph" test %as pe#fo#&e!. The eCa&inations %e#e supe#vise! b" the hief of the
he&ist#" Division.
2#o& the eCa&inations thus con!ucte!, Ms. Maala conclu!e! that the sa&ple %as positive fo# &etha&phetha&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e. The
#esults of Ms. MaalaBs eCa&ination %e#e #eflecte! in he# initial ,he&ist#" Repo#t No. ?):;@);/ !ate! Octobe# 01, 9;;/-,
as %ell as in he#
final ,Ph"sical Sciences Repo#t D):;@);/ of even !ate-
#epo#t. The final #epo#t states that the enti#e substance %ei$he! ;;0.@ $#a&s.
The accuse!, in thei# !efense, counte#e! that no bu")bust ope#ation too> place. The" !enie! sellin$ an" shabu an! accuse! the police
of eCto#tion.
Accuse! a#los Tan T",
@+, !esc#ibe! hi&self as &a##ie! an! en$a$e! in the business of bu"in$ an! sellin$ lu&be# an! fu#nitu#e. At
the ti&e of his testi&on", he ha! been sta"in$ in the Philippines fo# &o#e than ten "ea#s, althou$h so&eti&es he %oul! $o ho&e to Mainlan!
hina. P#eviousl", he o%ne! a sa%&ill business in Malan!a" but shifte! to the fu#nitu#e business in 9;+:, %ith Pete# hua an! Nesto# =i& as
his pa#tne#s. Thei# office is locate! in Na#uhatan nea# a $asoline station alon$ the MacA#thu# Hi$h%a". Thei# custo&e#s inclu!e A#enas
2u#nitu#e an! Anico#n 2u#nitu#e. The business is not #e$iste#e! in a#losB na&e, ho%eve#, since he is a hinese citi*en.
Accuse! Nelson Hon$ T",
0/, an! o#i$inall" f#o& 2uchu, hina, ha! been #esi!in$ in the Philippines fo# a#oun! seven ,:- "ea#s
befo#e his a##est. Thou$h not license! o# autho#i*e! to %o#> in the count#", Nelson %as e&plo"e! as a facto#" %o#>e# an! elect#ician in
Eve#%oo! 2u#nitu#e, a business o%ne! b" one 8essie ua an! locate! in =incoln St#eet, Malinta, Valen*uela.
Testif"in$ %ith the ai! of an inte#p#ete#,
the" na##ate! thei# account of the events that t#anspi#e! on Octobe# 0/, 9;;/.
That afte#noon, a#los %as in Eve#%oo! 2u#nitu#e in =incoln St#eet, Malinta con!uctin$ so&e business %ith the shop o%ne# %hen
Nelson, an e&plo"ee the#e, ente#e! the office. Nelson ha! 6ust co&e f#o& the facto#" an! ha! $one to the Eve#%oo! office in Malinta to
#epo#t to his boss. Nelson as>e! ho% a#losB business %as $oin$. a#los #eplie! that it %as o>a". Seein$ it %as al&ost 1E?? p.&., a#los
as>e! Nelson if he %as !one %o#>in$. Nelson #eplie!, R3es, &" %o#> is finishe!,S an! that he %as in fact on his %a" ho&e. a#los tol! hi&
that he %as suppose! to &eet a custo&e#, a ce#tain hua Pin$, in Monu&ento to ta>e so&e o#!e#s. a#los offe#e! to b#in$ Nelson ho&e to
the latte#Bs house in Navotas if Nelson %as %illin$ to %ait.
Ea#lie# that afte#noon, hua Pin$ calle! up a#los an! sai! he nee!e! lu&be# an! pl"%oo! fo# his ne% house. He %ante! to &eet %ith
a#los in Monu&ento so hua Pin$Bs ca#pente# coul! $ive a#los a list of the lu&be# he nee!e!. He tol! a#los to &eet hi& bet%een 1E??
an! .E?? p.&. at a #estau#ant locate! at the $#oun! floo# of No. @9., Monu&ento, alon$ E!sa.
Nelson too> a#losB offe# to ta>e hi& ho&e an! #o!e %ith a#los to Monu&ento in a#losB ca#, a #e! To"ota. Apon a##ivin$ in
Monu&ento at a#oun! .E?? p.&., a#los pa#>e! his ca# in f#ont of the P#u!ential 5an>. A bo" even offe#e! to clean the ca#.
The t%o %al>e! alon$ EDSA to &eet hua Pin$. The" %e#e about 91 a#&s)len$th f#o& the ca# %hen the" %e#e su!!enl" accoste! b"
ei$ht &en. a#los an! Nelson as>e! %hat %as happenin$. The &en, %ho %e#e in civilian atti#e, shove! a#los an! Nelson into a #e! Nissan
Sent#a. The t%o %e#e not able to shout fo# help.
Insi!e the ca#, a#los %as blin!fol!e!.
a#los an! Nelson %e#e then ta>en to the Anito Hotel in Monu&ento an! b#ou$ht to sepa#ate #oo&s.
Once insi!e the hotel #oo&, a#los %as o#!e#e! to face the %all. His blin!fol! %as #e&ove! but he %as boCe! eve#" ti&e he loo>e! at
the &en. The &en f#is>e! hi&, sei*e! his %allet an! too> the#ef#o& cash a&ountin$ to P:+,???. His license, cellula# phone, pa$e# an! %atch
%e#e also ta>en f#o& hi&.
a#losB capto#s sat hi& on the be! an! one of the& ,a police&an, acco#!in$ to a#los- as>e! hi& 'uestions li>e %hat business he %as
en$a$e! in. a#los t#ie! to ans%e# the &anBs 'uestions but the" coul! not un!e#stan! hi&. The" $ot &a! an! boCe! hi&.
An hou# late#, a hinese)spea>in$ &an a#&e! %ith a $un ente#e! the #oo&. a#los plea!e! %ith the &an to help hi& since he !i! not
>no% %h" he %as a##este!. The &an as>e! hi& if he ha! an" &one". He sai! a#los &ust have &one" since he ha! a business. The &an
offe#e! to help hi& in eCchan$e fo# P1??,???. If a#los %oul! not $ive the &one", the &an %a#ne!, he %oul! not a##an$e %ith the police fo# a
settle&entF a#los R&i$ht LevenM be th#o%n in Ma#i>ina.S a#los tol! the &an that he !i! not have that >in! of &one". He sai! that %ith the
help of his f#ien!s he coul! #aise onl" P1?,???. The inte#p#ete# tol! a#los to %ait fo# hi& an! he %ill tal> to the police&en.
Nelson %as also b#ou$ht to one of the hotel #oo&s an! inst#ucte! to sit on the be!. T%o &en %e#e in the #oo& %ith hi&. Afte# an hou#,
a pe#son %ho >ne% ho% to spea> hinese ente#e! the #oo&. The &an, %ho !i! not i!entif" hi&self, ca##ie! a fi#ea#&. He !e&an!e! P1?,???
f#o& Nelson, othe#%ise, the &an %a#ne!, so&ethin$ ba! %ill happen to hi&. RPapatungan a/o ng /aso,S Nelson sai! in cou#t. Nelson tol! the
&an, RI a& 6ust %o#>in$. Hhe#e can I $et such a bi$ a&ountIS
a#los an! Nelson %e#e then b#ou$ht to thei# capto#Bs vehicles. a#los %as han!e! his cellula# phone so he coul! call up f#ien!s o#
#elatives %ho coul! help hi& p#o!uce the su& of P0??,???. a#los atte&pte! to call the& up but the#e %as no #epl".
Ri!in$ in sepa#ate vehicles, a#los an! Nelson %e#e b#ou$ht to the latte#Bs house in Navotas bet%een ;E?? an! ;E@? p.&. Nelson an!
so&e of the police&en %ent insi!e the house %hile a#los #e&aine! in the ca#. The &en too> NelsonBs clothes, an elect#ic fan, a $as stove,
an! a #oun! plastic table f#o& the house, an! loa!e! the& into the ca#.
The hinese)spea>in$ &an as>e! a#los if he %as &a##ie!. a#los tol! hi& he %as. The &an info#&e! hi& that the" %oul! neCt $o to
a#losB house. He inst#ucte! a#los to tell his %ife to bo##o% f#o& he# f#ien!s the &one" the" !e&an!e!.
a#los an! his capto#s a##ive! at his house at a#oun! 99E?? p.&. a#losB %ife ans%e#e! the !oo#. 2ou# ,/- of the &en acco&panie!
a#los into the house, one of the& hol!in$ hi& b" the shi#t. a#los tol! his %ife that his co&panions %e#e police&en %ho a##este! hi&
Rbecause of the lu&be#,S an! %e#e no% !e&an!in$ P0??,??? f#o& hi&. a#los a!!e! that he ha! left his ca# in Monu&ento. a#losB capto#s
then b#ou$ht hi& bac> to thei# ca#. 2#o& the ca#, a#los sa% his %ife #i!e in one of the police&enBs vehicles. a#los %as tol! that his %ife
%as $oin$ to see he# f#ien!s.
The vehicle a#los %as #i!in$ p#ocee!e! to Na#uhatan %hen one of the police&en #eceive! a &essa$e f#o& a pa$e#, an! the $#oup
t#ansfe##e! to the 55 $asoline station. The" sta"e! the#e fo# 91 to 0? &inutes until the police&an #eceive! anothe# &essa$e f#o& his
pa$e#. The" !#ove to Monu&ento %hen a han! f#o& anothe# vehicle si$nale! the& to stop. The" p#ocee!e! to a&p #a&e the#eafte#.
At a&p #a&e, a#los an! Nelson %e#e place! in han!cuffs. =ate# in the evenin$ of Octobe# 01, 9;;/, the" %e#e p#ovi!e! %ith a
piece of pape# %ith so&e %#itin$s. The t%o %e#e &a!e to si$n the pape# an! place thei# thu&b &a#>s the#eon. The" tol! a#los that he
%oul! be #elease! lunchti&e the neCt !a", Octobe# 0., %hen his %ife b#ou$ht the &one" the" !e&an!e!. Nelson %as $iven the sa&e
assu#ance of #elease.
a#los an! Nelson %e#e not #elease! the follo%in$ !a", ho%eve#. At a#oun! 99E?? a.&., Octobe# 0., a#los an! Nelson %e#e p#esente!
to the &e!ia.
a#losB co&&on)la% %ife, Ma" Ann T", testifie! to co##obo#ate the accuse!Bs testi&on". Ma#" Ann an! a#los have been livin$ to$ethe#
since 9;+;, an! have th#ee chil!#en. Acco#!in$ to Ma#" Ann, appellant has been en$a$e! in the fu#nitu#e business since 9;+;.
Ma#" Ann testifie! that bet%een 99 in the evenin$ of Octobe# 0/, 9;;/ an! 90 &i!ni$ht the neCt !a", a#los, alon$ %ith a $#oup of about
siC ,.- &en in civilian atti#e a##ive! at the coupleBs #esi!ence. The" as>e! he# if she >ne% a#los. R3es,S Ma#" Ann #eplie!, an! in'ui#e! %hat
the" nee!e! f#o& hi&. She also as>e! the &en %ho the" %e#e but the" !i! not sa" an"thin$. ,In cou#t, Ma#" Ann i!entifie! one of the& as
RAb!uhan,S appa#entl" #efe##in$ to PO@ Elleonito Ap!uhan, one of the a$ents %ho testifie! a$ainst the accuse!.- The $#oup info#&e! he# that
a#los R%as a##este! in connection %ith the %oo!s.S It occu##e! to Ma#" Ann that appellant %as a##este! Rpe#haps LbecauseM he %as able to
bu" %oo!s %ithout #eceipts.S The &en !e&an!e! that Ma#" Ann p#o!uce the su& of P0??,???, o# else Rso&ethin$ ba! %ill happen to
La#losM.S The" tol! he# that the" %oul! #etu#n at 0E@? in the &o#nin$. 5efo#e the" left, the &en sea#che! the house an! too> he# bab"Bs
the#&os an! the batte#ies of a cellula# phone.
Afte# the &en left, Ma#" Ann chan$e! he# clothes an! %o>e up he# b#othe# so that he coul! acco&pan" he# to bo##o% the &one". One
of he# f#ien!s, a ce#tain 8ohn An$, subse'uentl" p#o&ise! to len! he# P9@?,??? th#ou$h his sec#eta#" %ho %oul! b#in$ the &one" to
Na#uhatan. Ma#" Ann #etu#ne! ho&e at past one in the &o#nin$ an! %aite!.
T%o of the &en #etu#ne! at about 1E?? that sa&e &o#nin$. T%o &inutes late#, a#los ente#e! the #oo&, pushe! b" one of the
&en. RHhat %ill "ou !o to &eIS a#los as>e! in b#o>en Ta$alo$. The &an #eplie! b" o#!e#in$ hi&, R"umali/ /a na sa /otse.S
The &en then tol! Ma#" Ann to $o %ith the& so the" coul! $et the &one" f#o& 8ohn An$Bs sec#eta#". Ma#" Ann thus #o!e %ith the &en
in a %hite vehicle. She !eci!e! to $o %ith the& alone since he# #elatives %e#e bus". The vehicle fi#st p#ocee!e! to Ma"silo, 5ulacan an! then
to Na#uhatan, Valen*uela %he#e Ma#" Ann #eceive! ^/,??? an! P@?,??? in cash f#o& 8ohn An$Bs sec#eta#". 5ac> in the ca# %ith the &one",
Ma#" Ann as>e! the &en %he#e he# husban! %as. The" tol! he# she %oul! see he# husban! %hen she %ent ho&e befo#e sunset.
Ma#" Ann then as>e! to %ho& shoul! she $ive the &one". The" #eplie!, ROf cou#se fo# us,S an! the &an to he# left i&&e!iatel"
$#abbe! it f#o& he#. The" >ept on utte#in$ %o#!s to the effect that Rso&ethin$ ba! %ill happen to Lhe#M husban!.S The" sai! the" planne! to
b#in$ he# husban! to the !octo# fo# a chec>)up so in case the couple file! a co&plaint, the#e %oul! be no p#oof that an"thin$ happene! to
hi&. The &en !#oppe! Ma#" Ann off alon$ Na#uhatan in MacA#thu# Hi$h%a". Ma#" Ann 6otte! !o%n the plate nu&be# of the &enBs %hite ca#
then %ent ho&e to Valen*uela.
The &en !i! not #etu#n a#los ho&e !espite thei# assu#ances. Ma#" AnnBs fathe# &ana$e! to t#ace the %he#eabouts of he# husban!
th#ou$h the vehicleBs plate nu&be#. Hhen Ma#" Ann %ent to a&p #a&e in the afte#noon of Octobe# 01, 9;;/ to in'ui#e about he# husban!,
she sa% the sa&e %hite ca# pa#>e! in f#ont of one of the offices. The vehicle bo#e the sa&e plate nu&be# as the one the &en b#ou$ht %ith
The ni$ht the &en ca&e, Ma#" Ann lea#ne! f#o& a#los that he left his ca# in f#ont of the P#u!ential 5an> at the Monu&ento
i#cle. Ma#" Ann %as able to #et#ieve the ca#, a To"ota, t%o !a"s afte# a#losB a##est, o# on Octobe# 0., 9;;/, at past ei$ht in the
&o#nin$. Hhen she %ent to #ecove# the ca#, a teena$e! bo" app#oache! he# an! as>e! he# if she o%ne! the ca#. R3es,S she #eplie!.
No#lito Doti&as, 9+, an! a #esi!ent of 5a$on$ 5a##io, aloocan it" %as the teena$e! bo" f#o& the pa#>in$ lot. P#esente! as a %itness
fo# the !efense, No#lito testifie! that since Ap#il 9;;/ he ha! been ea#nin$ a livin$ $ua#!in$ an! %ashin$ ca#s pa#>e! in the P#u!ential
5an>. The ban> is besi!e the Me#cu#" D#u$ Sto#e in f#ont of the Monu&ento in aloocan. No#lito %o#>s in the pa#>in$ lot f#o& ei$ht in the
&o#nin$ to seven in the evenin$.
No#lito na##ate! that at about 1E@? in the afte#noon of Octobe# 0/, 9;;/, a #e! ca# a##ive! at the P#u!ential 5an> pa#>in$ lot. T%o &en,
%ho late# tu#ne! out to be the accuse!, ali$hte! f#o& the ca#. No#lito offe#e! Rthe tall $u",S #efe##in$ to accuse! a#los Tan T", to %atch an!
%ash the latte#Bs ca#. a#los a$#ee! an! %al>e! on. No#lito sta#e! at the t%o &en as the" left, %on!e#in$ %hethe# the" %e#e hinese o#
8apanese. No#lito sai! that the &en %e#e not ca##"in$ an"thin$ %ith the&.
No#lito ha! 6ust sta#te! %ashin$ the bac> of a#losB ca# %hen he sa% that the t%o &en, then about ten ,9?- &ete#s a%a",
%e#e Hpinag/a/aguluhan.C The talle# &an ,a#los- %as hel! b" the colla# an! then pushe! into the ca#. The s&alle# one ,Nelson- %as po>e!
%ith a $un on his #i$ht te&ple, han!cuffe! an! also fo#ce! into the ca#.
At a#oun! +E?? a.&. the neCt !a", Octobe# 01, 9;;/, so&eone too> a#losB ca# f#o& the P#u!ential 5an> pa#>in$ lot. No#lito %as not
able to cha#$e fo# %atchin$ an! %ashin$ that ca#, ho%eve#, since he %as bus" %ashin$ anothe#.
No#lito a!&itte! that he %as #e'ueste! b" Ma#"ann T", %ho& he fi#st &et on Dece&be# ;, 9;;/ in the P#u!ential 5an> pa#>in$ lot, to
testif" #e$a#!in$ he# husban!Bs !isappea#ance. No#lito a$#ee! to testif", an! Ma#" Ann p#o&ise! to pa" hi& P0??, the e'uivalent of his !ail"
The !efense also offe#e! the testi&on" of S#. Insp. 2#an>lin Moises Mabana$, %ho %as p#esente! as a hostile %itness. S#. Insp.
Mabana$ %as the chief of the Secon! Ope#ation 7#oup)Special Ope#ation Anit of the NAROM %hen the accuse! %e#e a##este!. He testifie!
to ce#tain aspects of the bu")bust ope#ation that le! to the a##est of the accuse!.
,9- At the ti&e he testifie!, S#. Insp. Mabana$ ha! >no%n Sta#!ust fo# &o#e than t%o ,0- "ea#s, havin$ fi#st &et he# in the place
%he#e she %o#>e! ni$htl". He eventuall" convince! he# to %o#> %ith the&, an! $ave he# the co!e)na&e RSta#!ust.S S#. Insp. Mabana$
!ecline! to !ivul$e Sta#!ustBs #eal na&e in cou#t Rfo# secu#it" #easons.S He #eveale!, ho%eve#, that Sta#!ust %as neithe# a !#u$ pushe# no# a
!#u$ use#F she !i! not have an" a##est #eco#!. She %as usuall" $iven cash as RincentiveS fo# the info#&ation she p#ovi!e!F S#. Insp. Mabana$,
thou$h, coul! not #e&e&be# ho% &uch he $ave he# in this case. He !esc#ibe! Sta#!ustBs pa#ticipation in the ope#ation as Rin!ispensable.S
,0- The fi#st ti&e S#. Insp. Mabana$ fi#st hea#! about a#los Tan T" %as %hen Sta#!ust #epo#te! on Octobe# 0/, 9;;/ that the
accuse! %as activel" en$a$e! in the business of sellin$ shabu. The" con!ucte! a bac>$#oun!e# on the accuse!, an! thei# investi$ation
"iel!e! seve#al pe#sons %ith the sa&e na&e as a#los Tan. The" coul! not ve#if", ho%eve#, if an" one of these pe#sons %as actuall" the
accuse! Ohen$ 5ai Hui.
,@- The accuse! %e#e i&&e!iatel" b#ou$ht to a&p #a&e afte# thei# a##est. S#. Insp. Mabana$ p#epa#e! a spot #epo#t, %hich he
sub&itte! to Supt. ha#les 7alinan, chief of the NAROM Special Ope#ation Anit. The bu")bust ope#ation %as not onl" #eflecte! in sai! spot
#epo#t but also in a p#e)ope#ation #epo#t p#epa#e! b" S#. Insp. Mabana$ befo#e the ope#ation, an! in a lo$boo> containin$ the !etails
the#eof. Not all the ent#ies in the p#e)ope#ation #epo#t, such as the !eno&inations of the bills use! as boo!le &one", %e#e ente#e! in the
lo$boo>, ho%eve#. S#. Insp. Mabana$ clai&e! the" !i! not &aintain a police blotte# since the" %e#e a special ope#ation unit.
,/- S#. Insp. Mabana$ !enie! that his ope#atives !e&an!e! &one" f#o& the accuse! in eCchan$e fo# the latte#Bs #elease.
The !efense also p#esente!, as hostile %itnesses, SPO@ 7ilbe#t Santos, PO@ Elleonito Ap!uhan an! PNP fo#ensic che&ist =eslie
Maala, all of %ho& p#eviousl" testifie! fo# the p#osecution.
The testi&on" of SPO@ Santos "iel!e! the follo%in$ a!!itional info#&ationE
,9- The se#ial nu&be#s an! the !eno&inations of the $enuine &one" use! in the bu")bust ope#ation %e#e not #eco#!e! in thei# police
lo$boo>, since thei# o&&an!in$ Office# sai! it %as no lon$e# necessa#". The" !i! not place an" fluo#escent po%!e# on the boo!le &one".
,0- He ha! neve# &et eithe# of the accuse! befo#e thei# a##est no# !i! he have an" #eco#! o# an" RA)9 info#&ationS #e$a#!in$ the&.
,@- The" !i! not con!uct a Rtest)bu"S o# a su#veillance of the activities of the accuse! to !ete#&ine the ve#acit" of the info#&ation
Sta#!ust ha! p#ovi!e!.
,/- The" %e#e not a#&e! %ith a %a##ant %hen the" effecte! the a##est of the accuse!.
PO@ Elleonito Ap!uhan also testifie! that he !i! not >no% an" of the accuse! befo#e thei# a##est. He confi#&e! that no test bu" %as
con!ucte! b" thei# office. He !enie! havin$ $one to the house of accuse! a#los Tan T" an! !e&an!in$ &one" f#o& the latte#Bs %ife.
=eslie Maala, fo# he# pa#t, eCpoun!e! on the eCa&inations she con!ucte! on the sub6ect substance. Guite pe#tinentl", she testifie! that
the tests she pe#fo#&e!, na&el", the Si&ons test, the Ma#'uisB test an! the thin la"e# ch#o&ato$#aph", a#e 'ualitative, not 'uantitative
tests. The" a#e not !esi$ne! to !ete#&ine the pu#it" of the speci&en. Ms. Maala a!&itte! she neve# con!ucte! an" 'uantitative test on the
substance since the#e %as no #e'uest fo# such an eCa&ination.
The t#ial conclu!e!, 8u!$e A!o#acion An$eles of the aloocan it" Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 5#anch 909, #en!e#e! a !ecision convictin$
both accuse! thusE
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the accuse! OHEN7 5AI HAI a.>.a. AR=OS TAN T3 an! NE=SON HON7 T3 a.>.a. SAO 3A a#e
he#eb" foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense of Violation of Section 91, A#ticle III, RA ./01 in #elation to Section 09)5 of the
sa&e Act an! each is acco#!in$l" sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of DEATH an! to pa" a fine of TEN MI==ION PESOS
,P9?,???,???.??-. Hith costs.
The case is no% befo#e this ou#t fo# auto&atic #evie%.
Appellants, in the b#ief file! b" Att". Nesto# Ifu#un$, conten!sE
I. That the t#ial cou#t e##e! in !ep#ivin$ the accuse! of the p#i*e! i!eal of Qthe col! neut#alit"B of an i&pa#tial 6u!$e as pa#t of
p#oce!u#al p#ocess. It assu&e! the #ole of the p#osecuto# an! 6u!$e in the case, an! fu#the# un!ul" an! a#bit#a#il" cu#taile!
the #i$ht of the accuse! on the c#oss eCa&ination of the %itnesses a$ainst the&.
II. That the t#ial cou#t e##e! in $ivin$ c#e!ence to the so)calle! Rbu")bustS sto#" of the p#osecution !espite the un&ista>able
hall&a#>s of fab#ication the#eof, an! co#olla#il", in conclu!in$ that both accuse! %e#e cau$ht in fla$#ante !elicto in the act of
sellin$ &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e to a police poseu# bu"e#.
III. That the t#ial cou#t e##e! in #efusin$ !isclosu#e of the i!entit" of an! puttin$ on the %itness stan! the alle$e! confi!ential
info#&ant %ho suppose!l" a##an$e! the bu")bust that le! to the a##est of both accuse!, an! the#eb", inf#in$e! upon the
fun!a&ental #i$ht of the accuse! to conf#ont an! c#oss)eCa&ine a &ate#ial %itness a$ainst the&.
IV. That the t#ial cou#t e##e! in convictin$ both accuse! on the basis of the evi!ence of the p#osecution sho%in$ the" %e#e the
victi&s of police insti$ation, %hich entitles the& to ac'uittal.
V. That the t#ial cou#t e##e! in i&posin$ upon the accuse! the capital penalt" of !eath !espite the absence of eCpe#t evi!ence on
the pe#centa$e of the pu#e 'uantit" of the alle$e! shabu sue! upon calle! fo# in Resolution No. @, !ate! Ma#ch +, 9;:; of the
Dan$e#ous D#u$s 5oa#!, an! of Sec. 9., A#t. III, of RA ./01.
Appellant Nelson Hon$ T", in %hose behalf Att". =even Puno file! anothe# b#ief, assi$ns si&ila# e##o#s on the pa#t of the t#ial cou#tE
In his supple&ental b#ief, appellant Nelson Hon$ T" a!!s thatE
The a#$u&ents #aise! b" appellants &a" be #e!uce! to the follo%in$ issuesE
,9- Hhethe# the failu#e of a p#osecution %itness to ta>e his oath invali!ates the p#ocee!in$s befo#e the t#ial cou#t.
,0- Hhethe# appellants %e#e !enie! thei# #i$ht to an i&pa#tial an! !isinte#este! t#ibunal.
,@- Hhethe# the #efusal of the t#ial 6u!$e to allo% !isclosu#e of the i!entit" of the info#&e# !ep#ive! appellants of thei# #i$ht to
conf#ont an! c#oss)eCa&ine sai! %itness.
,/- Hhethe# the p#osecution p#ove! appellantsB $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt.
,1- Hhethe# the !eath penalt" shoul! be i&pose! upon appellants.

Appellant Nelson Hon$ T" a#$ues that the failu#e of SPO9 8e#ico 5acani to ta>e an oath befo#e he testifie! !ep#ive! the accuse! of thei#
#i$ht to !ue p#ocess. It is conten!e! that the" a#e entitle! to a ne% t#ial.
That SPO9 5acani, a %itness fo# the p#osecution, !i! not ta>e an oath befo#e his testi&on" is un!ispute!. The o&ission appea#s to
have been b#ou$ht about b" ci#cu&stances sta#tin$ f#o& the hea#in$ of Nove&be# 9/, 9;;/. SPO@ 7ilbe#t Santos %as testif"in$ on c#oss)
eCa&ination %hen Att". =even Puno, counsel fo# the !efense, &ove! fo# a continuance.
The t#ial cou#t $#ante! counselBs &otion.
At the
sta#t of the neCt hea#in$, on Nove&be# 9:, 9;;/, the p#osecuto# calle! on SPO9 8e#ico 5acani as a %itness
not%ithstan!in$ SPO@ SantosB
unfinishe! testi&on". Att". Puno ob6ecte! an! #e&in!e! the cou#t that he %as still c#oss)eCa&inin$ SPO@ Santos.
In #esponse, the
p#osecuto# info#&e! the cou#t that SPO@ Santos %as not p#esent in the cou#t#oo&
!espite notice.
Afte# so&e !iscussion bet%een the cou#t
an! counsel fo# the #espective pa#ties,
Att". Puno acce!e! to continue the c#oss)eCa&ination of SPO@ Santos at a subse'uent !ate.
cou#t even !ictate! an o#!e# to that effect.
The p#osecuto# then offe#e! the testi&on" of SPO9 5acani,
an! con!ucte! the !i#ect
eCa&ination, %ithout the %itness havin$ fi#st ta>en an oath. Neithe# !i! SPO9 5acani ta>e an oath at the continuation of his testi&on" on
Nove&be# 0@, 9;;/.
The failu#e of a %itness to ta>e an oath p#io# to his testi&on" is a !efect that &a" be %aive! b" the pa#ties.
Appellant Nelson Hon$ T"
conce!es to this #ule.
He asse#ts, ho%eve#, that he !i! not %aive his #i$ht to ob6ect to the lac> of oath, since the ina!ve#tence %as
!iscove#e! onl" a842r the 6u!$&ent of conviction b" the t#ial cou#t %hen counsel %as p#epa#in$ the b#ief fo# auto&atic #evie% b" this ou#t. As
autho#it" fo# this a#$u&ent, appellant cites !angford v. 1nited tates,
%he#e the ou#t of Appeals of the In!ian Te##ito#" !ecla#e! thatE
C C C it %oul! see& that >no%le!$e o# %ant of >no%le!$e Lof the lac> of oathM is the t#ue test in this class of cases. In a note to section 0./b of
Hi$&o#eBs E!tion ,9.th- of 7#eenleaf on Evi!ence the follo%in$ appea#sE RHhethe# he &a" Lhave a ne% t#ialM if a %itness on the othe# si!e,
testifie! %ithout havin$ been s%o#n at all 'u_#eI If the o&ission of the oath %as >no%n at the ti&e, it see&s he cannotF but, if it %as not
!iscove#e! until afte# t#ial, he &a".S M#. Tho&pson, in his %o#> on T#ials ,volu&e 9, ` @.1- sa"sE RIt is the !ut" of the pa#t" callin$ the %itness
to see that he is s%o#n, thou$h, if the oath is ina!ve#tentl" o&itte!, the ob6ection %ill not be $oo! afte# ve#!ictFS but at once a!!s, RThe
ob6ection &ust be &a!e as soon as it is !iscove#e!, o# it %ill be !ee&e! %aive!.S C C C.
!angford &a>es #efe#ence to the follo%in$ eCce#pt in ;aw/s v. "a/er,
also cite! b" appellantE
It is the !ut" of the counsel offe#in$ a %itness to &ove that he &a" be s%o#n, an! thus be 'ualifie! to testif". K K K Thus fa# the counsel fo# the
opposite pa#t" has no conce#n %ith the t#ansaction. He has a #i$ht to p#esu&e that the pe#son ta>in$ the stan! in the cha#acte# of a %itness
has been !ul" s%o#n. Of cou#se, his o&ission to in'ui#e an! asce#tain the fact cannot be consi!e#e! as an" %aive# of his #i$ht to ob6ect to the
inco##ectness of the p#ocee!in$ if the pe#son suppose! to be s%o#n %as in fact neve# s%o#n. No &an can be consi!e#e! %aivin$ a #i$ht %hich
he is unconscious of possessin$. K K K The !efen!ant has not ha! a t#ial of his cause on le$al evi!ence, but pa#tl" on that %hich is ille$al.
!angford states that R>no%le!$e o# %ant of >no%le!$e is the t#ue testS in !ete#&inin$ %hethe# the#e %as a %aive# of the lac> of
oath. He fin!, ho%eve#, that this test %oul! open the !oo# to f#au! since an" pa#t" can clai& %ant of >no%le!$e of the !efect befo#e ve#!ict is
#en!e#e!. Such a clai& %oul! be eCcee!in$l" !ifficult to ve#if". He believe that the bette# test %oul! be not %hethe# a pa#t"
ha!DnoC,2"72 of the lac> of oath but %hethe# he ha! the o**or4un+4y to >no% of the lac> of oath. If a pa#t" ou$ht to have >no%n of the lac>
of oath but !i! not ob6ect the#eto, he cannot late# be hea#! #aisin$ such an ob6ection. Thus, in tate v. .mbrey,
the Sup#e&e ou#t of Ne%
MeCico hel!E
The testi&on" o# !ecla#ations of an" uns%o#n pe#son, $iven o# &a!e in the p#esence of the t#ial 6u!$e an! of the pa#ties an! thei# atto#ne"s,
un!e# such ci#cu&stances that the" >ne% o# should have /nown%hat the uns%o#n in!ivi!ual %as !oin$ an! sa"in$, &a" be consi!e#e! b" the
6u#" as that of an" s%o#n %itness. Hhe#e no ob6ection is p#o&ptl" &a!e to such a p#ocee!in$, it is too late to u#$e the ob6ection on &otion fo#
ne% t#ial. ,Italics supplie!.-
In the case at ba#, !efen!ant an! his counsel %e#e p#esent at the hea#in$ of Nove&be# 9:, 9;;/ %hen SPO9 5acani %as p#esente! as
a %itness. The" !i! not, ho%eve#, ob6ect to the lac> of oath. No# !i! the" pose an" ob6ection %hen SPO9 5acani continue! his testi&on" on
Nove&be# 0@, 9;;/F Att". Puno even c#oss)eCa&ine! the %itness. In tate v. +oud,
the Sup#e&e ou#t of O#e$on ha! occasion to #ule
If the !efen!ant ha! %ishe! that the C C C %itness shoul! have been s%o#n, he shoul! have been obse#vant an! shoul! have &entione! the
&atte# in the t#ial cou#t. He a#e ce#tain that ha! the &atte# then been &entione! an app#op#iate oath %oul! have been a!&iniste#e!. In all
li>elihoo!, it %oul! have p#o!uce! no !iffe#ent effect, fo# all thou$ht that an oath ha! been a!&iniste#e!. It is no% too late to p#esent the
ob6ection. This assi$n&ent of e##o# is !is&isse! as lac>in$ in &e#it.
So %e hol! in this case.
In an" event, the $#antin$ of a ne% t#ial because of sai! o&ission %oul! be pointless because even if testi&on" of SPO9 5acani %e#e
eCclu!e!, it %oul! not &ate#iall" affect the totalit" of the evi!ence fo# the p#osecution. His testi&on" is &e#el" co##obo#ative of those of SPO@
7ilbe#t Santos, PO0 Elleonito Ap!uhan an! PO@ Noel asta<eto an! coul! the#efo#e be !ispense! %ith, %ithout affectin$ the p#osecutionBs
case o# p#e6u!icin$ that of the !efense.

Appellants also conten! that the" %e#e !ep#ive! of thei# #i$ht to the col! neut#alit" of an i&pa#tial 6u!$e, an! atte&pt to establish a
patte#n of pa#tialit" on the pa#t of RT 8u!$e A!o#acion An$eles.
2i#st, the" asse#t that the 6u!$e Ractivel" assu&e! the #ole of the p#osecuto#S
in the eCa&ination of No#lito Doti&as. No#lito, the
R%atch)"ou#)ca# bo",S testifie! that appellants !i! not a##ive in a taCi but in a ca# !#iven b" appellant a#los Tan T". In #esolvin$ this
a#$u&ent, it %oul! be helpful to eCa&ine the enti#e t#ansc#ipt of No#litoBs c#oss)eCa&ination an! the ci#cu&stances su##oun!in$ the
'uestionin$ appellants fin! so ob6ectionable.
The p#osecuto# be$an the c#oss)eCa&ination b" as>in$ the %itness %ho #e'ueste! hi& to testif". No#lito ans%e#e! that it %as Ma#" Ann
T", the %ife of appellant a#los T". As>e! %hen he %as #e'ueste! to testif", No#lito #eplie! he coul! not #e&e&be#. The p#osecuto#
G 5ut "ou a#e su#e that %hen "ou ca&e to this ou#t this &o#nin$, she acco&panie! "ou, is that co##ectI
A 3es, si#.
G An! "ou neithe# #eceive! a subpoena co&in$ f#o& the ou#t to testif" to!a", is that co##ectI
A None, si#.
G An! %he#e !i! she pic> "ou up befo#e "ou ca&e to this ou#tI
A 2#o& A#te Sub!ivision, si#.
G Hhe#e is that A#te Sub!ivisionI
A In 555, si#.
G Valen*uelaI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
A couple &o#e 'uestions %e#e as>e! b" the p#osecuto# %hen the 6u!$e inte##upte! hi&. Appa#entl", the 6u!$e %ante! to cla#if" %he#e
Ma#" Ann pic>e! up No#lito because %hen he #ecite! his pe#sonal ci#cu&stances, he sai! that he #esi!e! in 5a$on$ 5a##io, aloocan. The
cla#ification le! to seve#al &o#e 'uestions involvin$ %hen an! %he#e No#lito an! Ma#" Ann a$#ee! to &eet in A#te Sub!ivision. The#eafte#, she
o#!e#e! the p#osecuto# to continue %ith the c#oss)eCa&ination.
5efo#e the p#osecuto# coul! continue, ho%eve#, the 6u!$e a$ain as>e! a se#ies of 'uestions, all pe#tainin$ to %hen No#lito an! Ma#" Ann
fi#st &et. These 'uestions, the !efense clai&s, %e#e ai&e! Rto !isc#e!itS
the %itnessE
G Afte# the inci!ent, M#. Hitness, "ou !i! not evenV,inte##upte!-.
OARTE ,5utts in fo# cla#ificato#" 'uestionsV-
G Hhat %as the !ate on 2#i!a"I
A Dece&be# ;, 9;;/, "ou# Hono#.
G In othe# %o#!s, is it "ou# testi&on" no% that it %as onl" on Dece&be# ;, 9;;/ that "ou ca&e to >no% that "ou %ill beco&e a %itness in
this caseI
A I %as tol! b" a %o&an b" the na&e of Ma#" Ann, "ou# Hono#.
G 7oin$ bac> to the 'uestion of the ou#t. Is it "ou# testi&on" no% that it %as onl" on 2#i!a" afte#noon of Dece&be# ;, 9;;/ that "ou
ca&e to >no% that "ou %ill be a %itness in this caseI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Tell to the ou#t ho% !i! Ma#" Ann T" ca&e to >no% "ou# #esi!enceI
A I acco&panie! he# in ou# house, "ou# Hono#.
G So, p#io# to Dece&be# ;, 9;;/, Ma#" Ann T" ha! al#ea!" tal>e! %ith "ou# #elative to this caseI
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhen !i! "ou acco&pan" Ma#" Ann T" to "ou# house thenI
A Hhen I %as %ashin$ ca#s, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhen %as thatI
A I cannot #e&e&be#, si#J"ou# Hono#.
G Ho% &an" !a"s p#io# to Dece&be# ;, 9;;/I
A I cannot #e&e&be#, si#J"ou# Hono#.
G oul! it be t%o ,0- %ee>s o# t%o ,0- !a"s p#io# to Dece&be# ;, 9;;/I
A I cannot #e&e&be#, "ou# Hono#.
ontinue fiscal.
Afte# seve#al 'uestions b" the p#osecuto#, the 6u!$e &a!e this tellin$ obse#vationE
Ma>e it on #eco#! that the ou#t has obse#ve! that f#o& the ve#" sta#t of the testi&on" of the %itness, he %as loo>in$ in onl" one !i#ection,
outsi!e. He neve# loo> to the pe#sons p#ofoun!in$ LsicM the 'uestions, %hethe# the ou#t, Hhethe# to the p#osecuto#, o# to the inte#p#ete# o#
even to the counsel fo# the accuse!.
Anothe# 'uestion %as then pose! b" the p#osecuto#. The %itness ans%e#e!, but the 6u!$e p#o&ptl" note!Y
=i>e%ise, &a>e it on #eco#! that afte# the ou#t has obse#ve!, that he sta#te! to loo> at the pe#sons p#ofoun!in$ LsicM the 'uestions.
The p#osecuto# continue! %ith the c#oss)eCa&ination, !elvin$ on the scene befo#e an! !u#in$ appellantsB a##est. This %as follo%e! b"
anothe# se#ies of 'uestions f#o& the 6u!$e %hich, acco#!in$ to appellants, R&a>e it appea# that Lthe %itnessM $ave testi&on" fo# the !efense
because he %as b#ibe!S
b" Ma#" Ann T".
G Tell to the ou#t ho% &an" ca#s !i! "ou %ash an! %atche! on that pa#ticula# !a" %hen the t%o accuse! %e#e alle$e!l" a##este!I
A 2ou# ,/- ca#s, "ou# Hono#.
G Is it "ou# testi&on" no% that "ou %atche! onl" fou# ,/- ca#s f#o& &o#nin$ up to the evenin$I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhat a#e the colo#s of the ca# of the th#ee othe# ca#s %hich "ou %ashe! an! %atche! on that !a", to$ethe# %ith the ca# o%ne! b" the
accuse! !#iven b" a#los T"I
A Hhite, li$ht $#een an! blue, "ou# Hono#.
G Do "ou also >no% the o%ne#sI
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G 3ou sai! that "ou cannot #e&e&be# the ti&eV.
OARTE ,la#ificato#" 'uestions V-
G 5" the %a", ho% &uch %e#e "ou pai! fo# the ca# %hich "ou %ashe! an! %atche!I
A It !epen!s upon the a&ount $iven b" the custo&e#.
G On that !a", ho% &uch %as $iven to "ou b" the o%ne#s of the ca#s "ou %ashe!, the fou# ,/- ca#s.
A P0?.??
G 2o# fou# ,/- ca#sI
A Onl" one, pe# ca#, "ou# Hono#.
G P0?.?? fo# each ca#I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Is it "ou# testi&on" no% that "ou a#e pai! fo# P0?.?? fo# each ca# "ou %ashe!I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G In othe# %o#!s, "ou #eceive! P+?.?? on that pa#ticula# !a"I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G So to!a" "ou %ill ea#n an"thin$I
A None, "ou# Hono#.
G Di! she ,#efe##in$ to Ma#" Ann T"- p#o&ise "ou to $ive so&ethin$I
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G Is it "ou# testi&on" no% that "ou co&e to the ou#t %ithout #eceivin$ a subpoena an! "et "ou aban!on "ou# %o#> as a ca#)%ash bo"
an! "ou %ill not #eceive an" sin$le centI
A The#e %as, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% &uch %e#e "ou pai! to!a"I
A None, "et, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% &uch !i! she p#o&ise to $ive "ouI
Ma" I #e'uest "ou# Hono# to specif" the pe#son, he &i$ht not >no% V.
G Acco#!in$ to hi&, it %as Ma#" Ann T", %ho fetche! "ou at A#te Sub!ivision. Is it "ou# testi&on" no% that it %as Ma#" Ann T" %ho
b#ou$ht "ou to this ou#t no%I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G 3ou testifie! a %hile a$o that .......Has she the one %ho p#o&ise! to $ive "ouI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% &uchI Ho% &uch !i! Ma#" Ann T" p#o&ise to $ive "ou to!a"I
A The a&ount I %ill ea#n fo# this !a", "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% &uchI
RNi>itainS.. His ea#nin$ this !a", "ou# Hono# is %hat he sai!.
G P#ecisel", ho% &uchI
A I cannot esti&ate, "ou# Hono#.
G Mo#e o# lessI
A P0??.??, si#.
The 6u!$e then #etu#ne! to the sub6ect of Ma#" Ann an! No#litoBs initial &eetin$.
OARTE ,cla#ificato#" 'uestions f#o& the ou#t-.
G 3ou testifie! that "ou &et Ma#" Ann T" in the pa#>in$ lot on Dece&be# ;, 9;;/, %as it #i$htI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G An! also, on that !a", that "ou a$#ee! %ith Ma#" Ann T" that she %ill fetch "ou at the A#te Sub!ivision at 555, Valen*uela, Met#o
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Tell to this ou#t %h" !o "ou still acco&pan" he# to "ou# house an! sho% "ou# house to he# at 5a$on$ 5a##io, aloocan it" on
Dece&be# ;, 9;;/I
A So, that, I can #elate to he# the inci!ent, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh"I oul! "ou tell to the ou#t to!a"I 3ou cannot tell to he# the place %he#e "ou %e#e %o#>in$, an! that "ou still have to
acco&pan" he# to "ou# houseI
A No, si#.
ontinue, 2iscal.
The c#oss)eCa&ination b" the p#osecuto# p#ocee!e! until the 6u!$e a$ain p#opoun!e! 'uestions, pic>in$ up %he#e she left off. The
!efense const#ues this line of 'uestionin$ as Rba!$e#in$S
on the pa#t of the 6u!$eE
G Hh" !i! "ou aban!on "ou# %o#> on Dece&be# ;, 9;;/ an! "ou acco&panie! Ma#" Ann T" to "ou# house an! sho%e! to he# "ou#
A I left &" %o#>, because I na##ate! to he# the inci!ent, "ou# Hono#.
G Di! she $ive "ou so&ethin$ on that !a" on Dece&be# ;I
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G A#e "ou su#eI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhat ti&e !i! "ou leave at the pa#>in$ a#eaI
A In the afte#noon, si#J"ou# Hono#.
G About %hat ti&eI
A /E?? oBcloc> in the afte#noon, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhat ti&e !o "ou usuall" leave the pa#>in$ a#ea, "ou# #e$ula# ti&e fo# leavin$I
A .E?? oBcloc> in the evenin$, "ou# Hono#.
G So, in othe# %o#!s, "ou !i! not ea#n fo# t%o ,0- hou#s an"&o#eI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G An! "et, "ou clai&e! that "ou %e#e not pai! b" Ma#" Ann T"I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
An"&o#e, 2iscalI
The c#oss)eCa&ination en!e! %ith a 'uestion f#o& the p#osecuto#. The 6u!$e also p#opoun!e! a fe% &o#e 'uestions a$ain #elatin$ to
the alle$e! &eetin$ bet%een No#lito an! Ma#"ann.
The#eafte#, Att". Puno p#ocee!e! %ith the %itnessB #e)!i#ect eCa&ination. Afte# seve#al 'uestions b" Att". Puno pe#tainin$ to the
conve#sation No#lito ha! %ith Ma#" Ann at the %itnessB house, the 6u!$e inte#6ecte! %ith he# o%n 'uestions on the sub6ect. At this point, Att".
Puno t#ie! to p#otest since the %itness %as R$ettin$ confuse!.S The 6u!$e, acco#!in$ to appellants, onl" ReChibite! $#eate# vehe&ence an!
fu#the# t#ie! to push hi& to the %all,S
G In fai#ness to the %itness, he is $ettin$ confuse!, "ou# Hono#.
The 'uestion is one b" one. I a& t#"in$ to fin! out the t#uthfullness of his testi&on", counsel
G Is that %hat happene!I She 6ust $lance! at "ouI Hho sta#te! int#o!ucin$ oneBs self, "ou#self o# he#selfI
A The pe#son b" the na&e of Ma#" Ann T", "ou# Hono#.
G Hho !esc#ibe! each of "ouI Has she o# %e#e "ou the oneI
A She tol! &e an! I voluntee#e! P Rla>as)loobS. She tol! &e to testif" in this case, "ou# Hono#.
G An! "ou a$#ee!I
A An! I #ea!il" a$#ee!, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhe#e !i! it happen %hen she sai! "ou %ill testif" an! "ou a$#ee!I
A In ou# house, si#J"ou# Hono#.
G In the pa#>in$ lot V Di! she tell "ou in the pa#>in$ lotI
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% !i! "ou b#in$ he# to "ou# houseI
A She %ent %ith &e, because I tol! he# to $o %ith &e, "ou# Hono#.
G The fi#st ti&e that "ou an! Ma#" Ann &et each othe# at the pa#>in$ lot, %he#e "ou %e#e %o#>in$ as a ca#)%ash bo", %hat t#anspi#e!
bet%een "ou an! Ma#" Ann T" in the afte#noon of Octobe# 0/, 9;;/I
A I %as the pe#son %ho& she as>e! o# in'ui#e! to, "ou# Hono#.
It is also clai&e! that the 6u!$e then ReCploitLe!M the confusion of the %itnessS b" Ra &a*e of bafflin$ t#ivials LsicMSE
G So, at the pa#>in$ lot, she al#ea!" as>e! "ou to testif" in this case.
A Not "et, "ou# Hono#..
G Hhat REA==3 t#anspi#e! bet%een "ou an! Ma#" Ann at the pa#>in$ lotI
A She as>e! &e, "ou# Hono#.
G Is it "ou# testi&on" that she i&&e!iatel" app#oache! "ou at the pa#>in$ lotI
A She as>e! &e, "ou# Hono#.
G In othe# %o#!s, she app#oache! "ou at the pa#>in$ lotI
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhat then %e#e "ou !oin$ at that ti&eI
A I %as %ashin$ ca#, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% !i! she int#o!uce! he#selfI
A She int#o!uce! he#self to &e, "ou# Hono#.
G Ho% !i! she int#o!uce! he#self to "ouI
A She tol! &e that she is the %ife of a#los T".
G Hhat !i! "ou tal>e! about at the pa#>in$ lot befo#e "ou acco&panie! he# to "ou# houseI
A No &o#e, "ou# Hono#.
G Tell to the ou#t %hat p#ecipitate! "ou to acco&pan" he# to "ou# houseI
A So that she %ill >no% &" house, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh" !o "ou %ant he# to >no% "ou# houseI
A So that %e can tal>, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh", %hen "ou can al#ea!" tal> at the pa#>in$ lotI
A 5ecause I %as bus" then, "ou# Hono#.
G The &o#e "ou %ill lose "ou# 6ob, if "ou $o ho&eI
A I %as bus" an! I acco&panie! he# to ou# place, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh" !i! she %ant to $o to "ou# house, if "ou >no%I
A So that I can na##ate to he# the %hole inci!ent, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh"I Hhat !i! "ou tell he# eCactl" befo#e $oin$ to "ou# houseI
A About the %hole inci!ent, "ou# Hono#.
G In othe# %o#!s, "ou al#ea!" na##ate! to he# eve#"thin$ befo#e "ou %ent to "ou# houseI
A No, "ou# Hono#.
G Hhat !i! "ou tell he# eCactl"I
A She int#o!uce! he#self to &e, "ou# Hono#.
G Di! "ou voluntee# to acco&pan" he# to "ou# house o# she voluntee#e! to "ou to $o to "ou# houseI Hhat is %hichI
A She %as the one %ho voluntee#e!, "ou# Hono#.
G So, it %as not t#ue that she %ent the#e in o#!e# that "ou can tell he# the %hole inci!ent, because she %as the one %ho voluntee#e!
he#self to $o to "ou# houseI
A She voluntee#e! to $o %ith &e to ou# house, so that %e can tal>, "ou# Hono#.
G 2o# ho% lon$ !i! "ou tal> %ith each othe# at the pa#>in$ lotI
A Onl" fe% secon!s, "ou# Hono#.
Att". Puno &anifeste! that the 6u!$e he#self %as actuall" con!uctin$ the c#oss)eCa&ination, an! a spi#ite! !iscussion bet%een counsel
an! the 6u!$e ensue!E
I !o not >no% ho% to tell this to the ou#t, 3ou# Hono#, but I %ill not be t#ue to &" !ut" to &" client if I %ill not eCp#ess this to the ou#t
Ythat the P#esi!in$ 8u!$e actuall" %as !oin$ the c#oss)eCa&ination.
No, counsel, thatBs fo# cla#ification of the ou#t. I %oul! li>e to fin! out also so&e &atte#s.
This is ve#" honest, that is no lon$e# cla#ificato#" 'uestions, but that is actuall" c#oss)eCa&ination fo# the p#osecutionV I a& ve#"
so##" to sa" this, 3ou# Hono#. I a& tellin$ this %ith all honest" an! I felt "ou# Hono#, I %ill not be t#ue to &" !ut" to &" client if I %ill
not eCp#ess this. An! I %ant that to be place!Jput on #eco#! V
Those 'uestions %e#e as>e! b" the P#esi!in$ 8u!$e fo# cla#ificationV fo# cla#ificato#" 'uestions, because the#e a#e &atte#s %hich a#e
ve#" va$ue to the ou#t.
That is &" &anifestation, "ou# Hono#.
An! that is also the obse#vation of the ou#t on the &atte#.
Do not >no% if this %ill be all that V ,inte##upte!-.
5esi!es, it %as the %itness hi&self %ho testifie! that she %as #e'ueste! b" Ma#" Ann T" to testif", thatBs p#ecisel" %h" %e a#e $oin$
!eepe# V ,inte##upte!-
No. The obse#vation is not onl" in the pa#ticula# point. The p#osecution an! the !efense is entitle! to thei# o%n obse#vation in the
sa&e %a" that the ou#t is entitle! to its o%n obse#vation. 5ecause, the t#ial cou#t has to obse#ve the !e&eano# of the %itness
%hile testif"in$. As a &atte# of fact, even on appeal, the fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t %ith #espect to fin!in$s of fact %ill be $iven &uch
%ei$ht, because %e, 8u!$es in the t#ial cou#t has the capacit" to obse#ve the !e&eano# of the pa#ties to %itnesses bein$ p#esente!
in ou#t. The#efo#e, I have to &a>e it on #eco#! the !e&eano# of the %itness o# the %itnesses, so that, %hen I &a>e the p#ope#
evaluation an! assess&ent b" the ti&e a !ecision %ill be #en!e#e! in this case, eve#"thin$ %ill have to appea# on #eco#!, fo# the
$ui!ance of the ou#t. It is the p#e#o$ative of the P#esi!in$ 8u!$e to as> cla#ificato#" 'uestions on &atte#s %hich a#e still ve#" va$ue
to Hi& o# to He#, in o#!e# that He o# She %ill not be &is$ui!e! in the p#ope# evaluation an! assess&ent of the facts of the
caseV.. ThatBs itV
3ou# Hono#, please, I a$#ee that cla#ificato#" 'uestions %e#e to be as>e! b" the P#esi!in$ 8u!$e, as the latte# is entitle! to it. The
onl" thin$, if "ou# Hono# please, is that, this %itness is not an intelli$ent %itness an! because of this c#oss)eCa&ination con!ucte! b"
the P#esi!in$ 8u!$e of this ou#t)))an! I a& ve#" so##" to sa" this))). Ma" I place it on #eco#! that this %itness actuall" $ot confuse!
That is "ou# assess&ent, si&pl" because the ou#t %as able to fin! out, in the con!uct of its cla#ificato#" 'uestions, so&e &atte#s
%hich %e#e not ta>en up b" the P#osecutin$ 2iscal, li>e fo# eCa&ple, the testi&on" of the %itness that she %as pai! b" such Ma#"
Ann T", an! p#obabl" thatBs the #eason %h" "ou !i! not li>e the ou#t to as> that 'uestion. ThatBs "ou# obse#vation an! this is the
obse#vation of the ou#t.
Ma" I ta>e eCception to the obse#vation of the ou#t %ith #e$a#!s to pa"&ent V.. I believe "ou# Hono#, that he %as pai! fo# the
a&ount of his R$anaS V..
Eve#"thin$ %e#e place! on #eco#!s. Neve# &in!, "ou an! I cannot chan$e the testi&on" of the %itness at this point in ti&e. So, let
us not &a>e an" alte#ation in the testi&on" of this %itness. At this point in ti&e, the ou#t is not "et in a position to evaluate the
evi!ence, as the ou#t is still in the p#ocess of #eceivin$ the evi!ence fo# the !efense. 5ut, the ou#t shoul! not be !iveste! of its
p#e#o$ative to con!uct cla#ificato#" 'uestions on the &atte# %hich a#e still ve#" va$ue V.
This is &" &anifestation, "ou# Hono#.
Eve#"thin$ is on #eco#!.
Afte# all, it is the !ut" of the &e&be# of the 5ench to al%a"s ai! the ou#t in the p#ope# a!&inist#ation of 8ustice, so that the ou#t
shoul! not be !iveste! of its #i$ht to con!uct cla#ificato#" 'uestions. An!, neithe# the la%"e# shoul! be a ba# if the ou#t as>s
cla#ificato#" 'uestions on &atte#s %hich a#e va$ue, so &uch so, that the ou#t is not inte#este! in this case. If at all, the ou#t as>s
cla#ificato#" 'uestions, it is fo# the pu#pose of fin!in$ out the t#uth an! fo# the pu#pose of ai!in$ the ou#t in the p#ope# evaluation
an! assess&ent of facts an! evi!ence on #eco#!s, in o#!e#, fu#the#, that the la% &a" be ac'ui#e! p#ope#l".
On that note, the hea#in$ of Dece&be# 90, 9;;/ en!e!.
A %ee> late#, the accuse! file! a RMotion to InhibitJDis'ualif" P#esi!in$ 8u!$e,S
conten!in$ that the 6u!$e eChibite! bias a$ainst the
accuse! in he# 'uestionin$. The 6u!$e !enie! the &otion in an O#!e#
ate! Dece&be# 0?, 9;;/, p#o&ptin$ the accuse! to file a petition fo#
befo#e the ou#t of Appeals. The ou#t of Appeals initiall" issue! a te&po#a#" #est#ainin$ o#!e# en6oinin$ 8u!$e An$eles f#o&
hea#in$ the case.
The appellate cou#t, ho%eve#, eventuall" !is&isse! the petition fo# lac> of &e#it an! lifte! the #est#ainin$ o#!e#,
allo%in$ t#ial to continue.
=i>e the ou#t of Appeals, %e fin! no p#e6u!ice in the 6u!$eBs 'uestionin$.
2#o& the outset, He# Hono# ha! obse#ve! that the %itness No#lito Doti&as neve# loo>e! at an" of the pe#sons p#opoun!in$ the
'uestionsYthat is, until the 6u!$e &a!e he# obse#vations of #eco#!. An!e#stan!abl", appellants !i! not ca#e to &ention this fact in thei#
plea!in$s. It is in the conteCt of the 6u!$eBs obse#vations, ho%eve#, that he# 'uestionin$ &ust be const#ue!.
The ave#te! $a*e, in ou# cultu#e, is a telltale si$n of p#eva#ication, an! No#litoBs #eticent !e&eano# no !oubt #aise! suspicions in the
6u!$eBs &in! that his testi&on" &a" be a fab#ication. The 6u!$e also note! in he# O#!e# !en"in$ the &otion to !is'ualif" he# that the %itness
%as evasive.
Of cou#se, the %itnessB behavio# coul! be att#ibute! to sh"ness, o# even ne#vousness, since the %itness %as testif"in$ in cou#t
fo# the fi#st ti&e.
In an" case, it %as incu&bent upon the t#ial 6u!$e to confi#& o# !ispel he# suspicions. It %as, afte# all, he# !ut" to asce#tain
the c#e!ibilit" of the %itness to enable he# to a##ive at a 6ust ve#!ict. In the fulfill&ent of this !ut", the 6u!$e !%elt at len$th on ho% No#lito an!
Ma#" Ann fi#st &et an! %hethe# No#lito %as pai! in eCchan$e fo# his testi&on". It %oul! be to cu#tail o# li&it un!ul" the !isc#etion of a t#ial
6u!$e to i&pute %ith a siniste# si$nificance such &inute an! sea#chin$ 'ue#ies f#o& the bench,
especiall" in li$ht of the %itnessB suspicious
In an" case, a seve#e eCa&ination b" a t#ial 6u!$e of so&e of the %itness fo# the !efense in an effo#t to !evelop the t#uth an! to $et at
the #eal facts affo#!s no 6ustification fo# a cha#$e that he has assiste! the p#osecution %ith an evi!ent !esi#e to secu#e a conviction, o# that he
ha! inti&i!ate! the %itnesses fo# the !efense.
The t#ial 6u!$e &ust be acco#!e! a #easonable lee%a" in puttin$ such 'uestions to %itnesses
as &a" be essential to elicit #elevant facts to &a>e the #eco#! spea> the t#uth.
T#ial 6u!$es in this 6u#is!iction a#e 6u!$es of both the la% an!
the facts, an! the" %oul! be ne$li$ent in the pe#fo#&ance of thei# !uties if the" pe#&itte! a &isca##ia$e of 6ustice as a #esult of a failu#e to
p#opoun! a p#ope# 'uestion to a %itness %hich &i$ht !evelop so&e &ate#ial bea#in$ upon the outco&e.
In the eCe#cise of soun! !isc#etion,
he &a" put such 'uestion to the %itness as %ill enable hi& to fo#&ulate a soun! opinion as to the abilit" o# the %illin$ness of the %itness to tell
the t#uth.
A 6u!$e &a" eCa&ine o# c#oss)eCa&ine a %itness.
He &a" p#opoun! cla#ificato#" 'uestions to test the c#e!ibilit" of the %itness
an! to eCt#act the t#uth.
He &a" see> to !#a% out #elevant an! &ate#ial testi&on" thou$h that testi&on" &a" ten! to suppo#t o# #ebut the
position ta>en b" one o# the othe# pa#t".
It cannot be ta>en a$ainst hi& if the cla#ificato#" 'uestions he p#opoun!s happen to #eveal ce#tain
t#uths %hich ten! to !est#o" the theo#" of one pa#t".
To p#op up thei# theo#" of bias, the !efense clai&s that the 6u!$e in as>in$ 'uestions to p#osecution %itnesses SPO@ 7ilbe#t Santos,
SPO9 7e#ico 5acani,
SPO@ Noel asta<eto,
an! =eslie Maala
Actuall" Rhelpe!S the p#osecution.
He !o not a$#ee. As %e hel!
in People vs. *ngcapE
C C C. At the &ost, the#e %as the effo#t of the t#ial 6u!$e to a##ive at the t#uth an! !o 6ustice to the pa#ties. It %oul! be a !isto#te! concept of
!ue p#ocess if in pu#suance of such a vali! ob6ective the t#ial 6u!$e is to be sti$&ati*e! as bein$ $uilt" of an act of unfai#ness. C C C. RThe#e is
nothin$ on #eco#! to sho% that an"one of the 6u!$es of the t#ial cou#t atte&pte! to help the p#osecution. The 'uestions p#opoun!e! b" the
6u!$e, sub6ect of appellantBs co&plaint, appea#e! to have been inten!e! to elicit the t#uth f#o& the %itnesses. The in'uisitiveness co&plaine!
of b" appellantBs counsel !i! not have the pu#pose of un!ul" ha#&in$ the substantial #i$hts of the accuse!. It %as onl" to be eCpecte! f#o&
the 6u!$es %ho, %ith full consciousness of thei# #esponsibilities, coul! not easil" be satisfie! %ith inco&pleteness an! obscu#ities in the
testi&onies.S This assi$n&ent of e##o# is the#efo#e unfoun!e!.
NeCt, it is clai&e! that the 6u!$e Rp#evente! the !efense f#o& pu#suin$ intensive in'ui#ies of %itnesses.S
Instances a#e cite! %he#e the
6u!$e alle$e!l" Rbloc>e! offS
'uestions b" !efense counsel even %hen the p#osecuto# faile! to ob6ect. Thus, %hen SPO@ Santos %as
testif"in$ fo# the !efense as a hostile %itness, Att". Ifu#un$, the counsel fo# the !efense, as>e! hi&E
G I as> "ou M#. Santos, a#e "ou a fo#ensic che&istI
A No, si#.
G. Have "ou eve# been t#aine! in the !etection an! i!entification of !#u$sI
A 3es, si#.
G. 3ou %oul! be able to !ete#&ine a !#u$ %ithout use of a labo#ato#" eCa&inationI
A 3es, because that is si&ila# %ith the one b#ou$ht to the labo#ato#", si#.
G Houl! "ou be able to !iffe#entiate f#o& othe# c#"stalline li>e Rta%asS %ithout con!uctin$ labo#ato#" eCa&inationI
A The appea#ance of ta%as is V. ,inte##upte!-
The %itness is not testif"in$ as an eCpe#t %itnessV
5ut he effecte! the a##est, "ou# Hono#.
5ut "ou a#e p#acticall" as>in$ hi& of the opinion on shabuV
The %itness is inco&petent. He is not a che&ist %ho can !ete#&ine %hethe# the substance %as shabu o# not V
The !ete#&ination of %hethe# the substance is shabu o# not is i&po#tant fo# the pu#pose of effectin$ the a##estV.
Hhile it &a" be t#ue that the !ete#&ination of the substance is shabu o# not b" the %itness is V. The %itness is not testif"in$ he#e as
an eCpe#t %itness an! "ou a#e as>in$ fo# an opinion, counsel.
Ma" %e &ove fo# consi!e#ation because he sai! he effecte! the a##est an! the #eason is he sai! he %as sellin$ the shabu. An!
no%, I a& testin$ his c#e!ibilit".
Motion fo# #econsi!e#ation, DENIED.
G. Hhe#e !i! "ou un!e#$o an" t#ainin$ in the !ete#&ination of #e$ulate! an! p#ohibite! !#u$s, o# !i! "ou notI
A a&p #a&e, Gue*on it", si#.
G Hill "ou tell us %ho %as "ou# inst#ucto# on that pa#ticula# t#ainin$I
A Inspecto# Re"es, si#.
G Hill "ou tell this Hono#able ou#t the full na&e of Inspecto# Re"esI
A Ro&eo Re"es, si#.
G Hill "ou tell us the !e$#ee of this Inspecto# Re"esI
A lass B+@, si#.
G I a& as>in$ fo# his aca!e&ic !e$#ee.
Inco&petent an! i&&ate#ialV
He clai&s that he is an eCpe#t b" #eason of his t#ainin$. I a& as>in$ hi& %ho %as his inst#ucto#. It is ve#" &ate#ial, because the
%itness testifie! that he %as ve#" su#e that %hat he bou$ht is &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e an! I a& testin$ his c#e!ibilit".
Hhile it &a" be t#ue that this %itness testifie! that he bou$ht shabu, he is not testif"in$ he#e as fo#ensic che&ist %ith eCpe#tise on
che&ical anal"sis. He is testif"in$ as a poseu# bu"e# an! the#efo#e, fu#the# 'uestions on the %itness %oul! be out of o#!e#. Hence,
the ou#t $#ants the &otion of the p#osecutin$ fiscal.
G I as>e! "ou, M#. Hitness, as an a$ent, ho% lon$ have been an a$ent of NAROMI
A SiC ,.- "ea#s, si#.
G Have "ou %#itten an" boo> on the i!entification an! anal"sis on !#u$sI
Ob6ection, "ou# Hono#.
Ma" %e as> fo# #econsi!e#ationV
He has opene! the $ate on this line of 'uestionin$s. He %ante! to test his c#e!ibilit" .
Thi#! &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation, !enie!.
In fai#ness to the accuse!. The accuse! he#e is cha#$e! %ith capital offense .
The ou#t is a%a#e of that.
He a#e onl" as>in$ that %e %ill be allo%e! to test the c#e!ibilit" of the %itness on &ate#ial points, but not on eCpe#tis& an! special
On this pa#ticula# case, "ou a#e as>in$ the %itness on pa#ticula# >no%le!$e o# 'ualification.
The 'uestions b" counsel in cou#t #e$a#!in$ the abilit" of the a##estin$ office# to !istin$uish bet%een shabu an! tawas %ithout a
labo#ato#" eCa&ination, the aca!e&ic !e$#ee of his t#ainin$ inst#ucto#, an! the office#Bs autho#ship of boo>s on !#u$ i!entit" an! anal"sis a#e
i##elevant, i&p#ope# an! i&pe#tinent. In !#u$ cases, an a##est &a!e in flagrante delicto !oes not #e'ui#e that the a##estin$ office# possess
eCpe#t >no%le!$e of the substance sei*e!, o# that he pe#fo#& p#ecise scientific tests to !ete#&ine its eCact natu#e. That %oul! be i&p#actical,
an! obst#uctive to effective la% enfo#ce&ent. The 6u!$e %as the#efo#e co##ect in !isallo%in$ these 'uestions.
The 6u!$e nee! not have %aite! fo# an ob6ection f#o& opposin$ counsel to ba# i&&ate#ial 'uestions. A 6u!$e has the !ut" to see to the
eCpe!itious a!&inist#ation of 6ustice.
If the opposin$ counsel !oes not ob6ect to such 'uestions, the 6u!$e cannot stan! i!l" b" an! allo% the
eCa&inin$ counsel to p#opoun! en!lessl" 'uestions that a#e clea#l" i##elevant, i&&ate#ial, i&p#ope# o# ten! to be #epetitious. The action b" the
6u!$e in this case, the#efo#e, cannot be !ee&e! p#e6u!icialF in!ee!, it is enti#el" p#ope#. In 6entura et al. vs. Judge 7atco,
%e sai!E
About the active pa#t that the 6u!$e too> in the t#ial, the cou#t fin!s that sai! active pa#t %as fo# the pu#pose of eCpe!itin$ the t#ial an! !i#ectin$
the cou#se the#eof in acco#!ance %ith the issues. Hhile 6u!$es shoul! as &uch as possibl" #ef#ain f#o& sho%in$ pa#tialit" to one pa#t", it !oes
not &ean that a t#ial 6u!$e shoul! >eep &u& th#ou$hout the t#ial an! allo% pa#ties that the" !esi#e, on issues %hich the" thin> a#e the
i&po#tant issues, %hen the fo#&e# a#e i&p#ope# an! the latte#, i&&ate#ial. If t#ials a#e to be eCpe!ite!, 6u!$es &ust ta>e a lea!in$ pa#t
the#ein, b" !i#ectin$ counsel to sub&it the evi!ence on the facts in !ispute, b" as>in$ cla#if"in$ 'uestions an! b" sho%in$ an inte#est in a fast
an! fai# t#ial. 8u!$es a#e not &e#e #efe#ees li>e those of a boCin$ bout, onl" to %atch an! !eci!e the #esults of the $a&eF the" have as &uch
inte#est as counsel in the o#!e#l" an! eCpe!itious p#esentation of evi!ence, callin$ attention of counsel to points at issues that a#e ove#loo>e!,
!i#ectin$ the& to as> 'uestions that %oul! elicit the facts on the issues involve!, cla#if"in$ a&bi$uous #e&a#>s b" %itnesses, etc. Anless the"
ta>e an active pa#t in t#ials in the above fo#& an! &anne#, an! allo% counsel to as> 'uestions, %hethe# pe#tinent o# i&pe#tinent, &ate#ial o#
i&&ate#ial, the spee!" a!&inist#ation of 6ustice %hich is the ai& of the 7ove#n&ent an! of the people cannot be attaine!. ounsel shoul!,
the#efo#e, not #esent an" inte#est that the 6u!$e ta>es in the con!uct of the t#ial, the" shoul! be $la! that a t#ial 6u!$e ta>es such inte#est an!
help in the !ete#&ination of the t#uth.
It is also a#$ue! that the 6u!$e sho%e! he# Runeven han!S
%hen she ove##ule! ob6ections inte#pose! b" the !efense %hen it %as the
p#osecutionBs tu#n to eCa&ine SPO@ Santos. This %as suppose!l" in cont#ast to the above actuation eChibite! b" the 6u!$e %hen the !efense
%as eCa&inin$ the sa&e %itness.
G M#. %itness, "ou have a o&&an!in$ Office# in "ou# unitI
A 3es, si#.
G An! "ou %ill a$#ee %ith &e that "ou# co&&an!in$ office# is the one %ho !ete#&ines %hethe# the ope#ation is a bu")bust o# a #ai!I
A 3es, si#.
This %as not ta>en on !i#ect)eCa&ination. He sai! he %as the one %ho a##an$e! %ith Sta#!ust, so %e ob6ect %ith the line of
I a& on c#oss)eCa&ination.
Ove##ule!, %itness &a" ans%e#.
A Ou# co&&an!in$ Office#, si#.
G In this pa#ticula# case, "ou a#e tellin$ this Hono#able ou#t that it %as "ou# o&&an!in$ Office# %ho %ill !ete#&ine %hethe# the bu"
bust ope#ation shall be con!ucte! a$ainst accuse! Ohen$ 5ai Hui, is it notI
A 3es, si#.
G =i>e%ise, M#. %itness, it %as "ou# o&&an!in$ Office# %ho !ete#&ines %hethe# o# not the t%o P1??.?? pape# bills %hich %e#e use!
to$ethe# %ith the boo!le &one" shoul! be place! %ith flou#escent po%!e# o# notI
I %ill ob6ect, I thin> the o&&an!in$ Office# %oul! be the best %itness on this line of 'uestionin$s.
I %oul! li>e to be cla#ifie! on this. 3ou testifie! !u#in$ the !i#ect)eCa&ination that "ou lie! to the accuse! %hen "ou sai! that "ou a#e
a !#u$ pushe#, %ho has #un out of stoc>I
A 3es, "ou# Hono#.
G Hh" !o "ou sa" soI Hh" !i! "ou lie to the accuse! an! sai! that "ou a#e a !#u$ pushe#I
Hith !ue #espect to this Hono#able ou#t, %e %ill ob6ect. 5ecause in that case, the Hono#able ou#t %oul! be no% assu&in$ . . .
The ou#t, in the eCe#cise of its !ut" an! in o#!e# to fin! out the t#uth, can as> cla#ificato#" 'uestions.
In o#!e# that I coul! bu" f#o& hi& !#u$s, "ou# Hono#.
C C C.
G An! lastl", %h" !i! "ou effect the a##est of M#. Tan T"I
A 5ecause of the shabu %hich he %as b#in$in$, si#.
G Hhen %as thatI
A On Octobe# 0/, 9;;/ bet%een .E?? oBcloc> to :E?? oBcloc> in the evenin$, si#.
G Has that afte# the fact that afte# "ou have han!le! the boo!le &one" to the accuse!I
THE 2AT in the last 'uestion, he state! ne$ative to the ans%e# an! I close! &" eCa&ination. . . . It %as ans%e#e! cont#a#" to the
ans%e# of the accuse!. . . .
Ob6ection, ove##ule!, %itness &a" ans%e#.
A Not "et. Hhen he %as able to b#in$ it to &e an! %ho han! it to &e an! I opene! it, thatBs the ti&e I $ave the boo!le &one", "ou#
G Please tell to the ou#t %hat %e#e the specific inst#uctions $iven b" "ou# o&&an!in$ Office# befo#e "ou effecte! the bu")bust
He ob6ect in the fi#st place, the#e %as no state&ent b" the e"e %itness as to an" inst#uction $iven b" his o&&an!in$ Office# %ith
#espect to that bu")bust ope#ation.
Ove##ule!, %itness &a" ans%e#.
A He con!ucte! su#veillance on the a#ea %he#e %e a#e $oin$ to. An! if %e %e#e al#ea!" the#e, I %ill app#oach hi& an! I %ill pose as a
bu"e#. An! if I can see that the#e is shabu, then I %ill a##est hi&, si#.
He !isce#n no bias in the fo#e$oin$ p#ocee!in$s. The 'uestions of the p#osecuto# %e#e p#ope#, an! the ob6ections of !efense counsel
%e#e co##ectl" ove##ule!.
The p#osecuto#Bs 'uestion as to %hethe# the o&&an!in$ Office# !ete#&ines if the ope#ation shoul! be a bu")bust o# a #ai! %as
ob6ecte! to fo# not havin$ been ta>en up on !i#ect eCa&ination. The 'uestion, ho%eve#, %as &e#el" p#eli&ina#" an! %as pose! to la" the
foun!ation fo# the neCt 'uestion, that is, %hethe# it %as the o&&an!in$ Office# %ho !ete#&ine! if fluo#escent po%!e# shoul! be place! on
the boo!le &one" o# not. The latte# 'uestion, too, %as %ithin the boun!s of the #ules of evi!ence
fo# !efense counsel ha! p#eviousl" as>e!
'uestions %hethe# fluo#escent po%!e# %as use! in the ope#ation.
The 'uestion %as inten!e! to blunt an" i&plication f#o& !efense
counselBs 'uestions that SPO@ Santos %as so&eho% #esponsible fo# the non)use of fluo#escent po%!e# in the bu")bust ope#ation. In
#esponse, SPO@ Santos sai! that the !ecision to use fluo#escent po%!e# #este! in the o&&an!in$ Office#. ont#a#" to !efense counselBs
ob6ection, SPO@ Santos %as e'uall" co&petent to ans%e# this 'uestion. He %as a subo#!inate of the o&&an!in$ Office# an! a &e&be# of
that pa#ticula# co&&an!, an! the#efo#e >no%le!$eable of the !ecision)&a>in$ policies the#ein.
The 6u!$eBs 'ue#" as to %h" SPO@ Santos p#eten!e! to be a !#u$ pushe# %as co&pletel" #elevant in !ete#&inin$ the le$alit" of the
ent#ap&ent. Mo#eove#, the !efense counsel ha! as>e! !u#in$ the !i#ect eCa&ination if SPO@ Santos lie! %hen he alle$e!l" tol! the accuse!
that he %as a !#u$ pushe#. The 6u!$e &e#el" as>e! %h" he lie!. The 'uestion %as clea#l" cla#ificato#".
Neithe# !o %e fin! an"thin$ ob6ectionable to the p#osecuto#Bs 'uestion on %hethe# the accuse! %e#e a##este! afte# SPO@ Santos
han!e! ove# the &one" to the&. It is not clea# f#o& the t#ansc#ipt %hat eCactl" %as the $#oun! fo# counselBs ob6ection.
=astl", the 6u!$e !i! not e## in ove##ulin$ counselBs ob6ection to the 'uestions pe#tainin$ to the o&&an!in$ Office#Bs specific
inst#uctions to SPO@ Santos fo#, on #e)!i#ect eCa&ination, Att". Ifu#un$, counsel fo# the !efense, as>e!E
G Hhat is the na&e of "ou# o&&an!in$ Office#I
A S#. Ins. 2#an>lin Mabana$, si#.
G So, "ou 6ust follo% inst#uctions f#o& "ou# o&&an!in$ Office#I
A 3es, si#.
G An! "ou %e#e inst#ucte! b" "ou# o&&an!in$ Office# to effect the a##est of a#los Tan T"I
A 3es, si#.
G An! "ou %e#e inst#ucte! to effect his a##est un!e# an" ci#cu&stancesI
A 3es, si#.
Mislea!in$, "ou# Hono#.
That %ill be all, "ou# Hono#.
Apon the conclusion of the #e)!i#ect eCa&ination, the a!ve#se pa#t" &a" #e)c#oss)eCa&ine the %itness on &atte#s state! in his #e)!i#ect
In su&, %e fin! that the 6u!$e, in p#opoun!in$ 'uestions to the %itnesses, in ove##ulin$ un$#oun!e! ob6ections an! !isallo%in$ i&p#ope#
'uestions b" the !efense, !i! not eChibit an" bias a$ainst the accuse!. On the cont#a#", the 6u!$e !e&onst#ate! nothin$ &o#e than an
un%ave#in$ 'uest fo# the t#uth an! a #i$htful intole#ance fo# i&pe#tinence, full" co$ni*ant of he# !uties an! of the scope of he# !isc#etion.

Appellants conten! that the t#ial cou#t e##e! in sustainin$ the #efusal b" S#. Insp. Mabana$ to !ivul$e the i!entit" of Sta#!ust, the %o&an
%ho info#&e! the police about the t%o accuse!. It is clai&e! that such #efusal violate! the #i$ht of the accuse! to conf#ont an! c#oss)eCa&ine
sai! %itness.
As a #ule, info#&e#s a#e not p#esente! in cou#t because of the nee! to p#ese#ve thei# cove# so the" can continue thei# invaluable se#vice
to the police.
E'uall" st#on$ #easons inclu!e the &aintenance of the info#&antBs health an! safet" an! the encou#a$e&ent of othe#s to
#epo#t %#on$!oin$ to police autho#ities.
The #ule a$ainst !isclosu#e is not absolute, ho%eve#. In #oviaro v. 1nited tates,
the Anite!
States Sup#e&e ou#t !ecla#e!E
Hhat is usuall" #efe##e! to as the info#&e#Bs p#ivile$e is in #ealit" the 7ove#n&entBs p#ivile$e to %ithhol! f#o& !isclosu#e the i!entit" of pe#sons
%ho fu#nish info#&ation of violations of la% to office#s cha#$e! %ith enfo#ce&ent of that la%. Litations o&itte!.M The pu#pose of the p#ivile$e is
the fu#the#ance an! p#otection of the public inte#est in effective la% enfo#ce&ent. The p#ivile$e #eco$ni*es the obli$ation of citi*ens to
co&&unicate thei# >no%le!$e of the co&&ission of c#i&es to la%)enfo#ce&ent officials an!, b" p#ese#vin$ thei# anon"&it", encou#a$es the&
to pe#fo#& that obli$ation.
The scope of the p#ivile$e is li&ite! b" its un!e#l"in$ pu#pose. Thus, %he#e the !isclosu#e of the contents of a co&&unication %ill not ten! to
#eveal the i!entit" of an info#&e#, the contents a#e not p#ivile$e!. =i>e%ise, once the i!entit" of the info#&e# has been !isclose! to those %ho
%oul! have cause to #esent the co&&unication, the p#ivile$e is no lon$e# applicable.
A fu#the# li&itation on the applicabilit" of the p#ivile$e a#ises f#o& the fun!a&ental #e'ui#e&ents of fai#ness. Hhe#e the !isclosu#e of an
info#&e#Bs i!entit", o# of the contents of his co&&unication, is #elevant an! helpful to the !efense of an accuse!, o# is essential to a fai#
!ete#&ination of a cause, the p#ivile$e &ust $ive %a". In these situations the t#ial cou#t &a" #e'ui#e !isclosu#e an!, if the 7ove#n&ent
%ithhol!s the info#&ation, !is&iss the action.
He believe that no fiCe! #ule %ith #espect to !isclosu#e is 6ustifiable. The p#oble& is one that calls fo# balancin$ the public inte#est in
p#otectin$ the flo% of info#&ation a$ainst the in!ivi!ualBs #i$ht to p#epa#e his !efense. Hhethe# a p#ope# balance #en!e#s non!isclosu#e
e##oneous &ust !epen! on the pa#ticula# ci#cu&stances of each case, ta>in$ into consi!e#ation the c#i&e cha#$e!, the possible !efenses, the
possible si$nificance of the info#&e#Bs testi&on", an! othe# #elevant facto#s.
5efo#e !isclosu#e of the info#&e#Bs i!entit" &a" be allo%e!, ho%eve#, the !efense &ust, befo#e o# !u#in$ the t#ial, #e'uest the p#o!uction
of the confi!ential info#&ant o# his i!entification.
,Thus, in#oviaro the accuse! #epeate!l" !e&an!e! !isclosu#e.- In a!!ition, the
!efen!ants &ust sho% ho% the i!entit" of the info#&e# is essential to thei# !efense.
In this case, counsel fo# appellant a#los Tan T" in!ee! #e'ueste! the t#ial cou#t to co&pel S#. Insp. Mabana$, %ho %as then testif"in$
on !i#ect eCa&ination, to #eveal the i!entit" of Sta#!ustE
GE Hhat is the #eal na&e of Sta#!ustI
AE 2o# secu#it" #eason, %e cannot $ive he# na&e, si#.
GE Is it not a fact M#. Mabana$, that this info#&ant %as the one %ho a##an$e fo# the sellin$ of shabuI
AE 3es, si#.
GE In othe# %o#!s this Sta#!ust is >no%n to the accuse!I
AE 3es, si#.
GE So the#e is no #eason fo# "ou to hi!e the i!entit" of the info#&ant consi!e#in$ that acco#!in$ to "ou she is >no%n to the accuse!I
AE 3es, si#.
GE In fact she %as the one %ho alle$e!l" a##an$e fo# the bu"in$ of the alle$e! shabuI
AE 3es, si#.
GE Hill "ou please $ive he# na&eI
AE 2o# secu#it" #eason I cannot $ive he# na&e, because %e a#e puttin$ the ve#" life of the info#&ant to !an$e#, si#
Att". Ifu#un$E
3ou# Hono# please &a" %e #e'uest the %itness to $ive the na&e of the alle$e! info#&ant since acco#!in$ to hi& she is >no%n to the
accuse!, so the#e is no #eason fo# the %itness to >eep the i!entit" of the info#&ant, so &a" %e #e'uest that the ou#t !i#ects the
%itness to !ivul$e the i!entit" of the info#&ant
She &i$ht be >no%n but the cou#t %ill not co&pel the %itness to !ivul$e the i!entit" of the info#&ant fo# secu#it" #eason as alle$e! b"
the %itness.
Appellants neve#theless faile! to sho% at the ti&e of thei# #e'uest ho% the i!entit" of the info#&e# o# he# p#o!uction %as essential to
thei# !efense. In tate v. +riscoll,
the !efense, !u#in$ the c#oss)eCa&ination of the StateBs final %itness, as>e! the %itness the na&e of the
info#&ant. The p#osecution ob6ecte! to the 'uestion fo# bein$ outsi!e the scope of the !i#ect eCa&ination. The cou#t sustaine! the ob6ection,
statin$ RI %ill not co&pel hi& to ans%e# that 'uestion if he !esi#es not to at this ti&e.S The state #este! an! the !efen!ant p#esente! his
evi!ence %ithout #ene%in$ his #e'uest fo# the !isclosu#e of the i!entit" of the info#&e#. The !efen!ant %as subse'uentl" convicte! fo#
bu#$la#". On appeal, the !efen!ant assi$ne! as e##o# the t#ial cou#tBs #efusal to #e'ui#e !isclosu#e of the i!entit" of the info#&e#. The Sup#e&e
ou#t of Hashin$ton hel! that the t#ial cou#t !i! not co&&it e##o# in #ulin$ thus. It hel!E
In the instant case, the #e'uest ca&e f#o& the !efen!ant at the ti&e an! in the &anne# he#einabove set out, an! %as not in an" fashion
the#eafte# #ene%e!. The !efen!ant, at the ti&e of the #e'uest, !i! not a!vise the t#ial cou#t of his p#opose! !efense of ent#ap&ent no#
un!e#ta>e, in an" %a", to enli$hten the t#ial cou#t as to the &ate#ialit" of #elevanc" of the #e'ueste! !isclosu#e. The #ulin$ at that pa#ticula#
sta$e of the p#ocee!in$s %as to the effect that !isclosu#e %oul! not be #e'ui#e! at that ti&e. The !oo# %as thus open to subse'uent sho%in$
an! #e'uest.
The Sup#e&e ou#t of No#th a#olina in State v. 5oles, 0/. N.. +@, +1, ;: S.E. 0n! /:., /::, in consi!e#in$ a li>e clai& of e##o# un!e#
analo$ous ci#cu&stances, state!
RIn passin$ on !efen!antBs assi$n&ents base! on eCceptions Nos. / an! 1, %e &ust !o so in the li$ht of the facts befo#e 8u!$e 8ohnston at
the ti&e he &a!e the #ulin$ co&plaine! of. At that ti&e the#e %as no conflict in the testi&on". Nothin$ appea#e! in the evi!ence
conce#nin$ the info#&e# eCcept the fact that he %as p#esent %hen the %itness &a!e the pu#chase. He hol! that the !efen!ant !i! not &a>e a
sufficient sho%in$ to #e'ui#e the !isclosu#e. The cou#tBs #efusal to o#!e# it un!e# the ci#cu&stances %as not e##o#.
RHa! the !efen!ant, in the li$ht of this conflict La conflict in the evi!ence !evelope! b" !efen!antBs testi&on"M, #e'ueste! the na&e of the
confi!ential info#&e# as a possible !efense %itness, a &o#e se#ious 'uestion %oul! have been p#esente!. That 'uestion, ho%eve#, %as not
befo#e 8u!$e 8ohnston an! conse'uentl" is not befo#e us. The p#op#iet" of !isclosin$ the i!entit" of an info#&e# &ust !epen! on the
ci#cu&stances of the case an! at %hat sta$e of the p#ocee!in$s the #e'uest is &a!e. Rovia#o v. Anite! States, L!eci!e! 01 Ma#ch, 9;1:, @1@
A.S. 1@, 9 =.E!.0! .@;M :: S.t. .0@.S
An!e# the ci#cu&stances of the instant case, %e hol! the t#ial cou#t !i! not co&&it e##o# in the #ulin$ co&plaine! of.
=i>e in +riscoll, the !efense in this case !i! not #ene% thei# #e'uest fo# the p#o!uction of the info#&e#Bs i!entit". No# !i! the" a!vise the
t#ial cou#t of thei# !efense o# the #elevanc" of such !isclosu#e %hen the" !e&an!e! the p#o!uction of Sta#!ustBs i!entit". Hhen S#. Insp.
Mabana$ %as put on the stan!, the#e %as no hint that the accuse! %as $oin$ to #aise f#a&e)up, eCto#tion, an! insti$ation as !efenses. The
accuse! ha! not "et testifie!F neithe# ha! appellant a#los Tan T"Bs %ife, Ma#" Ann. The !efense !i! not #aise the 'uestion of the info#&e#Bs
i!entit" a$ain afte# these %itnesses testifie!.
The bu#!en of sho%in$ nee! fo# !isclosu#e is upon !efen!ants.
The necessit" fo# !isclosu#e !epen!s upon Rthe pa#ticula#
ci#cu&stances of each case, ta>in$ into consi!e#ation the c#i&e cha#$e!, the possible !efenses, the possible si$nificance of the info#&e#Bs
testi&on", an! othe# #elevant facto#s.S Appellants !i! not !evelop an" such c#ite#ia %ith #efe#ence to the &e#its of the case.
A &e#e #e'uest
!u#in$ a %itnessB eCa&ination in!icates speculation on the #elevanc" of his testi&on"F an! &e#e speculation an info#&e# &a" be helpful is not
enou$h to ca##" the bu#!en an! ove#co&e the public inte#est in the p#otection of the info#&e#.
Hence, the t#ial cou#t !i! not e## in sustainin$
the #efusal of the %itness to #eveal the i!entit" of Sta#!ust.
He co&e no% to the sufficienc" of the p#osecution evi!ence.
The ele&ents necessa#" in eve#" p#osecution fo# the ille$al sale of shabu a#eE ,9- the i!entit" of the bu"e# an! the selle#, the ob6ect, an!
the consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent the#efo#.
The ou#t fin!s that the testi&onies of the p#osecution
%itnesses a!e'uatel" establish these ele&ents. The ou#t has no #eason to !oubt the follo%in$ assess&ent of the t#ial cou#t #e$a#!in$ the
c#e!ibilit" of these %itnessesE
An eChaustive sc#utin" of the p#osecutionBs evi!ence sho%s that the accuse! %e#e cau$ht in fla$#ante !elicto th#ou$h a bu")bust ope#ation
sta$e! b police ope#atives. 5oth accuse! %e#e positivel" i!entifie! b" the poseu#)bu"e# hi&self an! b" th#ee ,@- othe# &e&be#s of the bu")
bust tea&. These e"e %itnesses fo# the p#osecution %e#e also consistent in thei# testi&onies conce#nin$ the i&po#tant !etails of the sale, to
%itE ,9- that the info#&ant %as at the scene an! it %as she %ho i!entifie! the t%o accuse!, ,0- that 7ilbe#t Santos acte! as poseu#)bu"e#, ,@-
that the sai! poseu#)bu"e# han!e! the boo!le &one" to accuse! a#los Tan T" an! the latte# calle! his co)accuse! Nelson Hon$ T" %ho
han!e! to the poseu#)bu"e# a blue plastic ba$ containin$ the #e$ulate! !#u$, Metha&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu.
Appellate cou#ts acco#! the hi$hest #espect to the assess&ent of %itnessesB c#e!ibilit" b" the t#ial cou#t, because the latte# %as in a position to
obse#ve thei# !e&eano# an! !epo#t&ent on the %itness stan!.
Appellants ho%eve# atte&pt to po>e holes in the p#osecutionBs case. The" theo#i*e that the bu")bust ope#ation %as &e#el" a
cont#ivance as in!icate! b" the follo%in$ so)calle! Run&ista>able hall&a#>sSE
,a- a fictitious info#&ant,
,b- no p#e)a##est test)bu",
,c - absence of p#e)a##est su#veillance,
,!- use of bo$usJboo!le &one",
,e- !#u$ sale in public,
,f- no #eco#! of ope#ation in the police blotte#,
,$- &one" not !uste! %ith fluo#escent po%!e#.
He a#e not s%a"e! b" this a#$u&ent.
Appellants clai& that the failu#e of the p#osecution to p#esent the info#&e# in cou#t !e&onst#ates that the info#&e# is fictitious an! $ives
#ise to the p#esu&ption that he# testi&on" %oul! be a!ve#se if p#o!uce!.
The #ule in !ete#&inin$ %hethe# the info#&e# shoul! be p#esente! fo# a successful p#osecution in cases involvin$ bu")bust ope#ations is
best state! in People vs. +oriaE
ECcept %hen the appellant vehe&entl" !enies sellin$ p#ohibite! !#u$s an! the#e a#e &ate#ial consistencies in the testi&onies of the a##estin$
office#s, o# the#e a#e #easons to believe that the a##estin$ office#s ha! &otives to testif" falsel" a$ainst the appellant, o# that onl" the info#&ant
as the poseu#)bu"e# %ho actuall" %itnesse! the enti#e t#ansaction, the testi&on" of the info#&ant &a" be !ispense! %ith as it %ill be &e#el"
co##obo#ative of the app#ehen!in$ office#sB e"e%itness testi&onies. The#e is no nee! to p#esent the info#&ant in cou#t %he#e the sale %as
actuall" %itnesse! an! a!e'uatel" p#ove! b" p#osecution %itnesses.
None of the above ci#cu&stances obtains in this case. Hhile appellants !o !en" sellin$ shabu, the#e a#e no &ate#ial inconsistencies in the
testi&onies of the a##estin$ office#s. The a##estin$ office#s ha! no &otive to testif" a$ainst appellantsF the clai&s of eCto#tion a$ainst the
a##estin$ office#s, as %ill be sho%n late#, %e#e not fi#&l" establishe!. 2inall", the info#&e# %as not even the poseu#)bu"e# in the
ope#ation. The sale %as actuall" %itnesse! an! a!e'uatel" p#ove! b" the p#osecution %itnesses. The p#esu&ption lai! !o%n in Section @,e-,
Rule 9@9 of the Rules of ou#t, to %itE R,e- LtMhat evi!ence %illfull" supp#esse! %oul! be a!ve#se if p#o!uce!,S the#efo#e, !oes not appl" since
the testi&on" of the info#&e# %oul! be &e#el" co##obo#ative.
That no test bu" %as con!ucte! befo#e the a##est is of no &o&ent fo# the#e is no #i$i! o# teCtboo> &etho! of con!uctin$ bu")bust
ope#ations. 2o# the sa&e #eason, the absence of evi!ence of a p#io# su#veillance !oes not affect the #e$ula#it" of a bu")bust ope#ation,
especiall" %hen, li>e in this case, the bu")bust tea& &e&be#s %e#e acco&panie! to the scene b" thei# info#&ant.
The ou#t %ill not
p#eten! to establish on a priori basis %hat !etaile! acts police autho#ities &i$ht c#e!ibl" un!e#ta>e an! ca##" out in thei# ent#ap&ent
The selection of app#op#iate an! effective &eans of ent#appin$ !#u$ t#affic>e#s is best left to the !isc#etion of police autho#ities.
Appellants !esc#ibe as i&plausible the testi&on" that the" suppose!l" &e#el" Rloo>e!S at the boo!le &one" %ithout countin$ it. He fin!
nothin$ !ubious in appellantsB behavio#. In!ee!, it is totall" consistent %ith hu&an natu#e. Appellants %e#e en$a$e! in an ille$al activit" an! it
%as necessa#" that the" act inconspicuousl". The sale %as consu&&ate! in public an! appellants %oul! invite un%ante! attention if the"
counte! the &one" #i$ht in bus" Monu&ento.
Appellants also fault the police office#s fo# not obse#vin$ the pu#po#te! Rp#ope# p#oce!u#eS in the &a#>in$ an! the blotte# of the P1?? bills
use! as pa#t of the boo!le &one". The" faile! to establish, ho%eve#, that such a p#oce!u#e eCiste!. S#. Insp. Mabana$, on the othe# han!,
testifie! that the" !o not even &aintain a police blotte#
since the" %e#e a special ope#ation unit.
That the sale %as in public !oes not !i&inish the p#osecution %itnessesB c#e!ibilit" o# the t#ust%o#thiness of thei# testi&on". In People
vs. 'ervoula/os,
%e obse#ve! that Rthe sale of p#ohibite! !#u$s to co&plete st#an$e#s, openl" an! in public places, has beco&e a co&&on
occu##ence. In!ee!, it is sa! to note the eff#onte#" an! $#o%in$ casualness of !#u$ pushe#s in the pu#suit of thei# illicit t#a!e, as if it %e#e a
pe#fectl" le$iti&ate ope#ation.S
Appellants sub&it, ho%eve#, that this #ulin$ applies onl" to Rs&all level !#u$ t#affic>in$,S an! not to cases involvin$ a substantial a&ount
of !#u$s, such as the one at ba#. The !istinction is illuso#" fo# it is not i&p#obable fo# la#$e t#ansactions involvin$ !#u$s to ta>e place un!e# the
cove# of co&&onplaceness. A >ilo of shabu can be t#anspo#te! an! !elive#e! %ith facilit" in public an! it !oes not taC c#e!ulit" that such
t#ansactions in!ee! occu#. Hhile the sale &a" have been &a!e to a st#an$e#, the lu#e fo# eas" p#ofits can easil" out%ei$h the #is> of a##est
an! p#osecution. Mo#eove#, the #is> %as #e!uce! b" the int#o!uction b" the info#&ant, %ho ha! #e$ula# contact %ith appellant a#los Tan T",
of the poseu#)bu"e# to the latte#.
E'uall" %ithout &e#it is the a#$u&ent that the bu")bust %as not #eco#!e! in the police blotte# is p#oof of a sha& bu")bust. A p#io# blotte#
#epo#t is neithe# in!ispensable no# #e'ui#e! in bu")bust ope#ations.
=astl", the failu#e of the NAROM a$ents to use fluo#escent po%!e# on the boo!le &one" is no in!ication that the bu")bust ope#ation
!i! not ta>e place. =i>e a p#io# blotte# #epo#t, the use of fluo#escent po%!e# is not in!ispensable in such ope#ations. The use of initials to &a#>
the &one" use! in the bu")bust ope#ation has been accepte! b" this ou#t.
The p#osecution has the p#e#o$ative to choose the &anne# of
&a#>in$ the &one" to be use! in the bu")bust ope#ation.
Appellants #aise the !efense of f#a&e)up. 2#a&e)up is the usual !efense of those accuse! in !#u$ #elate! cases,
an! it is vie%e! b"
the ou#t %ith !isfavo#
since it is an alle$ation that can be &a!e %ith ease.
2o# this clai& to p#ospe#, the !efense &ust a!!uce clea# an!
convincin$ evi!ence to ove#co&e the p#esu&ption that $ove#n&ent officials have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# an! p#ope# &anne#.
Appellants have faile! to p#ovi!e clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence that the" %e#e f#a&e! b" the NAROM a$ents. AppellantsB testi&onies
%e#e co##obo#ate! &e#el" b" No#lito Doti&as an! Ma#" Ann T". No#lito Doti&asB c#e!ibilit", ho%eve#, #e&ains !oubtful because of his
suspicious behavio# an! evasive ans%e#s %hile on the %itness stan!. Ma#" Ann T", on the othe# han!, is the co&&on)la% %ife of appellant
a#los Tan T" an! the &othe# of his th#ee chil!#en.
She has a natu#al inte#est in favo#in$ appellants. Pitte! a$ainst the p#esu&ption that
$ove#n&ent officials have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# an! p#ope# &anne#, the evi!ence fo# the !efense si&pl" cannot p#evail.
The clai& of eCto#tion is si&ila#l" untenable. =i>e an alle$e! f#a&e)up, a suppose! eCto#tion b" police office#s is a stan!a#! !efense in
!#u$ cases
an! &ust also be p#oven b" clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence.
A$ain, appellants have faile! to !ischa#$e this bu#!en. Such a
clai& is suppo#te! onl" b" the sa&e un#eliable evi!ence to suppo#t the clai& of f#a&e)up.
Appellants sub&it in the alte#native that the facts as p#esente! b" the p#osecution #eveal that the la% enfo#ce#s insti$ate! appellants to
sell shabu to the&. He fin! no insti$ation in this case.
C C C the $ene#al #ule is that it is no !efense to the pe#pet#ato# of a c#i&e that facilities fo# its co&&ission %e#e pu#posel" place! in his %a", o#
that the c#i&inal act %as !one at the Q!eco" solicitationB of pe#sons see>in$ to eCpose the c#i&inal, o# that !etectives fei$nin$ co&plicit" in the
act %e#e p#esent an! appa#entl" assistin$ in its co&&ission. Especiall" is this t#ue in that class of cases %he#e the offense is one of a >in!
habituall" co&&itte!, an! the solicitation &e#el" fu#nishes evi!ence of a cou#se of con!uct. Me#e !eception b" the !etective %ill not shiel!
!efen!ant, if the offense %as co&&itte! b" hi& f#ee f#o& the influence o# the insti$ation of the !etective.
He#e, the la% enfo#ce#s #eceive! a #epo#t f#o& thei# info#&ant that appellants %e#e Rbi$ ti&eS !#u$ pushe#s. Poseu#)bu"e# SPO@ Santos then
p#eten!e! to be en$a$e! in the !#u$ t#a!e hi&self an!, %ith the help of his fello% NAROM a$ents, a##este! appellants in the act of !elive#in$
the shabu. Hence, appellants %e#e &e#el" cau$ht in the act of pl"in$ thei# ille$al t#a!e.
ont#a#" to appellantsB contentions, no tin$e of unconstitutionalit" atten!e! the a##est of appellants. Hhat %e sai! in People vs.
is sufficient to !ispose of this a#$u&entE
In the case at ba#, the bu")bust ope#ation %as fo#&e! b" the police office#s p#ecisel" to test the ve#acit" of the tip an! in o#!e# to app#ehen!
the pe#pet#ato#. Havin$ cau$ht the culp#it #e!)han!e! as a #esult of the bu")bust ope#ation, 7a#cia an! his tea&)&ates %e#e not onl"
autho#i*e! but %e#e also un!e# obli$ation to app#ehen! the !#u$ pushe# even %ithout a %a##ant of a##est. Section 1 ,a- of Rule 99@ of the
Revise! Rule on #i&inal P#oce!u#e, #ea!s in pa#t as follo%sE RSec.1. *rrest without warrantI when lawfulYA peace office# o# a p#ivate pe#son
&a", %ithout a %a##ant, a##est a pe#sonE ,a- Hhen, in his p#esence, the pe#son to be a##este! has co&&itte!, is actuall" co&&ittin$, o# is
atte&ptin$ to co&&it an offenseF C C C.S
lea#l", the situation in the case at ba# is one %he#e a pe#son co&&its a c#i&e in the p#esence of a police office#F hence, the latte# &a" vali!l"
a##est the offen!e# even %ithout fi#st obtainin$ a %a##ant of a##est.
The#e can be no !oubt, the#efo#e, that appellants a#e $uilt" of the sale of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, a #e$ulate! !#u$,
violation of Section 91 of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act,
as a&en!e!.
onspi#ac" bet%een the appellants %as evi!ent. The t#ansaction %as successfull" consu&&ate! bet%een the poseu#)bu"e# an!
appellant a#los Tan T", to$ethe# %ith his co&panion, appellant Nelson Hon$ T", %ith one #eceivin$ the &a#>e! &one" an! the othe#
!elive#in$ the cont#aban! to the poseu# bu"e#. No othe# lo$ical conclusion %oul! follo% f#o& the !uoBs conce#te! action eCcept that the" ha!
a co&&on pu#pose an! co&&unit" of inte#est, the accepte! indicia that coul! establish the eCistence of conspi#ac".
onspi#ac" havin$
been establishe!, the accuse! a#e ans%e#able as co)p#incipals #e$a#!less of the !e$#ee of thei# pa#ticipation.
as use! he#ein, #efe#s to the &anne# of incu##in$ c#i&inal liabilit", an! not a c#i&e in itself. onspi#ac" is not
punishable eCcept %hen the la% specificall" p#ovi!es a penalt" the#efo#,
such as in conspi#acies to co&&it t#eason,
coup !Betat,
an! the sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s. The last is punishable un!e# Section 09,b- of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act.
Hhen the conspi#ac" #elates to a c#i&e actually committed, the conspi#ac" is abso#be!F it !oes not constitute a sepa#ate c#i&e, but is
onl" a &anne# of incu##in$ c#i&inal liabilit". The pa#ticipants to the c#i&e a#e &e#el" hel! e'uall" liable since the act of one is the act of all. It
%as thus e##o# fo# the t#ial cou#t to convict appellants fo# RSection 91, A#ticle III, RA ./01 Lpunishin$ the sale of #e$ulate! !#u$sM +n r2,a4+on 4o
S234+on 21.$ Lpenali*in$ the conspi#ac" to sell #e$ulate! !#u$sM of the sa&e Act.S
In this case, the c#i&e ,the sale of #e$ulate! !#u$s-, an!
not onl" the conspi#ac" ,to sell the sa&e- %as actuall" co&&itte!. To hol! appellants liable fo# violation of Section 91 alone, the#efo#e, %oul!
be &o#e p#ecise an! &o#e in acco#! %ith the p#inciples of c#i&inal la%.
He a##ive at the i&position of the p#ope# penalt".
Section 91 of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act No. :.1; statesE
SE. 91. ale, *dministration, +ispensation, +elivery, )ransportation and +istribution of #egulated +rugs.) The penalt" of reclusion
perpetua to !eath an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& five hun!#e! thousan! pe#sos to ten &illion pesos shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son %ho, unless
autho#i*e! b" la%, shall sell, !ispense, !elive#, t#anspo#t o# !ist#ibute an" #e$ulate! !#u$.
Not%ithstan!in$ the p#ovisions of Section 0? of this Act to the cont#a#", if the victi& of the offense is a &ino#, o# shoul! a #e$ulate! !#u$
involve! in an" offense un!e# this Section be the p#oCi&ate cause of the !eath of a victi& the#eof, the &aCi&u& penalt" he#ein p#ovi!e! shall
be i&pose!.
In #elation the#eto, Section 0? of the sa&e la%, as a&en!e!, p#ovi!esE
SE. 0?. *pplication of Penalties, -onfiscation and =orfeiture of the Proceeds or instruments of the -rime.) The penalties fo# offenses un!e#
Sections @, /, :, + an! ; of A#ticle II an! Sections 9/, 9/)A, 91 an! 9. of A#ticle III of this Act shall be applie! if the !an$e#ous !#u$s involve!
is in an" of the follo%in$ 'uantitiesE
9. /? $#a&s o# &o#e of opiu&F
0. /? $#a&s o# &o#e of &o#phineF
@. 0?? $#a&s o# &o#e of shabu o# &eth"la&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!eF
/. /? $#a&s of &o#e of he#oinF
1. :1? $#a&s o# &o#e of in!ian he&p o# &a#i6uanaF
.. 1? $#a&s o# &o#e of &a#i6uana #esin o# &a#i6uana #esin oilF
:. /? $#a&s of &o#e of cocaine o# cocaine h"!#ochlo#i!eF o#
+. In the case of othe# !an$e#ous !#u$s, the 'uantit" of %hich is fa# be"on! the#apeutic #e'ui#e&ents, as !ete#&ine! an! p#o&ul$ate! b" the
Dan$e#ous D#u$s 5oa#!, afte# public consultationsJhea#in$s con!ucte! fo# the pu#pose.
Othe#%ise, if the 'uantit" involve! is less than the fo#e$oin$ 'uantities, the penalt" shall #an$e f#o& prision correccional to reclusion
perpetua !epen!in$ upon the 'uantit".
2#o& the fo#e$oin$ p#ovisions, the penalt" fo# the sale of #e$ulate! !#u$s is base!, as a #ule, on the 'uantit" the#eof. The eCception is
%he#e the victi& is a &ino# o# %he#e the #e$ulate! !#u$ involve! is the p#oCi&ate cause of the !eath of the victi&. In such cases, the
&aCi&u& penalt" p#esc#ibe! in Section 91, i.e., !eath, shall be i&pose!, #e$a#!less of the 'uantit" of the p#ohibite! !#u$s involve!.
Appellants, the#efo#e, cannot be sentence! to suffe# the !eath penalt" un!e# this eCception, the con!itions fo# its i&position not bein$
p#esent. Thei# penalt" ou$ht to be !ete#&ine! b" the 'uantit" of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e involve! in the sale.
To #ecall, appellants sol! the NAROM ope#atives a substance %ei$hin$ ;;0.@ $#a&s. This a&ount is &o#e than the &ini&u& of 0??
$#a&s #e'ui#e! b" the la% to %a##ant the i&position of eithe#reclusion perpetua o#, if the#e be a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stances, the !eath penalt".
Appellants ho%eve# foist the p#obabilit" that the substance sol! coul! contain a!!itives o# a!ulte#ants, an! not 6ust &etha&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e. Thus, the actual %ei$ht of *ur2 shabu coul! be less than ;;0.@ $#a&s, the#eb" possibl" #e!ucin$ the i&posable penalt".
The contention has no &e#it. He #e6ecte! a si&ila# a#$u&ent in People vs. )ang <ai !anE
Accuse!)appellant then a#$ues that the tests %e#e not !one fo# the entire amount of !#u$s alle$e!l" foun! insi!e the ba$s. It is su$$este!
that since the la%, Republic Act No. :.1;, i&poses a penalt" !epen!ent on the a&ount o# 'uantit" of !#u$s sei*e! o# ta>e, then labo#ato#"
tests shoul! be un!e#ta>en fo# the entire amount o# 'uantit" of !#u$s sei*e! in o#!e# to !ete#&ine the p#ope# penalt" to be i&pose!.
The a#$u&ent is 'uaint an! even bo#!e#s on bein$ #i!iculous. In the p#esent case, even assu&in$ that the confi#&ato#" tests %e#e con!ucte!
on sa&ples ta>en f#o& onl" one ,9- of the plastic pac>a$es, accuse!)appellantBs a#$u&ents &ust still fail.
It %ill be #ecalle! that each of the plastic pac>a$es %ei$he! 9.9 >ilo$#a&s, an a&ount &o#e than sufficient to 6ustif" i&posin$ the penalt" un!e#
Sec. 9/ of Rep. Act. No. ./01 as a&en!e! b" Rep. Act No. :.1;. A sa&ple ta>en f#o& one ,9- of the pac>a$es is lo$icall" p#esu&e! to be
#ep#esentative of the enti#e contents of the pac>a$e unless p#oven othe#%ise b" accuse!)appellant. The#efo#e, a positive #esult fo# the
p#esence of !#u$s is in!icative that the#e is 9.9 >ilo$#a& of !#u$s in the plastic pac>a$e f#o& %hich the sa&ple %as ta>en. If it is then p#ove!,
be"on! #easonable !oubt, C C C that accuse! appellant t#anspo#te! into the Philippines the plastic pac>a$es f#o& %hich sa&ples %e#e ta>en
fo# tests, an! foun! positive as p#ohibite! !#u$s, then conviction fo# i&po#tin$ RshabuS is !efinitel" in o#!e#. ,Italics in the
o#i$inal. An!e#sco#in$ supplie!.-
Thus, if the p#osecution p#oves that the sa&ple is positive fo# &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, it can be p#esu&e! that the enti#e
substance sei*e! is shabu. The bu#!en of evi!ence shifts to the accuse! %ho &ust p#ove othe#%ise. Appellants in this case have not
p#esente! an" evi!ence to ove#co&e the p#esu&ption.
The sale of 0?? o# &o#e $#a&s of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, a #e$ulate! !#u$,
is punishable b" reclusion perpetua to !eath,
an! a fine #an$in$ f#o& P1??,??? to P9?,???,???.??.
No a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stances atten!e! the co&&ission of the c#i&e. Hence,
appellants can onl" be sentence! to reclusion perpetua.
The pe#sonal co#po#al punish&ent &ust be co&ple&ente! b" the pecunia#" penalt" p#ovi!e! the#ein. Hith #espect to the latte#, the
cou#ts &a" !ete#&ine the a&ount of the fine %ithin the #an$e p#ovi!e! b" la%, sub6ect to the #ule on inc#easin$ o# #e!ucin$ the sa&e b"
!e$#ees as p#ovi!e! b" the Revise! Penal o!e.
/HEREFORE, the !ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of aloocan it" is he#eb" A22IRMED HITH MODI2IATIONS. Appellants
Ohen$ 5ai Hui alias a#los Tan T" an! Sao 3u alias Nelson Hon$ T" a#e foun! 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ Section 91 of
Republic Act No. ./01 an! a#e he#eb" sentence! to each pa" a fine of 2IVE HANDRED THOASAND PESOS ,P1??,???.??- an! to suffe# the
+avide, Jr., -.J., "ellosillo, (elo, Puno, 6itug, (endoza, Panganiban, 0uisumbing, Purisima, Pardo, "uena, 2onzaga-#eyes, 7nares-
antiago, an! +e !eon, Jr., JJ., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No 191-26 F2@ruary 06, 2013
NOEL $#RTOLOME y $#JO, Accuse!)Appellant.
$ERS#MN, J.:
A bu")bust ope#ation has been #eco$ni*e! in this 6u#is!iction as a le$iti&ate fo#& of ent#ap&ent of the culp#it. It is !istinct f#o& insti$ation, in
that the accuse! %ho is othe#%ise not p#e!ispose! to co&&it the c#i&e is entice! o# lu#e! o# tal>e! into co&&ittin$ the c#i&e. Hhile
ent#ap&ent is le$al, insti$ation is not.
This final appeal is ta>en b" the accuse! f#o& the !ecision p#o&ul$ate! on 8anua#" 0;, 0? I ?,
%he#eb" the ou#t of Appeals ,A- affi#&e!
his conviction fo# ille$al sale of &etha&petha&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu in violation of Section 1, A#ticle II of Republic Act No.
;9.1 8-omprehensive +angerous +rugs *ct of @GG@9 han!e! !o%n b" the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 5#anch 90?, in aloocan it" ,RT- th#ou$h
its !ecision !ate! 8ul" 90, @GGJ
On Au$ust 9@, 0??@, the it" P#osecuto#Bs Office of aloocan it" cha#$e! the accuse! %ith ille$all" sellin$ &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e
o# shabu in violation of Section 1, A#ticle II, of Republic Act No. ;9.1 th#ou$h the info#&ation #ea!in$ thusE
That on o# about the 9?th !a" of Au$ust 0??@ in aloocan it", Met#o Manila, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, %ithout an" autho#it" of la%, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" sell an! !elive# to PO9 5o#ban
Pa#as, %ho pose! as poseu# bu"e#, one ,9- heat seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet containin$ ?.?. $#a& of Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e
,shabu-, >no%in$ the sa&e to be !an$e#ous !#u$.
ont#a#" to =a%.
Afte# the accuse! plea!e! not guilty, t#ial ensue!.
The evi!ence fo# the State %as as follo%s.
On Au$ust 9?, 0??@, at a#oun! 9E?? a.&., an info#&ant %ent to the Anti)Ille$al D#u$s Special Ope#ations Anit ,ADSOA- in aloocan it" to
#epo#t the illicit !#u$ !ealin$s of the accuse! on Repa#o St#eet, 5a$on$ 5a##io, aloocan it". Actin$ on the #epo#t, Police Inspecto# esa#
#u* of ADSOA i&&e!iatel" inst#ucte! so&e of his &en to con!uct a bu")bust ope#ation a$ainst the accuse!. Du#in$ the p#e)ope#ation
b#iefin$, the bu")bust tea& !esi$nate! PO9 5o#ban Pa#as as the poseu#)bu"e#. Pa#as %as $iven a P9??.?? bill that he &a#>e! %ith his
initials"P. It %as a$#ee! that the info#&ant %oul! !#op a ci$a#ette butt in f#ont of the suspect to i!entif" hi& to Pa#asF an! that Pa#as %oul!
sc#atch his hea! to si$nal to the bu")bust tea& that the t#ansaction %ith the suspect ha! been consu&&ate!. The ope#ation %as coo#!inate!
%ith the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc".
Apon a##ivin$ at the ta#$et a#ea at a#oun! 0E?? a.&. of Au$ust 9?, 0??@, the tea& &e&be#s positione! the&selves in the vicinit" of a sto#e.
The info#&ant then app#oache! a pe#son %ho %as stan!in$ in f#ont of the sto#e an! !#oppe! a ci$a#ette butt in f#ont of the pe#son. Pa#as, then
onl" t%o &ete#s a%a" f#o& the info#&ant, sa% the !#oppin$ of the ci$a#ette butt. Pa#as %ent to%a#!s the suspect an! sai! to hi&E Pre pa-is/or
nga. The suspect #espon!e!E Pre, piso na lang tong hawa/ mag/ano ba /u/unin mo> Pa#as #eplie!E *yos na yan, piso lang naman talaga
ang /u/unin /o, afte# %hich he han!e! the &a#>e! 9??.?? bill to the suspect, %ho in tu#n !#e% out a plastic sachet containin$ %hite
substances f#o& his poc>et an! $ave the sachet to Pa#as. Hith that, Pa#as sc#atche! his hea! to si$nal the consu&&ation of the sale. As the
othe# &e&be#s of the tea& %e#e app#oachin$, Pa#as $#abbe! the suspect. PO@ Ro!#i$o Antonio, anothe# &e&be# of the tea&, confiscate!
the &a#>e! 9??.?? bill f#o& the suspect, %ho %as i!entifie! as Noel 5a#tolo&e y 5a6o. Pa#as i&&e!iatel" &a#>e! the sachet at the c#i&e
scene %ith 5a#tolo&eBs initials :"".
Insp. #u* late# #e'ueste! in %#itin$ the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" in aloocan it" to con!uct a labo#ato#" eCa&ination of the contents of the
plastic sachet sei*e! f#o& 5a#tolo&e.
PO0 Rolan!o De Oca&po, anothe# &e&be# of the bu")bust tea&, b#ou$ht the #e'uest an! the sachet
an! its contents to the labo#ato#". In !ue cou#se, 2o#ensic he&ical Office# 8esse Aba!illa Dela Rosa of the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" confi#&e!
in Ph"sical Science Repo#t No. D)9?@+)?@ that the plastic sachet containe! ?.?. $#a& of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ocholo#i!e o# shabu, a
!an$e#ous !#u$.
On his pa#t, the accuse! clai&e! that the a##estin$ office#s ha! f#a&e! hi& up because the" %ante! to eCto#t a substantial a&ount f#o& hi& in
eCchan$e fo# his #elease. The ve#sion of the accuse! ten!e! to sho% the follo%in$.
On Au$ust ;, 0??@, at about 90E?? in the afte#noon, the accuse! %ent to his b#othe#Bs house locate! on Oapote St#eet, 5a$on$ 5a##io,
aloocan it", to ta>e a #est f#o& his %o#> as a const#uction %o#>e#. Hhile he an! his b#othe# %e#e %atchin$ the television sho% .at
"ulaga insi!e the house, t%o police&en su!!enl" ente#e! the house. One of the police&en, %ho& the accuse! late# i!entifie! as PO@
Antonio, f#is>e! the accuse! but spa#e! his b#othe# because the latte# %as asth&atic. The police&en then b#ou$ht the accuse! to the police
station an! !etaine! hi&. At the police station, PO@ Antonio in'ui#e! f#o& the accuse! if he %as sellin$ shabu, but the accuse! !enie! !oin$
so. It %as then that PO@ Antonio !e&an!e! 0?,???.?? f#o& the accuse! in eCchan$e fo# his f#ee!o&. The accuse! #efuse! to pa" because
he !i! not have the &one".
Ru,+n7 o8 452 RTC
As state!, the RT convicte! 5a#tolo&e of the c#i&e cha#$e!,
to %itE
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the ou#t fin!s an! so hol!s that accuse! NOE= 5ARTO=OME 3 5A8O is 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable
!oubt fo# violation of Section 1, A#ticle II, Republic Act No. ;9.1 an! i&poses upon hi& the penalt" of =I2E IMPRISONMENT an! a fine of
2ive Hun!#e! Thousan! Pesos ,Php1??,???.??-.
The one ,9- piece of heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachet containin$ ?.?. $#a& of Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e is he#eb" o#!e#e!
confiscate! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent to be tu#ne! ove# to the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc" ,PDEA- fo# p#ope# !isposition.
Ru,+n7 o8 452 C#
On appeal, the accuse! assaile! his conviction, statin$E
The accuse! a#$ue! that the ope#ation &ounte! a$ainst hi& %as not an ent#ap&ent but an insti$ation, conten!in$ that %ithout the p#oposal
an! insti$ation &a!e b" poseu# bu"e# Pa#as no t#ansaction %oul! have t#anspi#e! bet%een the&F that the police tea& !i! not sho% that its
&e&be#s ha! con!ucte! an" p#io# su#veillance of hi&F an! that the P#osecution shoul! have p#esente! the info#&ant as a %itness a$ainst
On 8anua#" 0;, 0?9?, the A p#o&ul$ate! its assaile! !ecision,
#e6ectin$ the assi$ne! e##o#s of the accuse!, an! affi#&e! his conviction. It
hel! that the ope#ation a$ainst hi& %as not an insti$ation but an ent#ap&ent, consi!e#in$ that the c#i&inal intent to sell !an$e#ous !#u$s ha!
o#i$inate! f#o& hi&, as bo#ne out b" the shabubein$ insi!e his poc>et p#io# to the t#ansaction %ith Pa#asF that the accuse! !i! not sho% that
Pa#as ha! an" ill &otive to falsel" testif" a$ainst hi&F that the con!uct of a p#io# su#veillance an! the p#esentation of the info#&ant as a %itness
%e#e not necessa#" to establish the vali!it" of the ent#ap&entF an! that the non)co&pliance b" the bu")bust tea& %ith the #e'ui#e&ents un!e#
Section 09 of the I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations fo# Republic Act No. ;9.1 ,IRR- %as not fatal because the#e %as a 6ustifiable $#oun!
fo# it, an! because the app#ehen!in$ tea& p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the confiscate! !#u$s.
Hence, the accuse! is no% befo#e the ou#t in a final bi! fo# ac'uittal.
The appeal lac>s &e#it.
To establish the c#i&e of ille$al sale of shabu, the P#osecution &ust p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt ,a- the i!entit" of the bu"e# an! the
selle#, the i!entit" of the ob6ect an! the consi!e#ation of the saleF an! ,b- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! of the pa"&ent fo# the thin$. The
co&&ission of the offense of ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, li>e shabu, #e'ui#es si&pl" the consu&&ation of the sellin$ t#ansaction, %hich
happens at the &o&ent the bu"e# #eceives the !#u$ f#o& the selle#. In sho#t, %hat is &ate#ial is the p#oof sho%in$ that the t#ansaction o# sale
actuall" too> place, couple! %ith the p#esentation in cou#t of the thin$ sol! as evi!ence of the corpus delicti. If a police office# $oes th#ou$h the
ope#ation as a bu"e#, the c#i&e is consu&&ate! %hen the police office# &a>es an offe# to bu" that is accepte! b" the accuse!, an! the#e is an
ensuin$ eCchan$e bet%een the& involvin$ the !elive#" of the !an$e#ous !#u$s to the police office#.
The concu##ence of the fo#e$oin$ ele&ents %as conclusivel" establishe! he#ein.
To sta#t %ith, Pa#as, as the poseu#)bu"e#, testifie! that the accuse! sol! to hi& shabu !u#in$ the bu")bust ope#ation, to %itE
G P So %hen the info#&ant p#ocee!e! to the place of Noel 5a#tolo&e, %hat !i! the info#&ant !oI
A P Afte# he th#e% ci$a#ette in f#ont of Noel 5a#tolo&e, I app#oache! hi&.
G P Hhat happene! neCtI
A P Hhen I app#oache! the accuse!, I tol! hi&.
(P#e)pais>o# n$a( an! he sai!
(P#e, piso na lan$ ton$ ha%a> >o
Ma$>ano ba an$ >u>unin &o( an! he sai!
(a"os na" an, piso lan$ na&an tala$a an$ >u>unin >o.(
G P Hho han!e! fi#st "ou o# the accuse!I
A P I %as the one %ho han!e! the bu" bust &one".
G P Afte# $ivin$ hi& the P9??.?? pesos to Noel 5a#tolo&e %he#e !i! he place itI
A P Then afte# that he place! it on his f#ont poc>et an! then afte# that he $ot one ,9- plastic sachet f#o& his left f#ont poc>et.
G P An! then afte# $ivin$ "ou the plastic sachet containin$ ille$al !#u$, %hat !i! "ou !oI
A P I sc#atche! &" hea!, si#.
G P Afte# sc#atchin$ "ou# hea!, %hat t#anspi#e! if an"I
A P Hhen I sa% &" co&panions app#oachin$ &e, I $#abbe! Noel 5a#tolo&e, si#.
Secon!l", the t#ans&ission of the plastic sachet an! its contents f#o& the ti&e of thei# sei*u#e until the" %e#e !elive#e! to the PNP #i&e
=abo#ato#" fo# che&ical eCa&ination %as p#ope#l" !ocu&ente!, sta#tin$ %ith the &a#>in$ of the plastic sachet at the c#i&e scene b" Pa#as.
This %as follo%e! b" the p#epa#ation of the %#itten #e'uest b" Insp. #u* at the ADSOA. PO0 De Oca&po then pe#sonall" b#ou$ht the plastic
sachet an! its contents, to$ethe# %ith the %#itten #e'uest, to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#", %he#e the !elive#" of the #e'uest an! of the sachet
an! its contents %as #eco#!e! b" SPO9 5u$abu$a of that office. In Ph"sical Sciences Repo#t No. D)9?@+)?@, he&ist Dela Rosa of the PNP
#i&e =abo#ato#" ulti&atel" ce#tifie! that the contents of the plastic sachet %e#e eCa&ine! an! foun! to be ?.?. $#a&s of &etha&pheta&ine
h"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu, a !an$e#ous !#u$.
An!, thi#!l", the P#osecution p#esente! the shabu, the &a#>e! P9??.?? bill, an! he&ist Dela RosaBs Ph"sical Sciences Repo#t No. D)9?@+)
?@ at the t#ial.
On the othe# han!, the accuse!Bs clai& of bein$ the victi& of a vicious f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion is un%o#th" of se#ious consi!e#ation. The fact
that f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion coul! be easil" concocte! #en!e#s such !efenses ha#! to believe. Thus, althou$h !#u$)#elate! violato#s have
co&&onl" ten!e#e! such !efenses to fen! off o# #efute vali! p#osecutions of thei# !#u$)#elate! violations, the ou#t has #e'ui#e! that such
!efenses, to be c#e!ite! at all, &ust be establishe! %ith clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence.
5ut the accuse! !i! not a!!uce such evi!ence he#e,
fo# all he put up %e#e self)se#vin$ !enials. Ha! the ve#sion of the Defense been %hat #eall" t#anspi#e!, the#e %as no #eason fo# the accuse!
an! his b#othe# not to have fo#&all" cha#$e! the police office#s %ith the seve#el" penali*e! offense of plantin$ of evi!ence un!e# Section
of Republic Act No. ;9.1 an! eCto#tion. The#eb", the alle$ations of f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion %e#e #en!e#e! i&plausible.
3et, the accuse! !isc#e!its the vali!it" of his a##est b" conten!in$ that the a##est #esulte! f#o& an insti$ation, not f#o& a le$iti&ate ent#ap&ent.
He insists that the evi!ence of the P#osecution !i! not sho% hi& to be then loo>in$ fo# bu"e#s of shabu %hen Pa#as an! the info#&ant
app#oache! hi&F that it %as Pa#as %ho p#opose! to bu" shabuf#o& hi&F an! that conse'uentl" Pa#as insti$ate! hi& to sell shabu. He sub&its
that the t#ansaction %oul! not have t#anspi#e! %ithout the p#oposal an! insti$ation b" Pa#asF that Pa#as initiate! the co&&ission of the c#i&e
b" offe#in$ to hi& P9??.?? fo# the pu#chase of the shabuF an! that he shoul! be ac'uitte! !ue to the absoluto#" cause of insti$ation.
The ou#t is not pe#sua!e! to si!e %ith the accuse!.
The t#ial 6u!$e an! the A a$#ee! in thei# fin!in$s on the a##est of the accuse! bein$ the #esult of a le$iti&ate ent#ap&ent p#oce!u#e. Such
fin!in$s %e#e base! on the c#e!ible testi&onies of the poseu# bu"e# an! othe# co&petent %itnesses of the P#osecution. He concu# %ith thei#
fin!in$s. In!ee!, the t#ial 6u!$eBs assess&ent of the c#e!ibilit" of the %itnesses is entitle! to #espect. This is because of the t#ial 6u!$eBs uni'ue
oppo#tunit" to obse#ve the !e&eano# of the %itnesses as the" testifie! befo#e hi&.
The #ule applies even &o#e if, li>e he#e, the t#ial 6u!$eBs
assess&ent %as affi#&e! b" the A upon #evie%.
This #ule shoul! be obe"e! he#e.
Mo#eove#, %e fin! no $la#in$ e##o#s o# &isapp#ehension of facts co&&itte! b" the RT in not acco#!in$ c#e!ence to the ve#sion of the
accuse! an! his b#othe#. In this #e$a#!, it is si$nificant that the accuse! !i! not asc#ibe an" ill &otive to Pa#as that coul! have &a!e the office#
testif" falsel" a$ainst hi&. onsi!e#in$ that the #eco#!s %e#e patentl" be#eft of an" in!iciu& of ill &otive o# of an" !isto#te! sense of !ut" on
the pa#t of the app#ehen!in$ tea&, pa#ticula#l" Pa#as as the poseu# bu"e#, full c#e!ence %as p#ope#l" acco#!e! to the P#osecutionBs evi!ence
inc#i&inatin$ the accuse!. Hithout the clea# an! convincin$ in!ication of the la%&enBs ill &otive an! i##e$ula# pe#fo#&ance of !ut", it is al%a"s
$oo! la% to p#esu&e the& to have pe#fo#&e! thei# official !uties in a #e$ula# &anne#.
That p#esu&ption beca&e conclusive fo# lac> of
To be clea#, then, the insistence b" the accuse! that he %as entitle! to the benefit of an absoluto#" cause as the #esult of an insti$ation is
The#e is a !efinite !istinction bet%een insti$ation an! ent#ap&ent. The ou#t hi$hli$hte! the !istinction in People v. "ayani,
Insti$ation is the &eans b" %hich the accuse! is lu#e! into the co&&ission of the offense cha#$e! in o#!e# to p#osecute hi&. On the othe#
han!, ent#ap&ent is the e&plo"&ent of such %a"s an! &eans fo# the pu#pose of t#appin$ o# captu#in$ a la%b#ea>e#. Thus, in insti$ation,
office#s of the la% o# thei# a$ents incite, in!uce, insti$ate o# lu#e an accuse! into co&&ittin$ an offense %hich he o# she %oul! othe#%ise not
co&&it an! has no intention of co&&ittin$. 5ut in ent#ap&ent, the c#i&inal intent o# !esi$n to co&&it the offense cha#$e! o#i$inates in the
&in! of the accuse!, an! la% enfo#ce&ent officials &e#el" facilitate the app#ehension of the c#i&inal b" e&plo"in$ #uses an! sche&esF thus,
the accuse! cannot 6ustif" his o# he# con!uct. In insti$ation, %he#e la% enfo#ce#s act as co)p#incipals, the accuse! %ill have to be ac'uitte!.
5ut ent#ap&ent cannot ba# p#osecution an! conviction. As has been sai!, insti$ation is a (t#ap fo# the un%a#" innocent,( %hile ent#ap&ent is a
(t#ap fo# the un%a#" c#i&inal.(
As a $ene#al #ule, a bu")bust ope#ation, consi!e#e! as a fo#& of ent#ap&ent, is a vali! &eans of a##estin$ violato#s of Republic Act No. ;9.1.
It is an effective %a" of app#ehen!in$ la% offen!e#s in the act of co&&ittin$ a c#i&e. In a bu")bust ope#ation, the i!ea to co&&it a c#i&e
o#i$inates f#o& the offen!e#, %ithout an"bo!" in!ucin$ o# p#o!!in$ hi& to co&&it the offense.
A police office#Bs act of solicitin$ !#u$s f#o& the accuse! !u#in$ a bu")bust ope#ation, o# %hat is >no%n as a (!eco" solicitation,( is not
p#ohibite! b" la% an! !oes not #en!e# invali! the bu")bust ope#ations. The sale of cont#aban! is a >in! of offense habituall" co&&itte!, an!
the solicitation si&pl" fu#nishes evi!ence of the c#i&inalBs cou#se of con!uct. In People v. ta. (aria, the ou#t cla#ifie! that a (!eco"
solicitation( is not tanta&ount to in!uce&ent o# insti$ationE
It is no !efense to the pe#pet#ato# of a c#i&e that facilities fo# its co&&ission %e#e pu#posel" place! in his %a", o# that the c#i&inal act %as
!one at the (!eco" solicitation( of pe#sons see>in$ to eCpose the c#i&inal, o# that !etectives fei$nin$ co&plicit" in the act %e#e p#esent an!
appa#entl" assistin$ its co&&ission. Especiall" is this t#ue in that class of cases %he#e the office is one habituall" co&&itte!, an! the
solicitation &e#el" fu#nishes evi!ence of a cou#se of con!uct.
As he#e, the solicitation of !#u$s f#o& appellant b" the info#&ant utili*e! b" the police &e#el" fu#nishes evi!ence of a cou#se of con!uct. The
police #eceive! an intelli$ence #epo#t that appellant has been habituall" !ealin$ in ille$al !#u$s. The" !ul" acte! on it b" utili*in$ an info#&ant
to effect a !#u$ t#ansaction %ith appellant. The#e %as no sho%in$ that the info#&ant in!uce! the appellant to sell ille$al !#u$s to hi&.
onve#sel", the la% !eplo#es insti$ation o# in!uce&ent, %hich occu#s %hen the police o# its a$ent !evises the i!ea of co&&ittin$ the c#i&e
an! lu#es the accuse! into eCecutin$ the offense. Insti$ation absolves the accuse! of an" $uilt, $iven the spontaneous &o#al #evulsion f#o&
usin$ the po%e#s of $ove#n&ent to be$uile innocent but !uctile pe#sons into lapses that the" &i$ht othe#%ise #esist.
People v. +oria enu&e#ate! the instances %hen this ou#t #eco$ni*e! insti$ation as a vali! !efense, an! an instance %hen it %as not
In 1nited tates v. Phelps, %e ac'uitte! the accuse! f#o& the offense of s&o>in$ opiu& afte# fin!in$ that the $ove#n&ent e&plo"ee, a 5IR
pe#sonnel, actuall" in!uce! hi& to co&&it the c#i&e in o#!e# to pe#secute hi&. S&ith, the 5IR a$ent, testifie! that PhelpsB app#ehension ca&e
afte# he ove#hea#! Phelps in a saloon sa" that he li>e s&o>in$ opiu& on so&e occasions. S&ithBs testi&on" %as !is#e$a#!e!. He acco#!e!
si$nificance to the fact that it %as S&ith %ho %ent to the accuse! th#ee ti&es to convince hi& to loo> fo# an opiu& !en %he#e both of the&
coul! s&o>e this !#u$. The con!uct of the 5IR a$ent %as con!e&ne! as (&ost #ep#ehensible.( In People v. *bella, %e ac'uitte! the accuse!
of the c#i&e of sellin$ eCplosives afte# eCa&inin$ the testi&on" of the app#ehen!in$ police office# %ho p#eten!e! to be a &e#chant. The police
office# offe#e! (a te&ptin$ p#ice, CCC a ve#" hi$h one( causin$ the accuse! to sell the eCplosives. He foun! the#e %as in!uce&ent, (!i#ect,
pe#sistent an! effective( b" the police office# an! that outsi!e of his testi&on", the#e %as no evi!ence sufficient to convict the accuse!.
In People v. !ua -hu and 1y e )ieng, LHMe convicte! the accuse! afte# fin!in$ that the#e %as no in!uce&ent on the pa#t of the la%
enfo#ce&ent office#. He state! that the usto&s sec#et se#vice&an s&oothe! the %a" fo# the int#o!uction of opiu& f#o& Hon$ Non$ to ebu
afte# the accuse! ha! al#ea!" planne! its i&po#tation an! o#!e#e! sai! !#u$. He #ule! that the app#ehen!in$ office# !i! not in!uce the
accuse! to i&po#t opiu& but &e#el" ent#appe! hi& b" p#eten!in$ to have an un!e#stan!in$ %ith the ollecto# of usto&s of ebu to bette#
assu#e the sei*u#e of the p#ohibite! !#u$ an! the a##est of the su##eptitious i&po#te#s.
In #ecent "ea#s, it has beco&e co&&on p#actice fo# la% enfo#ce&ent office#s an! a$ents to en$a$e in bu")bust ope#ations an! othe#
ent#ap&ent p#oce!u#es in app#ehen!in$ !#u$ offen!e#s, %hich is &a!e !ifficult b" the sec#ec" %ith %hich !#u$)#elate! offenses a#e con!ucte!
an! the &an" !evices an! subte#fu$es e&plo"e! b" offen!e#s to avoi! !etection. On the othe# han!, the ou#t has ta>en 6u!icial notice of the
u$l" #ealit" that in cases involvin$ ille$al !#u$s, co##upt la% enfo#ce#s have been >no%n to p#e" upon %ea>, hapless an! innocent pe#sons.
The !istinction bet%een ent#ap&ent an! insti$ation has p#oven to be c#ucial. The balance nee!s to be st#uc> bet%een the in!ivi!ual #i$hts an!
the p#esu&ption of innocence on one han!, an! ensu#in$ the a##est of those en$a$e! in the ille$al t#affic of na#cotics on the othe#.
Appl"in$ the fo#e$oin$, %e !ecla#e that the accuse! %as not a##este! follo%in$ an insti$ation fo# hi& to co&&it the c#i&e. Instea!, he %as
cau$ht in flagrante delicto !u#in$ an ent#ap&ent th#ou$h bu")bust. In a bu")bust ope#ation, the pushe# sells the cont#aban! to anothe# posin$
as a bu"e#F once the t#ansaction is consu&&ate!, the pushe# is vali!l" a##este! because he is co&&ittin$ o# has 6ust co&&itte! a c#i&e in the
p#esence of the bu"e#. He#e, Pa#as as>e! the accuse! if he coul! bu" shabu, an! the latte#, in tu#n, 'uic>l" t#ansacte! %ith the fo#&e#,
#eceivin$ the &a#>e! bill f#o& Pa#as an! tu#nin$ ove# the sachet of shabu he too> f#o& his poc>et. The accuse! %as sho%n to have been
#ea!" to sell the shabu %ithout &uch p#o!!in$ f#o& Pa#as. The#e is no 'uestion that the i!ea to co&&it the c#i&e o#i$inate! f#o& the &in! of
the accuse!.
The accuse! a#$ues that the absence of a p#io# su#veillance cast !oubt on the ve#acit" of the bu")bust ope#ationF an! that the failu#e to
p#esent the info#&ant as a %itness a$ainst hi&, as %ell as the bu")bust tea&Bs failu#e to co&pl" %ith the #e'ui#e&ents un!e# Section 09,
A#ticle II, of Republic Act No.;9.1, %e#e fatal to the cause of the P#osecution.
The a#$u&ent of the accuse! lac>s &e#it. He have hel! that p#io# su#veillance is not necessa#" to #en!e# a bu")bust ope#ation le$iti&ate,
especiall" %hen the bu")bust tea& is acco&panie! to the ta#$et a#ea b" the info#&ant.
That %as %hat p#ecisel" happene! he#e.
Si&ila#l", the p#esentation of an info#&ant as a %itness is not #e$a#!e! as in!ispensable to the success of a p#osecution of a !#u$)!ealin$
accuse!. As a #ule, the info#&ant is not p#esente! in cou#t fo# secu#it" #easons, in vie% of the nee! to p#otect the info#&ant f#o& the #etaliation
of the culp#it a##este! th#ou$h his effo#ts. The#eb", the confi!entialit" of the info#&antBs i!entit" is p#otecte! in !efe#ence to his invaluable
se#vices to la% enfo#ce&ent.
Onl" %hen the testi&on" of the info#&ant is consi!e#e! absolutel" essential in obtainin$ the conviction of the
culp#it shoul! the nee! to p#otect his secu#it" be !is#e$a#!e!. He#e, ho%eve#, the info#&antBs testi&on" as a %itness a$ainst the accuse!
%oul! onl" be co##obo#ative of the sufficient testi&on" of Pa#as as the poseu#)bu"e#F hence, such testi&on" %as unnecessa#".
He consi!e# as un%a##ante! the contention of the accuse! about the non)co&pliance b" the bu")bust tea& %ith the #e'ui#e&ents of the la%
fo# the p#ope# sei*u#e an! custo!" of !an$e#ous !#u$s.
The #e'ui#e&ents a#e i&pose! b" Section 09, pa#a$#aph 9, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, %hose pe#tinent po#tion #ea!s as follo%sE
Section 09. -ustody and +isposition of -onfiscated, eized, and,or urrendered +angerous +rugs, Plant ources of +angerous +rugs,
-ontrolled Precursors and .ssential -hemicals, 4nstruments,Paraphernalia and,or !aboratory .3uipment. P The PDEA shall ta>e cha#$e an!
have custo!" of all !an$e#ous !#u$s, plant sou#ces of !an$e#ous !#u$s, cont#olle! p#ecu#so#s an! essential che&icals, as %ell as
inst#u&entsJpa#aphe#nalia an!Jo# labo#ato#" e'uip&ent so confiscate!, sei*e! an!Jo# su##en!e#e!, fo# p#ope# !isposition in the follo%in$
,9- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall"
invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o#
hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho
shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofF
To i&ple&ent the #e'ui#e&ents of Republic Act No. ;9.1, Section 09 ,a-, A#ticle II of the IRR #elevantl" statesE
,a- The app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall"
invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o#
hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho
shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofE P#ovi!e!, that the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph shall be
con!ucte! at the place %he#e the sea#ch %a##ant is se#ve!F o# at the nea#est police station o# at the nea#est office of the app#ehen!in$
office#Jtea&, %hicheve# is p#acticable, in case of %a##antless sei*u#esF P#ovi!e!, fu#the# that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e#
6ustifiable $#oun!s, as lon$ as the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$
office#Jtea&, shall not #en!e# voi! an! invali! such sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&sF
It is notable that pu#suant to the IRR, supra, the non)obse#vance of the #e'ui#e&ents &a" be eCcuse! if the#e is a 6ustification, p#ovi!e! the
inte$#it" of the sei*e! ite&s as evi!ence is (p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&.(
Althou$h it appea#s that the bu")bust tea& !i! not lite#all" obse#ve all the #e'ui#e&ents, li>e photo$#aphin$ the confiscate! !#u$s in the
p#esence of the accuse!, of a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! f#o& the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice, an! of an" electe! public official %ho shoul!
be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" of it, %hateve# 6ustification the &e&be#s of the bu")bust tea& ha! to #en!e#
in o#!e# to eCplain thei# non)obse#vance of all the #e'ui#e&ents %oul! #e&ain un#eveale! because the accuse! !i! not assail such non)
co&pliance !u#in$ the t#ial. He #aise! the &atte# fo# the fi#st ti&e onl" in the A. As such, the ou#t cannot no% !%ell on the &atte# because
to !o so %oul! be a$ainst the tenets of fai# pla" an! e'uit". That is %hat the ou#t sai! in People v. ta. (aria,
to %itE
The la% eCcuses non)co&pliance un!e# 6ustifiable $#oun!s.1wphi1 Ho%eve#, %hateve# 6ustifiable $#oun!s &a" eCcuse the police office#s
involve! in the bu")bust ope#ation in this case f#o& co&pl"in$ %ith Section 09 %ill #e&ain un>no%n, because appellant !i! not 'uestion !u#in$
t#ial the safe>eepin$ of the ite&s sei*e! f#o& hi&. In!ee!, the police office#sB alle$e! violations of Sections 09 an! +. of Republic Act No.
;9.1 %e#e not #aise! befo#e the t#ial cou#t but %e#e instea! #aise! fo# the fi#st ti&e on appeal. In no instance !i! appellant least inti&ate at the
t#ial cou#t that the#e %e#e lapses in the safe>eepin$ of sei*e! ite&s that affecte! thei# inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value. Ob6ection to evi!ence
cannot be #aise! fo# the fi#st ti&e on appealF %hen a pa#t" !esi#es the cou#t to #e6ect the evi!ence offe#e!, he &ust so state in the fo#& of
ob6ection. Hithout such ob6ection, he cannot #aise the 'uestion fo# the fi#st ti&e on appeal.
He point out that the non)a!he#ence to Section 09, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1 %as not a se#ious fla% that %oul! &a>e the a##est of the
accuse! ille$al o# that %oul! #en!e# the shabu sub6ect of the sale b" hi& ina!&issible as evi!ence a$ainst hi&. Hhat %as c#ucial %as the
p#ope# p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! shabu, inas&uch as that %oul! be si$nificant in the !ete#&ination of
the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!.
The State sho%e! he#e that the chain of custo!" of the shabu %as fi#& an! unb#o>en. The bu")bust tea& p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! the inte$#it" of
the shabu as evi!ence f#o& the ti&e of its sei*u#e to the ti&e of its p#esentation in cou#t. I&&e!iatel" upon the a##est of the accuse!, Pa#as
&a#>e! the plastic sachet containin$ the shabu %ith the accuse!Bs initials of :"". The#eafte#, Pa#as b#ou$ht the sachet an! the contents to
the ADSOA,
%he#e his supe#io# office#, Insp. #u*, p#epa#e! an! si$ne! the #e'uest fo# the labo#ato#" eCa&ination of the contents of the
&a#>e! sachet.
P?0 De Oca&po han!ca##ie! the #e'uest an! the evi!ence to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#".
SPO 9 5u$abu$a of that office
#eco#!e! the !elive#" of the #e'uest an! the &a#>e! sachet, %hich %e#e all #eceive! b" he&ist Dela Rosa.
In tu#n, he&ist Dela Rosa
eCa&ine! the contents of the &a#>e! sachet, an! eCecute! Ph"sical Sciences Repo#t No. D)9 ?@ +)?@ confi#&in$ that the &a#>e! sachet
containe! ?.?. $#a& ofshabu.
In this #e$a#!, the accuse! !i! not !en" that Pa#as an! he&ist Dela Rosa affi#&e! the se'uence of custo!"
of the shabu !u#in$ the t#ial.
The A an! the RT co##ectl" i&pose! life i&p#ison&ent an! fine of P1??,???.??. Section 1, A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1 states that the
penalt" fo# the ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, li>e shabu, #e$a#!less of the 'uantit" an! pu#it", shall be life i&p#ison&ent to !eath an! a fine
#an$in$ f#o& P1??,???.?? to P 9?,???,???.??.
HHERE2ORE, %e A22IRM the !ecision p#o&ul$ate! b" the ou#t of Appeals on 8anua#" 0;, 0?9?F an! ORDER the accuse! to pa" the costs
of suit.
Associate 8ustice
hief 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
M#RTN S. &LL#R#M#, JR.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation
befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tDs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 1-(832 O34o@2r 1(, 2008
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
S#L&#%OR S#NCHE' y ESPRTU, accuse!)appellant.
% E C S O N
$RON, J.1
This case conf#onts us once &o#e %ith the bu")bust of a p#ohibite! !#u$ an! the p#oce!u#al !ifficulties this t"pe of ope#ation poses fo# the
police as %ell as fo# the p#osecution.
On appeal is the Septe&be# 99, 0??. Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals ,-*- in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?9?;1. The A affi#&e! the Ap#il 9/,
0??1 Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,#)--, 5#anch 9?@, Gue*on it", that foun! the accuse!)appellant Salva!o# Sanche* y Espi#itu
,appellant- $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of Section 1, A#ticle II of Republic Act ,#.*.- No. ;9.1 ,the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous
D#u$s Act of 0??0-, &e#itin$ hi& the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent.
The p#osecution cha#$e! the appellant befo#e the RT %ith violation of Section 1, A#ticle II of R.A. No. ;9.1 un!e# an Info#&ation that statesE
That on o# about the .
!a" of Ap#il 0??@ in Gue*on it", Philippines, the sai! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la% to sell,
!ispense, !elive#, t#anspo#t o# !ist#ibute an" !an$e#ous !#u$, !i!, then an! the#e, %illfull" an! unla%full" sell, !ispense, !elive#,
t#anspo#t, !ist#ibute o# act as b#o>e# in the sai! t#ansaction, *e#o point *e#o t%o ,?.?0- $#a&s of %hite c#"stalline substance
containin$ &eth"la&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, a !an$e#ous !#u$.
The appellant plea!e! not $uilt" to the cha#$e.
The p#osecution p#esente! its lone %itness ) SPO0 =evi Sevilla ,P$@ evilla- ) in the t#ial on
the &e#its that follo%e!. The appellant an! his %itness, Ni!a Dete#a ,:ida-, too> the stan! fo# the !efense.
The RT su&&a#i*e! the &ate#ial points of the testi&on" of SPO0 Sevilla as follo%sE
C C C %hile he %as on Station @ !ut" at Talipapa, Novaliches, Gue*on it" on Ap#il ., 0??@ a confi!ential info#&ant a##ive! at a#oun!
/E@? noon an! #epo#te! that the#e is a pe#son %ho has been sellin$ shabu. An ent#ap&ent tea& %as fo#&e! consistin$ of hi&self as
poseu# bu"e#, SPO9 5#i$i!o An, PO@ Vi#$ilio 5e#na#!o, PO0 Mann" Paulilis an! PO9 ecil olla!o. A p#e)ope#ational #epo#t %as
sub&itte! of the un!e#ta>in$. At 1E?? p.&., the tea& %as !ispatche! to the ta#$et a#ea P at the fa# en! =ualhati St#eet, Manoto>
Sub!., 5aesa, Gue*on it". PO Sevilla put his initial (=S( on the &one" $iven to hi& to be use! at the ent#ap&ent.
At the place, %hich is a s'uatte#Ds colon" locate! at the e!$e o# si!e of =ualhati St., PO Sevilla an! his info#&ant %al>e! to%a#!s the
place pointe! b" the info#&ant an! &et the !#u$ pushe#. The info#&ant int#o!uce! PO Sevilla to the pushe#. The info#&ant an! the
pushe# tal>e! fo# a %hile. The#eafte#, PO Sevilla tal>e! to the latte#. He tol! hi& that he ba!l" nee!s shabu para pumayat. C C C PO
Sevilla then $ave the pushe# P9??.?? ,the &a#>e! &one"- an! in #etu#n the pushe# $ave hi& a plastic sachet of shabu.
Afte# #eceivin$ the plastic sachet, PO Sevilla sc#atche! his hea! as a p#e)a##an$e! si$nal to his collea$ues %ho %e#e !eplo"e!
nea#b". Sai! othe# police&en #ushe! to the c#i&e scene %hile PO Sevilla $#abbe! the #i$ht han! of the accuse! an! int#o!uce!
hi&self as a cop. The accuse! %as f#is>e! an! PO Sevilla #ecove#e! the P9??.?? &a#>e! &one" bill ,ECh. 7- in the #i$ht si!e pants
poc>et of the accuse! %ho %as late# b#ou$ht to Station @. PO Sevilla i!entifie! the t#anspa#ent plastic sachet on %hich he place! his
initial (=S( an! the initial (SS( of the accuse! ,ECh. E-.
On c#oss eCa&ination, PO Sevilla #eite#ate! his testi&on" a!!in$ that %heneve# he is tas>e! as a poseu# bu"e# he al%a"s $ives as
#eason that he %ante! to be thinne# an! !#u$ pushe#s neve# 'uestione! hi& about that. PO Sevilla, %ho %as %ea#in$ a c#e% cut in
cou#t sai! that %hen he bou$ht shabu f#o& the accuse! his hai# st"le %as !iffe#ent. It %as his fi#st ti&e to ent#ap at that place as a
poseu# bu"e#. Thei# &a#>e! Anf#a van %as pa#>e! alon$ Gui#ino Hi$h%a", Gue*on it" f#o& %he#e he an! the info#&ant %al>e! to
=ualhati St#eet fo# about 9? &inutes as the ta#$et
scene %as about 9?? &ete#s a%a". He #eite#ate! that thei# P#e)op Repo#t
%as sent to PDEA an! $iven a cont#ol nu&be#.
D4talics and footnotes referring to the pertinent parts of the records suppliedE
The RT !ispense! %ith the testi&on" of 2o#ensic he&ist 8ohn Paul Puentespina afte# the pa#ties stipulate! that (the ite&s alle$e!l"
confiscate! f#o& the accuse! %e#e sub&itte! to the c#i&e labo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination an! the fin!in$s %e#e put into %#itin$.(
In the hea#in$ of Dece&be# /, 0??@, the p#osecution offe#e! the follo%in$ as eChibitsE
EChibit (A( ) the #e'uest fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination of the speci&en confiscate! f#o& the appellantF
EChibit (5( ) the Initial =abo#ato#" Repo#t p#epa#e! b" 2o#ensic he&ist Paul 8e#o&e PuentespinaF
EChibit (( ) the onfi#&ato#" o# 2inal he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)@..)?@ p#epa#e! b" 2o#ensic he&ist Paul 8e#o&e PuentespinaF
EChibit (D( ) s%o#n e#tification to sho% that the he&ist#" Repo#t %as subsc#ibe! an! s%o#n to befo#e an A!&iniste#in$ Office#F
EChibits (E(, (E)9( an! (E)0( ) the speci&en ta>en f#o& the appellantF the initials of 2o#ensic he&ist PuentespinaF an! the initials of
the police office# %ho a##este! the accuse! an! %ho #eceive! the speci&en in eCchan$e fo# the bu" bust &one", #espectivel"F
EChibit (2( ) the b#o%n envelope %he#e the sei*e! evi!ence %as place! afte# it %as eCa&ine! b" 2o#ensic he&ist PuentespinaF
EChibits (7( an! (7)9( ) the bu" bust &one" an! the initials %#itten the#ein of the poseu# bu"e#, #espectivel"F
EChibits (H( an! (H)9( ) the 8oint Affi!avit of the ent#ap&ent tea& an! the si$natu#e the#ein b" SPO0 Sevilla, #espectivel".
The !efense ob6ecte! to EChibits (E,( (E)9,( (E)0,( (7( an! (H,( conten!in$ that the appellant (ha! nothin$ to !o %ith the speci&en p#esente!
befo#e the cou#t,( an! that the confiscate! speci&en #esulte! f#o& an ille$al a##est. On EChibit (7,( the !efense a#$ue! that no evi!ence of
po%!e# %as eve# p#esente! b" the p#osecution %itness. The !efense li>e%ise ob6ecte! to the p#esentation of EChibit (H( on the $#oun! that its
contents %e#e self)se#vin$.
The appellant $ave a !iffe#ent ve#sion of the events in his testi&on" of 8anua#" @?, 0??1. He na##ate! that at a#oun! 1E01 in the afte#noon of
Ap#il ., 0??@, he %as in his house puttin$ his chil!#en to sleep %hen th#ee ,@- police office#s su!!enl" ba#$e! into his house, sea#che! the
p#e&ises, f#is>e! hi&, an! fo#ce! hi& to co&e %ith the&.
He #eco$ni*e! one of the police&en as (Si# =evi,( a fo#&e# collea$ue of his uncle,
Sonn" atiis, at the police station. The police office#s then han!cuffe! hi& an! as>e! hi& to $et into a police vehicle. He be$$e! the& an!
shoute!, Hir you already fris/ed me in the house and you did not find anything, you might just plant evidence in my poc/et, please do not do
so.H The police b#ou$ht hi& to Police Station @, Talipapa, Gue*on it", an! place! hi& in a !etention cell %ithout an investi$ation bein$
Hhile insi!e his cell, the police sho%e! hi& a plastic sachet an! sai! that it %as the shabu ta>en f#o& hi&. SPO0 Sevilla as>e! hi& to call his
uncle, but he #efuse! to !o soF he fea#e! that his uncle %oul! thin> that the confiscate! shabu %as #eall" ta>en f#o& hi&.
Ni!a testifie! that she %as at the >itchen of the appellantDs house !oin$ the laun!#" bet%een 0E??)@E?? in the afte#noon of Ap#il ., 0??@, %hen
she hea#! lou! >noc>s on the !oo#. The appellant, %ho %as in be!, stoo! up an! opene! the !oo#.
A pe#son ente#e!, pushe! the appellant
bac>%a#!s, an! han!cuffe! hi&. This pe#son then o#!e#e! the appellant to sit !o%n so he ,the appellant- coul! be as>e! 'uestions. A total of
fou# pe#sons, all &ale, ente#e! the house. Afte#%a#!s, the appellant an! she %e#e f#is>e!F a li$hte# %as ta>en f#o& he#, but nothin$ %as sei*e!
f#o& the appellant.
The RT p#i&a#il" consi!e#e! the #eputation of SPO0 Sevilla in $ivin$ %ei$ht to his testi&on", an! hel! that (PO Sevilla has been a f#e'uent
%itness in !#u$s cases an! he has al#ea!" establishe! his c#e!ibilit" befo#e this cou#t.( Its !ecision of Ap#il 9/, 0??1 foun! the appellant $uilt"
be"on! #easonable !oubt of violation of Section 1, A#ticle II of R.A. No. ;9.1. It i&pose! on hi& the penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent an! o#!e#e!
hi& to pa" a fine ofP1?,???.??.
The appellant appeale! to the A, %ith the appeal !oc>ete! as A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?9?;1. In its !ecision of Septe&be# 99, 0??., the A
affi#&e! the RT !ecision.
In his b#ief
on appeal, the appellant conten!s that the cou#t a 3uo $#avel" e##e! in fin!in$ hi& $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt fo# violation of
R.A. No. ;9.1. He &aintains that the cou#tBs o#!e# of conviction %as &e#el" base! on the $oo! #eputation SPO0 Sevilla has establishe! %ith
the cou#t base! on the &an" !#u$ cases he ha! han!le!. The t#ial cou#t, too, %#on$l" inte#p#ete! the appellantBs appea#ance an! !e&eano#
because (his hea! %as bo%e! an! his e"es %e#e !#ea&" an! sa!.(
The !efense ha#ps, too, on the p#osecutionBs failu#e to p#ove that the sachets alle$e!l" #ecove#e! f#o& the appellant %e#e the ones sub&itte!
to the fo#ensic che&ist fo# eCa&ination, as %ell as its failu#e to follo% the p#ope# chain of custo!" in han!lin$ the sei*e! evi!ence. It %as onl"
the a##estin$ office# %ho testifie! that he confiscate! the sachet f#o& the accuse!. The police office# %ho con!ucte! the subse'uent
investi$ation an! to %ho& the confiscate! sachet %as alle$e!l" tu#ne! ove# %as not i!entifie! no# p#esente! as %itness. Hence the i!entit" of
the evi!ence p#esente! a$ainst the appellant is !oubtful.
The p#osecution counte#s %ith the a#$u&ent that the t#ial cou#tBs fin!in$s on the c#e!ibilit" of SPO0 Sevilla an! the lac> of it %ith #espect to the
appellant an! his %itness Ni!a, shoul! be $iven $#eat %ei$ht an! #espect, as the t#ial cou#t ha! the chance an! the p#e#o$ative to hea# an!
app#eciate these &atte#s at the t#ial. SPO0 Sevilla !esc#ibe! in a clea# an! un%ave#in$ &anne# ho% the police tea& planne! fo# an!
con!ucte! the bu")bust ope#ation, an! ho% he &a#>e! the plastic sachet of shabu he bou$ht f#o& appellant i&&e!iatel" afte# the latte#Bs
a##est. Even the state&ent #e$a#!in$ the c#e!ibilit" of SPO0 Sevilla, a f#e'uent %itness befo#e the t#ial cou#t in !#u$ cases, !oes not &ean that
the t#ial cou#t %as biase!. If at all, it onl" &eant that the t#ial cou#t ha! >no%n SPO0 Sevilla an! ha! often obse#ve! his !e&eano# as a
The p#osecution fu#the# a#$ues that the evi!ence fo# the !efense is inc#e!ible an! !oubtful 6u!$in$ f#o& the testi&onies of the appellant an!
his %itness Ni!a. Hhile the appellant testifie! that his alle$e! unla%ful a##est t#anspi#e! at 1E01 p.&. of Ap#il ., 0??@, his %itness Ni!a testifie!
%ith ce#taint" that she %itnesse! the a##est ta>e place on the sa&e !ate bet%een 0E?? p.&. an! @E?? p.&. as she sa% the ti&e on the %all
cloc>. Mo#eove#, the appellant hi&self a!&itte! that he ha! no >no%le!$e of an" a!ve#se #eason o# ill &otive that %oul! in!uce the a##estin$
police office#s to falsel" i&plicate hi&. To the p#osecution, this lac> of ill &otive suppo#ts the vie% that SPO0 Sevilla testifie! to the t#uth an!
his acts shoul! en6o" the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it".
As to the corpus delicti, the p#osecution st#esses that it full" p#ove! that the ite& #ecove#e! f#o& the appellant is positive fo# shabu. The
#e'uest fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination of the speci&en confiscate! f#o& the appellantF the initial labo#ato#" #epo#t sho%in$ that the ite& bou$ht
an!Jo# sei*e! f#o& appellant is positive fo# shabuF an! the final che&ist#" #epo#t %e#e all fo#&all" offe#e! in evi!ence, %ithout an" ob6ection
f#o& the appellant. The !efense, in fact, a$#ee! to stipulate on the contents an! the ve#acit" of the fo#ensic eCa&inations &a!e #elative to the
ite& #ecove#e! f#o& the appellant. The corpus delicti havin$ been p#oven an! even a!&itte! b" the appellant, the#e %as nothin$ &o#e fo# the
p#osecution to establishF it ha! p#oven be"on! #easonable !oubt all the ele&ents of the ille$al sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s, specificall" ) ,a- the
i!entit" of the bu"e# an! selle#, the ob6ect an! the consi!e#ationF an! ,b- the !elive#" of the thin$s sol! an! the pa"&ent the#efo#.
#842r "u2 3on6+"2ra4+on, C2 r26o,I2 4o a3Ju+4 452 a**2,,an4 8or 452 *ro623u4+onA6 8a+,ur2 4o *roI2 5+6 7u+,4 @2yon" r2a6ona@,2 "ou@4.
Non.o@62rIan32 o8 452
r2Ju+r292n46 o8 S234+on 21,
*ara7ra*5 1 o8 #r4+3,2 o8
R2*u@,+3 #34 No. 916(
In consi!e#in$ a c#i&inal case, it is c#itical to sta#t %ith the la%Bs o%n sta#tin$ pe#spective on the status of the accuse! P in all criminal
prosecutions, he is presumed innocent of the charge laid unless the contrary is proven beyond reasonable doubt.
Thus, %hile the cha#$e
%as lai! afte# a p#eli&ina#" fin!in$ that a p#obable cause eCiste! sho%in$ that a c#i&e ha! been co&&itte! an! the accuse! %as p#obabl"
$uilt" the#eof, the c#i&inal t#ial itself sta#ts %ith the substantive p#esu&ption of the innocence on the pa#t of the accuse!, #ebuttable onl" b"
p#oof of his $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. The bu#!en of such p#oof #ests %ith the p#osecution %hich &ust #el" on the st#en$th of its case
#athe# than on the %ea>ness of the case fo# the !efense. P#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt, o# that 'uantu& of p#oof sufficient to p#o!uce a
&o#al ce#taint" that %oul! convince an! satisf" the conscience of those %ho act in 6u!$&ent, is in!ispensable to ove#co&e the constitutional
p#esu&ption of innocence.
To p#ove the le$iti&ac" of the police bu")bust ope#ation, the p#osecution p#esente! the follo%in$E ,a- a p#e)ope#ation #epo#t bea#in$ Anit
ont#ol Nu&be# ?1?/)?@)?: si$ne! b" the !es> office#, police chief an! tea& lea!e# of the station !#u$ enfo#ce&ent unit, %hich in!icate! the
t"pe, ti&e an! $ene#al a#ea of ope#ation, the t"pe of vehicles an! fi#ea#&s to be use!, an! the #espective na&es of the tea& lea!e#, poseu#)
bu"e# an! &e&be#s of the bu")bust tea&F ,b- a photocop" of the &a#>e! &one"F an! ,c- the 6oint affi!avit of the ent#ap&ent tea& si$ne! b"
the poseu#)bu"e#, SPO0 Sevilla, an! PO9 olla!o. The ope#ation "iel!e! a plastic sachet containin$ shabu alle$e!l" confiscate! f#o& the
A bu")bust ope#ation is a fo#& of ent#ap&ent e&plo"e! b" peace office#s to app#ehen! p#ohibite! !#u$ la% violato#s in the act of co&&ittin$ a
!#u$)#elate! offense.
5ecause of the built)in !an$e# fo# abuse that a bu")bust ope#ation ca##ies, it is $ove#ne! b" specific p#oce!u#es on the
sei*u#e an! custo!" of !#u$s, sepa#atel" f#o& the $ene#al la% p#oce!u#es $ea#e! to ensu#e that the #i$hts of people un!e# c#i&inal
an! of the accuse! facin$ a c#i&inal cha#$e
a#e safe$ua#!e!. He eCp#esse! this conce#n in People v. )an,
%hen %e
#eco$ni*e! that Hby the very nature of anti-narcotic operations, the need for entrapment procedures, the use of shady characters as
informants, the ease with which stic/s of marijuana or grams of heroin can be planted in the poc/ets or hands of unsuspecting provincial
hic/s, and the secrecy that inevitably shrouds all drug deals, the possibility of abuse is great. )hus, the courts have been e%horted to be e%tra
vigilant in trying drug cases lest an innocent person is made to suffer the unusually severe penalties for drug offenses.H
The #e'ui#e! p#oce!u#e on the sei*u#e an! custo!" of !#u$s is e&bo!ie! in Section 09, pa#a$#aph 9, A#ticle II of R.A. No. ;9.1, %hich statesE
9- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s 65a,,, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an!
confiscation, *5y6+3a,,y +nI2n4ory an" *5o4o7ra*5 452 6a92 +n 452 *r262n32 o8 452 a33u62" or 452 *2r6onK6 8ro9 C5o9
6u35 +4296 C2r2 3on8+63a42" an!Jo# sei*e!, o# hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the
Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a
cop" the#eof. L.mphasis oursM
This is i&ple&ente! b" Section 09,a-, A#ticle II of the 4mplementing #ules and #egulations of R.A. No. ;9.1, %hich #ea!sE
,a- The app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s 65a,,, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation,
ph"sicall" invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e
confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o# hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice
,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofE C C C
P#ovi!e!, fu#the# that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e# Lu64+8+a@,2 7roun"6, as lon$ as the inte$#it" an! the
evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&, shall not #en!e# voi! an! invali! such
sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&s. L.mphasis suppliedM
The #eco#!s of the p#esent case a#e be#eft of evi!ence sho%in$ that the bu")bust tea& follo%e! the outline! p#oce!u#e !espite its &an!ato#"
te#&s, as in!icate! b" the use of (shall( in its !i#ectives. The !eficienc" is patent f#o& the follo%in$ eCchan$es at the t#ialE
GE No% afte# "ou #eceive! that shabu o# t#anspa#ent plastic sachet containin$ shabu an! $ave the P9??.?? bill to the accuse!, %hat
happene! neCtI
AE Afte# I #eceive! LsicM I sc#atche! &" hea!.
GE Hhat is the pu#poseI
AE P#e)a##an$eL!M si$nal.
GE Afte# that %hat happene!I
AE The" s%oope! !o%n in the scene.
GE Hhat happene! afte# thatI
AE I $#ab LsicM his #i$ht han!.
GE Hhen "ou $#abbe! his #i$ht han! %hat !i! "ou tell hi&I
AE I int#o!uce! &"self as Police Office#.
GE Then afte# that %hat happene! neCtI
AE I $#abbe! the accuse! an! info#&e! hi& of his constitutional #i$ht.
GE Afte# info#&in$ of his constitutional #i$ht %hat happene! M#. HitnessI
AE He b#ou$ht hi& to ou# station.
GE HoC a@ou4 452 4ran6*ar2n4 *,a64+3 6a3524, C52r2 +6 +4M
AE 4 +6 +n 9y *o66266+on.
GE Ho% about the bu")bust &one" in the a&ount of P9??.??I
AE I #ecove#e! it f#o& the #i$ht pants poc>et.
GE No% "ou sai! that "ou b#ou$ht the accuse! to the Police Station, %hat happene! to the Police StationI
AE He tu#n LsicM hi& ove# to the Des> Office#.
GE /5a4 "+" you 4urn oI2rM
AE T52 a33u62" an" 452 2I+"2n326, 452 *,a64+3 65a@u 6+r.
GE $28or2 you 4urn oI2r 45a4 *,a64+3 6a3524 Mr. /+4n266, C5a4 "+" you *u4 452r2M
AE *u4 9y +n+4+a, an" +n+4+a, o8 452 a33u62".
GE If that t#anspa#ent plastic sachet is sho%n to "ou, can "ou i!entif" that M#. HitnessI
AE 3es, si#.
GE Sho%in$ to "ou this plastic sachet M#. Hitness, %hat can "ou sa" to that t#anspa#ent plastic sachetI
AE This %as the one I pu#chase! f#o& the accuse! because I have he#e &" initial an! the initial of the accuse!, si#.
L.mphasis oursM
Othe# than the &a#>in$s that SPO0 Sevilla alle$e!, it is clea# that no *5y6+3a, +nI2n4ory an! no *5o4o7ra*5 of the sei*e! ite&s %e#e ta>en
in the p#esence of the accuse! o# his counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an elective official.
5ase! on the above testi&on", SPO0 Sevilla ) the p#osecutionBs lone %itness ) also !i! not &a#> the plastic sachet of shabu i&&e!iatel" upon
sei*u#eF it %as onl" &a#>e! upon a##ival at the police station. Thus, othe# than the stipulation #e$a#!in$ the han!lin$ an! #esults of the
speci&en at the fo#ensic labo#ato#", SPO0 SevillaBs testi&on" an! the evi!ence he i!entifie! constitute the totalit" of the evi!ence fo# the
p#osecution on the han!lin$ of the alle$e!l" sei*e! ite&s.
He #eco$ni*e that the st#ict co&pliance %ith the #e'ui#e&ents of Section 09 of R.A. No. ;9.1 &a" not al%a"s be possible un!e# fiel!
con!itionsF the police ope#ates un!e# va#ie! con!itions, &an" of the& fa# f#o& i!eal, an! cannot at all ti&es atten! to all the niceties of the
p#oce!u#es in the han!lin$ of confiscate! evi!ence. The pa#ticipation of a #ep#esentative f#o& the DO8, the &e!ia o# an electe! official alone
can be p#oble&atic. 2o# this #eason, the last sentence of the i&ple&entin$ #ules p#ovi!es that (non-compliance with these re3uirements under
justifiable grounds, as long as the integrity and the evidentiary value of the seized items are properly preserved by the apprehending
officer,team, shall not render void and invalid such seizures of and custody over said items.( Thus, non.3o9*,+an32 %ith the st#ict !i#ective of
Section 09 of R.A. No. ;9.1 is no4 n23266ar+,y 8a4a, to the p#osecutionBs caseF police p#oce!u#es in the han!lin$ of confiscate! evi!ence &a"
still have so&e lapses, as in the p#esent case. These lapses, ho%eve#, &ust be #eco$ni*e! an! eCplaine! in te#&s of thei# Lu64+8+a@,2
7roun"6 an! the +n427r+4y an" 2I+"2n4+ary Ia,u2 o8 452 2I+"2n32 62+N2" 9u64 @2 65oCn 4o 5aI2 @22n *r262rI2".
In the p#esent case, the p#osecution appa#entl" !i! not %ant to accept that the police ha! co&&itte! lapses in the han!lin$ of the sei*e!
&ate#ials an! thus !i! not bothe# to p#esent an" eCplanation to 6ustif" the non)obse#vance of the p#esc#ibe! p#oce!u#es. It li>e%ise faile! to
p#ove that the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the ite&s a!!uce! %e#e not tainte! as the !iscussions belo% %ill sho%. The non)obse#vance
b" the police of the #e'ui#e! p#oce!u#e cannot the#efo#e be eCcuse!.
T52 E35a+n o8 3u64o"yE oI2r 452
3on8+63a42" +4296 Ca6 no4 *roI2n
An!e# Section 1, A#ticle II
of R.A. No. ;9.1, the ele&ents necessa#" in eve#" p#osecution fo# the ille$al sale of shabu a#eE ,9- the i!entit" of
the bu"e# an! the selle#, the ob6ect an! the consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent the#efo#. I&plicit in all these is
the nee! fo# p#oof that the t#ansaction o# sale actuall" too> place, couple! %ith the *r262n4a4+on +n 3our4 o8 2I+"2n32 o8 corpus !elicti . 452
@o"y o8 452 3r+92 C5o62 3or2 +6 452 3on8+63a42" +,,+3+4 "ru7.
P#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt !e&an!s that un%ave#in$ eCactitu!e be obse#ve! in establishin$ the corpus delictiE eve#" fact necessa#" to
constitute the c#i&e &ust be establishe!.
The chain of custo!" #e'ui#e&ent pe#fo#&s this function in bu")bust ope#ations as it ensu#es that
!oubts conce#nin$ the i!entit" of the evi!ence a#e #e&ove!.
In a lon$ line of cases, %e have consi!e#e! it fatal fo# the p#osecution to fail to
p#ove that the speci&en sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination %as the sa&e one alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& the accuse!.
5lac>Bs =a% Dictiona#" eCplains chain of custo!" in this %iseE
In evi!ence, the one %ho offe#s #eal evi!ence, such as na#cotics in a t#ial of !#u$ case, &ust account fo# the custo!" of the evi!ence
f#o& the &o&ent in %hich it #eaches his custo!" until the &o&ent in %hich it is offe#e! in evi!ence, an! such evi!ence $oes to the
%ei$ht not to a!&issibilit" of evi!ence.-om. 6. <hite, FKF (ass. LGB, @F@ :...@d FFK.
=i>e%ise, Section 9,b- of Dan$e#ous D#u$s 5oa#! Re$ulation No. 9, Se#ies of 0??0
%hich i&ple&ents R.A. No. ;9.1 !efines (chain of
custo!"( as follo%sE
(hain of usto!"( &eans the !ul" #eco#!e! autho#i*e! &ove&ents an! custo!" of sei*e! !#u$s o# cont#olle! che&icals o# plant
sou#ces of !an$e#ous !#u$s o# labo#ato#" e'uip&ent of each sta$e, f#o& the ti&e of sei*u#eJconfiscation to #eceipt in the fo#ensic
labo#ato#" to safe>eepin$ to p#esentation in cou#t fo# !est#uction. Such #eco#! of &ove&ents an! custo!" of sei*e! ite& shall
inclu!e the i!entit" an! si$natu#e of the pe#son %ho hel! te&po#a#" custo!" of the sei*e! ite&, the !ate an! ti&e %hen such
t#ansfe# of custo!" %e#e &a!e in the cou#se of safe>eepin$ an! use in cou#t as evi!ence, an! the final !isposition.
Althou$h this #e$ulation too> effect on Octobe# 9+, 0??0 ,o# afte# the co&&ission of the c#i&e cha#$e!-, it is nonetheless useful in illust#atin$
ho% the p#ocess of p#ese#vin$ the inte$#it" of the chain of custo!" of the sei*e! !#u$s is ensu#e! an! &aintaine!. That the police faile! to
app#oCi&ate these safe$ua#!s an! the p#osecution faile! to p#ove the i!entit" of the speci&en alle$e!l" sei*e! an! the speci&en sub&itte!
as evi!ence !u#in$ the t#ial is evi!ent f#o& SPO0 Sevilla hi&self %ho testifie! as follo%sE
GE Afte# info#&in$ Lthe accuse!M of his constitutional #i$ht %hat happene! M#. HitnessI
AE He b#ou$ht hi& to ou# station.
GE HoC a@ou4 452 4ran6*ar2n4 *,a64+3 6a3524, C52r2 +6 +4M
AE 4 +6 +n 9y *o66266+on.
GE Ho% about the bu")bust &one" in the a&ount of P9??.??I
AE I #ecove#e! it f#o& the #i$ht pants poc>et.
GE No% "ou sai! that "ou b#ou$ht the accuse! to the Police Station, %hat happene! to the Police StationI
AE He tu#n hi& ove# to the Des> Office#.
GE /5a4 "+" you 4urn oI2rM
AE T52 a33u62" an" 452 2I+"2n326, 452 *,a64+3 65a@u 6+r.
GE $28or2 you 4urn oI2r 45a4 *,a64+3 6a3524 Mr. /+4n266, C5a4 "+" you *u4 452r2M
AE *u4 9y +n+4+a, an" +n+4+a, o8 452 a33u62".
GE 5" the %a" M#. Hitness afte# "ou tu#ne! ove# to the investi$ato# the plastic sachet, !i! "ou happen to >no% %he#e the
investi$ato# b#ou$ht the plastic sachetI
AE 7aI2 45a4 *,a64+3 6a3524 8+r64 4o 452 4a@,2 o8 452 %26D O88+32r an" 452 %26D O88+32r 7aI2 +4 4o 452 +nI264+7a4or.
That %oul! be all fo# the %itness.
Si$nificantl", this %as the onl" testi&on" in the case that touche! on the chain of custo!" of the sei*e! evi!ence. It faile! to !isclose the
i!entities of the !es> office# an! the investi$ato# to %ho& the custo!" of the !#u$s %as $iven, an! ho% the latte# han!le! these &ate#ials. No
#efe#ence %as eve# &a!e to the pe#son %ho sub&itte! the sei*e! speci&en to the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination. =i>e%ise, no one
testifie! on ho% the speci&en %as han!le! afte# the che&ical anal"sis b" the fo#ensic che&ist. Hhile %e a#e a%a#e that the RTDs O#!e# of
Au$ust ., 0??@ !ispense! %ith the testi&on" of the fo#ensic che&ist because of the stipulations of the pa#ties, %e vie% the stipulation to be
confine! to the han!lin$ of the speci&en at the fo#ensic labo#ato#" an! to the anal"tical #esults obtaine!. The stipulation !oes not cove# the
&anne# the speci&en %as han!le! befo#e it ca&e to the possession of the fo#ensic che&ist an! afte# it left his possession. To be su#e,
pe#sonnel %ithin the police hie#a#ch" ,as SPO0 SevillaBs testi&on" casuall" &entions- &ust have han!le! the !#u$s but evi!ence of ho% this
%as !one, i.e., ho% it %as &ana$e!, sto#e!, p#ese#ve!, labele! an! #eco#!e! f#o& the ti&e of its sei*u#e, to its #eceipt b" the fo#ensic
labo#ato#", up until it %as p#esente! in cou#t an! subse'uentl" !est#o"e! P is absent f#o& the evi!ence a!!uce! !u#in$ the t#ial. )o repeat an
earlier observation, even the time and place of the initial mar/ing of the alleged evidence are not at all certain as the testimony on this point
The #ecent case of !opez v. People
is pa#ticula#l" inst#uctive on ho% %e eCpect the chain of custo!" o# (&ove&ent( of the sei*e! evi!ence to
be &aintaine! an! %h" this &ust be sho%n b" evi!enceE
As a &etho! of authenticatin$ evi!ence, the chain of custo!" #ule #e'ui#es that the a!&ission of an eChibit be p#ece!e! b" evi!ence
sufficient to suppo#t a fin!in$ that the &atte# in 'uestion is %hat the p#oponent clai&s it to be. 4 Cou," +n3,u"2 4264+9ony a@ou4
2I2ry ,+nD +n 452 35a+n, 8ro9 452 9o92n4 452 +429 Ca6 *+3D2" u* 4o 452 4+92 +4 +6 o882r2" +n4o 2I+"2n32, +n 6u35 a Cay 45a4
2I2ry *2r6on C5o 4ou352" 452 2<5+@+4 Cou," "263r+@2 5oC an" 8ro9 C5o9 +4 Ca6 r232+I2", C52r2 +4 Ca6 an" C5a4
5a**2n2" 4o +4 C5+,2 +n 452 C+4n266H *o66266+on, 452 3on"+4+on +n C5+35 +4 Ca6 r232+I2" an" 452 3on"+4+on +n C5+35 +4 Ca6
"2,+I2r2" 4o 452 n2<4 ,+nD +n 452 35a+n. T5262 C+4n26626 Cou," 452n "263r+@2 452 *r23au4+on6 4aD2n 4o 2n6ur2 45a4 452r2 5a"
@22n no 35an72 +n 452 3on"+4+on o8 452 +429 an" no o**or4un+4y 8or 6o92on2 no4 +n 452 35a+n 4o 5aI2 *o66266+on o8 452
Hhile testi&on" about a pe#fect chain is not al%a"s the stan!a#! because it is al&ost al%a"s i&possible to obtain, an unb#o>en
chain of custo!" beco&es +n"+6*2n6a@,2 an" 2662n4+a, %hen the ite& of #eal evi!ence is not !istinctive an! is not #eall"
i!entifiable, o# %hen its con!ition at the ti&e of testin$ o# t#ial is c#itical, o# %hen a %itness has faile! to obse#ve its uni'ueness. The
sa&e stan!a#! li>e%ise obtains in case the evi!ence is susceptible to alte#ation, ta&pe#in$, conta&ination an! even substitution
an! eCchan$e. In othe# %o#!s, the eChibitDs level of susceptibilit" to fun$ibilit", alte#ation o# ta&pe#in$ P %ithout #e$a#! to %hethe#
the sa&e is a!ve#tent o# othe#%ise not P !ictates the level of st#ictness in the application of the chain of custo!" #ule. L.mphasis
That the p#osecution offe#e! in evi!ence the #e'uest fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination ,ECh. (A(-, the initial labo#ato#" #epo#t ,ECh. (5(-, an! final
he&ist#" Repo#t No. D)@..)?@ ,ECh. ((-, to %hich the !efense !i! not ob6ect, has no bea#in$ on the 'uestion of %hethe# the speci&en
sub&itte! fo# che&ical anal"sis an! subse'uentl" p#esente! in cou#t Ca6 452 6a92 a6 45a4 62+N2" 8ro9 452 a**2,,an4. All that these eChibits
p#ove! %e#e the 2<+642n32 an!au452n4+3+4y of the #e'uest fo# labo#ato#" eCa&ination an! the #esults of this eCa&ination, not the #e'ui#e!
chain of custo!" f#o& the ti&e of sei*u#e of the evi!ence. Evi!entl", the p#osecution has not p#oven be"on! #easonable !oubt the
in!ispensable ele&ent of corpus delicti of the c#i&e.
In People v. $rteza,
the ou#t ha! the occasion to !iscuss the i&plications of the failu#e to co&pl" %ith Section 09, pa#a$#aph 9, to %itE
V In People v. !a%a, %he#e the bu")bust tea& faile! to &a#> the confiscate! &a#i6uana i&&e!iatel" afte# the app#ehension of the
accuse!, the ou#t hel! that the !eviation f#o& the stan!a#! p#oce!u#e in anti)na#cotics ope#ations p#o!uce! !oubts as to the
o#i$ins of the &a#i6uana. onse'uentl", the ou#t conclu!e! that the p#osecution faile! to establish the i!entit" of the corpus delicti.
The ou#t &a!e a si&ila# #ulin$ in People v. &imura, %he#e the Na#co& ope#atives faile! to place &a#>in$s on the sei*e! &a#i6uana
at the ti&e the accuse! %as a##este! an! to o@62rI2 452 *ro32"ur2 an" 4aD2 3u64o"y o8 452 "ru7.
Mo#e #ecentl", in 'arraga v. People, the ou#t hel! that the &ate#ial inconsistencies %ith #e$a#! to %hen an! %he#e the &a#>in$s on
the shabu %e#e &a!e an! 452 ,a3D o8 +nI2n4ory on 452 62+N2" "ru76 c#eate! #easonable !oubt as to the i!entit" of the corpus
delicti. The ou#t thus ac'uitte! the accuse! !ue to the p#osecutionDs failu#e to in!ubitabl" sho% the i!entit" of the shabu.
LE&phasis supplie!M
He #eache! the sa&e conclusion in People v. :azareno
an! People v. antos,
%he#e %e a$ain st#esse! the i&po#tance of co&pl"in$ %ith
the p#esc#ibe! p#oce!u#e.
P5y6+3a, +nI2n4ory an" *5o4o7ra*5
r2Ju+r292n4 un"2r S234+on 21
vis&a&vis +,ar-in.+ of sei/e! evi!ence
Hhile the fi#st sentence of Section 09,a- of the 4mplementing #ules and #egulations of R.A. No. ;9.1 states that (the app#ehen!in$
office#Jtea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall" invento#" an!
photo$#aph the sa&e,( the secon! sentence &a>es a !istinction bet%een %a##antless sei*u#es an! sei*u#es b" vi#tue of a %a##ant, thusE
,a- C C C ProI+"2", 45a4 452 *5y6+3a, +nI2n4ory an" *5o4o7ra*5 65a,, @2 3on"u342" a4 452 *,a32 C52r2 452 62ar35 Carran4 +6
62rI2"O or a4 452 n2ar264 *o,+32 64a4+on or a4 452 n2ar264 o88+32 o8 452 a**r252n"+n7 o88+32rK42a9, C5+352I2r +6 *ra34+3a@,2,
+n 3a62 o8 Carran4,266 62+Nur26O P#ovi!e!, fu#the# that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e# 6ustifiable $#oun!s, as lon$
as the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&, shall not
#en!e# voi! an! invali! such sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&s. L.mphasis suppliedM
Thus, the venues of the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph" of the sei*e! ite&s !iffe# an! !epen! on %hethe# the sei*u#e %as &a!e b" vi#tue
of a sea#ch %a##ant o# th#ou$h a %a##antless sei*u#e such as a bu")bust ope#ation.
In 62+Nur26 3oI2r2" @y 62ar35 Carran46, the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph &ust be con!ucte! in the place %he#e the sea#ch %a##ant
%as se#ve!. On the othe# han!, in case of Carran4,266 62+Nur26 6u35 a6 a @uy. @u64 o*2ra4+on, the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph shall
be con!ucte! at the nea#est police station o# office of the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&, %hicheve# is p#acticableF ho%eve#, nothin$ p#events the
app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea& f#o& i&&e!iatel" con!uctin$ the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph" of the ite&s at the place %he#e the" %e#e
sei*e!, as it is &o#e in >eepin$ %ith the la%Bs intent of p#ese#vin$ thei# inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value.
Hhat Section 09 of R.A. No. ;9.1 an! its i&ple&entin$ #ule !o not eCp#essl" specif" is the &atte# of (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s in
%a##antless sei*u#es to ensu#e that the evi!ence sei*e! upon app#ehension is the sa&e evi!ence sub6ecte! to invento#" an! photo$#aph"
%hen these activities a#e un!e#ta>en at the police station #athe# than at the place of a##est. onsistenc" %ith the (chain of custo!"( #ule
#e'ui#es that the (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s P to t#ul" ensu#e that the" a#e the sa&e ite&s that ente# the chain an! a#e eventuall" the ones
offe#e! in evi!ence P shoul! be !one ,9- +n 452 *r262n32 o8 452 a**r252n"2" I+o,a4or ,0- +992"+a42,y u*on 3on8+63a4+on. This step
initiates the p#ocess of p#otectin$ innocent pe#sons f#o& !ubious an! concocte! sea#ches, an! of p#otectin$ as %ell the app#ehen!in$ office#s
f#o& ha#ass&ent suits base! on plantin$ of evi!ence un!e# Section 0;
an! on alle$ations of #obbe#" o# theft.
2o# $#eate# specificit", (&a#>in$( &eans the placin$ b" the app#ehen!in$ office# o# the poseur-buyer of hisJhe# initials an! si$natu#e on the
ite&Js sei*e!. If the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph a#e &a!e at the nea#est police station o# office as allo%e! b" the #ules,
the invento#"
an! photo$#aph" of the sei*e! ite&s &ust be made in accordance with ec. @ of "oard #esolution :o. 1, eries of @GG@,
but in every case,
the apprehended violator or counsel must be present. A$ain, this is in >eepin$ %ith the !esi#e! level of inte$#it" that the han!lin$ p#ocess
#e'ui#es. The#eafte#, the sei*e! ite&s shall be place! in an envelope o# an evi!ence ba$ unless the t"pe an! 'uantit" of the sei*e! ite&s
#e'ui#e a !iffe#ent t"pe of han!lin$ an!Jo# containe#. The evi!ence ba$ o# containe# shall acco#!in$l" be si$ne! b" the han!lin$ office# an!
tu#ne! ove# to the neCt office# in the chain of custo!".
The evi!entia#" $ap in i!entif"in$ the speci&en that the fo#ensic labo#ato#" anal"*e! b#in$s us bac> to %he#e %e sta#te! in anal"*in$ the case
P to the p#esu&ption of innocence that the onstitution acco#!s the appellant. To #eite#ate, sta#tin$ f#o& this point, the p#osecution &ust
p#ocee! to establish the $uilt of the accuse! b" p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt. To !o this, the p#osecution p#esente! its lone %itness, SPO0
Sevilla, %ho& the lo%e# cou#t believe! because the %itness ha! testifie! befo#e the cou#t befo#e. Thus, #athe# than loo> at the &e#its of his
testi&on", the lo%e# cou#t si&pl" consi!e#e! his pe#son an! past pe#fo#&ance, an! !eci!e! on this basis that he %as a c#e!ible %itness. This,
b" itself, is a &a6o# e##o# P a violation of !ue p#ocess P on the pa#t of the lo%e# cou#t that the appellate cou#t appa#entl" !i! not full" app#eciate.
A cou#t &ust al%a"s !eci!e on the basis of the evi!ence p#esente!, not on the basis of an" othe# eCt#aneous consi!e#ation not befo#e the
The cou#t appa#entl" ban>e! also on the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance that a police office# li>e SPO0 Sevilla en6o"s in the
absence of an" taint of i##e$ula#it" an! of ill &otive that %oul! in!uce hi& to falsif" his testi&on". A!&itte!l", the !efense !i! not a!!uce an"
evi!ence sho%in$ that SPO0 Sevilla ha! an" &otive to falsif". The #e$ula#it" of the pe#fo#&ance of his !uties, ho%eve#, leaves &uch to be
!esi#e! $iven the lapses in his han!lin$ of the alle$e!l" confiscate! !#u$s as he#etofo#e sho%n.
An effect of this lapse, as %e hel! in !opez v. People,
is to ne$ate the p#esu&ption that official !uties have been #e$ula#l" pe#fo#&e! b" the
police office#s. An" taint of i##e$ula#it" affects the %hole pe#fo#&ance an! shoul! &a>e the p#esu&ption unavailable. The#e can be no ifs an!
buts #e$a#!in$ this conse'uence consi!e#in$ the effect of the evi!entia#" p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" on the constitutional p#esu&ption of
People v. antos
inst#uctivel" tells us that the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official !ut" cannot b" itself ove#co&e the
p#esu&ption of innocence no# constitute p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt.
In People v. -aMete,
%e also sai!E
Hhile the ou#t is &in!ful that the la% enfo#ce#s en6o" the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of thei# !uties, this
p#esu&ption cannot p#evail ove# the constitutional #i$ht of the accuse! to be p#esu&e! innocent an! it cannot, b" itself constitute
p#oof of $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt. The p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official !ut" cannot be use! as basis fo#
affi#&in$ accuse!)appellantBs conviction because (2i#st, the p#esu&ption is p#ecisel" 6ust that P a &e#e p#esu&ption. Once
challen$e! b" evi!ence, as in this case, CCC LitM cannot be #e$a#!e! as bin!in$ t#uth. Secon!, the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the
pe#fo#&ance of official functions cannot p#epon!e#ate ove# the p#esu&ption of innocence that p#evails if not ove#th#o%n b" p#oof
be"on! #easonable !oubt.( The p#esu&ption also cannot p#evail ove# positive ave#&ents conce#nin$ violations of the constitutional
#i$hts of the accuse!. In sho#t, the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official !ut" cannot b" itself ove#co&e the
p#esu&ption of innocence no# constitute p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt.
Hithout the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it", the evi!entia#" $ap in i!entif"in$ the sei*e! evi!ence f#o& its tu#nove# b" the poseur-buyer, its han!lin$
an! custo!", until its tu#nove# to the fo#ensic labo#ato#" fo# anal"sis, stan!s out in bol! #elief. This $ap #en!e#s the case fo# the p#osecution
less than co&plete in te#&s of p#ovin$ the $uilt of the accuse! be"on! #easonable !oubt.
2#o& the pe#spective of the !efense, %e cannot help but note that the evi!ence fo# the !efense is fa# f#o& st#on$F the appellant &e#el" !enie!
that a bu")bust ope#ation too> place an! clai&e! that the evi!ence a$ainst hi& %as a plante! evi!ence. In this 6u#is!iction, the !efense of
!enial o# f#a&e)up, li>e alibi, has been vie%e! %ith !isfavo# fo# it can easil" be concocte! an! is a co&&on !efense plo" in &ost p#osecutions
fo# violation of the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act.
=i>e%ise, the testi&on" of the othe# !efense %itness, Ni!a, fails to full" co##obo#ate the appellantDs
testi&on" !ue to inconsistencies in thei# #espective state&ents. These %ea>nesses, ho%eve#, !o not a!! an" st#en$th no# can the" help the
p#osecutionBs cause. If the p#osecution cannot establish, in the fi#st place, the appellantBs $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt, the nee! fo# the
!efense to a!!uce evi!ence in its behalf in fact neve# a#ises. Thus, ho%eve# %ea> the !efense evi!ence &i$ht be, the p#osecutionBs %hole
case still falls. To ha#> bac> to the %ell)ent#enche! !ictu& in c#i&inal an! constitution la%E the evi!ence fo# the p#osecution &ust stan! o# fall
on its o%n %ei$ht an! cannot be allo%e! to !#a% st#en$th f#o& the %ea>ness of the !efense. Thus, %e #etu#n to the conclusion that %e shoul!
ac'uit the accuse! fo# failu#e of the p#osecution P !ue the $ap)in!uce! %ea>nesses of its case P to p#ove the appellantBs $uilt be"on!
#easonable !oubt.
/HEREFORE, in li$ht of all the fo#e$oin$, the Septe&be# 99, 0??. Decision of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?9?;1 affi#&in$
the 6u!$&ent of conviction of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 5#anch 9?@, Gue*on it" is he#eb" RE&ERSE% an! SET #S%E. Appellant Salva!o#
Sanche* y Espi#itu is #C0UTTE% on #easonable !oubt an! is o#!e#e! i&&e!iatel" RELE#SE% f#o& !etention, unless he is confine! fo# an"
othe# la%ful cause.
The Di#ecto# of the 5u#eau of o##ections is %RECTE% to MPLEMENT this Decision an! to #epo#t to this ou#t the action ta>en he#eon
%ithin five ,1- !a"s f#o& #eceipt.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8usticeab#chai#pe#sona pb((c
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, it is he#eb" ce#tifie! that the conclusions in
the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 1-29(3 #*r+, 30, 2008
JUNE M#LLLN !. LOPE', petitione#,
% E C S O N
TNG#, J.1
The p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of official functions cannot b" its loneso&e ove#co&e the constitutional p#esu&ption of
innocence. Evi!ence of $uilt be"on! #easonable !oubt an! nothin$ else can eclipse the h"pothesis of $uiltlessness. An! this bu#!en is &et not
b" besto%in$ !ist#ust on the innocence of the accuse! but b" oblite#atin$ all !oubts as to his culpabilit".
In this Petition fo# Revie%
un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t, 8unie Malillin " =ope* ,petitione#- assails the Decision
of the ou#t of Appeals
!ate! 0: 8anua#" 0??. as %ell as its Resolution
!ate! @? Ma" 0??. !en"in$ his &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation. The challen$e! !ecision has
affi#&e! the Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of So#so$on it", 5#anch 10
%hich foun! petitione# $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt
of ille$al possession of &etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e, locall" >no%n as shabu, a p#ohibite! !#u$.
The antece!ent facts follo%.
On the st#en$th of a %a##ant
of sea#ch an! sei*u#e issue! b" the RT of So#so$on it", 5#anch 10, a tea& of five police office#s #ai!e! the
#esi!ence of petitione# in 5a#an$a" Tu$os, So#so$on it" on / 2eb#ua#" 0??@. The tea& %as hea!e! b" PJInsp. atalino 5olanos ,5olanos-,
%ith PO@ Robe#to Este#non ,Este#non-, SPO9 Pe!#o Docot, SPO9 Danilo =asala an! SPO0 Ro&eo 7alline#a ,7alline#a- as &e&be#s. The
sea#chYcon!ucte! in the p#esence of barangay /agawad Delfin =icup as %ell as petitione# hi&self, his %ife Sheila an! his &othe#, No#&aY
alle$e!l" "iel!e! t%o ,0- plastic sachets of shabu an! five ,1- e&pt" plastic sachets containin$ #esi!ual &o#sels of the sai! substance.
Acco#!in$l", petitione# %as cha#$e! %ith violation of Section 99,
A#ticle II of Republic Act No. ;9.1, othe#%ise >no%n as The o&p#ehensive
Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0, in a c#i&inal info#&ation %hose inculpato#" po#tion #ea!sE
That on o# about the /
!a" of 2eb#ua#" 0??@, at about +E/1 in the &o#nin$ in 5a#an$a" Tu$os, So#so$on it", Philippines, the sai!
accuse! !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in his possession, custo!" an! cont#ol t%o ,0- plastic sachets of
&etha&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e Lo#M (shabu( %ith an a$$#e$ate %ei$ht of ?.?:/@ $#a&, an! fou# e&pt" sachets containin$ (shabu(
#esi!ue, %ithout havin$ been p#eviousl" autho#i*e! b" la% to possess the sa&e.
Petitione# ente#e! a ne$ative plea.
At the ensuin$ t#ial, the p#osecution p#esente! 5olanos, A##o"o an! Este#non as %itnesses.
Ta>in$ the %itness stan!, 5olanos, the lea!e# of the #ai!in$ tea&, testifie! on the ci#cu&stances su##oun!in$ the sea#ch as follo%sE that he
an! his &en %e#e allo%e! ent#" into the house b" petitione# afte# the latte# %as sho%n the sea#ch %a##antF that upon ente#in$ the p#e&ises, he
o#!e#e! Este#non an! barangay /agawad =icup, %hose assistance ha! p#eviousl" been #e'ueste! in eCecutin$ the %a##ant, to con!uct the
sea#chF that the #est of the police tea& positione! the&selves outsi!e the house to &a>e su#e that nobo!" fleesF that he %as obse#vin$ the
con!uct of the sea#ch f#o& about a &ete# a%a"F that the sea#ch con!ucte! insi!e the be!#oo& of petitione# "iel!e! five e&pt" plastic sachets
%ith suspecte! shabu #esi!ue containe! in a !eni& ba$ an! >ept in one of the cabinets, an! t%o plastic sachets containin$ shabu %hich fell
off f#o& one of the pillo%s sea#che! b" Este#nonYa !iscove#" that %as &a!e in the p#esence of petitione#.
On c#oss eCa&ination, 5olanos
a!&itte! that !u#in$ the sea#ch, he %as eCplainin$ its p#o$#ess to petitione#Ds &othe#, No#&a, but that at the sa&e ti&e his e"es %e#e fiCe! on
the sea#ch bein$ con!ucte! b" Este#non.
Este#non testifie! that the !eni& ba$ containin$ the e&pt" plastic sachets %as foun! (behin!( the !oo# of the be!#oo& an! not insi!e the
cabinetF that he then foun! the t%o fille! sachets un!e# a pillo% on the be! an! fo#th%ith calle! on 7alline#a to have the ite&s #eco#!e! an!
On c#oss, he a!&itte! that it %as he alone %ho con!ucte! the sea#ch because 5olanos %as stan!in$ behin! hi& in the livin$ #oo&
po#tion of the house an! that petitione# han!e! to hi& the thin$s to be sea#che!, %hich inclu!e! the pillo% in %hich the t%o sachets
ofshabu %e#e >eptF
that he b#ou$ht the sei*e! ite&s to the 5alo$o Police Station fo# a (t#ue invento#",( then to the t#ial cou#t
an! the#eafte#
to the labo#ato#".
Supt. =o#lie A##o"o ,A##o"o-, the fo#ensic che&ist %ho a!&iniste#e! the eCa&ination on the sei*e! ite&s, %as p#esente! as an eCpe#t %itness
to i!entif" the ite&s sub&itte! to the labo#ato#". She #eveale! that the t%o fille! sachets %e#e positive of shabu an! that of the five e&pt"
sachets, fou# %e#e positive of containin$ #esi!ue of the sa&e substance.
She fu#the# a!&itte! that all seven sachets %e#e !elive#e! to the
labo#ato#" b" Este#non in the afte#noon of the sa&e !a" that the %a##ant %as eCecute! eCcept that it %as not she but #athe# a ce#tain M#s.
Ofelia 7a#cia %ho #eceive! the ite&s f#o& Este#non at the labo#ato#".
The evi!ence fo# the !efense focuse! on the i##e$ula#it" of the sea#ch an! sei*u#e con!ucte! b" the police ope#atives. Petitione# testifie! that
Este#non be$an the sea#ch of the be!#oo& %ith =icup an! petitione# hi&self insi!e. Ho%eve#, it %as &o&enta#il" inte##upte! %hen one of the
police office#s !ecla#e! to 5olanos that petitione#Ds %ife, Sheila, %as tuc>in$ so&ethin$ insi!e he# un!e#%ea#. 2o#th%ith, a la!" office# a##ive!
to con!uct the sea#ch of SheilaDs bo!" insi!e the sa&e be!#oo&. At that point, eve#"one eCcept Este#non %as as>e! to step out of the #oo&.
So, it %as in his p#esence that Sheila %as sea#che! b" the la!" office#. Petitione# %as then as>e! b" a police office# to bu" ci$a#ettes at a
nea#b" sto#e an! %hen he #etu#ne! f#o& the e##an!, he %as tol! that nothin$ %as foun! on SheilaDs bo!".
Sheila %as o#!e#e! to t#ansfe# to
the othe# be!#oo& to$ethe# %ith he# chil!#en.
Petitione# asse#te! that on his #etu#n f#o& the e##an!, he %as su&&one! b" Este#non to the be!#oo& an! once insi!e, the office# close! the
!oo# an! as>e! hi& to lift the &att#ess on the be!. An! as he %as !oin$ as tol!, Este#non stoppe! hi& an! o#!e#e! hi& to lift the po#tion of
the hea!boa#!. In that instant, Este#non sho%e! hi& (sachet of shabu( %hich acco#!in$ to hi& ca&e f#o& a pillo% on the be!.
account in its enti#et" %as co##obo#ate! in its &ate#ial #espects b" No#&a, barangay /agawad =icup an! Sheila in thei# testi&onies. No#&a
an! Sheila positivel" !ecla#e! that petitione# %as not in the house fo# the enti#e !u#ation of the sea#ch because at one point he %as sent b"
Este#non to the sto#e to bu" ci$a#ettes %hile Sheila %as bein$ sea#che! b" the la!" office#.
=icup fo# his pa#t testifie! on the ci#cu&stances
su##oun!in$ the !iscove#" of the plastic sachets. He #ecounte! that afte# the five e&pt" sachets %e#e foun!, he %ent out of the be!#oo& an!
into the livin$ #oo& an! afte# about th#ee &inutes, Este#non, %ho %as left insi!e the be!#oo&, eCclai&e! that he ha! 6ust foun! t%o fille!
On 0? 8une 0??/ the t#ial cou#t #en!e#e! its Decision !ecla#in$ petitione# $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the offense cha#$e!. Petitione#
%as con!e&ne! to p#ison fo# t%elve "ea#s ,90- an! one ,9- !a" to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s an! to pa" a fine of P@??,???.??.
The t#ial cou#t
#easone! that the fact that shabu %as foun! in the house of petitione# %as prima facie evi!ence of petitione#Ds animus possidendi sufficient to
convict hi& of the cha#$e inas&uch as thin$s %hich a pe#son possesses o# ove# %hich he eCe#cises acts of o%ne#ship a#e p#esu&ptivel"
o%ne! b" hi&. It also note! petitione#Ds failu#e to asc#ibe ill &otives to the police office#s to fab#icate cha#$es a$ainst hi&.
A$$#ieve!, petitione# file! a Notice of Appeal.
In his Appeal 5#ief
file! %ith the ou#t of Appeals, petitione# calle! the attention of the cou#t
to ce#tain i##e$ula#ities in the &anne# b" %hich the sea#ch of his house %as con!ucte!. 2o# its pa#t, the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al ,OS7-
a!vance! that on the cont#a#", the p#osecution evi!ence suffice! fo# petitione#Ds conviction an! that the !efense neve# a!vance! an" p#oof to
sho% that the &e&be#s of the #ai!in$ tea& %as i&p#ope#l" &otivate! to hu#l false cha#$es a$ainst hi& an! hence the p#esu&ption that the"
ha! #e$ula#l" pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties shoul! p#evail.
On 0: 8anua#" 0??., the ou#t of Appeals #en!e#e! the assaile! !ecision affi#&in$ the 6u!$&ent of the t#ial cou#t but &o!if"in$ the p#ison
sentence to an in!ete#&inate te#& of t%elve ,90- "ea#s as &ini&u& to seventeen ,9:- "ea#s as &aCi&u&.
Petitione# &ove! fo#
#econsi!e#ation but the sa&e %as !enie! b" the appellate cou#t.
Hence, the instant petition %hich #aises substantiall" the sa&e issues.
In its o&&ent,
the OS7 bi!s to establish that the #ai!in$ tea& ha! #e$ula#l" pe#fo#&e! its !uties in the con!uct of the sea#ch.
It points to
petitione#Ds inc#e!ulous clai& that he %as f#a&e! up b" Este#non on the $#oun! that the !iscove#" of the t%o fille! sachets %as &a!e in his
an! =icupDs p#esence. It li>e%ise notes that petitione#Ds ba#e !enial cannot !efeat the positive asse#tions of the p#osecution an! that the sa&e
!oes not suffice to ove#co&e theprima facie eCistence of animus possidendi.
This a#$u&ent, ho%eve#, ha#!l" hol!s up to %hat is #eveale! b" the #eco#!s.
P#efato#il", althou$h the t#ial cou#tDs fin!in$s of fact a#e entitle! to $#eat %ei$ht an! %ill not be !istu#be! on appeal, this #ule !oes not appl"
%he#e facts of %ei$ht an! substance have been ove#loo>e!, &isapp#ehen!e! o# &isapplie! in a case un!e# appeal.
In the case at ba#,
seve#al ci#cu&stances obtain %hich, if p#ope#l" app#eciate!, %oul! %a##ant a conclusion !iffe#ent f#o& that a##ive! at b" the t#ial cou#t an! the
ou#t of Appeals.
P#osecutions fo# ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s necessitates that the ele&ental act of possession of a p#ohibite! substance be
establishe! %ith &o#al ce#taint", to$ethe# %ith the fact that the sa&e is not autho#i*e! b" la%. The !an$e#ous !#u$ itself constitutes the
ve#" corpus delicti of the offense an! the fact of its eCistence is vital to a 6u!$&ent of conviction.
Essential the#efo#e in these cases is that the
i!entit" of the p#ohibite! !#u$ be establishe! be"on! !oubt.
5e that as it &a", the &e#e fact of unautho#i*e! possession %ill not suffice to
c#eate in a #easonable &in! the &o#al ce#taint" #e'ui#e! to sustain a fin!in$ of $uilt. Mo#e than 6ust the fact of possession, the fact that the
substance ille$all" possesse! in the fi#st place is the sa&e substance offe#e! in cou#t as eChibit &ust also be establishe! %ith the sa&e
un%ave#in$ eCactitu!e as that #e'uisite to &a>e a fin!in$ of $uilt. The chain of custo!" #e'ui#e&ent pe#fo#&s this function in that it ensu#es
that unnecessa#" !oubts conce#nin$ the i!entit" of the evi!ence a#e #e&ove!.
As a &etho! of authenticatin$ evi!ence, the chain of custo!" #ule #e'ui#es that the a!&ission of an eChibit be p#ece!e! b" evi!ence sufficient
to suppo#t a fin!in$ that the &atte# in 'uestion is %hat the p#oponent clai&s it to be.
It %oul! inclu!e testi&on" about eve#" lin> in the chain,
f#o& the &o&ent the ite& %as pic>e! up to the ti&e it is offe#e! into evi!ence, in such a %a" that eve#" pe#son %ho touche! the eChibit %oul!
!esc#ibe ho% an! f#o& %ho& it %as #eceive!, %he#e it %as an! %hat happene! to it %hile in the %itnessD possession, the con!ition in %hich it
%as #eceive! an! the con!ition in %hich it %as !elive#e! to the neCt lin> in the chain. These %itnesses %oul! then !esc#ibe the p#ecautions
ta>en to ensu#e that the#e ha! been no chan$e in the con!ition of the ite& an! no oppo#tunit" fo# so&eone not in the chain to have
possession of the sa&e.
Hhile testi&on" about a pe#fect chain is not al%a"s the stan!a#! because it is al&ost al%a"s i&possible to obtain, an unb#o>en chain of
custo!" beco&es in!ispensable an! essential %hen the ite& of #eal evi!ence is not !istinctive an! is not #ea!il" i!entifiable, o# %hen its
con!ition at the ti&e of testin$ o# t#ial is c#itical, o# %hen a %itness has faile! to obse#ve its uni'ueness.
The sa&e stan!a#! li>e%ise obtains
in case the evi!ence is susceptible to alte#ation, ta&pe#in$, conta&ination
an! even substitution an! eCchan$e.
In othe# %o#!s, the eChibitDs
level of susceptibilit" to fun$ibilit", alte#ation o# ta&pe#in$Y%ithout #e$a#! to %hethe# the sa&e is a!ve#tent o# othe#%ise notY!ictates the
level of st#ictness in the application of the chain of custo!" #ule.
In!ee!, the li>elihoo! of ta&pe#in$, loss o# &ista>e %ith #espect to an eChibit is $#eatest %hen the eChibit is s&all an! is one that has ph"sical
cha#acte#istics fun$ible in natu#e an! si&ila# in fo#& to substances fa&ilia# to people in thei# !ail" lives.
2raham vs. tate
ac>no%le!$e! this !an$e#. In that case %he#e a substance late# anal"*e! as he#oinY%as han!le! b" t%o police office#s p#io# to eCa&ination
%ho ho%eve# !i! not testif" in cou#t on the con!ition an! %he#eabouts of the eChibit at the ti&e it %as in thei# possessionY%as eCclu!e! f#o&
the p#osecution evi!ence, the cou#t pointin$ out that the %hite po%!e# sei*e! coul! have been in!ee! he#oin o# it coul! have been su$a# o#
ba>in$ po%!e#. It #ule! that unless the state can sho% b" #eco#!s o# testi&on", the continuous %he#eabouts of the eChibit at least bet%een the
ti&e it ca&e into the possession of police office#s until it %as teste! in the labo#ato#" to !ete#&ine its co&position, testi&on" of the state as to
the labo#ato#"Ds fin!in$s is ina!&issible.
A uni'ue cha#acte#istic of na#cotic substances is that the" a#e not #ea!il" i!entifiable as in fact the" a#e sub6ect to scientific anal"sis to
!ete#&ine thei# co&position an! natu#e. The ou#t cannot #eluctantl" close its e"es to the li>elihoo!, o# at least the possibilit", that at an" of
the lin>s in the chain of custo!" ove# the sa&e the#e coul! have been ta&pe#in$, alte#ation o# substitution of substances f#o& othe# casesYb"
acci!ent o# othe#%iseYin %hich si&ila# evi!ence %as sei*e! o# in %hich si&ila# evi!ence %as sub&itte! fo# labo#ato#" testin$. Hence, in
authenticatin$ the sa&e, a stan!a#! &o#e st#in$ent than that applie! to cases involvin$ ob6ects %hich a#e #ea!il" i!entifiable &ust be applie!,
a &o#e eCactin$ stan!a#! that entails a chain of custo!" of the ite& %ith sufficient co&pleteness if onl" to #en!e# it i&p#obable that the o#i$inal
ite& has eithe# been eCchan$e! %ith anothe# o# been conta&inate! o# ta&pe#e! %ith.
A &e#e fleetin$ $lance at the #eco#!s #ea!il" #aises si$nificant !oubts as to the i!entit" of the sachets of shabualle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& petitione#.
Of the people %ho ca&e into !i#ect contact %ith the sei*e! ob6ects, onl" Este#non an! A##o"o testifie! fo# the specific pu#pose of establishin$
the i!entit" of the evi!ence. 7alline#a, to %ho& Este#non suppose!l" han!e! ove# the confiscate! sachets fo# #eco#!in$ an! &a#>in$, as %ell
as 7a#cia, the pe#son to %ho& Este#non !i#ectl" han!e! ove# the sei*e! ite&s fo# che&ical anal"sis at the c#i&e labo#ato#", %e#e not
p#esente! in cou#t to establish the ci#cu&stances un!e# %hich the" han!le! the sub6ect ite&s. An" #easonable &in! &i$ht then as> the
'uestionE A#e the sachets of shabu alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& petitione# the ve#" sa&e ob6ects labo#ato#" teste! an! offe#e! in cou#t as evi!enceI
The p#osecutionDs evi!ence is inco&plete to p#ovi!e an affi#&ative ans%e#. onsi!e#in$ that it %as 7alline#a %ho #eco#!e! an! &a#>e! the
sei*e! ite&s, his testi&on" in cou#t is c#ucial to affi#& %hethe# the eChibits %e#e the sa&e ite&s han!e! ove# to hi& b" Este#non at the place
of sei*u#e an! ac>no%le!$e the initials &a#>e! the#eon as his o%n. The sa&e is t#ue of 7a#cia %ho coul! have, but neve#theless faile!, to
testif" on the ci#cu&stances un!e# %hich she #eceive! the ite&s f#o& Este#non, %hat she !i! %ith the& !u#in$ the ti&e the" %e#e in he#
possession until befo#e she !elive#e! the sa&e to A##o"o fo# anal"sis.
The p#osecution %as thus unsuccessful in !ischa#$in$ its bu#!en of establishin$ the i!entit" of the sei*e! ite&s because it faile! to offe# not
onl" the testi&on" of 7alline#a an! 7a#cia but also an" sufficient eCplanation fo# such failu#e. In effect, the#e is no #easonable $ua#ant" as to
the inte$#it" of the eChibits inas&uch as it faile! to #ule out the possibilit" of substitution of the eChibits, %hich cannot but inu#e to its o%n
!et#i&ent. This hol!s t#ue not onl" %ith #espect to the t%o fille! sachets but also to the five sachets alle$e!l" containin$ &o#sels of shabu.
Also, cont#a#" to %hat has been consistentl" clai&e! b" the p#osecution that the sea#ch an! sei*u#e %as con!ucte! in a #e$ula# &anne# an!
&ust be p#esu&e! to be so, the #eco#!s !isclose a se#ies of i##e$ula#ities co&&itte! b" the police office#s f#o& the co&&ence&ent of the
sea#ch of petitione#Ds house until the sub&ission of the sei*e! ite&s to the labo#ato#" fo# anal"sis. The ou#t ta>es note of the un#ebutte!
testi&on" of petitione#, co##obo#ate! b" that of his %ife, that p#io# to the !iscove#" of the t%o fille! sachets petitione# %as sent out of his house
to bu" ci$a#ettes at a nea#b" sto#e. E'uall" tellin$ is the testi&on" of 5olanos that he poste! so&e of the &e&be#s of the #ai!in$ tea& at the
!oo# of petitione#Ds house in o#!e# to fo#estall the li>elihoo! of petitione# fleein$ the scene. 5" no st#etch of lo$ic can it be conclusivel"
eCplaine! %h" petitione# %as sent out of his house on an e##an! %hen in the fi#st place the police office#s %e#e in fact app#ehensive that he
%oul! flee to eva!e a##est. This fact assu&es p#i&e i&po#tance because the t%o fille! sachets %e#e alle$e!l" !iscove#e! b" Este#non
i&&e!iatel" afte# petitione# #etu#ne! to his house f#o& the e##an!, such that he %as not able to %itness the con!uct of the sea#ch !u#in$ the
b#ief but c#ucial inte#lu!e that he %as a%a".
It is also st#an$e that, as clai&e! b" Este#non, it %as petitione# hi&self %ho han!e! to hi& the ite&s to be sea#che! inclu!in$ the pillo% f#o&
%hich the t%o fille! sachets alle$e!l" fell. In!ee!, it is cont#a#" to o#!ina#" hu&an behavio# that petitione# %oul! han! ove# the sai! pillo% to
Este#non >no%in$ full" %ell that ille$al !#u$s a#e conceale! the#ein. In the sa&e b#eath, the &anne# b" %hich the sea#ch of SheilaDs bo!" %as
b#ou$ht up b" a &e&be# of the #ai!in$ tea& also #aises se#ious !oubts as to the necessit" the#eof. The !ecla#ation of one of the police office#s
that he sa% Sheila tuc> so&ethin$ in he# un!e#%ea# ce#tainl" !ive#te! the attention of the &e&be#s of petitione#Ds househol! a%a" f#o& the
sea#ch bein$ con!ucte! b" Este#non p#io# to the !iscove#" of the t%o fille! sachets. =est it be o&itte!, the ou#t li>e%ise ta>es note of
Este#nonDs suspicious p#esence in the be!#oo& %hile Sheila %as bein$ sea#che! b" a la!" office#. The confluence of these ci#cu&stances b"
an" ob6ective stan!a#! of behavio# cont#a!icts the p#osecutionDs clai& of #e$ula#it" in the eCe#cise of !ut".
Mo#eove#, Section 09
of the I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations of R.A. No. ;9.1 clea#l" outlines the post)sei*u#e p#oce!u#e in ta>in$
custo!" of sei*e! !#u$s. In a lan$ua$e too plain to #e'ui#e a !iffe#ent const#uction, it &an!ates that the office# ac'ui#in$ initial custo!" of !#u$s
un!e# a sea#ch %a##ant &ust con!uct the photo$#aphin$ an! the ph"sical invento#" of the ite& at the place %he#e the %a##ant has been
se#ve!. Este#non !eviate! f#o& this p#oce!u#e. It %as elicite! f#o& hi& that at the close of the sea#ch of petitione#Ds house, he b#ou$ht the
sei*e! ite&s i&&e!iatel" to the police station fo# the alle$e! pu#pose of &a>in$ a (t#ue invento#"( the#eof, but the#e appea#s to be no #eason
%h" a t#ue invento#" coul! not be &a!e in petitione#Ds house %hen in fact the app#ehen!in$ tea& %as able to #eco#! an! &a#> the sei*e!
ite&s an! the#e an! then p#epa#e a sei*u#e #eceipt the#efo#. =est it be fo#$otten, the #ai!in$ tea& has ha! enou$h oppo#tunit" to cause the
issuance of the %a##ant %hich &eans that it has ha! as &uch ti&e to p#epa#e fo# its i&ple&entation. Hhile the final p#oviso in Section 09 of
the #ules %oul! appea# to eCcuse non)co&pliance the#e%ith, the sa&e cannot benefit the p#osecution as it faile! to offe# an" acceptable
6ustification fo# Este#nonDs cou#se of action.
=i>e%ise, Este#nonDs failu#e to !elive# the sei*e! ite&s to the cou#t !e&onst#ates a !epa#tu#e f#o& the !i#ective in the sea#ch %a##ant that the
ite&s sei*e! be i&&e!iatel" !elive#e! to the t#ial cou#t %ith a t#ue an! ve#ifie! invento#" of the sa&e,
as #e'ui#e! b" Rule 90., Section
of the Rules of ou#t. People v. 2o
cha#acte#i*e! this #e'ui#e&ent as &an!ato#" in o#!e# to p#eclu!e the substitution of o# ta&pe#in$ %ith
sai! ite&s b" inte#este! pa#ties.
Thus, as a #easonable safe$ua#!, People vs. +el -astillo
!ecla#e! that the app#oval b" the cou#t %hich
issue! the sea#ch %a##ant is necessa#" befo#e police office#s can #etain the p#ope#t" sei*e! an! %ithout it, the" %oul! have no autho#it" to
#etain possession the#eof an! &o#e so to !elive# the sa&e to anothe# a$enc".
Me#e tole#ance b" the t#ial cou#t of a cont#a#" p#actice !oes
not &a>e the p#actice #i$ht because it is violative of the &an!ato#" #e'ui#e&ents of the la% an! it the#eb" !efeats the ve#" pu#pose fo# the
7iven the fo#e$oin$ !eviations of police office# Este#non f#o& the stan!a#! an! no#&al p#oce!u#e in the i&ple&entation of the %a##ant an! in
ta>in$ post)sei*u#e custo!" of the evi!ence, the blin! #eliance b" the t#ial cou#t an! the ou#t of Appeals on the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in
the con!uct of police !ut" is &anifestl" &isplace!. The p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" is &e#el" 6ust thatYa &e#e p#esu&ption !isputable b"
cont#a#" p#oof an! %hich %hen challen$e! b" the evi!ence cannot be #e$a#!e! as bin!in$ t#uth.
Suffice it to sa" that this p#esu&ption cannot
p#epon!e#ate ove# the p#esu&ption of innocence that p#evails if not ove#th#o%n b" p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt.
In the p#esent case the
lac> of conclusive i!entification of the ille$al !#u$s alle$e!l" sei*e! f#o& petitione#, couple! %ith the i##e$ula#it" in the &anne# b" %hich the
sa&e %e#e place! un!e# police custo!" befo#e offe#e! in cou#t, st#on$l" &ilitates a fin!in$ of $uilt.
In ou# constitutional s"ste&, basic an! ele&enta#" is the p#esupposition that the bu#!en of p#ovin$ the $uilt of an accuse! lies on the
p#osecution %hich &ust #el" on the st#en$th of its o%n evi!ence an! not on the %ea>ness of the !efense. The #ule is inva#iable %hateve# &a"
be the #eputation of the accuse!, fo# the la% p#esu&es his innocence unless an! until the cont#a#" is sho%n.
In dubio pro reo. Hhen &o#al
ce#taint" as to culpabilit" han$s in the balance, ac'uittal on #easonable !oubt inevitabl" beco&es a &atte# of #i$ht.
HHERE2ORE, the assaile! Decision of the ou#t of Appeals !ate! 0: 8anua#" 0??. affi#&in$ %ith &o!ification the 6u!$&ent of conviction of
the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of So#so$on it", 5#anch 10, an! its Resolution !ate! @? Ma" 0??. !en"in$ #econsi!e#ation the#eof,
a#e RE&ERSE% an! SET #S%E. Petitione# 8unie Malillin " =ope* is#C0UTTE% on #easonable !oubt an! is acco#!in$l" o#!e#e!
i&&e!iatel" #elease! f#o& custo!" unless he is bein$ la%full" hel! fo# anothe# offense.
The Di#ecto# of the 5u#eau of o##ections is !i#ecte! to i&ple&ent this Decision an! to #epo#t to this ou#t the action ta>en he#eon %ithin five
,1- !a"s f#o& #eceipt.
0uisumbing,-hairperson -arpio-(orales, 6elasco, Jr., "rion, JJ., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
5a$uio it"
G.R. No. 18-)83 #*r+, 1), 2010
#RNEL $#L#R$#R y $#SOR#, Petitione#,
R E S O = A T I O N
N#CHUR#, J.:
This is a petition fo# #evie% on ce#tio#a#i un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t, see>in$ to #eve#se an! set asi!e the ou#t of Appeals ,A-
!ate! Octobe# 0+, 0??+ an! its Resolution
!ate! Ap#il 0, 0??; in A)7.R. R No. @999.. The assaile! Decision affi#&e! the
!ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT-
!ate! 8ul" 99, 0??:, convictin$ petitione# A#nel 5. 5ala#ba# of Violation of A#ticle II, Section 99,
Republic Act ,R.A.- No. ;9.1F %hile the assaile! Resolution !enie! petitione#Bs &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation.
The case a#ose f#o& the follo%in$ factsE
On Ma" 0., 0??1, Police Office# ,PO-9 E#nesto A'uino, Senio# Police Office# ,SPO-0 En#i'ue olu&bino, PO0 8esus 7e#al! Manaois, an!
PO0 Robe#to !e Ve#a of the Da$upan it" Police Station, assi$ne! at the Intelli$ence an! it" Anti)Ille$al D#u$ Special Ope#ation Tas> 2o#ce,
%e#e o#!e#e! to con!uct a su#veillance at the Musli& A#ea, 5onuan, Ton!ali$an, Da$upan it", #epute! as a haven of !#u$ pushe#s an!
use#s. Hhen the" a##ive! at the site at a#oun! 0E@? p.&., PO0 Manaois an! PO0 A'uino sa% petitione# co&in$ out f#o& the house of a ce#tain
Antah, a %ell)>no%n !#u$ pushe#. PO0 A'uino as>e! petitione#, (Ta$a saan >a b#o!I( but the latte# continue! to %al> an! p#eten!e! not to
hea# the 'uestion. As the t%o police office#s %e#e follo%in$ hi&, petitione# !#oppe! so&ethin$ f#o& his han!s, %hich, afte# ve#ification, tu#ne!
out to be a plastic sachet of shabu. PO0 Manaois hel! petitione#Bs han! an! as>e! hi& if the plastic sachet belon$e! to hi&, an! he ans%e#e!
in the ne$ative. Afte# info#&in$ petitione# of his constitutional #i$hts, the a##estin$ office#s b#ou$ht hi& to the police station an! in!o#se! hi& to
the police investi$ato#.
The confiscation #eceipt %as p#epa#e! but petitione# #efuse! to si$n it. PO0 Manaois an! PO0 A'uino &a#>e! the confiscate! plastic sachet of
shabu an! sub&itte! the sa&e to the c#i&e labo#ato#" fo# eCa&ination. The eCa&ination "iel!e! positive #esults fo# shabu.
Petitione# %as
thus cha#$e! in an Info#&ation fo# Violation of A#ticle II, Section 99, R.A. No. ;9.1 fo# havin$ in his possession, custo!" an! cont#ol shabu
containe! in a s&all heat)seale! plastic sachet %ei$hin$ &o#e o# less ?.9? $#a&.
Apon a##ai$n&ent, petitione# plea!e! (not $uilt".(
2o# his pa#t, petitione# set up the !efense of !enial an! f#a&e)up. He eCplaine! that on that fateful afte#noon, he %as loo>in$ fo# his f#ien!s
%hen su!!enl", the police office#s app#oache! hi& an! pointe! at hi& as the o%ne# of the plastic sachet of shabu that the" pic>e! up f#o& the
Afte# t#ial on the &e#its, the RT foun! petitione# $uilt" as cha#$e! an! sentence! hi& to suffe# the penalt" of i&p#ison&ent of t%elve ,90-
"ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s an! a fine of P@??,???.??. Petitione#Bs appeal %as !is&isse! b" the A. Hence, the instant petition
on the sole issue ofE
Petitione# 'uestions his conviction p#i&a#il" because the p#osecution alle$e!l" faile! to establish the i!entit" of the confiscate! plastic sachet
of shabu.
He fin! no #eason to #eve#se petitione#Bs conviction. Hence, %e affi#& but %ith &o!ification on the penalt" i&pose!.
Hhen this ou#t is as>e! to $o ove# the evi!ence p#esente! b" the pa#ties an! to anal"*e, assess an! %ei$h the sa&e to asce#tain if the t#ial
cou#t, as affi#&e! b" the appellate cou#t, %as co##ect in acco#!in$ supe#io# c#e!it to this o# that piece of evi!ence an!, eventuall", to the totalit"
of the evi!ence of one pa#t" o# the othe#, the ou#t %ill, o#!ina#il", !e&u#. Hhen the t#ial cou#tBs factual fin!in$s have been affi#&e! b" the
appellate cou#t, sai! fin!in$s a#e $ene#all" conclusive an! bin!in$ upon the ou#t.
He %oul! li>e to st#ess that non)co&pliance %ith the #e'ui#e&ents set fo#th in R.A. No. ;9.1 on the custo!" an! !isposition of confiscate! o#
sei*e! !#u$s, un!e# 6ustifiable $#oun!s, shall not #en!e# voi! an! invali! the sei*u#es an! custo!" of sai! ite&s as lon$ as the inte$#it" an!
evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#s.
The #eco#!s sho% that the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the !#u$s sei*e! f#o& petitione# %e#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! an! safe$ua#!e!. In this
case, the plastic sachet of shabu %as p#ope#l" &a#>e! befo#e a lette#)#e'uest %as p#epa#e! fo# the c#i&e labo#ato#" to con!uct the
eCa&ination. 2#o& the ti&e the ille$al !#u$ %as sei*e! f#o& petitione# until the ti&e the che&ical eCa&ination %as con!ucte! the#eon, its
inte$#it" %as p#ese#ve!. It %as not sho%n to have been conta&inate! in an" &anne#. Its i!entit", 'uantit" an! 'ualit" #e&aine! unta#nishe!,
an! %as sufficientl" establishe!.
5esi!es, the inte$#it" of the evi!ence is p#esu&e! to be p#ese#ve! unless the#e is a sho%in$ of ba! faith, ill
%ill, o# p#oof that the evi!ence has been ta&pe#e! %ith. Petitione# bea#s the bu#!en of p#ovin$ that the evi!ence %as ta&pe#e! o# &e!!le!
%ith to ove#co&e the p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the han!lin$ of eChibits b" public office#s an! the p#esu&ption that public office#s p#ope#l"
!ischa#$e! thei# !uties.
Hence, %e a$#ee %ith the t#ial cou#t, as affi#&e! b" the A, that the p#osecutionBs evi!ence p#ove! be"on! #easonable !oubt that petitione# is
$uilt" of Violation of A#ticle II, Section 99 of R.A. No. ;9.1, havin$ >no%in$l" ca##ie! %ith hi& the plastic sachet of shabu %ithout le$al
autho#it" at the ti&e he %as cau$ht.
The ou#t, ho%eve#, &o!ifies the penalt" i&pose!. The#e bein$ no &iti$atin$ o# a$$#avatin$
ci#cu&stance an! in acco#!ance %ith the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, petitione# shoul! be &ete! the in!ete#&inate penalt" of t%elve ,90-
"ea#s an! one ,9- !a" as &ini&u& to fou#teen ,9/- "ea#s an! ei$ht ,+- &onths as &aCi&u&.
The ou#t affi#&s theP@??,???.?? fine i&pose!
b" the t#ial cou#t.
HHERE2ORE, the ou#t A22IRMS the Octobe# 0+, 0??+ Decision an! the Ap#il 0, 0??; Resolution of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R
No. @999., %ith the MODI2IATION that petitione# A#nel 5. 5ala#ba# shoul! be &ete! the in!ete#&inate penalt" of THE=VE ,90- "ea#s an!
ONE ,9- !a" as &ini&u& to 2OARTEEN ,9/- "ea#s an! EI7HT ,+- &onths as &aCi&u&, an! a fine of P@??,???.??.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
%OS%#%O M. PER#LT#
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Resolution ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the
opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Thi#! Division
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution an! the Division hai#pe#sonDs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Resolution ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 193003 Ju,y 13, 2011
FR#NCSCO MSON y #%R#NO, Petitione#,
R E S O = A T I O N
C#RPO, J.:
T52 Ca62
This is a petition
fo# #evie% on ce#tio#a#i un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t. The petition challen$es the 99 Ma#ch 0?9? Decision
an! 09
8ul" 0?9? Resolution
of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R No. @?@./. The ou#t of Appeals affi#&e! the 0 Au$ust 0??1 Decision
of the
Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT-, National apital 8u!icial Re$ion, Malabon it", 5#anch :0, in #i&inal ase Nos. 0+09+)MN an! 0+09;)MN,
fin!in$ petitione# 2#ancisco A. I&son ,I&son- an! Rolan!o S. Da"ao ,Da"ao- $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of ille$al possession of
!an$e#ous !#u$s.
T52 Fa346
On 0/ 8anua#" 0??@, at a#oun! ;E@? p.&., a confi!ential info#&ant a##ive! at the Dist#ict D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent Anit office in =an$a#a", aloocan
it". The confi!ential info#&ant a!vise! PO9 7e##" Pa6a#es ,Pa6a#es-, PO9 Noli Pine!a ,Pine!a- an! othe# police&en that I&son %as sellin$
shabu at Ra6a Matan!a St#eet, San Ro'ue, Navotas. Dist#ict D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent Anit hief PJSupt. Re"nal!o O#ante fo#&e! a tea& to con!uct
a bu" bust ope#ation, %ith Pa6a#es actin$ as poseu# bu"e#.
Pa6a#es, Pine!a, the confi!ential info#&ant, an! othe# police&en a##ive! at Ra6a Matan!a St#eet at a#oun! 9?E@? p.&. The#e, the" sa% I&son
tal>in$ %ith Da"ao. The#eafte#, the" sa% I&son $ivin$ Da"ao a t#anspa#ent plastic sachet containin$ %hite c#"stalline substance. Pa6a#es
app#oache! the t%o &en an! int#o!uce! hi&self. He i&&e!iatel" app#ehen!e! I&son %hile Pine!a #an afte# Da"ao %ho t#ie! to escape. The
police&en confiscate! t%o plastic sachets containin$ the suspecte! shabu.
The police&en b#ou$ht I&son an! Da"ao to the =an$a#a" Police Station %he#e I&son an! Da"ao eCecute! thei# 6oint s%o#n state&ents an!
%he#e PO9 A#iosto 5. Rana &a#>e! the t%o plastic sachets %ith (RDS( an! (2IA.( The t%o plastic sachets %e#e sent to the Philippine National
Police ) No#the#n Police #i&e =abo#ato#" Office fo# eCa&ination. 5oth teste! positive fo# shabu.
Thi#! Assistant State P#osecuto# Ma#cos file! t%o info#&ations !ate! 0: 8anua#" 0??@ fo# ille$al possession of !an$e#ous !#u$s a$ainst
I&son an! Da"ao.
T52 RTCA6 Ru,+n7
In its 0 Au$ust 0??1 Decision, the RT foun! I&son an! Da"ao $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of ille$al possession of !an$e#ous !#u$s. The
RT hel!E
The !enial, so#t of alibi an! insinuate! clai& of evi!ence plantin$ put up b" the t%o accuse! in these cases as thei# !efense cannot be
sustaine! b" the ou#t.
Da"ao %oul! %ant the ou#t to believe that at past 9?E@? in the evenin$, he %oul! be pla"in$ (>a#a " >#us( alon$ a st#eet. This is ha#! to
believe. The pla"in$ of (>a#a " >#us( %oul! #e'ui#e that it be !one in a %ell li$hte! place, p#efe#abl" !u#in$ !a" ti&e. Hhile the possibilit" that it
can be pla"e! !u#in$ the ni$ht cannot be #ule! out, it is not the no#&al ti&e of the !a" to pla" (>a#a " >#us(. An! (>a#a " >#us( is a fo#& of
ille$al $a&blin$. 3ou !o not openl" pla" it alon$ a st#eetJnea# a st#eet co#ne#.
I&son, on the othe# han!, &aintaine! that he %as p#epa#in$ foo! fo# !inne#. Hhile !inne# &a" be ta>en even late in the evenin$, it is not usual
fo# a &an to !o so. The#e &ust be an eCplanation fo# havin$ a late !inne#. In these cases, I&son !i! not offe# an" eCplanation fo# p#epa#in$ to
have !inne# at past 9?E@? in the evenin$.
A!!itionall", the t%o accuse! !i! not clai& that the#e %as an" ill &otive that &a!e the police&en concoct a tale that #esulte! in the filin$ of
these cases a$ainst the&.
The !enial &a!e b" the t%o accuse! cannot p#evail. Denial, li>e alibi is a %ea> !efense in c#i&inal p#osecution. It cannot p#evail ove# positive,
clea# an! convincin$ testi&on" to the effect that a c#i&e %as co&&itte! an! the accuse! co&&itte! the sa&e 8P. vs. "elibet, 1BN -#* KAN9.
The insinuate! clai& of the accuse! to the effect that the shabu &ust have been plante! b" the police !ese#ves little o# scant consi!e#ation. It
is the usual !efense of those accuse! of violatin$ the Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0 an!, befo#e that, of then eCistin$ la%s on ille$al
!#u$s 8refer to P. vs. :icolas, et al., 2.#. :o. 11L11J, =ebruary 1, 1BBK9.
On the othe# han!, the evi!ence of the p#osecution ten! to sho% that a bu" bust ope#ation %as about to be con!ucte! b" #eason of a #epo#t
that accuse! I&son %as sellin$ shabu. It %as no lon$e# un!e#ta>en because I&son %as i&&e!iatel" seen han!in$ shabu to Da"ao. This
#esulte! in the a##est of the t%o accuse! %ho %e#e both foun! in possession of shabu. This ve#sion of the police is a #easonable one.
I&son an! Da"ao appeale! to the ou#t of Appeals.
T52 Cour4 o8 #**2a,6A Ru,+n7
In its 99 Ma#ch 0?9? Decision, the ou#t of Appeals affi#&e! the RTBs 0 Au$ust 0??1 Decision. The ou#t of Appeals hel!E
He C C C fin! no &e#it in AppellantsB contention that the" shoul! be ac'uitte! because of the alle$e!l" p#oce!u#al lapses co&&itte! b" the
police ope#atives %ho faile! to con!uct a ph"sical invento#" of the sub6ect speci&en an! to photo$#aph the sa&e #esultin$ in the failu#e of the
p#osecution to p#ove thei# $uilt of the c#i&e cha#$e!.
On this #e$a#!, the #e'ui#e! p#oce!u#e on the sei*u#e an! custo!" of !#u$s as p#ovi!e! un!e# Section 09, pa#a$#aph 9, A#ticle II of R.A. No.
;9.1 pe#tinentl" p#ovi!esE
9- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall" invento#"
an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o# hisJhe#
#ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho shall be
#e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eof.
The afo#ecite! section is i&ple&ente! b" Section 09 ,a-, A#ticle II of the I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations ,IRR- of R.A. No. ;9.1, %hich
Sec. 09. -ustody and +isposition of -onfiscated, eized, and,or urrendered +angerous +rugs, Plant ources of +angerous +rugs,
-ontrolled Precursors and .ssential -hemicals, 4nstruments,Paraphernalia and,or !aboratory .3uipment. O The PDEA shall ta>e cha#$e an!
have custo!" of all !an$e#ous !#u$s, plant sou#ces of !an$e#ous !#u$s, cont#olle! p#ecu#so#s an! essential che&icals, as %ell as
inst#u&entsJpa#aphe#nalia an!Jo# labo#ato#" e'uip&ent so confiscate!, sei*e! an!Jo# su##en!e#e!, fo# p#ope# !isposition in the follo%in$
,9- The app#ehen!in$ tea& havin$ initial custo!" an! cont#ol of the !#u$s shall, i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e an! confiscation, ph"sicall"
invento#" an! photo$#aph the sa&e in the p#esence of the accuse! o# the pe#sonJs f#o& %ho& such ite&s %e#e confiscate! an!Jo# sei*e!, o#
hisJhe# #ep#esentative o# counsel, a #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice ,DO8-, an! an" electe! public official %ho
shall be #e'ui#e! to si$n the copies of the invento#" an! be $iven a cop" the#eofE P#ovi!e!, that the ph"sical invento#" an! photo$#aph shall be
con!ucte! at the place %he#e the sea#ch %a##ant is se#ve!F o# at the nea#est police station o# at the nea#est office of the app#ehen!in$
office#Jtea&, %hicheve# is p#acticable, in case of %a##antless sei*u#esF P#ovi!e!, fu#the#, that non)co&pliance %ith these #e'ui#e&ents un!e#
6ustifiable $#oun!s, as lon$ as the inte$#it" an! evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&,
shall not #en!e# voi! an! invali! such sei*u#es of an! custo!" ove# sai! ite&sE
To the &in! of this ou#t, $#antin$ arguendo that the police ope#atives tea& faile! to faithfull" i&ple&ent the post)ope#ational #e'ui#e&ent on
the invento#" an! photo$#aphin$ of the sei*e! !#u$s as #e'ui#e! b" Section 09 of RA ;9.1, neve#theless, 6u#isp#u!ence has it that non)
co&pliance %ith the p#oce!u#e shall not invali!ate the le$iti&ate !#u$ ope#ation con!ucte! b" the police ope#atives. On this point, the
p#onounce&ent of the Sup#e&e ou#t inPeople v. "ralaan is hi$hl" #elevant, thusE
Non)co&pliance b" the app#ehen!in$Jbu")bust tea& %ith Section 09 is not fatal as lon$ as the#e is 6ustifiable $#oun! the#efo#e, an! as lon$ as
the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the confiscate!Jsei*e! ite&s, a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&. Its non)
co&pliance %ill not #en!e# an accuse!Bs a##est ille$al o# the ite&s sei*e!Jconfiscate! f#o& hi& ina!&issible. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is
the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s, as the sa&e %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o#
innocence of the accuse!.
Notabl", the afo#ecite! #ulin$ %as echoe! b" the Sup#e&e ou#t in People v. Pringas, vi*E
Non)co&pliance b" the app#ehen!in$Jbu")bust tea& %ith Section 09 is not fatal as lon$ as the#e is 6ustifiable $#oun! the#efo#e, an! as lon$ as
the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the confiscate!Jsei*e! ite&s, a#e p#ope#l" p#ese#ve! b" the app#ehen!in$ office#Jtea&. Its non)
co&pliance %ill not #en!e# an accuse!Bs a##est ille$al o# the ite&s sei*e!Jconfiscate! f#o& hi& ina!&issible. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is
the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s, as the sa&e %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o#
innocence of the accuse!.
At this 6unctu#e, He #ule that the app#ehen!in$ tea& %as able to p#ese#ve the inte$#it" of the sub6ect !#u$s an! that the p#osecution %as able
to p#esent the #e'ui#e! unb#o>en chain in the custo!" of the sub6ect !#u$, vi*E a.- sta#tin$ f#o& the app#ehension of the Appellants b" the
police ope#atives an! the #ecove#" of the sub6ect ille$al !#u$s b" vi#tue of the fo#&e#Bs vali! %a##antless a##estF b.- upon sei*u#e of sub6ect
!#u$s b" PO9 PA8ARES an! PO9 PINEDA, the sa&e #e&aine! in thei# possession until the sa&e %e#e tu#ne! ove# to PO9 ARIOSTO 5.
RANA ,PO9 RANA-, the police investi$ato# statione! in thei# hea!'ua#te#s, %ith the &a#>in$s (RDS( an! (2IA(, initials of Appellants DA3AO
an! IMSON, #espectivel"F c.- upon #eceipt of the sub6ect !#u$s, a =abo#ato#" ECa&ination Re'uest %as then p#epa#e! LsicM PJSupt. ORANTE
a!!#esse! to the hief of the NPDO #i&e =abo#ato#" Office of aloocan it" #e'uestin$ the 2o#ensic he&ist on !ut" to eCa&ine the ille$al
!#u$s confiscate! f#o& AppellantsF !.- the sub6ect speci&ens %e#e #eceive! b" PO9 SAMONTE of the PNP)NPD #i&e =abo#ato#" Office
f#o& PO0 RANAF e.- the sai! speci&ens %e#e eCa&ine! b" PJInsp. A=O5OA= %ho foun! the sa&e to be positive fo#shabuF f.- the#eafte#,
PJSupt. ORANTE p#epa#e! a referral slip !ate! 0. 8anua#" 0??@, a!!#esse! to the in'uest p#osecuto# p#esentin$ as evi!ence, inter alia, the
t%o ,0- plastic sachets confiscate! f#o& the Appellants an! the =abo#ato#" ECa&ination Repo#t %ith PSRd D)?;:)?@F $.- the t%o ,0- plastic
sachets #ecove#e! f#o& Appellants IMSON an! DA3AO %e#e tu#ne! ove# to the custo!" of the t#ial p#osecuto# 2iscal RHODA MA7DA=ENE
OSINA7A ,2iscal OSINA7A-, %ho p#esente! the sa&e as p#osecution evi!ence !u#in$ the !i#ect eCa&ination of PO0 PA8ARES on 00 Ap#il
0??1 &a#>in$ the& as EChibits ()9( an! ()0(, #espectivel". To st#ess, the unb#o>en chain of custo!" of the sub6ect speci&en %as
establishe! b" the p#osecution an! suppo#te! b" the evi!ence on han!.
I&son an! Da"ao file! a &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation. In its 09 8ul" 0?9? Resolution, the ou#t of Appeals !enie! the &otion. Hence, the
p#esent petition.
T52 66u2
I&son #aises as issue that the t%o plastic sachets containin$ shabu %e#e ina!&issible in evi!ence because the inte$#it" of the chain of
custo!" %as i&pai#e!. He statesE
The failu#e toE ,a- con!uct a ph"sical invento#"F ,b- photo$#aph the plastic sachet in the p#esence of the accuse! o# his #ep#esentative,
counsel, #ep#esentative f#o& the &e!ia an! the Depa#t&ent of 8ustice an! an" electe! public officialF an! ,c- i&&e!iatel" &a#> the plastic
sachet on site, all cast !oubt as to %hethe# the chain of custo!" #e&ains intact.
T52 Cour4A6 Ru,+n7
The petition is un&e#ito#ious.
The failu#e of the police&en to &a>e a ph"sical invento#" an! to photo$#aph the t%o plastic sachets containin$ shabu !o not #en!e# the
confiscate! ite&s ina!&issible in evi!ence. In People v. -ampos,
the ou#t hel! that the failu#e of the police&en to &a>e a ph"sical invento#"
an! to photo$#aph the confiscate! ite&s a#e not fatal to the p#osecutionBs cause. The ou#t hel! thatE
T52 a,,272" *ro32"ura, ,a*626 +n 452 3on"u34 o8 452 @uy.@u64 o*2ra4+on, na92,y the lac> of p#io# coo#!ination %ith the PDEA an! 452
8a+,ur2 4o +nI2n4ory an" *5o4o7ra*5 452 3on8+63a42" +4296 +992"+a42,y a842r 452 o*2ra4+on, ar2 no4 8a4a, 4o 452 *ro623u4+onA6 3au62.
T52 a@62n32 o8 an +nI2n4ory o8 *2r6ona, 2882346 62+N2" 8ro9 a**2,,an4 @23o926 +99a42r+a, 4o 452 ,27+4+9a3y o8 452 @uy.@u64
o*2ra4+on 8or +4 +6 2nou75 45a4 +4 +6 264a@,+652" 45a4 452 o*2ra4+on Ca6 +n"22" 3on"u342" an" 45a4 452 +"2n4+4y o8 452 62,,2r an" 452
"ru76 6u@L234 o8 452 6a,2 ar2 *roI2n.People v. -oncepcion so inst#uctsE
(Afte# $oin$ ove# the evi!ence on #eco#!, %e fin! that the#e, in!ee!, %as a bu")bust ope#ation involvin$ appellants. T52 *ro623u4+onA6 8a+,ur2
4o 6u@9+4 +n 2I+"2n32 452 r2Ju+r2" *5y6+3a, +nI2n4ory o8 452 62+N2" "ru76 an" 452 *5o4o7ra*5y *ur6uan4 4o S234+on 21, #r4+3,2 o8
R2*u@,+3 #34 No. 916( C+,, no4 2<on2ra42 a**2,,an46. Non)co&pliance %ith sai! section is not fatal an! %ill not #en!e# an accuse!Bs a##est
ille$al o# the ite&s sei*e!Jconfiscate! f#o& hi& ina!&issible. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the
evi!entia#" value of the sei*e! ite&s, as the sa&e %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!.
,E&phasis supplie!-
=i>e%ise, the failu#e of the police&en to &a#> the t%o plastic sachets containin$ shabu at the place of a##est !oes not #en!e# the confiscate!
ite&s ina!&issible in evi!ence. In People v. #esurreccion,
the ou#t hel! that the failu#e of the police&en to i&&e!iatel" &a#> the
confiscate! ite&s !oes not auto&aticall" i&pai# the inte$#it" of chain of custo!". The ou#t hel!E
Jur+6*ru"2n32 42,,6 u6 45a4 452 8a+,ur2 4o +992"+a42,y 9arD 62+N2" "ru76 C+,, no4 au4o9a4+3a,,y +9*a+r 452 +n427r+4y o8 35a+n o8
The failu#e to st#ictl" co&pl" %ith Sec. 09,9-, A#t. II of RA ;9.1 !oes not necessa#il" #en!e# an accuse!Bs a##est ille$al o# the ite&s sei*e! o#
confiscate! f#o& hi& ina!&issible. Hhat is of ut&ost i&po#tance is the p#ese#vation of the inte$#it" an! the evi!entia#" value of the sei*e!
ite&s, as these %oul! be utili*e! in the !ete#&ination of the $uilt o# innocence of the accuse!.
Accuse!)appellant b#oaches the vie% that SA Isi!#oBs failu#e to &a#> the confiscate! shabu i&&e!iatel" afte# sei*u#e c#eates a #easonable
!oubt as to the !#u$Bs i!entit". People v. anchez, ho%eve#, eCplains that RA ;9.1 !oes not specif" a ti&e f#a&e fo# (i&&e!iate &a#>in$,( o#
%he#e sai! &a#>in$ shoul! be !oneE
(Hhat Section 09 of R.A. No. ;9.1 an! its i&ple&entin$ #ule !o not eCp#essl" specif" is the &atte# of (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s in
%a##antless sei*u#es to ensu#e that the evi!ence sei*e! upon app#ehension is the sa&e evi!ence sub6ecte! to invento#" an! photo$#aph"
%hen these activities a#e un!e#ta>en at the police station #athe# than at the place of a##est. onsistenc" %ith the (chain of custo!"( #ule
#e'ui#es that the (&a#>in$( of the sei*e! ite&s Y to t#ul" ensu#e that the" a#e the sa&e ite&s that ente# the chain an! a#e eventuall" the ones
offe#e! in evi!ence Y shoul! be !one ,9- in the p#esence of the app#ehen!e! violato# ,0- i&&e!iatel" upon confiscation.(
To be able to c#eate a fi#st lin> in the chain of custo!", then, %hat is #e'ui#e! is that the &a#>in$ be &a!e in the p#esence of the accuse! an!
upon i&&e!iate confiscation. (I&&e!iate onfiscation( has no eCact !efinition. Thus, in People v. 2um-$yen, 4264+9ony 45a4 +n3,u"2" 452
9arD+n7 o8 452 62+N2" +4296 a4 452 *o,+32 64a4+on an" +n 452 *r262n32 o8 452 a33u62" Ca6 6u88+3+2n4 +n 65oC+n7 3o9*,+an32 C+45 452
ru,26 on 35a+n o8 3u64o"y. MarD+n7 u*on +992"+a42 3on8+63a4+on 3on429*,a426 2I2n 9arD+n7 a4 452 n2ar264 *o,+32 64a4+on or o88+32
o8 452 a**r252n"+n7 42a9.
,E&phasis supplie!-
The p#esu&ption is that the police&en pe#fo#&e! thei# official !uties #e$ula#l".
In o#!e# to ove#co&e this p#esu&ption, I&son &ust sho% that
the#e %as ba! faith o# i&p#ope# &otive on the pa#t of the police&en, o# that the confiscate! ite&s %e#e ta&pe#e!. I&son faile! to !o so.
/HEREFORE, the ou#t #FFRMS the 99 Ma#ch 0?9? Decision an! 09 8ul" 0?9? Resolution of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R No.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
M#RTN S. &LL#R#M#, JR.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Resolution ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the
opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Resolution ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 19223( Ju,y 6, 2011
ROL#N%O L#!LO y CEPRES, Appellant.
C#RPO, J.:
T52 Ca62
5efo#e the ou#t is an appeal assailin$ the Decision
!ate! 0+ 8anua#" 0?9? of the ou#t of Appeals ,A- in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?@.@9. The
A affi#&e! the Decision
!ate! 9. Septe&be# 0??+ of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of 5inan$onan, Ri*al, 5#anch .:, in #i&inal ase No.
?.)?9:, convictin$ appellant Rolan!o =a"lo y ep#es ,=a"lo- of violation of Section 0.,b-, A#ticle II ,Atte&pte! Sale of Dan$e#ous D#u$s-
Republic Act No. ;9.1
,RA ;9.1- o# the o&p#ehensive Dan$e#ous D#u$s Act of 0??0.
T52 Fa346
On 09 Dece&be# 0??1, t%o sepa#ate Info#&ations a$ainst appellant =a"lo an! Melitona Rit%al ,Rit%al- %e#e file! %ith the RT of 5inan$onan,
Ri*al, 5#anch .:, !oc>ete! as #i&inal ase Nos. ?.)?9: an! ?.)?9+, #espectivel". The info#&ation a$ainst =a"lo statesE
#i&inal ase No. ?.)?9:
That on o# about the 9:th !a" of Dece&be#, 0??1, in the Municipalit" of 5inan$onan, P#ovince of Ri*al, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction
of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, not bein$ autho#i*e! b" la% to sell an" !an$e#ous !#u$, !i! then an! the#e %illfull",
unla%full", an! >no%in$l" atte&pt to sell, !elive#, an! $ive a%a" shabu to PO9 An$elito 7. Re"es, ?.?/ $#a& of %hite c#"stalline substance
containe! in t%o ,0- heat)seale! t#anspa#ent plastic sachets %hich %e#e foun! positive to the test fo# Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e, also
>no%n as shabu, a !an$e#ous !#u$, thus co&&encin$ the co&&ission of the c#i&e of ille$al sale but !i! not pe#fo#& all the acts of eCecution
%hich %oul! p#o!uce such c#i&e b" #eason of so&e cause o# acci!ent othe# than the accuse!Bs o%n spontaneous !esistance, that is, sai!
PO9 An$elito 7. Re"es int#o!uce! hi&self as police&an, a##este! the accuse! an! confiscate! the t%o ,0- above)&entione! sachets f#o& the
Apon a##ai$n&ent, both accuse! plea!e! not $uilt". 8oint t#ial on the &e#its ensue!. Ho%eve#, !u#in$ the t#ial, Rit%al 6u&pe! bail an! %as
t#ie! in absentia. Thus, Rit%al %as !ee&e! to have %aive! the p#esentation of he# evi!ence an! the case %as sub&itte! fo# !ecision %ithout
an" evi!ence on he# pa#t.
The p#osecution p#esente! t%o %itnessesE Police Office# 9 ,PO9- An$elito 7. Re"es ,PO9 Re"es- an! PO9 7e& A. Pasto# ,PO9 Pasto#-, the
poseu#)bu"e#s in the atte&pte! sale of ille$al !#u$s.
The p#osecution su&&e! up its ve#sion of the factsE In the afte#noon of 9: Dece&be# 0??1, PO9 Re"es an! PO9 Pasto#, both %ea#in$ civilian
clothes, %e#e con!uctin$ anti)!#u$ su#veillance ope#ations at =o*ana St#eet, alu&pan$, 5inan$onan, Ri*al. Hhile the police office#s %e#e in
f#ont of a sari-sari sto#e at a#oun! 1E/? p.&., appellant =a"lo an! his live)in pa#tne#, Rit%al, app#oache! the& an! as>e!, (2usto mong
umis/or ng shabuI( PO9 Re"es #eplie!, ("a/it mayroon /a baI( =a"lo then b#ou$ht out t%o plastic ba$s containin$ shabu an! tol! the police
office#s, (+os 8P@GG.GG9 ang isa.( Apon hea#in$ this, the police office#s int#o!uce! the&selves as cops. PO9 Re"es i&&e!iatel" a##este!
=a"lo. Rit%al, on the othe#, t#ie! to $et a%a" but PO9 Pasto# cau$ht up %ith he#. PO9 Pasto# then f#is>e! Rit%al an! foun! anothe# sachet of
shabu in a SIM ca#! case %hich Rit%al %as ca##"in$.
PO9 Re"es an! PO9 Pasto# &a#>e! the th#ee plastic sachets of shabu #ecove#e! f#o& =a"lo an! Rit%al an! fo#%a#!e! the& to the Philippine
National Police #i&e =abo#ato#" fo# fo#ensic testin$. 2o#ensic he&ist Police Inspecto# 3ehla . Manao$ con!ucte! the labo#ato#"
eCa&ination on the speci&ens sub&itte! an! foun! the #ecove#e! ite&s positive fo# &eth"la&pheta&ine h"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu, a !an$e#ous
The police office#s cha#$e! =a"lo fo# atte&pte! sale of ille$al !#u$s an! use! the t%o plastic sachets containin$ shabu as basis %hile Rit%al
%as cha#$e! fo# possession of ille$al !#u$s usin$ as basis the thi#! sachet containin$ ?.?0 $#a&s of shabu.
The !efense, on the othe# han!, p#esente! !iffe#ent ve#sions of the facts. The %itnesses p#esente! %e#eE appellant =a"loF =a"loBs th#ee
nei$hbo#s na&el" Ro!#i$o Panaon, 8#., Ma#lon !e =eon, an! Te#esita Ma#'ue*.
=a"lo testifie! that %hile he an! his co&&on)la% %ife, Rit%al, %e#e %al>in$ on the st#eet, t%o &en $#abbe! the&. The t%o &en, %ho the" late#
i!entifie! as PO9 Re"es an! PO9 Pasto#, !#a$$e! the& to thei# house. Once insi!e, the police office#s place! t%o plastic sachets in each of
thei# poc>ets. Afte#%a#!s, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police station %he#e, !espite p#otests an! clai&s that the !#u$s %e#e plante! on the&, the"
%e#e a##este! an! cha#$e!.
To co##obo#ate =a"loBs testi&on", the !efense p#esente! =a"loBs th#ee nei$hbo#s. Ma#lon !e =eon ,!e =eon-, also a close f#ien! of the couple,
testifie! that he %as ta>in$ ca#e of the =a"lo an! Rit%alBs chil! %hen he hea#! a co&&otion. He sa% &en, %ho& !e =eon i!entifie! as assets,
hol!in$ the couple an! clai&e! that he sa% one of the& put so&ethin$, %hich he !esc#ibe! as (plastic,( in the left si!e of =a"loBs 6ac>et.
Ro!#i$o Panaon, 8#. ,Panaon- na##ate! that on 9: Dece&be# 0??1, at a#oun! 1E?? o# .E?? p.&., he %as on his %a" ho&e %hen he sa% =a"lo
a#$uin$ %ith th#ee &en in an alle". He ove#hea#! =a"lo utte#in$, ("a/it baI "a/it baI( =ate#, Panaon sa% a co&&otion ta>in$ place at =a"loBs
bac>"a#!. The th#ee &en a##este! =a"lo %hile the latte# shoute!, ((ga /apitbahay, tulungan ninyo /ami, /ami?y dinadampot.( Then Panaon
sa% so&eone place so&ethin$ insi!e the 6ac>et of =a"lo as he hea#! =a"lo sa", (<ala /ayong ma/u/uha dito.(
Te#esita Ma#'ue* ,Ma#'ue*- testifie! that %hile she %as fetchin$ %ate# f#o& the %ell on 9: Dece&be# 0??1, at a#oun! 1E?? o# .E?? p.&., she
hea#! =a"loBs son shoutin$, (*mang, *mang.( Ma#'ue* then sa% the chil! #un to his fathe#, %ho %as %ith seve#al &ale co&panions. Then
so&eone pulle! =a"loBs colla# an! f#is>e! hi&. Ma#'ue* ove#hea#! so&eone utte#in$, (<ala po, wala po.( Ma#'ue* %ent ho&e afte# the
inci!ent. At a#oun! ;E?? in the evenin$, Rit%alBs !au$hte# visite! he# an! bo##o%e! &one" fo# =a"lo an! Rit%alBs #elease. Ma#'ue* then
acco&panie! Rit%alBs !au$hte# to the &unicipal hall, %he#e a &an !e&an!e! P/?,???.?? fo# the coupleBs #elease.
In its Decision !ate! 9. Septe&be# 0??+, the RT foun! =a"lo an! Rit%al $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of violations of RA ;9.1. The RT
$ave c#e!ence to the testi&onies of the police office#s, %ho %e#e p#esu&e! to have pe#fo#&e! thei# !uties in a #e$ula# &anne#. The RT
state! that Re"es an! Pasto# %e#e st#ai$htfo#%a#! an! can!i! in thei# testi&onies an! unsha>en b" c#oss)eCa&ination. Thei# testi&onies %e#e
unfla%e! b" inconsistencies o# cont#a!ictions in thei# &ate#ial points. The RT a!!e! that the !enial of appellant =a"lo is %ea> an! self)
se#vin$ an! his alle$ation of plantin$ of evi!ence o# f#a&e)up can be easil" concocte!. Thus, =a"loBs !efense cannot be $iven c#e!ence ove#
the positive an! clea# testi&onies of the p#osecution %itnesses. The !ispositive po#tion of the !ecision statesE
He thus fin! accuse! Rolan!o =a"lo 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of violatin$ Section 0.,b- of R.A. No. ;9.1 an! sentence hi& to suffe#
a penalt" of life i&p#ison&ent an! to pa" a fine of P1??,???.??. He also fin! accuse! Melitona Rit%al 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of
violatin$ Section 99 of R.A. No. ;9.1 an! ille$all" possessin$ a total of ?.?0 $#a&s of Meth"la&pheta&ine H"!#ochlo#i!e o# shabu an!
acco#!in$l" sentence he# to suffe# an in!ete#&inate penalt" of 90 "ea#s an! one !a" as &ini&u& to 9@ "ea#s as &aCi&u& an! to pa" a fine
=et the !#u$ sa&ples in this case be fo#%a#!e! to the Philippine D#u$ Enfo#ce&ent A$enc" ,PDEA- fo# p#ope# !isposition. 2u#nish PDEA %ith
a cop" of this Decision pe# OA i#cula# No. :?)0??:.
=a"lo file! an appeal %ith the A. =a"lo i&pute! the follo%in$ e##o#s on the RTE
T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Cour4 o8 #**2a,6
In a Decision !ate! 0+ 8anua#" 0?9?, the A affi#&e! the !ecision of the RT. The !ispositive po#tion of the !ecision statesE
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the appeal is DISMISSED fo# lac> of &e#it. The challen$e! !ecision of the cou#t a 'uo is A22IRMED.
osts a$ainst the accuse!)appellant.
Hence, this appeal.
T52 Ru,+n7 o8 452 Cour4
The appeal lac>s &e#it.
The ele&ents necessa#" fo# the p#osecution of ille$al sale of !#u$s a#eE ,9- the i!entit" of the bu"e# an! selle#, the ob6ect, an! the
consi!e#ationF an! ,0- the !elive#" of the thin$ sol! an! the pa"&ent.
In the p#esent case, PO9 Re"es na##ate! in cou#t the ci#cu&stances of the ille$al saleE
GE Hhat ti&e !i! "ou p#ocee! to that place of su#veillanceI
AE 1E/? p.&., MaBa&.
GE An! %hat happene! %hen "ou an! PO9 7e& Pasto# %ent the#eI
AE Hhen %e %e#e &a>in$ stan!b" at a nea#b" sto#e the#e %as a &an tal>in$ %ith a %o&an, the &an as>e! &e if %e %ant to have a shot of
GE Hhat %as "ou# #epl"I
AE ("a/it, meron /a baI(
GE Ho% !i! that othe# pe#son #eact to that 'uestion, %hat !i! he tell "ou, if an"I
AE (2usto mong umis/or ng shabuI(
GE Hhat happene! afte# thatI
AE I #eplie!, ("a/it meron /a baI( then he sho%e! &e t%o s&all plastic ba$s containin$ shabu, MaBa&.
GE Ho% bi$ is that ba$, M#. HitnessI
AE S&all, MaBa&.
GE an "ou tell us the si*eI
AE ,De&onst#atin$- Al&ost one inch the si*e of a ci$a#ette, MaBa&.
OARTE It %as in a plastic not in foilI
AE 3es, "ou# Hono#.
GE Afte# sho%in$ "ou t%o plastic ba$s, %hat happene!I
AE I int#o!uce! &"self as a police office# then I cau$ht this &an an! confiscate! the t%o s&all plastic ba$ containin$ shabu.
GE Ho% about the la!"I
AE M" pa#tne# cau$ht the %o&an because she %as inten!in$ to #un a%a" an! he $ot f#o& he# #i$ht han! S&a#t SIM ca#! case containin$ one
s&all plastic.
PO9 Pasto# co##obo#ate! the testi&on" of PO9 Re"esE
GE M#. Hitness, %hile "ou %e#e con!uctin$ su#veillance on Dece&be# 9:, 0??1, %hat happene!I
AE Hhile %e %e#e con!uctin$ su#veillance at =o*ana St#eet, alu&pan$, 5inan$onan, Ri*al, %hile %e %e#e at the sto#e, t%o ,0- pe#sons
app#oache! us, one &ale an! one fe&ale, MaBa&.
GE Hho %e#e those pe#sonsI Di! "ou co&e to >no% the na&e of those pe#sonsI
AE At that ti&e I !onBt >no% the na&es but %hen the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police station I ca&e to >no% thei# na&es, MaBa&.
GE Hhat a#e the na&es of these t%o pe#sonsI
AE Rolan!o =a"lo an! Melitona Rit%al, MaBa&.
GE At that ti&e the" app#oache! "ou !u#in$ the ti&e "ou %e#e con!uctin$ su#veillance at =o*ana St#eet, %hat happene!I
AE The &ale pe#son app#oache! PO9 Re"es an! as>e! if (iis/or(, MaBa&.
GE Hhat %as the #epl" of PO9 Re"esI
AE He ans%e#e! ("a/it meron /a baI(
GE Hhen that ans%e# %as $iven b" Re"es, %hat !i! that &ale pe#son !oI
AE He p#o!uce! t%o ,0- s&all plastic sachets containin$ alle$e!l" shabu an! he sai! (dos ang isa.(
OARTE Hhat !o "ou &ean b" (dos ang isa(I
AE Php 0??.??, 3ou# Hono#.
GE Hhe#e %e#e "ou %hen that &ale pe#son p#o!uce! t%o ,0- s&all plastic sachetsI
AE I %as besi!e PO9 Re"es, MaBa&.
GE Afte# he sho%e! the plastic sachets containin$ !#u$s, %hat happene! neCtI
AE He int#o!uce! ou#selves as police&en, MaBa&.
GE Afte# "ou int#o!uce! "ou#selves, %hat happene! neCtI
AE PO9 Re"es a##este! the &ale pe#son %hile I a##este! the fe&ale pe#son, MaBa&.
GE Hh" !i! "ou a##est the %o&anI
AE At that ti&e, she %as about to #un I confiscate! f#o& he# a SIM ca#! case, MaBa&.
OARTE Hhat %as the contents of the SIM ca#! caseI
AE One ,9- piece of alle$e! shabu, 3ou# Hono#.
2#o& the testi&onies $iven, PO9 Re"es an! PO9 Pasto# testifie! that the" %e#e the poseu#)bu"e#s in the sale. 5oth positivel" i!entifie!
appellant as the selle# of the substance containe! in plastic sachets %hich %e#e foun! to be positive fo# shabu. The sa&e plastic sachets %e#e
li>e%ise i!entifie! b" the p#osecution %itnesses %hen p#esente! in cou#t. Even the consi!e#ation of P0??.?? fo# each sachet ha! been &a!e
>no%n b" appellant to the police office#s. Ho%eve#, the sale %as inte##upte! %hen the police office#s int#o!uce! the&selves as cops an!
i&&e!iatel" a##este! appellant an! his live)in pa#tne# Rit%al. Thus, the sale %as not consu&&ate! but &e#el" atte&pte!. Thus, appellant %as
cha#$e! %ith atte&pte! sale of !an$e#ous !#u$s. Section 0.,b-, A#ticle II of RA ;9.1 p#ovi!esE
Section 0.. *ttempt or -onspiracy. P An" atte&pt o# conspi#ac" to co&&it the follo%in$ unla%ful acts shall be penali*e! b" the sa&e penalt"
p#esc#ibe! fo# the co&&ission of the sa&e as p#ovi!e! un!e# this ActE
,b- Sale, t#a!in$, a!&inist#ation, !ispensation, !elive#", !ist#ibution an! t#anspo#tation of an" !an$e#ous !#u$ an!Jo# cont#olle! p#ecu#so# an!
essential che&icalF
He#e, appellant inten!e! to sell shabu an! co&&ence! b" ove#t acts the co&&ission of the inten!e! c#i&e b" sho%in$ the substance to PO9
Re"es an! PO9 Pasto#.
The sale %as abo#te! %hen the police office#s i!entifie! the&selves an! place! appellant an! Rit%al un!e# a##est.
2#o& the testi&onies of the %itnesses, the p#osecution %as able to establish that the#e %as an atte&pt to sell shabu. In a!!ition, the plastic
sachets %e#e p#esente! in cou#t as evi!ence of corpus delicti. Thus, the ele&ents of the c#i&e cha#$e! %e#e sufficientl" establishe! b"
Appellant clai&s that he %as a victi& of a f#a&e up. Ho%eve#, he faile! to substantiate his clai&. The %itnesses p#esente! b" the !efense
%e#e not able to positivel" affi#& that ille$al !#u$s %e#e plante! on appellant b" the police office#s %hen the" testifie! that (the" sa% so&eone
place so&ethin$ insi!e appellantBs 6ac>et.( In 0uinicot v. People,
%e hel! that alle$ations of f#a&e)up an! eCto#tion b" police office#s a#e
co&&on an! stan!a#! !efenses in &ost !an$e#ous !#u$s cases. The" a#e vie%e! b" the ou#t %ith !isfavo#, fo# such !efenses can easil" be
concocte! an! fab#icate!.
Appellant asse#ts that it is unbelievable that he %oul! be so foolish an! #ec>less to offe# to sell shabu to st#an$e#s. In People v. de
%e have #ule! that pe!!le#s of illicit !#u$s have been >no%n, %ith eve# inc#easin$ casualness an! #ec>lessness, to offe# an! sell
thei# %a#es fo# the #i$ht p#ice to an"bo!", be the" st#an$e#s o# not. Hhat &atte#s is not the eCistin$ fa&ilia#it" bet%een the bu"e# an! the
selle#, o# the ti&e an! venue of the sale, but the fact of a$#ee&ent as %ell as the act constitutin$ the sale an! !elive#" of the p#ohibite! !#u$s.
2u#the#, appellant !i! not att#ibute an" ill)&otive on the pa#t of the police office#s. The p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the pe#fo#&ance of the
police office#sB official !uties shoul! p#evail ove# the self)se#vin$ !enial of appellant.
In su&, %e see no #eason to !istu#b the fin!in$s of the RT an! A.1avvphi1 Appellant %as co##ectl" foun! to be $uilt" be"on! #easonable
!oubt of violatin$ Section 0.,b-, A#ticle II of RA ;9.1.
/HEREFORE, %e %SMSS the appeal. He #FFRM the Decision !ate! 0+ 8anua#" 0?9? of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. No.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution, an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No6. 13)0-2.-3 Jun2 10, 2002
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
CONST#NCO C#N%%O y COLL#RG#, accuse!)appellant.
Accuse!)appellant onstancio an!i!o " olla#$a %as foun! $uilt" of &u#!e# a$$#avate! b" the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& an! sentence!
to !eath in #i&inal ase No. G);/)1+;+.
in the Decision !ate! 8une 00, 9;;+ #en!e#e! b" the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 5#anch 00?, Gue*on
it". He %as li>e%ise foun! $uilt" of Violation of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+..,
as a&en!e! b" Republic Act No. +0;/,
in #i&inal ase No.
G);/)1+;+1 an! %as sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of i&p#ison&ent of prision correccional in its &aCi&u& pe#io!. The !ispositive po#tion of
the !ecision #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, in the li$ht of the fo#e$oin$, the ou#t fin!s the accuse! onstancio an!i!o " olla#$a 7AI=T3 5E3OND
REASONA5=E DOA5T, as p#incipal, of the c#i&es of Violation of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.., as a&en!e! b" Republic Act No.
+0;/F an! Mu#!e# 'ualifie! b" t#eache#" an! a$$#avate! b" use of unlicense! fi#ea#& punishable un!e# A#ticle 0/+ of the Revise!
Penal o!e, as a&en!e! b" Section . of Republic Act No. :.1;, in #elation %ith ,sic- Section 9 of Republic Act No. +0;/, an!
acco#!in$l" sentences hi& to suffe# the penalt" of i&p#ison&ent of P#44$: -$##.--4$:*! IN ITS MATIMAM PERIOD an! a
fine of 2I2TEEN THOASAND PESOS ,P91,???.??- fo# violation of P.D. 9+.., as a&en!e!, in #i&inal ase No. G);/)1+;+1F an!
to suffe# the penalt" of DEATH %ith all its accesso#" penalties an! to in!e&nif" the hei#s of the !ecease! Nelson Da#as " Pueblo in
the a&ount of 2I2T3 THOASAND PESOS ,P1?,???.??-, fo# &u#!e# in #i&. ase No. G);/)1+;+1 8sic9I sub6ect to the #ule on
successive se#vice of sentence un!e# A#ticle :? of the Revise! Penal o!e.
The Di#ecto# of Met#o Manila Rehabilitation ente#, a&p Rica#!o Papa, =o%e# 5icutan, Ta$ui$, Met#o Manila is he#eb" o#!e#e! to
t#ansfe# the custo!" of the accuse! to the National Penitentia#", Ne% 5ilibi! P#isons, Muntinlupa, Met#o Manila, pen!in$ appeal.
The 5#anch le#> of this ou#t is he#eb" !i#ecte! to t#ans&it the enti#e #eco#!s of this case to the Sup#e&e ou#t fo# auto&atic
The #elevant antece!ents a#e as follo%sE
The info#&ation in #i&inal ase No. G);/)1+;+. fo# &u#!e# alle$e!E
That on o# about the ;th !a" of Octobe#, 9;;/, in Gue*on it", Philippines, the above)na&e! accuse!, %ith intent to >ill, %ith
t#eache#" an! evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e, %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" assault, attac> an! e&plo" pe#sonal
violence upon the pe#son of one NE=SON DARAS " PAE5=O, b" then an! the#e shootin$ the latte# %ith a .@+ calibe# #evolve#
hittin$ hi& on the !iffe#ent pa#ts of his bo!", the#eb" inflictin$ upon sai! NE=SON DARAS " PAE5=O &o#tal %oun!s %hich %e#e the
!i#ect an! i&&e!iate cause of his !eath, to the !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice of the hei#s of sai! NE=SON DARAS " PAE5=O.
The info#&ation in #i&inal ase No. G);/)1+;+1 fo# Violation of P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e!, alle$e!E
That on o# about the ;
!a" of Octobe#, 9;;/, in Gue*on it", Philippines, the sai! accuse! %ithout an" autho#it" of la%, !i! then
an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! >no%in$l" have in his possession an! un!e# his custo!" an! cont#ol one ,9- .@+ cal. #evolve# S&ith
U Hesson Hpalti/H %ith Se#ial No. /1@+00 %ith th#ee ,@- live a&&unitions an! th#ee ,@- spent shells %ithout fi#st havin$ secu#e! the
necessa#" licenseJpe#&it issue! b" the p#ope# autho#ities.
Du#in$ his a##ai$n&ent, accuse!)appellant plea!e! not $uilt" to both cha#$es.
The#eafte#, 6oint t#ial of the cases ensue!.
The p#osecutionBs evi!ence consist of the ,a- testi&onies of ,9- Pe#lita 5al!o*a, a cousin of victi& Nelson Da#as, an! an e"e%itness to the
shootin$ inci!entF ,0- SPO9 Hilf#e!o Re! %ho app#ehen!e! the accuse!)appellant an! confiscate! the sub6ect fi#ea#& f#o& the latte#F ,@-
SPO9 7il 8. 7#e$o#io %ho investi$ate! the caseF ,/- Ruben Alia$a, a Hperyante,H also an e"e%itness to the shootin$ inci!entF ,1- D#.
5ienveni!o O. Mu<o*, Me!ico)=e$al Office# III, Me!ico)=e$al Division, National 5u#eau of Investi$ation, %ho con!ucte! the autops" on the
bo!" of the victi& an! ,b- !ocu&ents consistin$ of ,9- the e#tification, !ate! Ma#ch 00, 9;;1 of the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosive Office, PNPHG,
ivil Secu#it" 2o#ce o&&an!, a&p #a&e, sho%in$ that accuse!)appellant !oes not possess an" autho#it" o# license f#o& the $ove#n&ent
to possess the sub6ect fi#ea#&F an! ,0- the Autops" Repo#t No. N);/)0?/..
The p#osecution sou$ht to p#ove that at a#oun! ten)thi#t" in the evenin$ of Octobe# ;, 9;;/, %itness Pe#lita 5al!o*a %ho %as at he# stall in
the peryahan ,&ini ca#nival- behin! the a&elot Hotel at Scout Tua*on, 5a#an$a" South T#ian$le, Gue*on it" sa% accuse!)appellant
ali$htin$ f#o& a taCi as if he %as loo>in$ fo# so&ebo!".
She >ne% the accuse!)appellant because he %as (an ove#see#( in the peryahan.
accuse!)appellant %al>e! to%a#!s the victi& an! positione! hi&self behin! hi&. Then, he i&&e!iatel" pulle! out a $un an! fi#e! at the victi&,
hittin$ hi& in the lo%e# po#tion of the b#east.
The victi& fell. Not satisfie!, the accuse!)appellant ca&e close# to the victi&, then, fi#e! at hi&
t%ice hittin$ hi& once on the #i$ht si!e of his chest.
Hastin$ no ti&e, accuse!)appellant &a!e his $eta%a" an! #an to%a#!s the !i#ection of
Scout Tua*on, Gue*on it".
Hith the help of one Dennis 7uinto, %itness 5al!o*a b#ou$ht the victi& to the apitol Me!ical Hospital %he#e he
%as !ecla#e! !ea! on a##ival.
Ruben Alia$a, a coin ove#see# in the (coin)th#o%in$( $a&e in the peryahan, %as on !ut" the ni$ht the unfo#tunate inci!ent too> place an!
co##obo#ate! the testi&on" of %itness 5al!o*a.
He testifie! that he sa% accuse!)appellant hol!in$ a $un ,(a sho#t $un(- %hen the latte#
a##ive! at the peryahan an! he sa% hi& shoot the victi& th#ee ,@- ti&es. The victi& ha! his bac> tu#ne! on the accuse!)appellant %hen the
latte# shot hi& f#o& behin!. Afte# the shootin$ inci!ent, he also helpe! in b#in$in$ the victi& to the hospital %he#e he %as p#onounce! !ea! on
In the &eanti&e, SPO9 Hilf#e!o Re! an! SPO9 Malan$ %e#e on pat#ol !ut" in the a#ea alon$ Scout Tua*on St#eet, Gue*on it" %hen the"
hea#! th#ee ,@- successive shots fi#e!.
The" %ent to the !i#ection %he#e the shots %e#e fi#e! an! ca&e upon the accuse!)appellant #unnin$
a%a" f#o& the sai! !i#ection. He %as hol!in$ a $un.
SPO9 Re! fi#e! a %a#nin$ shot an! int#o!uce! hi&self as a police office# an! tol! the
accuse!)appellant to su##en!e# his $un
but the latte# !i! not hee! the %a#nin$ an! instea!, he po>e! the $un at SPO9 Re!, then, he #an
SPO9 Re! chase! accuse!)appellant. He %as able to sub!ue hi&. He confiscate! accuse!)appellantBs $un
an! notice! that the
sub6ect fi#ea#& %as a ho&e&a!e #evolve#, %ith th#ee ,@- live a&&unition an! th#ee ,@- spent shells.
Hhen sho%n the sub6ect $un %ith Se#ial
No. /1@+00 in cou#t, SPO9 Re! i!entifie! the sa&e as the one he confiscate! f#o& the accuse!)appellant.
D#. 5ienveni!o O. Mu<o*, Me!ico)=e$al Office# III of the Me!ico)=e$al Division of the National 5u#eau of Investi$ation con!ucte! an autops"
of the victi& an! &a!e the follo%in$ post&o#te& fin!in$s, viz.5
Pallo#, con6unctivae an! inte$u&ent.
Ab#asions, #e!!ish b#o%nE nasal b#i!$e, G.K C 9.? c&.F chin, ac#oss &i!line, @.? C :.? c&.F thi$h, left, lo%e# thi#!, ante#io#, ?.:
C K.G c&.
=ace#ate! %oun!, fo#ehea!, ac#oss &i!line, @.? c&.
7unshot %oun!sE
9. Ent#ance, ovaloi!, ?.+ C 9.? c&., %ith a contusion colla# %i!est at its uppe# bo#!e#. =ocate! at the ante#io# chest, level of secon!
inte#costal space, #i$ht, 99.? c&. f#o& ante#io# &e!ian line, 9@/.? c&. above #i$ht heel. Di#ecte! bac>%a#!, !o%n%a#! an! f#o& #i$ht
to left, into the #i$ht tho#acic cavit", pe#fo#atin$ the lo%e# lobe of #i$ht lun$ then f#actu#in$ the bo!" of :
tho#acic ve#teb#a, into the
poste#io# tho#acic %all, %he#e a bullet %as lo!$e! an! #ecove#e!, @.K c&. to the left of poste#io# &e!ian line, 90?.? c&. above the
left heelF
0. Ent#ance, ovaloi!, ?.; C 9.? c&., %ith a contusion colla# %i!est at its lo%e# bo#!e#. =ocate! at the bac>, level 9?th inte#costal space,
left, 9..? c&. f#o& poste#io# &e!ian line, 1GB.K c&. above left heel. Di#ecte! fo#%a#!, up%a#! an! &e!iall", pe#fo#atin$ the
!iaph#a$& an! spleen an! &a>in$ an %oun!, i##e$ula#, 0.? C 9.? c&., chest, ante#io#, level of :th inte#costal space, left, :.? c&. f#o&
ante#io# &e!ian line, 990.? c&. above left heel.
He&otho#aC, #i$ht);1? c.c.F left):1? c.c.
He&ope#itoneu&).?? c.c.
5#ain an! othe# visce#al o#$ans, pale.
In his testi&on", D#. Mu<o* !ecla#e! that he foun! t%o ,0- $unshot %oun!s in the victi&Bs bo!". One %as locate! at the f#ont po#tion of the
chest an! the othe# one %as locate! at the bac>. He !ecla#e! the t%o ,0- fatal $unshot %oun!s %e#e the cause of !eath of the victi&.
as>e! about the !istance of the &u**le of the $un use! b" the accuse!)appellant to the bo!" of the victi& %hen he fi#e! it, D#. Mu<o* sai!
that the !istance %as p#obabl" &o#e than 0/ inches because of the absence of an" of the cha#acte#istics of a close #an$e fi#e li>e s&u!$in$ o#
As to the position of the victi& vis-a-vis the assailant %hen shot, pa#ticula#l" the fi#st shot, %hich %as $unshot %oun! No. 0, D#.
Mu<o* sai! that the assailant %as at the bac> of the victi& an! &o#e to the left.
Hith #espect to $unshot %oun! No. 9, he sai! that the
assailant an! the victi& %e#e p#obabl" both stan!in$ an! that the assailant %as in f#ont an! to the #i$ht of the victi& an! the victi& %as
stan!in$ on a lo%e# level than the assailant because the t#a6ecto#" of the bullet %as !o%n%a#! an! f#o& #i$ht to left.
It %as also p#oven that the $un %hich too> the life of the victi& %as not p#ope#l" #e$iste#e! as #e'ui#e! b" la%. PJSenio# Inspecto# E!%in
Ro'ue of the Reco#!s 5#anch of the Philippine National Police issue! a ce#tification statin$ that the ?.@+ calibe# #evolve# #ecove#e! f#o& the
accuse!)appellant %as not a license! fi#ea#& an! that accuse!)appellant %as not a license! o# #e$iste#e! hol!e# of an" >in! of fi#ea#&.
The accuse!)appellant %as p#esente! as the sole %itness fo# the !efense. He a!&itte! the >illin$ but clai&e! that he !i! so in self)!efense.
He testifie! that at about siC oBcloc> in the evenin$ of Octobe# ;, 9;;/, he #epo#te! fo# %o#> as an ove#see# in the peryahan of one Ton"
At a#oun! ten)thi#t" in the evenin$ of that !a", he close! one of the stalls in the peryahan because the o%ne# of that stall !i! not
I&&e!iatel" the#eafte#, the victi& app#oache! hi& an! an$#il" as>e! %h" he close! the stall. Hithout %aitin$ fo# hi& to ans%e#, the
victi& boCe! hi& on his left ea#,
then as>e! the accuse!)appellant if he %as $oin$ to fi$ht bac>.
Su!!enl", the victi& !#e% his $un.
Accuse!)appellant $#apple! %ith the victi& fo# the possession of the $un. In the cou#se of the st#u$$le, the $un fi#e! hittin$ the victi& on the
left si!e of his sto&ach.
Afte# the fi#st shot %as fi#e!, the st#u$$le fo# the possession of the $un continue!. Accuse!)appellant then t#ie! to
#aise the $un but it fi#e! a$ain t%ice, hittin$ the victi& at his #i$ht shoul!e#.
At this point, so&ebo!" st#uc> his nec> causin$ hi& to &ove
bac>%a#!. A co&&otion ensue!.
The#eafte#, a police&an ,%ho& the accuse!)appellant late# i!entifie! as SPO9 Hilf#e!o Re!- po>e! a $un
at hi& an! o#!e#e! hi& to #aise his han!s, then f#is>e! his bo!" an! %as able to $et P;,???.?? an! QKG.GG f#o& hi&.
The police&an then
boa#!e! hi& on a 6itne" an! b#ou$ht hi& to a&p Na#in$al.
In his b#ief, the accuse!)appellant asc#ibe! the follo%in$ e##o#s to the cou#t a 3uo, to %itE
The accuse!)appellant assails his conviction in this auto&atic #evie% an! conten!s that the t#ial cou#t has $#avel" e##e! in convictin$ hi& of
&u#!e# a$$#avate! b" the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& an! sentencin$ hi& to !eath on the basis of the p#osecutionBs evi!ence.
The ou#t affi#&s the 6u!$&ent of conviction but #e!uces the sentence of !eath to reclusion perpetua.
Havin$ a!&itte! >illin$ the victi&, the accuse!)appellant has the bu#!en of p#ovin$ that he acte! in self)!efense b" establishin$ ,9- unla%ful
a$$#ession on the pa#t of the !ecease!F ,0- #easonable necessit" of the &eans e&plo"e! b" hi& to p#event o# #epel the a$$#essionF an! ,@-
lac> of sufficient p#ovocation on his pa#t in !efen!in$ hi&self.
Accuse!)appellant has faile! to !ischa#$e this bu#!en.
The ve#sion of accuse!)appellant of %hat t#anspi#e! that ni$ht is si&pl" inc#e!ible. He asse#te! that at a#oun! ten)thi#t" in the evenin$ of
Octobe# ;, 9;;/, he close! one of the stalls in the peryahan %hen the victi& app#oache! hi& an! an$#il" as>e! %h" he close! the stall. Then,
%ithout %aitin$ fo# his ans%e#, the victi& boCe! hi& on his left ea#.
Su#p#ise! an! i##itate!, he as>e! the victi& %h" he boCe! hi&.
of ans%e#in$, the victi& !#e% his $un an! as>e! accuse!)appellant if he %as $oin$ to fi$ht bac>.
Accuse!)appellant then $#apple! fo# the
possession of the $un. In the cou#se of the st#u$$le fo# possession of the sa&e, the $un fi#e! hittin$ the victi& on the left si!e of his
Hhile the st#u$$le fo# the possession of the $un continue!, accuse!)appellant then t#ie! to #aise the $un but the sa&e fi#e! a$ain
t%ice, hittin$ the victi& at his #i$ht shoul!e#.
The p#esence of a nu&be# of $unshot %oun!s on the bo!" of the victi& ne$ates self)!efense an! in!icates a !ete#&ine! effo#t on the pa#t of
the accuse!)appellant to >ill the victi&. The autops" &a!e on the bo!" of the victi& as sho%n b" the post&o#te& #epo#t in!ubitabl" sho%s that
the natu#e an! location of the $unshot %oun!s inflicte! on the victi& belie accuse!)appellantBs clai& of self)!efense. D#. Mu<o* foun! t%o ,0-
$unshot %oun!s an! !ecla#e! that the sa&e cause! the !eath of the victi&. One of the %oun!s %as locate! at the f#ont po#tion of the chest
%hile the othe# one %as locate! at the bac>. As to the position of the victi& vis-a-vis the assailant %hen shot, pa#ticula#l" the fi#st shot, %hich
%as $unshot %oun! No. 0, D#. Mu<o* state! that in $unshot %oun! No. 0, %hich %as locate! at the bac>, the assailant %oul! have been at
the bac> of the victi& an! &o#e to his left.
Hith #espect to $unshot %oun! No. 9, he sai! that if the victi& an! the assailant %e#e both
stan!in$, the assailant %oul! have been in f#ont an! to the #i$ht of the victi& an! the victi& %oul! have been stan!in$ on a lo%e# level than
the assailant.
Guite clea#l", these fin!in$s confi#& the testi&on" of %itness 5al!o*a that accuse!)appellant ali$hte! f#o& a taCicab,
positione! hi&self behin! the victi& an! shot hi& at the bac>. Hhen the victi& fell to the $#oun!, the accuse!)appellant fi#e! at hi&
D#. Mu<o* fu#the# state! that the $un %as not fi#e! at close #an$e because of the absence of s&u!$in$ o# bu#nin$ a#oun! the victi&Bs
%oun!, the#eb", ne$atin$ accuse!)appellantBs clai& that the $un acci!entall" fi#e! %hile he an! the victi& %e#e $#applin$ fo# the possession
the#eof. =i>e%ise, it is hi$hl" i&p#obable fo# the victi& to have been shot at the bac> if the $un acci!entall" fi#e! in the cou#se of the st#u$$le
fo# its possession, as this %oul! assu&e that the victi&Bs han! hol!in$ the $un %as t%iste! abno#&all" to #each his bac> %ith the $un &u**le
pointe! at his bac> %hen the $un eCplo!e!. Accuse!)appellant !i! not testif" that such an i&possible scena#io too> place. Hhat is clea# is that
the natu#e an! location of the $unshot %oun!s a#e ph"sical evi!ence that !e&onst#ate a !ete#&ine! effo#t to >ill the victi& an! not 6ust !efen!
A plea of self)!efense cannot be 6ustifiabl" app#eciate! %he#e it is not onl" unco##obo#ate! b" in!epen!ent an! co&petent evi!ence, but also
eCt#e&el" !oubtful b" itself.
He#e, accuse!)appellant %as p#esente! as the sole %itness fo# the !efense. No othe# %itness %as p#esente! to
testif" ho% the fateful shootin$ happene!. If it %e#e t#ue, as !ecla#e! b" the accuse!)appellant, that a lot of people %e#e p#esent !u#in$ the
scuffle an! %ante! to pacif" the&, %h" ha! not the#e been an" atte&pt to p#esent an"one of the& to suppo#t his sto#". Notable a&on$ the
pe#sons he &entione! %e#e p#osecution %itnesses 5al!o*a an! Alia$a %ho, fa# f#o& helpin$ hi& substantiate his clai& of self)!efense,
ac>no%le!$e! thei# p#esence at the scene of the c#i&e an! testifie! a$ainst hi&.
The e"e%itness account of Pe#lita 5al!o*a %as plain, clea#, cate$o#ical an! spontaneous. She testifie!E
G On Octobe# ;, 9;;/ at a#oun! 9?E@? p.&., !o "ou #ecall %he#e %e#e "ouI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G Hhe#e %e#e "ou then, Ma!a& HitnessI
A In Scout Tua*on in &" stall at the (pe#"ahan(, &aBa&.
G Hhile "ou %e#e at "ou# (pe#"ahan( in Scout Tua*on, Gue*on it", %as the#e an" unusual inci!ent that happene!I
A 3es, &aBa&.
G Hhat %as thatI
A The accuse!, onstancio an!i!o, fi#e! a $un at Nelson Da#as.
G No%, p#io# to the ti&e that accuse! onstancio an!i!o fi#e! at Nelson Da#as, have "ou notice! M#. Nelson Da#asI
A 3es, 3ou# Hono#.
Hhe#e %as Nelson Da#as then p#io# to the shootin$ inci!entI
A He %as %atchin$ colo# $a&es.
G Hhe#e %as this colo# $a&e that Nelson Da#as %as %atchin$ thenI
A The#e also at the (pe#"ahan(.
Ho% fa# %as this colo# $a&e f#o& the place %he#e "ou %e#eI
A Al&ost t%o &ete#s.
G 2#o& %he#e "ou %e#eI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G Hhile Nelson Da#as %as %atchin$ the colo# $a&e, %hat happene! afte# thatI
A Hhile Nelson Da#as %as bus" %atchin$ $a&es, the accuse! onstancio an!i!o su!!enl" appea#e!, ali$htin$ f#o& a taCi
as if he is loo>in$ fo# so&ebo!".
G Hhen "ou sai! (Tiso"(, to %ho& a#e "ou #efe##in$ toI
A He is the one ,Hitness pointin$ to the accuse! onstancio an!i!o-.
G P#io# to Octobe# ;, 9;;/, !o "ou >no% (Tiso"( al#ea!"I
A 3es, &aBa&.
G Hh" !o "ou >no% hi&I
A He is also ou# co&panion. He is also in the (pe#"ahan(.
G As co)%o#>e#I
A He is also %o#>in$ in the sai! (pe#"ahan( %he#e I have &" stall.
G Hhen "ou sa% accuse! onstancio an!i!o as if he %as loo>in$ fo# so&ebo!" else, %hat happene! neCt, if an"I
A Hhen he sa% Nelson Da#as, he i&&e!iatel" pulle! his $un an! fi#e! at Nelson.
G Hhat %as Nelson !oin$ thenI
A He %as %atchin$ colo# $a&es.
3ou sai! that afte# ali$htin$ f#o& a taCi an! accuse! tu#ne! his hea! as if he is loo>in$ fo# so&ebo!" else, ho% !i! he
app#oach Nelson Da#asI
A I 6ust sa% hi& fi#e a $un at Nelson.
G Have "ou seen the $un that %as use! b" the accuse!I
A 3es, si#.
Hhat >in! of $un !i! he useI
A A sho#t $un.
G Do "ou >no% %hat %as the calibe# of that $unI
A No. I 6ust notice! it is a sho#t $un.
G Afte# the accuse! fi#e! his $un o# shot Nelson Da#as, %hat happene! neCt, Ma!a& HitnessI
A Nelson Da#as fell !o%n.
G Do "ou >no% on %hat pa#t of the bo!" %as Nelson Da#as shot at b" the accuse! he#eI
A 3es, &aBa&.
G Hhe#eI
,Hitness is pointin$ to he# chest, the lo%e# po#tion of the b#east.- Ma!a& Hitness, %hen the accuse! fi#e! the fi#st shot at Nelson
Da#as, %he#e %as he in #elation to Nelson Da#asI
A At the bac> of Nelson Da#as.
G Afte# the accuse! fi#e! a shot at Nelson Da#as, %hat happene! neCtI
A Nelson Da#as fell !o%n.
G Afte# Nelson Da#as fell !o%n, %hat t#anspi#e! afte# thatI
A He ca&e close# to Nelson Da#as an! fi#e! at hi& t%ice.
G Hhat happene! neCtI
A Hith the help of Dennis 7uinto, %e b#ou$ht Nelson Da#as to the apitol Me!ical Hospital.
Hitness Alia$a co##obo#ate! the fo#e$oin$ testi&on" of %itness 5al!o*a %hen he !ecla#e! in a si&ple an! st#ai$htfo#%a#! &anne# that the
accuse!)appellant shot the victi& th#ee ,@- ti&es, hittin$ hi& in the bac>. 5oth testi&onies a#e consistent in all &ate#ial points an! no ill &otive
o# #eason %as sho%n to in!icate that sai! %itnesses falsel" testifie! a$ainst accuse!)appellant.
Accuse!)appellant also conten!s that the cou#t a 3uo e##e! in app#eciatin$ the 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stance of t#eache#" !espite the p#osecutionBs
failu#e to establish the sa&e.
A#ticle 9/, pa#a$#aph 9. of the Revise! Penal o!e p#ovi!es that t#eache#" o# alevosia eCists %hen the offen!e# co&&its an" of the c#i&es
a$ainst pe#sons b" e&plo"in$ &eans, &etho!s, o# fo#&s in the eCecution the#eof %hich ten! !i#ectl" an! speciall" to ensu#e its eCecution,
%ithout #is> to hi&self a#isin$ f#o& the !efense %hich the offen!e! pa#t" &i$ht &a>e.
The essence of t#eache#" is the su!!en an!
uneCpecte! attac> b" an a$$#esso# on an unsuspectin$ victi&, !ep#ivin$ the latte# of an" #eal chance to !efen! hi&self, the#eb" ensu#in$ its
co&&ission %ithout #is> to the a$$#esso# an! %ithout the sli$htest p#ovocation on the pa#t of the victi&.
The t#ial cou#t co##ectl" hel! that t#eache#" ha! 'ualifie! the >illin$ to &u#!e#. The su!!enness of the attac>, appa#entl" %ithout an"
p#ovocation on the pa#t of the victi&, shoul! suffice to !e&onst#ate the t#eache#ous natu#e of the a$$#ession. The accuse!)appellant
su##eptitiousl" positione! hi&self at the bac> of the victi&, ai&e! his $un, an! %ithout %a#nin$, shot the latte#. Hhen the victi& fell to the
$#oun!, he a$ain shot hi& t%ice. lea#l", the eCecution of the attac> &a!e it i&possible fo# the victi& to !efen! hi&self.
Ho%eve#, the#e is &e#it to accuse!)appellantBs contention that the t#ial cou#t shoul! have app#eciate! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s &e#el" as
an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance in the &u#!e# case, instea! of t#eatin$ it as a sepa#ate c#i&e. Althou$h R.A. No. +0;/ too> effect on 8ul" ., 9;;:,
o# afte# the c#i&es involve! in the case at ba# %e#e co&&itte! on Octobe# ;, 9;;/, it is a!vanta$eous to the accuse!, hence, it shoul! be
$iven #et#ospective application
insofa# as it spa#es the accuse!)appellant f#o& a sepa#ate conviction fo# the c#i&e of ille$al possession of
Section 9 of R.A. No. +0;/ fu#the# a&en!e! Section 9 of P.D. No. 9+.., %hich in pa#t, p#ovi!esE
If ho&ici!e o# &u#!e# is co&&itte! %ith the use of unlicense! fi#ea#&, such use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& shall be consi!e#e! as an
a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance.
An!e# the afo#e'uote! section, %he#e &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e is co&&itte! %ith the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#&, the sepa#ate penalt" fo# ille$al
possession of fi#ea#& shall no lon$e# be &ete! out since it beco&es &e#el" a special a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance. The penalt" fo# ille$al
possession of fi#ea#&s shall be i&pose! in all othe# cases %he#e none of the c#i&es enu&e#ate! un!e# R.A. No. +0;/ is co&&itte!. The intent
of on$#ess is to t#eat the offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& an! the co&&ission of ho&ici!e o# &u#!e# %ith the use of unlicense!
fi#ea#& as a sin$le offense.
In vie% of this p#ovision, the ou#t has hel! in a nu&be# of cases
that the#e can be no sepa#ate conviction of the c#i&e of ille$al possession
of fi#ea#& in a case %he#e anothe# c#i&e, as in!icate! in RA. No. +0;/ ,&u#!e# o# ho&ici!e un!e# Section 9, an! #ebellion, insu##ection,
se!ition o# atte&pte! coup d?etat un!e# Section @-, is co&&itte!.
In the case at ba#, althou$h the p#osecution %as able to establish that the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& un!e# P.D. No. 9+.. ha! been
co&&itte! b" the accuse!)appellant, R.A. No. +0;/ &e#el" consi!e#s the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& as a special a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance
in &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e, an! not as a sepa#ate offense. 2o#tunatel" fo# the accuse!)appellant, the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& in the >illin$ of
the victi& %as not alle$e! in the info#&ation fo# &u#!e#. Such bein$ the case, the sa&e coul! not be use! as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance to
%a##ant the i&position of the !eath penalt" a$ainst the accuse!)appellant.
/HEREFORE, the !ecision of the t#ial cou#t !ate! 8une 00, 9;;+ is he#eb" MO%FE%. Accuse!)appellant onstancio an!i!o " olla#$a is
foun! $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of the &u#!e# an! is sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua.
Davi!e, 8#.
, 5ellosillo, Puno
, Vitu$, Men!o*a, Pan$aniban, Guisu&bin$, 3na#es)Santia$o
, San!oval)7utie##e*, a#pio, Aust#ia)Ma#tine* an!
o#ona, 88., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 1)26-(. Ju,y 22, 200(
&CENTE #GOTE ! M#TOL, Petitione#s,
HON. M#NUEL F. LOREN'O, Pr26+"+n7 Ju"72, RTC, $ran35 )3, Man+,a an" PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES,Respon!ents.
G#RC#, J.1
In this appeal b" %a" of a petition fo# #evie% on certiorari un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t, petitione# &+32n42 #7o42 y Ma4o, see>s to
annul an! set asi!e the follo%in$ #esolutions of the ou#t of Appeals in C#.G.R. SP No. 2991.U%G, to %itE
9. R26o,u4+on "a42" S2*429@2r 1), 1999,
!is&issin$ the Petition fo# -ertiorari %ith P#a"e# fo# the Issuance of a Te&po#a#" Rest#ainin$
O#!e# file! b" the petitione# a$ainst the Hono#able Manuel 2. =o#en*o, P#esi!in$ 8u!$e, Re$ional T#ial ou#t, Manila, 5#anch /@ fo# #efusin$ to
#et#oactivel" appl" in his favo# Republic Act No. +0;/
F an!,
0. R26o,u4+on "a42" F2@ruary 8, 2000,
!en"in$ petitione#Bs &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation.
As culle! f#o& the plea!in$s on #eco#!, the follo%in$ a#e the un!ispute! factual antece!entsE
Petitione# Vicente A$ote " Matol %as ea#lie# cha#$e! befo#e the sala of #espon!ent 6u!$e %ith Ille$al Possession of 2i#ea#&s un!e#
P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+..
an! violation of OME=E Resolution No. 0+0.
,7un 5an-, !oc>ete! as #i&inal ases No. ;.)9/;+0? an!
;.)9/;+09, #espectivel", alle$e!l" co&&itte!, as follo%sE
RIMINA= ASE NO. ;.)9/;+0?
That on o# about Ap#il 0:, 9;;. in the it" of Manila, Philippines, the sai! accuse! !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full", >no%in$l" have in
possession an! un!e# his custo!" an! cont#ol, One ,9- .@+ cal. Rev. %ithout se#ial no. %ith fou# ,/- live bullets. Hithout fi#st havin$ secu#e!
f#o& the p#ope# autho#ities the necessa#" license the#efo#.
RIMINA= ASE NO. ;.)9/;+09
That on o# about Ap#il 0:, 9;;., in the it" of Manila, Philippines, the sai! accuse! !i! then an! the#e, %illfull", unla%full" an! >no%in$l" have
in his possession an! un!e# his custo!" an! cont#ol one ,9- .@+ cal. Rev. %ithout se#ial nu&be#, %ith fou# ,/- live a&&unitionJbullets in the
cha&be#, b" then an! the#e ca##"in$ the sa&e alon$ V. Mapa ECt. Sta. Mesa, this it", %hich is a public place on the afo#esai! !ate %hich is
cove#e! b" an election pe#io!, %ithout fi#st secu#in$ the %#itten autho#it" f#o& the OME=E, as p#ovi!e! fo# b" the OME=E Resolution
No. 0+0+, in #elation to RA No. :9.. ,7un 5an-.
On a##ai$n&ent, petitione# plea!e! (Not 7uilt"( to both cha#$es. The#eafte#, the t%o ,0- cases %e#e t#ie! 6ointl".
Eventuall", in a !ecision !ate! Ma" 9+, 9;;;, the t#ial cou#t #en!e#e! a 6u!$&ent of conviction in both cases, sepa#atel" sentencin$ petitione#
to an in!ete#&inate penalt" of ten ,9?- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" of prision mayor, as &ini&u&, to ei$hteen ,9+- "ea#s ei$ht ,+- &onths an! one
,9- !a" of reclusion temporal, as &aCi&u&, in acco#!ance %ith PD. No. 9+.. in Cr+9. Ca62 No. 96.1)9820 ,ille$al possession of fi#ea#&-,
an! to a p#ison te#& of one ,9- "ea# in Cr+9. Ca62 No. 96.1)9821 ,violation of the OME=E Resolution on $un ban-.
Mean%hile, on 8une ., 9;;:, Republic Act No. +0;/
%as app#ove! into la%.
Pointin$ out, a&on$ othe#s, that the penalt" fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s un!e# P.D. No. 9+.. has al#ea!" been #e!uce! b" the
subse'uent enact&ent of Rep. Act No. +0;/, hence, the latte# la%, bein$ favo#able to hi&, shoul! be the one applie! in !ete#&inin$ his
penalt" fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, petitione# &ove! fo# a #econsi!e#ation of the Ma" 9+, 9;;; !ecision of the t#ial cou#t.
In its o#!e# !ate! 8ul" 91, 9;;;,
ho%eve#, the t#ial cou#t !enie! petitione#Bs &otion, sa"in$E
Hhile the la% ,R.A. +0;/- is in!ee! favo#able to the accuse! an! the#efo#e shoul! be &a!e #et#oactive %e a#e also $ui!e! b" A#t. / of the ivil
o!e %hich states that la%s shall have no #et#oactive effect, unless the cont#a#" is p#ovi!e!. Republic Act +0;/ !i! not so p#ovi!e that it shall
have a #et#oactive effect. The Sup#e&e ou#t li>e%ise in the case of Pa!illa vs. A !ecla#e!E QThe t#ial cou#t an! the #espon!ent cou#t a#e
boun! to appl" the $ove#nin$ la% at the ti&e of the appellantBs co&&ission of the offense fo# it is a #ule that la%s a#e #epeale! onl" b"
subse'uent ones. In!ee!, it is the !ut" of 6u!icial office#s to #espect an! appl" the la% as it stan!s.
The#ef#o&, petitione# %ent to the ou#t of Appeals on a petition fo# certiorari %ith p#a"e# fo# a te&po#a#" #est#ainin$ o#!e#, the#eat !oc>ete!
as C#.G.R. SP No. 2991.U%G.
In the he#ein assaile! r26o,u4+on "a42" S2*429@2r 1), 1999,
the appellate cou#t !is&isse! petitione#Bs #ecou#se on t%o ,0- $#oun!s, to %itE
,a- the #e&e!" of certiorari availe! of b" petitione# is i&p#ope# since he shoul! have appeale! f#o& the 8ul" 91, 9;;; o#!e# of the t#ial cou#tF
an! ,b- lac> of 6u#is!iction, as the issue involve! is a pu#e 'uestion of la% co$ni*able b" the Sup#e&e ou#t.
Hith his &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation havin$ been !enie! b" the appellate cou#t in its subse'uent r26o,u4+on o8 F2@ruary 8, 2000,
petitione# is
no% %ith us, sub&ittin$ fo# #esolution the follo%in$ issuesE ,9- %hethe# the ou#t of Appeals e##e! in !is&issin$ his petition fo# certiorariF an!
,0- %hethe# the cou#ts belo% e##e! in not $ivin$ Rep. Act No. +0;/ a #et#oactive application.
The petition is pa#tl" &e#ito#ious.
At the outset, it &ust be st#esse! that petitione# neve# put in issue the factual fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t. Hhat he 'uestions is sai! cou#tBs le$al
conclusion that Rep. Act No. +0;/ cannot be #et#oactivel" applie! to hi&. An'uestionabl", the issue #aise! is one pu#el" of la%. As %e have
sai! in (acawiwili 2old (ining and +evelopment -o., 4nc. v. -ourt of *ppeals5
2o# a 'uestion to be one of la%, the sa&e &ust not involve an eCa&ination of the p#obative value of the evi!ence p#esente! b" the liti$ants o#
an" one of the&. An! the !istinction is %ell)>no%nE the#e is a 'uestion of la% in a $iven case %hen the !oubt o# !iffe#ence a#ises as to %hat
the la% is on a ce#tain state of factsF the#e is a 'uestion of fact %hen the !oubt o# !iffe#ence a#ises as to the t#uth o# the falsehoo! of the facts
onsi!e#in$ that Hjudgments of regional trial courts in the e%ercise of their original jurisdiction are to be elevated to the -ourt of *ppeals in
cases when appellant raises 3uestions of fact or mi%ed 3uestions of fact and lawH, %hileHappeals from judgments of the Dsame courtsE in the
e%ercise of their original jurisdiction must be brought directly to the upreme -ourt in cases where the appellant raises only 3uestions of
, petitione# shoul! have appeale! the t#ial cou#tBs #ulin$ to this ou#t b" %a" of a petition fo# #evie% on certiorari in acco#!ance %ith Rule
/1 of the 9;;: Rules of ivil P#oce!u#e, as a&en!e!,
pu#suant to Rule /9, Section 0 ,c- of the sa&e Rules, vizE
SE. 0. Mo!es of appeal. P
,c- Appeal b" certiorari. P In all cases %he#e onl" 'uestions of la% a#e #aise! o# involve!, the appeal shall be to the Sup#e&e ou#t b" petition
fo# #evie% on certiorari in acco#!ance %ith Rule /1.
5" #eason, then, of the availabilit" to petitione# of the #e&e!" of a petition fo# #evie% un!e# Rule /1, his #i$ht to #eso#t to a petition
fo# certiorari un!e# Rule .1 %as effectivel" fo#eclose!, p#ecisel" because one of the #e'ui#e&ents fo# the avail&ent of the latte# #e&e!" is that
(there should be no appeal, or any plain, speedy and ade3uate remedy in the ordinary course of law(,
the #e&e!ies of appeal
an! certiorari bein$ &utuall" eCclusive an! not alte#native o# successive.
As co##ectl" obse#ve! b" the ou#t of Appeals, %hat petitione# shoul! have !one %as to ta>e an appeal f#o& the t#ial cou#tBs o#!e# of 8ul" 91,
9;;; %hich !enie! his &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation of the Ma" 9+, 9;;; 6u!$&ent of conviction.
Petitione#Bs case is %o#se co&poun!e! b" the fact that even his pe#io! fo# appeal ha! al#ea!" p#esc#ibe! %hen he file! %ith the ou#t of
Appeals his certiorari petition in A)7.R. SP No. 0;;9)ADN. The #ollo of sai! case #eveals that petitione# #eceive! his cop" of the t#ial cou#tBs
o#!e# !en"in$ his &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation on Ju,y 20, 1999.As the sa&e #ollo sho%s, it %as onl" on #u7u64 23, 1999, o# afte# &o#e than
fifteen ,91- !a"s %hen petitione# file! his %#on$ #e&e!" of certiorari %ith the appellate cou#t.
5e that as it &a", the ou#t feels that it &ust s'ua#el" a!!#ess the issue #aise! in this case #e$a#!in$ the #et#oactivit" of Rep. Act No. +0;/,
%hat %ith the #ealit" that the p#ovisions the#eof a#e un!oubte!l" favo#able to petitione#. 2o# this pu#pose, then, %e shall eCe#cise ou#
p#e#o$ative to set asi!e technicalities in the Rules an! (hol! the bull b" its ho#ns(, so to spea>. Afte# all, the po%e# of this ou#t to suspen! its
o%n #ules %heneve# the inte#est of 6ustice #e'ui#es is not %ithout le$al autho#it" o# p#ece!ent. In olicitor 2eneral, et. al. vs. )he (etropolitan
(anila *uthority,
%e hel!E
An'uestionabl", the ou#t has the po%e# to suspen! p#oce!u#al #ules in the eCe#cise of its inhe#ent po%e#, as eCp#essl" #eco$ni*e! in the
onstitution, to p#o&ul$ate #ules conce#nin$ Qplea!in$, p#actice an! p#oce!u#e in all cou#ts.B In p#ope# cases, p#oce!u#al #ules &a" be #elaCe!
o# suspen!e! in the inte#est of substantial 6ustice, %hich othe#%ise &a" be &isca##ie! because of a #i$i! an! fo#&alistic a!he#ence to such
#ules. CCC
He have &a!e si&ila# #ulin$s in othe# cases, thusE
5e it #e&e&be#e! that #ules of p#oce!u#e a#e but &e#e tools !esi$ne! to facilitate the attain&ent of 6ustice. Thei# st#ict an! #i$i! application,
%hich %oul! #esult in technicalities that ten! to f#ust#ate #athe# than p#o&ote substantial 6ustice, &ust al%a"s be avoi!e!. CCC Ti&e an! a$ain,
this ou#t has suspen!e! its o%n #ules an! eCcepte! a pa#ticula# case f#o& thei# ope#ation %heneve# the hi$he# inte#ests of 6ustice so #e'ui#e.
He shall no% p#ocee! to !ete#&ine %hethe# the p#ovisions of Rep. Act No. +0;/ a&en!in$ P.D. No. 9+.. can be #et#oactivel" applie! to this
He#e, the t%o ,0- c#i&es fo# %hich petitione# %as convicte! b" the t#ial cou#t, i.e., ,9- ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s un!e# P.D. No. 9+.. an! ,0-
violation of OME=E Resolution No. 0+0. on $un ban, %e#e both co&&itte! b" the petitione# on Ap#il 0:, 9;;.. 2o# the c#i&e of ille$al
possession of fi#ea#&s in #i&. ase No. ;.)9/;+0?, he %as sentence! to suffe# a p#ison te#& #an$in$ f#o& ten ,9?- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a"
of prision mayor, as &ini&u&, to ,9+- ei$hteen "ea#s, ei$ht ,+- &onths an! one ,9- !a" of reclusion temporal, as &aCi&u&, in acco#!ance
%ith P.D. No. 9+.., Section 9 of %hich #ea!sE
SETION 9. Anla%ful Manufactu#e, Sale, Ac'uisition, Disposition o# Possession of 2i#ea#&s o# A&&unition o# Inst#u&ents Ase! o# Inten!e!
to be Ase! in the Manufactu#e of 2i#ea#&s of A&&unition. Y T52 *2na,4y o8 r23,u6+on 429*ora, +n +46 9a<+9u9 *2r+o" 4o r23,u6+on
*2r*24ua 65a,, @2 +9*o62" upon an" pe#son %ho shall unla%full" &anufactu#e, !eal in, ac'ui#e, !ispose, o# possess an" fi#ea#&, pa#t of
fi#ea#&, a&&unition o# &achine#", tool o# inst#u&ent use! o# inten!e! to be use! in the &anufactu#e of an" fi#ea#& o# a&&unition. ,E&phasis
Hhen Rep. Act No. +0;/ too> effect on 8ul" ., 9;;:,
the penalt" fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s %as lo%e#e!, !epen!in$ on the class of
fi#ea#& possesse!, vizE
SETION 9. Section 9 of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.., as a&en!e!, is he#eb" fu#the# a&en!e! to #ea! as follo%sE
QSETION 9. Anla%ful Manufactu#e, Sale, Ac'uisition, Disposition o# Possession of 2i#ea#&s o# A&&unition o# Inst#u&ents Ase! o# Inten!e!
to be Ase! in the Manufactu#e of 2i#ea#&s o# A&&unition. Y T52 *2na,4y o8 *r+6+on 3orr233+ona, +n +46 9a<+9u9 *2r+o" an! a fine of not
less than 2ifteen thousan! pesos ,P91,???- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son %ho shall unla%full" &anufactu#e, !eal in, ac'ui#e, !ispose, o#
possess an" lo% po%e#e! fi#ea#&, such as #i&fi#e han!$un, .@+? o# .@0 an! othe# fi#ea#& of si&ila# fi#epo%e#, pa#t of fi#ea#&, a&&unition, o#
&achine#", tool o# inst#u&ent use! o# inten!e! to be use! in the &anufactu#e of an" fi#ea#& o# a&&unitionE ProI+"2", T5a4 no o452r 3r+92
Ca6 3o99+442".
The penalt" of p#ision &a"o# in its &ini&u& pe#io! an! a fine of Thi#t" thousan! pesos ,P@?,???- shall be i&pose! if the fi#ea#& is classifie!
as hi$h po%e#e! fi#ea#& %hich inclu!es those %ith bo#es bi$$e# in !ia&ete# than .@+ calibe# an! ; &illi&ete# such as calibe# ./?, ./9, .//, ./1
an! also lesse# calibe#e! fi#ea#&s but consi!e#e! po%e#ful such as calibe# .@1: an! calibe# .00 cente#)fi#e &a$nu& an! othe# fi#ea#&s %ith
fi#in$ capabilit" of full auto&atic an! b" bu#st of t%o o# th#eeE ProI+"2", 5oC2I2r, T5a4 no o452r 3r+92 Ca6 3o99+442" @y 452 *2r6on
arr2642". ,E&phasis supplie!-
5ase! on the fo#e$oin$, petitione# conten!s that the #e!uce! penalt" un!e# Rep. Act No. +0;/ shoul! be the one i&pose! on hi&.
Si$nificantl", in its Man+8264a4+on n L+2u o8 Co992n4,
the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al a$#ees %ith the petitione#, positin$ fu#the# that the
state&ent &a!e b" this ou#t in People vs. Jayson
to the effect that the p#ovisions fo# a li$hte# penalt" un!e# Rep. Act No. +0;/ !oes not
appl" if anothe# c#i&e has been co&&itte!, shoul! not be applie! to this case because the p#oviso in Section 9 of sai! la% that (no other
crime was committedH &ust #efe# onl" to those c#i&es co&&itte! %ith the u62 of an unlicense! fi#ea#& an! not %hen the othe# c#i&e is not
#elate! to the use the#eof o# %he#e the la% violate! &e#el" c#i&inali*es the possession of the sa&e, li>e in the case of election $un ban, as
As ea#l" as Au$ust 9;;:, the &onth afte# Rep. Act No. +0;/ too> effect,
this ou#t has p#onounce! in 2onzales vs. -ourt of *ppeals
sai! la% &ust be $iven #et#oactive effect in favo# of those accuse! un!e# P.D. No. 9+... Since then, this ou#t ha! consistentl" a!he#e! to
the 2onzales #ulin$.
2o# su#e, in People vs. 6aldez,
%he#e the accuse! %as cha#$e! %ith the co&pleC c#i&e of &ultiple &u#!e# %ith !ouble f#ust#ate! &u#!e# an!
ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unitions un!e# t%o sepa#ate info#&ations, this ou#t even too> a bol!e# stance b" appl"in$ Rep. Act
No. +0;/ #et#oactivel" so that the accuse! the#ein &a" not be convicte! of the sepa#ate c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, but #efuse! to
appl" the sa&e #et#oactivel" so as to a$$#avate the c#i&e of &u#!e#. The 6aldez #ulin$ ha! been applie! in a host of subse'uent cases.
3et, in othe# cases,
althou$h the ou#t ha! $iven Rep. Act No. +0;/ #et#oactive effect so as to p#event the conviction of an accuse! of the
sepa#ate c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& %hen the sai! unlicense! fi#ea#& %as Eu62"E to co&&it the c#i&e of &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e, the
ou#t !i! not app#eciate this (use( of such unlicense! fi#ea#& as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance as p#ovi!e! the#ein, %hen the (use( of an
unlicense! fi#ea#& %as not specificall" alle$e! in the info#&ation, as #e'ui#e! b" the Rules on #i&inal P#oce!u#e.
In the li$ht of the eCistin$ #ulin$s an! 6u#isp#u!ence on the &atte#, the p#esent case ta>es cente# sta$e p#esentin$, this ti&e, anothe# t%ist, so
to spea>. Petitione#, %ho %as cha#$e! of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s %as also cha#$e! of anothe# offenseE Violation of OME=E
Resolution No. 0+0. ,7un 5an-, but the unlicense! fi#ea#& %as not (use!( o# !ischa#$e! in this case. The 'uestion then %hich appea#s to be
of fi#st i&p#ession, is %hethe# o# not the unlicense! fi#ea#& shoul! be actuall" (use!( an! !ischa#$e! in the cou#se of co&&ittin$ the othe#
c#i&e in o#!e# that Sec. 9, Rep. Act No. +0;/ %ill appl" so that no sepa#ate c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s &a" be cha#$e!.
=et us ta>e a loo> at the 6u#isp#u!ence once a$ain. In -upcupin vs. People,
the accuse! %as cha#$e! an! convicte! fo# t%o ,0- sepa#ate
c#i&es of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, an! ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s. In the &o#e #ecent case of People vs. *lmeida,
althou$h the accuse! %as ac'uitte! of the sepa#ate cha#$e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& fo# lac> of evi!ence, the ou#t neve#theless &a!e
the follo%in$ clea# p#onounce&entE
2u#the#&o#e, in an" event, the ou#t has #ule! in p#evious cases that in vie% of the enact&ent of Republic Act No. +0;/, 452r2 3an @2 no
62*ara42 o882n62 o8 +,,27a, *o66266+on o8 8+r2ar96 an" a99un+4+on +8 452r2 +6 ano452r 3r+92 3o99+442" 6u35 a6, +n 45+6 3a62, 45a4 o8
+,,27a, *o66266+on o8 "an72rou6 "ru76.,E&phasis supplie!-
In *lmeida, it shoul! be note! that the unlicense! fi#ea#& %as &e#el" foun! l"in$ a#oun!, to$ethe# %ith the p#ohibite! !#u$s, an! the#efo#e,
%as not bein$ (use!( in the co&&ission of an offense.
7iven this ou#tBs afo#e'uote! p#onounce&ent in *lmeida, can the accuse! in the p#esent case still be sepa#atel" convicte! of t%o ,0-
offenses of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! violation of $un ban, &o#e so because as in*lmeida, the unlicense! fi#ea#& %as not actuall"
(use!( o# !ischa#$e! in co&&ittin$ the othe# offenseI
In People vs. <alpan (. !adjaalam,
this ou#t, inte#p#etin$ the sub6ect p#oviso in Section 9 of Rep. Act No. +0;/, applie! the basic
p#inciples in c#i&inal la%, an! cate$o#icall" hel!E
CCC # 6+9*,2 r2a"+n7 452r2o8 65oC6 45a4 +8 an un,+32n62" 8+r2ar9 +6 u62" +n 452 3o99+66+on o8 any 3r+92, 452r2 3an @2 no 62*ara42
o882n62 o8 6+9*,2 +,,27a, *o66266+on o8 8+r2ar96. Hence, if the Qothe# c#i&eB is &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e, ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s beco&es
&e#el" an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance, not a sepa#ate offense. Since !i#ect assault %ith &ultiple atte&pte! ho&ici!e %as co&&itte! in this
case, appellant can no lon$e# be hel! liable fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s.
Mo#eove#, penal la%s a#e const#ue! libe#all" in favo# of the accuse!. In this case, the plain &eanin$ of RA +0;/Bs si&ple lan$ua$e is &ost
favo#able to he#ein appellant. Ve#il", no othe# inte#p#etation is 6ustifie!, fo# the lan$ua$e of the ne% la% !e&onst#ates the le$islative intent to
favo# the accuse!. Acco#!in$l", appellant cannot be convicte! of t%o sepa#ate offenses of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! !i#ect assault %ith
atte&pte! ho&ici!e. CCC
%%% %%% %%%
%%% (he la0 is clear: the accuse! can "e convicte! of si,ple ille.al possession of firear,s, provi!e! that 1no other cri,e 0as
co,,itte! "y the person arreste!2. 4f the intention of the law in the second paragraph were to refer only to homicide and murder, it should
have e%pressly said so, as it did in the third paragraph. 6erily, where the law does not distinguish, neither should we.8.mphasis supplied9.
The afo#e&entione! #ulin$ %as #eite#ate! an! applie! in the subse'uent cases of People vs. 2arcia,
%he#e the 6u!$&ent of conviction of the
accuse!)appellants fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s %as set asi!e the#e bein$ anothe# c#i&e P >i!nappin$ fo# #anso& P %hich the" %e#e
pe#pet#atin$ at the sa&e ti&eF People vs. "ernal,
%he#e the ou#t #et#oactivel" applie! Rep. Act No. +0;/ in accuse!)appellantBs favo#
because it %oul! &ean his ac'uittal f#o& the sepa#ate offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&sF an! People vs. "ustamante,
%he#e, in
#efusin$ to convict the accuse!)appellant of the sepa#ate offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, the ou#t !ecla#e! that insofa# as it is
favo#able to the appellant, the p#ovisions of Rep. Act No. +0;/ shoul! be applie! libe#all" an! #et#oactivel" in that appellant &ust be ac'uitte!
of the cha#$e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s.
7ui!e! b" the fo#e$oin$, the ou#t cannot but set asi!e petitione#Bs conviction in #i&inal ase No. ;.)9/;+0? fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&
since anothe# c#i&e %as co&&itte! at the sa&e ti&e, i.e., violation of OME=E Resolution No. 0+0. o# the 7un 5an.
A!&itte!l", this #ulin$ is not %ithout &is$ivin$s consi!e#in$ that it %oul! &ean petitione#Bs ac'uittal of the &o#e se#ious offense of ille$al
possession of fi#ea#&s %hich ca##ies a &uch heavie# penalt" than violation of the OME=E $un)ban #esolution. Ho%eve#, as %e have
#ationali*e! in !adjaalam5
CCC In!ee!, the accuse! &a" eva!e conviction fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s b" usin$ such %eapons in co&&ittin$ an even li$hte# offense,
li>e ala#& an! scan!al o# sli$ht ph"sical in6u#ies, both of %hich a#e punishable b" a##esto &eno#. This conse'uence, ho%eve#, necessa#il"
a#ises f#o& the lan$ua$e of RA +0;/, %hose %is!o& is not sub6ect to the ou#tBs #evie%. An" pe#ception that the #esult #eache! he#e appea#s
un%ise shoul! be a!!#esse! to on$#ess. In!ee!, the ou#t has no !isc#etion to $ive statutes a ne% &eanin$ !etache! f#o& the &anifest
inten!&ent an! lan$ua$e of the le$islatu#e. Ou# tas> is constitutionall" confine! onl" to appl"in$ the la% an! 6u#isp#u!ence to the p#oven facts,
an! %e have !one so in this case.
The sole&n po%e# an! !ut" of the ou#t to inte#p#et an! appl" the la% !oes not inclu!e the po%e# to co##ect b" #ea!in$ into the la% %hat is not
%#itten the#ein. Hhile %e un!e#stan! #espon!ent People?s contention that the (use( of the fi#ea#& see&e! to have been the &ain
consi!e#ation !u#in$ the !elibe#ations of the sub6ect p#ovision of Rep. Act No. +0;/, the fact #e&ains that the %o#! (use( neve# foun! its %a"
into the final ve#sion of the bill %hich eventuall" beca&e Rep. Act No. +0;/. The ou#tBs han!s a#e no% tie! an! it cannot suppl" the pe#ceive!
!eficienc" in the final ve#sion %ithout cont#avenin$ the &ost basic p#inciples in the inte#p#etation of penal la%s %hich ha! al%a"s leane! in
favo# of the accuse!. An!e# ou# s"ste& of $ove#n&ent %he#e po%e#s a#e allocate! to the th#ee ,@- $#eat b#anches, onl" the =e$islatu#e can
#e&e!" such !eficienc", if an", b" p#ope# a&en!&ent of Sec. 9 of Rep. Act No. +0;/.
As %#itten, Sec. 9, Rep. Act No. +0;/ #est#ains the ou#t f#o& convictin$ petitione# of the sepa#ate c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&
!espite the fact that, as in *lmeida, the unlicense! fi#ea#& %as not actuall" (use!(. 2o# su#e, the#e is, in this case, close# #elation bet%een
possession of unlicense! fi#ea#& an! violation of the OME=E $un)ban than the ille$al possession of unlicense! fi#ea#& to the c#i&e of
ille$al possession of p#ohibite! !#u$s in*lmeida.
/HEREFORE, #i&inal ase No. ;.)9/;+0? fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is he#eb" DISMISSED %hile the 6u!$&ent of conviction in
#i&inal ase No. ;.)9/;+09 fo# violation of OME=E Resolution No. 0+0. in #elation to Rep. Act No. :9.. ,7un 5an-, is A22IRMED.
Since petitione# has al#ea!" se#ve! &o#e than the penalt" i&pose! upon hi& b" the t#ial cou#t in #i&inal ase No. ;.)9/;+09, his i&&e!iate
#elease f#o& custo!" is he#eb" ORDERED unless !etaine! fo# so&e othe# la%ful cause.
Davi!e, 8#., .8., Puno, Pan$aniban, Guisu&bin$, 3na#es)Santia$o, San!oval)7utie##e*, a#pio, Aust#ia)Ma#tine*, o#ona, a#pio)Mo#ales,
alle6o, S#., A*cuna, Tin$a, an! hico)Na*a#io, 88., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 131(92.93 F2@ruary 1(, 2000
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
JUL#N C#STLLO y LUM#!RO, accuse!)appellant.
Hith the passa$e of Republic Act No. +0;/ on 8une ., 9;;:, the use of an unlicensed firearm in murder or homicide is now considered, not as
a separate crime, but merely a special aggravating circumstance.
In the case at ba#, appellant 8A=IAN ASTI==O " =AMA3RO %as cha#$e! %ith (urder an! 4llegal Possession of =irearms in t%o ,0- sepa#ate
Info#&ations, thusE
#i&inal ase No. /1:?+E
That on o# about the 9/th !a" of Nove&be#, 9;;1 in the it" of Iloilo, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this ou#t, a#&e! %ith
a han!$un, %ith !elibe#ate intent an! %ithout 6ustifiable &otive, %ith evi!ent p#e&e!itation, b" &eans of t#eache#" an! %ith a
!eci!e! pu#pose to >ill, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull", unla%full" an! c#i&inall" shoot, hit an! %oun! Ro$elio Aba%a$ %ith the sai! $un,
%ith %hich he#ein accuse! %as then p#ovi!e! at the ti&e, the#eb" causin$ upon sai! Ro$elio Aba%a$ bullet %oun!s on vital pa#ts of
his bo!", %hich cause! his instantaneous !eath.
#i&inal ase No. /1:?;E
That on o# about the 9/th !a" of Nove&be#, 9;;1 in the it" of Iloilo, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this ou#t, sai!
accuse!, %ith !elibe#ate intent an! %ithout 6ustifiable &otive, have in his possession an! cont#ol one ,9- Ho&e&a!e .@+ calibe#
#evolve# %ithout se#ial nu&be# ,an!- th#ee ,@- live a&&unitions %ithout the autho#it" an! pe#&it to possess o# ca##" the sa&e.
The scene of the c#i&e %as the then on)$oin$ const#uction site of 7aisano 5uil!in$ in =apa*, Iloilo it". On Nove&be# 9/, 9;;1, at about +
a.&., #$".#)$ !1)4-*, a const#uction %o#>e#, %as on the last #un$ of the stai#s on the thi#! floo# of the 7aisano buil!in$ %hen he sa% his
co)%o#>e# #$2.!4$ *"*<*2 bein$ closel" pu#sue! b" accuse! J1!4*: -*)44!!$, a lea! &an in the sa&e const#uction site. Du#in$ the
chase, the accuse! pointe! a $un at Aba%a$ an! shot hi&. Aba%a$, then about a half &ete# a%a" f#o& the accuse!, fell on his >nees besi!e
a pile of hollo% bloc>s.
=#*:&!4: *-*$, a &ason %o#>in$ on the thi#! floo# of the 7aisano buil!in$, hea#! the fi#st shot. Initiall", he !i! not pa" attention to it as he
thou$ht that the soun! ca&e f#o& one of thei# const#uction e'uip&ents. Secon!s late#, he hea#! a secon! shot an! a pe#son sc#ea&in$E
(Ouch, that is enou$hW( Hhen he loo>e! to%a#!s the !i#ection of the soun!, he sa% the accuse! in f#ont of Aba%a$, about a &ete# a%a",
pointin$ a .@+ calibe# #evolve# at the latte#. Aba%a$ %as then leanin$ on a pile of hollo% bloc>s, plea!in$ fo# &e#c". The accuse! shot Aba%a$
a thi#! ti&e !espite the latte#Ds i&plo#ation. The accuse! then fle!, leavin$ Aba%a$ lifeless.
The &ana$e&ent of 7aisano #epo#te! the shootin$ inci!ent to the police autho#ities %ho i&&e!iatel" #ushe! to the scene of the c#i&e. J1:
!4(, alias (A>o",( b#othe#)in)la% of the victi& an! also a const#uction %o#>e# at the 7aisano, voluntee#e! to $o %ith the police an! assist the&
in locatin$ the accuse!.
The police, acco&panie! b" A>o", p#ocee!e! to Po#t San Pe!#o %he#e the" sa% the accuse! on boa#! a vessel boun! fo# ebu. Hhen the"
boa#!e! the vessel, A>o" positivel" i!entifie! the accuse! to the police as the assailant. The accuse! atte&pte! to escape %hen the police
i!entifie! the&selves but the police cau$ht up %ith hi&. Apon in'ui#", the accuse! !enie! co&plicit" in the >illin$ of Aba%a$. The police foun!
in his possession a .@+ calibe# han!&a!e #evolve#, th#ee ,@- e&pt" shells an! ,@- live a&&unitions. 2u#the# in'ui#" #eveale! that the accuse!
o%ne! the $un but ha! no license to possess it. The police then too> the accuse! into custo!" an! cha#$e! hi& fo# the &u#!e# of Aba%a$ an!
fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&.
The self)!efense theo#" hoiste! b" the accuse! %ho testifie! solel" fo# the !efense %as not $iven c#e!ence b" the t#ial cou#t. Thus, he %as
convicte! of ;omicide, as the p#osecution faile! to p#ove the alle$e! 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stances of evi!ent p#e&e!itation an! t#eache#", an!
of 4llegal Possession of =irearm, aggravated by homicide. The t#ial cou#t !ispose! as follo%sE
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e! an! fin!in$ the accuse! $uilt" of the c#i&es of ho&ici!e an! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&
a$$#avate! b" ho&ici!e be"on! the sha!o% of the !oubt, he is he#eb" sentence! as follo%sE
9- =or the crime of homicide, he is sentenced to an indeterminate penalty of imprisonment of )welve 81@9 years of prision
mayor, as minimum, to eventeen 81N9 years and =our 8L9 months reclusion temporal, as ma%imumF
0- =or illegal possession of firearm which is aggravated by homicide, he is sentenced to a penalty of deathF
@- To pa" the fa&il" of his victi& P1?,???.?? as in!e&nit" an! anothe# P1?,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$esF an!
/- To pa" the cost.
,e&phasis supplie!-
On auto&atic #evie% b" this ou#t, appellant i&pu$ns solel" his conviction fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#& fo# %hich he %as sentence! to the
sup#e&e penalt" of !eath.
P#efato#il", %e st#ess that althou$h the appellant hi&self !oes not #efute the fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t #e$a#!in$ the ho&ici!e aspect of the
case, the ou#t neve#theless &a!e a tho#ou$h eCa&ination of the enti#e #eco#!s of the case, inclu!in$ the appellantDs conviction fo# ho&ici!e,
base! on the settle! p#inciple that an appeal in c#i&inal cases opens the enti#e case fo# #evie%. Ou# evaluation lea!s us to conclu!e that the
t#ial cou#tDs #ulin$ on the ho&ici!e aspect is clea#l" suppo#te! b" the #eco#!s. Thus, %e shall concent#ate on the appellantDs lone assi$n&ent of
e##o# %ith #espect to his conviction fo# the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&.1wphi1.nRt
P.D. 9+.., %hich co!ifie! the la%s on ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, %as a&en!e! on 8une ., 9;;: b" Republic Act +0;/. Asi!e f#o&
lo%e#in$ the penalt" fo# sai! c#i&e, R.A. +0;/ also p#ovi!e! that if homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed
firearm, such use shall be considered as a special aggravating circumstance.
This a&en!&ent has t%o ,0- i&plicationsE first, the use of an
unlicense! fi#ea#& in the co&&ission of ho&ici!e o# &u#!e# shall not be t#eate! as a sepa#ate offense, but &e#el" as a special a$$#avatin$
ci#cu&stanceF second, as onl" a sin$le c#i&e ,ho&ici!e o# &u#!e# %ith the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&- is
co&&itte! un!e# the la%, onl" one penalt" shall be i&pose! on the accuse!.
P#escin!in$ the#ef#o&, an! consi!e#in$ that the p#ovisions of the a&en!ato#" la% favo#able to he#ein appellant, the ne% la% shoul! be
#et#oactivel" applie! in the case at ba#.
It %as thus e##o# fo# the t#ial cou#t to convict the appellant of t%o ,0- sepa#ate offenses, i.e., Ho&ici!e
an! Ille$al Possession of 2i#ea#&s, an! punish hi& sepa#atel" fo# each c#i&e. 5ase! on the facts of the case, the c#i&e fo# %hich the
appellant &a" be cha#$e! ishomicide, aggravated by illegal possession of firearm, the co##ect !eno&ination fo# the c#i&e, an! not illegal
possession of firearm, aggravated by homicide as #ule! b" the t#ial cou#t, as it is the fo#&e# offense %hich a$$#avates the c#i&e of ho&ici!e
un!e# the a&en!ato#" la%.
The appellant ancho#s his p#esent appeal on the asse#tion that his conviction %as un%a##ante! as no p#oof %as a!!uce! b" the p#osecution
that he %as not license! to possess the sub6ect fi#ea#&. In thei# Manifestation an! Motion in lieu of AppelleeDs 5#ief, the Solicito# 7ene#al
6oine! cause %ith the appellant.
He a$#ee.
T%o ,0- #e'uisites a#e necessa#" to establish ille$al possession of fi#ea#&sE first, the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#&, an! second, the fact that
the accuse! %ho o%ne! o# possesse! the $un !i! not have the co##espon!in$ license o# pe#&it to ca##" it outsi!e his #esi!ence. The onus
probandi of establishin$ these ele&ents as alle$e! in the Info#&ation lies %ith the p#osecution.
The first element O the eCistence of the fi#ea#& Y %as in!ubitabl" establishe! b" the p#osecution. P#osecution e"e%itness Acaso sa%
appellant shoot the victi& th#ice %ith a .@+ calibe# #evolve#.
Appellant hi&self a!&itte! that he !i! not tu#n ove# the $un to the secu#it" $ua#!s
in the buil!in$ afte# the shootin$.
The sa&e $un %as #ecove#e! f#o& the appellant an! offe#e! in evi!ence b" the p#osecution. Ho%eve#, no
p#oof %as a!!uce! b" the p#osecution to establish the second element of the c#i&e, i.e., that the appellant %as not license! to possess the
fi#ea#&. This ne$ative fact constitutes an essential ele&ent of the c#i&e as &e#e possession, b" itself, is not an offense. The lac> of a license
o# pe#&it shoul! have been p#ove! eithe# b" the testi&on" o# ce#tification of a #ep#esentative of the PNP 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Anit that the
accuse! %as not a licensee of the sub6ect fi#ea#&
o# that the t"pe of fi#ea#& involve! can be la%full" possesse! onl" b" ce#tain &ilita#"
In!ee!, if the &eans of p#ovin$ a ne$ative fact is e'uall" %ithin the cont#ol of each pa#t", the bu#!en of p#oof is on the pa#t"
ave##in$ sai! ne$ative fact. As the Info#&ation alle$e! that the appellant possesse! an unlicense! $un, the p#osecution is !ut")boun! to p#ove
this alle$ation. It is the p#osecution %ho has the bu#!en of establishin$ be"on! #easonable !oubt all the ele&ents of the c#i&e cha#$e!,
consistent %ith the basic p#inciple that an accuse! is p#esu&e! innocent until p#oven $uilt".
Thus, if the non-e%istence of some fact is a
constituent ele&ent of the c#i&e, the onus is upon the State to p#ove this ne$ative alle$ation of non)eCistence.
Hence, in the case at ba#, although the appellant himself admitted that he had no license for the gun recovered from his possession, his
admission will not relieve the prosecution of its duty to establish beyond reasonable doubt the appellantSs lac/ of license or permit to possess
the gun. In People vs. Sola"ao,
%e eCpoun!e! on this !oct#ine, thusE
. . . ,b-" its ve#" natu#e, an (a!&ission is the &e#e ac>no%le!$&ent of a fact o# of ci#cu&stances f#o& %hich $uilt &a" be infe##e!,
ten!in$ to inc#i&inate the spea>e#, but not sufficient of itself to establish his $uilt.( In othe# %o#!s, it is a (state&ent b" !efen!ant of
fact o# facts pe#tinent to issues pen!in$, in connection %ith p#oof of othe# facts o# ci#cu&stances, to p#ove $uilt, but %hich is, of itself,
insufficient to autho#i*e conviction.( 2#o& the above p#inciples, this ou#t can infe# that an admission in criminal cases is insufficient
to prove beyond doubt the commission of the crime charged.
Mo#eove#, said admission is e%trajudicial in nature. As such, it !oes not fall un!e# Section / of Rule 90; of the Revise! Rules of
ou#t %hich statesE
An a!&ission, ve#bal o# %#itten, &a!e b" a pa#t" in the cou#se of the t#ial o# othe# p#ocee!in$s in the sa&e case !oes not
#e'ui#e p#oof.
Not bein$ a 6u!icial a!&ission, sai! state&ent b" accuse!)appellant !oes not p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the secon! ele&ent
of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&. It !oes not even establish a p#i&a facie case. It &e#el" bolste#s the case fo# the p#osecution but
!oes not stan! as p#oof of the fact of absence o# lac> of a license. ,e&phasis supplie!-.
A!!itionall", as pointe! out b" both the appellant an! the Solicito# 7ene#al, the eCt#a6u!icial a!&ission %as &a!e %ithout the benefit of
counsel. Thus, %e hol! that the appellant &a" onl" be hel! liable fo# the c#i&e of si&ple ho&ici!e un!e# A#ticle 0/; of the Revise! Penal
He co&e no% to the penalt". The c#i&e of ho&ici!e is penali*e! b" reclusion temporal.
The#e bein$ no a$$#avatin$ o# &iti$atin$
ci#cu&stance atten!ant to the co&&ission of the c#i&e, the penalt" of reclusion temporalshall be i&pose! in its &e!iu& pe#io!, i.e., f#o&
fou#teen ,9/- "ea#s, ei$ht ,+- &onths an! one ,9- !a" to seventeen ,9:- "ea#s an! fou# ,/- &onths. Appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%,
the i&posable penalt" shall be %ithin the #an$e of prision mayor, i.e., f#o& siC ,.- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%elve ,90- "ea#s, as &ini&u&,
toreclusion temporal in its &e!iu& pe#io! of f#o& fou#teen ,9/- "ea#s, ei$ht ,+- &onths an! one ,9- !a" to seventeen ,9:- "ea#s an! fou# ,/-
&onths, as &aCi&u&.
IN VIEH O2 THE 2ORE7OIN7, the assaile! Decision is MODI2IED. Appellant 8ulian astillo " =u&a"#o is foun! $uilt" of Ho&ici!e. He is
sentence! to i&p#ison&ent of f#o& nine ,;- "ea#s an! fou# ,/- &onths of prision mayor as &ini&u& to siCteen ,9.- "ea#s, five ,1- &onths an!
nine ,;- !a"s of reclusion temporal as &aCi&u&. Ho%eve#, the civil in!e&nit" an! &o#al !a&a$es a%a#!e! b" the t#ial cou#t to the hei#s of the
victi& in the total a&ount of one hun!#e! thousan! ,P9??,???.??- pesos a#e affi#&e!.1wphi1.nRt
+avide, Jr., -.J., "ellosillo, (elo, 6itug, &apunan, (endoza, Panganiban, 0uisumbing, Purisima, Pardo, "uena, 2onzaga-#eyes, 7nares-
antiago and +e !eon, Jr., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. -6-28 #u7u64 30, 1988
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
RE!N#L%O CRU' a,+a6 R2n2 Ha*on, !efen!ant)appellant.
)he olicitor 2eneral for plaintiff-appellee.
-itizens !egal *ssistance $ffice for defendant-appellant.

P#%LL#, J.:
In #i&inal ase No. G)/1/;9 of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Gue*on it", Re"nal!o #u* alias Rene Hapon of No. /? Sto. #isto, 5alinta%a>,
Gue*on it", %as cha#$e! %ith the c#i&e of Ille$al Possession of 2i#ea#& an! A&&unition co&&itte!, as follo%sE
That on o# about the +th !a" of Ma" 9;+., in Gue*on it", Philippines, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
sai! accuse! !i! then an! the#e %ilfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in his possession an! un!e# his custo!" an!
cont#ol a fi#ea#&, to %itE one ,9- .@+ calibe# #evolve# ,palti>- an! one $#ena!e, %ithout fi#st havin$ obtaine! the p#ope#
license the#efo#e.
Afte# t#ial, 8u!$e Hillel&o . 2o#tun foun! the accuse! $uilt" as cha#$e!, an! i&pose! on hi& the penalt" ofreclusion perpetua ,life
i&p#ison&ent- an! to pa" the costs. The fi#ea#& an! a&&unition an! the han! $#ena!e, as %ell as the ba$ %hich containe! the sa&e, %e#e
confiscate! an! o#!e#e! fo#feite! in favo# of the $ove#n&ent.
2#o& sai! 6u!$&ent, the accuse! has appeale! to this ou#t.
The inc#i&inato#" facts, as state! b" the Solicito# 7ene#al in his 5#ief, a#e as follo%sE
On Ma" ;, 9;+., =t. Noel Manabat, alon$ %ith the ele&ents of RI7 statione! at a&p 5a$on$ Di%a, Ta$ui$, Met#o
Manila, actin$ On an intelli$ence info#&ation of a #eliable info#&ant that about noon of that !a" a stolen ca#, co&in$ f#o&
Gue*on it", %as to be sol! so&e%he#e in Ma$aIlanes, Ma>ati, nabbe! Ro&eo 2e#nan!e* an! 8oe" 2lo#es at the
inte#section of EDSA an! Ti&o$ St#eet an! b#ou$ht the& to hea!'ua#te#s. Afte# so&e 'uestionin$, these t%o ,0- ca#nap
suspects le! the ei$ht &an)RI7 tea& to .9 Mabituan St#eet, Masa&bon$, Gue*on it" %he#e the" alle$e! the othe#
&e&be#s of the ca#nap $an$ %e#e %aitin$ fo# thei# sha#es of the p#ocee!s f#o& the sale of a vehicle ,Tsn., 8une 0:, 9;+.,
pp. 0)/-. At sai! a!!#ess, a siste# of appellant, %ho o%ne! the apa#t&ent, opene! the !oo# to the RI7 tea&. Insi!e the
apa#t&ent, the tea& foun! appellant, sleepin$ on the floo#, an! $an$&ates He#&inio Rive#a an! =olito Ti&can$ ,4bid. pp.
; U 9:-. The tea& #eco$ni*e! appellant because he %as pointe! to b" Ro&eo 2e#nan!e* an! 8oe" 2lo#es. These t%o
also info#&e! the tea& that appellant %as a#&e! an!, su#e enou$h, the tea& foun! a clutch ba$ ,eChibit D- containin$ a
calibe# .@+ palti/ #evolve# ,EChibit 5-, one ,9- live a&&unition ,EChibit 5)9 - an! a han! $#ena!e ,EChibit - un!e# a ba#,
locate! one ,9- &ete# a%a" f#o& the slu&be#in$ appellant ,4bid.-. Afte# %a>in$ hi& up, s$t. Re"nal!o achuela conf#onte!
hi& at once %ith these eChibits. Appellant, in the p#esence of all the ei$ht)&an RI7 tea& an! $an$&ates a!&itte!
o%ne#ship of the ba$, fi#ea#&, bullet an! $#ena!e ,4bid., p. 9:-. The tea& a##este! appellant an! the #est of his $#oup, as
%ell as confiscate! the ite&s of the c#i&e.
At hea!'ua#te#s, =t. Noel Manabat an! S$t. Re"nal!o achuela na##ate! un!e# oath the inci!ent, ,8oint Affi!avit)EChibits
E, E)9 an! E)0-. At the sa&e ti&e, the" tu#ne! ove# to S$t. 8esus O#!ina#io, police investi$ato#, the appellant an! his
pa#t" as %ell as EChibits 5, 5)9 an! . S$t. 8esus O#!ina#io too> !o%n the state&ent of appellant ,EChibit A- %he#ein
appellant a!&itte! o%ne#ship of EChibits 5, 5)9, an! D, afte# info#&in$) hi& of his constitutional #i$hts, such as, he ha!
the #i$ht to #e&ain silent the #i$ht to $et his o%n counsel, an! eve#"thin$ he %oul! state in his state&ent &i$ht be use! fo#
o# a$ainst hi& ,4bid, p. 9?-. Appellant %as tol! that the ca&p ha! a la%"e# %ho %as #ea!" to assist hi& but he #eplie! that
he nee!e! no la%"e# an! %as #ea!" to confess the t#uth ,4bid, p. 99-. An! so pa$e t%o ,0- of EChibit A #eflecte!
appellantDs ans%e# to a 'uestion, thusE (5a>it >a na&an &a" ba#il at $#ana!a, saan &o $a$a&itinI Na>uha sa poses"on
>o ... at i"on a" ipinabenta . . .(Afte# ta>in$ !o%n the state&ent of appellant an! the ca#nap suspects He#&inio Rive#a an!
=olito Ti&can$, S$t. 8esus O#!ina#io p#epa#e! a %#itten #efe##al of the case to the it" 2iscal of Gue*on it" ,EChibit 2-,
%hich %as si$ne! b" Ma6o# E!ua#!o S. A&o"o ,4bid, p. 90-. =ate#, appellant subsc#ibe! EChibit A befo#e Assistant 2iscal
Monina Oena#osa ,4bid, pp. 9/ an! 9+-.
On 8une 01, 9;+., =ilian =au#on of the =e$al Resea#ch 5#anch of the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Anit, a&p #a&e,
Gue*on it", in ans%e# to a police in'ui#", &a!e a tho#ou$h chec> of he# #eco#!s an! !ete#&ine! that appellant Re"nal!o
#u* " Santos of No. /? Sto. #isto, 5alinta%a>, Gue*on it" %as not a license! hol!e# of calibe# .@+ palti/ #evolve#. As to
han! $#ena!es, she !ecla#e! that onl" &ilita#" pe#sonnel %e#e autho#i*e! to ca##" the& ,4bid, p. 9;-.
The accuse!, upon the othe# han!, !enie! o%ne#ship o# possession of the fi#ea#& an! han! $#ena!e, as %ell as the ba$ %hich containe! the
sa&e. Acco#!in$ to the accuse!, the ba$ an! its contents belon$e! to 8oe" 2lo#es an! %as (plante!( b" P ope#atives. His ve#sion of the
case is, as follo%sE
In the afte#noon of + Ma" 9;+., bet%een /E@? an! 1E?? oDcloc>, he %as sleepin$ in the house of his siste# at No. .9 Mabituan St#eet,
Masa&bon$, Gue*on it", to$ethe# %ith Euti'uio =apini$, 8ai&e Rive#a, an! Dionisio Da#acin, %hen P &en ba#$e! insi!e an! #u!el"
a%a>ene! hi&. He %as conf#onte! %ith a $un an! a han! $#ena!e, but he !enie! o%ne#ship of the sa&e. Then, he an! his co&panions %e#e
tie! up an! b#ou$ht to a&p 5icutan on boa#! a siC)b")siC t#uc>. The#e, he %as to#tu#e! b" P office#s fo# five !a"s an! &a!e to si$n a
p#epa#e! state&ent %he#ein he a!&itte! o%ne#ship of the $un an! han! $#ena!e. He %as not allo%e! to have visito#s !u#in$ the pe#io! of his
confine&ent. Ho%eve#, he %as able to secu#e a &e!ical ce#tificate fo# the in6u#ies inflicte! upon hi& b" the P office#s, but it %as left %ith
The clai& of the accuse! that the ba$ containin$ the fi#ea#& an! the han! $#ena!e belon$e! to 8oe" 2lo#es %as co##obo#ate! b" Ro&eo
2e#nan!e* an! Dionisio Da#acin.
The appellant &aintains that the #evolve# an! han! $#ena!e in 'uestion !i! not belon$ to hi&F no# %as he in actual possession the#eof at the
ti&e he %as a##este!. O%ne#ship, ho%eve#, is not an essential ele&ent of the offense cha#$e!. Hhat the la% #e'ui#es is &e#el" possession
%hich inclu!es not onl" actual ph"sical possession but also const#uctive possession o# the sub6ection of the thin$ to oneDs cont#ol an!
In the instant case, P =t. Noel Manabat, lea!e# of the P tea& that a##este! the accuse! an! his co&panions fo# (ca#nappin$,( !ecla#e! that
afte# fin!in$ the ba$ containin$ the #evolve# an! the han! $#ena!e un!e# the ba# in the apa#t&ent of the siste# of the accuse!, he as>e! the
(ca#nappin$( suspects to %ho& the ba$ belon$e! an! the" #eplie! that it belon$e! to the he#ein accuse! Re"nal!o #u*, an! %hen he
conf#onte! the accuse! %ith the #evolve# an! han! $#ena!e, the accuse! #ea!il" a!&itte! that the" belon$e! to hi&. His testi&on" #ea!s, as
G Hho foun! the #evolve# ECh. 5 an! the $#ena!e ECh. I
A S$t. achuela an! I, si#.
G Ho% about the #evolve# ECh. 5 %he#e !i! "ou fin! thatI
A Also insi!e the ba$, si#.
G Apon fin!in$ that, !i! "ou conf#ont the accuse! Re"nal!o #u* as to the o%ne#shipI
A He as>e! %ho o%ns the ba$, an! the $#oup pointe! to Re"nal!o #u*, si#.
G Ho% about Re"nal!o #u*, !i! "ou as> hi& if he is the o%ne# of the #evolve# an! the $#ena!e in the
A 3es, si#.
G Hhat !i! he tellI
A He a!&itte!, si#.
G In "ou# p#esence an! befo#e %ho&I
A 5efo#e S$t. achuela, si#.
G Ve#ball"I
A 3es, si#.
P =t. Noel ManabatDs above testi&on" is co##obo#ate! b" P S$t. Re"nal!o achuela, a &e&be# of the P tea& that %ent afte# the
The appellant assails the t#ial cou#t fo# $ivin$ c#e!ence to the testi&on" of the p#osecution %itnesses %hich he clai&s to be hea#sa",
conflictin$ an! biase!, but the appellant !oes not point to specific po#tions of sai! testi&on" %hich a#e alle$e!l" conflictin$ an! biase!.
The appellant also clai&s that the fi#ea#& an! eCplosive in 'uestion cannot e use as evi!ence a$ainst hi& since the P office#s ha! no
%a##ant of a##est %hen the" ente#e! the apa#t&ent, in violation of his constitutional #i$hts.
The contention is !evoi! of &e#it. P S$t. Re"nal!o achuela cate$o#icall" !ecla#e! Y an! this is not !ispute! Y that the" %e#e allo%e! b"
the o%ne# of the apa#t&ent to ente#. He sai!E
G Ho% !i! "ou $et insi!e the apa#t&entI
A Hith ca#nappe#s Ro&eo 2e#nan!e* an! 8oe" 2lo#es, Si#, %ho pinpointe! the house of Re"nal!o
G Afte# this pinpointin$ of the house, %as the house close!I
A 3es, si#.
G Ho% !i! "ou co&e to $et insi!e the houseI
A He %e#e allo%e! b" the o%ne!) of the house to $o insi!e.
G Hho is the o%ne# of the houseI
A I cannot #e&e&be# the na&e of the o%ne#, si#, but it %as the siste# of Re"nal!o #u*.
5esi!es, it shoul! be note! that the unlicense! fi#ea#& an! eCplosive %e#e foun! %hen the" a##este! the accuse! an! his co&panions fo#
(ca#nappin$( an! not fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#& a&&unition. In (agoncia vs. Palacio,
the ou#t #ule! that an unlicense! fi#ea#& &a"
be sei*e! %ithout the necessit" of obtainin$ a sea#ch %a##ant. As M#. 8ustice Pe#fecto eCplaine! it in his concu##in$ opinion in sai! caseE
... The ille$alit" of the sea#ch is in!epen!ent f#o& the ille$al possession of p#ohibite! a#&s. The ille$alit" of the sea#ch !i!
not &a>e le$al an ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s. Hhen, in pu#suin$ an ille$al action o#, in the co&&ission of a c#i&inal
offense, the offen!in$ Police office#s shoul! happen to !iscove#, a c#i&inal offense bein$ co&&itte! b" an" pe#son, the"
a#e not p#eclu!e! f#o& pe#fo#&in$ thei# !uties as police office#s fo# the app#ehension of the $uilt" pe#son all the ta>in$ of
thecorpus delicti.
2inall", the accuse!, citin$ the case of (orales vs. Ponce .nrile,
clai&s that the eCt#a6u!icial confession obtaine! f#o& hi& !u#in$ custo!ial
is ina!&issible in evi!ence a$ainst hi& fo# havin$ been obtaine! in violation of his constitutional #i$hts.
He a$#ee. It %oul! appea# that the police office#s faile! to co&pl" %ith the st#ictu#es lai! !o%n b" the ou#t in the cite! case of (orales vs.
Ponce .nrile, fo# police office#s to follo% in a custo!ial investi$ation in that, %hile Police S$t. 8esus O#!ina#io testifie! that he ha! info#&e! the
accuse! of his constitutional #i$hts to #e&ain silent an! to be #ep#esente! b" counsel an! that the accuse! %aive! such #i$hts,
the %aive# of
constitutional #i$hts %as not &a!e %ith the assistance o# even in the p#esence of counsel.
Ho%eve#, the conviction of the appellant is not base! upon his eCt#a)6u!icial confession alone. The evi!ence p#esente! b" the p#osecution,
even %ithout sai! eCt#a6u!icial confession, is abun!ant, to suppo#t a fin!in$ of $uilt.
HHERE2ORE, the 6u!$&ent appeale! f#o& is he#eb" A22IRMED, %ith costs a$ainst the accuse!)appellant.
(elencio-;errera 8-hairperson9, Paras, armiento and #egalado, JJ., concur
Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 119220 S2*429@2r 20, 1996
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
NLO SOL#!#O, accuse!)appellant.

Accuse!)appellant Nilo Sola"ao %as cha#$e! befo#e the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Naval, 5ili#an, 5#anch 9., %ith the c#i&e of ille$al
possession of fi#ea#& an! a&&unition
!efine! an! penali*e! un!e# P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+...
The lone p#osecution %itness, SPO@ 8ose Ni<o, na##ate! that at about ;E?? oDcloc> in the evenin$ of 8ul" ;, 9;;0, %ith A27A
&e&be#s Teofilo =lo#a!, 8#. an! ecilio eninin$, he %ent to 5a#an$a" aulan$ohan, aibi#an, 5ili#an. The" %e#e to con!uct an
intelli$ence pat#ol as #e'ui#e! of the& b" thei# intelli$ence office# to ve#if" #epo#ts on the p#esence of a#&e! pe#sons #oa&in$ a#oun!
the ba#an$a"s of aibi#an.
2#o& 5a#an$a" aulan$ohan, the tea& of Police Office# Ni<o p#ocee!e! to 5a#an$a" Onion %he#e the" &et the $#oup of accuse!)
appellant Nilo Sola"ao nu&be#in$ five. The fo#&e# beca&e suspicious %hen the" obse#ve! that the latte# %e#e !#un> an! that
accuse!)appellant hi&self %as %ea#in$ a ca&oufla$e unifo#& o# a 6un$le suit. Accuse!)appellantDs co&panions, upon seein$ the
$ove#n&ent a$ents, fle!.
Police Office# Ni<o tol! accuse!)appellant not to #un a%a" an! int#o!uce! hi&self as (P,( afte# %hich he sei*e! the !#ie! coconut
leaves %hich the latte# %as ca##"in$ an! foun! %#appe! in it a /;)inch lon$ ho&e&a!e fi#ea#& locall" >no% as (laton$.( Hhen he
as>e! accuse!)appellant %ho issue! hi& a license to ca##" sai! fi#ea#& o# %hethe# he %as connecte! %ith the &ilita#" o# an"
intelli$ence $#oup, the latte# ans%e#e! that he ha! no pe#&ission to possess the sa&e. The#eupon, SPO@ Ni<o confiscate! the
fi#ea#& an! tu#ne! hi& ove# to the custo!" of the police&en of aibi#an %ho subse'uentl" investi$ate! hi& an! cha#$e! hi& %ith
ille$al possession of fi#ea#&.
Accuse!)appellant, in his !efense, !i! not contest the confiscation of the shot$un but ave##e! that this %as onl" $iven to hi& b" one
of his co&panions, He#&o$enes eninin$, %hen it %as still %#appe! in coconut leaves. He clai&e! that he %as not a%a#e that the#e
%as a shot$un conceale! insi!e the coconut leaves since the" %e#e usin$ the coconut leaves as a to#ch. He fu#the# clai&e! that this
%as the thi#! to#ch han!e! to hi& afte# the othe#s ha! been use! up.
Accuse!)appellantDs clai& %as co##obo#ate! b" one Pe!#o
5alano that he in!ee! #eceive! a to#ch f#o& He#&o$enes eninin$ %hich tu#ne! out to be a shot$un %#appe! in coconut leaves.
On Au$ust 01, 9;;/, the t#ial cou#t foun! accuse!)appellant $uilt" of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& un!e# Section 9 of P#esi!ential
Dec#ee No. 9+.. an! i&pose! upon hi& the penalt" of i&p#ison&ent #an$in$ f#o&reclusion temporal &aCi&u& to reclusion
perpetua. The t#ial cou#t, havin$ foun! no &iti$atin$ but one a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of ni$htti&e, sentence! accuse!)appellant to
suffe# the p#ison te#& of reclusion perpetua %ith the accesso#" penalties p#ovi!e! b" la%.
It foun! that accuse!)appellant !i! not
contest the fact that SPO@ Ni<o confiscate! the fi#ea#& f#o& hi& an! that he ha! no pe#&it o# license to possess the sa&e. It ha#!l"
foun! c#e!ible accuse!)appellantDs sub&ission that he %as in possession of the fi#ea#& onl" b" acci!ent an! that upon #eachin$
5a#an$a" Onion, he follo%e! fou# pe#sons, na&el", He#&o$enes eninin$, Antonio Sevillano, Hillie Re$i# an! 8ovenito 8a#o %hen
he ea#lie# clai&e! that he !i! not >no% his co&panions.
Accuse!)appellant co&es to this ou#t on appeal an! assi$ns the follo%in$ e##o#sE
I. The t#ial cou#t e##e! in a!&ittin$ in evi!ence the ho&e&a!e fi#ea#&.
II. The t#ial cou#t e##e! in app#eciatin$ the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of ni$htti&e in the i&position of the &aCi&u& penalt"
a$ainst the accuse!)appellant.
This cou#t, in the case of People v. !ualhati
#ule! that in c#i&es involvin$ ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, the p#osecution has the
bu#!en of p#ovin$ the ele&ents the#eof, vizE ,a- the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#& an! ,b- the fact that the accuse! %ho o%ne! o#
possesse! it !oes not have the co##espon!in$ license o# pe#&it to possess the sa&e.
In assi$nin$ the fi#st e##o#, accuse!)appellant a#$ue! that the t#ial cou#t e##e! in a!&ittin$ the sub6ect fi#ea#& in evi!ence as it %as
the p#o!uct of an unla%ful %a##antless sea#ch. He &aintaine! that the sea#ch &a!e on his pe#son violate! his constitutional #i$ht to
be secu#e in his pe#son an! effects a$ainst un#easonable sea#ches an! sei*u#es. Not onl" %as the sea#ch &a!e %ithout a %a##ant
but it !i! not fall un!e# an" of the ci#cu&stances enu&e#ate! un!e# Section 1, Rule 99@ of the 9;+1 Rules on #i&inal P#oce!u#e
%hich p#ovi!es, inter aliaE
A peace office# o# a p#ivate pe#son &a", %ithout a %a##ant, a##est a pe#son %hen in his p#esence, the pe#son to be
a##este! has co&&itte!, is actuall" co&&ittin$, o# is atte&ptin$ to co&&it an offense.
Hence, the sea#ch bein$ unla%ful, the ho&e&a!e fi#ea#& confiscate! f#o& hi& is ina!&issible in evi!ence fo# bein$ (the f#uit of the
As such, the p#osecutionDs case &ust necessa#il" fail an! the accuse!)appellant ac'uitte!.
Accuse!)appellantDs a#$u&ents follo% the line of #easonin$ in People v. -uizon, et al.
%he#e this ou#t !ecla#e!E (. . . e&phasis is
to be lai! on the fact that the la% #e'ui#es that the sea#ch be inci!ent to a la%ful a##est, in o#!e# that the sea#ch itself &a" li>e%ise be
consi!e#e! le$al. The#efo#e, it is be"on! cavil that a la%ful a##est &ust p#ece!e the sea#ch of a pe#son an! his belon$in$s. He#e a
sea#ch fi#st un!e#ta>en, then an a##est effecte! base! on evi!ence p#o!uce! b" the sea#ch, both such sea#ch an! a##est %oul! be
unla%ful, fo# bein$ cont#a#" to la%.(
An!e# the ci#cu&stances obtainin$ in this case, ho%eve#, accuse!)appellantDs a#$u&ents a#e ha#!" tenable. He an! his
co&panionsD !#un>en actuations a#ouse! the suspicion of SPO@ Ni<oDs $#oup, as %ell as the fact that he hi&self %as atti#e! in a
ca&oufla$e unifo#& o# a 6un$le suit
an! that upon esp"in$ the peace office#s, his co&panions fle!. It shoul! be note! that the
peace office#s %e#e p#ecisel" on an intelli$ence &ission to ve#if" #epo#ts that a#&e! pe#sons %e#e #oa&in$ a#oun! the ba#an$a"s of
The ci#cu&stances in this case a#e si&ila# to those obtainin$ in Posadas v. -ourt of *ppeals
%he#e this ou#t hel! that (at the
ti&e the peace office#s i!entifie! the&selves an! app#ehen!e! the petitione# as he atte&pte! to flee, the" !i! not >no% that he ha!
co&&itte!, o# %as actuall" co&&ittin$ the offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& an! a&&unitions. The" 6ust suspen!e! that he
%as hi!in$ so&ethin$ in the bu#i ba$. The" !i! not >no% %hat its contents %e#e. The sai! ci#cu&stances !i! not 6ustif" an a##est
%ithout a %a##ant.(
This ou#t, neve#theless, #ule! that the sea#ch an! sei*u#e in the Posadas case b#ou$ht about b" the suspicious con!uct of
Posa!as hi&self can be li>ene! to a (stop an! f#is>( situation. The#e %as p#obable cause to con!uct a sea#ch even befo#e an a##est
coul! be &a!e.
In the p#esent case, afte# SPO@ Ni<o tol! accuse!)appellant not to #un a%a", the fo#&e# i!entifie! hi&self as a $ove#n&ent
The peace office#s !i! not >no% that he ha! co&&itte!, o# %as actuall" co&&ittin$, the offense of ille$al possession of
fi#ea#&. Tas>e! %ith ve#if"in$ the #epo#t that the#e %e#e a#&e! &en #oa&in$ in the ba#an$a"s su##oun!in$ aibi#an, thei# attention
%as un!e#stan!abl" !#a%n to the $#oup that ha! a#ouse! thei# suspicion. The" coul! not have >no%n that the ob6ect %#appe! in
coconut leaves %hich accuse!)appellant %as ca##"in$ hi! a fi#ea#&.
As %ith Posadas, the case at ba# constitutes an instance %he#e a sea#ch an! sei*u#e &a" be effecte! %ithout fi#st &a>in$ an a##est.
The#e %as 6ustifiable cause to (stop an! f#is>( accuse!)appellant %hen his co&panions file! upon seein$ the $ove#n&ent a$ents.
An!e# the ci#cu&stances, the $ove#n&ent a$ents coul! not possibl" have p#ocu#e! a sea#ch %a##ant fi#st.
Thus, the#e %as no violation of the constitutional $ua#antee a$ainst un#easonable sea#ches an! sei*u#es. No# %as the#e e##o# on the
pa#t of the t#ial cou#t %hen it a!&itte! the ho&e&a!e fi#ea#& as evi!ence.
As to the 'uestion of %hethe# o# not the p#osecution %as able to p#ove the secon! ele&ent, that is, the absence of a license o#
pe#&it to possess the sub6ect fi#ea#&, this ou#t a$#ees %ith the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al %hich pointe! out that the
p#osecution faile! to p#ove that accuse!)appellant lac>e! the necessa#" pe#&it o# license to possess the sub6ect fi#ea#&.
An!oubte!l", it is the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence that la"s such bu#!en upon the p#osecution. The absence of such
license an! le$al autho#it" constitutes an essential in$#e!ient of the offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, an! eve#" in$#e!ient o#
essential ele&ent of an offense &ust be sho%n b" the p#osecution b" p#oof be"on! #easonable !oubt.
In People v. )iozon,
this ou#t sai!E
It is t#ue that People vs. !ubo, 9?9 Phil. 9:; an! People vs. #amos, + SRA :1+ coul! be invo>e! to suppo#t the vie%
that it is incu&bent upon a pe#son cha#$e! %ith ille$al possession of a fi#ea#& to p#ove the issuance to hi& of a license to
possess the fi#ea#&, but %e a#e of the consi!e#e! opinion that un!e# the p#ovisions of Section 0, Rule 9@9 of the Rules of
ou#t %hich p#ovi!e that in c#i&inal cases the bu#!en of p#oof as to the offense cha#$e! lies on the p#osecution an! that a
ne$ative fact alle$e! b" the p#osecution &ust be p#oven if (it is an essential in$#e!ient of the offense cha#$e!,( the bu#!en
of p#oof %as %ith the p#osecution in this case to p#ove that the fi#ea#& use! b" appellant in co&&ittin$ the offense
cha#$e! %as not p#ope#l" license!.
It cannot be !enie! that the lac> o# absence of a license is an essential in$#e!ient of the offense of ille$al possession of a
fi#ea#&. The info#&ation file! a$ainst appellant in #i&inal ase No. @11+ of the lo%e# cou#t ,no% 7.R. No. 0:.+9-
specificall" alle$e! that he ha! no (license o# pe#&it to possess( the ./1 calibe# pistol &entione! the#ein. Thus it see&s
clea# that it %as the p#osecutionDs !ut" not &e#el" to alle$e that ne$ative fact but to p#ove it. This vie% is suppo#te! b"
si&ila# a!6u!icate! cases. In 1.. vs. )ria, 9: Phil. @?@, the accuse! %as cha#$e! %ith (havin$ c#i&inall" insc#ibe! hi&self
as a vote# >no%in$ that he ha! none of the 'ualifications #e'ui#e! to be a vote#. It %as the#e hel! that the ne$ative fact of
lac> of 'ualification to be a vote# %as an essential ele&ent of the c#i&e cha#$e! an! shoul! be p#ove! b" the p#osecution.
In anothe# case ,People vs. Gueb#al. .+ Phil. 1./- %he#e the accuse! %as cha#$e! %ith ille$al p#actice of &e!icine
because he ha! !ia$nose!, t#eate! an! p#esc#ibe! fo# ce#tain !iseases suffe#e! b" ce#tain patients f#o& %ho& he
#eceive! &oneta#" co&pensation, %ithout havin$ p#eviousl" obtaine! the p#ope# ce#tificate of #e$ist#ation f#o& the 5oa#!
of Me!ical ECa&ine#s, as p#ovi!e! in Section ::? of the A!&inist#ative o!e, this ou#t hel! that if the sub6ect of the
ne$ative ave#&ent li>e, fo# instance, the act of votin$ %ithout the 'ualifications p#ovi!e! b" la% is an essential in$#e!ient
of the offense cha#$e!, the p#osecution has the bu#!en of p#ovin$ the sa&e, althou$h in vie% of the !ifficult" of p#ovin$ a
ne$ative alle$ation, the p#osecution, un!e# such ci#cu&stance, nee! onl" establish a prima facie case f#o& the best
evi!ence obtainable. In the case befo#e As, both appellant an! the Solicito# 7ene#al a$#ee that the#e %as not even
a prima facie case upon %hich to hol! appellant $uilt" of the ille$al possession of a fi#ea#&. 2o#&e# hief 8ustice Mo#al
uphol!s this vie% as follo%sE
The &e#e fact that the a!ve#se pa#t" has the cont#ol of the bette# &eans of p#oof of the fact alle$e!, shoul! not #elieve the
pa#t" &a>in$ the ave#&ent of the bu#!en of p#ovin$ it. This is so, because a pa#t" %ho alle$es a fact &ust be assu&e! to
have ac'ui#e! so&e >no%le!$e the#eof, othe#%ise he coul! not have alle$e! it. 2a&ilia# instance of this is the case of a
pe#son p#osecute! fo# !oin$ an act o# ca##"in$ on a business, such as, the sale of li'uo# %ithout a license. Ho% coul! the
p#osecution ave# the %ant of a license if it ha! ac'ui#e! no >no%le!$e of that factI Acco#!in$l", althou$h p#oof of the
eCistence o# non)eCistence of such license can, %ith &o#e facilit", be a!!uce! b" the !efen!ant, it is neve#theless,
encu&be# upon the pa#t" alle$in$ the %ant of the license to p#ove the alle$ation. Natu#all", as the sub6ect &atte# of the
ave#&ent is one %hich lies peculia#l" %ithin the cont#ol o# >no%le!$e of the accuse! prima facie evi!ence the#eof on the
pa#t of the p#osecution shall suffice to cast the onus upon hi&.( ,. Mo#an, o&&ents on the Rules of ou#t, 9;.@ e!ition,
p. +-.
2inall", the p#ece!ents cite! above have been c#"stalli*e! as the p#esent $ove#nin$ case la% on this 'uestion. As this ou#t
su&&e! up the !oct#ine in People v. (acagalingE
He cannot see ho% the #ule can be othe#%ise since it is the inescapable !ut" of the p#osecution to p#ove all the
in$#e!ients of the offense as alle$e! a$ainst the accuse! in an info#&ation, %hich alle$ations &ust pe#fo#ce inclu!e an"
ne$ative ele&ent p#ovi!e! b" the la% to inte$#ate that offense. He have #eite#ate! 'uite #ecentl" the fun!a&ental
&an!ate that since the p#osecution &ust alle$e all the ele&ents of the offense cha#$e!, then it &ust p#ove b" the
#e'uisite 'uantu& of evi!ence all the ele&ents it has thus alle$e!.
In the case at ba#, the p#osecution %as onl" able to p#ove b" testi&onial evi!ence that accuse!)appellant a!&itte! befo#e Police
Office# Ni<o at the ti&e that he %as accoste! that he !i! not have an" autho#it" o# license to ca##" the sub6ect fi#ea#& %hen he %as
as>e! if he ha! one.
In othe# %o#!s, the p#osecution #elie! on accuse!)appellantDs a!&ission to p#ove the secon! ele&ent.
Is this a!&ission sufficient to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the secon! ele&ent of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& %hich is that
accuse!)appellant !oes not have the co##espon!in$ licenseI o#olla#" to the above 'uestion is %hethe# an a!&ission b" the
accuse!)appellant can ta>e the place of an" evi!entia#" &eans establishin$ be"on! #easonable !oubt the fact ave##e! in the
ne$ative in the plea!in$ an! %hich fo#&s an essential in$#e!ient of the c#i&e cha#$e!.
This ou#t ans%e#s both 'uestions in the ne$ative. 5" its ve#" natu#e, an (a!&ission is the &e#e ac>no%le!$&ent of a fact o# of
ci#cu&stance f#o& %hich $uilt &a" be infe##e!, ten!in$ to inc#i&inate the spea>e#, but not sufficient of itself to establish his
In othe# %o#!s, it is a (state&ent b" !efen!ant of fact o# facts pe#tinent to issues pen!in$, in connection %ith p#oof of othe#
facts o# ci#cu&stances, to p#ove $uilt, but %hich is, of itself, insufficient to autho#i*e conviction.(
2#o& the above p#inciples, this
ou#t can infe# that an a!&ission in c#i&inal cases is insufficient to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the co&&ission of the c#i&e
Mo#eove#, sai! a!&ission is eCt#a)6u!icial in natu#e. As such, it !oes not fall un!e# Section / of Rule 90; of the Revise! Rules of
ou#t %hich statesE
An a!&ission, ve#bal o# %#itten, &a!e b" a pa#t" in the cou#se of the t#ial o# othe# p#ocee!in$s in the sa&e case !oes not
#e'ui#e p#oof.
Not bein$ a 6u!icial a!&ission, sai! state&ent b" accuse!)appellant !oes not p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the secon! ele&ent
of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&. It !oes not even establish a prima facie case. It &e#el" bolste#s the case fo# the p#osecution but
!oes not stan! as p#oof of the fact of absence o# lac> of a license.
This ou#t a$#ees %ith the a#$u&ent of the Solicito# 7ene#al that (%hile the p#osecution %as able to establish the fact that the
sub6ect fi#ea#& %as sei*e! b" the police f#o& the possession of appellant, %ithout the latte# bein$ able to p#esent an" license o#
pe#&it to possess the sa&e, such fact alone is not conclusive p#oof that he %as not la%full" autho#i*e! to ca##" such fi#ea#&. In
othe# %o#!s, such fact !oes not #elieve the p#osecution f#o& its !ut" to establish the lac> of a license o# pe#&it to ca##" the fi#ea#&
b" clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence, li>e a ce#tification f#o& the $ove#n&ent a$enc" conce#ne!.(
Puttin$ it !iffe#entl", (%hen a ne$ative is ave##e! in a plea!in$, o# a plaintiffDs case !epen!s upon the establish&ent of a ne$ative,
an! the &eans of p#ovin$ the fact a#e e'uall" %ithin the cont#ol of each pa#t", then the bu#!en of p#oof is upon the pa#t" ave##in$ the
In this case, a ce#tification f#o& the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Anit of the Philippine National Police that accuse!)appellant %as not a
licensee of a fi#ea#& of an" >in! o# calibe# %oul! have suffice! fo# the p#osecution to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the secon!
ele&ent of the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&.
In vie% of the fo#e$oin$, this ou#t sees no nee! to !iscuss the secon! assi$ne! e##o#.
HHERE2ORE, the assaile! 6u!$&ent of the cou#t a 3uo is REVERSED an! SET ASIDE. Accuse!)appellant Nilo Sola"ao is he#eb"
AGAITTED fo# insufficienc" of evi!ence an! o#!e#e! i&&e!iatel" #elease! unless the#e a#e othe# le$al $#oun!s fo# his continue!
!etention, %ith cost de oficio.
#egalado, Puno and )orres, Jr., JJ., concur.
(endoza, J., is on leave.
Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. 128618 NoI29@2r 16, 1998
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
FELCSMO N#R&#S#, JMM! OR#N# an" M#TEO N#R&#S#, a33u62", FELCSMO N#R&#S# an" JMM! OR#N#, appellants.

P#NG#N$#N, J.:
Hhat c#i&e o# c#i&es a#e co&&itte! %hen a >illin$ is pe#pet#ate! %ith the use of unlicense! fi#ea#&sI In the absence of the fi#ea#&s
the&selves, &a" ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s be p#oven b" pa#ol evi!enceI
)he -ase
Appellants 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania see> the #eve#sal of the Octobe# 99, 9;;. Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Ala&inos,
Pan$asinan, in #i&inal ase Nos. 0.0;)A, 0./+)A an! 0./.)A, fin!in$ the& $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s
in its a$$#avate! fo#& an! sentencin$ the& to reclusion perpetua.
Assistant P#ovincial P#osecuto# E&iliano A. Rabina file! th#ee Info#&ations
a$ainst the appellants an! thei# co)accuse!, Mateo Na#vasa. In
#i&inal ase No. 0./+)A, the A&en!e! Info#&ation file! on Nove&be# 9?, 9;;@ cha#$e! 2elicisi&o Na#vasa ,in conspi#ac" %ith the othe#
accuse!- %ith a$$#avate! ille$al possession of fi#ea#& alle$e!l" co&&itte! as follo%sE
That on o# about 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0 at Sitio 5u$ton$, 5a#an$a" Pata#, LMMunicipalit" of A$no, LPM#ovince of Pan$asinan,
Ne% LsicM Republic of the Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, !i!
then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in his possession, cont#ol an! custo!" an M)9/ Rifle %ithout fi#st
secu#in$ the necessa#" license o# pe#&it f#o& the la%ful autho#ities an! %hich fi#ea#& in conspi#ac" %ith 8i&&" O#ania
an! Mateo Na#vasa %as use! in the >illin$ of one SPO@ P#i&o a&ba, victi& in #i&. ase No. 0.0;)A.
In #i&inal ase No. 0./.)A, 8i&&" O#ania ,in conspi#ac" %ith the othe# accuse!- %as cha#$e! %ith a$$#avate! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&
in the A&en!e! Info#&ation %hich #ea!sE
That on o# about 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0 at Sitio 5u$ton$, 5a#an$a" Pata#, LMMunicipalit" of A$no, LPM#ovince of Pan$asinan,
Ne% LsicM Republic of the Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, !i!
then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in his possession, cont#ol an! custo!" a .@? A.S. a#bine %ithout
fi#st secu#in$ the necessa#" license an!Jo# pe#&it f#o& the la%ful autho#ities an! %hich fi#ea#& in conspi#ac" %ith Mateo
Na#vasa an! 2elicisi&o Na#vasa %as use! in the >illin$ of SPO@ P#i&o a&ba, victi& in #i&. ase No. 0.0;)A..
In #i&inal ase No. 0.0;)A, 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, 8i&&" O#ania an! Mateo Na#vasa %e#e cha#$e! %ith ho&ici!e alle$e!l" co&&itte! as
That on o# about 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0, at Sitio 5u$ton$, L5Ma#an$a" Pata#, LMMunicipalit" of A$no, LPM#ovince of Pan$asinan,
Ne% LsicM Republic of the Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!,
conspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ an! &utuall" helpin$ one anothe#, %ith intent to >ill, a#&e! %ith hi$h po%e#e! $uns, !i! then
an! the#e %illfull", unla%full", an! feloniousl" shoot SPO@ PRIMO AM5A %hich cause! his instantaneous !eath as a
conse'uence, to the !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice of his hei#s.
2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania %e#e a##este!, but Mateo Na#vasa #e&aine! at la#$e. Hhen a##ai$ne!, the t%o appellants, assiste! b"
plea!e! not $uilt".
T#ial p#ocee!e! in !ue cou#se. The#eafte#, the cou#t a 3uo #en!e#e! the assaile! Decision, the !ispositive
po#tion of %hich #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, in consi!e#ation of the fo#e$oin$ p#e&ises an! the evi!ence p#esente!, this ou#t fin!s both accuse!
2elicisi&o Na#vasa in #i&inal ase No. 0./+)A an! 8i&&" O#ania in #i&inal ase No. 0./.)A L$Muilt" be"on!
#easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of LiMlle$al LpMossession of LfMi#ea#&s in its a$$#avate! fo#& in these cases an! the#efo#e,
both accuse! a#e sentence! to !eath penalt" but fo# #easons that the la% at that ti&e of the co&&ission of the c#i&e
p#ohibits !eath sentence penalt", these t%o accuse! the#efo#e shall each suffe# the sentence of sin$le, in!ivisible penalt"
of reclusion perpetua an! a#e o#!e#e! to pa" 6ointl" an! seve#all" the hei#s of the victi& the a&ount of P1?,???.?? as
!eath in!e&nit" an! &o#al !a&a$es of P9??,???.?? each, plus cost.
In #i&inal ase No. 0.0;)A fo# LhMo&ici!e, this ou#t has consi!e#e! this case as LaM necessa#" co&ponent of the c#i&es
of LiMlle$al LpMossession in thei# a$$#avate! fo#&, as the sa&e is &e#el" an ele&ent of the p#incipal offense of LiMlle$al
LpMossession of LfMi#ea#&s in LitsM a$$#avate! fo#&, %hich is the $#ave# offense.
Hith #espect to accuse! Mateo Na#vasa, since he has not been a##este! an! neve# b#ou$ht to the 6u#is!iction of this
ou#t, this case in the &eanti&e, is o#!e#e! a#chive! insofa# as sai! accuse! Mateo Na#vasa is conce#ne!.
=et an *lias Ha##ant of A##est issue as a$ainst accuse! Mateo Na#vasa.
The LbMailbon! poste! b" accuse! 2elicisi&o Na#vasa is he#eb" o#!e#e! cancelle!.
AppellantsD counsel then file! a Notice of Appeal to the ou#t of Appeals.
In an O#!e#
!ate! Octobe# 0/, 9;;., the t#ial cou#t !ee&e! the
appeal file! b" 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania pe#fecte!, an! effecte! the t#ans&ittal of the case #eco#!s to the ou#t of Appeals.
Reali*in$ the &ista>e, the ou#t of Appeals subse'uentl" fo#%a#!e! the #eco#!s to this
)he =acts
.vidence for the Prosecution
In his 5#ief, the solicito# $ene#al
p#esente! the follo%in$ na##ation of factsE
On 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0, afte# lunch ti&eL,M Villa&o# =a!e#as an! E#nesto Na$al, council&en of Guinaoa"anan, 5ani,
Pan$asinan, actin$ on a #epo#t that the#e %e#e &issin$ ca#abaos, pi$s an! $oats, #epai#e! to the fa#)flun$ Sitio 5u$ton$ of
the to%n of 5ani an! to Sitio Pata# of the a!6oinin$ to%n of A$no in Pan$asinan, %hich the" #eache! at a#oun! 1E@? that
afte#noon. Then =a!e#as an! Na$al pat#olle! the a#ea. Alon$ thei# %a", the t%o chance! upon the $an$ of appellantsL.M
LTMhe" %e#e five an! th#ee of the& %e#e a#&e!. 8i&&" O#ania %as hol!in$ a calibe# .@? A.S. ca#bine, Mateo Na#vasa %as
a#&e! %ith LanM M)9. an! 2elicisi&o Na#vasa %as ca##"in$ an M)9/.
The t%o a#e fa&ilia# %ith those >in!LsM of $uns as the" have seen si&ila# ones ca##ie! b" police&en. The" sai!, a ca#bine
is sho#te# than LanM M)9/ an! LanM M)9. is lon$e# than LanM M)9/ ,Tsn., Ap#il 09, 9;;/, pp. 9)@1, Dece&be# 9@, 9;;1, pp.
=a!e#as an! Na$al si&pl" sta#e! at the five an! then the" p#ocee!e! to thei# %a" ho&e. Anluc>il" fo# the $oons, the t%o
council&en &et the t%o police&enL,M SPO@ P#i&o a&ba an! PO0 Si&eon Navo#a %ho %e#e on pat#ol an! the" #epo#te!
%hat the" sa% ,4bid-.
The t%o police&en %e#e also #espon!in$ to a #epo#t about the &issin$ ani&als an! the" su$$este! that all of the& shoul!
t#ac> !o%n the a#&e! $oons ,4bid-.
Afte# %al>in$ so&e !istance, the fou# #espon!in$ &en sa% the house of appellant 2elicisi&o Na#vasa on a hill" po#tion
a#oun! 9?? &ete#s a%a" f#o& thei# path. The" !eci!e! to investi$ate at the house but befo#e the" coul! ne$otiate the
!istance, the" %e#e &et b" a volle" of $unfi#e. The fou#L,M %ho %e#e ten &ete#s apa#tL,M !ove an! sou$ht cove# ,Tsn., Ap#il,
9;;/, p. 99-. Hhen the fi#in$ too> a halt, =a!e#as ha! the cou#a$e to #aise his hea! an! Lvie%M . . . the sou#ce of the
$unfi#e. =a!e#as sa% 2elicisi&o Na#vasa in a s'uattin$ position ai&in$ at the t%o police&en an! 8i&&" O#ania %as
seate! nea# hi& $ui!in$ hi& at his ta#$et. Mateo Na#vasa %as also ai&in$ his $un. The#e %as an eCchan$e of $unfi#e as
the police&en %e#e able to ta>e p#ope# positions. Anfo#tunatel", SPO@ a&ba %as hit. Navo#a su&&one! =a!e#as an!
Na$al to $et close# to $ive ai! to a&ba. =a!e#as an! Na$al ca##ie! a&ba as the" #et#eate! an!, Navo#a follo%e!
&ovin$ bac>%a#!s as he >ept fi#in$ at thei# ene&ies ,4bid, tsn., 8ul" 0?, 9;;/, pp. 9)+F tsn., Au$ust 91, 9;;/, pp. 0)@?-.
In the p#ocess of the #et#eat, a&ba Lble!M p#ofusel" an! he !ie! even befo#e he coul! be b#ou$ht out f#o& the scene of
the c#i&e.
The bo!" of a&ba %as left at the scene of the c#i&e %hile his co&panions escape! an! calle! fo# help. Seve#al
police&en a##ive!. Pieces of evi!ence li>e e&pt" shells of M)9., M)9/ an! calibe# .@? A.S. ca#bine bullets %e#e $athe#e!
an! so&e police&en %e#e tas>e! to t#ac> !o%n the $oons ,EChs. , )9 to )/F tsn., Au$ust 9., 9;;/, pp. .)9?-.
Sho#tl" the#eafte#, 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, 7lice#io Na#vasa, Re!e#io Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania %e#e app#ehen!e!. Mateo
Na#vasa %as not foun!. The fou# %e#e investi$ate! an! pa#affin teste!. 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania %e#e foun!
positive of $unpo%!e# bu#ns ,Tsn., Au$ust 9., 9;;/, pp. 99)91-.
.vidence for the +efense
Appellants !en" the cha#$es a$ainst the&. 2elicisi&o Na#vasa even clai&s that his son A#nel %as shot b" E#nesto Na$al, Villa&o# =a!e#as
an! PO0 Si&eon Navo#a. In thei# 5#ief,
the" stateE
2elicisi&o Na#vasa testifie! that he %as sleepin$ at his house on the afte#noon of 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0 %hen 7lice#io
Na#vasa %o>e hi& up an! info#&e! hi& that his son A#nel %as shot. He %ent !o%nstai#s an! sa% his co)accuse! 8i&&"
O#ania e&b#acin$ his son. He as>e! his son %ho shot hi& an! the latte# tol! his fathe# that it %as the $#oup of
ouncil&an =a!e#as %ho shot hi&. He inst#ucte! O#ania an! his %ife to b#in$ his son to the hospital but the latte# !ie! at
the hospital. He fu#the# ave##e! that befo#e he slept, 8i&&" O#ania, 7lice#io Na#vasa an! Re!e#io Na#vasa %e#e in his
house !#in>in$ t%o bottles of $in afte# helpin$ hi& LfiCM the fence in his house. Accuse!)appellant Na#vasa %hen as>e! to
eCplain the cha#$e a$ainst hi& !enie! co&&ittin$ the sa&e. On Ma#ch 9:, 9;;0 he $ave his affi!avit na&in$ E#nesto
Na$al, Villa&o# =a!e#as an! Si&eon Navo#a as the assailants of his son. ,TSN, Au$ust + ,9;;;, pp. @)9:-
8i&&" O#ania testifie! that on 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0, he %as in the house of his co)accuse! 2elicisi&o Na#vasa because he
%as invite! to %o#> on the fence of 2elicisi&o. Afte# finishin$ thei# %o#>, 8i&&"L,M to$ethe# %ith 7lice#io an! Re!e#io
Na#vasaL,M !#un> t%o bottles of $in. At about 1E?? oDcloc> in the afte#noon he inst#ucte! A#nel Na#vasa to $et thei#
ca#abaos $#a*in$ a#oun! 9?? &ete#s no#th of the house of 2elicisi&o, %hen he hea#! a $unshot co&in$ f#o& that
!i#ection. A#nel shoute! fo# help, so he p#ocee!e! to the place %he#e A#nel %as shot an! ca##ie! hi& to the house of
2elicisi&o. The latte# %as a%a>ene! b" 7lice#io an! %hen he as>e! his son %ho shot hi&, A#nel ans%e#e! that it %as the
$#oup of =a!e#as.
8i&&" O#ania fu#the# ave##e! that he >ne% nothin$ an! !enie! pa#ticipation in the >illin$ of P#i&o a&ba. That on the !a"
afte# 2eb#ua#" ., 9;;0, the" %e#e pic>e! up b" the police. ,TSN, Au$ust 0?, 9;;., pp. @)9@-.
#uling of the )rial -ourt
The t#ial cou#t acco#!e! c#e!ibilit" to the p#osecution %itnesses an! hel! that &e#e !enial coul! not ove#co&e the p#osecution evi!ence
sho%in$ that appellants use! hi$h)po%e#e! fi#ea#&s to shoot at the p#osecution %itnesses, the#eb" #esultin$ in the !eath of SPO@ P#i&o
a&ba. 2u#the# suppo#tin$ sai! testi&onies %e#e the #esults of the pa#affin test con!ucte! on appellants an! the #ecove#" of va#ious
ca#t#i!$es an! shells &atchin$ the fi#ea#&s pu#po#te!l" use! in the c#i&e. Thou$h these unlicense! fi#ea#&s %e#e not p#esente! as evi!ence,
the t#ial cou#t, citin$ People v. =errera,
#ule! that appellants &a" still be convicte! of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s.
2inall", the t#ial cou#t foun! that appellants acte! in conspi#ac" in the >illin$ of P#i&o a&ba. Ho%eve#, on the basis of People v. "arros,
hel! that the ho&ici!e %as &e#el" an ele&ent of the ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s in its a$$#avate! fo#&F thus, ho&ici!e in the p#esent case
%as ta>en into account not as a sepa#ate c#i&e but as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance %hich inc#ease! the penalt" fo# the ille$al possession of
Hence, this appeal.
*ssignment of .rrors
In assailin$ the t#ial cou#tDs Decision, appellants inte#pose the follo%in$ e##o#sE
In the &ain, the #esolution of this case #evolves a#oun! the c#e!ibilit" of the p#osecution %itnesses, the sufficienc" of the p#osecution evi!ence
an! the cha#acte#i*ation of the c#i&e co&&itte!.
)he -ourtSs #uling
The appeal is not &e#ito#ious. In li$ht of Republic Act +0;/,
ho%eve#, appellants shoul! be convicte! onl" of ho&ici!e, %ith the special
a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of the use of ille$all" possesse! fi#ea#&s.
=irst 4ssueE
-redibility of Prosecution <itnesses
Appellants 'uestion the c#e!ibilit" of Hitnesses =a!e#as an! Na$al because of an alle$e! inconsistenc" in thei# testi&onies. =a!e#as testifie!
that the#e %as an eCchan$e of fi#e bet%een appellants an! PO0 Si&eon Navo#a, %hile Na$al !ecla#e! that onl" the appellants fi#e!.
Appellants point out that (conflictin$ testi&onies on a &ate#ial an! #elevant point casts !oubt LonM the t#uthfulness o# ve#acit"(
of such
AppellantsD contention is untenable. The ci#cu&stances of the instant case eCplain the see&in$ inconsistenc" in the testi&onies of the t%o
%itnesses. At the ti&e, the" %e#e un!e# fi#e an! in fea# of losin$ thei# lives. Mo#eove#, the" !i! not ta>e cove# in the sa&e place that Navo#a
Nonetheless, thei# unce#taint" on %hethe# Navo#a ha! fi#e! bac> is i&&ate#ial to the c#i&e cha#$e! an! too insi$nificant to i&pai# thei#
c#e!ibilit". In an" event, the ou#t has #ule! that a %itness is not eCpecte! to #e&e&be# an occu##ence %ith pe#fect #ecollection of &inute
econd 4ssueE
ufficiency of the .vidence
Appellants cite People v. !ualhati,
%he#ein this ou#t #ule! (that in c#i&es involvin$ ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, the p#osecution has the
bu#!en of p#ovin$ the ele&ents the#eof, vizE the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#& an! the fact that the accuse! %ho o%ne! o# possesse! the
fi#ea#& !oes not have the co##espon!in$ license o# pe#&it to possess the sa&e.( Appellants conten! that the eCistence of the fi#ea#&s %as not
sufficientl" p#oven because the p#osecution ha! not p#esente! the fi#ea#&s as evi!ence. It is necessa#", the" a#$ue, that sai! (fi#ea#&s
alle$e!l" possesse! b" the accuse!)appellants an! alle$e!l" use! in the >illin$ of Police&an P#i&o a&ba be p#esente! in evi!ence as those
fi#ea#&s constitute the corpus delicti of the c#i&e %ith %hich the" a#e sentence!.(
AppellantsD a#$u&ent is not pe#suasive. In People v. !ualhati, this ou#t &e#el" state! that the eCistence of the fi#ea#& &ust be establishe!F it
!i! not #ule that the fi#ea#& itself ha! to be p#esente! as evi!ence. Thus, in People v. $rehuela,
the ou#t hel! that the eCistence of the
fi#ea#& can be establishe! b" testi&on", even %ithout the p#esentation of the sai! fi#ea#&. In the sai! case, Appellant O#ehuela %as convicte!
of 'ualifie! ille$al possession of a fi#ea#& !espite the fact that the fi#ea#& use! %as not p#esente! as evi!ence. The eCistence of the %eapon
%as !ee&e! a&pl" establishe! b" the testi&on" of an e"e%itness that O#ehuela %as in possession of it an! ha! use! it to >ill the victi&,viz.E
He consi!e# that the ce#tification %as a!e'uate to sho% that the fi#ea#& use! b" Mo!esto O#ehuela in >illin$ Teobe#to
ani*a#es %as a fi#ea#& %hich O#ehuela %as not license! to possess an! to ca##" outsi!e his #esi!ence on the ni$ht that
Teobe#to ani*a#es %as shot to !eath. That fi#ea#& %as a .@+ calibe# pistol %as sho%n b" the testi&on" an! #epo#t of N5I
5allistician 5onifacio A"a$. Hhen the above ci#cu&stances a#e ta>en to$ethe# %ith the testi&on" of the e"e%itness that
Mo!esto O#ehuela %as in fact in possession of a fi#ea#& an! use! the sa&e to >ill Teobe#to ani*a#es, %e believe that
accuse! O#ehuela %as p#ope#l" foun! $uilt" of a$$#avate! o# 'ualifie! ille$al possession of fi#ea#& an! a&&unition.
In the p#esent case, the testi&onies of seve#al %itnesses in!ubitabl" !e&onst#ate the eCistence of the fi#ea#&s. Villa&o# =a!e#as state! that
%hen he %ent to 5a#an$a" Guinaoa"anan, 5ani, Pan$asinan to investi$ate a #epo#t #e$a#!in$ &issin$ ca#abaos, pi$s an! $oats, he sa% the
appellants ca##"in$ lon$ fi#ea#&s. He 'uote he#eun!e# the #elevant po#tion of his testi&on"E
G An! %hen "ou sa% the t%o accuse! to$ethe# %ith the th#ee othe#s, %hat have "ou notice! in thei#
A The" %e#e hol!in$ lon$ fi#ea#&s, si#.
G Hho of the five pe#sons !i! "ou see %as hol!in$ lon$ fi#ea#&sI
A 8i&&" O#ania %as hol!in$ a ca#bineF Mateo Na#vasa %as hol!in$ an M)9..
G About 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, %hat %as he hol!in$I
A 2elicisi&o Na#vasa %as hol!in$ LanM M)9/.
E#nesto Na$al li>e%ise state! that he sa% appellants ca##"in$ lon$ fi#ea#&s, as his testi&on" in!icatesE
G Hhat !i! "ou notice in the pe#sons of the five pe#sons "ou &etI
A The" %e#e ca##"in$ a#&s, si#
G Hhat >in! of fi#ea#& %e#e the five pe#sons, o# so&e of the&, ca##"in$I
A 8i&&" O#ania is ca##"in$ a calibe# .@?.
G Ho% about Mateo Na#vasaI
A Mateo Na#vasa is ca##"in$ LanM M)9..
G Ho% about 2elicisi&o Na#vasaI
A A lon$ fi#ea#& %as ca##ie! b" 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, si#, but I !onDt >no% the calibe#.
That he#ein appellants %e#e the ones %ho ha! shot at the p#osecution %itnesses %as confi#&e! b" =a!e#as, %ho testifie! as follo%sE
G Ho% !i! "ou >no% that the $unfi#e ca&e f#o& the %estI
A 5ecause %e %e#e facin$ %est.
G An! %hile the $unfi#e %as $oin$ on, !i! "ou >no% %ho fi#e! those $unshotsI
A He >no% si#, because %e can see the&.
G Hho& !i! "ou seeI
A 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, 8i&&" O#ania an! Mateo Na#vasa, si#.
In a!!ition, P#i&o a&ba %as hit b" a bullet, an! e&pt" shells of M)9., M)9/ an! .@? calibe# ca#bine bullets %e#e late# on #ecove#e! in the
vicinit" of the place %he#e the shootin$ occu##e!.
The above facts, !ul" p#oven an! ta>en to$ethe#, sufficientl" establish the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#&s an! the fact that appellants
possesse! an! use! sai! fi#ea#&s in fi#in$ at Villa&o# =a!e#as, E#nesto Na$al, an! Si&eon Navo#a, as %ell as P#i&o a&ba %ho succu&be!
to the $unshot %oun! he ha! sustaine!.
The p#esent case can be !istin$uishe! f#o& People v. :avarro
%he#ein the ou#t hel! that ille$al possession of fi#ea#& coul! not be
!ee&e! an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance because the eCistence of the sai! fi#ea#& %as not p#oven. In sai! case, a %itness testifie! that he sa%
appellant shoot the victi& %ith a (sho#t( fi#ea#&. No fi#ea#&, ho%eve#, %as p#esente! as evi!ence, althou$h a $un %as #ecove#e! f#o& the
accuse! %hen he %as a##este!. Mo#eove#, no p#oof %as a!!uce! to sho% that the fi#ea#& alle$e!l" seen b" the %itness %as the sa&e one
#ecove#e! b" the autho#ities f#o& the accuse!. Thus, the ou#t hel!E
In the case at ba#, the Info#&ation alle$e! that on 8anua#" 1, 9;;9, the appellant ha! in his possession an unlicense!
fi#ea#& %hich he use! in >illin$ 2e#!inan! Raba!on. This fi#ea#& %as alle$e!l" #ecove#e! on 8anua#" 1, 9;;/, %hen
appellant %as a##este!. Ho%eve#, sai! fi#ea#& %as not p#esente! in cou#t o# offe#e! as evi!ence a$ainst the appellant.
Althou$h Raba$o testifie! that he sa% the appellant %ith a (sho#t( fi#ea#& %hen the latte# shot Raba!on on 8anua#" 1,
9;;9 no othe# p#oof %as p#esente! to sho% that such $un, alle$e!l" use! on 8anua#" 1, 9;;9, %as the sa&e one
#ecove#e! on 8anua#" 1, 9;;/. The p#osecution %as not able to establish sufficientl" the eCistence of the sub6ect
fi#ea#& . . . .
In othe# %o#!s, the evi!ence on the eCistence of the fi#ea#& %as beset %ith !oubt an! conflict. Such unce#taint" is not foun! in the p#esent
case, fo# the testi&onies of seve#al %itnesses indubitably established that the sub6ect fi#ea#&s %e#e in the possession of the appellants.
As to p#oof that appellants ha! no license o# pe#&it to possess the fi#ea#&s in 'uestion, %e have hel! in People v. 6illanueva
that the
secon! ele&ent of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s can be p#oven b" the testi&on" o# the ce#tification of a #ep#esentative of the PNP 2i#ea#&s
an! ECplosives Anit that the accuse! %as not a licensee of the fi#ea#& in 'uestion. The ou#t #ule!E
As %e have p#eviousl" hel!, the testi&on" of, o# a ce#tification f#o& the PNP 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Anit that the
accuse!)appellant %as not a licensee of the sai! fi#ea#& %oul! have suffice! to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the
secon! ele&ent of the c#i&e of ille$al possession.
The p#osecution sub&itte! a ce#tification sho%in$ that Appellants 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania %e#e not license! fi#ea#& hol!e#s,
fact that %as atteste! to b" SPO/ Robe#to Manuel, a &e&be# of the PNP statione! at the p#ovincial hea!'ua#te#s of the Pan$asinan
P#ovincial o&&an! as Assistant 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives NPO, %ho testifie! thusE
G An! !i! "ou b#in$ %ith "ou the Maste# =ist of the fi#ea#& license! hol!e#s in Pan$asinanI
A 3es, si#.
G Hill "ou please p#o!uce itI
A ,Hitness sho%in$ a fol!e#, %hich is the Maste# =ist of fi#ea#& license! hol!e#s in Pan$asinan.-
G An! %ith the ai! of that volu&inous list of fi#ea#& hol!e#s in Pan$asinan, %ill "ou please tell his
Hono# if 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania appea# the#ein as license! fi#ea#& hol!e#sI
A Thei# na&es !o not appea#, as &anifeste! b" ou# LMaste# =ist as license!M hol!e#s of an" calibe#,
Appellants !i! not p#esent an" evi!ence Y an! neithe# !i! the" even clai& Y that the" %e#e in fact license! fi#ea#& hol!e#s.
*ppellants #esponsible
for PolicemanSs +eath
=a!e#as, Na$al an! Navo#a testifie! that as thei# $#oup, %hich inclu!e! P#i&o a&ba, app#oache! 2elicisi&o Na#vasaDs house, the" %e#e
su!!enl" fi#e! upon. a&ba %as hit an! it %as f#o& that bulet %oun! that he !ie!. That appellants %e#e #esponsible fo# his !eath is clea# f#o&
Navo#aDs testi&on"E
G An! on "ou# %a" follo%in$ the& %hat happene!I
A Hhen %e %e#e about 9?? &ete#s No#th of the House of Isin$ Na#vasa %e %e#e &et Lb"M a heav"
volu&e of $unfi#e.
G No%, if "ou %e#e &et acco#!in$ to "ou %ith heav" volu&e of $unfi#e, %hat !i! "ou . . . an! "ou#
co&panion L!oMI
A He !iveL!M to the $#oun! fo# safet", si#.
G Apon !ivin$ to the $#oun!, %hat happene! to P#i&o a&baI
A P#i&o a&ba %as hit, si#L.M
G Ho% !i! "ou co&e to >no% that P#i&o a&ba %as hit b" the fi#st eCchan$e of $unfi#eI
A 8ust afte# %e !ive! to the $#oun!, . . . P#i&o a&ba tol! &e that he %as hit.
G An! %hen P#i&o a&ba tol! "ou that he %as hit, %hat !i! "ou !oI
A I si$nalle! the t%o ,0- council&en to $et nea# &e.
G Afte# $ivin$ inst#uction to the t%o ,0- council&en, %hat !i! "ou !oI
A The" ca##Lie!M hi& %hile %e %e#e #et#eatin$.
G a##ie! the bo!" of P#i&o a&ba, to %hat placeI
A He #et#eate! Lto theM East !i#ection, until %e #each the "a#! of LaM ce#tain P#u!encio.
G An! %hen "ou #eachLe!M the p#e&ises of P#u!encio, %hat %as the con!ition of P#i&o a&baI
A He L%asM no lon$e# b#eathin$, si#.
=a!e#as %as able to i!entif" thei# attac>e#s as 2elicisi&o Na#vasa, 8i&&" O#ania an! Mateo Na#vasa. As these th#ee !i#ecte! an! fi#e! thei#
$uns at =a!e#as, Na$al, Navo#a an! a&ba, the#e %as unit" in action an! pu#pose, an! thus, conspi#ac" %as p#esent. Althou$h it %as not
asce#taine! %ho a&on$ the& actuall" shot a&ba, all of the& a#e liable fo# his !eath. In conspi#ac", the act of one is the act of all.
)hird 4ssueE
)he -rime
The totalit" of the evi!ence sho%s that appellants possesse! unlicense! fi#ea#&s, %hich the" use! in >illin$ P#i&o a&ba. In its Decision, the
t#ial cou#t convicte! appellants of (LiMlle$al LpMossession of LfMi#ea#&s in its a$$#avate! fo#&( an! consi!e#e! ho&ici!e (&e#el" an ele&ent of
the p#incipal offense of LiMlle$al LpMossession of LfMi#ea#&s in its a$$#avate! fo#&.( Appl"in$ People v. "arros
to the p#oven facts, the t#ial cou#t
i&pose! upon appellants the penalt" of reclusion perpetua. Ho%eve#, a ne% la% has in the &ean%hile been enacte!.
Republic Act No. +0;/,
%hich i&poses a li$hte# penalt" fo# the c#i&e, p#ovi!esE
Sec. 9. 1nlawful (anufacture, ale, *c3uisition, +isposition or Possession of =irearms or *mmunition or 4nstruments
1sed or 4ntended to be 1sed in the (anufacture of =irearms or *mmunition. Y The penalt" of prision correccional in its
&aCi&u& pe#io! an! a fine of not less than 2ifteen Thousan! pesos ,P91,???- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son %ho
shall unla%full" &anufactu#e, !eal in, ac'ui#e, !ispose, o# possess an" lo% po%e#e! fi#ea#&, such as #i&fi#e han!$un, .
@+? o# .@0 an! othe# fi#ea#& of si&ila# fi#epo%e#, pa#t of fi#ea#&, a&&unition, o# &achine#", tool o# inst#u&ent use! o#
inten!e! to be use! in the &anufactu#e of an" fi#ea#& o# a&&unitionF Provided, That no othe# c#i&e %as co&&itte!.
The penalt" of prision mayor in its &ini&u& pe#io! an! a fine of Thi#t" Thousan! pesos ,P@?,???- shall be i&pose! if the
fi#ea#& is classifie! as hi$h po%e#e! fi#ea#& %hich inclu!es those %ith bo#es bi$$e# in !ia&ete# than .@+ calibe# an! ;
&illi&ete# such as calibe# ./?, ./9, .//, ./1 an! also lesse# calibe#e! fi#ea#&s but consi!e#e! po%e#ful such as calibe# .
@1: an! calibe# .00 cente#)fi#e &a$nu& an! othe# fi#ea#&s %ith fi#in$ capabilit" of full auto&atic an! b" bu#st of t%o o#
th#eeF Provided, however, That no othe# c#i&e %as co&&itte! b" the pe#son a##este!.
4f homicide or murder is committed with the use of an unlicensed firearm, such use of an unlicensed firearm shall be
considered as an aggravating circumstance.
In People v. (olina,
this ou#t en banc eCplaine! that RA +0;/ consi!e#s the use of an unlicense! fi#ea#& onl" an a$$#avatin$
ci#cu&stance in &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e, viz.E
An!e# ou# #ulin$ in People vs. 0uijada, violation of PD 9+.. is an offense !istinct f#o& &u#!e#F appellants shoul! pe#fo#ce
be culpable fo# t%o sepa#ate offenses, as #ule! b" the t#ial cou#t.
2o#tunatel" fo# appellants, ho%eve#, RA +0;/ has no% a&en!e! the sai! !ec#ee an! consi!e#s the use of an unlicense!
fi#ea#& si&pl" as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance in &u#!e# o# ho&ici!e, an! not as a sepa#ate offense.
An!e# RA +0;/, appellants can be hel! liable onl" fo# ho&ici!e
an! penali*e! %ith reclusion temporal. Pu#suant to A#ticle 00 of the Revise!
Penal o!e,
RA +0;/ shoul! be $iven #et#oactive effect.
-ivil !iability
onsistent %ith p#evailin$ 6u#isp#u!ence, appellants a#e liable to pa", 6ointl" an! seve#all", the hei#s of P#i&o a&ba the su& of fift" thousan!
pesos ,P1?,???- as in!e&nit" e% delicto fo# his !eath.
Ho%eve#, the a%a#! of t%o hun!#e! thousan! pesos ,P0??,???- #ep#esentin$ &o#al !a&a$es shoul! be !elete! since no evi!ence of anCiet",
&o#al shoc>, %oun!e! feelin$s o# si&ila# in6u#" %as p#esente! !u#in$ the t#ial.
HHERE2ORE, the assaile! Decision is he#eb" MODI2IED. 2o# the !eath of P#i&o a&ba, Appellants 2elicisi&o Na#vasa an! 8i&&" O#ania
a#e foun! 7AI=T3 of HOMIIDE %ith the special a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of usin$ unlicense! fi#ea#&s. Appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence
=a%, the" a#e each sentence! to t%elve ,90- "ea#s ofprision mayor, as &ini&u&, to t%ent" ,0?- "ea#s of reclusion temporal, as &aCi&u&F an!
o#!e#e! to pa" the hei#s of P#i&o a&ba P1?,??? as !eath in!e&nit". Ho%eve#, the a%a#! of &o#al !a&a$es is he#eb" DE=ETED.
+avide, Jr., "ellosillo, 6itug and 0uisumbing, JJ., concur.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. L.6696( Jun2 18, 198-
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
#RSENO FERRER# y $#UTST#, accuse!)appellant.

This is a &an!ato#" #evie% of the !ecision 1 of the San!i$anba"an in %hich the above)na&e! accuse! %as convicte! of the c#i&e of &u#!e#,
'ualifie! b" ta>in$ a!vanta$e of supe#io# st#en$th, an! sentence! to suffe# the sup#e&e penalt" of !eath, to in!e&nif" the hei#s of the
!ecease! in the su& of P91,???.?? in the concept of actual !a&a$es, P@;,???.?? as co&pensato#" !a&a$es fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit",
an! &o#al !a&a$es in the a&ount of P1?,???.?? an! the costs.
On Ma" 9:, 9;+@, accuse! A#senio 2e##e#a " 5autista, to$ethe# %ith Rolan!o Ape#ocho, Danilo Villacillo, an! 2#ancisco 5elisa#io %e#e
cha#$e! %ith &u#!e# in an info#&ation file! b" the Tano!ba"an, to %it Y
That on o# about Dece&be# ;, 9;+0 o# on !ates subse'uent the#eto, in 5a#an$a" Mabuha", Municipalit" of Valencia,
P#ovince of 5u>i!non, Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, accuse! A#senio 2e##e#a, bein$ then
the ba#an$a" chai#&an of Mabuha", Valencia, 5u>i!non, !ul" appointe! an! 'ualifie! as such, an! Rolan!o Ape#ocho,
Danilo Villacillo, an! 2#ancisco 5elisa#io, all &e&be#s of the ivilian Ho&e Defense 2o#ce ,HD2- in Valencia, 5u>i!non,
ta>in$ a!vanta$e of thei# #espective official positions, conspi#in$ an! confe!e#atin$ %ith each othe#, an! &utuall" helpin$
one anothe#, at ni$ht ti&e pu#posel" sou$ht to bette# acco&plish thei# c#i&inal en!s %ith i&punit", an! ta>in$ a!vanta$e
of thei# supe#io# st#en$th, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill an! %ith
t#eache#", attac>, assault an! use pe#sonal violence upon one PASAA= PATIA7, b" then an! the#e shootin$ hi& %ith
hi$h)po%e#e! $uns, the#eb" inflictin$ upon the latte# &o#tal %oun!s %hich %e#e the !i#ect an! i&&e!iate cause of his
!eath, afte# %hich sai! accuse! cut off the ea#s of the !ecease! an! &utilate! the othe# pa#ts of the bo!", thus
co&&ittin$ the afo#esai! offense %ith i$no&in", an! %hich c#i&e %as co&&itte! b" sai! accuse! in #elation to thei#
#espective offices o# !uties.
The ope#ative facts an! ci#cu&stances su##oun!in$ the co&&ission of the c#i&e as $leane! f#o& the evi!ence on #eco#! follo%.
On Dece&be# 90, 9;+0, the pa#tl" bu#ne! ca!ave# of Pascual Patia$ %as !iscove#e! in a su$a#cane fiel! in 5a#an$a" Mabuha", Valencia,
TThe co#pse %as foun! l"in$ on its bac>, nec> slashe!, sto&ach cut open, an! the live# &issin$.
Deep %oun!s in!icative of
atte&pts to tea# po#tions of the flesh f#o& the bo!" %e#e also note! on the victi&Ds thi$hs.
The si$ht, in!ee!, %as $#ueso&e, especiall"
pe#haps, to the victi&Ds son, %ho %as one of those %ho foun!
the co#pse an! %ho p#eviousl" %itnesse!
the !espicable inhu&an act that
%as the &u#!e# of his fathe#.
Dece&be# ;, 9;+0 appea#e! to be 6ust anothe# !a" fo# the victi&, Pascual Patia$ as he boa#!e! his (&oto#ela(, (a vehicle, the p#i&e &ove# of
%hich is a &oto#c"cle, %ith si!e ca#s, it has fou# %heels, an! the !#ive# is at the hea!F( it can acco&&o!ate ei$ht to nine passen$e#s, (the
ninth passen$e# to #i!e in tan!e& %ith the !#ive#.( Ana%a#e that a $#isl", $#otes'ue en! %as a%aitin$ hi&, he !#ove to the Valencia Public
Ma#>et to bu" fe#tili*e# fo# his fa#& an! to $et passen$e#s.
2ou# &en, Venancio 2e##e#a, 8#., Nolin 2e#nan!e*, Ro$elio o#pu*, an! Osca#
e#!enola ,the latte# ca##"in$ t%o sac>s of fe#tili*e#- hi#e! the ( &oto#ela.(
The t#ip of the &en aboa#! the victi&Ds (&oto#ela( %as as
uneventful as it %as s&ooth until the" #eache! the ivilian Ho&e Defense 2o#ce ,HD2- hea!'ua#te#s of 5a#an$a" Mabuha". A#senio
2e##e#a, 5a#an$a" aptain an! HD2 hea! ,o&&an!e#-, to$ethe# %ith so&e HD2 &en, stoppe! the (&oto#ela (10 an! o#!e#e! the !#ive#,
Pascual Patia$, to ali$ht even as one of the HD2 &en accuse! the sai! !#ive# of bein$ a &e&be# an!Jo# s"&phati*e# of the Ne% PeopleDs
A#&" ,NPA-. 11 The &en then le! the victi& to the HD2 hea!'ua#te#s 12 %he#e, actin$ as p#osecuto#, 6u!$e, an! eCecutione#, the" too>
tu#ns in hittin$ hi& %ith thei# fists. 13 A#senio 2e##e#a, pe#haps unsatisfie! %ith &e#el" usin$ his ba#e han!s on the poo# &an, b#ou$ht out his
>nife an! stabbe! the &an once in the sto&ach. 1)
Hol!in$ !espe#atel" to !ea# life, the victi&, b" then p#ofusel" blee!in$, sta$$e#e! to his house %hich %as about 0?? &ete#s a%a". 1( A#senio
2e##e#a, evi!entl" lustin$ fo# &o#e, an! %ith his &en tailin$ hi&, #elentlessl" pu#sue! 16 the fleein$ victi& an! in col! bloo! shot hi& t%ice %ith
a ca#bine. 1- Pascual Patia$ finall" la" lifeless on the #oa!. 3et his o#!eal %as fa# f#o& ove#. The >ille#s appa#entl" %ante! to pa#ta>e of the
!ea! &anDs bo!". The", thus slice! 18 slabs of flesh f#o& his thi$hs as thou$h it %e#e e!ible &eat, &utilate! his ea#s 19 an! eCt#acte! his
2inall", an! in an effo#t to conceal the c#i&e, the &en atte&pte! to bu#n %hat #e&aine! of the victi&, then left it b" the su$a#cane fiel!
%he#e it %as !iscove#e!.
The c#i&e, ho%eve#, !i! not pass unnotice!. The#e %e#e at least th#ee e"e%itnesses.
Re"nal!o Patia$, a son of the victi& ,an! one of those %ho !iscove#e! the co#pse as &entione! p#eviousl"-, %as #e'ueste!
b" his &othe# to
loo> fo# his fathe# on that fateful evenin$ of Dece&be# ;. 2o#th%ith, he p#ocee!e! to thei# house at 5a#an$a" Mabuha" %ith the intention of
%aitin$ fo# his fathe# the#e.
The Patia$s %e#e then livin$ at thei# house in 5a#an$a" 5anla$ 6ust t%o >ilo&ete#s a%a" f#o& thei# house at
5a#an$a" Mabuha", in the sa&e to%n of Valencia. 5anla$ %as situate! in such a %a" that all vehicles boun! fo# that place ha! to pass
5a#an$a" Mabuha".
Re"nal!o testifie! that he (hea#! a shout as>in$ fo# help( at a#oun! :E?? p.&.(
Sensin$ that so&ethin$ unto%a#! %as
happenin$, he %ent !o%n ,
it %as then that he sa% a &an st#u$$lin$ to%a#!s the house %hile he %as bein$ chase! b" five ,1- &en,
le! b"
A#senio 2e##e#a, the he#ein appellant. All of a su!!en, 2e##e#a shot the fleein$ &an t%ice %ith a lon$ $un.
The inci!ent too> place about 9??
&ete#s f#o& %he#e the %itness %as stan!in$.
Osca# e#!enola %as anothe# e"e%itness. Afte# bu"in$ t%o sac>s of fe#tili*e#, he haile! the victi&Ds (&oto#ela( in o#!e# to $o ho&e.
testifie! that he %itnesse! the &aulin$,
the stabbin$,
an! the shootin$
of the victi& b" 2e##e#a an! his &en. He !i! not, ho%eve#, #epo#t
the &atte# to the autho#ities fo# fea# of his life as he %as th#eatene! b" 2e##e#a %ith the sa&e fate as that of the victi& if he eve# tol! the
inci!ent to an"one.
=o#en*o e#!enola %ho %as 9: &ete#s
f#o& %he#e the >illin$ too> place li>e%ise !ecla#e! on the %itness stan! that he sa% the victi& bein$
an! shot b" 2e##e#a an! his &en,
then ca##ie! to the HD2 a&p.
2o# the hi!eous >illin$ of Pascual Patia$, onl" A#senio 2e##e#a %as app#ehen!e!.
The othe#s fo# 'uite a ti&e elu!e! the a$ents of the la%.
Ho%eve#, on 8anua#" 0@, 9;+/, the accuse! Danilo Villacillo an! 2#ancisco 5elisa#io volunta#il" su##en!e#e! to the &ilita#" autho#ities at
5a#an$a" Naban$ahan, Mala"bala", 5u>i!non. The" a#e no% bein$ t#ie! b" the San!i$anba"an.
The t#ial con!ucte! b" the San!i$anba"an an! %hich co&&ence! on 8une 0+, 9;+@, the#efo#e, pe#taine! onl" to A#senio 2e##e#a %ho ente#e!
a plea of Not 7uilt" upon a##ai$n&ent on 8une 9,9;+@.
Afte# t#ial, the San!i$anba"an, on 8anua#" 9+, 9;+/ p#o&ul$ate! its !ecision convictin$ the accuse! of the c#i&e cha#$e!.
The appellant assi$ns the follo%in$ e##o#sE
Anent the fi#st assi$n&ent of e##o#, the appellant a#$ues that the th#ee p#osecution %itnesses &e#el" testifie! that the" sa% a &an bein$
pu#sue! then >ille! b" the appellant an! his co&panions but faile! to asce#tain the I!entit" of that &an.
The appellant also asse#ts that the
!eath ce#tificate cannot stan! as an (official !ocu&ent entitle! to the le$al p#esu&ption of #e$ula#it" in the issuance the#eof( because it %as
issue! b" a ph"sician %ithout hi& eCa&inin$ the ca!ave#.
2u#the#&o#e, the appellant conten!s that the >nife %ith %hich the victi& %as
stabbe! an! the ca#bine %ith %hich he %as shot shoul! have been p#esente! in evi!ence as pa#t of the corpus delicti.
He !o not a$#ee. The#e is no !oubt that the corpus delicti has been establishe! b" sufficient p#oof.
The th#ee e"e)%itnesses !esc#ibe! in !etail ho% the victi& %as fi#st &anhan!le!,
li>e an ani&al, then shot
in col!
bloo! b" the appellant %ith a ca#bine. A fou#th %itness, Hono#ato M. Do&in$o, a t#ic"cle !#ive#,
also p#ovi!e! p#oof of the c#i&inal act of the
appellant. The sai! %itness !isclose! that in the &o#nin$ afte# the >illin$ of Pascual Patia$, 2e##e#a an! his &en, %ho ea#lie# hi#e! the %itnessD
t#ic"cle, p#ocee!e! to the appellantDs house %he#e the" too> a bottle containin$ hu&an ea#.
2#o& the#e, the $#oup set fo#th to the P
!etach&ent %he#e the appellant !elive#e! the sai! bottle to t%o sol!ie#s %ea#in$ civilian clothes.
The %itness !istinctl" hea#! the appellant
#e&a#> that the ea# insi!e the bottle %as that of Pascual Patia$.
2#o& the state&ents of the fou# %itnesses, the#e is no &ista>in$ the fact that Pascual Patia$ %as the &an %ho %as to#tu#e! an! slain b" the
appellant an! co&pan". The#e coul! not be an" bette# p#oof of the corpus delicti than the fo#e$oin$ testi&onies %hich !esc#ibe in !etail
pe#pet#ation of the c#i&e an! %hich establish be"on! #easonable !oubt that the pe#son >ille! b" the appellant an! his co&panions %as
Pascual Patia$. The corpus delicti has thus been p#oven th#ou$h the positive !ecla#ations of the state %itnesses, corpus delicti bein$ the fact
of the co&&ission of the c#i&e Y he#e in the p#esent case, the !eath cause! b" a c#i&inal act.
The !eficiencies in the !eath ce#tificate cannot actuall" affect the outco&e of the t#ial fo#, as pointe! out above, the fact of !eath of the victi&
has been conclusivel" sho%n b" the une'uivocal testi&onies of the victi&Ds son, Re"nal!o Patia$, an! the othe# e"e%itnesses, Osca# an!
=o#en*o e#!enola.
The th#ee positivel" an! un'ualifie!l" I!entifie! on the %itness stan! the appellant as the assailant of Pascual Patia$.
=i>e%ise, the p#esentation o# non)p#esentation of the %eapons in evi!ence ,the >nife use! in stabbin$ an! the ca#bine use! in shootin$ the
victi&- is not vital to the cause of the p#osecution. -orpus delicti &eans the fact of the c#i&e o# that a c#i&e has actuall" been pe#pet#ate!.
!oes not #efe# to the co#pse of the victi& o# the %eapon use! to >ill hi&. It is not the#efo#e i&pe#ative that the %eapons use! in the co&&ission
of a c#i&e be p#esente! in cou#t. It nee! not in fact be alle$e! that the bo!" of the !ecease! %as actuall" foun!.
In the case at ba#, the
peopleDs evi!ence has al#ea!" establishe! that the !ecease! !ie! as a #esult of $unshot %oun!s.
This, %e #ule, suffices to p#ove the corpus
Ap#opos the secon! assi$n&ent of e##o#, the appellant assails the c#e!ibilit" of the th#ee p#osecution %itnesses fo# the follo%in$ #easonsE
Re"nal!o Patia$Ds #eaction on the ni$ht of the pe#pet#ation of the c#i&e %as unnatu#al o# cont#a#" to hu&an eCpe#ience an! obse#vation of
Osca# e#!enola $ave p#io# inconsistent state&ents on &ate#ial factsF
an! =o#en*o e#!enola asi!e f#o& also $ivin$
inconsistent state&ents, cont#a!icte! the testi&on" of Re"nal!o Patia$ in that the sai! %itness !ecla#e! that he faile! to notice the slicin$ of a
po#tion of the victi&Ds thi$hs.
He fin! no &e#it in the appellantDs contentions.
Re"nal!o Patia$ appea#s to us to be a c#e!ible %itness. Despite the fact that Re"nal!o !ecla#e! that he &e#el" (suspecte!(
that the pe#son
to #each the !i#ection %he#e the %itness stoo! on the ni$ht of the pe#pet#ation of the c#i&e %as his fathe#, "et %e cannot consi!e# the %itnessD
suspicion as totall" $#oun!less. It &ust be note! that the victi& %as st#u$$lin$ to #each his o%n house %he#e Re"nal!o, his son, %as, an!
%hich %as so&e 0?? &ete#s f#o& the HD2 !etach&ent, appa#entl" to see> sanctua#" an! succo#. It is the plain instinct of self)p#ese#vation
that i&pels a fatall" %oun!e! &an, li>e the victi& he#e, to clutch at st#a%s, so to spea>, an! %hat safe# one is the#e but his (castle.(
Pascual Patia$ faile! to $o ho&e that ni$ht an! the neCt ni$ht. It %as onl" on the thi#! ni$ht afte# the victi&Ds !isappea#ance that his co#pse,
%hich bo#e %oun!s an! ba#ba#ic &utilations evi!entl" in!icative of the fact that he %as the sa&e pe#son seen b" the %itnesses %ho testifie! in
this case fo# the people bein$ #elentlessl" pu#sue!, then shot at, an! %hose thi$hs %e#e fleshe! out ,(Rolan!o Ape#ocho cut the eCt#e&ities as
if the" %e#e &eat an! $ot the&(-, %as !iscove#e!. The #elation bet%een %hat t#anspi#e! on the evenin$ of Dece&be# ;, 9;+0 an! the
subse'uent !iscove#" of the co#pse is ce#tainl" clea# an! convincin$.
The onl" #eason %h" Re"nal!o faile! to $o to the #escue of the fleein$, %oun!e! pe#son %ho, he ha! the $ut feelin$, %as his o%n fathe#, %as
Such failu#e cannot be consi!e#e! unnatu#al o# cont#a#" to hu&an eCpe#ience as clai&e! b" the appellant L%ho insists that a son %oul!
al%a"s $o to the !efense of his fathe# in the event that the life of the latte# is in !an$e# no &atte# if it %oul! cost his life.M
Hu&an natu#e
teaches us that people &a" #eact !iffe#entl" to the sa&e situation. One pe#sonDs spontaneous o# unthin>in$, o# even instinctive, #esponse to a
ho##i! an! #epulsive sti&ulus &a" be a$$#ession %hile anothe#Ds &a" be col! in!iffe#ence. Re"nal!oDs #eaction on that fateful Dece&be#
evenin$ %as fea#, a%eso&e an! pa#al"*in$ fea#. Re"nal!o in!ee! testifie! that he %as af#ai! fo# his life, (because the" ha! $uns.( Ho%eve#,
he a!!e!, %hen as>e! b" P#esi!in$ 8ustice Pa&a#an (A#e "ou not %illin$ to !ie fo# "ou# fathe#I(, that ( I coul! not thin> an"&o#e at that ti&e,
3ou# Hono#.(
5e that as it &a", he %as %ell a%a#e that shoul! he have, at the ve#" least, been spotte! b" the assailants, he %oul! have
suffe#e! the sa&e $o#" fate as that of his fathe#.
5ut coul! Re"nal!o have &ista>en so&ebo!" else fo# appellant consi!e#in$ that he &e#el" #eco$ni*e! the appellant th#ou$h the latte#Ds voice
an! bo!il" $estu#esI
He thin> not.
Re"nal!oDs I!entification of the appellant is sufficientl" clea#. Re"nal!o has beco&e ve#" fa&ilia# %ith the appellantDs voice, he havin$ hea#!
the appellant spea> &an" ti&es on !iffe#ent public occasions, the latte# havin$ been the ba#an$a" captain of ba#an$a" Mabuha" since
2o# the sa&e #eason is Re"nal!o fa&ilia# %ith the appellantDs bo!il" $estu#es.
Mo#e i&po#tantl", the scene of the c#i&e %as not
i&&e#se! in !a#>ness. The #oa!, in fact, %as illu&inate! b" li$ht co&in$ f#o& a la&p post.
He, li>e%ise, !o not ente#tain an" !oubt as to the ve#acit" of Osca# e#!enolaDs testi&on".
It is t#ue that Osca# e#!enola eCecute! a state&ent
to the effect that the appellant ha! nothin$ to !o %ith the !eath of Pascual Patia$ %hich
state&ent va#ies f#o& his testi&on" in cou#t. He, ho%eve#, consi!e# the %itnessD eCplanation on this &atte#, plausible.
G I a& callin$ "ou# attention to this po#tion of EChibit (0(, appea#in$ on pa$e @ the#eof, %hich I 'uoteE
(Sa i"on$ Sinu&paan$ Sala"sa" na ibini$a" &o >a" PJS$t. Euti'uio Senal n$ Valencia Police Station
noon$ Ma" 9;+@, sa i"on$ sa$ot na pan$)apat na pa#a$#aph a" sinabi &o #ito na &ali o hin!i totoo
an$ lahat n$ naipaha"a$ sa !i"a#"o na hea!line annibal sa 5u>i!non @1 >ataon$ pinulutan sa ilali&
n$ pa#a$#aph / na an$ pan$alan &o a" na#o#oon at sinabin$ na>ita &o si Patia$ na bina#il at an$
>an"an$ la&an$)loob lalo na i"on$ ata" ni"a a" $ina%an$ pulutan n$ &$a HD2 sa pa&u&uno ni
A#senio 2e##e#a. Sinabi &o pa sa i"on$ sa$ot na hin!i &o ito na>ita at ito a" hin!i totoo an$ naisulat
sa !ia#"o at sinabi &o na #in na an$ lahat a" hin!i totoo o &ali. Ano na&an an$ &asasabi &o #itoI(
An! this is "ou# ans%e# to that 'uestionE (Sa isina$ot >o sa a>in$ sala"sa" na ibini$a" >a" PJS$t.
Senal a" lahat n$ ito a" hin!i totoo at sina$ot pa #in !ito na hin!i >o na>ita an$ pan$"a"a#i pe#o >a"a
$anito an$ pa$>asa$ot >o !ahil a>o a" natata>ot sa &$a tauhan ni 2e##e#a at n$ a>o a"
inii&besti$ahan noon a" nan!o!oon sa labas an$ &$a tauhan ni 2e##e#a, at an$ totoo na !apat na
isa$ot >o a" na>ita >o an$ buon$ pan$"a"a#i tun$>ol sa pa$pata" >a" Patia$.( Has that 'uestion
as>e! of "ou an! !i! "ou $ive that ans%e#I
A 3es, si#.
G No%, %ill "ou no% eCplain %h" ea#lie# in "ou# state&ent "ou sai! A#senio 2e##e#a th#eatene! "ou
pe#sonall" that if "ou %oul! not $ive this state&ent, EChibit (l(, "ou %oul! be >ille!F %he#eas in this
state&ent the#e %as no state&ent to that effect an! %hat "ou onl" sai! %as that the follo%e#s o#
co&panions of A#senio 2e##e#a %e#e outsi!eI
A 5ecause the" tol! &e if I %oul! tell %hat I sa% the" %oul! >ill &e.
G Hh" !i! "ou not info#& hi& consi!e#in$ that "ou sai! "ou #etu#ne! because "ou %e#e no lon$e#
af#ai! of the th#eat of 2e##e#aI
A 5ecause I %as af#ai! of 2e##e#a, that if I %oul! tell about the inci!ent the" %oul! $et &e !u#in$ the
G 7oin$ bac> to the inci!ent "ou %itnesse!, %ill "ou tell the Hono#able ou#t %h" "ou #an f#o& the
scene of the >illin$I
A I also $ot af#ai! because I &i$ht be the neCt.
G. At the ti&e "ou #an, Patia$ %as al#ea!" shotI
A. 3es, si#.
G At %hat point of ti&e !i! "ou ente#tain fea#I
A Afte# he %as shot.
G Di! "ou not $et sca#e! %hen "ou sai! "ou sa% Patia$ bein$ &aule! b" 2e##e#a an! his
A I %as af#ai!.
G Hh" !i! "ou not #unI
A The" &i$ht b#in$ &e the#e.
G Hh" !i! "ou not #un a%a" f#o& the sceneI
A 5ecause his co&panions %e#e the#e. The" &i$ht shoot &e.
G Hhen "ou sai! Patia$ %as stabbe! in his sto&ach b" 2e##e#a, !i! "ou not $et sca#e!I
A I also $ot af#ai!.
G Then %h" !i! "ou not #unI
A The" &i$ht shoot &e.
G No%, %hat %as "ou# position in the &oto#ela %hen "ou %itnesse! the &aulin$ of Patia$I
A I also ali$hte! f#o& the &oto#ela.
G Do "ou &ean to sa", "ou %ent !o%n f#o& the &oto#ela an! peepe! insi!e the !etach&ent #oo&
an! %atche! the &aulin$ of Patia$I
A I coul! see f#o& %he#e I %as because the !oo# %as open.
Mo#eove#, %itness Ma"o# Absalon ata#ata, befo#e %ho& Osca# e#!enola s%o#e his alle$e! p#io# inconsistent state&ent, testifie! that at the
ti&e e#!enola %as in his office, the#e %e#e &an" people p#esent, the office bein$ an open place an! thus accessible to an"one.
The &a"o#
a!&itte! that he %as not a%a#e %hethe# Osca# e#!enola %as alone o# not.
The above testi&on" $ives us no #eason to !isbelieve Osca#
e#!enolaDs asse#tion that he %as, in!ee!, pic>e! up b" the appellant an! his co&panions at +E?? A.M. of Ma" ., 9;+@, then b#ou$ht to the
police ca&p %he#e he %as &a!e to si$n a state&ent absolvin$ the appellant of the >illin$ of Pascual Patia$,
the#eafte# finall" &a!e to s%ea#
befo#e Ma"o# ata#ata of the t#uth of his state&ent. In!ee!, the p#esence of the appellant an! his co&panions at the ti&e %itness Osca#
e#!enola eCecute! his alle$e! p#io# inconsistent state&ent coul! not but en$en!e# fea# in the &in! of the sai! %itness consi!e#in$ that he
actuall" sa% the >illin$ of Pascual Patia$. This is apa#t f#o& the fact that he %as (visite!( b" the appellant an! his co&panions on Dece&be#
9?, 9;+0, o# the !a" afte# the co&&ission of the c#i&e, an! %a#ne! not to &ention the inci!ent to an"one lest the sa&e fate befall hi&.
He also fin! =o#en*o e#!enolaDs testi&on" %o#th" of c#e!ence. The fact that he a!&itte! not seein$ the slicin$ of a po#tion of flesh f#o& the
victi&Ds thi$hs ,as testifie! to b" Re"nal!o- shoul! enhance, not i&pai# ,as clai&e! b" appellant-, the c#e!ibilit" of the %itness. This is so
because sai! %itness &e#el" testifie! on %hat he sa% %ithout concoctin$ lies. 5esi!es, =o#en*o !ecla#e! that he %ent into hi!in$ an! #efuse!
to loo> at the bloo!" si$ht befo#e hi& &inutes afte# he %itnesse! the shootin$ of the victi& b" the appellant. Hhen =o#en*o foun! the cou#a$e
to loo> a$ain, he sa% the assailants ca##" the co#pse in the !i#ection of the HD2 !etach&ent.
On !i#ect testi&on", Osca# e#!enola !ecla#e!E
G An! at the fi#st ti&e that "ou sa% hi&, !i! "ou see also this HD2I
A I have seen a pe#son %ho %as #unnin$ afte# hi& but I %as not able "et to #eco$ni*e the&.
G Ho% fa# %as the &an #unnin$ f#o& the HD2 pu#suin$ hi&, the fi#st ti&e that "ou sa% those
A That %as a#oun! 0? &ete#s, &o#e o# less.
G 5ut the fi#st ti&e "ou sa% that &an #unnin$ an! bein$ chase! b" the HD2, !i! "ou >no% hi&
A Not "et.
G No%, %e#e "ou able to #eco$ni*e that &an #unnin$I
A Not "et. Not until the HD2 %e#e able to ca##" hi& .
On c#oss)eCa&ination, the sa&e %itness sai!E
G Hho shot hi& if "ou sa% hi& shot atI
A M#. 2e##e#a an! his &en.
G Hho actuall" shot that &anI
A M#. A#senio 2e##e#a.
G Ho% !i! "ou >no% that 2e##e#a %as the one %ho shot that &anI
A 5ecause that %as %hat I sa%. He %as the one %ho shot.
G Hhat happene! to the &an %ho %as fi#e! uponI
A He fell !o%n.
G An! %hat %as the #elative position of the &an shot an! 2e##e#a, the one %ho shotI
A The &an %ho %as shot %as #unnin$ ahea! of the &an %ho shot hi&.
G M" 'uestion is, asi!e f#o& shootin$ that &an %ho& "ou sa% fell !o%n, %hat else !i! the accuse!
!o %ith hi&I
A The" ca##ie! hi& to%a#!s thei# ca&p.
G That ca&p %hich "ou &entione!, ho% fa# %as that f#o& the place %he#e that &an fell !o%nI
A Mo#e o# less 1? &ete#s.
To fu#the# i&peach the c#e!ibilit" of the sai! %itness, the appellant points to the alle$e! inconsistent state&ents &a!e b" %itness, to %itE
a- . In his testi&on" !u#in$ the t#ial of this case, he clea#l" !ecla#e! that in the evenin$ of Dece&be# ;, 9;+0, he actuall"
sa% the appellant fi#e! at the &an ,Patia$- he %as chasin$. Ho%eve#, in the state&ent %hich he $ave to the IS, P, in
ans%e# to 'uestion No. 9/ the#eof, he !i! not &ention the na&e of the appellant as the pe#son %ho& he sa% fi#e his $un
at Patia$. His onl" eCplanation fo# this is the convenient eCcuse that he fo#$ot to sa" that in EChibit 7. In fact, no%he#e in
EChibit 7 !i! he I!entif" the pe#son o# pe#sons, %ho shot Patia$.
In his testi&on" befo#e the t#ial cou#t he clea#l" state! that he #eco$ni*e! on that pa#ticula# evenin$ Pascual Patia$ as the
pe#son bein$ chase! b" the appellant. He cont#a!icte! this, ho%eve#, in his ea#lie# %#itten state&ent ,EChibit 7- $iven to
the IS, P, %he#e he sai! ve#" clea#l" that it %as on the follo%in$ !a" %hen he lea#ne! f#o& his son =o#" that it %as
Pascual Patia$ %ho %as shot the ni$ht befo#e. He 'uote that po#tionE
Ninabu>asan a" nala&an na&in sa a>in$ ana> na si =o#" na an$ napata" !oon a" si Pascual Patia$.
He #espectfull" sub&it that this %itness =o#en*o e#!enolaDs I!entification of the appellant as the one %ho shot Patia$
shoul! not be accepte! !ue to his above cont#a!icto#" state&ents on a &ate#ial fact, ...
The va#iance, %e believe, is too &ino# to actuall" !est#o" the testi&on" of the %itness, o#, fo# that &atte#, to affect the outco&e of the case. It
is possible that the %itness &a" have actuall" fo#$otten to &ention that the appellant %as the assailant of Patia$. At an" #ate, the#e is no
in!ication that the %itness eve# !enie! seein$ the appellant actuall" shoot the victi&.
His state&ent,
eCecute! befo#e the IS to the effect that he lea#ne! of Pascual Patia$Ds !eath onl" th#ou$h his son, vis)a)vis his testi&on" in
cou#t, %he#eb" he asse#te! that he actuall" #eco$ni*e! the victi& %hile the c#i&e %as bein$ co&&itte!, %as eCplaine! b" the %itness, thusE
G Di! "ou #eco$ni*e hi&I
A 3es, si#.
G Hho %as heI
A Pascual Patia$.
G A$ain, I a& a$ain #efe##in$ to "ou "ou# 'uestion No. 9/ an! "ou# ans%e# the#eto, in EChibit 7. Hh"
!i! "ou not a$ain I!entif" that the pe#son %ho %as shot %as Pascual Patia$I In fact, in this affi!avit
o# state&ent, "ou even a!&itte! he#e that it %as on the follo%in$ !a" that "ou ca&e to >no% the
I!entit" of the pe#son %ho %as shot. Hill "ou eCplain thatI
A 5ecause he %as nea#. I sa% hi&.
G Hhich one is no% co##ect, "ou# state&ent befo#e this ou#t o# this state&ent &a#>e! EChibit 7
%he#e "ou sai! it %as on the follo%in$ !a" that "ou ca&e to >no% the I!entit" of Pascual Patia$ as
the one %ho %as shotI
A 5ecause he %as 6ust nea# &e, about 9: &ete#s &o#e o# less . . . .
G Please ans%e# the 'uestion. Hhich one is co##ectI
A M" ans%e# no%.
It is not !ifficult to believe that =o#en*o e#!enola actuall" #eco$ni*e! Patia$ on the ni$ht the c#i&e %as pe#pet#ate! because he %as onl" 9:
&ete#s a%a".
It is not i&po#tant that he state! othe#%ise in his state&ent to the IS. As he sai!, he %as ove#co&e b" fea# a#isin$ f#o& the
accuse!Ds consi!e#able influence in the co&&unit" that he chose to #e&ain &u& about the >illin$. 5ut this !oes not i&pai# his c#e!ibilit". He
!ecla#e! on the %itness stan!E
G Di! "ou not info#& the o&&an!in$ Office# of that battalion %hat "ou sa% %hich "ou 6ust na##ate!
befo#e this Hono#able ou#t.
A. No, si#. He %e#e af#ai! to co&plain the#e.
G Hh" %oul! "ou be af#ai! %hen the enti#e place of Mabuha" has been place! un!e# the cont#ol of
the battalion of the Philippine A#&"I
A 5ecause %e %e#e af#ai! of M#. 2e##e#a an! his &en, an! besi!es, %e evacuate! to Valencia since
Dece&be# 9:, so I !o not >no% an"thin$ about the& an"&o#e.
He a#e convince! that %itness =o#en*o %as in!ee! ove#co&e b" his fea# of the appellant. Ve#il", a %itnessD failu#e to #eveal %hat he >no%s
!ue to fea# of #ep#isal cannot %ea>en his c#e!ibilit".
The appellant fu#the# a#$ues that the#e is no evi!ence of &otive. On this sco#e, suffice it to #eite#ate ou# #ulin$ in a $#eat nu&be# of cases.
Motive is essential to conviction in &u#!e# cases onl" %hen the#e is !oubt as to the I!entit" of the culp#it, not %hen the accuse! has been
positivel" I!entifie! as the assailant.
The#e is t#uth to the appellantDs clai& that the na##ations of events $iven b" the %itnesses %e#e not in co&plete acco#! %ith each othe#. He
sa", ho%eve#, that the va#iances can be att#ibute! to the fact that !iffe#ent pe#sons have !ive#se i&p#essions an! pe#ceptions of a sta#tlin$
event. On the othe# han!, the testi&onies of t%o o# &o#e %itnesses %oul! be un!e# a se#ious clou! if thei# !ecla#ations tallie! in thei# &inutes
!etails, fo# then, that %oul! not be natu#al. That %oul! in!icate that the testi&onies %e#e #ehea#se!.
In fine, %e hol! that the !isc#epancies in the testi&onies of the afo#ena&e! %itnesses as pointe! to b" the appellant a#e not substantial an!
!o not !et#act f#o& the ve#acit" of the essential fact testifie! to b" the&, i.e., that the" sa% the appellant an! his co&panions >ill the victi&,
Pascual Patia$. Thei# c#e!ibilit" #e&ains soli!, uni&pai#e! b" insi$nificant inconsistencies that a#e patentl" att#ibutable onl" to the f#ailt" of
&e&o#" an! not to a %illful !esi#e to co&&it falsehoo!.
On the !efense of alibi, %e fin! no 6ustifiable #eason fo# #eve#sin$ the fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t on this &atte#.
The appellant clai&s that he %as at atu&balon, a ba#an$a" + >ilo&ete#s a%a" f#o& Mabuha" o# 1 >ilo&ete#s a%a" b" sho#t cut, f#o&
Dece&be# : to Dece&be# 90, 9;+0, in #esponse to a !i#ective issue! b" one =t. E&iliano 8as&in fo# hi& to au$&ent the HD2 fo#ce of that
ba#an$a" as the#e %as #u&o# of an i&pen!in$ NPA attac>.
The appellant &aintains that he neve# left sai! ba#an$a" fo# seven
Manolo 7ene#, 5a#an$a" aptain of atu&balon !ecla#e! in cou#t that he an! the appellant conve#se! %ith each othe# up to about
99E?? on the ni$ht of Dece&be# ;, 9;+0.
He cannot fault the San!i$anba"anDs #ulin$ !en"in$ this !efense of alibiE
Accuse! A#senio 5. 2e##e#a havin$ been positivel" I!entifie! b" no less than th#ee ,@- e"e%itnesses %hose c#e!ibilit" an!
t#uthfulness the#e is no $#oun! to be little an! i&pu$n, the !efense of alibi is unavailin$. Mo#eove#, the !efense ve#sion
that he ,A#senio 2e##e#a- %ent to the a!6acent ba#an$a" of atu&balon on Dece&be# : an! sta"e! the#e at until
Dece&be# 90, 9;+0 is as i&plausible as it is #epu$nant to #eason an! hu&an eCpe#ience, 2o# instance, assu&in$ that =t.
8as&in issue! a !i#ective ,EChibit @- callin$ fo# an au$&entation tea& f#o& Mabuha" HD2 to $o on #e! ale#t in ba#an$a"
atu&balon fo# a possible NPA attac> in sai! place, 2e##e#a coul! have 6ust sent the #e'ui#e! nu&be# of &en %ithout
hi&self 6oinin$ such $#oup so as not to aban!on his o%n ba#an$a" fo# a consi!e#able len$th of ti&e. It %as !eci!e!l"
un%ise an! i&p#u!ent fo# a ba#an$a" captain to leave his ba#an$a" fo# seve#al !a"s at a ti&e %hen the secu#it" of his
o%n co&&unit" %as e'uall" th#eatene! b" subve#sible ele&ents. 5esi!es, the sho#t !istance of five to ei$ht >ilo&ete#s
bet%een ba#an$a"s Mabuha" an! atu&balon !i! not &a>e it ph"sicall" i&possible fo# accuse! A#senio 2e##e#a to have
$one to the scene of the c#i&e at the app#oCi&ate ti&e of its co&&ission. 5" foot it %oul! onl" ta>e less than an hou# an!
b" an" #i!e a &uch sho#te# ti&e to co&&ute bet%een ba#an$a"s Mabuha" an! atu&balon.
All thin$s vie%e! in co##ect pe#spective, He cannot sustain the !efense of alibi inte#pose! b" accuse! 2e##e#a.
In!ee!, consistentl" an! in a lon$ line of !ecisions the ou#t has #ule! that alibi is not a $oo! !efense %he#e it %as not ph"sicall" i&possible
fo# the accuse! to be at the scene of the c#i&e at the ti&e of its co&&ission.
2u#the#&o#e, p#osecution %itness 5asilio Do&in$o, a school teache#, clai&e! that he %as #i!icule! b" the appellant an! his fello% HD2
&e&be#s in the &o#nin$ of Dece&be# 9?, 9;+0, o# the !a" follo%in$ the >illin$ of the victi&. At that ti&e the appellant shoul! have been at
5a#an$a" atu&balon acco#!in$ to his o%n alibi.
The %itness na##ate! in cou#t ho% he %as &a!e to !ance the (pea#l")shell( on top of the
be!s an! &a!e to c#a%l on the floo# at the point of a ca#bine.
He also ave##e! that he sa% the appellant on Dece&be# +, 9;+0 at the HD2
%hich !isputes the appellantDs alibi cove#in$ alle$e!l" the uninte##upte! pe#io! f#o& Dece&be# : to Dece&be# 90, 9;+0. It is
clea# that the appellant has not sufficientl" p#oven his alibi. In People v. "erdida, et al, %e sai!E
As this ou#t state! in People vs. -onstante, =)9/.@;, Dece&be# 0+, 9;./, the !efense of alibi is an issue of fact that
hin$es on c#e!ibilit"F that the c#e!ibilit" of an alibi !epen!s so &uch on the c#e!ibilit" of the %itnesses %ho see> to
establish itF an! that, in this #espect, the #elative %ei$ht %hich the t#ial 6u!$e assi$ns to the testi&on" of sai! %itnesses
&ust, unless patentl" an! clea#l" inconsistent %ith the evi!ence on #eco#!, be accepte!. 2o#, as is %ell #eco$ni*e!, his
p#oCi&ate contact %ith those %ho ta>e to the %itness chai# places hi&, co&pa#e! to appellate 8ustices, in the &o#e
co&petent position to !isc#i&inate bet%een the t#ue an! the false.
An! in the p#esent appeal, %e fin! no %a##ant to !epa#t f#o& the lo%e# cou#tDs fin!in$ on !efen!ants)appellantsD !efense
of alibi.
He #eite#ate, the !efense of alibi is %o#thless in the face of positive I!entification b" c#e!ible p#osecution %itnesses, pointin$ to the accuse! as
the pe#pet#ato#s of the c#i&e.
2#o& the facts establishe!, %e shall no% !ete#&ine the c#i&e co&&itte! b" the he#ein appellant. The evi!ence on #eco#! un'uestionabl"
points to the co&&ission of the capital offense that is &u#!e# 'ualifie! b" t#eache#" %ith the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of ta>in$ a!vanta$e of
public office.
The lo%e# cou#t foun! that the c#i&e co&&itte! %as 'ualifie! b" abuse of supe#io# st#en$th %hich abso#bs ai! of a#&e! &en an!
He !isa$#ee in this #e$a#!. It is the othe# %a" a#oun!. In a lon$ line of cases, %e have hel! that abuse of supe#io# st#en$th an!
ai! of a#&e! &en, %hen p#esent %ith t#eache#", a#e abso#be! o# inclu!e! in the latte#.
The#e %as t#eache#" because at the ti&e of the attac>, the victi& %as not in a position to !efen! hi&self. Afte# havin$ been &alt#eate!, then
stabbe!, an! %hile in fli$ht the victi& %as chase! as thou$h he %as a %oun!e! 'ua##" an! in that !efenseless state %as shot f#o& behin! b"
the appellant. The su!!en an! uneCpecte! shootin$ of the victi& %ith a ca#bine t#ul" constitutes t#eache#".
It is also 'uite obvious that the
offen!e#s consciousl" a!opte! the pa#ticula# fo#& of attac> an! e&plo"e! &eans %hich ten!e! !i#ectl" an! especiall" to insu#e its eCecution
%ithout #is> to the&selves a#isin$ f#o& the !efense %hich the offen!e! pa#t" &i$ht have put up.
He cannot app#eciate ni$htti&e as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance because the#e is no sho%in$ that it %as pu#posel" sou$ht b" the appellant
an! his co&panions to insu#e the acco&plish&ent of thei# !asta#!l" ob6ective. It %as &e#el" coinci!ental that the sla"in$ too> place %hen it
%as al#ea!" !a#>. It %as at a#oun! :E?? in the evenin$ %hen the victi& passe! b" the HD2 hea!'ua#te#s %he#e the >ille#s %e#e %aitin$ to
pounce on hi&. Nonetheless, the #ule is that noctu#nit" is abso#be! in t#eache#" if the fo#&e# cannot be pe#ceive! !istinctl" f#o& the facts
Thus, in this case, ni$htti&e cannot be sepa#atel" app#eciate! as an a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance.
Neithe# can %e app#eciate i$no&in" fo# the #eason that the victi& %as al#ea!" !ea! %hen the appellant an! co&pan" slice! po#tions of his
bo!". The cuttin$ of flesh f#o& the thi$hs of the victi& afte# >illin$ hi& !i! not a!! i$no&in" to the natu#al effects of the act. 100
The ci#cu&stance of out#a$in$ o# scoffin$ at the co#pse cannot also be ta>en into consi!e#ation. The t#ial cou#t co##ectl" !is#e$a#!e! the sa&e
as a 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stance because it is not clea#l" alle$e! in the info#&ation. 101
2inall", %e a$#ee %ith the t#ial cou#t in its fin!in$ that the appellant, a HD2 o&&an!e# an! 5a#an$a" aptain at the ti&e of this ba#ba#it"
%ith patent tin$es of cannibalis&, too> a!vanta$e of his public position in co&&ittin$ the c#i&e. He 'uoteE
... the p#esence of the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of ta>in$ a!vanta$e of a public position un!e# pa#. 9 of A#ticle 9/, R.P..
cannot be ove#loo>e!. Hhen accuse! A#senio 5. 2e##e#a stoppe! the (&oto#ela( of the victi& in f#ont of the HD2
hea!'ua#te#s in Mabuha", Valencia, 5u>i!non that unpleasant ni$ht of Dece&be# ;, 9;+0, 2e##e#a %as ostensibl" illicitl"
asse#tin$ his autho#it" as ba#an$a" captain concu##entl" HD2 hea! an! %e#e it not fo# the abuse! po%e# of the latte#,
the victi& %oul! not have &ee>l" obe"e! the co&&an! fo# hi& to $o !o%n f#o& the (&oto#ela( an! to ente# the ca&p %ith
2e##e#a, et al. Hhat is &o#e, it is a settle! !oct#ine that &e#e failu#e of official !ut", such as the failu#e of accuse! 2e##e#a
to &aintain la% an! o#!e# in his ba#an$a", suffices to a$$#avate c#i&inal liabilit" un!e# pa#a$#aph 9 of A#ticle 9/ of the
Revise! Penal o!e. Instea! of lea!in$ his constituenc" in peaceful an! o#!e#l" co)eCistence, accuse! 2e##e#a le! his
HD2 &en to b#utali*e innocent civilians. 7#antin$ that the victi& %as a suspecte! NPA &e&be# o# s"&pathi*e#, it %as
no le$al 6ustification to ha#& an! >ill hi&. Hhat 2e##e#a coul! have la%full" !one in the p#e&ises %oul! have been to
#epo#t the &atte# to the &ilita#" autho#ities so that the suspect coul! be p#ocee!e! a$ainst in acco#!ance %ith la%. 102
The t#ial cou#tDs fin!in$ as to the a&ount of !a&a$es to be a%a#!e! is he#eb" affi#&e!, eCcept as to the a&ount of actual !a&a$es %hich %e
inc#ease f#o& P91,???.?? to P@?,???.??. 103 He, ho%eve#, affi#& the $#ant of P@;,??? fo# unea#ne! inco&e an! P1?,???.?? as an! fo#
&o#al !a&a$es.
HHERE2ORE, the 6u!$&ent appeale! f#o& is A22IRMED in toto. The appellant is he#eb" !ecla#e! $uilt" of &u#!e# 'ualifie! b" t#eache#".
The offense bein$ atten!e! b" one a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance ,ta>in$ a!vanta$e of public office-, %ith no &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stance to offset it,
the penalt" p#ovi!e! in A#ticle 0/+ ,9- of the Revise! Penal o!e is he#eb" i&pose! in its &aCi&u& pe#io! ,!eath-. In vie%, ho%eve#, of the
p#ovisions of the 9;+: onstitution abolishin$ the !eath penalt", the appellantDs sentence is co&&ute! to reclusion perpetua. 10) The
in!e&nit" to be pai! is P@?,???.??. The $#ant of P@;,???.?? an! P1?,???.?? as an! fo# fu#the# actual !a&a$es an! &o#al !a&a$es
#espectivel", stan!s.
Hith costs a$ainst the appellant.
)eehan/ee, -.J., 7ap, =ernan, :arvasa, (elencio-;errera, 2utierrez, Jr., -ruz, Paras, =eliciano, 2ancayco, Padilla, "idin and -ortes, JJ.,
Republic of the Philippines
5a$uio it"
G.R. No. 190(69 #*r+, 2(, 2012
PKNSP. #REL S. #RTLLERO, Petitione#,
ORL#N%O C. C#SMRO, OI2ra,, %2*u4y O9@u"69an, O88+32 o8 452 %2*u4y O9@u"69anO $ERN#$E %. %US#$#N, ProI+n3+a,
Pro623u4or, O88+32 o8 452 ProI+n3+a, Pro623u4or o8 ,o+,oO E%TO #GULLON, $r7y. Ca*4., $r7y. LanLa7an, #Luy, ,o+,o, Respon!ents.
This case pe#tains to the c#i&inal cha#$e file! b" P#ivate Inspecto# A#iel S. A#tille#o ,petitione#- a$ainst 5a#an$a" aptain E!ito A$uillon
,A$uillon- fo# violation of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. ,P.D.- 9+..
as a&en!e! b" Republic Act No. ,R.A.- +0/;.
Petitione# is the hief of Police of the Municipal Station of the Philippine National Police ,PNP- in A6u", Iloilo.
Acco#!in$ to hi&, on . Au$ust
0??+, at about .E/1 in the evenin$, the &unicipal station #eceive! info#&ation that successive $un fi#es ha! been hea#! in 5a#an$a" =an6a$an,
A6u" Iloilo. Thus, petitione#, to$ethe# %ith Police Inspecto# I!el He#&oso ,He#&oso-, an! Senio# Police Office# ,SPO9- A#ial =ana'ue
,=ana'ue-, i&&e!iatel" %ent to the a#ea to investi$ate.
Apon a##ivin$, the" sa% Pa'uito Panisales, 8#. ,Pa'uito-
stan!in$ besi!e the #oa!, %ea#in$ a blac> s%eat shi#t %ith a (5a#an$a" Tano!(
The" as>e! Pa'uito if he ha! hea#! the alle$e! $unshots, but he ans%e#e! in the ne$ative.
Petitione#, He#&oso, an! =ana'ue !eci!e! to investi$ate fu#the#, but befo#e the" coul! p#ocee!, the" sa% that Pa'uito ha! (tu#ne! his bac>
f#o& us that see&s li>e b#a$$in$ his fi#ea#& to us fla$#antl" !ispla"e!Jtuc>e! in his %aist %ho& %e obse#ve! to be un!e# the influence of
intoCicatin$ o!o#.(
Then, the" f#is>e! hi& to (ve#if" the fi#ea#& an! its suppo#tin$ !ocu&ents.(
Pa'uito then p#esente! his 2i#ea#& =icense
a#! an! a Pe#&it to a##" 2i#ea#& Outsi!e Resi!ence ,PT2OR-.
The#eafte#, the" spotte! t%o pe#sons %al>in$ to%a#!s the&, %obblin$ an! visibl" !#un>. The" fu#the# notice! that one of the&, A$uillon, %as
openl" ca##"in$ a #ifle, an! that its ba##el touche! the conc#ete #oa! at ti&es.
Petitione# an! He#&oso !isa#&e! A$uillon. The #ifle %as a
alibe# 1.1. M9. #ifle %ith Se#ial Nu&be# 9?9@.1 an! %ith 0? live a&&unitions in its &a$a*ine.
Acco#!in$ to petitione# an! He#&oso, althou$h A$uillon %as able to p#esent his 2i#ea#& =icense a#!, he %as not able to p#esent a PT2OR.
Petitione# a##este! Pa'uito, A$uillon an! his co&panion Al!an Pa!illa, an! b#ou$ht the& to the A6u" Municipal Police Station.
Pa'uito %as #elease! on the sa&e ni$ht, because he %as !ee&e! to have been able to co&pl" %ith the #e'ui#e&ents to possess an! ca##"
The#eafte#, A$uillon %as !etaine! at the police station, but %as #elease! f#o& custo!" the neCt !a", : Au$ust 0??+, afte# he poste!
a cash bon! in the a&ount of P +?,???. The p#esent Petition !oes not state un!e# %hat ci#cu&stances o# %hen Pa!illa %as #elease!.
On 90 Au$ust 0??+, petitione# an! He#&oso eCecute! a 8oint Affi!avit
alle$in$ the fo#e$oin$ facts in suppo#t of the filin$ of a case fo# ille$al
possession of fi#ea#& a$ainst A$uillon. Petitione# also en!o#se! the filin$ of a o&plaint a$ainst A$uillon th#ou$h a lette#
sent to the
P#ovincial P#osecuto# on 90 Au$ust 0??+.
2o# his pa#t, A$uillon eCecute! an Affi!avit s%ea#in$ that petitione# ha! unla%full" a##este! an! !etaine! hi& fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&,
even thou$h the fo#&e# ha! eve#" #i$ht to ca##" the #ifle as evi!ence! b" the license he ha! su##en!e#e! to petitione#. A$uillon fu#the# clai&s
that he %as !ul" autho#i*e! b" la% to ca##" his fi#ea#& %ithin his ba#an$a".
Acco#!in$ to petitione#, he neve# #eceive! a cop" of the ounte#)Affi!avit A$uillon ha! file! an! %as thus unable to $ive the necessa#" #epl".
In a Resolution
!ate! 9? Septe&be# 0??+, the Office of the P#ovincial P#osecuto# of Iloilo it" #eco&&en!e! the !is&issal of the case fo#
insufficienc" of evi!ence. Assistant P#ovincial P#osecuto# Ro!#i$o P. a&acho ,Asst. P#osecuto#- foun! that the#e %as no sufficient $#oun! to
en$en!e# a %ell)foun!e! belief that A$uillon %as p#obabl" $uilt" of the offense cha#$e!. The Asst. P#osecuto# also #eco&&en!e! that the #ifle,
%hich %as then un!e# the custo!" of the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#", be #etu#ne! to A$uillon. Petitione# clai&s that he neve# #eceive! a cop" of
this Resolution.
The#eafte#, P#ovincial P#osecuto# 5e#nabe D. Dusaban ,P#ovincial P#osectuo# Dusaban- fo#%a#!e! to the Office of the Deput" O&bu!s&an
the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ Resolution #eco&&en!in$ the app#oval the#eof.
In a Resolution
!ate! 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??;, the Office of the O&bu!s&an, th#ou$h Ove#all Deput" O&bu!s&an O#lan!o . asi&i#o ,Deput"
O&bu!s&an asi&i#o-, app#ove! the #eco&&en!ation of P#ovincial P#osectuo# Dusaban to !is&iss the case. It #ule! that the evi!ence on
#eco#! p#ove! that A$uillon !i! not co&&it the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#& since he has a license fo# his #ifle. Petitione# clai&s that
he neve# #eceive! a cop" of this Resolution eithe#.
On 9@ Ap#il 0??;, P#ovincial P#osectuo# Dusaban #eceive! a lette# f#o& petitione# #e'uestin$ a cop" of the follo%in$ !ocu&entsE
9. op" of the Refe##al lette# an! the #esolution if the#e is an" %hich %as the sub6ect of the sai! #efe##al to the Office of the
O&bu!s&an, Iloilo it"F an!
0. op" of the counte# affi!avit of #espon!ent, E!ito A$uillon an!Jo# his %itnesses consi!e#in$ that I %as not fu#nishe! a cop" of the
plea!in$s file! b" sai! #espon!ent.
On 00 8une 0??;, petitione# file! a Motion fo# Reconsi!e#ation ,MR-
of the 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??; Resolution, but it %as !enie! th#ou$h an O#!e#
!ate! 0@ 8ul" 0??;.
Thus, on + Dece&be# 0??;, he file! the p#esent Petition fo# e#tio#a#i
via Rule .1 of the Rules of ou#t.
Acco#!in$ to petitione#, he %as !enie! his #i$ht to !ue p#ocess %hen he %as not $iven a cop" of A$uillonBs ounte#)affi!avit, the Asst.
P#osecuto#Bs 9? Septe&be# 0??+ Resolution, an! the 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??; Resolution of the Office of the O&bu!s&an. Petitione# also a#$ues
that public #espon!entsB act of !is&issin$ the c#i&inal o&plaint a$ainst A$uillon, base! solel" on insufficienc" of evi!ence, %as cont#a#" to
the p#ovisions of P.D. 9+.. an! its I&ple&entin$ Rules an! Re$ulations ,IRR-.
He thus clai&s that the assaile! Resolutions %e#e issue!
(cont#a#" to la%, an!Jo# 6u#isp#u!ence an! %ith $#ave abuse of !isc#etion a&ountin$ to lac> o# eCcess of 6u#is!iction.(
The p#esent Petition contains the follo%in$ p#a"e#E
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e! petitione# &ost #espectfull" p#a"sE
9. That this Petition fo# e#tio#a#i be $iven !ue cou#seF
0. That a Decision be #en!e#e! $#antin$ the petition b" issuin$ the follo%in$E
a. H#it of e#tio#a#i nullif"in$ an! settin$ asi!e the O#!e# !ate! 8ul" 0@, 0??; an! !ate! 2eb#ua#" 9:, 0??; both of the
Office of the O&bu!s&an in OM5 V)?+)?/?.)8 an! the Resolution !ate! Septe&be# 9?, 0??+ of the Office of the
P#ovincial P#osecuto# of Iloilo in I.S. No. 0??+)90+9 ,AnneCes A, an! D, #espectivel"-F
b. To #eve#se an! set asi!e sai! O#!e#s an! Resolution ,AnneCes A, an! D, #espectivel"- fin!in$ PRO5A5=E AASE
of the c#i&e of Violation of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.. as a&en!e! b" R.A. +0;/ an! othe# applicable la%s an! to
!i#ect the i&&e!iate filin$ of the info#&ation in ou#t a$ainst p#ivate #espon!ent EDITO A7AI==ON.
Such othe# #elief 6ust an! e'uitable a#e li>e%ise p#a"e! fo#.
,E&phasis in the o#i$inal.-
In his o&&ent,
A$uillon sub&its that the p#esent Petition shoul! not be $iven !ue cou#se base! on the follo%in$ $#oun!sE
a. The Deput" O&bu!s&an foun! that the#e %as no sufficient evi!ence to %a##ant the p#osecution fo# violation of P.D. No. 9+.. as
b. The p#esent Petition is (f#ivolous an! &anifestl" p#osecute! fo# !ela"F(
c. The alle$ations #aise! a#e too unsubstantial to &e#it consi!e#ation, because (Petitione# faile! to specificall" alle$e the &anne# in
%hich the alle$e! 7#ave Abuse %as co&&itte! b" Respon!ent Deput" O&bu!s&anF(
!. The Deput" O&bu!s&anBs fin!in$s a#e suppo#te! b" substantial evi!ence.
Petitione# clai&s that P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban shoul! have $iven hi& a cop" of A$uillonBs ounte#)affi!avit. In suppo#t of this clai&,
petitione# cites Section @,c-, Rule 990 of the Revise! Rules on #i&inal P#oce!u#e, %hich #ea!sE
,c- Hithin ten ,9?- !a"s f#o& #eceipt of the subpoena %ith the co&plaint an! suppo#tin$ affi!avits an! !ocu&ents, the #espon!ent shall sub&it
his counte#)affi!avit an! that of his %itnesses an! othe# suppo#tin$ !ocu&ents #elie! upon fo# his !efense. The counte#)affi!avits shall be
subsc#ibe! an! s%o#n to an! ce#tifie! as p#ovi!e! in pa#a$#aph ,a- of this section, %ith copies the#eof fu#nishe! b" hi& to the co&plainant.
The #espon!ent shall not be allo%e! to file a &otion to !is&iss in lieu of a counte#)affi!avit.
Petitione# faults the Asst. P#osecuto# an! the Office of the O&bu!s&an fo# suppose!l" co&&ittin$ $#ave abuse of !isc#etion %hen the" faile!
to sen! hi& a cop" of the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ an! 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??; Resolutions.
A pe#usal of the #eco#!s #eveal that in both the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ an! 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??; Resolutions, the PNP #i&e =abo#ato#" an!
petitione# %e#e inclu!e! in the list of those %ho %e#e fu#nishe! copies of the fo#e$oin$ Resolutions.
Even thou$h his na&e %as liste! in the
(cop" fu#nishe!( section, petitione# neve# si$ne! to si$nif" #eceipt the#eof. Thus, none of he#ein #espon!ents #aise this fact as a !efense. In
fact, the" !o not even !en" the alle$ation of petitione# that he neve# #eceive! a cop" of these !ocu&ents.
A$uillon !oes not !en" that he neve# sent a cop" of his counte#)affi!avit to petitione#. 2o# his pa#t, P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban eCplaine! in
his o&&ent,
that he %as not able to $ive petitione# a cop" of A$uillonBs ounte#)affi!avit an! the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ Resolution, because
(%hen petitione# %as as>in$ fo# the&, the #eco#! of the case, inclu!in$ the sub6ect Resolution, %as sent to the Office of the O&bu!s&an fo#
the #e'ui#e! app#oval.(
As fu#the# p#oof that petitione# %as not sent a cop" of the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ Resolution, it can be seen f#o& the !ocu&ent itself that one
Att". 8ehiel osa si$ne! in a (ca#e of( capacit" to si$nif" his #eceipt the#eof on behalf of petitione#, onl" on 0@ 8une 0??; o# afte# the latte#Bs 90
Ap#il 0??; lette#)#e'uest to P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban.
Neve#theless, the p#ovincial p#osecuto# is of the opinion that petitione# %as neve# !ep#ive! of his !ue p#ocess #i$hts, to %itE
+. Even $#antin$ that p#ivate #espon!ent E!ito A$uillion faile! to fu#nish the petitione# %ith a cop" of his counte#)affi!avit as #e'ui#e! of hi& b"
the Rules, petitione# %as neve# !ep#ive! of an"thin$. As aptl" sai! b" the Office of the Ove#all Deput" O&bu!s&an in its O#!e# !ate! 0@ 8ul"
0??;, (o&plainant a!!e! that he %as neve# fu#nishe! copies of the ounte#)Affi!avit of #espon!ent no# of the Resolution of the Office of the
P#ovincial Posecuto#, Iloilo it".(
(Anent the clai& of the co&plainant that he %as not fu#nishe! %ith a cop" of the Resolution !ate! 9? Septe&be# 0??+ of the Office of the
P#ovincial P#osecuto#, Iloilo it", sai! Resolution !i! not attain finalit" until app#ove! b" the Office of the O&bu!s&an. Neve#theless,
co&plainant %as not !ep#ive! of !ue p#ocess, he can still avail to file a Motion fo# Reconsi!e#ation, %hich he !i!, to #efute #espon!entBs
He a$#ee.
Petitione# insists that Section @,c-, Rule 990 of the Revise! Rules on #i&inal P#oce!u#e, %as c#eate! (in o#!e# not to !ep#ive pa#t" liti$ants of
thei# basic constitutional #i$ht to be info#&e! of the natu#e an! cause of accusation a$ainst the&.(
Deput" O&bu!s&an asi&i#o cont#a!icts the clai& of petitione# an! a#$ues that the latte# %as not !ep#ive! of !ue p#ocess, 6ust because he
%as not able to file his Repl" to the ounte#)affi!avit. The constitutional #i$ht to !ue p#ocess acco#!in$ to the Deput" O&bu!s&an, is
$ua#antee! to the accuse!, an! not to the co&plainant.
A#ticle III, Section 9/ of the 9;+: onstitution, &an!ates that no pe#son shall be hel! liable fo# a c#i&inal offense %ithout !ue p#ocess of la%. It
fu#the# p#ovi!es that in all c#i&inal p#osecutions, the accuse! shall be info#&e! of the natu#e an! cause of the accusation a$ainst hi&.
This is
a #i$ht that cannot be invo>e! b" petitione#, because he is not the accuse! in this case.
The la% is vi$ilant in p#otectin$ the #i$hts of an accuse!. 3et, not%ithstan!in$ the p#i&ac" put on the #i$hts of an accuse! in a c#i&inal case,
even the" cannot clai& unb#i!le! #i$hts in P#eli&ina#" Investi$ations. In =o*a!a v. He#nan!e*,
%e eCplaine! the natu#e of a P#eli&ina#"
Investi$ation in #elation to the #i$hts of an accuse!, to %itE
It has been sai! ti&e an! a$ain that a p#eli&ina#" investi$ation is not p#ope#l" a t#ial o# an" pa#t the#eof but is &e#el" p#epa#ato#" the#eto, its
onl" pu#pose bein$ to !ete#&ine %hethe# a c#i&e has been co&&itte! an! %hethe# the#e is p#obable cause to believe the accuse! $uilt"
the#eof. ,A.S. vs. 3u Tuico, @/ Phil. 0?;F People vs. 5a!illa, /+ Phil. :9.-. The #i$ht to such investi$ation is not a fun!a&ental #i$ht $ua#antee!
b" the constitution. At &ost, it is statuto#". ,II Mo#an, Rules of ou#t, 9;10 e!., p. .:@-. An! #i$hts confe##e! upon accuse! pe#sons to
pa#ticipate in p#eli&ina#" investi$ations conce#nin$ the&selves !epen! upon the p#ovisions of la% b" %hich such #i$hts a#e specificall"
secu#e!, #athe# than upon the ph#ase (!ue p#ocess of la%(. ,A.S. vs. 7#ant an! Nenne!", 9+ Phil., 900-.
It is the#efo#e clea# that because a p#eli&ina#" investi$ation is not a p#ope# t#ial, the #i$hts of pa#ties the#ein !epen! on the #i$hts $#ante! to
the& b" la% an! these cannot be base! on %hateve# #i$hts the" believe the" a#e entitle! to o# those that &a" be !e#ive! f#o& the ph#ase (!ue
p#ocess of la%.(
A co&plainant in a p#eli&ina#" investi$ation !oes not have a veste! #i$ht to file a Repl"Ythis #i$ht shoul! be $#ante! to hi& b" la%. The#e is
no p#ovision in Rule 990 of the Rules of ou#t that $ives the o&plainant o# #e'ui#es the p#osecuto# to obse#ve the #i$ht to file a Repl" to the
accuse!Bs counte#)affi!avit. To illust#ate the non)&an!ato#" natu#e of filin$ a Repl" in p#eli&ina#" investi$ations, Section @ ,!- of Rule 990
$ives the p#osecuto#, in ce#tain instances, the #i$ht to #esolve the o&plaint even %ithout a counte#)affi!avit, vi*E
,!- If the #espon!ent cannot be subpoenae!, of if subpoenae!, !oes not sub&it counte#)affi!avits %ithin the ten ,9?- !a" pe#io!, the
investi$atin$ office# shall #esolve the co&plaint base! on the evi!ence p#esente! b" the co&plainant.
P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban co##ectl" clai&s that it is !isc#etiona#" on his pa#t to #e'ui#e o# allo% the filin$ o# sub&ission of #epl")affi!avits.
2u#the#&o#e, %e a$#ee %ith P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban that the#e %as no nee! to sen! a cop" of the 9? Septe&be# 0??+ Resolution to
petitione#, since it !i! not attain finalit" until it %as app#ove! b" the Office of the O&bu!s&an. It &ust be note! that the #ules !o not state that
petitione#, as co&plainant, %as entitle! to a cop" of this #eco&&en!ation. The onl" obli$ation of the p#osecuto#, as !etaile! in Section / of
Rule 990, %as to fo#%a#! the #eco#! of the case to the p#ope# office# %ithin five !a"s f#o& the issuance of his Resolution, to %itE
SE. /. Resolution of investi$atin$ p#osecuto# an! its #evie%.YIf the investi$atin$ p#osecuto# fin!s cause to hol! the #espon!ent fo# t#ial, he
shall p#epa#e the #esolution an! info#&ation. He shall ce#tif" un!e# oath in the info#&ation that he, o# as sho%n b" the #eco#!, an autho#i*e!
office#, has pe#sonall" eCa&ine! the co&plainant an! his %itnessesF that the#e is #easonable $#oun! to believe that a c#i&e has been
co&&itte! an! that the accuse! is p#obabl" $uilt" the#eofF that the accuse! %as info#&e! of the co&plaint an! of the evi!ence sub&itte!
a$ainst hi&F an! that he %as $iven an oppo#tunit" to sub&it cont#ove#tin$ evi!ence. Othe#%ise, he shall #eco&&en! the !is&issal of the
Hithin five ,1- !a"s f#o& his #esolution, he shall fo#%a#! the #eco#! of the case to the p#ovincial o# cit" p#osecuto# o# chief state p#osecuto#, o#
to the O&bu!s&an o# his !eput" in cases of offenses co$ni*able b" the San!i$anba"an in the eCe#cise of its o#i$inal 6u#is!iction. The" shall
act on the #esolution %ithin ten ,9?- !a"s f#o& thei# #eceipt the#eof an! shall i&&e!iatel" info#& the pa#ties of such action.
No co&plaint o# info#&ation &a" be file! o# !is&isse! b" an investi$atin$ p#osecuto# %ithout the p#io# %#itten autho#it" o# app#oval of the
p#ovincial o# cit" p#osecuto# o# chief state p#osecuto# o# the O&bu!s&an o# his !eput".
Even thou$h petitione# %as in!ee! entitle! to #eceive a cop" of the ounte#)affi!avit file! b" A$uillon, %hateve# p#oce!u#al !efects this case
suffe#e! f#o& in its initial sta$es %e#e cu#e! %hen the fo#&e# file! an MR. In fact, all of the suppose! !efenses of petitione# in this case have
al#ea!" been #aise! in his MR an! a!e'uatel" consi!e#e! an! acte! on b" the Office of the O&bu!s&an.
The essence of !ue p#ocess is si&pl" an oppo#tunit" to be hea#!. (Hhat the la% p#ohibits is not the absence of p#evious notice but the
absolute absence the#eof an! lac> of oppo#tunit" to be hea#!.(
He have sai! that %he#e a pa#t" has been $iven a chance to be hea#! %ith
#espect to the latte#Bs &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation the#e is sufficient co&pliance %ith the #e'ui#e&ents of !ue p#ocess.
At this point, this ou#t fin!s it i&po#tant to st#ess that even thou$h the filin$ of the MR cu#e! %hateve# p#oce!u#al !efect &a" have been
p#esent in this case, this !oes not chan$e the fact that P#ovincial P#osecuto# Dusaban ha! the !ut" to sen! petitione# a cop" of A$uillonBs
ounte#)affi!avit. Section @,c-, Rule 990 of the Revise! Rules on #i&inal P#oce!u#e, $#ants a co&plainant this #i$ht, an! the P#ovincial
P#osecuto# has the !ut" to obse#ve the fun!a&ental an! essential #e'ui#e&ents of !ue p#ocess in the cases p#esente! befo#e it. That the
#e'ui#e&ents of !ue p#ocess a#e !ee&e! co&plie! %ith in the p#esent case because of the filin$ of an MR b" o&plainant %as si&pl" a
fo#tunate tu#n of events fo# the Office of the P#ovincial P#osecuto#.
It is sub&itte! b" petitione# that in !is&issin$ A$uillonBs o&plaint, public #espon!ents co&&itte! $#ave abuse of !isc#etion b" failin$ to
consi!e# Me&o#an!u& i#cula# No. 0???)?9., %hich %as suppose!l" the IRR issue! b" the PNP fo# P.D. 9+...
Petitione# fails to pe#sua!e this ou#t.
The o#i$inal IRR
of P.D. 9+.. %as issue! b" then =ieutenant 7ene#al of the A#&e! 2o#ces of the Philippines ,A2P- 2i!el V. Ra&os on 0+
Octobe# 9;+@. The IRR p#ovi!es that, eCcept %hen specificall" autho#i*e! b" the hief of onstabula#", la%ful hol!e#s of fi#ea#&s a#e
p#ohibite! f#o& ca##"in$ the& outsi!e thei# #esi!ences, to %itE
SETION @. Autho#it" of P#ivate In!ivi!uals to a##" 2i#ea#&s Outsi!e of Resi!ence. Y
a. As a #ule, pe#sons %ho a#e la%ful hol!e#s of fi#ea#&s ,#e$ula# license, special pe#&it, ce#tificate of #e$ist#ation o# MJR- a#e
p#ohibite! f#o& ca##"in$ thei# fi#ea#&s outsi!e of #esi!ence.
b. Ho%eve#, the hief of onstabula#" &a", in &e#ito#ious cases as !ete#&ine! b" hi& an! un!e# such con!itions as he &a"
i&pose, autho#i*e such pe#son o# pe#sons to ca##" fi#ea#& outsi!e of #esi!ence.
c. ECcept as othe#%ise p#ovi!e! in Secs. / an! 1 he#eof, the ca##"in$ of fi#ea#& outsi!e of #esi!ence o# official station in pu#suance
of an official &ission o# !ut" shall have the p#io# app#oval of the hief of onstabula#".
5" vi#tue of R.A. .;:1,
the PNP abso#be! the Philippine onstabula#". onse'uentl", the PNP hief succee!e! the hief of the
onstabula#" an!, the#efo#e, assu&e! the latte#Bs licensin$ autho#it".
On @9 8anua#" 0??@, PNP hief He#&o$enes Eb!ane issue! 7ui!elines in the I&ple&entation of the 5an on the a##"in$ of 2i#ea#&s
Outsi!e of Resi!ence ,7ui!elines-. In these 7ui!elines, the PNP hief #evo>e! all PT2OR p#eviousl" issue!, the#eb" p#ohibitin$ hol!e#s of
license! fi#ea#&s f#o& ca##"in$ these outsi!e thei# #esi!ences, to %itE
/. Specific Inst#uctions on the 5an on the a##"in$ of 2i#ea#&sE
a. All PT2OR a#e he#eb" #evo>e!. Autho#i*e! hol!e#s of license! fi#ea#&s cove#e! %ith vali! PT2OR &a" #e)appl" fo# a ne%
PT2OR in acco#!ance %ith the con!itions he#einafte# p#esc#ibe!.
b. All hol!e#s of license! o# $ove#n&ent fi#ea#&s a#e he#eb" p#ohibite! f#o& ca##"in$ thei# fi#ea#&s outsi!e thei# #esi!ence eCcept
those cove#e! %ith &issionJlette# o#!e#s an! !ut" !etail o#!e#s issue! b" co&petent autho#it" pu#suant to Section 1, IRR, PD 9+..,
p#ovi!e!, that the sai! eCception shall pe#tain onl" to o#$anic an! #e$ula# e&plo"ees.
Section / of the IRR lists the follo%in$ pe#sons as those autho#i*e! to ca##" thei# !ut")issue! fi#ea#&s outsi!e thei# #esi!ences, even %ithout a
PT2OR, %heneve# the" a#e on !ut"E
SETION /. Autho#it" of Pe#sonnel of e#tain ivilian 7ove#n&ent Entities an! 7ua#!s of P#ivate Secu#it" A$encies, o&pan" 7ua#! 2o#ces
an! 7ove#n&ent 7ua#! 2o#ces to a##" 2i#ea#&s. Y The pe#sonnel of the follo%in$ civilian a$encies co&&an!in$ $ua#!s of p#ivate secu#it"
a$encies, co&pan" $ua#! fo#ces an! $ove#n&ent $ua#! fo#ces a#e autho#i*e! to ca##" thei# !ut" issue! fi#ea#&s %heneve# the" a#e on !ut"
!etail sub6ect to the specific $ui!elines p#ovi!e! in Sec. . he#eofE
a. 7ua#!s of the National 5u#eau of P#isons, P#ovincial an! it" 8ailsF
b. Me&be#s of the 5u#eau of usto&s Police, Philippine Po#ts Autho#it" Secu#it" 2o#ce, an! ECpo#t P#ocessin$ Oones Autho#it"
Police 2o#ceF an! C
c. 7ua#!s of p#ivate secu#it" a$encies, co&pan" $ua#! fo#ces, an! $ove#n&ent $ua#! fo#ces.
Section 1 of the $ui!elines, on the othe# han!, enu&e#ates pe#sons %ho have the autho#it" to ca##" fi#ea#&s outsi!e thei# #esi!ences, vi*E
1. The follo%in$ pe#sons &a" be autho#i*e! to ca##" fi#ea#&s outsi!e of #esi!ence.
a. All pe#sons %hose application fo# a ne% PT2OR has been app#ove!, p#ovi!e!, that the pe#sons an! secu#it" of those so
autho#i*e! a#e un!e# actual th#eat, o# b" the natu#e of thei# position, occupation an! p#ofession a#e un!e# i&&inent !an$e#.
b. All o#$anic an! #e$ula# e&plo"ees %ith MissionJ=ette# O#!e#s $#ante! b" thei# #espective a$encies so autho#i*e! pu#suant to
Section 1, IRR, PD 9+.., p#ovi!e!, that such MissionJ=ette# O#!e#s is vali! onl" fo# the !u#ation of the official &ission %hich in no
case shall be &o#e than ten ,9?- !a"s.
c. All $ua#!s cove#e! %ith Dut" Detail O#!e#s $#ante! b" thei# #espective secu#it" a$encies so autho#i*e! pu#suant to Section /,
IRR, PD 9+.., p#ovi!e!, that such DDO shall in no case eCcee! 0/)hou# !u#ation.
!. Me&be#s of !ul" #eco$ni*e! 7un lubs issue! Pe#&it to T#anspo#t ,PTT- b" the PNP fo# pu#poses of p#actice an! co&petition,
p#ovi!e!, that such fi#ea#&s %hile in t#ansit &ust not be loa!e! %ith a&&unition an! secu#e! in an app#op#iate boC o# case
!etache! f#o& the pe#son.
e. Autho#i*e! &e&be#s of the Diplo&atic o#ps.
It is t#ue the#efo#e, that, as petitione# clai&s, a ba#an$a" captain is not one of those autho#i*e! to ca##" fi#ea#&s outsi!e thei# #esi!ences
unless a#&e! %ith the app#op#iate PT2OR un!e# the 7ui!elines.
Ho%eve#, %e fin! &e#it in #espon!entsB contention that the autho#it" of A$uillon to ca##" his fi#ea#& outsi!e his #esi!ence %as not base! on the
IRR o# the $ui!elines of P.D. 9+.. but, #athe#, %as #oote! in the autho#it" $iven to hi& b" =ocal 7ove#n&ent o!e ,=7-.
In People v. Monton,
the house of Ma#iano MontonYthe 5a##io aptain of 5acao, 7ene#al T#ias, aviteY%as #ai!e!, an! an auto&atic
ca#bine %ith one lon$ &a$a*ine containin$ seve#al #oun!s of a&&unition %as foun! hi!!en un!e# a pillo% cove#e! %ith a &at. He %as
cha#$e! %ith the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, but this ou#t ac'uitte! hi& on the basis of Section ++,@- of 5atas Pa&bansa 5ilan$
@@:,5.P. @@:-, the =7 of 9;+@, %hich #ea!sE
In the pe#fo#&ance of his peace an! o#!e# functions, the punon$ ba#an$a" shall be entitle! to possess an! ca##" the necessa#" fi#ea#&s %ithin
his te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction sub6ect to eCistin$ #ules an! #e$ulations on the possession an! ca##"in$ of fi#ea#&s.
Republic Act No. :9.?, the =7 of 9;;9, #epeale! 5.P. @@:. It #etaine! the fo#e$oin$ p#ovision as #eflecte! in its Section @+; ,b-, vi*E
HAPTER @ ) );. P1:$:2 "*#*:2*7
SE. @+;. -hief .%ecutive5 Powers, +uties, and =unctions.
,b- In the pe#fo#&ance of his peace an! o#!e# functions, the punon$ ba#an$a" shall be entitle! to possess an! ca##" the necessa#" fi#ea#&
%ithin his te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction, sub6ect to app#op#iate #ules an! #e$ulations.
P#ovincial P#osecuto# DusabanBs stan!point on this &atte# is co##ect. All the $ui!elines an! #ules cite! in the instant Petition (#efe#s to civilian
a$ents, p#ivate secu#it" $ua#!s, co&pan" $ua#! fo#ces an! $ove#n&ent $ua#! fo#ces.( These #ules an! $ui!elines shoul! not be applie! to
A$uillon, as he is neithe# an a$ent no# a $ua#!. As ba#an$a" captain, he is the hea! of a local $ove#n&ent unitF as such, his po%e#s an!
#esponsibilities a#e p#ope#l" outline! in the =7. This la% specificall" $ives hi&, b" vi#tue of his position, the autho#it" to ca##" the necessa#"
fi#ea#& %ithin his te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction. Petitione# !oes not !en" that %hen he foun! A$uillon (openl" ca##"in$ a #ifle,( the latte# %as %ithin his
te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction as the captain of the ba#an$a".
In the absence of a clea# sho%in$ of a#bit#a#iness, this ou#t %ill $ive c#e!ence to the fin!in$ an! !ete#&ination of p#obable cause b"
p#osecuto#s in a p#eli&ina#" investi$ation.
This ou#t has consistentl" a!opte! a polic" of non)inte#fe#ence in the eCe#cise of the O&bu!s&anDs investi$ato#" po%e#s.
It is incu&bent
upon petitione# to p#ove that such !isc#etion %as $#avel" abuse! in o#!e# to %a##ant this ou#tBs #eve#sal of the O&bu!s&anBs fin!in$s.
petitione# has faile! to !o.
The ou#t he#eb" #ules that #espon!ent Deput" O&bu!s&an asi&i#o !i! not co&&it $#ave abuse of !isc#etion in fin!in$ that the#e %as no
p#obable cause to hol! #espon!ent A$uillon fo# t#ial.
The Dissent conten!s that p#obable cause %as al#ea!" establishe! b" facts of this case, %hich sho% that A$uillon %as foun! ca##"in$ a
license! fi#ea#& outsi!e his #esi!ence %ithout a PT2OR. Thus, Deput" O&bu!s&an asi&i#o co&&itte! $#ave abuse of !isc#etion in
!is&issin$ the c#i&inal o&plaint. Ho%eve#, even thou$h A$uillon !i! not possess a PT2OR, he ha! the (le$al autho#it"( to ca##" his fi#ea#&
outsi!e his #esi!ence, as #e'ui#e! b" P.D. 9+.. as a&en!e! b" R.A. +0;/. This autho#it" %as $#ante! to hi& b" Section @+; ,b- of the =7 of
9;;9, %hich specificall" ca#ve! out an eCception to P.D. 9+...
2ollo%in$ the su$$estion of the Dissent, p#osecuto#s have the autho#it" to !is#e$a#! eCistin$ eCe&ptions, as lon$ as the #e'ui#e&ents of the
$ene#al #ule appl". This shoul! not be the case. Althou$h the Dissent co##ectl" !ecla#e! that the p#osecuto# cannot pe#e&pto#il" appl" a
statuto#" eCception %ithout %ei$hin$ it a$ainst the facts an! evi!ence befo#e hi&, %e fin! that the facts of the case p#ove that the#e is no
p#obable cause to cha#$e A$uillon %ith the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&.
In inte#p#etin$ Section @+; ,b- of the =7 of 9;;9, the Dissent foun! that the factual ci#cu&stances of the p#esent case sho% that the
con!itions set fo#th in the la% have not been &et. Thus, the eCe&ption shoul! not appl".
ont#a#" to the alle$ation of the !issent, the#e is no 'uestion as to the fact that A$uillon %as %ithin his te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction %hen he %as foun!
in possession of his #ifle.
The autho#it" of punon$ ba#an$a"s to possess the necessa#" fi#ea#& %ithin thei# te##ito#ial 6u#is!iction is necessa#" to enfo#ce thei# !ut" to
&aintain peace an! o#!e# %ithin the ba#an$a"s. O%in$ to the si&ila# functions, that is, to >eep peace an! o#!e#, this ou#t !ee&s that, li>e
police office#s, punon$ ba#an$a"s have a !ut" as a peace office# that &ust be !ischa#$e! 0/ hou#s a !a". As a peace office#, a ba#an$a"
captain &a" be calle! b" his constituents, at an" ti&e, to assist in &aintainin$ the peace an! secu#it" of his ba#an$a".
As lon$ as A$uillon is
%ithin his ba#an$a", he cannot be sepa#ate! f#o& his !ut" as a punon$ ba#an$a"Yto &aintain peace an! o#!e#.
As to the last ph#ase in Section @+; ,b- of the =7 of 9;;9, statin$ that the eCception it ca#ve! out is sub6ect to (app#op#iate #ules an!
#e$ulations,( suffice it to sa" that althou$h P.D. 9+.. %as not #epeale!, it %as &o!ifie! b" the =7 b" specificall" a!!in$ to the eCceptions
foun! in the fo#&e#. Even the IRR of P.D. 9+.. %as &o!ifie! b" Section @+; ,b- of the =7 as the latte# p#ovision al#ea!" eCiste! %hen
on$#ess enacte! the =7. Thus, Section @+; ,b- of the =7 of 9;;9 a!!e! to the list foun! in Section @ of the IRR of P.D. 9+.., %hich
enu&e#ate! the pe#sons $iven the autho#it" to ca##" fi#ea#&s outsi!e of #esi!ence %ithout an issue! pe#&it. The ph#ase (sub6ect to app#op#iate
#ules an! #e$ulations( foun! in the =7 #efe#s to those foun! in the IRR of the =7 itself o# a late# IRR of P.D. 9+.. an! not those that it has
al#ea!" a&en!e!.
In!ee!, petitione#Bs &e#e alle$ation !oes not establish the fact that A$uillon %as !#un> at the ti&e of his a##est.1wphi1This ou#t, ho%eve#, is
ala#&e! at the i!ea that $ove#n&ent officials, %ho a#e not onl" pa#ticula#l" cha#$e! %ith the #esponsibilit" to &aintain peace an! o#!e# %ithin
thei# ba#an$a"s but a#e also $iven the autho#it" to ca##" an" fo#& of fi#ea#& necessa#" to pe#fo#& thei# !ut", coul! be the ve#" sa&e pe#son
%ho %oul! put thei# ba#an$a"s in !an$e# b" ca#elessl" ca##"in$ hi$h)po%e#e! fi#ea#&s especiall" %hen the" a#e not in full cont#ol of thei#
Hhile this ou#t !oes not con!one the acts of A$uillon, it cannot o#!e# the p#osecuto# to file a case a$ainst hi& since the#e is no la% that
penali*es a local chief eCecutive fo# i&bibin$ li'uo# %hile ca##"in$ his fi#ea#&. Neithe# is the#e an" la% that #est#icts the >in! of fi#ea#&s that
punon$ ba#an$a"s &a" ca##" in the pe#fo#&ance of thei# peace an! o#!e# functions. Anfo#tunatel", it also appea#s that the te#& (peace an!
o#!e# function( has not been a!e'uatel" !efine! b" la% o# app#op#iate #e$ulations.
HHERE2ORE, %e DISMISS the Petition. He A22IRM the Resolution of the Office of the P#ovincial P#osecuto# !ate! 9? Septe&be# 0??+, as
%ell as the Resolution an! the O#!e# of the Office of the O&bu!s&an !ate! 9: 2eb#ua#" 0??; an! 0@ 8ul" 0??;, #espectivel".
=et a cop" of this Decision be se#ve! on the P#esi!ent of the Senate an! the Spea>e# of the House of Rep#esentatives fo# %hateve#
app#op#iate action the" &a" !ee& %a##ante! b" the state&ents in this Decision #e$a#!in$ the a!e'uac" of la%s $ove#nin$ the ca##"in$ of
fi#ea#&s b" local chief eCecutives.
No costs.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Secon! Division
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution an! the Division hai#pe#sonBs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 190889 January 10, 2011
ELENT# C. F#J#R%O, Petitione#,
N#CHUR#, J.:
At ba# is a Petition fo# Revie% on e#tio#a#i un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t, see>in$ the #eve#sal of the 2eb#ua#" 9?, 0??; Decision
of the
ou#t of Appeals ,A-, %hich affi#&e! %ith &o!ification the Au$ust 0;, 0??. !ecision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT-, 5#anch 1, Nalibo,
A>lan, fin!in$ petitione# $uilt" of violatin$ P#esi!ential Dec#ee ,P.D.- No. 9+.., as a&en!e!.
The factsE
Petitione#, Elenita 2a6a#!o, an! one Oal!" Vale#io ,Vale#io- %e#e cha#$e! %ith violation of P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e!, befo#e the RT,
5#anch 1, Nalibo, A>lan, co&&itte! as follo%sE
That on o# about the 0+th !a" of Au$ust, 0??0, in the &o#nin$, in 5a#an$a" An!a$ao, Municipalit" of Nalibo, P#ovince of A>lan, Republic of the
Philippines, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ an! &utuall" helpin$ one
anothe#, %ithout autho#it" of la%, pe#&it o# license, !i! then an! the#e, >no%in$l", %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession,
custo!" an! cont#ol t%o ,0- #eceive#s of calibe# ./1 pistol, LMMo!el LNo.M M9;99A9 AS %ith SN :.@?01 an! Mo!el LNo.M M9;99A9 AS %ith
!eface! se#ial nu&be#, t%o ,0- pieces sho#t &a$a*ine of M9. A#&alite #ifle, thi#t")five ,@1- pieces live M9. a&&unition 1.1. calibe# an!
fou#teen ,9/- pieces live calibe# ./1 a&&unition, %hich ite&s %e#e confiscate! an! #ecove#e! f#o& thei# possession !u#in$ a sea#ch
con!ucte! b" &e&be#s of the P#ovincial Intelli$ence Special Ope#ation 7#oup, A>lan Police P#ovincial Office, Nalibo, A>lan, b" vi#tue of
Sea#ch Ha##ant No. ?9 ,;- ?@ issue! b" OI ECecutive 8u!$e Dean Telan of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of A>lan.
Hhen a##ai$ne! on Ma#ch 01, 0??/, both plea!e! not $uilt" to the offense cha#$e!.
Du#in$ p#e)t#ial, the" a$#ee! to the follo%in$ stipulation of
9. The sea#ch %a##ant sub6ect of this case eCistsF
0. Accuse! Elenita 2a6a#!o is the sa&e pe#son sub6ect of the sea#ch %a##ant in this case %ho is a #esi!ent of Sa&pa$uita Roa!,
Pa#> Ho&es, An!a$ao, Nalibo, A>lanF
@. Accuse! Oal!" Vale#io %as in the house of Elenita 2a6a#!o in the evenin$ of Au$ust 0:, 0??0 but !oes not live the#einF
/. 5oth accuse! %e#e not !ul" license! fi#ea#& hol!e#sF
1. The sea#ch %a##ant %as se#ve! in the house of accuse! Elenita 2a6a#!o in the &o#nin$ of Au$ust 0+, 0??0F an!
.. The accuse! Elenita 2a6a#!o an! Vale#io %e#e not a##este! i&&e!iatel" upon the a##ival of the &ilita#" pe#sonnel !espite the fact
that the latte# alle$e!l" sa% the& in possession of a fi#ea#& in the evenin$ of Au$ust 0:, 0??0.
As culle! f#o& the si&ila# factual fin!in$s of the RT an! the A,
these a#e the chain of events that le! to the filin$ of the info#&ationE
In the evenin$ of Au$ust 0:, 0??0, &e&be#s of the P#ovincial Intelli$ence Special Ope#ations 7#oup ,PISO7- %e#e inst#ucte! b" P#ovincial
Di#ecto# Police Supe#inten!ent E!$a#!o Men!o*a ,PJSupt. Men!o*a- to #espon! to the co&plaint of conce#ne! citi*ens #esi!in$ on Ilan$)Ilan$
an! Sa&pa$uita Roa!s, Pa#> Ho&es III Sub!ivision, 5a#an$a" An!a$ao, Nalibo, A>lan, that a#&e! &en !#in>in$ li'uo# at the #esi!ence of
petitione# %e#e in!isc#i&inatel" fi#in$ $uns.
Alon$ %ith the &e&be#s of the A>lan Police P#ovincial Office, the ele&ents of the PISO7 p#ocee!e! to the a#ea. Apon a##ival the#eat, the"
notice! that seve#al pe#sons sca&pe#e! an! #an in !iffe#ent !i#ections. The #espon!in$ tea& sa% Vale#io hol!in$ t%o ./1 calibe# pistols. He
fi#e! shots at the police&en befo#e ente#in$ the house of petitione#.
Petitione# %as seen tuc>in$ a ./1 calibe# han!$un bet%een he# %aist an! the %aistban! of he# sho#ts, afte# %hich, she ente#e! the house an!
loc>e! the &ain !oo#.
To p#event an" violent co&&otion, the police&en !esiste! f#o& ente#in$ petitione#Bs house but, in o#!e# to !ete# Vale#io f#o& eva!in$
app#ehension, the" co#!one! the pe#i&ete# of the house as the" %aite! fo# fu#the# inst#uctions f#o& PJSupt. Men!o*a. A fe% &inutes late#,
petitione# %ent out of the house an! ne$otiate! fo# the pull)out of the police t#oops. No a$#ee&ent &ate#iali*e!.
At a#oun! 0E?? a.&. an! /E?? a.&. of Au$ust 0+, 0??0, Senio# Police Office# 0 le&encio Nava ,SPO0 Nava-, %ho %as poste! at the bac>
po#tion of the house, sa% Vale#io e&e#$e t%ice on top of the house an! th#o% so&ethin$. The !isca#!e! ob6ects lan!e! nea# the %all of
petitione#Bs house an! insi!e the co&poun! of a nei$hbo#in$ #esi!ence. SPO0 Nava, to$ethe# %ith SPO9 Teo!o#o Ne#on an! 8e#o&e T. Ve$a
,Ve$a-, #a!io announce#J#epo#te# of RMN D3NR, as %itness, #ecove#e! the !isca#!e! ob6ects, %hich tu#ne! out to be t%o ,0- #eceive#s of ./1
calibe# pistol, &o!el no. M9;99A9 AS, %ith se#ial nu&be# ,SN- :.@?01, an! &o!el no. M9;99A9 AS, %ith a !eface! se#ial nu&be#. The
#ecove#e! ite&s %e#e then su##en!e#e! to SPO9 Nathaniel A. Tan ,SPO9 Tan-, 7#oup Investi$ato#, %ho utili*e! the& in appl"in$ fo# an!
obtainin$ a sea#ch %a##ant.
The %a##ant %as se#ve! on petitione# at ;E@? a.&. To$ethe# %ith a ba#an$a" captain, ba#an$a" >a$a%a!, an! &e&be#s of the &e!ia, as
%itnesses, the police tea& p#ocee!e! to sea#ch petitione#Bs house. The tea& foun! an! %as able to confiscate the follo%in$E
9. T%o ,0- pieces of Sho#t Ma$a*ine of M9. A#&alite RifleF
0. Thi#t" five ,@1- pieces of live M9. a&&os 1.1. alibe#F an!
@. 2ou#teen ,9/- pieces of live a&&os of alibe# /1 pistol.
Since petitione# an! Vale#io faile! to p#esent an" !ocu&ents sho%in$ thei# autho#it" to possess the confiscate! fi#ea#&s an! the t%o
#ecove#e! #eceive#s, a c#i&inal info#&ation fo# violation of P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e! b" Republic Act ,R.A.- No. +0;/, %as file! a$ainst
2o# thei# eCone#ation, petitione# an! Vale#io a#$ue! that the issuance of the sea#ch %a##ant %as !efective because the alle$ation containe! in
the application file! an! si$ne! b" SPO9 Tan %as not base! on his pe#sonal >no%le!$e. The" 'uote! this pe#tinent po#tion of the applicationE
That this application %as foun!e! on confi!ential info#&ation #eceive! b" the P#ovincial Di#ecto#, Police Supt. E!$a#!o Men!o*a.
The" fu#the# asse#te! that the eCecution of the sea#ch %a##ant %as infi#& since petitione#, %ho %as insi!e the house at the ti&e of the sea#ch,
%as not as>e! to acco&pan" the police&en as the" eCplo#e! the place, but %as instea! o#!e#e! to #e&ain in the livin$ #oo& ,sala-.
Petitione# !iso%ne! the confiscate! ite&s. She #efuse! to si$n the invento#"J#eceipt p#epa#e! b" the #ai!in$ tea&, because the ite&s alle$e!l"
belon$e! to he# b#othe#, 5enito 2a6a#!o, a staff se#$eant of the Philippine A#&".
Petitione# !enie! that she ha! a ./1 calibe# pistol tuc>e! in he# %aistban! %hen the #ai!in$ tea& a##ive!. She ave##e! that such situation %as
i&plausible because she %as %ea#in$ $a#te#i*e! sho#ts an! a spa$hetti)st#appe! han$in$ blouse.
Rulin$ of the RT
The RT #e6ecte! the !efenses a!vance! b" accuse!, hol!in$ that the sa&e %e#e al#ea!" !enie! in the O#!e#s !ate! Dece&be# @9, 0??0
an! Ap#il 0?, 0??1, #espectivel" !en"in$ the Motion to Guash Sea#ch Ha##ant an! De&u##e# to Evi!ence. The sai! O#!e#s %e#e not appeale!
an! have thus attaine! finalit". The RT also #ule! that petitione# an! Vale#io %e#e estoppe! f#o& assailin$ the le$alit" of thei# a##est since
the" pa#ticipate! in the t#ial b" p#esentin$ evi!ence fo# thei# !efense. =i>e%ise, b" appl"in$ fo# bail, the" have effectivel" %aive! such
i##e$ula#ities an! !efects.
In fin!in$ the accuse! liable fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, the RT eCplaine!E
Oal!" Vale#io, the bo!"$ua#! of Elenita 2a6a#!o, is a fo#&e# sol!ie#, havin$ se#ve! %ith the Philippine A#&" p#io# to his sepa#ation f#o& his
se#vice fo# $oin$ on absence %ithout leave ,AHO=-. Hith his &ilita#" bac>$#oun!, it is safe to conclu!e that Oal!" Vale#io is fa&ilia# %ith an!
>no%le!$eable about !iffe#ent t"pes of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unitions. As a fo#&e# sol!ie#, un!oubte!l", he can asse&ble an! !isasse&ble
It &ust not be !e)e&phasi*eL!M that the #esi!ence of Elenita 2a6a#!o is !efinitel" not an a#&o#" o# a#senal %hich a#e the usual !eposito#ies fo#
fi#ea#&s, eCplosives an! a&&unition. 7#antin$ a#$uen!o that those fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition %e#e left behin! b" 5enito 2a6a#!o, a &e&be# of
the Philippine a#&", the fact #e&ains that it is a $ove#n&ent p#ope#t". If it is so, the #esi!ence of Elenita 2a6a#!o is not the p#ope# place to sto#e
those ite&s. The lo$ical eCplanation is that those ite&s a#e stolen p#ope#t".
The #ule is that o%ne#ship is not an essential ele&ent of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition. Hhat the la% #e'ui#es is &e#el"
possession %hich inclu!es not onl" actual ph"sical possession but also const#uctive possession o# the sub6ection of the thin$ to oneBs cont#ol
an! &ana$e&ent. This has to be so if the &anifest intent of the la% is to be effective. The sa&e evils, the sa&e pe#ils to public secu#it", %hich
the la% penali*es eCist %hethe# the unlicense! hol!e# of a p#ohibite! %eapon be its o%ne# o# a bo##o%e#. To acco&plish the ob6ect of this
la%L,M the p#op#ieta#" concept of the possession can have no bea#in$ %hatsoeve#.
C C C. LIMn o#!e# that one &a" be foun! $uilt" of a violation of the !ec#ee, it is sufficient that the accuse! ha! no autho#it" o# license to possess
a fi#ea#&, an! that he inten!e! to possess the sa&e, even if such possession %as &a!e in $oo! faith an! %ithout c#i&inal intent.
To convict an accuse! fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosive un!e# P.D. 9+.., as a&en!e!, t%o ,0- essential ele&ents &ust be
in!ubitabl" establishe!, vi*.E ,a- the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#& a&&unition o# eCplosive %hich &a" be p#ove! b" the p#esentation of the
sub6ect fi#ea#& o# eCplosive o# b" the testi&on" of %itnesses %ho sa% accuse! in possession of the sa&e, an! ,b- the ne$ative fact that the
accuse! has no license o# pe#&it to o%n o# possess the fi#ea#&, a&&unition o# eCplosive %hich fact &a" be establishe! b" the testi&on" o#
ce#tification of a #ep#esentative of the PNP 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Anit that the accuse! has no license o# pe#&it to possess the sub6ect
fi#ea#& o# eCplosive ,EChibit 7-.
The 6u!icial a!&ission of the accuse! that the" !o not have pe#&it o# license on the t%o ,0- #eceive#s of calibe# ./1 pistol, &o!el M9;99A9 AS
%ith SN :.@?01 an! &o!el M9;99A9 of M9. A#&alite #ifle, thi#t")five ,@1- pieces live M9. a&&unition, 1.1. calibe# an! fou#teen ,9/- pieces
live calibe# ./1 a&&unition confiscate! an! #ecove#e! f#o& thei# possession !u#in$ the sea#ch con!ucte! b" &e&be#s of the PISO7, A>lan
Police P#ovincial Office b" vi#tue of Sea#ch Ha##ant No. ?9 ,;- ?@ fall un!e# Section / of Rule 90; of the Revise! Rules of ou#t.
onse'uentl", petitione# an! Vale#io %e#e convicte! of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives, punishable un!e# pa#a$#aph 0, Section 9
of P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e! b" R.A. No. +0;/, %hich p#ovi!esE
The penalt" of p#ision &a"o# in its &ini&u& pe#io! an! a fine of Thi#t" thousan! pesos ,P@?,???.??- shall be i&pose! if the fi#ea#& is
classifie! as hi$h po%e#e! fi#ea#& %hich inclu!es those %ith bo#es bi$$e# in !ia&ete# than .@+ calibe# an! ; &illi&ete# such as calibe# ./?, .
/9, .//, ./1 an! also lesse# calibe#e! fi#ea#&s but consi!e#e! po%e#ful such as calibe# .@1: an! calibe# .00 cente#)fi#e &a$nu& an! othe#
fi#ea#&s %ith fi#in$ capabilit" of full auto&atic an! b" bu#st of t%o o# th#eeE P#ovi!e!, ho%eve#, That no othe# c#i&e %as co&&itte! b" the
pe#son a##este!.
5oth %e#e sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of i&p#ison&ent of siC ,.- "ea#s an! one ,9- !a" to t%elve ,90- "ea#s of p#ision &a"o#, an! to pa" a
fine of P@?,???.??.
On Septe&be# 9, 0??., onl" petitione# file! a Motion fo# Reconsi!e#ation, %hich %as !enie! in an O#!e# !ate! Octobe# 01, 0??.. Petitione#
then file! a Notice of Appeal %ith the A.
Rulin$ of the A
The A concu##e! %ith the factual fin!in$s of the RT, but !isa$#ee! %ith its conclusions of la%, an! hel! that the sea#ch %a##ant %as voi!
base! on the follo%in$ obse#vationsE
LAMt the ti&e of appl"in$ fo# a sea#ch %a##ant, SPO9 Nathaniel A. Tan !i! not have pe#sonal >no%le!$e of the fact that appellants ha! no
license to possess fi#ea#&s as #e'ui#e! b" la%. 2o# one, he faile! to &a>e a cate$o#ical state&ent on that point !u#in$ the application. Also, he
faile! to attach to the application a ce#tification to that effect f#o& the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives Office of the Philippine National Police. C C C,
this ce#tification is the best evi!ence obtainable to p#ove that appellant in!ee! has no license o# pe#&it to possess a fi#ea#&. The#e %as also
no eCplanation $iven %h" sai! ce#tification %as not p#esente!, o# even !ee&e! no lon$e# necessa#", !u#in$ the application fo# the %a##ant.
Such vital evi!ence %as si&pl" i$no#e!.
Resultantl", all fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives sei*e! insi!e petitione#Bs #esi!ence %e#e !ecla#e! ina!&issible in evi!ence. Ho%eve#, the 0 #eceive#s
#ecove#e! b" the police&en outsi!e the house of petitione# befo#e the %a##ant %as se#ve! %e#e a!&itte! as evi!ence, pu#suant to the plain
vie% !oct#ine.
Acco#!in$l", petitione# an! Vale#io %e#e convicte! of ille$al possession of a pa#t of a fi#ea#&, punishable un!e# pa#a$#aph 9, Section 9 of P.D.
No. 9+.., as a&en!e!. The" %e#e sentence! to an in!ete#&inate penalt" of th#ee ,@- "ea#s, siC ,.- &onths, an! t%ent")one ,09- !a"s to five
,1- "ea#s, fou# ,/- &onths, an! t%ent" ,0?- !a"s of p#ision co##eccional, an! o#!e#e! to pa" a P0?,???.?? fine.
Petitione# &ove! fo# #econsi!e#ation,
but the &otion %as !enie! in the A Resolution !ate! Dece&be# @, 0??;.
Hence, the p#esent
At the onset, it &ust be e&phasi*e! that the info#&ation file! a$ainst petitione# an! Vale#io cha#$e! !uplicitous offenses cont#a#" to Section
9@ of Rule 99? of the Rules of #i&inal P#oce!u#e, vi*.E
Sec. 9@. Duplicit" of offense. P A co&plaint o# info#&ation &ust cha#$e but one offense, eCcept onl" in those cases in %hich eCistin$ la%s
p#esc#ibe a sin$le punish&ent fo# va#ious offenses.
A #ea!in$ of the info#&ation clea#l" sho%s that possession of the enu&e#ate! a#ticles confiscate! f#o& Vale#io an! petitione# a#e punishable
un!e# sepa#ate p#ovisions of Section 9, P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e! b" R.A. No. +0;/.
Ille$al possession of t%o ,0- pieces of sho#t &a$a*ine
of M9. A#&alite #ifle, thi#t")five ,@1- pieces of live M9. a&&unition 1.1. calibe#, an! fou#teen ,9/- pieces of live calibe# ./1 a&&unition is
punishable un!e# pa#a$#aph 0 of the sai! section, vi*.E
The penalt" of p#ision &a"o# in its &ini&u& pe#io! an! a fine of Thi#t" thousan! pesos ,P@?,???.??- shall be i&pose! if the fi#ea#& is
classifie! as hi$h po%e#e! fi#ea#& %hich inclu!es those %ith bo#es bi$$e# in !ia&ete# than .@+ calibe# an! ; &illi&ete# such as calibe# ./?, /9,
.//, ./1 an! also lesse# calibe#e! fi#ea#&s but consi!e#e! po%e#ful such as calibe# .@1: an! calibe# .00 cente#)fi#e &a$nu& an! othe# fi#ea#&s
%ith fi#in$ capabilit" of full auto&atic an! b" bu#st of t%o o# th#eeE P#ovi!e!, ho%eve#, That no othe# c#i&e %as co&&itte! b" the pe#son
On the othe# han!, ille$al possession of the t%o ,0- #eceive#s of a ./1 calibe# pistol, &o!el no. M9;99A9 AS, %ith SN :.@?01, an! Mo!el
M9;99A9 AS, %ith a !eface! se#ial nu&be#, is penali*e! un!e# pa#a$#aph 9, %hich statesE
Sec. 9. Anla%ful &anufactu#e, sale, ac'uisition, !isposition o# possession of fi#ea#&s o# a&&unition o# inst#u&ents use! o# inten!e! to be
use! in the &anufactu#e of fi#ea#&s o# a&&unition. P The penalt" of p#ision co##eccional in its &aCi&u& pe#io! an! a fine of not less than
2ifteen thousan! pesos ,P91,???.??- shall be i&pose! upon an" pe#son %ho shall unla%full" &anufactu#e, !eal in, ac'ui#e, !ispose, o#
possess an" lo% po%e#e! fi#ea#&, such as #i&fi#e han!$un, .@+? o# .@0 an! othe# fi#ea#& of si&ila# fi#epo%e#, pa#t of fi#ea#&, a&&unition, o#
&achine#", tool o# inst#u&ent use! o# inten!e! to be use! in the &anufactu#e of an" fi#ea#& o# a&&unitionE P#ovi!e!, That no othe# c#i&e %as
This is the necessa#" conse'uence of the a&en!&ent int#o!uce! b" R.A. No. +0;/, %hich cate$o#i*e! the >in!s of fi#ea#&s p#osc#ibe! f#o&
bein$ possesse! %ithout a license, acco#!in$ to thei# fi#in$ po%e# an! calibe#. R.A. No. +0;/ li>e%ise &an!ate! !iffe#ent penalties fo# ille$al
possession of fi#ea#& acco#!in$ to the above classification, unli>e in the ol! P.D. No. 9+.. %hich set a stan!a#! penalt" fo# the ille$al
possession of an" >in! of fi#ea#&. Section 9 of the ol! la% #ea!sE
Section 9. Anla%ful Manufactu#e, Sale, Ac'uisition, Disposition o# Possession of 2i#ea#&s o# A&&unition o# Inst#u&ents Ase! o# Inten!e! to
be Ase! in the Manufactu#e of 2i#ea#&s of A&&unition. P The penalt" of #eclusion te&po#al in its &aCi&u& pe#io! to #eclusion pe#petua shall
be i&pose! upon an" pe#son %ho shall unla%full" &anufactu#e, !eal in, ac'ui#e !ispose, o# possess an" fi#ea#&s, pa#t of fi#ea#&, a&&unition,
o# &achine#", tool o# inst#u&ent use! o# inten!e! to be use! in the &anufactu#e of an" fi#ea#& o# a&&unition. ,E&phasis ou#s.-
5" vi#tue of such chan$es, an info#&ation fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#& shoul! no% pa#ticula#l" #efe# to the pa#a$#aph of Section 9 un!e#
%hich the sei*e! fi#ea#& is classifie!, an! shoul! the#e be nu&e#ous $uns confiscate!, each &ust be so#te! an! then $#oupe! acco#!in$ to
the cate$o#ies state! in Section 9 of R.A. No. +0;/, a&en!in$ P.D. No. 9+... It %ill no lon$e# suffice to lu&p all of the sei*e! fi#ea#&s in one
info#&ation, an! state Section 9, P.D. No. 9+.. as the violate! p#ovision, as in the instant case,
because !iffe#ent penalties a#e i&pose! b"
the la%, !epen!in$ on the calibe# of the %eapon. To !o so %oul! #esult in !uplicitous cha#$es.
O#!ina#il", an info#&ation that cha#$es &ultiple offenses &e#its a 'uashal, but petitione# an! Vale#io faile! to #aise this issue !u#in$
a##ai$n&ent. Thei# failu#e constitutes a %aive#, an! the" coul! be convicte! of as &an" offenses as the#e %e#e cha#$e! in the
This acco#!s p#op#iet" to the !ive#se convictions han!e! !o%n b" the cou#ts a 'uo.
2u#the#, the cha#$e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition un!e# pa#a$#aph 0, Section 9 of P.D. No. 9+.., as a&en!e! b" R.A. No.
+0;/, inclu!in$ the vali!it" of the sea#ch %a##ant that le! to thei# confiscation, is no% be"on! the p#ovince of ou# #evie% since, b" vi#tue of the
ABs Decision, petitione# an! Vale#io have been effectivel" ac'uitte! f#o& the sai! cha#$es. The p#esent #evie% is conse'uentl" onl" %ith
#e$a#! to the conviction fo# ille$al possession of a pa#t of a fi#ea#&.
The Issues
Petitione# insists on an ac'uittal an! ave#s that the !iscove#" of the t%o ,0- #eceive#s !oes not co&e %ithin the pu#vie% of the plain vie%
!oct#ine. She a#$ues that no vali! int#usion %as atten!ant an! that no evi!ence %as a!!uce! to p#ove that she %as %ith Vale#io %hen he
th#e% the #eceive#s. =i>e%ise absent is a positive sho%in$ that an" of the t%o #eceive#s #ecove#e! b" the police&en &atche! the ./1 calibe#
pistol alle$e!l" seen tuc>e! in the %aistban! of he# sho#ts %hen the police ele&ents a##ive!. Neithe# is the#e an" p#oof that petitione# ha!
>no%le!$e of o# consente! to the alle$e! th#o%in$ of the #eceive#s.
Ou# Rulin$
He fin! &e#it in the petition.
2i#st, %e #ule on the a!&issibilit" of the #eceive#s. He hol! that the #eceive#s %e#e sei*e! in plain vie%, hence, a!&issible.
No less than ou# onstitution #eco$ni*es the #i$ht of the people to be secu#e in thei# pe#sons, houses, pape#s, an! effects a$ainst
un#easonable sea#ches an! sei*u#es. This #i$ht is encapsulate! in A#ticle III, Section 0, of the onstitution, %hich statesE
Sec. 0. The #i$ht of the people to be secu#e in thei# pe#sons, houses, pape#s, an! effects a$ainst un#easonable sea#ches an! sei*u#es of
%hateve# natu#e an! fo# an" pu#pose shall be inviolable, an! no sea#ch %a##ant o# %a##ant of a##est shall issue eCcept upon p#obable cause to
be !ete#&ine! pe#sonall" b" the 6u!$e afte# eCa&ination un!e# oath o# affi#&ation of the co&plainant an! the %itnesses he &a" p#o!uce, an!
pa#ticula#l" !esc#ibin$ the place to be sea#che! an! the pe#sons o# thin$s to be sei*e!.
o&ple&entin$ this p#ovision is the eCclusiona#" #ule e&bo!ie! in Section @,0- of the sa&e a#ticle P
,0- An" evi!ence obtaine! in violation of this o# the p#ece!in$ section shall be ina!&issible fo# an" pu#pose in an" p#ocee!in$.
The#e a#e, ho%eve#, seve#al %ell)#eco$ni*e! eCceptions to the fo#e$oin$ #ule. Thus, evi!ence obtaine! th#ou$h a %a##antless sea#ch an!
sei*u#e &a" be a!&issible un!e# an" of the follo%in$ ci#cu&stancesE ,9- sea#ch inci!ent to a la%ful a##estF ,0- sea#ch of a &ovin$ &oto#
vehicleF ,@- sea#ch in violation of custo& la%sF ,/- sei*u#e of evi!ence in plain vie%F an! ,1- %hen the accuse! hi&self %aives his #i$ht a$ainst
un#easonable sea#ches an! sei*u#es.
An!e# the plain vie% !oct#ine, ob6ects fallin$ in the (plain vie%( of an office#, %ho has a #i$ht to be in the position to have that vie%, a#e sub6ect
to sei*u#e an! &a" be p#esente! as evi!ence.
It applies %hen the follo%in$ #e'uisites concu#E ,a- the la% enfo#ce&ent office# in sea#ch of the
evi!ence has a p#io# 6ustification fo# an int#usion o# is in a position f#o& %hich he can vie% a pa#ticula# a#eaF ,b- the !iscove#" of the evi!ence
in plain vie% is ina!ve#tentF an! ,c- it is i&&e!iatel" appa#ent to the office# that the ite& he obse#ves &a" be evi!ence of a c#i&e, cont#aban!,
o# othe#%ise sub6ect to sei*u#e. The la% enfo#ce&ent office# &ust la%full" &a>e an initial int#usion o# p#ope#l" be in a position f#o& %hich he
can pa#ticula#l" vie% the a#ea. In the cou#se of such la%ful int#usion, he ca&e ina!ve#tentl" ac#oss a piece of evi!ence inc#i&inatin$ the
accuse!. The ob6ect &ust be open to e"e an! han!, an! its !iscove#" ina!ve#tent.
Teste! a$ainst these stan!a#!s, %e fin! that the sei*u#e of the t%o #eceive#s of the ./1 calibe# pistol outsi!e petitione#Bs house falls %ithin the
pu#vie% of the plain vie% !oct#ine.
2i#st, the p#esence of SPO0 Nava at the bac> of the house an! of the othe# la% enfo#ce#s a#oun! the p#e&ises %as 6ustifie! b" the fact that
petitione# an! Vale#io %e#e ea#lie# seen #espectivel" hol!in$ ./1 calibe# pistols befo#e the" #an insi!e the st#uctu#e an! sou$ht #efu$e. The
atten!ant ci#cu&stances an! the evasive actions of petitione# an! Vale#io %hen the la% enfo#ce#s a##ive! en$en!e#e! a #easonable $#oun! fo#
the latte# to believe that a c#i&e %as bein$ co&&itte!. The#e %as thus sufficient p#obable cause fo# the police&en to co#!on off the house as
the" %aite! fo# !a"b#ea> to appl" fo# a sea#ch %a##ant.
Secon!l", f#o& %he#e he %as situate!, SPO0 Nava clea#l" sa%, on t%o !iffe#ent instances, Vale#io e&e#$e on top of the sub6ect !%ellin$ an!
th#o% suspicious ob6ects. =astl", consi!e#in$ the ea#lie# si$htin$ of Vale#io hol!in$ a pistol, SPO0 Nava ha! #easonable $#oun! to believe that
the thin$s th#o%n &i$ht be cont#aban! ite&s, o# evi!ence of the offense the" %e#e then suspecte! of co&&ittin$. In!ee!, %hen subse'uentl"
#ecove#e!, the" tu#ne! out to be t%o ,0- #eceive#s of ./1 calibe# pistol.
The pe#tinent po#tions of SPO0 NavaBs testi&on" a#e eluci!atin$E
G Hhen "ou a##ive! in that place, "ou sa% police&enI
A 3es, si#.
G Hhat %e#e the" !oin$I
A The" %e#e co#!onin$ the house.
G 3ou sai! that "ou as>e! "ou# assistant tea& lea!e# Deluso about that inci!ent. Hhat !i! he tell "ouI
A Deluso tol! &e that a pe#son #an insi!e the house ca##"in$ %ith hi& a $un.
G An! this house "ou a#e #efe##in$ to is the house %hich "ou &entione! is the police office#s %e#e su##oun!in$I
A 3es, si#.
G No%, ho% lon$ !i! "ou sta" in that place, M#. HitnessI
A I sta"e! the#e %hen I a##ive! at past 9?E?? oBcloc> up to 90E?? oBcloc> the follo%in$ !a".
G At about 0E?? oBcloc> in the ea#l" &o#nin$ of Au$ust 0+, 0??0, can "ou #ecall %he#e %e#e "ouI
A 3es, si#.
G Hhe#e %e#e "ouI
A I %as at the bac> of the house that is bein$ co#!one! b" the police.
G Hhile "ou %e#e at the bac> of this house, !o "ou #ecall an" unusual inci!entI
A 3es, si#.
G an "ou tell the Hono#able ou#t %hat %as that inci!entI
A 3es, si#. A pe#son %ent out at the top of the house an! th#e% so&ethin$.
G An! !i! "ou see the pe#son %ho th#e% so&ethin$ out of this houseI
A 3es, si#.
G an "ou tell the Hono#able ou#t %ho %as that pe#son %ho th#e% that so&ethin$ outsi!e the houseI
A It %as Oal!" Vale#io.
OARTE ,to %itness-
G 5efo#e the inci!ent, "ou >no% this pe#son Oal!" Vale#ioI
A 3es, si#.
G Hh" !o "ou >no% hi&I
A 5ecause %e %e#e fo#&e#l" &e&be#s of the A#&e! 2o#ces of the Philippines.
G Hhen "ou sa% so&ethin$ th#o%n out at the top of the house, !i! "ou !o so&ethin$ if an"I
A I shoute! to see> cove#.
G So, %hat else !i! "ou !o if an" afte# "ou shoute!, (ta>e cove#I(
A I too> hol! of a flashli$ht afte# five &inutes an! focuse! the bea& of the flashli$ht on the place %he#e so&ethin$ %as th#o%n.
G Hhat !i! "ou see if an"I
A I sa% the#e the lo%e# Lpa#tM of the #eceive# of cal. /1.
G M#. Hitness, at a#oun! /E?? oBcloc> that ea#l" &o#nin$ of Au$ust 0+, 0??0, !o "ou #ecall anothe# unusual inci!entI
A 3es, si#.
G An! can "ou tell us %hat %as that inci!entI
A I sa% a pe#son th#o%in$ so&ethin$ the#e an! the one that %as th#o%n fell on top of the #oof of anothe# house.
G An! "ou sa% that pe#son %ho a$ain th#e% so&ethin$ f#o& the #ooftop of the houseI
A 3es, si#.
G Di! "ou #eco$ni*e hi&I
A 3es, si#.
G Hho %as that pe#sonI
A Oal!" Vale#io a$ain.
G Hhe#e %e#e "ou %hen "ou sa% this Oal!" Vale#io th#LoM% so&ethin$ out of the houseI
A I %as on the #oa! in f#ont of the house.
G Hhe#e %as Oal!" Vale#io %hen "ou sa% hi& th#LoM% so&ethin$ out of the houseI
A He %as on top of the house.
G =ate# on, %e#e "ou able to >no% %hat %as that so&ethin$ th#o%n outI
A 3es, si#.
G Hhat %as thatI
A Anothe# lo%e# #eceive# of a cal. /1.
G An! %hat !i! he tell "ouI
A It L%asM on the %all of anothe# house an! it Lcoul!M be seen #i$ht a%a".
G Hhat !i! "ou !o if an"I
A He %aite! fo# the o%ne# of the house to %a>e up.
G Hho opene! the fence fo# "ouI
A It %as a la!" %ho is the o%ne# of the house.
G Hhen "ou ente#e! the p#e&ises of the house of the la!", %hat !i! "ou fin!I
A He sa% the lo%e# #eceive# of this ./1 cal. ,sic-
The ensuin$ #ecove#" of the #eceive#s &a" have been !elibe#ateF nonetheless, thei# initial !iscove#" %as in!ubitabl" ina!ve#tent. It is not
c#ucial that at initial si$htin$ the sei*e! cont#aban! be i!entifie! an! >no%n to be so. The la% &e#el" #e'ui#es that the la% enfo#ce# obse#ves
that the sei*e! ite& &a" be evi!ence of a c#i&e, cont#aban!, o# othe#%ise sub6ect to sei*u#e.
Hence, as co##ectl" !ecla#e! b" the A, the t%o #eceive#s %e#e a!&issible as evi!ence. The liabilit" fo# thei# possession, ho%eve#, shoul! fall
onl" on Vale#io an! not on petitione#.1avvphil
The fo#e$oin$ !is'uisition not%ithstan!in$, %e fin! that petitione# is not liable fo# ille$al possession of pa#t of a fi#ea#&.
In !issectin$ ho% an! %hen liabilit" fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s attaches, the follo%in$ !is'uisitions in People v. De 7#acia
The #ule is that o%ne#ship is not an essential ele&ent of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition. Hhat the la% #e'ui#es is &e#el"
possession %hich inclu!es not onl" actual ph"sical possession but also const#uctive possession o# the sub6ection of the thin$ to oneDs cont#ol
an! &ana$e&ent. This has to be so if the &anifest intent of the la% is to be effective. The sa&e evils, the sa&e pe#ils to public secu#it", %hich
the la% penali*es eCist %hethe# the unlicense! hol!e# of a p#ohibite! %eapon be its o%ne# o# a bo##o%e#. To acco&plish the ob6ect of this la%
the p#op#ieta#" concept of the possession can have no bea#in$ %hatsoeve#.
5ut is the &e#e fact of ph"sical o# const#uctive possession sufficient to convict a pe#son fo# unla%ful possession of fi#ea#&s o# &ust the#e be
an intent to possess to constitute a violation of the la%I This 'ue#" assu&es si$nificance since the offense of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is
a malum prohibitum punishe! b" a special la%, in %hich case $oo! faith an! absence of c#i&inal intent a#e not vali! !efenses.
Hhen the c#i&e is punishe! b" a special la%, as a #ule, intent to co&&it the c#i&e is not necessa#". It is sufficient that the offen!e# has the
intent to pe#pet#ate the act p#ohibite! b" the special la%. Intent to co&&it the c#i&e an! intent to pe#pet#ate the act &ust be !istin$uishe!. A
pe#son &a" not have consciousl" inten!e! to co&&it a c#i&eF but he !i! inten! to co&&it an act, an! that act is, b" the ve#" natu#e of thin$s,
the c#i&e itself. In the fi#st ,intent to co&&it the c#i&e-, the#e &ust be c#i&inal intentF in the secon! ,intent to pe#pet#ate the act- it is enou$h
that the p#ohibite! act is !one f#eel" an! consciousl".
In the p#esent case, a !istinction shoul! be &a!e bet%een c#i&inal intent an! intent to possess. Hhile &e#e possession, %ithout c#i&inal
intent, is sufficient to convict a pe#son fo# ille$al possession of a fi#ea#&, it &ust still be sho%n that the#e %as animus possidendi o# an intent to
possess on the pa#t of the accuse!. Such intent to possess is, ho%eve#, %ithout #e$a#! to an" othe# c#i&inal o# felonious intent %hich the
accuse! &a" have ha#bo#e! in possessin$ the fi#ea#&. #i&inal intent he#e #efe#s to the intention of the accuse! to co&&it an offense %ith the
use of an unlicense! fi#ea#&. This is not i&po#tant in convictin$ a pe#son un!e# P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+... Hence, in o#!e# that one &a"
be foun! $uilt" of a violation of the !ec#ee, it is sufficient that the accuse! ha! no autho#it" o# license to possess a fi#ea#&, an! that he
inten!e! to possess the sa&e, even if such possession %as &a!e in $oo! faith an! %ithout c#i&inal intent.
onco&itantl", a te&po#a#", inci!ental, casual, o# ha#&less possession o# cont#ol of a fi#ea#& cannot be consi!e#e! a violation of a statute
p#ohibitin$ the possession of this >in! of %eapon, such as P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+... Thus, althou$h the#e is ph"sical o# const#uctive
possession, fo# as lon$ as the animus possidendi is absent, the#e is no offense co&&itte!.
e#tainl", ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, o#, in this case, pa#t of a fi#ea#&, is co&&itte! %hen the hol!e# the#eofE
,9- possesses a fi#ea#& o# a pa#t the#eof
,0- lac>s the autho#it" o# license to possess the fi#ea#&.
He fin! that petitione# %as neithe# in ph"sical no# const#uctive possession of the sub6ect #eceive#s. The testi&on" of SPO0 Nava clea#l" ba#e!
that he onl" sa% Vale#io on top of the house %hen the #eceive#s %e#e th#o%n. None of the %itnesses sa% petitione# hol!in$ the #eceive#s,
befo#e o# !u#in$ thei# !isposal.
At the ve#" least, petitione#Bs possession of the #eceive#s %as &e#el" inci!ental because Vale#io, the one in actual ph"sical possession, %as
seen at the #ooftop of petitione#Bs house. Absent an" evi!ence pointin$ to petitione#Bs pa#ticipation, >no%le!$e o# consent in Vale#ioBs actions,
she cannot be hel! liable fo# ille$al possession of the #eceive#s.
Petitione#Bs appa#ent liabilit" fo# ille$al possession of pa#t of a fi#ea#& can onl" p#ocee! f#o& the assu&ption that one of the th#o%n #eceive#s
&atches the $un seen tuc>e! in the %aistban! of he# sho#ts ea#lie# that ni$ht. Anfo#tunatel", the p#osecution faile! to conve#t such assu&ption
into conc#ete evi!ence.
Me#e speculations an! p#obabilities cannot substitute fo# p#oof #e'ui#e! to establish the $uilt of an accuse! be"on! #easonable !oubt. The #ule
is the sa&e %hethe# the offenses a#e punishable un!e# the Revise! Penal o!e, %hich a#e mala in se, o# in c#i&es, %hich a#e malum
prohibitum b" vi#tue of special la%.
The 'uantu& of p#oof #e'ui#e! b" la% %as not a!e'uatel" &et in this case in so fa# as petitione# is
The $un alle$e!l" seen tuc>e! in petitione#Bs %aistban! %as not i!entifie! %ith sufficient pa#ticula#it"F as such, it is i&possible to &atch the
sa&e %ith an" of the sei*e! #eceive#s. Mo#eove#, SPO9 Tan cate$o#icall" state! that he sa% Vale#io hol!in$ t%o $uns %hen he an! the #est of
the PISO7 a##ive! in petitione#Bs house. It is not unli>el" then that the #eceive#s late# on !isca#!e! %e#e co&ponents of the t%o ,0- pistols seen
%ith Vale#io.
These fin!in$s also !ebun> the alle$ation in the info#&ation that petitione# conspi#e! %ith Vale#io in co&&ittin$ ille$al possession of pa#t of a
fi#ea#&. The#e is no evi!ence in!ubitabl" p#ovin$ that petitione# pa#ticipate! in the !ecision to co&&it the c#i&inal act co&&itte! b" Vale#io.
Hence, this ou#t is const#aine! to ac'uit petitione# on the $#oun! of #easonable !oubt. The constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence in he#
favo# %as not a!e'uatel" ove#co&e b" the evi!ence a!!uce! b" the p#osecution.
The A co##ectl" convicte! Vale#io %ith ille$al possession of pa#t of a fi#ea#&.
In ille$al possession of a fi#ea#&, t%o ,0- thin$s &ust be sho%n to eCistE ,a- the eCistence of the sub6ect fi#ea#&F an! ,b- the fact that the
accuse! %ho possesse! the sa&e !oes not have the co##espon!in$ license fo# it.
5" analo$" then, a successful conviction fo# ille$al possession of pa#t of a fi#ea#& &ust "iel! these #e'uisitesE
,a- the eCistence of the pa#t of the fi#ea#&F an!
,b- the accuse! %ho possesse! the sa&e !oes not have the license fo# the fi#ea#& to %hich the sei*e! pa#tJco&ponent
In the instant case, the p#osecution p#ove! be"on! #easonable !oubt the
ele&ents of the c#i&e. The sub6ect #eceive#s ) one %ith the &a#>in$s (Anite! States P#ope#t"( an! the othe# bea#in$ Se#ial No. :.@?01 ) %e#e
!ul" p#esente! to the cou#t as EChibits E an! E)9, #espectivel". The" %e#e also i!entifie! b" SPO0 Nava as the fi#ea#& pa#ts he #et#ieve! af
te# Vale#io !isca#!e! the&.
His testi&on" %as co##obo#ate! b" D3NR #a!io announce# Ve$a, %ho %itnesse! the #ecove#" of the #eceive#s.
Anent the lac> of autho#it", SPO9 Tan testifie! that, upon ve#ification, it %as asce#taine! that Vale#io is not a !ul" license!J#e$iste#e! fi#ea#&
hol!e# of an" t"pe, >in!, o# calibe# of fi#ea#&s.
To substantiate his state&ent, he sub&itte! a ce#tification
to that effect an! i!entifie! the
sa&e in cou#t.
The testi&on" of SPO9 Tan, o# the ce#tification, %oul! suffice to p#ove be"on! #easonable !oubt the secon! ele&ent.
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the 2eb#ua#" 9?, 0??; Decision of the ou#t of Appeals is he#eb" REVERSED %ith #espect to petitione#
Elenita 2a6a#!o " ast#o, %ho is he#eb" AGAITTED on the $#oun! that he# $uilt %as not p#ove! be"on! #easonable !oubt.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
%OS%#%O M. PER#LT#
Associate 8ustice
RO$ERTO #. #$#%
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tBs Division.
Associate 8ustice
hai#pe#son, Secon! Division
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution an! the Division hai#pe#sonDs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the above
Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tBs Division.
hief 8ustice
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 188612 Ju,y 30, 2012
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, Plaintiff )Appellee,
%OS%#%O C#M#T an" M#MERTO %UL#!, Accuse!)Appellants.
This is an appeal f#o& the Decision
!ate! 2eb#ua#" 0:, 0??; of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R.)H.. No. ?0/0;, entitle! People of the
Philippines v. Dios!a!o a&at an! Ma&e#to Dula", %hich affi#&e! %ith &o!ification the 8oint Decision
!ate! Octobe# ;, 0??0 of the
Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of A#!aneta it", 5#anch /. in #i&inal ase Nos. A)9?/;+, A)9?/;;, A)9?1??, A)9?1?9, A)9?1?0 an! A)9?1?@.
The t#ial cou#t foun! he#ein appellant Dios!a!o a&at ,a&at- $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of t%o ,0- counts of the c#i&e of Mu#!e# %ith
the Ase of Anlicense! 2i#ea#& an! fou# ,/- counts of Atte&pte! Mu#!e#. P#io# to this #ulin$, the sa&e t#ial cou#t, in a Decision
Dece&be# ., 0???, foun! appellant Ma&e#to Dula" ,Dula"- $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of t%o ,0- counts of Mu#!e# %ith the Ase of
Anlicense! 2i#ea#& an! one ,9- count of 2#ust#ate! Mu#!e#.
ont#a#" to %hat is i&plie! b" the title of this case, the instant appeal &e#el" affects a&at an! not Dula" since the sub6ect of this appeal is
the Octobe# ;, 0??0 8oint Decision of the t#ial cou#t %he#ein onl" a&at %as convicte!. Mo#eove#, in the AppellantsB 5#ief, the #elief p#a"e! fo#
%as the #eve#sal of onl" the Octobe# ;, 0??0 8oint Decision an! the#e %as no #efe#ence to the Dece&be# ., 0??? Decision, containin$ Dula"Bs
conviction. This is not su#p#isin$ consi!e#in$ that the case involvin$ Dula" %as al#ea!" #esolve! %ith finalit" b" this ou#t in a Resolution !ate!
Octobe# 99, 0??: in 7.R. No. 9:/::1, entitle! People of the Philippines v. Ma&e#to Dula".
The p#esent case t#aces its $enesis to the filin$ of siC sepa#ate c#i&inal info#&ations cha#$in$ the appellant a&at alias (5o"et( an! his othe#
co)accuse!, the accuse! Dula" ,#efe##e! to in the title of this case-, 8ohn =au#ean alias (Mason$,( Ro$elio a&pos, Ibot a&pos, Hen#"
aoile, Se#afin Dula", an! 8unio# =ope* %ith the c#i&es of Mu#!e# %ith the Ase of Anlicense! 2i#ea#& an! 2#ust#ate! Mu#!e#. The pe#tinent
po#tions of the afo#e&entione! c#i&inal info#&ations #ea!E
#i&inal ase No. A)9?/;+
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon, at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill, t#eache#", an!
evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault an! shoot E=MER HIDA=7O, inflictin$ upon hi&
the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
() 7unshot %oun!, left %#ist, &e!ial aspect.
) 7unshot %oun!s, left !istal thi#! of the thi$h, th#ou$h an! th#ou$hF Point of Ent#ance, 9 c&. in !ia&ete#, poste#io#l", ci#cula# in
shapeF Point of ECit, 9./ c&. in !ia&ete#, &e!iall", ci#cula# in shape.
) 7unshot %oun!s, #i$ht !istal thi#! of the thi$h, th#ou$h an! th#ou$hE
9. Point of Ent#ance, 9 c&. in !ia&ete#, late#all", ci#cula# in shapeF Point of ECit, 9.. c&s. in !ia&ete#, &e!iall", ci#cula# in
0. Point of Ent#ance, 9 c&. in !ia&ete# late#all", ci#cula# in shapeF Point of ECit, 9.: c&s. in !ia&ete#, ante#io#l" ci#cula# in
) 7unshot %oun!s, th#ou$h an! th#ou$h. Point of ent#ance, 9 c&. in !ia&ete#, ci#cula# in shape on the #i$ht ea# ante#io#l" besi!e the
#i$ht pinna t#a6ectin$ the esopha$us an! the uppe# lobe of the left lun$. Point of ECit, 0 c&s. in !ia&ete#, left &i!)aCilla#" line, 1th
inte#costal space, ci#cula# in shape.
) o&&inute! 2#actu#e of the !istal thi#! of the fe&u#, #i$ht.
) Ho&etho#aC, 9 lite#, left.
AASE O2 DEATHE Massive he&o##ha$e secon!a#" to &ultiple $unshot %oun!s.( %hich cause! the !eath of sai! E=MER HIDA=7O, to the
!a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice of his hei#s.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, Revise! Penal o!e, in #elation to R.A. No. +0;/, as a&en!e! b" R.A. :.1;.
#i&inal ase No. A)9?/;;
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon, at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill, t#eache#", an!
evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault an! shoot MARE=INA HIDA=7O, inflictin$ upon
he# the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
(ECte#nal 2in!in$sE
) 7unshot %oun! ,point of ent#ance-, 9 c&., ci#cula# in shape, pa#aste#nal line, /th inte#)costal space, left.
) 7unshot %oun! ,point of eCit-, 9.1 c&., ci#cula# in shape, &i!)aCilla#" line, ;th inte#)costal space, #i$ht.
Inte#nal 2in!in$sE
) 7unshot %oun!, th#ou$h an! th#ou$h, 9.+ c&., left au#icle, hea#t.
) 7unshot %oun!, th#ou$h an! th#ou$h, 0 c&., uppe# lobe, live#.
) 7unshot %oun!, th#ou$h an! th#ou$h, 9.1 c&., uppe# lobe lun$, #i$ht.
) He&otho#aC, 9./ lite#s, #i$ht.
AASE O2 DEATHE Massive he&o##ha$e, secon!a#" to $unshot %oun!.( %hich cause! the instantaneous !eath of sai! MARE=INA
HIDA=7O, to the !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice of he# hei#s.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, Revise! Penal o!e, in #elation to R.A. No. +0;/, as a&en!e! b" R.A. :.1;.
#i&inal ase No. A)9?1??
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon, at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able
ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill,
t#eache#" an! evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault an! shoot 8AANITO HIDA=7O,
inflictin$ upon hi& the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
(7unshot %oun! %ith f#actu#e, tibia)fibula #i$ht.
Pe#ation pe#fo#&e!E Deb#i!e&ent(
the accuse! havin$ thus pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution %hich %oul! have p#o!uce! the c#i&e of Mu#!e# as a conse'uence but %hich
neve#theless !i! not p#o!uce the felon" b" #eason of causes in!epen!ent of the %ill of the accuse! an! that is !ue to the ti&el" an! a!e'uate
&e!ical assistance #en!e#e! to sai! 8AANITO HIDA=7O, %hich p#evente! his !eath, to his !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, in #elation to A#ts. . U 1?, Revise! Penal o!e, an! R.A. No. +0;/.
#i&inal ase No. A)9?1?9
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon, at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill, t#eache#", an!
evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault an! shoot AARE=IO HIDA=7O, inflictin$ upon hi&
the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
(Open f#actu#e p#oCi&al thi#! fibula #i$ht.
Ope#ation Pe#fo#&e!E Deb#i!e&ent(
the accuse! havin$ thus pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution %hich %oul! have p#o!uce! the c#i&e of Mu#!e# as a conse'uence but %hich
neve#theless !i! not p#o!uce the felon" b" #eason of causes in!epen!ent of the %ill of the accuse! an! that is !ue to the ti&el" an! a!e'uate
&e!ical assistance #en!e#e! to sai! AARE=IO HIDA=7O, %hich p#evente! his !eath, to his !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, in #elation to A#ts. . U 1?, Revise! Penal o!e, an! R.A. No. +0;/.
#i&inal ase No. A)9?1?0
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon, at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able
ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill,
t#eache#" an! evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault, an! shoot PEDRO HIDA=7O,
inflictin$ upon hi& the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
) 7unshot %oun! at #i$ht buttoc>s th#ou$h an! th#ou$h
) Point of ent#"E Me!ial aspect of #i$ht buttoc>s
) Point of eCitE =ace#ate! aspect of #i$ht buttoc>s
) Avulsion thena #e&inence left han! the accuse! havin$ thus pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution %hich %oul! have p#o!uce! the
c#i&e of MARDER as a conse'uence but %hich neve#theless !i! not p#o!uce the felon" b" #eason of causes in!epen!ent of the %ill
of the accuse! an! that is !ue to the ti&el" an! a!e'uate &e!ical assistance #en!e#e! to sai! PEDRO HIDA=7O, %hich p#evente!
his !eath, to his !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, in #elation to A#ts. . U 1?, Revise! Penal o!e, an! R.A. No. +0;/.
#i&inal ase No. A)9?1?@
That on o# about Nove&be# @, 9;;;, in the afte#noon at 5a#an$a" Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t,
the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$ to$ethe#, %ith the use of unlicense! lon$ an! sho#t fi#ea#&s, %ith !elibe#ate intent to >ill, t#eache#" an!
evi!ent p#e&e!itation, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault, an! shoot RIARDO HIDA=7O, inflictin$ upon
hi& the follo%in$ in6u#iesE
(7unshot %oun! pe#ianal a#ea 2#actu#e supe#io# U infe#io# #a&us pubis Ope#ation pe#fo#&e!E ECplo#)lap, colosto&"( the accuse! havin$ thus
pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution %hich %oul! have p#o!uce! the c#i&e of Mu#!e# as a conse'uence but %hich neve#theless !i! not p#o!uce
the felon" b" #eason of causes in!epen!ent of the %ill of the accuse! an! that is !ue to the ti&el" an! a!e'uate &e!ical assistance #en!e#e!
to sai! RIARDO HIDA=7O, %hich p#evente! his !eath, to his !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice.
ONTRAR3 to A#t. 0/+, in #elation to A#ts. . U 1?, Revise! Penal o!e, an! R.A. No. +0;/.
At thei# a##ai$n&ent, all the accuse! plea!e! (Not 7uilt"( to the cha#$es %ith the eCception of accuse! 8unio# =ope* %ho elu!e! a##est an!,
thus, #e&aine! at la#$e.
Subse'uent to seve#al p#e)t#ial confe#ences, t#ial on the &e#its co&&ence!.
In the Plaintiff)AppelleeBs 5#ief,
the p#osecution na##ate! its ve#sion of the factual bac>!#op of this case, as follo%sE
5et%een @E?? oBcloc> an! 1E?? oBcloc> in the afte#noon of Nove&be# @, 9;;;, Au#elio, to$ethe# %ith Anastacio, 8uanito, Rica#!o, Pe!#o,
Ma#celina, Abela#!o, El&e#, all su#na&e! Hi!al$o, ="!ia 2lo#es, so&e "oun$ la!ies, thei# chil!#en, an! his nephe%s an! nieces %e#e in f#ont
of the "a#! of his b#othe# Anastacio Hi!al$o ,Anastacio-. At that ti&e, the" %e#e all seate! an! tal>in$ to each othe#. The houses of Au#elio
an! Anastacio %e#e locate! in the sa&e co&poun!. Au#elioBs house is at the bac> of AnastacioBs house.
Hhile en$a$e! in conve#sation, Au#elio notice! a &oto#c"cle pass b" t%o ti&es. At the fi#st pass, he notice! that onl" Onin$ a&pos %as on
boa#!. The secon! ti&e, both Onin$ a&pos an! Pilo aban$as %e#e on boa#! the &oto#c"cle. Afte# a fe% &inutes, $unfi#e co&in$ f#o& the
bac> of an! !i#ecte! at Au#elioBs $#oup su!!enl" e#upte!. The $unfi#e ca&e f#o& the othe# si!e of the #oa! in f#ont of a th#ee feet hi$h
conc#ete fence f#ontin$ the house of Anastacio. Au#elio sa% both accuse!)appellants Dios!a!o a&at an! Ma&e#to Dula" a#&e! %ith lon$
fi#ea#&s shoot at his $#oup. Althou$h the#e %e#e siC othe# pe#sons a#&e! %ith sho#t fi#ea#&s ,Hen#" aoile, 8unio# =ope*, 8ohn =au#ean, Ibot
a&pos, Ro$elio a&pos, an! Se#afin Dula"-, stan!in$ at the bac> of accuse!)appellants, Au#elio, ho%eve#, onl" sa% accuse!)appellants
fi#in$ thei# $uns at his $#oup because he sa% the& place thei# lon$ fi#ea#&s on top of the conc#ete fence. The $un&en %e#e app#oCi&atel" siC
&ete#s a%a" f#o& Au#elioBs $#oup.
Au#elio sai! that !u#in$ the shootin$, his aunt Ma#celina Hi!al$o, an! his nephe% %e#e hit an! El&e# Hi!al$o fell !o%n. The" !ie! on the spot.
8uanito Hi!al$o %as hit on his #i$ht le$. Rica#!o Hi!al$o %as hit on the buttoc>s. The bullet eCite! nea# his anus. Pe!#o Hi!al$o %as in6u#e! on
the buttoc>s an! left a#&. Au#elio %as hi&self hit on both le$s.
Afte# shootin$ thei# victi&s, accuse!)appellants an! thei# co&panions left the place $oin$ %est%a#!.
I&&e!iatel" the#eafte#, Au#elio an! his othe# in6u#e! #elatives %e#e b#ou$ht to the Re$ion I Me!ical ente#, Da$upan it". Au#elio %as
confine! in the hospital fo# five !a"s. Afte# leavin$ the hospital, he %as investi$ate! b" Investi$ato# Ma#iano of the =aoac Police Station.
Au#elio #ecalle! that p#io# to the shootin$ inci!ent, accuse!)appellant Ma&e#to Dula" hac>e! the house of 8uanito Hi!al$o, Au#elioBs b#othe#,
%ith a bolo. 8uanito Hi!al$o ha! the hac>in$ inci!ent blotte#e! at the ba#an$a".
,itations o&itte!.- ,E&phasis supplie!.-
The !efense, in the Accuse!)AppellantsB 5#ief,
offe#e! this su&&ation of eventsE
In the &o#nin$ of @ Nove&be# 9;;;, 8AIME ANDIDO acco&panie! accuse! Dios!a!o a&at in secu#in$ a ba#an$a" clea#ance as the latte#
%as appl"in$ fo# a 6ob as secu#it" $ua#!. The neCt ti&e an!i!o sa% accuse! a&at %as a#oun! @E?? oBcloc> in the afte#noon of the sa&e
!a" %hen he %ent to the house of accuse! a&atBs b#othe#, asi&i#o a&at, to have so&e snac>s. Du#in$ this ti&e, accuse! a&at an! his
b#othe# an! t%o ,0- othe# co&panions %e#e %o#>in$ on a cabinet an! a boo> shelf. The follo%in$ !a", an!i!o a$ain sa% accuse! a&at %ith
his b#othe# an! anothe# passen$e# on boa#! a #e! ca# hea!in$ to%a#!s the hi$h%a".
On @? Octobe# 9;;;, ASIMIRO AMAT %ent to Sta. Ana, Pa&pan$a to atten! the openin$ of cu#sillo class of Sto. Nino 5#othe#hoo!
#usa!e since his b#othe#, accuse! Dios!a!o a&at, %as pa#t of the sai! $#a!uatin$ class. asi&i#o an! his b#othe# spent the ni$ht in the
fo#&e#Bs house in San Mi$uel, Ta#lac to$ethe# %ith Pe!#o ase#ia %ho %as also one of the $#a!uates. The follo%in$ !a", the th#ee ,@- a$#ee!
to &eet a$ain on 0 Nove&be# 9;;; an! p#ocee! to asi&i#oBs place in 5a$uio to un!e#ta>e the const#uction of his !ouble !ec> be!, cabinets
an! boo>shelf.
On 0 Nove&be# 9;;;, asi&i#o, to$ethe# %ith his %ife an! !au$hte#, &et his b#othe# an! Pe!#o ase#ia at the c#ossin$ in 5inalonan an!
p#ocee!e! the#eafte# to 5a$uio. Apon #eachin$ the sai! place, the %itness fi#st unloa!e! his !au$hte#Bs ba$$a$e at he# !o#&ito#" befo#e $oin$
to 5u#nha& Pa#> fo# lunch. Afte#%a#!s, he left his !au$hte# in he# !o#&ito#" an! then acco&panie! his %ife to the bus te#&inal fo# he# t#ip bac>
to Ta#lac.
The a&at b#othe#s an! ase#ia subse'uentl" p#ocee!e! to the Na"an$ ECtension to pu#chase so&e $oo!s fo# thei# consu&ption !u#in$ thei#
sta" in 5a$uio befo#e $oin$ to asi&i#oBs house in Asin Roa!. Apon a##ivin$ at the sai! place, the th#ee be$an %o#>in$ on the !ouble !ec>
be!. The neCt !a", accuse! Dios!a!o a&at left fo# a %hile to visit 8ai&e an!i!o. Hhen he #etu#ne!, the a&at b#othe#s an! ase#ia %ent
to 5en$uet Elect#ic oope#ative to pa" asi&i#oBs elect#ic bill an! subse'uentl" too> thei# lunch at 5u#nha& Pa#>. The#eafte#, the" bou$ht
so&e &ate#ials f#o& the 5en$uet =u&be# o. an! then continue! thei# %o#> in asi&i#oBs place. In the afte#noon of / Nove&be# 9;;;, the
a&at b#othe#s finall" left 5a$uio.
Hhen asi&i#o %as as>e! about the accusation a$ainst his b#othe#, he fi#&l" &aintaine! that his b#othe# %as %ith hi& in 5a$uio f#o&
Nove&be# 0 to /, cont#a#" to the alle$ation that the accuse! pa#ticipate! in a shootin$ inci!ent on @ Nove&be# 9;;; in 5#$". Anis, =aoac,
PEDRO ASERIA co##obo#ate! asi&i#o a&atBs testi&on" that he %as %ith the accuse! f#o& Nove&be# 0 to /, 9;;; to !o so&e
ca#pent#ies in 5a$uio.
HERMINI7I=DA . 8IMENEA %as the p#op#iet#ess of AppleBs 2astfoo! in 5u#nha& Pa#> %he#e the accuse! ha! lunch %ith his b#othe# an!
Pe!#o ase#ia on @ Nove&be# 9;;; Du#in$ the $#a!uation of the cu#sillo class in Ta#lac in Octobe# 9;;;, accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT %as
#e'ueste! b" his b#othe#, asi&i#o a&at, to !o so&e ca#pent#ies at his house in 5a$uio to$ethe# %ith Pe!#o ase#ia. It %as a$#ee! upon
that asi&i#o %oul! &eet both of the& at the c#ossin$ in 5inalonan on 0 Nove&be# 9;;;. On the sai! !ate, asi&i#o a##ive! at the &eetin$
place %ith his %ife an! !au$hte# an! let the accuse! an! ase#ia boa#! in his ca#. The" then p#ocee!e! to 5a$uio. Apon #eachin$ the sai!
place, asi&i#o fi#st !#oppe! b" his !au$hte#Bs !o#&ito#" to unloa! he# ba$$a$e befo#e p#ocee!in$ to 5u#nha& Pa#> %he#e the" ate lunch
to$ethe#. Afte#%a#!s, asi&i#o left his !au$hte# at he# !o#&ito#" an! his %ife at the bus te#&inal. The a&at b#othe#s an! ase#ia %ent to
asi&i#oBs place in Asin Roa! fo# the const#uction of so&e %oo!%o#>s.
On @ Nove&be# 9;;;, the accuse! left fo# a %hile to see 8ai&e an!i!o to as> assistance in secu#in$ a ba#an$a" clea#ance as he %as
inten!in$ to see> e&plo"&ent as a secu#it" $ua#!. Hhen he #etu#ne!, he %ent %ith asi&i#o to the cit" as the latte# pai! his elect#ic bill.
Afte#%a#!s, the" ha! lunch at AppleBs 2astfoo! in 5u#nha& Pa#> an! then p#ocee!e! to 5en$uet =u&be# o. to pu#chase so&e &ate#ials
befo#e #etu#nin$ to asi&i#oBs place fo# the continuation of thei# %o#>. The neCt !a", the accuse! left 5a$uio an! %ent bac> ho&e to 5#$".
aa#in$a"an in =aoac, Pan$asinan %he#e a su#p#isin$ ne%s a%aite! hi&. His siste# tol! hi& that he %as bein$ i&plicate! in a &assac#e.
onse'uentl", he #ushe! to the ba#an$a" captain to cla#if" the &atte#. Nonetheless, he %as tol! to $o ho&e an! 6ust %ait fo# the police to
Hhile he %as alone in his house at 90E?? &i!ni$ht, he notice! that a vehicle pa#>e! nea# his $ate an! five ,1- a#&e! &en b#o>e into his
house. The accuse! hi! un!e# the stai#s. Hhen the st#an$e#s %e#e $one, the accuse! i&&e!iatel" left his house an! %ent to 5#$". Tiblon$ in
San 2abian, Pan$asinan.
A=2REDO TAPO, the ba#an$a" captain of 5#$". aa#in$a"an, testifie! that in the evenin$ of / Nove&be# 9;;;, the accuse! !i! $o to his
house to as> hi& about the inci!ent in 5#$". Anis.
,itations o&itte!.-
In a 8oint Decision !ate! Octobe# ;, 0??0 in #i&inal ase Nos. A)9?/;+, A)9?/;;, A)9?1??, A)9?1?9, A)9?1?0 an! A)9?1?@, the t#ial cou#t
foun! appellant a&at $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of t%o ,0- counts of Mu#!e# %ith the Ase of Anlicense! 2i#ea#& an! fou# ,/- counts of
Atte&pte! Mu#!e#. The !ispositive po#tion of %hich #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, IN VIEH O2 A== THE 2ORE7OIN7, the ou#t fin!sE
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of ATTEMPTED MARDER an!
appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the#e bein$ no a$$#avatin$ an! &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stances, he#eb" sentences hi& to suffe# an
i&p#ison&ent of THO ,0- 3EARS, 2OAR ,/- MONTHS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision o##eccional in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MINIMAM to EI7HT
,+- 3EARS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision Ma"o# in its &e!iu& pe#io!, as MATIMAM an! to pa" the offen!e! pa#t" RIARDO HIDA=7O the
a&ount of P1?,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" the cost.
accuse! 8ANIOR =OPEO is still at)la#$e.
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of ATTEMPTED MARDER an!
appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the#e bein$ no a$$#avatin$ an! &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stances, he#eb" sentences hi& to suffe# an
i&p#ison&ent of THO ,0- 3EARS, 2OAR ,/- MONTHS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision o##eccional in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MINIMAM to EI7HT
,+- 3EARS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision Ma"o# in its &e!iu& pe#io!, as MATIMAM an! to pa" the offen!e! pa#t" PEDRO HIDA=7O the
a&ount of P1?,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" the cost.
The accuse! HENR3 AOI=E is ac'uitte! of the cha#$e. The accuse! 8unio# =ope* is still at)la#$e.
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of ATTEMPTED MARDER an!
appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the#e bein$ no a$$#avatin$ an! &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stances, he#eb" sentences hi& to suffe# an
i&p#ison&ent of THO ,0- 3EARS, 2OAR ,/- MONTHS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision o##eccional in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MINIMAM to EI7HT
,+- 3EARS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision Ma"o# in its &e!iu& pe#io!, as MATIMAM an! to pa" the offen!e! pa#t" AARE=IO HIDA=7O the
a&ount of P1?,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" the cost.
accuse! 8ANIOR =OPEO is still at)la#$e.
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of ATTEMPTED MARDER an!
appl"in$ the In!ete#&inate Sentence =a%, the#e bein$ no a$$#avatin$ an &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stances, he#eb" sentences hi& to suffe# an
i&p#ison&ent of THO ,0- 3EARS, 2OAR ,/- MONTHS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision o##eccional in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MINIMAM to EI7HT
,+- 3EARS an! ONE ,9- DA3 of P#ision Ma"o# in its &e!iu& pe#io!, as MATIMAM an! to pa" the offen!e! pa#t" 8AANITO HIDA=7O the
a&ount of P1?,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" the cost.
accuse! 8ANIOR =OPEO is still at)la#$e.
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of MARDER HITH THE ASE O2
AN=IENSED 2IREARMS penali*e! un!e# Republic Act No. :.1; othe#%ise >no%n as the Heinous #i&e =a% an! the offense havin$ been
co&&itte! %ith the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of %ith the Ase of an Anlicense! 2i#ea#& un!e# Republic Act No. +0;/, he#eb" sentences hi&
the ulti&u& suppliciu& of DEATH to be eCecute! pu#suant to Republic Act No. +9:: >no%n as the =ethal In6ection =a%F to pa" the hei#s of the
victi& MARE=INA HIDA=7O in the a&ount of P1?,???.?? as in!e&nit"F P0??,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" the cost.
The accuse! HENR3 AOI=E is AGAITTED of the cha#$e. The accuse! 8ANIOR =OPEO is still unapp#ehen!e!.
The accuse! DIOSDADO AMAT " Sa&pa$a alias (5o"et(, 7AI=T3 be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of MARDER HITH THE ASE O2
AN=IENSED 2IREARMS penali*e! un!e# Republic Act No. :.1; othe#%ise >no%n as the Heinous #i&e =a% an! the offense havin$ been
co&&itte! %ith the a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance of %ith the Ase of an Anlicense! 2i#ea#& un!e# Republic Act No. +0;/, he#eb" sentences hi&
the ulti&u& suppliciu& of DEATH to be eCecute! pu#suant to Republic Act No. +9:: >no%n as the =ethal In6ection =a%F to pa" the hei#s of the
victi& E=MER HIDA=7O in the a&ount of P1?,???.?? as in!e&nit"F P0?,???.?? as actual !a&a$esF P0??,???.?? as &o#al !a&a$es an! to
pa" the cost.
The accuse! HENR3 AOI=E is AGAITTED of the cha#$e. The accuse! 8ANIOR =OPEO is still unapp#ehen!e!.
2INA==3, it is sai!E (Hoc 'ui!e& pe# 'ua& !u#u& est se! ita leC sc#ipta est,( t#anslate! as follo%sE (The la% &a" be eCcee!in$l" ha#! but the
la% is %#itten.(
Since appellant a&at %as sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of DEATH as a conse'uence of his conviction fo# t%o cha#$es of Mu#!e# %ith the
Ase of Anlicense! 2i#ea#&, a&on$ othe#s, the case %as o#i$inall" appeale! to this ou#t but in confo#&it" %ith ou# !ecision in People v.
the &atte# %as #e&an!e! to the ou#t of Appeals fo# inte#&e!iate #evie%.
Afte# a tho#ou$h evaluation, the appellate cou#t &e#el" affi#&e! %ith &o!ification the assaile! Octobe# ;, 0??0 8oint Decision of the t#ial cou#t
in this %iseE
IN =I7HT O2 A== THE 2ORE7OIN7, the appeal is he#eb" DENIED. The 6oint !ecision !ate! ; Octobe# 0??0 of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t,
5#anch /1, A#!aneta it" in #i&inal ases Nos. A)9?/;+ to A)9?1?@ is he#eb" A22IRMED HITH MODI2IATION onl" on the penalt"
i&pose! fo# &u#!e# %ith the use of unlicense! fi#ea#&. Accuse!)appellant Dios!a!o a&at is sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of #eclusion
pe#petua fo# each count of &u#!e# %ith the use of unlicense! fi#ea#& instea! of !eath in #i&inal ases Nos. A)9?/;+ an! A)9?/;;, an! the
penalt" of t%o ,0- "ea#s, fou# ,/- &onths an! one ,9- !a" of p#ision co##eccional in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MINIMAM to ei$ht ,+- "ea#s an! one
,9- !a" of p#ision &a"o# in its &e!iu& pe#io! as MATIMAM fo# each count of atte&pte! &u#!e# in #i&inal ases Nos. A)9?1?? to A)9?1?@.
Since the appeal %as !eci!e! afte# the passa$e of Republic Act No. ;@/. ,An Act P#ohibitin$ the I&position of Death Penalt" in the
Philippines, enacte! on 8une 0/, 0??.-, the appellate cou#t sa% fit to &o!if" the penalt" to #eclusion pe#petua.
Thus, a&at inte#pose! the p#esent appeal %he#ein both the p#osecution an! thei# !efense &e#el" a!opte! thei# b#iefs file! %ith the ou#t of
Appeals. 5efo#e this ou#t, appellant a&at #eite#ates the follo%in$ assi$n&ent of e##o#sE
Essentiall", the issues #aise! b" appellant a&at boil !o%n to %hethe# o# not his conviction %as %a##ante! upon !ue consi!e#ation of the
evi!ence on #eco#!.
Appellant a&at a#$ues that his conviction %as e##oneous because it %as base! on cont#a!icto#" an! i&p#obable testi&onies &a!e b"
p#osecution %itnesses %ho %e#e a&on$ the su#vivin$ victi&s of the &assac#e. He &aintains that these %itnesses coul! not have possibl"
i!entifie! hi& %ith &o#al ce#taint" as one of the $un&en because it %as unli>el" that the" %e#e able to see the faces of the assailants fi#in$ at
the& since the" %e#e &o#e conce#ne! %ith ta>in$ cove# fo# thei# safet". Thus, he posits that his !efense of alibi &ust be uphel! ove# the
suppose!l" %ea> testi&onial evi!ence p#esente! b" the p#osecution.
Afte# a ca#eful #evie%, %e affi#& the $uilt" ve#!ict a$ainst appellant a&at.
A#ticle 0/+ of the Revise! Penal o!e states thatE
A#t. 0/+. Mu#!e#. P An" pe#son %ho, not fallin$ %ithin the p#ovisions of A#ticle 0/., shall >ill anothe#, shall be $uilt" of &u#!e# an! shall be
punishe! b" #eclusion pe#petua to !eath if co&&itte! %ith an" of the follo%in$ atten!ant ci#cu&stancesE
9. Hith t#eache#", ta>in$ a!vanta$e of supe#io# st#en$th, %ith the ai! of a#&e! &en, o# e&plo"in$ &eans to %ea>en the !efense o#
of &eans o# pe#sons to insu#e o# affo#! i&punit"F
0. In consi!e#ation of a p#ice, #e%a#!, o# p#o&iseF
@. 5" &eans of inun!ation, fi#e, poison, eCplosion, ship%#ec>, st#an!in$ of a vessel, !e#ail&ent o# assault upon a #ail#oa!, fall of an
ai#ship, b" &eans of &oto# vehicles, o# %ith the use of an" othe# &eans involvin$ $#eat %aste an! #uinF
/. On occasion of an" of the cala&ities enu&e#ate! in the p#ece!in$ pa#a$#aph, o# of an ea#th'ua>e, e#uption of a volcano,
!est#uctive c"clone, epi!e&ic, o# an" othe# public cala&it"F
1. Hith evi!ent p#e&e!itationF
.. Hith c#uelt", b" !elibe#atel" an! inhu&anl" au$&entin$ the suffe#in$ of the victi&, o# out#a$in$ o# scoffin$ at his pe#son o#
As encapsulate! in 6u#isp#u!ence, to be liable fo# Mu#!e#, the p#osecution &ust p#ove thatE ,9- a pe#son %as >ille!F ,0- the accuse! >ille! hi&F
,@- the >illin$ %as atten!e! b" an" of the 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stances &entione! in A#ticle 0/+F an! ,/- the >illin$ is neithe# pa##ici!e no#
He uphol! the ou#t of AppealsB fin!in$ that all the ele&ents of the c#i&e of &u#!e# concu# in this instance. Hith #e$a#! to the fi#st ele&ent,
the p#osecution %as able to establish the fact of !eath of Ma#celina an! El&e# Hi!al$o as sho%n b" thei# !eath ce#tificates
as %ell as the
autops" #epo#ts
%hich clea#l" in!icate that the co&&on cause of thei# unti&el" !e&ise is &assive he&o##ha$e secon!a#" to $unshot %oun!s
that the" sustaine! !u#in$ the shootin$ inci!ent in 'uestion. The fou#th ele&ent is p#esent as %ell since both the victi&s a#e a!ults an! not
#elate! b" consan$uinit" o# affinit" to appellant a&at %hich fo#ecloses an" possibilit" of classif"in$ thei# fatal shootin$ as eithe# pa##ici!e o#
As fo# the secon! ele&ent, the#e can be no !oubt that the p#osecution also p#ove! the pa#ticipation of appellant a&at in the c#i&es sub6ect of
this case. Appellant a&atBs !efenses of alibi an! !enial as %ell as his attac> on the c#e!ibilit" of the p#osecution %itnesses %ho positivel"
i!entifie! hi& si&pl" cannot be $iven c#e!ence.
In the p#eviousl" &entione! co&panion case of People v. Dula",
appellant a&atBs co)accuse! Dula" si&ila#l" int#o!uce! the issue
conce#nin$ the c#e!ibilit" of the testi&onies &a!e b" the %itnesses fo# the p#osecution %ho %e#e a&on$ the su#vivo#s of the Nove&be# @,
9;;; &assac#e, na&el", 8uanito, Au#elio, Pe!#o, an! Rica#!o, all su#na&e! Hi!al$o. 7iven the i!entit" of the factual ci#cu&stances of this
case %ith the Dula" case, %e see no #eason to !eviate f#o& the #ulin$ this ou#t lai! !o%n in Dula", to %itE
A fe% !isc#epancies an! inconsistencies in the testi&onies of %itnesses #efe##in$ to &ino# !etails !o not i&pai# thei# c#e!ibilit". Mino#
inconsistencies even ten! to st#en$then the c#e!ibilit" of a %itness because the" !iscount the possibilit" that the testi&on" %as #ehea#se!. As
#e$a#!s the actuations of the %itnesses at the ti&e of the inci!ent, it is settle! that the#e is si&pl" no stan!a#! fo#& of behavio#al #esponse that
can be eCpecte! f#o& an"one %hen conf#onte! %ith a st#an$e, sta#tlin$, o# f#i$htful occu##ence.
In!ee!, &ino# inconsistencies in the na##ation of facts b" the %itnesses !o not !et#act f#o& thei# essential c#e!ibilit" as lon$ as thei#
testi&onies on the %hole a#e cohe#ent an! int#insicall" believable.
In fact, this ou#t ha! p#eviousl" hel! that t#ivial inconsistencies !o not
#oc> the pe!estal upon %hich the c#e!ibilit" of the %itnesses #ests but enhances c#e!ibilit" as the" &anifest spontaneit" an! lac> of
8u#isp#u!ence even %a#ns a$ainst a pe#fect !ovetailin$ of na##ation b" !iffe#ent %itnesses as it coul! &ean that thei# testi&onies
%e#e p#e)fab#icate! an! #ehea#se!.
Since the testi&onies of the p#osecution %itnesses %e#e c#e!ible, this ou#t cannot accept appellant a&atBs !efenses of alibi an! !enial in
li$ht of the positive i!entification of hi& as one of the $un&en involve! in that !#ea!ful &assac#e.
It bea#s #epeatin$ that this ou#t has consistentl" hel! that alibi, as a !efense, is inhe#entl" %ea> an! c#u&bles in li$ht of positive i!entification
b" t#uthful %itnesses.
Mo#eove#, positive i!entification of the accuse!, %hen cate$o#ical an! consistent, an! %ithout an" ill &otive on the pa#t
of the e"e%itnesses testif"in$ on the &atte#, p#evails ove# alibi an! !enial.
To be su#e, an eCa&ination of the testi&onies &a!e b" the p#osecution %itnesses #eveals that thei# i!entification of appellant a&at as one of
the culp#its behin! the Nove&be# @, 9;;; &assac#e %as clea# an! une'uivocal. The #elevant po#tions of the t#ansc#ipts a#e 'uote! he#eE
PROS. TOM5OE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G 3ou sai! a $unfi#e ca&e f#o& C C C inf#ont of "ou# house, !o "ou >no% %ho a#e fi#in$ that $un bu#stI
A 3es si#, Ma&e#to Dula" an! Dios!a!o a&at, an! othe# co&panions.
G 3ou sai! a bu#st of $unfi#e ca&e f#o& Dios!a!o a&at an! Ma&e#to Dula" an! his co&panion. Hhat >in! of fi#ea#& !i! Dios!a!o a&at
fi#e %hen "ou sa% hi& fi#e!I
A A lon$ fi#ea#&, but I !o not >no% the calibe#, si#.
G Hhen "ou sai! a bu#st of $unfi#e ca&e f#o& these pe#sons. Hho a&on$ the $#oup actuall" &a>e o# shoot to%a#!s "ou# !i#ectionI
A The t%o ,0- %hich %e#e hol!in$ lon$ fi#ea#&, si#.
G Hho a#e these t%o ,0- pe#sonsI
A Ma&e#to Dula" an! Dios!a!o a&at, si#.
,E&phases supplie!.-
ATT3 ERAE ,c#oss)eCa&ination-
G So, Ma&e#to Dula" an! Dios!a!o a&at ca&e into "ou# place, ho% fa# %e#e the" f#o& %he#e "ou satI
A Not less than siC ,.- &ete#s, si#.
G Hhe#e %as, !i! the $#oup of Ma&e#to Dula" co&e as a $#oupI
A 3es si#.
G Ho% &an" shots %e#e fi#e! if "ou #e&e&be#I
A Man" si#, I cannot #e&e&be# ho% &an", si#.
G Ho% lon$ %as the !u#ation of the $un bu#stI
A Successive si#.
G Hhat pa#ticula# place Dios!a!o a&at %as stan!in$ in #elation to the place %he#e "ou satI
A At the easte#n !i#ection, si#.
,E&phases supplie!.-
ATT3. 2=ORENDOE ,c#oss)eCa&ination-
G So, the fi#st ti&e that "ou a#e able to notice the p#esence of Ma&e#to Dula" an! Dios!a!o a&at %as %hen the" %e#e al#ea!" #unnin$
a%a", a& I co##ectI
A No si#, at the ti&e %hen the" %e#e at the fence.
G 3ou &entione! a %hile a$o befo#e the actual shootin$ "ou !i! not notice an"bo!"I
A I %as able to notice the& at the ti&e %hen the" fi#e! thei# $uns, si#.
G An! "ou a#e onl" able to notice Ma&e#to Dula" an! Dios!a!o a&at ai&in$ thei# $uns to "ou# !i#ectionI
A 3es si#.
,E&phases supplie!.-
2ISA= DAM=AOE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G M#. Hitness, %h" !o "ou >no% this Ma#celina Hi!al$oI
A She is &" %ife, si#.
G Hhe#e is she no%I
A She is !ea!, si#.
G Do "ou >no% the cause of !eath of "ou# %ifeI
A 3es, si#.
G Hhat %as the cause of he# !eathI
A She %as shot, si#.
G Hho shot he#I
A a&at an! co&panions, si#.
G About this El&e# Hi!al$o, !o "ou >no% hi&I
A I >no% hi&, si#.
G Hhat happene! to hi&I
A He %as also shot, si#.
G Hho shot hi&I
A a&at an! co&pan", si#.
G Di! he !ie alsoI
A He !ie! MaBa&.
G Hhen "ou testifie!, M#. Hitness, on Ma#ch 9?, 0??9, befo#e Hon. 8u!$e Mo!esto 8uanson, "ou %e#e as>e! to point to Dios!a!o a&at but
he %as not a#oun! at that ti&e, no%, %ill "ou please stan! up an! loo> insi!e the cou#t#oo& if "ou can see one Dios!a!o a&at an! if he is
he#e please point to hi&.
A ,Hitness pointe! unto a pe#son insi!e the cou#t#oo&, %ho, %hen his na&e %as as>e!, he ans%e#e! Dios!a!o a&at-.
ATT3. MAPI=IE ,c#oss)eCa&ination-
G 3ou have no $#u!$e a$ainst Dios!a!o a&atI
A None, si#.
G So the#e is no #eason fo# hi& to shoot "ou because "ou have no $#u!$e a$ainst hi&I
A I !o not >no% C C C but %hen %e %e#e shot he %as the#e.
,E&phases supplie!.-
PROS. TOM5OE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G At that ti&e "ou hea#! $unfi#e an! !i#ecte! to "ou, !o "ou >no% %ho a#e those pe#sons %ho shot that $unfi#eI
A 3es si#.
G Hill "ou please na&e the&, if "ou >no%I
A 5o"et a&at, Hen#" aoile, Ma&e#to Dula", 8unio# =ope*, 8ohn =au#ean, Ibot a&pos, Ro$elio a&pos an! Se#afin Dula",
,E&phasis supplie!.-
PROS. DAM=AOE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G M#. %itness, %hen "ou a#e as>e! to i!entif" 5o"et a&at insi!e the cou#t#oo& !u#in$ "ou testi&on" on Ma#ch 9@, 0???, "ou# ans%e# %as
that, he %as not he#e, befo#e, is that co##ectI
A 3es si#.
G Is this 5o"et a&at al#ea!" insi!e the cou#t#oo& no%I
A 3es si#, he is he#e.
G Hill "ou please loo> a#oun! the cou#t#oo& an! scan an! point to this 5o"et a&at if he is insi!e the cou#t#oo&I
A He is he#e si#. ,Hitness pointin$ to a pe#son seate! insi!e the cou#t#oo& an! %hen as>e! his na&e, ans%e#e!, Dios!a!o a&at, alias
G Since %hen have "ou >no%n this 5o"et a&at befo#e Nove&be# @, 9;;;I
A I >no% hi& since his chil!hoo!, si#.
,E&phases supplie!.-
PROS. TOM5OE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G 3ou sai! that "ou %e#e shot, %he#e %e#e "ou hit, in %hat pa#t of "ou# bo!"I
A ,Hitness is pointin$ at the left pal& an! #i$ht buttoc>, si#.-
G Hhile facin$ east "ou %e#e hit, ho% %e#e "ou able to co&e to >no% that the $unshot ca&e f#o& "ou# bac>I
A I tu#ne! &" face at &" bac> %hen I hea#! $unshot, si#.
G 3ou sai! "ou tu#ne! "ou# bac> %hat !i! "ou seeI
A I sa% 8ohn =au#ean, Ro$elio a&pos, Ibot a&pos, Ma&e#to Dula", 5o"et a&at, Hen#" aoile, Se#afin Dula" an! 8ohn =ope*, si#.
G 5o"et a&atI
A A lon$ fi#ea#&, si#.
G Hhat is the na&e of a&atI
A Dios!a!o a&at, si#.
,E&phases supplie!.-
2ISA= DAM=AOE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G M#. Hitness, %hen "ou testifie! befo#e this Hono#able ou#t befo#e 8u!$e Mo!esto . 8uanson on Ap#il /, 0???, "ou %e#e &a!e to i!entif"
in the cou#t #oo& the pe#son of Dios!a!o a&at an! "ou sai! befo#e that he %as not he#e in that hea#in$, if this Dios!a!o a&at is insi!e the
cou#t #oo& no%, %ill "ou please stan! up an! $o nea# hi& an! tap his shoul!e#I
A ,Hitness pointe! to a pe#son insi!e the cou#t#oo&, %ho %hen his na&e %as as>e! ans%e#e! Dios!a!o a&at-.
,E&phases supplie!.-
ATT3. MAPI=IE ,c#oss)eCa&ination-
G M#. Hitness, !o "ou #e&e&be# havin$ testifie! !u#in$ the hea#in$ on Ap#il /, 0???, that "ou !o not >no% %ho a&on$ the ei$ht alle$e!
assailants fi#e! thei# $unI
A 3es, si#, but all of the& %e#e hol!in$ $uns.
G An! "ou %ant to i&p#ess the ou#t that "ou #e&e&be# the $uns that the" %e#e ca##"in$ even thou$h the shots %e#e onl" fo# a fe% secon!sI
A 5o"et a&at %as hol!in$ lon$ fi#ea#&s, Ma&e#to Dula" %as hol!in$ a lon$ fi#ea#&, an! the othe# siC %e#e hol!in$ sho#t
,E&phasis supplie!.-
PROS. DAM=AOE ,!i#ect eCa&ination-
G M#. %itness, "ou testifie! on Ap#il 99, 0??? befo#e this Hono#able ou#t #e$a#!in$ these th#ee ,@- cases an! "ou a#e as>e! LaM L'Muestion
LonM pa$e . of the t#ansc#ipt of steno$#aphic notes TSN of "ou# testi&on" that the pe#sons %ho shot "ou an! "ou# co&panions %e#e 8ohn
=au#ean, Ro$elio a&pos, Ibot a&pos, Se#afin Dula", 5o"et a&at, Hen#" aoile, Ma&e#to Dula" an! 8unio# =ope*. If this 5o"et a&at is
in the cou#t#oo&, a#e "ou no% in a position to point hi&, M#. %itnessI
A 5efo#e he %as not he#e, but no% he is he#e, si#.
G an "ou point to hi&I
A 3es si#. ,Hitness pointin$ to a pe#son, %hen as>e! his na&e, ans%e#e!, Dios!a!o a&at.-
G Do "ou >no% the eCact na&e of 5o"et a&atI
A I >no% the" calle! hi& in the house, but I !o not >no% the na&e in the school, si#.
G M#. %itness, "ou sai! that in "ou# testi&on" on Ap#il 99, 0??? pa#ticula#l" on pa$e 9? of the tsn. The 'uestion %as as>e! of "ou M#. %itness,
%hat calibe# o# fi#ea#& %as this 5o"et hol!in$ at that ti&e an! "ou ans%e#e!, lon$ fi#ea#&. M" 'uestion is, %ill "ou !esc#ibe that lon$ fi#ea#&I
A ,Hitness !e&onst#atin$ a lon$ fi#ea#& of about 0 9J0 feet.-
G Hh" !o "ou >no% 5o"et a&at %ho ans%e#e! b" the na&e of Dios!a!o a&atI
A He is also ou# fo#&e# ba#an$a"&ate, &a!a&.
,E&phases supplie!.-
2u#the#&o#e, appellant a&atBs su!!en fli$ht f#o& his #esi!ence #i$ht afte# the Nove&be# @, 9;;; &assac#e &ilitate! a$ainst his p#otestations
of innocence. His #eaction upon hea#in$ #epo#ts that he %as consi!e#e! a suspect in the =oac &assac#e, %as to leave his house %ithout a
%o#! to his #elatives on the p#eteCt that he %as eva!in$ a#&e! &en %ho %e#e pu#po#te!l" loo>in$ fo# hi&. He settle! in his #est house locate!
in San 2abian, Pan$asinan %he#e he sta"e! fo# &o#e than a "ea# befo#e police office#s &ana$e! to a##est hi& on Dece&be# 01, 0???
pu#suant to an outstan!in$ %a##ant of a##est. Hhen he testifie! in open cou#t, he coul! not p#ovi!e an" plausible #eason fo# his p#olon$e!
absence f#o& his ho&eto%n an! to his appa#ent ave#sion to the thou$ht of volunta#il" su##en!e#in$ to the autho#ities in o#!e# to clea# his
na&e. The follo%in$ pe#tinent po#tions of the t#ansc#ipt sho% thisE
G In othe# %o#!s, at about @E?? oBcloc> in the &o#nin$ of Nove&be# 1, "ou i&&e!iatel" p#ocee!e! to Tiblon$, San 2abian, is that %hat "ou
A 3es, si#.
G 3ou !i! not even tal> to "ou# &othe# an"&o#e o# to "ou# siste# Monica befo#e "ou %ent to Tiblon$I
A No &o#e, si#, because I %al>e! at the #icefiel!.
G Hh" !i! "ou not p#ocee! to the police station in that ea#l" &o#nin$I
A I al#ea!" fea#e! because the #elatives of the victi&s &i$ht see &e.
G Hh" !i! "ou not su##en!e# at Manaoa$ Police StationI
A I !i! not thin> about that an"&o#e, si#.
ontinue 2iscal.
G 3ou even passe! at Man$al!an in $oin$ to Tiblon$, is it notI
A 3es, si#.
G 3ou !i! not #epo#t to the police of Man$al!anI
A I !i! not thin> of it an"&o#e, si#.
G 3ou passe! also the Poblacion of San 2abian befo#e $oin$ to Tiblon$I
A 3es, si#.
G 3ou !i! not thin> of su##en!e#in$ to the police of San 2abianI
A It !i! not occu# to &" &in!, si#.
G asi&i#o a&at is a &e&be# of the a#&", %h" !i! "ou not $o to hi& to have "ou su##en!e#e! an! tell hi& that "ou have nothin$ to !o %ith
the inci!entI
A It !i! not occu# to &" &in!, si#.
G In that span of one "ea# that "ou a#e hi!in$, !i! "ou not lea#n that these cases %e#e bein$ t#ie! an! one Ma&e#to Dula" %as al#ea!"
A No, si#.
G I&&e!iatel" afte# "ou %e#e info#&e! that "ou# na&e %as involve! in that &assac#e %hen "ou a##ive! co&in$ f#o& 5a$uio it" on
Nove&be# /, 9;;; an! %hen "ou# siste# Monica info#&e! "ou that "ou# na&e %as involve!, so as %ith "ou# &othe#, !i! "ou not $o to the
police o# so&e othe# police station to $ive "ou# state&ent that "ou have nothin$ to !o in that &assac#e consi!e#in$ that "ou %e#e in 5a$uio
it", &o#nin$ an! afte#noon of Nove&be# @, 9;;;.
A No, si#.
G It is onl" "ou# fi#st ti&e to na##ate "ou# ve#sion of this t#a$e!" at =aoac, this is "ou# fi#st ti&e to tell the Hono#able ou#t that "ou %e#e in
5a$uio it" in the &o#nin$ an! afte#noon of Nove&be# @, 9;;;I
A 3es, si#.
G 2#o& the ti&e, M#. Hitness, that "ou left "ou# house in that ea#l" &o#nin$ of Nove&be# 1 up to Dece&be# 01 %hen "ou %e#e a##este! at
Villaflo# Hospital in Da$upan it", even once o# t%ice, "ou !i! not $o o# visit "ou# ba#an$a" at Anis, =aoac, Pan$asinan, is that co##ectI
A No &o#e, si#.
In all, the lo%e# cou#ts co##ectl" app#eciate! appellant a&atBs uneCplaine! !epa#tu#e a$ainst hi&. 2li$ht in c#i&inal la% is the eva!in$ of the
cou#se of 6ustice b" volunta#il" %ith!#a%in$ oneself in o#!e# to avoi! a##est o# !etention o# the institution o# continuance of c#i&inal
In one case, this ou#t ha! state! that it is %ell)establishe! that the fli$ht of an accuse! is co&petent evi!ence to in!icate his
$uiltF an! fli$ht, %hen uneCplaine!, is a ci#cu&stance f#o& %hich an infe#ence of $uilt &a" be !#a%n. In!ee!, the %ic>e! flee %hen no &an
pu#sueth, but the innocent a#e as bol! as lion.
Mo#eove#, the 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stance of t#eache#" %as a!e'uatel" sho%n to eCist in this case, thus, satisf"in$ the thi#! ele&ent of Mu#!e#.
The#e is t#eache#" o# alevosia %hen the offen!e# co&&its an" of the c#i&es a$ainst the pe#son, e&plo"in$ &eans, &etho!s o# fo#&s in the
eCecution the#eof %hich ten! !i#ectl" an! speciall" to insu#e its eCecution, %ithout #is> to hi&self a#isin$ f#o& an" !efense %hich the offen!e!
pa#t" &i$ht &a>e.
2o# alevosia to 'ualif" the c#i&e to Mu#!e#, it &ust be sho%n thatE ,9- the &alefacto# e&plo"e! such &eans, &etho! o#
&anne# of eCecution as to ensu#e his o# he# safet" f#o& the !efensive o# #etaliato#" acts of the victi&F an! ,0- the sai! &eans, &etho! an!
&anne# of eCecution %e#e !elibe#atel" a!opte!. Mo#eove#, fo# t#eache#" to be app#eciate!, it &ust be p#esent an! seen b" the %itness #i$ht at
the inception of the attac>.
In the #ecent case of People v. Nu$as,
%e eCpoun!e! on the essence of t#eache#" in this &anne#E
The essence of t#eache#" lies in the attac> that co&es %ithout %a#nin$, an! the attac> is s%ift, !elibe#ate an! uneCpecte!, an! affo#!s the
hapless, una#&e! an! unsuspectin$ victi& no chance to #esist o# escape, the#eb" ensu#in$ its acco&plish&ent %ithout the #is> to the
a$$#esso#, %ithout the sli$htest p#ovocation on the pa#t of the victi&. Hhat is !ecisive is that the eCecution of the attac> &a!e it i&possible fo#
the victi& to !efen! hi&self o# to #etaliate. T#eache#" &a" also be app#eciate! %hen the victi&, althou$h %a#ne! of the !an$e# to his life, is
!efenseless an! unable to flee at the ti&e of the infliction of the coup !e $#ace.
The testi&onial evi!ence $athe#e! in this case clea#l" in!icates that the victi&s %ho %e#e si&pl" en$a$e! in conve#sation in a p#ivate
#esi!ence %e#e cau$ht enti#el" b" su#p#ise %ith the assailantsB s%ift, !elibe#ate an! uneCpecte! attac> usin$ &ultiple fi#ea#&s the#eb" ne$atin$
the possibilit" fo# the victi&s to escape o# !efen! the&selves.
Ho%eve#, cont#a#" to the fin!in$s of both the t#ial an! appellate cou#ts, this ou#t fin!s that the use of unlicense! fi#ea#& %as not !ul" p#oven
b" the p#osecution. The evi!ence in!icates that none of the fi#ea#&s use! in the Nove&be# @, 9;;; &assac#e %e#e eve# #ecove#e! an!
p#esente! in the t#ial cou#t. Neve#theless, the#e is 6u#isp#u!ence %hich states that the eCistence of the fi#ea#& can be establishe! b" testi&on",
even %ithout the p#esentation of the fi#ea#&.
The testi&on" of the p#osecution %itnesses ha! establishe! that appellant a&at use! a lon$
fi#ea#& of un>no%n &a>e an! calibe# to shoot his victi&s but that %oul! still be insufficient to att#ibute to his felonious act the 'ualif"in$
ci#cu&stance of use of unlicense! fi#ea#& in li$ht of 6u#isp#u!ence %hich asse#ts that in o#!e# fo# the sa&e to be consi!e#e!, a!e'uate p#oof,
such as %#itten o# testi&onial evi!ence, &ust be p#esente! sho%in$ that the appellant %as not a license! fi#ea#& hol!e#.
The#e %as no such
p#oof in the case at ba#.
A#ticle 0/+ of the Revise! Penal o!e p#ovi!es fo# the penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua to !eath fo# the c#i&e of Mu#!e#.1wphi1 If no
a$$#avatin$ o# &iti$atin$ ci#cu&stance atten!e! the co&&ission of the c#i&e, the i&posable penalt" is #eclusion pe#petua. In this case, the
'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stances of t#eache#" an! use of unlicense! fi#ea#&s %e#e app#eciate! b" both the t#ial cou#t an! the ou#t of Appeals.
Ho%eve#, onl" the p#esence of the 'ualif"in$ ci#cu&stance of t#eache#" %as clea#l" p#oven in the t#ial of appellant a&at fo# the >illin$ of
Ma#celina an! El&e# Hi!al$o, %hich neve#theless 'ualifie! the felonious act as Mu#!e#. The#e bein$ no othe# a$$#avatin$ ci#cu&stance, the
t#ial cou#t %as inco##ect in i&posin$ the !eath penalt" an! shoul! have 6ust i&pose! the penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua.
In an" case, the ou#t of Appeals i&pose! the p#ope# penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua afte# consi!e#in$ the eCp#ess &an!ate of Republic Act No.
This ou#t also uphol!s appellant a&atBs conviction of fou# counts of Atte&pte! Mu#!e# since sai! cha#$es %e#e satisfacto#il" p#oven b" the
The ele&ents of atte&pte! felon" a#e as follo%sE
9. The offen!e# co&&ences the co&&ission of the felon" !i#ectl" b" ove#t actsF
0. He !oes not pe#fo#& all the acts of eCecution %hich shoul! p#o!uce the felon"F
@. The offen!e#Bs act be not stoppe! b" his o%n spontaneous !esistanceF
/. The non)pe#fo#&ance of all acts of eCecution %as !ue to cause o# acci!ent othe# than his spontaneous !esistance.
It is %ell)settle! that %he#e the %oun!s inflicte! on the victi& a#e not sufficient to cause his !eath, the c#i&e is onl" Atte&pte! Mu#!e#, as the
accuse! ha! not pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution that %oul! have b#ou$ht about the victi&Bs !eath.
In the p#esent case, appellant a&at an! his co)accuse! onl" co&&itte! Atte&pte! Mu#!e# because the" %e#e not able to >ill 8uanito,
Au#elio, Pe!#o, an! Rica#!o b" #eason of a cause in!epen!ent of thei# %ill, specificall" ti&el" &e!ical attention, !espite the fact that the"
al#ea!" pe#fo#&e! all the acts of eCecution %hich shoul! have p#o!uce! the c#i&e of Mu#!e#. In a!!ition, the %oun!s inflicte! upon these
victi&s %e#e not consi!e#e! fatal as evi!ence! b" the !ocu&enta#" an! testi&onial evi!ence p#esente! in the t#ial cou#t.
Eve#" pe#son c#i&inall" liable fo# a felon" is also civill" liable.
Thus, %hen !eath occu#s !ue to a c#i&e, the follo%in$ !a&a$es &a" be a%a#!e!E ,9- civil in!e&nit" eC !elicto fo# the !eath of the victi&F ,0-
actual o# co&pensato#" !a&a$esF ,@- &o#al !a&a$esF ,/- eCe&pla#" !a&a$esF ,1- atto#ne"Bs fees an! eCpenses of liti$ationF an! ,.- inte#est,
in p#ope# cases.
This ou#t ha! p#eviousl" !ecla#e! that in cases of Mu#!e# an! Ho&ici!e, civil in!e&nit" an! &o#al !a&a$es a#e a%a#!e! auto&aticall".
In!ee!, such a%a#!s a#e &an!ato#" %ithout nee! of alle$ation an! p#oof othe# than the !eath of the victi&, o%in$ to the fact of the
co&&ission of Mu#!e# o# Ho&ici!e.
Pu#suant to #ecent 6u#isp#u!ence, this ou#t is inc#easin$ the a%a#! of civil in!e&nit" f#o& 2ift" Thousan! Pesos ,P1?,???.??- to Sevent")2ive
Thousan! Pesos ,P:1,???.??- fo# each count of Mu#!e#
as %ell as !ec#easin$ the a%a#! of &o#al !a&a$es f#o& T%o Hun!#e! Thousan!
Pesos ,P0??,???.??- to 2ift" Thousan! Pesos ,P1?,???.??- fo# each count of Mu#!e#
an! f#o& 2ift" Thousan! Pesos ,P1?,???.??- to 2o#t"
Thousan! Pesos ,P/?,???.??- fo# each count of Atte&pte! Mu#!e#.
2u#the#&o#e, in acco#!ance %ith A#ticle 00@? of the ivil
eCe&pla#" !a&a$es shoul! be a%a#!e! in the a&ount of Thi#t" Thousan! Pesos ,P@?,???.??- fo# each count of Mu#!e#
as %ell as
fo# each count of Atte&pte! Mu#!e#.
HHERE2ORE, p#e&ises consi!e#e!, the Decision !ate! 2eb#ua#" 0:, 0??; of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R)H.. No. ?0/0; is he#eb"
A22IRMED %ith fu#the# MODI2IATIONS thatE
,9- Appellant Dios!a!o a&at is o#!e#e! to pa", fo# each count of MARDER in #i&inal ase Nos. A)9?/;+ an! A)9?/;;, Sevent")
2ive Thousan! Pesos ,P:1,???.??- as civil in!e&nit", 2ift" Thousan! Pesos ,P1?,???.??- as &o#al !a&a$es an! Thi#t" Thousan!
Pesos ,P@?,???.??- as eCe&pla#" !a&a$esF
,0- Appellant Dios!a!o a&at is o#!e#e! to pa", fo# each count of ATTEMPTED MARDER in #i&inal ase Nos. A)9?1??, A)
9?1?9, A)9?1?0 an! A)9?1?@, 2o#t" Thousan! Pesos ,P/?,???.??- as &o#al !a&a$es an! Thi#t" Thousan! Pesos ,P@?,???.??- as
eCe&pla#" !a&a$esF an!
,@- Appellant Dios!a!o a&at is fu#the# o#!e#e! to pa" the p#ivate offen!e! pa#ties o# thei# hei#s inte#est on all !a&a$es a%a#!e! at
the le$al #ate of siC pe#cent , .oJo- pe# annu& f#o& the !ate of finalit" of this 6u!$&ent.
No p#onounce&ent as to costs.
Associate 6ustice
Actin$ hai#pe#son, 2i#st Division
Associate 6ustice
Associate 8ustice
M#RTN S. &LL#R#M#, JR.
Associate 8ustice
Associate 8ustice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion
of the ou#tDs Division.
Associate 6ustice
Actin$ hai#pe#son, 2i#st Division
E R T I 2 I A T I O N
Pu#suant to Section 9@, A#ticle VIII of the onstitution an! the Division Actin$ hai#pe#sonDs Attestation, I ce#tif" that the conclusions in the
above Decision ha! been #eache! in consultation befo#e the case %as assi$ne! to the %#ite# of the opinion of the ou#tDs Division.
Senio# Associate 8ustice
,Pe# Section 90, R.A. 0;., The 8u!icia#" Act of 9;/+, as a&en!e!-
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. L.2-(86 Jun2 26, 19-0
ERNESTO CUENC# ! CUE&#S, petitione#,
*rsenio $. de !eon for petitioner..
$ffice of the olicitor 2eneral *ntonio P. "arredo, *ssistant olicitor 2eneral 4sidro -. "orromeo and )rial *ttorney Josefina +omingo-+e
!eon for respondents..

Appeal, b" certiorari, ta>en b" !efen!ant E#nesto uenca " uevas, f#o& a !ecision of the ou#t of Appeals affi#&in$ that of the ou#t of 2i#st
Instance of Manila, convictin$ hi& of the c#i&e of ille$al possession of a fi#ea#&s an! seven #oun!s of a&&unition an! sentencin$ hi& to
i&p#ison&ent fo# one "ea# an! to pa" the costs, as %ell as !i#ectin$ the confiscation an! fo#feitu#e of sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition.
The facts, as foun! b" the t#ial cou#t, an! a!opte! b" the ou#t of Appeals, a#e as follo%sE
The accuse! %as a special %atch&an an! secu#it" $ua#! of the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc". In that a$enc", the"
%e#e &o#e than fo#t" secu#it" $ua#!s. It %as the p#actice in the a$enc" that %hen the secu#it" $ua#!s #epo#te! fo# %o#>,
the" %e#e p#ovi!e! %ith fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition, %hich the" %oul! #etu#n afte# thei# tou# of !ut".
On 8anua#" @, 9;.@, the accuse! %as !etaile! at the Philippine Savin$s 5an> as secu#it" $ua#!. He %as %ea#in$ the
unifo#& of the a$enc" an! %as a#&e! %ith a pistol, Ithaca, ./1 cal., %ith Se#ial No. 9??;:@+, %hich ha! a &a$a*ine
containin$ seven #oun!s of a&&unition. The fi#ea#& an! the a&&unition %e#e p#ovi!e! b" the a$enc". The fi#ea#& %as
not al%a"s use! b" hi& alone, as at othe# ti&es the sa&e fi#ea#& %as use! b" the othe# secu#it" $ua#!s. On the !ate an!
the place &entione!, Pat. Paul Sabate, %ho %as statione! at Pla*a Mi#an!a as secu#it" office# of the sta$e sho%,
a##este! the accuse! fo# ille$al possession of the sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition. Hhen as>e! to p#o!uce his license to
possess the fi#ea#& an! a&&unition, the accuse! tol! hi& that he %as a special %atch&an an! secu#it" $ua#! of the
5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc" to %hich the fi#ea#& an! a&&unition belon$e!, an! the license to possess the sa&e
%as in the office of the a$enc". The accuse! tol! Pat. Sabate that the o%ne# of the a$enc" %as one M#. 2o#bes, %ho ha!
the license fo# the sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition. Acco#!in$ to Pat. Sabate, the a$enc" %as un!e# the supe#vision of the
Manila Police Depa#t&ent.
It appea#s that the a$enc" has no license to possess the fi#ea#& an! a&&unition in 'uestionF hence, neithe# the accuse!
no# the a$enc" is a license! possesso# of sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition. The accuse! clai&e! that he %as &a!e to believe
in the a$enc" that M#. 2o#bes ha! license to possess the&.
The issue in this case is %hethe# appellant is $uilt" of the offense cha#$e!, consi!e#in$ that, at the ti&e above)&entione!, he %as a #e$ula#
secu#it" $ua#! of the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc", %hich %as !ul" license! to ope#ate as such secu#it" a$enc"F that, in the cou#se of its
#e$ula# ope#ation, the sa&e p#ovi!es its secu#it" $ua#!s, %ho a#e in the !ischa#$e of thei# !uties as such, %ith the usual fi#ea#&s an!
a&&unitions, %hich, at the en! of thei# #espective shifts, a#e eithe# >ept in the p#ope# loc>e# o# #etu#ne! to the a$enc" an! then !elive#e! b"
the latte# to the secu#it" $ua#!s assi$ne! to the neCt shiftF that the fi#ea#& an! a&&unitions in 'uestion %e#e foun! in appellantDs possession
at the ti&e %hen, an! at the place %he#e, he %as actuall" !ischa#$in$ his !uties, %ea#in$ the co##espon!in$ unifo#&, a#& ban! an! ba!$eF
that upon bein$ as>e! b" Pat#ol&an Paul Sabate to p#o!uce the #e'uisite license, appellant state! that the sa&e %as in the possession of
8ose 2o#bes, the o%ne# an! ope#ato# of the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc", of %hich he ,appellant- is, an! has been, since Ap#il, 9;.9, one
of its app#oCi&atel" fo#t" ,/?- secu#it" $ua#!sF an! that, soon the#eafte#, 8ose 2o#bes confi#&e!, in the police station, the state&ents &a!e b"
appellant, but a!!e! that he ,2o#bes- %as still in the p#ocess of $ettin$ the sai! license.
The t#ial cou#t an! the ou#t of Appeals convicte! appellant he#ein, !espite his p#otests of $oo! faith, upon the $#oun! that the c#i&e of ille$al
possession of a fi#ea#& an! a&&unition is not malum in se, but malum prohibitum an! that it, acco#!in$l", #e'ui#es neithe# &alice no# evil
pu#pose o# intent. It shoul! be note!, ho%eve#, that the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc" is !ul" license! to ope#ate as such. onse'uentl", it
&a" le$all" en$a$e the se#vice of co&petent pe#sons to !ischa#$e the !uties of special %atch&en an! secu#it" $ua#!s, an! p#ovi!e the&, as
such, %ith the co##espon!in$ fi#ea#&s an! a&&unitions. The a$enc" is thus suppose! to obtain the license necessa#" the#efo#. Ha! it !one
so, the#e %oul! be no 'uestion about the absence of an" c#i&inal liabilit" on the pa#t of appellant he#ein fo# the possession of the fi#ea#& an!
a&&unition in 'uestion, even thou$h the license %e#e not in his na&e, but in that of the a$enc" o# its o%ne# an! ope#ato#, 8ose 2o#bes.
Hence, the 'ue#" boils !o%n to %hethe# o# not appellant is $uilt" of the c#i&e cha#$e! o%in$ to the failu#e of Jose =orbes to co&pl" %ith his
!ut" to obtain such license, befo#e he $ot sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition an! !elive#e! the sa&e to his afo#e&entione! e&plo"ee.
Apon &atu#e !elibe#ation, the ou#t feels an! so hol!s that the ans%e# &ust be in the ne$ative. The #eason is that appellant %as entitle! to
assu&e that his e&plo"e# ha! the #e'uisite license to possess sai! fi#ea#& an! a&&unition an! to tu#n the& ove# to hi& %hile he %as on !ut"
as one of the #e$ula# secu#it" $ua#!s of the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc", the sa&e bein$ a !ul" license! secu#it" a$enc". As such, those
!ealin$ %ith it, eithe# as clients o# as e&plo"ees the#eof, a#e entitle! to p#esu&e, in the absence of in!icia to the cont#a#" Y an! the#e %e#e
none in the p#esent case Y that it has co&plie! %ith pe#tinent la%s, #ules an! #e$ulations. Hhat is &o#e, 8ose 2o#bes ha! tol! appellant that
the fi#ea#& an! a&&unition in 'uestion %e#e !ul" license!, an!, as an e&plo"ee of the a$enc", appellant coul! not be eCpecte! to !e&an!
f#o& his e&plo"e# p#oof of the ve#acit" of the latte#Ds asse#tion befo#e #el"in$ the#eon.
He a#e not un&in!ful of the !an$e# pose! b" the possibilit" o# p#obabilit" of abuse o# &isuse of the license of secu#it" a$encies to ope#ate as
such. The !an$e# a#ises, ho%eve#, %hen sai! license is $#ante! i&p#ovi!entl", %ithout ta>in$ the necessa#" p#ecautions the#efo# Y p#io# to
an! subse'uentl" to the issuance of sai! license Y in te#&s of a!e'uate &easu#es to see it, inter alia, that the a$enc" is a t#ust%o#th" an!
#esponsible oneF that it is p#ope#l" &ana$e! b" pe#sons possesse! of the &o#al cha#acte# necessa#" the#efo#F that onl" those havin$ the
#e'uisite 'ualifications a#e en$a$e! as secu#it" $ua#!sF that suitable #ules a#e a!opte! an! enfo#ce! $ove#nin$ thei# !iscipline, an! the
assi$n&ent, ca#e an! custo!" of fi#ea#&s an! a&&unitions, as %ell as the >eepin$ of #e$iste#s an! the ent#" the#ein of annotations o#
&e&o#an!a settin$ fo#th, at all ti&es, the locations an!Jo# !isposition of each one of the afo#e&entione! fi#ea#&s an! a&&unition that the
ope#ation of the a$enc" is effectivel" supe#vise! b" the 7ove#n&ent.
Nee!less to sa", this !ecision &ust be !ee&e! #est#icte! in its application to !ul" license! secu#it" a$encies an! to #e$ula# secu#it" $ua#!s
the#eof. Mo#eove#, the o%ne#, &ana$e# an!Jo# ope#ato# of the secu#it" a$enc", %ho faile! to secu#e the #e'uisite license Y in the case at ba#,
8ose 2o#bes, as the o%ne# an! ope#ato# of the 5ataan Vete#ans Secu#it" A$enc" Y shoul! be p#osecute! fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s
an!Jo# such othe# c#i&e as &a" have been co&&itte! in conse'uence of the b#each of the la%s an! #e$ulation above #efe##e! to.
HHERE2ORE, the !ecision appeale! f#o& is he#eb" #eve#se! an! he#ein appellant, E#nesto uenca " uevas, acco#!in$l", ac'uitte!, %ith
costs de officio. =et a cop" of this !ecision be se#ve! upon the it" 2iscal of Manila fo# app#op#iate action in acco#!ance %ith the p#ece!in$
pa#a$#aph, %ith !ue a!vise to this ou#t of the action ta>en he#eon. It is so o#!e#e!.
#eyes, J.".!., +izon, (a/alintal, 'aldivar, -astro, =ernando, )eehan/ee and 6illamor, JJ., concur.
"arredo, J., too/ no part.
>G.R. No. 1)3819. January 29, 2002?
#GON yM#GP#NT#!, an" $ERNE #GON :a4 ,ar72;, accuse!,
GERR! CUENC# y ME%R#NO an" CRS#NTO #GON y M#GP#NT#!,appellants.
% E C S O N
P#NG#N$#N, J.1
The testi&on" of a sin$le e"e%itness, if c#e!ible an! positive, is sufficient to suppo#t a conviction fo# &u#!e#. T#uth is establishe! b" the
'ualit", not necessa#il" b" the 'uantit", of the evi!ence.
T52 Ca62
7e##" uenca an! #isanto A$on
appeal the 2eb#ua#" :, 0??? Decision
of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t ,RT- of =ipa it" ,5#anch 90- in
#i&inal ase No. ?9@0);+, %hich foun! the& $uilt" of &u#!e# be"on! #easonable !oubt.
The RT !ispose! of the case as follo%sE
RHHERE2ORE, the ou#t fin!s the accuse! 7ERR3 AENA an! RISANTO A7ON, $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt, both as p#incipals b"
!i#ect pa#ticipation fo# havin$ conspi#e! an! confe!e#ate! %ith one anothe# in the co&&ission of the c#i&e of L&Mu#!e#, as alle$e! in the
Info#&ation !ate! Ma#ch 0:, 9;;+, an! !efine! an! penali*e! un!e# A#ticle 0/+ of the Revise! Penal o!e, as a&en!e! b" Republic Act
:.1; an! sentences each of the& to suffe# the penalt" of RE=ASION PERPETAA, to pa" the hei#s of Hilf#e!o astillo the su&
of P1?,???.?? as in!e&nit" fo# his !eath, the su& ofP@+,+??.??, as actual !a&a$es, the su& of P/,+??,???.?? fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit",
the su& ofP0?,???.??, as &o#al !a&a$es an! to pa" thei# p#opo#tionate sha#e of the costs.
RThe pe#io! !u#in$ %hich both accuse! a#e un!e# p#eventive i&p#ison&ent shall be !e!ucte! f#o& thei# sentence.
R2inall", let also %a##ants of a##est be issue! a$ainst the accuse! 8ac>son uenca an! 5e#na#!o Q5e#nieBA$on fo# thei# i&&e!iate
On Ma#ch 9:, 9;;+, =ipa it" Assistant it" P#osecuto# Ma#io 7. Ma"u$a file! the Info#&ation cha#$in$ appellants an! thei# co)accuse!
as follo%sE
RThat on o# about the 9/th !a" of 2eb#ua#", 9;;+ at about ;E@? oBcloc> in the evenin$, at 5a#an$a"Ta&bo, =ipa it", Philippines an! %ithin the
6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, then a#&e! %ith bla!e!Jpointe! an! ha#! inst#u&ents, conspi#in$ an!
confe!e#atin$ to$ethe#, actin$ in co&&on acco#! an! &utuall" ai!in$ one anothe#, %ith intent to >ill, %ith t#eache#" an! $#ave abuse of
supe#io# st#en$th an! ta>in$ a!vanta$e of ni$htti&e, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault, beat an! stab %ith
the use of sai! bla!e!Jpointe! an! ha#! inst#u&ents, su!!enl" an! %ithout %a#nin$, one Hilf#e!o astillo, the#eb" inflictin$ upon the latte#
stab %oun!s, %hich !i#ectl" cause! his !eath.S
Hhen a##ai$ne! on Ap#il 0:, 9;;+, appellants )) %ith the assistance of thei# la%"e#s )) ente#e! a plea of not $uilt".
5ecause thei# co)
accuse! %e#e at la#$e, t#ial on the &e#its p#ocee!e! onl" as a$ainst the&.
T52 Fa346
Version of the Prosecution
In its 5#ief,
the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al su&&a#i*e! the p#osecutionBs ve#sion of the facts as follo%sE
ROn 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+, a#oun! ;E@? in the evenin$, %hile l"in$ !o%n %ith his %ife an! fa&il" in his house at Mo!ule
Sub!ivision, 5a#an$a" Ta&bo, =ipa it", 5atan$as, Ma#cial Mo#illo
hea#! a co&&otion ta>in$ place outsi!e his house. Do$s %e#e ba#>in$
lou!l", so he !eci!e! to $o out of the house to see %hat %as happenin$ outsi!e. He then sa% a &an bein$ &aule! an! beaten b" fou# ,/-
pe#sons. Apon seein$ the inci!ent, he hi! hi&self behin! a P=DT telephone post. 2#o& a !istance of about ten ,9?- &ete#s, he #eco$ni*e! the
fou# ,/- assailants as 7e##" uenca, 8ac>son uenca, #isanto A$on an! 5e#nie A$on, %hile the pe#son bein$ &aule! %as Hilf#e!o QE!o>B
astillo. Ma#cial >ne% the fou# assailants an! the victi& fo# ei$ht ,+- "ea#s since the" %e#e all nei$hbo#s, 7e##" an! 8ac>son bein$ b#othe#s
an! #isanto an! 5e#nie bein$ fathe# an! son. He %itnesse! #isanto hol! E!o>Bs left han! %hile 5e#nie hel! his #i$ht han!. 7e##" %as
at E!o>Bs f#ont an! to the #i$ht %hile 8ac>son %as at E!o>Bsf#ont an! to the left an! both %e#e beatin$ E!o> continuousl". 7e##" an! 8ac>son
each use! a piece of %oo! in hittin$ E!o> seve#al ti&es on the face, hea!, chest an! othe# pa#ts of his bo!". E!o> t#ie! to st#u$$le but his
effo#ts p#ove! futile. E!o> then $ave in, stoope! !o%n an! eventuall" lost consciousness ,=u&u$L&Mo> na po si"a-. The fou# ,/- assailants
then ca##ie! E!o>Bs bo!" %ith one hol!in$ on to his #i$ht a#&, the othe# one C C C his left a#& an! the othe# t%o each hel! the #i$ht an! left
le$LsM of E!o>to%a#!s the !i#ection of alaba#*on Hi$h%a".
RThe#eafte#, Ma#cial #etu#ne! to his house but !i! not tell his %ife about the inci!ent because she %as Qne#bi"osaB. He !i! not %ant the
&e&be#s of his fa&il" to $et involve! in the inci!ent because he fea#e! fo# thei# safet". The &aulin$ inci!ent laste! app#oCi&atel" t%ent" ,0?-
&inutes. The place %he#e the inci!ent happene! %as illu&inate! b" the li$ht co&in$ f#o& the &oon an! the elect#ic bulb at the elect#ic post
%hich %as at the top of the #oof of a house nea# the place of the inci!ent.
RThe follo%in$ &o#nin$, 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+, Ma#cial &et 2eliciano astillo, E!o>Bs b#othe#, %ho tol! hi& that the" %e#e loo>in$
fo# E!o>. Ma#cial !i! not &ention to 2eliciano that he ha! %itnesse! the &aulin$ of E!o> because he %as af#ai! that he &i$ht be i&plicate!
an! involve! in the inci!ent.
ROn 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+, a#oun! 0E@? in the afte#noon, a nei$hbo# na&e! Silo passe! b" Ma#cialBs house an! tol! hi& that the" %e#e loo>in$
fo# E!o>Bs bo!". Ma#cial 6oine! in the sea#ch in the fo#est fo# about one hou# an! then he %ent ho&e.
RAbout / oBcloc> in the afte#noon of 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+, 2eliciano !#oppe! b" the house of Ma#cial an! sai! that E!o>Bs bo!" ha! been foun!
an! bo##o%e! Ma#cialBs flashli$ht in o#!e# to help in the #ecove#" of E!o>Bs bo!" %hich %as foun! insi!e a %ell in the fo#est. The bo!" %as
#et#ieve! f#o& the %ell %hich %as about fifteen ,91- &ete#s !eep. The#e %e#e bloo! stains a#oun! the %ell. oconut t#ees su##oun!e! the
a#ea. The bo!" %as #ecove#e! bet%een Masa$ana Sub!ivision an! A!elina Sub!ivision, %hich %as a fo#este! a#ea an! about one)half ,9J0-
>ilo&ete# f#o& %he#e the &aulin$ inci!ent too> place.
RA#oun! /E@? in the afte#noon of 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+, 2eliciano #epo#te! to the Des> Office#, SPO0 Albe#to =ibao of the =ipa Police Satation,
that the bo!" of his b#othe#, Hilf#e!o astillo, ha! been foun! in the fo#este! a#ea in 5a#an$a" Ta&bo. The#eafte#, Police Inspecto#
Ro&eo Mit#a, PO0 En#ico Tapalla, SPO/ Renal!o Salu!o an! SPO@ Pablo !e =una %e#e !ispatche! to the c#i&e scene to investi$ate the
inci!ent. 2eliciano %ent %ith the&. Hhen E!o>Bs bo!" %as #et#ieve!, SPO/ Salu!o notice! the p#esence of stab %oun!s, blo%s
an! he&ato&as on his bo!". The ca!ave# %as then ta>en to 2une#a#iaSan Sebastian at 5ala$ba$, =ipa it".
RAbout :E@? in the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+, D#. o#a*on Sabile, Health Office# of =ipa it", con!ucte! an autops" on E!o>Bs bo!". The
ph"sical eCa&niation "iel!e! the follo%in$ #esultsE the#e %e#e nine ,;- in6u#ies on the hea!, t%o ,0- of %hich %e#e stab %oun!s, one stab
%oun! on the #i$ht f#ontal a#ea of the #i$ht ea# %hich #eache! the s>ull an! the secon! stab %oun! also at his #i$ht ea#F one ,9- lace#ate!
$apin$ %oun! on the hea!F the#e %e#e seve#al contusions an! he&ato&a on both e"es %hich coul! have been cause! b" &aulin$,
an! he&ato&as on the &i!!le &an!ibula# a#ea an! the late#al &an!ibula# a#ea ,chin- %hich coul! have been cause! b" &aulin$ o# the
!u&pin$ of the ca!ave# in to the %ellF the#e a#e also linea# ab#asions on the #i$ht late#al nec> a#ea that coul! have been cause! b" fo#cible
contactF the#e %e#e nine ,;- %oun!s on the bo!", that is, fou# ,/- stab %oun!s an! five ,1- ab#asionsF the fi#st stab %oun! %as on the
thi#! inte#costal space &i!elavicula# a#ea, the secon! on the fifth inte#costal space, #i$ht&i!elavicula# a#ea, the thi#! on the
inte#costal space &i!elavicula# a#ea, an! the fou#th L%asM on the #i$ht lu&ba# a#eaF the sai! %oun!s %e#e al&ost of the sa&e !epth, that is
1 c&sF all of the sai! %oun!s coul! have been cause! b" a sha#p pointe! inst#u&entF she also foun! five ,1- ab#asion on the bo!", i.e., in the
left &i!scapula# a#ea, left inf#ascapula# a#ea, on the ve#teb#al line, on the #i$ht &i!scapula# a#ea an! on the ve#teb#al lineF that the ab#asions
a#e calle! Q$as$asB an! coul! have been cause! b" fo#cible contactF she also foun! in the eCt#e&LiMties of the ca!ave# t%o ,0- stab %oun!s on
the #i$ht ante#io# thi$h / to 1 c&s. !eepF she also foun! th#ee ,@- ab#asions on the #i$ht fo#ea#&, left poste#io# a#& an! left poste#io# han!
%hich coul! have been cause! b" fo#cible contact. The inte#nal eCa&ination on the victi&Bs bo!" #eveale! that 0?? &l. of bloo! %e#e foun! in
the fleu#al cavit" %hich coul! have co&e f#o& the pe#fo#ations of the #i$ht vent#icle of the hea#tF the live# an! uppe# lobe of the #i$ht lun$ %e#e
pe#fo#ate!F the#e %e#e co&plete f#actu#es on the 0
, @
, /
, 1
, .
, :
of both #ibs %hich alone %e#e sufficient to cause !eath. The &aulin$
%as a$$#avate! b" the !u&pin$ of the E!o>Bs bo!" in the %ell. onsi!e#in$ the natu#e an! nu&be# of in6u#ies E!o> sustaine!, no &e!ical
attention an! assistance coul! have save! his life. The cause of E!o>Bs !eath %as H"povole&ia secon!a#" to &ultiple stab %oun!s.
ROn 2eb#ua#" 9., 9;;+, Ma#cial Mo#illo tol! Ruben astillo about the &aulin$ inci!ent %hich ,Mo#illo- ha! %itnesse! on the ni$ht of 2eb#ua#"
9/, 9;;+.
R5othe#e! b" his conscience, on 2eb#ua#" 9:, 9;;+, Mo#illo %ent to the =ipa Police Station to #epo#t the inci!ent.S
,itations o&itte!-
Version of the Defense
Appellants $ave the follo%in$ na##ation of the factsE
RThe !efense &aintaine! that in the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+ accuse! 8ac>son uenca an! 5e#nieA$on to$ethe# %ith th#ee
LVMisa"an LMalaba#*on %o#>e#s i!entifie! as Obet, No$no$ an! Ruel %e#e in the house of 3olan!a uenca in the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 9/,
9;;+ at 5#$". Ta&bo, =ipa it" about one >ilo&ete# a%a" f#o& the place of Ma#cial Mo#illo, the alle$e! e"e%itness, in %hose place acco#!in$
toMa#cial Mo#illo the c#i&e %as co&&itte!. Hhile these pe#sons %e#e in sai! house of 3olan!a uenca, the" hea#! a voice callin$ fo#
8ac>son %ho %as i!entifie! as Hilf#e!o astillo. 8ac>son uenca ca&e out LofM the house an! as>e! Hilf#e!o astillo %hat %as the
p#oble&LFM ho%eve#, Hilf#e!o astillo i&&e!iatel" hac>e! hi& %ho %as %oun!e! at the #i$ht si!e of his bac>. Hitness
3olan!a uencab#ou$ht hi& insi!e he# house an! atten!e! to his %oun!. Hhile b#in$in$ hi& insi!e the house, 8ac>son %as st#u$$lin$ to be
f#ee, Lan!M the th#ee Visa"an LMalaba#*on %o#>e#s visito#s %ent outsi!e an! the#eafte# a co&&otion too> place. Du#in$ the co&&otion,
3olan!a uenca hea#! so&ebo!" Lutte#M the %o#!s Qsobra-sobra na ang ginagawa mo sa mga tao dito?. The follo%in$ !a", 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+,
t%o of the th#ee Visa"an alaba#*on Ho#>e#s na&el" Obet an! No$no$ a##ive! at the house of 3olan!auenca an! tol! he# that she L%oul!M
sa" that she sa% an! hea#! nothin$ about the co&&otion.
RAccuse! 7e##" uenca an! #isanto A$on %e#e not in the house of 3olan!a uenca %he#e the co&&otion too> place LoMn the evenin$ of
2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+ an! the" %e#e not also nea# the house ofMa#cial Mo#illo %he#e the c#i&e too> place alle$e!l" LoMn the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#"
9/, 9;;+. On that ti&e an! !ate, the" %e#e at the house of Ro$e# Di&aculan$an at No#&an* Villa$e, Ta&bo, =ipa it" helpin$ in the
p#epa#ation of foo! fo# the baptis&al pa#t" on 2eb#ua#" 91, 9;;+. Othe# than accuse!)appellants An!" Obille,
5en6a&in Ante#ola an! Ro&" Ante#ola an! othe# people %e#e the#e. Accuse!)appellants vehe&entl" !enie! that the" %e#e the ones %ho
>ille! Hilf#e!o astillo alias QE!o>B in the evenin$ of2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+.S
T52 Tr+a, Cour4A6 Ru,+n7
The RT convicte! appellants because the lone p#osecution %itness, Ma#cial Mo#cillo, %as c#e!ible. It sai!E Rthe ou#t believes an!
$ives %ei$ht to the can!i!, vivi! an! !etaile! account of the inci!ent an! positive i!entification of all the accuse! b" Ma#cial Mo#cillo, not onl"
because it is clea#, st#ai$ht)fo#%a#! an! !evoi! of an" si$ns of a#tificialit", but also because it vib#ates %ith t#uth an! since#it".S
The cou#t a 3uo hel! that conspi#ac" atten!e! the >illin$E
RIn this case, #isanto an! 5e#nie A$on %e#e each hol!in$ the han!s of Hilf#e!o astillo, %hile the b#othe#s 7e##" an!
8ac>son uenca helpe! each othe# in beatin$ hi& %ith a piece of L%oo!M about one ,9- &ete# lon$ C C C. Afte# astillo slu&pe! an! lost
consciousness, the fou# ,/- accuse! helpe! each othe# in ca##"in$ Hilf#e!o astillo to%a#!s the alaba#*on Hi$h%a" $oin$ to the !i#ection
of 5atan$asit". Ve#il", at the p#ecise &o&ent of the eCecution of the c#i&e, the accuse! acte! in conce#t to acco&plish a co&&on ob6ective
to ta>e the life of Hilf#e!o astillo. The fact that Ma#cial Mo#illo !i! not %itness the actual stabbin$ an! >illin$ of Hilf#e!o astillo is of no
It !isbelieve! the !efenses of !enial an! alibi.
Hence, this appeal.
In thei# 5#ief, appellants fault the t#ial cou#t %ith the follo%in$ alle$e! e##o#sE
R9. The hono#able t#ial cou#t e##e! in $ivin$ %ei$ht to the testi&on" of the alle$e! lone e"e%itness, Ma#cial Mo#LcMillo.
R0. The hono#able t#ial cou#t e##e! in not consi!e#in$ that the victi& !ie! of &ultiple stab %oun!s an! not !ue to in6u#ies cause! b"
a piece of %oo!.
R@. The hono#able t#ial cou#t e##e! in not consi!e#in$ the !efense of alibi of accuse!)appellants in the app#eciation of the %hole
evi!ence p#esente! b" the p#osecution an! !efense.S
T5+6 Cour4A6 Ru,+n7
Afte# #evie%in$ the #eco#!s of this case, %e fin! no co$ent basis to #eve#se appellantsB conviction. He ho%eve# &o!if" the a%a#! of civil
F+r64 66u21 re!i"ility of )one Prosecution #itness
Appellants assail the c#e!ibilit" of Ma#cial Mo#cillo, the lone p#osecution %itness. The" conten! that the t#ial cou#t e##e! in $ivin$ full
c#e!ence to Mo#cilloBs testi&on", because it %as not Rin acco#!ance %ith co&&on eCpe#ience an! obse#vation of &an>in!.S
He !isa$#ee.
He ca#efull" #evie%e! the testi&onies of both the p#osecution an! the !efense %itnesses, as %ell as the othe# pieces of evi!ence on
#eco#!. He a#e convince! that the t#ial cou#t !i! not e## in $ivin$ full faith an! c#e!ence to Mo#cilloBs testi&on", %hich %e #ep#o!uce in pa#t as
RG On 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+, a#oun! ;E@? oBcloc> in the evenin$, !o "ou #e&e&be# %he#e "ou %e#eI
A I %as insi!e &" house si#.
G Hhe#e %as "ou# house on that !ate, 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+, ;E@? oBcloc> in the evenin$I
A At Mo!ule Sub!ivision, Ta&bo, =ipa it" si#.
G Hhat %e#e "ou !oin$ a#oun! that ti&e, ;E@? oBcloc> in the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+ insi!e "ou# house in Mo!ule
Sub!ivision, Ta&bo, =ipa it"I
A He %e#e al#ea!" l"in$ !o%n si#.
G 3ou sai! %e, %ho %e#e %ith "ou in "ou# houseI
A M" %ife an! &" fa&il" si#.
G Hhile "ou %e#e then al#ea!" l"in$ !o%n on that !ate, 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+ a#oun! ;E@? oBcloc> in the evenin$, !o "ou
#e&e&be# C C C an" unusual inci!ent that t#anspi#e!I
A 3es si#.
G Hhat %as that unusual inci!ent that t#anspi#e!I
A The#e %as a co&&otion of people si#.
G Ho% !i! "ou co&e to >no% that the#e %as a co&&otion of peopleI
A M" !o$ an! the !o$s of &" nei$hbo#s %e#e ba#>in$ si#.
G Hhat !i! "ou !o %hen "ou hea#! this co&&otion of people an! ba#>in$ of the !o$ an! the !o$s of "ou# nei$hbo#sI
A I %ent out of the house an! loo>e! fo# L%hatM the co&&otion %as all aboutL,M si#.
G Hhat !i! "ou see %hen "ou loo>e! Lfo#M %he#e this co&&otion L%asM co&in$ Lf#o&M o# %hat %as causin$ this co&&otionI
A I sa% a pe#son bein$ beaten b" fou# ,/- pe#sons si#.
G He#e these fou# ,/- pe#sons o# in %hat place in #elation to "ou# house %he#e these fou# ,/- pe#sons beatin$ one pe#sonI
A In the st#eet si#.
G Ho% fa# is that place f#o& "ou# o%n houseI
A About ten ,9?- &ete#s si#.
G Hhe#e %e#e "ou %hen "ou sa% fou# ,/- pe#sons beatin$ one ,9- pe#sonI
A I %as hi!in$ behin! LaM P=DT Telephone post si#.
G 2#o& the place %he#e "ou %e#e hi!in$ behin! a P=DT Telephone Post, ho% fa# La%a" f#o& "ouM %e#e these fou# ,/- pe#sons
%ho %e#e beatin$ anothe# pe#son C CCI
A 9? &ete#s si#.
G He#e "ou able to #eco$ni*e these fou# ,/- pe#sons %ho %e#e beatin$ anothe# pe#sonI
A 3es, si#.
G Hho %e#e these fou# ,/- pe#sons %ho& "ou sa% %e#e beatin$ anothe# pe#son.
A #isanto A$on, 5e#nie A$on, 8ac>son uenca an! 7e##" uenca si#.
G Of these ,/- pe#sons %ho& "ou na&e! 7e##" uenca an! #isanto A$on %e#e the pe#sons %ho& "ou pointe! LtoM a %hile
a$o La&on$ the&MI
A 3es si#.
G He#e "ou able to #eco$ni*e the pe#son %ho& these fou# ,/- accuse! %e#e beatin$I
A 3es, si#. I #eco$ni*e! hi&.
G Hho %as that pe#son %ho %as bein$ beaten b" these fou# ,/- accuse!, 7e##"uenca, 8ac>son uenca, #isanto A$on an!
5e#nie A$onI
A E!o> astillo si#.
G Do "ou >no% the co&plete na&e of this E!o> astilloI
A I 'uite #e&e&be#, it is Alf#e!o astillo, si#.
G An! ho% %e#e 7e##" uenca, 8ac>son uenca, #isanto A$on an! 5e#nie A$onbeatin$ this E!o> astilloI
A The fathe# an! son %e#e hol!in$ E!o> astillo an! the b#othe#s %e#e beatin$ hi& si#.
G Hhen "ou sai! that the fathe# an! son %e#e hol!in$ E!o> astillo %hile the b#othe#s %e#e beatin$ hi&, %ho a#e "ou #efe##in$
to %hen "ou sai! the fathe# an! sonI
A #isanto A$on an! 5e#nie A$on si#.
G Ho% %as #isanto A$on hol!in$ E!o> astillo %hile the b#othe#s %e#e beatin$ E!o>astilloI
A The fathe# an! son %e#e hol!in$ Lboth han!s ofM E!o> astillo.
G Hhat han! %as #isanto A$on hol!in$I
A =eft han! si#.
G Ho% about 5e#nie A$on, %hat han! of E!o> astillo %as he hol!in$I
A The #i$ht han! si#.
G Ho% about 7e##" uencaI Hhe#e %as he positione! in #elation to E!o> astillo %hen he %as beatin$ E!o>I
A Ri$ht f#ont po#tion of E!o> astillo si#.
G Ho% about 8ac>son uenca, %he#e %as he positione! in #elation to E!o> astillo %hile he %as beatin$ E!o> astilloI
A He %as stan!in$ to%a#!s the left f#ont of E!o> astillo si#.
G Asi!e f#o& stoopin$ !o%n, %hat else %as E!o> astillo !oin$ %hile he %as bein$ beaten b" 7e##" uenca an!
8ac>son uena an! %hile 5e#nie A$on an! #isantoA$on %e#e hol!in$ his t%o han!sI
A He lost consciousness si#.
G Hh" !o sa" that he lost consciousnessI
A Q=u&u$&o> na po si"aB.
G 5ut befo#e E!o> astillo actuall" feLlMl o# Qlu&u$&o>B %hat %as he !oin$ %hile he %as bein$ beaten upI
A He coul! not !o an"thin$ an"&o#e si#.
G Afte# Hilf#e!o astillo LfellM o# lu&u$&o>, %hat !i! 7e##" uenca, 8ac>son uenca,#isanto A$on an! 5e#nie A$on !o to hi&
if the" !i! an"thin$ &o#eI
A LTMhe" ca##ie! hi& to%a#!s alaba#*on, si#.
G 5" the %a", ho% &an" ti&es !i! 7e##" uenca an! 8ac>son uenca hit E!o>astilloI
A I coul! not #e&e&be#, but he %as hit seve#al ti&es, si#.
G In %hat pa#t o# pa#ts of the bo!" of E!o> astillo %as he hit b" thLoMse beatin$ Lhi& upM, if he %as eve# hitI
Hitness pointin$ his face, to his hea!, to his chest an! to his #i$ht face belo% the e"e.
G 3ou sai! that afte# 7e##" uenca an! 8ac>son uenca LbeatM up E!o> astillo %hile he %as bein$ hel! Lb"M his t%o ,0- han!s
b" #isanto an! 5e#nie A$on, he fell !o%n o# Qlu&u$&o>B Lan!M he %as ca##ie! to alaba#*onLFM %hat !o "ou &ean b"
A The hi$h%a" $oin$ to 5atan$as si#.
G Ho% !i! the fou# ,/- ca##" E!o> astillo to%a#!s the alaba#*oLnM %hich is the #oa! acco#!in$ to "ou $oin$ to 5atan$as it"I
A The" helpLe!M each othe# in ca##"in$ hi& si#.
G Ho% !i! the" ca##" actuall" this E!o> astilloI
A The t%o ,0- %e#e ca##"in$ hi& b" Lboth hisM han!sL,M one Lhol!in$M on each han! an! the othe# t%o ,0- %e#e hol!in$ on Lboth
hisM feet si#.
On c#oss)eCa&ination Mo#cillo consistentl" &aintaine!, !espite intense $#illin$ an! #epeate! atte&pts of the !efense counsel to
!isc#e!it hi&, that appellants %e#e the ones %ho ha! &aule! the victi&. T#ue, the !efense counsel t#ie! to i&peach his c#e!ibilit" !u#in$ the
c#oss)eCa&ination b" lea!in$ hi& th#ou$h an int#icate an! anno"in$ &a*e of 'uestions that #esulte! in &ino# inconsistencies in his testi&onial
!ecla#ations. Neve#theless, Mo#cillo#e&aine! stea!fast in his na##ation of %hat he ha! %itnesse! on the ni$ht of 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+.
So lon$ as the %itnessesB testi&onies a$#ee on substantial &atte#s, inconse'uential inconsistencies an! cont#a!ictions !ilute neithe#
thei# c#e!ibilit" no# the ve#it" of thei# testi&onies.
In the instant case, the inconsistencies cite! b" appellants a#e insi$nificant an! i&&ate#ial
to the essential fact testifie! to )) the >illin$ of the victi&.
As a #ule, this ou#t %ill not !istu#b the factual fin!in$s of the t#ial cou#t, because it ha! a bette# oppo#tunit" to obse#ve the !e&eano#
an! con!uct of the %itnesses %hile the" %e#e testif"in$. In!ee!, its assess&ent of the %itnesses an! thei# c#e!ibilit" is entitle! to $#eat %ei$ht
an! is even conclusive an! bin!in$, if not tainte! %ith a#bit#a#iness o# ove#si$ht of so&e fact o# ci#cu&stance of si$nificance an! value.
This ou#t has #ule! in a nu&be# of cases
that the testi&on" of a sin$le %itness, if c#e!ible an! positive, is sufficient fo# conviction
because t#uth is establishe! not b" the 'uantit", but b" the 'ualit" of the evi!ence.
S23on" 66u21 ause of the Victi,2s Death
Appellants also conten! that Mo#cillo !i! not see ho% the victi& %as stabbe!. All he sai! %as that he sa% the& beat up the victi& %ith
a piece of %oo!. Thus, the" sai! that the t#ial cou#t e##e! in conclu!in$ that the !ecease! ha! succu&be!, not to &ultiple stab %oun!s, but to
in6u#ies cause! b" a piece of %oo!.
In the absence of !i#ect evi!ence, appellants &a" be convicte! on the basis of ci#cu&stantial evi!ence. The latte# is !efine! as Rthat
%hich in!i#ectl" p#oves a fact in issue th#ou$h an infe#ence %hich the factfin!e# !#a%s f#o& the evi!ence establishe!. Reso#t the#eto is
essential %hen the lac> of !i#ect testi&on" %oul! #esult in settin$ a felon f#ee.S
i#cu&stantial evi!ence suffices to convict if the follo%in$ #e'uisites concu#E ,9- &o#e than one ci#cu&stance is p#esent, ,0- the facts
f#o& %hich the infe#ences a#e !e#ive! a#e p#oven, an! ,@- the co&bination of all the ci#cu&stances p#o!uces a conviction be"on! #easonable
!oubt. The totalit" of the evi!ence &ust constitute an unb#o>en chain sho%in$ be"on! #easonable !oubt the $uilt of the accuse!, to the
eCclusion of all othe#s.
To #e'ui#e !i#ect e"e%itness testi&on" %hen ci#cu&stantial evi!ence is sufficientl" establishe! %oul!, in &an" cases, eCpose societ" to
felons %ho %oul! be un#easonabl" set f#ee.
In the p#esent case, the post&o#te& eCa&ination sho%s that the victi& sustaine! &ultiple lace#ations an! ab#asions plus ei$ht stab
The follo%in$ pieces of ci#cu&stantial evi!ence sho% be"on! #easonable !oubt that appellants a#e #esponsible fo# the >illin$E
=irst, Mo#cillo positivel" i!entifie! appellants as &e&be#s of the $#oup that ha! $an$e! up on the victi& an! &aule! hi& nea# his
#esi!ence a#oun! ;E@? in the evenin$ on 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+.
econd, the %itness sa% appellants actin$ in unison )) beatin$ up then ca##"in$ to%a#!s the alaba#*on Hi$h%a" )) the unconscious
bo!" of the victi&.
)hird, the victi&Bs co#pse %as #ecove#e! the neCt !a" insi!e a %ell, %hich %as less than a >ilo&ete# a%a" f#o& the place of the &aulin$.
=ourth, the victi& suffe#e! f#o& &ultiple stab %oun!s, ab#asions, contusions an! lace#ations, all of %hich in!icate! that he ha! been
heavil" beaten up. This %as consistent %ith the na##ation of Mo#cillo on ho% he sa% appellants &aul the victi& less than 0/ hou#s befo#e the
!ea! bo!" %as !iscove#e!.
=ifth, appellants %e#e the last pe#sons seen %ith the victi& befo#e he !ie!.
i%th, the othe# accuse!, 8ac>son uenca ,b#othe# of Appellant 7e##" uenca- an! 5e#nie A$on ,son of Appellant #isanto A$on- fle!
f#o& thei# #esi!ence in =ipa it", an! the" have continuousl" eva!e! a##est up to the p#esent.
=inally, Mo#cillo ha! no ill &otive to testif" a$ainst appellants.
2#o& the fo#e$oin$ ci#cu&stances, it is un!ispute! that appellants %e#e ph"sicall" p#esent at the locus criminis an! its i&&e!iate
vicinit", an! that an e"e%itness positivel" i!entifie! the& to be &e&be#s of the $#oup that ha! &aule! an! #e&ove! the victi& f#o& the c#i&e
scene p#io# to the !iscove#" of his co#pse.
T5+r" 66u21 Defense of Ali"i
Hell)settle! is the #ule that alibi is the %ea>est of all !efenses, because it is eas" to concoct an! !ifficult to !isp#ove. 2o# alibi to p#ospe#,
it is not enou$h fo# the accuse! to p#ove that the" %e#e so&e%he#e else %hen the c#i&e %as co&&itte!F the" &ust li>e%ise !e&onst#ate that
it %as ph"sicall" i&possible fo# the& to have been at the scene of the c#i&e at the ti&e.
In the case befo#e us, appellants clai& that at the ti&e the c#i&e happene!, the" %e#e at the #esi!ence of Ro$e# Di&aculan$an, %hich
%as locate! also at 5a#an$a" Ta&bo, =ipait". Dis&issin$ this clai&, the RT sai!E
RAlibi an! !enial a#e inhe#entl" %ea> an! easil" cont#ive!. This is %h" the accuse! &ust p#ove %ith clea# an! convincin$ evi!ence that it %as
ph"sicall" i&possible fo# hi& to have been p#esent at the place an! ti&e the felon" %as co&&itte!. This the accuse! faile! to !o. The
!istance bet%een the house of Ro$e#Di&aculan$an, %he#e both accuse! clai&e! to be at the ti&e the fLeMlon" %as co&&itte! an! the
locusc#i&inis is 6ust a fe% >ilo&ete#s a%a". It can be t#avelle! in a fe% &inutes b" bic"cle. Thus, it %as not i&possible fo#
7e##" uenca an! #isanto A$on to leave an!, afte# >illin$ Hilf#e!o astillo, #etu#n to the house of Di&aculan$an %ithout an"bo!" noticin$
thei# absence. In an" event, alibi an! !enial cannot ove#co&e the cate$o#ical an! c#e!ible testi&on" of Ma#cial Mo#cillo i!entif"in$ both
accuse! as a&on$ those %ho& he sa% helpin$ each othe# in hol!in$ an! beatin$ Hilf#e!o astillo an! the#eafte# ca##"in$ hi& to%a#!s
LMalaba#*on Hi$h%a" $oin$ to the !i#ection of 5atan$as it". 5asic is the #ule that positive i!entification p#evails ove# !enial an! alibi.S
Thus, it %as not ph"sicall" i&possible fo# appellants to have been at the scene of the c#i&e on the evenin$ of 2eb#ua#" 9/, 9;;+,
not%ithstan!in$ thei# f#ien!sB testi&onies that the" %e#e also at the Di&aculan$an #esi!ence.
onspiracy an! (reachery
The t#ial cou#t !i! not e## in fin!in$ appellants $uilt" of &u#!e# because t#eache#", %hich %as alle$e! in the Info#&ation, ha! atten!e!
the >illin$.
On this point, the t#ial cou#t aptl" eCplaine!E
RA#ticle 9/ ,9.- of the Revise! Penal o!e p#ovi!es that the#e is t#eache#" %hen the offen!e# co&&its an" of the c#i&es a$ainst pe#sons,
e&plo"in$ &eans, &etho!s oL#M fo#&s in the eCecution the#eof %hich ten! !i#ectl" an! specificall" to insu#e its eCecution %ithout #is> to hi&self
a#isin$ f#o& the !efense %hich the offen!e! pa#t" &i$ht &a>e. In the instant case, #isanto an! 5e#nie A$on %e#e hol!in$ both han!s
ofHilf#e!o astillo, %hile 7e##" an! 8ac>son uenca %e#e beatin$ hi& %ith a piece of %oo! on the !iffe#ent pa#ts of his
bo!". Hilf#e!o astillo %as una#&e! an! !efenseless. Hence, t#eache#" %as p#esent.S
T#eache#" is p#esent %hen the follo%in$ con!itions a#e p#esentE ,9- the &eans of eCecution e&plo"e! $ives the victi&s no oppo#tunit" to
!efen! the&selves o# to #etaliate, an! ,0- the &eans of eCecution a#e !elibe#atel" o# consciousl" a!opte!. In this case, the p#osecution
succee!e! in sho%in$ that appellants, to$ethe# %ith thei# co)accuse! ,%ho a#e still at la#$e-, helpe! each othe# in ensu#in$ the eCecution of
thei# nefa#ious intention to beat up an! >ill the victi& %ho %as una#&e! an! %ith no oppo#tunit" to !efen! hi&self.
The p#osecution %as li>e%ise able to sho% that the#e %as conspi#ac". onspi#ac" eCists %hen t%o o# &o#e pe#sons co&e to an
a$#ee&ent an! !eci!e on the co&&ission of a felon".
It is not necessa#" that the#e be !i#ect p#oof that the co)conspi#ato#s ha! an" p#io#
a$#ee&ent to co&&it the c#i&eF it is sufficient that the" acte! in conce#t pu#suant to the sa&e ob6ective.
Despite affi#&in$ appellantsB conviction, %e nonetheless &o!if" the &oneta#" a%a#!s.
The a%a#! of P1?,??? as in!e&nit" e% delicto fo# the loss of the victi&Bs life is in acco#! %ith p#evailin$ 6u#isp#u!ence.
=i>e%ise, the
a%a#! of P0?,??? as &o#al !a&a$es is #easonable. Ho%eve#, the actual !a&a$es $#ante! is i&p#ope# an! shoul! be #e!uce! f#o&P@+,+??
to P:,@?? consi!e#in$ that onl" the latte# a&ount, #ep#esentin$ bu#ial eCpenses, %as !ul" suppo#te! b" #eceipts. The unsubstantiate! balance
of P@9,1?? shoul! be !elete!.
He also fin! the cou#t a 3uo?s a%a#! of P/,+??,??? fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" to be i&p#ope#. T#ue, in People v. 6erde,
%e $#ante!
an a%a#! fo# the loss of ea#nin$ capacit" to the hei#s of the !ecease! !espite the absence of !ocu&enta#" evi!ence to substantiate such
clai&. He !ee&e! the testi&on" of the victi&Bs %ife sufficient to establish the basis fo# the $#ant. Ho%eve#, the ne% #ulin$ in People
v. Panabang
&o!ifies this p#inciple an! no% p#eclu!es an a%a#! fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" %ithout a!e'uate p#oof. The ba#e testi&on" of
the b#othe# of the !ecease! 2elicisi&o astillo that, at the ti&e of his !eath, Hilf#e!oastillo %as ea#nin$ P01?.?? !ail" as ca#pente#
is not
sufficient p#oof.
In Panabang, %e hel! that the in!e&nification fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" &ust be !ul" p#oven. 8ustice 8ose . Vitu$, eCp#essin$ the
cu##ent vie% of the ou#t, %#oteE
RIn!e&nification fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" pa#ta>es of the natu#e of actual !a&a$es %hich &ust be !ul" p#oven. A self)se#vin$ state&ent,
bein$ un#eliable, is not enou$h. The fathe# of the victi& has testifie! on the latte#Bs &onthl" inco&e of P90,???.??. 5ut fo# lost inco&e to be
#ecove#e!, the#e &ust li>e%ise be an unbiase! p#oof of the !ecease!Bs aI2ra72, not 6ust $#oss, inco&e. An a%a#! fo# lost of ea#nin$ capacit"
#efe#s to the net inco&e of the !ecease!, i.e., his total inco&e net of eCpenses. C C C.S
,E&phasis in the o#i$inal, citations o&itte!-
/HEREFORE, the assaile! Decision is *==4#(.+ but the actual !a&a$es a%a#!e! b" the RT is #.+1-.+ f#o& P@1,+1? to P:,@??
%hile the $#ant of P/,+??,??? fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" is +.!.).+.
(elo, 8-hairman9, 6itug, andoval-2utierrez, an! -arpio, JJ., concu#.
>G.R. No. 8)8(-. January 16, 1998?
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff&appellee, vs. RO%OLFO %EL# ROS# ! #&LES, #NTONO %EL# ROS# ! #&LES, an"
RO%OLFO 0UMSON ! N#&# :#4 ,ar72;, accuse!&appellants.
% E C S O N
Ro!olfo !ela Rosa " Aviles appeals the !ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 2i#st 8u!icial Re$ion, 5#anch @+, =in$a"en, Pan$asinan,
convictin$ hi& of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives an! i&posin$ the penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua.
On 8anua#" 0:, 9;+:, an info#&ation fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives %as file! a$ainst RODO=2O DE=A ROSA "
(That on o# about the ;th of Dece&be# 9;+., in sitio ,sic- Na!a&pat, 5a#an$a" 5olo, &unicipalit" ,sic- of =ab#a!o#, p#ovince ,sic- of
Pan$asinan, Ne% Republic of the Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above&entione! accuse!, conspi#in$,
confe!e#atin$ an! helpin$ one anothe#, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull" ,sic-, unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession, custo!" an!
cont#ol th#ee ,@- ho&e&a!e $au$e 90 shot$uns an! fou#teen ,9/- pieces of !"na&ite eCplosives, %ithout fi#st secu#in$ the necessa#"
pe#&itJlicense to possess the sa&e.
(ont#a#" to P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+...(
All accuse! plea!e! not $uilt" %hen a##ai$ne! on 2eb#ua#" @, 9;+:. On Ma#ch 90, 9;+:, the fou# accuse! %ith!#e% thei# plea of not
$uilt" an! substitute! it %ith a plea of $uilt. Afte# asce#tainin$ that the plea of $uilt %as not &a!e i&p#ovi!entl", the lo%e# cou#t i&pose! upon
the& the co##espon!in$ penalt".
Ho%eve#, on Ma#ch 9;, 9;+:, the fou# ,/- accuse! file! a &otion %ith!#a%in$ thei# plea of $uilt.
The lo%e#
cou#t $#ante! the &otion in a #esolution !ate! Ma#ch 01, 9;+:.
The#eafte#, t#ial p#ocee!e!. Ho%eve#, accuse! #esencio Re"es chan$e! his
&in! a$ain an! plea!e! $uilt" to a lesse# offense punishable un!e# the last pa#a$#aph of Section 9 of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+... The
cou#t accepte! the plea an! sentence! hi& acco#!in$l". He %as utili*e! as a %itness b" the p#osecution. The t#ial p#ocee!e! a$ainst the
th#ee #e&ainin$ accuse!.
The p#osecution establishe! that in the &o#nin$ of Dece&be# ;, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Antonio !ela Rosa, #esencio Re"es an!
Ro!olfo Gui&son, su##en!e#e! to Na$a%a! Vale#iano Ri$o# of Sitio Na!a&pat, 5olo, =ab#a!o#, Pan$asinan clai&in$ the" %ant to lea! a ne%
life. The" info#&e! hi& that 5en6a&in Nano, alias Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, a &e&be# of the Ne% PeopleDs A#&" ,NPA-, %as shot b" one of
the&. The fou# ha! %ith the& a sho#t shot$un ,EChibit A- an! a ba$ containin$ seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite ,EChibit to ):-.
Na$a%a! Ri$o#
offe#e! the& b#ea>fast an! afte#%a#!s %ent to the police station to #epo#t the p#esence of fou# ,/- su##en!e#ees in his house. At the police
station, Pat#ol&an 7asline 2e#nan!e* #eco#!e! the #epo#t in the police blotte#. pl. #ispin ancino, the station co&&an!e#, b#ou$ht alon$
seve#al police&en an! p#ocee!e! to the house of Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Hhen the $#oup a##ive!, onl" Na$a%a! Ri$o# an! pl. ancino ente#e!
the house. The othe# police&en sta"e! outsi!e to secu#e the a#ea. Insi!e the house, Na$a%a! Ri$o# int#o!uce! the su##en!e#ees to pl.
ancino an! sho%e! hi& the sho#t shot$un ,EChibit A- an! the ba$ ,EChibit to ):- containin$ seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite. Then, all
accuse!, eCcept Ro!olfo Gui&son, %ho %as left behin! to $ui!e the police in #ecove#in$ the bo!" of Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, %e#e b#ou$ht to the
Philippine onstabula#" ,P- Hea!'ua#te#s in =in$a"en. In =in$a"en, the" p#ocee!e! at the &unicipal buil!in$ an! calle! on Ma"o# aliCto
Pancho. The su##en!e#ees ha! thei# pictu#e ta>en %ith Ma"o# Pancho an! Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Afte#%a#!s, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police
hea!'ua#te#s, %he#e thei# state&ents %e#e ta>en b" pl. A#senio Pa#a$as an! pl. ip#iano astillo.
Mean%hile, the cha##e! bo!" of
5en6a&in Nano %as #ecove#e! b" the police in Sitio Tebel Pata#.
The follo%in$ !a", #esencio Re"es info#&e! the police that the#e %e#e fi#ea#&s left bu#ie! in Sitio Tebel Pata#. Re"es pointe! to the
hi!in$ place %hich %as cove#e! b" banana leaves. Hhen the banana leaves %e#e #e&ove!, the police unea#the! t%o ,0- lon$ ba##ele!
shot$uns ,EChibits 5 an! D-.
On the othe# han!, the th#ee accuse! conten! the" %e#e #ec#uite! b" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ on !iffe#ent !ates. Accuse! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
testifie! that he fi#st sa% Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ on Octobe# 0+, 9;+. at a #elativeDs %a>e. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ as>e! hi& %hethe# he o%ne! a
piece of lan!. He sai! he !i! not, fo# he %as onl" a sa%ali &a>e#. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ then convince! hi& to 6oin the Ne% PeopleDs A#&"
,NPA-. He tol! Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ he %oul! thin> it ove#. On Nove&be# 9, 9;+., Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %ent to his house an! #eite#ate! his
offe# to hi&. #esencio Re"es %as %ith Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ at that ti&e. Re"es %as ca##"in$ a ba$ ,EChibit - %hile Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ ha!
a shot$un ,EChibit A-. On Nove&be# 9?, 9;+., Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %ent to his house an! succee!e! in pe#sua!in$ hi& to 6oin the
NPA. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ b#ou$ht hi& at a hi!eout in the &ountains of Sitio Tebel Pata#, =ab#a!o#, Pan$asinan.
On the evenin$ of Nove&be# 9/, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! #esencio Re"es, !escen!e! the &ountains an!
p#ocee!e! to the house of Antonio !ela Rosa, %ho %as Ro!olfoDs cousin. At that ti&e, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %as ca##"in$ a shot$un ,EChibit A-
%hile Re"es %as ca##"in$ a ba$ ,EChibit -. Hhen the" a##ive! at sai! place, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! Re"es ente#e! the house an! sta"e!
insi!e fo# ten ,9?- &inutes. Hhen the t%o ca&e out, !ela Rosa %as %ith the&. All of the& hea!e! fo# the &ountains afte#%a#!s. On
Nove&be# 0?, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ #esencio Re"es an! Antonio !ela Rosa %ent to the house of Ro!olfo
Gui&son. A$ain, onl" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! Re"es ente#e! Gui&sonDs house. The" sta"e! insi!e fo# 91 &inutes. Hhen the t%o ca&e out,
Gui&son %as %ith the&. Afte#%a#!s, the" #etu#ne! to thei# hi!eout in the &ountains.
On Dece&be# +, 9;+., at 9?E?? oDcloc> in the &o#nin$, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ calle! the& to a &eetin$. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ too> the ba$
,EChibit - %hich Re"es al%a"s ca##ies an! opene! it. The ba$ "iel!e! seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ tol! the& that at
five oDcloc> in the afte#noon the" %oul! $o !o%n Sitio Na!a&pat an! assassinate Na$a%a! Ri$o#.
He then inst#ucte! the& on ho% to use
the eCplosives. Afte# the &eetin$, the" #etu#ne! to thei# hut an! #este!. At t%o oDcloc> in the afte#noon, the" hea#! a $unshot f#o& the hut of
Nu&an!e# Ta&an$. The" #ushe! outsi!e an! sa% Re"es hol!in$ Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds shot$un. He announce! that Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %as
!ea!. He tol! the& it %oul! be bette# to su##en!e# the&selves to the autho#ities. He o#!e#e! the& to $athe# the shot$un an! the stic>s of
!"na&ite %hile he set on fi#e Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds hut. At five oDcloc> in the afte#noon, the" !escen!e! the &ountains an! hea!e! to%a#!s
Sitio Na!a&pat. At :E?? a.&., the follo%in$ !a", the" #eache! the house of Na$a%a! Ri$o#. The" sa% the Na$a%a! sittin$ b" hi&self on a
bench outsi!e his house. Onl" Re"es app#oache! the Na$a%a!, so as not to f#i$hten hi&. The th#ee othe#s %aite! b" the #oa!si!e. Afte# five
,1- &inutes, Re"es si$nalle! the th#ee to app#oach the house. Na$a%a! Ri$o# let the& insi!e the house an! offe#e! the& b#ea>fast. Re"es
place! the shot$un an! the ba$ on top of the !inin$ table. Na$a%a! Ri$o# then left the house an! %ent to the police station.
He #etu#ne!
%ith seve#al police&en. At fi#st, the police&en pointe! thei# $uns at the accuse! but Na$a%a! Ri$o# tol! the& the#e %as no nee! fo# the"
%e#e su##en!e#in$ the&selves to the autho#ities. Na$a%a! Ri$o# then sho%e! the police&en the shot$un an! the ba$ containin$ the stic>s of
!"na&ite. The police&en too> all the su##en!e#ees to the Municipal Hall, eCcept Ro!olfo Gui&son, %ho %as left behin!, to lea! the police to
Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds bo!". At the Municipal Hall, Ma"o# aliCto Pancho $#eete! an! con$#atulate! the& fo# co&in$ bac> to the fol! of
la%. The" ha! thei# pictu#e ta>en %ith Ma"o# Pancho an! Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Afte#%a#!s, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police hea!'ua#te#s. Hhen
an investi$ato# sta#te! to 'uestion the&, the" as>e! fo# a la%"e# to assist the& but the investi$ato# sai! the" %oul! not nee! one fo# the"
%e#e su##en!e#ees an! %oul! soon be f#ee!. Hence, the" $ave thei# subsc#ibe! state&ents to the police. Afte# thei# state&ents %e#e ta>en,
the police too> the& bac> to the police station in =ab#a!o#, %he#e the" %e#e !etaine!. On 8anua#" 1, 9;+:, the" %e#e t#ansfe##e! to the
p#ovincial 6ail in =in$a"en. The" !enie! eve# seein$ the t%o ,0- lon$ fi#ea#&s ,EChibits an! D- %hich %e#e #ecove#e! in Sitio Tebel
Pata#. The" sa% sai! fi#ea#&s fo# the fi#st ti&e %hen the p#osecution p#esente! the& as eChibits !u#in$ the t#ial.
Hhen t#ial conclu!e!, the lo%e# cou#t convicte! the th#ee ,@- accuse!. Antonio !ela Rosa !i! not appeal
%hile Ro!olfo Gui&son
f#o& the National 5ilibi! P#isons ,N5P- %he#e he %as !etaine! afte# the lo%e# cou#t convicte! hi&. Onl" Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
appeale! conten!in$ thatE
He fin! &e#it in the appeal.
It is un!ispute! that accuse!)appellant Ro!olfo !ela Rosa an! his co&panions %e#e the ones %ho su##en!e#e! the sub6ect fi#ea#&
,EChibit A- an! eCplosives ,EChibit to ):- to Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Ho%eve#, Ro!olfo !ela Rosa !enies that he %as in possession of sai!
a&&unitions in the &anne# punishable b" la%. Acco#!in$ to hi&, his #eal intention %as &e#el" to tu#n ove# the a&&unitions, %hich %e#e
o%ne! b" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, to the autho#ities. The t#ial cou#t pe#ceive! othe#%ise. It !ecla#e! that since Ro!olfo !ela Rosa 6oine! the Ne%
PeopleDs A#&" ,NPA-, the#e is #eason to conclu!e that he p#ovi!e! hi&self %ith a#&s such as EChibits A, 5, to ): an! D.
An! since &e#e
possession is sufficient to convict a pe#son fo# c#i&es %hich a#e malum prohibitum li>e ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, appellant !ela Rosa
&ust be convicte!. It is of no &o&ent that he su##en!e#e! the a&&unitions to the autho#ities.
He fail to see ho% appellant !ela Rosa coul! be convicte! of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s base! on the above #easonin$. Section 9 of
P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.. punishes an" pe#son %ho shall E< < < un,aC8u,,y 9anu8a34ur2, "2a, +n, a3Ju+r2, "+6*o62 or *o66266 any
8+r2ar96, *ar4 o8 8+r2ar9, a99un+4+on, or 9a35+n2ry, 4oo, or +n64ru92n4 u62" or +n42n"2" 4o @2 u62" +n 452 9anu8a34ur2 o8 any
8+r2ar9 or a99un+4+on.E,An!e#sco#in$ supplie!-
5#o>en !o%n into its salient ele&ents, ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is co&&itte! %hen the hol!e# the#eofE
:+; *o6626626 a 8+r2ar9O an"
:++; ,a3D6 452 au45or+4y or ,+32n62 4o *o66266 +4.
In P2o*,2 I. "2 Gra3+a,
%e cla#ifie! the &eanin$ of *o66266+on fo# the pu#pose of convictin$ a pe#son un!e# PD 9+.., thusE
E$u4, +6 452 92r2 8a34 o8 *5y6+3a, or 3on64ru34+I2 *o66266+on 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3onI+34 a *2r6on 8or un,aC8u, *o66266+on o8 8+r2ar96 or
9u64 452r2 @2 an +n42n4 4o *o66266 4o 3on64+4u42 a I+o,a4+on o8 452 ,aCM This 'ue#" assu&es si$nificance fo# ille$al possession of
fi#ea#&s is a &alu& p#ohibitu&, punishe! b" a special la%, in %hich case $oo! faith an! absence of c#i&inal intent a#e not vali! !efenses.
(Hhen a c#i&e is punishe! b" a special la%, as a #ule, intent to co&&it the c#i&e is not necessa#", it is sufficient that the offen!e# has the
intent to pe#pet#ate the act p#ohibite! b" the special la%. Intent to co&&it the c#i&e an! intent to pe#pet#ate the act &ust be !istin$uishe!. A
pe#son &a" not have consciousl" inten!e! to co&&it a c#i&e but he inten!e! to co&&it an act, an! that act is b" the ve#" natu#e of thin$s, the
c#i&e itself. In the fi#st ,intent to co&&it the c#i&e-, the#e &ust be c#i&inal intentF in the secon! ,intent to pe#pet#ate the act- it is enou$h that
the p#ohibite! act is !one f#eel" an! consciousl".
n 452 *r262n4 3a62, a "+64+n34+on 65ou," @2 9a"2 @24C22n 3r+9+na, +n42n4 an" +n42n4 4o *o66266. /5+,2 92r2 *o66266+on C+45ou4
3r+9+na, +n42n4, +6 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3onI+34 a *2r6on 8or +,,27a, *o66266+on o8 a 8+r2ar9, +4 9u64 64+,, @2 65oCn 45a4 452r2 Ca6ani,us
possi!en!i or an +n42n4 4o *o66266 on 452 *ar4 o8 452 a33u62". Su35 +n42n4 4o *o66266 +6, 5oC2I2r, C+45ou4 r27ar" 4o any o452r
3r+9+na, or 82,on+ou6 +n42n4 C5+35 452 a33u62" 9ay 5aI2 5ar@or2" +n *o66266+n7 452 8+r2ar9. Cr+9+na, +n42n4 52r2 r282r6 4o 452
+n42n4+on o8 452 a33u62" 4o 3o99+4 an o882n62 C+45 452 u62 o8 an un,+32n62" 8+r2ar9. T5+6 +6 no4 +9*or4an4 +n 3onI+34+n7 a *2r6on
un"2r Pr26+"2n4+a, %23r22 No. 1866. H2n32, +n or"2r 45a4 on2 9ay @2 8oun" 7u+,4y o8 a I+o,a4+on o8 452 "23r22, +4 +6 6u88+3+2n4 45a4 452
a33u62" 5a" no au45or+4y or ,+32n62 4o *o66266 a 8+r2ar9, an" 45a4 52 +n42n"2" 4o *o66266 452 6a92, 2I2n +8 6u35 *o66266+on Ca6
9a"2 +n 7oo" 8a+45 an" C+45ou4 3r+9+na, +n42n4.E
In the ea#l" case of P2o*,2 I. E64o+64a,
%e hel! that a 429*orary, +n3+"2n4a,, 3a6ua,, or 5ar9,266 *o66266+on of fi#ea#&s is not
punishable. He state! the#ein thatE
ET52 42r96 E3on4ro,E an" E"o9+n+onE 452962,I26 ar2 r2,a4+I2 42r96 no4 6u632*4+@,2 o8 2<a34 "28+n+4+on, an" o*+n+on6 on 452 "27r22
an" 35ara342r o8 3on4ro, or "o9+n+on 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3on64+4u42 a I+o,a4+on Iary. T52 ru,2 ,a+" "oCn +n 452 Un+42" S4a426 3our46 . ru,2
C5+35 C2 52r2 a"o*4 . +6 45a4 429*orary, +n3+"2n4a,, 3a6ua, or 5ar9,266 *o66266+on or 3on4ro, o8 a 8+r2ar9 +6 no4 a I+o,a4+on o8 a
64a4u42 *ro5+@+4+n7 452 *o66266+n7 or 3arry+n7 o8 45+6 D+n" o8 C2a*on. # 4y*+3a, 2<a9*,2 o8 6u35 *o66266+on +6 C52r2 Ea *2r6on
*+3D6 u* a C2a*on or 5an"6 +4 4o ano452r 4o 2<a9+n2 or 5o," 8or a 9o92n4.E
Also, in People v. Re&e#eta,
%he#e the 'uestion pose! %as %hethe# an accuse! %ho stole a fi#ea#& coul! si&ultaneousl" be
p#osecute! fo# theft an! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, %e hel! that 4ran6+2n4 *o66266+on is not sufficient to convict one un!e# the latte#
c#i&e, thusE
(Hhile in stealin$ a fi#ea#& the accuse! &ust necessa#il" co&e into possession the#eof, the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is not
co&&itte! b" &e#e t#ansient possession of the %eapon. C C C Thus, stealin$ a fi#ea#& %ith intent not to use but to #en!e# the o%ne#
!efenseless, &a" suffice fo# pu#poses of establishin$ a case of theft, but %oul! not 6ustif" a cha#$e fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, since
intent to hol! an! eventuall" use the %eapon %oul! be lac>in$.(
Hence, the >in! of possession punishable un!e# PD No. 9+.. is one %he#e the accuse! possesse! a fi#ea#& eithe# ph"sicall" o#
const#uctivel" %ith ani,us possi!en!i o# intention to possess the sa&e.
It is not enou$h that the fi#ea#& %as foun! in the pe#son of the
accuse! %ho hel! the sa&e te&po#a#il" an! casuall" o# fo# the pu#pose of su##en!e#in$ the sa&e. A!&itte!l", ani,us possi!en!i is a state
of &in!. As such, %hat $oes on into the &in! of an accuse!, as his #eal intent, coul! be !ete#&ine! solel" base! on his p#io# an! coetaneous
acts an! the su##oun!in$ ci#cu&stances eCplainin$ ho% the sub6ect fi#ea#& ca&e to his possession.
Thus, in P2o*,2 v. L2o L+an,
%e #e6ecte! the a#$u&ent of the accuse! that the cha#$e a$ainst hi& shoul! be !is&isse! because
the#e %as no ani,us possi!en!i on his pa#t. In sai! case, the accuse! conten!e! that he %as on his %a" to the &unicipal hall to su##en!e#
the fi#ea#& %hen he &et so&e of his f#ien!s. He then fo#$ot about the fi#ea#&, until the police office# unce#e&oniousl" sei*e! the sa&e f#o&
hi&, affo#!in$ hi& no chance to su##en!e# it hi&self.
In #e6ectin$ accuse!)appellantDs clai&, 8ustice Re$ala!o %#ote thatE
E< < <, 452 Cour4 8+n"6 +4 5ar" 4o @2,+2I2 45a4 a**2,,an4 64+,, 5a" 4o 5+"2 452 8+r2ar9 +n 5+6 Ca+64 @28or2 6244+n7 ou4 4o 6urr2n"2r +4 4o 452
au45or+4+26 C52n 52 3ou," 5aI2 4aD2n 452 7un 4o 452 4oCn 5a,, +n 452 6a92 @a7 +n C5+35 52 8oun" +4, +n C5+35 3a62 +4 Cou," 5aI2
@22n 6a82r an" Cou," 5aI2 aIo+"2" "24234+on. n 8+n2, 452 +n"+6*2n6a@,2 2,292n46 o8 *o66266+on C+45ou4 452 n23266ary au45or+4y or
,+32n62 an" 452 3orr26*on"+n7 a442n"an32 o8 ani,us possi!en!i 5aI2 @o45 @22n 3onI+n3+n7,y 264a@,+652" @y 452 *ro623u4+on 4o
Carran4 a**2,,an4H6 3onI+34+on < < <.E
That animus possidendi is !ete#&inable f#o& the p#io# an! si&ultaneous acts of the accuse! is fu#the# eCe&plifie! b" People v. =ubo.
In this case, %hile accuse!)appellant plea!e! lac> of animus possidendi, his con!uct belie! the sa&e. Accuse!)appellant =ubo %as foun!
to have secu#e! a (te&po#a#" license( fo# the sub6ect fi#ea#&. An!e# such ci#cu&stance, %e hel! that accuse!)appellant inten!e! to possess
the sub6ect fi#ea#& be"on! #easonable !oubt.
o&in$ no% to the case befo#e us, it is un!ispute! that the police office#s neve# #eall" a##este! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, fo# the t#uth of the
&atte# %as that the#e %as no nee! fo# such a##est. Dela Rosa an! his co&panions ha! su##en!e#e! the a&&unitions to Na$a%a! Ri$o# even
befo#e the police a##ive!. In fact, the police lea#ne! of the su##en!e# because Na$a%a! Ri$o# #epo#te! it to the police station in
=ab#a!o#. This is in cont#ast to People v. =eo =ian, %he#e appellant =ian &e#el" fei$ne! intention to su##en!e# the fi#ea#& %hich the police
foun! in his possession. In the case at ba#, appellant !ela RosaDs intention to su##en!e# the a&&unitions %as ve#" clea# f#o& the be$innin$
an! he %as able to eCecute the sa&e.
o#olla#il", the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#alDs contention that !ela Rosa %as in const#uctive possession of the a&&unitions is
i##elevant fo# possession )%hethe# ph"sical o# const#uctive) %ithout ani&us possi!en!i is not punishable. Dela RosaDs possession %as
ha#&less, te&po#a#" an! onl" inci!ental fo# the pu#pose of su##en!e#in$ the a&&unitions to the autho#ities. onse'uentl", the p#osecution
faile! to establish the fi#st ele&ent of ani&us possi!en!i.
Si&ila#l", the #eco#!s a#e be#eft of sufficient p#oof that Ro!olfo !ela Rosa possesse! the a&&unitions %ithout autho#it" to !o so. ECcept
fo# the p#eli&ina#" eCa&ination of Pfc. ip#iano P. astillo con!ucte! b" Municipal i#cuit T#ial 8u!$e 5en6a&in N. Abella,
the p#osecution
offe#e! no othe# evi!ence !u#in$ the t#ial %hich sho%e! lac> of license. In the p#eli&ina#" eCa&ination, the onl" #elevant 'uestion as>e! b" the
6u!$e %asE
(8AD7E A5E==A
(GE Di! "ou o# the Stn. o&&an!e# as> o# ve#if" %hethe# an" o# all of the above)na&e! suspects have an" license to possess the above)
&entione! fi#ea#&s an! eCplosivesI
(AE 3es, si#. 5ut the" state! that the" have no license to possess an" of the fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives %hich %e#e #ecove#e! f#o& thei#
possession, cont#ol an! custo!".(
The Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al offe#s the eCt#a6u!icial state&ent of accuse! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
that Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ supplie!
hi& %ith eCplosives an! !"na&ite in fu#the#ance of subve#sive activities.
Acco#!in$ to the Solicito#s, the eCt#a6u!icial state&ent is sufficient
to p#ove that the fi#ea#&s %e#e ille$all" possesse!. The p#esu&ption is e##oneous. Asi!e f#o& the fact that !ela Rosa #epu!iate! the
eCt#a6u!icial state&ent because it %as uncounselle!,
the sa&e !i! not contain an" a!&ission that he ha! no license to possess the
fi#ea#&. An!, even if it ha! containe! an a!&ission that he ha! no license, it still %oul! not have suffice!.
In People v. Sola"ao,
the p#osecution #elie! onl" on the testi&onial evi!ence that accuse!)appellant a!&itte! befo#e the police office#
%ho accoste! hi& that he !i! not have an" autho#it" o# license to ca##" the sub6ect fi#ea#& %hen he %as as>e! if he ha! one. In ac'uittin$ the
accuse!)appellant, %e st#esse! that the p#osecution has the bu#!en of p#ovin$ be"on! #easonable !oubt the lac> of license %hich is a
ne$ative ave#&ent.
The bu#!en is in consonance %ith the evi!entia#" #ule that (%hen a ne$ative is ave##e! in a plea!in$, o# a plaintiffDs case
!epen!s upon the establish&ent of a ne$ative, an! the &eans of p#ovin$ the fact a#e e'uall" %ithin the cont#ol of each pa#t", then the bu#!en
of p#oof is upon the pa#t" ave##in$ the ne$ative.(
Mo#e i&po#tantl", the bu#!en place! on the shoul!e#s of the p#osecution to p#ove be"on!
#easonable !oubt the lac> of license is p#e&ise! on the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence of the accuse!.
Thus, in P2o*,2 v.
So,ayao, this ou#t su$$este! that the p#osecution coul! have, at the ve#" least, p#esente! a ce#tification f#o& the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives
Anit that the accuse! !i! not have the license to the $un. 5ut, an eCt#a6u!icial a!&ission of the accuse!, solel", %ill not suffice.
The Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al conten!s that fo# accuse!)appellant to 6oin the Ne% PeopleDs A#&" an! sta" in the &ountains %ithout
a#&in$ the&selves is hi$hl" i&p#obable. Thus, the#e is #eason to believe that the" ille$all" possesse! the a&&unitions to fu#the# thei#
subve#sive activities even p#io# to su##en!e#in$ the& to the autho#ities. He #eite#ate that &e#e suspicion %ill not p#ove the p#osecutionDs case
in cou#t. In a p#osecution un!e# P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.., it is incu&bent on the 7ove#n&ent to p#ove both ele&ents of the c#i&eE ,9- that
the accuse! possesse! the fi#ea#& an! ,0- that he ha! not fi#st obtaine! a license o# pe#&it f#o& the app#op#iate autho#ities.
As al%a"s, &e#e speculations an! p#obabilities cannot substitute fo# p#oof #e'ui#e! to establish the $uilt of an accuse! be"on!
#easonable !oubt. The #ule is the sa&e %hethe# the offenses a#e punishable un!e# the Revise! Penal o!e %hich a#e mala in se o# in c#i&es
%hich a#e malum prohibitum b" vi#tue of special la%.
He fin! that such 'uantu& of p#oof %as not a!e'uatel" p#esente! in this case.
N &E/ /HEREOF, accuse!)appellant Ro!olfo !ela Rosa is ac'uitte! in #i&inal ase No. =)@.9.. His i&&e!iate #elease f#o& the
National 5ilibi! P#isons ,N5P- is o#!e#e!, eCcept if cha#$e! an! !etaine! fo# othe# offenses.
#egalado, 8-hairman9, (endoza, an! (artinez, JJ., concu#.
>G.R. No. 8)8(-. January 16, 1998?
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff&appellee, vs. RO%OLFO %EL# ROS# ! #&LES, #NTONO %EL# ROS# ! #&LES, an"
RO%OLFO 0UMSON ! N#&# :#4 ,ar72;, accuse!&appellants.
% E C S O N
Ro!olfo !ela Rosa " Aviles appeals the !ecision of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 2i#st 8u!icial Re$ion, 5#anch @+, =in$a"en, Pan$asinan,
convictin$ hi& of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives an! i&posin$ the penalt" of #eclusion pe#petua.
On 8anua#" 0:, 9;+:, an info#&ation fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives %as file! a$ainst RODO=2O DE=A ROSA "
(That on o# about the ;th of Dece&be# 9;+., in sitio ,sic- Na!a&pat, 5a#an$a" 5olo, &unicipalit" ,sic- of =ab#a!o#, p#ovince ,sic- of
Pan$asinan, Ne% Republic of the Philippines an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above&entione! accuse!, conspi#in$,
confe!e#atin$ an! helpin$ one anothe#, !i! then an! the#e %ilfull" ,sic-, unla%full" an! feloniousl" have in thei# possession, custo!" an!
cont#ol th#ee ,@- ho&e&a!e $au$e 90 shot$uns an! fou#teen ,9/- pieces of !"na&ite eCplosives, %ithout fi#st secu#in$ the necessa#"
pe#&itJlicense to possess the sa&e.
(ont#a#" to P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+...(
All accuse! plea!e! not $uilt" %hen a##ai$ne! on 2eb#ua#" @, 9;+:. On Ma#ch 90, 9;+:, the fou# accuse! %ith!#e% thei# plea of not
$uilt" an! substitute! it %ith a plea of $uilt. Afte# asce#tainin$ that the plea of $uilt %as not &a!e i&p#ovi!entl", the lo%e# cou#t i&pose! upon
the& the co##espon!in$ penalt".
Ho%eve#, on Ma#ch 9;, 9;+:, the fou# ,/- accuse! file! a &otion %ith!#a%in$ thei# plea of $uilt.
The lo%e#
cou#t $#ante! the &otion in a #esolution !ate! Ma#ch 01, 9;+:.
The#eafte#, t#ial p#ocee!e!. Ho%eve#, accuse! #esencio Re"es chan$e! his
&in! a$ain an! plea!e! $uilt" to a lesse# offense punishable un!e# the last pa#a$#aph of Section 9 of P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+... The
cou#t accepte! the plea an! sentence! hi& acco#!in$l". He %as utili*e! as a %itness b" the p#osecution. The t#ial p#ocee!e! a$ainst the
th#ee #e&ainin$ accuse!.
The p#osecution establishe! that in the &o#nin$ of Dece&be# ;, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Antonio !ela Rosa, #esencio Re"es an!
Ro!olfo Gui&son, su##en!e#e! to Na$a%a! Vale#iano Ri$o# of Sitio Na!a&pat, 5olo, =ab#a!o#, Pan$asinan clai&in$ the" %ant to lea! a ne%
life. The" info#&e! hi& that 5en6a&in Nano, alias Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, a &e&be# of the Ne% PeopleDs A#&" ,NPA-, %as shot b" one of
the&. The fou# ha! %ith the& a sho#t shot$un ,EChibit A- an! a ba$ containin$ seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite ,EChibit to ):-.
Na$a%a! Ri$o#
offe#e! the& b#ea>fast an! afte#%a#!s %ent to the police station to #epo#t the p#esence of fou# ,/- su##en!e#ees in his house. At the police
station, Pat#ol&an 7asline 2e#nan!e* #eco#!e! the #epo#t in the police blotte#. pl. #ispin ancino, the station co&&an!e#, b#ou$ht alon$
seve#al police&en an! p#ocee!e! to the house of Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Hhen the $#oup a##ive!, onl" Na$a%a! Ri$o# an! pl. ancino ente#e!
the house. The othe# police&en sta"e! outsi!e to secu#e the a#ea. Insi!e the house, Na$a%a! Ri$o# int#o!uce! the su##en!e#ees to pl.
ancino an! sho%e! hi& the sho#t shot$un ,EChibit A- an! the ba$ ,EChibit to ):- containin$ seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite. Then, all
accuse!, eCcept Ro!olfo Gui&son, %ho %as left behin! to $ui!e the police in #ecove#in$ the bo!" of Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, %e#e b#ou$ht to the
Philippine onstabula#" ,P- Hea!'ua#te#s in =in$a"en. In =in$a"en, the" p#ocee!e! at the &unicipal buil!in$ an! calle! on Ma"o# aliCto
Pancho. The su##en!e#ees ha! thei# pictu#e ta>en %ith Ma"o# Pancho an! Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Afte#%a#!s, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police
hea!'ua#te#s, %he#e thei# state&ents %e#e ta>en b" pl. A#senio Pa#a$as an! pl. ip#iano astillo.
Mean%hile, the cha##e! bo!" of
5en6a&in Nano %as #ecove#e! b" the police in Sitio Tebel Pata#.
The follo%in$ !a", #esencio Re"es info#&e! the police that the#e %e#e fi#ea#&s left bu#ie! in Sitio Tebel Pata#. Re"es pointe! to the
hi!in$ place %hich %as cove#e! b" banana leaves. Hhen the banana leaves %e#e #e&ove!, the police unea#the! t%o ,0- lon$ ba##ele!
shot$uns ,EChibits 5 an! D-.
On the othe# han!, the th#ee accuse! conten! the" %e#e #ec#uite! b" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ on !iffe#ent !ates. Accuse! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
testifie! that he fi#st sa% Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ on Octobe# 0+, 9;+. at a #elativeDs %a>e. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ as>e! hi& %hethe# he o%ne! a
piece of lan!. He sai! he !i! not, fo# he %as onl" a sa%ali &a>e#. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ then convince! hi& to 6oin the Ne% PeopleDs A#&"
,NPA-. He tol! Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ he %oul! thin> it ove#. On Nove&be# 9, 9;+., Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %ent to his house an! #eite#ate! his
offe# to hi&. #esencio Re"es %as %ith Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ at that ti&e. Re"es %as ca##"in$ a ba$ ,EChibit - %hile Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ ha!
a shot$un ,EChibit A-. On Nove&be# 9?, 9;+., Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %ent to his house an! succee!e! in pe#sua!in$ hi& to 6oin the
NPA. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ b#ou$ht hi& at a hi!eout in the &ountains of Sitio Tebel Pata#, =ab#a!o#, Pan$asinan.
On the evenin$ of Nove&be# 9/, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! #esencio Re"es, !escen!e! the &ountains an!
p#ocee!e! to the house of Antonio !ela Rosa, %ho %as Ro!olfoDs cousin. At that ti&e, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %as ca##"in$ a shot$un ,EChibit A-
%hile Re"es %as ca##"in$ a ba$ ,EChibit -. Hhen the" a##ive! at sai! place, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! Re"es ente#e! the house an! sta"e!
insi!e fo# ten ,9?- &inutes. Hhen the t%o ca&e out, !ela Rosa %as %ith the&. All of the& hea!e! fo# the &ountains afte#%a#!s. On
Nove&be# 0?, 9;+., Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ #esencio Re"es an! Antonio !ela Rosa %ent to the house of Ro!olfo
Gui&son. A$ain, onl" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ an! Re"es ente#e! Gui&sonDs house. The" sta"e! insi!e fo# 91 &inutes. Hhen the t%o ca&e out,
Gui&son %as %ith the&. Afte#%a#!s, the" #etu#ne! to thei# hi!eout in the &ountains.
On Dece&be# +, 9;+., at 9?E?? oDcloc> in the &o#nin$, Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ calle! the& to a &eetin$. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ too> the ba$
,EChibit - %hich Re"es al%a"s ca##ies an! opene! it. The ba$ "iel!e! seve#al stic>s of !"na&ite. Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ tol! the& that at
five oDcloc> in the afte#noon the" %oul! $o !o%n Sitio Na!a&pat an! assassinate Na$a%a! Ri$o#.
He then inst#ucte! the& on ho% to use
the eCplosives. Afte# the &eetin$, the" #etu#ne! to thei# hut an! #este!. At t%o oDcloc> in the afte#noon, the" hea#! a $unshot f#o& the hut of
Nu&an!e# Ta&an$. The" #ushe! outsi!e an! sa% Re"es hol!in$ Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds shot$un. He announce! that Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ %as
!ea!. He tol! the& it %oul! be bette# to su##en!e# the&selves to the autho#ities. He o#!e#e! the& to $athe# the shot$un an! the stic>s of
!"na&ite %hile he set on fi#e Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds hut. At five oDcloc> in the afte#noon, the" !escen!e! the &ountains an! hea!e! to%a#!s
Sitio Na!a&pat. At :E?? a.&., the follo%in$ !a", the" #eache! the house of Na$a%a! Ri$o#. The" sa% the Na$a%a! sittin$ b" hi&self on a
bench outsi!e his house. Onl" Re"es app#oache! the Na$a%a!, so as not to f#i$hten hi&. The th#ee othe#s %aite! b" the #oa!si!e. Afte# five
,1- &inutes, Re"es si$nalle! the th#ee to app#oach the house. Na$a%a! Ri$o# let the& insi!e the house an! offe#e! the& b#ea>fast. Re"es
place! the shot$un an! the ba$ on top of the !inin$ table. Na$a%a! Ri$o# then left the house an! %ent to the police station.
He #etu#ne!
%ith seve#al police&en. At fi#st, the police&en pointe! thei# $uns at the accuse! but Na$a%a! Ri$o# tol! the& the#e %as no nee! fo# the"
%e#e su##en!e#in$ the&selves to the autho#ities. Na$a%a! Ri$o# then sho%e! the police&en the shot$un an! the ba$ containin$ the stic>s of
!"na&ite. The police&en too> all the su##en!e#ees to the Municipal Hall, eCcept Ro!olfo Gui&son, %ho %as left behin!, to lea! the police to
Nu&an!e# Ta&an$Ds bo!". At the Municipal Hall, Ma"o# aliCto Pancho $#eete! an! con$#atulate! the& fo# co&in$ bac> to the fol! of
la%. The" ha! thei# pictu#e ta>en %ith Ma"o# Pancho an! Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Afte#%a#!s, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the police hea!'ua#te#s. Hhen
an investi$ato# sta#te! to 'uestion the&, the" as>e! fo# a la%"e# to assist the& but the investi$ato# sai! the" %oul! not nee! one fo# the"
%e#e su##en!e#ees an! %oul! soon be f#ee!. Hence, the" $ave thei# subsc#ibe! state&ents to the police. Afte# thei# state&ents %e#e ta>en,
the police too> the& bac> to the police station in =ab#a!o#, %he#e the" %e#e !etaine!. On 8anua#" 1, 9;+:, the" %e#e t#ansfe##e! to the
p#ovincial 6ail in =in$a"en. The" !enie! eve# seein$ the t%o ,0- lon$ fi#ea#&s ,EChibits an! D- %hich %e#e #ecove#e! in Sitio Tebel
Pata#. The" sa% sai! fi#ea#&s fo# the fi#st ti&e %hen the p#osecution p#esente! the& as eChibits !u#in$ the t#ial.
Hhen t#ial conclu!e!, the lo%e# cou#t convicte! the th#ee ,@- accuse!. Antonio !ela Rosa !i! not appeal
%hile Ro!olfo Gui&son
f#o& the National 5ilibi! P#isons ,N5P- %he#e he %as !etaine! afte# the lo%e# cou#t convicte! hi&. Onl" Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
appeale! conten!in$ thatE
He fin! &e#it in the appeal.
It is un!ispute! that accuse!)appellant Ro!olfo !ela Rosa an! his co&panions %e#e the ones %ho su##en!e#e! the sub6ect fi#ea#&
,EChibit A- an! eCplosives ,EChibit to ):- to Na$a%a! Ri$o#. Ho%eve#, Ro!olfo !ela Rosa !enies that he %as in possession of sai!
a&&unitions in the &anne# punishable b" la%. Acco#!in$ to hi&, his #eal intention %as &e#el" to tu#n ove# the a&&unitions, %hich %e#e
o%ne! b" Nu&an!e# Ta&an$, to the autho#ities. The t#ial cou#t pe#ceive! othe#%ise. It !ecla#e! that since Ro!olfo !ela Rosa 6oine! the Ne%
PeopleDs A#&" ,NPA-, the#e is #eason to conclu!e that he p#ovi!e! hi&self %ith a#&s such as EChibits A, 5, to ): an! D.
An! since &e#e
possession is sufficient to convict a pe#son fo# c#i&es %hich a#e malum prohibitum li>e ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, appellant !ela Rosa
&ust be convicte!. It is of no &o&ent that he su##en!e#e! the a&&unitions to the autho#ities.
He fail to see ho% appellant !ela Rosa coul! be convicte! of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s base! on the above #easonin$. Section 9 of
P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.. punishes an" pe#son %ho shall E< < < un,aC8u,,y 9anu8a34ur2, "2a, +n, a3Ju+r2, "+6*o62 or *o66266 any
8+r2ar96, *ar4 o8 8+r2ar9, a99un+4+on, or 9a35+n2ry, 4oo, or +n64ru92n4 u62" or +n42n"2" 4o @2 u62" +n 452 9anu8a34ur2 o8 any
8+r2ar9 or a99un+4+on.E,An!e#sco#in$ supplie!-
5#o>en !o%n into its salient ele&ents, ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is co&&itte! %hen the hol!e# the#eofE
:+; *o6626626 a 8+r2ar9O an"
:++; ,a3D6 452 au45or+4y or ,+32n62 4o *o66266 +4.
In P2o*,2 I. "2 Gra3+a,
%e cla#ifie! the &eanin$ of *o66266+on fo# the pu#pose of convictin$ a pe#son un!e# PD 9+.., thusE
E$u4, +6 452 92r2 8a34 o8 *5y6+3a, or 3on64ru34+I2 *o66266+on 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3onI+34 a *2r6on 8or un,aC8u, *o66266+on o8 8+r2ar96 or
9u64 452r2 @2 an +n42n4 4o *o66266 4o 3on64+4u42 a I+o,a4+on o8 452 ,aCM This 'ue#" assu&es si$nificance fo# ille$al possession of
fi#ea#&s is a &alu& p#ohibitu&, punishe! b" a special la%, in %hich case $oo! faith an! absence of c#i&inal intent a#e not vali! !efenses.
(Hhen a c#i&e is punishe! b" a special la%, as a #ule, intent to co&&it the c#i&e is not necessa#", it is sufficient that the offen!e# has the
intent to pe#pet#ate the act p#ohibite! b" the special la%. Intent to co&&it the c#i&e an! intent to pe#pet#ate the act &ust be !istin$uishe!. A
pe#son &a" not have consciousl" inten!e! to co&&it a c#i&e but he inten!e! to co&&it an act, an! that act is b" the ve#" natu#e of thin$s, the
c#i&e itself. In the fi#st ,intent to co&&it the c#i&e-, the#e &ust be c#i&inal intentF in the secon! ,intent to pe#pet#ate the act- it is enou$h that
the p#ohibite! act is !one f#eel" an! consciousl".
n 452 *r262n4 3a62, a "+64+n34+on 65ou," @2 9a"2 @24C22n 3r+9+na, +n42n4 an" +n42n4 4o *o66266. /5+,2 92r2 *o66266+on C+45ou4
3r+9+na, +n42n4, +6 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3onI+34 a *2r6on 8or +,,27a, *o66266+on o8 a 8+r2ar9, +4 9u64 64+,, @2 65oCn 45a4 452r2 Ca6ani,us
possi!en!i or an +n42n4 4o *o66266 on 452 *ar4 o8 452 a33u62". Su35 +n42n4 4o *o66266 +6, 5oC2I2r, C+45ou4 r27ar" 4o any o452r
3r+9+na, or 82,on+ou6 +n42n4 C5+35 452 a33u62" 9ay 5aI2 5ar@or2" +n *o66266+n7 452 8+r2ar9. Cr+9+na, +n42n4 52r2 r282r6 4o 452
+n42n4+on o8 452 a33u62" 4o 3o99+4 an o882n62 C+45 452 u62 o8 an un,+32n62" 8+r2ar9. T5+6 +6 no4 +9*or4an4 +n 3onI+34+n7 a *2r6on
un"2r Pr26+"2n4+a, %23r22 No. 1866. H2n32, +n or"2r 45a4 on2 9ay @2 8oun" 7u+,4y o8 a I+o,a4+on o8 452 "23r22, +4 +6 6u88+3+2n4 45a4 452
a33u62" 5a" no au45or+4y or ,+32n62 4o *o66266 a 8+r2ar9, an" 45a4 52 +n42n"2" 4o *o66266 452 6a92, 2I2n +8 6u35 *o66266+on Ca6
9a"2 +n 7oo" 8a+45 an" C+45ou4 3r+9+na, +n42n4.E
In the ea#l" case of P2o*,2 I. E64o+64a,
%e hel! that a 429*orary, +n3+"2n4a,, 3a6ua,, or 5ar9,266 *o66266+on of fi#ea#&s is not
punishable. He state! the#ein thatE
ET52 42r96 E3on4ro,E an" E"o9+n+onE 452962,I26 ar2 r2,a4+I2 42r96 no4 6u632*4+@,2 o8 2<a34 "28+n+4+on, an" o*+n+on6 on 452 "27r22
an" 35ara342r o8 3on4ro, or "o9+n+on 6u88+3+2n4 4o 3on64+4u42 a I+o,a4+on Iary. T52 ru,2 ,a+" "oCn +n 452 Un+42" S4a426 3our46 . ru,2
C5+35 C2 52r2 a"o*4 . +6 45a4 429*orary, +n3+"2n4a,, 3a6ua, or 5ar9,266 *o66266+on or 3on4ro, o8 a 8+r2ar9 +6 no4 a I+o,a4+on o8 a
64a4u42 *ro5+@+4+n7 452 *o66266+n7 or 3arry+n7 o8 45+6 D+n" o8 C2a*on. # 4y*+3a, 2<a9*,2 o8 6u35 *o66266+on +6 C52r2 Ea *2r6on
*+3D6 u* a C2a*on or 5an"6 +4 4o ano452r 4o 2<a9+n2 or 5o," 8or a 9o92n4.E
Also, in People v. Re&e#eta,
%he#e the 'uestion pose! %as %hethe# an accuse! %ho stole a fi#ea#& coul! si&ultaneousl" be
p#osecute! fo# theft an! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s, %e hel! that 4ran6+2n4 *o66266+on is not sufficient to convict one un!e# the latte#
c#i&e, thusE
(Hhile in stealin$ a fi#ea#& the accuse! &ust necessa#il" co&e into possession the#eof, the c#i&e of ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s is not
co&&itte! b" &e#e t#ansient possession of the %eapon. C C C Thus, stealin$ a fi#ea#& %ith intent not to use but to #en!e# the o%ne#
!efenseless, &a" suffice fo# pu#poses of establishin$ a case of theft, but %oul! not 6ustif" a cha#$e fo# ille$al possession of fi#ea#&, since
intent to hol! an! eventuall" use the %eapon %oul! be lac>in$.(
Hence, the >in! of possession punishable un!e# PD No. 9+.. is one %he#e the accuse! possesse! a fi#ea#& eithe# ph"sicall" o#
const#uctivel" %ith ani,us possi!en!i o# intention to possess the sa&e.
It is not enou$h that the fi#ea#& %as foun! in the pe#son of the
accuse! %ho hel! the sa&e te&po#a#il" an! casuall" o# fo# the pu#pose of su##en!e#in$ the sa&e. A!&itte!l", ani,us possi!en!i is a state
of &in!. As such, %hat $oes on into the &in! of an accuse!, as his #eal intent, coul! be !ete#&ine! solel" base! on his p#io# an! coetaneous
acts an! the su##oun!in$ ci#cu&stances eCplainin$ ho% the sub6ect fi#ea#& ca&e to his possession.
Thus, in P2o*,2 v. L2o L+an,
%e #e6ecte! the a#$u&ent of the accuse! that the cha#$e a$ainst hi& shoul! be !is&isse! because
the#e %as no ani,us possi!en!i on his pa#t. In sai! case, the accuse! conten!e! that he %as on his %a" to the &unicipal hall to su##en!e#
the fi#ea#& %hen he &et so&e of his f#ien!s. He then fo#$ot about the fi#ea#&, until the police office# unce#e&oniousl" sei*e! the sa&e f#o&
hi&, affo#!in$ hi& no chance to su##en!e# it hi&self.
In #e6ectin$ accuse!)appellantDs clai&, 8ustice Re$ala!o %#ote thatE
E< < <, 452 Cour4 8+n"6 +4 5ar" 4o @2,+2I2 45a4 a**2,,an4 64+,, 5a" 4o 5+"2 452 8+r2ar9 +n 5+6 Ca+64 @28or2 6244+n7 ou4 4o 6urr2n"2r +4 4o 452
au45or+4+26 C52n 52 3ou," 5aI2 4aD2n 452 7un 4o 452 4oCn 5a,, +n 452 6a92 @a7 +n C5+35 52 8oun" +4, +n C5+35 3a62 +4 Cou," 5aI2
@22n 6a82r an" Cou," 5aI2 aIo+"2" "24234+on. n 8+n2, 452 +n"+6*2n6a@,2 2,292n46 o8 *o66266+on C+45ou4 452 n23266ary au45or+4y or
,+32n62 an" 452 3orr26*on"+n7 a442n"an32 o8 ani,us possi!en!i 5aI2 @o45 @22n 3onI+n3+n7,y 264a@,+652" @y 452 *ro623u4+on 4o
Carran4 a**2,,an4H6 3onI+34+on < < <.E
That animus possidendi is !ete#&inable f#o& the p#io# an! si&ultaneous acts of the accuse! is fu#the# eCe&plifie! b" People v. =ubo.
In this case, %hile accuse!)appellant plea!e! lac> of animus possidendi, his con!uct belie! the sa&e. Accuse!)appellant =ubo %as foun!
to have secu#e! a (te&po#a#" license( fo# the sub6ect fi#ea#&. An!e# such ci#cu&stance, %e hel! that accuse!)appellant inten!e! to possess
the sub6ect fi#ea#& be"on! #easonable !oubt.
o&in$ no% to the case befo#e us, it is un!ispute! that the police office#s neve# #eall" a##este! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa, fo# the t#uth of the
&atte# %as that the#e %as no nee! fo# such a##est. Dela Rosa an! his co&panions ha! su##en!e#e! the a&&unitions to Na$a%a! Ri$o# even
befo#e the police a##ive!. In fact, the police lea#ne! of the su##en!e# because Na$a%a! Ri$o# #epo#te! it to the police station in
=ab#a!o#. This is in cont#ast to People v. =eo =ian, %he#e appellant =ian &e#el" fei$ne! intention to su##en!e# the fi#ea#& %hich the police
foun! in his possession. In the case at ba#, appellant !ela RosaDs intention to su##en!e# the a&&unitions %as ve#" clea# f#o& the be$innin$
an! he %as able to eCecute the sa&e.
o#olla#il", the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#alDs contention that !ela Rosa %as in const#uctive possession of the a&&unitions is
i##elevant fo# possession )%hethe# ph"sical o# const#uctive) %ithout ani&us possi!en!i is not punishable. Dela RosaDs possession %as
ha#&less, te&po#a#" an! onl" inci!ental fo# the pu#pose of su##en!e#in$ the a&&unitions to the autho#ities. onse'uentl", the p#osecution
faile! to establish the fi#st ele&ent of ani&us possi!en!i.
Si&ila#l", the #eco#!s a#e be#eft of sufficient p#oof that Ro!olfo !ela Rosa possesse! the a&&unitions %ithout autho#it" to !o so. ECcept
fo# the p#eli&ina#" eCa&ination of Pfc. ip#iano P. astillo con!ucte! b" Municipal i#cuit T#ial 8u!$e 5en6a&in N. Abella,
the p#osecution
offe#e! no othe# evi!ence !u#in$ the t#ial %hich sho%e! lac> of license. In the p#eli&ina#" eCa&ination, the onl" #elevant 'uestion as>e! b" the
6u!$e %asE
(8AD7E A5E==A
(GE Di! "ou o# the Stn. o&&an!e# as> o# ve#if" %hethe# an" o# all of the above)na&e! suspects have an" license to possess the above)
&entione! fi#ea#&s an! eCplosivesI
(AE 3es, si#. 5ut the" state! that the" have no license to possess an" of the fi#ea#&s an! eCplosives %hich %e#e #ecove#e! f#o& thei#
possession, cont#ol an! custo!".(
The Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al offe#s the eCt#a6u!icial state&ent of accuse! Ro!olfo !ela Rosa
that Nu&an!e# Ta&an$ supplie!
hi& %ith eCplosives an! !"na&ite in fu#the#ance of subve#sive activities.
Acco#!in$ to the Solicito#s, the eCt#a6u!icial state&ent is sufficient
to p#ove that the fi#ea#&s %e#e ille$all" possesse!. The p#esu&ption is e##oneous. Asi!e f#o& the fact that !ela Rosa #epu!iate! the
eCt#a6u!icial state&ent because it %as uncounselle!,
the sa&e !i! not contain an" a!&ission that he ha! no license to possess the
fi#ea#&. An!, even if it ha! containe! an a!&ission that he ha! no license, it still %oul! not have suffice!.
In People v. Sola"ao,
the p#osecution #elie! onl" on the testi&onial evi!ence that accuse!)appellant a!&itte! befo#e the police office#
%ho accoste! hi& that he !i! not have an" autho#it" o# license to ca##" the sub6ect fi#ea#& %hen he %as as>e! if he ha! one. In ac'uittin$ the
accuse!)appellant, %e st#esse! that the p#osecution has the bu#!en of p#ovin$ be"on! #easonable !oubt the lac> of license %hich is a
ne$ative ave#&ent.
The bu#!en is in consonance %ith the evi!entia#" #ule that (%hen a ne$ative is ave##e! in a plea!in$, o# a plaintiffDs case
!epen!s upon the establish&ent of a ne$ative, an! the &eans of p#ovin$ the fact a#e e'uall" %ithin the cont#ol of each pa#t", then the bu#!en
of p#oof is upon the pa#t" ave##in$ the ne$ative.(
Mo#e i&po#tantl", the bu#!en place! on the shoul!e#s of the p#osecution to p#ove be"on!
#easonable !oubt the lac> of license is p#e&ise! on the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence of the accuse!.
Thus, in P2o*,2 v.
So,ayao, this ou#t su$$este! that the p#osecution coul! have, at the ve#" least, p#esente! a ce#tification f#o& the 2i#ea#&s an! ECplosives
Anit that the accuse! !i! not have the license to the $un. 5ut, an eCt#a6u!icial a!&ission of the accuse!, solel", %ill not suffice.
The Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al conten!s that fo# accuse!)appellant to 6oin the Ne% PeopleDs A#&" an! sta" in the &ountains %ithout
a#&in$ the&selves is hi$hl" i&p#obable. Thus, the#e is #eason to believe that the" ille$all" possesse! the a&&unitions to fu#the# thei#
subve#sive activities even p#io# to su##en!e#in$ the& to the autho#ities. He #eite#ate that &e#e suspicion %ill not p#ove the p#osecutionDs case
in cou#t. In a p#osecution un!e# P#esi!ential Dec#ee No. 9+.., it is incu&bent on the 7ove#n&ent to p#ove both ele&ents of the c#i&eE ,9- that
the accuse! possesse! the fi#ea#& an! ,0- that he ha! not fi#st obtaine! a license o# pe#&it f#o& the app#op#iate autho#ities.
As al%a"s, &e#e speculations an! p#obabilities cannot substitute fo# p#oof #e'ui#e! to establish the $uilt of an accuse! be"on!
#easonable !oubt. The #ule is the sa&e %hethe# the offenses a#e punishable un!e# the Revise! Penal o!e %hich a#e mala in se o# in c#i&es
%hich a#e malum prohibitum b" vi#tue of special la%.
He fin! that such 'uantu& of p#oof %as not a!e'uatel" p#esente! in this case.
N &E/ /HEREOF, accuse!)appellant Ro!olfo !ela Rosa is ac'uitte! in #i&inal ase No. =)@.9.. His i&&e!iate #elease f#o& the
National 5ilibi! P#isons ,N5P- is o#!e#e!, eCcept if cha#$e! an! !etaine! fo# othe# offenses.
#egalado, 8-hairman9, (endoza, an! (artinez, JJ., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. L.(13-0 #u7u64 31, 1981
#M#%O 'ON an" JMM! MLL# petitione#s,

Petitione#s %e#e cha#$e!, to$ethe# %ith Pe!#o Divino, in the i#cuit #i&inal ou#t, Thi#! 8u!icial Dist#ict, Olon$apo it", %ith Robbe#" %ith
Violence A$ainst Pe#son, un!e# an info#&ation #ea!in$ as follo%sE
That on o# about the +th !a" of Septe&be#, 9;::, in the it" of Olon$apo, Philippines, an! %ithin the 6u#is!iction of this
Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ to$ethe# an! &utuall" helpin$ one anothe# an! b"
&eans of violence an! inti&i!ation applie! upon the pe#son of Re"nal!o To$o#io co&&itte! b" the accuse! 8i&&" Milla "
astillo an! Pe!#o Divino " 5ate#o %ho %e#e a#&e! %ith bla!e! %eapon %hich the" pointe! to one Re"nal!o To$o#io an!
use! in stabbin$ hi& an! the accuse! A&a!o I*on " 5a#tulo %ho helpe! in &aulin$ hi& the#eb" inflictin$ upon sai!
Re"nal!o To$o#io the follo%in$ ph"sical in6u#ies, to %itE
Incise! %oun! 0 c&. lon$ an! 0 c&. !eep late#al aspect uppe# thi#! a#& #i$ht. Incise! %oun! 0 inches
lon$ bet%een thu&b an! in!eC fin$e# left Ab#asion ste#noclavicula# function alon$ . #ib left. =inea#
ab#asion @ c&. lon$ level of :th #ib, ante#io# aCilla#" line #i$ht
%hich in6u#ies shall #e'ui#e &e!ical atten!ance fo# a pe#io! of less than nine ,;- !a"s, ba##in$ co&plications, !i! then an!
the#e %ilfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" ta>e, steal an! ca##" a%a" one ,9- &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle %ith &oto# No. 59??)01)./+
%ith hasis No. 590?)?11+; an! Plate No. MH G/9?0 o# %ith a total value of P99,???.??, Philippine u##enc"
belon$in$ to Re"nal!o To$o#io to the !a&a$e an! p#e6u!ice of the latte# in the afo#e&entione! a&ount of Pll,???.??.
Ho%eve#, the &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle Ou>u#&i 90?, Moto# No. 59OO)01)./+ %ith hasis No.5)90?)?11+; %as #ecove#e!.
Plea!in$ $uilt" upon a##ai$n&ent, petitione#s %e#e sentence! to the penalt" p#ovi!e! in Republic Act No. .1@; >no%n as Anti)a#)nappin$ Act
of 9;:0 %hich !efines &oto# vehicle as follo%sE
Moto# vehicle is an" vehicle p#opelle! b" an" po%e# othe# than &uscula# po%e# usin$ the public highways, but eCceptin$
#oa! #olle#s, t#olle" ca#s, st#eet s%eepe#s, sp#in>le#s, la%n &o%e#s, bull!o*e#s, $#a!e#s, fo#>)lifts a&phibian t#uc>s, an!
c#anes if not use! on public highways, vehicles %hich #un onl" on #ails o# t#ac>s, an! t#acto#s, t#aile#s an! t#action en$ines
of all >in!s use! eCclusivel" fo# a$#icultu#al pu#poses. T#aile#s havin$ an" nu&be# of %heels, %hen p#opelle! o# inten!e!
to be p#opelle! b" attach&ent to a &oto# vehicle, shall be classifie! as sepa#ate &oto# vehicle %ith no po%e#
,E&phasis supplie!-.
onten!in$ that the cou#t a 3uo e##e! in i&posin$ the penalt" p#esc#ibe! in the Anti)a#nappin$ Act of 9;:0 instea! of that p#esc#ibe! in the
Revise! Penal o!e fo# si&ple #obbe#" %ith violence, because the info#&ation !i! not alle$e that the &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle stolen %as usin$
the public highway, so as to &a>e it a &oto# vehicle as the te#& is !efine! in the ca#nappin$ la%, an! the#efo#e faile! to info#& the& that the"
%e#e bein$ cha#$e! un!e# the cite! statute, in violation of thei# constitutional #i$ht to be info#&e! of the natu#e an! cause of the accusation
a$ainst the petitione#s ca&e to this ou#t %ith the instant petition fo# #evie%.
The p#incipal issue thus #aise! is %hethe# a &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle is a &oto# vehicle %ithin the !efinition $iven to the te#& b" the Anti)a#nappin$
Act of 9;:0.
As a conse'uence of thei# contention that the &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle is not a &oto# vehicle un!e# the !efinition of the afo#ecite! Act, petitione#s
also clai& that the" a#e not p#ope#l" info#&e! of the cause an! natu#e of the accusation a$ainst the& in violation of thei# constitutional #i$ht.
Petitione#s &aintain that the t#ic"cle in 'uestion is not a (&oto# vehicle( as the anti)ca#nappin$ la% !efines the te#& because it is not license!
to ope#ate on the (public hi$h%a"s.( The Solicito# 7ene#al conten!s othe#%ise %ith the follo%in$ a#$u&entE
The %o#! (public( &eans (co&&on to all o# &an"F $ene#alF open to co&&on use( ,5lac>Ds =a% Dictiona#" 9@;@ LRevise!
/th E!.M. On the othe# han!, Dhi$h%a"D #efe#s to a Df#ee an! public #oa! %a", o# st#eetF one %hich eve#" pe#son has the #i$ht
to use ,i!e&. at p. +.0-. lt is clea# that a st#eet %ithin a to%n is a public hi$h%a" if it is use! b" the public. To li&it the
%o#!s (public hi$h%a"s( to a national #oa! connectin$ the va#ious to%ns, as petitione#sD su$$est ,Repl" !ate! 8anua#" 01,
9;+?- %oul! c#eate a !istinction %hich the statute itself !oes not &a>e. An!e# petitione#sD p#oposition, a !istinction shoul!
be &a!e bet%een &oto# vehicles ope#atin$ %ithin a to%n li>e the &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle involve! he#ein, an! those usin$
#oa!s connectin$ to%ns. This, ho%eve#, $oes a$ainst the %ell >no%n &aCi& that %he#e the la% !oes not !istin$uish, no
!istinction shoul! be &a!e ,Robles vs. Oa&bales h#o&ite Minin$ o., 9?/ Phi= .++-. It is also to be pointe! out that to
li&it the application of the Act to &oto# vehicles t#avellin$ bet%een !iffe#ent to%ns, &a" lea! to absu#! #esults. 2o#
eCa&ple, p#ivatel" o%ne! &oto#c"cle use! b" its o%ne# in t#avellin$ f#o& one p#ovince to anothe# %oul! be cove#e! b" the
la%. Apon the othe# han!, a &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle ,%ith si!eca#- %hich is &o#e eCpensive than the fo#&e# but ope#ate! %ithin
to%ns %oul! not be p#otecte! b" the la%. No un#easonable inten!&ent shoul! be #ea! into a statute so that an in6ustice
&a" be %o#>e! o# an absu#b #esult p#o!uce! ,In #e Moo#eDs Estate, N.3.S. 0n! 0+9, 9.1 Misc. .+@-. It can be conclu!e!,
the#efo#e, that the &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle involves in this case is a D&oto# vehicleD %ithin the a&bit of section 0 of the Anti)
a#nappin$ Act of 9;:0. The lo%e# cou#t co##ectl" i&pose! the penalt" fo# violation of sai! Act on he#ein petitione#s.
He pe#ceive no #eason not to acco#! full vali!it" of the Solicito# 7ene#alDs a#$u&ent, not even on the petitione#Ds sub&ission that a &oto#i*e!
t#ic"cle, not havin$ license! to use a public hi$h%a", is not a &oto#, vehicle un!e# the p#ovision of the anti)ca#nappin$ act.
2#o& the !efinition cite! b" the 7ove#n&ent %hich petitione#s a!&it as autho#itative, hi$h%a"s a#e al%a"s public, f#ee fo# the use of eve#"
pe#son. The#e is nothin$ in the la% that #e'ui#es a license to use a public hi$h%a" to &a>e the vehicle a (&oto# vehicle( %ithin the !efinition
$iven the anti)ca#nappin$ la%. If a vehicle uses the st#eets %ith o# %ithout the #e'ui#e! license, sa&e co&es %ithin the p#otection of the la%,
fo# the seve#it" of the offense is not to be &easu#e! b" %hat >in! of st#eets o# hi$h%a" the sa&e is use!F but b" the ve#" natu#e of the vehicle
itself an! the use to %hich it is !evote!. Othe#%ise, ca#s usin$ the st#eets but still unlicense! o# un#e$iste#e! as %hen the" have 6ust beet
bou$ht f#o& the co&pan", o# onl" on test #uns, &a" be stolen %ithout the penal sanction of the anti)ca#nappin$ statute, but onl" as si&ple
#obbe#" punishable un!e# the p#ovision of the Revise! Penal o!e. This obviousl", coul! not have been the intention of the anti)ca#nappin$
7oin$ ove# the enu&e#ations of eCcepte! vehicle, it %oul! #ea!il" be note! that an" vehicle %hich is &oto#i*e! usin$ the st#eets %hich a#e
public, not eCclusivel" fo# p#ivate use, co&es %ithin the concept of &oto# vehicle. A t#ic"cle %hich is not inclu!e! in the eCception, is thus
!ee&e! to be that >in! of &oto# vehicle as !efine! in the la% the stealin$ of %hich co&es %ithin its penal sanction.
In an" event, it is a &atte# of 6u!icial notice that &oto#i*e! t#ic"cles a#e #unnin$ in !#oves alon$ hi$h%a"s a!&itte!l" public, as those $oin$ to
the no#th li>e 5a$uio it". Those &oto#i*e! t#ic"cles ce#tainl" co&e %ithin the !efinition of the la%, even un!e# the #est#icte! const#uction that
petitione#s %oul! %ant $iven to it. If these t#ic"cles a#e (&oto# vehicles( then, the#e is no co$ent #eason to t#eat the t#ic"cle in 'uestion
Hith the fo#e$oin$ !iscussion, it %oul! lo$icall" follo% that the petitione#s co&plaint of not havin$ been info#&e! of the natu#e an! cause of the
accusation a$ainst the& an! fo# %hich the" %e#e convicte! upon thei# plea of $uilt", is unfoun!e!, le$all" an! factuall".
A$ain, on tills point, He fin! the obse#vation of the Solicito# 7ene#al vali!, He have no othe# cou#se than to sustain it. Thus Y
A pe#usal of the info#&ation ,AnneC 9 of #espon!ent PeopleDs o&&ent !ate! Nove&be# 9., 9;:;- #ea!il" sho%s that
petitione#s %e#e not the#eb" info#&e! that the" %e#e bein$ accuse! fo# violation of the Revise! Penal o!e. The cha#$e
&e#el" !esi$nate! the offense as one fo#E (RO55ER3 HITH VIO=ENE A7AINST PERSON.( The facts alle$e! in the
info#&ation &a>e out a case of (ca#nappin$(. This offense is !efine! in section 0 of Republic Act No. .1@; as Dthe ta>in$,
%ith intent to $ain, of a &oto# vehicle belon$in$ to anothe# %ithout the latte#Ds consent, o# b" &eans of violence a$ainst o#
inti&i!ation of pe#sons, o# b" usin$ fo#ce upon thin$s The info#&ation clea#l" specifie! that %hat %as ta>en an! ca##ie!
a%a" %as (one ,9- &oto#i*e! t#ic"cle.( He#ein petitione#s cannot clai& that the" %e#e &isle! b" the info#&ation into
plea!in$ $uilt". It is not necessa#" fo# the p#otection of the substantial #i$ht of the accuse!, no# the effective p#epa#ation of
his !efense, that he be info#&e! of the technical na&e of the c#i&e of %hich he stan!s cha#$e!. He &ust loo> to the facts
alle$e! ,People vs. osa#e, ;1 Phi= .1.F A.S. vs. =i& San 9: Phil. 0:1-.
2OR A== THE 2ORE7OIN7, the petition is he#eb" !is&isse!. No costs.
)eehan/ee 8-hairman9, (a/asiar, =ernandez, 2uerrero and (elencio-;errera JJ., concur.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 138)-0 #*r+, 1, 2003
#RTEMO G#RC# y CRU', JR. an" REG#L#%O $ERN#$E y OR$E, accuse!.
REG#L#%O $ERN#$E y OR$E, appellant.
This is an appeal f#o& the !ecision
!ate! Ma#ch 9?, 9;;; of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Malolos, 5ulacan, 5#anch 09, in #i&inal ase No.
+@?)M);+, fin!in$ A#te&io 7a#cia " #u*, 8#. an! Re$ala!o 5e#nabe " O#be $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of a#nappin$ %ith
Ho&ici!e an! sentencin$ the& to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua.
On 8une @, 9;;+, A#te&io 7a#cia, 8#. an! Re$ala!o 5e#nabe %e#e cha#$e! %ith the c#i&e of a#nappin$ %ith Ho&ici!e as !efine! in Republic
Act No. .1@;. The Info#&ation a$ainst the& #ea!sE
That on o# about the 09st !a" of Dece&be#, 9;;., in the &unicipalit" of San Rafael, p#ovince of 5ulacan, Philippines, an! %ithin the
6u#is!iction of this Hono#able ou#t, the above)na&e! accuse!, conspi#in$, confe!e#atin$ to$ethe# an! helpin$ %ith each othe#, %ith
intent of $ain, !i! then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" an! b" &eans of violence an! inti&i!ation, fo#cibl" ta>e f#o& the
!#ive# Hilf#e!o Elis a b#an! ne% To"ota Ta&a#a% 2T %ith Plate No. A8=):.9 o%ne! b" 2e#nan!o I$nacioF
That !u#in$ the co&&ission of the offense, o# b" #eason the#eof, the sai! accuse!, a#&e! %ith bla!e! %eapons, conspi#in$,
confe!e#atin$ an! helpin$ each othe#, !i! then an! the#e, %ith intent to >ill, %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" attac>, assault an!
stab Hilf#e!o Elis in !iffe#ent pa#ts of his bo!" causin$ &o#tal %oun!s %hich !i#ectl" #esulte! in his !eath.
ont#a#" to la%.
Apon a##ai$n&ent, both accuse! plea!e! (not $uilt"( to the c#i&e cha#$e!. The#eafte#, the case %as t#ie! on the &e#its.
It appea#s f#o& the #eco#! that on Dece&be# 9:, 9;;., 8oselito o#te*, a taCicab ope#ato# base! in Ma#ilao, 5ulacan, %as app#oache! b"
7a#cia an! 5e#nabe because the" %ante! to bo##o% his b#an! ne% Mitsubishi =@?? van fo# thei# t#ip to the 5icol #e$ion. o#te* #efuse!, sa"in$
that the van %as unavailable.
Instea!, he $ot in touch %ith 2e#!inan! I$nacio, %ho ha! 6ust pu#chase! a b#an! ne% To"ota Ta&a#a% 2T fo# P/:1,1??.??.
I$nacio a$#ee! to
lease his vehicle to o#te* fo# t%o !a"s at the !ail" #ate of P0,???.??. 5e#nabe an! 7a#cia, on the othe# han!, #ente! the vehicle f#o& o#te*
fo# P/,???.?? a !a" inclusive of the P1??.?? !#ive#Bs fee. The" a$#ee! to pa" the #ental fee upon thei# #etu#n f#o& 5icol.
In the ea#l" &o#nin$ of Dece&be# 9+, 9;;., o#te* an! his !#ive#, Hilf#e!o Elis, pic>e! up I$nacioBs Ta&a#a% 2T at his #esi!ence in
Me"caua"an, 5ulacan. Elis !#ove the sa&e bac> to Ma#ilao, 5ulacan an!, at +E?? a.&., he an! the t%o accuse! left fo# 5icol.
2ou# !a"s passe! %ithout a %o#! f#o& 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe. o#te* be$an to %o##" about the vehicle he ha! bo##o%e! f#o& 2e#!inan! I$nacio
so he info#&e! the 5a#an$a" aptain of Sao$, Ma#ilao, 5ulacan. Mean%hile, ElisB %ife, Nanc", app#oache! o#te* an! as>e! %he#e he#
husban! %as.
In the afte#noon of Dece&be# 0@, 9;;., SPO0 E&&anuel =apu#$a of the Monca!a, Ta#lac Police notifie! the hief of Police that t%o
suspicious loo>in$ pe#sons %e#e seen sellin$ a vehicle in Anao, Ta#lac at the $#ossl" ina!e'uate p#ice of P1?,???.??. The hief of Police
i&&e!iatel" fo#&e! a tea&,
but %hen the" #eache! Anao, Ta#lac, the" foun! out that the t%o accuse! ha! al#ea!" left fo# Na&picuan, Nueva
Eci6a. The tea& the#eafte# coo#!inate! %ith the Nueva Eci6a Police. The t%o accuse! %e#e seen in f#ont of a sto#e in 5#$". Pan$a"an,
Na&picuan, Nueva Eci6a. Hhen the" faile! to p#o!uce !ocu&ents of o%ne#ship ove# the Ta&a#a% 2T, the" %e#e b#ou$ht to the Monca!a
Police Station fo# investi$ation.
7a#cia an! 5e#nabe a!&itte! to the Monca!a Police that the" atte&pte! to sell the Ta&a#a% 2T belon$in$ to 2e#!inan! I$nacio. In the ea#l"
&o#nin$ of Dece&be# 0/, 9;;., a 6oint tea& of police office#s co&pose! of &e&be#s of the Monca!a an! Ma#ilao Police, to$ethe# %ith the
5a#an$a" aptain of Sao$, Ma#ilao, 5ulacan, %e#e acco&panie! b" o#te* to Monca!a, Ta#lac, %he#e the latte# positivel" i!entifie! I$nacioBs
Ta&a#a% 2T.
o#te* %ent to visit 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe in !etention. The" a!&itte! to hi& that the" stabbe! Elis an! !u&pe! hi& alon$ the hi$h%a" nea# the
(sabana( in San Rafael, 5ulacan. The" clai&e! that the" %e#e co&pelle! to eli&inate Elis %hen he #efuse! to 6oin thei# plan to sell the
Ta&a#a% 2T. 7a#cia b#ou$ht the police&en, to$ethe# %ith o#te* an! the 5a#an$a" aptain, to San Rafael, 5ulacan %he#e he pointe! to the
place %he#e the" >ille! Elis. Ho%eve#, the police %e#e unable to fin! ElisB bo!". Afte# #etu#nin$ to Monca!a, o#te* i&&e!iatel" inspecte! the
inte#io# of the vehicle an! foun! bloo!stains on the si!e an! bac> of the !#ive#Bs seat. He also foun! seve#al pe#sonal ite&s belon$in$ to Elis,
such as his clothes an! !#ive#Bs license,
as %ell as 7a#ciaBs ba$ %hich containe! bonnets, tea# $as, the %a##ant" ca#! an! the ca# #e$ist#ation
On Dece&be# 0;, 9;;., the Monca!a police #eceive! info#&ation that a &ale ca!ave# %as foun! in San Rafael, 5ulacan, sub&e#$e! in &u!
ten &ete#s a%a" f#o& %he#e the" sea#che! ea#lie#. The ca!ave# %as i!entifie! as that of Hilf#e!o Elis b" his %ife, Nanc".
D#. 5enito aballe#o, Municipal Health Office# an! Me!ico)=e$al Office# of the p#ovince of 5ulacan, %ho pe#fo#&e! the autops", foun! fou#
stab %oun!s in the poste#io#, one stab %oun! in the late#al an! one on the left si!e of the tho#aC. He opine! that the %oun!s %hich penet#ate!
the ab!o&en an! lun$s %e#e fatal.
In thei# !efense, 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe alle$e! that the" a$#ee! to #ent the sub6ect vehicle fo# a pe#io! of five !a"s f#o& Dece&be# 9+, 9;;.F
that 7a#cia an! Elis ha! a fi$ht because the latte# alle$e!l" !i! not %ant to $o %ith the& to Nueva Eci6aF that Elis, %hile !#ivin$ the Ta&a#a%
2T, bu&pe! a passen$e# 6eepne" alon$ 5aliua$ Hi$h%a"F that the" left Elis alon$ the 5aliua$ Hi$h%a" at @E@? a.&. so he can info#& o#te*
that the" %e#e al#ea!" in 5ulacan an! %e#e en #oute to Nueva Eci6a to have the !ente! po#tion of the vehicle fiCe!.
Afte# t#ial, the cou#t a 3uo #en!e#e! a !ecision, the !ispositive po#tion of %hich #ea!sE
HHERE2ORE, all p#e&ises consi!e#e!, this ou#t fin!s an! so hol!s that the p#osecution has been able to establish the accuse!Bs
c#i&inal culpabilit". In vie% the#eof, A#te&io 7a#cia " #u*, 8#. an! Re$ala!o 5e#nabe " O#be a#e he#eb" foun! 7AI=T3 be"on!
#easonable !oubt of the special co&pleC c#i&e of a#nappin$ %ith Ho&ici!e in violation of Republic Act No. .1@; as a&en!e! b"
Republic Act No. :.1;. Acco#!in$l", absent an" ci#cu&stances that %ill a$$#avate the co&&ission the#eof, both of the& a#e he#eb"
sentence! to suffe# the penalt" of #eclusion Perpetua. 2u#the#, both accuse! a#e he#eb" o#!e#e! 6ointl" an! seve#all" to in!e&nif"
the hei#s of Hilf#e!o Elis, the su& of P1?,???.??F to pa" the& the a&ount of P9??,???.?? fo# &o#al !a&a$esF P91,0;?.?? fo# actualJ
co&pensato#" !a&a$esF an! P01?,???.?? fo# loss of ea#nin$s.
Hith costs a$ainst the accuse!.
5oth accuse! appeale! f#o& the !ecision of the t#ial cou#t. On Ma#ch @9, 0???, accuse! 7a#cia file! an A#$ent Motion to Hith!#a%
%hich %as $#ante! in a Resolution !ate! Septe&be# 0:, 0???.
Appellant 5e#nabe #aises the follo%in$ assi$n&ent of e##o#sE
Republic Act No. .1@;, othe#%ise >no%n as (An Act P#eventin$ an! Penali*in$ a#nappin$(, !efines (ca#nappin$( as (the ta/ing, with intent to
gain, of a motor vehicle belonging to another without the latter?s consent, or by means of violence against or intimidation of persons, or by
using force upon things.(
Mo#e specificall", the ele&ents of the c#i&e a#e as follo%sE
9. That the#e is an actual ta>in$ of the vehicleF
0. That the offen!e# inten!s to $ain f#o& the ta>in$ of the vehicleF
@. That the vehicle belon$s to a pe#son othe# than the offen!e# hi&selfF
/. That the ta>in$ is %ithout the consent of the o%ne# the#eofF o# that the ta>in$ %as co&&itte! b" &eans of violence a$ainst o#
inti&i!ation of pe#sons, o# b" usin$ fo#ce upon thin$s.
A ca#eful eCa&ination of the evi!ence p#esente! sho%s that all the ele&ents of ca#nappin$ %e#e p#ove! in this case.
Anla%ful ta>in$ is the ta>in$ of a vehicle %ithout the consent of the o%ne#, o# b" &eans of violence a$ainst o# inti&i!ation of pe#sons, o# b"
usin$ fo#ce upon thin$sF it is !ee&e! co&plete f#o& the &o&ent the offen!e# $ains possession of the thin$, even if he has no oppo#tunit" to
!ispose of the sa&e.
In the case at ba#, it cannot be !enie! that the natu#e of the appellantBs possession of the Ta&a#a% 2T %as initiall" la%ful. Neve#theless, the
unla%ful >illin$ of the !ecease! fo# the pu#pose of ta>in$ the vehicle #a!icall" t#ansfo#&e! the cha#acte# of sai! possession into an unla%ful
one. o#te* cate$o#icall" state! that !u#in$ his fi#st visit to the Monca!a Police Station %he#e appellant an! his co)accuse! %e#e !etaine!, the
t%o sepa#atel" a!&itte! to hi& that the" >ille! the !ecease! %hen the latte# #efuse! to 6oin thei# plan to sell the vehicle. Thei# confession,
havin$ been f#eel" an! volunta#il" $iven to o#te*, a p#ivate in!ivi!ual, is a!&issible a$ainst the appellant.
Thus, the !u#ation of the lease of
the Ta&a#a% 2T, %hethe# fo# an in!efinite pe#io! as conten!e! b" the !efense, o# onl" fo# / !a"s, as clai&e! b" the p#osecution, has no
bea#in$ on the culpabilit" of the appellant. It !oes not &atte# %hethe# the unla%ful ta>in$ occu##e! %ithin the pe#io! of the lease. Hhat is
!ecisive he#e is the pu#pose of appellant an! his co)accuse! in >illin$ the victi&. Such is the vital point on %hich the c#i&e an! the natu#e
the#eof is to be !ete#&ine!. To #eite#ate, the p#osecution %as able to establish that appellant an! his co)accuse! stabbe! the victi& to !eath
because he #efuse! to 6oin the& in thei# plan to app#op#iate the vehicle. This un!oubte!l" satisfie! the ele&ent of unla%ful ta>in$ th#ou$h
violence, #en!e#in$ appellant liable fo# the c#i&e cha#$e!.
Mo#eove#, it &ust be st#esse! that the acts co&&itte! b" appellant constitute! the c#i&e of ca#nappin$ even if the !ecease! %as the !#ive# of
the vehicle an! not the o%ne#. The settle! #ule is that, in c#i&es of unla%ful ta>in$ of p#ope#t" th#ou$h inti&i!ation o# violence, it is not
necessa#" that the pe#son unla%full" !iveste! of the pe#sonal p#ope#t" be the o%ne# the#eof. Hhat is si&pl" #e'ui#e! is that the p#ope#t" ta>en
!oes not belon$ to the offen!e#. Actual possession of the p#ope#t" b" the pe#son !ispossesse! suffices. So lon$ as the#e isapoderamiento of
pe#sonal p#ope#t" f#o& anothe# a$ainst the latte#Ds %ill th#ou$h violence o# inti&i!ation, %ithanimo de lucro, unla%ful ta>in$ of a p#ope#t"
belon$in$ to anothe# is i&putable to the offen!e#.
2u#the#&o#e, at the ti&e of thei# app#ehension, appellant 5e#nabe an! 7a#cia %e#e unable to $ive a plausible eCplanation %h" the" still ha!
the Ta&a#a% 2T in thei# possession. Appellant 5e#nabe clai&s that he an! his co)accuse! %ent to Na&picuan, Nueva Eci6a to have the !ent
on the vehicle #epai#e!. 7a#cia, on the othe# han!, testifie! that the#e %as no such !a&a$e. A pe#son in possession of a stolen a#ticle is
p#esu&e! $uilt" of havin$ ille$all" an! unla%full" ta>en the sa&e unless he can satisfacto#il" eCplain his possession of the thin$.
Appellant conten!s that he !i! not conspi#e %ith his co)accuse! to co&&it the c#i&e of ca#nappin$.
onspi#ac" eCists %hen t%o o# &o#e pe#sons co&e to an a$#ee&ent conce#nin$ the co&&ission of a felon" an! !eci!e to co&&it it.
onspi#ac" nee! not be p#ove! b" !i#ect evi!ence an! &a" be infe##e! f#o& the con!uct of the accuse! befo#e, !u#in$ an! afte# the
co&&ission of the c#i&e,
%hich a#e in!icative of a 6oint pu#pose, conce#te! action an! concu##ence of senti&ents.
In conspi#ac", the act of
one is the act of all. onspi#ac" is p#esent %hen one concu#s %ith the c#i&inal !esi$n of anothe#, in!icate! b" the pe#fo#&ance of an ove#t act
lea!in$ to the c#i&e co&&itte!. It &a" be !e!uce! f#o& the &o!e an! &anne# in %hich the offense %as pe#pet#ate!.
In the case at ba#, it %as sufficientl" p#ove! that 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe, th#ou$h 8oselito o#te*, hi#e! the b#an! ne% To"ota Ta&a#a% 2T
belon$in$ to 2e#!inan! I$nacio fo# thei# t#ip to 5icolF that at +E?? a.&. of Dece&be# 9+, 9;;., the" left fo# 5icol on boa#! the Ta&a#a% 2T
!#iven b" ElisF that on Dece&be# 0@, 9;;., SPO0 E&&anuel =apu#$a of Monca!a, Ta#lac #epo#te! to the hief of Police that t%o suspiciousl"
loo>in$ pe#sons, %ho tu#ne! out to be 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe %e#e offe#in$ to sell a b#an! ne% To"ota Ta&a#a% 2T fo# a &e#e P1?,???.?? in
Anao, Ta#lacF an! that the t%o %e#e finall" app#ehen!e! %ith the sub6ect vehicle at Na&picuan, Nueva Eci6a b" ele&ents of the Ta#lac an!
Nueva Eci6a Police.
Hhile the#e &a" be no !i#ect evi!ence of the co&&ission of the c#i&e, the fo#e$oin$ constitute ci#cu&stantial evi!ence sufficient to %a##ant
7a#ciaBs an! 5e#nabeBs conviction. The follo%in$ #e'uisites fo# ci#cu&stantial evi!ence to sustain a conviction %e#e &et, to %itE ,9- the#e is
&o#e than one ci#cu&stanceF ,0- the facts f#o& %hich the infe#ences a#e !e#ive! a#e p#ovenF an! ,@- the co&bination of all the ci#cu&stances
is such as to p#o!uce a conviction be"on! #easonable !oubt.
The ci#cu&stances in!ee! fo#& an unb#o>en chain %hich lea!s to a fai# an!
#easonable conclusion that 5e#nabe an! 7a#cia %e#e the pe#pet#ato#s of the c#i&e. It has been hel! that facts an! ci#cu&stances consistent
%ith $uilt an! inconsistent %ith innocence constitute evi!ence %hich, in %ei$ht an! p#obative fo#ce, &a" su#pass even !i#ect evi!ence in its
effect upon the cou#t.
The #eco#!s sho% that 7a#cia an! 5e#nabe a!&itte! to o#te* an! I$nacio that the" %e#e #esponsible fo# ta>in$ the vehicle an! >illin$ the
victi&, Elis. On Dece&be# 0/, 9;;., o#te* %ent to the Monca!a Municipal 8ail an! tal>e! to the& %hile the" %e#e !etaine!. 5oth a!&itte! to
hi& that the" fo#cibl" too> the sai! vehicle f#o& Elis, stabbe! hi& an! the#eafte# !u&pe! hi& at San Rafael, 5ulacan.
Subse'uentl", on
Dece&be# 0., 9;;., o#te* an! I$nacio %ent to Monca!a an! conf#onte! the t%o in thei# cells. 7a#cia a!&itte! to o#te* an! I$nacio that
the" stole the vehicle because the" %e#e in !i#e nee! of &one", %hile 5e#nabe >ept 'uiet.
Appellant 5e#nabe &aintains that the t#ial cou#t e##e! in a!&ittin$ in evi!ence his a!&ission to o#te* an! I$nacio on the $#oun!s that ,a- he
!i! not &a>e such a!&issionF ,b- the a!&ission &a!e b" 7a#cia shoul! not p#e6u!ice hi&F an! ,c- assu&in$ he &a!e such a!&ission, it
shoul! be eCclu!e! fo# havin$ been &a!e un!e# !u#ess an! inti&i!ation.
In People v. *ndan,
it %as hel! that the constitutional p#oce!u#es on custo!ial investi$ation !o not appl" to a spontaneous state&ent, not
elicite! th#ou$h 'uestionin$ b" the autho#ities, but $iven in an o#!ina#" &anne# %he#eb" appellant o#all" a!&itte! havin$ co&&itte! the c#i&e.
Hhat the onstitution ba#s is the co&pulso#" !isclosu#e of inc#i&inatin$ facts o# confessions. The #i$hts un!e# A#ticle III, Section 90 of the
onstitution a#e $ua#antee! to p#eclu!e the sli$htest use of coe#cion b" the state as %oul! lea! the accuse! to a!&it so&ethin$ false, an! not
to p#event hi& f#o& f#eel" an! volunta#il" tellin$ the t#uth. Hence, appellantBs volunta#" a!&ission to o#te* that he an! his co)accuse!
conspi#e! in >illin$ the !ecease! %hen the latte# oppose! thei# plan to sell the vehicle is a!&issible as evi!ence a$ainst hi&.
Anent 7a#ciaBs eCt#a6u!icial confession i&plicatin$ appellant in the co&&ission of the offense, it appea#s that the latte# !i! not oppose o# affi#&
7a#ciaBs state&ent. Neithe# !i! he &a>e an atte&pt to #efute the sa&e insofa# as his pa#ticipation in the co&&ission of the c#i&e %as
conce#ne!. As co##ectl" obse#ve! b" the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#al, (he cannot invo>e his silence !u#in$ this c#ucial &o&ent as his #i$ht.
He ou$ht to spea> an! failin$ to !o so, his silence %ei$hs heavil" on hi&. Thus, it %as not accuse!)appellantBs 7a#ciaBs a!&ission that
p#e6u!ice! accuse!)appellant 5e#nabe, but his o%n silence %hen it %as Qsuch as natu#all" to call fo# action o# co&&ent if not t#ueB.(
Rule 9@?, Section @0 of the Rules of ou#t p#ovi!es that an act o# !ecla#ation &a!e in the p#esence an! %ithin the hea#in$ o# obse#vation of a
pa#t" %ho !oes o# sa"s nothin$ %hen the act o# !ecla#ation is such as natu#all" to call fo# action o# co&&ent if not t#ue, an! %hen p#ope# an!
possible fo# hi& to !o so, &a" be $iven in evi!ence a$ainst hi&.
He li>e%ise fin! no &e#it in the alle$ation that !u#ess %as e&plo"e! on appellant. Suffice it to state that such ba#e alle$ation of fo#ce an!
!u#ess is not enou$h to p#ove that he %as in!ee! to#tu#e! to a!&it co&plicit" in the offense cha#$e!.
The penalt" fo# ca#nappin$ is p#ovi!e! in Section 9/ of RA .1@;, as a&en!e! b" Section 0? of RA :.1;, to %itE
Sec. 9/. Penalty for -arnapping.) An" pe#son %ho is foun! $uilt" of ca#nappin$, as this te#& is !efine! in Section T%o of this Act,
shall, i##espective of the value of &oto# vehicle ta>en, be punishe! b" i&p#ison&ent fo# not less than fou#teen "ea#s an! ei$ht
&onths an! not &o#e than seventeen "ea#s an! fou# &onths, %hen the ca#nappin$ is co&&itte! %ithout violence o# inti&i!ation of
pe#sons, o# fo#ce upon thin$sF an! b" i&p#ison&ent fo# not less than seventeen "ea#s an! fou# &onths an! not &o#e than thi#t"
"ea#s, %hen the ca#nappin$ is co&&itte! b" &eans of violence a$ainst o# inti&i!ation of an" pe#son, o# fo#ce upon thin$sF and the
penalty of reclusion perpetua to death shall be imposed when the owner, driver or occupant of the carnapped motor vehicle is /illed
or raped in the course of the commission of the carnapping or on the occasion thereof.
,E&phasis supplie!-
Hence, the t#ial cou#t co##ectl" i&pose! the penalt" of reclusion perpetua on appellant 5e#nabe an! his co)accuse!, 7a#cia.
The a%a#! b" the t#ial cou#t of P1?,???.?? in favo# of the hei#s of the victi& shoul! be affi#&e!. Hhen !eath occu#s as a #esult of a c#i&e, the
hei#s of the !ecease! a#e entitle! to such a&ount as in!e&nit" fo# the !eath, %ithout nee! of an" evi!ence of p#oof of !a&a$es.
This is in
a!!ition to the actual !a&a$es of P91,0;?.1? %hich %as !ul" substantiate! b" p#oof.
He, ho%eve#, #e!uce the a%a#! of &o#al !a&a$es to
P1?,???.??, in line %ith cu##ent 6u#isp#u!ence.
=astl", %e fin! the cou#t a 3uo?s a%a#! of P01?,???.?? fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" to be %ithout basis. Nanc" testifie! that he# husban!
Hilf#e!o %as ea#nin$ P.??.?? a !a" p#io# to his !eath,
ho%eve#, she faile! to p#o!uce evi!ence to substantiate he# clai&. As hel! in the
case of People v. Panabang,
a self)se#vin$ state&ent is not enou$hF the in!e&nification fo# loss of ea#nin$ capacit" &ust be !ul" p#oven.
HHERE2ORE, the !ecision !ate! Ma#ch 9?, 9;;;, of the Re$ional T#ial ou#t of Malolos, 5ulacan, 5#anch 09, fin!in$ appellant Re$al!o
5e#nabe " O#be $uilt" of a#nappin$ %ith Ho&ici!e, sentencin$ hi& to suffe# the penalt" of reclusion perpetua, an! o#!e#in$ hi& to pa" the
hei#s of the victi&, Hilf#e!o Elis, the su&s of P1?,???.?? as civil in!e&nit" an! P91,0;?.?? as actual !a&a$es, is A22IRMED %ith the
follo%in$ MODI2IATIONSE Appellant is fu#the# o#!e#e! to pa" the hei#s of the victi&, Hilf#e!o Elis, &o#al !a&a$es in the #e!uce! a&ount of
P1?,???.??. The a%a#! of P01?,???.?? fo# loss of ea#nin$s is DE=ETED fo# lac> of factual basis.
osts de officio.
+avide, Jr., -.J., 8-hairman9, 6itug, -arpio, and *zcuna, JJ., concu#.
Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 13(90) January 21, 2000
PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, plaintiff)appellee,
#L&N T#N y L#G#M#!O, accuse!)appellant.
%#&%E, JR., .J.:
In this petition fo# #evie% un!e# Rule /1 of the Rules of ou#t, petitione# Alvin Tan ,he#eafte# TAN- see>s his ac'uittal b" a #eve#sal of the 0;
8une 9;;+ !ecision
of the ou#t of Appeals in A)7.R. R No. 0?.++ %hich affi#&e! his conviction fo# violatin$ Republic Act No. .1@;, An
Act P#eventin$ an! Penali*in$ a#nappin$.
TANDs &otion fo# #econsi!e#ation of sai! !ecision an! &otion fo# o#al a#$u&ents %e#e !enie! fo#
lac> of &e#it b" the ou#t of Appeals in its . Octobe# 9;;+ #esolution.
Sai! !ecision an! #esolution of the ou#t of Appeals affi#&e! the 9;
Dece&be# 9;;/ 6u!$&ent of conviction a$ainst TAN b" the Re$ional T#ial ou#t, 5#anch ;1, Gue*on it" in #i&inal ase No. G);@)/1//;.
TANDs in!ict&ent
fo# violation of Republic Act No. .1@; #ea!s as follo%sE
That on o# about the :th !a" of Nove&be#, 9;;0, in Gue*on it", Philippines, the above)na&e! accuse!, %ith intent to $ain an!
%ithout the consent of the o%ne# the#eof, !i!, then an! the#e %illfull", unla%full" an! feloniousl" ta>e, steal an! ca##" a%a" one ,9-
Mitsubishi 7allant ca# colo#e! blue, bea#in$ Plate No. 7S):0@ o%ne! b" one PHI=IP SEE, of un!ete#&ine! value, to the !a&a$e
an! p#e6u!ice of sai! Philip See.
Apon his a##ai$n&ent on 9/ 8ul" 9;;@ an! %ith the assistance of counsel, Tan plea!e! not $uilt" to the cha#$e. T#ial i&&e!iatel" ensue! as
the pa#ties %aive! the hol!in$ of a p#eli&ina#" confe#ence.
The t#ial cou#tDs te#se #ecapitulation of the p#osecution evi!ence p#ocee!e! in this &anne#E
. . . LPM#ivate co&plainant Philip See is the #e$iste#e! o%ne# of a 9;+: Mitsubishi 7allant fou#)!oo# value! at P/0?,???.??, bea#in$
plate no. 7S):0@, colo#e! blue, an! %ith &oto# no. /7@0)270:?/ an! se#ialJchassis no. A9.9A=)@?99. So&eti&e in Ma#ch 9;;0,
accuse! Alvin Tan %as int#o!uce! to Philip b" AlvinDs fiancee, one Vienna 3u, an! f#o& then on, Philip an! Alvin beca&e f#ien!s
an! sta#te! to see each othe# on seve#al occasions the#eafte#.
On Nove&be# :, 9;;0, about ;E@? a.&., Philip to$ethe# %ith his %ife Rub" See an! Robe#t hua ,a nei$hbo#- %as at his place of
#esi!ence . . . %hen Alvin a##ive! the#eat. He &a!e it >no%n to Philip that he %as inten!in$ to bu" PhilipDs afo#esai! ca# an! that he
%ante! to test)!#ive it. On account of thei# f#ien!ship an! believin$ AlvinDs assu#ance that he %oul! #etu#n the ca# afte# he shall have
test)!#iven it, Philip $#ante! AlvinDs #e'uest . . . . On thus $ettin$ hol! of the ca#, Alvin spe! a%a" an! neve# #etu#ne!. In vain, Philip
%aite! fo# Alvin to sho% up an! #etu#n the ca#F Alvin si&pl" !i! not sho% up, &uch less cause the #etu#n of the ca#.
Thus, Philip sta#te! to call up an! loo> fo# Alvin at his office at Roosevelt Avenue, G, but Alvin avoi!e! hi& b" #efusin$ to ans%e#
the telephone calls o# p#eten!in$ he %as not a#oun!F an! PhilipDs atte&pts to see Alvin at his office si&ila#l" p#ove! futile, fo#
%heneve# Philip %oul! $o to sai! office, Alvin %oul! #efuse to see hi&. Dis&a"e! thou$h he %as, Philip !esiste! as lon$ as he coul!
f#o& #epo#tin$ an! co&plainin$ about the &atte# to the autho#itiesF Philip still believe! that bein$ a f#ien!, Alvin eventuall" %oul!
co&e a#oun! to #etu#nin$ the ca# to hi&. Mean%hile, so&eti&e on Ma#ch 1, 9;;@, %ith the assistance of so&e pe#sonnel of the
=an! T#anspo#tation Office ,=TO-, Philip %as able to cause the ca#Ds 9;;@ #ene%al #e$ist#ation in the absence of the vehicle an! he
%as issue! the co##espon!in$ official #eceipt the#efo#.1wphi1.nRt
So&eti&e on Ma" 9;, 9;;@, Philip a$ain t#ie! to see Alvin at his place at Roosevelt. A$ain Philip %as tol! that Alvin %as not a#oun!.
One of AlvinDs e&plo"ees, ho%eve#, a!vise! Philip to the effect that the ca# %as pa#>e! an! hi!!en #i$ht behin! AlvinDs %a#ehouse.
The location of the %a#ehouse havin$ been $iven to hi&, Philip %ent to the place an! at a !istance of so&e five feet, he sa% the
vehicle pa#>e! at the #ea# en! of the %a#ehouse. To his shoc> an! su#p#ise, he sa% that pa#ts of the ca#, li>e the bu&pe#, a !oo#,
an! seve#al inte#io# accesso#ies, ha! been !is&antle! an! %e#e al#ea!" &issin$. Ho#se, seve#al pieces of %oo! %e#e pile! on top
of the ca# as if pu#posel" hi!e an! conceal it f#o& vie%.
Still failin$ to #ecove# his ca#, Philip on o# about 8une 0, 9;;@, fo#&all" lo!$e! a co&plaint fo# ca#nappin$ a$ainst Alvin befo#e the
G police station. So&e t%o !a"s late#, o# on 8une /, 9;;@, Philip #epo#te! the loss of his ca# to the Philippine National Police
,PNP- T#affic Mana$e&ent o&&an! an! he acco#!in$l" si$ne! the co##espon!in$ co&plaint sheets. Too, an ala#& fo# the sub6ect
ca# %as issue!. To his fu#the# shoc> an! conste#nation, Philip %as info#&e! b" the PNPDs Hi$h%a" Pat#ol 7#oup ,HP7- that
so&ebo!" ha! applie! fo# a clea#ance to sell the ca# an! that the applicant %as &a!e to appea# as one Philip See. . . . Philip !enie!
his alle$e! si$natu#e on the application an! also !enie! havin$ suppose!l" applie! fo# clea#ance to sell his vehicle.
Mean%hile, actin$ on the co&plaint lo!$e! b" Philip a$ainst Alvin befo#e the G police station 9, the police autho#ities sche!ule! a
visit to the place of Alvin, %ith Philip bein$ as>e! b" the& to pinpoint an! i!entif" Alvin in the cou#se the#eof. Acco#!in$l", at AlvinDs
place, he %as i!entifie! an! invite! b" the police to the station fo# investi$ation. Hhile still at AlvinDs office, Philip sa% on top of
AlvinDs table %hat Philip believe! to be accesso#ies f#o& his ca#, consistin$ of a t%o)%a" #a!io antenna an! ca# ste#eo, %hich
appea#e! to hi& to have been !is&antle! f#o& the sub6ect ca#.
At that ti&e Alvin too> the ca# suppose!l" to test)!#ive it on Nove&be# :, 9;;0, the ca# %as in top con!ition, ha! lo% &ilea$e, %as
(full" loa!e!( %ith co&plete inte#io# accesso#ies inclu!in$ an i&po#te! Nen%oo! ste#eo, an! ha! i&po#te! &a$%heels.
ECpecte!l", Tan i&pu$ne! the p#osecutionDs ve#sion an! p#esente! a co&pletel" !ive#se tale.
2i#stl", TAN asse#te! that Philip See ,he#eafte# SEE- file! the co&plaint to pu#posel" collect a !ebt f#o& hi& an! %ittin$l" use the cou#t as
collectin$ a$ent. Secon!l", TAN clai&e! that SEE institute! the co&plaint in #even$e of the 'ua##els the" ha! ove# TANDs $i#lf#ien! %ho& SEE
%ooe!, an! ,0- in #etaliation a$ainst the co&plaint fo# $#ave th#eats an! ille$al possession of fi#ea#&s file! b" one of TANDs e&plo"ees a$ainst
TAN then t#ace! this le$al p#e!ica&ent to the ti&e %hen his $i#lf#ien! int#o!uce! hi& to SEE in Ma#ch 9;;0. TAN an! SEE instantl" beca&e
f#ien!s fo# the" sha#e! a si&ila# acu&en fo# business an! passion fo# ta#$et shootin$. Inevitabl", the" en$a$e! in an! ente#e! into seve#al
business t#ansactions %hich #esulte! in TANDs in!ebte!ness to SEE in the a&ount of P+??,???. Inspite of this, SEE still offe#e! to sell the
sub6ect Mitsubishi 7alant to TAN fo# the a&ount of P0+?,???. TAN !ecline! the offe#. SEE pe#siste! to the eCtent that he b#ou$ht the ca# to
TANDs #esi!ence on 0. Nove&be# 9;;0 an! $ene#ousl" su$$este! that he %oul! 6ust a!! into the latte#Ds eCistin$ in!ebte!ness to hi& the
ca#Ds pu#chase p#ice.
So&eti&e in 2eb#ua#" 9;;@, SEE t#ie! to collect the ca#Ds pu#chase p#ice but TAN ha! still no fun!s. So TAN su$$este! that he %oul! appl"
%ith a ban> fo# a ca# loan usin$ the ca# as secu#it" an! appl" the p#ocee!s of sai! loan in pa"&ent fo# the ca#. SEE a$#ee!. Subse'uentl",
TAN sub&itte! in his na&e a loan application %ith the 5PI 2a&il" 5an> in Ma>ati. In co&pliance %ith the #e'ui#e&ents of the loan application,
SEE pe#sonall" supe#vise! the ca#Ds app#aisal an! inspection on 9; Ma#ch 9;;@. TAN a!!itionall" &aintaine! that he an! SEE si$ne! a !ee!
of sale cove#in$ the sub6ect auto&obile but that TAN !i! not #eceive a cop" of sai! !ee! upon SEEDs p#eteCt that he %oul! use it fo# facilitation
of the loan.
The ban> app#ove! the loan application but onl" in the a&ount of P90;,???. Natu#all", SEE consi!e#e! the a&ount insufficient an! hence,
#efuse! to accept the te#&s of the loan. onse'uentl", TAN !i! not see> the #elease of the loan.
The f#ien!ship eventuall" sou#e! an! the #esultin$ (&isun!e#stan!in$( %ith SEE i&pelle! TAN on 9; Ma" 9;;@ to inst#uct his %a#ehouse
ove#see# to #etu#n the ca# to SEEDs #esi!ence. TANDs e&plo"ee !#ove the ca# to SEEDs house, pa#>e! the ca# outsi!e the $ate an! then
han!e! ove# the >e"s of the ca# to SEEDs %ife, Rub".
Tan %as the#efo#e su#p#ise! %hen on 9/ 8une 9;;@, police office#s a##ive! at his #esi!ence an! invite! hi& to the police stationF this, to TANDs
a!!itional be%il!e#&ent, %as in connection %ith SEEDs co&plaint fo# the ca#nappin$ of the ca# he al#ea!" #etu#ne!. TAN peacefull" %ent %ith
the police autho#ities to the station.
Hei$hin$ the evi!ence thus p#offe#e!, the t#ial cou#t believe! in the p#osecutionDs ve#sion, pa#ticula#l" in SEEDs clea#, positive, an!
st#ai$htfo#%a#! account Y %hich sai! cou#t foun! a&pl" !e&onst#ate! Y that SEE ha! %ith!#a%n the consent initiall" $iven to TAN %hen the
latte# %ent be"on! test)!#ivin$ an! app#op#iate! the ca# fo# his o%n use an! benefit. To the t#ial cou#t, TANDs failu#e to #etu#n the ca# an! his
conse'uent app#op#iation the#eof constitute! unla%ful ta>in$ Y the $#ava&en of the c#i&e cha#$e!. It then conclu!e! that TAN %as obviousl"
actuate! b" intent to $ain. The t#ial cou#t then consi!e#e! as co&pletel" un!ese#vin$ of belief, TANDs supposition that !espite his heav"
in!ebte!ness an! $iven his inc#easin$ !ifficult" to pa" his loans, SEE ha! beni$nl" eCten!e! hi& c#e!it, !elive#e! to hi& the sub6ect ca# an!
besto%e! upon hi& the ulti&ate p#ivile$e of pa"in$ the ca# at his convenience. Thus, in a !ecision p#o&ul$ate! on 9; 8anua#" 9;;/, the t#ial
cou#t convicte! TAN, the !ispositive po#tion of %hich #ea! as follo%sE
HHERE2ORE, the ou#t fin!s accuse! Alvin Tan " =a$a&a"o $uilt" be"on! #easonable !oubt of the c#i&e of ca#nappin$ cha#$e!
he#ein, !efine! an! punishe! in Sec. 0, in connection %ith Sec. 9/, both of Rep. Act No. .1@; . . . an!, acco#!in$l", he is he#eb"
sentence! to suffe# the in!ete#&inate penalt" of i&p#ison&ent of f#o& fou#teen "ea#s, ei$ht &onths, an! fifteen !a"s as &ini&u&, to
seventeen "ea#s an! fou# &onths as &aCi&u&F to #esto#e to the offen!e! pa#t", Philip See, the sub6ect ca# . . . o# in !efault the#eof,
to in!e&nif" sai! offen!e! pa#t" in the su& of fou# hun!#e! t%ent" thousan! pesosF an!, to pa" the costs, %ithout p#e6u!ice to the
application of Rep. Act No. .90: in accuse!Ds favo#.
TAN file! a &otion fo# ne% t#ial on the $#oun! of ne%l" !iscove#e! evi!ence %hich %as $#ante! b" the t#ial cou#t in its / 8ul" 9;;/ o#!e#. SEE
then &ove! fo# #econsi!e#ation, but %as !enie! b" the t#ial cou#t in its 9 Ma#ch 9;;1 o#!e#. SEE challen$e! these afo#e&entione! o#!e#s of
the t#ial cou#t in a petition fo# certiorari file! %ith the ou#t of Appeals. On 0@ Au$ust 9;;1, the appellate cou#t $ave !ue cou#se to an! $#ante!
the petition. TAN assaile! the !ecision of the ou#t of Appeals th#ou$h a petition fo# #evie% befo#e the Sup#e&e ou#t, %hich p#o&ptl"
!is&isse! the petition.
Subse'uentl", base! on TANDs (Notice of Appeal .% *bundanti *d -autelam,( the t#ial cou#t o#!e#e! the elevation of the #eco#!s of the case
to the ou#t of Appeals.
Mean%hile, TAN challe$e! the ou#t of AppealsD affi#&ance of his, conviction. He a#$ues befo#e this ou#t that the appellate cou#t e##e! in ,9-
i$no#in$ the peculia# natu#e of the la% on ca#nappin$, ,0- !is#e$a#!in$ that the#e %as no unla%ful ta>in$, an! ,@- #e6ectin$ ci#cu&stances on
#eco#! %hich, if consi!e#e!, %oul! be sufficient to ac'uit hi& on #easonable !oubt.
In invo>in$ the specificit" of the ca#nappin$ la%, TAN conten!s that the ou#t of Appeals shoul! not have e&plo"e! as bases fo# his
conviction the basic p#inciples in theft enunciate! in ,9- People v. #o%as,
%he#e #ice %as #eceive!, ca#te! a%a" an! consu&e!, ,0- 1.. v. de
%he#e a ba# of $ol! an! P0?? in ban> notes %e#e #eceive! fo# eCa&ination an! chan$in$ into coins but instea! app#op#iate!, an!
,@- People v. )rinidad,
%he#e a #in$ %as #eceive! fo# ple!$in$ but %as sol! an! the p#ocee!s the#eof app#op#iate! fo# the pe#sonal use of
A cu#so#" #ea!in$ of the pe#tinent po#tion of the challen$e! ou#t of Appeals !ecision #eveals that the basic p#inciples of theft allu!e! to
pe#tain to the si$nification of unla%ful ta>in$ an! as to %hen this ta>es place. Thus, the ou#t in RoCas, !e Ve#a an! T#ini!a! !ecla#e! that
(the unla%ful ta>in$ o# !ep#ivation &a" occu# at o# soon afte# the t#ansfe# of ph"sical possession( %he#e (an act !one b" the #eceive# soon
afte# the actual t#ansfe# of possession #esulte! in unla%ful ta>in$.( In such a case, (the a#ticle %as ta>en a%a", not #eceive!, althou$h at the
be$innin$ the a#ticle %as in fact $iven an! #eceive!.( Hence, in appl"in$ these p#inciples, the ou#t of Appeals a!opte! the theo#" of the
Solicito# 7ene#al that SEE ent#uste! his ca# to TAN &e#el" fo# test !#ivin$, an! the latte# initiall" #eceive! the sa&e fo# that pu#pose onl"F TAN
&ust pe#fo#ce be !ee&e! to have unla%full" (ta>en( the ca# soon afte# the test)!#ivin$ fo# he faile! to sho%)up an! #etu#n sai! vehicle.
The#e is no a#$uin$ that the anti)ca#nappin$ la% is a special la%, !iffe#ent f#o& the c#i&es of #obbe#" an! theft inclu!e! in the Revise! Penal
o!e. It pa#ticula#l" a!!#esses the ta>in$, %ith intent of $ain, of a &oto# vehicle belon$in$ to anothe# %ithout the latte#Ds consent, o# b" &eans
of violence a$ainst o# inti&i!ation of pe#sons, o# b" usin$ fo#ce upon thin$s.
5ut a ca#eful co&pa#ison of this special la% %ith the c#i&es of
#obbe#" an! theft #ea!il" #eveals thei# co&&on featu#es an! cha#acte#istics, to %itE unla%ful ta>in$, intent to $ain, an! that pe#sonal p#ope#t"
belon$in$ to anothe# is ta>en %ithout the latte#Ds consent. Ho%eve#, the anti)ca#nappin$ la% pa#ticula#l" !eals %ith the theft an! #obbe#" of
&oto# vehicles.
Hence, a &oto# vehicle is sai! to have been ca#nappe! %hen it has been ta>en, %ith intent to $ain, %ithout the o%ne#Ds
consent, %hethe# the ta>in$ %as !one %ith o# %ithout violence o# inti&i!ation of pe#sons o# %ith o# %ithout the use of fo#ce upon thin$s.
Hithout the anti)ca#nappin$ la%, such unla%ful ta>in$ of a &oto# vehicle %oul! fall %ithin the pu#vie% of eithe# theft o# #obbe#" %hich %as
ce#tainl" the case befo#e the enact&ent of sai! statute.
Obviousl", TANDs p#oposition that the #u!i&ents of theft, pa#ticula#l" as #e$a#!s unla%ful ta>in$, shoul! not have been applie! b" the ou#t of
Appeals, %as &isplace!. He shall see late# on that the appellate cou#tDs inte#p#etation #e!oun!e! in TANDs favo#. As an ele&ent co&&on to
theft, #obbe#" an! ca#nappin$, unla%ful ta>in$ Y its i&po#t, intention an! concept Y shoul! be consi!e#e! as also co&&on to these
Ho%eve#, %e #e6ect the ou#t of AppealsD acceptance, hoo>, line an! sin>e# of the Office of the Solicito# 7ene#alDs thesis that the#e
%as unla%ful ta>in$ in this case.
SEE asse#te! that on : Nove&be# 9;;0 he tu#ne! ove# possession of his Mitsubishi 7alant to TAN fo# test)!#ivin$ onl", but the latte# !i! not
#etu#n the sa&e afte# the lapse of not 6ust seve#al hou#s but a nu&be# of &onths. SEE fo#&all" file! the co&plaint fo# ca#nappin$ on 0 8une
9;;@. In the &eanti&e, !u#in$ the seven)&onth inte#val %hen the ca# %as alle$e!l" in TANDs possession, ,9- SEE ha! pe#sistentl" an!
pe#seve#in$l" atte&pte! to tal> to an! see TAN but the latte# a!a&antl" #efuse! to #espon! to his telephone calls o# pe#sonall" #eceive hi& in
his visitsF ,0- SEE %as able to #e$iste# the ca# %ith the =TO on 1 Ma#ch 9;;@F an! ,@- SEE ha! seen his ca# on 9; Ma" 9;;@ f#o& a !istance
of so&e five feet, pa#>e! at the #ea# of TANDs %a#ehouse an! in the initial sta$es of !is&antlin$. SEE also believe! that (bein$ a f#ien!, LTANM
eventuall" %oul! co&e a#oun! to #etu#nin$ the ca# to hi&.(
Even solel" f#o& this testi&on", this ou#t fin!s that the#e %as no unla%ful ta>in$. A felonious ta>in$ &a" be !efine! as the act of !ep#ivin$
anothe# of the possession an! !o&inion of &ovable p#ope#t" %ithout his p#ivit" an! consent an! %ithout animus revertendi.
Thus, an
unla%ful ta>in$ ta>es place %hen the o%ne# o# 6u#i!ical possesso# !oes not $ive his consent to the ta>in$F o#, if the consent %as $iven, it %as
vitiate!F o# in the case of RoCas, T#ini!a! an! !e Ve#a, %he#e an act b" the #eceive# soon afte# the actual t#ansfe# of possession constitutes
unla%ful ta>in$. In the last scena#io, the #eceive#Ds act coul! be consi!e#e! as havin$ been eCecute! %ithout the consent of the $ive#. SEEDs
testi&on" clea#l" evince! his assent to TANDs ta>in$ of the ca# not onl" at the ti&e he "iel!e! the ph"sical possession the#eof fo# the alle$e!
test)!#ivin$ but even the#eafte#, fo# he neithe# %ithhel! his consent no# %ith!#e% the sa&e !u#in$ the seven &onth pe#io! the ca# %as %ith
TAN. At the ve#" least, SEE tole#ate! TANDs possession of the ca#. A cont#a#" conclusion inspi#es onl" !isbelief. 2o# if the ca# %as t#ul"
ca#nappe!, %h" !i! SEE %ait fo# seven &onths befo#e he #epo#te! the sa&eI 2u#the#, TANDs alle$e! #efusal to &eet SEE !espite his
#epeate! atte&pts to !o so shoul! have sufficientl" ale#te! hi& of the fo#&e#Ds suppose! &alevolent intent, "et he still !i! not #epo#t the ta>in$.
Even if he faile! to #epo#t the ta>in$, &onths afte# the alle$e! test)!#ivin$, he ha! alle$e!l" seen his ca# in the initial sta$es of !is&e&be#&ent
on 9; Ma" 9;;@ "et, a$ain, he !i! not #epo#t the ca#nappin$ on that !a" no# on the neCt, but &uch late# on : 8une 9;;@ o# al&ost a &onth
SEE sai! he believe! an! eCpecte! that the ca# %oul! inevitabl" be #etu#ne! to hi&. This is not onl" unsatisfacto#" but i##econcilable an!
cont#a!icto#" %ith his i&putations of ca#nappin$. 2o# if he believe! that the vehicle %oul! be #etu#ne! to hi& fo# f#ien!shipDs sa>e then he
coul! not have at the sa&e ti&e also believe! that this f#ien! ca#nappe! his ca#. lea#l", SEEDs behavio# i&&e!iatel" p#ece!in$,
conte&po#aneous an! subse'uent to the alle$e! unla%ful ta>in$ %as !efinitel" not the !ist#au$ht con!uct of a &an %hose ca# %as
ca#nappe!. He %as even able to #e$iste# the ave##e! stolen vehicle %ithout soun!in$ the ala#&.
A fortiori, the cases of RoCas, T#ini!a! an! !e Ve#a cite! b" the ou#t of Appeals have no application he#e as no unla%ful !ep#ivation o# ta>in$
of SEEDs possession of, en6o"&ent an! benefit ove# the ca# occu##e! soon o# lon$ afte# his initial consent to the t#ansfe# the#eof. Neithe# %as
the#e an act eCecute! b" TAN soon afte# the alle$e! test)!#ivin$ that %oul! constitute unla%ful ta>in$. These conclusions a#e butt#esse! b"
TANDs testi&on", !ul" suppo#te! b" !ocu&enta#" evi!ence, that SEE coope#ate! %ith hi& fo# the avail&ent of a ca# loan %ith the 5PI 2a&il"
5an> in Ma>ati, an! that SEE pe#sonall" atten!e! to the inspection an! app#aisal of the sub6ect ca#. The #eco#!s, the#efo#e, !o not suppo#t the
fin!in$ of ca#nappin$.
Noticeabl", the ou#t of AppealsD e##oneous cont#a#" conclusions %e#e heavil" p#e!icate! on the a#$u&ents of the Office of the Solicito#
7ene#al that TANDs failu#e to sho% a %#itten !ee! of sale an! to see> the #elease of his ca# loan (%e#e inconsistent %ith Lthe latte#DsM i!ea of
sale.( It then pose! fou# 'uestions %hich it conclu!e! (ce#tainl" !ebilitate! the p#etensions of LTANM,( thusE
If the#e %as #eall" a !ee! of sale, %h" coul! not LTANM p#esent a cop" the#eofI
Assu&in$ arguendo that LSEEM $ot LTANDsM cop" of the !ee! of sale, %h" !i! he not secu#e anothe# cop" f#o& the nota#" public %ho
nota#i*e! the sa&eI O#, bette# still, %h" !i! he not p#esent the nota#" public to testif" on the fact of the saleI
Hh" !i! LSEEM have to sell the sub6ect ca# to LTANM at P0+?,???.?? %hen the latte# %as a!&itte!l" in!ebte! to the fo#&e# to the tune
of P+??,???I
If LTANM #eall" bou$ht the sub6ect ca# f#o& p#ivate co&plainant, %h" !i! he have to #etu#n the sa&e ,ca#- to the lafte# on Ma" 9/,
2#o& this line of #easonin$, %e easil" !e!uce that the ou#t of Appeals si&pl" e'uate! the lac> of a %#itten !ee! of sale to SEEDs lac> of
consent to TANDs ta>in$ of the ca#. 5ut the &e#e absence of a %#itten cont#act of sale in this case !oes not necessa#il" &ean that SEE !i! not
also consent to the ta>in$ no# that TANDs possession of the ca# %as unla%ful. The p#osecution still has the onus probandi of sho%in$ that
TANDs ta>in$ %as unla%ful. Hhat too> place in these p#ocee!in$s %as that the appellate cou#t &a$nifie! the %ea>ness of the !efense an!
ove#loo>e! the p#osecutionDs failu#e to !ischa#$e the onus probandi Y to sho% be"on! #easonable !oubt that the c#i&e of ca#nappin$ %as
in!ee! pe#pet#ate!. In sho#t, the ou#t of Appeals an! the t#ial cou#t si&pl" believe! an! accepte! the p#osecutionDs tale. It i$no#e! the basic
le$al p#ecepts that conviction #ests upon the st#en$th of evi!ence of the p#osecution an! not on the %ea>ness of the evi!ence fo# the !efenseF
an! assu&in$ that the evi!ence of the accuse! is %ea>, the sa&e is no #eason to convict, especiall", as in this case, %he#e the case of the
p#osecution is not st#on$ enou$h to sustain a conviction.
To #eite#ate, the bu#!en of p#oof #ests upon the p#osecution, an! unless the State
succee!s in p#ovin$ b" ove#%hel&in$ evi!ence the $uilt of the accuse!, the constitutional p#esu&ption of innocence applies. A conviction in
c#i&inal cases &ust #est on nothin$ less than the &o#al ce#taint" of $uilt.
The#e is no 'ua##el in the conclusiveness of the fin!in$s of fact of the ou#t of Appeals, fo# upon this p#inciple hin$es the #ule that the
6u#is!iction of the Sup#e&e ou#t in cases b#ou$ht befo#e it f#o& the ou#t of Appeals is li&ite! to #evie%in$ e##o#s of la%. Ho%eve#, it appea#s
on #eco#! that the appellate cou#t ove#loo>e!, i$no#e!, an! !is#e$a#!e! so&e fact an! ci#cu&stance of %ei$ht o# si$nificance that if
consi!e#e! %oul! have alte#e! the #esult. o$ent #easons the#efo#e eCist 6ustif"in$ the !is#e$a#! of the fin!in$s of the appellate cou#t,
supe#se!in$ the sa&e %ith ou# o%n !ete#&inations an! conclusions, an! o#!e#in$ the #eve#sal of the 'uestione! !ecision an! #esolution of
sai! ou#t of Appeals.
HHERE2ORE, in vie% of all the fo#e$oin$, the he#ein i&pu$ne! 0; 8une 9;;+ !ecision an! . Octobe# 9;;+ #esolution of the ou#t of Appeals
affi#&in$ the t#ial cou#tDs 6u!$&ent convictin$ accuse!)appellant Alvin Tan of violation of the Anti)a#nappin$ Act of 9;:0 a#e he#eb"
REVERSED an! SET ASIDEF a ne% 6u!$&ent is ente#e! AGAITTIN7 sai! accuse!)appellant on $#oun! of #easonable !oubt.1wphi1.nRt
osts de $fficio.
Puno, &apunan, Pardo and 7nares-antiago, JJ., concur.

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