Bls Study Guide
Bls Study Guide
Bls Study Guide
AddlLlonal maLerlal creaLed Lo enhance and supplemenL Lhe learnlng experlence and ls noL APA approved
CA8 of C8 updaLed AugusL 2012, age 1 [1CL]
!"#"$ &' !() '&* #+,-./0 !12-+*340 54+ 64'54./7
#+,-./ !12-+*34 64'54.
)3:&;42.2&4 <4*3/9&4/2=3 >'&* 5-- 5;3/?
!13:@ '&* *3/9&4/2=343// 54+ A*35.124; /28,-.543&,/-B
no breaLhlng or
no normal breaLhlng
(le, only gasplng)
C& A*35.124; &* &4-B ;5/924;
#:.2=5.3 DEE 54+ ;3. .13 #FG &* /34+ /3:&4+ *3/:,3* >2' 5=52-5A-3? .& +& .12/
Check a pulse for no more Lhan 10 seconds
!() /3H,34:3 !"#"$ ChesL compresslons, Alrway, 8reaLhlng
!&89*3//2&4 *5.3 AL leasL 100/mln on Lhe lower half of Lhe breasLbone
AL leasL 2 lnches (3 cm)
AL leasL 1/3
A dlameLer
AbouL 2 lnches (3 cm)
AL leasL 1/3
A dlameLer
AbouL 1x or 1.3 lnches (4 cm)
!13/. I5-- *3:&2- Allow compleLe recoll beLween compresslons
8oLaLe compressors every 2 mlnuLes Lo reduce faLlgue durlng C8
Mlnlmlze lnLerrupLlons ln chesL compresslons
ALLempL Lo llmlL lnLerrupLlons Lo <10 seconds
#2*I5B Pead LllL-chln llfL (suspecLed Lrauma: [aw LhrusL). Avold excesslve venLllaLlon.
=34.2-5.2&4 *5.2&
Slngle rescuer or 2-rescuers
30:2 Slngle rescuer
13:2 1wo rescuers
J34.2-5.2&4/ I2.1
5+=54:3+ 52*I5B
1 breaLh every 6-8 seconds (8-10 breaLhs/mln)
Asynchronous wlLh chesL compresslons (aL leasL 100/mln)
AbouL 1 second per breaLh wlLh vlslble chesL rlse
G3'2A*2--5.2&4 ALLach and use ALu as soon as avallable. Mlnlmlze lnLerrupLlons ln chesL compresslons before and
afLer shock, resume C8 beglnnlng wlLh compresslons lmmedlaLely afLer each shock.
AbbrevlaLlons: ALu, AuLomaLed LxLernal ueflbrlllaLor, A, AnLerlor-osLerlor, C8, Cardloulmonary 8esusclLaLlon.
* Lxcludlng Lhe newly born, ln whom Lhe eLlology of an arresL ls nearly always asphyxlal.
!"# %&' ()*+,-.*') /'&012)'3 4'1,1.*+ 4&5.)6,3
Plgh-quallLy C8 lmproves a vlcLlm's chances of survlval. 1he crlLlcal characLerlsLlcs of hlgh-quallLy C8 lnclude:
K.5*. :&89*3//2&4/ I2.124 EL /3:&4+/ of recognlLlon of cardlac arresL. lL ls lmporLanL Lo compress Lo Lhe approprlaLe
depLh Lo creaLe blood flow. Compresslons are lmporLanL because Lhey pump blood Lo Lhe resL of Lhe body.
(,/1 15*+0 9,/1 '5/.M Compress aL a raLe of aL leasL 100/mln wlLh a depLh of aL leasL 2 lnches (3cm) for adulLs,
approxlmaLely 2 lnches (3cm) for chlldren, and approxlmaLely 1 x or 1.3 lnches (4cm) for lnfanLs.
#--&I :&89-3.3 :13/. *3:&2- afLer each compresslon. CompleLe chesL recoll conLrlbuLes Lo effecLlve C8 by allowlng Lhe
hearL Lo reflll wlLh blood beLween compresslons.
N24282O3 24.3**,9.2&4/ ln compresslons (Lry Lo llmlL lnLerrupLlons Lo < 10 seconds).
P2=3 3''3:.2=3 A*35.1/ LhaL make Lhe chesL rlse.
#=&2+ 3Q:3//2=3 =34.2-5.2&4.
78,&9*,)2 :;,)'5*+ <)%1='1++*,&'>7:<
As soon as an ALu becomes avallable, Lhe flrsL sLep Lhe rescuer should perform ls Lo Lurn on Lhe ALu.
AfLer Lhe ALu dellvers a shock, Lhe rescuer should lmmedlaLely resLarL C8, beglnnlng wlLh chesL compresslons.
uslng an ALu for a chlld less Lhan 8 years of age, adulL pads/dose may be used lf pedlaLrlc pads/dose aLLenuaLor are noL avallable.
Lx8LSS 18AlnlnC SCLu1lCnS - SAn ulLCC - SAn CLLMLn1L - 1.888.813.0313 - WWW.Lx8LSS18AlnlnC.nL1
AddlLlonal maLerlal creaLed Lo enhance and supplemenL Lhe learnlng experlence and ls noL APA approved
CA8 of C8 updaLed AugusL 2012, age 2 [1CL]
?&')1@5 !&2A 71'B*A C=3,'8.,1&5 > 4-&D15@
1he besL way Lo relleve severe choklng ln responslve adulL or chlld - erform abdomlnal LhrusLs. lf Lhe adulL becomes
unresponslve acLlvaLe Lhe emergency response sysLem and sLarL C8 beglnnlng wlLh compresslons.
1he besL acLlon Lo relleve severe choklng ln a responslve lnfanL - 8egln cycles of 3 back slaps, followed by 3 chesL
When a vlcLlm of forelgn-body alrway obsLrucLlon becomes unresponslve (adulL, chlld, or lnfanL) and Lhe rescuer sends
someone Lo acLlvaLe emergency response sysLem, and Lhen lmmedlaLely sLarL C8 beglnnlng wlLh compresslons.
4-1+2 &' E5%*5, F1,- 7 ()*', G*,)
When a chlld/lnfanL has a pulse of more Lhan 60/mlnuLe buL ls noL breaLhlng, Lhe rescuer should glve breaLhs wlLhouL
chesL compresslons.
When an unresponslve chlld/lnfanL has a pulse of less Lhan 60/mlnuLe and ls noL breaLhlng wlLh slgns of poor perfuslon
desplLe oxygenaLlon and venLllaLlon wlLh a bag-mask, Lhe rescuer should perform boLh compresslons and breaLhs.
4>7>! 13 4-)3, 4&96')331&53H71'B*AH!')*,-3I J&, 7>!>4
1he rescuer should lnlLlally ensure LhaL Lhe scene ls safe when Lhe rescuer flrsL sees a poLenLlal vlcLlm.
A vlcLlm who ls unresponslve wlLh no normal breaLhlng and no pulse requlres C8.
lL ls approprlaLe Lo move an adulL vlcLlm who needs C8 when Lhe vlcLlm ls ln a dangerous envlronmenL.
1o ldenLlfy cardlac arresL ln an unresponslve vlcLlm wlLh no breaLhlng (or no normal breaLhlng), a healLhcare provlder
should check a pulse for no more Lhan 10 seconds.
AdulL and chlld pulse ls locaLed on Lhe slde of Lhe neck, near Lhe Lrachea
lnfanL pulse ls locaLed on Lhe lnslde of Lhe upper arm, beLween Lhe elbow and Lhe shoulder.
lL ls lmporLanL Lo compress Lo Lhe approprlaLe depLh durlng C8 Lo creaLe blood flow durlng compresslons.
1he depLh of chesL compresslons for an adulL vlcLlm should be !" $%!&" 2 lnches (3cm).
1he depLh of chesL compresslons for an lnfanL ls !" $%!&" one Lhlrd Lhe depLh of Lhe chesL, approxlmaLely 1x or
1.3 lnches (4cm).
8ecommended raLe for performlng chesL compresslons for vlcLlms of all ages ls !" $%!&" 100 compresslons per mlnuLe.
Pands are placed on Lhe lower half of Lhe breasLbone Lo perform chesL compresslons on an adulL.
ln 2-rescuer C8, one rescuer provldes chesL compresslons, Lhe second rescuer malnLalns an open alrway and glves
referred Lechnlque for provldlng chesL compresslons durlng 2-rescuer C8 for Lhe lnfanL ls Lhe 2 Lhumb-enclrcllng
hands Lechnlque.
1he besL way Lo open Lhe alrway of an unresponslve vlcLlm wlLh no suspecLed neck ln[ury ls Lhe head LllL-chln llfL.
AfLer Lhe alrway ls opened, Lhe proper Lechnlque for dellverlng mouLh-Lo-mouLh venLllaLlon ls Lhe rescuer opens Lhe
alrway, seals hls or her mouLh over Lhe vlcLlm's mouLh, plnches Lhe vlcLlm's nose closed, and glves 2 breaLhs whlle
waLchlng for Lhe chesL Lo rlse.
8ag-mask devlce/Lechnlque ls noL recommended for a slngle rescuer Lo provlde breaLhs durlng C8.
1he rescue breaLh for an adulL, chlld, or lnfanL ls effecLlve when Lhe chesL rlses vlslbly.
uurlng bag-mask venLllaLlon, glvlng a breaLh [usL unLll you see Lhe chesL rlse ls recommended Lo mlnlmlze Lhe rlsk of alr
enLerlng Lhe vlcLlm's sLomach (gasLrlc lnflaLlon).
1he compresslon- venLllaLlon raLlo for 1-rescuer adulL C8 and 2-rescuer adulL C8 ls 30:2.
1he compresslon- venLllaLlon raLlo for 2-rescuer chlld C8 ls 13:2.
1he compresslon- venLllaLlon raLlo for 2-rescuer lnfanL C8 ls 13:2.
Compresslon and venLllaLlon raLes for 2-rescuer C8 ln Lhe presence of an advanced alrway ls Lo compress aL a raLe of
!" $%!&" 100 per mlnuLe, 1 breaLh every 6 Lo 8 seconds.
When admlnlsLerlng breaLhs by uslng a bag-mask devlce for a chlld who ls noL breaLhlng buL does have a pulse, Lhe
rescuer should glve breaLhs aL Lhe raLe of 1 breaLh every 3 Lo 3 seconds.
use of Amerlcan PearL AssoclaLlon maLerlals ln an educaLlonal course does noL represenL course
sponsorshlp by Lhe Amerlcan PearL AssoclaLlon. Any fees charged for such a course, excepL for a
porLlon of fees needed for APA course maLerlals, do noL represenL lncome Lo Lhe AssoclaLlon.