Data Modeler
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2002 Computer Associates International, Inc. (CA)
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Contents iii
Chapter 1: Introduction...........................................................1-1
Major Features......................................................................................................................................................... 1-1
Typical Use Cases................................................................................................................................................... 1-2
A stand-alone client......................................................................................................................................... 1-3
A script or add-in component........................................................................................................................ 1-3
Chapter 2: API Components...................................................2-1
Major API Components......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Application Tier............................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Model Directory Tier....................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Sessions Tier ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-2
Model Tier ........................................................................................................................................................ 2-2
Access to Model Data............................................................................................................................................. 2-8
Object Identifiers..................................................................................................................................................... 2-9
Object Identifiers and Type Codes.............................................................................................................. 2-10
Collections and Automation............................................................................................................................... 2-10
_NewEnum property of a collection object................................................................................................ 2-11
Default Properties.......................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Optional Parameter ....................................................................................................................................... 2-12
Chapter 3: Active Scripting.....................................................3-1
Chapter 4: API Description......................................................4-1
Application Tier ...................................................................................................................................................... 4-1
Application Component................................................................................................................................. 4-1
ISCApplication Properties.............................................................................................................................. 4-2
ISCApplication Methods................................................................................................................................ 4-2
iv ERwin API Reference Guide
ISCApplication Result Codes.........................................................................................................................4-2
ISCPropertyBag Component ..........................................................................................................................4-3
ISCPropertyBag Properties.............................................................................................................................4-3
ISCPropertyBag Methods................................................................................................................................4-4
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Component...................................................................................................4-4
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Properties......................................................................................................4-5
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Methods.........................................................................................................4-6
Persistence Unit Component ..........................................................................................................................4-9
ISCPersistenceUnit Properties......................................................................................................................4-10
ISCPersistenceUnit Methods........................................................................................................................4-11
Property Bag for Persistence Units and Persistence Unit Collections.....................................................4-12
Location and Disposition in Model Directories and Persistence Units...................................................4-13
Locator ......................................................................................................................................................4-13
Sessions Tier...........................................................................................................................................................4-15
ISCSessionsCollection Component..............................................................................................................4-15
ISCSessionsCollection Properties.................................................................................................................4-15
ISCSessionsCollection Methods...................................................................................................................4-16
ISCSessionsCollection Result Codes............................................................................................................4-16
Session Component........................................................................................................................................4-17
ISCSession Properties....................................................................................................................................4-18
ISCSession Methods.......................................................................................................................................4-19
ISCSession Result Codes...............................................................................................................................4-21
Model Tier ..............................................................................................................................................................4-21
Model Objects Collection Component.........................................................................................................4-21
ISCModelObjectCollection Properties.........................................................................................................4-22
ISCModelObjectCollection Methods...........................................................................................................4-26
Model Object Component.............................................................................................................................4-29
ISCModelObject Properties...........................................................................................................................4-29
ISCModelObject Methods.............................................................................................................................4-31
Model Properties Collection Component ...................................................................................................4-33
ISCModelPropertyCollection Properties.....................................................................................................4-33
ISCModelPropertyCollection Methods.......................................................................................................4-36
Model Property Component.........................................................................................................................4-37
ISCModelProperty Properties......................................................................................................................4-39
ISCModelProperty Methods.........................................................................................................................4-42
Property Values Collection Component .....................................................................................................4-43
ISCValueCollection Properties.....................................................................................................................4-43
ISCValueCollection Methods........................................................................................................................4-44
Property Value Component..........................................................................................................................4-44
ISCPropertyValue Properties........................................................................................................................4-44
Contents v
ISCPropertyValue Methods......................................................................................................................... 4-45
Introduction 11
The Erwin Script Client API (SCAPI) provides advanced customization
capabilities that enable you to access and manipulate modeling data in ERwin
memory at run-time, as well as models persisted in files and in the ModelMart
repository. The SCAPI interfaces are automation-compatible and provide
extensive design and run-time facilities for third party integrators as well as end-
users of script-based environments.
The Script Client API enables you to complement the original modeling tool with
custom components when you use scripts, add-ins and COM-based API
technologies. Because of its flexibility, the Script Client API promotes the
seamless integration of the modeling tool in a client development cycle.
Major Features
You can understand the SCAPI as a group of interfaces that include the following
ActiveModel Data Objects (AMDO) supports the ability of a third-party client
to access model data through a COM automation-compatible API. This is the
major component in the SCAPI functionality. All interfaces that comprise the
SCAPI are automation based, hence are dual.
Collections and enumerators in the SCAPI facilitate certain programming
constructions in script languages that target these automation features.
To support the sync event facilities of languages, the SCAPI delivers a
collection of connection points interfaces and support for the ITypeInfo2
Automation rich error handling supported through IErrorInfo interfaces
exposed by the SCAPI components.
ActiveModel Directory. - A set of features that allows a client to navigate
available model storage, including ModelMart. The SCAPI delivers the
ability for a client to open and/ or to create a model in a file as well as from a
ModelMart repository
Typical Use Cases
12 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
ActiveScripting. Hosts a scripting environment and provides an invocation
mechanism for script and add-in components. Add-ins and scriplets register
with the ActiveScripting environment through a provided mechanism.
Typical Use Cases
Third-party tool integrators represent a wide range of customers who wish to use
the tool-provided functionality with complex business processes. The Script
Client API provides solutions for such customers.
The majority of customers using the Script Client API are automation and script-
based clients. These clients have very specific interface design requirements
imposed by COM automation standards. For instance, they are often limited to a
single incoming and outgoing interface exposed by any particular COM object.
This limitation is due to the fact that the only recognizable interface type for pure
automation is IDispatch and it renders the use of QueryInterface functionality
unfit. The common technique to address the problem includes Alternate
Identities and read-only properties that expose secondary interfaces.
Another example of a targeted domain customer is one using alternative (not
C++) languages to implement a client. The list includes Visual Basic, VB Script,
Java Script, etc. The list includes specially tailored language idioms to
encapsulate language-COM binding, such as collections of objects, connection
points, rich error handling, etc.
The SCAPI combines number of components and presents them as a set of
interfaces accessible via COM.
The list of integrated components includes ERwin, Model Mart, and Microsoft
Internet Explorer.
ERwin Model Mart
Script Client API Layer
Active Model Data Objects
Active Model Directory
Script Client API
Typical Use Cases
Introduction 13
A stand-alone client
A third-party client can activate the API as an in-process server. The API
component doesnt have visual representation, that is, it doesnt expose a user
interface. The API provides Active Model Directory facilities to specify a target
model from a list of available models. Active Model Data Objects provides a
session-based access to model data.
The API clients compete with other parties over the access to model data. For
model storage such as ModelMart, advanced model sharing facilities are
available. Depending on the application-selected locking scenario, other parties
could be prevented from accessing a model for the session duration.
A script or add-in component
ERwin hosts third-party add-in modules and scripts. The API component Active
Scripting provides a mechanism for registering modules with a host tool,
arranging representation in the host UI, creating add-in menus, and invoking
them on the host menu selection or event.
An add-in module is a client DLL, activated in-process.
A script is a VB Script and J Script procedure embedded in a DHTML document,
activated by means of a menu or a model event. The Active Scripting provides
hosting for Web Browser control and makes the API objects available through the
window.external property of the DHTML object model.
A client has an ability to observe changes in a model on the screen and can
activate a pause to investigate the state of a model by accessing the modeling tool
Typical Use Cases
14 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
API Components 21
API Components
Major API Components
The API is a collection of interfaces that represent ERwin functionality. The
application exports the top-level interface, from which the client fetches lower-
level interfaces as the need arises. Interfaces are logically grouped in tiers, where
each tier includes interfaces that represent certain aspects of the application
Application Tier
Interface Role
ISCApplication Represents application-wide
functionality, and serves as the entry
point for the APIs interface hierarchy.
Holds a list of available persistence
units, and connections between the
client and persistence units.
ISCApplicationEnvironment Renders information about the run-
time environment.
ISCApplicationServiceCollection Provides access to a variety of
application services, such as Forward
Engineering, Reverse Engineering,
Complete Compare, etc.
ISCApplicationService Represents an application service
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Collects all active persistence units
known to the application
Major API Components
22 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Interface Role
ISCPersistenceUnit Represents an active persistence unit
( ERwin model) within the
application. Clients can connect to
persistence units to manipulate them
and the data they contain.
ISCPropertyBag Represents an array of properties for
application tier interface calls.
Model Directory Tier
Interface Role
ISCModelDirectory Represents model storage, in the form
of a file or ModelMart.
ISCMDElement Renders information about available
Sessions Tier
Interface Role
ISCSessionCollection Collects all active sessions between the
API client and persistence units.
ISCSession Represents an active connection
between the client and a model. Clients
create sessions then open them against
persistence units. An open session
exposes a single level (i.e., data,
metadata, etc.) of a persistence unit.
ISCProgress Shared between a client and the
application. Used to report progress
and cancellation requests.
Major API Components
API Components 23
Model Tier
Interface Role
ISCObjectFilter Filters objects for the object iterator.
Permits the API client to winnow out
unwanted objects during a model
ISCObjectSorter Sorts objects for the object iterator.
Permits the API client to determine the
order in which objects are returned
during a model traversal.
ISCModelObjectCollection Represents objects available for
manipulation. Membership in this
collection can be limited by
establishing filter criteria.
ISCModelObject Access and manipulate a single object
within a model
ISCPropertyFilter Permits the API client to winnow
unwanted properties while traversing
an objects properties.
ISCPropertySorter Permits the API client to set the order
in which properties are returned while
traversing an objects properties.
ISCModelPropCollection Represents a list of properties owned
by a single object. The list could be
limited due to filtering.
ISCModelProperty Accesses and manipulates a single
property. Note that properties may
contain multiple values. Values within
a multi-valued property are accessed
by keys. The current multi-valued
property implementation treats the
value list as an array, with the key
being the array index.
ISCValueCollection Represents a list of single property
ISCValue Renders data and a key contained
within a single value.
Major API Components
24 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
The objects are related in the following manner:
Appl i c at i on Ti er
I SCPropertyBag
Consists of
Major API Components
API Components 25
(fromApplication Tier)
<<I nterface>>
Consists Of
Model Di r ect o r y Ti er
Major API Components
26 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
I SCApplication
(fromApplication Tier)
I SCProgress
(fromApplication Tier)
0..* 0..*
Consists Of
Sessi on Ti er
Major API Components
API Components 27
Model Dat a Ti er
(fromSessions Tier)
<<I nterface>>
0..* 0..*
I SCObjectFilter
<<I nterface>>
0..* 0..*
Consists Of
0.. * 0.. *
0..* 0..*
Consists Of
Owned By
I SCValueCollection
<<I nterface>>
0..* 0..*
Consists Of
Used To Create
Access to Model Data
28 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Access to Model Data
The ERwin API allows API clients to manipulate models. An API client locates
models in persistence storages by using ISCModelDirectory. As soon as a model
is located, the client registers it with the pool of available persistence units by
means of ISCPersistenceUnits. At this point the client can specify access
attributes such as read-only, ignore locks, etc. A new model can be created and
registered with a persistence unit collection. ERwin itself can add or remove
models from the pool as a response to UI actions.
A persistence unit maintains a set of properties to control visibility in the
application UI, access attributes, etc.
The API clients access the model data by constructing a session and connecting it
to a persistence unit via an ISCSession instance. GetObject file/ ModelMart
monikers provide an alternative way to register a model as a persistence unit and
attach a session to it in one step.
A model contains several levels of data. It contains the data the application
manipulates, such as entity instances, attribute instances, relationship instances
and so on. The model also contains metadata: a description of the objects and
properties that may occur within the applications data. In ERwin, the metadata
defines each class that may occur within a model, for example, an entity class, an
attribute class, a relationship class, and so on. Clients specify the desired level of
model data at the time of connecting a session to a persistence unit.
When a new model is created it acquires a set of default objects, such as model
object, main subject area and stored display, etc.
The initial SCAPI implementation will support the following levels:
Name Description Supported Actions
SCD_SL_ M0 Model Level Access model data, create
and delete objects
(including the entire
model), set property
SCD_SL_ M1 Metamodel Level Access object and
property definitions,
along with other
metadata. Create and
delete user-defined
properties and user-
defined object definitions.
Object Identifiers
API Components 29
Levels are identified by long integer values. Values will have symbolic
Object Identifiers
The API presents data in object/ property form. In an ERwin model, for example,
an attribute is represented by an instance of an attribute object. The attributes
name is contained in the attribute objects name property.
Each object must bear an identifier a value that uniquely identifies the object
instance. Internally, object identifiers are 20-bytes long. They contain two
components: a GUID (a.k.a. UUID) in the first 16 bytes, and a 32-bit unsigned
integer suffix in the last 4 bytes.
A GUID contains the following components:
1. One 32-bit unsigned integer
2. Two 16-bit unsigned integers
3. Eight 8-bit unsigned integers (represented as unsigned characters)
for a total of 128 bits, or 16 bytes. Therefore, an object identifier contains an extra
32-bit unsigned integer (the 4-byte suffix) at the end for a total of 160 bits, or 20
To simplify working with object identifiers and due to COM automation
limitations on datatypes, the API uses a string to represent identifiers.
The following table lists aliases used in the documentation and in the interface
Type Name Format Use
Object Identifier
Class (object or property
type, etc.) identifier
Model type identifier
Creator identifier
Collections and Automation
210 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
One set of object identifiers is predefined: those identifiers whose GUID
component contains zero. If the final 4 bytes of the identifier also contain zero,
the identifier represents a null identifier. Other values of the offset are reserved
for future use.
Object Identifiers and Type Codes
Consider the relationship between object instances in the SCD_SL_ M0 layer and
object instances in the SCD_SL_ M1 layer. An instance in the SCD_SL_ M0 layer
is described by an instance in the SCD_SL_ M1 layer. For instance, a single object
in the SCD_SL_ M1 layer describes every entity instance in the SCD_SL_ M0
Since all type codes are also object identifiers, they must have the same format.
Collections and Automation
Automation defines the IEnumVARIANT interface to provide a standard way
for the API clients to iterate over collections. Every collection interface in the API
exposes a read-only property named _NewEnum to let the API clients know that
the collection supports iteration. The _NewEnum property returns a pointer on
the IEnumVARIANT interface.
The IEnumVARIANT interface provides a way to iterate through the items
contained by a collection. This interface is supported by an enumerator interface
that is returned by the _NewEnum property of the collection, as in the figure
The IEnumVARIANT interface defines these member functions:
I Next Retrieves one or more elements in a collection, starting with the
current element.
I Skip Skips over one or more elements in a collection.
I Reset Resets the current element to the first element in the collection.
I Clone Copies the current state of the enumeration so you can return to the
current element after using Skip or Reset.
_NewEnum Property
Collections and Automation
API Components 211
The IEnumVARIANT collection implements a Rogue Wave style advance and
return iteration. Hence, they have the following life cycle.
When the iterator is created, it enters the Created state. It then forces itself into
the BeforeStart state. A successful advance drives the iterator into the InList state,
while an unsuccessful advance drives it into the AtEnd state. A Reset drives the
iterator back to the BeforeStart state, and deletion drives it into the Deleted state.
The iterator is positioned over a member of the collection (i.e., is associated with
a current member) if and only if it is in the InList state.
_NewEnum property of a collection object
I The _NewEnum property identifies support for iteration through the
IEnumVARIANT interface. This property has the following requirements:
I Named _NewEnum.
I Returns a pointer to the enumerator IUnknown interface.
I Dispatch identification for the property is DISPID =DISPID_NEWENUM (-
BeforeStart In List At End
Create OK
Collections and Automation
212 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Default Properties
For automation, a default property is the property that is accessed when the
object is referred to without any explicit property or method call. The property
dispatch identifier is DISPID_VALUE.
The default property for each component is indicated in the tables that appear in
Chapter 4 of this document.
Optional Parameter
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
In the interface methods tables that appear in Chapter 4 of this document,
optional parameters are listed for the relevant interface methods.
Active Scripting 31
Active Scripting
To promote seamless integration of the modeling tool in a client development
cycle and therefore contribute to the overall success of the product, ERwin
features the hosting of third-party add-in modules and scripts. The SCAPI
component used to implementing hosting is Active Scripting. Active Scripting
provides a mechanism for registering modules with the application, arranging
representation in the application UI and add-in menus, and invoking them on
behalf of the application menu selection or event.
An add-in module is a client DLL, activated in-process.
A script is a DHTML target that embeds graphics and script code.
The overall schema of the script and add-in hosting is illustrated in this picture:
Active Scripting Component
Add-In Manager Add-In Control
An Add-in or a script
Add-In Manager
menu item
Add-In Interface
An Add-in invoked
Web Browser Control
A Script invoked
ActiveX Container
32 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
API Description 41
API Description
The API is implemented as a tree of COM interfaces. The application exports the
top-level interface, from which the client fetches lower-level interfaces as the
need arises. The remainder of the API description documents the API in a top-
down manner. Each section is classified into a tier, working down the topmost
level that is associated with the exporting application.
Application Tier
The Application Tier provides application-wide functionality, and serves as the
entry point for the APIs interface hierarchy. This level exposes top-level services
and directories.
Application Component
The Application Component encapsulates application-wide functionality, and
serves as the root of the APIs interface hierarchy. Only one instance of the
component can be externally instantiated to activate the API. The client navigates
the interface hierarchy by using interface properties and methods to gain access
to the rest of the API functionality.
Application Tier
42 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
ISCApplication Properties
The following table describes the ISCApplication interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Name Bstr Yes Model tool application name (e.g. Computer
Associates ERwin).
Default Property
Version Bstr Yes Describes the applications version.
ApiVersion Bstr Yes The API version.
ronment *
Yes Reports attributes of run-time environment
and available features, such as add-in mode,
UI visibility, etc.
ApplicationServices ISCApplicationServ
iceCollection *
Yes Provides access to a variety of application
services, such as Forward Engineering,
Reverse Engineering, Complete Compare,
ModelDirectories ISCModelDirectory
Yes Collects model directories accessible from
this machine.
PersistenceUnits ISCPersistenceUnit
Collection *
Yes Returns a collection of all persistence units
loaded in the application.
Sessions ISCSessionCollectio
n *
Yes Returns a collection of sessions created
within the application.
Note: The Application component, ISCApplication, exposes extra interfaces to
assist Active Scripting.
ISCApplication Methods
The ISCApplication interface does not have Methods.
ISCApplication Result Codes
The following table describes result codes generated by methods and properties
of the interface.
Error Code Methods/
Application Tier
API Description 43
Error Code Methods/
Run Call to COM services to
create an instance of
ERwin server failed.
Run Requested mode is not
ISCPropertyBag Component
A Property Bag is a placeholder for an array of properties. Some interfaces in the
API (ISCPersistenceUnit, for example) employ the bag as a way to report and
modify the state of data they represent. Hence, the content of the bag is dictated
by such an interface.
A Property Bag interface pointer is available through the COM API
CoCreateInstance call, and via related interfaces.
ISCPropertyBag Properties
The following table describes the ISCPropertyBag interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Count Long Yes Returns the number of properties in the
property bag.
Default Property
Application Tier
44 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
VARIANT Retrieves, adds or changes the indicated
property in the bag. Property is either a name
of a property in the property bag or a zero
based property index.
A property will be added if the property
does not exist in the bag. Index cannot be
used to add a new value.
Name(long Index) BSTR Yes Retrieves a name of the indicated property in
the bag. Index is a zero-based long number.
The name can be used to retrieve a property
ISCPropertyBag Methods
Method Description
Void ClearAll() Removes all properties from the bag
Boolean Add(
Adds a new property to the bag. Does
not check on duplicate names.
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Component
A Persistence Units Collection contains all outer level persistence units loaded in
the application. It contains one entry for each active data model. There is only
one instance of the collection in the application. The interface pointer can be
reached through the PersistenceUnits method of the ISCApplication interface.
The existence of some persistence units in the application is dictated by a context
in which an instance of the application is created. For instance:
Application Tier
API Description 45
If a client is using the API as an in-process server, none of the units will
exist at launch time. Methods from the unit collection interface must be
used to accumulate units in the collection.
For a script or add-in component, the collection contains all units known
to the application at the time when the client component is activated.
Similar to the arrangement for units when the client program is over:
If a client is using the API as an in-process server, all units will be closed.
For a script or add-in component, after the client program is over, units
are still open and available in the application UI with the exception of
those that were explicitly closed and removed from the persistence unit
collection before exiting the program.
Note that for ERwin, the collection is a snapshot. The collection will include only
those units that exist at the moment of collection construction (i.e. at the moment
when PersistenceUnits method of ISCApplication interface was called). An
exception to this is units added or deleted from the collection. These changes will
be reflected. All new collections will reflect changes as well.
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Properties
The following table describes the ISCPersistenceUnitCollection interface
Property Name Type Read-
Count long Number of units in the collection.
Application Tier
46 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
IUnknown* Default Property
Passes back an ISCPersistenceUnit pointer
identified by Selector.
The Selector parameter identifies a
persistence unit by:
* An ordered position index. The index is 0-
* Persistence Unit Object Id; For units with
the same unit id, only one of the units can be
addressed in this way.
* An ISCPersistenceUnit pointer. In this case,
the object is cloned
Passes back a pointer to itself if the argument
is omitted.
_NewEnum IUnknown* Yes Hidden property. Constructs an instance of
the unit enumerator object and returns the
IEnumVariant interface pointer of the
Every call to the Next method of
IEnumVariant will return one or more
Variant elements with
ISCApplicationServices *, or NULL if no
more objects are available.
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection Methods
The following table describes the ISCPersistenceUnitCollection interface
Method Description
Application Tier
API Description 47
Method Description
ISCPersistenceUnit * Add(VARIANT
Locator, [optional]
Adds a new persistence unit to the unit
collection and returns a
ISCPersistenceUnit interface pointer.
Returns NULL if the method failed.
The unit has a hidden status until a
client renders it visible
The Locator parameter identifies a
location for the persistence unit data
source as a string with a file or
ModelMart item location along with
attributes required for successful access
to the storage.
An optional Disposition arranges access
attributes, such as read only, type of
locking, etc.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Application Tier
48 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
Boolean Remove(VARIANT Selector,
Boolean Save)
Removes a persistence unit from the
collection, closes associated window, if
any. By default, all unsaved data will
be saved unless the Saveparameter has
a false value, or the unit has a
temporary status with an unspecified
location property.
Failed if a save was requested while the
unit has open sessions and the unit
contents were modified. Otherwise,
open sessions are ignored.
The Selector parameter identifies a
persistence unit by:
* An ordered position index.
* Persistence Unit Object Id. Only one
unit can be addressed in this way. In
the case of two models with the same
unit id, the model listed first in the
collection of Persistence Units will be
* An ISCPersistenceUnit pointer
Boolean Clear() Purges all units from the collection and
closes the associated window, if any.
All active sessions are closed and all
unsaved data will be lost.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Application Tier
API Description 49
Method Description
Create(ISCPropertyBag * PropertyBag,
Creates a new unit and registers the
unit with the collection. PropertyBag
supplies required and optional
properties to the creating process, such
as a type of the model, etc. Note that
the values provided as parameters in
this method call override any instances
of similar properties in the bag.
ObjectId contains the new persistence
units object identifier. If it contains a
non-NULL value, it becomes the
identifier for the new persistence unit.
By default, the application assigns the
new persistence units object identifier.
Note that the new persistence unit
contains data at all levels. Upon
creation, its metamodel level (SCD_SL_
M1) contains the intrinsic metamodel
associated with the passed model type,
and the model level (SCD_SL_ M0)
includes all default objects, if required,
populated in the new model by the
Persistence Unit Component
A Persistence Unit encapsulates information required to connect to an existing,
outer level persistence unit within an application. In the case of ERwin, the
information allows the API client to connect to an ERwin model. Item and
_NewEnum methods of ISCPersistenceUnitCollection interface help to locate
Persistence Units.
Application Tier
410 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
ISCPersistenceUnit Properties
The following table describes the ISCPersistenceUnit interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
ObjectID SC_OBJID Yes Object identifier for the persistence unit.
Object identifiers are unique within the
scope of the application.
Note: The object identifier in ERwin is an
identifier of a model object bounded to
persistence unit, such as Model or Subject
Name BSTR Yes Persistence unit name.
Default Property
DirtyBit Boolean Yes Triggered if any changes were successfully
applied to the data after the last time the
property was set to false.
Set to false when the unit is introduced to the
ISCPropertyBag* Returns or accepts a pointer on a property
bag with the unit properties.
An optional List parameter provides a list of
the unit properties. If the list is provided,
only listed properties will be placed in the
returned property bag. The List parameter
uses a semicolon to separate one property
name from another.
When a property bag is retrieved with the
optional AsString parameter set to true, all
values in the bag are presented as strings.
The default is false for the parameter.
Note that a unit property is present in the
resulting bag only if it has a value. If a value
is not set for the property, the property bag
will not have the property listed.
ISCPersistenceUnit Methods
The following table describes the ISCPersistenceUnit interface methods.
Application Tier
API Description 411
Method Description
Boolean Save([optional]
Locator, [optional]BSTR Disposition)
Persists model data to external storage
regardless of which session provided
changes. Storage attributes can be
originated at the time a unit is
registered with the unit collection. The
location and the persistence storage
disposition can be changed with this
call, or by specifying Locator and
Disposition parameters. The parameters
are optional and render the call
identical to the Save As functionality.
Uncommitted transactions are ignored.
Boolean HasSession() Returns true if a unit has one or more
sessions connected.
Boolean IsValid() Returns TRUE if self is valid (i.e.,
occupies the Valid state), and FALSE
otherwise. This method lets the caller
detect when the referenced object is
Property Bag for Persistence Units and Persistence Unit Collections
Property Bag provides access to properties of a persistence unit. An empty
Property Bag can be obtained by means of a call to the CoCreateInstance of the
COM API. The client populates a bag and submits it as a parameter for the
Create method of the ISCPersistenceUnitCollection interface. Alternatively, the
present state of persistence unit properties could be retrieved by means of the
PropertyBag property of ISCPersistenceUnit. The retrieved value could be
reviewed, modified and submitted back through the PropertyBag property of the
same interface. The contents of the bag can have one of two available forms:
native format, or as a string based on the optional parameter of the PropertyBag
property of ISCPersistenceUnit. The client can populate the bag in either of these
two forms. Different forms can be mixed in the same instance of the bag.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Application Tier
412 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Not all properties that exist in the unit have to be present in the bag when it is
submitted. All property data as well as property names are validated by the API
and either all are accepted or all rejected. The rejection will force a method call to
fail. If the bag includes properties that are read-only at the moment, for instance
the model type for an ERwin model, when the model was created beforehand,
then such properties will be ignored and wont affect validation of the bag data.
The following table lists the Property Bag properties and datatypes recognized
by ERwin.
Property Name Type Read-
Locator BSTR Yes Returns the location of the persistence unit,
such as file name, etc. Not available for
models without persistence location, such as
new models that were never saved.
Disposition BSTR Yes Returns the disposition of the persistence
unit, such as read-only, etc.
Model Type Long Retrieves, sets type of the persistence unit,
such as logical, logical-physical and physical
models. Can be set when a persistence unit is
created; after that the property becomes
Target Server
Target Server Version
Target Server Minor Version
Long Retrieves, sets target database properties for
physical and logical-physical models. Can be
set when a persistence unit is created; after
that the property becomes read-only.
Storage Format Long Retrieves, sets storage format, which has a
value Normal for a model and Template
for a model template. Can be set when a
persistence unit is created; after that the
property becomes read-only.
Active Model Boolean True if the persistence unit represents the
current model, active in the ERwin user
Hidden Model Boolean True if a model window with the persistence
unit data is not visible in the ERwin UI. Not
available for the API stand-alone mode.
Application Tier
API Description 413
Property Name Type Read-
Active Subject Area and Stored
Reports names of active Subject Area and
Stored Display model objects. An active
Subject Area or Stored Display is displayed
in ERwin. The returned value is a safe-array
with two elements: first, a name for the
active Subject Area and second, a name for
the active Stored Display.
Providing a new set of Subject Area and
Stored Display names could change this
selection. The change will have an effect
immediately if the model is active in the
ERwin user interface, or is the next model
opened by the ERwin user interface.
A BSTR with the name for a new active
Subject Area is required to change a
selection. The API will choose the first Stored
Display or the provided Subject Area as the
active name
Location and Disposition in Model Directories and Persistence Units
The API describes the location of Persistence Units and their disposition in
persistence storage facilities with the Locator and Disposition properties. This
information is required by some of the API methods and is also accessible via
Property Bags. Examples of persistence storages for ERwin models are file
system and ModelMart.
The Locator property supports the following syntax, arguments and parameters:
Syntax [provider:/ / ]pathinfo[?param=value[;param=value]n]
Arguments provider
Is a type of persistence storage. erwin is used to specify file
system and modelmart for Model Mart repository. If skipped,
erwin is assumed.
Is the path to the storage location, a file path or ModelMart
Sessions Tier
414 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Is either a parameter name or a keyword.
Is a text string.
Note that there are no param keywords defined for the file system persistence
The Disposition parameter provides optional information for the API to access
model data specified by the Locator. The Disposition property supports the
following syntax, arguments and parameters:
Syntax param=value[;param=value]n
Arguments param
Is either a parameter name or a keyword.
Yes/ No.
The following list of Disposition param keywords can be used with the erwin
type of provider, i.e. for models stored in a file system.
Complete Name Abbreviation Description
Read Only RDO Requests read-only access to file.
Override File OVF Overrides an existing file on save.
Sessions Tier
The Sessions Tier encapsulates session-wide services. A session is a connection
between a client and the application. Clients may maintain multiple active
connections to applications.
The Sessions collection contains the active connections, each of which is
represented by a Session instance.
Sessions Tier
API Description 415
ISCSessionsCollection Component
The Sessions Collection contains the active connections between the API client
and the application. The interface pointer can be reached via the Sessions method
of the ISCApplication interface.
ISCSessionsCollection Properties
The following table describes the ISCSessionCollection interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Count long Yes The number of Session components in the
Item(long Index) IUnknown* Yes Returns an ISCSession interface pointer
identified by its ordered position. The index
is a long number and 0-based. Returns a
pointer to self if the argument is omitted.
Default Property
_NewEnum IUnknown* Yes Hidden property. Constructs an instance of
session enumerator object and returns
IEnumVariant interface pointer of the
Every call to the Next method of
IEnumVariant will return one or more
Variant elements with ISCSession interface
pointers, or NULL if no more objects are
ISCSessionsCollection Methods
The following table describes the ISCSessionCollection interface methods
Sessions Tier
416 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
ISCSession * Add () Construct a new, closed Session object, and adds it
to the collection. Passes back an interface pointer
to the newly created Session object.
Boolean Remove (
Removes a Sessionobject from the collection. If the
session is opened, it is closed before it is removed.
All committed changes are saved in the
persistence unit. The indexes for the remaining
sessions will be adjusted to close the resulting gap.
Returns FALSE if the supplied session identifier is
The SessionID parameter is a variant that supports
identifying a session in one of the following ways:
* By numeric index. A number from 0 to Count-1;
* By a Session object. A valid session object pointer.
Boolean Clear () Removes all Session objects from the collection.
Has the same effect as calling Remove() for each
session in the collection.
ISCSessionsCollection Result Codes
The following table describes result codes generated by methods and properties
of the interface.
Error Code Methods/Properties Description
Remove Provided pointer of an
object either is not a
session object or it is not
registered in the session
Session Component
The Session object connects an API client to a persistence unit in the application.
Note that the persistence unit can represent a submodel. The Item and
_NewEnum methods of the ISCSessionCollection interface help to locate
The Session object has the high-level status, illustrated in the following figure:
Sessions Tier
API Description 417
Closed Opened
Remove Remove
When a client creates a Session object, it enters the Created state, and immediately
transitions into the Closed state, indicating that it is not yet associated with a
persistence unit. The client can invoke one of several API methods to connect the
Session object to a persistence unit (such as creating a new persistence unit,
loading a persistence unit from the applications persistent store, etc.). The Session
object will transition into the Opened state, allowing the client to manipulate the
associated persistent unit. Later on, the client can disconnect the Session object
from its associated persistence unit, and the Session object reenters the Closed
state. It is then available for connection, and the cycle can be repeated. When the
client is finished with the Session object, it is removed from its owning Sessions
collection, and it enters its final state, Removed.
ISCSession Properties
The following table describes the ISCSession interface properties:
Sessions Tier
418 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
Name BSTR Yes Name of the associated persistence unit.
Used for display only. Contains a valid name
only when self is in the Opened state.
Default Property
ModelObjects ISCModelObjectCol
lection *
Yes Retrieves a Model Objects collection interface
pointer for the session. If the session is open,
the collection will contain all objects
contained in the associated persistence unit.
The returned collection will contain every
object associated with the persistence unit. If
the session is not open, the member will
return NULL and report an error.
PersistenceUnit ISCPersistenceUnit
Yes PersistenceUnit associated with the session.
Contains a valid pointer only when it is in
the Opened state.
Level SC_SessionLevel Yes Returns the level at which the persistence
unit is bound. This value is valid only if the
session is open. See the Access to Model
Data section in Chapter 2 of this document
for access level definitions.
Flags SC_SessionFlags Yes Returns a 32 bit flag word. The following
low-order bits are currently defined::
0 - identifies if a session requests an
exclusive access to PersistenceUnit. No other
sessions are allowed to access the specified
unit. In order to obtain exclusive privileges
there should be no other sessions associated
with the unit. By default, a session has non-
exclusive access with a persistence
ISCSession Methods
The following table describes the ISCSession interface methods:
Method Description
Sessions Tier
API Description 419
Method Description
Boolean Close () Disconnects self from its associated
persistence unit. Does not alter the associated
persistence unit. Does nothing unless the
component is in the Opened state. Caller must
have read access to the underlying model.
Boolean Open(
ISCPersistenceUnit* Unit,
Level, [optional]
SC_SessionFlags Flags)
When the component is in the closed state,
this method binds the component to the
persistence unit identified by the Unit
parameter. Binding occurs at the level
specified in the Level parameter. If successful,
the component enters the Opened state and
the root pointer becomes valid. Default for
Level is model level.
Flags - an optional set of session flags. See
Flags property description for more details.
Note: if the passedpersistence unit is absent,
Unit contains NULL, and the session is bound
to the intrinsic model, if available. The
intrinsic SCD_SL_ M1 model contains all
intrinsic metadata. The SCD_SL_ M0 behavior
of the intrinsic model is unspecified.
Boolean IsOpen() Returns true if a session is connected to a
persistence unit.
Boolean ChangeAccess(
SC_SessionFlags Flags)
Modifies set of flags associated with a session.
See Flags property description for more
VARIANT BeginTransaction() Opens a transaction on the session. The
method passes a transaction identifier back.
Implementations use the identifier to scope
commit and rollback operations. If the
application does not support nested
transactions it passes back VT_EMPTY.
Note that transaction nesting is implicit. If a
SCAPI client invokes BeginTransaction and a
transaction is already open, the new
transaction is nested inside the existing one.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Model Tier
420 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
Boolean CommitTransaction(
VARIANT TransactionId )
Commits the specified transaction and all
nested transactions contained within it.
Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE if the
model provider does not support transactions,
or if TransactionId contains an invalid value.
Boolean RollbackTransaction(
VARIANT TransactionId )
Rolls back the specified transaction and all
nested transactions contained within it.
Returns TRUE if successful, and FALSE if the
model provider does not support transactions,
or if TransactionId contains an invalid value.
Boolean IsValid() Returns TRUE if self is valid (i.e., occupies the
Valid state), and FALSE otherwise. This
method lets the caller detect when the
referenced object is deleted.
ISCSession Result Codes
Error Code Methods/Properties Description
All Attempt to access a
session object that was
removed from the
collection of sessions.
Model Tier
The Model tier provides a uniform way to manipulate application data
independently of the application's physical data organization. It presents the
data in object/ property form, and provides methods that enable the API clients
to navigate through a model and manipulate its contents. Navigation is
consistent with the approach used by most automated-based applications and
follows industry-accepted concepts of collections, enumerating, and accessing
elements in the collections.
Model Tier
API Description 421
Model Objects Collection Component
The Model Objects Collection is a collection of zero or more model objects.
Access to members of the collection is provided by enumerating and by direct id.
The collection has a root object that contains the rest of objects in respect of
their enumeration. For instance, a persistence unit represented by a root model
object, such as Model in ERwin.
The default rule for enumerating is: depth first. The root object doesnt
participate in the enumeration.
The root object is used as a context object by the Add method to add a new object
to the collection.
The API clients access specific model object by means of the ISCModelObject
interfaces while the ISCModelObjectCollection interface serves collections of
model objects. The collection of all model objects associated with a session are
available from ISCSession interface via ModelObjects method.
ISCModelObjectCollection Properties
The following table describes the ISCModelObjectCollection interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Count long Yes Returns the number of model objects in the
collection. The number does not include the
root object. Returns 0 if the collection has no
members and 1 if the member count cannot
be determined. To improve performance, the
collection count could be maintained as a
high water mark the highest-numbered
member yet seen as the user moves through
the collection.
Model Tier
422 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
Root ISCModelObject * Yes Returns a pointer to the root object in a
collection. If the collection doesnt have a
root object, a NULL pointer will be returned.
Item(VARIANT Index,
IUnknown * Yes Returns an ISCModelObject interface pointer
identified by the Index and optional ClassId
parameters. The Index is one of the
* ObjectId of requested model object.
* A string identifier, returned by Name
property of ISCModelObject interface and
followed by the object ClassId.
* An ISCModelObject pointer. In this case, it
will be cloned.
The ClassId is either a string with a class id
code or a string with its name.
The persistence unit associated with the
session always limits the search. For the
ObjectId scenario, a search is not limited by
the collection. For an object name and class,
to be effective, the search is executed inside
of the collection.
Returns Null if not succeeded.
Returns a pointer to self if the arguments are
Default Property
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Model Tier
API Description 423
Property Name Type Read-
_NewEnum IUnknown* Yes Hidden property. Construct an instance of
model objects enumerator and returns
IEnumVariant interface pointer of the
Every call to the Next method of
IEnumVariant will return one or more
Variant elements with ISCModelObject
interface pointers, or NULL if no more
model objects are available.
All enumerations are depth-first. The direct
children of a root object are a starting point
for enumeration of a collection, subject to
filtering requirements.
Yes Represents a value of the Model Objects
collection attribute that limited the
membership in the collection at the time
when this collection was created and can be
used for reference purposes.
ClassIds contains a list of acceptable class
identifiers (i.e., object types). If this list is
non-empty, the collection includes only
those objects whose class identifier appears
in the list. If the list is empty or returns a
NULL pointer, then all objects are included.
Yes Similar to ClassIds with exception that class
names are presented instead of class ids.
Depth long Yes Represents a value of the Model Objects
collection attribute that limited the
membership in the collection at the time
when this collection was created and can be
used for reference purposes.
Depth contains the maximum depth to
which the iterator will descend, with 0
representing unlimited depth.
Model Tier
424 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
MustBeOn long Yes Represents a value of the Model Objects
collection attribute that limited the
membership in the collection at the time
when this collection was created and can be
used for reference purposes.
MustBeOn returns a Must Be On flag filter.
For a model object to be accepted as a
member, all flag bits that match a 1 bit in
MustBeOn must be 1 themselves. (Another
way to state this condition is Flags &
MustBeOn ==MustBeOn.) MustBeOn has no
effect if it contains 0.
MustBeOff long Yes Represents a value of the Model Objects
collection attribute that limited the
membership in the collection at the time
when this collection was created and can be
used for reference purposes.
MustBeOff returns a Must Be Off flag
filter. For a model object to be accepted as a
member, all flag bits that match a 1 bit in
MustBeOff must be 0. (Another way to state
this condition is ~Flags & MustBeOff ==
MustBeOff). MustBeOff has no effect if it
contains 0.
Model Tier
API Description 425
ISCModelObjectCollection Methods
The following table describes the ISCModelObjectCollection interface methods:
Method Description
ISCModelObjectCollection * Collect (
[optional]VARIANT ClassIDs,
[optional]long Depth,
[optional]long MustBeOn,
[optional]long MustBeOff)
Creates a Model Objects collection,
which represents a subcollection of
itself. All filtering criteria specified in
the Collect call will be applied toward
membership in the collection.
The method always creates a valid
collection even though the collection
could be empty. If the filtering
requirements are too rigid, the
resulting collection will be empty.
A collection is held as empty if there is
no object in the collection, including a
root object.
The Root parameter specifies a root
object in the collection. This object is
used as a context when a new object is
added to the collection with the Add
method of the interface. Root is either
an object ObjectId or a valid
ISCModelObject pointer. The root
candidate does not have to belong to
the collection source, but it has to
belong to the persistence unit
associated with the session.
Method Description
Model Tier
426 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
ClassIDs contains a list of acceptable
class identifiers (i.e., object types) or
class names. If this list is non-empty,
the collection will include only those
objects whose class identifier appears
in the list. If the list is empty or returns
a NULL pointer, then all objects are
included. The list is one of the
* SAFEARRAY with either SC_CLSID
or class names.
* A string with ids or names separated
with semicolons.
All enumerations are depth-first. The
direct children of a root object are a
starting point for collection
enumerating, subject to filtering
Depth contains the maximum depth to
which the iterator should descend, with
-1 (default value) representing
unlimited depth.
MustBeOn holds a Must Be On flag
filter. For a model object to pass, all flag
bits that match a 1 bit in MustBeOn
must be 1 themselves. (Another way
to state this condition is Flags &
MustBeOn ==MustBeOn.) MustBeOn
by default contains zero and has no
MustBeOff holds a Must Be Off flag
filter. For a model object to pass, all flag
bits that match a 1 bit in MustBeOff
must be 0. (Another way to state this
condition is ~Flags & MustBeOff ==
MustBeOff). MustBeOff by default
contains zero and has no effect.
Note that no objects can pass the flag
filter if MustBeOn & MustBeOff yields a
nonzero result. The method returns
E_INVALIDARG if this happens.
Model Tier
API Description 427
Method Description
ISCModelObject* Add(
[optional] SC_OBJID ObjectId)
Adds an object of type Class to the
model. Class is the class identifier
given in the meta-model specification.
A class ID or a class name could be
used. Passes back NULL and returns an
error code if no object is created
If ObjectId contains a non-NULL object
identifier, the new objects identifier
assumes the value passed on ObjectId.
If ObjectId contains a NULL value, the
application assigns the new objects
identifier. If an object exists having
ObjectId as its identifier, the method
will fail and return an error.
Boolean Remove(
Removes the specified model object
from a model. Returns TRUE if
successful and FALSE if Object contains
an invalid value. The Object parameter
is provided:
* By ID an ObjectID of a target object
* By an interface pointer
ISCModelObject pointer of the Model
Object component that is bound to the
model object.
Note: successful execution of the call
renders all binds with the removed
object invalid. The client should release
all ISCModelObject pointers known to
represent such association. Calls to
ISCModelObject will fail and IsValid
method returns FALSE. Recovering the
model object with Undo does not
guarantee re-binding the existing Model
Object back to the object.
Model Tier
428 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Model Object Component
A Model Object component represents a single object in a model. An
ISCModelObject interface pointer is available in a number of ways from the
ISCModelObjectCollection interface as well as through the Root property of the
ISCSession interface.
ISCModelObject Properties
The following table describes the ISCModelObject interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
ObjectID SC_OBJID Yes Uniquely identifies the current object. An
object identifier must be unique application-
Name BSTR Yes An object name or a string identifier. The
string identifier is for display purposes
primarily and not necessarily represents a
value of any particular property of the
model object.
Class SC_CLSID Yes Returns the current objects class identifier.
ClassName BSTR Yes Returns the current objects class name. This
is provided for display only.
Context ISCModelObject* Yes Passes back the objects context the object
immediately above the current object in the
models object tree. Passes NULL back if the
current object is the tree root.
Model Tier
API Description 429
Property Name Type Read-
Flags long Yes A 32 bit object flag word. The following low-
order bits are currently defined:
0 - Object is a persistence unit if set /
1 - Object is user-defined if set /
2 - Object is the root object if set /
3 - Object is maintained by the tool, if set /
4 - Object is created by the tool and not
removable / SCD_MOF_DEFAULT
5 - Object is new or updated in a transaction
and the transaction has not committed.
All other bits are set to zero.
Zero / SCD_MOF_DONT_CARE returned
when no flags are set
Properties ISCModelProperty
Yes Returns an interface pointer for the property
collection. The collection will include all
available properties of the object. The
method always returns a valid collection
even though the collection could be empty. If
filtering is required, CollectProperties
method should be used instead.
Model Tier
430 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
ISCModelObject Methods
The following table describes ISCModelObject interface methods:
Method Description
Boolean IsInstanceOf(
Returns TRUE if the component is an
instance of the passed class and FALSE
if it does not. This method respects
inheritance. If ClassId contains an
ancestor class, the method must return
TRUE. ClassId could be either a class
SC_CLSID or a class name.
Boolean IsValid() Returns TRUE if the component is valid
(i.e., occupies the Valid state), and
FALSE otherwise. This method lets the
caller detect when the referenced object
is deleted.
Model Tier
API Description 431
Method Description
[optional] long MustBeOn,
[optional] long MustBeOff)
Returns an interface pointer for the
property collection of the desired type.
The method always returns a valid
collection even if the collection is
empty. If the filtering requirements are
too rigid, the resulting collection will be
ClassIds contains a list of acceptable
class identifiers (i.e., property types) or
class identifier names. If this list is non-
empty, the property collection includes
only those properties whose class
identifier appears on the list. If the list
is empty or the caller supplies a NULL
pointer, the collection includes all
properties owned by the object. The list
is one of the following:
* SAFEARRAY with either SC_CLSID
or class names.
* A string with ids or names separated
with semicolons.
MustBeOn holds a Must Be On flag
filter. For a property to pass, all flag
bits that match a 1 bit in MustBeOn
must be 1 themselves. (Another way
to state this condition is Flags &
MustBeOn ==MustBeOn.) MustBeOn
has no effect if it contains 0. MustBeOn
is zero by default.
MustBeOff holds a Must Be Off flag
filter. For a property to pass, all flag
buts that match a 1 bit in MustBeOff
must be 0. (Another way to state this
condition is ~Flags & MustBeOff ==
MustBeOff). MustBeOff has no effect if
it contains 0. MustBeOff has
SCD_MPF_NULL set by default. For
ERwin it excludes properties with no
values from the collection.
Note that no properties can pass the
flag filter if MustBeOn & MustBeOff
yields a nonzero result.
Model Tier
432 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Model Properties Collection Component
The Model Properties collection groups zero or more properties associated with a
model object and provides methods to access members of the collection by
enumerating and by property id. The API clients access specific properties via
ISCModelProperty interfaces while ISCModelPropertyCollection interface serves
property collections. ISCModelPropertyCollection interface pointer is available
via Properties property of ISCModelObject interface.
Membership of the collection was specified by the ISCModelObject Properties
call as a result of which the collection was created.
ISCModelPropertyCollection Properties
The following table describes the ISCModelPropertyCollection interface
Property Name Type Read-
Count Long Yes Returns the number of properties that was
accepted to the collection. The number could
be a top mark number if class and/ or flags
filters are on.
Model Tier
API Description 433
Property Name Type Read-
IUnknown * Yes Returns an ISCModelProperty interface
pointer identified by Class parameter as:
* A property ID; an SC_CLSID of a property.
* A class name of a property.
* An ISCModelProperty pointer to clone an
The method checks if the property exists. If it
does not, the method creates a property
description, returns a ISCModelProperty
instance and sets the NULL flag for the
property. A new property value can be set
by using the Valueproperty of the instance.
However, it will fail to retrieve a value
before it was set.
The method allows you to create an instance
of ISCModelProperty for properties like
ReadOnly, Maintained By the Tool, etc. The
value for these properties cannot be changed
or assigned. Yet, property flags, datatype,
etc. are available even in a case when the
collection does not have the property
instance. Use HasProperty to check on the
existence of the property for a model object
Returns a pointer to self if the arguments are
Default Property.
_NewEnum IUnknown* Yes Hidden property. Constructs an instance of
the properties enumerator and returns the
IEnumVariant interface pointer of the
Every call to the Next method of
IEnumVariant will return one or more
Variant elements with ISCModelProperty
interface pointers, or NULL if no more
properties are available.
Model Tier
434 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
Yes Represents a value of the ModelProperties
collection attribute that limited the
membership at the time when this collection
was created and can be used for reference
ClassIds contains an array of acceptable class
identifiers (i.e., property types). If this list is
non-empty, the property collection includes
only those properties whose class identifier
appears on the list. If the list is empty or the
caller supplies a NULL pointer, the
collection includes all properties owned by
the object.
Yes Same as ClassIDs property, but holds
property class names.
MustBeOn Long Yes Represents a value of the ModelProperties
collection attribute that limited the
membership at the time when this collection
was created and can be used for reference
MustBeOn returns a Must Be On flag filter.
For a property to pass, all flag bits that
match a 1 bit in MustBeOn must be 1
themselves. (Another way to state this
condition is Flags & MustBeOn ==
MustBeOn.) MustBeOn has no effect if it
contains 0.
MustBeOff Long Yes Represents a value of the ModelProperties
collection attribute that limited the
membership at the time when this collection
was created and can be used for reference
MustBeOff returns a Must Be Off flag
filter. For a property to pass, all flag bits that
match a 1 bit in MustBeOff must be 0.
(Another way to state this condition is
~Flags & MustBeOff ==MustBeOff).
MustBeOff has no effect if it contains 0.
Model Tier
API Description 435
ISCModelPropertyCollection Methods
The following table describes ISCModelPropertyCollection interface methods:
Method Description
Boolean HasProperty(
Returns TRUE if the object bound to
self owns a property of the passed
class, and FALSE otherwise. Treats
properties as absent if fail to satisfy
ClassIds, MustBeOn and MustBeOff
attributes of the collection.
Alternative MustBeOn, MustBeOff could
be offered via optional parameters.
Returns an error if the property does
not belong to this type of model objects.
The Class parameter supports
identifying a property:
By a property ID, SC_CLSID
By class name of the property.
ISCModelProperty* Add(
Construct a new property for a bound
model object if it does not exist.
Returns ISCModelProperty interface
pointer to represent a property.
The Class parameter supports
identifying a property:
* By a property ID; an SC_CLSID of a
target property
* By class name of the target property.
Model Tier
436 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
BOOL Remove (
[optional] long MustBeOn,
[optional] long MustBeOff)
Removes the indicated property from
the bound object. Returns TRUE if the
property could be removed, and
FALSE if the property does not exist.
This method always treats properties
with the SCD_MPF_NULL flag as
The Class parameter supports
identifying a property:
* By a property ID; an SC_CLSID of a
target property
* By class name of the target property.
If the property is not removable, for
instance for ERwin, only user-defined
properties could be removed, the
property acquires the
Note: successful execution of the call
renders all binds with the removed
property invalid. The client should
release all ISCModelProperty pointers,
all related ValueCollection and Value
pointers known to represent such
association. Calls to interfaces will fail
and IsValid method returns FALSE.
Recovering the model property with
Undo does not guarantee re-binding
exist interfaces back to the object.
Model Property Component
A Model Property represents a single property on a given object. Properties come
in two varieties, single valued and multi-valued. A single-valued property must
contain a single value, while a multi-valued property may contain multiple
values. Note, however, that a multi-valued property may happen to contain a
single value. If a property contains a single value, it may still be a multi-valued
Model Tier
API Description 437
Currently, ERwin supports scalar and simple homogeneously typed array-like
properties. The API, however, is designed to support complex property
implementations, such as hash dictionaries (i.e., a list containing keys and
associated values), as well as heterogeneously typed properties. Hence, the API
allows clients to use arbitrary identifiers to select values from vector properties.
Initially, ERwin uses a simple integer index to navigate vector properties. In the
future, strings could be used to select property values from a hashed dictionary.
Values and value identifiers are atomic i.e., they have no internal structure.
While we hold their values in VARIANT structures, we restrict their actual value
types to the scalars that the VARIANT structure can hold plus GUIDs and the
IDs of referenced objects.
The following table explains how the SCAPI value type codes maps to VARIANT
Description Value
COM Type Comment / SCAPI Type
Missing value
(provided for completeness)
Signed 16-bit integer 1 VT_I2 SCVT_I2
Signed 32-bit integer 2 VT_I4 SCVT_I4
Unsigned 8-bit integer. Do not use
this type to hold character data.
4-byte floating point real 4 VT_R4 SCVT_R4
8-byte double precision real 5 VT_R8 SCVT_R8
64-bit Currency Value 7 VT_CY SCVT_CURRENCY
IUnknown * interface pointer
(provided for completeness)
IDispatch * interface pointer
(provided for completeness)
Date value in VARIANTDATE
Basic (or Binary) String. All string
information (including single
characters) must be passed as a
Unsigned 16-bit integer 12 VT_U12 SCVT_U12
Model Tier
438 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Description Value
COM Type Comment / SCAPI Type
Unsigned 32-bit integer 13 VT_U14 SCVT_U14
GUID, returned as a string in {...}
format. See Object Identifiers,
Object identifier, returned as a
string in {...}+off format. See
Object Identifiers above.
SAFEARRAY of unsigned BYTEs 16 VT_ARRAY & array
element type (VT_UI1
for instance)
The default value type. 17 Varies SCVT_DEFAULT
Signed 1-byte integer. Do not use
this type to hold character data.
18 VT_I1 SCVT_I1
Machine-dependent signed
integer. Please use with caution.
Machine-dependent unsigned
integer. Please use with caution.
Rectangle property. An array of
four integers
Point property. An array of two
The ISCModelProperty interface pointer can be obtained by means of methods in
the ISCModelPropertyCollection.
ISCModelProperty Properties
The following table describes ISCModelProperty interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Class SC_CLSID Yes Property class identifier. The class identifier
uniquely identifies a property instance
within the scope of its owning object.
Model Tier
API Description 439
Property Name Type Read-
ClassName BSTR Yes Property class name.
Default Property
Count long Yes Contains the number of values in the
property. Scalar properties always have 1
Flags long Yes A 32 bit property flag word. The following
low-order bits are currently defined:
0 - Property has a NULL value or no value if
1 - Property is user-defined if set. /
2 - Property is scalar if set. /
3 - Property is maintained by the tool, if set.
4 - Property is read-only if set. /
5 - Property has
inherited/ calculated/ derived value if set. /
6 - Property is optional and could be
All other low-order bits are zero.
Zero / SCD_MPF_DONT_CARE is returned
if no flags are set.
Model Tier
440 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
PropertyValues ISCPropertyValueC
ollection *
Yes Allocates the desired Values collection. The
returned collection hosts every value in the
The collection targeting value type
conversions. Value type conversions for
scalar properties are supported through a
collection that holds the single property
[optional] long
VARIANT Yes Retrieves, sets or changes the indicated
property value in the requested format.
If self contains a single-valued property, the
caller may safely pass a VT_EMPTY ValueId
parameter or skip it; it is ignored if supplied.
If self contains a multi-valued property, the
caller should supply the ValueId parameter.
If the caller omits the ValueId argument for a
multi-valued property, the methods
behavior is unspecified.
If a new value is assigned and the element
already exists for the passed ValueId, it is
changed, otherwise it is added.
ERwin supports multi-value properties in
the form of vector of elements. All elements
have the identical datatype. ValueId is
numeric in the case of ERwin. A value 1 for
ValueId will cause a new value to be added at
the end of the vector. ValueId that is
equivalent to the current size of the vector
will also have the same effect as 1.
An optional, requested type can be indicated
by ValueTypeand must be supported or the
method will fail. Note that the default value
type is always supported.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Model Tier
API Description 441
Property Name Type Read-
[optional] VARIANT
ValueId )
long Yes Passes back the identifier of the default value
type for the indicated property value. If self
contains a single-valued property (i.e. the
property has a simple data type) the caller
may safely pass a VT_EMPTY ValueId
parameter or skip it; it is ignored if supplied.
If self contains a multi-valued property, the
caller should supply the ValueId parameter.
If the caller omits the ValueId argument for a
multi-valued property, the methods
behavior is unspecified.
ISCModelProperty Methods
The following table describes ISCModelProperty interface methods:
Method Description
BSTR FormatAsString() Formats the property value as a string.
The returned string represents the
value of the entire property, even if the
property contains multiple values.
Boolean RemoveValue(
[optional] VARIANT ValueId)
Removes the specified value from the
property. If no values remain after the
removal, the property will have a
NULL value. Returns TRUE if the value
was removed, FALSE if the application
rejected the change, and will raise an
error if ValidId contains an invalid
If self contains a simple-valued
property, the caller may safely pass a
VT_EMPTY ValueId parameter or omit
it. It is ignored if supplied. If self
contains a multi-valued property, the
caller should supply the ValueId
parameter. If the caller omits the
ValueId argument for a multi-valued
property, the methods behavior is
Model Tier
442 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Method Description
Boolean RemoveAllValues() Remove all values from the property.
The property will then have a NULL
Boolean IsValid() Returns TRUE if self is valid (i.e. is in
the Valid state, hence is bound to a
valid property) and FALSE otherwise.
This method allows the caller to detect
property deletion.
Property Values Collection Component
The Property Values collection targets value type conversions and holds all
values for a selected model object property. The collection of values is available
from Model Property through the PropertyValues property of the
ISCModelProperty interface.
ISCValueCollection Properties
The following table describes the ISCValueCollection interface properties:
Property Name Type Read-
Count LONG Yes Returns the number of values in the
IUnknown * Yes Returns an ISCPropertyValue interface
pointer identified by the ValueId parameter.
Value identifier could be in any of the
supported value types. See
ISCPropertyValue for more details.
Returns a pointer to self if the arguments are
Default Property.
Model Tier
API Description 443
Property Name Type Read-
_NewEnum IUnknown * Yes Hidden property. Constructs an instance of
the properties enumerator object and returns
IEnumVariant interface pointer of the
Every call to the Next method of
IEnumVariant will return one or more
Variant elements with ISCValue interface
pointers, or NULL if no more objects are
ISCValueCollection Methods
The ISCValueCollection interface does not have Methods.
Property Value Component
The Property Value component represents a single value of a given property. An
ISCPropertyValue interface pointer is available in a number of ways from
ISCPropertyValueCollection interface.
ISCPropertyValue Properties
The following table describes ISCPropertyValue interface properties:
Model Tier
444 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Property Name Type Read-
ValueId (
VARIANT Yes Converts the current value identifier to the
passed format and passes back the converted
identifier. The requested value data type (if
supplied) must be supported for the current
value identifier (note that the default value
type is always supported).
ERwin uses zero based numeric indexes for
value identifiers and SCVT_I4 as their
default value type.
If self contains a simple-valued property,
always returns VT_EMPTY regardless of
Default Property
PropertyClassId SC_CLSID Yes Identifies the current propertys context.
PropertyClassNames BSTR Yes Returns the current propertys class name.
This is provided for display only.
[optional] long
VARIANT Yes Converts the current value to the passed
value type and returns it. The requested data
type must be supported (note that the
default value type is always supported).
Uses a default value type if ValueTypeis
skipped. Passes back the converted value if
ValueType long Yes Passes back the identifier of the value default
ValueIdType long Yes Passes back the identifier of the value
identifier default type.
Due to support automation client requirements, all optional parameters are
represented as VARIANT. For that reason, a parameter type in an interface
description is only to document an expected type in VARIANT structure.
Model Tier
API Description 445
ISCPropertyValue Methods
The following table describes the ISCPropertyValue object methods:
Method Description
Groups a list of supported value types
and return it as a SAFEARRAY. The
GetValue method must be able to
convert the current value into any
value type whose code appears in the
returned list. If the list is empty, the
value is available only in its native (i.e.,
default) format. Reference properties
should return an empty list.
Groups a list of supported value types
for the current value identifier and
return it as a SAFEARRAY. The
GetValueId method must be able to
convert the current value into any
value type whose code appears in the
returned list. If the list is empty, then
the current identifier is available only
in its native (i.e., default) format.
Model Tier
446 ERwin Script Client API Reference Guide
Active Scripting, 1-2, 1-3, 3-1
Application Tier
description, 4-1
illustration, 2-4
overview, 2-1
Model Object, 4-18, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26, 4-28, 4-
Model Objects, 4-18, 4-24, 4-25, 4-26
Model Property, 4-37, 4-43
Persistence Unit, 4-3, 4-4, 4-9, 4-18, 4-19
Persistence Units, 4-3, 4-4, 4-9
Property Bag, 4-3, 4-12
Property Value, 4-43, 4-44
Property Values, 4-43
Session, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17
Sessions, 4-15, 4-17
Value, 4-37, 4-41, 4-44, 4-45
Values, 2-3, 2-9, 4-38, 4-41, 4-43
IEnumVARIANT, 2-10
IPtSCElementValue, 4-43, 4-44
IPtSCElementValueCollection, 4-43, 4-45
IPtSCModelEnterprise, 4-2
IPtSCModelObject, 4-23, 4-24, 4-28, 4-29, 4-
31, 4-33
IPtSCModelObjectCollection, 4-18, 4-22, 4-
26, 4-29
IPtSCModelProperty, 4-34, 4-36, 4-39, 4-42,
IPtSCModelPropertyCollection, 4-30, 4-33, 4-
36, 4-39
IPtSCModelProvider, 4-4, 4-5, 4-15
IPtSCPersistenceUnit, 4-10, 4-18, 4-20
IPtSCPersistenceUnitCollection, 4-5, 4-6
IPtSCPropertyValue, 4-43, 4-44, 4-45
IPtSCPropertyValueCollection, 4-43, 4-44
IPtSCProvider, 4-16, 4-24, 4-34, 4-44
IPtSCSession, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18, 4-19, 4-29
IPtSCSessionCollection, 4-15, 4-16
ISCApplication, 4-2, 4-4, 4-5, 4-15
ISCApplicationService, 4-6
ISCApplicationServiceCollection, 4-6
ISCMDElement, 2-2
ISCModelDirectory, 2-2, 2-8
ISCModelObject, 2-3, 4-22, 4-23, 4-24, 4-26,
4-28, 4-29, 4-31, 4-33
ISCModelObjectCollection, 2-3, 4-18, 4-22,
4-26, 4-29
ISCModelProperty, 2-3, 4-33, 4-34, 4-36, 4-
37, 4-39, 4-42, 4-43
ISCModelPropertyCollection, 4-30, 4-33, 4-
36, 4-39
ISCPersistenceUnit, 4-3, 4-6, 4-7, 4-8, 4-9, 4-
10, 4-12, 4-18, 4-20
ISCPersistenceUnitCollection, 4-5, 4-6, 4-9
ISCPropertyValue, 4-43, 4-44, 4-45
ISCPropertyValueCollection, 4-44
ISCSession, 2-2, 2-8, 4-15, 4-16, 4-18, 4-19,
4-22, 4-29
ISCSessionCollection, 2-2, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17
ISCValue, 2-3, 4-43, 4-44, 4-45
ISCValueCollection, 2-3, 4-43, 4-44
Model Data Tier
illustration, 2-7
Model Directory Tier
illustration, 2-5
Model Object
flags, 4-30
Model Tier
description, 4-21
overview, 2-2
ElementValue, 4-44
ElementValues, 4-43
ModelObject, 4-28, 4-29
ModelObjects, 4-18, 4-26
ModelProperties, 4-32
ModelProperty, 4-37, 4-43
PersistenceUnit, 4-3, 4-9
PersistenceUnits, 4-4, 4-9, 4-17
PropertyValue, 4-44
PropertyValues, 4-43
Session, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17, 4-22
Sessions, 4-15, 4-17
Persistence Unit, 4-3, 4-4, 4-9, 4-18, 4-19
Property of model object
flags, 4-40
multi-valued, 2-3, 4-37, 4-41, 4-42
single-valued, 4-37, 4-41, 4-42
value type code, 4-38
Script, 1-3
Script Client API
major features, 1-1
typical use cases, 1-2
Session, 4-15, 4-16, 4-17, 4-22
Session Tier
illustration, 2-6
Sessions Tier
description, 4-15
overview, 2-2