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Chief's 911 Summary

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Denver Police Department

1331 Cherokee Street

Denver, CO 80204
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DPD 200 (7/13)


On April 14, 2014 at approximately 2131 hours, a 9-1-1 call was received from 2112 S. St. Paul St.
reference a domestic violence incident in-progress. The female caller had reported to the call taker
that her husband had been using marijuana and stated there was a weapon in the house.

Within 34 seconds of having received the information, the dispatcher assigns the call to 332A
(primary) and 366A (cover). Approximately three minutes after the initial units are dispatched; 353A
volunteers to cover the call, as he is coming in from another call and is closer. 353A cancels 366A.

At approximately 2145 hours, unit 332A airs that the CAD dispatch notes hes just read indicate
the male has grabbed a gun and the female is screaming, then asks for cover to be stepped up.
As sufficient cover units arrive; officers approach the address, knock and announce their presence
at the front door and are met there by a male party. A subsequent search of the residence reveals
a female suffering from an apparent gunshot wound. At approximately 2151 hours; 332A requests
an ambulance code-10.

On April 16, 2016 a request was made for the Denver Police Internal Affairs Bureau to conduct
an administrative review of the response by Department of Safety members to 2112 S. St. Paul.

During the review; it was discovered there were (21) District 3 units that were currently working
in the District at the time the initial call was received. Eighteen of those units were out of service,
either on other calls for service (15) or on approved breaks (3). Of the three units still in service
(332A, 362A, 366A), the dispatcher assigned two of them (332A and 366A) to the domestic call.

Approximate Vehicle Locator (AVL) data confirms that each of the units was at the location
reported to dispatch. AVL data also demonstrates that the primary unit assigned (332A) responds
directly (from E. 4th Ave. & Race) after receiving the call and arrives at approximately 2145 hours.

AVL data shows that 366A begins to respond from the Lowry neighborhood before being cancelled
by 353A, who was considerably closer (3700 E. Colorado Ave.). AVL data shows 353A remained
at that location for approximately five minutes then responded directly to the St. Paul address.
353A accounts for the short delay, explaining he was clearing a call he was previously assigned
of possible shots fired from a party at the E. Colorado Avenue location.

It was discovered that there were an additional eight units whose roll call began at 2100 hours.
None of those units were logged onto the CAD system, however, and thus not apparently available
to the dispatcher. District 3 Command later reported that the officers from the 2100 roll call were
engaged in required Taser training, accounting for the delay in availability.

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When reviewing the CAD notes and comparing those communications with the information aired
on Dispatch 3; the dispatcher provides responding units with the initial information, then gives no
further update for 13 minutes. The call taker did however note that there were COMMENTS TO
FOLLOW, indicating that there was additional information in regard to the Priority 1 call.

Over the span of the 13 minutes that elapsed between when the call to 2112 S. St. Paul was aired
and when unit 332A requests cover after reading the CAD notes; there are several CAD updates
that would likely prompt a Code-10 (emergency lights and siren) response.

The updates entered by the call taker and made available to the dispatcher were never aired.

Once 332A requests that his cover be stepped up; several officers respond to the location,
including officers out on other calls for service as well as those at the station having just completed
TASER training. At this point, the dispatcher begins airing updated information.

The response of the patrol officers was found to be reasonable and appropriate, given the limited
information that was aired by dispatch. There was information relayed by the caller to the call taker
that would have prompted an emergency response. The information which was constantly being
updated was not provided over the air to the patrol officers.

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