This document discusses the different types of premodifiers that can occur in a nominal phrase in English, including determiners, numerals, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositional phrases, gerunds, and clauses. It provides details on determiners, describing the main types like articles, pronouns, and their uses with singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns, and non-countable nouns. It also discusses the definite and indefinite articles, their uses with specific and generic reference for countable and non-countable nouns.
This document discusses the different types of premodifiers that can occur in a nominal phrase in English, including determiners, numerals, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositional phrases, gerunds, and clauses. It provides details on determiners, describing the main types like articles, pronouns, and their uses with singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns, and non-countable nouns. It also discusses the definite and indefinite articles, their uses with specific and generic reference for countable and non-countable nouns.
This document discusses the different types of premodifiers that can occur in a nominal phrase in English, including determiners, numerals, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositional phrases, gerunds, and clauses. It provides details on determiners, describing the main types like articles, pronouns, and their uses with singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns, and non-countable nouns. It also discusses the definite and indefinite articles, their uses with specific and generic reference for countable and non-countable nouns.
This document discusses the different types of premodifiers that can occur in a nominal phrase in English, including determiners, numerals, adjectives, nouns, adverbs, prepositional phrases, gerunds, and clauses. It provides details on determiners, describing the main types like articles, pronouns, and their uses with singular countable nouns, plural countable nouns, and non-countable nouns. It also discusses the definite and indefinite articles, their uses with specific and generic reference for countable and non-countable nouns.
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Syntax (final version)
Premodifiers in a nominal phrase are divided into 4 main sub-classes which normally occur in the following order: 1. Determiners and predeterminers 2. Numerals (cardinal and ordinal) 3. Adjectives (including participles in adjectival function) 4. Nouns
Besides the above 4 main sub-classes of premodifiers there are several minor sub-classes: 1. Adverbs (the above remark) 2. Prepositional phrases (an on-the-spot investigation) 3. Gerunds (a walking-stick) 4. Syntactic structures with an infinitive (a well-to-do person) 5. Co-ordinate structures (a life-and-death struggle) 6. Clauses ( a do-it-yourself kit) Determiners By the word determiner is meant the syntactical function of some parts of speech in nominal phrase structure. Determiners precede nouns either immediately or with certain types of words between. They prove that the headword they premodify is a noun & express more or less clearly a meaning of selection. For example: in my book, that big house, every day, some difficulties my, that, every, some indicate selection. Unlike Slovene determiners which agree with the noun they premodify in number, case & gender (e. g. Kateri tudent, katera tudentka, katero pero), English determiners are invariable with the exception of this these, that those, which show number agreement with the noun they premodify.
Determiners comprise: 1. The articles (the, a, an) 2. Pronouns in determiner (attributive) function: a) Demonstrative pronouns this, these; that, those b) Short possessive pronouns my, your, ones, etc. c) Interrogative and relative pronouns whose, what, which d) Indefinite pronouns some, few, all, every, etc.
According to their concord relation with the headword we distinguish determiners used with: a) Singular countable nouns (a, an, another, each, either, every, neither): a book, an apple, each child, every man, another week, neither proposal b) Plural countable nouns (these, those, both, few, many, several): these cars, those boys, both women, few playmates, many teachers, several days c) Singular countable nouns & non-countable nouns (this, that): this house, this wine, that place, that butter d) Plural countable nouns & non-countable nouns (some, any, more, most, such, all, a lot of): some students, some money, any suggestions, any time, more students, more money, most trees, most gold, such relatives, such knowledge, all workers, all paper, a lot of clothes, a lot of work e) Non-countable nouns (little, less, much): little hope, less money, much beer f) All nouns (the, my, our, your, his, her, its, their, what, which, whose, all, any, no, other, own, same): the book, the books; the lead, my bicycle, my friends, my silver, etc.
Articles (the = definite article ; a/an = indefinite article) The article is the most frequent kind of determiner in English. It is used as a clear-cut marker of the noun. It determines the noun-ness of the headword & contributes to its meaning as a noun. The article may be separated from its noun (headword) by other premodifiers, especially by adjectives: - A brave young man, the new grammar book
Specific & Generic Reference of the Articles (both articles may be used either with specific or generic reference) 1. Specific Reference a) If we say There is a dog in our garden, a signals a specific, yet unidentified specimen of the class dog. With indefinite specific reference the indefinite article a/an is used only with sg countable nouns, whereas pl countable nouns & non-countable nouns take some or the zero article: - I need (some) nails. He needs (some) rest. b) If we say The dog bit our postman, the signals a specific identified specimen. With definite specific reference the definite article the is used with sg & pl countable nouns & with sg non-countable nouns: - The dog is a domestic animal. The water is boiling.
2. Generic Reference In a general statement a concrete countable noun representing a class may be used with the, a/an or the zero article. Thus generic reference is expressed in the following three ways: - The dog is a domestic animal. - A dog is a domestic animal. - Dogs are domestic animals. Non-countable nouns with generic reference take the zero article: - History is his favourite subject. Cheese is made from milk.
The Definite Article
COUNTABLE NOUNS: The Specifying Definite Article & its Uses 1. When the speaker & the hearer or the writer & the reader know (from the situation) what particular person or thing, etc. is being referred to. Thus if the speaker says the girl, the hearer knows what he means. - Open the window. (the window of the rom we are in) - Can you pass me the lighter? (the lighter is now on the table) For the inhabitants of a city, e. g. the mayor is primarily their mayor, the river is their river (Londoners - the Thames). In such cases common nouns sometimes assume the character of proper nouns, e. g. The House (the House of Commons), the Queen (the present Queen of England), the Tower (the Tower of London). 2. When the noun is unique in its class: the sky, the moon, the sun, the world, the earth, the ground, etc. - The sun is getting warmer. The earth is millions of kilometres from the sun. 3. When the identification has been made in a previous sentence: - Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. The princess lived in a huge castle above the sea. The castle was surrounded by a high wall. The wall was made of brick. 4. Quite often when the identification is made by a postmodifying structure, e.g. a) By a prepositional phrase: - The wedding of their cousin; the workshops next to the railway station; the summer of 69 b) By a finite or non-finite relative clause: - This is the house where I was born. Who is the man sitting next to your sister? 5. When the identification is made by a premodifying structure, e.g. a) By a premodifying adjective in the superlative: - The best way The latest news b) By an ordinal numeral: - In the first place We were sitting in the fifth row c) By one of the following individualizing premodifiers: same, every, last, only, chief, principal - Peter and Mary were born on the same day. This is the only problem. A special case of the specifying definite article is furnished when the meaning the only, the best, proper premodifies a singular noun. As such it is stressed & pronounced in its strong form: - Robert is the man for the job. He is the authority in biology.
The Generic Definite Article & its Uses 1. The generic definite article is used before singular countable nouns when the reference is not to a definite individual but to a whole class. Frequently, but not always, a similar meaning can be expressed with the noun premodified by the indefinite article or with the noun in the plural with the zero article: - The scientist is concerned with facts. - A scientist is concerned with facts. - Scientists are concerned with facts.
However, we can say only: The telephone was invented by Bell. & not: A telephone was invented by Bell. Telephones were invented by Bell. 2. The same generic definite article is also found with: a) Names of musical instruments in expressions with to play, to learn: Can you play the piano? b) Some names of the parts of the day in adverbial expressions answering when?: In the morning / afternoon / evening; But: at night, at noon, by day, towards evening, until midnight.
NON-COUNTABLE NOUNS A. The Definite Article with Material Nouns 1. Material nouns are used with the definite article when a definite part of the substance is meant. In this case the noun is made definite either by the situation or by a postmodifier: - Could you pass me the salt, please? (it is on the table) The water from that well is icy cold.
B. The Definite Article with Abstract Nouns 1. The definite article precedes an abstract noun when the latter is not used in a generic sense but when it is specified in the usual way, i. e. by the situation or by a postmodifier, e. g. an of-phrase or a defining relative clause: The theory of relativity The amendment that he proposed was accepted. 2. The definite article is used before the names of the 4 cardinal points of the compass - the north, the south, the east & the west: - The British Isles are bounded on the north by the Atlantic and on the east by the North Sea. When used adverbially, they occur with the zero article: - They travelled north. The river runs south. Also: from east to west, from south to north 3. The definite article is used with adjectives converted into abstract nouns denoting some quality: - All the motions of the poets nature were towards the true, the natural, and the gentle. 4. The definite article precedes a gerund when the latter is postmodified by an of-phrase: - I was awakened by the twittering of the birds.
PROPER NAMES The definite article is used: a) Before family names in the plural to denote the whole family: The Smiths are our next-door neighbours. b) Before proper names in the plural denoting whole nations: The Germans have been at war with the French. c) With the names of persons premodified by adjectives or participles: The honourable Eric Alexander d) Before proper names when they are postmodified by a prepositional phrase or by a relative clause: - When he returned to his native country he did not find the Slovenia of his childhood. e) Before ordinal numerals in titles & dates, but it is usually dropped in writing: Richard III (Richard the Third) f) Before the names of newspapers & magazines if they are singular countable nouns: The Observer However when the name of a magazine is an abstract noun or when the common noun is premodified by a proper name in the possessive case, the zero article is used: Science and Art g) Before the names of ships & trains: The Titanic h) Before some names of buildings, institutions, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, etc. - The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre However, the zero article is used before names consisting of a proper name in premodifying function & a common noun, e. g. palace, park, street, avenue. They thus represent a new unit denoting the names of buildings, parks, streets, stations etc: Buckingham Palace Geographical names Though geographical names like all proper names are formally used with the zero article, the definite article is used in the following instances: a) Before the names of oceans, seas, channels, canals & rivers: The Atlantic Ocean The English Channel New names of rivers (in America) generally take the word river after the first element: The Hudson River However, the zero article is used before lake, cape, mount: Mount Everest But: the Crater Lake b) Before the names of mountain ranges: The Rockies Peaks are generally used with the zero article: Mont Blanc c) When one element of the compound geographical names is a common noun: The British Empire d) Before the names of the following territories & countries: The Mid West / Riviera / Midlands / Ruhr / Ukraine / Saar / Netherlands / Argentine e) Before the names of groups of islands & before the names of single islands when the word isle (island) precedes: The British Isles The Bahamas
The Adverbial Use of the Definite Article With comparatives the definite article is used adverbially, meaning im... The sooner the better
The Indefinite Article
COUNTABLE NOUNS The Indefinite Article with Numerical Force 1. The indefinite article has preserved some of its numerical force & is often equivalent to the cardinal numeral one. This numerical meaning is found: a) Before the numerals hundred, thousand, million & numerical nouns, e. g. dozen, score, gross, half, quarter. - She has bought a dozen handkerchiefs b) Before nouns denoting time, distance, weight, etc.: Rome was not built in a day When the above examples are pluralised, the indefinite article is replaced by the definite comeor a few: - Some (a few) miles c) After not & never: Not a word to anybody! d) In numerous prepositional phrases: Two at a time
The Specifying Indefinite Article 1. Closely resembling the indefinite article with numerical force is the specifying indefinite article. The numerical force in it is weakened, yet still present. The specifying indefinite article signals a single unspecified item of the class of things or living beings denoted by the noun. In this function, as well as the numerical one, the indefinite article corresponds to some (a few) when the noun is pluralised: - He has a friend in Canada. He has some (a few) friends in Canada. 2. The specifying indefinite article is often used after the expression there is (was, has been, will be), to introduce an unknown subject: There is a picture hanging over his desk. After the unknown subject has been introduced, it is considered as known & as such it is preceded by the specifying definite article in the references which follow: - There is a man at the door. The man has never been here before.
The Generic Indefinite Article 1. The generic indefinite article a/an assigns a thing or a living being to a class. It usually has the generalising meaning any, every. In this function a/an is replaced by the zero article when the noun is pluralised: A cat catches mice. Cats catch mice. --- (Any cat catches mice) 2. The generic indefinite article occurs before sg predicate nouns denoting occupation, rank, nationality, religion, party membership. A/an signals that the occupation, etc. in question can be held by more than one person at a time: Her father died a hero. Marys husband is a Frenchman. However, the zero article is used if the predicate noun denotes an occupation that is unique, i. e. that can be held by only one person at a time: Dr. Steward was appointed head-doctor. NON-COUNTABLE NOUNS 1. The use of the indefinite article a/an is a sign that the non-countable (abstract r concrete) noun is taken as a countable noun; it often denotes a kind of, an instance of, a piece of, etc.: What a pity!
PROPER NAMES 1. The indefinite article may occasionally be used before proper names. As such it a. Is equivalent to a certain (neki): A Mr. Brown wants to talk to you. b. Denotes the same qualities as the individual bearing the name in question: He has the mind of an Einstein. c. Denotes a thing made by the person bearing the name in question. Thus the proper noun has turned into a common noun: A Rubens will be sold by auction.
2. The indefinite article is often used in book titles, though they have the character of proper names: - An Introduction to Physics
3. The indefinite article is used in written formulas of good wishes before the names of holidays premodified by an adjective: With best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! But: With best wishes for Christmas and the New Year!
The Adverbial Use of A/AN The indefinite article is sometimes used in adverbial function, particularly with the verbs earn, cost, charge, pay, etc. The definite article can also be used in the same way: It costs a hundred dollars a ton (or the ton). He is paid two dollars a line (or the line) But: He is paid by line.
The Omission of the Article & the Zero Article 1. The omission of the article as a space saving device is very common in headlines, telegrams, lists & summaries: Embassy attacked 2. In a number of other instances, the non-use of the articles is not simple omission but claimed or favoured by idiomatic usage. In such cases the noun without the article is said to have the zero article.
PROPER NAMES The zero article occurs before: a) The names of persons & countries: Where is Fred? Welcome to Slovenia! b) Single mountain peaks: Triglav is the highest peak in the Julian Alps. c) The names of days, months, seasons (when thought of as natural phenomena) & holidays: We spent July and August in the country. However, the definite article is used with these nouns when they are postmodified e.g. by a prepositional phrase: The July of 1975 was very rainy. The zero article also occurs when the above nouns are premodified by last/next on condition the time is viewed from the present: They returned last Saturday. However, when last & next refer to a past or future starting point, the definite article is used: - We met on the last day of their vacation. Notice also the difference between: last time zadnji & the last time poslednji - Last time he came to see us we did not know that is was the last time we would see him. d) Abstract & concrete nouns when personified - they are capitalised: Fate, Fortune, Heaven, Providence
MATERIAL & ABSTRACT NOUNS The zero article occurs before: a) Material & abstract nouns when used in a generic sense. (Also when premodified by an adjective): - Life is worth living. But: The coal from that mine b) The names of languages when they are not followed by the noun language: - Can you speak French? But: The French language c) The names of games: To play basketball (football, tennis, baseball, etc. ) Do you play tennis? COUNTABLE NOUNS
Plural Countable Nouns The zero article occurs before plural countable nouns when they represent a whole class: - Women expect men to be brave.
Singular Countable Nouns The zero article occurs: a) When singular countable nouns are used in a material sense: - We had chicken for dinner. b) When they are used as predicate nouns in initial position: - Fool that he is, he thinks that traffic regulations do not concern him. c) When used as predicate nouns modified by adverbs to express the degree of quality: - He is more child than man. d) In enumerations: - Farm labourer, kitchen porter & pastry cook Arnold Wesker had done all these jobs before he became known as a dramatist e) In idiomatic expressions with pairs of nouns: heart & soul, mother & child, man & wife: - You need to learn it word for word. Also: face to face, step by step, point by point f) Before man and woman used in a generic sense: - Woman is physically weaker than man. g) Before nouns denoting meals unless we mean a special meal or contents of the meal: - What did you have for lunch? But: The dinner at the Savoy is very expensive. h) The nouns school, college, church, hospital, court, prison, jail, work, sea & some others when the reference is not to the place or building but to the activity going on there: - He was taken to hospital. But: The hospital is two miles from here. However, the nouns cinema, theatre, office, cathedral are always preceded by the definite article: - He went to the cinema. She is at the office. i) Before the noun town preceded by a preposition if it denotes the chief town, the nearest town or the town we live in: Arent you going to town tonight? j) Before names of familiar persons, e.g. members of the family, house-hold & the nouns doctor, teacher, etc. when they are directly addressed or spoken about: Come in Doctor.
The zero article occurs before nouns premodified by most (the majority of) when the noun is taken in a generic sense: - Most people find him very clever. The zero article normally occurs before adverbial superlatives, especially when no contrast is implied in the context: - Cactuses grow best in sandy soil.
Some Idiomatic Expressions with THE, A/AN & Zero Article Objects with the definite article - Clear the table ; make the beds ; play the fool Prepositional phrases with the definite article - By the way ; in the long run ; on the contrary ; on the whole Objects with the indefinite article - Take an interest in ; bear a grudge ; express a wish : come to an end ; make it a rule Prepositional phrases with the indefinite article - All of a sudden ; on a large scale ; for a change ; as a rile Objects with the zero article - Bear evidence ; give up hope ; lose patience ; make amends for ; send word ; shake hands Prepositional phrases with the zero article - By train/bus ; at sea/school/home/sunset/dinner ; in fact ; in debt ; put of sight Predeterminers All, both & half function as predeterminers because they occur before other determiners (with the exception of every, each, (n)either, some, any, no): All these trees Both those girls Half an hour Predeterminers themselves may be premodified. Thus in the nominal phrases: almost all these trees, almost half a pound, nearly all the time, it is the predeterminers that are premodified by almost & nearly, not the headword. Many, such & the exclamatory what are used as predeterminers in nominal phrases in which the determiner is the indefinite article: Such a nice girl Such & what function as determiners when premodifying a non-countable singular noun or a noun in the plural: - In such weather you cannot go out. What cakes!
Numerals Headwords in nominal phrases may be premodified by cardinal or ordinal numerals. The headword modified by a numeral is represented by a countable noun. As to their position, numerals follow the determiners & precede the adjectives. When the premodifier is a cardinal numeral, the headword usually agrees with it in number: one book, two books, twenty books
Cardinal numerals may be preceded by the definite article, by the demonstratives & by the possessives: - The three seats in the second row are ours. - Those three seats in the second row are ours. - Our three seats in the second row seem to be taken. As superlatives, ordinal numerals are almost always preceded by the definite article or by the possessives: - That was his first question. Numerals themselves may be premodified: - About fifty dollars, approximately seven days Ordinal & cardinal numerals may occur in the same nominal phrase in which case the ordinal numeral premodifies the cardinal one: Hemingways first two novels were a great success.
Adjectives The most important function of adjectives (including participles in adjectival function) is to describe or classify the headword in a nominal phrase. Present & past participles often premodify a noun unless they are themselves postmodified: - A lost child but a child lost in the woods As premodifiers in nominal phrases the present participle of intransitive verbs is mostly used: - We watched the glittering stars.
If there is more than one adjective premodifying the headword they usually occur in the following order: Determiner Numeral Adjective 1 Adjective 2 Adjective 3 Headword Articles, pronouns in determiner function: a, the, my, this, etc. First, last, five, etc. General description: nice, clever, lazy, tired, etc. Physical state: Size large Shape round Age young Temperature hot Colour - white Classifying nationality: English Religion: protestant Adj. In ic (-al): historic
Example: A fascinating new historical film
However, the above rules for the order of premodifying adjectives are not rigid; the position may vary for emphasis, or in cases where words like first, last or the diminutive little (emotionally coloured) are an integral part of the headword: - Their first sudden attack was repelled. His last public speech was a great success.
The order of adjective of the same class depends largely on emphasis, whereby the more emphatic adjective is placed close to the headword. Determiner Adj.2 Adj.2 H A small black kitten Adjectives & participles in adjectival function occurring as premodifiers in nominal phrases may themselves be premodified, mostly by adverbs of degree, called intensifiers. Some of them are: absolutely, almost, awfully, extremely, fairly, highly, less, more, pretty, quite, rather, really, terribly, very. - A very difficult task
Participles that have preserved their verbal character are not premodified by intensifiers but by adverbs of manner as verbs are: A carefully prepared seminar A hard-boiled egg
Adjectives functioning as premodifiers in nominal phrases are sometimes postmodified by an infinitive or an infinitival clause. In this case the adjective is separated from its postmodifier by the nominal headword: - This is a hard task to do (a task hard to do).
A premodifying adjective in the superlative degree may also be postmodified by an adjective in ble in which case also both elements are separated by the nominal headword: - The best solution possible
Premodified adjectives often precede other adjectives in a nominal phrase. Thus we say: - That almost unbelievable, grotesque story For adjectives used only as premodifiers (attributively) in a nominal phrases.
Nouns Nouns frequently function as premodifiers of nouns. Structures of this kind are: a) Those in which the premodifying noun occurs in the inflected (possessive) case: - A dogs life b) Those in which the premodifying noun occurs in the common case: - A dog biscuit If we compare the two sets of structures we can see that the inflected case can be substituted for by an of-phrase and the determiner (if there is one) goes then with the premodifying noun. On the other hand, the premodifying noun in the common case must be substituted for by another structure whereby the determiner goes with the headword, i.e. with the noun premodified: A dogs life --- the life of a dog A dog biscuit --- a biscuit for feeding dogs
Premodifying Nouns in the Inflected Case With reference to the headword the inflected genitive may denote some other meanings besides possession (my uncles bungalow = my uncle owns a bungalow). Thus it may occur as: a) Subjective genitive denoting the doer of an action - My friends departure can be paraphrased by my friend departed b) Objective genitive denoting the object of an action - The spys arrest can be paraphrased by they arrested the spy c) Genitive of measure - A moments silence can be paraphrased by the silence lasted a moment d) Genitive of origin - The old mans tale can be paraphrased by the old man was the author of the tale e) Classifying genitive - A boys school can be paraphrased by boys go to such schools
Premodifying Nouns in the Common Case A singular noun in the common case premodifying another noun is a peculiar feature of English. The premodifying noun is usually singular & bears a stronger stress than the headword: A shop where we buy books is a book shop
It is so common for a singular noun to function as a premodifier that occasionally the form without the plural s is used even when the noun has no singular: Pyjamas but a pyjama belt A plural noun can be used as premodifier when it is different in meaning from the singular noun, e.g.: - An Arts student ; a customs office ; an arms race - Also: the United Nations Organisation ; a greetings card ; a savings account ; a sports jacket Since this structure enables the user to achieve greater compression it is widely used in technical, scientific & in journalistic writing: A space research team meeting
In a number of cases the headword & its premodifying noun have amalgamated into a single word. The primary stress is on the 1 st element of the compound: A doorman ; a teacup ; moonlight ; a snowflake ; a postman
Noun premodification is alien to Slovene; English noun premodifiers are usually translated as adjectives or as nouns in the oblique case: An iron bridge - elezen most ; security council - varnostni svet
The nouns that modify other nouns derive from sentence patterns: The boy goes to school - a school boy
Thus with reference to the headword the premodifying noun can express different meanings. It may denote: a) The material of which something is made: A gold ring ; a silver spoon ; a stone wall A few names of materials have corresponding adjectives in en, which denote being made of: earthern, flaxen, hempen, wheaten, wooden, woolen b) The object of an action; in this case the headword is usually a noun of verbal origin derived from a transitive verb: A car driver, ; a road sweeper ; mail delivery ; a man eater c) The doer of an action; here the headword is usually a noun of verbal origin derived from an intransitive verb: A slave rebellion ; a student strike ; an enemy attack d) An adverbial meaning of time or place: - Spring time ; winter sports ; a night shift ; a country house ; bedroom slippers e) Gender; when the headword denotes a person or an animal: A woman/lady teacher ; a cock sparrow
Premodifying nouns should not be regarded as nouns converted into adjectives since unlike premodifying adjectives, they cannot be premodified by verbs of degree (intensifiers) nor can they be inflected for the comparative or superlative degree: *A very evening course *A most evening course
Only occasionally do premodifying nouns behave as if converted into adjectives. They can then be followed by the pro-word one which clearly indicates their adjectival character: A concrete wall and a brick one
Nouns functioning as premodifiers in nominal phrases may themselves be: a) Premodified: A late afternoon walk b) Postmodified: A wall-to-wall carpet c) Both: The Swedish-Road-to Socialism draft
In a premodifying structure consisting of a cardinal numeral & a noun, the latter is normally in the singular. Only rarely does it occur in the plural possessive case with an apostrophe or without it: - A three week holiday a three weeks holiday
Quite often there are two nouns preceding the headword. Such structures transform into different patterns: a) The 1 st two nouns function as a unit premodifying the headword within the larger nominal phrase: - Home market prices A life insurancy policy Similarly: A fruit salad bowl a summer school programme b) The nouns premodify the same headword: - A paper book marker A silver cigarette box
Ambiguous examples: In some cases nominal phrases are ambiguous & can be analysed in 2 different ways, e.g. a London newspaper reporter & a city bus route could be understood to mean: a) A London newspaper reporter A city bus route b) A London newspaper reporter A city bus route MINOR SUB-CLASSES OF PREMODIFIERS
Adverbs Adverbs, though more usual in postmodifying function, also occur as premodifiers in nominal phrases with a very limited range of headwords: The above paragraph A nearby park About, almost, approximately, nearby, rather, quite & emphatic adverbs (even, exactly) premodify entire nominal phrases: Almost an hour Rather an interesting talk
Prepositional phrases Though prepositional phrases normally postmodify the headword of a nominal phrase, they occasionally occur as premodifiers, particularly in newspaper style. The premodifying structure is hyphenated to denote its unity: - Post-operation treatment An on-the-spot investigation
Gerunds Gerunds may also occur as premodifiers in nominal phrases. In this case the heavy stress is normally on the gerund. A gerund in premodifying function can never be premodified itself: - A shopping centre *a very shopping centre Stress is the only criterion for distinguishing a premodifying gerund from a premodifying participle in the following examples: - A dancing master a master for dancing - A dancing master a master who is dancing In the former case the primary stress is on dancing (the gerund), in the latter there is a level stress on dancing (the participle) & on master.
Syntactic structures containing an Infinitive The elements of the premodifying structure are hyphenated to denote its unity: - A never-to-be-forgotten experience A hard-to-please woman
Co-ordinate Structures Also the elements of the co-ordinate structure are usually hyphenated to denote its unity: A life-and-death struggle
Clauses Even finite clauses may occasionally occur as premodifiers in nominal phrases. And again the elements of the premodifying clause are hyphenated to denote its unity - A get-rich-quick scheme. He has a devil-may-care Character.
Chapter 6: POSTMODIFIERS IN A NOMINAL PHRASE PostM are items that follow the headword & limit/restrict it to a smaller number of persons/things. They are either: - phrases (PP, NP, apposition, adjective, adverb, cardinal number) or - clauses (infinitives, infinitival clauses, participles, participial clauses, adjectival clauses)
Phrases: 1. Prepositional phrases - The most common post-modifier in nominal phrases - derived from relative clauses: The little boy who is on the swing = the little boy ON THE SWING - the object in a PP is often a gerund or a gerundial clause: his intention OF MARRYING - the OF-phrase is the most common & can denote various relations to the headword: Possession: the furniture of the old couple H = doer of the action: the decision of the board H = object of the action: the change of habits Quality/characteristic of the H: a pile of wood Apposition to the H: the city of York - there can be more in a row: the house at the end of the road 2. Nominal phrase - often derived from PP, but the preposition of has been dropped (nouns denoting AGE, COLOUR, SIZE, PRICE) a dress of that size = a dress THAT SIZE
3. Apposition - is a postmodifier that gives the H another name - can be either LOOSE or CLOSE - LOOSE: separated by commas, has its own stress: Mr Brown, the theatre reviewer, liked the play - CLOSE: no commas, closely connected to the H, never preceded by an article or determiner (Exception: ordinal numbers): the product Polythene they all General Jackson (title/geographical name + proper name)
4. Adverbs - only adverbs of TIME & PLACE act as postmodifiers - also often derived from relative clauses: The hills that are bellow = the hills bellow - can be preM: the woman down there
5. Adjectives - are postmodifiers in 4 CASES: o Titles/phrases of French and Latin origin: Poet Laureate, Secretary General o Coordinating conjunctions: old but/and comfortable o When postmodified by a PP phrase: the nation eager for change o sometimes they can act both as preM & postM, but the meaning of the same adjective varies according to its position: a concerned mother VS the student concerned
6. Cardinal numbers - used for identifying and/or naming: chapter two, World War One
Clauses: - Infinitives & infinitival clauses - can postmodify almost any noun: there is no time TO SPARE - to-infinitive: postM nouns that are preM by superlatives, ordinal numbers or 'only/last/next' Who is the best man to advise in this situation? - Can postmodify indefinite pronouns 'somebody/something/nothing/anyone/everything' You have nothing to worry about. - A FOR-phrase can be used to indicate the subject of the infinitive: It is illegal for men and women to sit together.
- Participles & participial clauses - are postmodifiers when they retain verbal characteristics PRESENT PARTICIPLE: Action performed by the H: This is Mr. Black speaking. (Hello from Azkaban, Harry. :D) Predicator in a participial clause: The woman cleaning the table is Mary. derived from a relative clause: a letter which announces his arrival = a letter announcing his arrival with 'there is/are' & 'here is/are': There is a bus coming.
PAST PARTICIPLE: single past participle often denotes a result: A penny saved is a penny gained. a past participial clause (transformed relative clause): Books (that are) published for children should be illustrated.
- Adjectival clauses - NON-RELATIVE: introduced by temporal conjunctions 'after/before/until/when/while': The weeks while you were away dragged slowly. - RELATIVE: 1.) Non-restrictive provide extra (not necessary) information, separated by commas (if we omit the commas, the meaning changes!) introduced by relative pronouns 'who/whose/whom/which' & the adverb 'where': Ms. Thompson, from whom I bought the flowers, said they should grow fine in this climate. relative pronouns & adverbs are never replaced by the zero marker, even if they are not the subject of their clause. 'whom' is commonly used, while the possessive 'whose' is often replaced with 'of which': He mentioned a Shakespearean sonnet, the title of which has escaped my attention. the preposition usually precedes the pronoun: Our granny, of whom we were very fond, died unexpectedly.
*** Continuative clauses: special type of non-restrictive relative clauses with a co-ordinating function.
pronouns 'who/which' & the adverb 'where' are used instead of 'and he/and it/and this...'. Thus a continuative clause stands for a co-ordinate clause linked to the 1 st clause by the copulative conjunction 'and'. He resorted to a lie, which (and this) led to disastrous consequences.
2.) Restrictive: limit the meaning of the antecedent by providing essential information, not separated by commas & cannot be omitted: A student who speaks 3 languages can be a tourist guide. Q: What kind of student can be a tourist guide? One who speaks...
They are introduced by relative pronouns, relative adverbs & the zero relative. o Relative pronouns (who/whom/whose/which/that...): act as conjunctions or independent elements (S, DO, A) in the clause: The girl was born in America The girl (S) is an interpreter. The girl who works as interpreter (S) was born in America. in prepositional restrictive clauses the preposition is usually separated from its object & put at the end of the clause: The book which I am speaking about. the relative 'that' can never be preceded by a preposition! however, when the preposition does not depend on the verb it is never separated from its object: The trade union set a few conditions. The negotiations could start on these conditions. o Relative adverbs (where/why): This is the place where we were born. Why is only used in this function after the noun 'reason': Give me a good reason why I should refuse a drink. **'why' may also be analysed as the interrogative adverb 'why' introducing an appositive clause postmodifying the noun 'reason'. o The zero relative (contact clauses): they are called contact clauses because they are more closely connected to the H than when who/which/whom/that are used. Common in colloquial style. The boy you saw is our janitor's son. (whom you saw) occurs if the relatives who/whom/which/that function as objects: All I want is a plain answer to my question. (All that I want...)
** In prepositional contact clauses the preposition is usually placed at the end of the clause: This is the nephew I was telling you about. (about whom I was telling...) if the relative pronoun refers to some quality expressed by the predicate noun: He was not the fool (that) they thought him. if the relative pronoun functions as the subject of a clause containing 'there is/there are': I took the last cookie (that) there was on the shelf. it can occur instead of the adverb 'why': The reason (why) he did it is unknown. however it cannot replace the relative 'where': The place where (in which) he lives is about 20 miles away. =/= *The place he lives is about... - THE RELATIVE PRONOUN 'THAT' (ostali izpueni, ker se ponavljajo v drugih poglavjih, sicer so na straneh 152-157) can only be used in restrictive relative clauses, refers only to nouns (never to a whole clause), it is never preceded by a comma or a preposition. used when the antecedent is premodified by a superlative or ordinal numeral + 'the last': He is the biggest snob that ever walked the earth. when the antecedent is an indefinite pronoun (something/anything/nothing...), or when it is premodified by an indefinite determiner pronoun (all/any/little/much/no): Give me sth that will stop my headache. after it is/it was/he is/she is/he was/she was when the antecedent is a predicate noun: It is the early bird that catches the worm. in reference to 'same' when used as a determiner ('as' is also used) while 'same in nominal function is mostly followed by 'as': This is the same tune that/as I heard last night. commonly used when the reference is on both personal & non-personal antecedents: The men and cities that had most attracted us were those in Greece. *** In relative clauses introduced by a preposition, 'which' must be used instead of 'that' after a mixed antecedent: The men and the equipment for which the leader would be responsible had to be selected carefully. 'that' cannot introduce non-restrictive relative clauses. We cannot say: Madeleine's mother, that is French, speaks perfect English.
Chapter 7: PREMODIFIERS IN ADJECTIVAL PHRASES Premodifiers in adjectival phrases are expressed by: 1. Adverbs of degree (intensifiers) They strengthen/intensify the meaning of an adjective very, fairly, quite, rather, really, so, too, more & most (the last two denote the comparative & superlative degree) Some denote emotional colouring: awfully, beastly, dreadfully, frightfully, mighty, pretty, terribly... informal style Pauls wife is very/exceedingly/fairly/quite/remarkably attractive The day was awfully/frightfully/terribly cold. The adjectival (& adverbial) headword in the comparative degree may be premodified by: a bit, just/quite a bit, far, a lot, a great/good deal, a little, much, no, slightly, somewhat, still: This morning he arrived a good deal better.
Very: Premodifies adjectives, present & past participles in adjectival function & adverbs. May also be used as an adjective: This is the very thing I expected you to do. Much: Premodifies adjectives & adverbs in the comparative degree (much better, faster... ) & those past participles that have preserved their verbal character: I am much obliged to you. BUT very is gaining ground: He was very (much) concerned to hear it. Fairly & Rather (same meaning, different application): Fairly = moderately, to some extent (Dokaj) normally used with words of pleasant meaning: The play was fairly good. Rather (Precej) normally with words not favourable in meaning: I was rather tired.
NOTE: Only rather can be used with the comparative degree. Context- the same word can have both favourable & unfavourable meaning: This knife is fairly sharp. Youll be able to carve the meat with it. Vs. Mind your fingers, this knife is rather sharp.
2. Qualitative adverbs Beautifully, curiously, decidedly, increasingly, nicely, relatively, strangely, unexpectedly Often suggest degree to some extent. The living room was beautifully warm. The winter was unexpectedly mild. They are both equally right.
3. Adjectives and participles Adjectives & participles as premodifiers belong to set phrases: icy cold, steaming hot, freezing cold, dazzling white, soaking wet
4. Nouns / Nominal phrases Used adverbially when premodifying adjectives. The number of nouns used this way is limited some set expressions. Adjectival phrases with noun premodifiers express: Adverbial relations of time: age long, life long Adverbial relations of comparison: navy blue, straw yellow, sky blue, silver grey, paper white, snow white, dog tired... Degrees of quality: skin deep, mountain high, a bit (complex NP) longer such adjectival phrases can be used as PreM in NPs usually hyphenated (compounds): A life-long struggle, his paper-white face ...
Nouns can also premodify adjectives denoting distance, age & size: The canal is 20 metres wide. The journey was three hours long. ( BUT: a twenty-metre wide canal, three-hour long journey)
In colloquial English THIS/THAT are also used as PreM: Its about this high. It wasnt all that funny.
POSTMODIFIERS IN ADJECTIVAL PHRASES They are expressed by: 1) The adverb enough (the only intensifier in PostM function): Are you warm enough? 2) Prepositional phrases Adjectival phrases with postmodifiers expressed by prepositional phrases usually function as subject complements. Some adjectives may be postmodified by several different prepositions.
ABOUT: concerned about ones health ; enthusiastic about/over the proposal AGAINST: secure against attack AT: alarmed at the news ; angry/mad at somebody ; bad/good at sports ; astonished at the success ; quick at figures ; surprised at somebodys hospitality... BY: younger by two years ; colder by five degrees ; faster by a few minutes ( prepositional phrases introduced by BY are common postmodifiers in the comparative degree, the prepositional phrase can be replaced by the nominal phrase in preM function: two years younger) FOR: bound for America ; eager for news ; fit for use ; ready for the journey ; sorry for the delay FROM: apart from the others ; absent from the class ; different from ; far from ; safe from IN: advanced in years ; abundant in resources ; engaged in a project ; honest in intentions ; interested in sports ; proficient in English OF: afraid of ; ashamed of ; aware of ; certain of ; free of ; full of hope ; guilty of a crime ; jealous of ; proud of ; typical of ; worthy of ON: dependent on ; intent on ; keen on TO: accostumed to ; close to ; deaf to reason ; inferior to somebody ; rude to somebody ; sensitive to criticism ; true to nature WITH: acquainted with ; busy with ; close with ; content with ; delighted with ; ill with flu ; intimate with a friend ; pleased with pupils...
Prepositional phrases may also have any a gerund or a gerundial clause as an object: John is fond of dancing.
Infinitives & infinitival clauses Adjectives postmodified by an infinitive/infinitival clause denote attitude pleasure, surprise, annoyance (afraid, amazed, angry, amused, careful, curious, eager, fortunate, happy, pleased, proud, sad, shocked, sorry...) I was delighted to hear of your success. To avoid the repetition of the infinitive, the latter is often reduced to to after glad, happy, sorry, pleased: Will you teach him to swim? Ill be glad to.
Eager vs. easy John is eager to please (the subject of the main clause and of the infinitival clause is the same: John is eager. John pleases.) John is easy to please. ( the subject of the of the main clause and of the infinitival clause are different: To please John is easy. Other easy type adjectives: convenient, dangerous, difficult, fine, good, hard, impossible, pleasant)
The infinitive may be accompanied by a preposition: Johns girlfriend is pleasant to look at. It often postmodifies adjectives that are premodified by too, implying result: The man was too old to start a new job. Enough + to-infinitive marks the amount of sth required for the action to be realised: The milk was cool enough to drink. Occasionally a for-phrase indicates the subject of the infinitive: The milk was too hot for the child to drink.
That-clauses Some adjectives can be postmodified by a that-clause: afraid, angry, annoyed, anxious, astonished, aware, certain, confident, conscious, desirous, glad, grateful, happy, pleased, positive, proud, satisfied, sorry, sure for example: I am confident that you will succeed.
After a number of adjectives expressing emotion (afraid, angry etc.) that-clauses express cause or reason: I am glad that you are well again. ( Im glad because youre well again) If a that-clause is replaced by a NP, the latter must be preceded by a preposition: Im afraid that the dog might bite the baby. Im afraid OF the dog. That clause + adjectives expressing impatience or indignation may contain either the indicative mood or the modal should: I am angry that he behaves/he should behave so foolishly. After some adjectives expressing emotion the use of THAT is optional: Im afraid (that) weve come too late.
Most adjectives expressing emotion may be followed by different structures. Sorry + a prepositional phrase: Im sorry for the delay. Sorry + an infinitive/infinitival clause: Im sorry to be late. Sorry + that clause: I am sorry that I wont be able to see you.
Dependent Questions They can postmodify only a few adjectives (often occurring in negative & interrogative sentences): We are curious what decision he will take. I am not sure whether he managed to book the flight. Chapter 8: THE ADVERBIAL PHRASE Premodifiers in adverbial phrases 1) Intensifiers (& qualitative adverbs) the same as in adjectival phrases: Your engine is running very / absolutely / fairly / perfectly smoothly. 2) Adverbs of time & place, such as around, close, nearly, shortly, soon, straight, down, far. They are restricted to particular adverbial words: Jack is very popular around here. ALSO: close by, down there, far ahead, far below, nearly always, over there, right now/away/here, shortly afterwards, soon after, straight ahead 3) Nominal phrases primarily before adverbs of time or place: Two months afterwards, an hour later, several weeks later, the day before, a mile ahead, a long way behind
Postmodifiers in adverbial phrases
1. The adverb enough: He spoke distinctly enough. 2. Prepositional phrases (functioning as apposition to the headword): They would like to stay here in Ljubljana. The restaurant is over there near the bridge. 3. Infinitives/infinitival clauses, particularly when the headword is premodified by too or postmodified by enough You work too slowly to finish on time. She knew French well enough to read books. For-phrase occasionally indicates the subject: There was nowhere for me to put anything. 4. Clauses introduced by as: Expressing cause: Incessantly as she talked she made me nervous. Expressing concession: Quickly as she reacted he still could not prevent the collision.
Translating Slovene adverbs into English domnevno to be supposed gotovo to be sure nikakor, nemogoe not possibly sluajno to happen, to chance tako (adverb of manner) thus, in this way, like this, like that tako (adverb of degree) so
A preposition shows the relationship between its object & some other word in the structure. Prepositions are invariable; they are identified by their position. They govern the objective case of the word they are connected to. The objective case is only in 6 pronominal forms: me, him, her, us, them, whom. A word is classified as a preposition if it can be followed by a personal pronoun in the objective case: A book by him. However, an English noun functioning as an object to a preposition occurs only in the common case. A Slovene noun in this function can occur in any case except the nominative: He went to the dentists (to him). SLO: el je k zobozdravniku. (dative) The function of English prepositions is often about the same as that of inflections in Slovene: the roof of the house SLO: streha hie An English preposition alone may perform the same function as a Slovene preposition together with the case inflection added to the noun: He turned to the audience SLO: Obrnil se je k poslualcem.
Morphemic structure of prepositions 1. Simple prepositions (at, by, for, from, in, of, off, over, through, till, to, with) 2. Compound prepositions ( inside, into, outside, towards, without) 3. Phrasal prepositions consist of either: a) Noun preceded & followed by a preposition (by means of, by way of, in case of, in addition to, in comparison with, in front of, in spite of) b) An adjective (participle) + a preposition (according to, close to, next to, opposite to) 4. Participial prepositions converted from participles (concerning, considering, during, excepting)
Prepositions converted from adverbs Homonymous with adverbs aboard, about, above, across, after, along, around, before, behind, below, beneath, between, beyond, by, down, in, inside, near, off, outside, over, past, since, through, throughout, under, within... Adverb vs. Preposition: The sky abovewas without a cloud. Vs. The sky aboveus was quite clear. I have never been there before. Vs. I had never been there before that. Its time to go in. Vs. I left my coat in the cloak-room.
NOTE: After, before, since can also be used as conjunctions (Dont take leave before the other guests have arrived.) Till & until are used as prepositions & conjunctions (They danced till they were almost breathless.) As, but, than (conjunctions) may be regarded as prepositions when followed by a noun in the objective case (She is as old as me.)
The prepositional phrase a preposition + the object of the preposition = prepositional phrase The object of a preposition can be: A noun (after midnight), a pronoun (with you), a numeral (by seven), an adjective in set phrases (in short), an adverb (by then), another prepositional phrase (from under the floor), a gerundial clause (for being late again), an infinitival clause introduced by an interrogative pronoun or adverb (the question of how to do it), a finite clause (It all depends on when we start). Verbs that normally require a preposition often dispense with it before a finite clause: Insist on I insist that she should get a reward. Sometimes, the introductory object it or the nouns the fact, the circumstance function as an object to a preposition: You must take account of the fact that the author is very young.
Prepositions & stress Usually weakly stressed. They acquire more stress & are used in their strong form: Before an unstressed pronoun: He didnt go with us. In the final position: What are you looking for? When expressing contrast: The book was in the desk, not on it. The preposition OFF is always strongly stressed!
Positions of prepositions Usually right before the word they are connected to. Sometimes, they are shifted to the end of a sentence or clause the prepositional phrase is broken up.
The end preposition is an idiomatic structure of English: 1) Must follow the predicator in passive structures: The doctor was sent for. In passive structures, prepositions may occur without expressed objects. 2) In direct & indirect wh- questions: Where are you from? Initial position formal style (From where are you?) In some cases it cannot be shifted: On whose behalf are you talking? Note: Elliptical sentences: Ive been playing tennis. Who with? In elliptical sentences expressing incredulity or indignation not shifted: John had lunch with your girlfriend. With whom? 3) In restrictive relative clauses (the relative pronoun is normally omitted): This is the man we spoke of yesterday. Note: In non-restrictive relative clauses the preposition is never separated from its object. 4) When the object of the preposition is placed at the head of the sentence (emphasis): This I do not approve of. The meaning of individual prepositions A vague lexical meaning location, destination, direction of motion, time, manner ... Many prepositions are polysemantic widely used occur in different meanings (in the morning time / in school place). Some prepositions occur only in expressions denoting: TIME (after, during, past, since), PLACE (among, behind, beside), CAUSE OR REASON (because of, due to, thanks to), COMPARISON (contrary to, in accordance with), CONCESSION (in spite of, despite of), CONDITION (in case of), PURPOSE (for), RESTRICTION (with regard to, in relation to), INSTRUMENT (by means of), REPLACEMENT (instead of), EXCEPTION (except, for, but) The choice of the correct preposition is a matter of current idiomatic usage!
AT Denotes: 1. A definite place: at the corner 2. A definite point of time: at nine oclock 3. Degree, amount, price, value: at boiling point A prepositional phrase headed by at is used: 1. To denote an action directed at somebody or something: look at somebody, jump at an offer 2. With the verb be to denote state: to be at battle, to be at peace
BY Denotes: 1. The means: answer by letter 2. The manner: learn by heart, do something by accident 3. The agent in the passive voice: He was seized by the police. 4. TIME not later than: by Sunday / during: by night 5. PLACE near: the house by the river / past: We walked by the house. 6. Distributive sense: divide by, be paid by the hour, day by day Note: He is taller than his father by a head.
FOR A prepositional phrase headed by for is used: 1. With the meaning for the benefit of, in favour of the recipient: he will do anything for you. 2. To express adverbial relations of: Duration: for the past three days Distance: run for a mile Direction: the train for London Purpose: travel for pleasure Cause/reason: be famous for Concession: For all his nice words he is not to be trusted. 3. To introduce the subject in infinitival clauses: It is impossible for us to decide. 4. After verbs: ask, care, hope, long, look, mourn, seek, sigh, take, wait, wish 5. In set phrases: for ever, for good, for instance, for example, for this purpose, for the time being
FROM Denotes: 1. The origin/ starting point: to rise from a chair 2. Cause or reason: suffer from the cold 3. Separation, prevention, protection: abstain from alcohol, recover from an illness, differ from A prepositional phrase headed by from is used after the verb make to denote the change of a substance in the course of processing: Bread is made from wheat.
IN Denotes: 1. A position within an enclosed space or a specified area: in the house, in the sky *IN vs. AT in is used in reference to bigger towns, the place where the speaker is, in the sense within the area ; at is used for smaller towns, suburbs, to a definite place within an area He lives in Ljubljana but she lives at Bled. 2. Time: in May, in the spring A prepositional phrase headed by in is used: 1. After certain verbs (believe, deal, delight, end, engage, fail, participate, persist, result, split) 2. Set phrases denoting state, manner (in fact, in addition, in general, in particular, in vain, in a word, in my opinion)
INTO A prepositional phrase headed with into denotes either direction to the inside or transition to another state: Break into a house. Look into the matter.
OF Devoid of any lexical meaning empty preposition Denotes: 1. Origin: a word of Latin origin 2. Possession: the owner of the house It is used after certain verbs (accuse, approve, assure, boast, complain, consist, die, remind, talk, think)
ON Denotes: 1. Place & position: on the bed 2. Dates: on 29 th December Temporal & local meaning overlap each other in expressions like: to be on duty, on the way home. 3. A state or action: on the air, on TV, on average, on contrary, on the other hand It is used after certain verbs (agree, border, call, count, decide, draw, dwell, feed, insist) Sometimes has the meaning ABOUT: He delivered a lecture on Shakespeare.
TO Denotes: 1. Direction: fall to the ground, go to school 2. Time: from eleven to twelve 3. Comparison, proportion & other adverbial relations: to a high degree, face to face, to my surprise It is used after some verbs (adjust, admit, apply, ask, aspire, conform, listen, subscribe) Note: The only verb form that follows the preposition to is the gerund: I am looking forward to seeing you.
WITH Denotes: 1. Means or instrument: The fire was put out with water. 2. Association with: He lives with his parents. 3. Cause or reason: He is shivering with cold. 4. Possession, characteristics, manner: a girl with dark hair It is used after some verbs (agree, coincide, break, deal, interfere, mingle, part)
Syntactical functions of prepositional phrases Phrase structure: - A headword (takes modifiers): right in the centre, hopelessly in love - Postmodifier in nominal phrases: the department of English - Premodifier in nominal phrases (rarely, usually hyphenated): an after-dinner nap - Postmodifier in adjectival phrases: afraid of dogs - Postmodifier in adverbial phrases: there in the corner
Sentence structure: 1. A second object to a verb having a direct object: They accused him (DO) of theft (second object). 2. Subject complement: She was at a loss. 3. Object complement: They found him in good health. 4. Adjunct: He stood before the fire. 5. Subject: After your arrival will be soon enough. Chapter 11: THE SENTENCE
Sentence Elements and the Ways of Realising Them The Subject (S) The main principles of identifying the subject: - Realised by a NP or any other structure in nominal function - When referring to persons it can be replaced by a NP with a personal pronoun in the subjective case at H - It is in number agreement with the predicator - In statements normally precedes the predicator, in questions it follows it. Note: The subject (with few exceptions) must always be expressed in English sentences.
The ways of realising the subject: a) Simple/complex nominal phrases Mary laughed heartily. The old woman living in the basement needs help. b) Co-ordinated nominal structures A needle or a pin will do. c) The introductory there Used to introduce the real subject which is usually indefinite. Therewas no doubt (=S) about that. d) Adverbial & prepositional phrases (rarely function as the S) Now is the time to make holiday plans. Under the stairs is no place for keeping old clothes. (Mainly classified as S according to position) Note: Adverbial & prepositional phrases function as S primarily in answers to questions: Will you go for another ride with Bill? Oncewas enough; he drives like a maniac! e) Finite nominal clauses Whether he is honest remains to be seen. Why he has sold all his property is a mystery. f) Infinitives or infinitival clauses To err is human, to forgivedivine. To make both ends meet is hardly possible. Note: Cases when the infinitival clause functioning as the S follows the predicator are much more common. In these cases, the sentence opens with the introductory it & the infinitival clause forms the apposed subject: It is impossible to make both ends meet. g) Gerunds or gerundial clauses Mainly found in literary English. Seeing is believing. Dancing has not begun yet. A gerundial clause is more common than a simple gerund: Travelling by sea made me sick. Again, the structure with the introductory it is common: It is foolish behaving like that.
The use of an infinitival or gerundial structure as subject: If an action is being considered in a general sense, either an infinitival or gerundial clause can be the S: It is easier to read German than to speak it. Reading German is easier than speaking it. In reference to one particular action, the prevailing tendency is to use the infinitive: To refuse was impossible; I was unemployed when he offered me a job. To express permanent, habitual & recurring actions, the gerund is used: Eating between meals is bad for the figure.
The Predicator (P) The main principles of identifying the predicator: - Always realised by a VP (finite or non-finite verbal phrase) - Position in statements: Usually after the S: The children played. - In questions, the operator precedes the S: Did the children play? - It precedes the objects & complements - It may precede the adverbial adjunct (although its position varies considerably).
- The predicator is dependent on the S Agreement between the S and P. - The predicator is sometimes omitted (most frequent in colloquial & spoken English): That your husband? A finite verbal form is always the P in a clause, while a non-finite verbal form can also occur as elements in phrase & in sentence structure. Complements Most verbs require a complement to complete their meaning: Mr. Brown is... (a nice man.) The milk turned... (sour.) Complements are traditionally subdivided into: SCs, DOs & IOs, OCs & objects to prepositional verbs (=prep. objects). The type of complement required is determined by the nature of the verb: - A linking verb (copula) is followed by a SC - A transitive verb takes a DO - A ditransitive verb takes an IO & a DO - A complex transitive verb takes a DO & an OC - A prepositional verb is followed by a prepositional object
The Subject Complement (SC) The main principles of identifying the SC: - It follows a linking verb (copula) - Mainly represented by an AdjP or a NP. - Normally follows the pattern: S - P - SC - Sentences with a SC cannot undergo passive transformation
The ways of realising the SC: a) Adjectival phrases: The headword of an AdjP may be: - An adjective: The journey was quite pleasant. - A present participle: After linking verbs: The speech sounds convincing. After intransitive verbs expressing position or motion: He sat at his desk writing. She came running. After verbs of perception & verbs such as catch, find, & keep in passive transforms: The girls were heard crying. He was caught stealing. The verbs spend & waste if their object contains the noun time or some other nominal expression of time: He wastes time chattering. We spend the weekends skiing. - A past participle Linking verbs & verbs expressing position/motion: The town appeared abandoned. He returned tired. Some verbs in the passive: The wolf was found shot behind the bushes. Note: The participles in the above sentences can also be analysed as second predicators. b) Nominal phrases: - Has the same identity as the subject: Paul is a good student. - Occasionally the SC is introduced by as: He went out as captain. Note: The following sentence is not the same type because it does not contain a linking verb: He fought as a lion. It can be expanded: He fought as a lion fights. (=an adjunct) - NPs with a pronoun at H are rarely used as SC: The money he lost was hers. Whos there? Its me. - The SC is occasionally expressed by it or so & referring to a previously mentioned thought or fact. In such cases so is used as a pronoun & is associated with the verbs: be, become, keep, remain, seem.: This is it. It is very warm. I hope it will remain so. - NPs with a numeral at H sometimes occur as SCs: We were only seven. / He arrived second. c) Adverbial & prepositional phrases: - Occasionally realised by an AdvP or PrepP dentoing a state (not adverbial relations of place, time, etc.): Our vacation is almost over. / The negotiations are at a standstill. d) Infinitives or infinitival clauses: - The linking verb be is by far most common in such constructions - The infinitive occurring as the SC explains the meaning of the S of the sentence - A limited set of nouns denoting abstract notions can occur as S in this structure: act, advice, aim, ambition, experience, function, habit, object, plan, policy, practice, problem, task, way, wish, etc His aim is to win. / His wish is to stay. My advice is to keep your mouth shut. - The bare infinitive can be used after the subjects: all/the least/the most one can do All I wanted to do was cut the formalities short. - The S of the infinitive may be expressed by the structure: for + (pro) noun The affair is not for you to judge. - Note: An infinitive or an infinitival clause can be both the S & SC of a clause: To decide (=S) is to act (=SC). e) Gerunds or gerundial clauses: - Not frequent, occurs mostly after be: Deciding is acting. / His job was tending a bar. f) Finite nominal clauses: The trouble is that he has no money left. This is what he told me.
The Direct Object (DO) The receiver of action expressed by the P.
The main principles of expressing the DO: - Realised by a NP or any structure in nominal function - When referring to persons it can be replaced by a NP with a personal pronoun in the objective case at H
- Position: Normally immediately after the P (if there is no IO in the sentence) - It becomes the subject of passive transformations Note: The arrangement of the sentence elements S - P - DO is the basic sentence structure. Changing this sequence means changing the meaning of a sentence. Cf. Slovene where the distinction is made on the basis of case inflections: The horse kicked the rider. (Konj je brcnil jezdeca. But also: J ezdeca je brcnil konj.) The rider kicked the horse. (Jezdec je brcnil konja. But also: Konja je brcnil jezdec.)
The ways of realising the DO: a) Nominal phrases: We met Bill. / He took his wifeto the concert. - The H may be expressed by a pronoun: He hit himself with a bat. / Tell me something. - Note: An English DO may correspond to a Slovene object in the accusative, dative, or genitive case or to a prepositional object: I broke the vase. Razbil sem vazo. We do not trust them. Ne zaupamo jim. I do not remember his name. Ne spominjam se njegovega imena. Mind the step. Pazi na stopnico. b) Infinitives or infinitival clauses: He helped her (to) wash the dishes. - Some verbs are followed by a NP + infinitive, the intervening NP functioning as S to the infinitive: He asked everyone (= O/S) to come to the party. - After verbs such as ask, consider, find out, know, see, wonder... an interrogative pronoun/adverb or whether (if) + infinitive function as non-finite object clauses: How do you know which button to press? (...which button you have to press.) Ask the policeman how to get there. ( we can get there.) Note: After learn, how may be used or omitted without any change in meaning: You should learn (how) to ride a horse. After forget, the insertion of how before the infinitive results in a change of meaning: Ive forgotten how to do it. / Ive forgotten to do it. c) Gerunds or gerundial clauses: He likes skating. / Have you finished reading the newspaper? d) Finite nominal clauses: She said that she had lost her purse.
The Cognate Object (CO) Some intransitive verbs take an object called the cognate object represented by a NP in which the H is either of the same root (i.e. cognate with) as the verb or has a derivative form. e.g. the noun death is cognate with die, fight (n.) with fight (v.) and so on. They fought a good fight (=CO). He lived a good life(=CO). The CO is similar in meaning to the adjunct: fight a good fight = fight well (The structure with the CO is more emphatic.) Note: Unlike the Slovene verb spati, the English verb sleep can also function as a transitive verb: This hotel sleeps 500 people.
The Indirect Object (IO) The object to or for which the action of the verb is directed. The IO is placed before the DO.
The ways of realising the IO: a) Nominal phrase with a noun denoting a person or a personal pronoun in the objective case at H. Why not tell J anethe good news? She gave the children supper. - Occasionally, the IO does denote a thing: He gave our suggestion no consideration. b) A finite clause Tell whoever rings me up to call back later.
For-phrase & to-phrase There is a strong resemblance in meaning between an IO & PrepP with for & to which are analysed as adjuncts. To test the IO, we supply for or to before the NP that is supposed to realise the IO. However, the position of the to- phrase & the for-phrase is after the DO. The meaning does not change but the test proves whether the NP functions as the IO or not. He gave the beggar a dime. He gave a dime to the beggar. He bought himself a new coat. He bought a coat for himself.
a) For-phrase The IO can be replaced by a for-phrase when it expresses the person or thing for whose benefit the action is performed. Common after the verbs: bring, buy, choose, cook, do, get, make, order, play, save, write... While in Paris he bought his wifesome perfume. While in Paris he bought some perfume for his wife. I have saved you some cake. I have saved some cake for you. - The for-phrase is sometimes used in reference to inanimate nouns as well: I got a new frame for this picture. b) To-phrase Its use is restricted to a small group of verbs, such as: announce, communicate, convey, confess, dedicate, deliver, explain, introduce, leave, point out, propose, prove, reply, repeat, say, suggest... She communicated to them the sad news. Will you explain your plans to us? - Also used instead of the IO: When emphasis/contrast is intended: He will not show the papers to her. When the DO is represented by a pronoun & the IO by a noun: Sell it to your friend. In initial position (in interrogative & exclamatory sentences): To whom did you give it? In initial position in relative clauses: The man to whom he gave the papers has died.
The Prepositional Object (pO) The object following a prepositional verb is expressed by the same structure as the DO, i.e. by a NP or any other structure in nominal function. It cannot be expressed directly by infinitives & infinitival clauses, nor by that-clauses. His parents will not approve of his marriage. What do you mean by that remark? - Some verbs are followed by a DO & a pO: The patient thanked the nurse (=DO) for her care. (=pO) He reminds me (=DO) of my father. (=pO) - Sentences containing a prepositional verb + object may undergo passive transformations: Well have to deal with that unpleasant matter soon. That unpleasant matter will have to be dealt with soon. - When a verb may be followed either by a DO or a pO, there is always a difference in meaning: Can you see the hut on the top? (Ali vidi koo na vrhu?) Ill see to your luggage. (Popazil bom na tvojo prtljago.)
The Object Complement (OC) Position: Immediately after the DO with which it has the same identity. The ways of realising the OC: a) Adjectival phrases: The pullover will keep you warm. Worries turned his hair white. - The OC can usually be predicted by the verb. The following structure makes no sense without the OC: *The pullover will keep you. However: with some verbs the OC is not predictable & the clause makes complete sense without it: The hairdresser cut my hair (short). b) Nominal phrases: They named the baby Lucas. We find him a bore. c) Prepositional phrases: We found the flat in good condition. - Such sentences may be regarded as having two predicators: We found the flat. It was in good condition. d) Infinitives or infinitival clauses: - They occur as OC after some verbs expressing perception, permission, or command. (Same goes true for participial structures in the following section.) I watched her come downstairs. I heard her sing. e) Participles or participial clauses: We found her sitting on the porch. I had my hair cut. (=causative form) f) Finite clauses: You may call it what you like. Henry Ford made his firm what it is today. The Adverbial Adjunct (A) The adverbial adjuncts are not grammatically necessary (with some exceptions) but usually add some very important information: He broke the vase. / He broke the vase on purpose. The adjunct is obligatory only in the sentence patterns: S-P-A & S-P-DO-A: The car is in the garage. (*The car is.) She put some flowers into the vase. (*She put some flowers.)
The ways of realising the A: a) Adverbial phrases: They fought bravely. / I remember it quite well. b) Prepositional phrases: He could not sit quiet for joy. I was shivering with cold. - Note: The same PrepP may perform different functions, e.g.: Put the parcel on the desk. (on the desk = adjunct) The parcel on the desk is for you. (on the desk = PostM in the NP) c) Nominal phrases: - The nouns functioning as H are often premodified by determiners, numerals, or by last/next He works nights. That will cost you a fortune. - Some NPs functioning as adjuncts derive from PrepP: on that day that day What happened that day. Note: In sentences like: That will cost you a fortune, the question may arise whether a fortune is an object or an adjunct. Since the sentence cannot have passive transformation, these NPs are analysed as adjuncts. d) Infinitives or infinitival clauses: I need a screw to join two planks. John has come to help you move the furniture. e) Participles or participial clauses: Laughing he turned round. He went tiptoeing upstairs. f) Finite clauses: He was late because the traffic was so dense. g) Verbless clauses: The storm over, he set out.
Semantic classification of adjuncts: According to their meaning, adjuncts may roughly be classified into three large groups: a) Qualitative adjuncts (A-s of manner): Denote the quality of an action: fast, hard, well, beautifully, in a friendly way, very briefly, by chance, arm in arm, in a rush, with considerable charm... b) Quantitative adjuncts: Denote the intensity or the extent of an action: - Adjuncts of degree: almost, even, hardly, merely, extremely, quite, thoroughly... - Adjuncts of measure (including cost, distance, weight... mainly represented by NPs): a lot, a great deal, three miles, two pounds, very little... c) Circumstantial adjuncts: Express various circumstances in which an action takes place: - Adjuncts of time: now, then, tomorrow, last summer, on Friday... - Adjuncts of frequency: always, ever, never, often, seldom, from time to time... - Adjuncts of place & direction: here, there, everywhere, in London, at university... - Adjuncts of cause: on account of, due to, owing to... - Adjuncts of concession: in spite of, notwithstanding, despite... - Adjuncts of condition: in case of, but for... - Adjuncts of instrument: with a carving knife, by dint of hard labour... - Adjuncts of result: He worked himself to death, The house was burnt to ashes...
Loose Adjuncts or Disjuncts = Those elements which are not incorporated in sentence structure & do not perform the function of a sentence element. Instead, they are independent elements expressing the opinion of the speaker towards the situation described in the clause. Position: Normally occur in initial or medial position, rarely in final position. Usually separated by a comma (in writing) or a pause (in speech).
The ways of realising loose adjuncts: a) Adverbial phrases: e.g. actually, anyway, (most) certainly, clearly, definitely, (un)fortunately, indeed, luckily, naturally, obviously, surely... Fortunately, he was only slightly injured in the accident. He was, undoubtedly, a hero. b) Prepositional phrases: e.g. of course, in fact, to my regret, in any case, at any rate, in short... Youve done your best, of course, to prevent the catastrophe. c) Nominal phrases: e.g. no doubt, no wonder He is, no doubt, a born actor. d) Non-finite clauses with the predicator expressed by an infinitive or participle: To tell the truth, I find him a bore. Frankly speaking, I admire his originality. e) Finite comment clauses: e.g. I believe, I expect, I suppose, I guess, I dare say, I am sure... You must be hungry, I suppose. They will need help, I guess. f) Interjections expressing emotion Oh, its you, Mary! Come, come, dont be so touchy. Why, I never thought I would find you here! g) Forms of direct address, used when we want to attract somebodys attention: Are you coming, dear? How are you, J ane? Note: Single answers to questions expressing: affirmation (yes, absolutely), negation (no) & probability (probably) may also be analysed as loose adjuncts.
Basic Sentence Patterns The patterns are classified mainly according to the type of verb that occurs at H in the VP functioning as predicator. Basic sentence patterns contain besides the subject only complements, objects & adjuncts that are obligatory. There are seven basic patterns: 1) PATTERN ONE: S + P (Intransitive pattern) The verbs occurring in this pattern are: Pure intransitive verbs: Dogs bark. / The bomb exploded. - Each of these structures can be expanded by means of an adjunct: Dogs bark loudly. - With some intransitive verbs (e.g. behave, lie, live, sit, stand, etc.), the structure S-P-A is more common than just S-P: He behaved foolishly. Verbs that may be transitive or intransitive with little or no difference in meaning: Books entertain. / The window broke. Verbs that may be transitive or intransitive but with a distinct difference in meaning: He ran. (vs. He ran a thorn into his palm.)
2) PATTERN TWO: S + P +A (Intransitive pattern with the verb be) In this pattern, the adjunct is obligatory: He was at home. (vs. *He was.) - The distinction between kernel sentences & transforms: Kernel sentences are basic sentences of the language, all structures that are not basic are transforms (i.e. they are derived from the basic ones by certain grammatical rules). Transforms can change & expand the kernel sentence in various ways (e.g. by changes & combinations) to form a great variety of sentences. Pattern two sentences can be transformed into more common there-type sentences if the S is represented by a NP with an indefinite determiner or a cardinal numeral at PreM or with an indefinite pronoun at H. The introductory subject there is placed in initial position & causes the inverted sequence: P-S: A dictionary is on the desk. Thereis a dictionary on the desk.
3) PATTERN THREE: S + P + SC (Linking pattern) The predicator is a linking verb, which expresses the categories of person, number, tense, aspect, mood & sometimes voice. Some linking verbs: be, get, go, keep, look, seem, stay, taste... All these words are of incomplete predication (thus the SC is obligatory.) Linking verbs are divided into two classes: Those expressing that the subject remains in a certain state (appear, be, feel, keep, lie, look, smell, sound...) & those expressing that the S passes into a certain state (become, come, fall, get, grow, run...)
Pattern three has two main subdivisions: 3.1. the SC is realised by an AdjP I am ready. / Water is tasteless. / The judge grew angry. Note: Some examples are ambiguous: The bottle is broken. / Mary is disappointed. broken & disappointed can be analysed either as adjectives (in which case the pattern is S-P-SC) or as participles (in this case the pattern is S-P). - Some of the verbs used in linking patterns are also used in other patterns as verbs of complete predication: He got some cigarettes. (S-P-DO) He turned round. (S-P-A) - There is a marked tendency to use both the equational patterns III A & III B with verbs of complete predication. Thus verbs preserving their lexical meaning pattern with a SC & perform the function of linking verbs. Most of such verb + adjective combinations express a state: They arrived exhausted. (S-P-SC) Her uncle died young. (S-P-SC) My friend sat motionless. (S-P-SC) Despite the fact that the predicators in the above sentences convey a meaning of their own, the principal item of information comes from the SC. Such sentences actually have two predicators: Her uncle died young. Her uncle died when he was young. - Some transitive verbs functioning as copulas occur in the passive voice: Her brother is considered missing. The prisoner was found guilty. - Note the difference between the S-P-A & S-P-SC patterns: Boys grow quickly. (S-P-A grow is a full lexical verb.) The woman grew impatient. (S-P-SC grow is a copula)
3.2. the SC is realised by a NP Dr. Smith is our neighbour. His son became a doctor. - Some sentences in this pattern can be turned round without changing their meaning: His name is Robert. (=SC) vs. Robert is his name. (=SC) - A SC realised by a NP with a pronoun at H is not very common: It is me. / It is us. This is nothing. John is himself (again).
4) PATTERN FOUR: S + P + DO (Monotransitive pattern) The predicator in this pattern is a transitive verb. The DO is usually expressed by a NP with a noun or pronoun at H. The DO always denotes something different from the S & it is not in number agreement with either the S or the P. Doctors cure patients. We know him. - This pattern allows passive transformation: My father built this house. This house was built by my father. - With reflexive pronouns, passivisation is not possible (some grammarians also regard them as subject complements rather than DOs): John hurt himself. *Himself was hurt by John.
5) PATTERN FIVE: S + P + IO + DO (Ditransitive pattern) Both the IO & DO are usually expressed by NPs. They refer to different persons/things & show no agreement with either the P or S. They usually follow each other in the sequence: IO-DO Bob bought J ane some flowers. She made him tea. - Ditransitive verbs may pattern with a DO only (e.g. He showed some slides.) but they cannot pattern with an IO only (e.g. *He showed us.) However, there are some exceptions: Forgive me! / Ill show you! / Ill tell mother! - There is a choice of 2 passive transformations since either of the objects can become the S of the passive sentence: She gave him a present. Hewas given a present (by her). A present was given him (by her.)
6) PATTERN SIX: S + P + DO + OC (Complex transitive pattern) In this pattern, the DO & OC refer to the same person or thing (are in number agreement). There are two main subdivisions: 6.1. OC realised by an AdjP The most common verbs occurring in this pattern: - Verbs denoting mental activity (believe, consider, like, find, keep, prefer, think, want...) I considered it impossible. / The police found the man dead. - Resultative verbs after which the OC denotes the result of the action performed by the verb (beat, boil, break, colour, cut, get, open, push, raise, set, shake, shout...) They boiled the eggs soft. / She cuts the meat thin.
6.2. OC realised by a NP Some verbs occurring in this pattern: appoint, believe, call, choose, consider, elect, find, leave, make, think... They appointed him ambassador. People consider him a genius. - A few verbs used in this pattern (e.g. believe, consider, find, keep, leave, make, think...) may take AdjP-s or NPs as OC: They think him disloyal/a traitor. - After the verbs expressing opinion, the OC may occasionally be preceded by to be: They consider him (to be) a traitor. - Passive transformation is possible. The OC becomes the SC but it can never become the S. They elected him president. (=OC) He was elected president. (=SC) - Note: Some sentences are ambiguous, e.g.: Mary left her boyfriend very depressed. (It can be analysed either as S-P-DO-SC or S-P-DO-OC but the meaning changes completely: in the 1 st case Mary is depressed & in the 2 nd the boyfriend is depressed.) - Similarly, the sentence: I have found her a good dressmaker. is ambiguous (It can be either analysed as S-P- IO-DO or S-P-DO-OC) - The structure in pattern 6 is also related in meaning to the structure S-P-O-A with A being introduced by as (after acknowledge, ascribe, employ, regard, recognise...) or for (after choose, mistake, treat... but NOT consider). In these cases adverbial relations of prepositional phrases are stronger than intensive (OC) relations: He acknowledged the baby as his daughter. (=A) They employed him as accountant. (=A)
7) PATTERN SEVEN: S + P + DO + A (Transitive pattern) In this case, the DO is followed by an A which is obligatory. The few verbs occurring in this pattern are: lay, place, put & treat. They laid him on the bed. They placed all confidence in their leader. I put the book on the shelf. - Other transitive verbs may occur in this pattern, but the A is not obligatory: She showed us to the drawing room. We threw it away. - Passive transformation is possible: They laid him on the bed. He was laid on the bed.
Co-ordination A structure of co-ordination consists of two or more syntactical units which are equal in rank & perform the same function. They are joined either asyndetically (i.e. with the zero marker) or by a coordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions are: - simple: and, but, nor, or - compound: rather than, as well as, together with, along with - correlative: not (only)...but (also), either...or, neither...nor, both...and Co-ordinating conjunctions are always placed between the syntactical units which they connect. When syntactical units are lower than a clause they are joined by a co-ordinating conjunction, there is no punctuation. When clauses are joined, a comma may be used. And & or may join together two (or more) (pro)nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, phrases & clauses. But normally connects adjectives, adverbs & clauses. Note: Besides functioning as a co-ordinate conjunction, but can also function as: - A subordinating conjunction with a negative implication: No man is so old but he may learn. - A preposition meaning except: Everybody was present but him. - An adverb meaning only: The film was on but a few days.
Co-ordination in phrase structure Examples of co-ordinated headwords, modifiers, prepositions & objects to prepositions respectively: His mother and father are both engineers. The Americans drive big and powerful cars. The children ran up and down the steps. After dinner and a short nap he set to work again. Co-ordinating structures may also be classified according to their function in SENTENCE STRUCTURE: - Subject: Cats and dogs are our favourite pets. - Predicator: They danced and sang till dawn. - Object: He sold his old car and the caravan. - Subject complement: They felt tired but happy. - Object complement: He painted the kitchen furniture yellow and white. - Adjunct: We progressed slowly but steadily.
Elliptical Sentences = Sentences in which either their S or P (or both) are omitted. The missing element can, however, easily be identified from the context. Elliptical sentences are very common in dialogues and occur primarily in: - Questions: Ready? (Are you ready?) See what I mean? (Do you see...) - Short answers to wh- & verbal questions: Usually consist of an adjunct, occasionally of an object or SC: Where have you been? At Marys place. Did you enjoy the play? Very much.
In set phrases (used in conversation) the following elements are omitted: - The subject I or it: Thank you. (I thank you.) Serves you right. (I t serves you right.) - The subject and/or the auxiliary: Feel any better? (Do you feel...) English spoken here. (English is...) Note: The auxiliary is never omitted in negative sentences: Feeling any better? (Are you feeling...) Arent you feeling any better? - The subject (I, you) & the predicator expressed by a linking verb: Sorry to be late. (I amsorry...) Hungry? (Are you hungry?) - The subject & the predicator expressed by a full lexical verb (mostly in suggestions & exclamations): A cup of tea? (Would you likea cup...) After you. (Ill come after you.) - The impersonal or the introductory subject it and/or the auxiliary: Seems to me rather expensive. (I t seems...) No use persuading him. (Its no use...)
Chapter 12: WORD ORDER
Word order of the Subject & the Predicator Modern English nouns have no case endings to distinguish the subjective from the objective case therefore English has a rigid word order. Statements: the subject precedes the predicator & selects its number & person (where possible). This S+P word order is also present in those wh-questions in which a wh-pronoun functions as a S: They arrived last night. Who arrived last night?
Inversion of the Subject & the Predicator: Inversion is either partial or full. 1. Partial inversion = only the operator is placed before the S. Much more common than full inversion. Are you coming? Nowhere else will you see that. 2. Full inversion = the whole P is placed before the S. Usually when the verb is intransitive (e.g. fly, rush, stand). Away flew the bird. In rushed the children.
Inversion takes place: 1. as a syntactical device used to form interrogative sentences i.e. questions. Inversion in questions is generally partial: Have you been to England yet? Can you repair a safety fuse? if the P contains no auxiliary or modal verbs, the auxiliary do is used: Do you know him? full inversion occurs with the verb be & rarely with have expressing possession (in BritE): Were you at home last night? Have you any relatives in England? (AmE: Do you have any relatives) 2. as a marker of subordination in conditional clauses introduced without a conjunction if the predicator contains an anomalous finite (e.g. were, had, should): Were you in my place, you would act in the same way. Had he known it, he wouldve given his consent. Should she be late once again, she will be dismissed. Note: Very rarely & only in literary English: the inversion occurs even if the P contains could or did: Could I arrange it by myself I wouldnt ask for your help. You would be healthier did you take part in some sports. 3. in simple exclamatory sentences expressing a wish: Be it so! (So be it!) Long live our President! 4. in the middle of reported speech & after it: in short clauses without an object: If I lose my way, said the boy, I can always ask the policeman. If you fail, said he, you will be given another chance. Note: No inversion in such sentences when the S is a personal pronoun & another verb (e.g. continue, whisper), not say, is used: Something must be wrong with me, he whispered. In journalistic English inversion often occurs before reported speech: Said the Secretary: I admit negotiations are going at snailss pace? 5. in sentences with the introductory S there. The real S is placed after the P which agrees with it in number & in person: There is a good film at the Komuna tonight.
Inversion for stylistic reasons A sentence element other than S is placed at the beginning of the sentence for greater effect. The inversion is thus not due to the grammatical structure. If the P does not contain an auxiliary or a modal verb, the verb do/does/did must be used with transitive verbs.
Inversion for stylistic reasons occurs: 1. when an emphatic adjunct with a negative or restrictive meaning = initial position (e.g. at no time, by no means, in vain, no soonerthan, little, never, not, nowhere, not once, on no account; hardly, barely, scarcely, rarely, seldom): By no means are you indebted to me. Never in my life have I been more surprised. Not once did he open his mouth. Scarcely did we recognize him. 2. when a restrictive adjunct beginning with only = initial position (e.g. only by chance, only then, only with difficulty, only yesterday): Only by chance did he discover the truth. Only after a great deal of discussion did we agree on the proposed solution. Note: When only open a subordinate clause, inversion occurs in the main clause: Only when he returned from his voyage did he learn the news. 3. when an emphatic adjunct with a positive meaning = initial position (more common in literary English): Especially did we enjoy the view from the top. Often did he mention their generosity. Well do I remember that day! 4. when an adjunct (usually of place) expressed by a prep. phrase = initial position & the S contains a noun & the P contains an intransitive verb (e.g. arrive, be, come, emerge, fall, flow, fly, follow, lie, live, move, remain, run, sit, stand): Among those present were Dr. Johnson and his wife. (full inversion) Next to him sat a general. ( full inversion) 5. when the adjuncts now, then, here, there = initial position & the S contains a noun (or a clause) & the P is in the indefinite present or past tense: Now is the time to go. Then came the question of transport. Here is what you want. If the S is expressed by a personal pronoun, no inversion: Now its ready. Here she is! There he comes! 6. when an adjunct containing an adverbial particle expressing direction (e.g. away, back, down, in, off, round, up) = initial position & the S contains a noun: I n stepped the headmaster. Down fell the vase and broke into pieces. 7. in elliptical sentences after so (neither, nor), when the preceding statement is applied to a new S. Affirmative statements open with so (in the meaning also, likewise, too), negative statements with neither, nor, no more: John is a good student. So is Mary. I cannot stand that guy. Neither can I. (Nor can I. / No more can I.) Note: When the preceding statement is applied to the same S no inversion He seems a clever fellow. So he is. (Saj tudi je.) She looks very happy. So she is. 8. sometimes when a SC containing an adjective or the demonstrative pronoun such = initial position. The adjective may be premodified by an intensifier (e.g. extremely, more, most, quite, so) or premodified by indeed: Fair was she as the roses in May. Such is life! Extremely disturbing is the problem of terrorism in Western Europe. Great indeed was our sorrow when we learned about the railway disaster. 9. in sentences with passive structures when special emphasis is laid on the verb in the form of the past participle: Enclosed is a cheque for 10. Presented here is a specimen of the caterpillar. 10. when a DO beginning with many (a) or not a or little = initial position: Many a tragic scene did we witness during the war. Not a soul did we meet on our way to the top of the mountain. Little feeling did we show on that occasion.
Position of the Direct Object 1. The DO normally follows its P immediately (unless there is also an IO in the sentence). 2. The DO may be separated from its P by the adverbial particles in, on, off, out, up on condition the DO is represented by a nominal phrase with a noun (not a pronoun) at H: Turn off the gas. (Turn the gas off.) but: Turn it off. 3. The DO may be separated from its P by different types of adjuncts when the nominal phrase by which the O is represented is lengthy i.e. it contains one or more modifiers: S P A DO The dog ate voraciously the food I placed before him. He borrowed from them all the money that he needed for the journey. 4. The DO may occur in initial position: a) in pronominal questions What are you reading? Who(m) did you meet at the party? Which painting do you like best? b) when it is made emphatic (the object in initial position usually causes no inversion) Nice things you are telling me! (Though ill), the house she kept in perfect order. c) when it connects two statements You promised you would help him. This you cannot deny. I shall work harder. That I promise you.
Position of the Indirect Object The IO has a fixed place in the sentence, i.e. it immediately precedes the DO. In pronominal questions & in exclamations, however, the objects are usually separated: DO P- S P IO What did you tell your friend? The IO also occasionally precedes the DO in cases when both objects (both unstressed) are pronouns. But when the IO relation is stressed or denotes contrast, the to-phrase must be used: S P IO DO S P DO A I sent her them. but: I sent them to her. When the DO is expressed by it & the IO by another personal pronoun, it (DO) may precede the IO (on condition both objects are unstressed): P DO IO Send it him. Shall I bring it you tomorrow.
Position of the Prepositional Object (pO) The pO normally immediately follows the P. In sentences with a DO & a pO the latter normally follows the DO: S P DO pO We suspected him of disloyalty. We congratulated her on her success. When emphatetic, the pO may occasionally be found in initial position without causing inversion: For music he does not care in the least. On an apology you cannot insist since he is senior to you. A lengthy pO is sometimes separated from the P by an adjunct of manner or of time: Her aunt believes wholeheartedly in old-fashioned home-made remedies.
Position of the Adjunct (A) The A is the least fixed element in the sentence. One & the same A may often have different positions, depending partly on syntactical rules and partly on style He is living in London now. He is now living in London. Now he is living in London.
An adjunct has: a) initial position when placed before the S. This position gives greatest emphasis & is the least frequent in English: Sometimes they play cards. I n the evening they watch television. b) medial position when placed after the 1 st auxiliary (if there is one) or before the P They have often thought of that possibility. They never stop quarrelling. c) final position when placed after the P or the O (or very rarely between the P & its O). This is the most common position of the A. It is less emphatic than initial position & more emphatic than medial position He drove very fast. She speaks English fluently. Placing an O between the P & its O should normally be avoided: *We got last night some visitors.
(for exceptions cf. 12.7, 9. 248)
Position of Adjuncts according to their Semantic Classification 1. Qualitative Adjuncts (Adjuncts of Manner) Qualitative adjuncts are very closely connected with the P. They can be expressed by a simple or complex adverbial phrase. Their position is normally final, i.e. after the P; or, if there is an O, after it. The A in the latter position is stressed. The women cried desperately. Time passes far too quickly. For less emphasis adjuncts of manner expressed only by simple adverbial phrases are placed in medial position, i.e. between the S and the P They calmly discussed the will. He gently closed the door behind him. However, the adjuncts fast, hard, well, nicely, badly, poorly, almost regularly follow the O: John has done it badly. It suits us nicely. In passive structures adjuncts of manner expressed by simple adverbials phrases usually precede the past participle: Your friends will be warmly welcomed. His offer was flatly refused. When strongly emphasised, adjuncts of manner occur in initial position Very slowly she turned round and looked straight into his eyes. Subconsciously he felt for the keys in his pocket. 2. Quantitative Adjuncts a) Adjuncts of degree (e.g. almost, barely, entirely, even, hardly, just, merely, nearly, only, quite, rather, scarcely, utterly) expressing the intensity of an action have medial position: I had almost forgotten to post the letter. I entirely agree with you. I didnt quite understand you. b) Adjuncts of measure usually have final position; they immediately follow the P: We walked miles before we reached the hut. They waited for a short while and then left. 3. Circumstantial Adjuncts a) Adjuncts of definite time normally occur outside the sequence S P O, usually in final position. They are a little more emphatic in initial position: He arrived yesterday. Last night we got their telegram and today they arrived. Every evening he listens to the news.
b) Adjuncts of indefinite time, e.g. afterwards, immediately, now, nowadays, recently, soon, may have different positions: He was sent home from hospital recently. He was recently sent home from hospital. Recently he was sent home from hospital. Then expressing indefinite time (potem) normally occurs in initial position: Then he sealed the letter & took it to the post-office. Then they all lived happily ever after. Then expressing definite time (tedaj) occurs in medial & final position: I was then reading a detective story. She was writing a letter then.
c) Adjuncts of frequency (e.g. always, ever, never, frequently, normally, often, occasionally) are most closely connected with the P. Their position is usually medial. This position is also common for semi-negative adverbs (hardly, rarely, scarcely) & for already, no longer, soon, still She always (never) admired him. They often have trouble with their telephone. We very seldom (rarely) go out for supper. In questions, adjuncts of frequency usually immediately follow the S: Do you often visit your grandparents? Does he ever arrive on time? Note: If there are several auxiliaries, adjuncts of indefinite time & of frequency are usually placed after the 1 st auxiliary: He would never have passed his exam without you. Adjuncts of frequency occur in initial position for emphasis (inversion!) Never let anybody wait for you. At intervals he sat down to rest. Always, however, does not usually occur in initial position. Adjuncts of frequency are placed after the simple tenses of the verb be: He is never home. The captains life is often at stake. They may precede the verb be or a modal verb for emphasis, particularly when the latter is also stressed: You may believe him but I never can. They usually are at home after eight. I hate going there, but I occasionally do. The adjunct sometimes may occur in all possible positions: Sometimes he is even to tired to watch television. He sometimes thinks that she opposes him on purpose. He felt so lonely there sometimes. Often may also occur in final position or in initial position, especially when modified by very or quite: We have been there quite often. Very often they stay at home and read. d) Adjuncts of place also occur outside the sequence S P O. They usually follow the P or the O if there is one. They are more emphatic in initial position. You mustnt talk (aloud) here. There comes my bus. In questions they have final position: Have you seen my keys anywhere? One-word adjuncts of place are put immediately after the verb: He arrived home quickly (without delay). When an adjunct of place and an adjunct of time occur in the same clause, the former normally comes first; the latter, however, may also occur in initial position: Mary went to the bank in the morning. He has been working in the garden since two. They will go there tomorrow. or Tomorrow they will go there. They were here yesterday. or Yesterday they were here.
e) Adjuncts of cause normally occur in final position: She did it out of sheer curiosity. The little girl cried for joy. When emphatic, they occur in initial position: Owning to the sugar shortage they did not make any preserves. When various types of adjuncts occur in final position, the position between the adjuncts of place & time may be occupied by adjuncts of manner, instrument, or degree. He walked up and down the room (place) silently/with his hands in his pockets (manner), for almost half an hour (time). The boy repaired his bicycle on the spot (place) with hardly any tools (instrument) in less than twenty minutes. She hurried to her sick mum (place) as quickly as possible (degree) after finishing work (time).
f) Adjuncts of purpose, particularly when expressed by an infinitive, occur in final position after other adjuncts: We arrived early (time) in order to get better seats (purpose). He brought his girl home (place) for the weekend (time) for his parents to meet her (purpose). He went to the exhibition (place) out of curiosity (cause) to see the latest Ford model (purpose).
In principle the P agrees with the S in number & person. But since Modern English has few inflections, agreement of the P with the S is restricted to the present tense forms (has, works, signs): He has no sense of humour. The bell rings. The verb be is an exception because it agrees with the S not only in present tense but in the past tense as well: He is a lawyer. J ohn was absent. With the auxiliaries & modal verbs there is no apparent agreement: I (he, she, it, we, you, they) will/would/can/could/may/might/ought to(etc.) work harder.
As regards the agreement of the P & the S, the following rules must be observed: 1. A singular S agrees with a singular P, a plural S agrees with a plural P: He runs fast. They run fast. The girl studies hard. The girls study hard. 2. Two or more co-ordinate subjects connected by and or asydentically take a plural P: Mr. Brown and Marys father are great friends. A telegram, two parcels and a letter have been sent off. But when two or more co-ordinate subjects connected by and denote one single idea, or one person or thing (unit), a singular P is used: Truth and honesty is the best policy. My colleague and friend has fallen ill. Bread and butter is fattening. Compare: Tom and J erry are brothers. Tom and Jerry is a drink and a cartoon. 3. With two or more singular subjects joined by the conjunction or, or by the correlative conjunctions eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut (also) the P is normally in the singular: J ohn or Mary is going to settle the affair. (Cf. Slovene) Neither Mr. Brown nor Mr. Snow is suitable for the job. Note: When the subjects joined by the aforementioned conjunctions differ in number or when they are different pronouns, the P usually agrees with the nearest S (rule of proximity): Mr. Brown or I am mistaken. Neither you nor the professor was able to solve the problem. When a plural and a singular S are joined by eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also the P is nowadays either singular or plural. (the plural form is more & more widely used): Neither the assistants nor the professor was/were able to solve the problem. 4. When two singular subjects are connected by the conjunctions as well as, no less than, the P is in the sg.: The main actress as well as the director was late again. Mrs. Brown no less than her husband was dissatisfied with their sonss choice of career. (Cf. Slovene) If the subjects joined by as well as are of different person or number, the P agrees with the first S: I as well as they am ready to help you. 5. When the S and the SC differ in number, the P agrees with the S, not with the SC (cf. Slovene): The best part of his grammar book is prepositional phrases. (Najbolji del njegove knjige so predlone zveze). Mrs. Bennetts chief problem was her unmarried daughters. (Glavni problem gospe Bennettove so bile njene neporoene herke.) This is very bad manners. 6. Titles of books, poems, plays, newspapers, magazines take a sg. P if the title can be regarded as a name. Similarly the names of hotels, shops, etc. though plural in form, are treated as sg. because they represent one building: Gullivers Travels is a fine satire. The Three Lions is the best hotel in our town. Note: The P may be in the plural when the plural form of the title denotes a series of stories or poems: The Canterbury Tales are told by the Knight, the Miller, the Reeve, the Man of Law, etc. Wordsworths Lyrical Ballads was/were published in 1798. 7. When the S is expressed by a plural NP denoting time, measure or distance, weight, height, amount of money, the P is in the singular if the noun represents a singular idea, i.e. the amount of the mass as a whole: Ten days is too short a time for the trip. Twenty miles is too much for a child to walk. 8. In mathematical computations the P be may be either singular or plural, though the former is more common: Three and three is (are, make[s]) six. or Three plus three equals (only singular!) six. Four from six leaves (only singular!) two. Or Six minus four is (are) two. 9. Fractions take a singular P if the noun in the following of-phrase is singular; they take a plural P in the following of-phrase is plural: Three-quarters of the loaf has been eaten. One-third of the workers were against the strike, two-thirds of them were for it. 10. Similarly a S expressed by the NPs a lot of, a variety of, most of, plenty of, some of, the majority of, agrees with a sg. P if the noun in the following of-phrase is sg. and with a plural P if it is pl.: A lot of money has been spent and nothing achieved. A lot of cars were parked in front of the theatre. 11. A number of agrees with a plural P, the number, however, with the singular A number of passengers are reported missing. The number of victims is higher than was at first thought. 12. When the S is expressed by a singular pronoun, including the indefinites (they are normally treated as singular): each, either, neither, someone, anyone, somebody, everybody, everyone, nobody, no one, something, nothing, the P is in the singular: Either of the examples is correct. Everything was ready. Note: When the sex is not known, or if both males & females are referred to, each and every(one) are normally masculine singular: Each of us has his duties. Everyone has to show his passport. 13. None usually agrees with a plural P: None areso blind as those who wont see. None agrees with a singular P when the singular idea is clearly expressed. (In the singular it is now usually replaced by no one. In this case it is translated into Slovene by niti eden, nobeden): None of them (no one) is going to get anything.
Agreement with Collective Nouns A collective noun is a word for a group of persons, animals, or objects considered as a single unit. The singular form of some collective nouns may have either a singular or plural concept (e.g. army, assembly, audience, band, board, class, committee, company, council, clergy, club, crew, crowd, enemy, faculty, family, firm, government, group, jury, labour, panel, party, public, team.) If the collective noun that occurs as S is regarded as a unit the P is in the singular; if attention is being paid to the individual members of the unit, the P is in the plural. My family does not share your opinion. My family are early risers. The collective nouns fruit & hair take a singular P in the meaning sadje, lasje but they are either singular or plural when they denote single specimens (sade, las): What colour is her hair? It is dark. She has a few grey hairs. Chapter 14: NEGATION IN DECLARATIVE SENTENCES The proof that a sentence is negative lies in the fact that it can take the positive tag & be expanded by a co-ordinate clause introduced by neither or nor. He could scarcely bear to look at the prematurely born twins, could he? He could scarcely bear to look at the prematurely born twins, nor could he bear their crying.
Negation by placing by placing not after an auxiliary or modal verb When the predicator contains an auxiliary or modal verb, negation is achieved by placing not after them. Not is usually contracted & attached to the auxiliary: She isnt present. The same effect is achieved by contracting the auxiliary & attaching it to the subject expressed by a pronoun: Shes not present. The former kind of contraction cannot be used with the 1 st person present form of be Im not. In BE, when the verb have denotes possession, the sentence is negated by placing not after it on condition that the following object contains premodifiers such as determiner pronouns (e.g. my) or cardinal numerals (two) I havent your address. No auxiliary in the predicator the auxiliary do is introduced + not placed after it I love dogs I dont love dogs.
Negation by placing not before a particular element of sentence structure A special negative stress is given to the sentence. In most cases, the whole sentence is negated: Not a word has been said, has it? Not a sound did he utter. Before the comparative forms more, less, sooner no is used: He is no more a millionaire than I am. In some cases, only the particular element is negated while the sentence remains positive (i.e. local negation!) He called not him but her, didnt he? Not is used to negative non-finite clauses as well as some finite subordinate clauses. If the main clause is positive, the whole complex sentence is positive & can take a negative tag. The boy learned not to express his emotions, didnt he?
Negation by the negative determiner no, negative pronouns (nobody, none, no-one, nothing), negative or semi- negative adverbs (hardly, rarely, scarcely) Nobody knows you are here. His girlfriend is no beauty. I know nobody by that name. Since there can be only one negative word in an English clause, no & its compounds must be replaced by any & its compounds when the predicator is negated He knows nothing of life in the big city. He doesnt know anything of life in the big city. Besides any & its compounds, there are some other items that are used exclusively in negative, conditional & interrogative sentences: He is tolerant to some extent He isnt tolerant at all. They are still abroad They are no longer abroad. The Johnsons were there too. The Johnsons werent there either.
Negation by the negative conjunctions: neither, nor, neithernor He couldnt hear, neither could he speak. Neither duty nor honour means anything to a drunkard, does it?
Emphasising negation: By means of whatever or at all: He has no worries whatsoever
Toning down negation: By placing negative sentences as positive clauses after negated introductory remarks: I dont believe/reckon/think/suppose He cant manage it I dont think I can manage it. In Slovene, the subordinate clause, unlike in English, is negated with such constructions: Mislim, da mu ne bo uspelo.
Negative prefixes and suffixes Anti-, dis, in- (il-, im-, ir-), mis-, non-, un- and less: Indecision, illegal, inconspicuous, antiseptic, etc. Does not produce clausal negation! There was indecision in his look, wasnt there? *There was indecision in his look nor was there in hers.
Placing negative words before a negative compound: She was not unhappy I am not dissatisfied with your work == expresses tentativeness! However, sometimes negative prefixes & suffixes though they dont produce sentence negation do not admit of no & its compounds: He was unable to go any further.
Double negation: non-standard English when its in the same clause: I dont think nothing. In complex sentences, one negative item per clause: I didnt say that I didnt like him. Two negative items also in complex nominal phrases expressed by a non-finite or finite clause: Nobody who has not experienced a thunderstorm at sea knows what horror is. In Slovene, the occurrence of a negative word automatically brings about the negation of a predicator: I know nobody in this village Ne poznam nikogar v tej vasi.
Sentence elements (particularly the object & the subject) are shifted to the end of the sentence position when they: 1) are made emphatic or 2) are complex (subjects & objects) expressed by finite or non-finite clauses. The original position is filled by the anticipatory=dummy=introductory subject/object it.
The Anticipatory Subject It Transforms of non-postponed structures: To cross the street is dangerous Its dangerous to cross the street.
Introducing infinitival clauses (as apposed/postponed subjets) after certain adjectives (dangerous, difficult, impolite, etc.) Its dangerous to cross the street when the lights are red. Its impolite to keep people waiting. It would be difficult to overestimate the importance of his theory. after participial adjectives expressing emotion (annoying, fascinating, disappointing) Its fascinating to see her dance but it is disappointing to hear her sing. Its annoying to be kept waiting. Infinitival clauses may have their own subjects introduced by a for or of phrase It was impossible for me to remain serious. It was impolite of you to cut him in the street.
Introducing gerundial clauses after certain adjectives: foolish, incredible, pleasant It seems foolish quarrelling over such trifles. Its incredible meeting you in London. Its pleasant sitting in a pavement caf in Paris and watching people go by. Note: sometimes interchangeable with infinitival clauses: Its strange seeing (or to see) oneself on film and hearing (or to hear) ones own voice. after some nouns in set expressions: its no use, its a good/sad thing, its a pleasure Its always a pleasure meeting you. Sometimes an infinitive is possible: Its no use to complain. used as postponed subject in exclamatory sentences beginning with what or how. An infinitival clause may also be used in this function. What a nuisance (it is) having/to have to wait an hour for the next train. How annoying (it is) having/to have to wait an hour for the next train.
Introducing finite clauses (postponed subject clauses) dependent statements After certain nouns: Its a good thing, its a fact, its a pity, its a mercy Its a good thing that you had a fire extinguisher at hand. Its a fact that he entered the exam totally unprepared. After certain adjectives expressing modality: desirable, essential, important, improper. The predicator in the postponed clause in the subjunctive mood or used with the putatitve should! Its desirable that all possible doubts & ambiguities concerning this project (should) be eliminated now. Its essential that the substance (should) be chemically pure. Its important that he (should) finish his studies before he does to the army. The conjunction that is sometimes omitted: Its clear you dont like it. in the passive construction with the verbs believe, consider, expect, know, report, say, think It is believed that the prisoners will be set.
Introducing finite clauses dependent questions After certain openings: it doesnt matter, its uncertain, its unknown, its doubtful It doesnt matter how you got this information. Its doubtful whether definite conclusions can be drawn from the data.
Introducing finite clauses exclamatory sentences After expressions such as its funny, its surprising, etc.: Its funny how she keeps asking me the same question.
The anticipatory object it The structure is typically associated with verbs of opinion: find, think, regard, consider, appreciate, etc.
Introducing infinitival clauses (as postponed/apposed objects) I find it impossible to tell him the truth. I regard it a madness to climb that peak in winter. However, no it in: I think/see fit to yield to their demands.
Introducing gerundial clauses I consider it fair giving him another chance.
Introducing finite clauses (postponed object clauses) The finite clauses are typically dependent statements You should appreciate it that we are all nice to you. He made it clear that the plan was not realised. I consider it impossible that you should finish your work by Saturday. However: because dependent statements cannot function as objects to prepositional verbs, the introductory it is sometimes used. Both the preposition & it may be dropped in such cases. You may depend (upon it) that he will keep his promise. Occasionally, a postponed object clause is introduced by if Ill appreciate it if you do it without delay. In Slovene, the introductory object it sometimes corresponds to the Slovene introductory object to I owe it to you that I succeeded = To, da sem uspel, dolgujem tebi.
Emphatic It = Cleft Sentences Sentence elements are made extremely emphatic when they are placed after the construction IT + BE. When subjects & objects are used in such constructions, the rest of the sentence follows as a relative clause introduced by the relative adverbs who, that, which. I am not to blame. = It is not I who am to blame. He really misses his girlfriend. = It is his girlfriend who he really misses. When adjuncts are used with this construction, the remaining part of the sentence that follows functions as a dependent statement (or a that clause): He did it here. = It was here that he did it.
The Anticipatory There Existential Sentences There is an anticipatory subject that is used to introduce the real subject. It originates from the adverb there, but has completely lost its local meaning & can thus pattern with the adverb there: There were a lot of people there. The real subject is usually a nominal phrase containing the indefinite article, an indefinite determiner, pronoun or a cardinal numeral: There are some letters on the desk. Occasionally, the construction is also used with the definite article, especially when the real subject cant be realised in another way: And there was the old hatred between the two families.
Proofs that there functions as a subject: a) Position before the predicator b) Used in question tags Theres some dust under the table, isnt there. Three types of this construction: 1. There + NP There was a little pause. Theres no stopping for him. Here, the real subject cannot be placeD in initial position: *No stopping is for him These are called the true existential constructions 2. There + NP + expression of place There is some fresh milk in the fridge. These constructions can be reversed (Some fresh milk is in the fridge.) however, the sentence thus seems clumsy because new information (emphasised by the indefinite article) is usually placed in final position 3. There + NP + PM containing a present or past participle + expression of place There is a thunderstorm approaching from the west. (A thunderstorm is approaching from the west.)
The predicator in existential sentences can occasionally be expressed by intransitive verbs: There comes a time when you have to face reality The predicator always agrees with the real subject: There are oranges in the fruit bowl. There is an orange in the fruit bowl. Except in colloquial style where the contracted form theres is used regardless of the number of the real subject: Theres some students waiting for you.
Negation in existential sentences: In short negative answers to existential questions, not is used: Is there any beer left? No, there is not. In complete negative statements no is used: There is no place like home. However, before much, many & numerals, not is used instead of no: Theres not much time left. There are not two patients but three. After theres no a gerund or a gerundial clause is used as real subject to indicate impossibility: Theres no denying the fact that she is a gifted pianist. Theres no turning back now.
- constituent clauses are on the same level - two or more clauses joined by coordination: compound sentence
Coordination by means of: 1. coordinating conjunctions 2. punctuation (asyndetic) 3. conjuncts
Coordinating conjunctions (unlike subordinating conjunctions) cant be transposed with their clause in sentence-initial position: He was early and he went to his office on foot. *And he went to his office on foot, he was early. vs. He never complains though he is ill. Though he is ill he never complains.
Coordinating conjunctions & conjuncts may be compounded: meaning defined by the 2 nd element: and so, and therefore, and thus, and (=conjunction) yet (=conjunct), but still, etc.
Conjucts = adverbs (=conjunctive adverbs), prepositional phrases & finite clauses with conjunctive force. Typical conjucts: so, yet, however, nevertheless, etc. Conjuncts arent typical of colloquial style.
Conjuncts vs. coordinating conjunctions Some conjuncts, unlike all conjunctions, can appear in medial & final position in the clause they introduce: He is ill; however, he never complains. He is ill; he, however, never complains. He is ill; he never complains, however. Clauses introduced by certain conjuncts (like however, nevertheless) are usually demarcated by means of semi-colons.
Coordination by means of punctuation alone = asyndetic coordination Clauses demarcated by means of a semi-colon, colon & a comma when the clauses are short. No punctuation = grammatical mistake. The semantic relationship between both clauses defined simply by word usage: He came, he saw, he conquered. = 3 clauses conjoined by asyndetic coordination expressing addition The girl John danced with was nineteen, the one who talked to Bob was eighteen. = 2 clauses asyndetically coordinated expressing contrast
There is some semantic interdependence between co-ordinate clauses despite the fact they are on the same level = 2 nd clause usually related to the 1 st one encoded in the tenses They had expected a great deal from the contract, but they were disappointed.
Semantic relations between co-ordinate clauses are expressed by the lexical meaning of the conjunction or conjunct & the words occurring in the clauses. Based on the lexical meanings of the conjunctions 6 types of coordination: copulative, disjunctive or alternative, adversative, causal, resultative & explanatory
1. Copulative coordination - The idea of the 2 nd clause added to the idea of the 1 st one - Copulative conjunctions & conjunctions: and, nor, neithernor, not onlybut, not well, besides, moreover, further, furthermore, in addition - and is most typical, especially in colloquial style; it denotes, besides addition, other semantic relations between the co-ordinate clauses: The sun had set and the stillness of twilight was upon everything. (addition) There was a thunderstorm and the party was spoilt. (result, hence the transform: Because there was a thunderstorm) Say it again and Ill hit you. (condition, hence the transform: If you say it again, Ill hit you) 1 st
clause has to be in the imperative mood - Subject of the 2 nd clause omitted if it is the same as that of the 1 st : He was thunderstruck and (he) couldnt move.
2. Alternative or disjunctive coordination - Idea of the 2 nd clause is an alternative of or excludes the idea of the 1 st clause. - Typical alternative conjunctions & conjuncts: or, otherwise, either...or, or else, or at least Take it or leave it. Either you dont speak distinctly or I dont hear you well. - Sometimes, adversative coordination implies negative conditions: Stop cheating or I wont play with you again (= if you dont stop cheating, I wont play with you again) 3. Adversative coordination - Idea of the 2 nd clause contradicts the idea of the 1 st clause - Typical adversative conjuncts & conjunctions are: but, however, nevertheless, still, on the contrary, yet, though (always in final position), only, rather, not...but, on the other hand, after all He treats you badly; still, he is your brother and you must help him. It was his fault, he doesnt admit it though. He is often in pain; nevertheless, he doesnt complain. - but may denote: a) complete opposition of positive-negative contrast, b) partial contrast or concession He loves basketball, but his wife hates it. It was his fault, but he doesnt admit it. (Although it was his fault, he doesnt admit it.)
4. Causal coordination - Explains the preceding clause by giving cause or motive for it - Only introduced by for ; formal or literary style The windows were open for the days were very warm. vs. The windows were open because/since/as the days were very warm. subordinate clause of cause
5. Resultative coordination: - One clause expresses what can be inferred or concluded from the other: - The conjuncts: so, accordingly, consequently, therefore, hence, then, thus The colonel treated his men well; accordingly, they worshipped him. You are the only one who speaks Spanish well, so (or consequently) youll have to act as our interpreter. - Result also expressed by subordinate clauses of result: He was so tired that he couldnt go on. - Should in resultative clauses denotes: a) strong possibility, b) obligation They left early, so they should have reached the top by now. You are older than your brother, so you should be wiser.
6. Explanatory coordination - 2 nd clause explains the 1 st by giving additional information about it. - The conjuncts: as, namely, in other words, viz., for instance, for example, in other words, that is to say We still have one problem to solve, viz. which of the two building sites is preferable. He is not a reliable man, that is to say, he rarely keeps his word. Coordinating conjunctions & conjuncts can also function as sentence connectors. She said she would settle the affair. And she did. He knew he was seriously ill. Nevertheless, he kept joking
Abridgement in co-ordinate clauses Substitution 1. Auxiliary substitutes entire predication: You have forgotten your promise, but he hasnt. 2. to may stand for the entire clause on condition that the verb takes a to-infinitive: She would like to help them out but her husband doesnt want her to. 3. the pro-word so or not may substitute the entire object of the 2 nd clause after verbs like guess, suppose, think, so): He thinks that we should abolish old customs, but I dont think so.
Ellipsis predicator in 2 nd clause may be omitted when the clauses are short: To err is human, to forgive divine
Chapter 17: THE COMPLEX SENTENCE Subordination Complex sentence clauses joined by subordination are not equal in rank.
Differences: The main clause: can stand alone, it can form a simple sentence A subordinate clause: can't stand alone can't form a simple sentence; only in connection with the main clause it becomes grammatical &makes sense. This is due to the presence of the subordinator which is either expressed or understood (zero marker). Similarities Both types can be analysed into the same constituent elements, they have the same word order (S-P-O) Typical markers of subordination 1. Subordinating conjunctions a subordinator 2. Wh-pronouns & adverbs (i.e. interrogative & relative pronouns & adverbs) a subordinator 3. A zero marker 4. Inversion (cf. 12. 5. 2.) Subordinating Conjunctions They join the subordinate clause with: the main clause a clause of a higher degree of subordination Most common ones: after, although, as, as soon as, because, before, if, even though, in case, providing, since, supposing, that, though, unless, until,... Classification of subordinating conjunctions according to morphemic structure a) simple (as, if, that, though, till...) b) compound (although, unless, until, whereas...) c) phrasal 2 or more words forming 1 sense unit (as if, as soon as, in order to...) d) participial from participles (providing, provided, supposing...) Some have a strong lexical meaning (time, place, cause...), some have only structural meaning (as, that, than, whether). Some have the same form as prepositions (after, as, before, until) & adverbs (after, before, since) Cf. Conversion 1.16. A few of them can take premodifiers (even if, just when). Most introduce adverbial clauses of time/place/cause or reason/purpose/result/concession. Only that, if, whether, lest introduce nominal clauses. One conjunction may introduce different kinds of subordinate clauses; it all depends on the function the clause performs in the complex sentence: Clause of time: The car knocked him down as he was crossing the street. Clause of cause/reason: As there was nobody at home, he left a note. Clause of manner: They papered the living room just as we wanted. PostM in a NP denoting comparison: The prices are no longer the same as they were last month. Syntactical characteristics of subordinating conjunctions They are not the same as with co-ordinating conjunctions. They are always placed in the initial position in the clause they introduce. main clause subordinator subordinate clause They soon settled down because they liked the place. He went to bed when the TV programme was over. Since the subordinate clause may precede the main clause, the subordinator can come at the beginning of the complex sentence, which is never the case with co-ordinating conjunctions. subordinator subordinate clause main clause Because they liked the place, they soon settled down. When the TV programme was over, he went to bed. Wh- pronouns & adverbs (as subordinators) Pronouns: who, whom, which, what, whose Adverbs: where, when, why, how, wherever, whenever, however, whence, whither Unlike subordinating conjunctions, they perform a syntactical function also in the subordinate clause they introduce: Tell me who did it. Do you know whom she has asked for advice? The interrogatives (who, whom, and where) perform two functions: 1. subordinating conjunction joining the subordinate to the main clause 2. subject (who), DO (whom) & adjunct (where) in the subordinate clauses they introduce The peaches which grow in Mrs Brown's orchard are delicious. (S) Mary no longer lives at the address which she sent us last year. (DO) I can't find the place wherewe had a picnic last summer. (A) The relative pronoun (that) also performs a double function: The excess imports are a major problem that we shall have to tackle. 1. subordinator joining the relative clause to its antecedent 2. direct object in the clause it introduces
Zero marker Subordination is understood though not expressed. Normally: a) the subordinating conjunction that You know (that) you can rely on him. He said he knew (that) he was going to win. b) a relative pronoun in the objective case The amendment (that/which) they proposed were flatly refused. John does not like the girls Mary shares the flat with. (with whom Mary shares the flat)
Different degrees of subordination A subordinate clause may also be subordinated to another subordinate clause, which in turn can be subordinated to another subordinate clause... Subordinate clauses of the 1 st , 2 nd & 3 rd (etc.) degree of subordination: I know (main clause) that you will be surprised (1 st degree) when you hear (2 nd degree) how the diver managed to survive (3 rd ) although he was attacked by a shark. (4 th )
Complex-compound sentence These are subordinate clauses of the same type, which are joined by coordinating conjunctions. When the guests were gone and (when) she was alone, she kicked off her shoes and sank into an armchair. Although I keep putting the problem off and (although) I do my best not to think of it, I'll have to tackle it soon.
Position of subordinate clauses Subordinate clauses normally follow the main clause = occur in FINAL POSITION. When in final position, they're not separated from the main clause by commas. He didn't miss the train because it was 20 minutes late. In initial position they often sound emphatic & are usually separated by a comma. Exception to this rule: subject clauses: Although we left rather late, we arrived on time. What he said cannot be denied. Note: relative clauses introduced by the independent relatives whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever etc. normally occur in initial position: Whoever you are, be honest. Medial position is not very common. Clauses in this position are usually separated from the rest of the sentence by commas & often resemble parenthetical clauses: In the morning, when I got up, the sky was overcast. On Tuesday, as he came home from school, his brother broke the news to him. Classification of subordinate clauses a) According to their structure b) According to the function they perform in the complex sentence Classification of subordinate clauses according to their structure 1. Finite 2. Non-finite 3. Verbless 1) Finite clauses Contain a predicator expressed by a finite verb form (speaks, have spoken, will be speaking, has been spoken, should speak, would have spoken). They may be analysed into the same elements as main clauses & have the same word order. The subject is rarely dropped (exception: elliptical sentences; cf. 11.75) 2) Non-finite clauses Clauses whose predicator consists of a non-finite verbal phrase. a) Infinitival clauses with the bare infinitive without subject: All I did was take French leave. with subject: I saw her take the change from the counter. with the to-infinitive without subject: He wants to leave at once. with subject: He wants me to leave at once. b) Gerundial clauses without subject: I like driving a fast car. with subject: I don't mind your brother (him/his) coming to our party.
c) Participial clauses ing participial clauses without subject: Nearing the entranceI shook hand with my friends. with subject: The bus being crowded, I had to stand. past participial clauses without subject: Once published, the book proved a bestseller. with subject: The choice made, she rang her father up. The absence of a finite verb means that these clauses have no distinctions of person, number, or modal auxiliary. The absence of a finite verb form together with the absence of a subject results in compression of the clause: This is a point which we should bear in mind. (finite clause) This is a point to bear in mind. (non-finite clause) Abridged subordinate clauses are those which contain objects & adjuncts of their own (in addition to the non- finite verbal phrase): She loves dancing modern dances. I'd like to dance with you. 3) Verbless clauses Sort of elliptical adverbial clauses without a predicator & usually without a subject. Both are understood from the context. They are also introduced by subordinators. When in doubt, consult a reference book. (When you are in doubt...) When in Paris, he stays all day long in the Louvre. (When he is...) Though a student, he earns his living by himself. (Though he is...) I f sad, put on this record. He behaves as if mad. Classification of subordinate clauses according to their function: Subject O (IO or DO) Adjunct Conjunct SC OC Loose adjunct (disjunct)
Besides these functions as sentence elements, subordinate clauses may occur on a lower level = as elements in phrase structure: PostMs in NPs Appositions (a special type of PostM; c.f. 6.4) PostMs in AdjPs Objects to prepositions (the 1 st four were skipped below)
Loose adjunct (disjunct): To be frank, I cannot stand your manners. He'll never be back by midnight, to be sure.
Conjunct (the function of conjunctive adverb): One of you, let us say Mary, might take this letter to the Post Office. He is lazy; what is more, he is stupid.
PostM in NPs (adjectival clauses): The criminal who escaped punishment flew to Argentina. The book (that) I am reading is about the war in Vietnam. Proof that such clauses are not themselves elements of the sentence: if we omit the H postmodified by the subordinate clause, the whole clause no longer makes sense: *who escaped punishment flew to Argetina.
Apposition in NPs (appositive clauses) Nominal clauses are usually in apposition to nouns derived from verbs & adjectives which take a that-clause, e.g. announcement, belief, indignation, proposal, request, statement, supposition. A few nouns followed by that appositive clauses are not of the above mentioned origin. They are factive nouns, called after the main representative in this group the fact. Here belong: axiom, circumstance, hypothesis, idea, news, notion, principle, reason, theory, thesis: His request that he be freed from paying taxes was refused. The fact that he always cheats at playing cards makes me furious. An appositive clause may be separated from the NP to which it is in apposition: Before he left, news camethat his father had been sent to hospital. They are waiting for my decision now whether or not we shall rent the bungalow.
PostM in AdjPs: (I am) glad that his design was a success. (Are you) aware that the affair is very risky?
Object to a preposition: It all depends on [his decision/what he will decide.]
Ideas can be expressed much more precisely when using subordinate clauses (compared to individual phrases). I've heard of your mother's operation vs.: I've heard that your mother (is going to have an operation/will have/had/has had/should have)
The same subordinate clause may be used in different syntactic functions: Where he spent part of his holiday is unknown to us. (S) This is where he spent part of his holiday. (SC) I dont know where he spent part of his holiday. (O) I should like to visit the place where he spent part of his holiday. (PostM in NP) The question where he spent part of his holiday has always been avoided. (apposition) I am not interested in where he spent part of his holiday. (object to a preposition) Nominal & adjectival clauses are sometimes confused because of the similar markers of subordination. Difference: an adjectival clause (PostM in NPs) is preceded by a H. Thus adjectival clauses belong to phrase structure & are lower in rank than nominal clauses: I know where they live. (object clause) (I know) the place where they live. (adjectival clause)
Three large groups of subordinate clauses (on the basis of similar patterning with phrases): 1. Nominal clauses 2. Adjectival clauses 3. Adverbial clauses
1) Dependent statements Usually connected with the main clause by means of the subordinating conjunction that. Hence the name that- clauses. In a complex sentence they may have any nominal function except that of prepositional object. Subject (subject clauses) Always in initial position, only used with certain verbs, primarily: linking verbs That she does not believe him is obvious. That you have been misguided appears certain. verbs expressing emotion That his daughter was awarded the 1 st prize flattered him greatly. That you did not keep your word angers him. verbs such as matter, mean, make a difference, come: That he is rich doesn't mean anything to them. That they have at last reached an agreement will comeas a surprise. Subject complement (predicate clauses) Follow linking verbs only: His impression was that he could make his own terms. It seems that there will be keen competition for positions. When the subject of the main clause contatins a noun such as advice, command, desire, order, proposal, regulation, requirement, suggestion, task, wish, the predicator in the subordinate clause is expressed by the subjunctive mood or by should. The regulation is that all workers be x-rayed. The most urgent task seems to be that the employment of atomic energy for peaceful purposes should be advanced. Subject complement clauses are often joined to main clauses by the zero marker; often the case after "the fact is/the point is/the truth is/the trouble is/..." The fact is J ohn is one of the best students. The trouble is we've got very little money. Direct object (object clauses) Verbs followed by a that-clause as DO have subjects that refer to human beings. Mainly verbs introducing reported speech or expressing mental activities: admit, agree, boast, confirm, deny, discover, expect, hope, imply, know, mean, say, suppose, state, suspect, wish,... I gather that he is the boss here. He promised that every question would be answered. The court decided that the reporters must name their source of information. Some of the above transitive verbs are always used with prep. when the O is realised by an NP: He assured them of his loyalty He assured them (that) he was loyal. We are hoping for good luck. We are hoping (that) we shall have good luck. With some verbs (e.g. assure, convince, inform, notify, persuade, promise, remind, teach, tell, warn) the personal object may precede the that-clause: He informed us that he would sell the estate. The Union leaders notified the workers that all their demands were granted. With some other verbs, a to-phrase is placed before the that-clause: Bob announced to us that he was going to get married next month. The predicator in that-clauses is usually in the indicative mood: I believe (that) he is writing/has written/will write another novel. However, in that-clauses functioning as objects to verbs expressing a wish, order or command (ask, command, demand, desire, dictate, insist, order, permit, recommend, require, suggest...) the predicator usually contains should + bare infinitive or occasionally the subjunctive mood. Note: the use of that after these verbs is usually optional: They required (that) the goods should be/be delivered without delay. I wish (that) you should be present at the ceremony. Newton suggested (that) light be interpreted as a stream of particles. Zero that-clauses In colloquial style the conjunction that introducing object clauses is often optionally deleted & the clause then introduced by a zero marker. However, that is always used when subordination would not be sufficiently clear without the conjunction: I think you have some influence on her. He said (that) he was still able to blush at the memory. A sentence may contain a number of object clauses introduced by a zero marker: She said (that) the boss told her (that) he believed (that) new jobs could be created. so & not pro-forms for object clauses An object clause referring to a previous affirmative statement is replaced by the pro-form so. This occurs after the verbs: be afraid, appear, believe, expect, fancy, fear, guess, hope, notice, say, seem, suppose, think, understand: Is Jane going to take the exam in June? I think/guess/hope so. In statements confirming what has been said by another person the pro-form so is used in initial position: I always maintained that you were right. So you did. You can always rely upon him. So we can. Not is a substitute for a negative object clause after verbs such as believe, expect, guess, hope, suppose, think, be afraid: Is Jane going to take the exam in June? I think/believe/hope not. Apposition in NPs (appositive clauses) The fact that he is now old and weak must be taken into consideration. They opposed the proposal that another board should be elected. PostM in adjectival phrases That after some predicate adjectives is often optional: He is afraid (that) things might get worse. I am sorry (that) I couldn't meet you at the station. Note: a that-clause postmodifying adjectives denoting emotion (amazed, angry, glad,...) expressed cause or reason. The predicator in the that-clause is either in the indicative mood or contains the putative should: I am amazed/astonished/furious/shocked that he behaves/should behave like that. 2) Dependent verbal question (yes-no questions) Introduced by the conjunctions if or whether. In a complex sentence they may occur as: Subject (subject clauses) I f/whether the invention will serve any practical purpose may be left an open question at this point. I f/whether he will agree is not certain. Only whether may be followed by or not: Whether or not he will sell his house is only his business. Subject complement (predicate clauses) The problem is if/whether everything has been done to save his life. Direct object (object clauses) After verbs such as: ask, consider, decide, discuss, doubt, forget, guess, know+notice (both in the negative form), show, prove, wonder...: He asked me if/whether I had been there before. Apposition in NPs (appositive clauses) The problem whether or not they should send the child to the kindergarten will soon have to be solved. PostM in AdjPs Only after certain adjectives (e.g. certain, doubtful, sure...). In these cases negation is expressed or implied: I am doubtful if/whether the money has been deposited yet. Object to a preposition Everything depends on whether (or not)/if the telegram will reach him in time.
3) Dependent wh-questions Introduced by interrogative pronouns & adverbs: who (whose, whom), what, which, where, how. They occur as: Subject Who will substitute for him is still not known. Subject complement The question is who cares for it/how she will accept your apology. That is why I am here. Direct object After verbs such as: ask, consider, decide, discuss, doubt, forget, guess, know + notice (both in the negative form), show, prove, wonder...: The passport official knew who I was/what my occupation was. Apposition in NPs The question who shall take his place is still open. May be preceded by prepositions: We listened eagerly to his explanation of how he had managed to escape from the concentration camp. PostM in AdjPs Only after certain adjectives (e.g. certain, doubtful, sure...). Note also the negative form: I am not sure what he wants/when they will manage to come. Object to a preposition In this case, the preposition is often dropped, particularly in colloquial style: Don't worry (over) what people will say. Have you decided (upon) when you will take the exam?
4) Nominal relative clauses Introduced by the independent relative pronoun what, by the compound relative pronouns, whatever, whichever, whoever, and occasionally by who. These relative pronouns are used independently = without an antecedent, since they represent the antecedent & the relative in one word. They may function as: Subject What you want is impossible. Note: who/whom is now rarely used in nominal clauses; it mostly occurs in adverbs (e.g. Who breaks pays). Subject complement This is what he said. He couldn't help being what he was. The SC may also be introduced by the relative adverb where: This is where I want to live. Direct object I mean what I say. The interrogative & relative what may sometimes occur in the same pattern ambiguity: a) dependent wh-question: Tell me what you know.- Povej mi, kaj ve. b) a nominal relative clause: Tell me (that which) what you know. - Povej mi, kar ve. Indirect object He gave whomever came first, the first choice. Object complement He made his firm what it is today. Object to a preposition He has succeeded in whatever he had decided. Can I rely on what you say? 5) To-infinitival nominal clauses Can occur as sentence elements in the function of: a) Subject: To know the truth is important. b) SC: Mary's aim is to win the first prize. c) DO: The doctor wanted to cure her. 6) Gerundial clauses Can occur as sentence elements in the function of: a) S: Writing letters is a waste of time. b) SC: During the war our only task was fighting for freedom. c) DO: Have you finished reading the newspaper?
Chapter 19: ADVERBIAL CLAUSES In a complex sentence adverbial clauses perform the same function as an adverbial adjunct in a simple sentence: You may go out. (A) He felt exhausted because he had worked hard. (A) Adv. clauses are connected with the main clause by subordinators. Some of the subordinators have one meaning only & are easy to classify. Others e.g. (as, since, when) have more meanings & can introduce different types of clauses.
Adverbial Clauses of Time Finite clauses of time Adv. clauses of time express the time or duration of the action in the main (or in the subordinate) clause. The actions in the main & the subordinate clauses may be simultaneous, the one may follow the other etc. He whistled while he washed the car. When he finished he went for a drive. The mom sang until the baby fell asleep. Common subordinators for adv.clauses of time: when, whenever, while, as, as soon as, as long as, till, untill, since, after, before etc.
WHEN = clauses introduced by when express that the action of the main clause & that of the subordinate clause are: a) simultaneous The stars are the brightest when there is no moon. b) follow each other We will meet again when I get back from the seminar. A clause of time introduced by the conjunction when may function as a PostM in a NP; this is the case when the H is denoting time e.g. the instant, the moment, the minute...: There are moments when he feels miserable. When may sometimes be deleted & the nouns assume the function of conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses of time: He was born the year the war started. (adverbial clauses are in bold!)
WHENEVER = generalising meaning: WHILE = continous activity: AS = action in progress: AS SOON AS = actions follow each other: AS LONG AS = dokler TILL, UNTIL = up to the time when SINCE = from the time that AFTER =potem ko BEFORE = preden Whenever we meet we stop to have a chat. While she was waiting for the train, she read a magazine. As she sat down her skirts rustled softly. We will start as soon as you are ready. As long as there is lifethere is hope. They took no rest till they have reached the top. Since he had an accident, he has been walking with a stick. She went to England after she graduated. He always reads an hour or so before he falls asleep.
Adverbial Clauses of Place Introduced by: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere Clauses introduced by where may denote: o The place of the action: I found the bag where I had left it. o The direction of the action: He went where the doctor sent him. Note: Not many clauses introduced by where are adverbial. Where is homonymous with the subordinator where that introduces nominal & adj. clauses. If where can be replaced by there---it is an adverbial clause. Stay where you are. Stay there. Adverbial clauses of place may function as object to a preposition: I could see him very well from where I stood.
Adverbial Clauses of Cause or Reason Finite Clauses of Cause or Reason
BECAUSE AS, SINCE SEEING THAT THAT NOW THAT ON THE GROUNDS THAT FOR THE REASON THAT IN THAT The pilot had to descend because he was short on fuel. (emphasis on the cause) As it was raining, we stayed indoors all day. (emphasis on the result) Seeing that he was not well, he postponed the journey. Are you a millionaire that you spend your money so lavishly? (main cl rhetorical question) Now that you are well again you will have to make up for the lost time. He resigned from his job on the grounds that he was in poor health. We couldnt go to the concert for the reason that we hadnt got tickets. He is like his father in that he is fond of sailing.
Adverbial Clauses of Result or Consequence Finite Clauses of Result or Consequence So that & that are typically associated with the clauses of result & consequence. They live only three blocks away from us so (that) they often come to see us. (subordinator) It was late, so we went home. (co-ordinator) So that is often reduced to so which makes the two indistinguishable. However, so is a subordinator if it can be replaced by so that. Other ways of expressing result : a) That- clauses function as postmodifiers in nominal phrases: It was such a dismal performance that I left before it was over. b) That- clauses function as postmodifiers in adjectival phrases: They were so tired that they couldnt go any further. c) That- clauses function as postmodifiers in adverbial phrases He has gone so far that there is no retreat for him.
Adverbial Clauses of Purpose Finite Clauses of Purpose In clauses of purpose, the sequence of tenses has to be observed: They are working night and day so that they may open the subway at the scheduled time. They were working night and day so that they might open the subway at the scheduled time. Negative clauses of purpose express what is to be prevented. (so that... not, for fear that... and lest) The boy hid behind the tree so that we might not see him.
Adverbial Clauses of Manner Finite Clauses of Manner AS AS IF (AS THOUGH) LIKE BUT They keep the house as it was in the poets lifetime. He spends his money as if he were rich. It rained like it would never stop. It never rains but it pours.
Clauses of Comparison Introduced by AS & THAN AS: S P SC She was as friendly as she had ever been. Adj. phrase
The subject complement is realised by an adjectival phrase with the structure represented like this: Adj. phrase PreM H PostM as friendly as she had ever been The 1 st correlative as is an adverb premodifying the adjectival headword friendly. The subordinate clause is analysed as a postmodifier. The same goes with the adverbial phrases as in: His brother works as hard as he does. As hard as he does is an adverbial phrase which functions as an adjunct & is analysed in the same way as the adjectival phrase in the previous example.
THAN: used as a conjunction to introduce clauses of comparison functioning as postmodifiers to adjectival & adverbial headwords in the comparative degree. Adjectival phrases: S P SC This metal is heavier than you may imagine. heavier is the headword Adj. phrase than you may imagineis the PostM
The situation is similar with the noun phrases: S P SC a PreM This is a heavier metal than you may imagine. heavier PreM NP metal H than you may imagine PostM
Adverbial phrases: She loves him more than he deserves.
Congratulations, you managed to come to the finish line! Please, do consult Blaganje Konte anyway, this is just a condensed version made by: Ura Bajelj, Maja Bezgovek, Damjan Boinovi, Jan Hacin, Marija Kri, Jakob Lenardi, Nea Polanc, Jure Velikonja in Tanja Vinar.