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Test Paper 1 and 2 May Test Current

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Time : 50 minutes
Each uesti!ns in this "a"e# is $!%%!&e' () three !# four "!ssi(%e ans&e#s* +h!!se
the best answer $#!m the ans&e#s ma#,e' A- B- C an' D* Then !n )!u# ans&e#
sheet- blacken the ans&e# that )!u ha.e ch!sen*
Tia"/tia" s!a%an 'i 'a%am ,e#tas ini 'ii,uti 'en0an tiga atau empat "i%ihan 1a&a"an*
Pi%ih 1a&a"an )an0 terbaik 'a#i"a'a "i%ihan A- B- C 'an D* Hitamkan 1a&a"an )an0
te%ah an'a "i%ih 'i ,e#tas 1a&a"an*
uestions !"#
+h!!se the best wor$ t! $i%% in the (%an,s*
Pi%ih perkataan %ang terbaik 'an isi,an tem"at ,!s!n0*
1* M) $#ien' %i.es in a 2222222222222222*
A* c!n'!minium
3* aua#ium
+* ,enne%
D* hutch
4* I hu0 m) 22222222222222222 &hen I s%ee"*
A* cu#tains
3* (!%ste#
+* (uste#
D* $ish
5* The 22222222222222 ,ee"s the $!!' $#esh*
A* (a0
3* (!6
+* (!tt%e
D* #e$#i0e#at!#
7* 8e '! the &ashin0/u" at the 22222222
A* c!unte#
3* sh!&e#
+* '#ain
D* sin,
uestions &"'
+h!!se the best phrase t! c!m"%ete the "a#a0#a"h*
Pi%ih rangkaikata %ang terbaik untu, me%en0,a",an "e#en00an 'en0an (etu%*

Last &ee,-the#e &as a .e#) (a' st!#m* The st#!n0 &in's (%e& !$$
(5)22222222 !$ 9nc%e Lim:s h!use* The .i%%a0e#s &e#e .e#)
he%"$u%* Man) !$ them came t! he%" #e"ai# (;)2222222222 * The
&!men &e#e a%s! a#!un' "#!.i'in0 the men &!#,e#s (<) 222222 *
In n! time the h!use &as #e"ai#e'*

5* A* the #!!$
3* the stai#case
+* the '!!#s an' &in'!&s

; A* the "%ace
3* his h!use
+* his .i%%a0e
<* A* $!!' an' '#in,
3* stic,s an' chai#s
+* hamme#s an' nai%s
uestions ( ) !* grammar"!'
Stu') the "ictu#es ca#e$u%%)* Then ch!!se the best answer*
Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih +awapan %ang terbaik*
=* A * M) 0#an'$athe# t#ims the "%ants e.e#) 'a)*
3 * M) 0#an'$athe# 0#!&s the "%ants e.e#) 'a)*
+ * M) 0#an'$athe# &ate#s the "%ants e.e#) 'a)*

>* A* The (!!,s a#e in the (!6*
3 * The (!!,s a#e !n the (e'*
+ * The (!!,s a#e !n the she%$*
10* A* The hens a#e in the &e(*
3* The hens a#e in the sta(%e*
+* The chic,ens a#e in the c!!"*
uestions !! ) !&
L!!, at the "ictu#es (e%!& ca#e$u%%)* +h!!se the best sentences t! $it the
situati!ns in the "ictu#e*
Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih a%at %ang terbaik (a0i situasi 'a%am 0am(a#*
11* A Y!u nee' an a6e*
3 Y!u ha.e t! (u) a %a''e#*
+ Y!u ha.e t! c%im( u" the t#ee*
14* A Y!u a#e ha"")*
3 Let:s 0! t! Pu%au Lan0,a&i*
+ I %i,e s&immin0*
A G!!'()e*
3 Y!u:#e &e%c!me*
+ He%%!- h!& a#e )!u ?
A I:%% (e (ac,*
3 +an I (u) a (a%%?
+ Ma) I 0! !ut- Mum?

A* Yes- this is a (us*
3 &hich (us is 0!in0 t! Ra&an0?
+* N!- it isn:t* It:s 0!in0 t! @ua%a Lum"u#*
uestions !, ) -!
+h!!se the best answer t! c!m"%ete sentences*
Pi%ih +awapan %ang terbaik untu, me%en0,a",an a)at/a)at (e#i,ut*
1;* A net(a%% is 22222222222 than a "in0/"!n0 (a%%*
A (i0
3 (i00e#
+ (i00est
D as (i0 as
1< The cheetah is the 2222222222 #unnin0 anima%
An ea#th*
A $ast
3 $aste#
+ $astest
D as $ast as
1= Is this t!&e% 22222222 that !ne?
A s!$t
3 s!$te#
+ s!$test
D as s!$t as
1> The Pet#!nas T&in T!&e#s is !ne !$ the
222222222 (ui%'in0s in the &!#%'*
A ta%%
3 ta%%e#
+ ta%%est
D as ta%% as
40 M) $#ien's 222222 t! "%a) $!!t(a%%*
A %i,e
3 %i,in0
+ %i,es
D is %i,e
41 The 0i#%222222 .e#) ha"") t! #ecei.e the
"#iBe )este#'a)*
A is
3 am
+ &as
D &e#e

uestions -- )-.
+h!!se the sentences &ith the correct punctuation/
Pi%ih a)at )an0 mem"un)ai tan$a baca %ang betul/
44 A sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a sa#i*
3 sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a Sa#i*
+ Sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a sa#i*
D Sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a Sa#i*
45 A Puan N!#a is m) Teache#*
3 Puan N!#a is a m) teache#*
+ "uan N!#a is m) teache#*
D "uan n!#a is m) teache#*
uestions -# ) -&
+h!!se the &!#' &ith the correct spelling/
Pi%ih "e#,ataan )an0 mem"un)ai e+aan %ang betul/
47* The !ct!"us has ei0ht 222222222222*
A tentac%es
3 tenatc%es
+ tenac%ess
D tentc%es
45* He t!%' us an 222222222222 st!#)*
A int#estin0
3 inte#estin0
+ inte#estine
D intes#estin0
uestions -," .*
L!!, at the "ictu#e an' then #ea' the "assa0e ca#e$u%%)* 3ase' !n the "ictu#e an'
the "assa0e- ch!!se the best answer t! $i%% in the (%an,s*
Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih 1a&a"an )an0 terbaik (e#'asa#,an 0am(a# 'an
te,s )an0 'i(e#i*
Ma#ni %!.es t! (4;) 22222222222 "ets* She (4<) 222222222 ,e"t $ish- chic,s
an' 'uc,%in0s (e$!#e* N!&- she has a "ai# !$ (4=) 222222222* She (4>) 222222
he# #a((its in a hutch* She (50) 22222222 he# #a((its &ith ca##!ts an' !the#
4; A ,ee"in0 3 ,ee" + ,e"t
4< A ha.e 3 ha.in0 + has
4= A #a((its 3 #a((it + #a(its
4> A "ut 3 "uttin0 + "uts
50 A $ee' 3 $ee's + $ee'in0
uestions .! ) .&
Stu') the map (e%!& an' ans&e# the uesti!ns that $!%%!&*
Te%iti peta 'i (a&ah 'an 1a&a( s!a%an*
51* 8he#e is the h!s"ita%?
A* !""!site the #estau#ant 3* (ehin' the Pu(%ic Li(#a#) +* (esi'e the "a#,

54* The "!st !$$ice is %!cate' a%!n0 22222222222222222 *
A* Ca%an 3aha0ia 3* Ca%an Ma1u +* G#een R!a'

55* The#e is a 222222222 !""!site the Restau#ant A*
A* h!te% 3* "a#, +* ma#,et

57* 8hat can )!u see (esi'e the ma#,et?
A* The sa%!n 3* The "u(%ic %i(#a#) +* A cine"%e6
55* T! 0! int! Sc!tt R!a' - '#i.e a%!n0 22222222222 an' ta,e the $i#st tu#nin0
!n the #i0ht*

A* G#een R!a' 3* Ca%an 3aha0ia +* Ca%an Ma1u
uestions ., ) #*
Rea' the stor% (e%!& ca#e$u%%)* Then ans&e# the uesti!ns that $!%%!&*
3aca cerita 'i (a&ah* Ca&a( s!a%an/s!a%an )an0 (e#i,ut*
Nic, is a she"he#' (!)* He %!!,s a$te# shee"*He ,ee"s them t!0ethe#*Ane 'a)- Nic,
$ee%s .e#) (!#e'* DI &i%% "%a) a t#ic,-E he sa)s*
Nic, sh!uts- D8!%$F 8!%$F He%"FE
Man) men c!me* D 8he#e is the &!%$?E the) as,*
Nic, an' %au0hs* DThe#e is n! &!%$-E he sa)s*
The men &e#e an0#)* The) te%% Nic,- D D!n:t "%a) this t#ic, a0ain*E
The ne6t 'a) Nic, "%a)s the t#ic, a0ain* Man) men c!me* The) &e#e an0#) at
Nic, $!# "%a)in0 a t#ic, !n them a0ain*
A $e& 'a)s %ate#- a (i0 &!%$ c!mes* Nic, sees the &!%$* He c#ies-E 8!%$F 8!%$F
He%"F He%"FE
The men sa)- DIt is !n%) a t#ic,* The#e is n! &!%$*E The &!%$ ,i%%s man) shee"*
Nic, is a$#ai'* S! he #uns a&a)*
5;* 8hat '!es Nic, '! &ith the shee"?
A* He 0i.es them $!!'*
3* He ,ee"s them t!0ethe#*
+* He "%a)s t#ic, &ith them*

5<* 8h) '!es Nic, 'eci'e t! "%a) a t#ic,?
A* He is (!#e'*
3* He is a$#ai'*
+* He is "%a)$u%*

5=* 8h) 'i' the men c!me?

A* T! he%" Nic,
3* T! sa.e the shee"
+* T! "%a) a t#ic, !n Nic,

5>* 8hat 'i' the men te%% Nic,?
A* T! (e ca#e$u%
3* T! ,i%% the &!%$
+* T! st!" "%a)in0 t#ic,s

70* At the en' !$ the st!#)- &hat ha""ene' t! Nic,:s shee"?
A* The) #an a&a)*
3* The) &e#e a$#ai'*
+* The) &e#e eaten () the &!%$*

G!!' Luc, FFF
P#e"a#e' () : +hec,e' () :
N!#&ahi'ah (inti
Ra1en'#an A('u% Ma%e,

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