Nick is a shepherd boy. One day, Nick feels very bored. "I will play a trick," he says. Nick shouts "Wolf! Wolf!" Many men come. "Where is the wolf?" they ask. Nick laughs and says there is no wolf. The men get angry. The next day, Nick plays the trick again. Many men come and get angry at Nick for playing the trick on them again. A few days later, a big wolf comes. Nick sees the wolf and cries for help. The men say "It is only a trick, there is no wolf." The wolf kills many sheep. Nick is afraid. So he runs away.
Nick is a shepherd boy. One day, Nick feels very bored. "I will play a trick," he says. Nick shouts "Wolf! Wolf!" Many men come. "Where is the wolf?" they ask. Nick laughs and says there is no wolf. The men get angry. The next day, Nick plays the trick again. Many men come and get angry at Nick for playing the trick on them again. A few days later, a big wolf comes. Nick sees the wolf and cries for help. The men say "It is only a trick, there is no wolf." The wolf kills many sheep. Nick is afraid. So he runs away.
Nick is a shepherd boy. One day, Nick feels very bored. "I will play a trick," he says. Nick shouts "Wolf! Wolf!" Many men come. "Where is the wolf?" they ask. Nick laughs and says there is no wolf. The men get angry. The next day, Nick plays the trick again. Many men come and get angry at Nick for playing the trick on them again. A few days later, a big wolf comes. Nick sees the wolf and cries for help. The men say "It is only a trick, there is no wolf." The wolf kills many sheep. Nick is afraid. So he runs away.
Nick is a shepherd boy. One day, Nick feels very bored. "I will play a trick," he says. Nick shouts "Wolf! Wolf!" Many men come. "Where is the wolf?" they ask. Nick laughs and says there is no wolf. The men get angry. The next day, Nick plays the trick again. Many men come and get angry at Nick for playing the trick on them again. A few days later, a big wolf comes. Nick sees the wolf and cries for help. The men say "It is only a trick, there is no wolf." The wolf kills many sheep. Nick is afraid. So he runs away.
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Time : 50 minutes Each uesti!ns in this "a"e# is $!%%!&e' () three !# four "!ssi(%e ans&e#s* +h!!se the best answer $#!m the ans&e#s ma#,e' A- B- C an' D* Then !n )!u# ans&e# sheet- blacken the ans&e# that )!u ha.e ch!sen* Tia"/tia" s!a%an 'i 'a%am ,e#tas ini 'ii,uti 'en0an tiga atau empat "i%ihan 1a&a"an* Pi%ih 1a&a"an )an0 terbaik 'a#i"a'a "i%ihan A- B- C 'an D* Hitamkan 1a&a"an )an0 te%ah an'a "i%ih 'i ,e#tas 1a&a"an* SECTION A uestions !"# +h!!se the best wor$ t! $i%% in the (%an,s* Pi%ih perkataan %ang terbaik 'an isi,an tem"at ,!s!n0* 1* M) $#ien' in a 2222222222222222* A* c!n'!minium 3* aua#ium +* ,enne% D* hutch 4* I hu0 m) 22222222222222222 &hen I s%ee"* A* cu#tains 3* (!%ste# +* (uste# D* $ish 5* The 22222222222222 ,ee"s the $!!' $#esh* A* (a0 3* (!6 +* (!tt%e D* #e$#i0e#at!# 1 7* 8e '! the &ashin0/u" at the 22222222 A* c!unte# 3* sh!&e# +* '#ain D* sin, uestions &"' +h!!se the best phrase t! c!m"%ete the "a#a0#a"h* Pi%ih rangkaikata %ang terbaik untu, me%en0,a",an "e#en00an 'en0an (etu%*
Last &ee,-the#e &as a .e#) (a' st!#m* The st#!n0 &in's (%e& !$$ (5)22222222 !$ 9nc%e Lim:s h!use* The .i%%a0e#s &e#e .e#) he%"$u%* Man) !$ them came t! he%" #e"ai# (;)2222222222 * The &!men &e#e a%s! a#!un' "#!.i'in0 the men &!#,e#s (<) 222222 * In n! time the h!use &as #e"ai#e'*
5* A* the #!!$ 3* the stai#case +* the '!!#s an' &in'!&s
2 ; A* the "%ace 3* his h!use +* his .i%%a0e <* A* $!!' an' '#in, 3* stic,s an' chai#s +* hamme#s an' nai%s uestions ( ) !* grammar"!' Stu') the "ictu#es ca#e$u%%)* Then ch!!se the best answer* Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih +awapan %ang terbaik* =* A * M) 0#an'$athe# t#ims the "%ants e.e#) 'a)* 3 * M) 0#an'$athe# 0#!&s the "%ants e.e#) 'a)* + * M) 0#an'$athe# &ate#s the "%ants e.e#) 'a)*
>* A* The (!!,s a#e in the (!6* 3 * The (!!,s a#e !n the (e'* + * The (!!,s a#e !n the she%$* 10* A* The hens a#e in the &e(* 3 3* The hens a#e in the sta(%e* +* The chic,ens a#e in the c!!"* SECTION B uestions !! ) !& L!!, at the "ictu#es (e%!& ca#e$u%%)* +h!!se the best sentences t! $it the situati!ns in the "ictu#e* Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih a%at %ang terbaik (a0i situasi 'a%am 0am(a#* 11* A Y!u nee' an a6e* 3 Y!u ha.e t! (u) a %a''e#* + Y!u ha.e t! c%im( u" the t#ee* 14* A Y!u a#e ha"")* 3 Let:s 0! t! Pu%au Lan0,a&i* + I %i,e s&immin0* 15* A G!!'()e* 3 Y!u:#e &e%c!me* + He%%!- h!& a#e )!u ? 4 17* A I:%% (e (ac,* 3 +an I (u) a (a%%? + Ma) I 0! !ut- Mum?
15* A* Yes- this is a (us* 3 &hich (us is 0!in0 t! Ra&an0? +* N!- it isn:t* It:s 0!in0 t! @ua%a Lum"u#* SECTION C uestions !, ) -! +h!!se the best answer t! c!m"%ete sentences* Pi%ih +awapan %ang terbaik untu, me%en0,a",an a)at/a)at (e#i,ut* 1;* A net(a%% is 22222222222 than a "in0/"!n0 (a%%* A (i0 3 (i00e# + (i00est D as (i0 as 1< The cheetah is the 2222222222 #unnin0 anima% An ea#th* A $ast 3 $aste# + $astest 5 D as $ast as 1= Is this t!&e% 22222222 that !ne? A s!$t 3 s!$te# + s!$test D as s!$t as 1> The Pet#!nas T&in T!&e#s is !ne !$ the 222222222 (ui%'in0s in the &!#%'* A ta%% 3 ta%%e# + ta%%est D as ta%% as 40 M) $#ien's 222222 t! "%a) $!!t(a%%* A %i,e 3 %i,in0 + %i,es D is %i,e 41 The 0i#%222222 .e#) ha"") t! #ecei.e the "#iBe )este#'a)* A is 3 am + &as 6 D &e#e
uestions -- )-. +h!!se the sentences &ith the correct punctuation/ Pi%ih a)at )an0 mem"un)ai tan$a baca %ang betul/ 44 A sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a sa#i* 3 sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a Sa#i* + Sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a sa#i* D Sa#a %i,es t! &ea# a Sa#i* 45 A Puan N!#a is m) Teache#* 3 Puan N!#a is a m) teache#* + "uan N!#a is m) teache#* D "uan n!#a is m) teache#* uestions -# ) -& +h!!se the &!#' &ith the correct spelling/ Pi%ih "e#,ataan )an0 mem"un)ai e+aan %ang betul/ 47* The !ct!"us has ei0ht 222222222222* A tentac%es 3 tenatc%es + tenac%ess D tentc%es 45* He t!%' us an 222222222222 st!#)* A int#estin0 3 inte#estin0 + inte#estine D intes#estin0 7 SECTION D uestions -," .* L!!, at the "ictu#e an' then #ea' the "assa0e ca#e$u%%)* 3ase' !n the "ictu#e an' the "assa0e- ch!!se the best answer t! $i%% in the (%an,s* Lihat 0am(a# 'en0an te%iti* Pi%ih 1a&a"an )an0 terbaik (e#'asa#,an 0am(a# 'an te,s )an0 'i(e#i* Ma#ni %!.es t! (4;) 22222222222 "ets* She (4<) 222222222 ,e"t $ish- chic,s an' 'uc,%in0s (e$!#e* N!&- she has a "ai# !$ (4=) 222222222* She (4>) 222222 he# #a((its in a hutch* She (50) 22222222 he# #a((its &ith ca##!ts an' !the# .e0eta(%es* 4; A ,ee"in0 3 ,ee" + ,e"t 4< A ha.e 3 ha.in0 + has 4= A #a((its 3 #a((it + #a(its 8 4> A "ut 3 "uttin0 + "uts 50 A $ee' 3 $ee's + $ee'in0 SECTION E uestions .! ) .& Stu') the map (e%!& an' ans&e# the uesti!ns that $!%%!&* Te%iti peta 'i (a&ah 'an 1a&a( s!a%an* 51* 8he#e is the h!s"ita%? A* !""!site the #estau#ant 3* (ehin' the Pu(%ic Li(#a#) +* (esi'e the "a#,
54* The "!st !$$ice is %!cate' a%!n0 22222222222222222 * A* Ca%an 3aha0ia 3* Ca%an Ma1u +* G#een R!a'
55* The#e is a 222222222 !""!site the Restau#ant A* A* h!te% 3* "a#, +* ma#,et
57* 8hat can )!u see (esi'e the ma#,et? A* The sa%!n 3* The "u(%ic %i(#a#) +* A cine"%e6 9 55* T! 0! int! Sc!tt R!a' - '#i.e a%!n0 22222222222 an' ta,e the $i#st tu#nin0 !n the #i0ht*
A* G#een R!a' 3* Ca%an 3aha0ia +* Ca%an Ma1u uestions ., ) #* Rea' the stor% (e%!& ca#e$u%%)* Then ans&e# the uesti!ns that $!%%!&* 3aca cerita 'i (a&ah* Ca&a( s!a%an/s!a%an )an0 (e#i,ut* Nic, is a she"he#' (!)* He %!!,s a$te# shee"*He ,ee"s them t!0ethe#*Ane 'a)- Nic, $ee%s .e#) (!#e'* DI &i%% "%a) a t#ic,-E he sa)s* Nic, sh!uts- D8!%$F 8!%$F He%"FE Man) men c!me* D 8he#e is the &!%$?E the) as,* Nic, an' %au0hs* DThe#e is n! &!%$-E he sa)s* The men &e#e an0#)* The) te%% Nic,- D D!n:t "%a) this t#ic, a0ain*E The ne6t 'a) Nic, "%a)s the t#ic, a0ain* Man) men c!me* The) &e#e an0#) at Nic, $!# "%a)in0 a t#ic, !n them a0ain* A $e& 'a)s %ate#- a (i0 &!%$ c!mes* Nic, sees the &!%$* He c#ies-E 8!%$F 8!%$F He%"F He%"FE The men sa)- DIt is !n%) a t#ic,* The#e is n! &!%$*E The &!%$ ,i%%s man) shee"* Nic, is a$#ai'* S! he #uns a&a)* 5;* 8hat '!es Nic, '! &ith the shee"? A* He them $!!'* 3* He ,ee"s them t!0ethe#* +* He "%a)s t#ic, &ith them*
5<* 8h) '!es Nic, 'eci'e t! "%a) a t#ic,? 10 A* He is (!#e'* 3* He is a$#ai'* +* He is "%a)$u%*
5=* 8h) 'i' the men c!me?
A* T! he%" Nic, 3* T! sa.e the shee" +* T! "%a) a t#ic, !n Nic,
5>* 8hat 'i' the men te%% Nic,? A* T! (e ca#e$u% 3* T! ,i%% the &!%$ +* T! st!" "%a)in0 t#ic,s
70* At the en' !$ the st!#)- &hat ha""ene' t! Nic,:s shee"? A* The) #an a&a)* 3* The) &e#e a$#ai'* +* The) &e#e eaten () the &!%$*